2819 Church - KINGDOM CALLINGS | Called & Rewarded | Matthew 10:40-42 | Kenneth McFarland

Episode Date: January 4, 2025

Pastor Kenneth McFarland unpacks Matthew 10: 40-42 in week SEVEN of KINGDOM CALLINGS. Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel features powerful and life-impacting messag...es from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Our digital disciples, those who are watching all over the world, we want to honor you. We got people watching from like Australia, Africa, Thailand, Ireland, Ireland. We got people watching like from crazy places. Macon. Some of y'all don't know what I'm talking about. It's really close to Atlanta. Somebody actually, somebody actually drives two hours to get here every sunday somebody actually drives two hours to get here every sunday and i i pray um And I pray that whoever that person is, that whatever you're seeking for, not only do you find it, but God overflows.
Starting point is 00:01:17 You're a vessel. A lot of people ain't clapping on that because it's like, man, it ain't me. But I know for a fact that if God is blessing. Come on, come on, come on. Come on, come on. That sound like one of them super, super churchy things. If God is blessing the person next to you, huh? You might be next.
Starting point is 00:01:48 I ain't gonna lie like that. But you might be. Alright, so we're going to keep going through I freaking love y'all. I really do. Give it up for the band. You can stay.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Stay. Yeah. They can leave except for Sam. Sam got to stay. Just in case it don't seem like it's too good, he can hype me up. Sometimes y'all don't be hyping me up. I need somebody to hype me up. Hype me up, Sam.
Starting point is 00:02:30 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Hey, let's, before we start, because I was about to get into it, let's honor the person who sacrificed it all to allow us to be here because of their sacrifice. That's the reason why we're all in here in the first place. Pastor Phillip and Miss Lena. We love y'all. We love you. We love y'all. Last week, last week last week
Starting point is 00:03:28 over 50 I want to say it was closer to 100 people gave their life to Jesus souls souls souls Souls. Souls. Souls. Souls. Let the scripture say it's even one person.
Starting point is 00:04:00 One. All of heaven. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. So over, I'm going to say it was between 50 and 100 or so in here. But then the teen ministry started last week. And there were 31 teens back there. But here's the kicker
Starting point is 00:04:46 31 teens showed up 13 gave their life to Jesus Yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah They heard the gospel And they responded Some of you heard the gospel And you responded. So we're going to get back into kingdom callings.
Starting point is 00:05:33 But I want to urge everyone who actually gave your life to Jesus. Everyone who decided we have steps to help you on this journey. We don't want you to walk this out alone yeah y'all hear me so after after we get done there's going to be an area called growth track I would say shameless plug, but it ain't no shame. It's a plug. Go there. Learn there. Get taught there.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Grow there. Gain community there. Amen? Amen? It's worth it. Amen? Alright, let's hop into this. Right? So last week, Pastor
Starting point is 00:06:40 Phillip, I think he like preached the socks off of some of us, right? And we heard this dynamic message that makes us do one of two things. It either makes us pick up our cross or abandon all hope. and this week we're running around to potentially what is the end of what Jesus is saying to the disciples. So we're going to do a brief recap, brief. I'm going to try my best to make it brief recap so that we can understand the totality of what Jesus is saying. What who's saying? Amen. All right. So we started out with Jesus telling us or letting us know
Starting point is 00:07:37 in Matthew chapter nine at the end, where he's letting us know that the harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few. Some of y'all be paying attention. The harvest is ripe, but the laborers would come. And this is amazing for a lot of us because it's like, man, like it's really good. Souls coming to Jesus and everything else. But I'm here to plead or beg that we're not just here to sit in this seat on a Sunday.
Starting point is 00:08:31 That we've been praying and asking God for more laborers. And it just so happens that as we pray for that, the room started getting full. Hallelujah. And as we prayed for that, the room started getting full. Me and a lot of the lead team, we went to a restaurant on Tuesday. We went to a restaurant on Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:09:02 And as we went to this restaurant, great, great, great restaurant. I'm not going to lie. It was really good. We sat in there. We had amazing service. The waitress kept loving on us and kept loving on us and kept loving on us. And we were just blown away. We were amazed, like, man, like, this is absolutely amazing. And as we were getting ready to sort of like, you know, tally our total out and pay for our tab and leave, we were like, man, like somebody get an invite card and get a bracelet, get something to give to her so that we can, you know, at least invite her to church because she's an amazing person. Shout out to our waitress if you're either watching
Starting point is 00:09:46 this here. But she said something that hurt my heart. We gave her a bracelet and we invited her to come. And as we invited her to come, she started welling up with emotions. And for the life of us, we were like, well, Jesus, we hope everything's okay. Just for us to hear that this was the first time somebody actually ever invited her to church. And my heart broke.
Starting point is 00:10:38 And I'm reminded that over the weeks, several teens tried to take their life. And I was reminded that individuals were at their wits end and some people just didn't know what to do. And my heart just started breaking because I don't know how many times someone who says that they're a Christian has encountered this woman or those teens, and they didn't get hope. Something as simple as an invite made her well up with emotion. So that's the first thing, right?
Starting point is 00:11:29 Jesus starts out his conversation with his disciples, his disciples, disciples, anyone who is a true follower of Jesus, right? Because a lot of people would assume we're just gonna talk about these 12. His disciples, anyone who truly follows him by letting us know that the harvest is ripe and the laborers are few. So that's how Jesus starts. And then he calls everyone to
Starting point is 00:12:11 truly like follow him in this way of giving them power and authority. And he calls us to himself. And as he calls us to himself, he then sends us out to truly follow him and do what he has done. This is the crazy part, right? We read the scriptures and we read it in a sense of, oh, well, this is chapter 10. They've been walking with Jesus for three years. They got experience, on-the-job training. You know what I'm saying? But a lot of them had not been walking with Jesus for over six months. A lot of them had just got there. They witnessed healings,
Starting point is 00:13:08 miracles, deliverance. They witnessed truth and change. And here it is. God says, hey, I'm about to send y'all somewhere. I just know me. I know me. I know me. What you mean? You talking about them?
Starting point is 00:13:37 Because I just got here. I just got here. I saw you do two miracles. They done seen 15. So you must be talking to them. But he was talking to all of them. Everyone who claims to be a, everyone who claims to be a, everyone who claims to be a what?
Starting point is 00:14:07 A disciple. But I just gave my life to Jesus last Sunday. Amen. And you're going to go through Grove Track today. We're sending you out tomorrow. For those of y'all who are watching, only three people clapped. They are not trying to hear that.
Starting point is 00:14:42 If somebody sent you out tomorrow, would you go? Now, this is the beautiful thing, right? Because Jesus knew what was in the heart of those who were following him. Because he knew he gave them power and authority, power and authority, power and authority, and then he gave them guardrails or borders to help them because I know you don't know what you're doing.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Do y'all mind if I, because right now I don't feel like preaching or like teaching. I just feel like talking. Is that okay? He gave us borders, guardrails, right? Because he knew we didn't know what we were doing. Don't go here. Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Stay in this area. Because it's very easy to make sure that you can check on the shepherd boys and the sheep that they're trying to watch when they're just in the area that you can check on. The shepherd boys. And the sheep that they're trying to watch. When they're just in the area. That you told them to be in. It's easy for God to help you.
Starting point is 00:16:22 When you were in the place. That he told you to be in. So when I'm doing what I'm told and I'm staying in my lane, it's easier for me to hear him. Because when we say, man, like if we told you that the Lord was going to be here at 1030 a.m. and you needed to be at your seat at 1030, how many of us would struggle to do that? If we told you to log on at 10 30 make sure that you're in place so that you can be able to watch and receive what the lord is saying on time how many would struggle if we told you if you're close enough where you can drive stop sitting at home get here how many of us would struggle and i'm saying that not not to to make anybody else
Starting point is 00:17:44 feel bad or anything like that i'm saying that because to make anybody else feel bad or anything like that. I'm saying that because this is something that I struggle with, right? I'm trying to stay in the lane that God has created for me. Me. God is taking things away from my palate that I'm... He doesn't want me to do those things or at least right now I'm not going to say forever it might be forever
Starting point is 00:18:09 but right now he's taking things away from my mouth he's taking things away from my eyes he's taking things away from my ears so much so I'm going to confess something right I'm a big TV watcher
Starting point is 00:18:27 I love TV I love TV I like watching all kinds of crazy things supernatural things doesn't matter what it is anime hype about that yeah God told me to stop doing all that. Y'all clap. As he called me to stop watching stuff, I cried.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Some of y'all are like, man, you a big baby. Yeah, I am. God has taken a lot of things away from me. I used to smoke. He stopped that. I used to drink. He stopped that. Now, mind you, it's me and him and discipline. No magic fairy does. Me, him, and discipline. I used to be a womanizer. He stopped that.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I used to be a liar. He's stopping that. I was about to say. I used to be a cusser. He stopped that. There are a lot of things that he's cutting out of my diet because it's things that I intake. Whether it be through my eyes, my ears, or my mouth. There's a lot of things that I was intaking that he's trying to stop. So when he took this away, it was like, dang, like you took all this other stuff away already. This was almost like,
Starting point is 00:20:37 like, this is all I had. some of y'all judging I hope he take bread away from y'all oh it ain't funny now huh but he it was a it was a very big deal for me. Um, I cried. I, I seriously cried because, um, I can catch myself where it's like, man, like in my, cause I have time with Jesus and then I have my time. I have time with Jesus and then I have my time. And I was like, I don't even know what to do with my time now. So I try watching like lawyer shows. I don't rewatch The Chosen twice. I'm like, I'm struggling to the point
Starting point is 00:21:41 where I'll sit in my living room with the TV like on, but nothing on it. And I'll just be praying. And it was almost like he was like, I understand it's your time. But would you sacrifice it for me? Would you sacrifice and i was just having a conversation with uh my brother uh don and i was like man everything sounds all good and dandy whatever you tell me to do stop doing that whoa was that even you?
Starting point is 00:22:38 no I don't that must be the enemy that's gotta be the enemy but it was it's a big deal to sacrifice um now this is the crazy thing like the scriptures always say obedience is better than sacrifice right obedience is better than sacrifice but when they're coupled together he's telling you to be obedient by sacrificing then it's like i don't even have an out. You know what I'm saying? Some of y'all don't get that. So if God told me, hey, stop watching this show. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:23:48 you know what? I'm just going to tithe more because clearly, clearly that's what you need huh huh that's you want what you want my I'm going to serve m25 cool run it lord but you ain't talking about the thing that I've carried with me it don't make sense right until you understand sort of like some of my background. I didn't grow up with a mother. I didn't grow up with a father. I grew up with TV. I remember searching for a mother. I remember looking at Miss Lena and looking at Pastor Phillip and looking for a father. And when God really had to cut my heart to do surgery and rip out idols.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And when I started looking at him as my father and everything that I needed, the only thing that I had left to hold on to that's been with me since I was a little kid was TV. So I cried. I cried I cried because a part of me
Starting point is 00:25:10 didn't think it was an idol first and foremost but after evaluating and praying and talking to some people, you know how like you could talk to one person and they'd be like, yeah, that's the Lord. I don't do that. I talk to like five. Because you're human. You could be lying. So after talking to 10 people
Starting point is 00:25:46 and kept getting this urge um i'm dying to that dying to that my guardrails and then because we're still on text, right? Because Jesus gave us guardrails. I was just confessing, y'all lost. After Jesus gave us guardrails, then he gave us something that was beneficial for us to know and understand, which is we're going to go through persecution.
Starting point is 00:26:26 That it is inevitable, inevitable. That means there is no way for us to live this Christian life, no way for us to live this Christian life and not feel some form of persecution. For those of you who gave your life to Jesus you need to know this because when pastor said that he's he's dividing us with the sword and you're either going to be on one side or the other you need to count the cost of what it's going to cost to make that decision.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Because I don't want you to leave here and being like, man, I thought that when I gave my life to Jesus, everything was going to be okay. Y'all sure y'all okay with me just talking so persecution something that is inevitable it's going to be in our life because we think that when you're a christian christian when you're a follower a disciple everything is just i'm walking with Jesus, making my way downtown. Walking fast. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Until stuff
Starting point is 00:28:02 pops up, right? And then he tells us that we need to be prudent and pure. Learn how to not be in certain places and learn how to get rid of some things that have defiled you. And it's bad enough that, you know, like, because Jesus, I don't know how he talked to y'all, but how he talked to me. He's like, man, persecution is going to come. And it's like, well, I don't have to choose to be with you. And then he's like, yeah, persecution is going to come. And it's like, well, I don't have to choose
Starting point is 00:28:45 to be with you. And then he's like, yeah, well, don't be afraid, which is the next thing that he told them. Don't be afraid of those who are going to persecute you. And it's like, but they're going to persecute me. But even at the end of that, he was like, okay, don't be afraid of those that are going to persecute you. But since you want to be stuck up, you know, be more afraid of the one that can persecute the body and the soul. If you're going to be afraid of somebody, be afraid of the one who can destroy it all.
Starting point is 00:29:27 All right, okay. You ain't got to do all that, God. But some of us really live in this vein of, well, he ain't did nothing so far. He hasn't done anything like, like he can't snatch the breath that is not yours in your lungs. And even if he doesn't,
Starting point is 00:29:57 even if he doesn't, what are you going to say when you stand before him? Because Satan doesn't run hell. Hell was designed for Satan to be tormented. So even the biggest, baddest angel that isn't even the biggest, baddest angel is going to get tormented in hell.
Starting point is 00:30:29 And he's stronger than you. So what's going to happen to you? So don't be afraid. But even if you are afraid, because fear is going to rise up but we don't what does the scripture say we don't live in the spirit of fear
Starting point is 00:30:53 y'all some studious people let's see how smart you are what verse is that second tip huh let's see how smart you are. What verse is that? Second Timothy, huh? Oh, Second Timothy 1.7. Check that. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:31:22 That God didn't give us the spirit of fear, right? But even if fear arises, if it does try and creep up, God says, you probably want to be more afraid of me than whatever else is out there, right? So he lets us know that the harvest is ripe, that we need to be working, gives us borders and guardrails. He empowers us. He tells us persecution is coming. He tells us not to be afraid.
Starting point is 00:31:57 And then he lets us know that throughout all of this, that there's going to be conflict. I'm a very soft-natured person. So if I go into somebody's house, and let's say it's a couple. Let's say it's a married couple, right? And I say something, and then they start fighting over what I said. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Why are we fighting? It ain't that, like, come on like come on come on come on come on i'm because i love uh people i love souls i don't want there to be a fight between people and souls but god says there's going to be a fight between people and souls because when you bring the news that I'm telling you to bring to people
Starting point is 00:32:46 and their souls their souls are they're either going to accept it or reject it and the problem is if they reject it they're going to reject everything about it to the point of wanting to fight, argue, fuss, cuss, yell, scream, holler, hit, shoot, persecute. But that's not my nature. My nature is I don't want us to fight and fuss. Can't you just accept Jesus? Come on, accept him for a day. See how that feels. No. Y'all ain't never heard that. Try Jesus. Just try him. No, you either accept them or you don't. But Jesus lets us know because there's going to be times and situations where that conflict is going to come because some people are going to have to bear their cross. That there's going to be a divide. There's going to be a divide.
Starting point is 00:34:10 There's going to be a divide. There's going to be a divide. So much so, because I want us to be able to look around, right? Raise your hand, even you, raise your hand if after you gave your life to Jesus, you noticed that there was a whole bunch of fighting and fussing in your household because of the Jesus that you serve. How many of us have actually gotten kicked out of a place because of talking about Jesus? I've even been fired from a job because I was talking about Jesus. They was like, yo, like you can't be out here trying to talk to people about Jesus. But they talking about Allah. Allah. That was my only snapback that I had.
Starting point is 00:35:09 But even in that, I was trying to just, you know what, I need this job. I'm just going to sit with my Bible and just read it. And they were like, you can't even bring your Bible. No. Well, I don't know what you want me to do. Because you can't tell me that I can't bring this. Because I know that's a law. I'd be really, Father forgive me, I'd be really bucking against the system.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I'm not even talking about this. It's cop pulled me well what you pull me over for brown versus C like I don't know them laws for real the law says that what you can't do is sir get out of the car. All right. I almost got shot. It's not even a joke. That was on Easter.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I almost got shot. But I buck against the system. So I bucked and I was like, you're not going to tell me that I can't bring my Bible. You're not like you told me to be quiet. Stop talking to people about Jesus. And I did that in my ignorance. I did that. But the pool of God was too hard to even allow them to let me not allow this there. So they called me into the office and they were like, yeah, we got to let you go. You're not doing your job right. And I'm like, what am I not doing? You're not listening. Conflict. And truth be told, the conflict that we wrestle with a lot of the time is not the conflict that we're really fighting against, right?
Starting point is 00:37:13 So context to the conflict. In those days, the Jews were really upset because they wanted Jesus to save them from the Romans. Because the Romans had subjugated them. Not to a point of slavery, but taxation and crucifixion. And like they abused their power and like they really ravaged everyone that they came in contact with. Too many C's. Context to the conflict, right? And even today, even today, there's still a disconnect
Starting point is 00:37:59 where it's like, man, a lot of us feel like if we come to the altar, God will help us with our boyfriend, with our girlfriend, with our marriage, with our car, with our house, with our bill. As if this book is a manual to fix your problems. I'm not saying that it can't help you fix your problems. But the problem is the same thing that the Jews in this day were arguing for is sort of the same thing that we're arguing for. For things to be fixed. And that's not why Jesus came.
Starting point is 00:38:53 That conflict was going to arise and it's still going to arise. But the conflict that he's really trying to fight against is sin. And a lot of us come to the altar because we want things fixed physically instead of being free from sin. So he tells us that he's going to bring a sword. A sword.
Starting point is 00:39:37 And in order to free us from this true issue, he's going to divide us with that sword. And then this is where we finish the conversation. That whoever picks up their cross and they lose their life, this is what they're going to gain. Matthew chapter 10, verse 40. As you go out and you're telling them to be crucified, crucify yourself. Whoever receives you receives me.
Starting point is 00:40:16 And whoever receives me receives him who sent me that after you lose your life after you die to the things that you hold on to you will find life but not your life his life. The one who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward and the one who receives a righteous person because he is a righteous person will receive a righteous person's reward.
Starting point is 00:40:59 The reason why last week's message was so important and so pivotal is because with that sword, God is going to create a chasm. That we can look at this aisle and see that there are people to the left of the aisle and to the right of the aisle. And because we're overpopulated with scripture and people who preach and the word today, we think that it's very easy to cross over from one side to the other. but when Jesus uses this sword and he cuts down and creates this chasm it's going to be chasm it's a it's a area or a void that no one is able to to cross y'all was looking at me real crazy chasm once he this chasm, no man will be able to go from one side
Starting point is 00:42:09 to the other or vice versa. No one will be able to go from one side to the other. That when the sword comes, and this is the problem, the sword has already come. So the chasm is already set. But. So there's no way for someone. In their own power. And authority.
Starting point is 00:42:53 To go from being unsaved. To saved. Except. The way. The one who speaks truth. and the one who gives life. This is the reason why there is only one way, and that's through him. This is the reason why the message last week was so important. Because if you did not choose him, if you did not choose him, then you leave yourself on a side that there's no escape from.
Starting point is 00:43:34 And you assume that you're going to have time to escape with a simple prayer that isn't sincere in your heart. That even the man on the cross thought everything was going to be, if you are the son of man, then why don't you go ahead and send angels to let us down from this cross? That's scripture. That when Jesus was being crucified on the cross, there was a man to the left and the right of him. And as those men were to the left and the right of him. And as those men were to the left and the right of him, one was concerned about the situation. The other was concerned about his soul. One was concerned about his situation. If you really are the son of man, if you are God incarnate, then have angels come down.
Starting point is 00:44:34 If you really are the commander of angels, you are the creator of all things. Then free us from the cross and the other said I know I'm guilty there's no way that I don't deserve what I'm getting can you save my soul though? And a lot of you made that decision last week. But I just want to implore you.
Starting point is 00:45:22 If you came for a situation and not your soul, did you really get saved? Because we're talking, right? We're having a conversation. if you really came for a situation and not your soul did you really get saved because the scriptures say that if you welcome a prophet as a prophet, you will receive a prophet's reward. And what was the reward? The very thing that they were trying to give you as they come to you. A prophet stood before you last week. And as he stood before you, he was presenting to you something that was absolutely necessary for your life. And if you received the prophet as a prophet, that he was truly telling you the truth. Then the reward that you get is what he was trying to give you, which is salvation.
Starting point is 00:46:49 And here I am, a unrighteous person who was washed by the blood, standing as righteousness, giving you another opportunity that if you receive a righteous person as a righteous person, then you will receive a righteous person's reward. That sometime God echoes things. That we don't have to have a big mass exodus of individuals to come to the altar.
Starting point is 00:47:31 If you feel like you missed your time and opportunity. We're really led by the spirit here. I really don't believe that this is by accident. I believe it's extremely important that some of you, some of you have another opportunity to receive the gift of salvation. So much so that before we even got up here, someone was already sacrificing their idol. That when pastor called for us to bring what we felt like our idol was to the front.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Truth be told, we were like, man, we should do it again. And he said, what we're not going to do is fabricate a miracle that happened. It was a miracle that people brought what was binding them in their heart and in their soul to the altar to ask God to help them to find freedom from it. Yeah. And I truly believe that people found freedom from it. And we chose not to try and fabricate this whole move again. Thank you, Jesus. Because we would rather things be authentic that when Jesus moves, he moves. And yet still, we didn't fabricate anything and someone chose. To bring the thing that was binding them. Because it's better for our soul to be saved.
Starting point is 00:49:24 Right. because it's better for our soul to be saved than for us to gravitate and hold on to the things that we like, love, and feel like is necessary or even needed. So, what will you choose? If you have not truly chosen Jesus, you have another chance. We don't know the day, the time, nor the hour. And this might seem boring to some of you.
Starting point is 00:50:18 But the truth of the matter is, this might be somebody's last chance I've seen God do things and I've seen them echo I've seen them echo and I've seen them echo I've seen them like really be shown time and time again And I'm always blown away And for me to have to preach this message And for me to echo the same thing that Pastor Phillip did last week I'm not as grandioso as him, I know that I'm not even trying to be like him. I'm coming to you as me.
Starting point is 00:51:12 Echoing what the Lord has said. And for someone to already answer the call, like God is already working on hearts. You don't, you don't have to clap. God is working on hearts. Instead of clapping, pray. If you feel the urge to man like this, pray. Because as he's working on hearts right now, we're praying that they, like whoever it is, that they feel God's tug and that urge to really give their life to him. Not to fix the situation, but because they know that their soul is on the line. So now you have another chance. What will you do with it? I've seen people leave church and die.
Starting point is 00:52:13 We're missing individuals now. We've seen children be taken. What is it going to take for you to choose? The sword has already come. The chasm is already set. You cannot do this on your own. Buddha can't get you there. Muhammad cannot get you there.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Confucius cannot get you there. Confucius cannot get you there. No crystal, no rock, no gem, no stone. Nothing can get you there. Not even your works of service can get you there. Listen. of service can get you there. So we pray. Father, right now, as we're in this room, work on the hearts of your children, Lord. Whatever stony area in their heart, Father, Lord, that has caused them to not come to you, God, we pray that you make it flesh now, God. Warm their hearts so that that's our prayer for you. In Jesus' name.
Starting point is 00:53:51 So now, if you heard this and you realize, man, I missed an opportunity last week, that it's not about a like this person preached and I was moved but it's more so I understand that I am sinful and I need a savior if you choose him now
Starting point is 00:54:23 come you choose him now come Thank you. Hallelujah. Cheers. We're not We're not going to fabricate Jesus We're not going to fabricate Some kind of prayer To make you pray. You talk to him yourself. Tell him what's in your heart.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Ask him for forgiveness. And as you pray, we'll pray. Jesus, thank you. Thank you for your children, God. Thank you for your children, Lord. That right now, God, destinations are changing. With sincere hearts, God, we thank you
Starting point is 00:56:56 even just for another opportunity. I will know you. I surrender. I surrender. I want to know you. I want to know you. I surrender. I surrender, I surrender, I want to know you more. I want to know you more. I surrender, I surrender, I want to know you more. This is your time with Jesus. And we're going to let you take your time with Jesus.
Starting point is 00:58:42 But for everyone else don't make it seem like you have to do all these extra things God is calling you to move to speak to do he's calling all of us everyone who calls themselves a disciple. And as he calls you, he lets you know that it doesn't matter how big or small, whatever it is you do, whether you give someone an invite card or you're trying to speak into their life. That he values it all. That there are souls out here. The harvest is ripe.
Starting point is 00:59:37 And the laborers have been few. So much so that he says, and whoever gives even one of the little ones a cup of cold water, because he is a disciple, truly I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward. We need you.
Starting point is 01:00:06 The laborers need laborers. He is calling you that nothing goes unnoticed. You don't know what impact your life had on even just these souls a hug a word a smile they had to get here somehow you don't know the impact that you have the homeless person who has never like they they feel like man god has
Starting point is 01:00:46 forgotten me the we we don't the atheists who have they've never experienced god they've only experienced religiosity the waitress who's never been invited the harvest is ripe he called us and he empowered us he gave us guardrails he let us know that persecution
Starting point is 01:01:23 is going to come but he told us not to be afraid, that there is going to be conflict,'s at the altar for all of you don't just leave here and go and be by yourself this is a place of community it's a place of love we want you to experience God's full encounter This is a place of community. It's a place of love.
Starting point is 01:02:09 We want you to experience God's full encounter, his full love, his full grace, his full favor. We want you to see it all. So we're going to embrace you. Let us be the hands and feet of Jesus. We only got a week, maybe two weeks left of squads. It don't matter. Hop in one.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Hop in one. Happen one. They're life changing. For anyone who signed up for the Institute, you see what we're doing and why we're doing. This did not take a lot of lofty language it was a conversation for the Institute make sure that you're checking your emails make sure that you're being honorable m25 is still happening. If you know a family that needs food,
Starting point is 01:03:31 let's get them in touch with the right people. Brittany is going to be out there. If you need food, let the pride die. So that you can feed your family go and receive we did it for you go and receive four kids and
Starting point is 01:03:59 28, 19 teens let's be honorable by serving with them, helping them, showing them. Your kids don't come here to find out about Jesus. They find out about Jesus in your home. We just help cultivate it. You plant the seeds.
Starting point is 01:04:25 We'll water it. You plant the seeds. We'll water it. Jesus is the one who's going to make it grow. Amen? The prayer team is going to be here. You can talk to them. Whatever it is that you need,
Starting point is 01:04:41 we're here. Did you hear that? We're here. Did you hear that? We're here. We love you. We see you. You're not alone. And we love you. Amen. Now, because we know that someone gave their life to Jesus, they decided,
Starting point is 01:05:12 and we know that when one gives their life to Jesus, all of heaven rejoices. Thank you.

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