2819 Church - KINGDOM CALLINGS | Fields & Faithfulness | Matthew 9:35-38 | Philip Anthony Mitchell

Episode Date: January 4, 2025

Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel features powerful and life-impacting messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound ...biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I want to give a special shout out to one of my partners in the Gospels in the room with me, Pastor Lucius, who pastors a church called You Movement in Marietta, a little bit north of our gathering. If you're watching me right now, anywhere in the city of Atlanta and you live in the Marietta area, you don't need to drive down here. There is a church that we have supported and helped plant in the Marietta area called U Movement Church. It is... And if you live in that area of Atlanta and you're looking for a church
Starting point is 00:00:44 where the gospel is being preached, an end-time church where the spirit of God is, you don't need to drive down here. You can go to U Movement Church in Marietta, Georgia. I'm passed it by my brother, Lucius. I love you, brother. Thank you. So all your praise and support. It means a lot to me.
Starting point is 00:01:14 I want to try to do something different today just a little bit. I want to attempt to not talk long because I feel like I feel like we need to have a moment of prayer. Before we leave this room. Together. And I want to ask everybody.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Especially those of you in the risers. And when I'm done talking. I know there's a tendency for us to get to the lobby first or get to our cars first. But I feel like the gravity of this particular text, the gravity of what the Lord has said to us in the text is so serious. I feel like the Holy Spirit told me we can't leave the room without a moment of corporate prayer. Like we need to come together and pray. So if you are a guest, brother and sister,
Starting point is 00:02:18 we welcome you to 2819. And if you are watching us online, we welcome our our online family all across the city of Atlanta, all across this country, and a few pockets around the world. Eventually, we'll become our global family. And if you are not a follower of Jesus, you are an unbeliever. You're still exploring the claims of Christ. You're an atheist, an agnostic.
Starting point is 00:02:48 We know you're in the room and we acknowledge you and we're glad that you're here. This is the place where you could belong before you believe and you could keep before you believe, and you could keep coming while you are trying to figure out, is the claims of Christ real?
Starting point is 00:03:13 No judgment zone? You are entitled to keep coming here even if you don't believe what we believe. I know you're in the room, and we're just glad that you're in the room. We are starting today a brand new series called Kingdom Callings. this is a series through the back half of Matthew chapter 9, all of Matthew chapter 10 to the back half of Matthew chapter 11. And if you are not a follower of Jesus, we don't want you to be confused about that. We are walking through line by line, verse by verse, a book that has been preserved for us in the New Testament of the scriptures called Matthew. Matthew was a Jewish man who lived in the first century AD who was an outcast Jew, for he was hated because of his career, was seen as treason to his ethnic brothers and sisters.
Starting point is 00:04:21 At some point in time in the first century, Matthew had an encounter with Christ Jesus that changed his life he would go on to follow Christ for the rest of his life he would go on according to Fox's book of mortars to become a martyr he would give his life for the gospel and before he died somewhere in the year AD 65 around AD 60s he wrote the book that bears his name called Matthew. The Bible is not a singular book, but it is a library or collection of 66 ancient documents. This collection of documents, according to all stats, is the most read collection of documents in the history of the world. It is the most purchased collection of documents in the history of the world. And of all these documents, Matthew is the most read document in the Bible, so it is the most
Starting point is 00:05:17 read document in the history of the world. According to church history, for 1700 years the early church those who were brothers and sisters before us used the book of matthew as their go-to document to build up the church in discipleship for 1700 years and so we are walking through this ancient document that is the most read document in the history of the world. And for me personally, as a student of the scriptures and as the one with the microphone, this document has been wrecking my soul. Today, I'm going to be fully transparent, right? Like I pray hard and I study hard and I prepare hard and I work hard. Today, this moment is very difficult for me.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I've had a very difficult preparation week. And not because that I'm lazy. I'm very studious when it comes to the word. But a difficult preparation week because the words of Christ that we're about to approach was so heavy to me and elder Eric and I was talking about this that in my prayer time it was like I just wanted to go and be with Christ and and I was just longing to see his face I would I was laid out on the floor in my prayer room and stretched out feeling like I was holding on to his ankles in my mind and not wanting to leave his presence for long periods of time. I could barely get up to work on a sermon. I could barely get to my
Starting point is 00:06:58 computer to work on notes because as I just think about the gravity of this text, my heart is overwhelmed. I read it was also Charles Spurgeon, the Prince of Preachers from England, who said it was this text above all others in the New Testament that troubled him the most. And my concern is that as we walk through this text, so small, so short, only four verses, a very small corpus,
Starting point is 00:07:29 that there's not going to be no shouts today. Nobody's going to be shouting me down with amens, because I feel like as we walk the text, I feel like there's going to be a weight of conviction that settles on the room. And I feel like we can't leave here until we pray together. About our failure. You hear that word? Failure.
Starting point is 00:08:00 To these words of Christ. Let me repeat. Our failure. To these words of Christ, let me repeat, I will failure to these words of Christ. And so for all my note takers, Matthew 9, 35 through 38 is what we're going to study today. And we're going to tag a title to the text that just represents your sphere of influence, your home, your family, your calling, your gym, your fill in the blank. The first word of the title are those circles for you. The second word of the title is where i feel like we're failing but i want us to change in that area so we're not fancy here we just pull titles from the from the scriptures
Starting point is 00:08:56 matthew 9 35 to 38 we're just going to call it feels and faithfulness. My first feel is my home. It's going to make sense to you by the end. And in everything outside of my house, where the Lord has put my feet or watch, given me influence. Now, this is a heavy text the outline in my heart is real sketchy and I'm going to talk to you I'm going to attempt to talk to you for just a short period of time listen to me we need to repent and pray. I know y'all love entertainment because we Americans. Listen to me. By the time I finish talking to you about these four verses, we need to stay here for a moment.
Starting point is 00:10:10 We need to probably get on our knees and we need to repent and pray. Spirit of the living God my heart is so broken and so grieved Lord for the glory of your name would you help me in my weakness some way, somehow, communicate your heart to these who call you Savior? Some of us with lifestyles that don't match that profession. Jesus, would you subdue every demonic force that will attempt to rob us of the revelation of this word?
Starting point is 00:11:22 Would you drive out every stronghold from our minds of faulty beliefs and thought patterns? Would you cause a spirit of repentance and conviction and urgency to settle upon these, my brothers and sisters. And with the weight of your words, come to bear on the foolishness of our hearts. In the times that we live, I plead with you, Lord, in the mighty and majestic, look up those words, in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
Starting point is 00:12:24 everyone who at least agrees with me of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, everyone who at least agrees with me, would you say amen? Amen. Family, on Friday night, I was downstairs in the basement in my home office. And I was down there with my wife and my daughter, Israel, and my son, Josiah. And my wife and Israel got up from the couch
Starting point is 00:13:06 and they went upstairs. And it was Josiah and I alone in the room. He's 11 years old. I was putting together like a coffee table or something that my wife had just bought for me. And Josiah asked me, he began to ask me all of these eschatological questions. End time questions. Eschatological, end time questions.
Starting point is 00:13:36 And he said to me, he said, Daddy, who is the Antichrist? And with no prompting from me, we wasn't talking about the scriptures we wasn't watching things we don't have tvs in our house except for one room in the living room so there's no tv on there's no conversation about the bible i'm not preaching to my family every minute of every day we're just sitting there having a time together we're listening to jazz music i don't even have a worship and and and with no prompting he asked me daddy who is the antichrist and i said to him i said why do you want to know he says because i want you to tell me who is the antichrist and and i said to him i saidiah, the Antichrist is a man who the Scriptures prophesy about that
Starting point is 00:14:27 he's going to rise one day to political power, and according to the Scriptures, he's going to sign a seven-year peace treaty with Israel, and according to the Scriptures, he's going to rule the world politically for about seven years, and according to the Scriptures, he will be an evil man, blasphemous, and he will declare himself to be God. And then he said, well, what kind of things will he say? And I said, well, he would declare that he himself is the Lord and that he is divine. And he will probably be handsome. He will probably be a smooth politician.
Starting point is 00:15:03 He might even go against the traditional marriage at the rate the generation is going. Y'all missed that. Watch. I won't be surprised if he's married to a man. Watch. And then he said, well, daddy, what's going to happen when he comes to power? What's going to happen to the people when he comes to power? He said, well, he will deceive all human beings according to the scriptures.
Starting point is 00:15:31 And he will have great power from Satan according to the scriptures. And he said, well, what's that seven-year period called? I'm like, it's called the tribulation period. He said, what's going to happen during the tribulation? I'm like, the scripture says during the tribulation, there'll be seven years of pain and hardship and war and death and famine. And except God shortened that period to seven years, he said all human beings would die because of the suffering during that time. There'll be a lack of food, a lack of water,
Starting point is 00:16:13 I told him, and that everybody who will buy and sell must take a mark in their hand or in their right hand on their forehead and except you take that mark which is called the mark of the beast i told him you cannot buy or sell so if anybody i told him get saved during those days and they reject the mark they will live like nomads out in the street it will be hard to be a christian in those days y'all ain't seen nothing yet he said well what about all of us and what about the church and when is the rapture going to happen, daddy? I said, Joey, the rapture Paul talked about the day is coming when we're going to be caught up to meet Christ in the air from the sound of a trumpet and the dead will rise first and we will be with Christ and I told him that the tribulation is going to be a catching away
Starting point is 00:17:12 when Jesus said in Matthew 24 a husband and wife will be laying in the bed one will be taken and the other will be left in the bed. Two people will be at work during nine to five. One will be taken, and the other will stay until five o'clock. Two people will be driving down the highway. One will be taken, and the other is going to be left, and they will enter into the tribulation period
Starting point is 00:17:40 when the church has been removed from the earth and then he said to me well what's going to happen when the tribulation is over i said joey did the lord will come and and set off what's called the millennial reign he said how long is that going to last? I said, according to the scriptures, a thousand years. He said, well, where's the devil going to be during that time? I'm like, he's going to be bound up according to the scriptures. And what would the world be like during those thousand years? This is a true story. And I'm like, according to the scriptures, there will be world peace. He said, peace for a thousand years? I said, yes, Joey, peace for a thousand years. And then what happens after that? I said, well, the scripture says, then the devil
Starting point is 00:18:32 is released for one more battle in which he will be destroyed, and then all evil will be tossed it's a true story and he says to me what what happens to everybody who wasn't in jesus i said well according to the scriptures they're going to be separated from god for all eternity he says oh wait so everybody's going to live forever? I said, yeah. He said, but what about when we die? I said, Joey, you remember in the scriptures when it said that God created man in his own image and in his own likeness, that we were created in the likeness of God?
Starting point is 00:19:18 God is an eternal being, I told Joey. And so he made all human beings eternal beings. And that death is only a transition into eternity. And I told him that nobody disappears or evaporates. Everybody either goes to eternal damnation or eternal glory. That's what I told him. He said, for real? I said, so your papa, your granddaddy, he's in eternal glory, I told him.
Starting point is 00:19:41 And people who die separated from God, they are eternally separated. And I said, there's no changing over wherever you end up, I said to him. He said, well, does the scripture say all of that? And I opened up to Revelation 21, and I read to him where Jesus says, behold, I'm going to make all things new. And I told Joey about the eternal state, and he said, so what is the world going to be like? I said, there'll be new trees, and new bodies of water, and colors we've never seen before, and food we've never tasted, and I said to him that Jesus, according to the scriptures, is going to reign and rule from the city of Jerusalem bodily, and that God is going to make his abode with men
Starting point is 00:20:26 in the new earth. That we're not going to be floating on clouds forever. That heaven is temporary. And I told him that God is going to recreate the earth after he destroys it with fire. And we're going to be in a new earth with new water and new trees and new food and new colors.
Starting point is 00:20:44 And I read to him where it says there'll be no more tears and no more pain and no more frustration and no more suffering and no more sorrow and no more death, no more back issues and no more aging, no more funerals, a life of bliss with no drama, no betrayals, no backstabbing, no sin, nobody's scheming on me, no trolls on my social media page. And then he said, daddy, I feel like I'm agitating you and I said no it's okay go ahead he said no that's all I want to know kid is smart I went to bed on Friday night Thinking about
Starting point is 00:21:56 All them questions Joey asked me And as I was laying in my bed I was thinking to myself As I laid in my bed, I thought to myself like, Who is this going to affect? I thought about everything Joey asked me, and I asked myself as I laid in my bed, man, who is this going to affect? And I thought to myself, all of this he asked me
Starting point is 00:22:41 is written in the scriptures, like it's not even hidden from humanity and i thought to myself how the lord put it in the scriptures when john was on the island of patmos because he wanted everybody to know it and i thought to myself he wanted us to see what was going to happen in the end with the hopes it would affect how we think and move now and i thought to myself as i wrestled with joey's questions man like who is this gonna affect i started thinking about family members who are not in christ i started thinking about people i go to the gym with who are not in Christ. I started thinking about friends who I love who are not in Christ. Man, I started thinking about all the people I know and love who are doing their thing. When any day I could get that phone call,
Starting point is 00:23:39 this person died in a car crash, and I know, were not in Christ man and I'm laying in my bed on Friday night and I'm wrestling with these questions and I'm wrestling with this text and then I start thinking to myself it's like I start going on this tweeting like x whatever the heck they want to call it now so stupid x I start tweeting like my heart and I'm like, Lord, what are we doing? No, I'm asking y'all seriously, what are we really doing? Like why are you here? Why do we do this every single Sunday and there's nothing happening in your heart during the week? Like, what is this?
Starting point is 00:24:31 Are you here just to hear me talk? Am I an entertainer to you? Do you just want to be here to hear me tickle something in your soul? Like, are we gathering to just show off our outfit or your dope J's or you want somebody to see that your outfit is dope? Like what is the purpose for us being here? And I start thinking about the church man. The stuff I'll be seeing on social media. These stupid reels I'll be seeing like what are we talking about
Starting point is 00:25:06 in our generation what are we preaching about you got all these people who think they're sages they think they're smart and they think they're wise spewing off all this stuff with God's name attached to it no scripture to back that up and i'm thinking about all the nonsense i see online
Starting point is 00:25:33 all the foolishness i'm seeing preached in america i'm thinking about all of this and my heart is broken i'm thinking about all the people who are lost and my heart is broken and i lay there with tears streaming down my eyes just crying out to god for some type of spiritual revival in this nation i mean we do a lot of church but man we are so disconnected from the christ of christianity of Christianity. Family, listen to me. I don't know how to get this in your heart, but this grief I feel, I feel like a lot of us do church have never felt that grief.
Starting point is 00:26:24 A lot of us call ourselves church have never felt that grief a lot of us call ourselves Christians have never felt that grief and you think it's just for me the pastor and it is this kind of frustration watch that's at the epicenter these adverse sentiments it's at the it's at the core of the very passage we're supposed to be studying today. These heavy words of Jesus to his followers. So let's get context around the text. Matthew records the birth of Christ, the rise of Christ, the ministry of Christ in Galilee, where I've been and where I will be in january and in math word shout out right to shout out dr kenneth bruce
Starting point is 00:27:10 and matthew records the explosion of jesus ministry in galilee and in matthew 4 23 he talks about jesus went all throughout galilee preaching and teaching and healing in the synagogues and then he goes from a synopsis of the ministry in 423 and then he gives us a broader picture of that synopsis when he gives us the teaching of the sermon on the mount kingdom gems and then he gives us all of this list of powerful miracles god of miracles to show that jesus was the messiah and after he gives us the Sermon on the Mount and the list of all these miracles, he comes to another synopsis of Jesus'
Starting point is 00:27:50 ministry and what happens during the time of that synopsis, Matthew was there when Jesus said it. We need to repent for this. Matthew chapter 9 and verse 35. Matthew records this. He says, and Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom
Starting point is 00:28:29 and healing every disease and every affliction. Stop. So Matthew gives us another synopsis of the ministry of Jesus. He says Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom. So I want you to see where Jesus went. He's telling us that the ministry of Jesus began to expand and it began to explode now beyond Galilee into all of the major cities. This is so powerful. And all of these small villages. Now watch.
Starting point is 00:29:09 He mentioned cities and villages. So he tells us that Jesus now is traveling to places, big, urban, metropolitan places where wealthy and well-to-do people lived. And there he preached the gospel and taught them then he travels to small obscure villages where poor people lived and and there he preached the gospel and taught them jesus so wise now modeling for his disciples that the gospel is for all people that the message of hope in jesus christ is not just for those of a certain socioeconomic status now this is important because in our culture we preach the gospel wrong we always say foolishness like try Jesus. Like he's a Kirby vacuum cleaner
Starting point is 00:30:08 that I'm trying to pitch to you at a front door. Or we think the gospel is only for the middle class and people who are poor and on food stamps. So we say stuff like try Jesus because he'll make your life better. And so we pitch Jesus as a genie to a better life. When the gospel is not about materialism or socioeconomic status, the message of Christ is a message of righteousness.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Don't nobody want to say amen to that. It don't got nothing to do with socioeconomic status. The message of the gospel went to cities and villages. The Lord modeling my messages for all human beings. See, but when you keep talking that garbage about try Jesus and oh, he's going to make your life better. And if you come to him, you might get the car you want and the house. You pitching that to who? To people in apartments that can't afford houses? People on Marta who can't get a bus? Like, who are you trying to manipulate with that message?
Starting point is 00:31:19 Try to convince a multimillionaire that they need to try Jesus. They balling? They got houses and cribs? What I need your God for? And that's they thought because you preached the gospel wrong. The gospel's about righteousness. Why? Because all human beings need that.
Starting point is 00:31:44 You want the evidence? There are poor people in damnation, and there are wealthy people in damnation. Jesus even told a story about a wealthy man that went to damnation. And did not know the place was real. Cried out for water. Could not get water. Please go tell my brothers this place is real. No, they have the prophets, the real ones.
Starting point is 00:32:08 And if they don't listen to the voice of the real prophets, they're going to end up in the same place where you are. And so the gospel is about righteousness. You know what that is? We all was already born hell bound. And upon the cross where Christ died, he imputes to the human being righteousness or right standing in the eyes of God who is supremely holy and will punish all sin if you die in it. That when people say it's not fear for God to create a hell,
Starting point is 00:32:45 he never created it for human beings. The scripture says, created it for Satan and demons, but because people reject Christ, they're going to share apartments in hell with Satan. I always remind our church every few months that Judas is there and have been there for the first century. Do the math, not getting out. And that in the gospel, when a person is drawn to the Father through Christ,
Starting point is 00:33:26 Christ applies righteousness to that person's soul, so that when God sees that human being, he no longer sees them as guilty because of sin, he sees them as righteous in his sight. A powerful word called justification, justify, it's a judicious word to mean, although you were guilty, the Lord took that wrath upon himself for you in the courtroom. He walked in, pushed you to the side, says you leave the courtroom, I'm going to stay here and pay this price. And some of you think that's a game unless you've been in legal trouble like me, been locked up multiple times, stood in front of judges multiple times. It's a terrifying thing to stand before a man that has your future in his hands and then you stand there in an orange jumpsuit hoping for mercy i know that personally
Starting point is 00:34:16 and that you can't do anything when that gavel slam you can argue and fight and spit at the bailiff they're still going to drag you to where your sentence is. Well, screw Jesus and F Christ and all this stuff. You're not going to be that tough when you die. Give me that camera. All that blast from me, you spitting. You're not going to be that tough when you die. Give me that camera. All that blasphemy you're spitting. You're not going to be that tough when you die.
Starting point is 00:34:52 That's why the Bible says in the day you hear the call of the gospel, harden not your heart. For the writer of Hebrews said, it's appointed for man to live one time. And then he must stand judgment. Ain't nobody bringing you to the conference to hear this message. Because it don't itch the flesh, but it stirs up something in the soul.
Starting point is 00:35:27 It makes a wretched man says, I need God. so stop trying to manipulate people into the faith by promising them things you can't give them you can't promise them they're going to get everything they want you can't promise them jesus is going to give them a new house you can't even promise them Jesus is going to give them a new house. You can't even promise them they won't suffer. Paul, Paul, that man, I want him. Watch. I call Paul and see how much he will suffer for my name's sake. How about that for a calling? How about that for your American Christianity
Starting point is 00:36:27 your best life is your next one I don't have a mic, but if I... How about that? How about that for American Christianity? Your best life will be your next one. There is no utopia you're going to create here that's going to be greater than eternity. Let me repeat that.
Starting point is 00:37:07 You can grind until you're blue in the face and hustle until your fingers fall off. There's no utopia you're going to create down here that's going to be greater than what the Lord has prepared for those of us who have placed our faith in him. For no eye has seen and no ear has heard what the Lord has prepared. For those of us who are in Christ. And I believe as a theologian or urban one that eternity is going to be so dope that we only get glimpses of it in the scriptures that the Lord refused to give us the whole picture because he wants you to take it by faith. If you know everything from A to Z, you don't need faith. That's why sometimes he leaves you in a fog on purpose. He'll tell you, take that step, and you have no idea what's going to happen when you do that.
Starting point is 00:38:19 If you had all the answers, you wouldn't need faith. My wife and I came here with nothing but the clothes on our back. With no knowledge of what's going to happen next. So who is the gospel for? Everybody. And it's a gospel of righteousness. Not ratchetness. That part.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Righteousness. So what is Jesus doing right here as he's traveling and teaching and preaching? Watch. He's modeling for his disciples. You take this gospel, we'll get to that. In the back have a Matthew. To the very ends. That's not exciting because watch.
Starting point is 00:39:14 It's not about you. You're so American. You don't get excited when I say take the gospels to the end because you think, well, how does that benefit me? See, watch. We're going to have to repent when this is over. Watch. Watch.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Now watch. I only got three more verses. I know it's hot. That's why we need our own facility that's why I want all of y'all to be faithful in your giving we're trying to stack this five million dollars the bank don't care about my prayers and if you think it's hot you don't want to go to hell
Starting point is 00:40:06 this is nothing compared to where the lost are i got three verses cannot cannot finish them so jesus is traveling through where cities watch why everybody watch villages and he's watched he's teaching where in their synagogues right this is so powerful he's in their synagogues where he's in the place where they gather where they worship and where they open up the scriptures and explain them modeling for his people his respect for sacred gatherings, I don't need the church and I don't need a gathering. I don't need Jesus is preaching in synagogues
Starting point is 00:40:49 showing his respect for sacred gatherings where it's designed for worship, for instruction in the scriptures. God. That's what he is modeling modeling for all of us who treat this as common and ordinary who take this for granted he's in rooms like this watch teaching notice it and say he was in rooms like this entertaining. My American brothers and sisters, who you love to jump off of the platform and run around the church when people are saying nothing. Accents with heresy.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Degrees with heresy. And they talk well with heresy and they talk well with heresy and the reason you don't know that is because you don't have enough word in you to discern lies so if it sounds good it must be right and i don't have enough romans in me to hear that's not the gospel i don't have enough galatians in me to hear i can't wear earrings and pants i don't have enough corinthians in me to know i should not be whiling out in the church i don't have enough ephesians in me to say I should not be racist. You're so pro-black that you're anti-white. Not enough Ephesians.
Starting point is 00:42:36 You're so white that you're anti-black. Not enough Ephesians. I don't have enough Thessalonians in me to not be lazy. They don't get this. I don't have enough Colossians in me to see that Christ was more than a prophet. I could walk you through the whole book. I don't have enough Exodus in me to know it was Jesus who brought them out of Egypt. That's what the scripture says in the New Testament.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Showing people from thousands of years ago that I am a deliverer. Not enough Bible in you to know they lying. Alright, three verses. Three verses. The heat makes me tired. I know not the only one in here who feels tired. I rebuke the spirit of weariness in the room. I come against weariness in the room. I pray a spirit of hunger in you.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Say it's hot, but I'm going to lean forward for this gospel. Three verses. He's traveling. He's preaching. He's teaching. And now here's where it's about to get heavy. Matthew 9 9 verse 36 I'm about to put the American church
Starting point is 00:44:34 in these next three verses watch us Matthew wrote when Jesus he saw the crowds the crowds people the gatherings when he saw social media
Starting point is 00:44:53 he had compassion for them because they were harassed, demonic, helpless, like sheep, stupid creatures, without a shepherd. Now, let's unpack this. Give me a few minutes here.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Watch. It says he traveled. Everybody watch this. Jesus is traveling through cities. He's doing conferences. He's blowing up in Atlanta and in New York and in Chicago. He's out to LA and back down to Miami. He's running through Birmingham and he's all over the country preaching. Conferences are packed out. Places are packed out places are packed out he sees people out in the streets trying to get into the room and he stops and he looks at the crowds of
Starting point is 00:45:51 people that's following he looks out on the crowds and the scripture says matthew says he saw watch everybody watch because this is where we're going to repent because a lot of you don't see you got eyes but you are blind i'm telling you right now what i know i know by the spirit by the way that you live the way that you live, the way that you do church, the way you see Christianity, you are blind. Jesus saw. You know what that means? Here's a man who saw lost humanity and was grieved over that. Here's a man who was self-aware about what was going on around him and was grieved about that.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Here is a man who was looking out at the people and seeing their condition spiritually and he was grieved about that. Here's a man seeing mothers and fathers, husbands and wives' homes disconnected from Christ. Families disconnected from Christ. Families disconnected from Christ. Friends disconnected from Christ. Gym buddies disconnected from Christ.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Here is the Lord looking out over humanity, and his heart is, watch, broken over the spiritual condition of the people. This is the heart of the person who's at work and sees the people at their job who are lost and feel sorry for them. This is the heart of the people, man, who are in the gym, getting fit with people all around you, knowing that if you got a phone call later and you feel sorry for them. This is the heart of those of us who are moving through Atlanta and looking out over our city and seeing people are far away from God and feeling grieved over them.
Starting point is 00:47:59 This is us being on social media and see people talking against God, not knowing they're headed for judgment and being grieved and feeling sorry over them. This is us not just thumbing through with our fingers and going past all this nonsense and not feeling our heart. Lord God, do something about the state of the church and the state of the world in my country. This is the heart of people who see, watch, the depravity of human beings, the brokenness in our society, the ills of the damage of sin, and something on the inside of you is moved with a deep sense of grief, watch, over the condition of human beings. Some of us, you don't even feel that because you are blind. You've never prayed for the lost. You've never shed a tear over the condition of society. You don't even care that all of your activities
Starting point is 00:49:00 around people who are going to hell and you could care less about their souls here is a man who was self-aware watch but not self-absorbed that i feel like for us watch most of the preaching in our society is a preaching that focuses you on you so the majority of our preaching, listen to it in America. It's all about self-help and how to get. Everything is about your vision board and what you want. So we see Christianity, watch, as a vehicle to my kingdom.
Starting point is 00:49:38 And that God exists for my glory. And that all of my prayer time is begging him for what I want and that God help the church if it just depended
Starting point is 00:49:55 on your prayers it says he saw watch the state of humanity and what happened to his heart it was moved to watch this with compassion you know what it is he felt sorrow for what for the condition of human beings watch now watch this we got two more verses and then he said Watch. Now watch this. We only got two more verses. And then he said, watch. They were, watch this. They were harassed and helpless.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Now watch this, everybody. You hear the words harassed and helpless, and then you automatically attach that to poor people. Watch. Watch how we poor people. Watch. Watch how we get down. Watch. You read the word harassed and helpless in your mind, you automatically think poor people.
Starting point is 00:50:53 But where was he preaching? In city? Study the text. And in villages. So we know that harassed and helpless is not just socioeconomic and you study this in greek and what it reads out to really be is here are people harassed and helpless watch really means people who have been spiritually neglected it's what it's what the original language teaches us greek people have been watched spiritually neglected watch the next question is by who by those who was entrusted to teach them
Starting point is 00:51:33 watch it's gonna make sense in a second pharisees and the scribes israel's spiritual leaders, filling the people with lies and man-made doctrines that when the Lord rolls up on them, he sees them. You've been under all that teaching, but your soul is a mess. Well, you better be careful what church you're in. You're under all those voices, but your spiritual condition is a mess. You've been listening to her podcast and his podcast and reading their books, but your spiritual condition is a mess. He's preaching. So he says about these people, they have been spiritually neglected.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Now, let me tell you why I'm... I'm so... My kid said I can't use this word. I'm going to use it anyway. I'm so pissed off. Upset. Grieved. Watch. When I see the preaching in our country.
Starting point is 00:53:13 And when you just listen, let me ask you a question. You listen to the preaching in this country. What is it preparing you for. It's not preparing you to be ready for the return of Christ. It's not preparing you for what the New Testament prepares us for to be others centered and not self-centered.
Starting point is 00:53:47 You know what? Thank you, Holy Spirit. I challenge everyone listening to me right now. Here's homework for you. Pick one New Testament letter. Watch this. I want everybody to do this. Just pick one. Pick a short one. Colossians, Ephesians, Galatians Jude, pick a short one that you won't get bogged down I challenge everybody in this room, pick one short New Testament letter 1st or 2nd Peter, watch sit down for 20 minutes and just read it without stopping
Starting point is 00:54:15 then come up for air and tell me does it sound like American preaching you cannot read the New Testament and come away thinking that the gospel is about you and your kingdom and your ambitions and what you want and
Starting point is 00:54:33 Jesus is a genie. You can't come away with that. If you read the New Testament, you know what you're going to come away with? It's a fight to grow you up spiritually and to teach you to live self-sacrificially and the reason you don't know that is because you don't read
Starting point is 00:54:51 so I challenge everyone in this room don't believe me be like the Bereans pick one New Testament letter this week by the time we see you next Sunday you better have read it if you don't the Lord rebuke you. I'm just joking. The Lord rebuke the hell out of you. If you don't do it, you're disobedient. Your pastor's telling you, oh, I'm sorry, some of y'all, I'm not your pastor. I'm just
Starting point is 00:55:27 a preacher you like. This preacher is telling you, pick one, one short New Testament letter. Ephesians, Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, Jude, 1 John, 2 John, 3, just pick one. Don't do Romans too long. Don't do Hebrews too long. Don't do Hebrews too long. Just pick a short one that you can read in 15 minutes. Read it all the way from the beginning to the end. Read for distance, not for depth. We're going to change. Read for distance.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Read it to the end and then come up for air and turn on American preaching. Listen to all of these sermon clips on social media. And then just log them. Doesn it sound anything like what you read? And then ask yourself, watch this when that's done. After you do your assignment, ask yourself, based on what I read and what I've been accustomed to listen to, have I been neglected? I'm about to close. Watch.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Everybody look at me. Look right at me. All eyes on me. My two-part. Look here. Look right here. What is Jesus grieved over? Answer me.
Starting point is 00:56:57 The spiritual condition of his people. What is Jesus grieved over? Everybody watch this. What is Jesus grieved over? Everybody watch this. What is Jesus grieved over? One more time. Everybody talk to me. What is Jesus grieved over? And he's modeling, right?
Starting point is 00:57:20 What is his answer for that? No, his answer is the next verse y'all laughing we we teach the bible his answer watch to culture and crazy presidents and unsafe family and unsafe friends unsafe people the gym, and the spiritual condition of man. What is his answer for all of that? It's the next verse. The last two verses. And then we're going to repent. Watch. now I'm so
Starting point is 00:58:14 God yeah the last time you was on your knees it was all about a house right I know and the time before that and the time before that and the time before that you said pastor what about the callings part I'm about to get to it watch
Starting point is 00:58:43 watch verse everybody watch he said pastor what about the callings part I'm about to get to it watch watch verse everybody watch then he said to verse 37 he said to his who God not to the pastor so if he was in the room, who would he be talking to?
Starting point is 00:59:09 Let me repeat. If Christ was, well, he's here in the spirit. If he was physically here, who would he be talking to? Why don't you make it personal? Who would he be talking to? Come on with it let's go i like this brother right here then he said to his disciples somebody said he said to me the harvest is plentiful
Starting point is 00:59:41 i'm talking to you. But the laborers are few. Y'all doing church, but y'all wasting time. Therefore, watch this word. Pray. How? Earnestly. You know what the word earnestly means? Pray with fire in your belly.
Starting point is 01:00:06 Y'all be laughing at me because I'm like that. Pray earnestly with fire in your belly. The word earnest means pray with passion. Pray, watch, like you care. Pray like it's urgent. Pray like, watch this number, 150,000 people die every day and 4 million every year. Pray like we don't have whole nations sitting in spiritual darkness under the stronghold of false religion. Pray like Sharia law doesn't have people bound under false gods that does not exist. Pray like the whole Middle East ain't bound by a religious stronghold. Pray like you don't have family members that are going to die and be separated from God. Pray like the people you be twerking with in the gym, like they're not going to die and be separated from God. To my darn children. Nobody's coming after you.
Starting point is 01:01:29 It's the church. And the church only pray earnestly. Plead, beg, cry well. Come in before the worship and walk the room with the prayer team and cry out for souls to be in the chairs. See? See?
Starting point is 01:01:56 You don't want to clap because we don't pray like that. It's all about you and your kingdom and your plans and your endeavors your whole relationship with God is about your laundry list of what you want to make your name great that's why I said we got to repent
Starting point is 01:02:22 because when you see right you pray right everybody watch I'm about to get to the calling part watch pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest now everybody listen to me carefully watch when jesus said this watch how many people was on the team 13 himself and 12 men watch that's not enough to take the gospel to the millions of people that was alive in that day everybody watch this so when he told them pray for laborers he was talking about numbers we need watch more bodies and gospel ministry now everybody watch that was how long ago 2 000 years now watch how many people claim to be christians today two billion say the number two billion so the cry still goes on today. Hear my heart. I argue with
Starting point is 01:03:29 you that it's not only about numbers. It's not about computation. It's about a lack of revelation because the American church has done an amputated from the christ of the scriptures no there's two billion of us in the earth there's more than enough laborers to get the gospel to the ends of the earth watch but we don't pray't pray about it. We don't give towards it. We don't care about it. We are not laboring for it. We are not faithful in our fields. It could just start with your field,
Starting point is 01:04:20 your spheres of influence. Listen, if you can't do anything because you're afraid to talk about Christ in aisle six of Walmart, surely you can pray. Surely you can invite them to 2819. Watch, watch this word. Surely you can do something. Come on. Now I'm about to close. Hold on, on watch what about that calling part y'all love that word calling in the passage we see next week jesus calls his followers to themselves and then he sends them
Starting point is 01:04:59 into this harvest field but watch but if you follow the writings of matthew what is the order of calling he calls us to himself first watch the s's call to the savior then you're called to see that's why he showed them the harvest then you're called to serve. Before any other specified blank, I'm a prophet, I'm a pastor. Before any other specified fill in the blank, your first callings with an S, call to the Savior first.
Starting point is 01:05:41 So you can't be more busy about work and you have no personal relationship. So you're called to the Savior first. You're called to Christ first. To adore Him, to love Him, to walk with Him, to talk to Him, to be surrendered to Him. Then you're called, watch, to see next, to see the world through the eyes of the kingdom. Once you've been saved, you've got to see the world through the eyes of the kingdom once you've been saved you got to see through the kingdom watch and then you're called to serve baseline christianity be involved in the
Starting point is 01:06:16 work of the gospel pray serve give do something to move the gospel forward that's on everybody and then it is the blank. A prophet, pastor, all this other stuff because you love to glorify platforms but we won't do the basics. So you want to skip savior, seeing, and service and go straight to a platform. And let me bust your bubble since you don't read read 98 percent of the time you see the word calling in the new testament and it's not attached to all these specialized things that you keep saying what you call to do what you call to do 98 percent of the time you see the word calling in the new testament is not attached to all of these fill in the blanks that you got 98 percent of the time
Starting point is 01:07:04 you see the word calling as attached to salvation and the work of the gospel. Those are your primary callings before anything else. So how should we define callings? Put the definition up on the screen for them. This is what a calling
Starting point is 01:07:20 is. A calling is God's divine summoning, beckoning to you of people to himself to his ways and to his service that's where calling begins. Before platforms. To him, to his ways, to his service first. Before all of you are filling the blanks, God called me to and I'm finna to do and all this other stuff. How you call to the platform and you don't have a prayer life. You're trying to bypass him. Call to the platform,
Starting point is 01:08:13 but hate the brothers and sisters. Trying to bypass the church. Somebody ask me for proof, please. Ask me. Ask me, please. Please, just ask me. Philip, give me proof, please. Somebody ask me, beg me. First Corinthians chapter five.
Starting point is 01:08:45 I'm going to give you proof, sister. Prove it to me. Prove it to you. No, let's do 2 Corinthians 5. 2 Corinthians 5. Let's do verse. Let's do verse. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:01 Let's do 2 Corinthians 5. Let's do verse 17. Are y'all there? Yeah. Let's do 2 Corinthians 5. Let's do verse 17. Are y'all there? Let's do, no, that's not it. That's not it. I'm just, give me a second. Let's do 2 Corinthians. Let's do 2nd Corinthians let's do
Starting point is 01:09:26 5 let's do 17 let's go there everybody there therefore I'm closing now if anyone is in Christ, I'm done. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, minister to these people, Sam.
Starting point is 01:10:03 He is what? A new creation. The old has passed away. Behold, the new has come. How much of this? All of this is from God. Who through Christ reconciled us. To who?
Starting point is 01:10:24 To himself. Called you to himself. And after he called you to himself, what did he give you after that? The ministry of reconciliation. Of helping others. so how you saved and don't care about the loss
Starting point is 01:10:56 he reconciled you to himself and then gave you a ministry to reconcile others. Yes. That is Christ. God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against him. And entrusting, you know what that is?
Starting point is 01:11:35 It's stewardship. Entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are, you are ambassadors for Christ. God doing everything he can to make his appeal to lost people. Through you. through you. But how can he do that when you don't care about the feel of harvest? You don't care about the loss. You don't care about the people at the gym or the people at your job or the people in your family. You don't care about the people at the gym or the people at your job
Starting point is 01:12:26 or the people in your family you don't give a darn but he's trying to work through you to bring other lost people to himself the least you can do is pray Lord save my unsaved fill in the blank
Starting point is 01:12:44 save these people at my job save these people in my gym save these family members you've been called to Christ first and then he's gave you a ministry of reconciliation as part of your calling to be involved in the work of reconciling
Starting point is 01:13:11 others. So how in God's name does the American church not prioritize? It's not in our hearts. Watch. And how could it be when the preaching don't teach us Christianity? Right here, we're going to repent.
Starting point is 01:13:43 I'm calling all of us right now to a moment of personal prayer. Nobody move in this room. I don't care if you got to get on your knees or get in the aisle. We're going to pause right here and repent because the scriptures and the news are screaming to us that we're living in the last days. And I keep trying to get you to understand that time is running out. And all around us, people are dying.
Starting point is 01:14:18 And they're being eternally separated from God. And if the church who has been entrusted with the ministry of reconciliation does not care, God help the lost. Close that door. Close that door. Right there. You're watching me online. You got to pull over in your car.
Starting point is 01:14:50 You're on your knees in the room. First, are you really called to Christ? Search your heart. Do you really love him? Are you really surrendered to him? Do you think about him in the morning? Do you think about him in the morning do you think about him during the day do you think about him in the evening do you love him do you want to be with him do you honor him treasure him obey him is he really your savior and your lord if you call yourself a follower and the Lord is not the apex of your affection, repent right now.
Starting point is 01:15:35 If you love your husband more than Christ. If you love your wife more than Christ. If you love your business and your endeavors more than Christ, if you love your business and your endeavors more than Christ, if there's anything you know you love more than him and you know it, repent right now. If all of your prayers are self-absorbed and you know it. You're always begging for what you want. You are not praying for the loss. You are not praying about this harvest. You are not praying for the spread of the God.
Starting point is 01:16:14 You know that you're not. You don't care about these things, man. Repent right now. Repent. You can't call yourself a follower and not care. Now, ask the Lord to give you his heart. Ask the Lord to give you his eyes. Ask the Lord to give you his burden.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Repent. Repent. repent. All of us, from the person with the microphone, repent. Repent. Repent for all that stuff that's more important to you than the Messiah. Repent. Repent for being full of apathy and indifference. Repent for just doing you
Starting point is 01:17:11 and not even caring about the loss around you, man. Repent for that. Repent for having a whack prayer life and ask God to draw you to himself and set your soul on fire. Lord, I want to desire you more than anything else in this life. More than my ministry, more than my platform, more than a big following, more than a house or car.
Starting point is 01:17:42 I want to desire you more than my desire for a husband or wife. I want you more. Repent. Where have you been more concerned about the thing you claim your call to more than about your personal relationship with Christ? You want that platform more than you want intimacy. You want that platform more than you want intimacy. You love the platform more than you want intimacy. You love the platform more than Christ. You want your name to be known more than you want his name to be known. Repent.
Starting point is 01:18:33 Repent. Where have you been unfaithful in your field where have you abdicated your responsibility where do you know there's some area of your life in your walk with the lord you are not faithful you're in rebellion you're disobedient and you're full of pride you have a hardened heart you won't pray you won't give disobedient. And you're full of pride. You have a hardened heart. You won't pray. You won't give. You won't serve. You're not generous.
Starting point is 01:19:10 You don't care. Where do you know you're in rebellion? Repent. Ask God to take out your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Not flesh for sin. Flesh as in soft towards him. Repent. I surrender. And lastly, who can you pray for now that you know is far away from God? Call their names before the Father. We're going to believe today that they're going to be rescued.
Starting point is 01:19:59 Who do you know in your family, in your circle, in your field, in your sphere of influence? Call their names right now. Who do you need to forgive and let go? I know they hurt you many seasons ago. Let them go. I know they touched you many seasons ago. Let them go. Even pray for the one who inflicted you with evil.
Starting point is 01:20:23 How about that? Pray. Pray out of your heart inflicted you with evil. How about that? Pray. Pray out of your heart the person you're holding. Ask God to give you the grace for forgiveness. Come on, you can't hold them forever. It's hindering you from moving forward. The blood of Christ is enough to pay for what they did. The blood of Christ is enough to pay for what they did.
Starting point is 01:20:55 You need peace. You need to sleep tonight when you get home. Let them go. Now who can you cry out for who's not saved I want to know you more I want to know you more I surrender I surrender I want to know you more I want to know you more. I want to know you more.
Starting point is 01:21:49 I surrender. I surrender. I want to know you more. I want to know you more. I want to know you more. I surrender. I surrender. I want to know you more. I surrender. I surrender. I want to know you more. I want to know you more.
Starting point is 01:22:43 I surrender. I surrender. I surrender. I want to know you, Lord. I want to know you, Lord. I surrender. I surrender. I surrender, I surrender. I want to know you, Lord.
Starting point is 01:23:13 I want to know you, Lord. I surrender, I surrender I want to know you Lord I want to know you Lord I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender I surrender
Starting point is 01:23:44 I surrender. I want to know you, Lord. I want to know you, Lord. I surrender. I surrender. I want to know you, Lord. I want to know you, Lord. I want to know you, Lord. The shame with Jesus, the pain with him. Lord, have your way.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Lord, have your way in me Like a mighty storm Thundering in my soul Lord, have your way Lord, have your way in me Like a mighty wind Jesus breathe within Lord have your way
Starting point is 01:24:55 Lord have your way in me like a mighty storm Staring at my soul Lord, have Your way Lord, have Your way In me Like a mighty wind
Starting point is 01:25:23 Jesus, breathe with me. Lord, have your way, Lord, have your way in me. Like a mighty storm, staring me by the door Lord, have your way Lord, have your way In me I surrender I surrender I want to know you more.
Starting point is 01:26:06 I want to know you more. I surrender. I surrender. I want to know you more. I want to know you more. I want to know you more. Thank you. Father, I pray. I pray. Father, I pray. Over these, your sons and daughters. Receive our repentance.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Throw down a ball of fire upon our souls. Open our eyes to see all around us the harvest that is so ripe on social media and in our fields of influence. Let us be your agents of reconciliation through our prayers, through our generosity, through our service. The time is running out and you are soon to return. Awaken your children. Awaken the church in America.
Starting point is 01:28:43 We pray for one more great awakening, God. One more outpouring of your spirit upon this nation. We cry out for real revival. Real spiritual renewal. We want something to change, Lord. We want something to change, Lord. We want something to change, Lord. Awaken your agents, God. God, awaken.
Starting point is 01:29:20 Awaken your agents. In Christ's name I pray. Amen.

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