2819 Church - KINGDOM GEMS | A Chosen Identity | Matthew 5:13-16 | Salt & Light | Philip Anthony Mitchell

Episode Date: January 4, 2025

In week TWO of "KINGDOM GEMS" Pastor Philip A. Mitchell teaches a compelling message on identity and functionality. Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel features powe...rful and life-impacting messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Yo, it's Resurrection Sunday, fam. Anybody glad to be in the house of the Lord? Yeah. To all my 2819 family, it's always good to be with you in God's presence. I'm reminded of what the writer of Hebrews said, that we should not take for granted or forsake the assembly of ourselves together But you should do this all the more especially as you see the day of Christ's return approaching So he says that we should not take this for granted Praise God for online, but if you can get here don't take this for granted
Starting point is 00:00:43 There's some things that happen in the room that won't happen on the couch and so we want to take advantage of every opportunity we have to gather as a family for i was reminded this week that there are places in our world where we have brothers and sisters who cannot do this we should never take this for granted scripture says don't stop doing this don't forsake it so shout out to my 2819 family in the room my 2819 family online all of you watching me live right now on youtube in cities all across this country in a few pockets around the world. Our people in Australia, spots across the continent of Africa. We always get your DMs and your letters and your emails.
Starting point is 00:01:33 So all of you watching us live right now across the country, a few pockets around the world, we thank you. We greet you live from right here in Atlanta where we are fighting on the backside of this mountain to spread the gospel as far out as we can push it. Shout out to all the guests in the room. If you are a guest, we're so glad that you're here. If you're not a follower of Christ, we're glad that you're here. We thank God for you. I want to also give a special shout out to one of my men's is in the building, A legend of sorts.
Starting point is 00:02:06 One of the progenitors of Christian hip hop. Without him, there would probably be no Christian hip hop. He is the foundation of the movement that has dominated the world. I know him as my dude Deuce William Branch. You know him as the ambassador. Shout out to my man Deuce that's in the building a legend of christian hip-hop and uh shout out to my brother lucius who was here earlier who's getting ready to start a church today at i think about five o'clock this afternoon his church will be planting up in marietta we've been praying for that church plant we've been
Starting point is 00:02:42 helping that church plant we've been supporting that church plant because there's no competition, right? It's like we want the gospel to spread. So I'm about to keep it all the way real. Like if you're watching me and you live in Marietta, you ain't even got to drive down here. You could go check out U Movement Church in Marietta that's launching today. I will be there speaking at that church along with Deuce. We'll be contributing to the gospel plant that's happening there later on this afternoon. I'll get a chance to share twice
Starting point is 00:03:13 today. Shout out to my brother Lucius who's planting his church today. We want churches planted and we want the gospel to spread in Jesus name. We've been praying for that church in Marietta. I don't even know what direction that is from here. North, west, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:32 I'm still learning my parts. It's shameful, right? Like, I know my five boroughs, though. And so shout out to that church plant in northwest Atlanta. And we're praying for that church and praying for every church that church plant in northwest Atlanta and we're praying for that church and praying for every church that God has ordained not that man has ordained for not just because you have a teaching gift that'll mean God called you to pastor a church a teaching gift does not equal a pastoral calling a
Starting point is 00:04:03 pastoral calling is dangerous. You're going to give an account for that. It is Jesus, according to Ephesians, that hand selects people to be in those offices. The apostle, prophet, pastor, and teacher. We don't choose those for ourselves. Those gifts are given by Christ to build up the body. It is dangerous to take that upon yourself
Starting point is 00:04:22 unless God has confirmed you in that place and so we pray for every church in our city and i have been that god has ordained and not that man has ordained because they're itching we don't support that in jesus name amen so i acknowledge that today is resurrection sunday, Easter Sunday, whatever tagline you want to use. And I know it is common and appropriate for us to kind of preach an Easter message or a resurrection message. I'm not going to do that. Because personally, I feel three out of four Sundays, I preach a Resurrection Sunday message in our church anyway. We hear about the cross anyway, right? So I'm not going to do it. And I'm not doing it out of obedience to the
Starting point is 00:05:12 Holy Spirit. Like I'm done with all of the shenanigans around this Sunday and all of the cultural commercialism around this Sunday. I'm finished with all of that. My team and I have made a decision. Jesus builds, we store. We're just obeying the Holy Spirit, even if it don't look like what you think it should look like. Free from that at this point. I'm just kind of done with that, right? So if you are guests in this room,
Starting point is 00:05:41 no Easter message coming for you. Thankful that you're here my handcuff you for about another 40 minutes and we're gonna you're gonna body about the eavesdrop on a conversation I'm having with my church as we're walking through a book, an ancient book called Matthew. That book was written by a dude who was an outcast Jew. He was wealthy, but he was hated. Because he worked for the Roman government in the first century AD. He had no friends, probably had no girl, no baddie in his life.
Starting point is 00:06:28 He was ostracized Jesus according to history was walking by his office one day and saw him and called him by name Matthew follow me and Matthew left his job for the federal government and he followed Jesus into the future of what will become his life he became a preacher of the gospel one of the twelve apostles he wrote a book that bears his name it is the most read document in the history of the world because the scriptures is the most read book in the history of the world and for 1700 years the church has used his book to train Christians and how they should live so you won't be offended at us all the time for our foolishness. We know, I'm talking to the unbelievers, that you don't really got an issue with God like that.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Else you wouldn't be here. There's something in you that believes even just a little bit. You came close enough to get the aroma of God's fragrance. You can smell his cologne in the room. So we know there's something in you that brought you here. Some measure of faith. Maybe it's even tradition that you do this once a year. I'm glad you're here.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Maybe you're just Christmas and Easter. Glad you're here. I know you can smell God's perfume in the room. Now he ain't wear perfume. He's a hardcore. I know you can smell his cologne in the room. I'm going to just use the pronouns he chose for himself jesus revealed him as a father and so i know you can smell the father's perfume in the room so i know there's some reason that you're here maybe somebody brought you here
Starting point is 00:07:59 they dragged you here you do this once a year but i believe you're not here by accident so while you're sitting in the room not getting your easter message i just want you to eavesdrop on a conversation i'm going to have with the believers in the room my 20 and 19 family and if something moves you in my talk we praise god for that no No Easter message coming today. Okay? No Easter message. Week six of a series called Kingdom Gems. Kingdom Gems.
Starting point is 00:08:36 When we're walking through what has been called the Sermon on the Mount, it is the only full-length recorded sermon of the Lord Jesus Christ who lived and died in the first century A.D. and was miraculously raised from a tomb there is an empty tomb in Jerusalem I've been there and his bones were never found because he's in glory every other prophet would have named their bones are laying somewhere in the earth choose the name of your prophet their bones in the earth Christ the name of your prophet their bones are in the earth christ's bones were never found he's in glory the only resurrected prophet you could
Starting point is 00:09:10 pick your prophet whatever you want to call your prophet their bones is in a box or an ossuary christ's bones was never found he was ascended he He is not here. He has risen. So Jesus at 30 bursts onto the scenes. He's preaching and teaching and healing. Great crowds are following him. His Instagram is blowing up. He's the hottest rabbi in the streets. He sees all these crowds, tens of thousands of people coming to him.
Starting point is 00:09:46 The crippled, the lame. He's been feeding and healing. He goes up on a mountain. He sits down. He begins to teach his followers. And this message for all my note takers, we're going to unpack Matthew 6, 19 through 24. We're going to run through this. And shout out to the baby in the room.
Starting point is 00:10:12 We're going to tag a title to this text and I might change the title before it goes live on YouTube. I don't know. I don't care. But for right now, we're just going to call it Bags and Blindness. Get the bag, but don't go blind while you get it though for my seasoned saints it's like get the bag a bag is a urban colloquialism for get the money build a business build an entrepreneurial venture
Starting point is 00:10:41 get the promotion get Get the bag. Just don't get the ones with the holes in the bottom. And don't go blind while you're getting the bag. So let me give you the title of the message again. Bags and Blindness. This is probably one of the most difficult messages in this series i know it's the one that's going to make you cringe it's all right though if you cringe that's a good thing what you do with this message is on you
Starting point is 00:11:19 so eternal god and ever wise father i pray right now for my brothers and sisters and for the unbeliever Lord I pray for help in my own weakness this morning and my own fear and trembling of approaching this text I can't really do it any justice apart from your Holy Spirit
Starting point is 00:11:42 I'm not eloquent in speech I know that this is extremely difficult to talk about in America I can't really do it any justice apart from your Holy Spirit. I'm not eloquent in speech. I know that this is extremely difficult to talk about in America, yet it's here and we can't skip over it. So Holy Spirit, I pray you would help me to communicate this eternal truth and you would bring revelation and insight to the heirs that are in the room and those that are listening across this camera. I ask for help for me and for them. In Christ's name, I pray. Amen and amen. Thank y'all and amen. Amen. Bags and blindness.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Our family, right now as I'm talking to you today, all across this country, all across this city, churches, followers of Jesus, preachers and ministers are pausing today to commemorate what I say is the greatest event in human history, the resurrection of Christ from the dead. For as much as we love the word of God and for as much as we love gathering according to the word of God, without the resurrection, everything that we have done would be in vain if christ is not raised from the dead
Starting point is 00:13:06 if he is not alive if he's not seated at the right hand of the father all of this is in vain all of this is a waste of time these outfits are waste of time the worship is a waste of time all the investment of us doing this is really a waste of time because christ was not the only person that came preaching, but he was the only one resurrected from a tomb. Joseph Smith is in a tomb. Muhammad is in a tomb. He was a great leader. He's in a tomb. Joseph Smith died in New York in my home state. He's in a tomb your David Koresh is in a tomb fill in the blank over and over and over all of them they're in a tomb but we today pause to remember and commemorate the greatest event in human history the death burial and the resurrection of a man who claimed to be the son of almighty God. God in a body, walking around with human beings, doing ministry with men for three and a half years.
Starting point is 00:14:15 The impact of that event is staggering on human history. For as much as many of you reject Jesus, every time you sign the date on a check or a piece of paper, you acknowledge Christ. Every time you do a paper and you put the date at the top, you acknowledge Christ. Every time you post on social media, anytime you write the date anywhere, you acknowledge Christ. Because all of human history has been split around this event into years B.C., before Christ, and years A.D., and New Dom Domini Latin for in the year of our Lord so you can't even write the date and not acknowledge Christ because time
Starting point is 00:14:53 is split around his birth his life his death his burial and his resurrection so impactful was this person in human history that all of time revolves around his life not your favorite prophet's life jesus's life into years bc before christ and years ad and udama 9 latin for in the year of our lord so every time you write the date you acknowledge jesus i see some people right now gonna start trying to skip the date on their next paper no every time you write the date you acknowledge we're 2023 years removed from the greatest event in human history. There was 12 men he called to himself. Look right at me. Just went around calling them, follow me and I will make you, follow me and I will make you. According to history, man, he poured into these men for 12 years or three and a half years.
Starting point is 00:16:00 12 men he poured into their lives for three and a half years. And by the time he was crucified, when we don't know exactly when that was, but we celebrated around this time. By the time he was crucified, these dudes were so shook, so afraid to go through what he went through. They didn't want no parts of that cross. They didn't want no parts of that death. They didn't want no parts of being executed. They weren't tough enough to do what Jesus was going to do. I ain't talking all that trash. Lord, we want to drink the cup that you drink. Are you really ready for that?
Starting point is 00:16:29 By the time they saw him nailed, man, they fled. They run. Them dudes was out of there. Gone. Scadaddled. The chief ones that he called, they went back to their businesses. Peter and these brothers went back to fishing. They went back to their businesses. Peter and these brothers went back to fishing.
Starting point is 00:16:46 They went back to their businesses. No way we're following this dead rabbi beyond that execution. But this is why you can't write your story on a Friday. For an angel came down from heaven dressed in white, rolled back a stone, and said to a group of women who were the first ones to the tomb on a sunday morning man why are you looking for the living amongst the dead that man is not here he has risen just as he said he would he went to be at the right hand of his father and then he appears on a seashore,
Starting point is 00:17:27 cooking food, bread and fish. He shows up and he shows himself to his disciples and brothers and over 500 people. There are documented evidence and stories for a resurrected Jesus. This ain't no spook. There's something y'all believe Jesus is real. The argument is not whether he's real. the argument is he who he claimed to be and people who don't even believe in him have
Starting point is 00:17:50 wrote about his life there's documented evidence outside of the scriptures for his life is is he who he claimed to be is the argument not whether or not he lived that's ridiculous is was he really god in the flesh but something happened to these dudes after they saw a resurrected jesus all of them except for the one who committed suicide judas who's eternally separated from god pause he'd been burning in hell for over 2 000 years and he's not gonna get out see we read past that in the scriptures like he he committed suicide after betraying jesus and was eternally lost he's been separated from god for two millennia watch and he ain't getting out
Starting point is 00:18:39 and we swear we so tough now you don't want to die without christ it's like jumping out a plane with no parachute the only parachute you got for eternity has a name and his name is jesus there's no safe exit from this life apart from jesus the only safe exit from this life is where jesus strapped to your soul. And so they see a resurrection. And then the craziest thing happens after they see the Lord. These brothers start preaching with boldness. They start declaring the wonders of God. They start doing miracles.
Starting point is 00:19:16 They start preaching. They start healing. They start raising the dead. And one after the other, one after the other, one after the other, these men are put to death and they are persecuted and they are put to death. They start preaching the message of the one who came and preached this message before them. Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Which was the first message Jesus came preaching.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. And that was the message that they continued after him. The kingdom of heaven is at hand. And that was the message that they continued after him. The kingdom of heaven is at hand. You've heard that before. And some of us don't really care about that, that we're not paying attention, man, that the kingdom of heaven is here and not yet. It came in the body of Jesus. It is the reign and rule of God in the whole earth. Some of you said, you said well the kingdom of heaven is here why is there so much suffering in the world and death in the world all these things because the kingdom in its first form in its beta form it's not physical you can't touch it but it's
Starting point is 00:20:16 alive in the hearts of men i'm gonna give you proof of that. Everyone in here who the Lord brought you into the kingdom and you feel the spirit on the inside of you, yo, give God a wave offering of praise. Let the unbeliever see you. That there was a time when you was in darkness and God rescued you from that darkness. He zipped you up with the Holy Spirit and sent you back into the world full of light.
Starting point is 00:20:41 Anybody else got that testimony besides me? November 2003 over a toilet seat in a bathroom. Suicidal. And so the kingdom of heaven is here. It's alive in the hearts of men. It's starting with a group of people and it began to spread throughout the Roman Empire. It toppled that empire. It spread throughout east. It spread throughout the world. Now some two billion people claim Jesus is Lord and the kingdom of heaven is spreading and it's going to keep on spreading until it envelops the whole world. And right now, as I'm talking to you this morning, the kingdom of heaven is advancing in churches all across the city, all across this country. Jesus is being
Starting point is 00:21:26 preached. The kingdom is being spread. Hearts are coming into the kingdom and no man, no president, no politician is going to do anything to slow down the advancement of the kingdom. It's like the people in Pompeii who lived at the bottom of Mount Vesuvius and enjoying their lives. And then when Mount Vesuvius erupted, that plume of smoke came down that mountain. They couldn't get away from that smoke. They couldn't run from that smoke. Go look it up for yourself. And that smoke just covered the entire Roman colony of Pompeii. All them people were buried in ash. That's what the kingdom of heaven is like. It's just coming like a tidal wave down a mountain. It's going to sweep across the whole globe. It's going to envelop everything. It's conquering hearts, and it's toppling, and it's sneaking into Islamic strongholds. Muslims having dreams of
Starting point is 00:22:19 Jesus at night. People being persecuted. It's taking over the underground church in china it's blowing up in south america it's sweeping across the continent of africa and while we're sucking our thumbs and playing around the kingdom of heaven is taking over everything in the hearts of men the kingdom of heaven is going to continue until it comes to an end and armed with that reality man those men begin to preach the kingdom of heaven is going to continue until it comes to an end and armed with that reality man those men began to preach the kingdom of heaven about a spreading and a spreading all of them one after the other died one was clubbed to death one skinned to death one thrown off the temple and his head crushed in one was dragged to death by a chariot until his skin and his bones broke apart to pieces in the rock one after the other after other, they were put to death except for one.
Starting point is 00:23:07 His name was John. They tried to kill him. They threw him in a tub of boiling oil. He survived that some way, somehow by God's grace. They pulled him out of that oil and said, this dude is still alive. You know what we're going to do? We're going to banish him to a prison island called Patmos. It's a small island off the coast of the Mediterranean, just off the coast of Ephesus, which is modern-day Turkey. The island is still there to this day. And there, John was on that island alone, old. And in around the year 80, 90 or so, history tells us that the lord appeared to him on that island and said to him john get a parchment and a pen and i want you to write down everything i'm about to show you
Starting point is 00:23:50 everything i want you to write down is going to happen whether people believe it or not john sees a glorified jesus falls down to his face in worship gets back up grabs his pen listens to what the vision is and begins to write down the vision that Jesus gave him on that island. We have that recorded for us in the back of the scriptures called the book of Revelation. I want to read to you one of the end time prophecies that John wrote that Jesus gave him that is coming, whether people want to believe it, they can't stop it from happening. Revelation chapter 19, John wrote this. This came directly from Jesus in a vision. Verse 11. Then I saw, that is John, heaven open and behold a white horse. So yeah, there's animals in heaven. The one sitting on it is called faithful and true and his righteousness he judges and makes war.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Pause. Like he ain't a baby in a manger anymore. I know you love that nativity scene and think he's just curled up in him. No, no, no,, no He's a resurrected glorified Jesus and he's not coming back to make peace first John said he when he returns he's coming back to make war Like he stunged out like that pause Right they think Jesus some little punk from Europe no he's coming back to make war he's not some punk from Europe This isn't just a white man make war. He's not some punk from Europe. This ain't just a white man's religion. He's a resurrected savior. Eyes like a blazing fire. Body like brass. Out of his mouth goes a two-edged sword.
Starting point is 00:25:39 He says he's coming back to make war. Verse 12. His eyes are like a flame of fire. And on his head are many diadems or crowns. And he has a name that is written that no one knows but himself. God. Everybody watch. Verse 13. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood. And the name which has been given, he's called the Word of God every time I grab the Bible I hold on to Jesus all of the scriptures prophesy
Starting point is 00:26:13 about Jesus from the Old Testament to Revelation is Jesus every verse every page every line every paragraph Christ Christ Christ christ christ watch and watch verse 14 and the armies of heaven are arrayed in fine linen i like this next word white and pure following him on white horses from his mouth comes a sharp sword to strike down the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron everybody watch he will tread the wine press of the fury of the wrath of god almighty and on his robe and on his thigh is written a name so he's tatted on his thigh and he has a name on his robe says king of kings and lord of lords john wrote these words what is this words i just read to you this is a future event that will be the beginning of the end of time as we know it it is coming it cannot be stopped man it could be next year we don't know it could be could be next year we don't know it
Starting point is 00:27:25 could be five years from now we don't know it could be ten years from now we don't know but we feel the fragrance of the end times in the air these prophetic words of God is for all humanity and I want you to notice all these people that be trying to trash the book of Revelation the Lord did not hide from humanity was coming He wanted humanity to know that this is coming. He didn't want to keep it a secret. He wanted you to see that there's coming a time when the Lord's kingdom will be the final kingdom in the earth. What do we see about his kingdom? His kingdom is going to be visible.
Starting point is 00:28:02 It's going to be forceful. It's going to come sudden. It's going to be glorious for the believer. It's going to be terrifying for those outside of the kingdom of God. It will usher in the beginning of the permanent reign of God in the world. And when this happens, everything else we know now to be normal is going to bow and be crushed under the weight of the coming kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Every nation will be subdued. Every adversary of Christ will be toppled. Every idol will be toppled. Their hands will be broken. And the only thing that's going to remain in the end is going to be the kingdom of God. The only thing that's going to remain in the end is going to be the kingdom of God. So the kingdom is here now in our hearts, invisible, but it's coming physical in the end.
Starting point is 00:28:48 Now, why did I read that to you? Because all of us right now who are alive, watch this, we are alive in the middle. Look right at me. We are alive right now in the middle, the middle of the kingdom in the hearts of men and the physical kingdom that's coming to the earth. Everyone's sitting in this room. We're all in the middle of the spiritual kingdom we cannot see and the physical kingdom that's coming to the earth. We all right now are living in the middle.
Starting point is 00:29:15 We all right now are sandwiched between a spiritual kingdom and a physical kingdom, a kingdom that's here and not yet and a kingdom that's coming that nobody can't stop. Now, for all my believers in the room, look at me. What do you think you're supposed to be doing during this time while you're in the middle? Now, I'm talking to you. I want us to stop playing church for just a second. Stop playing Easter. I don't care about your bunny and your eggs. I'm asking you a real question. We are living in the middle between the kingdom that's alive in your heart and that kingdom that's coming.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Coming because our Lord is coming to make war. And for all of our friends and family, people in this room that's outside the kingdom, man, if they're on the other side of that battle, they're going to be eternally lost. And I'm saying to you as my brothers and sisters, what are we supposed to be doing in the middle? What are we supposed to be doing with this time that we have? That we have, watch, what I call a set period of time in the middle. It's fixed. Your death is coming. The Lord is coming. Man, I'm screaming from the roof. Like, for real like I'm up here every Sunday screaming from the rooftop to anybody that will listen in this room in this city in this nation yo that although we don't know the day or the hour of the turn of Christ we can smell that we're probably entering into the last days like are you not paying attention that the headlines of the news
Starting point is 00:30:39 are reading right out of the last pages of the Bible? And man, I'm shouting from this platform every week for believers in our church and believers in this city and believers across this country, man, to wake up from your slumber and your sleep from just doing church and going home and singing songs and going home. Like, that's so boring.
Starting point is 00:31:03 If on the inside, we're not alive with an awareness that we are in the middle of the spiritual kingdom and a coming kingdom and that we're doing something about that in our lives and our witness from our knees are you listening to me and so the lord expects us in the middle man to serve the kingdom and to pray for the kingdom and to push forth the kingdom and to pray for the kingdom and to push forth the kingdom and to preach about the kingdom and post about the kingdom and be conscious about the kingdom and pray about the kingdom is what we're supposed to be doing in the middle.
Starting point is 00:31:35 That while I'm talking to you right now, we see two forces encroaching on mankind. Y'all already know what they are, y'all. The forces we ain't gotta like y'all know what's there right and the power of the kingdom like like y'all can't see that like like when you when you putting on demonic costumes and dancing with fake demons at the grammys y'all can't see decay in our society like don't nobody see that just blind to that kind of stuff no y'all blind let me go on the side right yeah just blind to stuff like that let go or when you see they're doing parades in brazil or whatever country that was when they take a fake jesus and throw him in the street and mock him in the street like people just mocking jesus open in the street like father forgive them y'all don't even have no
Starting point is 00:32:22 idea what you're doing and some of of them same people mocking Jesus in the street going to wake up the next day only because of God's grace. Like, I'm so sick of this argument. People always talking about God is mean. God is cruel. Why are we going to serve God? I don't want to serve him. He's a boss.
Starting point is 00:32:39 He's a taskmaster. Really? God is cruel? God is cruel? Man, the scripture tells in the first century of two people, man, that sold a house and the church came in and then the apostles asked the man, did you give us all the proceeds? They said, yes, we did. They said, you lied to the Holy Spirit.
Starting point is 00:32:54 A husband and a wife died. Not Old Testament, New Testament, your era. Watch, watch, watch. Lied to the Holy Spirit and died. Let me repeat. Because y'all think God is cruel. Lied to the Holy Spirit and died. Let me go over here.
Starting point is 00:33:11 Because you think God is mean. Lied to God and died. Pause. You want to see what mean is? What if God, to prove a point, just starts striking down everybody that sinned? You lost in your mind, dead. Lie to me, dead.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Don't want to come to church faithfully, dead. Don't want to be kind to brothers and sisters, dead. Every time y'all sin, I'm just going to keep striking you down until the church is empty, until it's not about the worship team and the pastor left. Maybe half of them might be gone too.
Starting point is 00:33:44 And God started killing people every time you send to prove a point of how holy he is people will be terrified to death the church will be packed but we in here sinning and breathing so is he cruel or is he gracious oh god is cruel god is cruel but you lusted after that shorty though you could have been dead on the last loss oh god is cruel but you lied to your wife though you could have been dead on the last loss oh god is cruel but you lied to your wife though you could have been dead on the last lie oh god is cruel but you love other things more
Starting point is 00:34:33 to him but you're still getting up tomorrow morning to go to work for the money you think you own but he's cruel no friend he's gracious he's loving and kind and patient and merciful cruelty will be to strike down every person that sins in the mind or action that's cruel man y'all was wilding out last night and came to your easter sunday service though cruel no gracious so like look at me yo i'm i'm talking to you for real let's stop the nonsense you can't like you can't thumb through social media and turn on the news and can't see the evil that's growing in our society the moral decadence in our society the spiritual decadence in our society you got pastors that switch sides and or doing all kind of foolish and preaching
Starting point is 00:35:34 all kind of lies from the pulpit every sunday man we see evil all in our society man some of people man hey i stopped talking about that last day stuff like man we're not living in no last days y'all always trying to make us afraid i feel a passage rolling up in my spirit it's not in my notes but it's in my heart oh yes yes yes second timothy chapter three this is what this this is what the aroma of the last day smell like but understand this that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. Check. For people will be lovers of themselves. Check.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Blue check. Lovers Thank you. should i finish the list but in the last days when the last days before the kingdom just take over everything there will be times of difficulty. Check. For people will be lovers of themselves. Check. Lovers of money. Check. Proud. Check.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Arrogant. Check. Abusive. Check. Disobedient to their parents. Check. disobedient to their parents. Like, you can't even control little Jaquan. I don't know what to do with little Jaquan.
Starting point is 00:37:42 Send him to my house. I had Jaquan straight in about 30 days. I'm old school. You do time out. I do leather and I squeeze shoulders. Come here, Jaquan. Come here. What?
Starting point is 00:38:07 You grab them two shoulders and you squeeze his shoulders tight and you open up your eyes wide and you speak to him with authority you can't control somebody two feet tall yo and y'all laughing some of y'all think because we black some of y'all think that's cute until you got a crazy adult that you're praying for you better tell Jaquan don't talk to your elders like that come off that table in the restaurant you better not act a fool when we go in target Don't ask me for nothing when we get in Walmart. Train Jaquan. Yeah. Teach that.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Can I just throw this out there on the side? I'm praying for our modern parents who have exchanged the wisdom of the scripture for articles on Google. Some therapist who's unsaved trying to teach you how to raise your child when the scripture teaches you how to raise children. The best playbook for raising children is in the Word of God. You want me to give you something?
Starting point is 00:39:33 This ain't got nothing to do with the message. No, let me focus. Here's just a couple. Train up your child in the way they should go not let them figure things out on their own their brain is not smart enough to understand things on their own they can't be free thinkers you got to train them to think and to train them to help make good decision making watch the word train up your child and the way they should go you want me to give you another one children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior where do you put an arrow in a safe place then you stretch it that's training then you point it in the right direction
Starting point is 00:40:24 and when they're 18, you release them towards Christ. I know the DMs are coming, Rocio. You want another one? Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child. And the rod of correction would drive that foolishness far from the child. Say it again for the people in the back. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child and the rod of correction would drive it far from the child. So there is no getting rid of foolishness
Starting point is 00:41:06 without discipline. The answer to foolishness is discipline and training. we should do a parenting summit you'll be there yeah would y'all attend my parenting summit? What was I talking to you about? The last days.
Starting point is 00:41:56 Oh, I closed my Bible. Why y'all let me do that? All right, I got to hurry up. 2 Timothy chapter 3. It's not in the screen because it's not in my notes, but it's in my spirit. Where was that? Oh, yeah. Disobedient to their parents.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Check. Can we keep going? Ungrateful. Unholy. Heartless. Unappeasable. This one, I prayed out of the church because y'all love this one slanderous always got something negative to say in the dark sinful satanic behavior
Starting point is 00:42:36 that originated in heaven with the devil sowing seeds in the dark dividing friends in the church, talking to people about problems who don't got the authority to fix it. You don't look, you're not looking for help. You're gossiping. You ain't looking for help. Ain't looking for help. You gossiping. Yeah I know when elder
Starting point is 00:43:07 Milton be like you think elder Milton should be doing that but you that person can't fix it though. You want to push back the K starting here. Don't let people in here talk like that say hold on hold on you should pray about that or matthew 18 go to elder milton like i got gray hairs in here like i ain't just saying my first rodeo i already know how this go down yes sir i don't even know where i'm at oh without self-control check brutal check not loving good check treacherous check reckless swollen with pride and conceit lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of, having an appearance of godliness, but denying the power thereof. You know, you need to avoid such people.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Somebody tried to, some troll tried to get at me the other day on Instagram. Why are you telling people it's the end times your brother read i ain't say i don't know when jesus coming back but we know the aroma of these end times like time is running out they're gonna keep persecuting me until until until until stuff hit the fan in the united states and then they're going to go looking for my messages on YouTube. I'm trying to warn y'all now that a tidal wave is coming now, that the kingdom is coming now, that time is running out now, that you need to get right now. You need to be saved now. You need to put your faith in Christ now. You need to start living for real now. You need to be a witness now. You need to keep your family close now. You need to love now and forgive now and serve now and be a witness now and post for Jesus now and stand for something
Starting point is 00:45:12 now. You need to do that now while we're running out of time. Now is the time to do that. You're in the game now. It's the fourth quarter now. It's time to stop playing church now. Man, some of the unbelievers in this room, they tired of us playing church. They sick of us. They sick of us playing church. They don't want no parts of this except on Easter and Christmas because we full of foolishness and antics and every time they go to a gathering, man, we're doing backflips off the ceiling and acting a fool.
Starting point is 00:45:50 Man, there are unbelievers in this room that want no parts of the church. Not because they got a problem with God. They got a problem with you. And they got a problem with me. I'm not even mad at some of the unbelievers in this room that you don't want to go to church. The way some of us act, I wouldn't
Starting point is 00:46:11 want to be around us either. So judgmental and cruel, when God said, Jesus said, man, by our love, they will know. Not by our slander, not by our division, not by our playing around, not by our slander not by our division not by our playing around
Starting point is 00:46:28 not by our antics not by our lies not by our bless the Lord but we phony by our love alright let me just family look at me let me let me just i'm heading for the descent now look at me all all of this while we in the middle i look right at me let me get real for a second like while you in the middle jesus wanted you to have two things you know what he wanted you to have tattoo him to your heart clear vision and a clear heart
Starting point is 00:47:09 what did i just say to you what did jesus want you to have in the middle he wants you to have clear vision He wants you to be able to see. And he wants you to have a clear heart. He desires for you to see clearly the heart of God, the will of God, the plans of God. He desires for you to be a witness for him and to be free from bondage of one of the greatest snares of the human heart. I'm about to show you it and we're going to be done. Let me repeat this before I show you this because I know you're going to cringe as soon as I read it. You're going to cringe. As soon as I read this to you, it's only a couple verses and when I read it, I already know you're going to
Starting point is 00:47:50 cringe in your seat because we're in America. I already know. So let me repeat this to you one more time. Everybody look right at me. Jesus, while you're in the middle, while you know the kingdom is coming, while he called you to be a witness he wanted you to have a he wanted you to have clear vision and a clear heart watch and he wanted his followers to be free from the bondage of one of the greatest snares to mankind god's second competitor after the devil so he talked to you about kingdom character the beatitudes about kingdom identity so and light about the kingdom law the word of god and then he immediately after talk watch this this is crazy immediately after talking to you about kingdom disciplines
Starting point is 00:48:40 about fasting and praying look at the very next next thing Jesus says to his followers in the Sermon on the Mount. Let me read you these verses. Look at them. Verse 6, 19. Here you go. Cringe mania coming. Cringe mania coming. Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal here is the part we have trouble in America but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal for where your
Starting point is 00:49:23 treasure is, there your heart will be also. Right? So he says, wherever your treasure is, your heart follows your treasure. Whatever you invest in, your heart is tied to your investments. Now he's speaking in a time where they did not have physical dollars. Everybody watch. Their wealth was held in tangible commodities like gold and clothing, like jackets and like grain and food. And when people wanted to keep their wealth, they will build barns or storehouses. They will put their grains in bars. They will put their gold in lockers and they couldn't protect that stuff or they'll bury some of it in the ground. They would put their grains in bars. They would put their gold in lockers, and they couldn't protect that stuff, or they'll bury some of it in the ground. They would do everything they can to
Starting point is 00:50:09 hide their treasures, but because they lived in a time when banks was embryonic, people did not trust banks, and so they try to hide all their wealth for themselves. A closet under the bed, under the shoebox. Y'all know how this go down. But in those days, people would see you and they'll break into your house. They will steal your gold. They will kick open the doors of your treasuries. They will steal your grain, steal your jackets. That's why they took Joseph's coat because jackets were wealth. Food was wealth. Gold was wealth. And people would steal that stuff. And then moth would get into cellars and eat up people's clothes. You can lose a jacket and go broke. You can lose a jacket and go broke. Watch. So Jesus was saying, and I'm going to speed through this. Everybody look right at me. I know this feels uncomfortable. He said to them,
Starting point is 00:50:56 don't stockpile wealth in this world and be greedy about it. Watch, and do nothing with it. Watch, everybody watch. But instead, as you're getting to the bag, use your bag to store up treasures in heaven. So the next question you should be asking me is, how do I use my bag to build treasures in heaven? Watch, he's telling you, use your money to invest in things you can carry with you when you die. You ain't never seen a U-Haul hooked up to a hearse. And everything you stockpile in this life, you can't take it with you when you go to that box. Your 401k is going to remain. Your mansion is going to remain. Your cars are going to remain. Your cars are going to remain. Your dollars are going to remain.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Your savings account is going to remain. You can't take no physical money with you when you die. But when you use your bags to invest in things like winning souls to the kingdom, helping the poor, supporting missionaries, supporting gospel ministries. Now what you're doing, you're sending your money ahead of you into eternity. And what Jesus is trying to teach his children, if you stockpile everything down here and you hoard it because your heart is full of greed, you're going to enjoy it in this life and you're going to arrive in heaven bankrupt. Now watch. Why would you want to arrive someplace where you're going to be forever and be broke there? You're so spooky deep. Let me ask you a straight question because it says treasures here treasures
Starting point is 00:52:46 in heaven don't change the text why do you want to arrive in a place where you're going to be forever and be broke there and what the lord is saying to his children is the bags that you have the money you're getting to the businesses that you're building the money you're getting to, the businesses that you're building, the endeavors you have, all of the resources I'm funneling into your hands. Use some of that for eternal purposes. Sow into missions. Support gospel ministries. Support your local church. Give money to the poor. In fact, the scripture says if you give money to the poor in fact the scriptures if you live you give money to the poor you lend to the lord pause if you give money to the poor you lend to the lord let me tell you the lord would not be in debt to no man you missed that you missed that that means you can't support the poor and not get a return he says when you when you give to the poor you lend to the lord he will not be in debt to you
Starting point is 00:53:50 so he will repay you for your generosity so watch what the lord was trying to teach his children look right at me not to be enslaved to that lowercase g. That green god of paper. That while you're getting these bags, he's saying, use some of that to make investments in things that's going to be turtle. So like, I got investments. Some of y'all got investments. But do you have any investments in the kingdom? Or does every dollar that comes into your house goes into your here, your gas tank, your refrigerator, your endeavors, all of that.
Starting point is 00:54:31 But you have no resources, nothing invested in the kingdom. So you're going to get all this money. Some of you are going to be millionaires sitting in this room right now. And then you're going to arrive in heaven and have no ROI because none of that was invested in the thing that was going to follow you when you died. So he says, don't stockpile money down here. Watch. And do nothing with it. Use some of your resources for the causes of Christ. Push the gospel forward with money.
Starting point is 00:55:07 So that when you arrive in heaven, you would arrive to a fortune in the place you're gonna be forever is what he's saying why is this so important because he says where your treasure is in verse 21 there your heart will be also so your heart follows your treasure watch this you know you're always thinking about wherever your money is. I want to be spiritual. Wherever your money is, you think about it. Yes or no? So watch. There's a lot of us, our hearts, watch this. Your heart is not really sold out for the kingdom because your investments is not there look right at me don't don't you ain't gonna slip out the room i'm gonna get this in your heart i already know all your all your you sit down during worship you don't want to be faith a lot of you you're not really invested in the kingdom because you don't have a financial investment in the kingdom because if your money was there your heart will be there also
Starting point is 00:56:09 because i'm a generous giver my heart man is burned for the kingdom because i know i'm sending money into christian causes every time people get saved and i know if my money was there man all the souls that be coming to christ i know all of that is being credited, credited, credited, credited to my heavenly bank account. So my heart is deeply invested. Your heart would not be invested in something where you have no financial investment in. You know, let me, let me. So what he's trying to say is like, watch, however you steward your money is a sign of the condition of your heart.
Starting point is 00:56:48 All right, let me let me do this real quick before we get out of here. Don, come here real quick. I need another dude. I don't want to pull an elder because I don't want you to think like, let me pull. Brother, come here real quick. Anybody got a $20 bill I could use? I could borrow. Anybody got a $20 bill I could be used I could borrow anybody got $20 bill somebody bring me five $20 bills five dudes everybody come on yeah yeah I'm afraid I'm give me give me five $20 bills come on bring it to me give me give me a 20 give me five of them that's one come on somebody y'all ain't broke y'all got Jordans on that's oh that's a hundred
Starting point is 00:57:22 dollar bill that's a hundred dollar bill let me's a hundred dollar bill. Let me put that right here. That's 20. Anybody got any more 20? Bring me, give me, give me $20 brother. Give me, that's how much? That's two. I need two more. Anybody got, come on. Y'all sowing seed right now. Come on, Paige. Everybody, this is my niece, Paige. She's a boss. All right. All right. All right. I got a hundred dollars. Look at me. Look at me. I got $100. Look at me. Look at me. I got $100. Watch, all my single ladies. So these two brothers are single.
Starting point is 00:57:52 I'm pretending. Watch. They single. They go to the church. They like to worship. Watch, right? No, I'm not. I'm creating a narrative.
Starting point is 00:58:04 You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? I'm creating a narrative. You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? I'm creating a narrative. You want me to get a real single brother? I'm creating a narrative. Should I get a single brother? I got a single brother. Are you single?
Starting point is 00:58:20 I got another single brother in the room? Who's single? No, I can't do this. Brother, you single? Any other single brothers? Come up here. here oh you want me to do the narrative all right dude i'm gonna do the narrative hold up all right so these two brothers let's put the day single watch and then the ladies see them creeping to the church and oh snap there's brothers in the church watch man they both serving on a team man they both lift their hands in worship
Starting point is 00:58:47 oh snap them dudes are singing songs oh snap i might have seen a boaz in the church watch put your hand out you see all of that in the church on Sunday, but you don't see his paycheck though. And so this man gets his hundred dollar paycheck and he takes 20. He gives it to the church, takes another 20. He takes his family, takes another 20. He invested in his personal investment, takes another 20. He invested in the kingdom. He keeps 20 20 for himself he's doing that in private God knows his heart you can't see that though give me that back put your hand out this brother praising God loving God serving on a team doing all of that he gets his paycheck he 20. He go make it rain at Magic City. Watch.
Starting point is 00:59:49 He takes another 20. He gets a dub. He go roll up a dub. He takes another 20. He spends it wild on alcohol. He takes another 20. He blows it on himself. He takes the last 20. He blows it on some other dude.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Watch. Pick that up. Pick that up. Pick that up. Pick that up. Now, everybody look right at me. They both worship. They both lift their hands. They both serve on a team. They both have faith in the church, but you don't see their check though. Put your hands up. This is amoral. It has no heart. This is amoral.
Starting point is 01:00:37 It has no heart. It has no emotions, no feelings, no agenda. It only takes on an identity when it hits the hand of a person. Money only takes on an identity when it hits the hand of a person. Watch. As soon as it hits the hand, the money in the hand reveals what's in the heart. All money does is reveal what's in the heart. It has no feelings.
Starting point is 01:01:14 He could take this and build the kingdom. He could take this and build Magic City. You don't know that because it's private. But they both look the same on Sunday and the only thing this does every time money hits your hand all it does is reveal what's in your heart let me repeat where your treasure is there your heart will be also can't get around the text when money hits your hand all it does is reveal what's in your heart
Starting point is 01:01:51 if money hits your hand and you take care of your wife that's in your heart money hits your hand you take care of children it's in your heart money hits your hand you blow it at the strip club that's in your heart all money does when it hits your hand is reveal what's in the heart i don't know what's in your heart until money hits your hand is reveal what's in the heart. I don't know what's in your heart until money hits your hand. Verse 21. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. So they look good on the outside. But the money in their hand reveals what's going on on the inside.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Thank y'all. Thank y'all. I got a single mother in here. Single mother? Single mom? Here. single mother in here single mother single mom here you ain't getting this back you're going to reap $100. Can I finish the text?
Starting point is 01:03:18 Now, some of you sitting here looking like, I see your illustration, but I don't care, though. Verse 22. So Jesus uses this to strengthen his argument, and I'm about done. I only got one more verse after these two. The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is your darkness? We ain't got to spend a lot of time here. The eye represents the way you see. The body represents your decision making.
Starting point is 01:03:54 He said, if the way you see is healthy, then you have good decisions that follow. That is, if you see right, you will be generous. He said, but if your eye is bad, the word here in Greek, it's word that that that alludes to greediness he says if your eye is greedy if you see everything you have is belonging to you and you just hoard it for greed he said that your body will be bad if your eye is bad your body will be unhealthy which means you will have bad decisions with your resources and then he says match if you think your light if you think your darkness is like how great is that darkness that is if you think you're good in the eyes of God, but you don't know how to steward your resources wisely, then God says your light is really dark in his sight. So what he's trying to say is if you have right vision, you will see money right.
Starting point is 01:04:39 And if you have wrong vision, you see money wrong. Here is the proof of that. If you have, watch this, if you have right vision, you see money wrong. Here is the proof of that. If you have, watch this, if you have right vision, you see money as a temporary commodity. It is something that you just have for a period of time to steward, some to spend, some to save, some to invest. But if you see it wrong, you see it as something to hoard and keep for yourself. So you got greedy preachers and greedy Christians and greedy followers who complain about what the church is not
Starting point is 01:05:09 doing, but you're not generous though. So in an act of great love and great care and great protection and great guidance the last verse the lord says this to you now this is the last verse i want you to look at what he says because he said this to you because he loves you and he cares for you and watch everybody's sitting in the room right now that's cringing thinking thinking I'm setting you up for some big Easter offering. It's not coming. I'm done. I'm not sending you for no Easter offering. I'm not even taking up an offering today.
Starting point is 01:06:00 I'm not doing that because I don't want your money. I want your revelation. I want your revelation. In the middle of the message? We're going to have to deal with this afterwards, brother. The word is more important than this. Here's an issue out there with two cars. I ain't got no license plates. It's just a temporary commodity, though. Oh, it's on the screen? Man, take it off license plates. It's just a temporary commodity though. What's on the screen? Man, take it off the screen.
Starting point is 01:06:49 It's a distraction. I've given away cars. They're temporary commodities. This is more important than you're broken than the car. Because the next verse is God's love to you. The last verse in this section is his love to you. And if you're a guest, I'm not talking, I'm talking to the followers of Jesus.
Starting point is 01:07:12 Verse 24. No one can serve two masters. Can't do it for you will either hate one and love the other or you will be devoted to one and despise the other all the preachers watching me right now
Starting point is 01:07:39 all the prophets who prophesy for profit all the money grubbers all the people taking advantage of God's people All the prophets who prophesy for profit. All the money grubbers. All the people taking advantage of God's people. Everybody with a platform that you're up there for money. Everybody in here that are afraid to support the kingdom. You cannot serve God and money.
Starting point is 01:08:05 Listen to, I didn't say that to you. Jesus said, you know what the word cannot means? It means you have to choose. There's no middle ground. Jesus so desperately wants you to be free from the bondage of worshiping money that he talks to his second greatest competitor after the devil and says, listen, this is the only thing he elevated to the status of a God. You cannot serve God and money. So you have to make a decision which one you're going to be fully devoted to. Now watch,
Starting point is 01:08:37 he is not against getting a bag. He's not against building a business. He's not against having a job. He's not against building wealth. He's not against having a job he's not against building wealth he's not against any of that stuff there were many wealthy people who the bible talks about david was wealthy abraham was wealthy what the lord is trying to free you from is not from having money but from money from having you because money got a lot of us in this space so we preach for money and we serve for money and we lead for money and y'all do stuff so like he's not saying you can't have it i just don't want it to own you because here's what i'm saying on your heart you can only
Starting point is 01:09:17 have one master there at a time you know i'm done frank these two masters you know they're not going to treat you the same the word master means like ownership slavery and can i tell you something money is a great slave it is a terrible master and money and god won't treat you the same god leads to light money leads to blindness the love of it the love of money pollutes the love of God brings health spiritually the love of money hardens the heart the love of God expands the heart the love of money money will die with you the money invest in the kingdom will meet you on the other side. How you
Starting point is 01:10:08 steward your finances in the eyes of God is an indicator to God of either your spiritual health or your spiritual darkness. And every time this conversation comes up in the church, you think I'm trying to get a jet.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I'm not. I ain't up here for no money. Everybody look right at me like, this whole text is about vision in your heart it's it's pretty simple if you're not generous you're blind and the lord is trying to give you sight that he could train your heart to be generous he's trying to say man i gave you grace to build businesses to go to work like you're doing all of that off the strength of my grace and what the lord is saying to his followers the kingdom has to be funded not by prayer alone but by resources so what he's trying to train his followers don't but use some of your resources to invest in the kingdom so that resources will go ahead of you
Starting point is 01:11:32 into eternity and there's somebody saying right now man look i don't care about all that i'm gonna keep doing me so in luke's gospel jesus tells a story for those of us who has a hardened heart. In Luke chapter 12, verse 13, someone in the crowd said to him, teacher, tell my brother, divide the inheritance with me. But he said to him, man, who made you a judge or arbitrator over you? Verse 15. And Jesus said to them, take care and be on your guard against all covetousness, which is greed. For one's life does not consist of an abundance of possessions. Your life is more than the stuff that you have. And he told them this parable or story. The land of a rich man produced plenty. And he thought to himself, well, shall I do? For nowhere do I have to store my crops.
Starting point is 01:12:25 So now I said I would do this. I would tear down my barns. I'll build bigger ones since I'm bubbling. And there I'll store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, soul, you have ample goods. You're rich. You have many food for years. Relax, eat, drink, be merry.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Don't invest no money in the kingdom but god said to him you fool this night your soul is going to be required of you and the things that you have prepared you have stored up all that stuff you stockpile and hoard it to yourself so is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich towards god so what he's saying like man it don't make no sense to stock up all of that and you never use it for god's kingdom i want to read to you this quote and i'ma close i got this quote from a historian about the first century church listen to what he said a guy named edward gibson listen to what he said he said he's talking about the believers in the first century a generous intercourse of charity united the most distant providences that is the christians were supporting
Starting point is 01:13:31 the kingdom across various cities and smaller congregations were cheerful as they assisted by the arms their more opulent brethren that is even the smaller churches were so generous everybody in the christian faith was doing all they can to support the gospel such an institution which paid less regard to the merit than to the distress of the object very materially conduced to the progress of christianity that they were so generous they were moving the kingdom forward now watch what the unbeliever said the pagans who were educated or moved or inspired they were actuated by some sense of humanity as they're watching these Christians while they derided them or they tore them down for their doctrines that is I hear they're preaching but their doctrines are whack that yet they had to acknowledge the benevolence of this
Starting point is 01:14:25 new sect of people the prospect of immediate relief and future protection a lord into its hospitable bism many of those unhappy persons whom the neglect of the world would have abandoned to the miseries of want of sickness and of old age so the historian is looking at the christians and saying man they man they was taking care of the poor they was taking care of the sick they were spending their money to help people man as we looked across rome man these christians was doing everything to make society better with their resources he says there is some reason likewise to believe that great numbers of infants who according to the inhuman practice of the times, had been exposed to the parents and were frequently rescued from death. And they were baptized and they were educated and they maintained by the piety of the Christians and at the expense of the public treasure.
Starting point is 01:15:23 How powerful is that? That don't describe Christianity now. We don't see us taking care of children now and being radically generous now. This is how they describe the Christians of the first century, my brothers and sisters. And I know this makes you feel uncomfortable. This is the words of your Lord to you.
Starting point is 01:15:44 Come on, my brothers and sisters. Let's be for real. Come on. All that you stockpiling, all that stuff you got in your bank, we just stockpiling, stockpiling, stockpiling. You can't take any of that with you. And the Lord is saying to his children, man, I want you to use some of your resources to invest it in the kingdom, man. Man, take care of poor people. Be generous to people who are in need. Hear invest it in the kingdom man man take care of poor people be generous to people who in need hear the cry in the church of a sister and a brother and help them out this single mother don't have a car let's come together and buy her one that single mother don't have no groceries show up at a house with some groceries this brother is wearing the same shoes all the time
Starting point is 01:16:21 but holes in it come next week with a brand new shoes roll up in his dms and find out what size he wear man just explode on each other with generosity man come on man man your jordans are dope and your clothes is dope man but we hoarding all that while the person on your row don't even got food in their fridge and you don't even want to have a real enough conversation to say yo my brother my sister i'm struggling yo but i got you though we should be holding each other down and paying each other bills and running into each other's challenges there should be such an explosion of generosity among us that when people see that, they say, man, those people love for real.
Starting point is 01:17:07 You stare at me with your eyes crooked and cross-eyed because we have a natural bent towards greed. Watch. You're going to actually get up tomorrow morning on two legs and go to work with the grace that God gave. And you're going to get in a computer and build your business with the grace that God gave. And we stockpile all of this for what? And none of it is leaving our home to care for other people.
Starting point is 01:17:40 To care for the church. To care for kingdom ministry. Like this church we support missionaries we take care of people in our society we don't got a blow to trumpet every time we do that man a couple weeks ago I went into the gym and I walked in in the morning there were two teenagers laying on the floor under a blanket and I know they didn't belong to the gym because it was like seven o'clock in the morning and I'm talking to these two little teenagers
Starting point is 01:18:04 like yo what's going on y'all dudes okay it's like yeah we good i said you sure y'all dudes okay like yeah we good but they're under blankets though i'm like yo my dude how old are you 15 my dude how old are you 17 did y'all sleep here last night they won't speak their shame y'all slept here last night like you're my dude why you not at home my mother kicked me out why you're not at home i don't got a good relationship with my father so y'all slept here last night yeah yo i'll be right back i'll go get my man because i don't know what they got on them you're my man come with me to help these little dudes you're my little dudes did y'all eat nah we ain't ate we hungry hungry. Yo, let's go get some McDonald's real quick though. I come up in the car, me and my gym buddy and
Starting point is 01:18:49 these two little teenagers take them to McDonald's. You ain't y'all going to stay tomorrow night. We got to go back to the gym. Nah, I'm going to put y'all in a hotel for a week. My dime. Call up my friend, Tanya. I got two little dudes who need help. Give them whatever resources they need. Try to get them a job. Get them connected with service services. And then we spend a week trying to get them on their feet, man. That's Christianity.
Starting point is 01:19:28 And then my gym buddy who I love, I love this part. He was like, yo, man, I would have never did something like that. I feel you. And then somebody was running off at the mouth in the gym. It was like, yo, that dude, Phillip, he's a pastor, though. They came back. He was like, oh, snap, dude. I didn't know you was a pastor.
Starting point is 01:19:44 I got blown a trumpet in the gym. Your witness is your trumpet. And watch what I said to him. I said, yo, my dude, you ain't going to start acting funny around me now, right? Like every time you get around me, I know you're not going to want curse and you're going to try to act all holy. And like know you're not going to want curse so you're gonna try to I call holy and like you're not gonna start treating me funny because you know I'm a pastor now right did I did I drop on your friend list now like is this end like all right are we done I felt like a girl breaking up with me like you're are we done like I guess my boys my gym buddy my gym round like yo be are we like are we done he's like nah dude you just
Starting point is 01:20:27 increased on my friend list yo and then watch what he said he said now I know why you did that for them dudes last week he attached the generosity for those teenagers to my Christianity. Let me ask you a question. You think he'll ever forget that? No. In his mind, Christianity, generosity. Christianity, generosity. That's permanently tattooed to his mind
Starting point is 01:21:08 he wasn't the first one to give us that too for God so loved the world that he gave so i i don't know what you do with this this is not a struggle for me never was i've struggled with other things lust jealousy envy never struggled with this part though from the time i was saved always peaced off i've always supported the kingdom for some of us i know this is a real struggle according to percentage 80 of us this is a struggle it's because you don't see right if your eye is healthy your whole body your actions is full of light if your eye is bad you see this wrong your whole body is dark what the Lord is saying the only way for my children to be really free i can't compete with you for that dollar bill i need you to just be generous as i bless you
Starting point is 01:22:10 some of you you you'll be amazed what god would do in your life when you take that other god off the heart and my prayer for you my brothers and sisters is that you won't cringe at this text but that you would lean into it. And you will become a better steward with your finances. One of the best things you can do with your finances is invest in kingdom causes. I am not going to manipulate you, yo. Invest in kingdom causes. Support the church wherever you can.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Support your local church. Support missionaries. Take care of the poor. Help a brother and sister in here who's struggling. Look out for the sister who don't got. She's wearing the same thing every week. Like, yo, yo, yo, be generous like that, yo. So that the unbelievers in the room will see something different in you.
Starting point is 01:22:56 And be like, yo, they ain't doing that because the preachers are manipulator. They're doing that because they love Jesus. So I want to pray for two blind people in the room I want to pray for all the Christians who are blind because this is your God I don't want to pray for everyone who's blind because the devil is your God let me bow your heads let me pray for you Lord, I know this is extremely difficult. I know many people in this room feel uncomfortable. I know, God, that many people are cringing in their seats because we've just been conditioned to hoard.
Starting point is 01:23:51 I understand. But, Father, so desperately I pray for my brother and sister that they would not lean away from your words, but they would lean into your words father I pray for all the blind brothers and sisters in this room who hoard and stockpile wealth and don't use it for the kingdom. I pray in this moment they get a revelation. I pray in this moment something like scales would fall from their eyes and they would see how kind you have been and how gracious you have been
Starting point is 01:24:42 and how loving you have been. They would stop seeing their check and their businesses and their money and their bank account as a God that enslaves them to hoard and be greedy. The world is watching. But God, I pray that in this moment, God, something like light will shine into their hearts. That they will start to care for the poor and care for kingdom agendas, that they will start thinking about eternity, and I pray generosity will creep into their heart.
Starting point is 01:25:15 I pray, God, Lord, that generosity would explode out of their lives. They will see the poor and be moved to do something about it. They will hear the church has a need and be moved to do something about it. They will hear the church has a need and be moved to do something about it. They will become regular supporters of gospel ministry. They'll find a missionary to support. God, I just pray that you'll break the shackles from their generosity.
Starting point is 01:25:40 God, be it handcuffed by blindness. That they will not feel manipulated in this moment, but they will feel love from you. That what you want, God, is a heart and not just lip service and action. So I pray in this house, across this camera, there will be an explosion of Christian generosity, faithful giving, faithful offerings, faithful supporting the poor.
Starting point is 01:26:13 They will just be looking for people inside the room to be kind to. Somebody going to treat somebody to lunch today, God. I pray that over my brothers and sisters. And now my brother and sister, I'm talking to another group of people in this room. I don't want you to slide out of here and you're still at the bottom of the pool. Listen to my voice. This is your moment. This is your time.
Starting point is 01:26:40 God was already working in you before the foundation of the world. You belong to him. I just want to see who I'm talking to. The Lord brought you here for you to just confirm for brothers and sisters to see that God has given us a harvest among those who are in the room. My brother, my sister, man, here is the gospel. You are and I am a sinner. You were born in sin. You were born at the bottom of the pool. You can't get out of that on your own. But God in his love, not wanting you to die and be separated, sent his son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He said if anyone would turn, repent,
Starting point is 01:27:14 put their faith in Jesus, not in religion, not in morality, just believe that he's raised from the dead. The Lord says he will wipe away your sin. He will forgive you. He'll make you a brand new creature, brand new man, brand new woman, new creation. You walk out of here today could be the beginning of the rest of your life. For me, that happened in a bathroom over a toilet seat while I was suicidal. Why didn't I know that God was existed or that he
Starting point is 01:27:43 was real? And I yelled at God over that toilet seat and he met me in that bathroom. He wants to meet you right now. You already know who you are. You feel it in your belly. The Lord's drawing you to yourself. You said, man, I'll get right next week, next month, next year, this time, man, that ain't promised to you. You could die in a car accident on the way home and be where Judas is. I ain't going to let that happen to you you could die in a car accident on the way home and be where Judas is I ain't gonna let that happen to you though if I'm talking to you my sister I'm talking to my brother that this is the moment we just said listen I surrender I'm making a public acknowledgement crisis my lord I'm gonna be forgiven I'm gonna be set free I'm gonna walk into purpose destiny future heaven is
Starting point is 01:28:21 my home I'm gonna repent I'm gonna turn away from my life I said I'm going to repent. I'm going to turn away from my life. I'm talking to you. I want to pray for you. I'm going to count to three. On the count of three, I just want you to throw your hand up and throw it back down. I just want to see who I'm praying for. One, Jesus is calling you to a life of purpose. Hands are moving already. Two, you're not walking out of here staying at the bottom of the pool. Three, throw your hands up right now. Throw them up high. Throw them up high. Throw them up high. Throw them up high. Throw them up high. Throw them up high. Everybody with your hand raised, stand to your feet boldly. We're about to shame the devil. Come on, stand to your feet. Stand to your feet. Yo, everybody in feet, yo, can I pray for y'all?
Starting point is 01:29:17 Can y'all squeeze it. Come on. Squeeze it. You ain't staying at the bottom of the pool. Come on. squeeze it. Come on, squeeze it. You ain't staying at the bottom of the pool. Come on, squeeze it. Come on, celebrate them as they come. Every other God is an idol. Cannot see, they cannot hear.
Starting point is 01:30:10 Come on. Y'all come in close, come coming close. Coming close. Celebrate. Everybody up here, your heads up bow. Just, I don't even want you looking at me. I just want to pray over you. I can't save you.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Ain't no magic formula. Show repentance. The Lord already knew you would be here you part of the chosen from the foundation of the world I don't got nothing to do with this I'm just arranging something public that we can see the fruit of Jesus's suffering the reward that the lamb died for if you want to talk to him you can tell him you're sorry for your sin surrender your life to him he can hear your voice he's alive he's not dead tell him you're sorry for your sin surrender your life to him he can hear your voice he's alive he's not dead tell him you're sorry for all your sins surrender your life to him right now
Starting point is 01:31:30 no magic formula just lord i surrender i'm sorry i put my faith and my trust in you he can hear your voice talk to him every other God. Who can I see? Who can I see? Who can I hear? There's one true living God. There's one true living God. Don't worry. He's catching those tears, my sister.
Starting point is 01:32:21 He's catching those tears too, my sister. He's catching those tears, my sister. He feels those tears. I'm talking to you. I see him falling. He feels those. It's real to him. It's so real.
Starting point is 01:32:46 Man, I hope you're not spectating, yo. like the eternal destiny is being changed he's catching that it's so real I see repentance it's catching those it's catching those he knows he knows all of your mistake all of your sin all your failure he knows yet he chose you anyway you belong to him you his daughter he signs your name in heaven he forgave you of all your sins you belong to him i see that brokenness in you you belong to him your address just changed he's catching all those tears he He's catching those tears too, my sister. He's catching those tears too, mother. I don't even know you.
Starting point is 01:33:30 I see repentance on you. He's catching all those tears. Yeah, this is more important than the restaurant you're about to go to. Your whole life is about to... It's all right. Yes. Cry it out. It's all right.
Starting point is 01:33:40 Your whole life is about to change. Yes. Yes. Yes, you. Yes, it's okay. Come unto me, all who are weary and heavy. Jesus said, I'll give you rest for your soul. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Cry. Yes, cry. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:34:22 Yes. That's what we're here for. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. There is one true living God There is one true living God
Starting point is 01:34:46 Lift that up. There is one true living God Who can I see, who can I hear? There is one true living God There is one true living God Lift that up. There is one true living God Who can I see, who can I hear? Lift that up. is an idol who can I see who can I hear there is one true living father I pray over these men and women that you were saving them before the foundation of the world
Starting point is 01:35:51 may they be filled of your spirit may there be lovers of your presence and lovers of your word they are your harvest the reward of the lamb who was slain. Gosh, oh my God. These are the reward of the lamb who was slain. I thank you, God, that they belong to you. That these are our new brothers and sisters. These are your new sons and daughters. And Father, you said when one sinner repents,
Starting point is 01:36:30 all of heaven rejoices. So we rejoice right now in the name of Jesus. We celebrate God.

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