2819 Church - KINGDOM GEMS | Broken Trumpets | Matthew 6:1-4 | Kenneth McFarland

Episode Date: January 4, 2025

In “BROKEN TRUMPETS” Associate Pastor Kenneth McFarland guided us through Matthew 6:1-4. Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel features powerful and life-impactin...g messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to 2819. Thank you. First and foremost, I want to honor Pastor Phillip and Miss Lena. They are the spiritual heads of our church. They lead us. They guide church. They lead us. They guide us. They protect us. They pray for us.
Starting point is 00:00:56 They're a blessing beyond measure. Some of you can attest to that because your lives have changed. Some of y'all are looking for the life change I just ask that y'all keep coming I promise you this the more y'all hang around us the more you gonna realize fam they they are some weirdos but it's something about them that I know for a fact is different and I want it and you can receive that thank you for everyone that is uh here today uh don't take it lightly the rain and the wrecks and Atlanta traffic and everything else could have easily caused you to say, nah, I'm good, but y'all came anyway.
Starting point is 00:01:57 I want to give a special thank you to all the individuals who actually sow into this ministry I was thinking about this yesterday miss Lena I was thinking about this yesterday I'm blown away at how many individuals I know for a fact have given their life to Jesus watching online in Australia and in England. And how people are starving and they're receiving what they need because of a camera. Because someone said, hey, I understand that this is important. And they decided to upload their funds that they understood ain't even theirs in the first place right
Starting point is 00:02:49 so thank y'all to the ones who to to the ones who honestly so into this ministry you don't even understand the reward that you're receiving receiving as in current right now You don't even understand the reward that you're receiving. Receiving as in current right now. Receiving right now. Because of your generosity and your obedience. And the reward that you will receive when we get there. It'll be even greater.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Welcome to week four of Kingdom Gems. Alright, I'm going to stop boring y'all, alright? We're going to hop right into it. Thank y'all, gentlemen. I love you, bro. boring y'all right we're gonna hop right into it thank y'all gentlemen we're gonna hop right into it I can't get to him through the glass ah ah one time okay week four of a series called Kingdom Gems, right? Who's been here for the entire series?
Starting point is 00:04:09 Who's been taking notes? Who's been taking notes on their 2819? Merch, right? All right. the merch right all right so so far what have we learned week one week one pastor philip taught us about the attitudes right and that the word blessed doesn't really mean blessed that it means fortunate and happy. Makarios, look at y'all. That if you live a certain way, that you are this, not that you have to do this to become, but it's a way of life, right?
Starting point is 00:05:05 And week two, we learned about what? Salt and light. And salt and light is what? Our, it's our identity that we will live to be the salt of the earth. Right? Y'all looking at me like y'all don't know. The light of the world, right? And week three three we learned that God is working on our heart and not our behavior I don't know if y'all caught that or not
Starting point is 00:05:32 that Jesus was speaking and he kept repeating a certain term it was a collective thought everything that pastor Philip went over from 17 all the way to 48 he had he said you have heard it said but I say and if you really pay attention to what he preached when he said you have heard it said the thing that they heard was an action. You have heard it said not to commit adultery action. But I say to you, even those who look. Heart. You have heard it said don't kill.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Action, right? But I say to you that even if you have anger, heart, y'all know another one? You have heard it said, action. That Jesus did not come and live 33 years to fix our actions, our behaviors. But he came to fix our. One of the things that I want us to remember,
Starting point is 00:07:10 or better yet, let's do this, right? So let's think about Jesus' timeframe. His timeframe when he was alive. When he was alive, they were, and when I say they, I mean the Jewish people, were under Roman rule. These people were beating them, killing them, oppressing them. They were being taken advantage of. They had enemies on all sides.
Starting point is 00:07:52 They had Samaritans and individuals who hated them. They had other cultures who wanted to fight them and kill them. But the only reason why some of these other cultures didn't attack is because of the Roman rule. I'm trying to get you to understand that in the timeframe of Jesus, he's speaking to them for a certain reason, because as people are coming to him they are noticing he's he's doing miracles and signs and wonders and he's breaking bread and turning one loaf or five loaves to feed 5 000
Starting point is 00:08:37 and he done took two fish and came up with the first like real, you know, like fish dinner meal where everybody's getting something. And something that they did back then is the things that I feel like we still do now. We notice the miracles. We see the wonders. And what we want is what they wanted. When are you going to fix? Because I'm going through. I'm tired. They're beating me. They're killing us.
Starting point is 00:09:23 When are you going to stop because I'm too even if you could just add an extra $10 to my check when are you going to help? Because I just want to stop doing the thing that I know is hurting. They're asking very serious questions that are very common questions. Nobody said that they were bad. The truth is they were tired and they wanted things to stop. When are you going to fix the system? God, you say that you're the one who's in charge of all authority, but authority is not right. When are you going to fix this system, God? Because you say that you are the head of government, but the government is making it hard for me because I'm single and I got kids
Starting point is 00:10:37 and I want to just make sure that they can eat or they're taking everything away. When are you going to fix things, God? or they're taking everything away. When are you gonna fix things, God? When are you gonna fix things, Father? And Jesus in his love, in his love, wanted us to understand that he's not here to change the law. Y'all remember that?
Starting point is 00:11:12 He's not here to change these outwardly things because he knows that even if he changes the outwardly things, it's going to go right back to the way it was. What good does it do if I put somebody else in charge if they're going to do the same thing? Let's say best case scenario for you, you, you. I put you in charge. Who are you going to make it good for are you gonna make it better for everybody or just yourself some of us are
Starting point is 00:12:01 self-righteous I'm gonna going to fix it for everything. I'm going to fix it for everyone. Well, what happens when the person who says, well, this is who I am. I am homosexual, and this is who I am. You can't tell me. Well, how are you going gonna fix it for them anybody Jesus wanted to fix inside because he knew that if he fixed inside, changes would come on the outside. So when you read or you listen to those teachings that Pastor Philip gave or you understand, you'll clearly see that chapter five was a collective teaching.
Starting point is 00:13:08 It was all together it was a it was a it was a congruent thought it was all heat together and now we're about to go into another congruent thought y'all got that all All right. So this next set of teachings, this next set of teachings still in Kingdom Gyms will start in chapter six. And I'm going to give you guys the title of this message. The title of this message is Broken Trumpets. Broken trumpets. All right. So I can't I can't move forward in teaching chapter six until I explain to you that chapter five verse chapter five. Verses 17 through 20 are important because 17 through 20 uh sort of lead the way for the rest of the sermon on the mount and chapter 5 verse 20 it reads for i tell you
Starting point is 00:14:20 unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Never, never. It said never. That's tough. What you mean I'll never. I can't slip in slide in. I can't treat it like a DM. Never. If somebody tells me I'm never going to be able to do something. It should sort of make me think well. What do I need to do for that never to not happen?
Starting point is 00:15:16 So it says, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the Pharisees. Well, if you are a studied individual, you know, the scribes and the Pharisees knew the Bible like the back of their hand. They were the learned ones, right? The ones who they could give a scriptural reference about anything, right? So pause because some of y'all are looking at me like man like those were people from back in the day no these are still people that live today we gave them different titles but they're still Pharisees and Sadducees right and scribes we call them theologians some of them we call pastors Some of them we call pastors. Some of them we call bishops. Because we're
Starting point is 00:16:11 big on titles, right? Well, deacon so-and-so told me my skirt needs to be. We just gave them a different title. They're still here. Some of us are still listening to them. So when y'all hear someone like Pastor Phillip, y'all wig out like, and he's too real or he's telling us stuff that goes against the Bible. And it's like, why do you feel that way? Because pastor so-and-so told you that it has to be a certain way? Or because the scriptures told you it needs to be a certain way? I'm thrown off because when Jesus was talking about
Starting point is 00:17:06 you have heard it said thou shalt not commit adultery right that's in the Ten Commandments ain't it right so even as he's speaking he's like like, you have heard it said, but you said it. Am I missing something? But when we start focusing on everything on the outside, my wife was laying in the bed one day. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. My wife was laying in the bed one day and she asked my son, son, son, can you fix me a glass of water? This was years ago. And he was like, yes, mommy. He was excited. He went and got a cup and he put some ice cold water in it, ice cold.
Starting point is 00:18:22 And he brought it to her and she was like, thank you. And she felt the cup. It had a, uh, it was like a mug and she, she held it and she was like, oh, this is real good and cold. And she started sipping it. And as she was sipping it, she noticed it was something floating in the inside. And, and she, she, she, she sipped it and she was like, wait, maybe that's a, maybe that's the reflection of the, wait, that's moving. And, and she, she looked at my son and she asked, son, um, did you, did you wash this cup out? And he was like, no like no mommy i got it right off the sink and it was a cup that had some old milk in it
Starting point is 00:19:27 and she she instantly was, she lost it for a good 20 minutes. Why would you? And that's funny but it's also sad because that's how some of some of our lives are y'all putting some of this good good ice cold ice cold water in your cup. And then using your life to try and give some of it to other individuals. And your inside is just as filthy.
Starting point is 00:20:32 So what the people are getting is this and your filth that you're pouring out this in your mess that you don't want to clean up this and your life, your heart that you don't want God to touch. And, and, and the truth of the matter is because some people in the world don't understand they, they're in the dark. They can't see. So they just, it's so good and cold, but they taking in your filth too just because they in the dark and it sounds crazy but for those who are not in the dark they got some light and they look at it and they're like, whoa, wait a minute. You don't see this? This fruit don't say that, uh, because I don't judge people by their act. What are you pouring out to people
Starting point is 00:21:48 back to the scriptures we need to make sure that our righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and the phar, right? So what is righteousness? We ain't gonna make it super deep, right? Just doing right. Who's the only one who's right? Who? Jesus is the only one who did this life right, right? Right? So in order for us to exceed the righteousness,
Starting point is 00:22:30 not be super deep, not be so learned in the scriptures, I'm reminded of the individual who was on the cross, on the cross next to Jesus. He didn't live right. He was actually being killed for doing the wrong thing. But when he understood that he was doing the wrong thing in the presence of God, Jesus. He gave it over.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Just remember me, right? That's what he asked Jesus.. Just remember me, right? That's what he asked Jesus. Please just remember me. He understood, and in that moment, that's when Jesus told him, for surely you're gonna be with me in heaven. Not because of actions. Not because he was dipped in water.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Because some of us make baptism too religious, not because I recited a poem, not because I had someone put some oil on me, because I gave my heart over. Someone put some oil on me. Because I gave my heart over. So now we're going to start reading the scripture, knowing that in order for us to be righteous, our heart has to be given to God. To be able to do right. in action but in our not in action but in our y'all understand that Matthew chapter 6 verse 1 it starts by saying
Starting point is 00:24:24 beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen. Pause. The first word that comes out is what? watch yourself. Watch yourself. I grew up in an area where, not an area, but an era where if my mother or my grandmother told me, watch yourself, it made me stop and think, what am I doing?
Starting point is 00:25:02 Hey, boy, watch yourself. Think before you start doing stuff. What was I about to do? Well, why am I watching myself? Why am I? Why am I watching myself? Why am I, why am I? Cause if I, if I go ahead with what I was about to do, they're going to be consequences. So I need to stop, recognize what I'm about to do and then course correct. What am I course correcting? Practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Practicing, practicing, practicing. That means you ain't even being righteous. Nobody turns on a TV to watch the practice of a football game. Nobody's turning on the TV to watch the practice of a basketball game. They're there to watch the actual game. But some of us are stuck in practice mode. And we making it look good too. I lay up. We practice at home. We practice in the streets. Everywhere we're going, we're practicing our righteousness. God loves you. Even though I don't.
Starting point is 00:26:57 We're practicing our righteousness. Hey, I hope everything works out. I really, I really, you know, like, I want to make sure that you're okay. But I'm not going to give you what I got. I'm going to sit and let you struggle because you should have listened. Hey, like, brother, I understand that you're out here on the streets and everything. Let me pray for you. But how did you get here?
Starting point is 00:27:32 What did you do? As if some of us ain't a check away. I'm sorry. Some of y'all y'all in a good place. Two checks away. The Pharisees and the Sadducees were great at practicing righteousness. They would say and do things. They would complete the action of what God said, but their heart was not in it.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Their heart did not care about it. So they would do the scriptures, but they would not live the scriptures. What's the difference? If the scriptures tell me not to smack, smack, I'm Southern. That means open-handed lean back and let go some of y'all can consider this firing off right if the scriptures told me not to smack someone and I listen to that but in my heart every day I go to work and I'm like she got two more words
Starting point is 00:28:50 she got two more times to say something smart to me in your heart you are already doing it and what the pharisees and sadducees learned were i'm going to not do the action but as soon as soon as i get the opportunity i'm going to make sure that it's known that i didn't do what I could have did. Thank you, God, for letting me not smack. That helped me at the job. Don't look at me crazy. Y'all know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Thank you, Lord. Because I could have gave him a two piece and a biscuit. They followed the scriptures. They didn't live them. They put on a fake show of what they assumed the scriptures were telling them to do. How many of us assume something
Starting point is 00:30:23 that the scriptures tell us and we just follow what we assume? It's an act. Not only is it an act, but we do it very plainly so it can be seen by others. Imagine being at work, right? Somebody say something stupid to you. After they say something stupid, you walk off. Then your coworker come over there, fam, I know, right?
Starting point is 00:30:57 You know I could, you know what I could have done, right? I could have sent the email about what they stealing, right? Or what they doing. As if your righteousness. Is looking like righteousness to them. I'm trying not to go into too many examples. Because I want to move on, but... Why do we feel like we need stuff to be seen by others?
Starting point is 00:31:37 As if they're the ones who can give you increase or give you righteousness, give you salvation. We do things as if other individuals are the ones who are going to give us what we need in life. And we put on this fake facade, this front. Then the scriptures say something real crazy. For then you will have no reward from your father who is in heaven.
Starting point is 00:32:18 It made me pause and think for a second. We get a reward for this dang like what is the reward Jesus am I gonna get extra ducats am I gonna get some extra on my pay am I gonna get some peace what am I gonna get and the next scripture just helped me to sort of realize it says thus when you give to the needy after the word thus what is that next word when not if thus if you give to the needy thus when you give to the ones you you feel are needing when you give to the ones that you feel like deserve, how many times have we seen somebody on the side of the road, we had to change and we didn't give?
Starting point is 00:33:40 Some of y'all are lying. Even you are lying. Raise your hand. Who are we to determine who deserves and who don't? So the Pharisees and the Sadducees were right about one thing. They at least did what the scripture said. They followed it. They didn't live it. They did it, but they didn't.
Starting point is 00:34:18 It wasn't in their heart, but at least they did it. And what we want to do is we want to live it without. And we still want the reward. This is a presupposition, right? It says you will give. Back in those days, it was beat into the Jewish head and in their heart that these were things that were going to happen. You were going to do them, going to. You were going to do it. But just like a lot of things, what we did was when Jesus came,
Starting point is 00:34:57 we stopped doing the things and started trying to live as if cutting out the things weren't supposed to still be done. But Jesus already explained, I'm not taking anything from the law. Y'all didn't catch that. Okay. Chapter 5 verse 17 is do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. When did he say stop? When did he say stop giving? When did he say stop committing adultery?
Starting point is 00:35:42 When did he say stop killing? When? When? When? Y'all don't want to answer when? When? When did he say stop retaliating. When? He didn't say stop. What he said was, hey, don't do that. But what I need you to also do is get it in your heart. Get it in your heart. So when you give to the needy,
Starting point is 00:36:32 sound no trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets. Elder, I had a real tough time because I had to really like look up and try and find out, did people really sound trumpets in the streets um were people really out here just you know like having a whole band behind them as they were given to somebody and they're making it a big spectacle and uh the more that i actually
Starting point is 00:37:01 like really sort of researched looked studied and studied and everything else. It was like, no, people didn't have a band behind them. But Jesus and his beautifulness, like Jesus was like the perfect teacher and preacher. He used to use this word called allegory, where he would use something as a symbol for something else. So God has taught us that we are symbols. That we are horns and trumpets. And that as we do things in life, we make a sound. So when he says, sound no trumpet before you, it was a reason, as the hypocrites do. Hypocrite is just an actor, a pretender, those who are practicing, right? Luke chapter 6, verse 45, it says,
Starting point is 00:38:04 The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good and the evil person out of the evil treasure produces evil for out of the abundance of the heart so here we go again back to this cup with all the filth in the inside and not only are we using the cup with the filth in the inside we're pouring it out on other individuals and making it known and we live in a generation in the era now where it's very easy. Where we. Look at me. Brother I just want to give you. Because I love you.
Starting point is 00:38:53 And I want to make sure that you. Here take this. Out here giving to the needy. We want people to understand who we are. And in our brokenness in our heart, we use our trumpets. And as we use our trumpets, we are letting people know exactly what we're doing. So with our broken trumpets, we're pouring out filth. With our broken trumpets, we're giving out we're bleeding out on people we're bleeding out on people
Starting point is 00:39:57 the brokenness is is killing people and then what we wind up doing is turning individuals into many us's instead of many Jesus's. How many of us got little us's running around? Oh, look at her. She cussing them out. Just, well, that mama taught her right. She ain't, she, look, she left her husband. See, I'm not, she gonna hop on board. Like we're making a lot of many usses in our life. Misery causing misery. Hatred causing hatred, people living the way we live
Starting point is 00:40:47 as if the way we live ain't. How many of us are honestly like happy? So if somebody, if somebody were to take your life right now, if somebody were to take your life right now, not take it as in kill it, but if somebody were to exchange their life for yours and they lived your life, if we saw somebody walking down the street and we were able to see everything in their life
Starting point is 00:41:42 and their life was exactly like ours. Could we really say that they are living for Jesus? Because we look on the outside and we see some of the stuff that they do. Doing looks good. But if we were honestly to see in their heart, could we say that they live for Jesus? And then if they're, if they're exactly like us,
Starting point is 00:42:18 what does that say about us? Are you making little use? My heart has been troubled all week. My heart has been troubled all week. Because I've been wanting to. I've been wanting to just be on my face and like cry out and God helped me to give like this great message, this great sermon, helped me to learn how to preach God and all this other stuff. And the more I talked to God, the more he was like,
Starting point is 00:43:02 I just want you to lift me up. I just want you to lift me up. So here it is. Thus, when you give to the needy because we are going to this if if you're not going to do that then don't listen to the rest of this if you're not going to do what god is telling you to do who's telling you to do it i'm not telling you to do it when pastor comes back he's not telling you to do it. When pastor comes back, he's not telling you to do it. Who's telling you to do it? If you're not going to do what he tells you to do,
Starting point is 00:43:50 it's going to be real tough for you to sit in here. Don't, don't just give to the needy and sound your trumpet before everyone, before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. There's that word again.
Starting point is 00:44:22 So we read it in the beginning. In Luke 6, 45, it talks about a treasure and then here again it talks about another reward what is this reward what is the reward because I'm selfish I know me I'm selfish want the reward. Do y'all want the reward? I want the reward. So if I give, I get a reward. Um, thank you, Jesus. Um, so not too long ago, we received this, uh, this message right by this pastor who came from England and he, he gave us an understanding, right? He said that, uh, if we follow the principle after the principle, there's a promise. So there is a principle and a promise. And if we follow that, then we'll receive. Right.
Starting point is 00:45:35 What I want us to understand is right. A lot of us are following principle. Because we want promise. Even if you're not doing it right, it still says that there's a principle and a promise. There are individuals right now who are beyond wealthy because of following the principle and receiving the promise. Right now, if I said, look under your chair, you get a car, you get a car. Who do y'all think I'm talking about? Don't say no names.
Starting point is 00:46:16 I said, don't say no names. Individuals follow the principle and their promise has elevated them. So I said something early. I apologize. I apologize. If you're here and you don't want to live that life, if you don't want to live that life, you can still do the principle and get the promise. You can still follow the principle and get the promise that's truth that's fact because because god is not a respecter of person if you follow
Starting point is 00:46:53 his principle you will receive that promise the issue is that's the only promise that you're going to receive what you receive here so if you if that's what you want if. So if you, if that's what you want, if the reason why you're here is to receive things, because I'm not ignorant. Some of us are here so we can receive things. So the beginning, when Jesus was talking to them and I explained to you, they wanted things to be over. They wanted things to be fixed. They wanted things to be over they wanted things to be fixed they wanted things to be done well follow the principle you'll receive the the promise so if you are here to receive things there's your answer but you won't receive the real reward. Jesus. I'm reminded of individuals who,
Starting point is 00:47:51 who they, they follow the principle and their promise. Like I know individuals who have changed countries from following the principle. Individuals who took the scriptures, they took the scriptures, they applied the scripture they did the scripture they changed their whole country because of the scripture and as they did that a whole country was changed now that whole country is going to hell because they didn't apply the
Starting point is 00:48:17 the actual thing of the scripture was the changing of the heart but the country's changed. So, so if you're here for a better life, more things, I just want to receive, right? Follow the principle. What is the principle? It is very clear. What was that? Give, right? You follow the principle of give, you're going to. And this is the sucky part about people who follow Jesus. Because some of us follow because we just want to. And I'm not going to sit up here and sugarcoat things to make it seem like that's not a reality for some of us, which is the reason why some people don't like to follow Jesus in the first place.
Starting point is 00:49:20 It's not because of Jesus. It's because of us. We live in such a way we act in such a way we do in such a way but when people see us just the same way that I said if you saw someone who had your life and your heart would you say that they love Jesus as if other individuals don't see that they see your ratchetness your your your self-righteousness they see your your your shame they see everything about you and they see that you don't honestly follow for real. And God forbid they choose to follow that as well because they see that you're received the promise. It's people right now following
Starting point is 00:50:18 people with rocks, crystals, sage in the mess out of stuff. Well, clearly they have to be doing something right. Cause they got, they got nice cars and they seem like they got value and they got money. Like, why would I not follow someone who their life looks like? It's okay. But if I look beneath the surface, it's a wreck which is the reason why people are still killing themselves to this day that got millions
Starting point is 00:50:51 of money and some of this sounds contradictory right some of this sounds contradictory, right? Some of this sounds contradictory. Well, are you telling me I have to do? When pastor said I can live how I live and just keep following Jesus. This is not me talking to you. I'm telling you who, I'm telling you what Jesus said, not what I said. So there are three things that Jesus told us we will have to do.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Have to. Have to. That's crazy. He told us we will have to do three things. Three things that we, it's presupposed that we're going to do three things. Everything else is just up to you you're gonna learn one of them today is to give and God forbid I sit up here and I'm like well if you want your life to be Give, sow a seed. Hallelujah. Pass the buckets.
Starting point is 00:52:11 And make it seem like that's going to fix everything. But I'm not going to lie to you. Follow the principle. Follow the principle, you'll see the promise. That don't mean you'll get the reward well how do i get the reward that would be my question right but when you give to the needy but but what but when you give to the needy do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. How do I not let my left hand know what my right doing?
Starting point is 00:53:00 Again, Jesus in his beautiful allegory, he's teaching us that it's not about your left hand and your right hand, but stop letting other people know. And what I don't want is for somebody to take this the wrong way i will always share what's in my heart as far as like what's burdening me i'm going to lay my burdens i'm going to confess my sins no no no no no no don't don't don't stop with the amens and yeses now. I'm going to confess my sins one to another. I'm going to share my burdens. I'm going to tell people what's on my heart. But when it comes to me trying to help other individuals, that's for Jesus. Hey fam, look, you know what I'm saying? Like in, in, in, cause some of us in squads and squads. Thank you. You know what I'm saying? Like, you know, I gave, I gave somebody a little change yesterday. I saw, you know what I'm saying? Saw the dude on the side
Starting point is 00:53:59 of the street. You know what I'm saying? I blessed them, broke them off with those something. Your reward is just following the process then. You heard the principle. And I want to be clear. Did everybody hear the principle? What is the principle? What's the principle? That's good. What's the principle?
Starting point is 00:54:26 The principle is to give. And then you're going to receive. That's the principle. But when you do that, and you're doing that just to be seen, that's your reward. Oh, look at him. He's so nice. Look at, look at that. You did it and you got seen. That was what you wanted. That's your reward. That's what you wanted, right? Let's be real. A lot of us want to be seen. Jesus father helped me. It would make no sense for me to be a husband. And every Sunday I come in here and I'd be all lovey dovey with my wife. And then when we go home, I'm distant.
Starting point is 00:55:30 What kind of relationship is that where when I get home, I'm just like, yo, get away from me. No, no, no, no, no. Don't touch me. What kind of really, if you saw that at someone's house where you went to their house, they could not see you, but you could see them. And you saw that at someone's house where you went to their house, they could not see you, but you could see them and you saw they were always distant. What kind of relationship is that? But then you see them on Sunday. What kind of relationship is that? It's fake. It's fake. It's fake. And it's practicing. Right. Right. We would some of us would call him out. You lame. Right. You ain't even doing that for real. Right. But why are we doing this with Jesus? Well, we put on a front and a show in front of other individuals so it can be seen that we look some type of way.
Starting point is 00:56:27 But when we buy ourselves for real and the only one who can see us is Jesus, we can't see him. He can see us. And when we, man, look, get away from me. We see the person on the side of the road as soon as they catch eyes. That's what we do, right? Instantly lock the doors. Don't look at them and maybe hey can you just spare some
Starting point is 00:57:12 that's the relationship we're living right that's that's that's the way we live in and it sounds it's funny it's funny until you realize you entertaining an angel. That God is looking at you and he's seeing that this ain't your life for real. Man, what if God did us the way we did people?
Starting point is 00:58:09 You were heaven in line. Nah, fam, I've been good. I know, you know what I'm talking about? You see me? You see me? You know what I'm talking about? Ah, yeah. Next up, baby. I don't know what kind of house I'm about to get. You know what I'm talking about? Ah. Next up, baby.
Starting point is 00:58:28 I don't know what kind of house I'm about to get. You know what I'm talking about? He said mansions. Mansions is what I'm going to get, right? Hey, Jesus. Yes. Close the doors. Close the doors. Lock them. Y'all will lose your mind. Some of y'all probably cuss Jesus out. what if he did us the way that we do him
Starting point is 00:59:10 but when you give when you give to the needy do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing so that you so that your giving may be in secret and your father sees in secret and your father who sees in secret will reward you and i don't want to just leave it off there because some of us are probably still in this state of man like but you just said like some of us have broken trumpets right some of us still have broken trumpets and the brokenness comes from the inside but you don't have to leave with broken trumpets the good treasure is not even something that we gave to ourselves. It was something that was given to you, given to me.
Starting point is 01:00:08 If you are willing to receive it, you're either pouring out of that evil or the good. I can tell you right now, all of us have poured out of the evil all why because we all sinned we all fell short of the glory so we've all had a season all of
Starting point is 01:00:37 us have had a season where we've poured out the evil. But you don't have to pour out the evil. If you want good treasure, ask. We just talked about a principle and a process and a promise, right? Principle. You're a sinner. You're a sinner.
Starting point is 01:01:06 I'm a sinner. We're all sinners. But Jesus holds his hand out to you. He's the only one that said, you are the villain you are the one who's making this world bad and hard and tough you are the one who's destroying everything you are the villain.
Starting point is 01:01:48 But I'm here to save the villain. That you can't out sin his grace. You can't outdo his love. You can't outrun his sacrifice. Principle, turn to him. He will make you
Starting point is 01:02:22 while giving you salvation. Principle, turn to him. The promise is he's going to make you. That in the process of you walking with him, he's going to turn everything around in your life from the inside out. But the true reward is salvation. so right now with every head bowed every eye closed recognizing in your life that you've been pouring out bad stuff in your heart you haven't been living right. You know that. You know that you're in a place right
Starting point is 01:03:29 now that if you were to die right now, you're not going to make it. Your life is in shambles, and you're looking for something or someone that's going to help or save you, right now he has his arms open for you. Well, what do I need to do? How do I turn to him? Ask for forgiveness right now if you feel that in your heart that pulling from him that tug from him that you want to be with him. That you have not lived right. That you know that you've been trying to practice your righteousness, but it's just practice. You haven't been really living it. If you know that, if you feel that, if you understand that.
Starting point is 01:04:45 On the count of three, I just want you to raise your hand. And we're going to pray. And as we pray, as we pray, may God fill you with his spirit. On the count of three, all I need you to do is lift your hands one God sees you he knows you too he wants you even through all of the things that you've done, he still wants you. Three, raise those hands. Jesus. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. 26.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Put your hands down. We're not going to leave you to just do this by yourself. So I want everyone to say these words, including the 26 that raised their hand. Father, everyone say it. Father, forgive me. Please save me. That it's not the words themselves that are going to save me. That it's not the words themselves that are going to save you. That we don't have to do this long, drawn-out thing.
Starting point is 01:06:52 In your heart, you're ready to turn over. That's all it is. You turning to him. And because you turn to him, the scriptures are very clear that all of heaven is rejoicing right now because you have given your life to him.

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