2819 Church - KINGDOM GEMS | Only Two Ways | Matthew 7:13-14 | Philip Anthony Mitchell
Episode Date: January 4, 2025In "Only Two Ways" Pastor Philip A. Mitchell walks us through Matthew 7:13-14. Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel features powerful and life-impacting messages fr...om Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.
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I want to say that I love you all, my 2819 family, those of you in the room, our online family watching live right now in cities all across this country and pockets around the world.
Those of you who are peeping us, who are living in Atlanta and trying to make a decision whether or not you need to be here, just be here.
We want to see you next Sunday.
We're so thankful for you.
To all of our guests who are in the room,
visitors, we welcome you
to 2819 Church.
And to all of our friends who are not yet followers of Jesus Christ, we welcome you.
We are in the last four messages, the last four installments of a series called Kingdom Gems and in this series Kingdom Gems we have been walking
through the greatest sermon the world has ever known sermon on the mountain
full-length sermon recorded by our Lord Jesus Christ in the first century AD
we've been walking through the sermon line by line verse by verse and i want to keep reminding you as often as i can before we land the plane on this series that
this is the blueprint for the best life possible i don't know how else to tell you i know how else
to convince you out of 20 years of reading god's word and being convinced of the
wisdom of god's word and just pairing into this one particular sermon there are millions of sermons
that have been recorded throughout history this one sermon is the blueprint for the best life
possible it is the blueprint for human flourishing and personal thriving and when the people of god
lean into this sermon that has been preserved for us in
the new testament in the book of Matthew written by an outcast Jew saved by Jesus in the first
century a human being in this life a follower of Christ will live the best life possible I find it
a tragedy that the most important things jesus said is also the least
thing that is obeyed amongst the christian church especially in the united states of america and i'm
gonna fight in these last four weeks to keep reminding you that with all of your complaints
with all your gripes with all the things you're frustrated about you will enter into the best
life possible to the degree you lean into the teachings that are preserved for us in the Sermon on the Mount.
Amen, my brothers and sisters.
In this message, we're going to be unpacking
Matthew chapter 7, just two verses, verses 13 and 14.
I want to give an appropriate title to this text for my note takers.
This message is not to be played with.
This message right here is not to be played with.
The devil will do everything he can to make you drift off while I'm talking.
And to make you argue in your mind while I'm talking because he
knows what's coming in this message and the ones that's coming behind it he knows that he knows the
word we learned that when he was being when Jesus was being tempted the devil knows the scriptures
I would say he probably knows this word better than you than a lot of us in here
he was quoting the psalms to jesus this one right here i would get down on my knees and beg you
to pay attention to this message right here it's two verses
it's two let's let's tag a title to this text we're just going to call it
only two ways
not three not for not purgatory Only two ways.
That's it.
Spirit of the living God, I pray you would awaken the sons and daughters of the Most High.
I pray you would arrest the attention of the sons and daughters of the Most High.
I pray you would drive out of this room,
out from across this camera, every spiritual distraction of the devil.
Drive away weariness, though we was up late last night.
Give us supernatural strength and stamina for the word of God.
Open our eyes to see and our heart to believe
give us revelation and insight for what is more than a sermon what is your divine word coming
from heaven help this weakened earthen vessel
declare to your people and to the outsider these salient truths. These words cannot fall to the floor. agitate us arrest us
change us
we ask this in the mighty
and the majestic
in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
if I could get
three, four, maybe how many?
500 people in this room to just say amen.
Only two ways.
Family, I want to start this message
by making a very bold statement that in your hearing when i
make this statement i already know is going to evoke different emotions in the room and across
this camera yet the statement is very important and it is laced with a lot of truth and it is this
that your family and your experiences notwithstanding for the most part
every single person in this room everyone watching me right now across this camera
you are
you are for the most part let me say it again the sum total of your personal decisions where you are right now and where you will end up five years from now 10 years from now
when you take your last breath will hinge totally on all of your personal decisions
decisions are very powerful.
Decisions are very consequential.
Decisions are like seeds that every time you make one,
they go into your future.
Decisions are seeds that bring immediate harvest and decisions are seeds that bring harvest later on
in your life in the future.
Decisions are not to be played with.
They are very, very powerful in the future. Decisions are not to be played with. They are very, very powerful in
our lives. Every day, every week, every month, every year, you and I will make tens of hundreds
of thousands of tens of thousands of decisions. And probably the apex of all our decision-making is how you and I and any human being keep responding to the
progressive revelation of God in our lives. The apex of all your decisions will probably
continually be how you respond to God, how you respond to the revelation of God, how you respond
to the knowledge of God, the truth of God, the word of God, the spirit of God, the conviction of God, how you respond to the knowledge of God, the truth of God, the word of God, the spirit of
God, the conviction of God, your most important decisions you will ever make in this life.
They are connected to how every single one of us, every human being keeps responding
to the Lord Jesus Christ in this life, whether to listen or to reject him. That is the apex of
your decision. there is no decision
you will ever make greater than your continual response to the revelation of god in your life
your decisions are very very powerful this was the case for tens of thousands of people sitting on the gentle slope of a Judean countryside in the first century A.D.
Listening to a celebrity rabbi named Jesus who at the onset of his ministry, it blew up because his ministry was laced with these supernatural healings and these powerful teachings that caused thousands of people to follow him
as he was healing and setting people free and preaching and the scripture tells us it was jesus
looking out at the crowd sat down on that gentle mountainside and he delivered to his followers and
to seekers and to skeptics what would be called the Sermon on the Mount,
the most powerful sermon, the most important sermon the world has ever known.
Jesus taught them things like the Beatitudes, which was their kingdom identity.
He went on for the year.
He taught them things about salt and light, which was their kingdom identity. He went on for the year. He taught them things about
saw and light, which was their kingdom identity. He taught them about the Beatitudes, which was
their kingdom character. Excuse me. He taught them about the power of the word of God saying
he did not come to get rid of the law, but to fulfill the law. He taught them about their emotions, about anger.
He taught them about lust and divorce and their oaths. He taught them about human relationships
and retaliation and loving your enemies. He went on to teach them about personal disciplines in
the spirit, giving and praying and fasting. He went on to talk to them about stewardship, kingdom
stewardship, about storing up treasures in heaven and not being anxious. He talked to them about
their emotional health when it relates to anxiety. He talked to them about judging one another and
about having kingdom discernment and he talked
to us about how to get a prayer through through asking seeking and knocking and
then Jesus comes down to the end of his sermon and now he pivots away from
teaching and now it's like he's looking out over this crowd and it's like he's looking out over this crowd, and it's like he's saying, now that I've
said all of this to you, like he's looking out over this crowd, now that I've said all of this to you,
he pivots towards the end of his message, and he makes a demand of them, what he makes a demand of
you and I, and that is a decision. Now that I have have spoken all of this now that you have heard all of
this now that you have been aware of all this teaching because one of the most dangerous things
in this life is to be informed by the word of God because once you're informed you're accountable
I mean you can go around and stick your fingers in your ears and act childish if you want,
but once you've been informed, you're accountable for what you've heard.
And now that they have heard everything Jesus has to say in the Sermon on the Mount,
he comes down and he demands of them what he demands of you and I, and that is a decision. His words were too powerful, too salient, too severe, too serious for
just an amen. His words were too consequential for just an amen. His words were too consequential
for just, I heard you, Rabbi. No, his words were so salient what jesus demanded now from them watch he demanded from the followers
from the seekers and from the skeptics now that you've heard everything i had to say
now a demand from all of y'all a decision and his decision was so important the decision they had to
make that he lands the plane on the sermon on the mount with these powerful illustrations he talks to them
first about two gates and then two trees and then two relationship statuses and then two houses and
then two realities that ends in two different places in this message we're just going to unpack
the first illustration two gates he finishes his teaching he's getting ready to end
we'll study his clothes over the next three weeks we're just going to look at the first one today
two gates he says to them in matthew chapter 7 and verse 13 he says now that you have heard
everything i've had to say now that you've heard the kingdom teaching now that you have heard everything I've had to say, now that you've
heard the kingdom teaching, now that you know that the kingdom has come in Christ, a new
era has dawned, an era of grace, an era of warning.
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Now that you know that the kingdom is coming like a tidal wave is going to envelop the
whole world.
Now that you know everything I've taught you about the kingdom.
Now I want a decision from you.
And look at how he lays out the decision.
Verse 13.
You heard everything I've had to say.
Now here is my command to you.
Watch the first word.
It is an imperative in the original language of the scriptures.
Enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is easy
that leads to destruction and those who enter by it are many for the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life and those who find it are few let me read to you
one more time jesus finishes his teaching and he says to them enter by the narrow gate for the gate
is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction and those who enter by it are many but he says
for the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life and those who find it are few so
it's like jesus was saying to them what i'm saying to you right now that it doesn't matter what you
believe in the eyes of god there are only two gates that lead to two ways that have two different
endings. It doesn't matter what you believe or what you've been taught or what you've read on
the internet. According to Jesus, in the eyes of God Almighty, there are only two gates,
two ways that lead to two different endings.
And if you study the words of Jesus carefully, if you follow his logic, watch.
Every single human being is in one of these two gates.
If you follow the logic of Jesus carefully, he's letting everyone know there is no other option.
Every human being alive right now is behind either one of these two gates,
is traveling down one of these two ways, and will end up in one of these two places.
There is no other alternatives.
There is no neutral gates.
There is no other options.
There is no neutral gates. There is no other options. There is no third way.
Two gates, two ways, two permanent endings.
Let's unpack them.
Let's unpack two gates, two ways, two permanent endings.
First, two gates.
What do we know about these two gates?
He says that there are two gates.
One is narrow and one is broad.
One gate is easy and the other one is hard.
Let's talk about these two gates.
The first gate has a name.
The name of the first gate requires a payment.
It requires a payment of surrender, a payment of faith, a payment of belief,
a payment of turning away from our former life.
To enter into that gate, you cannot enter for free.
That gate comes at a cost.
The cost to enter that gate is salvation it is repentance it is turning my life over to jesus christ it is being regenerated
by the power of the holy spirit that gate is narrow that gate doesn't have enough room for my will and God's will.
That gate is so narrow that I can only come in alone on my own personal confession, on my own personal decision, on my own personal being drawn to God.
I can't come through that gate on my grandmother's faith, on my father's faith, on my auntie's faith, on my brother's faith. I got to walk through that gate alone.
I got to walk through that gate naked. I got to strip off the old man to begin my journey
behind that gate. That gate is narrow because I can't come in with my wife next to me
because I got to give my own account before the Lord.
So I got to walk through that gate by myself.
The other gate is broad.
It has a name.
The world.
There's no requirement to enter that gate. We are born behind that gate and people are
just running down that gate. That gate is easy. There's no requirements on the front side for
that gate, but there is a heavy price it will exact on the other side of that gate
both gates advertise the same thing this way to real life they both have the same promotion
the same ads the same promise come through these gates both of them lead to life
one of them is factual the other one is deceptive
so both gates makes a promise but one one gate delivers on that promise
and look what jesus said he didn't even leave it to you to figure out which gate you should go down
he loved you so much he loved the people who was listening to him so much he didn't want listen he
cared about their soul so much he didn't he didn't even leave it up to you to figure out what gate to
pass through he says enter the narrow gate this word enter in the original language is an imperative.
It is a command.
It is forceful.
It is a warning.
It is come in here.
Get in here.
Come through this gate.
Come to me.
Surrender to me.
Follow me.
Come after me.
You don't want no parts of the ending of the other gate.
So we see we have two gates. one is narrow and one is broad one gate
has a name it is christ the other gate has a name in this world both of them make the same promise
this way to real life one gate will deliver on that promise the other gate is deceptive
two gates what's behind these two? Let's talk about the two ways.
The first way says it is easy. Let's talk about that way. And it is broad.
One way is the broad way. Listen to me. The broad way that is easy. It is paved with all the pleasures of this life. It is paved with everything you want
to do in this life. That road is easy. It has no real sacrifices on that way. No sacrifices to God
on that way. No turning away from sin on that way. That way is easy. Notice it says that there is many
who travel that way. That means there's much company on that gate
the crowds are walking down this way the broadway is full of the crowds of the world
the broadway is full of company the broadway is full of people who want to go in that direction
that's the broadway it has space for the whole world that that Broadway. Who are some of the travelers on the Broadway?
The self-righteous are traveling down the Broadway.
People who are trying to earn something from God with good behavior and with morality.
The people who think that because I'm a good person, I'm going to heaven.
Or because I'm moral, I'm going to heaven.
Or because I was baptized as a baby, I'm going to heaven when Or because I'm moral, I'm going to heaven. Or because I was baptized as a baby,
I'm going to heaven when you just got wet that day.
The Broadway is all of the self-righteous,
all of the people that think that because of their performance
and their good behavior and their morality,
I'm guaranteed a ticket into heaven.
Who else are the travelers of the broad way?
The self-deceived.
The self-deceived are the travelers of the broad way.
The atheist is on the broad way.
The agnostic is traveling down the Broadway.
The pagans are traveling
down the Broadway. Every spin-off
of Christianity is traveling
down the Broadway.
People attending the Kingdom Hall
are on the Broadway. The Mormons
are on the Broadway.
Every false Christian religion
is on the Broadway. Every false Christian religion is on the Broadway.
People who don't believe in God are traveling down the Broadway.
Scientists who got 18 degrees, who the scripture calls a fool.
The fool says in his heart, there is no God, are on the Broadway.
The Broadway is full of everybody we admire in society.
Influencers are on the Broadway.
Athletes are on the Broadway.
Rappers are on the Broadway.
Family members are on the Broadway.
Friends are on the Broadway. Family members are on the Broadway. Friends are on the Broadway.
People we love are on the Broadway.
People sitting in this room are on the Broadway.
Someone watching me right now are traveling down the Broadway.
And for most of us, we just go down this path because it's easy to follow.
We see the crowds of people in front of us.
We think the Broadway is really all that life has to offer.
The Broadway is sparkly.
It's beautiful.
It's nice.
It's easy.
People who hop in and out of church and don't really have no commitment to God are going down the Broadway.
People who are vacillating are going down the Broadway. People who are vacillating
are going down the Broadway. I mean, millions and millions and millions of people are traveling the
Broadway. Whole nations are going down the Broadway. Islamic nations are going down the
Broadway. Whole countries and nations are traveling down the Broadway way. Somebody's sitting on your road right now.
It's traveling down the broad way. You got people in churches all across America right now.
Right now, as I'm talking to you, they are traveling down the broad way.
They're in church every Sunday. They warm a chair, but they're far away from God,
thinking that they're safe, thinking that they they're comfortable not knowing they're a car accident away from trouble one breath away from trouble a stroke away from trouble traveling down the Broadway satan is the architect of the broadway he is the foreman of the broadway he is the builder of the
broadway he has put at the front of the gate of the broadway everything that is sparkly and tickles
the flesh and tickles the ears everything we love in our human desires he's put at the front of the broadway he's dangling carrots
for all men of unsuspecting people keep coming down the broadway he's blinding people from the
knowledge of god as they're walking down the broadway stay away from church stay away from
preaching stay away from real teaching stay away from biblical ministry. Keep doing you. Do you live your truth on the Broadway?
Everybody got their own truth on the Broadway.
They're trusting in crystals on the Broadway.
They're trusting in horoscopes on the Broadway.
They're trusting in fortune tellers on the Broadway.
They're trusting in the little juju bees and the idols you have in your pockets and in your house on the Broadway.
You're trusting in your own morality on the Broadway.
You're trusting your connections to other people on the Broadway.
While all y'all staring at me with your eyeballs, I'm telling you right now, I'm looking
at hundreds of eyes and I'm telling you not everybody in this room is on that narrow path.
There are people sitting here listening to my voice right now that you don't even realize you're
on the Broadway. How can you? The scripture says it is Satan who blinds the mind of the unbeliever so they cannot see the glorious gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
They're wearing the sunglasses of darkness on the Broadway.
The Broadway is spiritually dark.
It is dangerous.
It is fun for a season.
And you can enjoy your life and do everything you want to do on the Broadway
the Broadway affords you every pleasure
the world has to offer
I shed tears this morning
for family members and friends
who are on the Broadway.
And probably the most tragic thing is that, listen to me,
like atheists on the Broadway, agnostics on the Broadway,
people who blaspheme God,
they mock him in the streets in South America,
they do demonic stuff at the grammys like i feel you
i think the worst thing is is that people who call themselves christians are on the broadway
how do we know because later on in verse 21 jesus would say we'll get to that next week two weeks
from now not everyone who comes to me and says lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven
that there are people who really think they're christians they really
think they're following god they really think they're saved but they're actually on the broad
way the broad way there's no price for that you ain't fasting and grinding for jesus on the broad
way you ain't sacrificing and making no sacrifices of the flesh on the Broadway. What did Jesus say?
The Broadway is a life of ease and comfort.
So if you feel no pressure from God, man, there are Christians all over America right now that are going down the Broadway,
listening to demons in pulpits, traveling down the Broadway,
listening to lies on Sunday morning, traveling down the Broadway,
keeping up for yourself teachers because you got itching ears, traveling down the Broadway. Keep it up for yourself, teachers, because you got itching ears traveling down the Broadway. They're going to keep you comfortable until you end up on
the backside of the road with the Broadway. You never hear about sin on the Broadway. You're
never confronted on the Broadway. Your toes are never stepped on on the Broadway. You never feel
convicted on the Broadway. You're never challenged on the broad way you don't hear anything that makes you feel uncomfortable on the
broad way you sit in churches where they never talk about sin they never
challenge you about your life auditoriums are packed with Christians
on the broad way Jesus said this many will come to me on that day and say, Lord, Lord.
There are people you've been in church your whole life.
And you think because you were born in church, but you're on the Broadway.
Religious people on the Broadway.
The self-sufficient are on the broad way.
People who think I don't need God
are on the broad way.
The self-religious,
the self-reliant, right?
The self-deceived,
all of these groups are on the broad way.
I was on the Broadway.
Y'all sitting here staring at me and some of you as I'm talking to you right now,
you got family members and friends.
You're so churchy.
They're on the Broadway.
You ain't praying for them
because your prayers are full of yourself.
And you never hear teaching like this on the broad way.
I got people I love
who are on the broad way.
Who have no idea what's coming at the end of that path.
You got people in this room right now,
you play in church,
and you don't even realize you're standing in here during worship,
and you're coming in here twice a month,
and you're traveling down the Broadway.
Okay. down the Broadway. But Jesus said there is another way. Thank God.
It will come at a cost.
It will cost you a confession.
It will cost you your will.
He said that way is hard. He said that way is hard.
He said that way is hard.
I got to pray on that way.
Every now and then I got to fast on that way.
I got to die on that way i gotta die on that way i look at my old self and i say dang i can't keep carrying you down this way it gets too narrow to keep carrying that fleshly old man down this way the path gets
so narrow it gets to the point that either the godly me could go forward or the fleshly me could
go forward but both of me can't make it down the narrow way. One of me
will have to die to get to the other end of the narrow way. It's like when Paul keeps teaching
people in Colossians, you got to keep dying to that old man because he's trying to lead Christians
down the narrow way. There's not enough space for all of my past and all of my future on the
narrow way. There's not enough space for all of my attitude and all of my future on the narrow way. There's not enough space for all of my attitude
and all of my nastiness and all of my righteousness down the narrow way. There's not enough space for
me to be tearing down my brothers and sisters and then saying bless the Lord on Sunday morning down
the narrow way. There's not enough space for me to be a hypocrite my whole life and then come in
church and say bless the Lord down the narrow way. there's not enough space for all of my will and all of his will down the narrow way the narrow
way will cost me something it may cost me my will can i go further can i go a little bit deeper
i'm about to hurt especially us american christians it may cost you your pre-salvation dreams.
Notice I didn't say your God-given dreams. The narrow way may cost you your pre-salvation dreams. I wanted to be an attorney. The narrow way did not afford me that.
I wanted to do something else with my life.
The narrow way did not afford me that.
I was headed to law school that was called into the ministry.
The narrow way did not afford me that.
It may cost you your pre-salvation dreams.
It may cost you your personal will.
It may cost you your nasty attitude, your bad ways. It may cost you your personal will. It may cost you your nasty attitude,
your bad ways. It may cost you your bad mouth. It may cost you your bitterness, your unforgiveness,
your revelry. It may cost you your false will to hold on to grudges. It may cost you unforgiveness.
It may cost you keeping people in your heart like it's an apartment instead of letting them go.
It may cost you what you want to do for what God has for you.
And for millions of Christians throughout the ages, it may even cost you your life two gates two ways only two
permanent endings the first one Jesus said this broadway he says it leads to this word called
destruction you could travel it for 20 years 30 years 40 years you can build a massive fortune
you could be wealthy and famous but when your last breath is drawn if you was traveling on
that broadway and your breath leaves your house jesus says the end of the broadway
is this word called destruction
that's a toned down word for eternal damnation permanent separation from god
in consciousness of a fiery hell that satan designed to bring people in this life captive
all the way down to this place of destruction a place god created for the devil and demons
and he did not intend for people to be there but the god of this world is blinding all these people
on the broad way and is trapping them with with carrots to lead them
all the way to destruction that you can't see the end on the broad way until you have taken your
last breath you wake up on the other side of eternity you cry for mercy but it's too late.
And Jesus said, but the narrow way, man, it
ends where? In eternal
Some of you, not just
heaven. You got the wrong concept of heaven.
You think heaven is just harps and
floating around on clouds.
Man, that's boring to me.
I like activity. I like
activity. I can't be playing a harp
and floating on a cloud forever.
Some of you
have even been taught wrong. Heaven is temporary.
Can I teach?
You need to read Revelation.
Heaven is temporary.
How could that be? The scripture says in the end god himself
i heard somebody say the other day to be absent from the bodies to be present with the lord no
only for the believer
so when the believer dies they go straight to the presence of the lord but the scripture says where
is the lord he is in heaven at the right hand of the Father.
Will he stay there forever?
The scripture says that when all is said and done.
The Lord will watch.
Return to the new earth.
New trees.
New water.
New nations.
New rulers.
A whole new world with no sin no darkness I'm done Frank
the Lord will return with his Saints to the new earth and then they will be in the new earth new trees new nations new worlds
new life new government ruled by jesus forever we'll be living and breathing and eating and
picking fruit from a tree of life and drinking water so clear we've never seen before No aging, no sickness, no disease, no tears, no doctor's reports, no trouble, no worries, no drama, no issues, no strokes, no bad relationships, no unforgiveness, no wounds, no trials, no troubles, no tribulations.
None of that.
But a price got to be paid now. That word narrow in the Greek,
it means difficult, painful.
That for those of us who are in Christ,
it is difficult now.
It is painful now.
It is sacrifice now.
Faithfulness now.
Generosity now. Grind now. Surness now, generosity now, grind now, surrender now, bow now.
Lord, not my will, but your will now. Now. is the payment we got to make now for the reward
of the end
of the now way.
Two gates.
Two ways.
Two permanent endings.
There is no other option.
There is no other way. There is no purgatory. There is no getting out of
hell. There is no do-over. There is no second chance when you draw your last breath. You get
one shot to get this right. The right of Hebrew says it is appointed to a man to live once,
and then he must face the judgment. You get one shot, and your shot ends when you draw your last breath.
You say, well, I'm young. I'm in my 20s.
I'm a millennial. I'm a Gen Z. I'm balling.
You don't even know when your last breath is coming.
I graduated from North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina,
and one of their athletes died, a 20 their athletes died a 20-something died this week one of my friends was 40 something
years or 40 years or died this week
when your last breath is drawn whatever gate you was behind whatever way you was
on man it seals your fate this is why Jesus yells at the people
on that hillside. Enter into the narrow gate. Get in here. This is safety. This is real life.
This will lead you to the end. Come to me. Run to me. Surrender to me. Get in here. Come through
that gate. Yes, it's it's narrow yes it's difficult yes
it's gonna cost you but what you get at the end
oh I had somebody in the room I already know you in here I hear you preacher. I don't believe all that though.
I hear you.
Don't believe me.
But who's talking?
It's red.
Who's talking?
You know who's talking?
The son of God. the one who came from eternity
the one who performed miracles the one who was raised from the dead watch
the only person that knows us on the other side of death
the one who came from eternity into time to tell us go through the narrow way how could you not believe him
you roll your dice on your own intellect your armor roll my dice on the Lord
Jesus Christ
our boy mg in here when we was young we used to play this game called CeeLo in
Queens right if you if you roll if you lost you roll what's called craps if you win you roll what's
called CeeLo I got four five six you don't gotta believe me or watch you got
to make a decision though.
Either Jesus is telling the truth or he's a liar.
You could gamble with your life and your last breath
to see was he credible or not. I ain't rolling the dice
on the fact that he's not credible
if someone can die
and be resurrected from a grave
I'm inclined to roll my dice
on that man Two gates.
Two ways.
Two permanent endings.
And when you hear the Lord knocking on your heart,
you got to make your own decision.
I already made mine.
The narrow way
I pray you make the right decision
let's pray
come on
Christians pray I'm trying to snatch some people out of this room who are on
the Broadway right now. If you know how to pray, pray. Please, Jesus, pray. If somebody watching
me on camera right now traveling down the Broadway to destruction, I'm about to do everything I can to stop them right now. I'm so serious.
Come on.
Stir this room with faith.
We're about to tear down the lies of the devil in this room
and snatch men and women from the Broadway.
Pray, Christian.
Pray. Pray. pray Christian pray
eternal God and ever wise father
Lord we thank you for the eternal truth of your word
as forever settled in heaven
I pray for these my brothers and sisters Lord that we would be awakened to your truth
that we would care deeply about those on the broadway
that we would pray for those on the broadway that we will push forth the gospel to rescue those
on the broad way.
We pray, Lord,
for the spread of your glorious
We pray, Lord, for
the planting of new churches.
We pray, Lord,
for the spread of the gospel
across this city, across
this nation, around the world.
That you may keep harvesting to yourself.
The family you want to reap from the broad way.
God, I pray for my church family.
Awaken them, Lord.
Let them care deeply, Lord. Let their eyes be open to the millions of people on the Broadway, Lord.
On social media, Lord. All across this nation, let us be aware of the millions of people on the Broadway, Lord.
Let us cry out for their salvation, Jesus.
Awaken your sons and daughters in this nation, Jesus.
Now, Lord, do it now.
Before time has run out, God, awaken us.
Before time has run out,
God, awaken us, Lord.
Listen to me.
Keep your head bowed and your eyes closed.
I ain't even playing around with you.
You in this room, you're not saved.
You don't belong to Jesus.
You've been in church your whole life and you're not saved.
You traveling down that broad way and you're not saved.
You know it because you're not paying no price for Christianity.
You got one foot in the world, one foot in the kingdom.
You already know who you are.
Pray, believers, pray.
The Lord Jesus Christ died for you.
Lived a perfect life that you could not live.
Died a sacrificial death that you could not pay
to exchange
your punishment
for forgiveness.
And if anyone
would just repent, put their faith in
The scripture says you could be made
new, you could be regenerated
not by some fancy prayer
but by the power of God.
I want to pray for you.
Man, you already know who I'm talking to. I ain't playing
around. Come meet me at this altar
right now. We ain't playing. Get off that broad path.
Get off. Get off
the broad path. Come on,
Ryan. Get off that broad path. Get off of get off that broad path get off of it
come on get off of it
get off of it get off get off of it come over that broadway come on
get off of it!
Come on, get off of it! Get off of it! Get off of you!
Get off of that Broadway! Get off of it! Come on, get off of it! Get off of that Broadway! Get off of it!
Come on, get off of it! Get off of it!
Come on, get off of that Broadway!
Come on, get off of it. What are we doing?
Come on, what are we doing?
Come on, get off of that road with you.
Go up, Frank, go up, go up.
Come on, get off Go up. Go up. Come on. Get over there one way. All things new and I will follow you forward.
You make all things new.
Yes, you make all things new and I will follow You forward
Sing, You make
You make all things new, yes
You make all things new and I will follow You.
You make all things new.
You make all things new and I will follow you over
You make all things new
You make all things new
And I will follow you
over You make I will follow you forward
You make all things new
You make all things new
And I will follow you forward you
Things new yes you
Think You make all things new and I will follow you forward. You make all things new.
Yes, You make all things new.
And I will follow You.
Oh, Word.
You make all things new. Yes, You make all things new, yes, You make all things new, you make all things new yes you yeah you
I will follow you forward. Say you'll make all things new.
You'll make all things new and I will follow you forward.
Say you'll make all things new.
You'll make all things new.
You'll make all things new.
And I will follow you forward
See you make all things new
You make all things new
And I will follow you forward
See you make all things new you
Think you
Think you make you may You make all things new You make all things new
And I will follow you forward
You make all things new
Yeah, you make all things new
And I will follow you forward
You make all things new
You make all things new
And I will follow you forward
Say you make all
You make all things new You make all things new.
You make all things new.
And I will follow you forward.
You make all things new.
You make all things new, yeah You make all things new
And I will follow You over
You make all things new, yeah You make all things new
And I will follow You over
You make all things new, yeah You make all things new new
we'll follow you forward Say you make all
You make all things new and I will follow you
Oh, yeah
Eternal God and otherwise father I pray of all these men and women being
regenerated by the power of your spirit shedding tears of repentance these are
the harvest of the preaching of the Word of God these are your new sons and daughters
may the lamb who was slain receive
the reward of his suffering
we thank you that they belong to you
that all of their sins have been forgiven
that they have been washed in the blood of the lamb
that their names have been forgiven, that they have been washed in the blood of the Lamb, that their names
have been recorded in heaven, that eternity is their home, and hell was their former destination.
We thank you, Lord.
You said when one sinner repents, all of heaven rejoices.
So, Father, we rejoice, God.