2819 Church - WISDOM AND WONDER | A Clarion Call (Special Episode) | Philip Anthony Mitchell
Episode Date: January 4, 2025In this revelatory message, Pastor Philip Anthony Mitchell delivers an unscripted, special episode from Revelation 2 & 3 amid our series, WISDOM & WONDER. Welcome to the official Youtube chan...nel for 2819 Church. This channel features powerful and life-impacting messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.
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My 2819 family, local and abroad, I love you and it is good to be in your presence again.
To all of our digital disciples who are watching right now live in cities all across the country
in a few pockets around the world, we welcome you. You are part of our family.
We want to apologize to you publicly for For last week, we could not live stream. I would learn later on that the city that we are in, Atlanta, they put a firewall around all of the high schools to keep teenagers from going on YouTube and we did not know that and so as a result of that we could
not live stream and we said we had a technical difficulty because we did not know what was going
on at the time and that is what happened we could not break through that firewall to bring this
gathering to you we have no control over these things we are in a lease facility and this is all the
more why I'm encouraging you all of our digital disciples all of our family in
the room that we have to do something about this we do not own this facility
while we're doing our best to be good roommates and good stewards we all
believe in God for a place we can call home for ourselves. We have an opportunity to come
together on February 25th. No manipulation, nothing contrived. For the first time in my
history, we are taking up a special offering once a year to try to raise capital first for our own facility and then to raise additional capital every year for gospel expansion.
And I am not ashamed because God knows my heart before you I am NOT a money man
I don't really think about money I told you my father-in-law told me preach the
gospel trust God's people and I'm asking all of you our digital disciples who eat
from this house every single week wherever you are you feel fed across
that camera I'm asking
all of you thousands of you our digital disciples to join us in that offering on
February 25th and I'm asking all of you my brothers and sisters all of you who
call 2819 your home all of you who come and eat every week all of you who are in
squads all of you who say your lives have been changed all of you who come and eat every week. All of you who are in squads. All of you who say your lives have been changed.
All of you who poured out tears on this altar.
All of you who have received the preaching of the gospel.
All of you who have friends you didn't have before.
All of you who have felt the presence of God.
All of you who come every week and eat of the fruit of this house, man.
Give back to her. Give back to her on the 25th.
Every boy, every girl, every man, every woman, man, peel off some sacrifice on the 25th and let's
come together as a body and show God what we can do with our sacrifice and trust him to breathe on that sacrifice.
Amen, my brothers and sisters.
My sons and daughters.
My family.
Amen, everybody. Everybody. If you are a guest, we are in a series called Wisdom and Wonder.
And we are walking through Matthew chapter 12 through 20.
We're going to be parked here for a very long time, maybe a year and some change.
And so we've decided to not call these series weeks, but just call them seasons and episodes.
Every chapter is a season, and every message is an episode,
and that would make it more tolerable for our posting and for your ears
as we journey through Matthew chapter 12 through 20 together.
Now, today I'm supposed to be preaching the next section in Matthew.
Okay. But I can't, I can't because I need to insert what I'm going to call just a special
episode right here in the middle of our series. Because there are some things in the basement of my soul
that I cannot keep quiet about.
And that I need to talk to you about.
And I want you to hear me carefully.
I never want this thing
that we are doing right now.
Hear my heart.
For some of you and you,
you don't know me.
It's never going to be about
a Sunday morning service for me. It's never going to be about a Sunday morning service for me. Christianity can't
terminate on a Sunday morning gathering. This is not Christianity. This only helps to fuel
the walk that we have with Jesus. And our walk should be more than a gathering, more than a Sunday morning.
And me, I never want this, what we're doing together.
Listen, I never want this to become static or wooden.
I never want this to become old or stale.
And so while we plan and we program,
I am sensitive enough to yield to the Holy Spirit when he speaks.
That what I want our relationship to be between pastor and sheep,
between senior elder and brothers and sisters between a spiritual father and sons and daughters what I want our
relationship to be is fluid I want to have the freedom to say the Holy Spirit
has led me in a different direction. And you not feel nervous about that.
That the church now is so highly programmed in America.
We don't even give the Holy Spirit room to say.
Can I disrupt your program for just a little bit?
God leaders afraid to let the Holy Spirit have his way.
Everything's so rigid,
the Holy Spirit can't even breathe into your schedule.
Everything is in and out.
In and out, in and out, in and out regiment, regiment, regiment
that he can't even whisper in your program
can I make a change?
it's Super Bowl Sunday
can I call an audible? And so we are a house of proclamation and presence.
And today, I feel the fluidity to insert a special episode in our series.
Can I do that?
I have no idea how this is going to come out.
Normally I study,
I prepare my sermons.
I come into the pulpit with just my bible I walk through that
sermon in my heart I have nothing but what's burning in my heart today so I don't know how
this is going to turn out you don't handcuff me by your expectations it's going to be whatever
the holy spirit wanted to be and don't rush me either
oh I'm going to take my time today
and what I really want to do
I really want to pray over you
something special that's in my heart.
But I can't pray over you until I talk to you first.
So that when we pray together,
whatever I've said would hopefully make sense
in connection to what's burning in my belly to pray over you.
Because I'm agitated this morning.
Not at you.
And so, eternal God and ever-wise Father,
I just, I yield.
In the weakness of my flesh,
I yield.
I feel
what's been rolling around in my belly
for five days.
I have no idea
how it's going to come out,
but spirit of the living God, would you speak to your people this morning?
Would you grab them by the shoulders and whisper in their ears?
Would you exchange hardened hearts for hearts of flesh
tear down pride
and arrogance
remove blindness
from our eyes
would you push us past
cultural Christianity
and our need
for three points and a poem?
Would you give us spiritual
stamina to sit in your presence?
And will we not hear the words
of a man
where we hear the cry
of your heart
through a weakened
earthen vessel.
God minister to these
my brothers and sisters.
In the mighty
and the majestic
I feel drunk in the spirit.
And the matchless name, look up them words, of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Man, if anybody agrees with me, would you just shout amen?
I've walked with Jesus for 20 years.
And in those 20 years, I have come to learn and I am learning.
That there are things that God uses that I would just call agents.
Agents that God uses to mature the believer.
To strengthen the faith of the believer. To open the eyes of the believer to strengthen the faith of the believer to open the eyes
of the believer
to touch the heart of the believer
to propel the believer
forward deeper into an
intimate personal relationship
with Christ
to stir
our hearts
for some of us to re-spark fires that have burned cold.
Some of those agents you know,
like these holy scriptures
that we treat like suggestions, but they are not.
These holy commandments that we treat like suggestions and they are not,
these 66 ancient documents in which God Almighty from heaven
has revealed himself to humanity in historical accounts,
in poetic literature, in wisdom literature,
in the record of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
the birth of the church in the Pauline epistles.
He's used the agent like the church of Jesus,
the corporate body of brothers and sisters,
that although this is messy, you will never find a perfect church.
You keep church hopping, looking for one, and you're going to be disappointed.
At some point in time, you need to realize God has placed you in a healthy body You keep church hopping, looking for one, and you're going to be disappointed.
At some point in time, you need to realize God has placed you in a healthy body.
28, 19.
I'm going to say that again. A healthy body, not a perfect body, but a healthy body where you will get agitated from time to time.
Somebody might piss you off from time to time, but are people striving to walk this thing out for real?
And I'm always crying out to Jesus
that the church he has allowed me to lead
will be this beautiful image of Acts 2, 42 to 47,
of people surrendered to the apostles' teaching
and are devoted to prayer
and to community and fellowship and to breaking of bread
and to worship and evangelism and generosity and all that stuff that we would be the image of that first early century church.
That this is a glorious mess of some sorts,
of broken pieces,
a mosaic of some sorts that God has put together.
And when we lean into that,
though we hurt one another,
man, the Lord uses our strengths and our weaknesses.
Our mountaintops and our corporate valleys. Our testimonies and our weaknesses. Our mountaintops and our corporate valleys.
Our testimonies
and our failures
working together
to be an agent of strength
for one another.
That when I am weak,
you are strong.
And when you are strong,
I am weak.
And when I'm falling,
you're there to pick me up.
And then when you fall,
I am there to pick you up. And when you confess, man, I'm there to pick me up. And then when you fall, I am there to pick you up.
And when you confess, man, I'm there to be a shoulder and ears.
Another powerful agent.
Just let me freestyle.
The Holy Spirit.
Another powerful agent living on the inside of the believer that god poured out on
the world at the day of pentecost he uses that powerful agent the third person of the godhead
to lead us into a deeper relationship with god to waken us when we are dead to move on our hearts
y'all understand that, right?
The Holy Spirit.
And some of y'all look at me and say,
I know we got this new thing,
but we just say Holy Spirit.
It's like you're afraid to put the T-H-E in front of his name.
That's what Jesus called him,
the Holy Spirit,
the Comforter.
The is a definitive article he put there on purpose
because they are other spirits.
And the reason he put the in front of Holy Spirit is to distinguish him from false spirits
and from evil spirits. So it is God the father. God the son.
God the holy separated spirit.
T-H-E does not diminish him.
It is a Greek definitive article
to distinguish him
but I am learning that there is also another agent
God uses to transform his children.
And it's this word that's been in my belly all week called exposure.
Because once you've been exposed, you cannot be unexposed.
And God would use exposure in your life
to usher you into deeper revelation of who he is,
what he's doing in the earth
to awaken you sometimes when you're sleeping.
God uses exposure to transform the life of the believer.
Exposure comes in different forms.
It could come in the form of a relationship
that God gives you access to the form of a relationship that God gives you
access to the life of a person and because of that person you have exposure now maybe to a
prayer life you've never seen and a faith you have never seen and resources you have never seen
and so God has given me exposure for example to people I never knew I would be in relationship with. And you see things in their life that you say, man, I am inspired now to pray at that level.
And to be faithful at that level.
And to preach at that level.
And to sacrifice at that level.
Dang, I didn't know you lived like that in private.
He uses opportunities for exposure.
He'll put you in rooms.
He'll open
up doors.
He'll put you on a staff at a church.
God will give you opportunities
in different places or cities
and he'll use those opportunities as exposure to deepen your relationship with him.
Can anybody testify of that?
Yes, you can.
Another thing God uses as exposure is geography.
Places. geography places that there's some things god will reveal to you when your feet hit the ground there there's some things god revealed to me when i left new york there's something god revealed to
me in north carolina you following this there's something God revealed to me in Ohio. These are the places I lived.
There's some things God revealed to me in Atlanta.
And there's some things that did not watch, unlock in my life
until my feet hit the place it was supposed to be.
Y'all ain't listening to me.
That sometimes your feet need to tread different ground.
You need to hop on a plane,
drive somewhere,
and let your feet hit different ground.
And sometimes when your feet walk different ground,
God will speak to you in different places.
Oh, yeah.
For example, for example this happened to me in december 2018 when god put my wife and i on a plane to israel and i went there for a birthday and i wanted to turn that birthday on the mount of olives
and my wife and i toured the nation of Israel
from the north part of Israel
all the way down to the southern part of Israel
out to Judea to the Dead Sea
and into the city of Jerusalem
all the way to Mount Moriah
and even the other mountain
where the prophet argued with the prophets of Baal
we've seen the walls of Jericho buried under the ground
we floated in the dead sea we stood on the top of the Mount of Olives overlooking the city of
Jerusalem we walked the Via Della Rosa where Jesus carried his cross we traveled through Bethlehem
and to Nazareth and stood on the cliff where they try to push Jesus off at his hometown.
We went down to the pool of Bethesda where Jesus killed a man who was suffering for 38 years.
And we walked all throughout the streets of Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Judea, where in the wilderness John the Baptist, his
ministry flourished because you don't need lights and stages for a powerful ministry.
What's up, Joe? You don't need all of that. We just need the anointing of God,
a word from God, and we travel all throughout, and I will never forget, man, I was
praying and fasting, asking God, speak to me while I was here, and nothing happened the first day, the
third day, the fifth day, but on the eighth day, that number of new beginnings, we was on our last place
on the bus, and have been traveling with all these foreigners on the bus
and we go to the garden
tomb where scholars argue
was Jesus crucified in that tomb
or was he crucified where they built
this sepulcher, this church on top
of this mountain and we go
to the garden tomb
and I go into the garden tomb
and I come out the garden tomb
there's no bones there
confucius is buried somewhere joseph smith he's buried somewhere muhammad he's buried somewhere. There's no bones.
Where they claim Jesus was buried,
there's no bones there.
Those bones are at the right hand of God.
Those bones are at the right hand of God the Father.
Praying for me the Father praying for me
and praying for you.
That blood dripped off on the mercy seat
trying to forgive Philip Anthony Mitchell
and forgive Donald Smith
and forgive Lena Mitchell
and forgive Rhonda Johnson.
Anybody thankful for that blood
that's in heaven right now?
Ain't that what the writer of Hebrew said?
I'm just freestyling.
That blood that cries out from the mercy seat over the elders of this house
and every son and daughter,
can I go deeper?
Cries out for us when we fall
and make a mistake.
And I came out that garden tomb
and when I came out that garden tomb,
I heard songs.
I heard singing,
but it wasn't in English.
It was in some foreign language
that I did not know.
But watch, I could feel the spirit of God
because God doesn't only speak English.
He speaks English. he speaks Spanish he speaks French he speaks Czechoslovakian I'm gonna go deeper he
speaks whale I'm gonna get to that next week he speaks whale I'm gonna get to
that next week he can tell an animal go get that dude and bring him back to where he needs to be.
He speaks animal languages.
He'll whisper in the voice of a fish.
Go get that rebellious
prophet. I'm going to get to
that next week. And spit him out where
he's supposed to be so he keeps running
from his calling. He
speaks well.
He speaks lion. That prophet, don't touch
Don't touch that prophet don't touch that prophet that prophet Daniel
don't touch him now wait for the next prisoner and tear him up that man right
there he belonged to me don't put a don't put a tooth on him.
Somebody shout hallelujah.
Man, he'll speak to you
by the word, by the spirit,
by a people,
a TV commercial,
a closed door, a open
door. He speaks any language
to get to you.
Is anybody thankful for a bilingual
Is anybody thankful for a
bilingual Jesus? And I hear
And I hear a song being sung
A couple feet away from the garden tomb
I can feel the spirit but I don't know the language
So I'm nosy
and and i walk over to the place where they was gathering a group of people that didn't look
nothing like me foreigners and i went into the back of their gathering and i sat down in the back
and i began to weep because i could feel the presence of god
and the man who was leading that
little small gathering, he motioned
to me from the back and I'm trying to look
past, no you.
And he calls
me down to the front.
And then he begins to talk
to me in a language I do not know.
Now in this exact moment,
there was a man who was on my bus
for the whole week who spoke the language of that brother.
And I've been on the bus with you all week and you didn't tell me that.
So he begins to translate what the man was saying to me.
And the man said to me this in Portuguese.
I've been to your country.
And I've been to your nation and I've been to your nation and I've traveled your cities and I've seen how many of your churches are dead and dying in your country.
I see a faith that is dying in your country.
And young man, do you want to go back to your nation and do something about it?
It's what he said to me.
And I fell down on my knees and I said, yes, sir.
He says, receive a double anointed and lays his hands on me.
And prays over me.
And all the Portuguese people are well. They pray over me.
And he says, God charge you.
Go back to your nation.
And cry aloud.
Now you understand me a little better.
Because God gave me a charge in Israel.
I was exposed in Israel.
I had an encounter with God that changed my life. I've never been the same since December 2018. Kids shut me up.
Kid take me off this course. You're not gonna dangle some carrot in front of me
to make me bite on your little trinkets and your toys. Don't need nobody platform. Don't care about no conference. I've been charged by
God almighty in the holy land of Israel. And while in Israel, I saw, watch this, exposure A faith and a reverence for God that I had never saw in my entire life.
The Bible was honored in Jerusalem.
Christ was honored in Jerusalem.
Yahweh was honored in Jerusalem.
And I've seen a dedication to faith.
And a dedication to the scriptures.
And a dedication to God.
Like I've never seen before.
And on a 12 hour flight.
I was broken on the inside.
Because now I had been exposed to a level of reverence.
That I could not be exposed from.
And now you understand my heart just a little bit better.
While I'm serious about holiness and respect for Jesus
and honor for the Bible
and honor for sacred gatherings.
Those people had a respect for sacred gatherings.
This stuff that we, right now,
we just take for granted,
just in and out, in and out, in and out.
They had a reverence for sacred
gatherings and this bible that you never open that you keep dusty on some shelf they had a
reverence for those holy scriptures i met a mazianic jew on the top of mount masada copying
the bible by hand in ink and i said to him you doing? He says, I spent eight hours a day up here transcribing the holy scriptures.
And if I make one mistake, I got to start over from the very beginning.
Oh, it's just Exodus to you.
It's just
oh it's just
oh it's boring it's just Philippians
it's God's
sacred word
to human beings who trying to know him apart from it.
All of these new generation Christians trying to have a walk with God apart from the revelation of himself to you.
So you got more trust in preachers than the Bible.
That you don't even know when you hear lies
because you have no word in you.
Why don't you start listening to it
when you drive in your car?
Or get a verse in at night
before you go to bed.
Why don't you get it so much in your soul
that you have what I call
a glory consciousness of God that you will stop giving props to coincidence.
That you'll be so full of the word that you see God in everything, in mountaintops and valleys,
in tough seasons and seasons of blessing.
In closed doors and in open doors.
In transitions and when we stable.
Too much mouthing off of social media.
Of people who claim to be wise and sages.
You spitting off stuff disconnected from the word of God.
God said, two dangerous words.
Anytime I hear somebody say, God said,
I've got a question, an eyebrow raised.
As soon as you say, God said, my eyebrow was raised.
Man, God told you what underwear to put on,
what socks to put on. God said, God said, my eyebrow was raised. Man, God told you what underwear to put on, what socks to put on.
God said, God said, God said.
God said.
Why they don't quote this when they say God said. Exposure to reverence.
Look at me.
And holiness like I've never seen before.
It changed my life.
And then I go to Turkey.
Now I need you to listen to me very carefully
because this is the bulk of what I want to say.
For 20 years since I've been saved,
I've been studying the ruins of the city of Ephesus.
They're some of the best preserved ruins
of the ancient world.
And for 20 years, I've prayed and asked God,
man, send me to see the ruins of Ephesusesus i've never had plans to physically go there i just wanted to go and just never put
together plans and i told y'all man a pastor friend of mine named recap gray passes one of
our partner churches down in orlando and if you live in the city of Orlando, you should stop watching 2819 and just go to New Creation Fellowship in Orlando, our partner church.
We're walking through Matthew.
They're walking through Genesis.
So if you live in Orlando, don't watch us anymore.
Just go to New Creation Fellowship in Orlando.
Collaboration is greater than competition.
The kingdom is bigger than 2819.
You don't need y'all to watch us if in Orlando.
Go to New Creation Fellowship.
Recap calls me out of the blue and says,
yo, a man of God is taking me with him to Turkey.
They only take 12 pastors every year.
The trip is already full, but I told him,
you need to take my dude, Philip Anthony Mitchell.
And they said, you know what?
We normally don't do this.
It's called favor.
We normally don't do this.
You've heard that before.
That's called favor.
I don't know why I'm giving this to you. That's called favor. I don't know why I'm giving this to you.
That's called favor.
Don't know why we're opening this door for you.
That's called favor.
Don't know why we're giving you this promotion.
That's called favor.
I don't even know what's compelling me to do this for you.
That's called favor.
Don't know why the pastor's asking me to do this.
That's called favor.
And he said, we don't know what we only take 12 but we'll add a 13th person this year so i'm the third wheel on the date on the way to turkey
i'm like there's a couple and i'm just sitting on the side watching them and joining i'm the
third wheel on the date to turkey i I just slip in with my little...
How y'all doing?
I'm Phillip Anthony Mitchell.
So nice to meet you.
I'm in the airport.
So nice to meet you and you and you and you and you and you.
Yes, I am the third wheel on the way to Turkey.
I am the third wheel on the way to Turkey.
And God answers a prayer I've had in my heart for 20 years.
Now, I'm almost done, I think.
But I want you to listen to me very carefully now.
I need everybody to sit up and listen to me carefully.
Turkey, it's not like Israel.
This is a completely different experience than Israel. I'm in a country that identifies as 99% Muslim.
It has more mosques in the country than any other nation on earth.
Over 80,000 of them.
Every corner there is another mosque.
And every inch of Turkey.
We travel the whole western part of the country into the interior of the country.
Listen to me carefully.
There's not a trace of Christianity anywhere that I went.
We went to a restaurant and there was an Islamic man who loved to sing and he sang over us a song.
A Muslim song.
And he asked us, can we sing, a group of pastors, and we sang over him Amazing Grace.
He records us as we're singing this song
and then with our interpreter he says my daughter is a protestant christian
she's in another nation studying school i'm gonna send her this video and i'm thinking
when the daughter gets that video she will translate those words back to her father.
And we walked the streets of multiple cities all around the country.
And I'm walking the streets of multiple cities all around the country and I'm walking the streets for
all these different cities in a country that's 99% Islamic. Now, my brothers and sisters,
look at me, okay? For some of y'all, you hear that and that means nothing to you at
all. Except for the fact I'm touring cities that was once the home base
of christianity lord awaken your people right now i'm traveling a nation that was once the home base
of christianity that after the church was born in jer, it spread into Turkey. Even Turkey became the center part of where Paul writes all of these epistles to all these churches.
God, Lord, help us.
The seat of the Eastern Orthodox Church that represent Christianity to the whole globe was in Turkey.
The church of Antioch,
where we were first called Christians,
is in Turkey.
The seven churches of Asia Minor that Jesus writes to in the book of Revelation,
we need to look at that.
They're in Turkey.
And I remember as we sat in our hotel room
and we talked at night,
we cried, my brother and I,
as we thought to ourselves,
man, at some point in time in history,
the nation that we're touring right now
was, watch, a catalyst to the world
for Christianity.
And you don't give a darn about that because you're comfortable in America.
And you don't give a darn about that,
that an Eastern religion has swallowed up
all of the half of the world.
And you don't give a darn about that except for the fact that same Eastern religion has swallowed up all of the half of the world. And you don't give a darn about that.
Except for the fact that same Eastern religion has swallowed up Europe.
And you don't give a darn about that.
Except there's no other place for it to go.
But to swallow up Christianity in our own land.
And you don't give a darn about that
unless you have children
and you care about the world they're going to live in when you're gone.
See, you don't give a darn about that
because you're comfortable and you're bougie
and we're blind and we don't give a darn
because we only see Christianity as the life we live,
which is so myopic and so small
that we don't see Christianity as a
four-leg relay that the Apostles ran the first leg and then men of God ran the
next leg and somebody handed the baton off to you and i when christianity came across the continent of
africa through europe and landed on our shores and my question for you is what the heck are we
gonna hand off to the next generation you're gonna hand off crystals mixed with jesus you're
gonna hand off man-made philosophies mixed with Jesus?
You're going to hand up the worship of idols mixed with Jesus? What are we going to hand off to our children?
I'm thinking about this.
What world is Josiah going to live in?
You've never seen an ankle leg.
You've seen him coming around the track and and you just hoping they don't drop that
baton and it takes me a good shepherd to remind you all of us bougie american christians that
that baton you got right now called faith it came down to you in blood people died to give you the
faith that we have right now the stuff that you trample and take for granted.
Take church for granted.
Take biblical preaching for granted.
Take the gathering of the saints for granted.
When people paid the price in blood
for you to sit in that comfortable chair.
Can't lift a hand.
Can't praise God.
Can't sing a song.
It's not my Sunday.
Why I don't have this?
Fighting for titles.
All of us bougie American Christians
don't even know you stand on the shoulders of giants,
of men, women, and children
that died to bring Christianity to you.
I remember exactly where I was in the Hagia Sophia,
the house of wisdom,
a church facility
that was converted into a mosque
when I walked into that building
and I remember exactly where I was
when the Holy Spirit apprehended me and arrested me in the corner of that building and I went off of my
group and I just put my face to the wall and I wept and I wept and I wept and my brother came
over and put his arms around me and we wept together and what I'm weeping for is now tears
are dripping from my eyes in this place that used to be a former gathering spot for brothers and sisters 1,600 years ago.
My brothers and sisters walked in that same building.
The council, they had a council of elders, of the original elders in that building.
And I'm dripping tears.
And right there in that spot, man, God burns my heart for the nation of Turkey.
He burns my heart for the Muslim.
He burns my heart for that nation.
I fall so deeply in love with my Islamic brothers and sisters.
I fall so deeply in love with the nation of Turkey.
I fall so deeply in love.
And I can hear God telling me, man, there's a work for you to do over here, my son.
I don't know how, and I don't know when,
and I don't even know why,
but God tells me there's a work to do over there, my son,
and I know I ain't about to do that by myself.
I know I got a church behind me
that when I come back to you and say,
we trying to plant churches,
we trying to support missionaries,
we trying to, I know when I come back to you with some plan,
I will have people behind me like, yes, pastor, let's do something about that.
Out of love for people that don't know the God that we serve.
Love, what's the word?
Love. What's the word? Love.
And so I'm wrestling with this question,
elders. How in God's name, you know where I'm going with this?
Could a land that was once the seat of Christianity.
How is there no trace of Christianity at all?
How is it the entire East
has been dominated by Eastern religion
and the place where we once dominated
is like, do you understand?
The same trend is sweeping west.
See, this is not sexy.
I know what you want.
You want your three points.
What you don't want is to be awakened.
What you don't want to feel like is like your Christianity is bigger
than just your house and your family.
This is why our prayers are so whack.
This is why you feel like you have nothing to pray about
because your Christianity is myopic.
You have no idea what's going on outside the US.
So your prayers is only bless me and god help me and your vision board but you have no idea what's coming towards us right now you don't see the
tsunami that's coming towards america right now as i'm talking to you you'll look back on this
sermon 20 years from now did i say sermon no you'll look back on this clarion call 20 years from now. Did I say sermon? No. You'll look back on this clarion call 20 years from now.
So I'm thinking about, man, what happened there?
Man, I can only surmise two things.
Obviously, that Eastern religion, man, they dominated with violence.
They pushed out Christians.
But then I had to go back and read again about those seven churches in Revelation.
Y'all got a Bible?
You got a phone?
Okay, no scriptures is coming up on the screen
because I'm freestyling.
Okay, I want us to go to Revelation.
Can we go there for a second?
I'm in the ESV.
So if you got a phone, switch it to the ESV.
And I'm asking myself, God, what happened? Well, we know there was raids and violence against Christians that pushed them out, but it can't be only that, man. Like
what happened to the church that was there? The church that was born with fire, the church
that was born at Pentecost, like what happened to them to them man I think we see in the frustration of Jesus
with the Christians who were in Turkey some of the stuff that probably ate out the church from
the inside I'm in Revelation chapter 1 and verse 1 I'm gonna read it to you no scriptures come up
on the screen because we freestyling you got a Bible you got a bible app revelation one esv the revelation of jesus christ
which he gave to him who was john his follower and eyewitness the only follower of jesus from
the original apostles who was not brutally murdered and martyred for the faith he was boiled in oil
and survived and then banished to an island about 20 to 30 miles off the coast of turkey called
patmos he was there as an old man probably in his 60s and when he was there the lord appeared to him
he said the revelation of jesus christ which God gave him to show his servants, the things that must soon take place.
He made it known by sending his angel to his servant, John, who bore blessed is the one who reads aloud the words
of this prophecy so i'm going to read some of these words to you today because the bible says
if i read it to you i am blessed so i'm about to steal a blessing right in front of you
am i a heretic or is that what it says blessed is the person that what
reads this aloud
so I'm going to read some of this aloud to you
and I'm going to take a blessing right in front of you
but there's some blessing for you too
because the other half
of the verse part B says and blessed are
those who
blessed are those who hear and who who who who blessed are those who
hear and who who who what is written in
it how'd y'all do that I got a good team
back there
alright it's on the screen
I didn't give them that
so blessed is the person who reads
you think reading is boring
you want somebody to move you emotionally
every week
so immature
blessed is the one who reads
now you're going to get ready to yawn me to death
because you want to be entertained American Christians
you want somebody to move you in your emotions
so you do back flips out of your chair
you don't have enough stamina
to just let the word of God be read over you let me take a pulse check anybody want the
word of God to be read over you Blessed is the one who reads.
Blessed is the one who hears and keeps.
That is who hears and does something with it.
So what do I want to read?
I'm not going to read to you the all of chapter 1
because Jesus reveals himself, the glorified Jesus.
John falls on his face.
He tells I'm the first and the last, the beginning and the end,
the alpha and the omega.
He speaks to him in all this language. And then he says, man, I'm the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the alpha and omega. He speaks to them in all this
language and he says, man, I'm about to send
you seven letters to seven churches.
Write to them. And can we go to
chapter two, verse one?
Now, I'm
reading this to you because I'm wrestling with
man, what happened to the church
that once was
in this place that is, there's no longer
no existence of the church.
Yes, I know there was persecution
on the church
but could it only be persecution only?
And I want to read this to you
and then I want to say
one last thing to you
and then we're going to pray together.
Can I do that?
So who sends the letters?
Who's talking to these churches?
Jesus. He says to the church in ephesus write to the angel in the church in ephesus write the words of him who holds the seven stars
in his right hand that represents the pastors watch this next part who walks among the seven golden lampstands
the lampstands represents all churches the churches so jesus says i walk among you
ain't nothing happening in no church i can't see ain't nobody getting away with nothing
there's no pastor getting away with nothing. Everybody's gonna give an
account. You keep acting like I'm blind and I can't see. He says I walk amongst every church.
I walk among these seven churches. What happened to the church that was in Ephesus? These are the
seven churches that were in Turkey. I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance
and how you cannot bear with those who are evil,
but have tested those who call themselves apostles.
Test those who call themselves apostles.
Test those who call themselves apostles.
Test those who call themselves apostles.
Test those who love the title apostle and are not
and found them to be false.
I know you're enduring patiently and bearing up for my namesake and blah, blah, blah.
But verse four, but I have this against you.
You have abandoned the love you had at first.
So here's a church in Turkey.
One of the major churches in that area of the world.
They're wealthy.
They're a mega church.
They're huge.
And because of their resources. And because of their resources
and because of all the stuff that they have,
for whatever reason,
they abandoned their first love.
So here is a massive church that, watch,
has drifted away
from their deep, intimate love with Jesus.
My question to you is,
is that happening now?
How many of us American Christians are drifting away from our first love? Jesus, you is, oh man, Frank, man, when he saved you,
you loved him and you was on fire. Then you get a little bit of blessing and a better job. And now
you've got the house that you like and the car that you like, and you're on staff and you're doing this for the church. And now you're writing books and you got blogs, you got the house that you like and the car that you like and you on staff and you're
doing this for the church and now you're writing books and you got blogs you got all of that and
now your first love is your stuff and you have made ministry an idol you've made yourself an
idol you've made open doors an idol you've made your relationships an idol you've made your
connections an idol you've let all of this And now because you're blessed, you can just sin and sleep and do what you want.
Like Jesus has been put to the backseat of the car.
We have abandoned our first love.
Look, this is what was happening in Turkey.
Where there's no trace of Christianity anymore.
Believers abandoning their first love.
It happened
in Europe.
There's only one more frontier for it to
come to. Oh, but it's
already here though.
I'm just trying
to awaken you because we're running after the same
patterns that cause Europe to be changed
from a predominantly Christian society
to an alternate society.
The enlightenment and all these other things we're running after other than Jesus.
Here's a church that abandoned its first love.
Y'all know how this go down.
You get a little bit of blessing and then Jesus is not your priority.
You've got other things on the altar of your heart, but he's not there.
Your business.
I don't care.
I don't care.
I don't care. Your entrepreneurial care i don't care your entrepreneurial
ventures i'm gonna go deeper your preacher your apostle your bishop
man imagine if the lord can search this room right now how many of us got other things there
you already know it you already know. You got dreams that you idolize
above your intimacy,
relationship with Jesus.
What if he said no to your dreams?
Could you love him still?
What if you don't get married?
Could you love him still?
What if he says,
keep your legs closed until I see you?
Could you love him still?
See, I already know.
I see a little Baptist finger about to come up so you can tip out the back.
I wonder if he took a pulse in this room,
in this nation, how many of us can still say
jesus is my primary love i love him so much if i don't have anything else but him
i'll grind it out with him how many of us are truly satisfied with him some of us man we need
him and something else to make us satisfied come on i'm talking to y'all i'm talking to y'all he's not enough to
satisfy you and you know it you have to have him and something else to make you satisfied but it's
so dope if jesus was the thing that ultimately satisfied you man everything else would just be
like icing on the cake and then my heart would always be exploding with gratitude. Because I said, Jesus, all I want is you.
But thank you for a godly wife.
All I want is you.
But thank you for my beautiful children.
All I want is you.
But thank you for my job.
All I want is you.
But thank you for these relationships.
All I want is you.
But thank you for these open doors.
All I want is you.
But thank you for my book deal and my businesses. All I want is you. But thank you. Thank you for these open doors. All I want is you. But thank you for my book deal and my businesses.
All I want is you.
But thank you.
Thank you.
To the next church in Smyrna.
He had nothing bad to say about that church.
We won't even read.
That church was small.
They were persecuted.
They were suffering.
He says, man, y'all better prepare.
Some of y'all are gonna die.
They're gonna be martyred for the faith.
Smyrna was one of the only churches he blessed
besides Philadelphia.
And it's one of the only cities in Turkey that has a remnant of a Protestant people, Christians.
Ancient Smyrna is the modern city of Izmir in Turkey.
The one city that Jesus breathed on with kind words.
The one place that Jesus breathed on with kind words
I want to use another word a remnant
of his people remains
some of y'all that's going to register when you get home
man they stay in power and being righteous and redeemed and then he says to the church
at pergamum these are all places i visited so they're just in my spirit i went to ephesus and
i went to pergamum he says to the church at pergamum okay i know the angel to the angel
church at pergamum right i'm in verse 12 words of him, the sharp two-edged sword.
I know where you dwell, where the Satan's throne is.
Yet you hold fast to my name.
You did not deny the faith, even in the days of Antipas.
My faithful witness who was killed among you, a martyr.
But I have a few things against you.
You hold to the teaching of Balaam who taught Balaam to put
a stumbling block before the sons of Israel so that they may
eat food, sacrifice to idols and practice sexual immorality
so look what was destroying
this church, what was destroying this church? false doctrine, sexual
I know what you want. You want me to move on really quick. Yeah. You don't want me to say
sex is only for married people. You don't want me to say that. You don't want me to say that God
does not like sexual immorality. You don't want me to say that. You don't want me to say that
sexual immorality is killing the witness of believers all around this country. You don't want me to say that sexual immorality is killing the witness of believers
all around this country. You don't want me to say that. You don't want me to say that sex with men
and sex with women and bestiality and all of these whoring things that we're doing is killing the
witness of the church in America. You don't want me to say that. You don't want me to say any of that stuff that we preaching and banging at the same time.
Nah, you don't want me to talk like that.
You think Jesus don't care about that.
But there's no trace of Christianity anymore.
But look what the people are indulging in.
False doctrine, sexual immorality.
Move on, Philip.
Move on. You convicted me, Philip. Move on.
You convicted me, Philip.
Move on.
Move on.
I'm going to have Jesus and all of my immorality.
Move on, Philip.
And this is not to condemn you.
This is not to condemn you whether we're struggling with lust or adultery in our heart this is not to condemn you i'm guilty of all of that myself this is to awaken us to the fact i
just want you to see the five things that ate out the church in turkey we see the church in Turkey. We see the church there was aided out,
there was eroded
by abandoning their first love,
by false teaching and sexual immorality.
To the church of Thyatira, verse 18,
write the words of the Son of God,
his eyes are a flame of fire,
whose feet are like burnished bronze. I know your works, your love, your faith, all of the Son of God. His eyes are a flame of fire, whose feet are like burnished bronze.
I know your works, your love, your faith,
all of that, verse 20.
But I have this against you,
that you tolerate that woman Jezebel,
who calls herself a prophetess
and is teaching and seducing.
Is teaching and seducing.
Is teaching and seducing.
Is teaching and seducing. It's teaching and seducing. It's teaching and seducing.
You are teaching and seducing my prophets to commit sexual immorality,
eat food, sacrifice to idols.
I gave her time to repent because I am gracious.
What else was eaten out the church in turkey tolerating bad doctrine
to the church of sardis chapter three to the angel of the church of sardis write the words
of the amen stars all of that i know your works okay everybody watch
i know your works you have the you have the shout it loud you have the you have the of being alive
but you are dead you blowing up on social media but you are dead you got a big ministry but you are dead
you always posting scriptures but you are dead y'all got a reputation for being alive
but i know on the inside y'all are spiritually dead you're full of entertainment and nonsense
people can't see that because they're
only drawn by the lights and the sound and the noise because y'all got a reputation in your city,
but I know Jesus that y'all are dead. The spirit of God ain't alive there. It's the ingenuity of
man keeping the ministry moving. So you think everything that's big is God.
And you think everything that got glamour and glitz is God. Don't you know
creative men can engineer a
movement? Gather any
fool with a microphone with some charisma
could gather a crowd. That'll
mean the spirit of God is alive there though.
Got dead songs,
dead sermons,
dead small groups,
dead staff meetings.
The Spirit of God is not alive there.
And I'm sorry, I gotta say this.
Because the Spirit of God is alive,
I'm telling you right now,
I should be able to come into a gathering
and feel something I can't feel
at a football game
I should be able to come into a gathering
and feel something I can't feel
at a basketball game
I should be able to come into a gathering
and feel something I can't feel
at a concert
I should be able to come into a gathering and feel something I can't feel at a concert. I should be able to come into a gathering
and feel something
I can't feel no place else.
If you go to a football game
and you go to a church game and you go to a church gathering
and they feel the same,
how will we are embassy of heaven on earth? I should be able to walk into a gathering
and feel something more than I feel at a Beyonce concert
or a Drake concert
you go to a Drake concert
and come out feeling dead
you should come into these gatherings and leave feeling like
I could feel in the room the presence of almighty God I don't want a reputation of being alive
I want to be alive do I got any alive Christians in the room right now?
Who's alive in this room?
Give him praise.
Who's alive?
I don't got a reputation
I am alive
it's flowing in my veins
demons tremble
when I walk into a room
I want your dead church
your dead sermon
your dead small, your dead sermon, your dead small groups, your dead curriculum, your dead gathering, your dead children's ministry.
And y'all say, man, it don't take all of that. I feel like David
who said woman
I'll get more undignified
than this
before the presence of almighty God
and I'll take all of that
what was killing the church in Turkey They don't take all of that.
What was killing the church in Turkey?
Where they no longer, they abandoned their first love.
Sexual immorality.
A tolerating false teaching.
Y'all are dead on the inside.
And then this last one. The last one he had nothing good to say about at all.
It's the only church, watch, he had nothing good to say about.
And I think this is the American church right now. Control room, give me that picture I sent y'all.
Pay attention.
This is the ancient city of Laodicea.
And where I see that right now was the ancient worship complex of Laodicea.
In the ancient world,
they build stairs to the temple
extremely large on purpose and they will
make you walk up them very slowly to make you think in your mind where you're going it's not
like the stairs you have in your house that you can run up and down them because they built at a
certain size for cadence the temple steps was not built for cadence they're long and they're tall picture doesn't know justice
and leave the picture up there till i'm done they're extremely tall and large so you had to
take high steps to walk up the temple steps and they would slow you down on purpose to make you
think i'm going into the house of god so i can't just run into the gathering and run out of the gathering. My heart is being postured for where I'm going.
I'm driving to the gathering, listening to worship, posturing my heart for where I'm going.
I'm walking past the flags, posturing my heart for where I'm going.
I'm getting ready to see all of the welcome team. Posturing my heart for where I'm going. I'm getting ready to see all of the welcome team.
Posturing my heart for where I'm going.
I'm ringing out the sin in my life as I'm parking my car.
Posturing my heart for where I'm going.
Lord, forgive me for my sin this week.
Pour out your spirit on me when I get there.
Minister to me through the worship team.
Anoint my pastor to speak to us.
Minister to my brother.
I'm posturing my heart
for where I'm going.
And why?
I could have showed you a picture of all the other cities.
I want to show you a picture of all the other cities. I want to show you a picture just later to see you.
The only one that Jesus had nothing good to say about it all
because their problem, and I'm about to close, I think now.
Their problem is our problem.
Remember, there's no trace of Christianity there no more, right?
You see what I'm sitting on? Ruins.
What am I sitting on?
What used to thrive there?
What am I sitting on?
Ruins. Not just physical ruins, but spiritual ruins.
Same thing happening right now.
Your grandchildren, if we don't wake up in this generation,
they're going to be sitting on spiritual ruins.
They're going to only remember stories.
I mean, people used to gather freely
and used to worship God freely.
And they had no pressure, no persecution, no issues.
I heard stories about outpourings of God. And now we can't see that anywhere.
Just believe in God for revival to restore what my grandfather Philip used to talk about from 2819.
If we don't change what's happening right now, wake up.
Man, we're going to hand off to our children ruins.
So to the only church that Jesus had nothing good to say, what was their issue?
To the church of Laodicea, the angel of
the church of Laodicea, the angel of the church of Laodicea,
write the words of the amen,
the faithful and true witness,
the beginning of God's creation.
I know your works.
I see all of your life.
You are neither cold or hot.
Now, before we go any further I said put my picture up there and leave it there
thank you
this is Laodicea
look at me
10 miles to the north of Laodicea. Look at me. Ten miles to the north of Laodicea,
where we travel,
is a city called Heropolis.
Built on volcanic activity,
so they have natural hot springs and hot water.
Laodicea had no water supply,
so they built pipes from Heropolis
all the way to the city to get that hot water.
And that hot water had medicinal qualities.
Cleopatra would go and swim in the waters at hierapolis but by the time the water traveled
the 10 miles or so down to laodicea it was no longer hot and then
to the east of Laodicea
is the city of Colossae
where Paul write the letter Colossians
they have cold springs
so it'll be fresh on a hot day
the cold water brought refreshing
the hot water brought medicine
hot water made people better
the cold water made people feel refreshed.
But by the time the cold water came from Colossae to Laodicea
it was no longer cold.
The minerals in the pipes by the time it got to Laodicea
would make the water warm and anybody who drank that water
they would vomit.
So the city was plagued by warm water.
I know your works.
You are neither cold,
your spirituality don't refresh no one.
You not hot, you not even on fire.
I would that you were either refreshing or on fire.
I wish your Christianity was refreshing or on fire.
I wish you was cold or hot.
So because you are lukewarm, he said to that church,
you're not on fire, you're not refreshing.
You're not hot, you're not on fire, you're not refreshing, you're not hot,
you're not cold. And because y'all are lukewarm, because you're indifferent,
because you're full of apathy, because you're full of lethargy, because Christianity is only a Sunday morning service, because you have no prayer life, because you don't spend time with me outside of
Sunday, because you have no evidence of Christianity outside of the gathering
because you're just going through the motions.
He said, I'll spit you out of my mouth.
For you say I'm rich.
I have prospered.
I have need of nothing.
But you don't even realize. I'm rich. I have prospered. I have need of nothing. But you don't even realize.
I'm done Frank.
That you are wretched.
And naked.
Hold one note for me, Frank.
I want to pray with you because because these things that ate up the church in Turkey
they're killing us right now
they're killing us man
and I don't understand
why is this all you want?
Like, I don't understand.
With all that the Lord has done,
like, how could he have died for you?
And all we got is this apathetic,
weak, soft,
going through the motions, Christianity.
We want Jesus and sin.
And it's like, where is the fire? Where is the
sacrifice? Where is the seriousness? Where are the
tears that are being shed? What does your prayer life
look like? I mean, come on, man.
Why is Christianity to you just your home and like
I'm so
it's like the Lord sends me to Israel
and gives me a burden for America
and then he sends me to Turkey
and gives me a burden for the East
and in all of it he reminds me
son the gospel is global
it's bigger than 2819
it's like I want my children, if you read the scriptures, you'll hear
God crying out to you. I want you to think globally about this gospel. Time is running out. Like my
children, live for me. My children, sacrifice, serve, pray, bruise your knees for the spread of the God.
Even if I'm not sending you to be a missionary in Madagascar, man,
you can pray and cry out for the church.
Like if the people of God don't take the commission seriously, man,
God help America.
God help our children.
God help the faith we're going to hand off.
Like why is this a game for you?
Why are you just satisfied to just do a service on Sunday morning?
You're going to leave here.
You're not going to have no encounter with Jesus until I see you next week.
Like, what's up with that, man?
I don't understand if I could creep up in your prayer room.
Like, what are you talking about?
What are you just begging god for
stuff man it's so it's so immature you just keep ringing out the father's ears for a car like come
on man when people are dying and going to hell man i'm crying out for a nation that's 99 muslim
crying out for a whole half of the world that sits in spiritual darkness.
There's over 2 billion people on the other side of the world.
Some of them have never even heard the name of Jesus.
My wife was talking to a school teacher in this room.
I don't know if it was Amanda or one of them,
who said they met a child in a classroom that's never heard the name of Jesus in America.
Don't you see that Christianity is being eaten out
right from under your feet?
There's a generation emerging right behind you
that don't even know the name of Jesus.
And it's like, y'all come in,
you look at me with these eyeballs
and you think this is my burden to carry.
You think it's on the pastors only
to sound an alarm and to
stand for Christ and stand in the
gap and pray and live holy.
You think it's only for us to do?
No. No.
God said on this rock I'll build my church
man. It's for
us to do. this passage
been in my heart
Matthew 24 verse 14
when Jesus said
y'all can put it up there now it's okay
but he said
and this gospel of the kingdom
he says it's going to be proclaimed throughout the whole world and this gospel of the kingdom.
He says it's going to be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, to America, to Turkey, to China,
to Japan, to Denmark, to Uganda, to Sierra Leone, to Ghana.
It's going to be proclaimed in the whole world and then the end will come.
Don't you see?
Jesus has a global mindset.
He cares about the church globally.
Man, when was the last time you prayed for the gospel to spread across the world?
He said, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
You ain't doing that.
We're not praying for churches to be planted.
We're not praying for missionaries to be sent out.
You know why we're not praying your kingdom come, your will be done? Because we got
a myopic, American, humanistic, self-centered gospel.
That's the Christianity that we live. So your walk is boring
and you have those dry air ducts of yours. You don't shed
no tears and this is Christianity for you. It's just you listening to me
every Sunday and you leave and there's
And I can't let you
go out like that. I can't.
I can't.
It's like,
I don't even know what to say. I'm going to pray.
I just want to pray.
Oh, God, we need revival
oh God
we need an awakening
in our mission
oh God give us your heart, Jesus.
Give us your eyes, Jesus.
Give us your eyes, Jesus.
Let us see, God, what the evil sweep in this nation, God.
Let the hearts of your people be broken, God.
Lord, I cry out for the church you've entrusted to me.
That you would pour into them, God, baptize
them with your perfect love.
That they would love humanity,
God, Lord, and be grieved
over the depravity of mankind
and be grieved over those who are far away.
They would pray and cry out
for the redemption,
God, Lord, of the elect.
We would pray, God, Lord, that the elect. We would pray, God, Lord,
that you would send laborers into your vineyard
like sickles to cut down the harvest
you said was so ripe.
Take out these hearts of stone
and give us a heart of flesh.
Deliver us from our adulteries
and our idolatries
and our whoredom
and our love affair
with the things that you are poor
pour out your spirit upon us oh God
let us feel the grief of your heart oh God
let us feel the grief of your heart, oh God. Let us feel your burdens, oh God.
Lord, I pray, God, Lord, in America,
there will be a revival born in the platform
that spreads to the pew, that spreads to the street.
Deal with me, your servant.
Deal with all of your servants.
Deal with your pastors, your preachers, your shepherds.
Pull the skirt up on the false prophet.
Raise up the voices in this hour you have ordained, God.
Somebody pray with me, please.
Pray, pray with me.
Pray with me, please.
Pray, pray.
God, we pray for the East.
We pray, God.
How many billions of people have not heard your name?
We cry out for the right.
We cry out for the salvation.
We cry out for the salvation of your sons and daughters in the East, God.
Every one of them you knew by name before the foundation of the world.
Let the light of the gospel and the truth of the message of Jesus shine in to the dark strongholds, God, of the east in the name of Jesus.
Let there be a harvest, God, Lord, from the east. Let there be a harvest, God, from the east.
In the name of Yeshua, God.
Oh, God, awaken the church in America, Lord.
Awaken the church in America, God.
Yes, let us turn away, God, from our wicked ways. Let us turn away
from the world, from sin and debauchery and licentiousness, God. Create in us, God, hearts
that are pure. Create in us, God, hands that are clean creating us God consecrated
interior lives Lord in the name of Jesus
let us love what you love
and let us hate what you hate
deliver us God from compromise
from excuses
deliver us from apathy Deliver us, God, from compromise, from excuses.
Deliver us from apathy and lethargy and indifference, God.
Burn us in our lips with coals from the fires of heaven.
Burn us in our hearts with coals from the fires of heaven.
Awaken, God, your remnant in this nation, Lord.
Pray with me,
please. We need revival.
We pray for one more great
We pray for one more
great revival, God.
We pray for one
more great revival. Let 2819 be at the center
of one more great revival. Let the churches you have ordained be at the
center of one more great revival. Pray Pray with me please
Pray pray
Pray pray pray
Pray pray pray
Pray, pray, pray.
Pray, pray, pray.
Somebody cry out to Jesus.
Pray. Pray.
Pray. Pray. Pray. Pray.
Here I cry Jesus. Pray. Pray, pray. Thank you. Pray.
Pray, pray.
Pray. Pray. Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, pray, Pray! Pray! Pray!
We need an outpouring of God's Spirit! Pray! Pray
Shout Sing. Pray.
Is anyone working?
Is anyone working?
Is anyone working?
Pray. Is anyone working?
Pray. Praise! Praise! Praise!
Praise! Praise! The Lion God!
Yes! Praise!
Come down to the altar!
Praise! Praise! Praise! who conquered the grave He is David's fruit and the lemon dine
to answer for sin
Every people and tribe