2819 Church - WISDOM AND WONDER | At His Feet | Matthew 15:29-31 | Marquavious Walker
Episode Date: January 4, 2025In Season 4, Episode 4 of “WISDOM & WONDER,” guest communicator Marquavious Walker draws out powerful gems from the account found in Matthew 15:29-31 Welcome to the official Youtube channel f...or 2819 Church. This channel features powerful and life-impacting messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.
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Well, welcome to 2819. If this is your first time, we want to welcome you to 2819.
Man, let's welcome all of our digital disciples that are watching.
We're so grateful that you have joined us here for our finale of our Season 4 Worship with Wonder.
Do me a favor, say hello to someone next to you. You can take your seat.
In the chat, just say hello to someone.
Praise God.
Praise God.
Listen, man, I'm so glad to be back home at 2819. It is a blessing to be here.
Listen, I would be remiss if I did not pause. You're like, dude, why do you pause in honor?
Because honor opens doors and honor is of the Lord. Never get familiar with those that God walks in your life to cause something
to change in your life. Don't get it twisted. There's levels to this thing. And, you know,
pastor talks about the honor flows in all ways of the cross. And I believe that our pastor is not just a local pastor, but what God is
doing in him and through him and Ms. Lena is beyond what we could ever fathom or imagine.
And because his voice is needed, the attacks will come. The enemy will try. But Jesus said that upon this rock,
I will build my church
and the gates of hell shall not prevail.
And so I'm going to say,
let us honor the gift
because you guys are spoiled.
Let me tell you, y'all spoiled.
Oh, y'all don't think y'all spoiled?
No, y'all spoiled. The reason why I say don't think y'all spoiled? No, y'all spoiled. The reason why
I say that, I don't say that in a condescending way or a disrespectful way, so don't take it that
way, but I do say that because I've had the opportunity to be on the West Coast. I live in
Arizona and the famine, the drought for people that want God and for preachers that's willing to pay a price in private is rare in this generation.
And I'm going to tell you, because I love you, I've had the opportunity to sit in some rooms where prayer is dead.
Where the word is just the word where prayer is dead.
Where the word is just the word. It's dead.
Where worship,
it's just worship, but it's dead.
And I'm telling
you, there is something
And I'm telling you
to be grateful to
God because he orchestrated your life to collide with 2819.
And if you're grateful for what God is doing here, come on, let's honor our pastors and our leaders.
Pastor Cliff and Ms. Lita, come on.
Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. I am forever honored. It was back in 2019, 2018, I think. I met this young lady here. And I was like, I got to marry her.
I got to marry her.
And yeah, huh?
Come on here.
And I've forever been blessed and favored because of God as it relates to my wife.
Man, she's here, and I'm so grateful. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's my sweetheart.
Listen, listen, for all my singles, I'm just going to tell you, I found her here.
Listen, I came from Ohio, and in Bible college, let me tell you, everybody was getting married.
It was just like, you know, you just throw it out there, you just get married.
And I just, you know, by God's grace, I didn't make a decision in Ohio, praise God,
that he led me all the way back to Georgia to literally meet someone that would literally help me get to where God has taken us.
And so, you know.
Y'all ready for the word of God?
All right, now listen, listen, I'm going to warn you right now so that there's no misconception here.
I only got three verses.
Everybody say three.
Okay, that means I don't have much to say as far as to get out of this text.
Now, it doesn't mean that y'all can get out on time. So if you got a reservation, I'll just play it.
No, but seriously.
There's only three verses,
and I believe God has something to say to us
in our finale series of worship.
How many of you have enjoyed Worship and Wonder?
Okay, that's weak.
I said, how many of you have enjoyed Worship and Wonder?
Listen, I'm way across on the West Coast, and I still tune in like a stalker.
And I'm like, God, I need God's word.
And it's not that, you know, there's no great church in Arizona,
but you got to know who you're connected to spiritually. You got to know
who can pick you up and tell you about yourself. Come on here. Y'all like our pastor don't
be telling us about ourselves. He'll tell you about yourself and then smile at you.
You know what I mean? It's like, man, that hurt, but okay. Got it. But I'm forever grateful.
So let's jump into God's word. I am in Matthew chapter number 15 verses 20, uh, verse 29 through 31.
Uh, this, this particular account is also mirrored in Mark chapter seven verses 31 through
So we'll read, we'll jump back and forth, but I believe God has something to say to
all of us.
If you're writing notes, uh, the, writing notes, the title to our talk today
is called At
His Feet.
At His Feet.
At His Feet.
You got it?
If you don't got it, say hold up.
Alright, let's
hurry up. I don't have all day.
You're counting me down. Praise God.
I'm going to say it's y'all's fault if I go over because you're taking forever to get to Matthew.
All right, here we go. Matthew chapter 15, verse 29.
It says this, Jesus went from there and walked beside the Sea of Galilee.
And he went up on the mountain and sat down there and great crowd came to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the crippled, the mute and many others.
And they put him at they put them at his feet, the lame walking, and the blind seeing.
They glorified the God of Israel.
Mark chapter 7, verse 31 through 37.
It says, Then he returned from the region of Tyre and went through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee in the region of the
And they brought him a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment, and they begged him
to lay his hand on them.
And taking him aside from the crowd privately, he put his finger into his ears, and after
spitting, touched his tongue.
And looking up to heaven, he sighed and said,
Ephatha, that is the open.
And his ears were open and his tongue was released.
And he spoke plainly.
And Jesus charged them to tell no one.
But the more he charged them, the more zealous they proclaimed it.
And they were astonished beyond measure, saying he has done well.
I mean, he has done all things well.
Even he even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.
Let's pray. Father, we thank you for your word because it's a lamp unto our feet
and it's a light unto our past. In the next few moments, I pray that you would
grab our hearts, grab our attention. God, let us not be distracted in this moment. Let us not think,
God, you're talking to somebody next to us. But God, that we are literally hearing from you. God,
I pray that your voice will precede
mine. And the Holy Spirit, would you convict hearts, whether they be in the room, whether
they be watching. God, I pray in the name of Jesus that you would break chains in this moment,
that you will cause people to be honest with you in this moment, that God, whatever has been
holding them back, God, I pray in this moment they will have that release to be honest with you in this moment. That God, whatever has been holding them back, God, I pray in this moment,
they will have that release
to be free,
to be at your feet.
We pray all of this in the name of Jesus.
And if you agree with that,
somebody shout amen.
Thank you, Sam.
I appreciate it.
Y'all just hang out right there.
I like when you hang out. Amen. Thank you, Sam. I appreciate it. Y'all just hang out right there. I like when you hang out. Okay. You know, so I have two boys. I have two boys, Jude and Ezra. And when my sons were born, something interesting happened to me. When my first son was born, I was gripped with, I would say, an ungodly
kind of fear. And that fear paralyzed me. And how that fear showed up is when my son
was out of my presence, I would literally get anxious as to what was going to happen
to him while I was not there. And it was just it was just, just, I mean, he could be
in the room crying and I'm just, I'm anxious to find out what he's crying about. Um, and he would
go to school and then, you know, I would ride by the school and, you know, if I saw like a EMS ride
by it, my heart just started palpitating because I thought that was him. And, uh, it, it just
paralyzed me so bad until one day, um, it was one day he,
he got hurt in school, severely hurt. And, uh, I remember getting that call and they
said, Hey, you might want to get here. We're calling the EMS. So I said, all right. Um,
now mind you, this is after I had just got back in town from from preaching in ohio so the attacks are real man so so i get i get the
call i go to his school and i walk in i see my son in distress and i can't do anything about it i just
kind of gotta wait and uh literally we get an ems we'll get him taken care of and maybe that night
that night i ended up just going into my prayer room and the Holy Spirit just
asked me one question just one question he said are you are you ready to give it
up now I said what you know when the Holy Spirit asks you something you just get
amnesia like he ain't talking to you you know what I mean like what he says are you are you ready to give it up now and i said what he said give up control
he said because you think that your fear has all to do with how your son is going to be safe
and that your fear is going to control what happens to him out
of your presence. And I'm sitting here like, you understand, you know, small boy. And he you can only be in one space
that one time
and I say you're right
and he says so give him to me
lay him at my feet
and I will ensure
because the truth be told
he's not yours anyway.
I gave him to you
to steward his life.
But he belongs
to me.
So I, you know,
it was a humbling moment.
It was, you know,
I was like, you're right.
It was hard
because I had to literally
get to a place to surrender my son to Jesus.
And here we find ourselves in Matthew chapter number 15, verse 29.
Watch this. The Bible says, and Jesus went from there. Where was he coming from? So earlier in verse 20, we see that Jesus is in the region of Tyre and Sidon.
He meets the woman that he deals with the spirit in her daughter.
And then we now see that Jesus is leaving that place.
So from Tyre and Sidon to Galilee, that's about a 41-mile journey, 41-mile journey back to Galilee.
And the Bible says, and Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee and went up on a mountain to sit down.
Now, some theologians say that Jesus is tired.
Now, you and I would be tired after 41 miles of travel.
But some theologians suggest that Jesus is not tired, that we see the pattern of Jesus in that Jesus is now
about to teach. If you read Matthew chapter five, verse number one on the Sermon on the Mount,
Jesus is sitting and he's teaching. So if you're following the pattern of Jesus, sometimes that
when Jesus is sitting, he's about to teach. So Jesus, the Bible says he went up from there and he sat down.
Verse 30, and it says, and great crowds came to him.
Now, oftentimes we read this, you can very well read over this,
but you're just thinking that Jesus is gathering a crowd.
Notice the Bible says he went up a mountain to sit down.
He's intentional because he wants to be seen.
He's going up a mountain, so he's not like, okay, I don't, I'm trying to hide out. No, he, he's, he's
sitting up on a mountain and he's, he's having a seat in the Bible says, and they came, the
great crowd came to him. And so this particular text, this is a very interesting because in
Matthew chapter, I'm sorry, Mark chapter five, we see that Jesus cast the demon out of a man with legion of demons.
And when Jesus cast the demons out, he literally tells him, don't go with me. You don't come with
me. Go back to your town and tell them what I've done for you. So we see that the reputation of
Jesus has grown because these people come and crowd around him. Here's my question to you.
What is the reputation of Jesus in your heart?
Because if we're not careful, the reputation of Jesus can be siloed to his works.
And not his person.
What are you saying, Mark Wavis?
Okay, let me fill in the blank. The reputation of Jesus can be, I just need to go
to church so I can be healed. I
did. I just need to go to church
so that, you know, I got a bill
that's, that's not adding up. I
got more bill than money. So, so
God could pay my bills or, you
know, uh, you know, I got this
family member that's sick. So in
proxy, I'm gonna go for them. You know, one of the sad member that's sick, so in proxy, I'm going to go for them.
You know, one of the saddest things I heard one time, and it was a comedian telling a joke, but it's true.
We think it.
We don't say it, but we think it, right?
He said, you know, he was with another person, and he said, if I told the man, if I'm in trouble, I got to go to church and get around some people that pray.
And I thought, how sad.
Because we believe in a gospel
that only meets the felt needs of people
rather than the gospel that meets the real need,
which is that we are sinners in need of a savior.
Watch the text.
The Bible says, bringing with them the lame,
the blind, the crippled, the mute, and many others.
So they bring to him the diseased.
But watch this.
Now, they bring to him the diseased.
Now, most of us will automatically check out
of this scripture because you think that, you know what, I'm not diseased.
You know, nothing wrong with me.
I'm completely healthy.
But what about those areas that you're blind in spiritually that God keeps trying to deal with and you refuse to bring it to him?
What about those areas where you're crippled in your heart and
every relationship feels it and they can't make it any further past the area of your last pain?
What about those areas that you know what that thing hits you so bad that it paralyzed you from
moving forward? Maybe it's that molestation that happened and it paralyzed you from moving forward.
Maybe it's that molestation that happened and it paralyzed you from moving forward.
Maybe it's that father relationship that paralyzed you and you can't move forward.
Because in this text, we look at him like, man, I'm not lame. I'm not deaf. I'm not new. Maybe because you're offended with God, because you're like, God, if you love me, you wouldn't allow me to go through this.
And it is muted your prayer life.
Can I talk in here?
And see, we like to get real cute in church because we try to act like everything is okay.
But who are you hiding from when God sees everything?
Who are you trying to fix yourself up when the bible says in hebrews he said the everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of god
who are you hiding from who are you trying why are you trying to fix yourself up
like he really doesn't know what really is the issue
because I'm gonna talk to all of us that sanitize our lives when it comes to God
when you try to make yourself look better than you are and you don't want
to admit that this is a strong area in my life. It's that addiction that keeps paralyzing me. And we don't like to talk about
it because it's like, man, I don't, I don't want to admit that I got, I got this going on in my life.
I don't want to admit that I keep slipping up in somebody's bed. I don't want to admit that. Like,
like I, you know, I'm around the believers,
but if truth be told, when lights go out and you leave and you get in your car,
there's something happening internally.
As Paul said, there's a war going on in my members.
When I would do good, evil is always worse.
Something is happening inside me.
And if I'm healthy on the outside, something's going on.
And now the Bible says they put them at his feet.
Notice the disease weren't in denial about their condition.
Here's my question to you.
What are you in denial about?
Are you in denial that that addiction really has you?
Are you in denial that that offense really has your heart?
Are you in denial that you don't want? what i really really struggle to walk in purity
because the truth be told when i was single it was a struggle
and most people on the pulpit don't want to admit it because they think you know we think we made it but I struggled and I'm telling you
not as a signet ring of grace
for you to just go out and do anything
but that I'm telling you
that God is a keeper
or you don't believe that do you
I said God is a keeper
so the Bible says and they put them Keeper.
So the Bible says, and they put them at his feet.
I want to actually go over to verse number Mark, chapter 7, verse number 33.
Because if you read Mark, Mark is given a more detailed perspective on what happened to one person matthew on the other hand is given a summary of what happened to all of them
but i want to focus on verse 33 and mark because i think something significant happens here
and the bible says and taking him aside from the crowd privately, he put his fingers in his ears.
And after spitting, he touched his tongue.
Watch this.
Now, I know a lot of us, because we live in a social media generation, we want everything to be public.
But the Bible says, and Jesus took him away from the crowd and did something privately.
Watch this.
What if God wants to heal you privately?
What if the life and the things that you're dealing with, he wants to deal with you in private?
Watch this. Don't forsake your privacy with Jesus don't forsake the times where he's
wooing you to get you away so he can calm the noise of everybody because
everybody's in your ear about your issue your prayer partners in your ear and
your parents in your ear and all these people's in your ear about your issue. Your prayer partner's in your ear and your parents in your ear and all these people's in your ear.
And he just wants to get you away so that he could deal with the area you won't be honest about.
The area you keep scooting around.
The area you keep kind of saying, God, this ain't really me.
Can I be honest with y'all?
Can I really be honest with y'all?
Okay, I'm gonna put y'all my chips on the table.
The Lord had to deal with me personally, privately
about separating what I do from who I am.
Because for me personally, personally,
I always equated what I do to who I am.
Here's the question.
If God took everything you do,
could you still remain who you are?
I'm talking to the men in the room
who everything you do defines who you are.
We say, what do you do?
I am fill in the blank.
But if God takes away those things, if he allows those things to leave your life,
will it shake your identity?
Will it cripple you to the point you can't move forward? Will it depress you to the point where you can't even interact with society no more? You just, you lose your job and you,
you check out. I'm no longer anybody. The devil is a liar.
You say, you say, preacher, why are you talking to me like this?
Because I want to encourage you to not forsake, watch this, your encounter with Jesus.
Notice the Bible says, and they laid them at his feet so notice the bible doesn't say that they fought them to lay at his feet
the bible says they just laid him there so there was a place of surrender at his feet
there was a posture of you know what i need this at his feet. That sometimes, man, the greatest thing you
could do is surrender your all to God at his feet. Because sometimes if we're not careful,
we'll only surrender to God for the purpose of salvation, but we won't surrender to God for the purpose of his Lordship.
We'll, we'll surrender to God for the purpose of salvation. Like Lord, I give you my heart saved,
but we stop and never get to the point where God is actually Lord over your
life. And you say, well, what do you mean by him being Lord?
That means he directs your decisions.
That means he directs the relationships you're involved in.
That means he directs everything about your life.
Watch this.
Watch this.
Not just even when you like it.
That's even when I don't agree with what you're doing.
Because some of us are what I call convenient Christians.
That we serve God when it's convenient.
But as soon as God tells you to do something that you don't want to do,
you're like, okay, okay, let's back up.
Because the Bible does not say that feelings were involved
when it comes to laying at his feet
the Bible doesn't even say
how long they were there
they just laid them there
and they allowed
watch this
his authority
to reign over their condition
because the Bible says and he healed
them they were willing to admit that there's an issue and some of us we don't
want to admit that there is an issue. Because here it is, we're worried about perceived reputation.
Can I talk to you for a minute about perceived reputation?
Because if we're not careful in church, we could be so full of pride to think God is talking to everybody except me. And here's the thing,
you could be sitting in church and your main thought is, man, I wish so-and-so was here.
God really would be getting them together. I'll tell you this. God would really be talking
to them. And this whole time, God is like, but I'm talking to you.
I'm really talking to you.
But you're so distracted with what you want God to do in someone else's life.
And he's like, I'm talking to you.
And notice, the Bible says,
and he healed them.
Watch this.
Because if we read the text,
we would think Jesus is healing just for healing sake.
But if we look at the totality of scripture,
Jesus is not just healing.
This is the way to draw them to himself so they would know he's the Messiah.
Can I talk to you?
Because if we're not careful, we will get into ministries that are built upon the works of Jesus and not the person of Jesus.
Because he's calling us to himself for the purpose of salvation.
And out of salvation flows healing.
Out of salvation flows deliverance.
But it is not unto itself.
And so we got to be careful
that we're not propping up ministries
for all of these things
if the basement of it all
is not to lead people back to the one who can save, the one who can deliver, the one who can take you out of darkness and pull you into light.
It is the foundation of it all.
He wasn't just healing as a period
in that the period would be after healing.
He was healing so that there would be a karma
that it would lead back to him.
Would lead back to him.
Watch this.
I got a question for you.
Does your life lead back to him?
Does your, does your testimony lead back to him?
Does everything that you do lead back to him? I know we got, we have this, this, this, this thing of, of, you know, everybody is following me, but who are you following?
Who are you saying, man,
this is the one I'm following?
I remember when Pastor Phillip asked, you know, I was on a meeting one time
and he said, are you
worthy enough to follow?
And I said,
well, I don't, you know, I don't think so. Not yet. I'm being honest. I don't,
I don't know. This is during the pandemic. And I'm like, you guys are now like, it's not weight.
He's, are you worthy enough to follow? He said, we have to live lives worthy enough to follow. He said, we have to live lives worthy enough to follow. And here's
my question to you. Can somebody follow your life? Or every now and then you got to hit
pause and say, excuse me, wait one second. Pause, just pause, hard pause. I need to explain
what's happening right here. Just y'all laughing, but it's true. You know what I mean?
You have those moments.
You're like, you know what?
No, wait a minute.
But it's true.
Everybody still with me?
So with Jesus's healing, if we're not careful and we make it about the works of Jesus, we will have a me-centered gospel.
What I mean by that,
where it's about Jesus meeting your felt needs.
Without a God-centered gospel,
when it's he meets the actual need
in that you are a sinner in need of a savior.
Because if we literally create a me-centered gospel,
I'm sorry, yeah, a me-centered gospel,
that's why in Matthew 25, Jesus can say,
depart from me.
I never knew you.
And watch, watch, watch, watch, watch.
Their response was not, you saved me.
Their response was, didn't I heal in your name did not deliver in like did not do your works
he he didn't say they did not respond to Jesus Jesus and say, I'm credible because you saved me.
No, I'm credible because I worked in your power, but I never knew you.
And the greatest gift you could ever have is not the power of Jesus.
The greatest gift you could ever have
is knowing Jesus.
Because when I know him,
then I'll meet him in eternity.
Can I get any grateful people in the building
that say I'm grateful that I know him.
I'm grateful that he saved my life.
I'm grateful that my body has been washed in the blood of the Lamb.
No, I don't think it hit right just yet.
I said, is there anybody in the building that's grateful that you know him?
Not know about him, not walk around him,
not know, I know him.
Watch this.
Because if we're not careful,
we can know a God to meet our needs
and not God that saves our soul.
And I get very afraid with this American teaching
that we have faith for everything,
but we don't have faith for salvation.
Telling people to believe for this and believe for that.
What about believing for my soul?
Because watch this.
When he gives me the house, the car, the money, the healing, all of these things,
all of that will not matter in eternity.
All of that won't matter when he splits that sky and calls away his church.
None of that would matter.
And I wish that I could just grab you and tell you, don't be deceived.
Don't be deceived that this is the end, that this is all there is to life. Because if it doesn't happen in this life,
when we stand to see him,
everything else will be worth it.
I'm telling you, man, you have to get that perspective.
Because if not, you'll walk around discouraged, discontent,
feeling like the world is winning and we're losing.
And here's the thing.
You know, I know we sit here at like, Mark Ravens, that's not me.
I always think we winning.
But let one of your coworkers that you know lives foul get a promotion and you don't.
You'll feel like God's favor is not on you. You'll feel like God's abandoned you.
But remember, everything leads back to him. Y'all still with me? So if you're looking at this particular text, verse number 30 is very interesting because we could deduce from this that Jesus is healing for the purpose of salvation.
But we also note that in Isaiah chapter 35, verse 5 and 6, he's actually fulfilling scripture.
That the life of Jesus, he's literally fulfilling everything that was told about him in
the Old Testament, which proves his credibility. In Isaiah chapter 35, verse 5 and 6, it says this,
it says, strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble knees, saying to those who have an
anxious heart, be strong, fear not, behold, your Lord comes, your Lord will come with vengeance and with the recompense of God.
He will come and save you.
Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.
Then shall the lame leap like a deer and the tongue of the mute shall sing for joy.
So this sounds familiar with what he tells John the Baptist in prison in Matthew chapter 11.
But what is Jesus saying?
Jesus is literally displaying, watch this, the fruit of his ministry.
I'm coming for all the people that claim Christ with no fruit.
And I'm not just talking about the people that stand up here.
I'm talking about the people that are in the pews.
We claim Christ, but we have no fruit.
We claim Christ, but your spouse
can't tell. We claim Christ, but your children can't tell. We claim Christ, but your boss can't tell.
We claim Christ, but your parents can't tell. And it's not because they are indifferent toward you.
It's because your life doesn't resemble the person that you say you follow.
The Bible says that a tree should produce a fruit after its kind.
Here's the question.
Are you producing the fruit after the one that you follow?
Are you literally saying, man, I want my life to be the fruit of Jesus,
to bear the fruit of Jesus, to bear the fruit of Jesus.
Or I want to just have the reputation that I follow him, but no fruit that I actually do.
I want to slide this in because I feel this in my heart. Maybe you're in this room and you're like, you heard God say something to you in one season.
But you're like, man, I don't see that happening right now.
Notice the Bible says in Matthew chapter 15 that, you know, Jesus healed these people.
He's fulfilling Isaiah 35, five and six.
That happened many years ago
that Isaiah prophesied about Jesus.
What am I saying to you?
God will fulfill his word.
It doesn't matter how long it takes if god said it he will fulfill his word
he talks about all all the way in genesis uh when adam and eve fell it talks about jesus
look at the time that lapsed during that time look at look at how much time it took
for jesus to show up on the scene in mat Matthew chapter one. But it doesn't matter because if he said it, God doesn't give a description of something.
Whatever he says is, and all time is, is it's catching up to what eternity already established.
If you, okay, can I go here real quick? Can can i go if you look at the book of revelation
and you look at the latter part of revelation the things that are to come
you would think like lord like man this is a lot but he's already said it so only thing that time
does is just catch up with what he already said so to god is already done because what he said is
go throughout i'm just i'm just gonna slide his hand go throughout scripture ever watch god speak
and watch time catch up
verse 31 so the crowd wondered and they saw the mute speaking, the crippled healthy, the lame walking and the blind seeing.
And they glorified the God of Israel.
Watch this.
Because here is where I'm going to land.
Today, God has set you up for an encounter at his feet.
And the result of an encounter with Jesus literally changes everything.
I don't know about you, but I have had times in my life where literally being in the presence of Jesus and it literally changed the trajectory of my life.
Can I get any hands in here that literally say, man, being in the presence of the Lord changed everything.
Now, I'm not here.
Here's what I'm not saying.
I'm not saying that God will heal everything.
He has authority over everything.
But God exercises sovereignty as he wills.
But what I am saying,
that you can't remain the same
if you genuinely encounter Jesus.
And notice I said genuinely.
Because there are some of us
that encounter Jesus
and have what I call an emotional high.
What do you mean by emotional high? I mean that you get inspired in the moment,
but you have no discipline to carry it out. That you come in here and God is man, God is awesome.
Like he's working in your heart and then you go out to the car, roll up, roll up, roll up. Or, or, or, or you, you may not roll up or you just go text somebody. Hey, I'm coming over. Oh, y'all act like, oh, this is a sanctified church, y'all.
Come on, y'all, like this don't happen.
It may not be Sunday, but Monday night, huh?
Three o'clock in the morning on Tuesday, huh?
When my flesh gets weak, huh?
And we get inspired. We on high in church,
but there's no discipline to carry it out.
But when you genuinely, good God in glory,
encounter Jesus,
something about your life has to change,
has to shift.
There's something about me that changes.
Watch this.
And I don't mean perfection
because most of us equate account and encounter with jesus as pixie does that god changes
everything that my life is automatically perfect and nothing ever goes wrong
but if we look at all of scripture even jesus said in this life
not you might not kind of you will even paul said there's a war going on like i'm wrestling
there's always this wrestle happening but the difference between some Christians that are victorious and some
Christians that yield is that somebody is putting up a fight I want to talk to
all my Christians in here that that you know what you're like man my life ain't
perfect but I'm fighting my man everything ain't going right but I'm
fighting like I ain't going down like this like my flesh acting crazy
But I'm fighting no like like like these they go up, but I'm fighting because I know that he is
My guy
Like you know what like I I do well on Monday, but I'm back up on Tuesday.
Man, it almost got me on Wednesday, but I'm back up on Thursday.
Can I hear from somebody that's victorious that say, I'm fighting.
Somebody said, man, I'm fighting, man.
I'm giving it everything I got, man.
I hadn't resisted under blood. I'm giving it everything I got man. I'm I had resisted on the blood. I'm giving it everything I got I
Know I'm single trying to hold it together, but I'm giving it everything I got I
Know I'm married and I got all these temptations around me. I'm getting everything I got I
Know my I know my constituents at work want to do one thing at work,
and they want to do all this, but, man, I'm giving it everything I got.
Because Jesus deserves that.
He deserves that.
Here's what I'm going to say to you.'m going to land this plane as my pastor would say
what is it
what's that area in your life
that you need to lay at his feet
if you're an unbeliever in the room
it's your life
but if you are saved If you're an unbeliever in the room, it's your life.
But if you are saved, your heart.
What's the area in your heart?
What's the area in your heart that God keep dealing with and you keep skirting around it like he's not talking to you?
What's that area in your heart, that offense that just keeps rising up?
Every time you see that person, you're like...
I know Father's Day is coming up,
but some of us are offended with your father.
Men, and we don't like to be honest, men,
because you want to play Superman all the time.
It's on your chest.
Nothing's ever wrong.
Everybody tell you, ask you what you're thinking about,
what do you say?
Nothing. But if I come to do anything today
I come to lead you
to the feet of Jesus
to the feet of Jesus
and I'm telling you
the attack has been real
the attack has been real
but greater is he
who is in me than he who is in the
world I want everybody standing hold on to is one,
relinquish the temptation
to make your relationship
with Jesus transactional.
I'll do this if you do that.
I'll do this if you do that.
I'll do this if you do that.
Number two,
relinquish your hold from anything that you have placed at his feet.
Because some of you, there's a hesitation in you.
But I want you to literally evaluate the outcome of your influence.
What do I mean by that?
Everything you do should lead to him, not to you.
Everything. Everything.
When you came in, you should have gotten a piece of paper.
I want you to get that piece of paper out.
Get that piece of paper out.
And I want you
to literally write on there
whatever you need God,
whatever you need to place at the feet of Jesus,
whatever that is.
And in the moment, come on Ryan.
In the moment, we're going to worship.
And whether you find yourself at this altar, whether you find yourself in the aisle,
I'm telling you that there is an encounter about to hit this room.
That Jesus wants to meet with you at his feet.
At his feet.
Whether you need to come to the altar,
but I want you to get honest.
Write it down.
Write it down.
And we're going to worship,
and I want you to come lay it at his feet.
Come lay it at his feet.
Get in the aisle.
Come lay it at his feet.
Whether you need to stay here and pray,
I don't care.
That's fine with me.
But don't come without laying it at his feet.
There are things, there are people, there are places,
there are environments that you need to lay at the feet of Jesus.
And watch this.
I don't mean pick it back up.
Lay it and leave it. With tears in your eyes, lay it at the
feet of Jesus. With frustration in your heart, lay it at his feet. With trauma in your soul,
lay it at his feet. Whatever that is, lay it at his feet. If you're online, there should be some instructions on an email that you should either email what is that you want to place at the feet of Jesus.
But maybe you just need to create an altar where you are.
Maybe if you're driving, just pull over.
If you're in your living room, man, just get on your knees.
But I'm going to tell you, don't stay in your seat.
Come lay it at the feet of Jesus.
And if you need to stay at the altar and just get it all out of your heart, do that.
We're going to worship.
And I want you to get it out of your system.
Some men need to come be vulnerable right now.
There's some women that the Lord has been drawing you to
himself to really commit. Come lay it at his feet. Amen. And I'll come back. I'll come
back up and close. We glorify you, Jesus. Who have I in heaven but you, Jesus?
Come on, you can move.
You can move.
Come on, you can move.
Come on, you can move.
I fix my eyes on you, Lord.
I fix my heart on you, Jesus.
I give my heart to you, Lord.
And I fix my gaze on you, Jesus.
And I surrender all to you Everything I give to you
Withholding nothing
Withholding nothing, withholding nothing, I surrender all to you Withholding nothing
Withholding nothing
Withholding nothing
Withholding nothing
I'm withholding nothing. I'm withholding nothing.
Withholding nothing.
I am withholding nothing.
I'm withholding nothing.
I surrender all to you, Jesus.
Everything I give to you.
Withholding nothing.
Withholding nothing.
Withholding nothing.
Withholding nothing. Withholding nothing. Withholding nothing.
I surrender all.
Surrender all to you.
Give it all.
Everything I give to you.
Withholding, withholding nothing.
Withholding nothing.
Withholding nothing.
Withholding nothing. Withholding nothing.
I give you everything, Jesus.
I give you my life, Lord.
Withholding nothing.
Oh, you're worthy of it all.
Withholding nothing.
Oh, you're worthy of it all with holding nothing. Oh, you're worthy of my life, Jesus.
Oh, you're worthy of my surrender with holding nothing.
King Jesus, my Savior forever, I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
King Jesus, my Savior forever, I give you all of me I give you all of me
Oh, King Jesus, my Savior
I give you all of me
I give you all of me
Oh, say King Jesus
My Savior forever
I give you all of me
I give you all of me, Jesus
King Jesus, you're my Savior forever.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
Oh, King Jesus, my Savior forever.
I give you all of me. I give you all of me
keep Jesus
my Savior
I give you all of me
Jesus keep Jesus I give you all of me, Jesus.
King Jesus, my Savior forever.
I give you all.
All of my life is yours.
All of my life is yours.
Oh, King Jesus
My Savior
I give you all
King Jesus
My Savior
I give you all Jesus, my Savior, forever.
I give you all. I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
I give you all to be I give you all to be
I give you all to be
I give you all to be Jesus
You're worthy of everything God
I give you all to be
Oh, thank you, Jesus, my Savior forever.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
Oh, thank you, Jesus, my Savior forever.
I give you all of me.
Healthy Jesus, my Savior forever.
I give you all of me. I give you all of me
I give you all of me
King Jesus
King Jesus
King Jesus
King Jesus
King Jesus
King Jesus
King Jesus
King Jesus Goodbye King Jesus, King Jesus.
You're my King, you're my Lord.
I confess you have the authority over my life, over my heart.
I call you King Jesus, King Jesus, King Jesus, King Jesus, King Jesus, King Jesus, King Jesus, King Jesus, King Jesus, my Savior forever.
I give you all, I give you all of me, Jesus.
King Jesus, my Savior forever.
I give you all.
Yes, you are King Jesus
I give you all of me
I give you all of me
I give you all of me
I give you all of me
I give you all of me. I give you all of me. I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me, Jesus.
I give you all of me.
I give you all of me. I give you all of me. Jesus.
I surrender all to you.
Everything. Thank you. Thank you. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Oh Jesus
Oh Jesus
How we love you
Oh Jesus King Jesus How we love your name
King Jesus
How we love your ministry
Oh Jesus
You're worthy of a life laid down
Oh God
How we love your ministry Lay it down, lay it down, lay it down Oh, God. Oh.
I lay it down, lay it down, lay it down, God.
Only you can satisfy. Only you can satisfy me, Jesus. satisfied
Only you can satisfy me Jesus
Only you can satisfy me Jesus
Oh Only you can satisfy me, Jesus
Only you can satisfy me
Only you can satisfy me
You satisfy me?
Only you can satisfy
Only you can satisfy
Only you can satisfy
Only you can satisfy
Only you
Only you can satisfy Only you can satisfy, only you. Only you can satisfy, only you.
Only you can satisfy, only you can satisfy.
Only you can satisfy me, Jesus
I give my heart to you, Jesus
Only you can satisfy
Only you can satisfy.
Only you can satisfy.
Come on, y'all, lift that up in this house.
Only you.
Only you can satisfy.
Oh, we're lifting up to you, Jesus.
We're satisfying you.
Only you can satisfy.
Yeah. Only you can satisfy. Yeah.
Only you can satisfy.
Oh, you're good.
You're better than good.
Only you can satisfy.
Oh, you're good.
You did better than good.
Only you. Only you can satisfy.
Oh, you're faithful. You're better than good. Only you can satisfy
Oh you're faithful, you're better than good
Only you can satisfy
Only you can satisfy
Only you can satisfy
Only you can satisfy
Only you can satisfy Only you can satisfy The longing in my soul
The hole in my heart
The trouble in my mind
Only You can satisfy
Only You can
Only You can satisfy You satisfy me, Jesus
You satisfy my soul
Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
If you need to stay in the altar,
that's fine with me.
That's fine with me.
God is doing something at this altar.
God is doing something in your seat.