2819 Church - WISDOM AND WONDER | Full of It | Matthew 12:33-37 | Kenneth McFarland

Episode Date: January 4, 2025

In this impactful episode of WISDOM & WONDER, Pastor Kenneth McFarland breaks down Matthew 12:33-37. Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel features powerful and l...ife-impacting messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 My name is Kenneth McFarland. So nobody's fooled. I know me and Pastor Phillip look just alike. I think I weigh probably like 10 pounds more than him or something like that. Just 10. No. He just got back from his trip from Turkey. My prayer right now for him and for also us, because I know it trickles down. The last time he went overseas, he went to Israel. He came back with a fire in his heart. And I'm hoping and praying that as he left again and as he comes back again, that that fire got some more kindle put on top of it.
Starting point is 00:01:00 So that we can receive even more. Amen? Y'all cool with that? Do y'all mind if I actually like preach today? Not. I really want to. I want to. I want to. I want to preach today, not teach, in hopes that we really grasp what Jesus is doing. So, Father, thank you for everything, Father.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Thank you for the opportunity. Lord, I pray, Lord, that even as the worship set was going, Father, you were stripping away me, Lord. I pray that you move, Father. Let your words be the words that come out, Father, Lord, that you move me to the side, Father, so that you can truly be used, Lord. I pray we always elevate you high, God, Lord, so that you can draw on man into yourself, Father. Lord, let your words, Father, be heard today
Starting point is 00:02:05 for they are important for those who are lost. Lord, we love you. Lord, we honor you and we thank you and it's in your holy name that we pray. In Jesus' name, amen. Alright. What you want to do? You want to stay up here
Starting point is 00:02:24 or you want to do? You want to stay up here or you want to? Yeah. You rocking with me? Okay. Frank been here since like the beginning. All right. So for everyone who's been following, been listening, been paying attention, right? I want to make sure that you understand exactly what's been going on. So as we've been listening and reading from chapter 12, from the beginning of this series, from season one, episode one, up until now, this is season one, episode four.
Starting point is 00:03:10 For those of you who are wondering, season one, episode four. Y'all watch shows. Don't look at me like that. Like, some of y'all waiting to get home to watch a show right now. So this is season one, episode four. But I need you to understand that everything that we've been listening to, reading, and learning so far has been a very continuous thing, right? All right, so we remember when Pastor Phillip was preaching and we heard about the man who had the withered hand Jesus was real thugged out he said I'm gonna go to your synagogue
Starting point is 00:03:52 and at the synagogue in front of the the leaders the Pharisees and everything else where they were trying to trip him up he made them see as he didn't even have to touch the man to heal the man because sometimes we always looking for a touch instead of a word but he he spoke and told the man stretch out your hand. And his hand was healed. So from that moment on, these dudes have been on Jesus' top. They wanted to kill him. They were conspiring
Starting point is 00:04:32 because they were humiliated. They were humiliated because they were trying to trap him and he was able to sort of find the loophole in their trap. So as they were trying to sort of run up on him after that, he leaves because Jesus knew what they were thinking. They were going to try and jump him. Have you ever been in the situation? I'm hood. Have you ever been in a situation? I'm hood. Have you ever been in a situation where you know somebody about to jump you?
Starting point is 00:05:10 I'm only talking to the hood people. I know some of y'all grew up in the suburbs, and it's okay. It's okay. But I grew up extremely hood, and when I used to see people do stuff like this, put you back to a wall. But Jesus, understanding what their thoughts were, he knew what their thoughts were. He went ahead and left, right? And as he was leaving, if you really read the text, if you really pay attention, it says that a large crowd followed him. Large crowd followed him. This is when Jesus runs up and he sees a blind and mute demon-possessed man, because this is what
Starting point is 00:05:59 Elder went over, and we already understand demons are real. We got that, right? You ain't got to believe them. They believe. They know. They see. They running. They doing. You ain't got to believe. It's almost like not believing in air. You ain't got to believe, but it's real. And as Jesus was there, he heals the demon-possessed man who is blind and mute by casting out the demon. He healed him by casting out the demon, and as he cast out the demon, then the man was able to see and speak. And as he was able to see and speak, people saw this. They got a revelation at that point in time, and they thought to themselves, only God, because we've explained this. People who were mute back then, they believed that the only person who could heal someone who was mute was God so they got a revelation at that point is this the son of David
Starting point is 00:07:18 and the Pharisees throw it off they They hear this. And now, mind you, large crowd follow. Jesus does another miracle. Guess who's in the crowd? Pharisees. So as the Pharisees are still following, they hear this murmur of people that sound like they're catching a revelation that Jesus might be the son of God, the Messiah that's supposed to come, and they start throwing out insults and hurling like this brash thing. He's not healing them by the power of God. He's healing them by the power of Beelzebub. Not because they had any proof, but because for them, the Lord and Savior, the Messiah to come, was only going to come in a way that was going and glorify them. They thought in their mind and started creating very, very jealous and envious moments of there's no way he can be the Messiah because he's not with us.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And as he's not with us, clearly he's not with God. Jesus, in his wisdom, in his wisdom, starts speaking to the Pharisees at this point in time. Now, as he's talking to the Pharisees, this is an extremely long conversation that he's having with them. Y'all catching that? And what we're about to go over today is a continuation of that conversation. Y'all catching that? So Elder Eric, he preached about what Jesus said last week, and it did not stop. We're going to go into the rest of what Jesus was saying to the Pharisees.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Amen? All right, so turn to Matthew, because I was really paying attention. I was looking at the pictures and everything. It's a large community of us who actually have the Bible in here. Raise your Bible up. Jesus. Jesus. I don't want to take that for granted. Y'all are here to learn.
Starting point is 00:10:18 So we're going to be coming from Matthew chapter 12, starting in verse 33. Starting in verse 33. And the title of this episode, the title of this episode, are y'all ready? The title of this episode is called Full of It. The title is called Full of It and we're going to start reading. In verse 33, Jesus says, this is Jesus speaking to the Pharisees. And as he's speaking to the Pharisees, he says, Either make the tree good and its fruit good or make the tree bad and its fruit bad. For the tree is known by its fruit. Pause. We stop it. It's beautiful to me that Jesus keeps referencing this thing
Starting point is 00:11:09 that I believe is extremely important called a tree. And some of you might not understand the importance of a tree, but to me, it makes me sort of sit and think, why does he keep calling people a tree? And then after calling them a tree, he references their fruit. And the Holy Spirit was really just showing me that after you plant a seed and after you water the seed, it takes time for the tree to grow. And then it takes time for the branches to sprout. And then it takes time for the fruit to be produced. And then after all of that time, you get a chance to see
Starting point is 00:12:15 if the tree is good or bad. And here it is. He's referencing the tree with the Pharisees. He's referencing the tree with the Pharisees. Because sometimes the people that you are listening to, you have to take for face value some of the things that you are listening to. You have to take for face value some of the things that you are listening to and wait time to see if their fruit is good or bad.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I say that because some of y'all listening to your favorite preachers and time has, you know, you done spent two weeks and it's like, oh, I know he a man of God. I heard that one sermon and I just I just knew and then later on find out this person was this person was evil and that they did not have my best interest at heart or after you'd have spent X amount of dollars sending it to them. You realize, man, I did not. I didn't really put that in good soil. But Jesus references this tree. And then after that, he says something that blows my mind.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Verse 34, he says, you brood of vipers. Now, to me, as soon as I read this, I instantly thought this isn't the first time that Jesus is speaking to them in this way. It reminds me of when we went over during the Kingdom Gym series, and Pastor Philip taught in the Kingdom Gym series, he taught from Matthew chapter 7, verse 15 through 20, a message called, Beware of These. Do y'all remember that? And if you do not know that, it's okay. There's a series called Kingdom Gems.
Starting point is 00:14:55 If you go to the app or you go to YouTube, you find it. It's called Beware of These. Go and watch and listen to it. I promise you it will bless your life and it will expose some things that need to be exposed. Amen? If you've already seen it, go watch it again. Some of y'all need to. But as he was speaking, he's telling us that we need to beware of these.
Starting point is 00:15:21 These who? These Pharisaic men who are what? False prophets. Pastor Philip taught us that we need to be aware of false prophets, that we need to know the appearance of false prophets, and that we need to know the account of false prophets. And that we need to know the account. Of false prophets. And as he was speaking. During this time. What he called them was. Ravenage.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Wolves. So in one season. He calls them ravenage wolves. Wolves in sheep's clothing. And then in this next season. He calls them a brood of vipers. One is trying to hide within the sheep. To devour them. Because that's the only way that they feel they can survive.
Starting point is 00:16:27 A wolf needs to kill something to survive. So trying to hide in plain sight is the way that it goes. But that's not the way Jesus describes them this time. This time he calls them a brood of vipers. Definition of brood, a family. I was having a conversation with a small group yesterday. I was having a conversation with a small group yesterday and as I was having a conversation with a small group yesterday, and as I was having a conversation with the small group yesterday, I had to explain to them one of the best things that I've realized in life is that community is one of the most important things that we as people can ever have. All eyes on me. Pay attention. You're fine. I promise you. Okay. I got two 13 year old boys and I have a lot of other kids that come to my house. We learn how to listen.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Okay. All right. One of the biggest things that I believe that God gave us that he blessed us with, is community. Whether you're in the world or you're in the kingdom. Whether you're in the world or in the kingdom, God has blessed us because he gives us gifts and does not he blesses us with gifts and he lets you choose whether you're going to worship him with it or not. This is the reason why some people can sing and sing to the devil himself
Starting point is 00:18:21 and not feel no type of way because the Lord didn't strip the gift back. It's the reason why we're able to do certain things and it not be for God. So community is one of the things that I believe that God blessed us with, right? Y'all listening? Y'all here? Y'all here? Y'all listening?
Starting point is 00:18:46 Whether you're in the kingdom or you're in the world. And if you're in the world and you find your family, if you are all about darkness, then it becomes a family all about darkness. So as he calls them this brood of vipers, he says that you are a family of venomous snakes. Where in one season, it was just one lone wolf hiding in sheep's clothing in the community. Here, they got their own community trying to protect the territory and the thing that they think is theirs. Because vipers, when they get into, it's a real thing. I looked it up because I was like, snakes don't like to chill with snakes, but they do. They're cold-blooded animals, so it's not like they need warmth. So I was like,
Starting point is 00:20:05 well, why do they like to chill with each other? That makes no sense to me. It makes no sense to me. Because a lot of us, we get together because fire creates fire. Because fire creates fire. And if your fire is dying off, you can get somewhere where there's fire and it will light your fire back ablaze. Like, so why do snakes, cold-blooded animals, like to chill together? It's the blessing that God just established in the earth.
Starting point is 00:20:33 And they feel that they can protect their quote-unquote territory a lot better when there's so many more of them. And here it is. They're following Jesus everywhere that he's going, thinking that they're going to protect their territory, their power, the dominion that they think that they have, because they feel he is snatching it away from them. here it is he's telling them you individuals who have gathered together you brood of vipers you do not speak life because the only thing that comes from your mouth
Starting point is 00:21:19 is venom which causes death. And here it is, Pharisees and Sadducees hear this, and the thing that they're more worried about is, how rude of you to say that if I am a viper, because the belief in that day was, vipers actually hatch in their mother's stomach and kill their mother on the way out. And they heard that and they were like, you're trying to make us look bad in front of other people by saying that we kill our mothers. And Jesus is saying, I'm trying to get you to understand that every word that comes out of your mouth is death. And it's so crazy to me, right? Because anybody in here watch
Starting point is 00:22:17 National Geographic? Y'all, have y'all seen, have y'all seen like the snakes and stuff on National Geographic? Have y'all? No? Y'all don't do snakes? Y'all, have y'all seen, have y'all seen like the snakes and stuff on National Geographic? Have y'all? No? Y'all don't do snakes? Y'all saved? Y'all holy? Y'all, mm-mm, we ain't, y'all, I ain't even watching them. That's y'all?
Starting point is 00:22:42 All right, well, I'm not that safe, so I watch them. I watch them because the scriptures tell me to be as wise as a serpent and as gentle as a dove. So if I'm going to be as wise as a serpent, I need to know how they move. So as you pay attention to serpents, National Geographic, right, they let you know that the serpent has like the split tongue. Y'all know that, right? The split tongue and they spit it out. And it's like testing to see and feel like if there's any heat, warmth, or fire or anything that's around. It's trying to find out if there's any prey or anything else around. It's doing all of this stuff and moving in certain ways because it's very smart in positioning itself in a very specific way.
Starting point is 00:23:41 Serpents are very smart in positioning themselves in very specific ways. And as they position themselves, because a viper is not even a big snake, so if it kills something that's big, it's not to eat it. A serpent, which is not really a big snake, if it kills something big like a sheep, it's killing the sheep not because it wants to eat it. Some of us wind up in places that we should not be or around serpents, and they speak things in our ear because venom doesn't kill fast. Venom doesn't kill fast. Once the venom is actually, if a snake bites you, a venomous snake, once it bites you, it starts congealing the blood in the inside and the body works against the body. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Once the venom is in you, once the venom is in you, the blood starts fighting against itself. The body is fighting against itself because it doesn't know what's going on, but there's something in me that should not be in me. And a lot of the time when these snakes have our ear, we don't even understand that the inside of us is in turmoil and we're fighting against ourselves because something ain't right. I just don't know. Now, now my body's fighting against itself. And it's not even because the snake wants to devour me.
Starting point is 00:25:52 It's not a ravenous wolf that needs to devour you to survive. It's a viper that's trying to kill you because it doesn't want you in its territory. And if there is someone, stand up, turn around. If there's someone who has the spirit of God on them, and they start walking towards an area, and as they walk, well, this is so-and-so church, and that's so-and-so bishop, and that's so-and-so pastor, and this is so-and-so prophet, and this is so-and-so teacher, and then what they want to do is protect their territory against something that they feel is dangerous to their territory so for us we're a sheep what a sheep do to a snake?
Starting point is 00:27:08 This is crazy. This is so beautiful to me. Because the truth of the matter is, nothing. But what can a shepherd do? So you got snakes out here that are trying to kill sheep, not because they feel like the sheep is dangerous to them, but they know if it's something warm around them, there must be something that's dangerous enough that can take me out. And the most dangerous thing to a brood of vipers
Starting point is 00:27:49 is a shepherd who can kill them all and take the territory back. Because we fight not against flesh and blood, but against what? Rulers, powers, principalities, spirits of the air. We fight not against flesh and... Some of us, we've been trying to fight this battle too.
Starting point is 00:28:32 We acting just like sheep. Don't know no better. And the more we around, the more that venom is just hitting us. Well, I'm going to keep listening because I want, and the more we listen, the more we feel like we're examining, the more we're trying to fight a battle, and that venom just keeps getting in us. Not knowing the consequences at some point in time that's going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And it don't have to be physically. Because I'm extremely hurt by how many people have let certain things in their ear and they have abandoned some of the things that God has blessed them with. How many people have walked away from the faith? How many people have walked? There are so many things that God has poured out on us and we have abandoned them because of the people that have been in our ear
Starting point is 00:29:45 and the things that we have let in our soul. Another thing, because as I was reading this account, right, Matthew chapter 7, as Jesus was talking about the ravenous wolves, right? And this is going to, because I know some of us need this, right? As Jesus was talking, he's speaking to large crowds, and he's just telling people, you need to beware of them so that you don't allow them to eat you and take you, like, alive. Like, you don't need to be listening to certain people, right? That's what he was doing in chapter 7.
Starting point is 00:30:34 In chapter 7, he's telling them, don't be around these people. In chapter 12, he's talking to them. He ain't no punk. Because this is what I've heard for a long time. You serve that God who allows somebody to slap you, and here it is. He's in the Pharisee's face. You brood of vipers. at one point he said do you not think that i can ask my father for 12 legions our savior isn't a punk who's just going around and allowing people to just do whatever and all this other stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:27 It actually takes more power to not punch back. And I can tell you now, some of us real believers understand that, that as soon as somebody does something to you, you'll be over in the corner. Jesus! Jesus! If you don't get them, it takes more power to restrain yourself than to punch back but even in this account he's talking to them to their face because for them they feel like they have more power in a group and he he easily dismantles what they feel is power by calling them out in front of their face.
Starting point is 00:32:27 So my father, my savior, my Lord is not a punk. And I'm saying that because some of y'all gonna feel some type of way when people start getting rebuked. Oh, well, you shouldn't be doing that and you shouldn't be calling them out. Says who? My Lord and Savior called
Starting point is 00:32:58 out those who were not real about his Father's business. Because I want to clarify. I'm not saying y'all do it. Unless the Lord tells you to do it. But there are some times when you have to call out false prophets. And when you see someone disrespecting your Lord and your Savior, what are you going to do? Because I tell you right now, Jesus stood on business and so will I. I don't understand why we punk out so much.
Starting point is 00:33:43 We hear somebody talking, trash talking Jesus and all this other stuff and we just let it go on. What are you afraid of? No, that's a serious question. What are you afraid of? Our Lord and Savior, we are sheep.
Starting point is 00:34:04 True, we are sheep. But Savior we are sheep true we are sheep but if we are sheep we have a a shepherd this is the reason why David was not scared of Goliath it wasn't because David wasn't some strong he was a teenage boy he wasn't some big burly man. He wasn't. Goliath was not. I'm talking to y'all about another account in the scriptures. It's David versus Goliath. It's in 1 Kings.
Starting point is 00:34:35 First, thank you, 1 Samuel. She a woman of God. It's in 1 Samuel. Go and read the account and pay attention to what the scriptures say the scriptures say that goliath was nine foot six inches or nine foot nine inches he's a giant and david is a boy from the age of like 12 to 16 he's a boy boy. And he runs up and he's like, why are we allowing this Philistine to talk about our Lord and Savior like this? Why are we allowing him to talk? Like, do we not know who we are?
Starting point is 00:35:21 Do we not know who we are and whose we are i promise you this day this day the lord will take you and he will deliver you into my hand. Not because I'm strong, because the truth of the matter is, I'm weak. But when I'm weak, he is strong. I just want to warn y'all, because I don't want y'all to feel some type of way when stuff hits the fan.
Starting point is 00:36:06 And it is going to hit the fan. Elder Eric, he explained something to us last week. He told us that there were certain scriptures that were descriptive and there are certain scriptures that are prescriptive, right? And descriptive passages, put that up, descriptive passages describe what happened. They give us a historical narrative and the stories of the event that took place. He's explaining to them something that happened to them in that, like right there, right? And then there are prescriptive passages, and prescriptive passages give us clear commands and instructions at how we are to live our lives. Descriptive, don't eat shrimp.
Starting point is 00:36:54 That was in the scriptures. But that was for the individuals at that time. Prescriptive, confess your sins to one another descriptive you need to make sure that you don't put two pieces of like like two different types of cloth together and wear them that was at that time you can't mix polyester and wool. Prescriptive. You need to sacrifice your heart. Or should I say you need to, you need to cut the foreskin of your heart. Descriptive, circumcise yourself. Prescriptive, circumcise your heart. Are y'all catching this? So in this text, you will find yourself reading some descriptive things and some prescriptive things. Do y'all understand that? As we move along, I'm going to explain to you there are certain things that are prescriptive. They are for all of us. Do y'all understand that? All right, let's go ahead and go to verse 35.
Starting point is 00:38:20 The good person out of his good treasure brings forth good fruit, and the evil person out of his good treasure brings forth good fruit. And the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil fruit. Now he just said before that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. He just said before that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. So that means our treasure is what? Matthew 6, 21 says, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. So this is my question for all of us. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Starting point is 00:39:07 So this is my question for all of us. What's in your heart? No, no, no, no, stop. Examine yourself right now. What's in your heart? What are you full of? Are you full of hell or are you full of holy? What are you full of?
Starting point is 00:39:39 Because right here, Jesus is explaining that whatever is in your heart is going to spill out at some point in time. Which is the reason why it's so important that we give time to certain things. You got a boo, you got a girl, you got a boyfriend. At some point in time, the truth is going to come out of what they really want. Because once they get what they want, what do they do? I was so grieved. I was so grieved one time I ran up on this group of individuals that, this was a while ago, I ran up on this group of individuals, they were having a conversation,
Starting point is 00:40:23 and one person who, quote, unquote, called themselves a spiritual mother, they were a spiritual mother to this other person, was telling this young girl, girl, what you need to do is you need to go ahead and test the milk before you buy the cow. that's an old saying uh for the young people um it's it's an old saying um for the young people what she was telling this young lady is before you marry this man you need to know what his size is and if he knows how to do anything with it but think about how unbiblical that is but this these are the people that we call our spiritual mothers. And our spiritual fathers. And all these individuals that we heap up for ourselves. Because we have itching ears. I get so grieved over stuff like this. And then I have to go and talk to these individuals on the side.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Why would you? Like what kind of advice is that? That's against the Bible. Well, I'm just saying from experience. Is your experience more important than the scriptures? Is this not the leading thing that we should listen to? Or are your core values more important than this? More important. or are your core values more important than this?
Starting point is 00:42:13 I'm telling you now, time will reveal what's in the heart. Are y'all hearing me? Time will reveal what's in, because at some point, it's going to bubble up. And if it's not this, then it's hell. And people cannot like me for saying that all they want to, but it's true.
Starting point is 00:42:44 I know, I know for me, I hold a lot of things dear in my heart. I even have, I even have like, I hold a lot of things dear in my heart. At the top of those things is Jesus. After that is my family.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Then it's guns. I hear judgment. Wow. So at any given time, if y'all hear me talking, guess what's going to come out of my mouth? Jesus, God, family, and guns. But if all you hear coming out of my mouth is just all guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns. Sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex. Issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue, issue. Drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama, drama. Party, party, party, party, party, party, party. If that's all that's coming out of my mouth, what do you think is in my heart?
Starting point is 00:44:26 I tell you, verse 36, on the day of judgment, people will give account for every careless word that they speak. For by your words, you will be justified. And by your words, you will be condemned. Now, this part here is descriptive. With an emphasis on prescriptive. Because what he's saying is true for all. But he's talking directly to the Pharisees. Not only is he talking directly to the Pharisees, he's also talking to any individual that's up here.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Because if you are in a place where you are speaking in someone's ear, and you're supposed to be giving them Jesus. But instead you're giving them yourself. You will be. James 3 verse 1 says, not many of you should become teachers, my brothers. For you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. And this is my problem because we're supposed to be teaching Jesus. We're supposed to be lifting up Jesus. We're supposed to be lifting up Jesus. We're supposed to be pouring out Jesus. We're supposed to be speaking about Jesus.
Starting point is 00:46:10 We're supposed to be giving you Jesus. But instead, you who have been sitting here polluting and venomizing venom Jesus. I'm sorry because I'm getting angry because I know for a fact there are some who are spitting venom and they are killing God's children because you would rather give them yourself. You're lifting up yourself. You're telling people they should protect you. You're telling people they should be providing for you.
Starting point is 00:46:57 You're telling people that they should be giving to you. You're telling people that they should be doing all of these things for you. Because you're worried about yourself more than God's sheep. But if you really pay attention to the text, it will show you how much God cares for his sheep. So much so, he's letting you know, if you do not wring out your heart, if you do not, it says in the first verse that he's either make the tree. He's giving you a choice. He's giving you a choice. Either wring out your heart and follow me or you will be judged according to
Starting point is 00:47:50 the things that you have done. And not judged because I don't want us to get it twisted. Because the truth of the matter is whatever is inside a person will let God know who is to stay in heaven or who is to get kicked out. So when I ask you, what are you full of? Because everyone's full of something. Everyone's full of something. What are you full of? Are you full of him? Or are you full of something. What are you full of? Are you full of him? Or are you full of hell?
Starting point is 00:48:30 Because whatever God see when you get to heaven is what he's going to determine. He's going to determine his judgment based off of that. Because if he looks at you and he sees his blood, your portion is to be with him. But if he looks at you and he sees sin-stained blood, your portion will be hell. So what is the conclusion of this, right? Pastor, is this just for all the pastors? No. Because I told you some of it was descriptive and some of it was prescriptive
Starting point is 00:49:34 because the truth of the matter is this is also for you. So right now, I'm going to ask you again to examine your heart. What are you full of? Sit and think. We're going to take a moment. Because right now, right now is a time where you need to make up your mind and make the decision. Father, I know what's inside of me. And if I be honest, it ain't you. And the same invitation he gave to them is the same invitation he comes and presents to you. Choose. Because if you choose that you don't want to live the way that you've been living. You don't want to continue, you don't
Starting point is 00:50:52 want to continue in the same path that you've been going. Our father said that he will exchange your ratchetness, your unworthiness, your sinfulness for his righteousness, his salvation, his love. So right now, with every head bowed and every eye closed, everyone searching their heart, Father, I pray that you would really give your children insight on what's inside of them. Show them what they're full of, God. It doesn't matter how much Bible you know because even the Pharisees memorized scripture and did not live it. It does not matter how far away you are
Starting point is 00:52:03 because he can take someone from the depths of hell and bring them into life. one of your children today, Father, to recognize what is in them so that they can choose whether they want to stay where they are at the risk of damnation or if they want to follow you into life. But not only are you the Lord who redeems, you are the Lord who restores.
Starting point is 00:52:55 And I pray, Father, for those who are making that decision right now, we're not even going to ask for hands to be raised or people to come to the altar. Make the decision. Talk to him now for yourself. Speak to him now for yourself. If you are choosing to want to follow him, ask him for forgiveness.
Starting point is 00:53:21 Tell him you're sorry. And I pray, Father, that you restore them lord lord re re knit their heart father the way that it's supposed to be lord that you will take their stony heart father and turn it into a heart of flesh jesus whether they are here or wherever they are overseas or wherever Lord I pray Lord that you turn their heart Father from their wicked ways Lord
Starting point is 00:53:51 and turn it towards you Jesus help us help us Lord even for the one Lord Lord we are still wavering in what's in our heart, God. We still have people speaking in our ear, Lord, that we shouldn't have speaking in our ear, God. Some of us have venom in our heart right now, God. Some of us are on the verge of death right now, God. Some of us are letting go of the blessing that you gave us right now, God. Lord, and we need you, Father.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I pray, Lord, Lord, that you help us, God. Your sheep, Lord. Your children, Father. Lord, the ones who have gotten too close to that brood of vipers, God. And we have been listening, Lord, to things we should not have, even to our own self, God. But I pray, Father, that you help us to turn, Father, from those things, God, and to turn back to you, the one who has the cure for venom, God. The one who has the cure for everything, Lord, that is not like you. Help us to turn back to you, Father.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Lord, that you will rectify, Father, the wrongs. And you will restore us, Father, to being with the flock, to being in your care, to being in your house, to being loved by you. Jesus, I thank you now for every decision that has been made, whether they were not with you or whether they've been with you and fell astray, God. I thank you for everyone, Father, who has, they've understood that they need to turn to you, God. And they have asked for forgiveness, Lord, so that they can come back to you, Lord. We thank you, God. We honor you, Father.
Starting point is 00:55:57 And we will glorify you now, Lord, for everyone and everything that you have done. Amen.

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