2819 Church - WISDOM AND WONDER | Righteous Division | Matthew 12:22-32 | Elder Arik Hayes
Episode Date: January 4, 2025In the powerful episode three of WISDOM AND WONDER Elder Arik Hayes unpacks Matthew 12:22-32. Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This channel features powerful and life-impactin...g messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.
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Hey, welcome to 2819 Church.
My name is Eric Hayes. I am one of the two elders here.
Amen. God bless you we are church
as a house of prayer
and presence
that is the culture and DNA
that we're going to continue to bake into here
into this local ecclesia
until we fall asleep in Jesus when it comes to practice God that we're going to continue to bake into here, into this local ecclesia,
until we fall asleep in Jesus when it comes to practice, God.
I want to welcome our online community,
our digital disciples.
We just want to love all you this morning.
We appreciate you, we acknowledge you.
We thank you. We acknowledge you. We thank you.
We have people that join us,
either live or via recording from all over the globe.
Just want to shout you out,
let you know that we're praying for you
and we appreciate you.
And I also want to welcome the unbeliever, right?
Because we're a church that believes.
We're a church that believes you can belong before you believe.
We're a church that believes it's actually good when unbelievers come to squads.
When you invite your co-worker, when you invite your cousin, when you invite someone, hey, let's come check us out, man.
We're trying to expose them with the gospel of Jesus Christ the gospel and the Holy Spirit that
actually saved us it's the same working as you so so we welcome you I I
definitely want to shout out our pastor Philip Anthony I've actually known him, I think it was like 2007.
We actually met in North Carolina, actually, Kiyoshi is here.
She met her husband, Wesley.
We met each other at a church in Durham, World Overcoming Church.
And I'll be honest with you,
he was the same Philip Anthony Mitchell then
as he is now.
So don't think that he done got a church
and then tried to get radical.
Can I tell you something?
I was actually dating a girl
that was in his evangelism ministry.
And she told me that he was in his evangelism ministry and she told
me that he was just walking up to people and like preaching the gospel and I come from a Baptist
church they teach some good but a lot of them just religion I was like people just go to people
and just start preaching the gospel because of that I don't know if he knows this because of
that testimony I was leading people to the Lord in Walmart and doing North Carolina just because there was somebody right up
there just walk up like hey man you ever heard of Jesus back in like 2007-2008 so
his impact was was prevalent even then as he told some of you,
he's actually away.
He was gifted a trip to what is now modern day Turkey.
I think it was Biblical Smyrna.
So he's actually went over there.
And as he said, he's a low-key archeological nerd.
I'm a low-key nerd myself, so I understand.
So I pray that he's actually squeezing everything that the Lord would have him do.
Take you out of that trip.
You watch us, sir. We love you.
God bless you.
And we are continuing in
season one in a series that is called
Wisdom and Wonder.
And I have the honest
honor and privilege of delivering the third
episode of this series to you.
And the title that we've
given it is
Righteous Division.
Righteous Division.
Please by your
head allow me to pray for us
as we get to the word of God. Holy Father.
We want no religion this morning
we just want to see your glory
we just want to continue
encountering you through your holy spirit
we want your truth
that sets the captives free We want your truth. That's it, Mr. Captives, free.
Shower your love on us now, we ask God.
Actually, I ask that you shower the revelation of the love that you showed us on Calvary.
I pray, God, that it will go deep in the heart of every believer that is here or even watching God I was prayed early I prayed again God
I decrease God
I decrease so you may increase in this moment
that you would have your way ultimately
that you would be glorified through the son
it's in Jesus name we pray
okay thank you
I know you got up this morning you came to church
and anybody
that's trying to walk with the Lord
trying to walk with the Lord
okay even if you ain't doing all that you should do you're making an effort Lord I'm trying to walk with the Lord? Trying to walk with the Lord? Okay. Even if you ain't doing all that you should do, you're making an effort.
You say, Lord, I'm trying to meet you halfway.
But I want to take you back to a time where you were in an argument with somebody.
Some of y'all didn't have to remember that long ago.
It was real recent.
Real recent.
No judgment.
We ain't here together.
Hopefully it wasn't very recent.
But a time where you were just having
just an argument or a disagreement.
And then somebody said something so disrespectful.
And this is even the seasoned saints,
that it had brought you all the way up out of character.
I'll go over here.
I'm talking about somebody.
They said something so disrespectful.
Like if you're a mother, they came out and called you a bad mother to your face.
I'm talking about within striking distance.
Right? within striking distance.
We in the South, right?
And sometimes we got some, you know,
some racism at hearts, right?
Somebody hits you with a racial slur with a hard R.
They didn't try to back up and say,
hey, I'm talking about a hard R.
They landed on it.
I'm not even a fighter, but still, within like striking distance.
So disrespectful.
And you've been holding your peace and you've been trying to let the Lord fight your battle.
And you were like, no, I need to address this.
And I need to address this right now.
Now, I'm not going to ask you to tell me exactly how you addressed it.
I don't want to put you in a condemnation.
You just want to repent for the Lord.
You ain't did it yet.
Do it on your breath.
I'm not going to ask for all of that, right?
But I'm going to tell you that
in some of these exchanges that the Lord was dealing with
that we're about to jump into,
he was dealing with serious disrespect.
Like imagine this, imagine being God
and being there when they
blew breath into clay and made clay a living soul.
And then watched from heaven for 42 generations and then came and embodied a body just like them and just walked around the earth.
I want to give you that revelation of who Jesus is.
Emmanuel, God with us.
That's the translation of that.
To walk and eat and fellowship and then get disrespected to the face again within striking distance.
We're going to dig into that, right?
So we're going to be covering Matthew 12 chapter 22 through 32.
I got some things to deal with.
If I had a praying church, please pray for me.
We got a lot to deal with in this section, right?
So we're actually going to jump into verse 22.
Verse 22.
And we're coming out of the section that Pastor Phil taught last week.
And then it says, then a demon-oppressed man
who was blind and mute,
say blind and mute,
was brought to him, meaning Jesus,
and he healed him
so that the man spake and saw.
Blind and mute he was demon oppressed
and now he speaks
and he sees
I have to address something real quick
because in modern day America
sometimes we don't believe
that some physical maladies are still a demon.
Sometimes it's just a demon.
I'm going to stay right there.
Because like me, like you, like me, we jump on Google and we look at the symptoms and we try to, you know, try to look at something.
We look at WebMD and we YouTube it and we try to, you know, get some CMOS and...
Me and my family, we've been killing that elderberry.
Like, everybody gets some. Everybody gets some. You better take that elderberry like everybody gets some everybody
you better take that elderberry okay okay and listen listen i'm with it
take your minerals take your vitamins go to counseling i do counseling
get on somebody's couch talk to them but if it does not budge
if you went through the balanced approach
I'm not saying don't love go to a doctor
get the x-ray get the first opinion
it is not the last opinion
when you are dealing with something in your body
in your mind as a believer
you need to know that you can reach back
and say in the power of Jesus.
Some things
are a demon.
Now when I said that
probably fell in about three camps
I'm going to address all three of y'all
I just gave you the truth of the word of God
but some of y'all knew
actually a lot of y'all knew
we preach the gospel here
so a lot of y'all are new in the faith
and praise the Lord
praise the Lord for you converts. Amen.
But some of y'all, you're like,
hey, listen man, I've been saved three weeks.
I'm just trying to get through the book of Hebrews.
I'm not trying to jump in the varsity of
casting out a demon and now you think you did the super safe everybody on the
front row you know demon call somebody he called you and sent you out there
I'll say it again you get a demon demon, listen, you call. I know somebody ain't going to point out,
but some people ready.
They ready at any given time.
At any given time.
Okay, all right.
I'm going to just shoot me the addy.
I'm on the way.
And listen, we're going to support you
and we're going to love on you,
right? But I'm going to tell you this.
It's a couple in here. They actually had a house.
They have a house.
And they came up to me. I'm not going to name their name.
They said, hey, Elder, can you come and bless
the house?
I said,
hear my heart, hear my heart, right? I said,
I can,
but you can bless it too.
I said, it's the same Holy Spirit.
I'm not going to come and apply anything you don't already have access to he's giving you the power of the Holy Spirit that lives on the inside of you the
same when we're talking about that empowers us to live holy empowers us against the evil
dark forces of the enemy you just don't have confidence in it yet.
Matter of fact, I said, hey, family, I said, that's how I feel. I said, hey, let's do this.
Go through the fast. And if you still want me to do it, just let me know and I'll come.
I said, but you can do it. And I haven haven't heard from them if they still want to hit me up after this I will come right but it's the same teaching some things are the enemy all right so
some of y'all scared all right some of y'all you want to cast the devil out of the doorknob like
I'm gonna tell a story real quick. Quick story.
Just look straight ahead.
You don't know what I'm talking about.
It's a sister.
Some of y'all don't know.
It's a sister.
Kenny going to fall out.
We were praying on stage.
Actually, at the same building that Pastor was talking about last week.
And she was like, open up the doors.
We're about to run the devil out of here.
And I think I looked around and I was like, I'm going to say, but sometime. Right.
I was like, I don't think we need to open up the doors to run the devil out of here.
But family, she said it with such conviction.
I was like, open up the doors. Don't look at me.
She said open up the doors.
We're about to run the devil out of here.
Looking at me for.
I love it.
She's with my faith.
So she's not one of those people, right?
But what I'm saying is some people believe, and we've been taught a lot of stuff when it comes to demon exercise and things of that nature.
And hopefully we, I may let this go.
Are we still looking at that prayer conference?
I may leak that.
Okay, we may.
Hopefully we can write that down.
Prayers of deliverance and put that in
there. Amen. Somebody write
that down. Okay. Right. So I'm
not going to get into that right
now, but you have the power and
the Holy Spirit to do that
right now. Okay. All right. And
then there are those that are
too intellectual to think that
there are actual demons.
Surely, Elder, you don't expect me to believe in 2023 there are actually demons.
Yeah, this is why, right? The most famous person in all the world, in the most printed book in all of history, and my elder told me that, and I researched, that every year it's the best-selling book and most sold of all time.
Did you know that?
The Bible.
So much so, it'll be there every day, I just kind of take it off.
The most popular person in all the world, in all of history of history Jesus in the most popular book
best selling of all time
it's not even
told you
gave you the account
that there was a demon
possessed man
if you can't go with that,
you can't believe anything in any book
that was ever written.
From an unbeliever standpoint,
if you try to discredit that.
So yes, get all of your degrees.
Three masters, a PhD, double associates,
get all of them. But Three masters, a PhD, double associates. Get all of them.
But you don't have enough knowledge to trump the word of God.
Okay, I just want to be balancing my approach.
Y'all with me, beloved?
And last, I just want to put this.
Christ said, I saw Satan fall like lightning.
I'm just building up your theology so you know that Christ is above the evil one
the Holy Spirit is above the evil one so you don't think you out there by yourself
ignorant of your spiritual weapons and also ignorant of his devices you know what you're
gonna do try to put doubt in your head listen you all out here by yourself the devil is a liar of your spiritual weapons and also ignorant of his devices. You know what he's going to do?
Try to put doubt in your head.
Listen, you all out here by yourself.
The devil is a liar.
No, literally the devil is a liar.
All right?
Let's go to Luke 10, 17.
Set up for you.
It says, I'm going to keep reading 17 through 19.
It says the 72, a lot of you guys only think that it was 12 disciples.
No, he actually sent 72 disciples.
He sent them out two by two.
All right.
Return with joy.
Say, Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name.
That's not Jesus.
That's not even the special 12.
That's 72.. That's not even the special 12. That's 72.
And he, being Jesus, said to them,
I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions
and over all the power, say all the power,
of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you
nevertheless do not rejoice in this I love coming to the word of God because Jesus
will give you a firm foundation listen you would come back excited too
if you was talking to demons they were just fleeing you would be excited there you would you said something they love
you go and try it one more time
whoa this thing really works
hey Jesus
yeah yeah yeah yeah
I actually saw Satan fall like lightning
it's nothing new to him
he was created in authority
and we also are seated in heavenly places
in him at the right hand side of the father.
To this day.
And Jesus said,
nevertheless, do not rejoice in this,
that the spirits are subject to you,
but rejoice that your names
are written in heaven.
All right.
Let's go back to the text.
Let's jump into verse 23.
And as a result of the demon oppressed man who was blind and mute, being healed.
In verse 23 it says, and all the people were amazed.
And said, can this be the son of David? All right.
I want you to let you know, son of David, what does that mean? All right. Primarily the title
son of David is more than a statement of physical genealogy. Yes, he actually comes from the
genealogy. Like it's the born part of the Bible where you are somebody begat somebody, begat
somebody, begat somebody, begat somebody, begat somebody, beget somebody. You just want to skip it.
You don't want to tell nobody you skipped it.
You just beget somebody.
Okay, okay.
There's a reason that the Bible puts that in there.
So you know that actually David from the Old Testament, Jesus is actually in his genealogy.
But that's just not it, right?
It says it's a messianic title when they
said son of David they're talking about the Messiah he's talking about Jewish
people they know the Torah they know the the small prophets the larger prophets
they know that one has been prophesied that is going to come and deliver them so they see this wild miracle and they're saying
wait a minute
could this be him
now we know in hindsight we look back at the cross it absolutely was him but that's where they are
right it absolutely was him but that's where they are even in revelations 22 16
it says I am the root
Jesus speaking I am the root
and offspring of David
that is he is both
creator of David
and also
simultaneously the descendant of David
only the son of God Jesus Jesus, can make that happen.
Let me stop there.
Let me stop.
Only someone godly could have that happen.
I am the root of David.
I was here before he got there.
And I also am his descendant.
That's what they're thinking.
Could this be him?
Could this be him?
Okay, all right, and I'm going to tell you right now,
I don't like this people that we're talking about right now.
All right, all right.
It says, and also before we go, let me hit this point.
Listen, it says the people were amazed.
It's important to us as believers
that when miraculous things happen in our lives,
that we point to the miracle worker.
Because it's a natural tendency for people when they see a miracle, they say, well, where did you get that from?
Perhaps they will work one in my life.
Can I tell you something?
Beloved, please don't come here and just sit through sermons like it's just a sermon.
It's literally the spirit of God moving.
Can I tell you something?
I have long dealt with procrastination.
Long dealt with.
Since my youth.
Like fifth grade, I remember just waiting until the last minute to do homework.
All right.
How about I sat there, right there, when Pastor was talking about last week,
he said he stretched out his hand in the withered hand.
Listen, I applied that to my life, and there was a break in procrastination this week.
I want to reteach the sermon, but all of us have something that is withered.
You don't put the balm on, you don't went to the doctors, and it hasn't worked yet, but that's the power of the Holy Spirit.
That can be applied when the word of God is being preached. We really want to raise you as disciples, just not Christians.
Because you can come in and you get hyped for the music and then you can fall asleep during the
sermon not knowing that the power of God
is present in both.
It's our job.
You ain't got to be a real
dope preacher.
Hey, man, this is what God did for me.
Maybe he can do it for you.
But the most important thing is that you get saved.
That's a sermon, beloved.
Let's go to 24.
It's disrespectful people, boy, I tell you.
All right. 24. Disrespectful people I tell you Alright 24
But when the Pharisees heard it
They said
It is only by Beelzebul
The prince of demons
That this man cast out demons
Take it off
Actually leave it up
Leave it up
They disgust me I ain't gonna lie and cast out demons. Take it off. Actually, leave it up. Leave it up. Leave it up.
They disgust me.
I ain't going to lie.
They disgust me.
How did we get here?
You just saw that man.
You saw him being blind and mute.
You saw him also blind and mute. You saw him also seeing and speaking.
You heard the people point to the Messiah.
And now you're going to say one of the most disrespectful things in all of scripture.
I'd rather you say it didn't even happen than try to gaslight the situation no he didn't
yes he did, no he didn't
it's both crazy but I
no no no no
they actually said
yeah no he's not the Messiah
he actually cast that demon out
by the power of Satan himself.
He didn't even say
it's a regular demon
he said nah he actually did it
he's in cahoots with the prince of demons
Satan bells above
I ain't gonna lie man
if there's one time I'm calling down
fire and brimstone
just make the list beloved
I saw him
fall like lightning
out of the kingdom of me and my father
I came out here to save you
and you're going to tell me I'm in partnership with Satan
not that you can shake to tell me I'm in partnership with Satan himself?
Not that you can shake my confidence because I'm Jesus, but you're trying to divert the will of the people.
You're trying to confuse them.
You got that stronghold of power in your religious power?
It's that serious?
Shouldn't you be excited that I'm the Messiah and I'm in front of you right now? And you can look at me with a straight face
and say that to me.
I'm glad that Jesus is merciful.
Because he didn't even have to talk to me.
He could have dealt with him another way.
All right.
Look at how Jesus handles them
with such poise, intellect, and a sense of royalty.
Let's jump on to verse 25.
The scripture says, knowing their thoughts,
he said to them, pay attention, every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste.
And no city or house divided against itself will stand.
Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them, every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste.
And no city or house divided against itself will stand.
Jesus opens, in his royal nature, with just a very general statement about kingdoms.
He didn't even jump all the way in.
Just a very general statement about kingdoms.
And this is the truth on how communities work.
He said, kingdom, city, house.
Kingdom, city, house.
Kingdom, city, house.
Top, the palace, your house.
So this is about kingdoms, all right?
I'm going to come out of left field,
and I'm going to talk about another kingdom.
We're going to talk about the kingdom of God.
It's actually not going to come up.
I'm going to read this another kingdom. We're going to talk about the kingdom of God. It's actually not going to come up.
I'm going to read this from the Amplified Bible. In James 3, 16 and 17, it says,
for where jealousy and selfish ambition exist,
there is disorder, unrest, rebellion,
and every evil thing and morally degrading practice.
But the wisdom from above is first pure.
This is the amplified version.
Morally and spiritually undefiled, then peace-loving, courteous,
considerate, gentle, and reasonable.
Talking about the wisdom from above and willing to listen.
Full of compassion and good fruits, right? That's the
wisdom from above. I'm going to jump back and read 16 again. For where jealousy and selfish ambition
exist, there is disorder, unrest, rebellion, and every evil thing and morally degrading practice. no one who cares about the kingdom of God should keep that in their heart
because crisis did made a very general statement about kingdoms no one who cares about the kingdom of God should hide jealousy and envy and rebellion in their heart.
If we want to store this revival of sorts that we're dealing with,
and we're thinking about the external being our greatest enemy, no.
When we're dealing with each other in squads,
don't hide envy and backbiting and gossip and all those things of the heart that we just coddle.
We just kind of coddle those things.
We jump on fornication.
We just coddle envy.
Homosexuality, you jump on it.
We just coddle.
We just coddle.
I'm just a little,
I'm a little jealous.
It tears down kingdoms.
Now the word says the increase of his government
will never end.
So you'll never, you'll never,
you'll never kill the kingdom of God
and the work of God.
But you can damage somebody
in the process.
That's not how we act in our kingdom.
You with me, beloved?
All right.
And give you a tip.
Say you are dealing with that.
You're dealing with something in your heart, and you know it's not right.
I'm just very, very, very straightforward.
You know, Scripture talks about us purifying ourselves.
Pastor's always talking about how he's in front of God,
wringing his heart out.
We, when we find something in our heart,
should do the same thing.
That's definitely including the person in the pulpit.
All right?
Pray, God, help me get this out of my heart.
Even though people don't,
they don't put
a lot of emphasis on it your word does and I know this can't stand here help me to be holy in this
area by the power of the Holy Spirit you've already planted on the inside of me you see
how you can hear the word of God and that shapes your theology and how you actually walk out your life?
All right, now we're going to jump into 26 and 27. He's about to address the Pharisees directly here.
Verse 26, it says,
and if Satan casts out Satan,
if Satan casts out Satan,
he's addressing the Pharisees now,
he is divided against himself.
How then will his kingdom stand?
You out here talking crazy.
And if I cast out demons by Beelzebul.
By whom do your sons cast them out therefore they will be your judges so what spirit you operating in
let's go to 28 29 it says but if it is by the spirit of God
that I cast out demons then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
That's what you're afraid of.
You're going to lose your power.
You're going to lose your prestige.
You're going to lose your hold on the people.
When you should be worshiping me, you're trying to divert the glory
back to yourself and keep people in
Can I tell you, that's the spirit
of religion.
That's why those
that just really just blood-bought believers,
you kind of, you hate it.
Anybody hate religion?
You just want to keep people bound.
There's only one Messiah and he is here.
Or verse 29 gives them another option. How can someone enter a strong man's house and plunder
his goods unless he first binds the strong man then indeed he may plunder his house what he's
saying is if i don't have power over satan and and i'm working in conjunction with him
how can i set that man free?
We're talking about plunder.
Whenever coming out of Egypt,
it's that they plundered Egypt and brought out the gold.
In this case, the gold is the freedom of the man.
Jesus is interested in the freedom of man.
Jesus is interested in freedom of man.
That's why it's so big that we just don't wallow in sin.
Yeah, you fail.
Get up.
Yeah, you did it.
Get up. yeah you did it get up and even before you do it I'm going to tell you something
first of all did not our hearts burn
when worship pastor Ryan preached
on Christmas
go watch it again it's good
one of the things he actually wasn't even from me
his father said he said just because
you feel it don't mean you got to do it
I could have ran around this place
four times in a row
he just gave you so much biblical truth
in one quick saying, just because you feel it
don't mean you gotta do it
that's where the enemy is tricking a lot of you guys
you feel the desire so strong,
you're saying, I gotta do it.
No, you don't.
Can I tell you something else?
Communicator Courtney just said self-control.
Can I tell you something that's where I'm expecting
the Lord to move more in my life here?
Right? Right?
Right. One of the fruit, it's not fruits,
the fruit of the Spirit is
indeed self-control.
And let's not get deep.
When you walk with
God and the Spirit of
listen, if a temptation
hits you as soon as you step in the parking lot
you know and I know coming out of worship you have more power to say no
now about Tuesday at 10 p.m
I'm just going to be real on a Sunday morning
you're like
because your last worship session was Sunday morning.
God's power did not dilute itself.
God's will for your life didn't just take a back seat.
You looked in the mirror, walked walked away and forgot who you were I'm preaching in here you forgot who you
I'll tell my how you get out of the cage of sin. I've been there. I've been there.
I've had temptation grab me at 11 o'clock at night.
No, no, you're not jumping in the car.
No, you're not.
No, you're not.
No, you're not.
And you better learn how to talk to yourself too. No, you're not. I'm not going there. I got to answer the text. No, you're not
I'm not going there
I gotta answer the text
no you do not
but what they gonna think
what does Jesus think
because you know what I do
once you fall you gotta dig y'all know that you got to dig yourself all the way back up.
And Lord, that's how y'all come here on Sunday morning.
I'm cool with it.
I'm holy, but I don't feel holy.
I know God loves me, but I don't feel like he loves me.
It's the same thing they went through in the garden they went and hid themselves from the very Creator that made them
with leaves
check out this functional is with leaves and Adam I hear naming the very animals check how dysfunctional it is
with leaves and Adam out here
naming the very animals
I'm about leaves
I don't know how long they sat there
with leaves just sitting looking crazy
so when I'm late he's going to come ask me because usually we'd be walking in the cool of the day either way, leave, just sitting, looking crazy.
Sooner or later, he's going to come asking,
because usually we'd be walking in the cool of the day right now,
but I'm not going to.
Usually I would be enjoying his presence right now,
but I feel the stain of sin.
Surely he don't want to meet with me no more. Lie. Surely he don't want to come with me no more. Lie.
Surely he didn't create to worship. Lie. Lie. And we bathe ourselves in the lie of the enemy.
Let me tell you something.
Jesus not stepped through 42 generations,
lived 33.
Check me out.
Nobody likes a downgrade.
If I take you from a three-bedroom to a two-bedroom,
we could be in the same apartment complex.
You're like, I feel cramped.
Could barely afford to furnishished three-bedroom.
You still like, I have my space.
Space, I don't, I'm moving out.
God didn't call me to this.
Imagine downgrading from heaven to earth. And this isn't a quick visit.
We're talking about Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
Having to deal with mess like this.
Yes, the sacrifice on Calvary, crazy. deal with mess like this.
Yes, that sacrifice on Calvary,
crazy, the whipping post,
we skipped that, crazy.
In the garden, sweating,
profuse drops, blood, crazy. I'm talking about Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday,
for you.
We can't even fathom what heaven is like.
I don't know if you've seen this, man.
It's actually pretty dope.
Heaven still beats it.
Like y'all ever seen those new AI pictures?
Where they plug it into like chat GPT or something like you know scripture and they just come up with a version
and it's some of the dopest thing you will ever see
it still don't match heaven
he didn't step through all of that
go through those weeks
30 without the power of the Holy Spirit being landed on him for a supernatural ministry.
To die for you, go sit on the right-hand side of the Father.
You sin, and then he changes his mind about you. if it was like that
it stayed in heaven
I'm giving you something
to combat the lies of the enemy
and your flesh and yourself
in the heat of the battle
between holiness
and sin
this ain't nowhere in my notes between holiness and sin.
This ain't nowhere in my notes.
I just had to give you something.
Because as humans,
some of you aren't going to be able to,
not be able to.
You're not going to feel like you can walk with the Lord
until you get some consistent wins
and then you build up your confidence.
Hear me.
That's not how God thinks.
That's how you think.
Until you actually put the blunt down, until you quit abusing alcohol, until you quit fornicating four nights in a row.
Then I can, I feel like, I can do this thing.
Two more nights, three more nights, you fall.
But he loves me yes that feels good but the scriptures say at his right
hand are pleasures forevermore and I can get married and have sex within marriage. So he's not even asking me to give that up permanently.
He's just saying, use it in my context.
Check me out.
He created me, and he created the mechanism in which we even populate.
So God is the author of sex so he's just
saying enjoy yourself just in the proper context near you out there okay I want
to see if my wife was in the back I'm preaching here
now see we got four kids we definitely I'll stay focused
she did not like the fact that I said that
y'all but
wait for me
I'm going to use a preacher term
delay is not denial
this is how you arm yourself again delay is not denial. Right?
This is how you arm yourself.
Again, this is not my notes.
This is how you arm yourself to walk holy.
And seek things that the Lord has for you.
Y'all with me, beloved?
Verse 30. verse 30 he's already approached the Pharisees gave them their crazy arguments
talks about how I am powerful
I can plunder the house
and in 30 he says something that all of us should pay attention to
verse 30 it says whoever is not with me
is against me
and whoever does not gather with me
There ain't no fence, beloved.
Can I talk to a, I'm not even, listen,
I'm not even trying to condemn you on this.
Anybody just want to admit that you're a quiet Christian?
You want to serve the Lord,
but you don't really want to ruffle no feathers?
Come on, we family.
Some of y'all in there, everybody.
Some people are posting 25 times a day about Jesus.
And you're like, I ain't about to deny him, but I, you know.
Somebody asked me.
Listen, listen, listen, listen.
There is no neutral position in the spirit.
Stay with me. I'm not trying to condemn you. I'm just letting know you ever heard like like like sitting on the fence Christ kicked over the fence
just pulled it right up out the ground ain't no fence
if you're not with me you are against me and whoever does not gather with me
scatters I prayed about this.
I'll go ahead and use it here, right?
So what I will not name the name.
Very recently, the last couple of months, there was an older preacher.
Probably, I think his heyday was in like the 80s and 90s.
And he was actually sick for a time, right?
And just stay with me.
It's a quick story.
And he's a preacher.
A lot of people know him.
Your parents and grandparents would know him, right?
But right in the middle of his ministry, I would say that he was deceived by the enemy, right?
And he started preaching something called gospel of inclusion, right?
That was essentially saying you don't have to apply your faith to the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Ultimately, all men will be saved.
And he was like, I don't believe in hell anymore.
And unfortunately, he passed.
He was dealing with a terrible sickness.
And I want to approach this with grace.
All right, give me some grace in even how I approach this.
And I kept hearing like, you know, big name preachers, and I don't really care about that.
They were saying how we need to show this person honor for what they did.
And I kept hearing this, we need to show this person honor for what they did. And I kept hearing this thing.
We need to show this person honor for what they did.
And honor, you know, for what they did in the ministry.
I guess the things they did before he made that turn.
But I was not hearing anybody come out and call him a heretic and this is why I was I was I was I was I was grieved about that
why would you give him more honor than Jesus
and much like the pharisees when you bad doctrine reign, there will also be people that, because of their position of authority, will go and follow them to the very hell that he said he don't even believe in no more.
If you don't gather with me, you scatter. Jesus maybe you do honor him for the things that he did
but out of the sake and for the love
of the people in the body of Christ
that you shepherd
you have to call out bad doctrine for what
it is and correct that
there's no
neutral position.
As an unbeliever, you are an object of child of wrath.
Does that sound neutral to you?
We need the salvation of Jesus.
By placing our faith in him.
All right.
This is actually a touchy subject as well
as we land the plane here.
I'm gonna go to verse 31 and 32.
This is Jesus speaking. Therefore,
I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against
the Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven,
but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven,
either in this age or in the age to come.
Help me, amen.
When going through the scriptures, I'm just going to say, when going through the scriptures
I'm just going to say
when going through the scriptures
this is why you should actually
very much respect pastors
that go line by line
because ultimately
you're going to run into
something like this
that you got to deal with
if you're going to wake up
and talk about Nehemiah
and then jump to Paul
you can
you can skirt around
heavy situations
alright heavy situations. Alright?
I'm dealing with this issue what many have called or titled the
unpardonable sin. It's important
to note that in this context what Christ
is calling blasphemy of the
Holy Spirit in this account.
Okay? Because he's saying there will be no
First look at the account, First, look at the account.
Let's look at the account in Mark as well
because it's going to give us an important piece of information, all right?
So all I'm going to do is I'm going to go to another book in the Bible
with the same account of this story, right?
It's going to give us an additional piece of information,
and we're going to come back and talk about it, okay?
All right, so it's Mark 3, chapter 28 through 30 30th verse 28 christ says verily i say unto you all sins shall be forgiven unto the
sons of men and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme but he that shall blaspheme
against the holy ghost holy ghost hath never forgiveness but is in danger
of eternal damnation.
Verse 30, it says,
because they said
he hath an unclean spirit.
So many of you,
when you're thinking of blasphemy
against the Holy Ghost,
and I was taught this as well,
I want to give it to you in context
using the Bible, right?
That blasphemy that Jesus was talking about,
you will not get
forgiveness, they actually said he had an unclean spirit and Satan, he actually used Satan to be
able to do the work of God when it was clearly the Holy Spirit. Some of y'all took a deep breath
because y'all were like, I don't know if I said something in the Holy Spirit.
I'm willing to put a whole lot of money that none of y'all said that.
Jesus actually did miracles by the power of Satan.
And he had a demon.
And that's how he did his miracles.
All right?
But even with that, we conclude, and I should talk to the pastor about this because it's very, very heavy.
Right. Right. There is some debate on what we should bring out of this scripture and use for today.
OK. Right. We've concluded that because in this particular context, they actually saw Jesus with their own eyes.
They saw this man was blind and mute they saw him deliver the demon and they saw the man see and speak and then said he had a demon that we actually relegate
that to just those people that were around at that time when Jesus walked the earth
okay so if you have like a nagging theory you read this in the Bible I want you up at one o'clock in the morning am I safe no that's not for you okay cuz
some things in the Bible are descriptive and some things in the Bible are
prescriptive okay now should you absolutely have respect in regard for
the Holy Spirit and watch your mouth yes right cuz think about it or else what we would have to do is when we presented the gospel
we would have to say hey man do you remember in 1987 whether you said something about the Holy
Spirit if you did that means the gospel is not for you if we took that and applied that to today
Jesus died for all sins if we took that and applied that to today.
Jesus died for all sins.
Blasphemy will be forgiven for the believer in modern day.
And even more so,
he was addressing the religious leaders
that knew better.
No forgiveness for you.
You can play for it.
Jesus gave us the power Jesus
gave us the power
over the enemy
Jesus says
there's no fence
either with me
or against me
either gather with me as we're endeavoring to do here,
or you scatter.
Jesus came to plunder hell and set the captives free.
That includes me and you.
And now, because you've been washed clean,
the Holy Spirit can come by faith in Jesus Christ, live on the inside of us, and empower us to walk as believers.
All right.
Let me pray for us as we close. Holy Father thank you for this word today
to edify the soul of the believer
even inform the unbeliever about who Jesus is
let's thank you for your grace and your mercy
for your holy and your mercy.
For your holy scriptures that are still alive today.
For this body of believers that you've placed us with right now.
To carry out the great commission that you died for.
I just want to thank you today, God.
Thank you for using us in the body.
Even though we feel like we're unworthy and unholy, your blood has made us both worthy and holy and to be loved and given us purpose.
My friend, God, I ask that you take this word and continue to play it in the heart of the poor
so that ultimately you would get glory
as we worship the Son.
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.