2819 Church - WISDOM AND WONDER | Where's Your Heart? | Matthew 13:18-23 | Philip Anthony Mitchell

Episode Date: January 4, 2025

In SZN 2, EP 2 of "WISDOM & WONDER," Pastor Philip Anthony Mitchell breaks down the Parable of the Sower found in Matthew 13:18-23. Welcome to the official Youtube channel for 2819 Church. This c...hannel features powerful and life-impacting messages from Philip Anthony Mitchell and guest communicators. As you listen to these sound biblical messages you can expect to be challenged, stirred, matured and inspired in your faith and walk with God. For more information about us visit 2819Church.org.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I hear a word in my spirit that I want to come against and I don't know if you're in the room or if you're watching me across this camera right now but I hear a word in my spirit that I want to come against whoever this is for. I'll come against depression. I'll come against heaviness of mind and heaviness of heart. I'll come against thoughts of suicide and dark ideations of the mind. I'll come against every demonic force. There's a rain against your mind and a rain against your heart. We take territory over that right now. In the name of Jesus, we take every door captive, and we bring it down. In the name of Jesus, we come against depression, suicide, and dark ideations. We take it captive right now
Starting point is 00:01:14 I come against oppression and suicide and dog ideations I hear this in my spirit I prophesy over you hold one note Frank I prophesy over whoever this is for. I remember when I was on medication for depression. Yes, a preacher. Preaching every Sunday on medication for depression. I remember in my mind it was like the storm clouds was gray all the time and preaching
Starting point is 00:01:50 I was a functioning depression functioning depression doing ministry and depressed and the storm clouds was gray in my mind and I remember I began to pray. And I began to cry out to God. I began to pray.
Starting point is 00:02:12 And I began to cry out to God. Specifically for one word. I started to say, God, I pray. You will give me a consecrated interior life. And that you would give me a healthy interior life. And I begin to pray over and over and over, God, give me a healthy interior life and give me a consecrated interior life.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Let the rays of the power of your truth keep shining through the darkness in my mind and i will pray it over and over and over and over again until i put the pills down until the storm clouds rolled away until peace and assurance and joy became a dominant disposition oh no i feel something in this room about to break right now in the name of Jesus. God, we pray for consecrated interior. We pray for consecrated interior lives. We pray for healthy minds.
Starting point is 00:03:39 We pray for healthy souls. I pray healing over every soul in this room. I pray healing over every soul in this room. I pray healing over every mind. We pray healing over every heart in the name of Jesus. I don't even know who this is for. I don't even know who this is for. I pray healing, healing over someone's mind healing over someone's heart I come against pain from the past and trauma that's been undone with I pray change will fall off your mind and fall off your heart I hear that in my spirit again I come against unaddressed trauma listen to me anything you bury alive you're gonna have to deal with in
Starting point is 00:04:38 another season that rape that molestation that divorce that betrayal that abandonment that loss of a parent that scar you anything you bury alive you're gonna have to deal with it in another season so right now i exhume things that have been buried alive we bring them back to the surface in the presence of the healer right now and I pray that you had a power
Starting point is 00:05:18 to forgive to let go to move on. To pivot. To run towards everything God has for you. I pray healing for your mind, for your heart, for your soul. Now, somebody in the room, help me shame the devil and give God a radical praise like it's already done I said we're gonna praise him like it's already done I said it's already
Starting point is 00:05:56 done who am I talking to I said it's already done it's already done I said it's already done. It's already done. I said it's already done. It's already done. Somebody shout like it's already done. No, stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Look at me. You don't need to walk out this room into a changed circumstance to believe that God has just did something in you. You just need to believe by faith that God has just did something in you and that today is the beginning of a brand new season who am I talking to man now I want you to shout like it's already done it's already done. Tear down that Jericho wall. It's already done. Hold on. Hold on. This ain't for no form or fashion. Word up. I'm serious about this. Listen to me.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Before we get into the proclamation of the word, listen to me. I know that it is much easier in your human effort to praise God when you have seen something shift with your tangible eyes. I know that. But he told a group of people staring at a wall, you just praise me and I will tear down that wall. No, hold on. I got to put faith in you because there's people next to you that need a shout
Starting point is 00:08:13 and they can't get it out because they're hurting. I want us to come together and shout down every wall in this room. I can't. Hallelujah. In this room, I give you... Whoo! Whoo! Hallelujah! Yeah! Healing. Healing. Healing. Healing. Healing.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Healing. Healing. Healing. Healing. Let everything that has breath give God praise! Oh Oh Kampung Kampung Today is the beginning of the rest of your life. God just walked you into a brand new season. You just got to receive it by faith. You just got to receive it by faith. Healing. Healing. You just got to receive it by faith. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I know I got to get into to one more person. I got to say this to one more person. I got to say this to one more person. And I don't know who this is for, but just listen to me carefully. You'll never get back what they took from you. You'll never get it back. Your tears, your time, your purity, your virginity,
Starting point is 00:11:44 your trust, they may never get it back and forgiveness is not for the perpetrator forgiveness is for you to be free that you may have peace if you got it in you would you just turn your palms towards heaven just if you got any just and if i'm not talking to you you could just watch i don't care father all these sons and daughters this mosaic of brokenness Father, all these sons and daughters, this mosaic of brokenness and woundedness, pour out now from heaven,
Starting point is 00:12:37 in the room and across the camp, whatever the need is. I don't know, you know. Pour it out. With these palms turned up we receive in the mighty name of the healer now if you agree with me somebody just shout amen and give God a hand clap a praise come on give God a hand clap a praise and just shout amen and give God a hand clap of praise. Come on, give God a hand clap of praise and just say amen. You can be seated.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. If you're here for the very first time, we want to welcome you to 2819 Church. We are a people serious about the spread of the gospel and about the multiplication of disciples. If you're watching me across this camera right now, to all of our digital disciples watching live in cities all across the country and places around the world, we welcome you right now live to 2819 Church. And if you're an unbeliever in the room, we know you in here. We welcome you.
Starting point is 00:14:19 You don't have to believe before you can belong before you believe. You don't have to believe before you belong. You can keep creeping up in here and listen to what we're teaching and what we're saying you could keep listening to our claims about the lord jesus christ you are welcome to be in here we don't force nothing on you we pray the holy spirit work on you we are in a series right now called wisdom and wonder where we are walking through the book of Matthew together as a church. In this series, we're walking through Matthew chapter 12 through 20. And if you're unfamiliar with who he was, Matthew was a Jew who lived in the first century AD, who was outcast from his community. He was brought into the faith of Christianity by the
Starting point is 00:15:02 Lord Jesus Christ himself. Matthew went on to become a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and an eyewitness of his ministry. He would then go on to write the gospel that bears his name and has been preserved for us, placed first in the New Testament of the Scriptures. For all my note-takers in this message, we're going to be unpacking Matthew chapter 13, verses 1 through 23. And our main text today is going to be verses 18 through 23. I want to tag a title. This is a heavy text, man. This is a heavy text. And even as I'm staring at my Bible, like even as I'm staring at it, like I just feel the weight of trying to handle this text as a human being.
Starting point is 00:16:11 It's serious. It's weighty. I feel a fresh anointing to preach this to you. I know this is our 1130 gathering. I feel a fresh anointing to preach this to you. I feel fire in my belly to preach this to you. For you. So we're going to call this message, where's your heart?
Starting point is 00:16:43 Where is it? Where is your heart where is it where is your heart right now as I'm talking to you where is it eternal God and of a wise father Oh God I pray in this moment, right now, right now, you would arrest the attention of every person under the sound of my voice. For God, you know the weight of these words that have been preserved by the Son who right now is seated at your right hand. He can see us from his throne in glory. I pray, God, in my human weakness, you would help me to the best of my ability to communicate these eternal gospel truths. And Father God, I pray you would arouse in your people
Starting point is 00:17:35 a type of a wonder. That God, you would move throughout this room, move throughout that camera, the person who hears my voice right now. God, please, please God I pray you would open blinded eyes you would minister to the hearts of the men and women in this room God we need an awakening right now for father there are men and women listening to me that are in danger and father God I just pray in your mercy you would mercy, you would shake them right where they are.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Woo! Lord, minister to us and help me. Help me, Lord, in my weakness to proclaim this truth. And the mighty, look up that word. And the majestic, look up that word and the majestic look up that word and in the matchless name look up that word only he can claim those words of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Somebody just say amen. And amen. And amen. And amen. Where is your heart?
Starting point is 00:18:56 This weekend, I took my wife away to what we call a staycation. Right here in downtown Atlanta. We live out in the suburbs and you laugh, but a staycation is what you do when you either don't have the money or don't have the time to get to an island. You slide off to some place in your city and you spend some time with the person you love. And that's a nod there for husbands and wives that you still got to get away and be together and spend some time with one another that you got to keep investing in the most important relationships of your life. So Lena and I slipped away for a staycation and we was in a hotel right here in downtown Atlanta. And I asked them to put us on one of the top floors because I wanted to be able to get a view of the city. And on that first
Starting point is 00:19:45 night after Lena fell asleep, man, I walked over to the window and I looked out at the city and I just burst into tears and I begin to pray over the city. And it's like I can feel the brokenness of Jesus for the city of Atlanta as I looked out over because this city is steeped in perversion and it's masked in religion. This city has a lot of religion, but behind city is steeped in perversion, and it's masked in religion. This city has a lot of religion, but behind that is a lot of perversion, and I can feel how God's heart was broken over the city, and I'm crying out for revival, and I'm crying out for the city, and I'm shedding tears at that window. The next morning, when we leave the hotel, I'm driving through the city, and as I'm driving through the city, I'm looking at all the people in the streets, hundreds of them, thousands of them everywhere.
Starting point is 00:20:28 And I'm looking at, man, the Lord said about all of us, man, look at them. They're like sheep scattered without a shepherd. And as I consider this city and everybody walking through the city, man, I'm thinking about you in this room. I'm thinking about our digital disciples. I'm thinking about everybody in Atlanta. And I'm thinking to myself, man, I'm thinking about just the tragedy of the depravity of human beings. Men and women who are separated from God. And as I looked out, man, my heart was broken as I just thought about, man, how many people right now are dealing with all manner of thoughts in their mind disconnected from the filter of God's word. And I thought about how many of us are dealing with all manner of thoughts in their mind disconnected from the filter of God's word. And I thought about how many of us are dealing with a myriad of all kind of emotions disconnected from the filter of God's word.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I thought about how many of us right now as I'm talking to you are making all kind of life decisions and important decisions about who you're going to marry, who you're dating, what house to buy, what job to take, what city to move. And we're making all these decisions disconnected from the wisdom of God's word. And I'm thinking about how many of us sit in this room right now, watching me right now, are building whole lives on everything other than the wisdom of God's word. And if there's ever been a time, listen to me, for us to lean into the words of Christ, that time is now in this moment, in this hour, man, I beckon to you, I plead with you that you would lean in right now to the words of Christ. So last week I laid a foundation for you
Starting point is 00:22:06 that I taught you right now we are involved in a very real spiritual warfare. It's a warfare happening right now all around you in the unseen realm. And at the center of that warfare are two kingdoms that are at war. First, the kingdom of darkness, which is ran and instituted or powered by Satan himself, that dragon and serpent of old from the garden, from the time he first deceived Adam and Eve, now he was brought into the earth, the sin nature of human beings, all of the suffering, wars, death, famine, sickness, suicide, depression, fights and schisms against one another, divorce, and all the
Starting point is 00:22:44 pain of human suffering, all the tears we shed because of this broken world, man, all of that is being powered by the Satan, by Satan into the kingdom of darkness. And at the same time, there is another kingdom. It is the kingdom of light. It is the kingdom of God Almighty that is at war against the kingdom of darkness. It is the kingdom that the scripture says one day, man, it will overthrow the kingdom of darkness. And so what Bible tells us in Revelation, that at one point in time, that kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our God. And every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. And that in the end, there will only be one kingdom
Starting point is 00:23:26 one king one government one rule and that the enemy will be defeated and I taught you last week it was in the first century AD with the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ's incarnation that he brought into the earth the promise of the old testament that kingdom of heaven that had been spoken of for thousands of years and christ came preach and repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and in christ we see the inauguration in the earth of the kingdom of heaven coming in full force and right now as i'm talking to you from the days of john the baptist through the preaching ministry of jesus right now as philip anthony m Mitchell is talking to you, the kingdom of God is expanding in every direction
Starting point is 00:24:07 in the hearts of men all across this city, all across this nation, all across this world. What started with a group of people in the upper room of John Mark's mother house has turned into two billion people around the world and millions throughout history praising and worshiping, celebrating Jesus as king. And I taught you last week, Jesus, in the first century AD, in response to those who rejected him and rejected his teaching and rejected the gospel,
Starting point is 00:24:34 he changed his ministry from speaking plain theology to now speaking in parables. And what Jesus left for us was an archive of encrypted teachings called parables that in those encrypted teachings are the secrets, the mysteries, the mysterion in Greek of the kingdom of God and the functionality of the kingdom and the operation of the kingdom,
Starting point is 00:24:59 the kingdom that the believers are living in right now. And Matthew said to us last week in Matthew chapter 13 verse 1, he said that same day, what day? From chapter 12, where Jesus was in a house, he's preaching to his disciples in a house, and outside of that house are his brothers who don't believe in him. There is Pharisees who don't believe in him, religious brothers who don't believe in him there was Pharisees who don't believe in him religious elite who don't believe in him
Starting point is 00:25:29 and there's a crowd of people some of which don't believe in him and in the heels of that rejection Jesus is inside the house and Matthew who was also in the house as an eyewitness he says on that day, Jesus went out of the house, and he sat by the sea, and great crowds gathered about him so that he got into a boat and sat down. And the whole crowd stood on the beach, and he told them many things in parables, saying, a sower went out to sow, and as he sowed, some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them. Other seeds fell on the rocky ground where they did not have much soil, and immediately they sprang up since they had no depth of soil. But when the sun rose, they were scorched, and since they had no root, withered away other seeds fell among the thorns and the
Starting point is 00:26:26 thorns grew and choked them out and other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain some a hundred fold some 60 fold some 30 fold and then jesus says to everybody he who has ears to hear, let them hear. So Jesus comes out of the house, and on the heels of being rejected, he tells the crowds this parable. Now for you and I who are sitting in 2024, we have an insight about the parable, but for the people who was his original audience, they did not understand this parable. What they did understand was the imagery of the parable of the sower. What Jesus is saying right here is not foreign to them. He's using natural elements in their society, an agricultural society, to teach them a very powerful truth, his disciples that is, while also he's sharing this parable with the crowds. And so the people who was listening,
Starting point is 00:27:23 they would be familiar, watch, of seeing farmers walking in their fields. They would have a bag tied around their waist. In that bag would be grain or seed, and they would see farmers just scattering seed in every direction, walking through their fields. And so they are familiar with the imagery of seed being scattered, but watch, they do not understand what Jesus is talking about. Verse 10, then the disciples came to him and said, why do you speak to them in parables? And he answered them and said, to you, the followers, it has been given to know the secrets, the mysterion of the kingdom of heaven. I feel the spirit of God. But to them, it has not been given to know the secrets, the mysterion of the kingdom of heaven. I feel the spirit of God. But to them it has not been given. So we understand that the parables was for two purposes, to reveal
Starting point is 00:28:12 and to conceal. To reveal truths of the kingdom of heaven to the disciples and to conceal truth from those who have rejected him. That is, the parables was a form of judgment against those who rejected God. The parables was not given to make things clear. The parables was given as a form of judgment against those who trampled over the truth of Jesus. That is, because he was rejected, he changed his language. And sometimes when you are rejected, you got to change your language. You got to talk differently to people that reject you. Sometimes it may be silence. Sometimes it may be God bless you. But sometimes you got to change your language with people who don't respect what you have to hear, what you have to say.
Starting point is 00:28:54 He says, for to the one that has been given and he will have an abundance, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away away this is why i speak to them in parables because seeing they do not see and hearing they do not hear and they do not understand indeed in their case the prophecy of isaiah is fulfilled that says you will indeed hear but never understand you will indeed see but never perceive for this people's heart has grown dull dangerous and with their ears they can barely hear dangerous and with their eyes they have been closed dangerous lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their heart and understand with their heart and turn and I would heal them the fact that the Lord said if only people would listen to what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:29:46 If only they would see what I'm saying. If only they would understand what I'm saying, they might have a chance. They might turn to me even now in this moment, and they might be healed. The fact that the Lord said they might be healed, there is a presupposition in the text that humanity is sick with sin and in need of a savior
Starting point is 00:30:08 but he said to his followers to them is a judgment but blessed are your eyes verse 16 for they see and your ears for they hear for truly i say to you many prophets and righteous people long to see what you see man Man, people for thousands of years was hoping to see the kingdom of God. They died and did not see it, but now you are alive in this kingdom. So he said, because of that, blessed are your eyes, blessed are your ears,
Starting point is 00:30:37 blessed are you who hear. For people long to see it and did not see it it and to hear it and they did not hear it and so we see the purpose of the parables was for revelation and for repudiation and in this particular power i said last week in luke that was a mistake a fog of the mind it's in mark's gospel where jesus is recorded as saying if you don't understand the parable of the sower, then you can't understand any of the other parables. This parable is a key that unlocks the understanding of all the other parables. This parable is a foundational parable. That's why most of the other parables start with the kingdom of heaven is like, but this parable does not start with the words the kingdom of heaven is like like because this parable tells us the entrance into the kingdom. So this parable is the doorway. It is the foundational parable and to understand
Starting point is 00:31:31 all the parables, you must understand this parable. Now pay attention right now. Now what Jesus is about to do next is he's about to be what I call a good preacher. Pay attention. He's about to now unpack the parable for them in an expository fashion which means jesus now is about to walk through the parable for them line by line verse by verse he's not going to preach opinions or crazy doctrine he's about to walk through the parable line by line verse by verse he's, he gave them a word. Now he's about to exposit the word. That is good biblical preaching.
Starting point is 00:32:11 Not taking a verse and forcing it to say what you want it to say. I said Jesus. Not lifting a verse out of context and making it say something that you want it to say. I said Jesus. But no, instead of taking the Bible and try to preach what i want jesus is going to take the bible and make it preach what it says right so he's about to walk through the parable of the soul line by line verse by verse i don't like 2019 it's boring they just walk through books of the bible line by line verse by verse we got that from somewhere
Starting point is 00:32:45 some of this stuff i'm telling you society got you high on craziness some of this stuff you think is whack is all the things that you should love about the lord see but you're too you're too you're too drugged up on man-made doctrine that when you get real food, man, you don't even know what it tastes like. Your palate only good for candy. You only want to hear eight steps to your blessing and four steps to your new house. All you care about is your vision board. So when truth comes, you don't want no part of that. See, I'm done. Philip Anthony Mitchell, I'm done with sermons that try to make me feel fluffy
Starting point is 00:33:29 i don't want to feel fluffy i don't want you telling me every week i'm awesome and i'm floating on clouds and what i'm about to get i don't want you telling me about how blessed i am every week i want to know the word teach me the word i want to know god's word Teach me the word. I want to know God's word. The Lord did not exalt a preacher above his name. He did exalt the word above his name. He did not exalt a preacher above his name. He did exalt the word above his own name. He did not say the words of a preacher will be forever settled in heaven.
Starting point is 00:34:05 He did say this word will be forever. I feel the spirit. This word will be forever settled in heaven. The scripture says it cannot be broken. You love the entertainment of men, but we don't love the preaching of God's word. Me, 20 years in, I don't want no more cotton candy. It will rot out your teeth and your soul.
Starting point is 00:34:34 We want the sincere milk of the word. So what Jesus is about to do like a good teacher, follow me. He's about to walk them through the parable of the sower line by line, verse by verse. He starts out the parable teaching in verse 18. He says, hear then the parable of the sower. Stop. I want to draw your attention to two things in this first verse 18. The words, hear that.
Starting point is 00:35:10 You know what that is? Pay attention. What he's trying to tell them. I'm about to reveal to you the mysteries of the kingdom. So now that the word is about to be proclaimed, man, sit up and pay attention. That he's trying to train his disciples how to respond to gospel proclamation. That too many of us, when the word is being proclaimed, you're nodding off. And you're yawning.
Starting point is 00:35:32 And you're falling asleep. Ain't nobody tell you to stay up late last night. But what the Lord said is pay attention. That is, when the word is being proclaimed you should lean forward to hear it you should lean in with your heart lean in with your mind lean in with your spirit something in you should be like Lord I want to know the word a mature believer hungers for the word a mature Christian hungers for the word they come to to church praying like, Lord, make me ready to hear the word. So he says to them, watch, hear then the parable of the sower. Now I want to draw your attention to the T-H-E in front of sower, a definitive article that the sower here has an identification
Starting point is 00:36:19 and the identity of the sower is Christ himself. he's teaching them a parable about his own ministry some of us have been taught this wrong and we learn from it from what he has done in his own ministry so he is the sower and sowing is a metaphor for the spreading of the gospel and we could sow individually one-to-one or we could sow corporately church to nation i missed that so he said hear then the parable of the sower watch verse 19 when anyone hears the word of the kingdom i feel the spirit of god and does not understand it the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart this is what has been sown on the path now Now everybody pay attention. What Jesus is doing right now
Starting point is 00:37:25 and what we're about to see is that he's saying, watch, he's saying for everybody who proclaims the word, for everybody who is a preacher, every time the word is preached, every time the gospel is proclaimed on podcasts, on platforms, in nations, whenever the word is preached,
Starting point is 00:37:40 it will always be met by four different types of responses. That anytime the word is preached, anytime the seed is thrown out, it will always be met by four different types of responses. And in the first century, when Jesus was proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, it was met by four different types of responses by four different types of people. All four of those people are in the room right now. I don't care. It's about room right now. I don't care. It's about to get hot.
Starting point is 00:38:07 I don't care. All four of those people are watching me live right now. All four of the responses to the preaching of the gospel, listen, are sitting in the room right now. And the only question we need to ask of the text is which person are you but you're in the room and you're watching me live
Starting point is 00:38:34 so look at the first thing he identifies he identifies the seed from the parable as the word of god so we understand the casting of the seed is the word of God. So the seed is identified as the word. Now why would he call the word a seed? Something dry and seems dead, but yet a seed on the inside of it has the power to bring forth life and transformation. That you can drop a seed in soil and it can transform that entire soil. It can fall into something and rearrange atmospheres and rearrange homes and rearrange the soil. Inside of a seed is the unlimited potential to transform anything that it hits. So he calls the word a seed.
Starting point is 00:39:20 This is very powerful because not every seed is the word of God. There's some seed that's no seed at all. You have some seed that is fake seed, fake preaching. You have some seed that's processed seed, compromised preaching. You got some seed that's unhealthy seed toxic preaching not all preaching is the seed of the word of the kingdom but jesus said the seed is the word of the kingdom not the word of men not the word of google not the word of articles the word of the kingdom and then he identifies the location of the seed. It is sown into the heart. Notice the seed is not sown into the mind. The seed is not coming for intellect. The seed is sown into the interior of the human being, into the heart, the place that brings transformation for the scriptures from the abundance of the heart. The mouth speaks from the heart. All of
Starting point is 00:40:23 the issues of life flows from the heart so the seed targets the heart it targets the thing that needs to be transformed most about you you say oh i got a good heart no you don't the bible says your heart is wicked that's what the scripture says they say oh you know i got a good heart no the bible says your heart is wicked above all things who can know it and so the seed targets the evil and darkness of the heart it doesn't target the intellect that's why people you can know scriptures with your mind and not be transformed in your heart come on how many people man like you just you you could quote psalm 23 but you don't understand what it means in your heart you know the sinner's prayer by it by memory but you don't
Starting point is 00:41:01 know what it means in your heart man you got all kind of people society always posting scriptures like there's some kind of sage but the same scripture you post has not transformed you in your heart so you posted about things that has not transformed you you know it intellectually but you don't know it in your heart and so the word targets the heart it bypasses the conscious it's a sword that cuts through all of that stuff to get to the real part of you right and here he gives us the first kind of ground he said it is sown on a path and when it falls on the path, he said in
Starting point is 00:41:46 the parable, the birds of the air, they come and they snatch the word of God. So here we see the first kind of response to the preaching of the gospel, the path. Now what is the path? I've been to Israel. In Israel, farmers would walk in between their fields and they would throw grain on both sides of their field. And the pathway they was walking on would be a dirt pathway. And from the constant traffic on that pathway, the dirt would get packed down, packed down, packed down. Until the dirt was, watch this word, hardened. Hardened. And the dirt was so hard that if any seed from the farmer landed on that path, it would just sit on top of the path.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Unexposed to the elements because the ground was so hard it could not penetrate and so this first type of response we see is the type of response i call the hardened heart and this is the person when they hear the gospel man they block it out automatically they don't want nothing to do with the gospel, nothing to do with Jesus, nothing to do with the kingdom, nothing to do with ministry. This is the atheist, the agnostic, the Muslim, this is the Hindu, the Buddhist. This is the person at your job, the person you try to witness to. This is the person you try to talk to about Jesus, and they are angry that you talk to them about the Lord. They want nothing to do with the Lord. This is the family member that rebukes you for trying to tell them about Jesus. Who do you think you are?
Starting point is 00:43:11 These are the people that when they hear the word of God, immediately they block it out. It goes in one ear and out the other ear. They want nothing to do with the word of God at all. Now, I want you to notice what Jesus said about these people. He said, as soon as the word is sown into a person with a hard heart pay attention he says immediately Satan comes and he watch he snatches that seed from the person so Jesus has given us watch insight into an unseen realm that gosh is so powerful that whenever the word of God lands on a person who has a hard heart in the natural you you see resistance.
Starting point is 00:43:46 In the spiritual, the devil came and snatched that word from that person. He took it so fast, they didn't even have time to think about it. So they heard the gospel, and then an hour later, they're at a restaurant. The gospel is already leaked out of them. Right? It's already leaked out of them. He said it's like the birds of the air that come and snatch the gospel. Man, I thought about this when I was reading, when my wife and I a couple years ago was in San Juan in Puerto Rico. And we came to the center of San Juan, and there
Starting point is 00:44:16 was this park. And when we came to the park, man, there were thousands of pigeons in that park. And I'm from New York, so we know about pigeons, right? You don't play with them. They're nasty. Got stuff under their arms. And I had some food in my hand. Listen, and I took that food, because I'm a New Yorker. We like to play with pigeons. And I threw that food in the middle of all those pigeons. And as soon as that food landed on the ground, it sat there on the concrete. And then immediately, hundreds of pigeons just swooped in. And they just gobbled up all of that seed.
Starting point is 00:44:43 They just took it. And they was, watch, violent when they ate up all that seed. By the time they cleared out, there's no seed left. There's nothing left to penetrate the ground. He says, this is what happens when the word of God is sown into a heart that's hardened. As soon as they hear the word in the unseen realm, the devil runs towards that person before they have a time to even think about it and he snatches the word from that person this is why i encourage our church when the gospel is being preached watch to freaking pray watch because right what what is jesus shown right here that around the preaching of God's word is spiritual warfare. Like, wake up.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Would y'all wake up? That when the gospel is going across social media, going across cameras, going into nations of the world, the devil is seeing the word landing on Hearthstone, and he snatches that. This is why we should be praying when the gospel is being preached. Man, you see me preaching the gospel, sharing the invitation for Christ, and you're sitting there staring at me like this is a show. When we're on the front line of warfare. When we're trying to rescue people from being damned to eternal fire.
Starting point is 00:46:03 This is why, man, when I be in places and I hear somebody giving the gospel, man, I bow my head and I just start praying, Lord, open the eyes of every believer. Open the hearts of every unbeliever. Open the eyes of the unbeliever, God. Minister to their hearts. Man, I'm crying out that someway, somehow, man, that ground would get broken up really quick. Just enough time for one seed to get into their hearts. And while we're knocking the unbelievers, some of y'all Christians, y'all no different than the unbeliever with a hardened heart. Because there's some of y'all here, you act the same way in some areas of your life. Where there's some areas of your life, man, you love Jesus. He's your savior. Anything about blessing you love, anything that makes you feel good you love, anything that's blowing up your stuff you love.
Starting point is 00:46:38 But you got a hardened heart towards areas that make you feel convicted. You don't want him to be Lord over areas that you don't like, areas that you God in the flesh. He can't tell you what to do with your body, right? Your heart is hardened in that area. He can't tell you about sexual immorality, right? Your heart is hardened in that area. It's no wonder that dude don't want to put no ring on it. Why did he got to do that when he's digging around in a cookie jar? You don't want to hear that you should stop having sex before marriage. You got a heart and heart in that area. you don't want to hear you should be generous with your money it's my money you got a heart and heart in that area you don't want to hear you should love no i don't want to love them you got a heart and heart in that area see and right now as i'm talking to you some of you
Starting point is 00:47:18 squirming you feel uncomfortable why because the place that convicts you the most is the place you need to listen the most. Yeah, you don't want to clap for that, right? You don't want to clap for that? The place that convicts you the most is the place you should listen the most. Now, some of us, man, you love Jesus as Savior, but he's not ruling over your life. He only rules an area that's convenient for you. But any area that rubs you wrong or pulls you out of your comfort zone or offends your opinion, you're not submitted to him in that area. You got hardened areas of your own heart. I'm talking to you. You read something in the scripture that convicts you and you turn the page. He can't talk to you about your identity. He can't talk to you about sexuality. He can't talk to you about sexuality he can't talk to
Starting point is 00:48:07 you about who to vote for he can't talk to you about what to stand for he can't talk to you about marriage he can't talk to you about the sanctity of human life because you black you don't want to stand up for children in a womb so you offended by that never mind he told Jeremiah before I formed you in your mother's womb I I knew you. But because you're black, you don't like that. It's too Republican for you. It's too white for you.
Starting point is 00:48:36 No, your heart is hardened in the area that the word can't penetrate. I'm talking to you. I don't care. We need to be honest that for all of your loving Jesusesus there's areas you won't let him have authority over no he can't have authority there like so i could bless you but i can't talk to you about who to marry i can't talk to you about who to date i can't tell you what to do with your money although i gave you the strength to have that job I can't talk to you about your friends I can't talk to you about what to walk away from I can't tell you to put that down, stop this, turn
Starting point is 00:49:11 I can't tell you none of that so I'm only good enough for you as long as I don't offend you no, you're not married to me I'm your mistress you're not married to me? I'm your mistress. You're not married to Jesus. He's not the groom of your church. He's your mistress. He's your side piece.
Starting point is 00:49:36 He's only good for a one night stand. Come see me on Friday night and get out of here until the next week. I'm talking to y'all. I don't care. So how could you talk like that? Because I love you. So how could you talk like that? They may not come back next week. I don't care about that. I don't care about that. We preach the truth. Whether it fills up a room or it clears it out. When you mature, you don't want to be coddled. When you mature, you want to be convicted.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Somebody praise God for conviction. Man, I was having a conversation yesterday with two dudes at the barbershop. And one dude was talking about, man, how he fell one time and he made a mistake and how God was convicted him of his life and brought him back and he was telling it like it was a sad story and I said hold on brother did you hear what you just said you said the Lord convicted you and brought you back I said brother don't
Starting point is 00:50:58 you know Hebrews 12 that those he loves he disciplined and the Lord convicted you that means his hand is still means his hand is still on you. His conviction is his love. What are you talking about? His conviction is his love. His discipline is his love. I said, bro, you should be happy. You better be happy, you Hebrews 12.
Starting point is 00:51:24 What you don't want is Romans 1. I said, bro, you should be happy. You better be happy, you Hebrews 12. What you don't want is Romans 1. You don't want Romans 1. The worst place to be is not feeling convicted. The worst place to be is when you feel nothing. In Romans 1, Paul wrote, for people that love they they sin and you don't want to repent because in your heart the Lord will just turn you over
Starting point is 00:51:50 to what you want the worst place to be is when he just turns you over you want that so bad you can't have that and me you want it so bad watch here you can have it but you can't have me
Starting point is 00:52:04 the worst place to be is but you can't have me. The worst place to be is when you can sin and sleep. This is love talking. Don't squirm in your seat. This is love talking. Some of us ain't no different. You love him, but your heart is hardened in some areas
Starting point is 00:52:31 where he is savior in some areas and Lord in only a few. So he's savior over all of you, but Lord over some of you. Amen. Look. Verse 20, the second kind of response as for what was sown on rocky ground this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy that he has no root in himself, but endures for a while. And when tribulation or persecution comes, it arises on account of the word. Immediately, what happened to him? He falls away.
Starting point is 00:53:18 So now God tells us about another ground. He called it a rocky ground. Now in Israel, Israel is a rocky nation. And there's areas in Israel, I've been there, where you see dirt on the floor and you think that, man, that's a good place to sow. And underneath that dirt, maybe a foot to two feet, is what we call limestone. And so if you planted something on that kind of soil, it would go down in there really quick. But as the roots was going down, it would hit the limestone and not go no further. And then on top, the plant would spring up, but then as soon as the sun came up, the sun is a metaphor for heat, persecution. As soon as people don't like you
Starting point is 00:53:57 because you're a Christian, as soon as they don't like what you have to post, as soon as they don't like your preaching, like your YouTube, as soon as you feel haters on your social media man you think to yourself man you want to be a people pleaser so the heat burns up that that it burns up that plant and it falls away that's what i call a shallow heart watch this is the person they hear the gospel and they oh, let's ask Jesus into your heart. And they invite Jesus into their heart, which nowhere in the Bible, but they invite Jesus into their heart. And then they run with Jesus. And then they go into church three weeks out of the month. And then they join a team. And then they're in a squad. And they try to give a quarter every now and then in the offering. And then they're hanging out with you
Starting point is 00:54:45 and then they're in your row and they're going to all the church functions and they call for a week two months maybe even three or four years they're hanging out for a while and they look to be a believer and we think they are christian and we're calling them our sister and we're on him our brother. We don't wait to see the evidence of grace. Watch. And then they came to Jesus because some prophet, some false prophet said to them, come to Christ. He'll make your life perfect. He'll make everything good. He'll make you wealthy.
Starting point is 00:55:20 You'll have an easy trip. So they come to Christ for the promise of things. And then they get the promise of Jesus in this world. You will have tribulation. And then when tribulation comes because of Christianity, now they got to make a decision. Either keep Christianity and feel the pressure of conviction or abandon Christianity to feel the freedom of compromise. Because what trouble does, trouble confirms real believers and it exposes fake believers.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Storms show us who is for real and who's not. I'm going to go deeper. Storms even show you in your life who's with you and who is not. Some of you will be crying over a storm. You need to be looking at who's texting you during that storm. Who's standing with you during that storm. Who's praying for you during that storm.
Starting point is 00:56:17 How is it you go through a storm, come out on the other side, best friends are gone. People whose ritual is gone. You wasn't really down for the right reason to begin with and then the scripture says when the heat comes from persecution they fall away now in the greek the words fall away in the greek right here means they get offended watch they get offended at the requirements for Christianity. It's like, I loved Jesus until the word came to bear on my soul. I loved Jesus so long as everybody liked me.
Starting point is 00:56:54 I loved Jesus so long as nobody was offended by my life. So long as it was easy and comfortable, I loved him. And then they get offended. These are the people who say stuff like, I tried Jesus, and it didn't work. But you got Christians in here who believe this, who y'all behave the same way too. Areas of your life that's mad shallow. Now, I'm serious about this. You got areas of your life that you have no word for. There's no root system that anchors you in God's word.
Starting point is 00:57:26 So when you go through trouble, every time you go through trouble, man, you get rocked so bad, nobody can't find you for two years. You don't know how to suffer well. You don't know how to pray. You don't know how to wage war in the spirit. You don't know how to lean on the strength of brothers and sisters. You don't have no roots. All you have is sermons, but you don't have no word in you. You don't read this word for yourself. You keep listening to all these false prophets. You got all these shallow, whack sermons, but you don't have no mashed potatoes and steak in you.
Starting point is 00:57:59 You got a hot dog Christianity and not a Ruth Chris Christianity. You ain't got nothing solid. You're still sucking on titties. You're still sucking on breasts. You're still drinking milk. That's what the Bible says. You're still hanging on the breast milk. When by now you should have moved on from these elementary things. Any area in your life you realize is shallow, man, sink yourself into God's word in that area.
Starting point is 00:58:40 You dealing with stewardship issues? What does the scripture says about stewardship? You dealing with lust issue? What is the scripture says about stewardship you're dealing with lust issue what is the scripture says about lust you're dealing with relationship issues what is the scripture says about relationships you're having problems in your marriage what does the scripture say about a real husband you dominating your wife is that loving her like christ loves the church you're are emasculating your husband. Is that being submitted like you're supposed to be submitted? So in all these areas that you know you shallow, you know you get tossed all over the place. Why don't you bury yourself in God's word in that area? Some of y'all need to start seeing God's word.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Instead of seeing it like a book, see it like a medicine chest. What is going on in my heart? Let me see what the word has to say about it some of you need to stop reading for information and start reading for revelation like you got your little Bible plan and you get to a chapter but you didn't learn nothing watch watch watch watch watch watch just talking about the secrets of the kingdom i know a dude who's a racist who got saved and then we're gonna do what we always do oh go start where should i read oh go start in john why that's what culture says you're racist go start in ephesians let you read that there's no more Jew and Gentile.
Starting point is 01:00:06 There's no more divided line. There's no more Greek. There's no more. We all have been made one man in Christ. Wow. I'm going to send him to where his need is. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. The third kind of response verse 22 I'm almost done as for that which was sown among the thorns I done offended a lot of people today I feel heat up here.
Starting point is 01:01:17 Is anybody with me right now? If you're with me, would you just holler at me real quick? It's just me and my Bible up here. It's not yours. As for that which was sown among the thorns, verse 22, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it proves.
Starting point is 01:02:08 You know what proves this? In time. It proves unfruitful. So now, in Israel, there's areas in Israel where you see soil, and the soil is not rocky. It actually looks healthy. Watch. And in that soil, there are weeds in that soil.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Everybody watch. And if you put grain in that soil and then you water that soil, your grain will come up, weeds will come up, and then because the weeds are aggressive, they wrap themselves around the grain and then they will cut off the life supply of the grain until the grain withers away from the top and it falls down this is going to be about the next power about what what about bad preaching what what the devil creates we're going to see in the next parable so powerful next week so powerful i can't wait to preach next week so this is the kind of ground, thorny
Starting point is 01:03:08 ground. This is what I would call a preoccupied heart. This is the person, man, they hear the gospel. They start going to church. They're involved in church and they go a little bit further than the person who was shallow. Man, they're on teams. They might even slip onto the worship team. They might even slip into leadership. They're in squads. They got friends. They're building a Christian ministry online. And as they're building their things, man, they start to look around at the world, and then two things begin to affect them. It's right here. The first thing is the cares of this world. That is, they start worrying about all these things in life. They start getting, watch, entangled with the weeds of life. They started worrying about, always worried, always in anxiety, always worried about, what am I going to do next? What
Starting point is 01:04:01 is my purpose? What am I supposed to do? What job am I supposed to do? Always worried, worried, worried, worried, worried. That worry then creates busyness. Watch. And then they get so busy, they don't have time for the gathering. I'm building my business. I don't got time for the gathering. I'm building my ministry. I don't got time for the gathering.
Starting point is 01:04:19 This is so deceitful. I didn't got time for the gathering. I'm too busy. I got too many phone calls, too many Zoom calls. I don't got time to pray. I don't got time to read. If you're too busy for God, you're too busy. And so the cares of this life, over a period of time, choke out scripture time, choke out prayer time, choke out the gathering. They was here every week. Now they're here three weeks. Now they're here two weeks. Now they pop up once a month. Now they're only here on Christmas and Easter. They got too much going on with their business. They don't got time for God. Never mind what he said in Hebrews, that we should not forsake the
Starting point is 01:04:53 assembly of the gathering, and we should do this all the more as we see the day of Christ approaching. But no, they too busy for that. So the cares of this world begin to choke out the life of the word in them, but something else bothers them. Man to choke out the life of the word in them. But something else bothers them. Man, the deceitfulness of riches. Pay attention. The Lord didn't say riches. He said the deceitfulness of riches.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Watch, because God is not against blessing you. Abraham was wealthy. David was wealthy. Solomon was wealthy. But in the end, Solomon got choked out at the end, messing with crazy women, right? Read. Watch. This is why many believers...
Starting point is 01:05:37 This is why many believers are mad at god that he won't make you wealthy why am i just grinding paying my bills because you know i need to keep you there for a little while your character is not strong enough to handle financial blessing because some of you if god gave you what you're asking for it it would choke the life out of you. You put a noose around your own neck. No, work that nine to five. Struggle to pay that bill. And be in the gathering.
Starting point is 01:06:21 And be in your prayer closet when the pain of life puts you on your knees. Right? Because the Lord didn't say there's anything wrong with riches. He said there is deceitfulness of riches. That means he gives us a warning about wealth, that wealth has the power to trick you in your mind. And what wealth does to some people, it deceives you to think that once you have it, your assurance now is in the wealth instead of the person who gave it to you. So now you think because you have wealth, you got security. Oh, my God. You think because you got wealth, you safe.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Like you can't lose it all in a day. Like the Lord ain't tell another parable about a man who stacked up all his wealth. And he said, you fool, tonight your soul is going to be required of you. Now what are you going to do with all that money? The wealth has a way of tricking you to make you think. You put your confidence in it. You put your assurance in it. You put your security in it, not knowing it can deceive you.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Not knowing anything you buy will still leave you empty in the end. Listen to me. It really takes a mature believer, a watch, a grounded believer. Watch. I'm almost done. To have wealth and the wealth not have you. That you have wealth, but Christ is still your priority. So people who have preoccupied hearts, they last for a while, but after a while, they fall away too. Now, everybody pay attention to me. Everybody look at me. Who did I say was the original sower?
Starting point is 01:07:56 Who? And what was he sowing? Now, pay attention. It's only four type of responses, and three of them proved to be false converts. Where am I going with this? Jesus was the most perfect, most righteous, most skilled preacher the world has ever known. And yet for all of his preaching, the majority of people who heard his message rejected it. Watch.
Starting point is 01:08:23 So there was nothing wrong with the sower and there was nothing wrong with the seed the issue was with the soil you are the problem not the Lord not the word you I we the world Not the word. You. I.
Starting point is 01:08:46 We. The world is the problem. This should encourage those of us who are proclaimers of truth, where people don't like you because of what you got to say. And I know what it is when I was a younger believer to be preaching and be hurt when I learned that people did not receive what I had to say. And I was dealing with two things. A misconception about sowing and brokenness from rejection, which was feeding approval addiction. So I wanted everyone to like me
Starting point is 01:09:25 and like my preaching and like my ministry. And if nobody, if somebody did not like me, I felt personally offended, but my offense was rooted in my brokenness being driven by rejection.
Starting point is 01:09:38 But in 2018, when I got healed from that, I found the freedom to preach without your amen, without your approval, that I could stand and say the truth whether people like it or not. So you can't manipulate me with an amen.
Starting point is 01:09:55 You can't manipulate me with a platform. You can't manipulate me with money because my reward is going to be the crown I lay down at the feet of my savior. Not your amen amen not your approval not what you got to say about me and so we find encouragement and the last response which I'm praying everybody in this room you would have this type of heart.
Starting point is 01:10:35 So where do I find my hope as a preacher? As for what was sown on good soil. Gosh. This is the one who hears the word. You're listening with your heart. You're leaning in with your heart.
Starting point is 01:11:00 You want to be taught the scriptures. You want to be convicted. You want to be offended by truth. You want to be confronted in the areas of your life. You want to be taught the scriptures. You want to be convicted. You want to be offended by truth. You want to be confronted in the areas of your life. You want to be healed. You don't want to keep sitting on a mountain of brokenness. You don't want to keep having wrong thoughts in your mind. You want the word to keep dealing with your mind and your heart.
Starting point is 01:11:18 You want to be transformed. You want to be transformed. This is the one who hears the word God man and he understands it you know what that is in his mind he takes it in he receives it
Starting point is 01:11:32 he meditates he says that hurt but I'm going to do something with it and because he hears and because he understands indeed he bears fruit and he yields. In one case, a hundredfold.
Starting point is 01:11:48 In another case, sixty. And in another, thirty. He said, so this last ground is the person who has a receptive heart. The person says, I want the word of God. I want the teaching of God. I want the truth of God. I want to be convicted. I want to truth of God I want to be convicted I want to be changed I want to be confronted I want to know truth I don't
Starting point is 01:12:11 want to know lies I want to be told that I'm wrong I want to be coached into righteousness I want to be coached into holiness man I want the word to come to bear on all of my thoughts all of my emotions all of bear on all of my thoughts, all of my emotions, all of my feelings, all of my decisions. I want the word to come to bear on all of me. That the real question is right now is, which soil are you? Which ground are you? How do you respond to the preaching of the word? That what we see right here, men, is to the preaching of the word? That what we see right here, men, is the absolute power of the word. That this word has power to transform.
Starting point is 01:12:56 It can transform minds. It can transform hearts. It can transform marriages. It can transform bloodlines. It can transform families. It can transform bloodlines. It could transform families. It could transform cities. It could transform nations. It's transforming the world right now.
Starting point is 01:13:14 That what we want is to sow the word, man. We want the word of God. We want to sow it into our marriages. Sow it into our relationships. Sow it into our children. sow it into our marriages sow it into our relationships sow it into our children sow it into our homes
Starting point is 01:13:30 sow it into our relationships we want to come together to keep sowing the word every place we want the word to be sown we want the power of the word the truth of the word the conviction of the word the righteousness of the word the power of the word, the truth of the word, the conviction of the word, the righteousness of the word, the holiness of the word, the power of the word, the transforming seed of the word. We want to sow it on social media. Sow it on podcasts.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Sow it from pulpits. Sow it into our children. Sow it into our children. Sow it in our conversations. Man, we want to keep scattering seed everywhere. I wish I had a church. That's what they used to say. We want to sow it into our own minds. We want to sow it into our own hearts.
Starting point is 01:14:21 With the hopes that you'll be receptive soil. That that word word man would get in there and it won't bounce back because it's hardened and it won't wither away because of the soil was thorns or it won't land on rocky ground but we want that word to land on good ground and we want it to be a harvest in our lives. Some 30, some 60, some 100 fold. And that those who are 30 don't need to be jealous of the 100. And the 100 don't have to look down upon the 60. That the purpose of the three yields, which are all exponential, is to see that God accepts all harvests.
Starting point is 01:15:00 As long as it was coming from the righteousness of the word. Come on, man. look at me man you're talking to a former knucklehead from queens a drug dealer and womanizer who heard the word being sown into my heart at home and will break off because i had a heart and heart and i will hear it from my family and i'll bounce off because I got a heart and heart and I'll do it in my job named Larry McCain he will always come up to me and try to sow the word and it will bounce off because I had a heart and heart but there was a season when I was suicidal and my heart became receptive and then the word came to me again and as the word came to me again in that season this time it fell into a heart that was receptive. Watch.
Starting point is 01:15:47 And it began to bear fruit in my life. As I began to read it and meditate and submit myself to it, it began to bear fruit in my life. Some 30, some 60, some 100 fold. Now look where I am today. Look what I'm doing today. Look who I'm talking to today. Look where I'm standing today. Look who I'm talking to today. Look where I'm standing today. I'm standing here today.
Starting point is 01:16:09 The man that once blocked out that word. Now sowing that word into the lives of other people. Look what the word has done in my life. Look what the word is doing right now in your life. Look what the word has done right now in us. Look how it transformed you and you and you and you. Look how it brought you out of difficult times. Look how it kept your mind when you was going through tough times.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Look how it anchored you in the dark night of the soul. Look how it gave you comfort when your loved one died. Look how it gave you warmth when people turned their back on you. Look how it reminded you you was loved when you was betrayed by people in the earth. Look how it caught your tears. Look how it transformed your heart. Look how it transformed your marriage. Look what it did to your husband. Look what it did to my wife look
Starting point is 01:17:06 at the fruit is producing in my children look at the fruit is producing right now in this room that from all across the country we keep getting testimonies of how 2019 changed my life 2019 changed my life the YouTube changed my life they ain't bragging on me what they really bragging on is the proclamation of the word i wish i had 500 people that would agree i wish i had 800 people that would agree i wish i had a thousand of you that would agree that we have been transformed by the proclamation of god's word somebody give God praise for his word. Come on.
Starting point is 01:17:49 I can't hear you. Give him praise for his word. Look what the word has done in me. Look what the word has done in you. That's all you got? That's all you got for what God has done in your life with the word that's all the adoration you got for how the lord has transformed you with the word and my prayer for you
Starting point is 01:18:21 my prayer is that this mathematics don't have to be worked out in our church. And it don't got to be 75% of us that don't hear. Don't move. My prayer is that this church will overflow with receptive hearts. That every week has been scattering the proclamation of the words of Jesus from this platform in this room and across this nation. I feel that in my heart, across this nation, that right here from 2019, a revival will be born. It will sweep through Atlanta.
Starting point is 01:18:57 It will sweep through the East. It will bleed into the Midwest until it hit all the way in California and sweep past the Pacific Ocean. It will go around the whole world. The spread of the gospel. The proclamation of the word of God. That is my prayer for you.
Starting point is 01:19:29 That you would have a receptive heart that keeps receiving, sharing, understanding, and being transformed by the word of God. Let's pray. Let's pray. I feel the spirit just working right now. Just stay still.
Starting point is 01:20:06 I feel the spirit just working right now. Come here, Lena. Come on. Come keep me company. Let's pray all of our brothers and sisters together. I feel the Spirit of God working right now. This is so important. The Word transformed my marriage.
Starting point is 01:20:32 It transformed my parenting. But I was a rough and hardened man. Man, just for a moment, sit still. Think about what the Word has done in your life. Let's stop taking it for granted. Let's be thankful anytime we hear true gospel prayer. Look at what the word has done in your life.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Man, I'm about to pray a radical prayer over you. Here it is. Father, I pray over every heart under the sound of my voice. I pray for every hardened heart. Yes. I pray for every rocky heart. Every shallow heart. Yes.
Starting point is 01:21:16 I pray for every preoccupied heart. Yes. That someway, somehow, you would transfer them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light, that you would give them hearts that are receptive to the seed, the incorruptible, Peter said, the incorruptible seed of the word of God. And Father God, I pray through the proclamation of the word,
Starting point is 01:21:42 falling on the brothers and sisters of 2819, local and abroad and across the country. That what would rise up God from the ground in these last days is a harvest of healthy disciple-making disciples. Who are serious about the spread of the gospel. And standing up for truth and sowing the seed. Every opportunity we get from platforms, from social media, from podcasts, from posts, from conversations with our spouses and our children. Every opportunity in the gym, we will whisper, we will will shout we will sow the seed of the Word of God and now with every head bowed every eye closed don't move listen to me carefully there are men and women in this room people watching right now
Starting point is 01:22:37 you were part of that first company of people you already know who you are heart-hearted heart. Heart preoccupied. But as the word was going forth, you felt the tug of the Holy Spirit wooing you to Christ. Wooing you to the Father. Before the foundation of the world, the Lord knew you would be here in this moment. Hearing this gospel proclamation. As the scripture says, in the day you hear the word go hard in your heart for today is the day of salvation you are and i am a sinner you've broken god's laws and the scripture says if anyone
Starting point is 01:23:16 anyone rich or famous poor or unknown dies in their sin. My brother, my sister, you're going to be separated from God for all eternity. You're going to be in a conscious state of torment. You're going to burn. You say, well, I don't believe that. Just die and find out, but it'll be too late. You'll hear, depart from me. I never knew you. But God in his love, not wanting you to perish.
Starting point is 01:23:42 He sent his son, the Lord Jesus Christ into the earth he died a sacrificial death for you but on the cross he exchanges your unrighteousness for his righteousness and he says if anyone will put your faith in him not in church not in religion and God and Christ and Christ alone you can be saved ed E.D., rescued from damnation. Today could be the beginning of the rest of your life. You could live out a life of purpose and meaning inside the kingdom of light. Man, come out of the kingdom of darkness.
Starting point is 01:24:16 I'm talking to you. I'm talking to you right now. Come out of the kingdom of darkness. If that's you, you say, preacher, that's me. I feel something happening on the inside. I'm running from the kingdom of darkness? If that's you, you said, preacher, that's me. I feel something happening on the inside. I'm running from the kingdom of darkness. Something has happened to me on the inside. I feel light. I feel something.
Starting point is 01:24:33 I feel something welling up. If that's you, you said, pray for me, preacher. Something has happened to me. I feel it on the inside. On the count of three, I want you to throw your hands up. I want to see who I'm talking to. One, the Lord is calling you. Two, you're being saved right now. Three, throw your hands in the air. Where are you? Where are you? Where are you? Where are you? Everybody with your hand up. I want to pray for you right here. Tell the person next to you, get out of my way. I want
Starting point is 01:25:03 you to run to me right now. This is your moment. This is your moment. Run to me right now. Come on. Tell them, get out of the way. Run. Run, run, run, run, run. Run. Run to me right now. Come on. Run. Run, run, run, run, run, run. Somebody celebrate what God is doing. Come on! Run! Get close! Get close! Get close! Get close!
Starting point is 01:25:35 Get close! Get close! Get close! Get close! Get close! Get close! Get close! Get close!
Starting point is 01:25:43 Get close! Get close! Get close! Get close! Get close! Get close, get close, get close, get close, get close, get close. Why are you watching? Somebody celebrate what God is doing. Come on, celebrate. Come on, run. Celebrate, church. Celebrate, church. Celebrate. Celebrate. Man, God is catching these tears. He's catching these tears.
Starting point is 01:26:28 That's called repentance. God is doing something in your heart. Oh my God. I need a prayer warrior. Somebody get to her right here. This woman. That's brokenness. He's catching those tears.
Starting point is 01:26:40 Somebody stay with her. Don't let her go. I'm coming back to you. God is catching those tears my sister God is catching those tears my brother don't look at me I'm not important God is catching those tears my sister don't look at me I'm not important God is catching those tears my sister God is catching those tears my sister he sees your repentance he sees he knows He knows. He knows.
Starting point is 01:27:05 That's okay. Cry. Let it out. Let it out. This is your moment. That's okay. Cry. He knew you'd be right here at this altar. That's all right. Let it out. Let it out. Let it out. Let it out. He's catching these tears. Let it out. I see these tears falling on the altar. Let it out. Yes, I see these tears. Let it out. That's called repentance. It's transforming you. Let it out. This is real. I see tears right here. This is real. Let it out. Let it out.
Starting point is 01:27:29 Let it out. Every person at this altar, don't look at me. Don't look at me. Wow. This is brokenness. It's okay. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. That's called repentance. It's okay. It's all right. It's all right.
Starting point is 01:27:46 It's all right. That's called repentance. That's okay. Somebody touch this woman. Stay with her. Stay with her. Somebody stay with this one right here. It's all right.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Don't look at my face. Just listen to my voice. Right here, your own mouth, your own heart. Just right now, just confess your sin. Tell the Lord you're sorry. Just leave it all right here. Just tell him you're sorry. Tell him enough is enough.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Tell him you surrender. Tell him you surrender. You got a church behind you, supporting you. They're praying for you right now. Tell them you surrender. Tell them you surrender. You got a church behind you, supporting you. They're praying for you right now. Tell them you surrender. Tell them you surrender. No, no magic. No formula.
Starting point is 01:28:31 Just your heart and his supernatural power. Somebody stay with this woman right here. Right here, Rhonda. Somebody get to this woman. This is something that's going on in her heart. This is real. Stay with her. Put your arms around her. These arms you're feeling something that's going on in her heart. This is real. Stay with her. Put your arms around her.
Starting point is 01:28:47 These arms you're feeling, that's the arms of Jesus. Put your arms around her shoulders. That's the arms of Jesus holding you. Everybody at this altar, Father, I pray, don't look at me, for everyone at this altar. Only you know what's happening in these hearts. I don't. There's tears falling everywhere. People weeping on the floor.
Starting point is 01:29:08 Father, only you know. Father, I pray, God, in the name of Jesus, for those who have truly transformed, who have truly passed from death to life. I thank you, God, that you have sealed them with the Holy Spirit, according to Ephesians 1.13. I pray, God, you have opened their eyes. I pray, according to Colossians 1 13. I pray God you would open their eyes. I pray according to Colossians. God you're making them right now to see the preeminence of Christ
Starting point is 01:29:32 according to Corinthians. They're being transformed into a brand new creature. So Father I just pray right now God what what I want to pray that That you would burn them in their hearts. You would burn them in their hearts. You would fill them with your perfect love. You would give them an unquenchable desire for your presence, for your
Starting point is 01:30:02 word, for the gathering of the saints in these last times when time is running out. We thank you, God, presence, for your word, for the gathering of the saints in these last times when time is running out. We thank you, God, Lord, for a harvest of new souls. For, Father, you said when one sinner repents, all of heaven rejoices. So, Father, right now, we rejoice. We rejoice. Somebody rejoice right now rejoice

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