Ask Dr. Drew - $200,000 Selling Farts: Stephanie Matto [90 Day Fiancé / Fart Jars NFT / Stepanka] – Ask Dr. Drew – Episode 78

Episode Date: March 11, 2022

Stephanie Matto is a 90 Day Fiancé alum who is now selling farts in jars! She recently claimed to have made over $200,000 from her fancy flatulence – making her the world's #1 "fartrepreneur." She ...joins Ask Dr. Drew LIVE to speak on NFTs, online entrepreneurship, and her experience as part of 90 Day Fiance's first same-sex couple. Follow Stephanie online at:  [This episode originally aired on Feb 3, 2022. Watch the video from this episode at] Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( SPONSORS • REFRAME – Since the beginning of the pandemic, nearly 1 in 5 Americans has reported consuming an unhealthy amount of alcohol, but only 10% of them are actually getting the help they need. Reframe is a neuroscience-based smartphone app that helps users cut back or quit drinking alcohol. Use the code DRDREW for 25% off your first month or annual subscription at • BLUE MICS – After more than 30 years in broadcasting, Dr. Drew’s iconic voice has reached pristine clarity through Blue Microphones. But you don’t need a fancy studio to sound great with Blue’s lineup: ranging from high-quality USB mics like the Yeti, to studio-grade XLR mics like Dr. Drew’s Blueberry. Find your best sound at  • HYDRALYTE – “In my opinion, the best oral rehydration product on the market.” Dr. Drew recommends Hydralyte’s easy-to-use packets of fast-absorbing electrolytes. Learn more about Hydralyte and use DRDREW25 at checkout for a special discount at  • ELGATO – Every week, Dr. Drew broadcasts live shows from his home studio under soft, clean lighting from Elgato’s Key Lights. From the control room, the producers manage Dr. Drew’s streams with a Stream Deck XL, and ingest HD video with a Camlink 4K. Add a professional touch to your streams or Zoom calls with Elgato. See how Elgato’s lights transformed Dr. Drew’s set:  THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. This show is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information exchanged during participation in this program, including interactions with and any affiliated websites, are intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:45 please contact Connex Ontario at 1-866-531-2600 to speak to an advisor free of charge. BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. Hey, everyone, and welcome. We see you on Clubhouse. And, of course, we're watching on the restream as well at the same time. Thank you all for being here. I'm seeing people pile in and we should have caleb and i were laughing yesterday because we go from no bot no noble how do you say peace prize winners to or to fart jars to fart yeah that's right
Starting point is 00:01:17 wait can you just say that because i couldn't put we go from a no Peace Prize recipient to fart charge. We like being a little rangy, as they say. We like anything that interests us, we like going for it. Yeah, the plug at the end. Sorry, I did not deliver that joke very well. But also, everybody at Clubhouse, congrats. You got to witness Drew's after show experience. There was about seven people.
Starting point is 00:01:44 They all stayed on ilana sent me a nice coy email uh maybe you're aware but your clubhouse was on it's like yeah yeah good times good times it's like it's the thing you're selling your farts four stupidest words in broadcasting is this thing on that's it that's the absolute four stupidest words oh my god and uh there you go. And the Clubhouse is kind of a weird thing because after I unplug everything, I don't think about it as still being on. I know. It can be.
Starting point is 00:02:10 It's okay. So here we go. Today, so we talked to Dr. Peter Hotez yesterday. I thought that was kind of interesting. It was amazing. Although Adam excoriated me today on our podcast. Why? He told me he was a fear monger and a terrible person.
Starting point is 00:02:23 He was only negative. And I thought, look, he's a peer, number one. Saves lives every day. He's a peer. He's got a great new product and the vaccine he's promoting. And he has a negative bias. His bias was negative. And he's a pediatrician.
Starting point is 00:02:36 So he's worrying about adult neurological problems that he really doesn't have any judgment about. And I didn't want to go any further into it. But I'm a victim of the COVID brain injury. And I didn't want to go any further into it, but I'm a victim of the COVID brain injury and I'm fine. I think I am too. I couldn't put those words together. No, but you just go ahead and blame it on that. But the fact is that although there were some observations, I didn't want to get in the weeds on this yesterday, but all there have been observations on brain shrinkage after COVID, there's brain shrinkage after a lot of severe illnesses in adults, particularly older adults. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:03:09 It gets better. It comes back. It's sort of a gray matter thing. Teach yourself French or something. Right. You can work your way through it quickly. Which you should do anyways if you're older. Absolutely true.
Starting point is 00:03:22 And that is a perfect lead-in to our guest, Stephanie Mato. She is Czech, and she speaks fluent Czech. And Susan is Czech. And my Catherine's wife is Czech. We're all Czechs. And so, and the two. Great Czech women. The two, Susan and Bianca, do not speak Czech.
Starting point is 00:03:39 But for Stephanie, it is her first language. So awesome. We may make her. I wish I knew it. I know. Well, one day maybe. I can say decui. I can say decui also, which is thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:50 And Stephanie is over there laughing her ass off, I'm sure, at our fluency. But Stephanie is from 90 Day Fiance. And she was, let's see, she was actually a 90 Day Fiance. It was not a before the 90 days. It was not after the 90 days. She was a 90 day fiance and it was not a before the 90 days it was not after the night issues night a fiance and susan and i uh during the pandemic particularly tom segura got me strung out on 90 day fiance and one because he kept asking questions about the couples and the whatever right he on the show when he used to be on the show all the time right and i go i don't
Starting point is 00:04:21 know who are these people and so we he goes, you need to watch. And so we did. And we are hooked until this. We got addicted. Until the present day. The whole family's like, oh, my God. There's a new 90 Day Fiance on today. Let's go. To the present moment.
Starting point is 00:04:34 We all pile on the couch like the Simpsons. We remain victims of that reality program. It's terrible. Well, don't tell Stephanie it's terrible. No, I mean, it's really an addiction. The It's terrible. Well, don't tell Stephanie it's terrible. No, I mean, it's the addiction. It's like you want to hear, you want to see the train wreck and you want to see the happiness. You want to see the wedding. You want to see, it's like, it's so cute. It's a good show. Right. And so Stephanie made a splash on that show because she was the first same-sex
Starting point is 00:05:02 couple that the show explored uh both she and her partner were very literally colorful uh and and most recently she has been in the news because she be she is a web star of of sorts she'll tell you about her web history and she is of the new economy for sure and part of that is she's learned to sell actual flatulence in a jar. And now an NFT, which you can find at FartJars, plural, Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre. The psychopath started this. He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography,
Starting point is 00:05:50 PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin. Ridiculous. I'm a doctor for f*** sake. Where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals. Let's just deal with what's real. We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time. Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat. If you have trouble, you can't stop and you want help stopping, I can help. I got a lot to say. I got a lot more to say.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Since the beginning of the pandemic, nearly one in five Americans has reported consuming an unhealthy amount of alcohol. Could be you, but only 10% of them are actually getting the help they need. Reframe is a neuroscience-based smartphone app that helps users cut back or quit drinking alcohol altogether. Using evidence-based tools, techniques, and content,
Starting point is 00:06:39 Reframe guides users through a personalized program to help them reach their goals. Comprised of daily tasks, a comprehensive toolkit, a community forum, and accountability guides, Reframe is a modern, accessible, and affordable resource that can help anyone looking to re-evaluate their relationship with alcohol. Reframe is backed by Harvard University and Emory University Schools of Medicine. And it is ranked the number one alcohol reduction smartphone app worldwide with over 350,000 downloads. With Reframe, there's no stigma, just science, no labels, just support. To learn more, go to slash drdrew. Use the code drdrew for 25% off your first month or your annual subscription. That's at Welcome, Stephanie Mato.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Hello. There you are. How are you? Good. How was that intro? That was great. You summed it all up. So now we need you to speak a little Czech just
Starting point is 00:07:45 so people understand how wild that language is and that it is your first language. So just say thank you for having me on the program. Something like that. Dobrý večer. Jmenuji se Stefanie a já prodávám svoje prdy. I said my name is Stefanie and I sell my
Starting point is 00:08:03 farts. Please put that on a loop. Nobody else has it. That's your NFT right there. Caleb, I hear you ringing in here. You're kind of a, you come from the same heritage as Stephanie has mastered. I wonder if you have any questions from the internet? Well, it would be great if she wants to explain to the people what an NFT actually is for the people that aren't familiar. I want to hear what her perspective is on that.
Starting point is 00:08:36 So NFT stands for non-fungible token. And it's a piece of artwork that is sold through the blockchain. It can be purchased with cryptocurrency and can be redeemed for some real asset things such as, you know, access to something, access to an event. You can keep it, hold on to it. It can go up in value. You can resell it. It's kind of like a virtual version of like like a baseball trading card if that's like a good way for people to grasp the concept so yeah and it can come in all forms it could be a photo it could be a sound it can be a digital drawing and in my case it's a digital drawing of a fart jar of course it is caleb is that does that get it yeah that that makes sense that seems to be what i understand like the way i understand it is a lot of people they're making basically
Starting point is 00:09:32 taking art that they create putting it on the blockchain and then selling that as a digital asset so you don't actually own the copyright for the original but you're the internet's owner of that specific like listing on the blockchain and i think it's especially important because now because twitter recently added i don't know if you've seen that yet drew where you can change your profile photo to an nft that you own and it gives you like a different shaped profile photo and you click on and it shows where it is in the blockchain and all that so all these companies are getting on board with it legitimately so caleb's going to advise me how to create an nft one of these days it will not be a fart jar i'm
Starting point is 00:10:10 here to tell you but uh congratulations on yours uh so how did the fart jar occur to you is this is this uh this i i smell well smell is unfortunate unfortunate choice of words, but I sense the presence of men, males going, I need this from you. I need that from you. Please give me this. Why won't you? And then you said, okay, $50 or for highest bidder or whatever. So tell me how this happened.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I know men. I know how they are. I have been on YouTube. I've been on the internet for about eight years now. And I've gotten a large following of mostly men. And they've, you know, given me some pretty crazy requests in my time. And I've gotten requests from bra, linger know, I guess that's like a perspective. Maybe maybe the craziest would be people wanting photos of like my uvula. That's like a weird fetish that some people have a uvula fetish. I think that farts are definitely up there. People
Starting point is 00:11:20 have asked me for my feces in a jar, which I will not do. That's like where I think I draw the line. But yeah, farts are among the weirdest things that people have requested from me. And I got requests for a long time for those sorts of things, because I think that people just like want to feel like they have every kind of experience with me possible they view me they listen to my stories on youtube they may get an article of my clothing they feel like they're closer to me they smell me they watch my videos of me so i think the the farts are just like another way for them to feel closer to me but wait susan is cracking up i'm just curious what's going on in that mind of hers so so what hang on a second wait she's she's off mic right now but what i up i'm just curious what's going on in that mind of hers so so what
Starting point is 00:12:05 hang on a second wait she's she's off mic right now but what i'm looking for my seized candy i'm hungry what were you laughing at i was in which i'm trying to it's funny but you've had it especially funny feel closer to her it's pretty funny well no what men want men and it's mostly men right i mean how many it's all no it is and men want a sensory experience it's sort and so they just want to feel like they're specially connected to her and so right and they can get their hands on you even though you're not you've never met any of these guys well there there are two that i communicate with on a regular basis that i'm like that i feel like i'm friends with at this point because they spent so much money and uh you, I think for a lot of them also,
Starting point is 00:12:45 it's not like a sensory thing, but it's actually a financial domination thing. Like there's so many weird mental components to the fart jar thing that I can't even really wrap my head around. Well, give me what you mean by that. And by the way, by those guys,
Starting point is 00:13:01 guys are not your friends. Be careful. But what do you mean the financial domination what is what does that mean like i can get you to do anything if i pay you kind of thing i think it's like um some men just like to feel being taken advantage of by a beautiful woman um it's like a dominatrix thing. My money. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yeah. Oh no. Like there's actual websites. Yeah, exactly. And so I think that there's even websites that are purely dedicated to financial domination and you know, these men,
Starting point is 00:13:38 they're referred to as pay pigs. Such a strange term. And so I think that's kind of like exotic dancing. Yeah, a little bit. And I think that's a little bit like that. I agree. And I think that. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Go ahead. Let me just explain. Sorry. There's a little delay here. And so when I speak, it'll block. It may stop you in the middle of something. Just keep going. I will automatically stop once I realize that's happening.
Starting point is 00:14:11 But I will tell you, Stephanie needs to be at your mom's house. I mean, I see this now. We need to bring her to your mom's house. Oh, my God. But finish what you were saying. I'm sorry. Yeah. So I think that the financial domination aspect of it is pretty big in a lot of the cases, a lot of the sales.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Then there's also the novelty, the fact that I'm on a reality show. I have some pretty loyal fans that have stuck by me for many years that purchase everything I do. If I put out some merchandise, they'll buy it just simply out of brand loyalty to me so there's there's a lot of that are they let me let me ask you a tough question you can answer it any way you please do you worry that some of these guys are like in love with you and this is sort of kind of exploiting that a little bit or do you feel bad about that at all or do you do you try to tell them look you try to set boundaries with them so they're not sort of, you know, they're adults, they can do what they want. But you tell them, like, no, no, don't go there.
Starting point is 00:15:12 I have run into some issues like that with some people who just don't know boundaries and who. I'm sorry, guys. One second. My dog is scratching on something. What's going on? Let me mute my mic. I don want to i'm laughing no no no susan we like you what were you thinking when you were laughing about that they don't have boundaries no shit does this dog is going nuts oh i'm sorry about that tell him he needs to get some boundaries yeah so so susan was
Starting point is 00:15:44 susan was laughing at the no boundaries because women have to deal with this stuff a lot and it's kind of interesting to me and i yeah and why not make money off of it well that's you know people can make their own choices on that but it's a cool side hustle i'm pretty impressed thank you I think that I've had stalkers in the past. I've had people who are very unhinged and lonely and don't have, you know, boundaries at all. So a service and that that's all it is and i don't owe anyone anything more beyond that does it give you you know a lot of people that are engaged in these sorts of exchanges with men end up not thinking the best about men uh does it does it are you are you gay now are you bisexual and if and if either way does it affect your feelings about men i'm bisexual and wow that's a very deep question i don't think i've even thought of that myself. I feel maybe on a subconscious level, it is affecting the way I think of men.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Like, for example, if I, of course, yeah, if I had a boyfriend and I found out he was buying fart jars for $500 online, not sure I would love that. So, yeah, so it kind of sucks to be in that position, I guess, but I, uh, just kind of close my eyes and think, you know what, that's their business. If, you know, hopefully that they're single or, you know, if they are in a relationship that it's like that there's communication and that they know where the money is being spent and that it's a fetish for some people. So hopefully the wife, the girlfriend is okay with that.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I think that- Well, it's interesting. It's interesting. You're taking the position that you're not saying, oh, my God, men are disgusting. You're saying, I hope they're not violating the trust of a partner engaging in this goofy stuff, which is interesting. Yeah. Here's my dog. He's here now. That's my biggest concern. Come on, Rex. founder of a, an 18 and up website. And so there is a lot of 18 and up not safe for work content
Starting point is 00:18:27 on there. And one of the things I think about is, you know, how does pornographic content affect relationships? And, you know, it can be unhealthy. I think it can be addictive. So, uh, you know, it's, there's, you know, there's ways to consume it in a healthy way where it doesn't take over your life. And I hope that there isn't a guy out there who's spending his kid's college fund on my farts. I hope not. How much is the NFT going for now? Do you have a going rate for it? So the NFT of the fart jars, there's 5,000.
Starting point is 00:19:06 We've minted almost 1,000 of them so far, and they're going for 0.05 Ethereum, which is almost, I think, it's about like $150, roughly. roughly interesting and and the and you've i understand i heard howard stern talking about your your jar distributions and he reported that you made somewhere around two and a thousand dollars selling the jars is that is that accurate yep so that's not counting the money that's going to go into shipping and handling and you know all of the products that I use that go into making the jars and supplies. So and then of course taxes, which I've now just started to think about. So I think like at the end of the day, it's about I would say closer to $150,000 that I've made off of the fart jars in a matter of a couple months.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Plus, you have to pay tax. Also, I have a question. How do you get a fart into a jar? Well, that's going to be the next kind of topic. Is that where you're going to go there? Wait. And then also. So I'm glad Susan asked it.
Starting point is 00:20:20 It would have been rude for me to ask that. But thank you, honey. I just want to make sure. Yeah, it would be weird if you asked her. So let me ask from a woman's perspective. So, um, the best way I have found is, uh, by taking these little fabric flower petals and I bought a huge bag of them and I would just fart directly onto the flower petal and then kind of just rub it around the area and then put it inside of the jar.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I felt that if the molecular part of the fart could latch onto something like a piece of fabric, it would be more likely to stay than if I just farted into a jar. You have to have kind of a juicy fart then. No, she didn't say that. She's just looking for particles. Sorry, I had to go there. And put Susan back up there again because you can see the ethnic... I want a longer version
Starting point is 00:21:18 of my face though. I don't like that little box. Look at the ethnic... Does she look familiar to you, Stephanie, in terms of her Czech heritage? Do you see what I'm saying well yeah it's the smile of a high tone we have this the squinty eyes kind of yeah very squinty eyes yeah yeah yes we do so um my other question is like okay so it it does smell like roses to my husband, I know. So putting the petal in the jar is like a great idea. But if you, when you were trying to get all this gas, I know that you were eating a lot of protein bars.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah, she got sick. Which is a way to produce it. Drew, just in case you want to start selling your farts, yeah. I want to let you know. Thank you. to start you know selling your farts yeah i want to let you know thank you um but so so you ended up having some sort of esophageal spasm or something is that you thought you were having a heart attack so it's something up in the upper upper gastrointestinal tract was it a spasm in the esophagus i honestly don't 100 know but that whole day i had like three protein shakes and I had a protein muffin.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I had a ton of black bean soup. And by the evening time, I was feeling tightness in my chest. And every time I breathed in, I would feel like a spasming feeling and a tightening around my chest. And I also have anxiety. I had just started a new form of birth control. So in my head, I'm like, I'm having a heart attack or I'm having a blood clot or something bad is happening.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Sure. The blood clot's an important thought. Yeah. And I had just literally started the birth control. And I'm kind of, I think, at a higher risk of blood clot because of like a preexisting condition I have. So I just didn't want to take any chances. I called my friend, I had my friend take me to the emergency room and they admitted me right away. They did two tests. They did an EKG and they did like a blood panel that detects if you have a blood clot or if you're likely to have a blood clot. And, uh, and then they asked me questions about, you know, what I'm
Starting point is 00:23:25 doing, what, what my diet's like, what kind of new medication I'm on. When I told them that I'm taking the new birth control, they seemed alarmed. So that stressed me out even more. Um, but all the results came back perfectly fine and they had no choice other than to just let me go home and the doctor just said hey based off of what you told me you've been eating today it really sounds like really like really severe gas pains that are just like pushing up everything maybe like a reflux issue so i went home i took a gas x and a toms and i fell asleep i was exhausted and humiliated damn all that all that hard work all that hard work undone with a gas x so so the so the so the blood test is called a d-dimer test to see if you had a pulmonary embolus. That's sort of what the reference is.
Starting point is 00:24:26 How is your mom doing? We saw her a lot on the, at least on the sort of pillow talk stuff you guys do over at Night of Fiance. How does she feel about your source of income? It took her a little while to come around to it. She's a traditional Czech woman. but I do really well for myself. I support my whole family. I take us on nice vacations. And so I think that they're kind of just like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:24:57 She does what she does, but she's making a good living and nobody's getting hurt in the process except you know myself occasionally so i think that they've learned to to accept it your esophagus and uh and your and i worry about your eternal soul in terms of you feeling being that's i literally when when people get involved in these activities i worry that it it it depletes them in ways that they're not actively aware of. That's why I was asking about men and stuff. I think it's funny. You have to have a good sense of humor.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah. And then be able to handle the press. Did you take any S from anybody? Yeah. How's that go? Oh, man. Well, I mean, there's so much cyberbullying. There's so many people messaging me, giving me death threats. And, um, you know, some of the media has been pretty brutal
Starting point is 00:25:50 and harsh. Um, it's always hard when you have like a YouTuber with millions of followers making a video completely ripping you to shreds and then everybody in the comments agreeing with them. But I am like so conditioned and trained from years of being online to really just like let something in one ear and out the other and not let it affect me. I think I'm like pretty numb to a lot of things. And I'm just so, I'm so professional
Starting point is 00:26:22 when it comes to like the online stuff. It's just like, it's like it's like clocking in at work and then clocking out and I'm a totally different person when I'm online isn't it and two couple things it's interesting to me how the internet has done this to us that it's sort of stolen a piece of our ability to relate as human beings, you know, and then people that are in the media have to like, just take the punches, ignore it, all the things you're talking about doing. Our chat people love you. Somebody said you're hot.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Who cares what people say? Another guy said they love it. I'm intrigued. Like, wow, this is cool. How many, somebody says, how many fart jars have people bought like how repeat fart jar buyers have you had there's one guy in austria who bought like five so he's definitely a fan and he's messaged me ever since i retired he's like so when are you gonna start selling them again and i'm just like listen i think i'm done why don't you get a fart jar nft instead oh you're depriving this
Starting point is 00:27:32 young man or maybe old man who knows uh you're like whatever that's the way it is those austrians so and by the way stephanie's instagram is stepanka s-t-e-p-a-n-k-a motto m-a-t-t-o that's tipankamato um and you had a history of aplastic anemia and i'm kind of intrigued by that did you have a bone marrow transplant or something because that is a very very serious illness yes um and i had a severe case of aplastic anemia. When I was diagnosed, I was like platelets 5,000, hemoglobin 3, like very, very sick. I was put on the transplant list, but I don't have a full match in the registry and I don't have a perfect sibling match. So I actually had immunosuppressive therapy in the form of cyclosporine and horse ATG,
Starting point is 00:28:27 which is literally when they pump you full of horse proteins to like shut down your entire immune system and reboot it. So I went through three years of my life where I was like bubble girl and was very sick and in and out of cancer hospitals, um, but still working from home the whole time, still doing what I'm doing, not selling farts, but you know, doing sexy photos from the hospital bed. Wow. So yeah. Wow. How old were you then? Um, when I was diagnosed, I was 26. I'm now, oh my gosh, it's been a long time. I'm 31. Just time has flown. I feel like I've lost a part of my youth from being sick because there was so much that I was limited to doing.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Oh, in your 20s? That's terrible. Yeah, but it made me really grateful for a lot in my life. Spending a lot of time in cancer hospitals, you see so many people who are much more sick than you. And so I think it made me a stronger person, made me so much more grateful. And I'm so grateful to have my health now that's why when this whole fart jar thing happened as soon as i was like i'm not feeling good all right i'm done like i'm done doing this to myself i'm not gonna mess with my body right right oh that's interesting so that it was the it was those physical experiences that was the end of the the fart jar project uh it's odd to me that you
Starting point is 00:30:06 it's traumatic for me to go to a hospital because you know when they were doing those blood tests it's like i'm getting you know all of these memories flashbacks of when i went to the hospital years ago and i'm waiting for those test results and i was just you know at that point i was like that's why i really was like, this isn't worth it to be putting my body under so much stress for money. It's a little odd that you had a complete resolution with the cyclosporine. Did they have a theory as to why you responded? Like, was this like a lupus type syndrome or something?
Starting point is 00:30:44 Or what did they think it was so their theory was although they said it was idiopathic um and you know no known cause they think that a virus entered my body got me sick and then you know altered my t-cells to then attack my bone marrow. And my bone marrow was very, very damaged. The cyclosporine, it took a very long time for it to work. I had a partial remission about seven months into treatment, and then I relapsed. And then it took another two years after that to reach full remission. And, and there was even a point during my, uh, treatment that my doctor sat down and they were like, this isn't really working as well as we want it to. And we're concerned because you don't have a bone match. So I was a very, very slow
Starting point is 00:31:38 responder to, to the cyclosporine treatment. And I'm still actually on cyclosporine and I most likely will be on it for the rest of my life but it's like a it's a relatively small dose of it oh you're on it still now yeah that's interesting um it is now one of the it's called we call these cytotoxic therapies you know cytotoxin a cyclophosphamide oh a cyclophosphamide wait a minute wait wait i see cyclophosphamide is a little different so that's something you can you can stay on long term and it doesn't affect i was thinking about cyclophosphamide i think which affects fertility this does not affect fertility does it um it does not, but you know, pregnancy can cause aplastic anemia. So I think that's one of the burns with me getting pregnant in the future is me relapsing.
Starting point is 00:32:33 It's like a 30% relapse rate for pregnant women, um, uh, for women with aplastic anemia who are in remission if they were to get pregnant again. So, um, I am trying, you know, to think of other ways of having children in the future, such as surrogacy. So got to save that fart jar money. Got to use that for something. Yeah. You better quick get back to the jars. So, so we had some late comers to the stream. Hold on, hold on before we ask the questions. So you're talking about egg harvesting and the sooner you do that, the better too, right? Yeah. So I do have frozen eggs actually, which is quite lucky. Okay, good. Well done. Super smart. Okay, Susan, go ahead. So we
Starting point is 00:33:16 have late comers to the stream that want to know how you bottle your fart again. Oh, they're back to the process. I know, it's the same question. They seem fascinated with the process. Yeah, yeah. They're like, how do you do that? Like everybody who's new. So, and Susan, Annie's in the house. Annie probably wants to know too. Yeah, he's in the house.
Starting point is 00:33:32 I'm sure. Well, he doesn't want to know, but. Well, he likes your house and he figures that, he just said that you must be doing very well in this endeavor. They must smell pretty good. Yeah, right. So for the newcomers, you can go through It must smell pretty good. Yeah. Right. So for the, for the newcomers,
Starting point is 00:33:46 for the, for the newcomers, you can go through it again if you wish. Yes. So, um, I purchased these little fabric flowers and I will just directly far onto the fabric flower petals,
Starting point is 00:34:00 rub them around the area, really get that smell in there and then put it into the jar seal it and then i sometimes will tape it saran wrap it put it in a ziploc container and then it goes into the package and gets sent out why not just put it you make it easier on yourself just put it in an envelope the guys that want this will will probably want it just as much out of an envelope as a jar i know it's a nicer presentation with the jar but it's yeah i know but it's like i when i'm charging that kind of price i feel like i want it to look like it's expensive is shipping included somebody wanted to know i guess you have some more buyers it is but she's out of the fart jar she's out of the fart jar business guys she she's uh i don't what would persuade we're gonna we're gonna bottle yours and any
Starting point is 00:34:50 is that any doesn't doesn't produce you forget any is a ninja is uh and any i know you're on this stream here we can sell for a lot more seriously seriously have to get stephanie over at your mom's house. I think she has a window into a world of cool guys that we talk about, and she'd be a very important source of information for us. So have you ever seen your mom's house sort of platform? They sort of look at people's odd behavior and try to make sense of it and then they then they send them over to me to further try to make sense of it uh uh oh my god and he is funny he did not want to know all in caps i do not want to know he he doesn't he wouldn't allow his significant other to fart in the morning they They'd have to go outside to do it.
Starting point is 00:35:46 That was, that was Annie's thing. Yeah. That's why he and I will never work out. That's why he's not, he wouldn't do well living very long in Austria. And you know, there's a, there's, there's a lot of ethnic crossover between Czech and Austria, right? There's sort of a common heritage biologically, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:04 Well, it's sort of the Austro-hungarian time the northern part of that and uh so it's interesting to me that your biggest checks are smarter though uh well i i don't know austrians that well i know checks are very smart we're prettier uh yeah i would agree with that but but austrians do okay i think they make better porns there too. In Austria or Czech? No, in Czech. Oh my God. Annie, make a note of this for next time I come to Austin.
Starting point is 00:36:30 All right. Let's take a little break here. I've heard. Let's take a little break. And we're going to be back with Stephanie Mato. Let me get her particulars again. It is Instagram at S-T-E-P-A-N-K-A-M-A-T-T-O. And if you want to get the NFTs going
Starting point is 00:36:47 rather than the actual jars themselves, it is We're going to take a little break and back with more stuff after this. Let's talk about our friends at Hydrolyte. I can't say enough about Hydrolyte. You hear me talk about them all the time. It gets me through workouts and medical procedures
Starting point is 00:37:01 and colonoscopies and COVID. It absolutely contributed to my recovery from COVID. Hydration is key to feeling healthy, and there's never been a time when that could be more important. We're in the height of cold flu season. Every headache has got you testing for COVID. Staying hydrated can keep the questionable symptoms at bay, and there's nothing better than Hydrolyte to get it done.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Taking their hydration formula one step further, now there is Hydrolyte Plus Immunity. It starts with their fast-absorbing electrolytes and adds a host of great ingredients, plus each single-serve, easy-pour drink mix contains 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C and 300 milligrams of elderberry extract. Hydrolyte Plus Immunity comes in convenient,
Starting point is 00:37:41 easy-pour powder sticks that rapidly dissolve in water to make a great-tasting drink that is a 75% less sugar than your typical sports drink. It uses all-natural flavors. It's gluten-free, dairy-free, caffeine-free, non-GMO, and even vegan. Hydrolyte Plus Immunity is also now available in ready-to-drink bottles at the Walmart next to the pharmacy. Or, as always, you can find it by visiting slash dr drew that is slash dr drew and be sure to use that code dr drew 25 at checkout for a special discount back with stephanie motto is my mic on yes there we go it's pretty funny that we get like
Starting point is 00:38:19 the restream does uh twitch and youtube and I don't think Twitter's on here anymore. And Facebook. And it's just funny to watch all the comments on all the different platforms at the same time. They're pretty funny. It's a different, there's different characters. People like talking about this. It's just, you know, I want to have fun with it. Yeah, it's fun.
Starting point is 00:38:40 But I want to talk a little more. I want to get off the farts for a second. Let's talk about COVID. No, I want to talk a little 90 Day Fiance for a second because I know how reality shows are done. And I sit and I analyze some of the filming and I'm trying to understand. I am guessing wherever you go, wherever you've elected to shoot, you have a producer in each of your ears. Like each of you are getting whipped up by a producer and there are probably two cameras in the room right two he's shooting across two cameras
Starting point is 00:39:13 all right yeah and one yeah at least two cameras and each camera has a guy with a running the cable and and a sound guy So you have six to nine people plus the producers around you guys as you're trying to have these intimate encounters. People don't know that. People that watch reality television
Starting point is 00:39:37 believe they're in the room with you magically or something. It's not magic. There's a whole and there's a video village set up in your kitchen probably with five, five screens and, and directors and sound people and story people documenting everything you're doing and writing it all down. Am I, am I right? So as you're talking about 14 people just to shoot a simple scene. Yeah. Yeah. So how, what was that like? And, and yeah uh it's pretty strange and you know a
Starting point is 00:40:07 lot of the times you're you're told what the topic of discussion will be and then you know you're stopped a lot of the times if you know if you said something too quietly or if there was a truck passing by you have to repeat what you said hold so right sound guy goes hold truck all right wait stephanie's mic stephanie's mic is out needs a battery stephanie's mic needs a battery hold it yeah i know you're about to have sex with your girlfriend no no hold battery battery yeah right it's so weird i i don't understand how you guys pulled this off. It's so, so unnatural. And then, you know, at the same time, you kind of feel because there's cameras on you, you're like, am I being myself?
Starting point is 00:40:59 Or am I just like playing a part that is myself? So, yeah. I feel like I start to like be very acty. And and I get into my YouTube mode when I see the cameras rolling. And then I remind myself, I'm like, no, no, no, step, act real, act natural. This is reality TV. But it's so hard, and end up eventually forgetting about the cameras. You, you, all of a sudden you're, you're in it. And so they, they kind of go away in spite of it.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Say it again. And I drank a lot while I filmed. So that also helped really get out of that, uh, that like, you know, being conscious of the cameras. And that was really the only way at one point that I was able to even continue filming and doing the show because it was just so stressful for me that I just, I needed to have like a glass of wine because it was just like one confrontational thing after another and it was like so many serious talks and i'm not like a very confrontational person at all i'm more of a sweep it under the rug or just like let's avoid the problem so uh yeah like for me it's not a not a fun vacation to australia that's
Starting point is 00:42:18 for sure and and it seemed like you know the the your partner's reaction to that stressful environment was to make you responsible for everything. She sort of projected everything onto you. Yeah, I think that we were just two different people with two very different ways of handling things. And she is an extremely sensitive person and I can be kind of cold and, um, you know, we just have different reactions to each other. And I think, I don't know, sometimes I'm like, we're from, I feel like we're from two different generations. She's, you know, super hypersensitive to every single thing. And I'm kind of like chill, you know? So, um, I don't know. We just did not see eye to eye at all. And we saw that very early on and I wish that the trip could
Starting point is 00:43:07 have just been cut short, but obviously, you know, we, we had to be there for X amount of time. So, um, so I stayed and, you know, we tried to make it work. We tried to make the most of it, but the longer I stayed, the worse it got, the more more the more conflicts there were yeah it's people don't really understand how reality works it's a very strange environment it it it is you know lots of people in the room it's like filming a movie almost and then people are have no sense that that's the case uh and there is producers who are fucking with things constantly uh with you know and you know did what was your girlfriend's name again what was her name erica i'm actually there's a lot
Starting point is 00:43:54 there's a lot of i'm in trouble with her now actually um i did an interview earlier today for an australian radio show and I was asked some questions about her and apparently I didn't respond politely enough so now she's posting on Instagram like saying that I'm like talking about her and I'm like oh my god they're not talking shit about her I like her I in a way I I uh I fear talking about her because, you know, I don't want to stir up any old things. Well, no, it's okay. We're not going to talk about her.
Starting point is 00:44:32 What I want to say is, and the reason I bring up her name, is you had a producer in your ear going, Erica. I mean, Stephanie, Erica just said you're such a bitch. And then in Erica's ear, there's a separate producer going, Stephanie just said she's going to go home and And then, and then in Erica's ear, there's a separate position going, Stephanie just said, she's going to go home and she's not going to ever speak to you. I mean, they just, they, they, this is what they do. And when I was dealing with patients, actually sick people on celebrity rehab, I had to,
Starting point is 00:44:55 I had to chase them all out. I was like, my God, these are, these are people in a treatment program. You don't do that to sick people. And so, you know, enough happens. You people and so you know enough happens you'll be okay don't worry about it but they still do it and the people some of the people on 90 day fiance are pretty pretty they have some mental health problems too trust me it's not good some of them i didn't say all of them but you know it's yeah it has to be i think that like producers and shows need to be a lot more careful uh because you know also the aftermath of filming the you know the show is hard enough but then the what comes with
Starting point is 00:45:38 the airing of the show and the backlash and the bullying online, I mean, that could drive somebody literally to like, I don't even want to say, but. Yeah, I've been wanting to do a show for a long time just called After Reality, you know, because there's all kinds of repercussions down the road. I have another sort of producing question. I've noticed that there's, okay okay we're gonna use a little jargon here there's things called otfs which were invented by i don't know survivor or something
Starting point is 00:46:11 they're called on the fly interviews and they're actually never on the fly they're actually they sort of come over here stephanie we're gonna do otfs now my question, is are those weeks later? Are those hours later? Or are they actually before the things actually play out? Because I could see all three things possibly happening. I mean, I think every reality show does things differently. I think that 90 Day Fiancé, they try to keep it as true as possible. So a lot of the OTFs, I mean, pretty much all of the ones that I've done were after a full day of filming, which was usually exhausting. And I remember there was one day we were on an excursion in the middle of the ocean to
Starting point is 00:47:01 go cage diving with Great Whites. We were there for like 12 hours and then we had to do an otf afterwards to talk about everything that went down and it was like it was brutal it was so tiring so and so here's here's the this is the this is the this is the phoniest of the phony part of reality so they've had some huge conflict and shark dived or whatever they did and they now they go back to shore they light a room and they go, Stephanie, what are you doing today? And it was like, I'm very excited because I'm going to go out with Eric, a great boat trip, even though, even though, you know, all the shit that went down and they're like, okay, say it again. Like
Starting point is 00:47:38 you didn't know what actually happened there. You didn't know that you were going to, the shark was going to attack you and you were going to swing it erica or whatever happened i don't know but uh you know it's very weird awkward i've always thought otfs were very very strange and they seem strange to me on 90 day fiancee too more more just because we're fans of the of the program and we were fans of you on the program too you're now doing the pillow talk so i have kind of questions about. Do they set up an automatic camera like by your television or is there a production team in your house to film the pillow top? Inside information. Yes. So during COVID, we actually filmed it ourselves because, you know, people were not really allowed to come over. And then eventually, once COVID restrictions started to be lifted, there was like one or two people allowed to come over to the house and film it.
Starting point is 00:48:29 So you had one camera person, one audio person, and sometimes like a production assistant. But it was like actually fun and it felt very cozy. And I think out of all of like the reality things I've ever filmed, Pillow Talk feels the realist because you're really just sitting down with snacks, watching the show and reacting to it. Yeah, I agree. We used to like a show called On the Couch, which was just people, interesting people watching reality television and seeing their reaction. Remember that, Susan? Yep, I do. I like that show
Starting point is 00:49:05 what was it called on the couch something like that people's couch people's couch people's couch right right right uh all right let me look through they're kind of pissed you guys took their idea though i know that as a fact what oh you who'd you hear that from the people who are on the people's couch the ones we had dinner with at heather's yeah yeah and i know because i know a bunch of them remember i went on below deck yeah i didn't know you're still in touch with everybody i didn't know you're still in touch well no but i know they're kind of butthurt about it interesting that was a good show though uh i'm looking through our restream chat to see if anybody has their specific questions and uh so uh stephanie so like oh those scenes you know like those scenes whenever they're like
Starting point is 00:49:42 introducing you with the other you know the other person that's on with you do they you know like whenever it's sometimes it's like you're all smiling together and then other ones where you're you're angry and your backs are to each other and your arms are crossed oh yeah yeah yeah because my wife and i when we watch the show it's like we can almost predict oh they're gonna get in a fight because the two of you are facing away with your arms crossed do you just like film is that all done in one right beforehand and you said well you have to be angry at each other now how did like or do they do it like break them up into different clips whenever you actually are mad at each other yeah so i'm trying to remember like because that whole entire time that i was filming in australia feels like such
Starting point is 00:50:22 a blur but i think there was there were like one or two days that we did those we did those shots and they got a few different options because it's like you know it kind of helps split between the scenes you know when you go from couple to couple helps to organize you did it all at once caleb all at once right right be mad be loving be cool be be funny you know it's coming. So it's like, you know, you guys are going to fight it sometime. So just make your mad faces and turn away from each other now. It didn't work out. It was so bad there because there were so many flies. So we had to stand very, very still.
Starting point is 00:50:59 But we were being like bombarded with flies. So like, you know, there were flies landing on our faces. It was just, it was awful oh this is all i hope this is interesting because it's just very interesting to me that you know these things are how we've learned to create and produce these things and then what people actually think they're seeing i i the you know one of the of course i work with the uh the teen moms and that's one of the shows that really people think they are in those people's lives. They think they know them. And oftentimes the girls, you know, not any girls anymore, the women and their husbands
Starting point is 00:51:35 are seeing footage six months later. They already forgotten about everything that had happened yet. And yet the Twitterverse is seeing it for the first time and starting to react to it. I'm guessing that's kind of a disorienting experience as well. And yet the Twitterverse is seeing it for the first time and starting to react to it. I'm guessing that's kind of a disorienting experience as well. My gosh. I think that's the worst part is having to relive it over again. And then, you know, I did another show after called Strikes Back where I had to rewatch my season and react to it. So it's like I literally had to go through it three times.
Starting point is 00:52:07 So it was like I couldn't move on you know you try to move on from sometimes the trauma of what happens on the show but you just can't so yeah that and then I went through it all during the pandemic during lockdown it was 2020 so I it was it couldn't have been worse timing did you get depressed? Uh, I think so. Yeah. I mean, I handled it. Okay. Um, I, I don't really like, I don't get depressed. I just go like completely catatonic sometimes where I'm just like a zombie where I just don't feel anything. I don't cry. I don't get sad. I just kind of exist and just, you know, wake up, do what I have to do and then go to sleep. And then after, and afterwards I'll look back and I'll be like, oh wow, I think I was depressed during that time. Yeah. So that's, yeah, that's, yeah, yeah. That's
Starting point is 00:52:59 numbing, right? We numb and, uh, it's kind of a trauma symptom do you have a did you have a childhood trauma when you're growing up i think that i had a pretty erratic childhood i moved around a lot you know i didn't really have much stability as far as uh where i was living i moved around a lot with my mom and um you know my father wasn't present for a lot of my life so yeah i think my my life felt very crazy all the time so uh chaos chaos chaos is not good for kids and do you have relationship with your dad now so i established a relationship with my father in my teens and then he passed away suddenly when I was 23. oh my gosh that happened um and then at 23 I moved to Los Angeles to become an actress and I kind of was spiraling mentally I became an exotic dancer for like a year as like a form of like I think
Starting point is 00:54:01 self-sabotage because I was just you know going crazy in my own head um and so yeah like my 20s were pretty turbulent and then i got sick to top it all off so um yeah it was a very sounds terrible yeah but i think now i feel good yeah yeah you seem good and and the the exotic dancing again i i worry about your relationship with men because i i interviewed many exotic dancers and they all they lose something towards men with respect or whatever it is it diminishes their ability to see men as good people frankly so. So why, Drew? What are these places like? I want to know.
Starting point is 00:54:49 We're going to take you in Austin. Drew wants to take me to a strip club to experience it. I haven't been to one since my bachelor party 35 years ago. And so I am. Drew's pushing for it, but I can't get the booth boys to go. No, I just thought it'd be interesting to bring Susan to one. Well, we could go. Oh, will you and I?
Starting point is 00:55:08 Not with, oh my God. Which, which should we? I don't know what it's like. You, you're explaining this like, cause men are just kind of like dogs and they just are disgusting and you have to experience that or because, you know, being a dancer, you kind of enjoy the power of it. Well, go ahead, Stephanie. Do you know what I'm talking about?
Starting point is 00:55:26 That it sort of depletes your ability to kind of, I don't know. Go ahead. You tell me. I think for me, it gave me some serious trust issues that I still carry to this day. Because I witnessed not men really being dogs. Because, you know, everyone's a pervert. I can be a pervert, whatever. It's fine. I like looking at titties too. Um, but I think it's just the idea of a man coming in and, you know, sitting down with me and showing me a picture of his wife
Starting point is 00:55:58 and beautiful kids and saying how much he adores them and then taking me back to the VIP booth and trying to like sexually assault me so you know experiencing things like that can really just you know mess with your head to show you like wow some people can really have this facade and have this really really dark side um so that's dramatic for you yeah it has been but um that just means that when I meet somebody new when I start dating somebody new It just takes me longer to vet them to really, you know feel like I really know them So some people, you know, they meet somebody a few months later. They feel like they know them for me It's like I need to know somebody for years to really feel like I know them
Starting point is 00:56:42 um and People that I date need to understand that it takes me a lot of time. And I don't just give away trust willingly and easily. That's not a bad trait. It's not a bad thing as long as you can trust. Some people get to the point where they can't trust. Annie, are you still over on the restream?
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yeah. And so if you can, it just takes a while that that's fine that's good and not necessarily that's adaptive too it's not necessarily bad that happened to me once in a bar i drew and i were with another couple and then he had to go do radio or something and i was by the bar and this guy walked up and he showed me pictures of his kid and he goes do you want to fuck and i was like what you showed me oh my god kids he's like yeah they live in jersey i'm i'm here i have a little place around the corner i was like no i don't thanks but thanks for the offer i was just so
Starting point is 00:57:31 shocked i and then i told drew i go i can't believe this guy did that i know and they do it a lot i mean men do it and all you can do that just in any bar in town it's very weird uh yeah now back to the teen mom group i had a somebody gave me a comment that said that farrah's business inspired you a bit or farrah was inspired by you which is that oh yeah so i noticed that after my fart jar thing went viral uh that a story uh pertaining to farrah abraham went viral and that she was trying to sell her feces in a jar. And I actually personally messaged Farrah to ask her about that and she denied it and
Starting point is 00:58:15 she said that she's not. So that's the tea. Farrah's not selling poop in a jar. But she did come onto my platform. She's now a creator on my platform that I founded, Unfiltered. And she does her sexy content on there. So that, I think, is pretty cool. She's a very interesting person. She is an interesting person. She's a hustler too. Yeah, she is. And I told her when she left Teen Mom, I told her hustler too i yeah she is and i and i told her when um in a good way when she left teen mom i told her i said i will miss you you you've been i've been
Starting point is 00:58:50 we've been with you a long time and a lot of intense experiences and i noticed she almost cried when i said that and but but i have missed her i have she's a handful she's she's challenging but i you know she's you know we we like ferrets she's challenging she's we like Farrah. She's challenging. She's very challenging. Yeah. A lot of people are challenging. She and I have a lot in common, I think.
Starting point is 00:59:14 And I definitely like the fact that she's very unashamed to be herself. And she just is who she is. So I think that's pretty cool. Let's take a, you want to take a couple of calls here? See what people are thinking. This is off clubhouse. This is Miriam. I think I'm getting that right.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Let's see if we can get Miriam up here. Miriam come to the phone. We've got to figure out a way to... Let a couple people up at once and then see who gets there first. Alright, I will do that. This is... We get our calls on Clubhouse for anybody
Starting point is 00:59:58 that's interested. You can sign up on Clubhouse and then you can be on the show. Oh, Annie's in here. Let's bring Annie up. Annie any you're right he's gonna kill us come on buddy get up here i i put you put in a request for you to come to the podium and by the way if you do come up to ask question you're on restream twitter twitch facebook uh youtube you have multiple platforms we're going and he's gonna run like how he doesn't like parts. I gave you a request to come up. He's being obstinate.
Starting point is 01:00:31 He doesn't like this topic. No, he's raised his hand. And he can't join right now, it says. Miriam, no. Maybe he's got a job. He doesn't want the... I don't know. Everybody's afraid to talk about farts no let's talk to josh what's going on josh hey dr drew hey um i just was really curious from a psychological
Starting point is 01:00:57 perspective the whole farting thing and receiving farts and giving farts and it makes me think of sadomasochism. Yeah, well, that's exactly what she was telling us, is that there is this world of financial dominance. That's exactly right. Do you want to answer that a little bit, Stephanie? I think that's what you were going towards. So I think a lot of men like to feel like they're being taken advantage of by a beautiful woman.
Starting point is 01:01:23 And, you you know like the feeling of being bled dry kind of goes in line with the you know stomping on balls you know being a cuckold that sort of thing so yeah I think that for a lot of men who are purchasing the jars of farts it's not really the farts themselves. It's the fact that they feel like they're kind of being taken advantage of financially. Um, so yeah, that's, that's Chris, what's going on? Hi there. Sorry. I'm running into my room cause my children are fighting. I have one question. Um, what made you decide on this particular item? Why farts? Men were asking for it. Men were demanding it.
Starting point is 01:02:09 You came late to the thread. Go ahead. Review that, Stephanie. Yeah, so I mean I've been getting requests for a very long time for people wanting to smell my farts. I just always thought it was a joke until one day I just said, okay, well let me check them out for sale, see what happens and And they ended up selling. Well, bravo. I mean, you made money.
Starting point is 01:02:34 I was just, I mean, half of my life kind of revolves around the people around me passing gas and you found a way to monetize it good for you thank you chris thanks we'll move back chris is chris is gonna start her own business uh i'm trying to move through baby farts yeah she's got like four kids this is a mikey i think mikey what's coming up here and he ran for the hills. He's still here. He just sent me a little note, and he can't make it up to the podium, right? Yeah, yeah, it's okay.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Maybe he's working. He's like, what is this? It came on. Oh, my God, it's so funny. I'm going to try another one. I'm not sure what the name is here. But I'm going to, and if we don't get some calls up here, where'd you're going to wrap up the clubhouse part of this pretty well.
Starting point is 01:03:29 We have, we have some emails. I don't know if they're really appropriate for this. This will be, these are, those are those emails you showed. Yeah. They don't go with those are a little more, those are a little more tough, tough, nothing. I sent all the fart jokes over to after dark. So I should have kept a couple of those. I'm curious.
Starting point is 01:03:48 I get a lot of emails about people's farts. All right. Hey, guys. For their shits. I think what I'm going to have to do, because something is going cuckoo with the clubhouse. Well, they can continue to listen. We don't have to take their questions. All right.
Starting point is 01:04:03 All right. Let me see where I was here with Stephanie and all her stuff. You can, you can, uh, Susan, do you have any further questions that I, no, I think, was that interesting to you about the 90 day fiance? Here's what I like my takeaway just as a woman. So, you know, if I was, if I had the internet and YouTube and stuff like this,
Starting point is 01:04:28 when I was in my twenties and thirties, it would have, it would have been so much fun for me. Like I would have, I've been, I would have been doing all this kind of stuff and I would try to do it with dignity. So it wouldn't be too, you know what I mean? I wouldn't want to have, I wouldn't be a porn star necessarily and have photos of myself naked or anything, but I would definitely use my femininity to get myself a way of life. I would have loved to have made a couple hundred grand in a year selling farts or six months or however, I don't know how long it was for you, but it just cracks me up. I love the entrepreneurial ship. And again, make notes here. I just find it fascinating that reality stars can take it to the next level and keep going and have a media life and do it while you still got the looks because you can't keep it forever. But even though there are guys that like older women, I can attest to that because I get hit on the Internet all the time.
Starting point is 01:05:27 But you just, you know, keep doing what you do and just don't worry about what people say. And, you know, just be your true self. I'm going to put a caveat on it. Unless it's going to be harmful to your mental health. Right. Be careful about that numbing. Well, that's why i'm saying like nudity and the and the being consistent with your value system you have to really you have to really be
Starting point is 01:05:52 honest with yourself and you know and and uh and making sure your health physical health is looked after because you've had obviously serious stuff with that no of course i mean you don't want to hurt yourself that's the whole point like that's a that's a line that I have to tiptoe every day is doing what I do, make the money to sustain the life that I've built for myself, but also not jeopardizing my mental health, my family relationships, and not doing things that make me feel and you don't want to hurt you don't want to and i know you don't want to hurt other people that's all and uh yes i think it's a it's it's a it's a navigation i i get it i get it um all right well it's been really fun talk oh caleb here we go yeah i just have i just just thinking about this um so i know because you've been on both sides of it you've done the youtube stuff and you've also done, you know, reality TV and all of that.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Well, my wife and I, we met through YouTube back in the old days. And so we did this daily vlogging thing, which is kind of like a self-produced reality show in a way. But eventually we stopped doing that because we started to wonder, like, are we going to Disneyland because we want to spend time together? Or are we going there just because we want to film a bunch of content and get a bunch of views online and so do you think that it's easier to maintain that genuine relationship when you're the person that's holding the camera and filming it or is it actually easier whenever you have a crew that's following you around and picking out the scenes and all the stuff that goes into it like which one makes it easier for you? I think it's so much better to be the one who has the control of the camera, because then you can always control when you put it down and when you stop.
Starting point is 01:07:33 And I think that's, what's like most important. You you're the one editing, you're the one that has the full, you know, manipulation and control. So that's why like, you know, at this point going forward, I kind of see my reality TV days as numbered, and I would love to just go back to doing YouTube, but always having just still my private life because that's important too. Right, right. That makes sense. Yeah, I like that. The reality, again, another just sort of assessment of reality television, it's hyper-reality. It's not reality. It's hyper-reality. It's not reality.
Starting point is 01:08:05 It's hyper-reality. While YouTube stuff is closer to reality. Again, you don't have all the lights and the producers and the conflict generation and the scene setups and then go. And your wife making you talk to a woman who sells fart jars. Well, that's reality. I'm a producer. Yeah. That's that's reality. I'm a producer. Yeah. That's the more reality part.
Starting point is 01:08:30 If this were somewhere else, on a reality set, there would be nine people here in the room with us. There'd be four, typically three or four writing producers, story producers,
Starting point is 01:08:44 writing down everything we say, and then a room of a sound guy, a director, an assistant director, and that would all be in our kitchen somewhere. Trying to cause chaos. And then there would be producers coming in and going, hold on, hold on, hold on. Do that again.
Starting point is 01:08:58 Come on. She told you you're a bitch. Come on, let's go. You want to be on this show or not? No, I know. No, you just have a team of four on, let's go. You want to be on this show or not? No, I know. You just have a team of four here trying to make you look bad.
Starting point is 01:09:09 No, you're not looking bad. This was really fun and I just appreciate the opportunity to get to meet you and see how creative you are and fun. I like fun. And maybe a little sexuality is not so bad.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Go ahead. Yeah, for sure. So we, yeah, and we're fans of the show. We're fans of yours. And so that'd be fun. Sorry, I cut her off. And we heard all about your business endeavor and thought, fascinating story. And people want to hear about it.
Starting point is 01:09:45 Wait, did you pitch it to Michelle or did you just find her? I think I did. You pitched it, yeah. No, I didn't pitch it. I said, please get Stephanie. I need to talk to Stephanie because it was when Stern Howard Stern was talking about you and I thought, oh, that's interesting to talk to her. And he wasn't a fan of the show
Starting point is 01:10:00 so he didn't really know kind of what was going on and I thought, oh, we're fans and so this would be really interesting so is there let me ask you this is there anybody do you do you interact with other cast members yeah all the time i am actually planning a little girls trip with two other female cast members um There's a lot of 90 day cast members that I consider actually pretty good friends that I talk to on like a weekly basis. Is there anyone you'd recommend I speak to who's got an interesting story and has interesting experience with this?
Starting point is 01:10:38 I think, let's say, I mean, there's big ed, of course, it was like the, he's definitely someone to talk to. let's say, I mean, there's big Ed, of course, it was like the, the first child. He's,
Starting point is 01:10:51 he's definitely someone to talk to his relationship with his fiance. That's something you should definitely dissect on your show because it's pretty strange. It's a gap couple. So. Okay. It's good. Ed, but I'll go after Ed.
Starting point is 01:11:02 Anybody else? Maybe you're. I think, uh, you know, I'm on currently the season of 90 Day Single Life. And Debbie, she's Colt's mom. And she's an older woman. She's trying to have sex and date again. So that'd be something I think cool to discuss. That actually would be really interesting.
Starting point is 01:11:21 It would be really interesting because she was also an exotic dancer of types back she was a quote go-go dancer back in the day do you not know that yeah she she had she was she has you got to see the pictures she was amazing and in vegas i think i think if i got that right and then also she has a horror hormonal replacement story that i think is oh she did oh that's That's what happened. So we should talk to Debbie. So Colty's mom and we should get our hands on those guys. Do you want to book our show? All right. Well, listen, Stephanie, it was a pleasure to talk to you.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Thank you for playing along and good luck with the NFT. Again, it's let me, what is it? Fart jars,, Fartjars. And give us again your Instagram and websites. My Instagram is Stepanka Matto, S-T-E-P-A-N-K-A Matto, M-A-T-T-O. And I think that's pretty much, you know, where you'll find me. You'll see all my other links for my social media on there. And I'm guessing Stepanko is uh check for stephanie yes my check name yeah
Starting point is 01:12:31 so say goodbye to us now in check as well all right stephanie great great to meet you take care ciao thank you all right you bet you're welcome uh so there you go it's funny um yeah we will get back to tougher subjects like the opioid epidemic and other things of that sort sorry we just wanted to have a little fun we are going to have fun here and there that's the way it goes. And we have a bunch of emails that I'm going to be responding to probably, what do you think, Monday? No, maybe. I had a bunch of emails like that. I'll try to merge. Yeah, we've got a bunch of them we're going to print up and go over with people. So thank you for sending those. And yeah. We have a show tomorrow too. So. We do. Maybe we can do one or two at the end.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Yes. I think that's probably a good idea We have the divorce guy tomorrow, right? Correct, Marilyn Chinitz Divorce attorney We'll get back to the good stuff The painful stuff Get back to it Okay, well thank you all for being here Thank you for being on the restream
Starting point is 01:13:38 I'm going to wrap I won't wrap the clubhouse just yet But I will remember to wrap the clubhouse Yeah, before you go in and fart. We appreciate you guys being here and we will see you tomorrow at, I believe, three o'clock. Yep. Tomorrow at three. We also have.
Starting point is 01:13:53 Aye, aye, aye. Oh, no, he's not coming in here. We also have Monday. It's going to be a little bit later, maybe with Chad and JT, our guys. If you remember those, the cool, cool guys. Well, they haven't booked yet, but maybe next week. All right. We have a couple. We have some people. it later maybe with Chad and JT our guys uh if you remember those the cool cool guys well they haven't booked yet but maybe next week all right we have a couple we have some people and I've got Dr. Arthur Kaplan coming back on Thursday and he thought it was funny when I said the divorce guy
Starting point is 01:14:16 divorce guy lol all right guys we're not ready for that yet thank you Caleb thank you Susan we'll see you tomorrow at three ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and
Starting point is 01:15:13 helpful resources at slash help.

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