Ask Dr. Drew - Alex Jones & Dr. Drew: Globalists, Elon Musk & CIA “Controlled Opposition” Agents Infiltrating The Freedom Movement – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 411
Episode Date: October 14, 2024The rumors are true. Alex Jones joins Dr. Drew LIVE to discuss the goals of globalists, strange details about Hurricane Milton, “Controlled Opposition” agents infiltrating the pro-freedom movement... – and the rumors that Alex Jones is one of them. • Sponsored by JUVENT – If you’re serious about optimizing your health and wellness — especially if you want to strengthen your bones and improve mobility — check out the JUVENT Micro-Impact Platform. Get $500 off your Juvent today by using code DREW at Alex Jones is a radio host and founder of InfoWars. With a broadcasting career spanning multiple decades, Jones has gained notoriety for his views on various topics including government overreach, globalist conspiracies, and the financial entanglements of pharmaceutical companies. He has developed a reputation for reporting on controversial topics years before they reach mainstream news headlines – which happens so frequently, the phrase “Alex Jones Was Right” has become an iconic meme. Follow him at A.J. Rice is the President & CEO of Publius PR and Editor-in-Chief of The Publius National Post. He’s the author of two bestselling books: “The White Privilege Album” and “The Woking Dead”. As a publicist, he’s represented notable figures including Donald Trump Jr., Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Ben Carson. Follow him at and read his latest book “The White Privilege Album” at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • CAPSADYN - Get pain relief with the power of capsaicin from chili peppers – without the burning! Capsadyn's proprietary formulation for joint & muscle pain contains no NSAIDs, opioids, anesthetics, or steroids. Try it for 15% off at • CHECK GENETICS - Your DNA is the key to discovering the RIGHT medication for you. Escape the big pharma cycle and understand your genetic medication blueprint with pharmacogenetic testing. Save $200 with code DRDREW at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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A lot of excitement today.
We are joined by Alex Jones,
of course, the host of InfoWars.
We've got a lot to get into today.
Amongst other things, I want to hear his story.
People focus on his history and
how he's gotten to where he is now. And his career has spanned decades. And of course,
notoriety for some of his views on topics and government overreach. And there's actually memes
out there about Alex Jones's right. When he was thought to have been conspiratorial, lo and behold,
turned out to be right, which is so many of the things that we learn about today.
After I speak with Alex, A.J. Rice,
President and CEO of Publius PR.
He is the editor-in-chief
of the Publius
National Post. Two best-selling
books. He's going to talk about it. He talks
a lot about wokeness and its impact
and simple things like the decline of Western
civilization. So, stay with us.
I see you all out on the Rumble Rants.
We're watching you on Twitter and on Restream.
Back with Alex Jones right after this.
Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre.
A psychopath started this.
He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin.
I'm a doctor for f***'s sake.
Where the hell do you think I learned that?
I'm just saying, you go to treatment
before you kill people.
I am a clinician.
I observe things about these chemicals.
Let's just deal with what's real.
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I got a lot to say.
I got a lot more to say.
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And before we go, going a shout out to our friends in Florida.
Our thoughts are all with you guys.
And I know Florida is used to these things.
You get multiple hurricanes every year, but I'm sure it is no fun every time you go through it. And a reminder, we'll talk about TWC and, of course, Paleo Valley, all things that can help you during disasters like this.
I want to get right to my guest.
He needs no introduction.
The host of InfoWars is the one and only Alex Jones.
Alex, welcome.
Thanks for having me.
It was great to have you on my show.
It was great to be there.
Listen, I wanted, if you don't mind, I want to start by talking about you, if you don't mind.
I don't really see anybody interviewing you about your life, your career,
your history. I'm sure they did at one time, but I don't see that very often anymore.
And as a guy that spent 35 years on the radio myself, I'm intrigued by your radio career,
how you got involved with that. Do you mind talking about these things?
I'm more than happy to.
So where'd you grow up? What kind of family did you grow up in? Who is Alex Jones?
I'm trying to figure that part out.
It's not that easy to figure out.
So clue us in on that and then how you got involved in radio.
I mean, I've been incredibly demonized
by the deep state, by the establishment,
because I went to a lot of source documents
about the permanent bureaucracy
and some of the financial interests
that would rather
America and the world be a totalitarian centralized technocracy in their own words.
And so I've been on air 30 years. I started out on AXS TV in 1994. About a year later,
I got a local call from a station that was flipping from rock music to talk on FM. We're
doing a Saturday show. It got good ratings. They gave me a weeknight show.
I found out how to syndicate it through a small syndicator a few years later. So I've been syndicated on radio for 27 years. At times, the show got extremely big. And then some of the
things I said on air, taken out of context in the media, I would get kicked off a lot of stations.
That happened after 9-11. Some of the things I said there,
I was on over 200 radio stations,
some of them huge then.
And I went down to about 40 radio stations
with my comments about that.
And then built the show back up over the years.
Always wanted to find new ways to reach people.
I was one of the first people that was on Google Video
and had some of the first document cam or webcams.
At first, you're showing an image every 30 seconds or so.
If I could show news articles and also made documentary films starting in the late 90s,
97 or so, if I could actually show listeners what I was talking about.
Yeah, back in 94, what motivated you to get into that search for the deep state?
Because I think, you know, to say you were ahead of the curve would be an understatement.
I think even the concept wasn't something that was being tossed around at the time.
What was going on with you that you had some insight into this?
My dad had, in high school, got recruited into UT Plan 2
because he had some of the top test scores in the country.
And so he got out of it, you know,
before he ever got into the actual programs
after he graduated, but he got recruited
into the kind of scientific dictatorship system.
So he knew a lot about it.
And so he was doing stuff for DARPA when he was
in high school, working in some of those programs. And then my mother's brother, my uncle, I was real
close to, he died 10 years ago. He had been a big helicopter ace and war hero in Vietnam and
clandestine stuff there. And he got recruited into pretty high level management and I ran Contra.
And so I grew up around him here in Texas telling me how things really worked.
And I was a sports guy and everything else, but I did get into reading really early.
I've always been a voracious reader.
So I got out of comic books when I was about eight or nine and started reading
military encyclopedias and history books.
And so I really got into history and read Marcus Aurelius' book and read Julius Caesar's
writings and then got into Plato
and got into Aristotle. And then I read Nietzsche's, a couple of his books. I read Machiavelli
by the time I was about 15. I read some of the Pulitzer Prize winning books like Scherer's
Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, thought that was fascinating. Then I read a lot of other books
about World War II. And so I guess because I had an interest in history,
then I could see the parallels and also how I was grown up
and just my family being informed.
And my dad was really informed.
His mom was informed.
My mother's dad had been in World War II, a fighter pilot,
and then he'd been an inventor, growing up in Dallas, a successful inventor.
Growing up kind of in the German community in Dallas, there were a bunch of inventors.
So I grew up around him and talking about how the world really worked.
So I was just blessed that I was around a lot of people that were geopolitically aware.
And I remember my dad ranting about Zbigniew Brzezinski when I was like five years old at the dinner table.
And, you know, their plans for world government.
And so that's why I found that really interesting and a lot was happening in 94 95 and so I didn't really try to be in the media I wasn't thinking that as a career
I didn't know what I wanted to do I was I'm 50 now I was uh you know like 20 years old when I first
got on air I thought I'll go do access television and then and then that was basically uh what
happened there so it was a 30-year overnight success story.
And then when Trump won or was about to win, the Democrats even admitted this.
They wanted to hurt Trump.
So they said Alex Jones is Trump's brain, which really wasn't true.
And literally thousands of news articles, hundreds of newscasts saying I was the ultimate devil trying to demonize Trump by extension. And then when Trump won, they ran two years of headlines that I was doing things
to families from a mass shooting that I never did out of context to demonize me and then demonize
Trump. And then they sued me and then they had default judgments and rigged court cases. And
then later the FBI testified in the show trial in Connecticut that they actually created the
whole thing, got me sued, did all that as an attempt to take me off air.
They've now admitted that.
A group affiliated with the Project Veritas folks, they'd done work for Veritas, got footage earlier this year.
It was pretty bombshell of a CIA guy.
They were doing another investigation into human trafficking, and we're interviewing the CIA guy with hidden cameras.
And he also admitted the whole plot to demonize me and take me off air and set the precedent with me and then ban everybody else.
And so now in hindsight, we know how that was done with Democratic Party, PR firms, and the whole setup.
So I really don't even see it as being a victim because it was very interesting to have the deep state kind of put me in its jaws and was quite a learning process.
But because the deep state and the establishment is so discredited, just like all the indictments and convictions of Trump by these show trials has made him more popular.
It's now had the opposite effect and made me more popular.
And so it's a very, very crazy and bizarre place to be historically. And I kind of jumped ahead from my origin story to just what, you know, the current story.
Most of your viewers who may have heard of me, but maybe never actually heard me.
I mean, I want them to know they can look up everything I just said and they're actually admitting it.
You know, that's what's crazy. Hillary Clinton has come out twice the last month and said, get rid of the First Amendment.
John Kerry has said the First Amendment stands the way and that they want to, you know,
I mean, now Facebook banned advertising
on Instagram and Facebook under meta of the Reagan movie.
That's like a sweet family movie.
Absolutely just a very positive film,
not even political, you know, left versus right.
So now they even want to ban
or restrict people seeing the Reagan
movie. So that shows you where these totalitarians are going. Hillary just said last week, well,
we're going to lose total control if we don't get control and start censoring people. So I was the
first test case, they now admit, to try to set the precedent, be able to censor everybody else.
And when a lot of people didn't stand up for me being censored,
then it set the precedent for everybody else.
And then Trump got banned on Twitter
and Facebook and everywhere else.
And they even took down his videos on January 6th
saying, be peaceful when you go to the Capitol.
And then later when he said, don't go in,
don't be violent,
they even removed that
so that it couldn't be shown
that he was not guilty of what they claimed.
So that's what's scary about censorship
is they don't just silence what you're saying.
They can then lie about you
and build a straw man
and misrepresent who you are.
So they basically steal your identity.
So it's been very refreshing
to have Elon Musk bring me back on X
despite all the attacks
and demonization and boycotts.
And now X is the most popular
social media platform in the world,
and it's dominating.
And so the worm's turning,
and humanity has a real hunger and quest for the right of not just to say what you want,
but the right to hear what somebody else is saying.
And so I'm just very blessed to be part of this major global discourse
and have a lot of hope and faith for humanity.
Yeah, I've become a free speech absolutist and thus you are here with me. And I noticed that the DOJ put something out today
about what they want to do with Google and YouTube, which is essentially dismantle the whole thing,
which I think will create an interesting reaction from a very powerful company. I can't imagine them doing that.
But my question to you is, you mentioned Musk.
What do you think about what Musk said about the people on one side of the aisle
really needing to win so that the Epstein list is not released?
Do you agree with that?
I actually first broke the whole Jeffrey epstein thing about 18 years ago
um from my sources in hollywood and in new york and i've said the name jeffrey epstein um
even before some of the first uh you know cases came up where he just literally was on house
arrest basically would just check himself in a few hours a day. They're in Florida to the jail.
And I was told that basically
they were using classic honeypots,
but it's not enough to have a guy cheating on his wife
like 60 years ago.
Or then the new thing was, oh, the person's gay.
And so in a lot of these elite circles,
like Bohemian Grove and things,
powerful people go there literally to be inducted
into kind of the rite of passage
so that they are in the club.
Even Nixon talked about it.
He didn't do it, but he said,
people basically go there
and the tapes are out there of Nixon
to be in that club.
Then they think they can trust you.
Well, it's not enough to be closeted gay now.
That's not enough dirt on you.
They want you to have sex with underage,
teenage girls and boys.
And they've been very, very good
at just keeping it to a few 16 and 17-year-olds.
But what we know about Epstein and now P. Diddy
and all of this,
and of course, P. Diddy's connected
to a lot of Epstein people.
And then Robert Maxwell, Gisling Maxwell,
she's convicted of this child trafficking, of course,
and sex slavery and the rest of it.
Her father was an MI6 slash Mossad operative,
that's admitted. He's buried with full national honors in the Mount of Olives outside Jerusalem.
And he was running that famously, reportedly in the UK, and how they've got to control the UK
government with pedophilia. And so Epstein is the most well-known person running one of these
honeypot operations.
But there's a lot of other organizations and groups that are doing it.
In fact, my uncle on his deathbed 10 years ago told me in East Texas, the hospital, he's
down in pneumonia and they got a really bad virus.
He's a healthy guy, but it just looked like Popeye.
He was in great shape, but it just killed him.
And right before they put him on the ventilator, he'd already told me some of the stuff.
He told my mom a lot more because she was there longer.
But just that when he was doing all this stuff for Army special operations
and the CIA in Central America and South America,
building airfields and running communications,
he was in charge of that, that they were shipping orphans out on the planes
from Guatemala, little kids.
And he didn't know what they were doing, but they wouldn't get specific.
And he thought it was child trafficking.
And so he quit and got out of it then.
And that's when he, you know, and that was in the late 80s.
And he did say that Reagan wasn't even aware of it
because he was involved in communications
and knew who was running it out of the White House.
It was George Herbert Walker Bush, he told me.
But, you know, that was that point for him.
So this has been going on for a long time.
Remember like 15 years ago,
Russia banned orphans coming to the US
and Putin said some are in sex slavery.
And so that sounds,
those of us that aren't into that, unbelievable.
But we see the sexualization of children.
The whole transgender thing is about
sexualization of children
and secret agreements in public schools where they don't tell the parents that they're convinced the kid to begin transitioning or believe they're transitioning.
And they put secret files together and they have NGOs that come in.
So this whole attack on our children and their innocence that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is talking about is really massive and central. And so when, when, when, uh, Musk talks about that, you know, he told, as you know, Tucker,
he said, no, I know most of the people in the deep state.
And I'm telling you, cause we already know some of their names from the flights, like
Bill Gates, the 30 something times that, that this is the deep state.
And then you get into who, you know, basically it was one of the biggest attendees there,
uh, there at little St. John's Island. deep stated. And then you get into who, you know, basically was one of the biggest attendees there,
there at Little St. John's Island. And of course, the Zorro Ranch and other groups is the widow of Steve Jobs and best friends, you know, with Ghislaine Maxwell. So when you look at this
power structure, it's just insane. And Bill Gates, we know, is into giving money to the top
scientists and others to control scientific thought.
And he spends billions every few years on media.
So when you see a big piece on him in the newspaper or online in the London Guardian or ABC News, a lot of times at the end they'll say, underwritten by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Now, she's now left him and gotten out of the foundation, she said, mainly because of the Jeffrey Epstein thing.
So we're waiting for the next big shoe to drop but clearly uh they're using blackmail on scientists
um of the sexual nature and that's why i believe the evidence shows that that's why gates is so
connected to that and and again it's not like they even trick most of these people. Just like in the mafia, you've got to kill a few people in the Italian mafia
to make your bones in La Cosa Nostra or the family.
And then the Mexican mafia and other mafias are hell's angels.
You've got to commit some murders before you're really a made member
because they can control you.
They know that you'll do what you're told,
and they can destroy you anytime they want.
Well, the rite of passage or the induction ceremony into this globalist cabal is generally pedophilia.
I want to push back on the Bohemian Grove thing for a second, if you don't mind, because I've been practicing medicine here in Southern California for like 40, coming down to 40 years. Is it 40 years? Jesus. And maybe 20 years ago, I had a lot of
80 and 90 year old patients who were former sort of part of the Reagan inner circle when he was
governor of California. And they all used to go to Bohemian Grove. It was a very right-leaning
thing where they would go and hear lectures and stuff and just sort of hang out and smoke cigars.
I don't know if it's been captured. I don't have any recent information about it, but I just want
you to file that in your thinking that I actually had direct contact with a number of these guys.
And they were not, as you described them, now. So it may be something different now. I don't know.
But I want to circle.
That's fascinating.
So I can come back to it if you want to say something else now.
But I would love to agree with you right now.
I want to be clear.
I'm the first person to ever successfully sneak into Bohemian Grove and get the Formation of Care ritual on tape.
I saw Danny Glover when I was in there.
I saw one of my, probably my favorite actor, one of my favorite actors, Lenny Swood, when I was in there. I saw one of my, probably my favorite actor, one of my favorite actors,
Clint Eastwood when I was in there.
There's a thousand members, a thousand guests.
95% of it is just getting,
having fun, listening to music and drinking
in this beautiful old Redwood Grove
there in Sedona County on the Russian River.
Richard Nixon, just typing in,
Richard Nixon on Bohemian Grove.
His famous tapes are on that.
And he said it's the most GD, you know,
faggy thing you've ever seen.
And then Helmut Schmidt wrote a book about it,
talked about it.
And so what I'm saying is there is a group within that,
and you can look up Bohemian Grove homosexuality,
and it's been news articles written about,
if you want to get in the club of the club there,
a bunch of that is going on.
And of course, Mark Twain founded it.
It wasn't like that in the 1870s.
And then William Howard Taft,
who was a Skull and Bones member and a president,
the railroad got there.
The Republicans took it over.
It was more of a Skull and Bones spinoff for adults,
kind of ultramasonic.
But I was specifically talking about, used to it, you're cheating on your wife, we got dirt.
And then it's okay, you did, you know, kind of a gay ritual like they do at Skull and Bones.
That's come out.
And they do it in like a vat of porcelain.
I mean, you know, that's even in The Good Shepherd that was directed and produced by Robert De Niro with Matt Damon.
And they've said that's very accurate.
Of course, Anthony Sutton was the head Senate archivist.
He got the documents from Charlotte Iserby,
whose dad was a member of it.
So that's why we know all that.
But absolutely, most people going to Bohemian Grove
are not in homosexual cults.
Sorry, go ahead.
And I want to circle back.
And you said you used a phrase about what you
were exposed to growing up, how the world works. And then you also talked about your love of
history. Given those two experiences, you know, the acts you did, you, you educated yourself about
world events and the cycles of history. And you, you said something like this,
this always happens
or whatever well i don't know what you meant quite by that uh and how the world works help me
understand what your theory is about our present moment within the grand historical sweep is the
is this you know things history does maybe it doesn't exactly repeat itself but it sort of
echoes you know there and to me it feels like this kind of thing
that's happening now happens every 80 or so years.
It's different always.
I noticed something yesterday when I was thinking about it
is that this kind of thing never happened
before the printing press.
And so technology clearly plays a role
in how these things are executed
and sort of brought to bear on a mass scale. And now we've
never had such an efficient mass technology. How do you understand what's happening in the
present moment? Well, that's a great question. There's different ways to look at this, but
there's, of course, the book that I read years ago, The Fourth Turning, that predicted what
we're seeing now. And it's not just a regular 87-year cycle that we know is there
that's been accelerated
by the Gutenberg press 500 years ago.
It is a mega cycle,
kind of a precursor,
if you believe we'll ever actually hit it,
for the singularity,
whether we ever reach the actual singularity
that Ray Kurzweil talks about in 2047,
as he predicts,
which a lot of the top technocrats
and futurists believe is the case,
this post-human world, the future is non-human, you all know Harari, all of that.
They believe we're about to transcend, but that most of us won't basically transcend in that.
So they know a major change is coming and the establishment wants to stay in power.
And power groups, whether it's in ancient China or,
you know, Europe or Mesoamerica, anywhere, always you see a civilization rise and then it gets
powerful and then it becomes decadent and then it declines and collapses. And that can happen
in different ways. Of course, there's the saying that hard times make strong men, strong men make
good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times.
And so if you read a lot of what the top thinkers think in the establishment, they talk about the end of history. And they want to have kind of a breakaway civilization of technocracy
and elites that keep most of that secret from the public on their government and corporate
reservations, kind of city-states within city-states. And then the nation-state dissolves away
into a kind of a global order
that's controlled by three major power blocks
and then separate sub-blocks in that.
And they kind of want the public
distracted with video games.
But does history tell you that's a likely scenario?
And does your understanding of the way the world works
indicate to you that that's how it's going?
It could also be going that way and not work out.
You know what I mean?
History could tell you, no, no, no, this won't happen.
Well, how do you, does history inform those perceptions you have?
Well, I totally agree with you.
The way you said it, I've never heard that.
History repeats somewhat.
It's been said history rhymes, but I agree history echoes.
Rhymes, echoes, yeah.
And so let's be clear i'm stating what the general thought in in the different thought thinkers from different
angles is and of course you're informed you already know that probably more than i do
but i totally agree with what you were just kind of hinting at and the globalists now uh their main
mouthpieces the atlantic um the financial times of London. I mean, those are really kind of the establishment mouthpieces,
The Club of Rome, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission.
They admit they're losing control and their plan that they thought
for this technocracy and this things to come,
that kind of H.G. Wells is one of the progenitors of this
neo-eugenics, neo-liberal movement.
He didn't just write science fiction.
He wrote a lot of nonfiction like The New World Order
and things to come.
They made an early movie out of it for the day.
It was incredibly professional.
And so now their plan is actually not working.
They also said corporate world government
would be administered to end war
and to redistribute
wealth, not through communism, but through kind of a crony capitalist system. But of course,
we've seen a bigger vertical integration of wealth than we've ever seen in history. And
these greedy groups basically pay no taxes. And so they have all this altruistic talk,
but they even admit it's falling apart because they all just ran off with the money. And now
they think things are falling apart so bad that it's even mainstream news.
I broke this decades ago,
but these top billionaires are all building huge bunkers
in the middle of nowhere.
Zuckerberg's got his in Kauai.
And they are all just waiting to run to the hills
and all have these huge escape yachts
that aren't just for entertaining.
And I mean, I knew from sources,
I'm talking about this almost 18 years ago,
I was with a big producer in Hollywood
and he went around and showed me
the studios of James Cameron
making a movie with him.
They said, oh, Cameron probably won't make many more movies,
which he really hasn't
because he thinks the end of the world's coming.
He's gone to New Zealand
and he was going to roll out
all the hologram movie theaters and all this,
but he just doesn't think it's going to matter.
And then they told me later, I saw pieces of the news that, oh yeah, Cameron has this fleet of
ships, he says, looking for sunken ships, but really that's the tax write-off. So when everything
collapses, he can escape to the ocean. Well, then now you see the headlines, elites have the-
Right. I hear what you're saying. And so that's my question. I'm asking you actually
to kind of predict the future,
what you're feeling about the future is.
Because I'm not really,
I'm hearing you say
that they think it's going to be a catastrophe
or they think they're going to be able
to centralize and end war
and distribute wealth,
that kind of thing.
So my question to you is,
is one of those history,
is one of those outcomes
likely in your opinion,
or are they just going to fail?
It's just going to fail, and people are going to get back
to taking care of their own families and their own communities
and become hyper-localized, which is really the bromide for all this.
What's your prediction?
Well, I don't think that the establishment,
which act like they're all unified,
and they'll agree on certain policies and power grabs,
but they're actually fighting with each other,
that they call themselves the Anglo-American establishment.
And that's, notice when Putin talks about the West, he calls it that.
And that's an old term, but that's what they call themselves.
Kind of the British Empire merged with America in the West,
and then kind of the EU is in the middle.
And then China is the other big power block,
and then Russia, junior to that.
And you've got the Arab states and all the things that are happening.
But absolutely, that really is the question.
I believe we control our destiny.
I'm seeing major signs everywhere of not just the globalist plan for world government failing.
And then there being giant wars due to the issues that are there
and not just problems they've caused.
We've got plenty of problems the globalists didn't cause
and the technocrats didn't cause versus people like Elon Musk
coming in admitting at the World Government Summit last year,
put on with the WEF, he said, we want firewalls.
We want bulkheads and ships.
We don't want a one world government with centralized stuff.
That always creates a nightmare.
We want decentralization
and then good ideas globally,
but also locally that people then adopt.
Is that going to win?
Is that going to happen?
What's your prediction?
I want you to put a bet down.
I want to bet.
I would give us about a 60% chance
that we're able to stabilize the planet and be honest and release all these advanced technologies and things that the globalists see as disruptive and really not try to dumb people down and not try to have a destabilized population.
I believe we can turn the ship around so there's going to be some major crises, some serious wars.
But I'd say about a 60% chance we don't kill each other in a bioweapon war or a nuclear war.
And there's not going to be some utopia that I'm predicting like, you know, the left or the
globalists do. That's all a lie, but definitely a better course and way more positive, amazing
times. If people just get informed about issues and demand their rights and also work hard and
get excited about innovation and excited about the future. I see a golden age, quite frankly.
Well, you know, it's funny. I've heard that from various sources. And theoretically,
your fourth turning, the book you described, that's kind of what they suggest is that the
generation that comes into the fourth turning is a heroic generation and will cause, or I don't see the road out myself,
but I do know that the enemy is over centralization
and that taking care of your own family,
your own neighborhood, your own community
has always been the answer.
That's how humans have evolved.
And notice everything the WEF does,
it's just a mouthpiece of the biggest Fortune 100,
is you can't have your own organic farm.
It's bad.
Eating meat's bad.
Having a car is bad.
Going anywhere is bad.
You're bad.
Let us take your life under our control.
Your life force, your instinct's bad.
Don't have children.
They just want us to give up and turn history over to them and just let them be captains of the ship to the point where they don't even realize that we're on a ship or there are captains.
They just want us out of the way.
Definitely that power structure is imploding and failing.
So yes, we've got a lot of work to do
and we're going to need the heroic generation
led by people like Elon Musk and others
if we are not going to destroy ourselves.
So I just, I have four children.
I don't want to believe we're going to destroy ourselves.
It's always darkest before the dawn.
And so I'm an eternal optimist.
And again, when Trump got elected,
because most people aren't public figures, that's great.
I'm not, but most people aren't Dr. Drew or Alex Jones
or somebody like that that's well-known.
I would get 95% love over the years,
but wasn't super famous.
People knew who I was,
but I would shake hands at the grocery store
when I'd walk the dog, when I'd go to church, you know, anywhere. I ran into a lot of people that liked the show or
see my work. When Trump got in, it went from, you know, 99% love, because people don't like
hearing him say anything usually, to, you know, 90% love, 10% being yelled at on the street,
yelled at in restaurants, yelled at in grocery stores, yelled at at the mall,
yelled at at the doctor's office. And then when they started indicting Trump and people saw how bad Biden was, I get yelled at every six months now in public or something. And even people that shake
their heads at me and go, you know, actually, you're right. You know, I was wrong about you.
And it's not about me. It's just that I'm seen as a bellwether that the system said is the most
evil person since Satan and, you know, since Adolf Hitler. and the system's so discredited that their attack on me is the endorsement I could never do.
And so that to me is emblematic of how big the-
Yeah, you just made me think.
I'm so committed to free speech.
If you were Satan, I would still talk to you.
I'm still, if that's the case, I'd be more interested.
I'd be more, right?
I would love to interview Satan.
I'll talk to Satan, sure.
Right, me too.
But two things.
And then Caleb, you're going to come in here
because my technical director is a big, big Alex Jones fan.
He had a couple of questions.
I want to give him a chance.
But two comments of what you just said before we do.
It was either Peter Thiel or Mark D'Andresen said,
be careful with the darkest before the dawn
because another way to look at it
is it's darkest before it's pitch black.
So be careful.
It can get a lot worse before it gets better.
Oh, no, I agree.
I don't think we've hit bottom yet.
I don't think we've hit bottom yet.
I agree. Go ahead.
Okay, fair enough.
Fair enough.
I'll quote you on that.
And as far as captains,
these centralizing captains,
how much of a student of history
do you have to be to understand
how bad that turns out?
Every time, every time,
you name it, it ends badly.
You name it, any historical sweep,
and when there's a centralization
of anything, it ends badly.
So I just want to point that out again. But Caleb, you have some questions for Alex, I assume. Yeah, it ends badly. So I just want to point that out again.
But Caleb, you have some questions for Alex, I assume.
Hi, Alex.
I grew up in Austin, Texas, actually.
So I remember listening to you on my dad's radio
decades and decades ago.
And you probably remember this as well.
Back then, all of us were just like the crazy anti-vaxxer,
homeschooler, farm prepper people,
like the real outcasts of society.
But now you fast forward to today. That was Caleb. He's describing himself.
That was back then. But I mean, a lot of us, you show up at these events and it's kind of
the same type of people. But that was 20, 30 years ago, the outcast. But now you fast forward to
today and all of a sudden, Alex Jones, that's a household name. Everybody knows who Alex Jones is.
And now you have Dr. Drew talking about this rational revolution stuff. So it's not my mother's fringe group anymore.
But then with that, what's happening now is-
But Caleb, hold on. You bring up something interesting, which I'll let you finish your
question, but I hope Alex can also point out, which is I worry about people becoming paranoid
or conspiratorial and detaching from reality. I really worry about that. I I worry about people becoming paranoid or conspiratorial and detaching from reality.
I really worry about that.
I also worry about the delusionality and aggression on the left.
Because I'm so moderate, I sit in the middle and see the excesses on both sides.
But finish your, we'll let him contextualize your question with that.
Go ahead, finish.
So, well, actually what I'm talking about is something that goes even further than that.
It's a step beyond into deeper into this anxiety spiral, where it's the movement that's inside of our movement that's now saying,
wait a second, something is so suspicious. Why are the powers that be that have all the power
in the world allowing people like Alex Jones or Dr. Drew to speak freely about globalism and the
NSA and big pharma unless they're controlled opposition.
That's the new term.
So how do you respond to like the allies
that should be your allies
who suddenly think that you're the enemy
just because people are finally listening to you
after all these years?
It's a great question
because that is all about the paranoia I was talking about.
So let's let Alex answer that.
And by the way, I told you guys I had to go in 45 minutes
because I have to sign a document because my bankruptcy is ending in the next few days. But I've got time. I can
do another 20 minutes or whatever you want. Or if you want to kick me out of here in five, I can
stay. But this is a really important question. I'm glad you asked it the best I've heard.
And I could literally talk for 10 hours about this, but let me try to boil this down for people.
I know 100% that I'm a real person, organic, self-trained.
I really care about people.
I care about my children.
If you care about your children,
you care about the world they're gonna grow up in.
You don't have the sociopathic idea that you get ahead by hurting people.
It's the opposite.
So that said, let me answer the question this way.
Elon Musk's brother got really sick from the COVID shot.
Elon Musk's son, he sent him to an elite school,
as his girlfriend said, and then they basically took him away from him. And in his views, he's
dead. I mean, they're chemically castrating him. So they messed with him, even though he was one
of the richest people in the world. Elon Musk, you judge a tree by its fruits, as Christ said,
is devastating the current power structure. And you can say he sees them going down and he wants to position himself in the future.
Okay, fine.
The point is, is that all the top talk show hosts,
you know, whether it's Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan
or Dr. Drew or, you know, you name it.
I mean, I can name hundreds of really big people.
All the top shows are anti-globalist,
pro-human decentralization because we're sane and don't
want to destroy the world and don't want to centralize tyranny and don't want a universal
credit score and don't want our medical freedom taken away.
And so there's a strong life force to be free and be successful.
So that's the pull.
But you're right.
People get red-pilled and then they go out there and there's a lot of stuff,
just because there's extreme lying by Kamala Harris,
denying she's against fracking or wants to take your guns
or just next level lying.
Then there's other extreme stuff
where people think the world's flat
and that birds aren't real and all of that crazy crap,
because they just don't even know what to do.
They weren't informed enough in their life
or enough experience to be able to gauge what's happening. So they have their own psychosis in my
view. But at the end of the day, that can get unhealthy, but it's less unhealthy than believing
everything you're told. And I think that's a process. So you have red pill, you have black
pill that thinks everything's doomed. And then you've got people that are awake and trying to
learn that a red pill, you've got black pill that think everything's doomed. And then you've got people that are awake and trying to learn that a red pill,
you've got black pill that think everything's screwed,
everybody's bad but them.
And then you've got the white pill
that think everything's fine
either with the establishment
or you think it's all gonna turn out okay.
I'm not red pill, black pill, or white pill.
I invented a term called just recently green pill.
And by that, I know we go through processes,
birth, growth, development, pe processes, birth, growth, development,
peaking, declining, dying in civilizations, in people, in life, in the universe,
in stars, in galaxies, in everything.
And so it's more about knowing the processes.
It's not like I know how the world works.
I can see the processes in history and laws and tendencies
and how the ripples in the pond from the pebble
and the Hegelian dialect and how these systems work and how the establishment thinks trying to
get full control. They're not omnipresent. All the propaganda and censorship would not be necessary.
It's been said a million times. We didn't have power. So people need to have faith in humanity.
We go through these cycles. There's not just evil, not just corruption,
not just ignorance, not just selfishness.
And most of it's not organized evil.
It's lazy people just doing whatever's easy
and going with the flow and stagnation.
And so people have to make some feel more superior
to claim I'm loyal opposition to God knows what, fine.
But I have the establishment literally trying to destroy me,
the Justice Department in the news, calling for me to be shut down.
And so I am a maverick, and I am a person that believes in humanity.
And so it doesn't mean I'm perfect.
I've made plenty of mistakes.
But the difference is I know that I know nothing.
These people that think they know everything know absolutely nothing.
Right, right.
And, I mean, that's the biggest sign for me
is like you literally, you just said a minute ago,
you have to leave our show soon to go sign some bankruptcy
documents. Like if you were a CIA
asset, that would have gone away a long
time ago. And I know Drew isn't controlled
opposition because I'd be getting those sweet
little CIA commission checks.
I'd have a lot more stuff.
I'd get commissions on that. So I know
internally, I don't know how to prove it,
but I know absolutely certain
that he's not a CIA asset.
One of the things about delusions
is they can't be reasoned with.
So I'd be careful.
And that's why it drives me crazy
is because it seems like
it's such a defeatist attitude.
Because for me,
as someone who grew up
as an outcast
because of my family was like this,
I understand the suspicions
because for so long we were exclusively
outsiders. And it reminds
me of there was a guy, I don't know if you're familiar with, Hal Turner
from back in 2008 where he was an FBI
informant. This has happened before
with people who are radio hosts that
they get turned by the CIA or the
FBI and they infiltrate the movements.
I'm sure it's happening right now with
some people in the movement. And it's very easy
to spot those people like
that Michigan militia that the FBI created
to try to get to kidnap
Whitmer. I mean, Hal Turner
openly was stirring stuff up
and then trying to get crazies to organize
things so the FBI would have a
setup. Even like the New York Times back when it was half decent
20 years ago ran the headline
the majority of terror plots are hatched and run by the FBI. I think that's the exact
headline. I think they said like 97% of them. So this, it's like the latest guy that was trying
to kill Trump for Iran, thought he was working for Iran. He was approached by the FBI. When
somebody's on the air 35 years like Dr. Drew and goes against the system, even though he has a top
show and gets
censored or fired for it you know that's the real person uh they're trying to put elon musk in jail
all these governments are coming after him they've tried to kill trump twice uh i mean i mean this is
real and and so it doesn't mean trump's perfect or i'm perfect but trump's a hospitality guy golf
courses hotels he wants prosperity i mean he went to Kim Jong-un and said,
or Kim Jong-il's son and said,
showed him a video of computer graphics
of hotels and golf courses.
And Kim Jong-un reportedly cried,
but China basically controls North Korea,
so he couldn't do it.
He said, why have slaves?
Why don't you have golf courses?
Why don't you be a rock star?
And that's what Trump wants is like Santa Claus to have fun
and believe in humanity. And so you can judge him by what he does. You can judge me. I'm the same
type of guy. I just want open, free, great society, masculinity, femininity. If you want to
be whatever, something, you want to say you're a dog, that's fine. Just don't try to teach my kid
at school to crap in a cat box. We don't want to be part of the mental illness,
but you can go be mentally ill if you want.
I come from access television.
I'm real. That's my question. That's what that
leads to. As someone who's been
in this, and you've seen a lot of actual
controlled opposition go in and out of
this whole movement, what are some
signs of actual controlled
opposition agents that are infiltrating?
I can pick two or three out right now that are pretty clear.
Caleb, I'm going to kick you off.
I've got to finish with Alex after that.
So I'll let him answer your question.
Because I know it's bothering you.
But I'd be happy to have your producer on.
We should have this discussion on my show and be two hours commercial free or simulcast.
This is great.
There you go.
I like that idea. Yeah. Caleb, simulcast. This is great. There you go. I like that idea.
Caleb, simulcast.
There you go.
We'll figure that out.
I would absolutely do it.
I mean, one thing I've never done is infight.
I've never tried to be territorial or like the gatekeeper, like the left.
Like I'm a fact checker and I say what's real and what's not.
Most of these government plants and people reveal
themselves or they're not government plants, but they get in trouble. Then they flip to the other
side. Look, I've had the justice department in the mediations, which I couldn't talk about until
they said it openly outside of mediation. Then my lawyer said, no, go ahead and talk about it.
They have federal prosecutors and people running these fake lawsuits against me.
And they literally say they're in federal court
in places with a judge
in federal mediation
and state mediation.
Look, just, we'll drop all this.
We just have a,
we want you to come out
against the second amendment.
And I say, okay,
let me guess, there's more.
And they go, well, actually there is.
Are you open?
And I said, no, of course there's more.
I wouldn't come out
against the second amendment
to be left alone.
But I said,
plus I know once I feed the pirate, once I feed the crocodile, it's always going to come back for more like a social credit score. They're always going to raise the bar. And so I said, no, I know
how this works. So, so that's, that's, that's, so I've literally had them say, we will drop all this
before they had their show trials. And and after if you bend the knee and then
they just can't believe so i mean you talk about the deep state i am saying these democrat party
law firms run by senator blumenthal the same ones that sue trump and giuliani and all of them
the top they spent 70 million dollars that's in court filings the last seven years suing me
and attacking me and lying about me trying trying to get, I've spent 15 million
fighting them, okay? And literally, I break bombshells that are confirmed. I've said this
on air. Notice they don't say it's not true. They don't respond back. They literally politically did
all this. On the courthouse steps, they say, we want him off the air. They refuse a $70 million
settlement with me. Over 10 years, I have to bust my ass to pay on that more than I ever made
personally before. They lie and say I have $4 million in the bank. All of it was BS. And they
said, it's not about money, no settlement. So they can now, with a non-dischargeable judgment
of a billion and a half dollars, chase me around and harass me for the rest of my life. Well, good.
I love it. If that's the cost of telling the truth, I don't care. It's fun to be the rebel.
It's fun to be the maverick. And I just love it. I love it. I love the fact that they hate me so much. Both my grandfathers
were in World War II. One was a fighter pilot. The other was a B-17 pilot, flying across whole
nine yards. And they didn't have really good radar then. They had it on the ground, but not
the planes. And they didn't have good topography maps, but they knew to go to the factories and
military bases because the Germans put up their flak guns and they saw the flak, the explosions of shrapnel, and they flew into it. But just like
my grandfather, Jerry Jones, flew into the flak over Italy and Germany, I'm flying into the flak
and I love it. And their attacks are my radar. I go to where I'm being punched in the face and
attack the hardest. That is my heat-seeking missile, and I love it. I love it.
I love it.
Alex, I appreciate you being here.
You mentioned GWF Hagel a few minutes ago,
and I will just finish with a interpretation.
He spoke in a lot of,
his language was sort of impenetrable,
but one of the things he said about history
is history is,
he said this, the owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the setting of dusk.
The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the setting of dusk, which means that the wisdom
of history reveals itself only once it's passed. So we will see where this all goes, you and I,
and we will have more conversations, I hope.
And I appreciate you being here
and good luck with your paperwork today.
It sounds unpleasant,
but I get that you're over the target.
So appreciate you being here.
Appreciate you.
And people can find the Forbidden Show
at RealAlexJones on X.
Please follow me there
at until the 13th,
where it goes up on the chopping block.
And the Patriots are trying to buy it, but Soros, through Media Matters, is probably going to buy it, shut it down as some celebration.
And they're going to try to, you know, like a Roman standard they've captured, mount it on the wall.
It's only going to make us bigger because we know we're winning.
We only lose if they convince us that we've lost.
We're winning.
Humanity's turning the tide.
Dr. Drew and crew, look forward to talking to you soon.
Thanks, Alex.
See you soon.
And then Caleb, we will do a simulcast with your questions as leading.
I think we should start the Caleb and Alex Jones show here on the Dr. Drew Network. I did not know that that stuff bothered you so much, but I see how much it bothers you.
So we have to do that for you.
I think you know some of my family history, but it's like I grew up in all of this.
I see that's for the you, that's over the target.
That really bothers you.
I grew up in all of it.
Then I moved to California.
So I had like 18 years living in deep in this,
then about 12 years living deep, deep
in lefty liberal California.
And then I've swung right back to the middle,
but I still have like this history of understanding the thought process of what made, like I,
everything started with Waco for a lot of people. If anyone is curious about where this movement
started, it started with Waco, with my parents and my grandparents and anyone who's listening,
your parents and grandparents. It was what the government did at Waco.
And look at it for a lot of people was it for a lot of people was the weapons of mass destruction. It was 9-11.
There's a lot of things that have happened that got people
kind of concerned.
But that SamboCast
idea with you asking questions sounds fascinating
to me. And I do want
to get in. He has talked about his
mental health stuff over the years, and I wanted to get in
deeper about that if he's open for it.
So maybe in our SamboCast, maybe
we'll do that. But that was interesting.
I appreciate you all.
I'm watching you guys
over the Rumble Rants.
You're very supportive
and very interested in all this.
There's like 20,000 people
on Twitter.
Hi, Twitter.
I would ask you to stick around
because my next guest
is going to be equally
as interesting.
It is A.J. Rice.
He has a book,
The White Privilege Album
and The Woking Dead. He talks a lot about
wokeism and simple things like the decline of Western civilization. So we will talk about all
that after this quick break. Be right back. I'm excited to bring you a new product, a new
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Dr. Drew said the best way to quit drinking is by going cold turkey, and he's a doctor.
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slash Juvent. Again, slash J-U-V-E-N-T. And be sure to use that code, Drew, for $500 off your Juvent today. So as I said,
we're going to switch gears and speak with A.J. Rice, President and CEO of Publius PR,
Editor-in-Chief of the Publius National Post. The books are The Woking Dead and The White
Privilege Album. You can get them now. He's a publicist that has represented notable figures, many of them political figures.
You can follow him on X at Publius PR, P-U-B-L-I-U-S, P-R.
And the book looks like The Woking Dead has a website, but it's a little complicated.
Maybe we can put up a QR code for all this for him. Please welcome A.J. Rice. A.J., welcome.
Dr. Drew, great to be here, brother. I got to say, as a geriatric millennial, I just want to thank you, and I've thanked Adam in the past, for allowing me to bat in the late 90s 400 with the ladies.
I mean, really, it's a treat to be on here with you. And I had to say that I've been waiting to talk to you for a long time.
So I thank you, sir.
I was a regular Ted Williams there in the late 90s.
Yeah, 400 is a pretty good batting average,
but you know what? At that same interval though,
what's interesting about that period of history was
I was a Anthony Fauci acolyte at the time
and I was very involved in treating AIDS patients
and we were using fear.
Do you remember this thing? Hey, AJ, if you have sex with one person, you're having sex with
everybody that person ever had sex with, which was, of course, bullshit. It was bullshit,
but we congratulated ourselves for keeping that epidemic sort of under control, even though we
later learned that the fear did not change young people's behavior at all. You were out there at the plate batting 400.
The hell?
I mean, lucky to see you here, AJ.
Well, but what about the propaganda back then where we get this made-for-TV movie, right,
where the blonde cheerleader and the captain of the football team,
they had sex once and somehow AIDS showed up.
It just fell out of the ceiling.
I mean, look, and that was just,
that was the precursor for now.
I mean, now there's all kinds of diseases
escaping Dr. Fauci's underwear drawer.
You can't even count them all.
No, you're right.
And every time they, if they start worrying,
look, we have a little outbreak
in the deep in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
And all of a sudden, people in Wisconsin are worried about it.
The only reason they would worry about it is if they're screwing around with the virus, if they're increasing the gain of function.
Then we should all be ready.
We should have some antivirals available., but otherwise we shouldn't even know about it.
You shouldn't even be thinking about it.
That's not for the public to be even thinking about.
I absolutely agree. And it's just, it shows you though,
like you were just talking with, with Alex,
the more voices that are out there and I work with a lot of them. In fact,
I'm the publicist for Jones's books when he puts them out and I've
helped his publisher. So I can see, and I saw you guys were talking about this, the way there are
powers that be out there. And if there's anyone at the center of the MAGA cinematic universe,
it's me because I represent Vivek and Donald Trump and Donald Trump's publishing house and,
and RFK Jr. Super PAC. And I can see them coming through the door. And when it comes in
particular, Doc, to January 6th related stuff and election integrity stuff and anything COVID
related, there are powers out there trying to get us inside the tent to shoot at each other.
Because rather than saying this person's a plant and that person's a plant,
it's more where they float disinformation,
and we've seen them do it with Hunter Biden
and many other things,
to try to get us to turn on each other
and become the Donner Party and eat each other.
Because if we stay together, they can't stop us.
Do you know other publicists, or are there other people in your profession that are on that side of floating disinformation to get the Donner party to eat itself?
I will tell you this.
When the OG came down the golden escalator, and look, I'm broadcasting from Swamp Central here.
I'm in D.C.
I'm deep in the sewers here with the Ninja Turtles. I will tell you, they they they all flipped.
There were there were a whole number of right of center, you know, PR firms that liked it when the Republican Party would learn how to lose honorably, you know, accept the outcome, go home, have a little,
you know, tapioca pudding, a little green tea, and just better luck next time. But obviously,
with Donald Trump, these people threw in, they threw in with the never Trump world,
even before Liz Cheney threw in before January 6. They all because in this town, and I've never
been one of them. and I was trained by
Andrew Breitbart and Laura Ingram, I'm Ingram's former executive producer, and Monica Crowley's
and other people's, to not interact too much with this crew. And they don't. And I will tell you,
they're representing, you know, Comey has a book. Every time one of these anti-Trump whistleblowers from inside the Trump White House and now afterwards have come out, most of these people, these PR firms have thrown in with them.
They have thrown in. So it kind of cleared the deck for me. And I'm you know, I'm happy to I'm happy to do it. I'm happy to do it. Right. But it's an it's an amazing thing to watch because what goes
on in this town is just sort of this this sort of daisy chain of moving resumes around. Right.
And that's why, you know, when Trump did that phone call with Zelensky,
most of those people on that call that we all saw paraded up there for the impeachment,
they were all there through
multiple different types of administrations. The town is full of that. And I hope if Trump
were to win, you know, the fish rots from the head, yes, but you need like a Moab to drop and
get 10 layers deep in most of these departments. You can't just decapitate the top of this and the
top of that or not fill this position because these are lifetime bureaucrats.
They're sitting there, these dorks, Drew, you know, in their Venetian blinds, little cubicles, trying to waiting for their pensions.
And they are not the enemy. They are not friends with the American people.
They are not. So, look, I'm a I'm my own whistleblower.
And that's why I get some of I mean, a lot of the guests that have been on your show.
I told you before, Naomi Wolf and others, Tulsi Gabbard. I've done I represent all of them.
That's why they come to Publius PR, because we fight for alternative media sources like this show.
Talk about the book, The White Privilege Album. Well, look, I mean, in my day job, I try
to be the funniest publicist in America. Look, The Woking Dead and The White Privilege Album are
shots at wokeism. And, you know, wokeism, I tried to put together a unified theory of
wokeness. It's tough. It's a target rich environment. You know, it's kind of like the Crayola 64 box, but there are some primary colors, the trans mafia, right? The people sending
Tim and Jim into the women's locker room. Obviously, you know, cancel culture and the
social justice warriors that pitch revisionist history in the 1619 project. But with the white
privilege album, I want to focus on one of the primary colors with
an apology to the beatles i don't want to i'm not apologizing to yoko i'll apologize to the beatles
but look one of the main things that obviously is afoot and it's going on now because trump's
coalition is becoming more multi-ethnic and you can see the media trying to explain this
through insane ways which i document in the book that we are basically see the media trying to explain this through insane ways, which I document
in the book, that we are basically trying, they're trying to put us at each other's throats through
racial divides, through racial divides. When you hear these terms like toxic masculinity
and the patriarchy and, you know, white privilege or check your privilege, what you're actually
hearing is the left,
and a lot of it comes from the humanities departments, you're hearing them, you know,
use code for three things mainly. At the macro level, Doc, it is Western civilization,
Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian civilization, and they don't like it. They want it to go away.
They've never liked it.
And it's not just about taking down Civil War generals or renaming every school, you know,
Michelle Obama Elementary. It's about everything. So when the Queen of England dies, they throw
shade at her. You know, she was the queen of white supremacy. They're not just after Robert E. Lee,
they're after Grant, too. They're after General Washington. They're after Lincoln. And what you saw, especially in the aftermath of the George Floyd situation, is this got turbocharged.
But here's the thing. The next thing that they're after that complements this is the middle class, because wokeism, I explain wokeism as cultural Marxism. So you get
out your, you know, you get out your Blendtec, your smoothie device, and you put in there
political correctness with a little bit of, you know, cancel culture, and obviously a little bit
of identity politics, you blend it up, and you pretty much have wokeness. But cultural Marxism isn't new.
And one of the things that the cultural Marxist drew, realized a long time ago,
was that they weren't going to get an economic Marxist revolution here because we have a vibrant
middle class. So the middle class has to go. And the middle class is called, you know, white or
it has white privilege. So look, they have to flood the zone. They
have to flood the zone with, with unchecked immigration, with the green new deal, with,
you know, inflation on energy and everything else to break us, to break the middle class so that
we're all serfs. So we're all just sort of this peasant class waiting for Kamala Harris to feed us in the, you know, in the Tim, you know,
tampon Tim bread lines, right? And the third thing that they absolutely hate is the nuclear family.
It's got to go. Black Lives Matter, CODIS had had to go on their website right next to their
love letter to Hamas. And they don't like it. They don't like it for a lot of reasons, Drew.
They don't like breeders in general. You know, each breeder is a carbon footprint that, you know, doesn't offset, you know, DiCaprio and John Kerry's plane. the DNC, if there's one thing cultural Marxists bring is anti-joy, they're here to suck all joy
from you, whether it's attacking Dave Chappelle on stage or taking the salt shaker off your table
like Michael Bloomberg tried to do. They are here to make you miserable. So when I talk about
wokeness and I talk about trickle-down wokeness, it's really trickle-down misery. And the goal
is to have us all miserable because I think happy
people have more children, which they hate. And look, if you don't want to have kids,
you have the right to do that. I mean, I'm not here to tell people to have kids.
What I am saying is that with this miserable movement, they want us all alienated, isolated, maybe listening to Taylor Swift,
and finding different people
like yelling white privilege
to sort of take their grievances out on.
So, as you
have framed this phenomenon,
what do you imagine the psychology
is behind it?
People don't just want other people
to be miserable just because.
What do you imagine that is? Well, they need customers. They absolutely need customers.
And customers come from different grievance groups, right? This guy's the reason I don't
have this. My neighbor has a better car than me. But that, it's, it's, but that is how cultural Marxism kind of works
is that you're, if you're not going to get a bunch of plumbers and bricklayers and longshoremen
to burn the white house down, right. If you're not going to get that. And it goes back to a
philosopher named Antonio Romsey, right. And you had all these different books, you know,
Upton Sinclair and so on, you know, throughout the 20th century that were trying to sort of expose the capitalist.
But if you're not going to get, you know, I guess the goal for Marx and Engels was to get the,
to hang the capitalist by the rope they manufactured. If you can't get that,
you've got to do the long march. And, you know, World War I, you got Margaret Sanger,
you got Wilson, and they're getting into Broadway, they're getting into early radio, they get into the silent picture industry, public sector unions,
the newspaper business. You fast forward to today, with very few exceptions like Musk,
you know, they're in big tech. They're obviously pushing DEI and ESG across the board in a lot of
these corporations. Although I see, you know, there's been some Waterloo moments.
I call them the Waterloos of wokeism.
Kid Rock with the AR-15, with the Bud Light.
Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes.
And I think, quite frankly, like you were talking about earlier, the fact that Musk became red pill, they were not expecting that.
That has thrown them off. Now, I don't know what
Zuckerberg's doing, but he sent that letter basically saying, I was duped. I'm a dummy.
I'm not going to be involved. So they're losing power and they're panicking. And while all this
is happening and while they're trying to divide us over different types of privilege, here's what
Donald Trump is pushing. He's saying, listen, you can come to the United
States if you come here legally, and you can participate in all the things that I've lined
out, I've sort of laid out here. There's no color to the nuclear family, the middle class,
participate in Western civilization. We can do two things at the same time. We can light sushi
and the Magna Carta. We can go out on St. Patrick's Day or Cinco de Mayo and not throw out the Bill of Rights.
We can still be the melting pot that we've always been.
But we do have one culture here and it's been very successful.
I would not like to see it thrown in the trash can through all these sort of woke, you know, you know, decrees and sort of movements. And there's been a bunch of them,
you know, the Me Too movement and Antifa is the street thugs, you know, that push it.
The psychology of it, you know, Drew, I think it really is about power, which is why when you see
Kamala Harris underwater with Muslims in Michigan, underwater with Jewish voters in Pennsylvania, Hispanics
along the Rio Grande River Valley. I mean, look, you got a bunch of counties on the Texas-Mexican
border. They're not exactly filled with Scandinavians, Drew. I mean, they are voting
for Trump. They're voting for him in Nevada and Arizona. That scares them, which is so hilarious,
Drew. Tell me the psychology of this statement. This is how they explain it.
They are claiming, and they started this with Asians trying to get into Harvard, doing better than whites and everybody else, using the minority rules that they set up, and they're getting in,
and they're doing great. They created this term, Drew. It's a hilarious term. It's called white
adjacent. This is how they're explaining Hispanics for Trump or
Asians or Indian doctors, Indian medical school, Indian lawyers, that they're all white adjacent.
This is, this is, I heard, I saw the head of NPR was on one of the Sunday shows the other day that
said, and this is outrageous, makes no headlines except for like Breitbart and a few other places
that the Hispanics voting for Trump are doing it because they want to be white. So it's not about policies.
It's not about the fact that I think most rational people, Democrats, Republicans,
independents, Ron Paul people, even some Bernie people don't want this stuff. They don't want it.
You know, they don't want to do a dude pitching to their daughter in softball. They don't want this stuff. They don't want it. You know, they don't want to do a dude pitching to
their daughter in softball. They don't want it. So we have to expose it. And look, I was raised
on Rush Limbaugh. I was raised on you and Adam. Andrew Breitbart was a mentor of mine. And I got
to tell you, my job, I think, with these books is to use irreverent humor to illustrate truth.
And that's what I try to do with everything I write.
So I noticed a few minutes ago, you mentioned Antonio Gramsci, who was an Italian Marxist, right?
Who thought that cultural hegemony was the way capitalists maintained power, right?
Why did you bring him up?
Well, because he's sort of
the godfather of cultural Marxism.
I mean, for the most part.
He understood, and the people that followed
him later understood that
you have to capture the institutions.
You absolutely have to capture
them. You have to kidnap them, capture
them, and then you do... Cultural institutions. Yes. And you have to capture them you have to kidnap them capture them and then you do cultural
institutions yes you have to do the long march so so but he had it in he was saying that the
capitalists were the ones that were using the cultural institutions you're saying that the
marxist learned that lesson and want to use it themselves, right? Okay. Absolutely.
And that is media, that's education, that's all over the place. So the question is, is there, other than irreverent humor and raising awareness,
are there, I'm interested in the future.
What should be done to combat this?
Well, look, and I know this isn't the one that Liz Cheney's looking for or Adam Kinzinger,
but I think there is a true insurrection out there, and it cuts across.
It's multi-ethnic.
It comes from all different types of cultures.
You know, the October 7th situation in Israel was horrific.
But right before that happened in Michigan, in parts of Maryland, in parts of Massachusetts,
the three Abrahamic religions were coming together in a lot of public school meetings to push back on wokeism. It was a uniting factor
of people that would never be in the room together. And now, obviously, you know, I mean,
you know, that's for another day, but obviously everyone knows what's going on in the Middle East,
but it can get done. I mean, parents taking back their schools, PTA meetings.
That's the true rebellion, not the one that, you know, Capitol Hill's looking for.
And I think you see that happening. I mean, people wearing GoPro cameras going to parent teacher meetings.
I mean, you have to do it. You have to expose what's going on.
I mean, I'm in the northern Virginia, D.C. area. Loudoun County was ground zero for this. This is where the government said that these parents were, you know, terrorists because they were showing up mad.
Well, what Alex and I were just talking about was how the redistribution back to the locals, which you're kind of talking about the same thing, which is back to family, community, schoolhouse, school boards, local city government.
You know, Alexis de Tocqueville pointed that out in 1825 when he was here as a French aristocrat
trying to figure out why democracy worked in America. And his fundamental insight was the
local practice of democracy is the reason it worked. And we have lost the local practice and
we are being usurped to a
hyper-centralized system. Why do we want the federal government involved with anything other
than interstate commerce and defense? I mean, wasn't that the more perfect union? Why should
they be up our ass in all aspects of our life? You know, it's funny you bring up de Tocqueville because he shows up in the midst of a Jacksonian rebirth happening because even though Jackson was a Democrat
Republican, there had been 24 straight years of Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe and really one
party rule and the elites had gotten fat and happy.
So Jackson was trying to take it back to the streets.
And Teddy Roosevelt did a little bit of this.
And I think Trump and RFK Jr. combined are doing this, where they're trying to get it back to basics,
get it back to the street level, you know, in your homes, in your churches,
in your community organizations.
So, you know, there could be a rebirth, a bottom up rebirth.
And that scares the hell out of the establishment because the Republican Party isn't just a bunch of dorks at the Chamber of Commerce anymore.
It's you know, and there's this marriage happening with RFK Junior's voters, which is very unique.
And it's something that we have not seen
in a long time, maybe since the Teddy Roosevelt era. You know, Reagan had some Democrats for sure.
But this is a unique marriage that has happened here. And I look, Drew, I'm not a purity test guy.
A lot of, you know, right and left people out there, they, you know, this person's a studio
gangster. You know, this person's a studio gangster.
You know, this person's not real.
This person, right?
I'm not a purity test guy.
You know, if we agree on 75% of things, that's fine.
But, or even 50, you know, at this point,
I mean, we need all the help we can get.
So, you know, I'm not big on everyone taking pop shots inside the tent.
Well, AJ, I appreciate you being here.
Other than the White Privilege album,
you have the other book as well, correct?
You want them to check that out and tell them about that?
Yeah, The Woking Dead.
Yeah, The Woking Dead was my first book.
White Privilege album is kind of the sequel to that
where we crank it up a notch with a little more outrage,
have some fun, hopefully trigger some leftists.
And the holidays are coming. you know, outrage, have some fun, hopefully trigger some leftists. And, you know, the
holidays are coming. You know, you could probably find a blue hair, you know, niece or nephew. Maybe
you can convert them. I always like to try to use humor to convert people rather than, you know,
trying to try to make some Aristotelian argument, which, you know, Irish guys from Philadelphia are
not good at. I'm trying to find the specifics where we should be sending people for you.
Just and at PubliusPR.
Yeah, if you're trying to, well, yeah, for the book.
And if you're a conservative or libertarian or independent and you're trying to get out there
and you're trying to, you know, at least have chances to be into the media,
this new media that Dr. Drew is helping lead,
hit us up at
We work with a lot of people from Donald Trump Jr. to RFK Jr.
and everybody in between.
Very cool.
AJ, Susan, any questions for you?
She seemed to want to jump in here.
She's leaning into the mic with your...
Why don't I have her be here today?
I'm just feeling it.
It's the easiest show I ever had.
When I heard you were going to put Jones on in front of me, I'm like,
Doc, when I heard you were going to put Jones on in front of me,
I'm like, man, I got to go after Elvis?
I mean, come on.
Let me open for Jones.
Don't let-
All right.
All right.
I'll see what I can do.
It worked.
It worked.
Trust me, it worked.
We handed the audience over to you and they stayed.
They got bigger.
Oh, they got bigger.
So there you go.
From 31,000 over on one side to 35.
So you did it.
All right, AJ.
Do stay in touch.
I appreciate it.
Last words.
Go ahead.
Sell a book or two.
Well, look, here's what I'll say.
One of the reasons they're doing all this, and I'm not trying to be glib here, is because they're trying to figure out if they can reset us culturally. What can become unburdened from what has been? Don't ever Leap Forward in China, that is the goal.
They want to reset us.
Jones talked about it.
A lot of the guests that come on here talk about it.
And we have to not let them.
We have to get back to basics, go out there, get a copy of the White Privilege album, have some fun.
And look, I don't care who you vote for.
Just vote with, you know, you can vote with your wallet, vote with your feet.
But, you know, get out there and vote. Don't leave it on the shelf. It's the most precious thing that
millions of people have died for. So let's go get them in November.
Yeah, that is when people talk about undoing the Constitution, that those are exactly the
thoughts I have, that millions of people have died for that Constitution. They swore an oath
to it and they died for it. And for us to go, oh, it needs to be changed.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
All right, AJ, thank you so much.
We'll see you soon, I hope.
Thank you, brother.
It's a pleasure.
You got it.
Take care.
And if you have your ballot
and you should just mail it in,
I have to go home,
go and do mine tonight.
But I was just thinking about
the people in the hurricane.
I thought, I hope they all got their ballots
and sent them in behind
before they got hit by the hurricane.
California is pretty good at the mailing
stuff. They really are. Yeah, I know, but if you're in
Florida and you didn't
vote, there may not be
a voting place.
I bet you there'll be ways to do it.
It gets hit really hard. But let's be fair.
The hurricane will be gone tomorrow.
You know what I mean? It's still a month away from
the voting days.
So, let's talk about the upcoming guest, Dr. Robert Malone, in here tomorrow.
It's been quite a week.
He has a new book out.
I'm going to talk to him about that.
Then, Susan, you wanted to tell people about your show tomorrow evening, tomorrow afternoon?
Tomorrow we have Calling Out with Susan Pinsky, Two Psychics.
And we have some special guests coming in to talk about hurricane tragedies and also spiritually give guidance and love and hope for the future.
Jeff Andrew Gruhl coming on the 15th.
Scott Atlas on the 16th.
Oh, there you are, Susan.
You were there for a second.
Elizabeth Pipko and Brittany Meyer on the 22nd.
Cheryl Atkinson.
That should be very interesting.
Salty Cracker coming back on November 7th right after the election
that'll be interesting
to have him in here
let's put Susan on camera
let her show off her
new hair
there you are
so did you want to say
something else about
I'm just
I'm excited because
people like my show
we're bringing
psychic mediums in
for everybody
to bring love and light
to people who have tragedies in their lives.
All right, we'll do that.
That's my job.
And I will be in tomorrow at noontime with Dr. Robert Malone.
That is my job.
And do, listen, again, this situation, Flora, did give us an opportunity to remind everyone that they should have this stuff on hand, these nutritious meat sticks.
The wellness company, Kits, has no reason,
even though this would have seemed silly 10 years ago,
now it should be part of routine healthcare.
Daily Bali also has like superfood bars
and of course the bone broth,
but it's great for packing up and traveling.
It's a good product.
They have a lot of other products too
and also some great supplements.
We appreciate our other-
We love our sponsors. What can we say?
Look forward to some interesting stuff
I'm going to be promoting coming in the future.
Longevity products. I'm interested in that
right now. Right now, Fatty 15 is my main one.
TruNiagen was somebody in there with us
as well. But
there are things you can be... It's sort of a
interesting time for that.
And you can really do things to
age well, age healthy.
Creatine is also something
people should be thinking of.
Weight resistance training
is something people should be doing.
So it's a lot of stuff
we should be paying attention to
as we age.
Find all the links
at slash sponsors.
We've been so busy
being sick in this country,
it's time to get busy being well.
Get healthy.
We'll see you tomorrow at noon
with Dr. Robert Malone.
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky.
As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment.
This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only.
I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor and I am not practicing medicine here.
Always remember that our understanding of medicine
and science is constantly evolving.
Though my opinion is based on the information
that is available to me today,
some of the contents of this show
could be outdated in the future.
Be sure to check with trusted resources
in case any of the information has been updated
since this was published.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger,
don't call me, call 911.
If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful
resources at slash help.