Ask Dr. Drew - Ask Dr. Drew - Andy Dick, Tom Arnold, Simona Mangiante & George Papadopolous - Episode 17
Episode Date: May 20, 2020Ask Dr. Drew with celebrity guests Andy Dick, Tom Arnold, Simona Mangiante & George Papadopolous! Missed the live show? Get an alert next time Dr. Drew is taking calls: • Tom Arnol...d is a world-renowned actor and comedian. He hosts the podcast Two In The Bush. More:  • Andy Dick is a comedian, actor, and musician. Get a personalized message from Andy at! Follow Andy at  • Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos is a lawyer, actress, and model. She is the former legal advisor to the presidency office of the European Parliament. More:  • George Papadopoulos is the author of Deep State Target and a former member of the foreign policy advisory panel to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. More: Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation (@KalebNation) and Susan Pinsky (@FirstLadyOfLove). THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. This show is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information exchanged during participation in this program, including interactions with and any affiliated websites, are intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre.
Psychopaths start this way.
He was an alcoholic
because of social media and pornography,
PTSD, love addiction,
fentanyl and heroin.
I'm a doctor for...
Where the hell do you think I learned that?
I'm just saying,
you go to treatment before you kill people.
I am a clinician.
I observe things about these chemicals.
Let's just deal with what's real. We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time. Educate adolescents
and to prevent and to treat. You have trouble, you can't stop, and you might help stop it. I can help.
I got a lot to say. I got a lot more to say.
And welcome, everybody. I'm starting fully masked because Mr. Andy Dick has to show me his papers before I unmask.
We have George Papadopoulos, Tom Arnold, Simone Mangiante coming in.
We've got a whole lot of stuff coming out.
Thank you to our sponsor, TrueNiagen, slash TrueNiagen.
He's getting his papers, so I'm starting to feel more secure.
Don't forget Dr. Drew After Dark with Christina P., Tom Skirr from your mom's house,
also me and Adam Kroll on the Adam and Dr. Drew Show.
And the Dr. Drew Podcast has been released from behind a paywall
so you can see all those previous shows.
And let's see.
On weeknights, I do a 7 p.m. show on Fox 11.
Give those to Susan.
Yes, give those to Susan.
And finally, Andy Dick, cameo superstar.
He came without his slide whistle today, so I'm a little bit disappointed.
We are social distancing.
I'm about to take his temperature to make sure everything's okay.
Just turn your head.
Well, no, no, no.
I'd rather bend over.
We're not going to do a rectal temperature.
You're sucking in the wrong place.
Not a rectal temperature today.
No rectal temperature.
That's more accurate.
It comes to me.
Please do support people who support the show.
In fact, Andy saw the True Niogen commercial.
I was talking to him off the air.
And here you go, buddy.
This may be some anti-COVID activity in there, too.
Oh, I need it.
I know you do.
Hold it up next to your face, Andy.
Oh, hi.
It's masked.
It's the mask Andy dick.
Where am I?
We're going to have a bunch of guests today.
So, Andy, what should we plug today for you?
Before we start.
We can just talk about cameo.
First, tell me more.
All I heard is something that this helps with alcohol.
And I'm like, well, I just take the whole bottle right now.
NAD is good.
NAD, if you can boost your NAD levels, you're doing something good for alcoholic liver and maybe alcohol withdrawal.
And it has some anti-senescent effects, so your cells may not age quickly.
True nads.
Take two.
It's true nads.
Take two.
Andy, just two.
Okay, and I have food in me.
Drew, you can take your mask off.
He's covered.
He's fine.
Well, I don't want to expose him.
See, I'm fine.
You're good.
Look at him.
He's covered head to toe.
So I can take mine off, right?
Is that what you're saying?
I think it's okay with me.
I'm not splashing.
I really, I triple.
Let me get some.
A triple cover.
Yeah, I got this.
Okay, good.
Just don't spit on each other.
And then this.
I should take this one off too.
We are going to.
Are you okay?
No, I'm taking the one.
It's fancy.
I heard it can come through.
You're murking?
Are we going to hear from the. Take a whiff of that. Oh my God. Are we going to hear from the bitches of the century today?
Tell me about it.
Well, Tim Walsh is here.
Tim looks great, by the way.
I haven't seen him in a few years.
He's taking the nads.
Tell me more, and what are we going to hear?
Tim, you better.
Might as well do.
Do you have more?
Not yet.
You used to do aid songs. The Rolling Rocks thing more you used to do aid songs
the rolling rocks thing
do you remember the aid songs
do you have like covid songs now
no we haven't been getting together
because of all of this
we could I guess do it online
should I get rid of
I'm not doing a commercial
no no put it down you take it home with you it's fine
I can have this
yeah take two a day I feel like I'm doing a commercial no no let's put it down you take it home with you it's fine you take two i can have this yeah yeah take two a day you said it really does i feel like i'm doing commercial
but it really works i i'm persuaded i like the science and i take it myself what's it just real
quick just use them i'm curious that um that thing with alcohol what does it do yeah it's it's again
it's the the oxidation reduction state of the liver, essentially, and it enhances repair.
My liver hurts.
Have you been drinking lately?
You scare me when you do.
You really, really, really scare me.
I'm not kidding.
We've drank together.
It wasn't, well, I don't know.
Yes, we did.
Years ago.
Yeah, I remember I got pulled out.
I just remembered.
Yanked out, carried out. Yeah yeah I remember saying doctor you help me we explain what happened what you did you
grab my boob no one knows the interviews over this is COVID couture by the way I
try to match here somebody has a recovery question.
Can we take it?
All right.
Because we have calls coming in to it.
People are saying,
and I saw you at a bar.
Well, first of all, there's no bars.
I'm at 4-2, Dr. Drew.
No, when you get going, Danny,
you know you're a scary dude, right?
I think I'm scarier when I'm now.
No, no, no.
Because I take the nootropics.
No, no, you're fine.
I can like flip out. Hi, no. I take the nootropics. No, no, you're fine. I can like flip now.
Hi, Ben.
You're on with Andy Dick.
Wait, hold on.
Ben, can you hear us?
I can't hear you.
I look crazy.
Hi, Ben.
I hear him there.
Hey, Dr. Drew.
Hey, buddy.
What's happening?
Oh, not much, man.
I'm kind of starstruck.
I'm a big fan of yours for a long time over a lot of platforms.
Pretty much for me, it goes back to when I was very much an active drinker without knowledge
of my disease or admittance of it anyways.
And I started watching Celebrity Rehab and I've been a fan of yours ever since.
Oh, nice.
And you help people.
You do.
Well, you have a willingness to share your story.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I've got some
sponsees and whatnot.
If I make it the next month without a drink,
I'll be two years sober.
And Ben, is it harder
now with all the quarantine stuff? Because I'm seeing
a lot of escalated alcohol use.
Is that bothering you too?
It had a little bit, but luckily I'm far enough into this to know how to deal with isolation before I go elsewhere.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, good.
I've got lots of friends that I check with every day, and they check with me.
And I've got a girlfriend that's not an alcoholic but she is in support of me for sure right um
so the the question I have is I'm currently and have been for probably five or six years
maybe a little longer on well buterin uh lexapro and recently instead of Guam, I moved over to Chitra Terra.
And I'm just wondering if it ever gets legalized in my state,
and I have it under the medical supervision of my psychiatrist,
would something with a low-dose THC or CBD demolish my sobriety or put me in danger of that?
Or what's your opinion?
I mean, I have my thoughts, but I'll start your opinion.
I have no problem with the CBDs,
and I don't think you'll feel very much as compared to...
You're on some pretty strong medications,
and I completely endorse what your psychiatrist is doing.
He's avoiding psychostimulants with the quiphenicine and the Stratera,
and that, to me, is just sort of a signal that he knows what he's doing, treatingimulants with the glyphosate and the stratera and i that to me is a just sort
of a signal that he knows what he's doing treating somebody with alcoholism so good stay with him
but uh the cbd is not likely to do too much for you with all those medications and the thc i do
not sign off on anything that activates your reward system i i worry about so it just it
just starts you down a path so i would say cb if you want to try it, and THC, no.
All right.
Yeah, man, and I appreciate your time with me, man.
And like I said, I'm a long-time fan, and I appreciate your advice
and everything you've done for people in our community.
I'm talking about addiction, not just alcoholism.
You're just a beacon.
Well, that's very kind, Ben.
And you help more people than you think, even
if you don't talk to them. That's very kind, Ben.
I appreciate you calling today. You stay well, okay, man?
Alright, thank you, brother.
Have a good one. Alright. Andy, you're over there
spinning like a top, man. I feel like... I know.
What's going on? Are you okay? I took the
nootropics. And?
I need to
get on the internet. And your wife
is like... I don't know what she's raving about. Yeah, she's... I need to get on the internet. And your wife is like... I don't know what she's raving about.
I need to get on the internet.
So now everything's stopped.
I know.
Let's stop for a little bit.
All right, let's just take a break.
Just take a break.
Susan Kinski break.
But seriously, if you can get me on the internet.
There's a lot of requests on the restream for your slide whistle.
Is it here?
Great. no, Tim
Supposed to have one in his car
Blame it on Tim Walsh, I'll stab him with a pencil again
Wait, can I say a couple things
You had your monologue about with Ben
I love Ben, he sounds like me
Right, that Ben guy
That's me, and I know exactly what he's asking
And doing, because he's like
He's making deals
I know, I know.
I know how it works.
Oh, God, he's good.
Now, can I do a little bit of this?
And will that really affect me?
And will it break my sobriety?
Do you know how many conversations you and I have had like that?
Oh, a thousand.
Yes, for real, real.
A thousand.
Yeah, I still.
And by the way, my friend, a lot of it has been around sex and relationships, too.
I know. In fact, I was going to say your whole can i say damn yeah oh your whole god opening
was it about me are you talking to me is that always your opening no it was not but it could
it was always my opening we didn't make one specially for you it's like all my problems
i know if anybody says what's your can i say can i say
swear yeah i think i mean well caleb or word if somebody says they say this to me what did you say
you're afraid that youtube will kick us off if you do oh well if people people say it as well
they say andy what's your what's your goddamn problem i can just say watch the opening to Dr. Drew. It's that whole medical, yeah, you hit them all.
I hit all yours, that's true.
You hit them all.
That guy, Ben, not only are we just birds of a feather
cut from the same cloth, he hits on what I've been saying.
Because you're right, I'm wired like a top.
I'm like a spider on a on a frying pan
yeah all the time yeah not all the time it's because i did my coffee right and and and my
today this morning so that so there was no or again okay i know you hate all my fun crap that's
fun it's okay with me it's it's you you you replace one compulsion with another that's my point so
like i was freaking out uh that i had no no organic coffee i'm not sure if my roommates
are taking it or i just really and see you you understand how insane that is relative to taking
a poison and high quantity for advice no i'm just saying we just look at that thinking i need my organic
coffee enema or this second or i'm going to die versus pouring a carcinogen alcohol through your
system on a regular basis and not being concerned about that okay clearly i'm brandy's high no no
no wait i don't understand what you're saying you're saying that it's better to just drink
coffee here and there i'm saying that's what you just said no You're saying that it's better to just drink coffee here and there. I'm saying.
That's what you just said.
No, I'm screwing.
I'm trying to get your thinking adjusted, which is what I've been.
That's not going to happen.
I know.
But here's what I was going to say.
So no organic coffee.
And you're right.
I need my effing coffee in my ass.
Now, I'm doing Dr. Drew.
This is very important because I want to up my cameos.
You know, I got to make money make money I gotta put some bread and butter
everything good good good cuz I'm doing keto so we do put no not yet not bread
are you doing butter yeah a lot of butter a lot of Andy but wait I gotta
finish I went to the coffee because this is about Ben the guy was just talking go ahead go ahead finish the ben uh was
talking about you know trying to make a deal and all that yeah and i i just got in my car and went
to starbucks this and you know one of those ones that you can well all of them you have to i don't
go to starbucks i have my own beans, organic, and I grind them,
and I make my coffee, and I pop it up there.
My bum.
And I went, I went, I went, I went,
and there was a guy behind me and a line behind.
There was a line just to get the beans, the organic beans.
And the guy right behind me,
and I like when they're like this, happy and nice.
A lot of people are just mean.
But not you.
No. No, no, you're good you know like I was first I tried to get it at whole foods the organic beans went to whole walked one and a half miles today this morning to go to whole foods so I could be
on point so you say you're so jacked because of the coffee yeah but I'm trying to relate it to
Ben because what happened
is i was walking to whole foods couldn't find it i mean where is it i asked this guy had a mask
nice young asian guy who's reading a little paper and i said sir i know the whole foods is like
right around here do you know where it is and he looked up at me i just looked right back down to
his paper like what people are being weird
you have your mask on yes of course and he did too so you did a that's not the thing that happened
with bet so now i'm in line the guy right behind me is being nice so i'm like oh let's talk to
this me i'm finally a nice guy and then i'm like i like to do market research i was in market
research when i was like really young i was that guy in the mall saying would you like cereal would you come in the back room with me
and try this cereal I was like 15 16 so I do market research I learned how to do
it I asked this guy did something happen to you when you're 15 16 the guy pulled
you in the back room no I was the guy Oh people to come in the back room with me okay you were going so i so with ben i i started i i was
like the line to starbucks was so long i was the first one there i guess and then right away boom
boom boom boom they started lining up otherwise i wouldn't have had the coffee and i wouldn't be
talking about so i said to the guy have they because i don't go to starbucks i get my own
and this and that has there been an increase in coffee consumption and he he's like i don't go to starbucks i get my own and this and that has there been an increase
in coffee consumption and he he's like i don't know but and i said because i i know from friends
that there's been an increase in alcohol consumption right right he said yeah i was
supposed to be at church right now with my daughter but i'm gonna i'm gonna drink coffee
and drink interesting all the deal making all the substitutions of one substance for another
we're gonna have tom arnold in here a little bit later too to talk about the same thing but
you did a special uh version of the tiger king oh yes wait you're not going to show that because
it's supposed to be a secret well i want to show i want to bring in someone who helped you on that
oh my pretty the producer he's great or who simona mangiante she's in it she's in it there they are with her husband
george papadopoulos surprise andy oh my god it's like yeah oh i thought she was gonna be here
no she's good she's in chicago right now
she changed the thing and she actually helped
rewrite things she calls it
she called me the exotic
no no she changed it to
George how are you man
doing great you know what Drew every time i come on we're always
closed i swear i thought i was going to change it this time but you're wearing gray i'm doing
gray last time it was the sweaters it's really kind of weird but uh we're sort of uh in mind
meld that way how's your podcast going doing good everything's uh going great uh we're just
here quarantine now like everybody else so chicago is a little more shut than other cities,
but, you know, just have a little visiting family out here
and excited for Simona with the show with Andy.
I just saw some of the pictures. It's just incredible.
It's so funny.
Life is incredible at the moment.
And, yeah, it's so much fun.
And I became, I really like, it was so funny
because we were improvising with my
accent and i took something wrong with her accent i know she said you just said accent and then and
she was talking about her teeth she was improvising something about her. She said the monster, she calls them monsters. The tigers. The tigers' teats.
She was saying teats.
But she really, that's how she says it.
So I can't wait to see this, by the way.
Andy, how can we see this?
Can I just say hi?
I want you to say hi to Simone.
It's the producer.
It's Mike Hermosa.
Remember Mike Hermosa?
Come in.
How are you?
No, no.
Come closer to Andy, I'm afraid. It's the upper one. Hi Mike Hermosa? Come in. How are you? No, no. Come closer to Andy, I'm afraid.
It's the upper one.
Oh, yeah, right.
That one.
Oh, there you are.
There you are.
How are you doing?
I'm doing very well.
I can't wait to keep going on, guys.
And I had so much fun.
And I was just laughing at my accent, you know?
That worked perfectly, finally.
It's naturally comic. we should send her some
we don't want to leak it out but we'll send you
a little thing of you
just for my eyes
do you know her history?
no I didn't know
I asked
listen to this you guys
I asked Susan
I changed the script the night before,
every night before.
I'm changing to on the set.
You know how I was changing things left and right.
And I said, we need an executive.
I wanted to literally said sexy.
I would think I want a foreign accent.
And within seconds, she said your name.
And I still didn't know.
She just said, call Simona.
Didn't know.
Called her up.
Then it slowly came out that you were married.
You guys are still married?
Yes, of course.
Yeah, of course.
Somebody was saying, I don't know if they're married anymore.
So I was a little flirtatious.
Wouldn't you be? Come was a little flirtatious. Wouldn't you be?
Come on.
You flirtatious.
I don't know, Randy.
Oh, no.
I thought you weren't somebody on the set.
You, Mike.
So Simona, were you a bureaucrat, essentially, with the EU, right?
Yeah, essentially, yes, a bureaucrat. She was a bureaucrat for essentially, with the EU, right? Yeah, essentially, yes, a bureaucrat.
She was a bureaucrat for the president of the EU.
She worked under the president of the EU, the European Union.
So the president, she was like she worked in the White House, essentially.
And then George was working on political campaigns and got dragged into the Mueller.
George Bush?
George Papadopoulos.
Oh, you.
Oh, right. Got dragged into the Mueller. George Bush? George Papadopoulos. Oh, you. Oh.
Got dragged into the Mueller thing and went to prison.
Oh, I can see it here.
This is what I heard after we were.
And they accused her of being a Russian spy. If you were going to
cast somebody as a Russian spy,
would it not be her? Oh my God.
I'm rewriting it right now.
Wait, what are you saying?
Let's do the Russian spy.
What's that, Samara? let's do the russia spy i was like already very happy the russia spy will unleash complete potential yeah yeah it's crazy
but george i've seen you tweeting a lot now about some of the uh the flynn stuff and what's going on
there what what what is are you covering that on your podcast or what's happening?
So taking a break from the podcast now because we came to the studio, but we shut it down
now, obviously, because of Corona became a little more serious and we wanted it to be.
But I'm just keeping a vocal on Twitter, going on TV a couple of times and just, you know,
everything's coming out the way we were talking about it. It's pretty interesting.
Really fascinating, actually. Can you just
give a thumbnail for people that don't know what
happened to you? Like me. Yeah, Andy
doesn't know. So tell them just a brief
if you don't mind what happened. Although, real quick
before we get into that, somebody said, you know,
Simona Papadopoulos,
I finally can say Papadopoulos.
It took me, since we filmed
until now, I can say Papadopoulos. I did me, since we filmed until now, I can say Papadopoulos.
I did it right. I was like
saying, pop one off on us.
That's why I called you
You broke up there, Simone. Say it again.
That's why I called you
This really is going to be funny. Erotica. It's going to be very funny oh you're gonna see and then i can't wait
jorah so somebody said simona um tagged you or tweeted you and i was like no she's not supposed
and i looked and then right after you george retweeted it. I'm like, what? And then right after, I went to your thing,
and then Trump was tweeting you.
And I'm like, wait a minute.
Like, right away, I'm like, oh, this is great.
This R version is going right to Trump.
He's talking to Trump.
So, George, sketch it out for people real quick.
All right.
A screenwriter couldn't have written a better spy story than what we actually went through.
Basically, it was a spy story.
We all got caught up in this thing, all framed as we were.
And then it's just all really coming out for the world to see.
And I think that's why it's really caught the imagination of not only the U.S., but the world.
And everybody's following it they're
covering it and you know mouths are dropping and but you were you were found you you did a plea
deal around what it's about uh lying like we all were apparently lying about certain things and
we got caught up in something that seems not to be what it really was and uh just really looks
like um it's probably
one of the biggest spying stories in in history that we got caught up in that's it's pretty good
now andy's getting dragged into it oh good you know i i can't i i have nothing to lose
um i was gonna say by the way i i i said it wrong when I was looking at your retweets, by the way.
It was Trump tweeting to you.
That was what was blowing my mind.
I mean, I guess he tweets a lot, I heard, right?
But he was tweeting directly to them.
You were a campaign advisor, right?
At one point.
George, is that true?
Yeah. were you were a campaign advisor right at one point george that true yeah in a different in a
different lifetime it seems uh it seems so much has happened in the last two years that it seems
like a different lifetime but uh yeah no now we're obviously in los angeles uh simone is doing
great uh she's working with andy the pictures looked really funny and i think me just like
the rest of america we're actually really looking forward to this reboot.
What is it?
Is it a reboot?
Is it a series of Tiger King?
I said I didn't want to talk too much about it.
You know, I knew some.
I thought she was going to be here.
So I could have.
But that's the part that is.
Don't worry.
I'm a secret spy.
She's a spy.
Yeah, she can keep a secret
I used to be blonde
And I changed color as every spy
And you know, that's my job
Alright, stop
She's rewriting
I told you not to say anything
You know what
I'm out
well where when where can we see this or when do you think we don't know and and but there's a
there's an aspect to it not what she's saying is not true it's not true she's like i'm lying
so what's the deal what's tell me the truth well now it might be because it's funny. I'm laughing. But no, we're not supposed to say and we're going to big people.
And all the other ones that you hear about, they're not.
I can't talk.
I can't.
I don't want crap on them.
They're not real.
Well, they don't seem.
I saw what you guys did on Instagram and stuff, and none of them compare.
I've got to say.
You guys hit it out of the park.
So we're going to shop it.
We're shopping it.
We want to get the best deal.
Someone's going to let us do our thing.
So we made one that I'm going to let you see a little bit.
See, this is what I'm afraid of.
If I show it to her, you're going to...
Wait, what is she saying?
Go ahead, Samara.
What's that?
I want to see that. I want to see that.
No, I'm only going to send you
stuff of you only.
That's that.
No, I want to see you.
Yeah, yeah.
No, no, me and you.
Is she hard to deal with, George?
She keeps me in my place.
Put it that way.
When no one else can.
How long are you guys going to be in chicago another week or so all right so we'll see i'm we're having a sort of technical stuff
where you guys are kind of breaking up so i'm gonna let you guys go uh and no doubt we will
see you when you come back to town we'll get you up here in the studio and andy's got more for you
hold on just why are you in chicago and do you still do you still work for um uh with with trump or i don't know any i'll look
it up later if you don't feel like talking to you drew can we segue tom in too i know i i feel like
if i will not yeah but yeah technically it's stuff is being glitchy. That's why. Oh, because Tom knows Simona too, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, so let's bring...
Okay, Simona, here's the deal.
Simona, when you talk, the computer's very, very glitchy.
So if you talk when anybody else is speaking, we can't hear you.
At all.
So I'm going to bring in another voice that's going to make it even more glitchy.
See, I can't hear you now.
But don't leave because he wants to say hi to you. But when she's talking we'll shut up hopefully with four or five voices lean
into the computer mic too when you talk and wait till everybody else so let's bring in the great
tom arnold hey buddy hey buddy where's my head oh there you are i'm on the show because of Simona. You know, I was doing George's podcast.
I went to do George's podcast, and they got in a freaking –
it was my assistant Sasha's first day, and we're pulling up there,
and I said, you know, I love these guys.
They've got a history.
And, you know, Simona, oh, I've got to call her and say hi
and tell her I'm seeing George.
And as a matter of fact, she's here.
And I'll tell you what, these guys, boy, they, they, well, they,
they lock horns.
They mix it up.
They mixed it up.
And I'll tell you what, it was on and it was the best.
And, and she,
she did not do the podcast that day with George and I, although he,
she chews so much ass that
day in that house uh she said i said i want to do something with you and she said i'm thinking about
doing drew i go oh my god i love dr dr drew and i go back for real like he's legit we go back so
many years yes please whenever that happens let me know and uh you know here we are with andy dick
who i go back for many years and you and and george who i love are you staying here mother
mother-in-law's house in chicago sabota yeah well god d why am i not there
you're not supposed to be here by me.
Oh, my gosh.
Give Kiki a big squeeze for me.
You know, give George a big hug.
You know, I'm so happy that you and Andy Dick are doing this.
Hey, George, I love you, buddy.
I'm glad that you guys are doing the reboot of The Lion King or whatever the fuck you're doing.
You know, I can't think of one.
There's no funnier person in the world than Andy Dick.
He's the funniest man on the planet.
I love you so much.
Can I tell him our relationship, Tom?
Everybody that's listening.
He was my sponsor, my sober sponsor.
I'm so sorry, Tom. I'm so sorry, Tom.
I'm so sorry, man.
Andy's an amazing human being, amazing father, amazing talent.
And look at him sitting here today, spread the good word out here, helping so many people.
And, you know, I've had several sponsors to myself buddy and
what an honor you said that andy i love you you're you're i love you saying the good word here and
samoda i'm so you're such a quality entertainer also so i'm glad that you're doing the uh what
is it uh lion king reboot Lion King reboot. The monster teeth, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Erotic monster man.
As soon as she walks on,
it feels like it.
Monster behind you.
Stop talking.
By the way, the kids say hi.
They'll probably be running in here, Simona.
You know, George and Simona spent a lot of time at my home and with my kids who love them and people
think we're adversaries i mean uh you know politically you know george is he's you know
here's why i love that i love that trump has finally got on board with george and the george's
george's book is hilarious and trump i knew trump
would be like oh i gotta think of something i will have somebody read george's book to me
he's like that's what we're gonna do now spy gate and so i you know but i love these guys you know
uh you know uh we love you i encourage people to vote rigorously and often this fall.
And but, you know, they're good people.
George, you know, good Chicago boy, huge fan of Bronco Baba in high school.
That was his inspiration. You got to remember that.
You know, but they're such good people and they've been through a lot.
I'll tell you what, these guys will always be married.
I'm telling you. And they have to be because otherwise there would be two other people suffering.
They have to be together.
Hey, Tom, I am surprised.
I know that George is not politically aligned with you.
The last time you and I were together, we were on stage raising money at a rock charity event.
And you went, I love you, man.
I just hate when you're on Fox News with those assholes.
And by the way, I'm not right or left.
That's the thing.
I will go anywhere.
The years on CNN, I'll just go where people will listen to what I'm talking about.
At that point, I was just trying to help with the homeless thing.
And I had no affiliation with anybody.
You've done amazing work for chemical uh for chemical
dependency i mean you you're a you you stand where you stand and always have and always help people
and uh i i just and i actually like uh what george i i you know for the moment i met them i met them
as soon as he signed his bowler deal i met them outside a cafe here i was with my kids a couple
years ago and they said hey they wanted to talk and i i said what i know what it's like to be in
the middle of this and uh uh and i said we i said let's get together and we and we met up and he
talked he said i want you to meet my wife and i she came down and i that you know they told they
were telling their stories i'm like okay
it's if this is gonna be because it just got it was it was he was telling me his story a cop
and then she came into the soul house and holy hell and crazy and then about four hours later
as they said could you mind if we stay here say i go yeah absolutely about four hours later i
looked at twitter and she called the cops on her mother-in-law
or vice they were still there they were still there and a friend of mine's like yeah they're
still at the bar they're taking pictures with people people love them they are crazy and i was
like you don't have any people she's not from america how many people are threatening her
what's it like for a woman who's worked her whole life around the worst men in the world who wants to come here and meets a charming guy like george papadopoulos and then these two and
quite frankly she's been the only person in the world that's been by his side at times and vice
versa yeah and people don't understand they think it's all uh in the media into whatever but uh but
you know these guys have been through a lot.
Now, this stuff with Trump, that's insane.
He is, you know, a lunatic.
But, you know, these guys are certainly well-intentioned,
and they've been through a lot together.
Oh, wait a minute.
And I like the way they keep talking, because it's nonsense.
And she does cover for her husband.
She's got his back, but boy, they fight.
Boy, they fight.
Boy, they, that's love.
Let me tell you something.
I remember the tweet.
The tweet said, the tweet that I saw when you retweeted that thing, Simona,
the tweet from Trump to George said, good luck with your book.
So maybe it hadn't come out.
And then you said, thanks, Mr. President.
You said, thanks, Mr. President.
George did.
I loved it.
Did he read the book?
Can you guys catch me up?
What's going on?
Did they not like each other?
Look at the cover up.
You've got to see the cover.
It's like an old school, like Steven seagal when he was thin it could
lift his leg and i but i have to tell you uh you know uh when he went to when by when when when
george went to prison you know we we filled this how long did he go how long did he was short
it was short it was uh 11 he had three nicknames in prison, he told me, and he was only there 11 days.
But let me say that we filmed this for a documentary, which you will see.
The person that did it, Tupac and Biggie, is a legitimate documentary maker.
Stephanie, what's Stephanie's last name?
We have a lot of stuff.
And, you know, it came as, I'm just in it because of their counselor, their relationship, because I love them.
And I'll tell you, you know, they had the craziest fight on the way to prison.
Did you catch that?
Did you get that for the doc?
George was sitting there.
The way George is very, like, buttoned down.
And then he gets in there, and it seems like she is a raving shrew,
but she cried.
I mean, there is a softest side to her.
Like, she wants to be.
I'm sure that whatever she did in Europe with the Russians or whatever,
when she was a spy. But you're so
tender. You love him
so much. And so I see
that. I also see George.
He'll be like...
And then you got the mother-in-law turning you into
ice. What a great
American story. You're just
married and your mother-in-law's like,
I'm calling ice and i i feel
for her too because her son you know uh the greek mothers are like jewish mothers i get that they're
very close to their sons and you're a hot blah blah bombshell they don't plan on their sons
married hot blah bombshells at their george poppinopoulos so there's a lot going on here
and is this good we're to get to watch this?
I've now got all these things I need to see.
Yeah, we will.
All right.
We will.
It'll be very interesting.
And is it going to harken back to the book and the story at all?
Well, the book, he writes a book, and he's very excited.
And, you know, there's a lot of interesting characters that are in his life
that aren't Tom Arnold fans.
And to his credit, he has never, and I would never do the same to them.
There's a lot of people that are, I hate to even say this, that are not fans of George, because they say, oh, he's a Trump guy.
He's all about the bad news and the Obamagator, whatever that crazy stuff is.
I say, no, here's who he is.
Here's who he was.
He grew up in the Midwest.
He got sent out there in this business world and put in unsafe places.
And you know what?
Down the road, we'll talk about this.
He did the best.
And so that's who he is.
He's a friend and so well see i
like that but tom one of my one of my gravest concerns as we peek out from this quarantine
is that that the political intensity could calm down a little bit and uh the fact that you guys
are friends to me is a very good sign you You know what I mean? You can disagree and be friends.
You know, I've known Trump for 30-some years.
And I know his – yeah, he is a menace, Donald Trump.
He's ridiculous.
He's dangerous.
George Papadopoulos is not.
Okay, all right, good.
I'm sure George isn't a menace.
I'll give you an example of donald trump
and joe biden joe biden's he's very old he's forgetful but he does not make his kids go on tv
and defend him that he loves his kids unconditionally the screw up and the hero kid
all of them and and i know donald trump and i've seen him pit his kids against each other
hatefully and send them out there go go out there and tell lies about me and that's the truth and
when uh i also don't want george to get caught up in that for trump trump's actually coming to george
though he's like what is that deal because when he started out with george the trump people are
like oh we don't know george papopoulos. He's a coffee boy.
And I was like, well, actually, people like the New York Times are like, actually, you do know him.
He's one of your main dudes.
He went out and met the president of Egypt for you, Donald Trump.
And he's like, yeah, because George has been doing this.
That was his career, traveling around the world, doing this stuff.
You're lucky you had him. And then finally they come around like by the way we do
love george papadopoulos he's so important to us so you know when you see the full story of who
george is you know that's that's that story is to be told and samoda their love story
the real story is freaking crazy it's better than these gossip things. I mean, George has his version, and Simona has her version,
but the real story is insane.
Well, I can't wait to see it.
I cannot wait to see it.
I'm almost as excited about that as I am the Lion King reboot.
Tiger King.
I always say Lion King.
Yeah, Tiger King.
Nathan Lane and Will Smith, and they're having sex with the lion.
No, no, no. That's not it. That's not how it's gonna work oh no but but okay okay yeah so with a lion head on her so no no get in
here jada go go i love it so so tom thanks for stopping by my friend and george and simone i'm
gonna let you guys too andy's got his band here. He's going to play some music. What, Tom?
I'll just say bye to those guys. Thank you. And Tom,
anything you want to send people to or
promote? Listen, I have
my podcast, Two in the Bush
with Sasha.
She's watching my kids now.
Standing right over there.
Anyway, Two in the Bush podcast.
Yeah, I love you guys.
Vote and stay sober.
It seems easy.
I've gained a lot of weight to this thing.
Yeah, and I guess we're going to be coming out of this thing pretty soon.
So everyone keep the social distancing.
Be diligent.
And we'll be fine, I think, if people do what they're supposed to do.
Yeah, we will.
All right.
Thank you, guys.
I love you so much, Tom.
Tom, great to see you.
I love you all.
Simone, George.
Simone, I can't wait to see you guys.
Thank you for stopping by.
When you get back to town, we'll see you.
Thank you, Tom Arnold.
Thank you, Simone.
Thank you, George.
And you've never met George before now.
No, no, no, no.
I did not know I was hiring a Russian spy.
I didn't know that she was going to be so funny.
I just wanted a sexy...
With an accent.
With any accent.
It's hard to identify her as Italian too, right?
It sounds Russian.
It sounds like Middle Eastern,
Eastern Bloc-ish somehow.
Hey, Andy, did you find a Carolol baskin yes finally did i was directing her this morning um while i was brewing my coffee
actually and then she finally got it um yeah but she's great this one all right we got a lot of
calls you want to do some calls yes but I want to talk a little bit more about George
because I went quiet because, well, first of all,
they were remote and I'm just talking too much.
I realize that.
It was hard technically.
Who likes Trump?
I'm neutral.
Yeah, I'm kind of neutral too.
I think Tom has trump derangement syndrome
like he's like preoccupied and upset with by donald trump oh yeah george i don't want to get
in trouble no george i'm gonna work for them and i think is i think he's supporting they're tweeting
each other yeah i think they support each other simona work is dm simona simona worked for a
socialist who was the head of the European Union.
She was like the second in command under the president.
A socialist is like a communist kind of, right?
Kind of, but not exactly.
That's why they thought she was a Russian.
But she's not any longer a socialist.
She was never really a socialist.
But once a socialist.
I interviewed her once and she said, you know, I really benefited from the socialist system.
I got my graduate degree in Spain.
I went to Italy for this.
I went to England for that.
But I'm not a socialist.
So here we have lots of interesting calls here.
Those of you that already hung up, I apologize.
But there's a lot of crazy stuff here.
Let's quickly go to some of this.
I tune out when I hear the politics.
I just can't keep up.
I just like the fact that they're all friends because tune out when I hear the politics. I just can't keep up. I just like
the fact that they're all friends because
there are different ends of the spectrum
and pretty heatedly so. So it's really
nice to see that. Aaron, go ahead.
Hi, Aaron.
Hello. How you doing? Good, man. What's up?
Yes. Hi. How you doing?
We're good. Hello?
We hear you. Oh, okay. Dr. Drew,
thanks for having me on. I've been a fan of yours since the 90s when you're on radio.. Dr. June, thanks for having me on.
I've been a fan of yours since the 90s when you were on the radio.
So it's been a long time.
It has been a long time.
I do have a question for you, and the question is the corona.
I'm in Chicago, by the way, and it's a large metropolitan area with a very large homeless population.
And there's something that I kind of was thinking about doing some research online and
of course on Facebook, seeing memes and stuff. But the homeless population doesn't really seem
to be affected a lot by it. I don't read a lot about it in the news. Once in a while I might.
But the homeless population, they don't really social distance. They live outside, and they really don't wash their hands
because in Chicago, every restaurant and every place to wash your hands is closed,
except your own home.
So what do you suspect?
What do you suspect?
What do you suspect is reducing their transmission rate in the homeless?
What do you imagine?
What are the possibilities?
Let's put it that way.
Well, I have two theories on this.
And I went to school for biomedical engineering back in the 90s.
And my theory is that they're either fudging the numbers, they're not telling us, like
they're the forgotten population.
That's a possibility.
Or these people are very prone to disease already, and they have such immunity built
up being homeless that they aren't even
affected by the coronavirus that is another possibility there's there's yet a third can i
guess the third go ahead okay they um go ahead what you said i was going to say that they don't
really uh they don't touch each other but i don't know about that's that they don't touch each other, but I don't know about that, that they don't touch people, other...
Right, so there's two other issues.
One, they're not having as much contact
with the general public
because people pull away from them, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And they're not...
The panhandling isn't happening right now
because they're not even handing people money or anything.
So that's one possibility
that there's something epidemiological going on.
But there's yet another.
You need to put that 9-volt battery in your smoke detector, buddy.
That's driving me a little crazy.
Oh, I know, I know.
It's one of those where the battery's built in.
I know.
I get it.
But here's the thing that I think it is.
A couple things.
One is they're out of doors.
Outdoor transmission of COVID is rare.
It's rare.
In China, I just saw a study of over 5,000 cases,
and they only found one outdoor transmission out of 5,000.
So it's rare.
Now, the crazy thing about what our
government has done to us, they've said, you stay
inside. Homeless, do whatever you want.
You people, you cities, taxpayers,
you got to stay inside. And essentially
all transmission is in
the home and in transportation environments.
So in the sun,
in the open air,
very unlikely
to be transmitted.
So I think that's a big part of it.
Does that mean that people should
start to get out more?
Yes, it does.
Rather than being locked out?
Yes, it does.
I'm in Illinois.
They just want to lock us up.
Well, it means that the business,
it means that the idea of locking up
the beaches in California is truly insane.
And when they say they're following science, they are not.
They're actually lying because that's not science.
But the other thing, it's very distracting here.
We've got some technical problems with Andy.
He's now gone from spinning around like a top to breaking things.
What's the other thing I wanted to say?
It's hard to concentrate here, my friend.
You were talking about the beaches.
Yeah, the beaches, the outdoor.
Oh, the other thing is that there have been little outbreaks
amongst the homeless when they are indoors.
There have been little outbreaks.
And the interesting thing, back to your theory about them being hearty,
60%, 70% asymptomatic.
So when they do get it, they tend to be asymptomatic.
Isn't that interesting?
I'm sorry, what's the asymptomatic?
I don't have...
Asymptomatic means they carry the virus,
but they don't get sick.
They don't get sick.
Oh, yeah.
That's why I'm figuring that
they don't have as much hygiene
or anything like that.
I live in Chicago.
I mean, I've observed the homeless people.
I interact with them.
Usually, which I haven't been now, but I kind of see what they do and how their lifestyle is.
And that's what I was assuming is that they're just prone to not getting anything.
Or they're just not even susceptible to getting the...
They get it.
In this case, they get it, but they tend not to get a bad version of it.
So, Erin, excellent stuff.
Thank you.
That's a good question.
Let's see.
Oh, this is interesting.
Andy will like this.
In terms of deal-making, Kelly has an observation.
I'm all ears.
Kelly, go ahead.
Hi, Dr. Drew and Andy.
How are you? We're good. What's going on? Can you hear me?, go ahead. Hi, Dr. Drew and Andy. How are you?
We're good. What's going on?
Can you hear me?
We hear you.
Oh, awesome.
So I heard you make the call. I'm sorry, what did you say?
Go right ahead.
Oh, I heard you make the comment to the gentleman that CBD,
the guy who was worried about CBD affecting his sobriety,
and that it doesn't affect your reward system and that's why you're
okay with it but I've used CBD it was like a nano concentrate and to me it felt like
my reward system was very activated so so two things what is it well sometimes there may be
THC in with the CBD and I bet that's what it was. But the other thing in the high doses it can.
I like people keeping well
below 200 milligrams, like lower, lower
doses. I was doing
less than 10
and for me it was
like a no bad days thing.
If I take this, I feel really good.
But what is it
activating if it's not your brain's
reward system?
It usually can induce sleep.
And for some people, they feel like they're a little less anxious without getting high.
Does that make sense?
But in the higher doses, it will.
Well, yeah, it does.
Because I could go to work and I would just have a really, like, it was easier for me to manage stress.
You know, I just felt better.
I'd also had crazy dreams when I was a kid.
It was a nano-concentrate.
And are you an addict yourself?
Yeah, so you're sort of in the zone of what I was saying,
which is that it doesn't cause you to do more, let's put it that way,
but it can relieve some symptoms.
And by the way, on the other side, some people have more trouble.
Like they have trouble with their sleep when they try to stop it
or they get more anxiety the next day,
in which case if you're one of those people, do not continue.
Are we okay here, Andy?
Your mic's off now.
I literally broke the whole thing.
You broke it off.
How'd you do that?
Well, hold the mic to your mouth while you're doing it.
I was just trying to look at it now.
Can you see me?
This is like me on those new NADS pills you gave me.
I gave you?
It's fine.
We're all alive
Let's put us back in the windows here
We'll fix it later
Put us back in the windows
Shit happens
Wait I've been on doing this
No no no
You just hold it
Let's talk for a second
Are you okay everything good
Sit up straight so that we can see you
I was trying to get them over to the camera.
I was trying to get anything.
We need to go over on your notes here.
Everything good.
Let me write a new one.
Get a new mic stand.
I was like calling him and this,
and he never,
he hates me.
I think your producer hates me.
You're my wife producer.
That guy. I had two different headphones on. My wife, producer? No, she loves me.
That guy.
I had two different headphones on.
He couldn't hear you.
You had two sets of headphones on. No, it's fine, Andy.
It's not fine.
Now I'm holding it.
You can do it.
Well, but here's the deal.
I thought we'd go to some music next.
So here's the deal.
You're not going to have a mic.
Just turn it towards Andy.
I'm just kidding.
I literally broke it because I went to
But now it's up to you
You can be the mic stand
You didn't break the mic
The mic works
Don't pull the wire
Please stop Susan
Thank you
Just like any good singer
You'll hold the mic to your mouth when you're singing
And put it over to Tim It's weird that i can hear you want to wear
over here it's a great mic it's a great mic thank you to blue mike in spite of andy trying to
destroy blue mike uh thank you to them well this is perfect this song that he's playing i know which
one he's playing this is the one don't you need a little thing for this song? Always.
You got it in your I think it's here.
I think you left it here
once or something.
One of those
She threw it out
with my brain pills.
It looks like
a piano tuner.
It's called a vibra slap.
I have no idea
what you're talking about.
It goes
Yes, yes.
I think it's back here.
It's called a vibra slap.
Vibra slap.
The only things I can The only instruments I can play are the vibra slap.
The fish.
Don't you play the fish, too?
The fish?
Slide whistle.
Slide whistle.
Slide whistle.
Why do you call it a fish?
No, the fish is like a wooden fish that you put a stick up and down and go.
Oh, yeah.
Anyway, yeah. That's my point and the
instruments that i can play anybody can a kazoo oh i do have a kazoo hang on anyway listen to it
so tim tim wrote here i'm gonna hold it right here okay can you hear his song i do it's an
yeah it sounds really good with that microphone what do you call this an irish ditty or irish dirge jig no diddy you had a name for it you're irish remember
no a dirge you said something was what are you doing andy
my backpack stuck under my chair. Oh, my gosh.
What was that?
Another set of microphones that you broke.
This is the headphones you broke.
So you broke headphones and microphones.
Here's part of a slide whistle.
I got that.
Come on.
It's an Irish dirt.
What do you call it, Tim?
Tim gets very nervous when I come on.
I know because you beat him.
I've seen you do it.
You remember that?
I bring it up almost every time
Andy comes around.
That didn't happen.
That was fun.
So Tim wrote this Irish
No, you called it something else.
You're going to remember on the car i'm gonna look it up irish
and irish dirge or
are you like freaking out buddy i'm waiting for you to jump in are you freaking out no
well i want to describe that you wrote it he wrote this uh part let's say what they would
sing in a bar that's why it relates very well to what ballads
irish ballad yeah no not about like the two little ride part two I don't even know if I
remember the words to be honest we haven't really performed in a while but he wrote this and then I
wrote the lyrics and it's it's about alcoholism shocking not every one of our effing songs is about alcoholism
i have other addictions i know we got to get on to sex and relationships which is really what
takes you out every time good night i roll wait no is that the right key? Just take me out of the picture Get him
Let's just get my hand
Just get me in
There you are
I know, I know
I roll through rocks
And twisted weeds
I am so sick
Slow down
And tired of me
Way slower
Gladly kind sir
Hitch Because I have to remember the lyrics yes that's why it's
not you're like all hyped up it's like you had a coffee enema you need one i roll through rocks Hestid weeds I am so sick And tired
Of me
Gladly kind sir
I'll hitch
A ride
On your sober
Gun through
Heather and Hill
My brain's cloudy
Still Blarney please don't Through heather and hill, my brain's cloudy still.
Blarney, please don't let me fall off.
Lend me your ears, wee ones,
and I'll tell you a tale of what happens to a man when he stops drinking.
He starts...
I am so sick and tired of me.
I am so sick...
And that's where we speed up.
...and tired of me
One more like this
I feel like we're in a bar
I am so sick
And tired of me
I've always loved the bitches of the century
Thank you We've been doing We started Bitches of the century thank you we've been doing we started
bitches of the century 20 years ago on your uh on this yes well okay so here's what he's talking
about i had when was a business over 20 years ago but in 1999 when uh yeah when internet
companies were this thing we had a tv TV show we would do every week.
And Andy came on.
You actually had about four band members at the time.
And you stood up and did it on a stage.
Well, I have to have five guitar players
because they all drop out all the time.
I don't know who's.
You can actually find that video on
if you look it up.
The classic one.
It's on the YouTube channel too.
Oh, thank you.
Maybe your producer doesn't hate me.
We have it.
You were the first one I put up. Oh, I'm sorry. on the youtube channel too oh so we have oh maybe your producer doesn't hate me we have it and you
were the first one i put up oh i'm sorry i guess i gotta suck something and i think the aid song is
one of the things he sings in that thing and and but because that was a crazy that was a wild song
that's a good one and very hard to remember yes and the um the point being is that nobody saw that
tv show because nobody we were i kept saying show, there's something about this, putting something, video out on the internet.
But nobody could watch it in 1999 because nobody had broadband.
Isn't that crazy?
I think I remember somebody telling me that about your show.
I said, I don't care.
I've been doing his show since it's on the radio.
So we were doing it, but nobody could watch because the technology had yet and got
to the point where people could see stuff and uh and then the whole internet bubble burst and then
it took 15 years for youtube to happen and here we are now i don't know how you're making it look
like this by the way but i i keep thinking i'm on goddamn cnn you like it looks like cnn you like
the look of it love it yeah how who did it is it What's his name again? Caleb. Caleb?
Caleb Nation.
Caleb Nation.
You keep giving grief to today.
Caleb is the brain behind this.
His first name is Calebation?
With a K.
Caleb Nation.
Two words. That's your real name?
That's my real name.
It's on my driver's license.
Caleb Nation.
That's why I was born with it.
We're in it right now.
Your nation is gorgeous
thank you very much looks great i'm sorry if i was weird earlier nah or ever which i always
do you guys want to do a little call or you want to do this song let's do a call let's do a call
song call song call song thank you for letting us do this because i am so jonesing to go on stage
you've come to my shows by the way yes i have i know when there's
sometimes there's only like 20 people in the audience usually turnouts are pretty good pretty
yeah so but when i do them weekly you know in one like in burbank they they're like okay we've seen
that i have people that come back we do but anyhow yeah calls are good all right here we go this is a
question for you i don't know what it's about. Chris, go ahead.
Thank you,
Dr. Drew. Andy, it's
Chris from Cameo
from about six months ago.
I asked you to do a video
for me about the night
I met you in Atlanta in 2007
and I met you and your brother
Jeff and you kind of
threw me about a 15 minute
video and it was one of those
things where you had a couple questions for me
so I kind of wanted to answer those for you
so I was not the guy
who drove you and your brother around
to find your old house
but I had a healthy time
and I hope you're doing well
thank you so much I remember you
he was not the guy that drove you
we were having
emails back and forth or something.
It was Instagram DMs.
He told me to reach out on Instagram
and I did.
That's when I'm trying to be safe.
I didn't hear back.
When I saw your tweet about this event,
I just wanted to dial in and I'm thrilled
that I got in. So are you talking about
that was in Roswell or wherever
that was?
It was Buckhead.
It was the
funny farm in Buckhead.
Yeah but is that near the only
town I know? Is it near
Roswell because that's where I lived. Roswell.
Oh yeah.
It's in North Bolton so yeah it's right next to Roswell,
Georgia. Okay, yeah, right.
All right, man. Thank you.
Thank you for saying that. You're so great, buddy.
I remember that. Yeah, absolutely.
But we hung out, okay, and it's still
I don't, we never found
that. And not you and I, but the other guy,
we never found the house.
And this is John. Hey, John, what's going on there my brother died but that's kind of where i went by
the way hold on a second john what'd he die my brother died he just died of love liquor no i
don't think you do i had if i was on stage in the middle of a song like this and in the middle of
it i put the mic in the middle put the mic in the stand oh put the mic in the stand. Oh, I have one here.
Put it in the stand and then walked off stage and I got on the next plane to Florida
because I knew he was sick and in the hospital,
but multiple times he was sick and in the hospital.
Oh, boy.
I could feel it and he died with me.
Of alcoholism?
His liver.
Talk about how he should have had those nads
that you're promoting.
When I got there, it was like a watermelon.
Oh, yeah, it's terrible.
I said, oh, this ain't good.
I'm just going to post up with you.
Yeah, alcoholic liver disease is no fooling, man.
And women are just a reminder.
Do they have it?
Women get it much more likely than men.
They're about five times more likely.
And you can get alcoholic liver disease and not have cirrhosis too.
So the question is, do you have cirrhosis or not?
And it's hard to tell.
It hurts a little bit.
You usually don't feel much.
Sorry, John, go ahead.
I saw an article in Durango, Colorado, I believe,
with a guy who got a.55 blood alcohol level.
At some point, he tested positive for coronavirus, and they counted his death as COVID-19.
I was wondering if you think there's more cases like this being counted as deaths?
Yeah, I think there are, but I think you've got to remember that they're not doing it
to distort the data or to mislead people.
They're doing it, and they did it really for fiscal reasons.
They just wanted hospitals to have access to enough resources to take care of covet patients so they got more reimbursement the hospitals are in trouble right
now because they've not been doing their usual care they just have been all dedicated to covid
and so there's a lot of financial stress so the covet diagnosis gave them a higher level of
reimbursement and there just is a convention it's just a conventionality if you die with covid you
get counted as a COVID death.
And it may not be the direct cause,
but everyone knows we're doing that.
So it's not like it's being distorted
or hidden or anything like that.
The question we need to ask is,
one day, is somebody going to get the data
and pull out the direct COVID deaths
from the COVID-adjacent deaths?
And would that make a big difference
in the numbers?
And we don't know.
We don't know right now. Are you worried COVID did you forget about it no but there's a
it's it's been like this it's been like uh ebbing and flowing with me because this girl that I'm
dating and I seem not to be doing that well to be honest the relationship's not doing that well
right and she was all freaked out
immediately and i'm like baby you're come on it's just the flu and i probably i felt like i i had
the i think i had it around december you should get tested a real weird no i did get tested i
don't have it but i think i did tested for antibodies you got tested for for having i
know you can go back and now get tested to see if you ever had it.
Which, I mean, why should I do that, though?
Because you could be immune.
You could be immune if you had it.
I think I'm immune.
You will.
You just have to prove it.
I walked to her house still a mile and a half,
and I see a lot of homeless people.
I was going to address that other guy, by the way,
because I see them and I cross the street.
I don't.
I don't.
Interact. Interact. But there was this one guy. He was. It was just so. guy by the way because i see them and i cross the street i don't i don't uh interact interact
but there was this one guy he was it was just so i see so many there's that seems like there's more
i know yeah and he he couldn't get his um his uh mask on he was drunk and he was just trying
you certainly see the alcohol up on the streets, man. The alcohol is way up on the streets because the meth is down.
It is?
Yeah, so they can't get the meth.
Oh, I see.
And homeless people are wearing their masks
because they don't want to be thrown in jail.
And they don't want to get sick.
They don't want to get sick either.
Is that what it is, you think?
I think so.
I mean, this guy looked like he was sick already.
And you can't get them in even when they're sick.
If they say, no, I don't want help, you can't do anything.
It's ridiculous.
It's so bizarre.
It's weird.
And so my girl was so hyper about it.
And I'm like, baby, you're out of your mind.
It's called mass public hysteria.
People are going crazy about it.
It's not real.
It's in your mind.
And then she got me kind of worked up about it.
And also, you and I are kind of worked up about it and then i i and also you and i were
are kind of on the with the same ilk you know where you were getting in trouble about that
i wasn't talking about it but um but what do you think now by the way um i'm i missed how
ferocious it is in some cases it's i've now cared for a bunch of cases and it's brutal when it's
brutal as a doctor you have yeah yeah you have It's brutal in certain situations
If you're over
70, 75
If you have metabolic syndrome
If you have insulin resistance
If you have antiphospholipid syndrome
If you're hypertensive, hypercholesterolemia
Any obesity, man watch out
It is brutal
What about alcoholism?
I can't say I've seen that necessarily.
Yes, but not not alcoholism per se.
Give me one symptom of cirrhosis.
I'm just trying to see if I don't eat.
It's a cold.
Usually don't really your legs start to swell.
You turn yellow.
My feet.
I'm not kidding.
They I told you this last time I was here.
They tingle a little.
Yeah, that can be alcohol neuropathy.
It's different.
You can damage the nerves in your leg from alcohol.
I don't have it in the last few months.
Be careful.
Yeah, just don't drink alcohol.
Do you have any, by the way?
Is he still on the line?
Yeah, he's still.
Hey, buddy.
Well, he's still available.
I mean, he's listening.
But the point is that in most cases, it is like the flu, right?
So in young people, stuff like that, it's just a little more contagious.
But here's what I've been focusing on lately, which is that you heard me talk about later,
earlier, that there's no outdoor transmission.
That is rare to have outdoor transmission. Why that because i thought it was airborne because uv and sun kill it and it's so
dilutional when the you know air just moves it around immediately if you're in a grocery store
might be a different thing but outdoor in the sun seems about the safest place you can be number one
my girlfriend was so manic about it that she would go to the grocery store you know she stopped going
i had to go for her and then she'd bring it home and uh spray everything that she touched with with a bleach
thing does that help yeah yeah it does i mean but again none of it is foodborne so it's we don't
know how safe to be i mean now it's all the levels are so low right now they are you don't have to be
that that crazy about it had this box this cardboard box of money and she's like that's my my money and i went what do you why is it in a box because
i sprayed them well it's not such a bad idea particularly we were in the middle of it but
but the the fact that we're all on lockdown does not have a scientific basis right now
you better stop while you're ahead you're going to get in trouble no no it's just the truth that
the idea of lockdown was, I was just
studying it again this morning.
It was invented in 2006 as a result of a high school science project.
So it was locked down, didn't exist before 2006.
And this is the first time we've ever done it.
And we don't know that it's superior significantly, particularly when the,
when the virus is well suppressed to just social distancing and wearing a mask could even now that I'm thinking about
it I didn't know what you just said now that I'm thinking it could be worse
because what happens is you're in your lock down yeah and then that's right you
guys all give it to each other that's and then somebody goes well I do have to
go to 7-eleven real quick boom it's back exactly right it's a most outbreaks are
in the home and of of and
it usually affects three to five people in a single household so it's it's it's a challenging
question let's put it that way and i just think we ought to start kind of moving around a bit and
see if people can maintain social distancing i'm looking at the university of washington data again
they've not updated in a week so i don't really have anything to say yet about it. Can I do one more song and talk about the Tiger King
because I forgot to mention Paris Dillon,
who is one of my roommates with his girlfriend Stephanie,
and they both worked on the thing.
They actually were very, right, Mike?
I wanted Mike to be on Mike.
Mike on Mike.
If you have a mic, you can hand to him.
But then I can't talk.
Right, well well that would be
terrible well now you know anyways how how was that experience working on the thing that we have
not sold so it's up for sale we're very picky people are coming to us but yeah seems like it's
this is pretty funny it's it was a fun experience i mean the cameras were shaking when we're on
because people were laughing so much yeah but i to the point where my biggest concern about it was well i either want to i i
want to nail it nail it you know like i want me i'm not going to do it the the the tiger king or
because i don't want to be a goofy like cartoon version yeah yeah cartoon like like saturday i
really want to like i want to win an emmy and then i was i kept going on the set like am i getting it i was so self-conscious about it
i said okay i know what we're gonna do now because i couldn't get off the fact that i felt like i
could and people were doing this no yeah yeah you are oh it's never good and i know so i switched
the i flipped the script again literally literally, and rewrote.
And now that's one of the secrets that we're just like,
I probably gave too much.
And that's when it was good.
That's when it hit.
Now it's a done deal.
You're definitely winning the daytime Emmy for this.
See how they talk to me?
That's my producer.
The daytime Emmy.
It's not going to be ready for the daytime.
I just want to see it because i'm sure
it's going to be funny did you is it this is a reenactment of the story such as we know it or
is it a new a new story okay a little of all of it but don't i can't everyone because because
why do you think i don't want to talk about did you know he is so great okay okay that everyone's
i'm going to switch i'm going to switch topic to something quick and hard. Did you know Fred Willard?
Yes, very well.
So that's sad, isn't it?
Very sad.
You know, he was in my things that I directed.
He was in something that I directed that you were in.
I can't remember.
Andrew Taylor.
You were in that.
No, you were in the... You were in a...
I remember being in the Andy Dick show.
Yeah, so was he.
The MTV show.
So was he.
Now, he didn't... Andy, here's how Andy directs. Do it again. Do it again. Do it again. Try it again. Try this Yeah, so was he. So was he. Now, he didn't die of COVID.
Here's how Andy directs.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Try it again.
Try this way.
Try this way.
Do it again.
Do it again.
Do it again.
But I thought it was great because eventually, in seven minutes, you'll do 30 takes.
Yeah, exactly.
And something's in there.
Well, directing you is like that because you're not doing a character.
You're just doing you.
Yes. And with other people, though, like the Carole Baskin thing today,
I was saying to her while I was brewing my coffee, I'm like, do it.
Like, look at me.
Because when I couldn't get the tiger, I shouldn't tell people this secret.
You get other people to do it, and then you can hear what they're hearing,
and it's easier to do when you hear someone else do it i was doing it for her the carol mike hello are you crazy cats and kittens
you know like and then she hears what i'm hearing and then she because she's a woman
and she she nailed it this morning this girl do you know somebody named craig
maybe probably oh there's a guy named chris and he also goes by christine because i guess he's pan
we have a chris christine on our uh thread here once in a while shows up yes bring her up because
she wants to talk to you and i promised her that uh we would okay but um um let's do let's the very
first song that bitches the century did we did on howard's turn can i do a little snippet go ahead
gotta be louder First song that Bitches of the Century did, we did on Howard's turn. Can I do a little snippet? Go ahead.
It's got to be louder when you do this song. Okay.
Little brown ring, little brown ring.
Thank you for your smile.
Little brown ring, little brown ring, you're cramping up my style.
I see you in the dark leaving your brown skid mark.
Little brown ring, little brown ring.
You're quite a nasty treat.
I can stop.
Keep going.
Trepidation, a sunset in vine.
I needs me a vacatione where that sun don't shine.
That old yellow moon and me are gonna have our cereals fling with your tiny tight white tiny, tight, white, and ass-sized little brown ring.
Ring, ring, ring.
Hit the boundary.
And we go, ah, ah, ah.
That was our first one we ever did.
We did it on Howard's turn and it was with Andrew Sherman.
Did Howard like it?
Loved it.
And Andrew Sherman wrote it about little black bugs.
It was about his cockroaches.
And then I said, I'm just going to make it about a butthole.
Why not?
I mean, you know.
All right, let's talk to Craig, who's your friend.
Here we go.
All right.
Hey, Craig.
Hang up.
Craig, what's going on?
Hey, brother.
You know, as Andy gets older, you guys are looking a lot more alike.
I don't know who that's bad for or good for.
I think he's going to be handsome. Yeah, I don't know if that's ironic or I owe someone an apology.
Mostly you, Drew.
I think our coloration is the same and our head shape is sort of the same.
I think we look effing great.
We both look great.
Wait, is this Craig Mercado?
Okay, hi.
I recognize your voice, buddy.
How are you doing?
I'm good.
So I saw you on.
So I figured this is a perfect opportunity.
Andy, you and I have had a number of conversations over the years,
but I thought what a perfect opportunity to ask Dr. Drew a question.
While you're there, because I've known Andy for maybe seven, eight years now,
and I live in Oregon, so we're not nearby, but we come in contact every now and then. We talk a lot
here and there. But Dr. Drew, as someone who's known Andy and has been involved with him-
I'm going to guess your question.
Through a lot of highs.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
Hold on.
Anyone can guess the question. involved with him. I'm going to guess. Stop, stop, stop, stop. Let me guess.
I think your question is,
should I get back in business with him or not?
I have never abandoned you,
my friend.
you never did.
he's no,
my question to drew is there've been a number of times where Andy's been
going through
lows, or even casually posting videos or pictures of him drinking or being drunk, or even if
it was just alcohol, and I don't know whether it was just that or not.
My problem is, is that being at a distance and being more of a casual acquaintance, what is the best way to me to be able to be
of assistance without being, you know, I mean, I'm not, I can't drag him out the door.
I'm not his dad, you know, and I'm not directly involved in a lot of ways, but at the same
time, I'm also wanting to be as helpful as I can.
All right, all right.
So let's talk.
Andy and I will talk about it.
Hold on, hold on.
I already know what you're going to say.
Well, no, you don't because I'm not really sure what I'm going to say except to say that all Craig can really do is he can go to Al-Anon.
He can let himself be available to you and let you know he's available.
And he has not much else he can do.
Would you agree?
So take your mic.
That's how you have been with me.
The problem with you.
But let me tell you, the problem with you, Andy, and this is the problem.
And I want Craig to hear me talk about this.
I have to go to the bathroom right when you're telling me my problem.
That's not so weird.
You go so far off the rail that you scare me and everybody else,
and it gets dangerous.
It gets dangerous, right?
And so we, meaning like me and the Craigs and my wife, people that love you,
start talking about how do we get the cops involved?
How do we go get them?
What do we do? Which you have multiple times.
Right, which we've done, and it usually doesn't work. It doesn't do very well. cops involved how do we go get him what do we do how do we which you have multiple times yeah right
which we've done and it usually doesn't work you just do very high you left the light on for me
thanks right there's not much they can do i know them all now right there you're allowed to drink
yourself to death but but it no no you're right that's true and i don't mean that pejoratively
i mean that's just the fact in this country them's the facts jack talk to my brother jeff dick right exactly just beer just bud light yeah jeff dick and and but but when we send the
cops in at least we feel like okay he's okay at the moment we've checked up on him we've done
everything we can it's called a drunk tank if they take you which they usually don't they usually
don't um so so craig that's the only piece that's a little different with Andy
because he does get so – I don't know if you have that feeling I have.
I get frightened, and I'm worried for him.
And if you can get him on the phone, that's always good,
though he never remembers it, and he will not treat you well
when you get him on the phone.
Andy, you don't treat us well when you get him on the phone. Yep. Andy, you don't treat us well when we get you on the phone.
Yeah, and my thing has always been, you know, like we've, and Andy knows,
you know, we've worked together a little bit
and try to work together a bunch more.
And, you know, you think everything's going great and he sounds great,
everything's great, and then it's not great all of a sudden.
Well, it's usually, I will tell you, and he knows I feel this way,
that it's usually relationships that take him out.
And until he straightens that stuff out,
until you straighten that out,
you're always going to be at risk.
Well, here's how I straightened it out this time, I think.
Because you think I wake up every morning and go,
how am I going to screw my whole life up today?
No, I don't.
I know you don't.
In fact, you do quite the opposite.
You do quite the opposite you do quite the
opposite you you you you lived in a place for years on a sober two years you did everything
you're supposed to do but the relationship part was ongoing and i kept telling you this you're
not going to maintain it because of that i fell in love with people in the sober living to a point
where i i had to get my own little house on the beach alone. And I still have people coming anyways.
I can go on and on about falling like that, but, uh, it's hard.
It's really hard.
That's my thing that alone alone, alone, alone.
I'm looking at what I'm hearing is that salt Peter is the best solution.
No, no, no, no.
It's salt Peter.
He wants to put you, put you on androgen blockade.
So you don't have a sex drive.
No, no, no, no no no no no i can just watch porn occasionally and then i'm gonna i'm gonna try to live with somebody that
i'm not like in love with sexually good it's it's we all love andy it's easy to love andy
and and that's the and that's the challenging part, Craig. So keep available.
Keep after him.
And he has long periods of time where he does really, really, really, really well.
I mean, he works very hard at it.
I do.
And my thing about that is get me now because that window of opportunity closes.
What's going on?
Hurry up.
What's going on?
Oh, wait. We're done. It's over. The window going on we're done it's over the window's closed
already no no the show's that oh i know but i could keep talking to you i know we could talk
all day and night you're always so busy no i'm really not i'm stuck in i'm stuck on quarantine
i know i love this by the way i'll come on every week look at it i'm not kidding it looks like cnn
i know they do a great job Who does
So it's really Caleb
It's Caleb
And then Susan produces it
I want to join his nation
Can I get a visa
He can help you
He can help you
He does a lot of great stuff
I'm looking through the
We'll do a song
While you look through
This is a great one
Because we were just
Talking about police
I wrote this song
Because I've been
To jail so
many times i only go for like hours or you know well you wrote it down no and you wrote the music
right or no yeah but i wrote i he always writes the music or t dan tino or uh mark foster actually
wrote some don't really talk about him. That's crazy.
I forgot about that. Yeah.
I don't talk about it because he doesn't want me to.
And then Andrew Sherman and Paris Dillon, who I'm living with,
who is in The Lion King.
Paris plays the guy, one of my husbands.
He has the teeth all messed up.
It looks like we got the actual guy yeah yeah like that's
basically why i kept thinking i'm not landing it because paris is perfect he's like spot on
so then uh what is how's this one go um do you remember the words at all because like
what are the words what's the words I can't hear you. In the stripes of sunlight.
That's the only part I remember.
I'm a vacation member,
because I'm on a vacation.
I can't remember.
We haven't played it in 10 years.
Why'd you write it down?
It's like,
I'm on a vacation,
permanent vacation,
in stripesped sunlight.
Yeah, that's the chorus.
What's the verse?
I don't remember.
I don't either.
Look it up real quick.
Now we all really want to hear it.
Look it up real quick on your phone.
Look up striped sunlight. It says, hilarious when Andy brought 12 people to Bobby Lee's house.
What happened?
I broke my arm.
My assistant.
We talked about this already. But I broke my arm. My assistant. We talked about this already.
But I broke my arm.
My assistant.
Yeah, he tried to punch me in the face.
So I blocked it.
And I got what's called a police break.
It's like when you raise your arm to block your face
and they hit you with their baton.
It was his fist that was just as hard as a baton.
And it broke.
Play it in the background so I can hear it.
And then broke it in two and got put on Vicodin.
And I was already doing okay, not that well.
The Vicodin just threw me over the edge.
And then I was on Bobby Lee on lots of...
I took all the Vicodin within a week.
You're supposed to have it for a month or something
and so i was on there but i was having a good time i was laughing and and funny and then i think i
was trying to get other illicit drugs which is very hard for me to do because people i can't
even really walk into a bar anymore i go into a bar and they're like aren't you supposed to not be drinking every bar i go into thanks dr drew
mission accomplished it's good all right stripes sunlight and then um so uh and then so people
started coming to pop he actually moved out of that apartment yeah oh he bought a house though
i think he was already going to but like he's got the most
did you ever hear his bottom his stories yes where he crapped his pants liquid and went down his leg
during the live mad tv where his mom had to chase was chasing him in a field with the car
bouncing around like he's he saw the front of the car going over fields. His mom was chasing him.
He's funny and so nice, and I've really grown close with him
and grown to love him, and he's kicking ass, too.
His girlfriend is really lovely also.
Hot as hell, yeah.
And did you find the song?
It's called Striped Sunlight.
Just play it so I can just hear a second of it.
Then maybe come over
here my voice
but can go from the beginning i need to hear the first thank you jim i'm reading your restream while andy's getting ready
um tom cigars i've been enjoying your comments starting in the middle uh spotify
or youtube i was just uh bobby relapse recently somebody's saying no is that true that would be
father's death they said oh no i should reach
out to please the thing is is any any of my friends watching this right now please text or
call me because when i had a bad time six months ago i broke two phones in a row somebody got into
my phone they erased every everything susan knows she has a story about it where she was calling me i'm like
i don't know you shut up and who are you don't ever call me again i hate you i because everybody
was calling me and i'm like who are these people somebody erased my whole life cloud yeah the cloud
my whole life i erased my whole life i did dude well I know Bobby and I had some long talks
about his
some tune ups
in his program
he needs to do
but he's very
he's also a very serious guy
his recovery
take one more
well I really do
you gonna go to the bathroom
well let's wrap it up
wrap it up
yeah we'll wrap it up
sorry I didn't get
all the calls here
I apologize
and restream. You guys
were great, but it was not really a COVID
type show today. It was sort of
personality driven, as we say.
Artie Lang, is he having trouble again?
Steve Jones, tell me that, because Artie's
been doing really well for quite some time.
We're wrapping this up. Anything from your standpoint?
Everything good?
I need...
My life... We're wrapping this up. Anything from your standpoint? Everything good? I need a couple of slugs.
My life...
My life
is smoother than silk.
Two in the bush.
Is that right? Two in the bush, Tom's Vodcast.
And a box of milk.
in striped sunlight yeah i remember now
you can get it you can get it on spotify because i don't have it in my head
yeah we should rehearse before we go on somebody's saying arty is mia
no again yeah he's been doing so well. Really?
Yeah, yeah. I'm going to be MIA in the bathroom.
I can't hold it. Alright, hold on. So
Cameo, Andy Dick.
Please go and buy Cameo.
Get your microphone.
Please, it's just go to
and buy
a Cameo from me.
That's how I make my, that's how I put macaroni
and cheese in my stepdaughter's mouth
and how about your your how about meg should we go to her website oh she's meg is in the tiger
king of course she is she's a great comedian she's so funny in this too such an everybody's
saying oh my gosh it's natural and she's so funny and she's i don't want to tell you what she plays
because it's it's not like carol baskin it's i that's all i can say she's a brilliant community what's her instagram meg dick no it's it's meg's dick because somebody had meg dick so
it's meg's dick meg s dick so because her middle name is sage what's that meg's dick i know andy
go pee we'll see you everyone i'm like he's wrapped up it's He tied it in knots now.
Okay, thank you very much.
He's fine.
He's fine.
He's fine.
Andy Dick on Cameo.
Social distancing, everybody.
Well done.
Fox 11, I'll be there tomorrow night at 7 Pacific time.
Also with Christina P. and Tom Segura at your mom's house on After Dark.
And thank you to Andy.
Also Tom Arnold.
Two in the Bush, is that what they call it?
His podcast, Two in the Bush.
And also check out George Papadopoulos'
podcast and of course Simona Maggiante.
We appreciate it. We'll see them here.
We will continue to do our daily
streams and probably
let me...
Is Andy having a fight back there with somebody it sounds like
he's actually having a fight is it so so tomorrow what time roughly are we going to be in here
okay I'm saying probably tomorrow about two o'clock tomorrow two o'clock tomorrow
PJ's from the Veterans Association.
And Darren Prince will be with us as well.
So we're going to do a little charity work tomorrow.
And we'll talk about, we should have an update for University of Washington tomorrow.
So there should be some interesting graphs and data to look at.
As you recall, we all agreed that Georgia would be, and I use these words,
and I will continue to use them, our canary in the coal mine.
They picked exactly the wrong time to open up,
and yet it looks like they're going way down rather quickly.
So whatever it was, that was good.
Thank you to Bercom for the device.
I can take Andy's temperature at a distance.
97.2, well done.
Put your mask on, my friend.
If we're going to be close again, put our masks on. uh we're still on i'm just saying goodbye to everybody and anything else you want to say
dandy before we go i just i've always loved you i always look up to you thank you always come to
you for help and i'm not now i'm coming to just have fun i miss you as a person too i know we
have these like ups and downs where we're just
friends yeah and then they're and you have said you're the one that pointed it out you're like
okay i'm uh your doctor now so i'm not going to be treating you like a friend right and then and
then we got off that yeah and then you're like oh yeah yeah and now we're friends except i have
some knowledge and some experience and you scare me sometimes and I bring that to bear.
Stop saying I scare you.
You do.
You do.
Be that as it may, we are going to be here tomorrow.
We thank you all for joining us.
Andy, thank you.
And thank you to our guests today.
Thank you for your calls.
Love you too.
We'll see you next time.
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky.
This is just a reminder that the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care or medical evaluation.
This is purely for educational and entertainment purposes.
I'm a licensed physician with over 35 years of experience, but this is not a replacement for your personal physician, nor is it medical care.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911.
If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255
anytime, 24-7 for free support and guidance. You can find more of my recommended organizations
and helpful resources at slash help.