Ask Dr. Drew - Ask Dr. Drew - Coronavirus Social Distancing w/ Nikki Glaser - Episode 12
Episode Date: March 20, 2020Dr. Drew is joined by stand-up comedian, actress, and radio host Nikki Glaser to discuss Coronavirus, dating while social distancing, and top COVID-19 questions from callers. Surprise guest Greg Gutfe...ld (of FOX’s The Greg Gutfeld Show) calls in. Missed the live show? Get an alert next time Dr. Drew is taking calls: Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation (@KalebNation) and Susan Pinsky (@FirstLadyOfLove). THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre.
Psychopaths start this way.
He was an alcoholic because of social media
and pornography, PTSD, love addiction.
Fentanyl and heroin, ridiculous.
I'm a doctor for.
Say, where the hell you think I learned that?
I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people.
I am a clinician.
I observe things about these chemicals.
Let's just deal with what's real.
We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time.
Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat.
If you have trouble, you can't stop and you want to help stop it, I can help.
I got a lot to say.
I got a lot more to say.
Welcome to this streaming broadcast.
We are going to, I'm going to get right to my guests in just a second, but I want to
remind you at 3.30 we'll be back,
and that will be more of a call-in show than this one.
I'm going to look at you guys on restream,
trying to get some of the questions off of there,
but mostly we are here to interview our very special guest,
the great Nikki Glaser.
Nikki, are you there?
Yes, I am here.
There you are.
Thank you for doing this.
I really appreciate it.
Oh, my gosh.
I have literally got nothing else to do.
You were in St. Louis, correct?
I mean, like, what do we do now?
Like, I jumped at the – first of all, I would be here anyway.
But secondly, I'm like, how great that I get to work right now and, like, talk to you and do something.
Because I'm in St. Louis at my parents' house.
Just hold up, you know.
I didn't want to – I was in L.A. my parents' house. Um, just hold up. You know, I didn't want to,
I was in LA when all this started getting crazy and I was going to go back to my,
place in New York.
And I was like,
I don't want to be in New York.
I'm scared.
So I was just like,
I want my mommy and daddy.
And that's where I am.
And we talked about feelings.
What's that?
It's making me feel those feelings of like,
I want to be with the people I love the most.
I'm scared. So, and that's not a bad thing, right? No, it's good. What's that? It's making me feel those feelings of like, I want to be with the people I love the most.
I'm scared.
And that's not a bad thing, right?
No, it's good.
That's a silver lining.
More quality time.
Yeah, exactly.
With the care you might die any day.
And you and I were together day before yesterday?
I can't, I'm losing track of time now.
Two days ago.
Nikki and I, Nikki kindly asked me to be,
what do you call it? The expert on who wants to be a millionaire.
The smartest person I know.
We can't talk too much about it, but let's just say
that whatever
leftover feelings you had
from Dancing with the Stars, we put that all
to rest.
We really did, and
it was so nice to have you there it was a really emotional
episode in so many ways like i don't know that i've i'm so excited for that to air because it
was wild and i there was something that happened that was so unexpected for me yep it made me feel
all these feelings that i struggle with of like i fucked up I'm not as good as they want me to be. And there I had, in the middle of all this chaos,
Dr. Drew is positioned behind me as like this.
And you came up to just like talk to me,
but I was like in tears at this moment.
And you comforted me in such a way
that made the taping so much better.
So you were not only so helpful with the questions,
emotionally, you were like like you had me and i
had you and i and that was a why we can't tell you what happened but something crazy happened
and then kimmel was just driving in the knife telling telling us it's so hard for him to say
this come on now oh it was so much it's it's great tv we made a great uh we made great tv
good episode but and i there is one story I want you to share before.
We're going to take some restream questions and some basic questions.
Corona's on everybody's mind, so we'll just get some basic stuff out of the way here in just a minute.
But the story I want you to tell my wife, Susan, who's on mic here as well, is we met you through her podcast, and you told a story about it that i thought was hysterical do you
mind yeah no i'd love to i originally met susan and i believe you through yeah that's how we all
got to know each other i you asked me to be on your podcast susan and um she's there right yeah
can you hear me yeah and um and yeah you have a does that podcast still going on uh yes we
are we're still in production okay yeah what's the it was so fun you have a psychic on and then
calling out it's called yeah there's a psychic there and susan's there and then a guest is there
and then you were the guest and uh and there was this moment where the psychic just wasn't able to pull anyone for me because I guess no dead people
I know like really wanted to check in on me
and um
but there was this one woman that the psychic kept saying like there's this woman that's showing up and she's
She's vacuuming and she's doing this and I think Susan you were like that sounds a lot like my mom like a lot
And and she was like, okay what did your mom look
like and you were like well did she have it was something about the hair you were like does she
have this long hair that's just and it's like it goes no it's actually a short bob and susan you go
oh she cut her hair
camel almost fell off his chair it was was so good. It was so good.
It was so funny.
She cut her hair.
I loved having you in my apartment in New York too. That was a really fun.
Oh my God. It was, it was such an amazing, I'll never forget that day.
I'm like, this is where the Pinsky's live.
It was ornate and beautiful and bright. And yeah, you guys are just great.
I'm happy to be here.
Thank you.
So you and I kind of talked on Friday about your fears about coronavirus,
and you were getting kind of worked up about things.
Where are you today?
So after talking to you, I really felt a lot better and more at ease.
And everything's being blown out of proportion but that's a good thing
and right that's how you made me feel and i felt really good and then i came home to st louis and
then i think it's my parents watching the news too much or just going online and reading the
stuff that people my mom keeps just like playing a video that her brother will send her and it's like
this is from the american government and i'm it's like, this is from the American government. And
I'm like, okay, well, that's not from the American government. If they have a British accent,
whatever that video is right now, a message from the American government. And I'm like,
well, this is a, so I think I'm just getting a lot of misinformation, but, um, where I'm at,
Dr. Drew is really about, like, I think people need to stop socializing. And I think people
need to stop posting about I'm going out. It's St. Patrick's Day, you can't change my life.
It's like, yeah, you gotta change your life.
Is it St. Patrick's Day?
I mean, that's what people want to celebrate.
Oh my God.
In two days.
In two days it is, okay.
Yeah, well, in two days they're out and about. So the risk of dying, I calculated the risk of dying of coronavirus today.
It's 0.000012.
That's your risk today.
About the risk of getting a really high lottery ticket winning.
Now, the problem is that this is a special virus and that it's highly contagious and it has a higher fatality rate, particularly for old people.
And so we want this thing to stop.
And I'll be talking in more detail about that.
The question always is how far do we go in terms of changing our behavior to get this thing to stop?
And we are changing our behaviors a lot.
We're doing a good job.
I mean, you're in St. Louis.
You're at home.
You're not out at comedy clubs.
I mean, and you're just one person.
There's 100 million more that have changed their behavior just as much.
That's good.
So I'm just upset by all the people that are still demanding to not change their behavior.
Is that just something like, oh, well, don't worry.
Like, just do what you can do.
I mean, I just am like, I want to take people and go, what are you?
Stop it.
Yeah, it's cavalier.
It's cavalier.
I understand it. I get it. Yeah, it's cavalier. It's cavalier. I understand it.
I get it.
Here's the reality, though.
Let's talk very specifically about what the CDC is telling us.
The CDC is saying you may go to restaurants if you wish.
We'd rather you don't, but you may go so long as you're not elbow to elbow
or shoulder to shoulder.
If you're six feet away from people sitting at tables,
there's no reason you can't go provided you have no symptoms and no risk.
Well, I like dining in New York style, table, table, table.
So I guess I can't go out.
I like being right up next.
Yeah, that's so good.
That you don't want to do for a while.
What about a Ruby Salad Bar?
Salad Bar is going to –
Interesting question.
That's where I love to go when I'm in St. Louis.
It's a great question.
By the way, how are people behaving there in St. Louis?
Are they kind of calm or are they all freaked out too?
They're, they're freaked out.
I only really know what my sister is doing, but I just drove to get my prescriptions through
the drive-thru window because I wasn't even about to go in.
But the grocery stores, it looks like,
you know,
it looks like there's a coming and it's like been consistent.
It was like that yesterday.
you know,
in this,
in Los Angeles,
the mayor sent out a blast to everybody's phone saying stock up on food and it
caused near riots.
I mean,
that was the most,
it was the craziest damn thing I've ever seen that this is what I'm worried
This is the shit that drives me crazy,
is when you're fomenting not just chaos and panic,
but actual violence.
Come on now.
Yes, this is all, let's do our thing in an orderly manner,
and we'll be fine. So back to your question about Ruby Tuesday.
We're learning a lot about the surfaces the virus lives on, right?
And so it's looking like anything from a few hours to two days.
The reality, though, is there's very little, if any, transmission on objects, right?
So even though we're documenting all this ability of the virus to stick around on surfaces,
it doesn't appear that that's a common way of transmission.
Now, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be super vigilant.
Every time somebody hands you something, that's a potential transmission.
Even though we don't think it's a high probability, you should be thinking about that, handling
money, thinking about that, handling a coffee cup from a coffee shop.
You should be washing your hands and not letting your hands go to your face immediately.
And that's, you know, I was at an airport a couple of days ago and I was thinking about that.
It was really surprising.
When you really focus, it's surprising how many things your hands touch that other people hand you.
So pay attention.
It's crazy.
And not touching your face.
I mean, I feel like girls are going to have really, we're all going to have really clear skin at the end of this.
Because that is, you don't even realize how much you touch your face until you're, it's,
it's pretty crazy. Okay. So surfaces are, continue. I have a question that's separate
from that. That's pretty much the thought is that we're learning a lot, the surfaces, but they are
proving to be less of an issue that we might've thought, though do not discount them, number one.
But number two, it looks like it's prolonged contact with a person.
That seems to be, now some people may be more infectious than others, and some people may
be more prone than others.
And if you are in the risk categories, you shouldn't be out in environments where you're
putting yourself in the way of these kinds of things, right?
If you're, go ahead.
So I just flew in from California and my sister has two small children and her husband and
they're all locked down.
I mean, they've gone to the grocery store and stuff like that, but they're not doing
that anymore.
My parents were just in California too with me.
They don't want to see any of us.
And to be honest, I don't really want to see them because I'm scared of what, what
is that irrational or
is that okay? You're, you're fearful that what having traveled, you guys might be carrying
something. Yes. I mean, that's a super low probability, but, but if you want to be, see,
we're in a zone now where we're all trying to be, this, this is where I want everyone to understand
something. The CDC has made some very general recommendations that should flatten the curve of the epidemic. Social distancing, people at risk stay home, no large crowds. That's it. That's CDC and you are welcome to do it. So if you want
to do extra, then you'd wait 48 hours, Nikki, before you had contact with everybody. Well,
I'd wait 48 hours. Well, doesn't the, how long let's get the, the let's like, well, we just
assume everyone knows the stats on this. How long is the virus contagious? And when do you get it?
Well, first of all, if you get it, you usually have symptoms in three to four days,
but it can go up to two weeks, okay?
But 48, 72 hours, I mean, you're kind of probably doing pretty well at that point.
But the post after you resolve, after you're better,
that's a little more of a complex situation.
So what we know about that is that most people resolve within two weeks, okay?
But that there is a subpopulation that continue just to secrete virus.
It's a very unusual thing.
It's not common.
But there are people that have been observed to continue to put out virus for like five
weeks now, I think they've got on record.
And those people are at risk for recurrence.
So this,
all this data,
this stories you hear about people having reinfection,
it's probably the,
it's probably recurrences,
recurrence and not reinfection.
Make sense.
Recurrence being that they are the certain type of people that for whatever
reason it lays door,
it'll stay in them longer after they're recovered. So it's recurrence, not reinfection. Yeah. And they are the certain type of people that for whatever reason it lays dormant, it'll stay in them longer after they're recovered.
So it's recurrence, not reinfection.
And they are contagious that whole time.
Contagious the whole time.
Say it again.
We, we, we're, we're crossing here.
So it's dormant if they're the whole time.
And it just goes dormant for those people.
It's not that they're from someone else.
Okay. Hi, Norma. I remember you from Corpus Christi. I've got a restream here going, all the people on Facebook
and Periscope are commenting about, we're talking about it. Um, so what other question you had,
you had said more questions and I'm going to add, uh, we have the top 10 questions on the internet.
We're going to try to go over some of those, but go ahead. I'm in St. Louis and I'm lonely. And there's a guy I met on Raya and it's the celebrity dating
app. And there's only one St. Louis other celebrity on that. And I want, I'm, I'm just
with my parents. I'm a single lady. How can I go? How can I date in this right now? Cause I don't
know where he's been. He, he said, I was texting with him. He's been to
Whole Foods yesterday. I'm like, oh, Jesus Christ. Now I can't. Do I go on a six foot distance date
in a park? Like, what's the best? I'm serious here. I'm serious that it's a great question.
So is this Chris DiStefano? Is he in St. Louis? How dare you? How dare you? I'm moving on.
Moving on. Moving past him. Good for you you yeah yeah oh that's old that's old news
no there's there's the celebrity dating app is hilarious because when you're new york and la
it's just there's people all around you but i did like the members near you and there was just one
guy and like we're just like okay i guess I guess this is some quarantine dating situation.
It's like love is blind.
It's interesting.
I think you have to assess his risk, right?
You said because he went to Whole Foods, he's at risk.
Is that your assessment?
Like I was like, oh, I went to Whole Foods yesterday.
God damn it.
I want my dick quarantined right now.
You need your dick on lockdown is what you're saying.
I need these dicks to have not been out of their house.
I need depressed guys right now, guys who haven't left their house in two weeks anyway.
How long are you going to be there in St. Louis?
I don't know.
Well, I'm thinking like New York City is going to be on lockdown.
I can do my radio show from here.
I love my parents.
I have a lot of writing to do. All my TV projects are like at a standstill so i can just focus good and and hung around and
and my parents are old this is kind of a great opportunity to like be with them um at this weird
stage in our lives like i'm a 35 year old woman who has my own life but like somehow i'm forced
to move back home i never could have anticipated this so it's kind of so maybe months i don't know no no i don't think months i don't think
months i mean everybody i talked to is looking at may june this thing kind of becoming sane again
i really want this relationship with this guy to last so i gotta stay longer than that so i need
you to create some false okay raya so why don't you you can go out with him.
Why don't you go out with him and see if there's anything there
and then put a little quarantine on him. That'll
motivate him to stay out of public places.
Right. Give him like a 72 hour quarantine.
Like, like just tell me.
Is the best idea
to just go to his place
where we're alone? Or is it like a park?
Or is it like what? We're not going
to go out to dinner. I don't want to go to a restaurant right now.
All right. Then how about he comes to your place?
My parents live here.
We're moving. This is moving very quickly, but you know what?
In the end times, things have got to speed up.
Right. You got to reproduce before things end.
I think that's literally what is inside of me right now as a 35 year old woman
that that's already kind of, you know, it just happens.
What as you get this age is like, I got to settle down.
But I think this idea that we're all like,
what truly matters is who you love and what love and you just want,
you want to find love.
And that's what I'm excited about. Season two of love is blind.
I am submitting a video from
I'm going to try out here. But yeah, I think that there's something in all of us. It's kind of like
what matters most, who matters most. And I'm like, damn it, I'm single. God, I got to find someone.
There are two significant benefits of this whole thing. One is exactly what you just described, that people are reprioritizing and they're hunkering down with the people that really matter for them.
But number two, we're seeing human ingenuity start to kick up at an extraordinary rate in terms of how we're doing the testing and the kinds of treatments that are being tested right now, as well as the vaccine therapies and who's doing that and how they're doing it, the whole world is literally gearing up with its creative scientific machinery underway.
So there's some benefits from this. And again, how much will things fall apart as a result of
these extreme measures are what worry me. That's all. I just don't want to see people's jobs sacrificed.
Because a lot of this is unnecessary.
A lot of it does not, you have to stay with Dr.
Fauci at the CDC.
I've been with that guy since the AIDS epidemic.
And it's kind of an interesting thing.
I was thinking about him this morning.
I used to bring him down here to lecture and stuff.
And he's a great guy.
And he was always my hero.
And so now here he is again. And he's a great guy and he was always my hero and so now here he is again
and he's become my north star in this whole uh mess but i'm now thinking back i'm i'm i'm gonna
talk about this a little bit later uh is that he was a little bit of an alarmist back during the
aids epidemic not that and at the time i thought it was totally appropriate because we were all we
were trying to get people to change their behavior we were trying to get condoms used all kind of stuff and i kind of seeing him do the same thing
again now so again he's still who you should follow but don't get upset when he starts using
rhetoric that sounds scary listen to him very very carefully okay but that that's what you told me
the other day was like listen to fousey listen to Fauci, don't listen to anything else.
And you still maintain that that's who we should look to.
Absolutely, 100%.
But we're not people that are like, he's corrupt.
Like, they're just, they're playing it down.
Like, I mean, I know everyone's always going to say that they're lying to us.
There's always going to be someone saying that, but you trust him.
No, no, yeah.
If anything, he has to be careful with his rhetoric
because everyone is hanging
on every word
and some of the things he says,
I know what he means
and it sounds scary
to the average person
even though it's exactly right
what he's saying.
And so that,
that's my only concern
at this point.
he's been spot on
and if you noticed,
I mean,
he's the one that stands up
and is allowed,
if you use that word correctly,
to contradict President Trump. I mean, he's done that multiple times. Trump comes up and says,, if you use that word correctly, to contradict President Trump.
I mean, he's done that multiple times.
Trump comes up and says, there's going to be a vaccine in four months.
He goes, 12 to 18 months.
Let's be serious here.
He's not scared to contradict the president.
So that's a good sign.
So let's talk about a couple.
Do you have any more questions?
I mean, I don't really. uh, I, you didn't answer my date question.
So, so I, I think, I think this is in the excess, right?
You're being excessively concerned, but, but that's what you're trying to do.
You want to be that person. So fine. So I would personally,
I think you'd be fine to go out and meet him in a restaurant as long as
the restaurant isn't crowded, as long as it's a relatively quiet place.
And shitty place, yes, that's what I mean.
And wash your hands and don't allow for intimate contact, yes, until he's had his lockdown.
You said you need your D's on lockdown.
Lockdown, ring.
Oh, that's the lockdown you want your D's on lockdown. Oh,
that's the lockdown you want.
Two kinds of lockdown,
Do you,
but this is a good opportunity for you to bring the both up.
That's good.
that sounds good.
I I'll continue.
That's okay.
I'm glad that you gave me permission to go on a date in a restaurant.
That isn't that.
I do.
now here's Dr. Fauci saying Americans should be prepared to hunker down significantly more than they are doing now.
So what he's saying is be like Nikki Glaser, not more than Nikki Glaser.
He's saying don't be like the millennials that are going to the bar.
It means model staying at home for the most part is where we want people to be if they can.
Again, he didn't say you're going to die if you go outside.
He didn't say stay home or else.
He said be prepared to kind of make substantial changes in your life
and err in that, move in that direction if you can.
That's all he's saying.
So don't read the catastrophe side of this.
Let's not be cruel to each other in the midst of
like chaos is going to make us be terrible to one another is that kind of your fear well
my fear all along again i i saw this coming nikki i when i there's footage of me you know
they're circulating around the internet telling the media to shut up. That was from five weeks ago because I could see the language they were using
and the extreme, the catastrophizing.
I just saw a panic ahead.
I knew it because I knew it was going to come here,
and I knew we were going to have to do things to adjust and deal with it,
but the press was using such profound language.
I wanted them to shut up so you could just listen to the CDC.
That's what we did during the H1N1 epidemic.
Do you even remember that epidemic?
I mean, I don't remember when it was or how bad it was.
So that was 2009, and that virus infected 1 billion people and killed 500,000.
Yes, it did.
It infected one. I was one it did. It infected one.
I was one of them.
It was awful.
It was a bad illness.
So one billion people were infected.
And it was a pandemic.
And you don't remember it.
I just want people to kind of contextualize these things so they don't go too crazy on this.
Go ahead.
We'll remember this one.
I mean, like, why are we responding?
Is it because during H1N1 the press just didn't do this to us?
And there's two things, maybe three things.
One is people trusted the Obama administration.
They did exactly what the current administration is doing.
But people went, OK, thank you.
And the press didn't chew on it the way they're chewing on it now.
And there was no social media.
Remember, there wasn't social media
to spin everything out too.
And then, I don't mean we should be comparing epidemics.
Okay, so I'm not comparing the viruses and the epidemic.
I'm comparing our response to it.
So even though a billion people got infected,
we didn't get that upset about it.
Now we have 150,000 and people are going nuts. Now we're telling you that this is a more serious
situation and it could get terrible, which is why we want to squash it now. And that's where people
are spinning out, right? We're not saying you're in imminent danger. We're saying this could get
bad. And so let's take care of business right now.
Does that make sense?
And I will tell you what I told Nikki is that we are changing our behavior so much that it is going to affect the spread of this thing.
We're doing a great job.
In fact, we're going too far.
And good.
So fine. We'll take care of this thing. We're doing a great job. In fact, we're going too far and good. So fine.
We'll take care of this thing.
Now the too far includes everyone in my,
everyone on my text chains and emails.
I'm getting people freaking out all day long that are having an emotional
effect from this thing that they need and have just be calm,
take care of business.
I love this.
Thank you.
That's what,
that's what I'm glad your tune is the same as it was 48 hours ago.
And no one is really saying this of that.
The media is blowing it out.
I mean,
people are kind of aware of that,
but I think we're just getting sucked into it so much.
And I really needed to hear that.
So I get sucked into it too.
I got to tell you,
I start,
I start going,
wait a minute.
What I started doubting my judgment and my assessment, because i've been through these i've been through the aids epidemic
i've been through h1n1 i i see exactly what this is and i got anthony fauci there giving me a
guiding light and and i'm i i'm not panicked i'm not in any we're going to get this we're going to
be fine i i my instinct is clear that we're going to get this thing but then when i if i watch tv
for an hour i start going oh my god maybe i that we're going to get this thing. But then when I, if I watch TV for an hour, I start going, Oh my God,
maybe I'm, maybe I'm doubting myself. And then,
then the next day I'm pissed. Like I shouldn't doubt myself.
I know exactly what's going on here. So here we go.
I'm going to continually check in with you. This is very helpful.
Okay, good. Hold on. I'm going to pull up the Hopkins website.
What's that? What's that website called with the data shoot i can't find it now you know what else a lot of people are saying if this thing
goes away in april or may it's going to come back with a vengeance in fall uh what is the
behind that that is why are they people well that's a concern that's that's a real concern
uh oh by the way on my on the restream, people are talking about homelessness and Skid Row.
What if coronavirus gets in there?
And yeah, that's going to be, that's where things could get really bad.
I've been warning forever that that's a population that, I thought it might be measles that got in there,
but now we have coronavirus, it could, oh my God, would that be a catastrophe
if it gets into our homeless population in Southern California?
I mean, how is it not going to?
I don't know how it's not going to.
I don't know how.
I absolutely agree with you.
So when and if that happens, watch me carefully because I'll see.
It may change my tune a little bit in terms of what we need to do locally.
Pay attention.
You're good in St. Louis.
You're fine there.
All right.
All right.
Thank you.
So let me see.
People are asking all kinds of –
Hey, Drew.
The news just came up and said Federal Reserve cuts rates to zero
to support economy during the –
All right.
So we now have zero rates in our government.
it's time to buy real estate. Your mortgage rates are going to be 1.6. So again, when we get through
this, things are going to be better. Give me a second here to pull this map up because Johns
Hopkins has a map of the outbreak that is updated all day long there it is
it's an interactive map oh shoot come on guys can you guys give me a book here it is right here can
i just give some people some tips some quarantine tips while you're looking that up absolutely like
how to please go ahead um this is what i've been doing i'm actually made a couple uh i'm gonna
actually get a book club going i'm gonna ask'm going to announce a book club pretty soon for quarantine
book club. And I'm also going, um, I, I contacted a couple of my friends today. My friend FaceTime
me last night and we don't ever FaceTime, but we were both feeling lonely and I, it was so much
fun to just talk and laugh. And I wrote to him today and I said, talking to you on FaceTime
yesterday was a bright spot of my day,
which we really need to be focused on and,
and we need to be connecting.
So I made it,
I'm making dates with my friends to get on FaceTime because our schedules are
you don't work anymore.
So fill your schedule with talking to people,
connecting with people via FaceTime.
and also board games,
like get out the board games.
They're fun. They really are a distraction. Careful with the board games. They're fun.
They really are a distraction.
Careful with the board games
because those are fomites that you're handling.
So make sure you're with people that have no risk
and are not in a risk category.
If you're already quarantined,
whoever's quarantined with you,
you got it anyway.
So break up.
I just sent you the map.
I've got the map here.
So we are at 3,244 in the United States with 62 deaths, which is still doing pretty good.
Again, 3,200.
And again, when I compare with other epidemics, I just want to use it for your emotional judgment about where we are.
So we have 3,200 cases in the United States.
We're going to have tens of thousands
before we're done, for sure, for sure.
I don't expect hundreds of thousands
if we really are as good as we seem to be,
but it's certainly going to be tens of thousands.
Compared to with the flu,
we at this moment have 24 million.
We've had 24 million this flu season.
And people didn't freak out about that.
You're statistically at this moment more likely to die of flu than corona at this moment okay
why don't we embrace the flu like corona like why is it like oh it's moved over here now it's moved
to this county why don't we do that we've never done it believe me the cdc does it and doctors
do it and that's why we're pushing the flu vaccines like crazy. And the flu vaccine is not 100% effective.
But it doesn't get scooped up by the press.
So it doesn't really get to the general public, the knowledge of where it's going.
And I think that's it.
When you see something moving on a map and you see zones of a map, it just generates this like, it's coming.
And it's always coming.
We're just not usually this aware of it.
That's exactly right.
And then we have this other problem right now, which is there's going to be a sudden uptick we're going to see in the United States particularly because we're doing more screening.
We've moved from diagnostic.
We had before we were doing diagnostic testing, which is doctors who think they have a case on their hands send a diagnostic test off.
Now we're going to screen anybody who has any risk or feels any symptoms or things they might be in trouble, which is going to be literally millions of people.
And then we'll kind of know where we are.
But you'll see a massive uptake in positives then, right?
And we'll be able to locate them.
We'll see where they are.
But I think soon after that uptake, though,
because then again, all those people will self-quarantine
and will have more ability to identify who's at risk.
I think once we see that, I think the things will plateau.
There's another thing that deserves review,
which is also don't go to the hospital or urgent care
or even the doctor if you feel sick.
If you're just having mild symptoms, call your doctor,
but they
are going to have drive-through testing done probably next week in most places. Get the test
done because if you go to the doctor's office or go to the ER especially, you may infect all those
people that you come around, number one, or there may be other people who actually have coronavirus
there that you could pick up from. You see how we want to be very, very careful with our use of medical resources. I'm going to be talking to Scott Adams at about 3.30 to review his concerns that we're
going to run out of ICU beds and ventilators. I have a very significant thing to say to him
about that. Hey, Drew. Yeah. Greg Gutfeld wants to call in. He wants to call in? Yeah. Do you want to talk to him? If he does, sure.
Oh, Gutfeld.
Red Eye.
Remember Red Eye?
Did you ever go on Red Eye?
Oh, I went on Red Eye a bunch.
This will be fun to hear from him.
So he will get...
Let me get some questions here.
I'm taking medication like Humira or Stelara that suppresses the immune system.
What should I do about coronavirus?
You are in a risk population.
You are those people we're saying should generally stay home.
We have someone in the room with us right now that's on Stelara.
And I wanted to hug him.
I did not.
That's me, the producer.
And he is, you're a little too close to Susan right now for my comfort.
But you're good with Lindsay.
You're about four feet there.
I already had it, Drew.
Maybe you're still secreting virus.
Is it safe to go on a plane or go to a concert during the corona outbreak
if you're healthy under 35 years of age?
Probably, but there will be no concerts because we've decided we're not going to do that.
We're not going to allow large crowds.
Although I gave a talk in South Carolina three days ago, four days ago,
and there was about 500 people there.
So in some areas, they're having some crowds. No, in St. Louis and there's about 500 people there. So in some areas they're having some crowds.
No, in St. Louis, there's a concert going on tonight.
I just grabbed the phone from my mom because she was talking to her friend
who's going to this concert. And I go, you're a smart woman.
Don't be an idiot right now.
I was like,
you're going to be embarrassed if you go to this concert in two weeks with how
things go. You're going to be one of the people we talked about that like,
just don't do it.
Why aren't they canceling this?
Well, in this state of New York, they are.
And things are sort of red hot in California and New York.
And that's where people are really, we're limited to 50 people here.
That's where all the comedy clubs are closing.
And I'll tell you something, Nikki, the big problem we're having,
listen to this.
So they did not contemplate what this would do to 12-step meetings.
So I have a bunch of recovery.
I've contemplated it.
What's that?
I've contemplated it.
So I have a bunch of people in recovery that are freaking the hell out,
and then they're fighting between themselves.
Well, they.
It's terrible.
I rely on that kind of stuff a lot and especially during a time where
it's this stressful and they're calling things and and in online stuff but it's you can't go to
those those meetings are all shut down what you you can you just can't go to them if it's over
30 40 people so you have to have smaller groups you have to again practice social distancing
within the group don't hold hands when you do the prayer at the end, that
kind of thing. But, man,
and then what's happening is there are people
saying, let's get these meetings together, and then
there are other people going, you want to kill people!
No. If
people want to gather in a 12-step meeting, it is
still okay. Just practice social distancing
and keep the group less than
35, let's say, just for the
sake of... You don't have to really shout your share, though,
if you're all six feet apart.
Four feet apart, whatever it might be.
Okay, let's see.
Oh, somebody's hosting an online 12-step meeting on Zoom
every day at 6 p.m. Good.
Again, don't panic, everyone.
Do not panic.
Just be systematic.
Do your best practices.
If you don't want to do the best practices,
that's even okay with me
because the rest of us kind of are.
What should people over 50 do to avoid the coronavirus?
Same thing that everybody else does.
We're not saying somebody 50 should stay home.
We're not saying that.
It's really over 70, maybe over 65.
If you're a smoker over 50,
then yes, you should. What is the benefit of creating a vaccine versus having those who are healthy exposed to build up immunity? So apparently, Nikki, in Great Britain, they've decided
that they're going to let the virus spread to 60% of the population. So they get herd immunity. That's what they've decided.
Now the rest of the European folks are a little upset with that because that
means millions of people are going to be carrying the virus that could come to
their countries,
They are,
they're practicing social isolation,
that sort of thing.
So it's,
it's a little dicey.
A vaccine is obviously the solution to all of this.
It will be a vaccine soon.
I'm predicting it's going to be sooner than we expect.
I keep thinking by the fall, we will have a vaccine because this virus will come back
in the fall.
I think you, Nikki, mentioned that.
And it will come back.
We have to be ready for that.
We have to have something in place by then.
And I think with the world focusing on this, we will be able to fast track some stuff and
really come up with something novel soon that is safe.
Again, they already have stuff.
It's just it takes a while to test it to make sure that it doesn't cause adverse effect.
Special guest on the line.
We have another guest.
Hey, how are you?
Hey, man.
I'm here with Nikki Glaser.
I love Nikki.
And the reason why I'm calling in is because I was listening to her,
and she was saying exactly what I was saying yesterday to you when I emailed you.
And I'm going like, crap, I need some kind of sanity.
I need just somebody who can put the panic in some kind of control box.
You know, and get the panic information so that you could actually
act like the cool person
and understand things.
And I think that's why
you're really important.
That's all I wanted to say
was that I was enjoying it
and that,
like you're going to have,
you're going to have,
Scott Adams on.
I think you guys are kind of
in the same place.
Your point is really important,
which is that,
panic is, uh is panic is necessary.
You just have to realize what it is.
For a lot of people, they're not going to do anything.
They're not going to do anything. So you have to kind of like ramp it up a little.
But, you know, in the back of your head, you got to be normal and you know that it's not going to be the end of the world and everything's going to be fine.
Hi, Nikki.
Hi, Nikki. Hi,
You're right.
Panic is for the people who aren't going to do anything based on just logic.
but I, I remember,
this actually concerns me a little bit is that,
is that I remember back in the AIDS epidemic days that we used to think this
way and we overstated it.
We freaked out a whole generation.
All my friends that were in high school in the nineties were completely
freaked out by the rhetoric we used at the time.
And we were concerned that it was going to be millions of people instead of hundreds of thousands as it ended up being.
And we felt justified in being kind of dramatic about it.
I'm kind of seeing Fauci use similar language to those days.
So, again, he's my North Star.
He's my guiding light.
It should be for all of you.
But he has not said, stay home.
He has said, do your best.
Social distancing.
Don't travel if you want.
If you're in a risk category, well, that's different.
But if you're an otherwise healthy young person,
just sort of advocating common sense, really,
and social distancing, right?
You know, the thing is, though,
like if I had to choose between two things, and there's more more to choose from to look back three months from now and go, boy, did I really worried that we're going to create some real consequences for
people. People are going to lose their job and business. There's a way to navigate this
optimally, you know what I'm saying? To completely disregard the upending of people's lives in the
name of optimal behavior for a virus that we're going to get. We're going to get it under control.
That bothers me. That bothers me. That zero – look what happened.
Greg, in Los Angeles, our mayor just set out a phone blast to every phone in Los Angeles
demanding that people buy groceries immediately, and he caused riots in grocery stores.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
Food is going to be a shortage in Los Angeles because he caused a panic.
That's the stuff I'm talking about.
That's the craziness.
And Gavin Newsom is getting up there and saying things that are scary and your cuomo is saying things that are like that national card
what why did this did a and here and greg and nikki both you when i get right down to it what
what i what i you you need to listen to physicians that practice infectious disease guys like fousey
we have tons of experience with these things and tons of
judgment with them. Listen to those guys and listen to them carefully and do what they tell
you to do and you'll be fine. Right? Yes. Okay. So just one more point and then I'll get off
because I got my wife pulling up. The idea of like the overreaction will crush this in weeks rather than months.
And that may not be a good thing, but it's going to feel like a good thing.
Yes, 100%.
And then people will congratulate themselves, but we will also look at people who suffer as a result of this.
Again, it's this risk-reward ratio we have to kind of assess.
It's not all one way or all the other.
There is a sensible way to navigate this and get this right.
All right.
Well, I didn't want to interrupt.
I was watching, and I wanted to, like, I could hear Nikki echo what was in my brain.
So that's all.
Thanks, Greg.
Talk soon.
I will go.
Listen later.
See you.
Scott at 3.30.
Yeah, and Scott and I have a lot to talk about cause he and I,
we agree to like a razor's edge and then there's a zone there where we've got to get on the same page.
So I'm going to get into that today.
let's see if I have any last minute,
top 10 questions.
You keep saying we're going to get this thing,
but you're meeting in like,
we're going to get it,
but it keeps sounding like we're all, we're going to get it. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Drew, you keep saying we're going to get this thing, but you're meaning it like we're going to get it. But it keeps sounding like we're going to get it.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I mean, we are going to squash this thing.
We are going to get this thing under control.
We're going to conquer this thing.
But I like things that put things in perspective.
Our buddy Rob Schneider just texted me something.
I'm going to read it, and I think you'll like it.
Okay, here it is. Rob Schneider, comedian me something I'm going to read it and I think you'll like it okay here it is Rob Schneider comedian actor you know from satnet live it wasn't the imperial Japanese navy that brought America to its knees it wasn't the Nazis it wasn't the nuclear superpower
Soviet Union it wasn't an asteroid crashing into the planet it was a flu-like illness that affected
only the very old and sickly people so that was what rob robbed and now that's tongue in cheek i
get it don't get mad at rob but he's he's trying to put things in perspective which is we have
faced very serious things before this thing is there's a great uh norm mcdonald uh norm mcdonald
was at a club recently and just shot his set and it ended up just all he only wanted to talk about
was the coronavirus and it's so funny and it's like it's good comedy about this time which is i guess what we need
it's hard for me as a comedian like i don't want to be funny right now it's like i think that once
we're more used to this life it'll be easier to be funny but it just seems it seems hard now i i
gotta tell you i gotta tell you something yeah comedy right now is a good South on all this stuff.
And I would recommend banging on Netflix since you've already been funny.
Let's go look at the stuff that is funny and already up.
I've got a lot of stuff out there.
I'm going to start podcasting more too.
I have a podcast called you up.
That's going to be like from my quarantine,
new episode tomorrow.
So check that out. Okay. So follow, follow at the, at you up SXM. Is from my quarantine new episode tomorrow so check that out okay so follow follow at the at you up sxm is that what they find
out about it yeah yeah or just Nicky Glazer I'll tell you about it on my
story and my my Instagram stories right now are just like pretty fun and people
have been telling me they've been taking their mind off things so yeah you want
some comedic comfort during this time, I might be there for you.
And is that, N-I-K-K-I? is where you can find all the stuff.
But yeah, Instagram is my main thing.
Instagram and Twitter, Nikki Glazer.
That's why I always drop in on your Instagram stories.
Because they're happening.
I always get these notifications.
Nikki Glazer is live now.
Oh, yeah.
I'm going live a lot.
And it's fun.
So, uh, okay. Apparently the governor of California is saying now, uh, 65 and older
should isolate. So it was so-called isolate. He needs to define what that is. Uh, we've already
been recommending that they, they follow more strict, um, uh, you know, that they isolate, not isolate, but that they avoid social contact more diligently than the average population.
So mass shutdown slows coronavirus.
What prevents it from laying dormant and coming back stronger?
There's no coming back stronger.
It weakens as it goes through its epidemic, but it will come back in the fall.
It will come back in the fall.
That's why we have to have a vaccine by that point. All right, Nikki, what last questions we have, then I'll let you go.
Okay. What do you got? What else can I say to help? Yeah. Oh my God. Okay. But I don't understand.
So in the fall, so you think by like the end of summer, we're all going to be like out at pools
and stuff and like barbecues and stuff like that.
Like if you could predict and put some money on it right now,
which listen,
we need any,
we need to put our money on anything right now because we're losing so much.
All of us.
Would you,
would you say that in,
in the summertime,
late summer,
we're all going to be like,
remember Corona?
I mean,
we're ready.
Cause we got a vaccine,
but like that was crazy.
I think by late summer,
that will be the attitude.
I think I've noticed that all of my peers, when they talk about postponing things, we
all automatically say, why don't you postpone until June?
We all say that sort of instinctively.
We all expect this thing to be over by June and we'll be really surprised if it's not.
In fact, I'm saying with all the measures we are taking, more like a month,
I think we're going to be in pretty good shape. The question is, how do we ramp back up again
without re-exposing ourselves? How contained are we going to be? How much information will we have
in terms of where people are that might be symptomatic or might be shedding virus? That's
going to be an interesting process. And the Chinese are doing that right now and they're doing it quite
And so,
and again,
so we have models for this.
We have models in South Korea.
We have models in China.
it can be got,
it can be control.
What language should I use,
other than we're going to get this?
what's a better language?
We're going to,
I don't know.
We're going to,
we're going to,
you said it before.
We're going to squash.
We're going to squash this thing. We're going to get it. We're going to, we're going to – you said it before. We're going to squash. We're going to squash this thing.
We're going to get it.
We're going to put this thing to rest.
The virus up close does look like a koosh ball that you just want to squash anyway.
There you go.
Susan, do you have a –
It's a beautiful virus.
So read the question about immunity.
There was a really good one.
Somebody sent in a lot of those questions.
I think it's near the end.
It was something about if we don't catch it, how we're not going to get immunity.
Yeah, I did answer that one, I believe.
What about being like, this is the time to get it?
Because it's going to be scary.
Well, there are people that take that attitude.
Again, I told you the British government in total is going about it that way.
And if you're a young, healthy person,
the time to get it is before the healthcare system is burdened by surges, right? So now would be the time if you're a young, healthy person, but it violates all of my ethical sensibilities to say,
go get that, go get this. Because you can inadvertently get into trouble. I mean,
some people have rather extraordinary reactions. It goes back and forth.
Well, what it does, it affects, when it goes bad, it hits the air sacs in our lungs, not the airways,
not the bronchial tree, but the air sacs at the end where oxygen is exchanged and you can't get
oxygen. There's just no way for the lung to exchange it. And you, yeah, I know,
you get a drop in oxygen level and that's what people get into trouble.
So you just suffocate.
I mean, it's a little different because it's more like you're in a plane with poor oxygen
tension, right? You get kind of out of it. You'll pass out.
Yes. You can feel short of breath and you can feel, you'll be not well, right? You get kind of out of it. You'll pass out. Yes. You can feel short of breath
and you can feel,
you'll be not well, right?
You're going to feel horrible
and not having oxygen
makes you feel even more horrible.
But the shortness of breath
is part of it,
but it's not that the lung compliance
is not so much a thing.
What if I'm chopping some celery
and I slice my finger
and he needs stitches?
Where do I go?
that's a great question.
I would go mostly to urgent care or a private doctor's office.
You can't,
you want to avoid the emergency rooms.
You want to avoid it.
It's a great question.
And if you do go to an ER,
you want to be sure you're not,
you know,
not near people who are coughing or they,
most of the ERs now will have a separate place for people with respiratory conditions.
So, see, the ER is doing a really good job.
So, anybody comes in with a fever and respiratory problem,
they immediately go somewhere else before they even know whether they're corona or not.
So, that's a way they're going to control this thing.
Another way.
Let's see what I can get some questions off Restream here.
Glue and staples.
No, I don't want Nikki gluing and stapling her finger if she cuts it.
I'll drew.
He'll come over and sew you up.
Let's see.
I've noticed the media has softened their rhetoric a little bit more.
They're starting to say, okay, we're trying to separate fear from facts. Like, yeah, yeah. That's what you should have
been doing a long time ago. You know, one benefit from this whole thing, another, another silver
lining is like, um, I don't have to hug men anymore when I greet them. You know, like sometimes
like I always, I like hugging you when I see you, like you're a man that I'm like, Oh, it's Dr.
Drew. There's some guys that you're just like, we don't need to I see you. Like, you're a man that I'm like, oh, it's Dr. Drew.
But there's some guys that you're just like, we don't need to be doing this.
And now you can be like, I can't.
Do the elbow.
That's it.
Yeah, the other night I was getting on stage, like, at the comedy store.
And, like, the guy coming up afterwards always hugs me.
And I'm always just kind of like, ah.
That's weird. And this time I was like, no.
No way.
That's great.
We're going to have new policies.
We get kissed on the cheeks by dudes, and now there's just like,
you have an excuse to just be like, I don't want you near me.
And it's really because they're terrible people that give off a creepy vibe,
but you can just blame it on Corona.
And I would argue that every flu season you should use a similar defense, right?
This has changed everything. I can't wait
to just be like one of those scared
of germs people because I've always thought those people
were weird, but now it's going to be like
cool and responsible.
It's going to be responsible. Anyway,
so Nikki, I'm going to
let you go. I want to thank you for showing up
and spending a little time with us.
Anytime you need me, I'm here, just stranded in
St. Louis, so it was a pleasure.
And we'll look for you where, tell exactly where people should go. They go to your website.
Go see me on tour until June, but there are tickets available for my, uh, my suspended tour,
bang it out. You can get, uh, info there's dates into the fall. So it's Nikki
slash, uh, and then, um, then Instagram, Twitter, the whole thing i have a show on sirius xm on channel
95 uh every two like uh from 11 to 12 or from 10 to 12 eastern on comedy central radio and i'm
going to be doing it from here next week live so if you have serious or a rental car check that out
it's called you up right yeah it's called you up and you've been on a lot. It's been awesome.
I know.
I also have a podcast that's called up and it's the same name as the radio
It's called you up at the podcast.
A new episode just went out yesterday,
but there's a new one coming tomorrow.
All right,
my dear.
Thank you for coming.
And if you need another,
another pep talk,
just let me know.
Thank you.
I know.
I always have you.
It's so nice.
You're the best. Thanks, Dr. Drew. Thank you for having know I always have you. It's, it's so nice. You're the best.
Thanks Dr. Drew.
Thank you for having me on the millionaire thing.
That was really a fun experience.
I can't wait for people to see it. Bye.
All right, bye Nikki Glaser.
And we will sign off for a few minutes here from this show.
I'm going to be back with the Ask Dr. Drew show at 3.30 Pacific time.
We will be taking calls for that one.
Let me kind of scroll through your restream
really quickly to see. Yeah. Okay. So here's somebody saying school's not open in Ohio.
What's this based on? It's not based on anything imminent. Schools closing is something that each
individual community is making a determination about. Surely if there were a massive outbreak,
there would be school closures, but there is not a massive outbreak as of yet. And so school
closures are excessive and precautionary. But if individual communities want to do that,
okay, there will be a cost for that, right? Because parents who work will have to stay home
with their kids. Kids who rely on schools for their food services
have to do something. In California, in Southern California, in Los Angeles,
Unified School District, they're having these resource centers, which are places where people
will bring their kids. And it's going to be another congregation of people. So I don't
really know what they've accomplished necessarily, if that's several hundred kids in different
environments. Mandatory restaurant closures.
I don't believe that is smart.
Again, it's not, so restaurants are not,
don't violate social distancing, right?
You can be socially distant in restaurants.
Bars, I understand why people are concerned about bars because you're often shoulder to shoulder,
elbow to elbow there.
What's my stated time frame
before we come back to normal life? I'm hoping May. I can pretty much say the consensus is June.
People I talk to keep saying June. We're going to have an infectious disease specialist in here at
the 3.30 show when we have- Celine Gounder.
Celine Gounder. And we have- A therapist.
Also a psychotherapist and the great Scott Adams to discuss his predictions.
He's usually pretty good about these things.
And he's been a little bit off on the medical system and his assessment of his take on what the medical system is likely to absorb.
That's where he and I disagree a little bit.
We're going to talk about that.
Otherwise, I think we're in agreement that we do what we do and we don't panic.
And we listen to the CDC and move on about our business unless this thing become more serious.
All right. So we'll be back in about a half an hour. We appreciate you stopping by here. I'm seeing all your comments on Restream and I appreciate you being a part of this. Again,
I have not changed my opinion since the beginning on this. I have been gravely concerned by the
language and the tone of the press in inducing a panic, which has brought people bringing the, this country to
its knees. Uh, somebody, uh, pointed out, uh, am I talking about the world's, uh, press? No,
there are parts of the world that really is in trouble. France is in trouble. Italy's in trouble.
China was in trouble. That was a no, that was, if we, something like that were to happen here, I would want the
press to be excessive and effusive in their language.
Now, if they get, if we have a problem, I won't be able to tell because they can't go
from a 10 to a 10.
It's very difficult to tell.
So I would like them to help people do systematically what the CDC tells us to do and to calmly
give us updates and give
us the information so we can go about our business in such a way as to reduce the flatten the curve,
flattening the curve of this outbreak. So thank you all for being here. We'll be back in about
30 minutes. We'll see you then. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky.
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