Ask Dr. Drew - Attempted Assassin Ryan Routh: How Did An Ex-Trump Fan Become A Biden-Harris Fanatic With An AK-47? w/ Drea de Matteo & Michael Gates – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 403
Episode Date: September 21, 2024Republican? Democrat? Or just plain unhinged? Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, was arrested after allegedly attempting to assassinate Donald Trump at a golf club. It only gets weirder from there. Ryan Routh all...egedly voted for Trump in 2016 but reportedly put a Biden Harris bumper sticker on his truck after growing disappointed in the former President, saying online that he’d be “glad” when Trump was “gone.” This weekend, while armed with an AK-47 style rifle and GoPro filming equipment, Routh was spotted by Secret Service and confronted with gunfire. He fled and was later apprehended by law enforcement. Who could have predicted this? Drea de Matteo is an Emmy-award winning actress from The Sopranos. She launched a new clothing line called ULTRAFREE, dedicated to free speech and free thinking. Follow Drea at and find her clothing line at Michael Gates is the City Attorney for Huntington Beach, CA. A husband and father of 5, Gates is a litigation attorney specializing in areas including Federal Civil Rights, Public Entity Law, and Government Tort Liability. His legal expertise spans multiple fields such as Medical Malpractice and Employment Law. Outside of work, Gates volunteers as a little league coach. For more, visit 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • CAPSADYN - Get pain relief with the power of capsaicin from chili peppers – without the burning! Capsadyn's proprietary formulation for joint & muscle pain contains no NSAIDs, opioids, anesthetics, or steroids. Try it for 15% off at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Well, we have some special guests today.
It's a special show.
It's a noon on a Monday, not normally we do our show.
Michael Gates comes back again.
He's city attorney for Huntington Beach.
Feared and loathed by the legislator in Sacramento,
we'll show you some of the response that our attorney general here in the great state of California has to him,
which is so odd to me.
It's just so crazy that they would think that compliance is their primary preoccupation.
But first, Drea DiMatteo,
Emmy Award-winning actress from The Sopranos.
You know her from our previous experiences here.
She launched a new clothing line called Ultra Free,
dedicated to free speech and free thinking.
You can follow Drea on X at Drea, D-E, Matteo,
M-A-T-T-E-o not d-i-d-e and the clothing
line at ultra free dot c-o there it is and she's always great to talk to has a lot of ideas
very smart and very outspoken and we will be with her in mere moments
our laws as it pertain to substances are draconian and bizarre. The psychopath started this when he was an alcoholic.
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I'm a doctor for f*** sake. Where the hell do you think I learned that?
I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people.
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So our friend Drea DiMatteo, I want to talk about this recent second assassination attempt of ex-President Trump.
This guy is interesting, Ryan Routh.
He is an enigma wrapped in a riddle, and I'm wondering if Drea has any idea about him.
There he is in his current state.
He's looked a little more put together in his earlier posts of his previous life.
It seems like things have been unraveling a bit for him.
But who am I to say?
Again, Drea, you can follow her on Instagram and X at Drea, D-R-E-A-D-E, Matteo, M-A-T-T-E-O.
And also her Ultra Free clothing line.
Ultra Free is website. Drea, thanks for coming back.
Thanks for having me.
All I can think about is a cozy earth
right now. That's it. I want a cozy
earth again.
While they're trying to tear it apart.
It'd be nice to have a cozy
country for that matter.
But you're at least making cozy clothing.
You're making cozy clothing with ultra free
to try to get us in.
And by the way, thank you for the, she's given us some Ultra Free clothing.
It's awesome.
It's very cool stuff.
So please do look at it.
Check it out.
And when did you, tell people, let's fill people in on when you became a freedom fighter as opposed to just an actress.
I mean, you played the zelenko it was nice
to see him again you know but uh because that was the voice during the pandemic it was the voice of
reason um it was over the vaccine mandate it was that simple i'd always been suspect about
everything both sides both red blue the whole thing red blue but um right now it feels like freedom is more visible
and more attainable on the right at this moment and that's coming from a super liberal um i realized
in that pandemic that it was just the strangest orchestration of an entire planet to fall in line
and i found that really interesting and I I couldn't unsee it and
then once I started to pick up all the rocks around the fake narrative it really started to
freak me out um I was actually when it was coming on today I was like I'm gonna use this
this half hour with Dr. Drew to get advice about what's happening in the world right now,
because I'm getting accosted. Like, for example, one of my friends just reached out to me who I
haven't heard from in years. And it's like, when you start a sentence with, I've known you for a
long time and I see you've gotten very political. I'm just curious where you're getting your
information from. And then sends me all of these articles on
monsanto and and all of this sort of health related stuff we definitely like you know a push towards
maybe an argument and i thought maybe they want to understand what's going on a little bit but
maybe not and i realized that they don't really want to They're just really hung up on the border. And why, you know, why, you know,
we've always been surrounded by immigrants.
And he knows that I have always taken care
of a lot of people that didn't have papers.
And maybe I shouldn't be admitting this shit,
but who cares now?
Because I feel like the issues are so much bigger.
And he was hung up on abortion.
And, you know, I was like, please don't
be one of these liberal men that want to freak out over abortion because right now we need like
real common sense. And to look at the bigger picture, our freedoms have been slowly being
dismantled for so many years. I don't think it even started with the pandemic. I think it starts
with our anti-freedom tower right there in New York City when I watched those towers come down.
So I just feel like right now, once, you know, when I started to dive into that stuff during
the pandemic, I realized that everything I'd ever thought was actually true, that there weren't
really any conspiracies. The only conspiracies were, you know, just against the American people.
I don't feel like we're in a political realm right now.
I feel like this isn't about politics anymore.
Do you listen to Mike Benz at all, who sort of helps make sense of things
through this sort of lens of the intelligence complex?
And also, gosh dang it,
what's Leonie's husband's name?
Susan, help me with that.
Brian O'Shea.
Brian O'Shea, yes.
The two of them,
Brian gives me sort of a,
makes me feel more positive about things.
And obviously Ben's gets into the weeds
of how much has been turned against us
from the intelligence you know,
the intelligence community on behalf of the military industrial complex and
other, other powerful sources out there.
Yeah. I love Mike Benz. I don't know. I have to listen.
Are you talking about Naomi Wolf's husband?
Yes. Brian O'Shea. Yes. Brian O'Shea. Yeah.
Yeah. The whole clothing line, actually, this is a new drop.
It's all new clothes.
And it kind of all revolves around the Patriot Act in a weird kind of way.
And how, you know, I mean, that was a really obvious first step, I think.
But who was paying attention?
I sure as hell wasn't, you know, as a kid.
No, listen, in fact, I was guilty. I was
absolutely guilty. And I'm looking for opportunities to apologize wherever I can. And my rhetoric
on the Patriot Act is one of those areas for plenty of opportunity for apology. I was one of
these people that said, I got nothing to hide. They needed to fight those terrorists. What's the big deal?
It's this slow creep that goes so far, you can't imagine it. And so you can't even think of where they're going to go with these restrictions and these interventions and these crawling up our
tush with a colonoscope. It's beyond imagination for the way I see it.
And it sort of has a motivation that I can't understand.
I can't understand. And the even deeper
question, Brad, this is what I would ask you.
Hear me?
Yes. Oh, you went low.
I don't understand what the problem is.
What are you doing over there, Caleb? What's going on?
Did you do something, Caleb?
There's nothing on anybody's phone.
The audio.
The audio.
You're bumping cables.
I don't seem to be the one to mess it up.
Not you, Drea.
Not you, Drea.
You're fine.
Weird sound of stuff today.
My question is, my real confusion now is,
why isn't everybody pushing back?
Why isn't the job of everybody who understands the foundational principles of this country?
Why aren't we all going, hey, hey, hey, hey, come on.
Let's get back to the basics here, what this country is founded on.
That's what I wanted to ask you today.
I was like, I don't understand.
And you as an addict specialist too, I think to myself, what is this addiction to war, censorship,
all of the things that we stood for as liberals, how the inversion of it all is working in their
favor. It's like people ask me, you say, wow, Dre, you've changed. And I'm like, no. And I
think Kennedy always says this. I have have not changed but that party's been
hijacked the only thing is we are the ones that are waking up are only realizing it now but
i'm gonna add a lot more to during obama and clinton but who the hell knew and i know that
as a democrat when democrats are in office it's nap time you know but um i don't understand why there is this sort of just it feels like that people are nihilists
at this point and i feel like we've sort of brainwashed the younger generation to hate
themselves i've said this before i think even on your show but i don't think people think they
deserve any better at this point and i fucking
feel like i deserve a lot better as an american to be told the truth and i do think that the karma
on this country is so deep and we have so much blood on our hands that it's hard to it's hard
to shake that off and i think even with these three freedom fighters in office and i'm sure
there's a lot of bad people around them as well, even inside that organization, but people like Tulsi, I know you guys were talking about the World Economic Forum or Zelenko was, but there's no dignity in it and it's actually right in your face like
anybody who wants to learn about that organization it's a playbook's wide open it's not like they
really have to dig deep to understand it they might need some cliff notes to understand
the symbolism behind some of the bullshit but what i don't really understand is how no one is
realizing that these these people in office are
not going to make the difference. I'm not sure it's going to matter who wins. I think that
what matters is what we do at this point. It's going to be about us.
Well, I completely agree with you on that front. And getting us together is sort of the hard part.
And defending free speech is the only way we're going to getting us together is is sort of the hard part and defending free speech
is the only way we're going to get us together um you know it's interesting you mentioned that
you're a long-standing liberal and the vast majority of my career i was spent uh swatting
off the right because the right was always telling me what i couldn't could and couldn't talk about
on the radio i couldn't talk about morning after pill,
like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
They misrepresented the science.
It was just, it was so frustrating.
And now to have it coming from the left,
frankly, with much greater pernicious intensity
is so astonishing.
And how people feel justified in doing so,
it's just, I just don't get it.
You know, it's funny. You mentioned, I have a couple of comments. I was listening or I was
watching a comment by a colleague who the other day went, which is a young physician who said,
well, my career is dedicated to decolonializing medicine. And I thought, I have no idea what you really mean by that.
Do you have any idea what that means?
How do you decolonialize a scientific discipline?
And by the way, Scientific American,
first time in their 170-year history,
endorsed a presidential candidate today
or within the last day or so which was kamala harris and
now so the science community is going full political is that really what we want to do
husband no i mean when we watched it unfold in coven and we didn't even recognize that big pharma
had us by the balls way before then. I mean.
Yeah, it's like you completely pulled the Band-Aid off.
The wound I saw was not covered by a Band-Aid.
There's a serious wound in our operation of our country here.
And you mentioned nihilism and brainwashing.
I really think a lot of it is that.
I think as my friend,
I got my aging brain,
Gad Saad points out that the woke mind virus
is that it is a virus
and it has at its foundation post-structuralism
and post-structuralism has at its foundation
that there's no such thing as the truth.
And if there's no such thing as the truth,
there's actually no way we could be communicating
through Zoom here right now
because only through use and application
of the physical electronic physics
did we able to get this, the truth about that.
So truth does exist.
And yes, there are certainly relativistic considerations,
but to rest everything on no truth is brainwashing.
And it ends in nihilism, right?
If there's no truth, then we might as well be nihilistic.
And it's an old playbook.
Mao used it, Lenin used it.
And the thing to understand
is that you want me to give a little presentation about this
and I keep chanting about this.
20% of people get brainwashed quickly.
They are persuaded immediately.
They're enthusiasts, they're evangelists.
And they are, sometimes they're smart even,
but they're easily brainwashed.
5% to 10% of people like yourself are throwing the bullshit flag right away like what is going on
here this does not right something is wrong they're trying to brainwash me and 70 of the people are
just trying to live their damn lives we need to get the 70 to stand up for instance things like
you know surgical mask mandates and not do that.
Because the people that are forcing it on you, I really framed this the other day.
I thought this is absolutely true.
People that are forcing it on you, those people who think of themselves as doing God's work
would have been the prison guards in Nazi Germany.
They would have been the Hitler Youth.
They would have been the prison guards.
They would have been, that is that thinking.
You've adopted the brainwashing of the moment and you've taken it
and you're going to force it on other people.
You're going to tell them how they should be behaving.
That is how the average German became a prison guard. That's how
that happened. And you need to examine yourself if you're one of these people saying, mask up
between bites, because that makes no sense whatsoever. You are completely brainwashed
and you are using your brainwashing to push your will on other people.
I wonder where in history we have seen that yeah i might i mean i know this is crazy but my my kids know all the words to the mao zedong song
because she went down a super big rabbit hole trying to learn about chinese history and i
didn't know that much i learned from her and i was really blown. I'm blown away at Kamala's,
her poster and her low, her slogan of forward.
And while they're sitting here trying to, you know,
take Trump down as being Hitler in the news,
which is such a dangerous and truthfully one of the dumbest fucking
assessments of all time. Whether you like Trump or not is pretty much irrelevant,
but let's just look it forward.
All you need to do is put the Great Leap right in front of it.
It's not like that system hasn't been implementing
every single aspect of a cultural revolution,
from trying to tear down statues to taking away tradition
to completely trying to get rid of any type of conservative.
You have liberals becoming conservatives now
just to conserve their memories at this point.
They're just trying to wipe everything clean.
It's dangerous.
I want to light you up on something else too.
It's not just Mao.
The slogan, strength through joy.
Oh, yes.
I know.
Kraft durch Freude.
Kraft durch Freude.
Kraft durch Freude.
This is what we are.
It's an old playbook. And I don't even want to accuse anybody of stealing the previous playbooks because I believe that humans are sort of predisposed to going certain directions.
If you're going to try to persuade somebody, this is a very persuasive thing that they found their way into. And guess what? It kind of works. And that's why previous historical trends have found their way into these things because they work. I don't think somebody
went, ah, the Nazis did it. We're going to do it. You don't have to do that. These things work when
they go into these sort of modes, these trends that we are in. And for me, Drea, the only thing
I can really point at, and by the way, one of the reasons I brought Michael Gates in here with you,
you live in California where compliance
is sort of the call from sacraments.
You must comply.
Comply, sir.
It will give you faith again that somebody is fighting back.
So we'll get to him in just a second.
But I got off topic.
I want to get back to the assassin today,
Routh, and what you thought of him.
Was that his name, Routh?
Yeah, Routh.
What did you think about that?
Here is his arrest, Ryan Routh.
And he, I just saw a post
where he had a Harris Biden sticker on his car.
He's a registered Democrat, but he seemed to be sort of in the Republican world.
But he had very complex views, people that you don't know.
He apparently went to fighters to fight on
behalf of the there's his house to fight on behalf is that his uh can you see the bumper sticker in
his car the uh harris harris bumper sticker but to get the afghan fighters to fight on behalf of the Ukrainians.
How do you think, Drea, it could possibly be, given that this was a CIA playbook,
that the CIA didn't know about this guy?
It makes it all so confusing and wild.
This guy does not have a specific political point of view.
He's clearly a nutty dude.
I mean, I don't want to say psychotic. He's not. He's clearly a nutty dude i mean i don't want to say psychotic
he's not he's just a nutty guy and he's using things that makes you think about
intelligence operations what what what do we think about this
i mean i haven't fully rabbit holed this guy there's not enough information yet but i've
seen a little bit so far i do i saw I saw all of his tweets before they took him down.
Here's his book that he wrote.
Here's his book where he decided that you should kill Trump.
This was the book.
This must be his latest rant, I guess.
I actually retweeted this.
I was like, oh, my God, this is so nutty.
But the point is, here's what I want to ask you, Drea.
So the news outlets have gone in and said,
aha, you see, he needs to tone down his rhetoric
because he is inspiring assassination attempts,
not their rhetoric about what he says.
Now, by the way, I would accept
we're all duplicitous in this thing.
We keep reporting on what he says.
We amplify it. We don't like what he says. We amplify it. We don't like
what he says. Maybe what he says
incites people to do crazy things.
I cannot believe the press takes
no responsibility for this.
But we don't like
what Trump says?
Is that what you're...
I know you
don't watch mainstream media, but they've gone out
this morning and said he is inciting his own assassination attempts.
He's responsible.
Without taking any responsibility for themselves
for amplifying or inciting that none, zero.
Because he's a fighter.
Because he's fighting the system.
He's fighting the establishment.
I mean, I don't think anybody really realizes yet.
And look, I could be totally freaking wrong about everything.
I don't think I'm wrong about Kennedy, though.
But, you know, I really don't think that any of them I think they're going against the establishment all the way.
I think Trump, when he was in office the first four years, didn't realize that the people all around him were snakes, which why they're all endorsing you know kabbalah right now that's why i like to call her kabbalah
they're gonna come get me right here at my house um but uh i i just you know
it's an inversion again it's it's it's gaslighting. It's,
I feel like the narrative is getting so, so,
it's so vulnerable right now because as much as they have control through technology and censorship, they have, you know, there's a balance there.
Technology is also the wild west.
So how do you control everything from being suppressed? So, you know, sometimes I even wonder how Trump's allowed to have any narrative at all because they didn't give Kennedy one. You knew he wasn't allowed to go out if you're someone who's curious about the whole theater of it all. I do think that these guys want to go up leader that has cared about truth and justice and the ending of wars have all
been taken down.
And all that information has been suppressed forever.
But, and then, you know, they,
they make all these players out to be crazy or, you know,
we all know about MKUltra.
We all know about all these different operations that the CIA has to do with and why the American people just totally refuse to pay attention to any of it.
It's strange to me. They'll watch movies about it and they love those movies, but they don't really want to know that it's actually happening
and it actually is so yeah these assassination attempts i think that's going to keep happening
until they hit a home run which i hope doesn't happen you know the yeah it is it is really a
the fact that we are that we just moved on from the pennsylvania shooting and then we just moved on from the Pennsylvania shooting and that we just moved on from this guy,
it's at least the police there locally
with this Ryan Routh guy,
the Florida police and the Secret Service
had a press conference.
I was like, good, thank you.
Give us a press conference.
Our norm is to give information to the public. But I really do, I've got to take
a break in a second and we're going to bring Michael Gates in here too. But I just think we
have to stay focused on simple things. And to me, freedom of speech is such a simple focus.
It's clearly something that Elon Musk focused focused on i don't know if he
bought twitter with the explicit intent that he was going to find all these distortions of the
you know the narrative these these these ridiculous attempts to censor people that
he uncovered and that discovery led him to become a free speech champion. Or if he went in with that in mind,
or at least suspicion that that's what he might be doing.
But it really is incumbent upon all of us
to just allow it to happen, defend free speech.
Yes, if somebody says something that hurts somebody else,
there's an entire legal system in place to deal with that.
And guess what?
That's what puts constraints on it. When somebody yells fire in a crowded movie hall, they will get in trouble. Something will
happen to them. And there's all kinds of consequences around free speech that the
law will take care of without us restricting the speech. I agree. I also feel like in some ways fuck your feelings right now like everyone who
we're living in a an overly sensitive desensitized world and it's so unbalanced and crazy and the
chaos and the fact that people aren't asking questions today about trump's second assassination
attempt and they still want to write me texts about how they can't stand him because he ran his business poorly. I'm just like,
what are you paying attention to? I'm so confused. Don't you want to understand why this is happening?
Right. And by the way, back to your feelings, I keep saying that we are so clear in mental health that exposure is how you create resilience and regulation and the capacity to tolerate the vicissitudes of living, the ordinary misery of life.
It is ordinary and exposure is what gives our brain body system the opportunity to regulate ourselves
in response to that. And it's a mode of treatment for anxiety disorders. In OCD, you give
tolerable doses of exposure therapy. We know it, social anxiety. Working, you go, listen,
when I went from intern to resident, you don't think I was anxious. I was thrown in.
And it was exposure that, you know, you live up to the, you step up when you're in these situations.
And the fact is by limiting people to exposure, we are handicapped, literally handicapping them. And then to create a limitation of free speech around that, now we've subjugated the principles
of our country for something that's going to do...
The harm is not the whatever was in the speech.
The harm is preventing people from managing the exposure.
I'm not saying hate is okay.
I'm not saying that.
Obviously, hate is not okay.
But this over preoccupation with, we're the good guys and we wouldn't hurt anybody.
No, no, speak your mind, speak your mind,
and let's get into it.
We'll be kind and empathic
and all the things that we do as human beings,
but we will not shut down discourse and free speech.
We have to take a break.
Michael Gates comes in here in a second.
Drea Mateo, D. Mateo stays with me. We'll be here in just a second.
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in case the bird flu does become a problem for humans. Be rationally ready. slash GWC for 10% off.
That's brilliant. And thank you, Drew. Who's Dr. Drew? Where is he? Dr. Drew.
Dr. Drew. I feel like we're not seeing enough of RFK these days since he has joined the Trump team.
Get him out there.
Get him out there.
Get him in Washington one way or another.
Also, as far as the wellness company, they have a new program called One Wellness that
gives you access to all sorts of special access to telehealth, free supplements, free emergency
Do check out One Wellness. You may like that
service. Again, they're really looking for cost-effective ways to give you guys
good care. And it's number one wellness, One Wellness. Michael Gates is the city attorney
at the city of Huntington Beach. You can follow him at, Huntington Beach, also on X, Michael Gates, ESQ, Esquire.
Drea Mateo, as you know, is still here with me, is her clothing company.
Support her, support the company, and please welcome Drea back and Michael Gates.
Michael, thanks for being here.
Thank you for having me.
So I think, you know how I am and sort of how I feel about the work you're doing. I have a feeling
you're going to have the same impact on Drea. And so I want you to tell her what you've been
able to accomplish there in Huntington Beach. And then I'm going to talk about the most recent
examples of the excesses coming down from Sacramento. Yeah, so again, thanks for having
me. Just by way of introduction, I mean, Huntington Beach is a pretty big city. It's the 23rd largest
city in the state of California out of 482 cities. It's the fourth largest in the county of Orange,
and it's actually larger than half of the 58 counties in the state of California.
So we're big. And we've been fighting back, pushing back on Sacramento really for years.
And Dr. Drew knows from Huntington Beach suing the state over the forced beach closure during
the COVID lockdown through a number of other cases that we've been fighting. And really, frankly,
Sacramento has taken notice of that, taken exception to that, and they've been fighting
back. So we've been embroiled in legal battles for years. By way of one example, too, we sued
the state over its wrongful withholding of millions of dollars of tax reimbursements to
our taxpayers here in Huntington
Beach. And last year we won that case and we're bringing back $38 million from the state of
California back to Huntington Beach. So we like to call here in Huntington Beach, we like to call
Huntington Beach the land of the free and the home of the brave because we're really not afraid to
stand up, assert our rights and push back even if it is the state of California and it's sort of a
David and Goliath
situation. We're going to fight for Huntington Beach. We're going to fight for what's right.
So we've had a lot of success in the courts, and there are a whole host of other battles,
including the state now suing us over a new voter ID law, which I'm sure, Dr. Drew, you'll want to
talk about. But yeah, I mean, that's just kind of an introduction of what we've been doing
embroiled in legal battles for years and having a lot of success against the state of California.
So, Drea, I don't know if that makes you feel any better. It makes me feel a little better.
Whoops. This is, I think it is my connection here that gives us trouble. Yeah.
Oh, I know. It's not my mic.
Yeah, it's not Drea this time. We found it, Drew. It's that cable you just clicked. There you go.
Yeah. Yeah, I know. Everybody keeps telling me to move to Huntington Beach.
Everyone's like,
Dre, just get out of LA and go to Huntington Beach.
If you're going to stay at all,
go there.
That is interesting.
I know it's a little more conservative there.
Even though I'm a liberal, I still feel safer right now with our old, you know, it's a little, we need law and with Dr. Drew. It's about freedom. It's about, wait a second, this oppression from the state, whether it's on health and medical
issues or housing issues like we've been fighting and now voter ID issues, this oppression has got
to stop. Cities have city councils. The voters in cities duly elect their local elected officials,
vest them with the authority to exercise their discretion to make decisions for their city.
And now Sacramento is coming in and just with a broad brush saying, nope,
you're not going to make your own decisions. We're going to make decisions for you.
So this really is a battle of freedom, liberty. And like I said, in Huntington Beach,
we consider ourselves sort of the land of the free, maybe the last bastion or maybe a beacon
of hope and of light for other cities in the state of California. So conservative on the conservative side, yes,
but really it's more than that because this kind of local control, this kind of freedom,
this kind of liberty that you were talking about in the last segment, that's for everybody.
That's for Democrats. That's for liberals. That's for everybody. Everybody should feel free
in their towns, in their cities, in the state of California.
And most don't.
In Huntington Beach, we're pushing back and we're trying to change that.
Yeah, and Alexis de Tocqueville, he came to this country from France.
He was a French aristocrat.
A lot of his family was killed in the revolution with Robespierre's.
Committee of Public Safety. Committee for Safety, everybody.
That's the terror was acted out through the localized, centralized Jacobin authorities.
Anyway, de Tocqueville came over to try to understand why democracy worked in America.
And his fundamental observation was the local practice of democracy is what made it work and if the local
practice of democracy is not allowed to function and if it goes upstream to a centralized bureaucracy
we are we are heading towards well we are in real trouble yeah i feel like giving stuff to the states
and the cities and everything you know true, true democracy is important, for sure.
And I'm a fan
of the state system.
I'm a fan of the state system. I think the
Jeffersonian outlook is a good one,
but California has gone
so rogue, so out of control, it's so
huge, it's so bloated, it's so
full of itself, and it will not let local
governments function.
Yeah, just a couple quick points.
So, Dre, if you didn't know that during the beach closures back in 2020, the state came down and really was essentially was punitive, punishing coastal cities for allowing people during the lockdowns to go out and enjoy the warm sun and the sand.
How dare they, right?
And so the state came down with armed state troopers, bulldozers, and concrete barricades
and pushed heaps of sand onto playground, children's playground equipment, but also
across boardwalks, wouldn't let people bike or walk. So very, very heavy handed and very,
very punitive. And now what the state is doing is they're trying to,
because they don't like cities like Huntington Beach, they're trying to remodel cities like
Huntington Beach by cramming in a bunch of high-density housing like Santa Monica into
places like Huntington Beach under state law mandates. And so we're also in court on two
different lawsuits trying to push back against the state of California. Because to cram into Huntington Beach, for instance, a 50% increase in our housing stock
overnight is just, it would not only damage the environment irreparably, but it would
change the quality of life in our town.
And it really would change the character of our town.
And so it's really important for Huntington Beach.
We believe that
this is sort of a last stand. We have got to push back on the state and where other cities may think,
well, we have the luxury of not pushing back. We'll just kind of see how it goes. Huntington
Beach doesn't. I mean, we are in the crosshairs in Sacramento and they are trying to remodel us
and remake us. And if we don't push back, we're going to get steamrolled and we're going to lose everything
So the stakes are very high in Huntington Beach.
But beyond just the quality of life, like Dr. Drew's been preaching now for quite a
long time, the freedoms and the liberties and our ability to have democracy at the local
level, all of that is at stake.
And so we've been fighting and I think we're doing quite well.
I'm quite pleased.
But, you know, it's many years in litigation and it's going to probably be many, many, many more.
And I wish you were fighting right here, too, for us.
Well, we are hoping that when we, you know, start to score some of the bigger wins in court, that that will have a trickle effect and other cities will benefit as well.
I heard about the housing thing out there.
Well, let me show you.
Let me show you, Drea.
I'm going to show you so the rest of the country or the rest of the world, we're on the internet after all, sees the way our government treats us and our cities. And Caleb, I know you have the Gavin Newsom clip,
which is about a minute or so, saying just comply.
I don't know how you feel, Michael,
but I thought the Attorney General saying just comply was more egregious.
Am I right about that?
Or was the Newsom clip also equally as ridiculous?
Well, they're both egregious.
The Bonta, Attorney General Rob Bonta, very, very egregious. And I will just preface your showing of the video by saying, listen, ladies created a process so we can stop the abuses of places like Huntington Beach.
The continued doesn't get it.
Not only do they not get things done, they don't get it.
It, the crisis of affordability and the manifestation of the very problem they criticize and complain about.
They are a poster child, continue to be a poster child.
And I guess it's just they need attention.
But they also need to get their act together.
They're wasting millions of dollars of taxpayers money.
They continue to lose over and over and over and over again.
1037 will remedy the sanction component of that judicial abuse and
process once and for all.
And so once again, we put Huntington Beach on notice and I will
conclude formally because I began formally as governor of California asserting the state's
right on behalf of 40 million people to move in a different direction and hold Huntington
Beach accountable. We are not the developer. We have goals, requirements and standards.
So through our settlement, they are required to do more than their settlement with the developer. We have goals, requirements, and standards. So through our settlement, they are
required to do more than their settlement with the developer. So whether it's Woodside, who
reversed course in one day, Pasadena, who got on track, Huntington Beach, who loses seemingly
weakly in court, or Elk Grove, we will sue you and we will win as we
have if necessary.
And again, we don't want it to be necessary.
We have better things to do than to sue cities
who know better from failing
to comply with housing laws.
So just comply.
Just comply.
Come on, Drea. Just comply. Get in line.
You know what I want to say? You guys are
more official people,
but I'm going to say it
because I don't give a shit.
Those two guys are fricking pricks.
I can't even listen to new stuff.
It makes me wild.
Thanks, Susan.
I feel like that was a very toned down version
of what you actually wanted to say.
So I feel like your character
in The Sopranos was about to come out.
yeah, it's really something.
And by the way,
let's state it clearly here.
The reason we have a housing,
a cost of housing crisis
in California is the regulations
effing Sacramento
puts on the developers and the builders.
We are so over
regulated. We can easily undo that and we will have ample housing because the developers will
move in and they will do their job. I mean, I would even go into the BlackRock rabbit hole
when it comes to that. I mean, I feel like there are plans on the horizon to move a lot of
people into the state of California, even more so. Wait till the winter comes. I don't have a good
feeling about what's about to happen to the state, sadly. You know, I'm hopeful. I'm hopeful for the
people that are awake, but for the people that are not, I just add that their entire preface is wrong. Unlike other
industries or other components of a free market, more supply does not equal lower prices. They
have, we have, and we've tested this, we have tested this in court against the state. We have
told them, prove it up to the judge.
Show us the empirical data that an increased housing supply equals more affordable housing.
And it actually doesn't because, like you said, it's the regulations.
There's a whole host of other issues at play.
But there's no empirical data that suggests or supports that an additional housing supply equals more affordability.
It just doesn't exist.
And by the way, the ecological impact. you're full of bird sanctuaries, you have estuaries all
over Huntington Beach. I mean, how can they do this? I mean, this is what was getting in my
craw about what they were doing with some of the homeless stuff. They were washing the excrement
of 100,000 people down the street into the LA River out into the bay. And it was killing wildlife,
killing birds, killing mammals. Where are you guys? Well, we are 28 square miles in Huntington
Beach here. We've got eight miles of undeveloped coastline, meaning everything on the PCH side
of the coast is undeveloped beach. And then we have acres of wetlands, which are pristine natural preserves.
Other than that, we're fully developed. So when Newsom comes in here and Abanta comes in here and
says, we want you to develop what they call affordable housing, it's not affordable, but
high density housing, they're basically saying that we want you to increase your housing supply
overnight. And we don't just want you to develop, we want you to increase your housing supply overnight and we don't just want you to develop we want you to redevelop because we would have to talk we
would have to look for and target already developed properties and identify them and target them for
redevelopment so we're talking about remaking when I said remaking I mean remake and remodel
Huntington Beach literally and then like you said you know with consequences to the environment we
know that it actually this building this proposed building that the state is pushing on Huntington Beach, literally. And then like you said, you know, with consequences to the environment, we know
that it actually, this building, this proposed building that the state is pushing on Huntington
Beach that's cramming down, it literally will deplete our groundwater supply, like literally
deplete our groundwater supply. That's what environmental studies have shown. And so this is
just, this is impossible. And we are going to push back. And those soundbites about how we're losing,
look, we have never been in a better place
in Huntington Beach, whether it's on housing or any other battle.
I love our side of the ball, so to speak.
We're doing a great job in court.
And I just don't think Bonta, frankly, knows what's going on with these cases because his
attorneys on his side are scrambling.
In addition to making misrepresentations to the court in court to try to, you know, gain some ground on their side of the case, they're losing. They're not
doing a good job. And so, you know, I like where we are. I think we're doing, the wind is at our
back. I think we're going to keep, you know, fighting, moving forward. But it's absolutely
necessary, regardless of the outcome, to push back on the state of California. Absolutely.
And honestly, we're not just going to comply because that means that our city council
would have to adopt the policies of Sacramento and our city council, who's free to deliberate
and decide and exercise their discretion, the discretion that the voters vested them with,
they have rights too. And so we're looking out for their rights, their local democracy,
their local policymaking, and pushing back on the state of California. And Michael, to follow on with your side of the ball,
I'm so sorry, your beloved Cincinnati Bengals and Borough looked good yesterday, but not good
enough. They lost the last three seconds. Crazy. Just two penalties. Just two penalties was the
difference. That one really was the difference. But, and I'm not quite so
sure about that, but I guess so. I saw him hit on the back of the head. He couldn't have caught
the ball. But anyway, it was something for you and I to talk about later. But Michael, I know
the voter ID thing is also in there. I got to let you go because we're running out of time. Susan
and I have a drop dead out today, but we appreciate you being here. We'll check back in with your progress.
And again, we so appreciate what you're doing.
And thank you again.
Thank you.
All right, Michael Gates, everybody.
Wait, Andrea, before you wrap up,
do you want to flush out what you said about BlackRock?
I was like, huh, what?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I just think that there's going to be tons of those types of, you know, housing areas all over the place.
I mean, I think we've seen it.
I think we saw it happening in the pandemic.
I don't think that that's going to stop. But I think there's been a bigger play all along for, you know, while we're trying to depopulate we're also trying to oh there's no rhyme or
reason to it although i think they know what they're doing but all of it is just how i like
to put it is just a controlled demolition of this country so that they can get us to fall in line
and then other countries will follow us. It's happening everywhere. Wherever we performed a coup,
those countries are falling apart.
Didn't it catch your attention
that Michael Gates was pushing back
on the lockdowns during COVID?
That to me is like,
whoa, hey, whoa.
I want to know what the guy's up to.
Well, I didn't know that they were bulldozing sand
and they had the national...
I didn't know that.
I knew that they closed down
when Gavin Newsom was off sipping tea in a fucking restaurant.
They were walking around with guns on the,
like guns were loaded.
Like they were.
Oh yeah.
And they,
they soldered,
they took the basketball courts
and they soldered over the hoops
and they filled the,
the skateboarding pits with sand.
It was just,
it was egregious.
It was disgusting.
Everybody should have been outside.
Yeah, well, of course,
we should have been outside, of course.
And we knew it.
This business, if we didn't know,
no, we knew.
And by the way,
if you allowed discourse,
you would have known.
But discourse was canceled.
And people that tried to put some sense
into your head were canceled.
And you should just think about what you did.
And I don't want people to be held legally accountable.
I want them to come to the table and apologize.
I see it now.
I'm going to reconsider so this never happens again.
Drea, again, great to see you.
We got to have dinner soon.
Maybe we'll bring Michael in to inspire you further.
I'm trying to get her on my show this week too.
All right, so maybe she'll be on.
I'm going to try to come in.
I'll let you know in a couple hours.
This is our friends at the New York Times saying the First Amendment is out of control.
All right, so we're out of control defending the First Amendment.
I guess make note of that.
Go ahead and bookmark that, and let's see who ends up looking better through the scope of history.
Drea, thank you so much.
Thank you for coming on over
this side of things.
I've gotten more clearly here,
that's for sure, on the speech side.
I love when you get
fired up and you get mad about it.
It's so good. It makes me want to go out
and take them all down.
Bye, guys.
All right.
Bye, Andrea.
Dr. Drew strikes back. is where I want you to go.
Support her.
Support us.
Support the people that support all this.
Let us do this show.
Appreciate you being here on a special show.
Thank you, Rumble, for putting us on the front page.
Oh, fantastic.
Very good.
You guys, they've been stingy lately.
Oh, really? Well, thank you. And again, we appreciate Rumble. There's our upcoming guest, Dr. Very good. You guys, they've been stingy lately. Oh, really? Well, thank you.
And again, we appreciate Rumble.
There's our upcoming guest, Dr.
Makari coming in tomorrow. Marty Makari,
his book I've been reading,
Blindspot, I think it's called.
Dr. Brian Hooker coming as well.
Laura Trump on the 18th with
Greg Lucchiano from FIRE.
Matt Walsh on the 19th.
Penelope Ann Miller to talk about the film
she did on Reagan,
and then Dr. Scott Atlas in the middle of October there.
All great guests.
Thank you, Emily, for booking those things.
Emily Barsh, we have more to go, more to come.
Stay with us.
We'll be in here at three o'clock.
I'm double-checking my schedule tomorrow.
Yep, three o'clock tomorrow with Dr. Makari.
And three o'clock all week.
And then, no, I'm sorry, noon on Thursday for me.
And then Susan will be doing her show at this.
I got with Susan Pinsky with two forensic psychics.
And Brian O'Shea is coming in.
We're going to talk about the Trump shooter
because we're on, we'd love that topic.
Oh, good.
And also, I'm trying to get Drea in too.
She's really into all these conspiracy things. So I think I want her to get Drea in too she's really into
all these conspiracy things
I think I want her
to take over my show
are going to meet
Heather McDonald
from Juicy Scoop
right now
we have a thing
we bought
and Zhao Ying
and Zhao Ying's coming
and Annie Letterman
Annie Letterman is coming in
so there'll be
an interesting comedy group
I didn't realize
we had so many comedians
on this show.
I bought a catamaran sail at a benefit for hillsides,
my favorite place,
and we've been putting it off,
so we're all going to go jump on a boat and laugh together.
Everyone is there now,
so we got to get there.
Appreciate you being here.
We'll see you tomorrow at 3 o'clock.
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder, the discussions
here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. This show is intended
for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a
replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that
our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today,
some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with
trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me, call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
at 800-273-8255.
You can find more of my recommended organizations
and helpful resources at slash help.