Ask Dr. Drew - Cary Poarch – CNN Leaker at Project Veritas - Ask Dr. Drew - Episode 44

Episode Date: August 19, 2021

Cary Poarch was a technician contractor at CNN's Washington D.C. bureau before exploding into the headlines of 2019 when millions viewed his leaked videos that exposed CNN President Jeff Zucker's pers...onal vendetta against President Trump. For 8 months, Cary had secretly recorded internal discussions at CNN with a hidden camera, and he believes these tapes show a culture of manufactured reporting and media censorship from inside one of the world's largest news organizations. Cary says that he isn't motivated by right-wing political bias -- he supported Bernie Sanders in 2016 -- but that he became philosophically disturbed by the bias and skewed reporting that he witnessed from inside the famed news broadcaster. After his recordings were released by Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe, Cary was fired by CNN -- afterward, supporters raised over $100,000 on GoFundMe to help Cary and his family move from DC. Now an investigator for Project Veritas, Cary encourages other whistleblowers and insiders to speak up about the secret agendas of major news companies, and to support the many journalists who are driven by truth and fairness but are often hindered by the financial motivations of the corporate networks that hire them. Watch Cary Poarch's leaks to Project Veritas:  Watch this episode at Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. This show is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information exchanged during participation in this program, including interactions with and any affiliated websites, are intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:57 Today, our guest is Cary Porch. I've got his info here to tell you a little bit about him. Kerry was a technician contractor at CNN in D.C. before headlines in 2019 when he leaked videos that exposed particularly Jeff Zucker's personal vendetta against President Trump for eight months. Kerry had recorded internal discussions at CNN with a hidden camera. And he believes these tapes, he believes these videos show a culture of really manufactured entertainment, essentially. He is not a right wing politically. He is supported by Bernie. He supported Bernie Sanders in 2016,
Starting point is 00:01:42 but he became philosophically concerned when he saw some of the, what was going on in terms of how people are being manipulated by the media. So Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe was responsible for releasing some of these videos. And Kerry encourages whistleblowers and insiders to speak up about many things, especially the secret agendas of news outlets. Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre. The psychopaths start this way. He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Ridiculous. I'm a doctor for... Where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals, but just deal with what's real.
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Starting point is 00:05:07 Of course, it wasn't like I was always that receptive to that advice. Right. No kidding. But now we have written the book on consent. It is called It Doesn't Have to be Awkward, and it explores relationships, romantic relationships, and sex. It's a great guide for teens, parents, and educators to go beyond the talk and have honest and meaningful conversations. It doesn't have to be awkward. We'll be on sale September 21st.
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Starting point is 00:06:00 Read the book, have the conversation. It doesn't have to be awkward. On sale September 21st. Kerry Porch, welcome to the program. Hey, thanks Drew for having me. How are you? Pleasure. So tell your story again. I sort of gave a little sketch of it there, and we have people ready for questions over on Clubhouse, but you were a technician at CNN over DC. Is that true? Yes, so I so i worked yeah it was pretty spot on i worked for a contracting company so cnn like many companies they subcontract out many of their duties and stuff mine was a satellite engineer satellite uplink so i worked on the satellite trucks going on site so if something was happening in dc or in the region we would drive out pop up the dish and make sure that the signal got from the correspondent, the on-air talent on ground up to space and then down to your TV or iPhone.
Starting point is 00:06:52 That was my entire job responsibility was working the trucks and keeping them running. And were you did you consider yourself a journalist at that time? No, I mean, I just went in there. It honestly was my dream job at the time, you know, going to work at CNN and speaking truth to power and anything that someone wants to be a part of to, you know, hold those in power accountable. So I wasn't a journalist per se, but I was definitely helping in that fight at the time, at least I, so I thought.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And just, you know, a CliffsNotes version of it. I did support Bernie in the 16 primary and then seeing how news or what I thought was manufactured through my two and a half years employment at CNN, you know, I definitely started recording and leaked to James and here we are a couple of years later. Now, I mean, obviously I want to be full disclosure as well. This journey led me to be more libertarian or even more, um, you know, on the Republican side as well. So I don't want there to be any false statements, things like that, but this long journey, because I got to see how news was made, even though I wasn't a journalist, like that was my job description, but I got to see how a lot of the things were made and broadcast to the public. And at first, how was it and how did things change uh first it was it was a it truly was it was a
Starting point is 00:08:08 dream job like i loved being there i mean the dc bureau um you know i got to see a lot of the people that i grew up watching on tv like wolf blitzer jake tapper you know dana bass john king a lot of those people that we see on a nightly basis, you know, that was housed in the DC political bureau. So it was very kind of star striking, star striking and like awe inspiring because I'm working with these people I grew up watching and then slowly, but surely I just got to see a little bit here, a little bit there. It wasn't some big, you know, Olympus, you know, from high, you know, light shining down like moment. It was a lot of little moments that pieced together to kind of truly lead me down a different path. For instance, I noticed, I always like to say this one, is that my very, I got there in the summer of 2017. Just when things were ratcheting up with, you know, the new administration at the time, my very first boots on ground job was actually covering the Charlottesville riots in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Starting point is 00:09:09 So we got there, you know, set up story, you know, set up the dish, interviewed a lot of people. And I was there kind of seeing things unfold in real time. And the first thing that really kind of struck me kind of crazy was I kind of got to see live that one of those speeches by then President Trump, like, hey, there's good people on both sides, but then he disavowed, like, not the neo-Nazis, the white supremacists, he truly disavowed those people in real time. And then I got back to the base, to the Bureau, and then I saw later on, they cut those 10 seconds out where they said, and the white supremacists, and, you know, don't listen to those people, which completely changed the context of the conversation. Now, keep in mind, I did not like Trump at the time, but even I at that time was like, hey, something's not right here.
Starting point is 00:09:50 So that kind of put my antenna up and made me kind of at least look around a little bit more with a more critical eye. And then just one thing after another, it just really kind of struck me as how like we're not reporting the news, we're now manufacturing it. And that really set did not sit well with me at all and led me down a different path yeah i uh i think the first time i saw it so glaringly was not when i was working at hln cnn i actually was invited to an opiate crisis uh symposium that they had at the white house. And I have no special attraction to the Trump
Starting point is 00:10:26 administration or to Trump. I've been to the Obama White House. If any president wants my help, I'm in. Anybody that wants to do something good, I'm in. By the way, I've offered myself to Sacramento, and California is singularly uninterested, but interesting.
Starting point is 00:10:43 So I went out there, and we had this amazing symposium and i will never forget jeff sessions said you know what i know how to do these things and i can see exactly how to fix this opiate crisis and i promise you in six months you're going to see the difference and he was spot on that dude changed people are not giving him credit he changed the direction of the opiate epidemic. He started prosecuting physicians that were excessively prescribing.
Starting point is 00:11:09 He knew that would freeze doctors in place, which it did. And then they were given other guidance than what they've been getting for the previous 15 years. And so it changed everything. That symposium. And every six of the, how many secretaries of of the cabinet is there eight or nine how many i forget so who's looked at it for me or caleb anyway six of those however many were there so it's hhs hud you know uh homeland security that you know it's uh doj was there i mean there were all these different department representatives of
Starting point is 00:11:42 day-long sort of symposium i didn't't know Trump was going to, no one knew Trump was going to be at this thing, but he marched in towards the end of it, and he congratulated everybody for all they were doing. He talked about how Melania had been a major force in driving this, and he had come to understand it was serious. He was just sort of, you know, he just
Starting point is 00:11:59 shoots his mouth off, and so he was up there, and he goes, I don't know, some countries make people pay the ultimate price, and I don't know. People go to people pay the ultimate price. And I don't know. People go to great lengths to change this thing. I don't think we're going to do that. But I don't know. Some countries do it. Maybe it's a good thing.
Starting point is 00:12:11 I just don't know. But you guys tell me what we should be doing. After what was about a 20-minute speech, the press filled the room as he came in. They'd been absent all day. They didn't pay any attention to the opiate symposium. And the headline the next morning was, Trump advocates killing drug dealers. And I was like, wow.
Starting point is 00:12:31 A whole day of extraordinary stuff. And that's what the press reports on this? That's unbelievable. 15 secretaries. Okay. So there's six of 15 were there. Something like that. And it was a really extraordinary thing.
Starting point is 00:12:45 And I was a part of something that turned around the opiate crisis, which I was interested in doing. So there was that. And then at CNN, when I was there, I was on every night. And I had my own show on HLN. And I was on mostly Don Lemon's show or whatever came before that. I would be on those shows most nights because I was there producing my show. And so they just sent me into a satellite booth and we would do something.
Starting point is 00:13:11 No one ever told me what to say. I would do a lot of Anderson Cooper show. No one ever told me, even the opening of this little stream, you notice is a bunch of cuts of me on Anderson Cooper and other satellite shows. And they never told me what to say. There was, I never felt in any way constrained. I didn't, I mean, there was clearly the anchors had a point of view, but they weren't, they weren't going crazy with it. And then I was on, I don't know if people know this story. It's kind of an interesting story. I was on a Don Lemon's show.
Starting point is 00:13:48 And he goes, you know, what's Trump's mental health problem? And I go, well, you know, a lot of business leaders have hypomania. He clearly has got that. Narcissism, you can see that. But there's a difference between narcissism and malignant narcissism. And then I was sort of saying, be careful. You know, narcissism and bipolar has been a feature of many presidents, some of whom I deeply admire, like Teddyosevelt severe narcissist severe bipolar and you know abraham lincoln there's some theory that he had some bipolar stuff going on and i was just saying
Starting point is 00:14:14 you can't really say because somebody has a certain psychiatric condition or for signing makeup they're not going to be an okay president so i don't know i don't know what it all means so i went into my radio and nobody said anything about that. I did about 10 minutes of it on Don Lemon's show. And the next day I was doing a daytime radio show at the time and I went in and my program director said, general manager said,
Starting point is 00:14:35 hey, that was good last night on Lemo. Would you do 30 seconds of that for our website? He says, yeah, I'll condense it to 30 seconds. Did it. I was getting up and he goes, you know, we better give both sides. You do 30 seconds on Hillary also? And I said, well, funny thing.
Starting point is 00:14:52 She just released her medical records. And her medical records show some disturbing facts about the care she's getting. Not her condition. The care she was getting. I had notes for the doctors. Which, by the way, later they addressed each one as though they were interrogatories. I mean, they were doing some weird stuff that the headline was, the patient was in control of her care. I could tell. So this often happens with celebrities when doctors are sort of turned on. I'm Hillary Clinton's doctor. She was getting treatment
Starting point is 00:15:20 she shouldn't have been getting. She wasn't getting other treatments she should have been getting. And she had a really serious condition. You've heard about the transverse sinus thrombosis from the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, a clot in the skull and the brain. She had that. She had it from a head injury, and she had a stroke with it. It's like really serious. And she had two clots in her leg. I mean, these are very serious clotting problems.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And they were not, from what the records show, they were not on top of it. So I did a little thing on that. Didn't think anything of it. The next morning, the Drudge Report put a headline out that finally a doctor says she's not fit for office, which is not what I said. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Off to the races. Right. Again, I have learned since then, that's how fake news is created. Everybody listen to me. Hear me now. Watch my Twitter feed and see how people respond to it. It's never what I say.
Starting point is 00:16:14 It's what somebody says I said, and then that becomes, I'm very careful with what I say. So it's never what I say. It's what somebody says I said, and that becomes viral. And it's usually miles and miles off what I actually had said. And this was, again, that situation. And CNN came down to me like a ton of bricks. And I was silenced and never asked back. And that was the end of that.
Starting point is 00:16:40 And so it's very interesting. Oh, he's showing a tweet. Caleb put a tweet up right now that got misinterpreted also. I was saying, get your vaccines. I'm a vaccine. I'm an advocate for vaccines. But I'm worried about the passports. I have a passport.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Susan has a passport. But I'm worried when 28.4% of African-Americans are not vaccinated, you are going to be excluding people because of their skin color from going to restaurants and bars and theaters because of their skin color. And people have pushed back. I actually got one good pushback. Or make them sit outside. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:17:21 I got one good pushback, which was which was well they chose this as opposed to segregation which was not chosen good point wrong because the reason they are not getting vaccinated is they have distrust the medical system because of how horribly they've been treated over many decades because of their skin color they didn't choose that in my home that's the reason they're untrusting you're going to talk about the tuskegee experiment yeah yep you got it drew sorry i didn't choose that. That's the reason they're untrusting. You're going to talk about the Tuskegee experiment? Yep, yep. You got it, Drew. Sorry, I didn't mean to step over you.
Starting point is 00:17:50 But I mean, my home state of Alabama, my home state of Alabama, that's more than understandable that a certain segment of the population just has a little disdain and skepticism toward government mandates or even company mandates, you know? Yep, Yep. And I say, look, rather than segregating them and mandating them, why don't you go at the trust issue a little bit? Why don't we go at the reason people are unwilling to get these vaccines so we can get them to get the vaccines that we'd like them to take? Oh my God. Anyway. So you so you're, you're there, you're disillusioned. You've seen the Charlottesville distortions. Then what happens?
Starting point is 00:18:31 Uh, yeah, there were definitely many, many other types of things like that. Like, uh, Hey, here's, here's, you know, something happening in the news and obviously Fox covers it one way and CNN MSNBC covers it the opposite way. It was just hard. I was finding it was harder and harder to find just middle of the road news, which we both know doesn't exist. Everyone's got a slant or an agenda one way or the other. The difference is, Drew, is like, which companies are at least more transparent with how they operate on that slant? And trust me, I know people like to bag on Fox. I have my issues too with Fox, but they actually own where they're at. Like, yeah, I mean, when I spoke with Sean Hannity on
Starting point is 00:19:10 his show, one of the very first things he said was, yeah, we operate from a conservative point of view on the news and we're pretty open and brash about it, which I actually respected. Like, hey, at least I know which lens I'm looking at the news I'm consuming right now, other than CNN, facts first, the most trusted name in news, you know, it's not quite the middle of the road that they purport to be. That was the more and more disillusionment, so much so that in 2019, I was actually working at CPAC, like working for CNN, covering it, doing my job. And then of course, that's where I just happened upon, you know, James O'Keefe was
Starting point is 00:19:45 about to go on stage. It was his time to go. And, and keep in mind, like at this point, it's about a year and a half ish into my employees. So I'm pretty much really going down like my red, quote unquote, red pill rabbit hole type to speak. And so I just decided to come find him and have a discussion. I didn't know what was going to happen, but at that point I was losing sleep. I was taking pretty strong sleeping aids because now I know that I'm part of what I thought was a propaganda machine. And it was just hard for me to continue with my conscience. So I just knew I wanted to have a conversation with him to see where it would go. I didn't make a decision right there. People think it was always from the beginning, but no, I was on board with CNN for the first year and a half of my employment until I wasn't. And James and I actually talked for about a month, month and a half before I decided to ever record because we both, if you think about it, we both had a lot to lose if the other one wasn't on the level.
Starting point is 00:20:39 And so I just started my career in journalism. I didn't know what I was going to do. But, you know, one thing after another happened at work and I just called him one day like, hey, send me a camera. I don't know what I have, but I want to start recording my bosses and kind of show this to the world, like the world or the country needs to see how news is made and not reported. And that's what I did for about so let me let me i've always wanted to ask you this and it's going to be a little bit of a pushback so
Starting point is 00:21:09 permit me if you will which is um a couple of questions you know one was how much news the technical director really create and you And why target him as opposed to someone in the producing side that really is writing the prompter and shaping the stories and all that kind of stuff? A, why? B, am I wrong that he had more to do with the actual production news? Or C, was he just reporting what was going on there that he was seeing that the producers were doing? Well, no, it's a fair, it's a totally fair question drew and i love that you're bringing it up i mean there needs to be pushback that's what news is getting to the root of the story seeing what is no matter where you lie on the spectrum uh so the technical
Starting point is 00:21:54 director that one was actually another cnn insider one of the ones that went to on so that wasn't you charlie that was a different thing that one wasn't it was that was recently that was a different thing. That one wasn't you. That was recently. That was a few months ago, but it's a great question. Okay. Okay. So I'll do what I can from my point of view. So that was a, that was a, you know, date and stuff like Tinder date. And that's well reported now that Charlie is his name. Charlie Chester went on a series of dates with one of our operatives and, you know, she just asked the right questions and just let him talk. Now, granted, he's a technical or floor director. He's not driving the news. That is a totally fair point. However, it is a very cross-pollinated environment in there. So no matter the job description,
Starting point is 00:22:37 you can always listen in on Zucker's calls, no matter where you are in the business, and everyone gets the same email chain. So the narrative and the direction is very evident no matter where you are in the business. Now, is what he said wrong though? Death sells or fear sells or, hey, we're trying to get Trump out of office without saying it type stuff. I mean, those were very, very powerful statements. Even if you hate Trump, that was a very powerful statement. It's like, wait a minute, why is a major news organization sitting on one side of the fence and actively trying to drive the political wedge one way or the other? I thought the news was supposed to be unbiased and just presented to us on a plate to make our own decisions. So that one was a very powerful reporting that our organization did,
Starting point is 00:23:21 and I'm so glad that she was able to get some very powerful statements. Do you think that Mr. Trump and Mr. Zucker have a, that this source of this is the conflict between those two gentlemen, some of the stuff that CNN is doing? I know they, I know they were,
Starting point is 00:23:40 I don't know if they were friendly back in the apprentice days. You know, they were both on that show. I think he was his producer. I believe in fact, check me on that one, but it may be some bad blood from then or just severe ideological differences. I think he was the head of the network.
Starting point is 00:23:52 He was the head of the network when the show was, was developed. How much can we take a little break here? I'm getting some like anti-vax stuff on YouTube. People are writing, I won't get the vaccine. I don't want to, we don't need that in our comments. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:12 So what we're going to do is we're going to send everybody over to Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, and wherever. So that, so we're, no, no.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Caleb says it's doing okay right now. Yeah. I just, it won't. No. Okay. I just it's doing okay right now. Yeah, I just... It won't? No. We're walking on eggshells at YouTube, Carrie, because we have been
Starting point is 00:24:32 put in jail twice, and we don't want to... We had two strikes. Two strikes for nothing. I mean, for nothing. Just for your comment. Type the word vaccine or... No, no comments for words that my guests spoke not that they advocated anything just words that came out of their mouth and so you know yeah let's
Starting point is 00:24:52 go easy over there we don't want you don't want you to lose your channel we'll just send it's not you carrie but just well we should probably be careful what we're talking about openly on there anyway so i don't know you guys yeah go to twitch andrew ashkaz go to twitch to get get get hard yeah you can have fun on twitch yeah go do all you want over there guys uh didn't know we were getting into spicy territory you know yeah i want to keep going i want to keep going so susan interrupted us so how much given given how different my experience was at cnn for so many years then see you you arrived after i had just left right so you experienced what we right i was gone 16 i was gone in 2016 and i was there from 2009 to 2016 essentially and I had a very positive experience I enjoyed
Starting point is 00:25:46 that show I had a great staff I had great support everything was good and we had some issues at HLN and stuff but certainly nothing with CNN from from my perspective and and by the way and and some of the um upper administration were some of the most I don't know substantial people I've ever met and nice. And I mean, I had relationships with all these people. It was shocking to me when it came crashing down. But it came crashing down as the election came, right? And so my question to myself is, what CNN has done to itself, Trump derangement syndrome?
Starting point is 00:26:27 And let me even make it an easier question by saying, if you're the head of a news organization and you believe, whether it's delusional or otherwise, you believe that a crazy dictator has taken over your country, you would do whatever you could do to get that person out. Wouldn't you? And, and I, but I would, let's just ask that question, Trump derangement. And if they believe that isn't their behavior more understandable. Okay. No, it's a, I love the way you're framing it and everything like that, Drew.
Starting point is 00:26:57 So, I mean, logically, if, if you have the opportunity, what's her name? Sandberg over at Facebook. Is it Cheryl Sandberg, the COO or something at the time? She kind of did the same thing. If you remember during the
Starting point is 00:27:13 16 election, the run-up there, the email dump from the WikiLeaks and everything, or whoever did it, found some emails from Sandberg to the Hillary camp, like, hey, what can I do with my platform to help you out? You know, so kind of the same things. I have the opportunity of a large, you know, media, social media company to possibly help one side. So in that vein, maybe Zucker might have been trying to do that. But again, now you're stepping on the First Amendment and what news truly should be. So it is an ethical dilemma. Like if you're going to use your platform to tip the scale one way or the other, shouldn't you also let your viewers know as well? That way they can, again, like informed consent and medicine, make an informed decision on the news that they consume. I mean, is that a fair parallel from your world? Again, that's what
Starting point is 00:28:01 journalism has always, that was always the standard for journalism. But again, they believed they had to throw out an evil dictator who was worse than Hitler. I mean, this is the delusion, the mass delusion. I mean, I don't know what policy the guy did. Yeah, yeah. And I know, by the way, that Google had the same thing that Facebook had that Carol Sandberg was talking about. We interviewed from Veritas, Zach Voorhees, who documented. Great guy.
Starting point is 00:28:30 And he had the same experience, though, at Google that I think I'm seeing here at CNN, where when I was there, it was the place it was supposed to be. There's a little left-leaning, whatever. I mean, whatever. But it wasn't what it became all of a sudden in 2016 that you were exposed to. And I'm just, I'm wondering if they will ever get their feedback onto them and even apologize for the way they've been. I mean, it's just, it's been, well, answer that question. What do you think? Do you think they'll ever come back? I mean, they certainly can, in my opinion. I've started, you know, just even when I was there, I started tracking the decline in ratings and you and I both know, and in your business, I'm
Starting point is 00:29:13 just a fairly, fairly new guy in, in, in this, but I mean, ratings are how you get paid, like the ad revenue and this and that and the other. But when you see that the three headlining people, like, you know, you have your Wolf Blitzer, your Cuomo, and then Don Lemon, your primetime nightlies, and combined, they can't touch a Tucker Carlson or a Hannity or even a handful of new independent YouTubers each night. You know, the writing's on the wall financially. Like, I honestly don't know how they're paying their bills other than maybe reaching into parent company AT&T's pocket. So, I mean, you, you know, you can believe the small, but loud little, you know, Twitter mob and everything like that. But what do the raw numbers, the Nielsen, like, how are you paying your bills? How many advertisers are sticking
Starting point is 00:29:53 around or jumping ship? I mean, again, I don't know those details. I just see the Nielsen ratings. I see a continuous decline. I can tell you, I can tell you what it is. I can tell you what it is because, because I was with them through some pretty deep downturns. And what happens is the ad revenue sustains for a little while because the corporations want to have the brand on their docket. They want to be the CNN advertiser. They want those and they want some of their particular demographics, some of the ones that they're out that they have so i know that they get a certain amount of time out of that but i would say time would be running out right about now right about now is when they're going to be a big big big trouble and it's it's really interesting to see how they manage that i i i don't know i don't think they're
Starting point is 00:30:43 reaching they could reach into AT&T's pocket, but I don't think that's how things work over there. It didn't work that way when I was there with Warner Brothers. It's not a, it's not daddy's, daddy's checkbook, right? So no,
Starting point is 00:30:53 they, they had to sustain themselves because HLN, we, that was the problems we were having. We, you know, and it's interesting to me though, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:01 if they could like adjust course and apologize, they would have a higher ground to stand on than Fox, which is their main competitor. In other words, Fox is saying, oh, this is just us, whatever. The one thing that Fox does well that keeps them in a zone that is a certain high ground of its own is they make fun and they say, oh, it's just humor. It's just humor. And that gives them a certain amount of flexibility that CNN doesn't have. Like, like Gutfeld show is, is funny, right? They actually are funny. They are making fun of things. And that's, that's a good way to deliver, you know, opinions and topics and things like
Starting point is 00:31:42 that. It's not what CNN claims to be. So they have to do what they're claimed to be or change their brand. I mean, I guess change the brand, I guess, but I don't think people are going to want that brand from them. But I, so tell me more about, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:57 what you've learned about what they're doing there. What are your thoughts on it? These are just sort of my thoughts about what might be going on and trying to understand it. Cause it is such a drastic change from when I was there. You, as somebody who arrived once the change had already occurred, what are your thoughts on it? What do you think? Well, right. And it's a great question, Drew, because, again, you're absolutely right.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Like I came in, let's see, June of 2017. So what he took off is January of 17, right? If my math is right. So it was just a few months into the new administration. So all I knew was my zero was right during the whole, as you said before, like TDS or whatever the diagnosis is, Hey, we're going full bore. We're going full bore this way to take down a sitting president because, you know, he's literally Hitler and all this other stuff that we hear on the on the twitterati and everything so um the crazy part of my stories and you know these just came out in 2019 one of the most succinct arguments for one of my recordings was a man named patrick davis and it was on one of my second or third taped release and he was
Starting point is 00:33:03 in the news business or even at CNN for 20 plus years. He was the field ops manager, an amazing man. Like you have warm feelings toward some of the higher up staff. And I felt the same way and still feel toward him. It's just he was that type of guy. And he was on one of my recordings saying, like, the morning meetings are completely BS. We used to be the complete best. We changed the industry. We actually catapulted news into the glorious, you know, fourth estate that it should be. And then right into like i don't care ethics be damned you know we're going to take take down this man i mean there's definitely a handful of
Starting point is 00:33:49 recordings that didn't make the tape but either your faulty recording at the time or just didn't record it that i mean pretty much would have brought it to its knees if it would have made the tape but and it was all regarding wait i'm confused by that what do you wait what do you mean you mean you couldn't understand what was being said or Veritas decided not to push it out? No, it was a technical difficulties type thing. It was either muffled in my pocket and you couldn't clearly delineate what the words and saying was. And Veritas does have a high standard. We're not going to put it out unless you can see their lips moving and clearly hear it um and it was and i'll leave it just as vague as i can where it was very higher ups they're talking about it's our job to take him out talking about the president like we have we can't rest until we take him out you know those types of sentiments that's pretty good
Starting point is 00:34:35 but i don't think there's i don't think there's any doubt about that though right i mean it's pretty clear that's what they they sort of said it many times like this is you know they they really believe that a horrible crazy they look chris cuomo said it on his show he said a russian operative is sitting with those words a russian operative is sitting in the oval office it's like if you believe that i mean if i i wouldn't say it on tv unless i believed it and if you believe that you'd work you'd work tirelessly to get him out. Well, you would, but you think with 40 plus million dollars in the
Starting point is 00:35:09 Mueller investigation, all these other, and the whole apparatus of CNN global and international and like all the different arms they had, you think they couldn't uncover that if it was the truth? I mean, if he indeed was an operative and all this other stuff, I'd want him out too. And, you know, I voted for the man in 20,
Starting point is 00:35:26 you know, like I would want to, that's where the TDS is in. Carrie, that's where the, that's where the delusional thinking, but we've been in lots, we've been in multiple delusions since about 2016 in this country.
Starting point is 00:35:37 It's a different world. We've had his, we, I, I've been saying this for quite some time that we, around 2016 to 18, we turn from predominantly narcissist to predominantly histrionic in this country. And as a histrionic, we are prone to panics and social contagion and delusional thinking.
Starting point is 00:35:58 If somebody came to me in 2015 and talked about seeing Nazis everywhere and believing the president was a Hitler or a Nazi, I would put them in the hospital for delusional thought processes. And that delusion became a routine part of the collective thought. That was not normal. And then COVID did a whole other set of delusions, which are going on to this day. It's really stunning the way people's thinking can get distorted. And the objectivity, when you're in a delusion, Kerry, objective data does not matter, right? You just twist it to
Starting point is 00:36:39 support your delusion. No, absolutely. And you you from a medical perspective, and I've, I think you and I spoke a little bit back about it backstage, you know, in, in South Dakota where, you know, from a medical perspective, you're just trying to, you as a medical doctor are trying to sift through all the data available and then make the best recommendation you can. When did science and medicine become political, right? I mean, this is your time with expertise. That's what I spoke about at the conference we were both at. I couldn't, I can't, it's the strangest thing I've ever seen. And we're still kind of there.
Starting point is 00:37:19 We're still, it's not as bad. It's loosening a little bit. But we've been in this collective. Well, my profession has been in a collective panic, not so much a delusion. And the panic and the fear has been that you're going to get, you know, lose your job. You're going to get your reputation is going to get crushed. You're going to get told you're a bad person or a bad doctor or something. And because of that, they froze and stopped thinking now now the problem i'm seeing something
Starting point is 00:37:47 new happen in my profession like literally last couple days is now they're starting to have people starting to speak up and share ideas some of which are way out there and questionable and they're sharing them with the public not with their peers and that's not where that should go i think they're so angry about being pushed down for so long. Now they're like, they're going to let you know what they're thinking. And this is something that scientists and clinicians need to hammer out, not the public. We need to leave the public out of these conversations. It just serves to make people more distrustful and less likely to do the things they need to do from a health health public health standpoint so well right and yeah i you know carrie i've never never spent so much of my time never so
Starting point is 00:38:32 much my time going oh yeah disgusting i'm disgusted i'm disgusted i'm disgusted by so much and i and i say that now about eight times a day like oh uh pooeyey but here we are that's the world we live in it's disgusting and the thing about disgust is that it's a very powerful emotion for movement it makes you do something you can't sit with disgust very long your body brain won't allow you you just got to move off
Starting point is 00:38:58 it and so I'm trying to you know make a difference somehow in response to some of this disgusting stuff. And so I appreciate your efforts as well. What are you working on now? No, and again, I forgot to say. Well, I can allude and work in generalities, of course.
Starting point is 00:39:19 But, you know, I mean, you're doing exactly what I think a lot of people should do. You're just using your professional influence and your professional expertise to try to lay it out on the independent side. Now, granted, I know YouTube is, you know, doing its thing to you and all the major players, but like things like Rumble and all the other independent platforms that are popping up. I mean, people want information. They don't want to be, they don't want to have it funneled to them to try to like, Hey, we're doing it for you. Cause I mean, that's a form of fascism or whatever, not getting a strike or something. People just want their information. That's why I did what I did with the news. Like, Hey, I just want as unbiased as possible presentation of the facts for people to make up their own minds. I know you and I, I know we can't really weigh too much, if I understand it correctly,
Starting point is 00:40:06 we can't weigh too much into certain syringe-type stuff here, is what I was getting. But right now I'm actually working at Project Veritas for the last week. We'll go that one. So as about a month ago... And by the way, let me say it again.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I am a strong supporter of the V. I am. Pro V. But I want to have discourse about it. I want to hammer out my position. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there's something to be concerned about.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I want to think about all these different things. And the fact that I can't even bring the word up, let alone have a conversation about it, is astonishing. Astonishing. But anyway, so go ahead finish the vagina oh that's what i was talking about sure sure we'll go with that one but you know and you're that was susan a v word that will get it ticked off youtube it's not vagina we can say that one we just can't say the other way. Right. Exactly. Right. Um, yeah. You're doing, you're doing what you can. And that's what people want. They just want the information. That's why I did what I did. And you know, Hey, we want the information left, right, or center, you know, yada, yada.
Starting point is 00:41:18 We can go add infinitum on that. But as of a month ago, like, you know, cause my story came out in late 2019. My then pregnant fiance at the time was very high risk. So in my mind, what am I going to do? I have a pregnant wife I want to take care of with a baby that may or may not have difficulties. So we did our release. And thankfully, a lot of patriots came together and donated a little over a hundred thousand dollars to us to coast in our new life. But in my mind, I didn't want to stay and accept one of these media jobs that was offered to me, which I would have loved to have stayed in it.
Starting point is 00:41:53 But it's like, it's just, I wouldn't have a life. So I went back to corporate America and the telecom and sales. They always had amazing benefit packages, especially for medical stuff. Thankfully, my little daughter was born. She's healthy. She's 16, whatever months old now, just a daughter was born. She's healthy. She's 16 whatever months old now, just a firecracker. She's fantastic. And I just kept noticing myself wanting to come back into the fight. After you work with Project Veritas or someone in that sphere, a normal job is definitely not as fulfilling. So as of a month ago, I came on board as an investigative journalist.
Starting point is 00:42:23 So now my job is to, me and my team, we man the tip lines on like Instagram, you know, ProtonMail, you know, VeritasTips at Those types of things. We come in, we vet them. I make at least 10 to 20 calls a day to vet things out. We're actually working on a bunch of different things right now in the medical community. And I'll just leave it at that for right now. I would love to talk to you offline about that but we're we're basically attacking a lot of different vectors in a lot of different industries like media school government
Starting point is 00:42:52 medicine um censorship obviously elections all the good stuff like that that will get us kicked off that is where there's a lot of there's a lot of um obfuscation there's a lot of obfuscation. There's a lot of people struggling to emerge from the morass who want to speak a truth and can't. And really, it is literally media, medicine, government bureaucracies, teachers, schools. I mean, this is where I hear lots of stuff that people want to say something and really can't. And good for you guys for helping give them a voice. It's got to be terribly challenging, though, to vet this stuff. It is, Drew, and thank you for that. And these people, like we got, I think, what, we're in August, and I think we're already at 20 or 30 000 tips for the year on all the platforms
Starting point is 00:43:45 i mean we kind of have become the de facto stop gap the the end of the road like hey i've tried going to my employer i've tried doing the open door policy i've tried my congressman i've tried this you guys are my last hope and that is the heartbreaking thing that you know we can't save everybody so but we have to vet certain things and, you know, cause obviously people try to infiltrate that way, which it is, it is what it is, but we're trying to get to all the nuggets that we can. We have a fantastic team. And I always tell people if you were always two to three degrees of separation away from the next bombshell that the country needs to know. And I always tell people DM us on a project Veritas on Instagram or Veritas tips
Starting point is 00:44:25 It comes to my desk. We vet it. We read every email. I promise you some of it is obviously, oh, this is not really going anywhere. But like I said, myself and my team, we make about 10 to 20 calls a day per person vetting things and putting it up the food chain. And we're building an army, like all these citizen journalists. Remember, I was the third person to come out publicly with Veritas. Now there's 10. And there's, let's just say there's dozens in the pipeline right now, we're just vetting and doing what we
Starting point is 00:44:55 can do. But there's a lot of people that are now coming to us, because they feel they have nowhere else to go. Now, the really cool part is when people a lot of people say we're just a right wing and this and that. But I mean, we went after Fox News on one of our previous stories, Ivory Hecker. She interviewed a brilliant doctor, Dr. Joseph Barone in Houston that had some incredible V data on how he was attacking it. And Fox suppressed that. And so she came to us. I don't know if you know of Dr. Barone. He had a fantastic spread that she actually put out that, you know, he had some amazing success combating that certain thing we can't talk about. So that's why she came to us. And she was the first news
Starting point is 00:45:32 person that came to us. And then of course, April Moss, this in CBS insider, I myself am talking to, let's just say a handful of other local affiliates across the country that people are getting sick up being mandated in their workplace to take the V or this or that or wear the mask and people just want their choice and we just want to give it to them and we're we may need to go less i'm going to stop you we can't do the m word either uh so i wonder if we should go to rome yeah it's it's ridiculous but that's okay so everybody on youtube head on to the other platforms sorry about that we probably should have done i know it's so ridiculous but but let's let's take a quick break let's take a little commercial break before we turn off the yeah we'll leave the i'll put up the list of places to go or go
Starting point is 00:46:18 to and find the links to the other places i love you youtube we've got a good group of people over there. Except for the person that I blocked. But yeah. I'm still watching you guys. She started typing the H words. I'm watching you, everybody, over on the Restream chat. I also have the chat at Rumble going on
Starting point is 00:46:35 if anyone wants to hop in there. But all the links are at Dr. G. Clubhouse. And then we're on Clubhouse, too. We're on Clubhouse. We have very few hands up, we will uh perhaps get some hands what has been say it again oh clubhouse oh yeah i know we want to talk about the v word and the m word after the break all right we will
Starting point is 00:47:00 be right back i want to give a shout out to our good friends at Blue Mics. If you've heard my voice on this show any time over the past year, including right now, you've been listening to Blue Microphones. And let me tell you, after more than 30 years in broadcasting, I don't think I've ever sounded better. But you don't need to be a pro or have a fancy studio to benefit from a quality mic. You may not realize it, but if you've been working from home or using Zoom to chat with friends, you probably spend a lot of time in front of a microphone.
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Starting point is 00:47:56 That is slash B-L-U-E. We are back now. Thank you. All right. We're saying goodbye to YouTube. Bye-bye. Bye-bye, YouTube. Thank you guys for having been there. And let's go to Carrie.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Let's bring him back in here. Again, Carrie from Project Veritas, where he is now a full-time. Carrie, we're bringing you in. There we are. Did I hear you correctly that you had to go fund me when you left your job? I set it up and the Veritas guys pushed it. And again, so a lot of people, a few thousand people came together, kicked in a little over $100,000. And that basically gave us an amazing,
Starting point is 00:48:36 grateful cushion into our next life. Because all I wanted to do after that, I just wanted to go live a normal life, a nine to five office job and just be done with it all. And it definitely provided that for us. I mean, that I mean, it was amazing. I can't thank anybody enough. And some people to this day still donate a little bit. It blows my mind, the generosity of people that believe in a certain cause. So that's where I'm at. Again, I went into corporate America for about a year, two years or whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:03 And then just the fight kept calling me. So reached out and we negotiated back and forth. And again, now I'm full time at Project Veritas sniffing out the next stories. And what can we say on this particular channel or that we couldn't say on YouTube or is it still kind of a, have to be careful? No, no, we're good now.
Starting point is 00:49:20 We're able to express ourselves though. Maybe Facebook will have some weird reaction one of these days. But I also want to, so we'll talk about that in a second. But I want to respond to some people on the restream here. Makai asked, why did I say it's unflare for black people being excluded from places for not wanting the experimental jab? Why did I say that? in America, only 28.4, meaning 71.6% of African Americans in America have not had the vaccine. They have not had the vaccine because they've been mistreated by the medical community in various ways over the last maybe 100 years especially. And as a result, they tend not to
Starting point is 00:50:01 trust based on their experience. Their experience is because of the color of their skin. And so now we are resistant in those populations are become willing to take the vaccine as opposed to segregating them from basic freedoms. Think about it. That's all I'm saying. Think about what we're doing. That's all I'm saying. I have a vaccine passport.
Starting point is 00:50:39 My wife has a vaccine passport. My kids have vaccine passports. Oh, well. But there are people for whom that's going to be a pretty concerning sort of a problem to be ostracized without having had that and not wanting to get it because of their history. That's all I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Anyway, that's all I'm saying. Let's go quickly to some questions here. That was our troll on oh my god okay sorry about that it's always je Jeanette's fault. So I have a question for Terry. You know, I, you know, totally hate what you had to go through in terms of, you know, just the craziness.
Starting point is 00:51:34 And the question just for folks who want to find what the truth is, right? And you're with Project Veritas, obviously. But how does a consumer of news these days know what the truth is? How do you determine that? Oh, boy. So what I tend to do...
Starting point is 00:51:54 That's what I think. Well, what I tend to do personally is I'll watch the evening's news the next morning. You know, the Channel 4, which is NBC, usually get really angry. Then I'll watch Fox News. And then somewhere in between, I figure the truth lies.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Would you say that that is a good way to try to distill what the truth is or is there a go-to place where one could go to say hey this is uh you know it's typically where the truth lies you know online perhaps the source is there some place that you go carry uh yeah leopold fantastic questions thanks so much are where are you calling in from clubhouse or one of the other places yeah clubhouse and i live in southern california so oh fantastic fantastic well i'm down with i'm down in tampa and stuff so but no it's a fantastic question and it truly is one that we all wrestle with nowadays like where do we get our information how do we know that it's true what's the degree of truth like on a sliding scale or you know know, facts and do facts truly matter? I don't mind sharing some of the places I go. The biggest thing I've learned.
Starting point is 00:53:11 And again, this we're all on our own journey is to find out who pays whatever network or creators bills. So like your CNN boxes or something like that, like look at their sponsors. And that will pretty much tell you kind of where they lean in this and that and the other, you know, in general terms, obviously. But so for instance, I, you know, I still watch CNN from time to time and MSNBC. It's a great way to check the temperature of where one viewpoint is going. I also watch Fox and, you know, RSVN and OAN from time to see how the other viewpoint to see that temperature. Mainly, I get my news primarily now. This is just me. I'm not advocating one way or the other. But I have a pretty decent sized circle of online creators because I know where they're getting their money. They're getting their money from a PayPal tip jar or a super chat or, you know, a very rare sponsorship. So, um, you know, I have conservative, libertarian, liberal, and progressive creators that I listened to on a, on a daily basis, you know, like, uh, like, you know, I love watching Tim pool, uh, you know, Stephen Crowder,
Starting point is 00:54:15 even Jimmy door and Kyle Kalinsky on the progressive side. I still have my progressive leanings and yes, I still watch CNN and MSNBC, umc um you know joy read on the side from time to time on twitter and stuff like that so i try to get it it sounds like carrie it's yeah it sounds like you're saying is it really you got to look at a lot of different kinds of sources to get a sense of what the landscape really is even then though i'm sure you're obscuring a lot of stuff just didn't get well right yeah and that's the hard part, Drew and Leopold, is like, you know, like I'm a new father with a newborn. I don't literally have time to watch, you know, two or three hours of content a day. I just try to get snippets from, you know, left, right, and center.
Starting point is 00:54:55 But it shouldn't have to be that way. That's the sad part. Like I should be able to turn on the nightly news and, okay, here's just the facts. Because, remember, Drew, you and Susan can probably attest to this, is that back in the day, if they misreported something, they had to do a retraction, people got fired. Nowadays, it's just, they don't even have to apologize. We call it drive-by journalism. They'll just throw a story out there to get it first. And then six months later, oh, our bad, but the damage was already done. I mean, people's lives can end based on malpractice in the news. And that's a strong statement.
Starting point is 00:55:29 But if you gin up a mob with some false information, I'm not going to go into details on this show, but you can gin up a mob with any type of things and people can die. And oh, our bad. Six months later, we had this piece of the story wrong. Well,
Starting point is 00:55:42 the person is already injured and or dead. Like the damage is already done. So that's just my thing. You're doing great. Just watch a few different sources. Again, watch who pays their bills and who owns where they're at. That's the main thing. Reason TV, for instance, I love them. They're a libertarian source. They own it. Hey, we're doing news from a libertarian source. Fox says we're conservative they own it they own where they're at and to me that garners a lot more respect and someone saying hey no we're middle of the road when they clearly are to one side that's to me malpractice leopold does that help you absolutely yeah i you know One of the issues that really highlighted this was when we had the, whatever you want to call them, protests or riots or whatever they were. And my daughter, who lived in Santa Monica at the time where it first broke out, and I saw real time, you would see the video feed of what was happening, where the fires and the break-ins and the newscasters were
Starting point is 00:56:46 so opposed to calling you know folks who are running into the stores looters for fear of the political correctness factor uh because of their ethnicity so they would refuse was that local news or was that the cable news again i think i was watching channel well it was a new you know where they uh so you might be watching channel seven and all of a sudden they'll break in and say okay breaking story yeah kind of thing yeah and and they were so afraid of identifying because of the ethnicity and i'm not gonna you know i don't want to start a thing on on here but basically because they were a certain ethnicity, they did not want to call them looters.
Starting point is 00:57:26 They didn't want to call them, you know, and yet you were watching it real time happen before your eyes. And I thought that was crazy. It was ludicrous that they were self-editing because of political correctness and wokeness or whatever else you want to call it. And I thought that was just a prime example of how the news has been bastardized by let's say forces like political correctness or other external forces wherein you know the newscaster is worried to uh you know label someone wherein it's obvious it's
Starting point is 00:57:58 happening right in front of your eyes and they would refuse to identify them i'm not sure but but i'm not sure that's a function. Because I thought local news did a really good job during all that stuff. So what I think, Leopold, I think had it been on a national scale of an organization that has a history of distorting things, I would be, eh, I agree with you. But my suspicion is that on a local level, they were scared of the twitter mob and because
Starting point is 00:58:27 they could lose their jobs they could be i and i've seen i listen i was at dinner a couple nights ago with somebody in her their mid-30s and the rest of us were quite a bit older and we had a conflict with the waiter and she was like don't say anything he'll tweet something bad don't say anything and i thought wow that and and a lot of these news anchors you're talking about local news are younger people and are used to defining themselves by what goes on on social media and so i i think that plays a bigger role than you might imagine you know there was one local broadcaster i think he was on channel five and he was old or like, and he was literally confronting the folks who were stealing from the businesses
Starting point is 00:59:08 that were broken in. And he was just basically saying, why are you stealing? And he was in their face. I don't know if I've seen that newscaster since then, so I don't know what happened to him. I don't even remember his name, but I thought he was the only truthful person, because he was right in their face.
Starting point is 00:59:24 He was saying, why are you doing this? Why are you breaking the glass? Why are you running and stealing things? But when I heard the other newscasters identify the very same thing, they were very careful in what they were labeling these folks. They were very careful not to make any uh disparity yeah i get it i get it and and but to be fair also to them it was a evolving thing and no no one wanted to be accused of arriving at conclusions before we sort of knew what was going on but but again it's
Starting point is 00:59:57 it's one of the advantages of generally being objective people like me will give you the benefit of the doubt go okay well you guys hadn't really figured it out yet um but if it had been fox or cnn i would assume whatever they were doing was because of the way they look at things right you know so we're spinning it all right leopold thanks so much buddy thank you thanks are you having a comment about that no i mean he's right and and again i i know none of us want to wade into that territory, but it's one of those things where, you know, again, like reporting what you can without, like you said, just a genuine want to report the news. If you're not on your game, you know, the news can make it what halfway around the world before the truth puts on its boots or whatever the saying might be. So those things have real time, real world ramifications. And if you're not on your game, then you can truly have some pretty outstanding like butterfly like ripple type
Starting point is 01:00:49 effects so it was a great question from leopold that was fantastic susan i think there's something going on a rumble too problematically i don't know people are complaining uh can you see their comments i see a one comment. I just see Miss Kitty. She says, I like Dr. Drew. He's based. I fell in love with Dr.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Drew on the mass singer. LOL, which is, which is, no, no, but the, I mean,
Starting point is 01:01:15 they're complaining on restream that the, the rumble stream is not working. Oh, so, so just check that. Okay. Yeah. Let's check. is it just check it yeah what happened caleb caleb might know caleb are you doing okay we lost connection i'm checking on it it seems like it's working i see it now okay okay um let me get another call a question up here josh go ahead
Starting point is 01:01:41 oh yeah it's working okay josh hi dr drew hey there um so my question is a weird question and i hope everyone understands what i'm saying but how do you sort of survive as a democrat i mean i'm a democrat but i feel like no matter what i do or what i say is like i'm only heading to one place i'm either going to be a criminal I mean you see the governor you know um he seemed to be very on top of things and he had to resign so that's what a democrat is now clearly that's what it is I mean other than Biden into a set i'm just saying like what do i do to have any sense of like okay maybe he's a good person maybe maybe who cuomo no me i'm talking about myself yeah oh okay you know i mean that is a good question just for being a democrat like it seems as though why why should your party
Starting point is 01:02:42 have anything to do with how you're perceived as a person that the fact that you even feel that way is just so wild i know that's what i'm saying that's a weird question but let me ask carrie maybe he has some experience he's had you know and what he's been reporting that sort of helps put a little light on that go ahead carrie oh man well hey josh thanks again for for coming in and and yeah i'm with drew like a political affiliation you know it shouldn't matter with surviving or not surviving. I mean, whether it's Cuomo, Spritzer, or Richard Nixon or whatever, all these high-profile people that got us in trouble, they made bad choices.
Starting point is 01:03:19 It doesn't matter if there's an R, D, or I next to your name. I mean, you sound like a really upstanding guy, and I would love to get a beer with you sometime if we're in the same place. But let's talk about it for a second, because I think what he's talking about is the same thing I heard friends from the right complaining about six months ago, which is that they couldn't admit they were anything. They couldn't admit their position. They couldn't speak. They were afraid of getting attacked and, and they felt bad about themselves for having a political point of view. And that's what now Josh is talking about. And, uh, interesting. So it's, it's, it's, it's definitely, I mean, Josh, feel free to chime in too, if that's what it is. And, um, you know, me,
Starting point is 01:04:01 I'm, you know, I'm on the right right now. And I definitely feel some pressure sometimes. You know, a lot of the tips I get are, hey, they're there. My boss is coming after me like I get tips from some people in big tech and education, which are notoriously, you know, left're coming after people for political persecution. Now, depending on where you live, I mean, places like D.C. have laws against political ideology persecution. But, you know, it's a very real thing. People dox people that are different just because they can. I mean, Twitter is a very dangerous cesspool these days. If you say the wrong thing or step on the wrong eggshell, I mean, Drew has experienced this in real time as well. It's a very scary place because yeah, before the 2016 election, I'm sure we all agreed like for the most part, nobody, I know I didn't really care about politics before 2016. I just wanted to live my life and, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:57 pursue the happiness and everything else enshrined in the constitution, right? I mean, that's what we, hey, you're a liberal, I'm a conservative, whatever. Hey, let's go get a beer. But, uh, yeah, something changed in society and the psyche. So, I mean, again, you sound like a pretty upstanding guy. And, um, from my opinion, again, this is just my opinion. It seems that your, your persuasion, the left side of the aisle is actually more protected than the center or the right. And that's just my personal observation. I mean, you see all these mobs coming after, you know, like a lot of pro-life people or someone who pro-Trump or this or that and get doxxed. I mean, Tim Pool actually did an amazing video on this about a year or two ago that, you know, people on the right are systematically a little more
Starting point is 01:05:40 and get a little more heat from the big tech oligarchs so to speak so um i hate that you're feeling that way can you give me an example of kind of what your fears might be so i can understand oh he's let me see if i can get it okay sorry i say something really quick about somebody on rumble miss kitty again the one that is in love with you from the mass singer yeah he said this is the same pressure as i feel as an unvaccinated. She lives in Missouri and the lowest vaccination rate and they have the highest antibodies. Right. And so it is tribalism. It's scapegoating.
Starting point is 01:06:16 It's hysteria. It's humans at their most primitive and not good. And the fact that we are succumbing to all this is beyond somebody dealing. Here's what I know about health, uh, public health messaging. I've worked, like I said, I worked on a very hard during the AIDS epidemic. We had to change behaviors and here's how you would take somebody like miss kitty who is, doesn't trust what she's hearing. She doesn't trust it for the very reasons Carrie's bringing up about what's going on in the news. So for Miss Kitty, she needs good information. If we gave her good information, she would arrive at a good, healthy choice. If we gave her narratives about people
Starting point is 01:06:57 that made good choices and narratives about people that make bad choices and let her look at those narratives and understand why the outcomes were what they were, she would make good choices. Instead, we go, we need to put you in jail. You need to follow them. You need to listen to me. I know what's good for you. That's not, that does not change people's behavior. It hardens their position. Miss Kitty, tell me if I'm not right on the, yeah, Miss Kitty wants a third option. She wants to get testing. I think that's an excellent idea. I think more testing would be a great idea. And why we're not pursuing, listen, one of the things that I think California's coming up with that I thought was a great idea is they're going to mandate teachers get vaccinated or regular testing.
Starting point is 01:07:47 That's kind of a reasonable thing for them to do because it leaves the option for them not to get vaccinated. Like when you work at CNN. Is that what it is there too? Eh, Fox News, wherever. Right.
Starting point is 01:07:58 But they shouldn't give people, you know, really... But the problem is our testing protocols are not good. And so we need to kind of but it could be like it could be it could be rapid tests and you know so so here's interesting miss kitty just tweeted again or put on the chat here of a rumble said thank you and and see how how people feel when they're respected when they're they're not told you're a guy you're an
Starting point is 01:08:21 idiot you know what you're doing you're gonna people. That is not a way to change behavior. The way to change behavior is understand why the behavior is the way it is and address it. And there are ways to address it. What is wrong with us? I wish Makai was still here because she didn't want to get the vaccine either. But she was approaching it the wrong way.
Starting point is 01:08:39 What is wrong with us? Trying to push your buttons. It's breathtaking. They can get on the rebroadcast. Yeah. What is wrong with us? What is wrong with us? Trying to push your buttons. It's breathtaking. It's breathtaking. They can get on the rebroadcast. Yeah. I want to bring another caller in. We're not telling you to go out and do this. We're just not saying.
Starting point is 01:08:56 We're saying we did. Bree, what's going on? Hey, how are you guys today? We are good. What's happening? Good, thank you. How are you? This we are good what's happening good thank you how are you this is a really interesting topic i love that you keep um you know soldiering on with this because i know
Starting point is 01:09:11 firsthand how aggressive the pushback is with um just the freedom of information you know the willingness to discuss these issues openly unfortunately is not happening and it's become a desert now um of course you know my history a little bit um for those that are listening i'm one of the few that uh unfortunately was injured by the vaccine um i lined up for the clinical trial and unfortunately it didn't go well for me so ever since then obviously we've been gaslit and abandoned and, you know, we can't get our story out to the media. Well, actually Newsmax has been talking to us, so that's nice of them. But so here's the problem. I mean, you're talking about the tribalism, right? You're talking about, you know, the, uh, how the unvaccinated are now getting, you know, they all have a target on their back, essentially.
Starting point is 01:10:09 We're all seeing it across the country, especially those that have kids that are about to go into school, their vaccinated family are asking them, you know, when are you going to vaccinate your kids and all that stuff. And then you also have the big question, the bigger question about natural immunity. Right. So and so where's the money on the studies for natural immunity i really think that that's worthy of consideration that's part of the full picture but also i mean you know how this goes but we we also have okay so basically what's happened to us is we're a hit and run, right? So we've been hit by a car, okay? And the cops show up and you say, I was hit by a car. And they go, well, no, you weren't hit by a car.
Starting point is 01:10:58 So they don't go looking for the car, but you know you were hit by a car. So then you go to the hospital, I was hit by a car. And they say, no, you weren't hit by a car. So then you go to the hospital. I was hit by a car. And they say, no, you weren't hit by a car. So somehow this common sense of there's an issue, right, whether it's with natural COVID or whether it's with the testing or whether it's with the vaccines. Nothing is black and white. And for some reason, we cannot get into the actual meat that is going to get us out of the pandemic i mean i just barely scheduled a meeting with the head of the fba today and it's at the end of august and we've been pushing this for months like since last december and now we're finally
Starting point is 01:11:36 getting a foot in the door and i'm i mean we all know how this is going to go right like it's it's we all know but we're going to try we're going to do our best um we're going to say like this is the limited research we have um but we'll see how it goes but then on the other oh i have another question for you though with the um so i was part of patterson and yo's uh research that they did and i was one of the unlucky few that it turns out that I have spike in my monocytes and I ended up with more than anyone else. Let me just frame this for people. People are getting long-hauler
Starting point is 01:12:14 syndrome both from COVID and from the vaccine. Dr. Patterson, who's a famous AIDS researcher, we've been talking about this program for quite some time with Dr. Yogendra, has shown conclusively that there's a correlation between classical monocyte consumption. It was classical, non-classical, which was non-classical monocytes and their consumption of the spike protein and their presence in the central nervous system
Starting point is 01:12:37 that is associated with long hauler. We don't know if it's causational, but it looks pretty good. And so that is free. So go ahead. Right. So this is pretty interesting stuff. I mean, you know, obviously for the vaccine long haulers, this is very disturbing, especially me being the furthest out they know of nine months out. And I have the highest number of, you know, there's the correlation.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Classical monocytes. Right. And so so now they're, you know, everyone's concerned or whatever. And so now we're trying to figure out. Hopefully because those two are taking your symptoms seriously and are having
Starting point is 01:13:10 an objective pattern that they're associating with it, they'll come up with some good treatments. So have you tried anything yet? I think they will.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Have you tried anything yet? Well, actually, ironically, I've had five days of IVAG at a major research institution back east. You know,
Starting point is 01:13:23 I have a fridge, I got a whole box today of different researchers sent me a whole bunch of stuff from texas today like a thousand dollars worth of medications just in a box and so but again you know although although here's the lesson there's a lesson in your story brie and here's lesson. The lesson is physicians want to help you. Medical academia even want to help you. Medical caretakers, medical providers give a shit. They care about what's going on here. Bureaucracies do not. Bureaucracies can't adjust course. They can't admit wrong. They can't nuance anything. And they're not designed for that. They shouldn't be in the mix so much.
Starting point is 01:14:07 So good. I'm glad you're getting some care from people that hopefully will get you through this thing, right? Thank you so much. And we've been trying to build a network of physicians. And unfortunately, we've had two here so far. Have you been through a lot of these sort of new things in my practice, in my career? It doesn't work like that ever. It's a lot of bunch of, a bunch of fiefdoms pop up.
Starting point is 01:14:31 And then once somebody gets the best result, then boom, everybody jumps on. So prepare, prepare yourself. Hopefully you'll find the one that has the best result. Okay. Awesome. All right. Good luck. Bye.
Starting point is 01:14:47 So, yeah, that's a whole other story carry of you know people having symptoms and all i mean there's all kinds of stuff like that this is stuff you could get into is really the thing that if you want to tell a story is that you know my let's put it to you this way i want you to file an idea in your head and see if something comes to mind in terms of your investigative reporting. The FDA, the NIH, the NIMH, the AMA, the CDC, never, the World Health Organization, has never been involved in the care of patients ever. When I practiced medicine for the last 35 years,
Starting point is 01:15:27 not that they weren't around and weren't advising and sending letters and giving information and helping support us, they were not involved in the decision-making. When a doctor made a decision for his or her patient, it was an improvisation based on his or her knowledge base. Period. End of story. All those bureaucracies were not involved between the doctor and the patient. When this thing broke, the doctor-patient relationship froze. It stopped functioning. And the doctors ceded all of their responsibility to these bureaucracies.
Starting point is 01:16:07 And that is the story of the disaster here. That's where things went really bad. Never before in the history of medicine has there been a condition where my profession went, go home until you get sicker. That's never happened before. That has never been our approach to a disease ever. home until you're so sick i need to put you on a ventilator i mean this is uncanny stuff yeah this is this is uncanny stuff and i i don't know what to make of it but people are starting to loosen up and talk about things and you're going to start now and as i said earlier in the program today unfortunately a lot of those discussions are now happening publicly where they shouldn't be they should should be in the grand rounds in the hospitals and in the academic settings and public shouldn't be seeing this. This is how the sausage is made in medicine, folks.
Starting point is 01:16:51 You shouldn't be exposed to it, but these people so much want to speak up that they're doing it now in public. They're doing it at school board meetings and things like, it's not good. It's not good. So there we go. It makes for good TV though. I guess so. I guess so. Um, it's getting better. It's getting better.
Starting point is 01:17:14 Syllable companies like it's like bureaucracy, bureaucracy, bureaucracy, CDC. Yeah. And these all been, these are all organizations that I, I, at the beginning of the outbreak was saying,
Starting point is 01:17:21 look to the CDC, follow their directions. I wouldn't say, I didn't say tell your doctor how to practice medicine. I said, let's see what the CDC is. Watch Fauci. Watch the CDC. They'll get us through this.
Starting point is 01:17:32 They'll have some ideas, and we can follow them. I didn't mean that they would be your caretaker. That's the part that's incredible. And here's one thing, another thing. Scott Adams said this this morning. I think this is a great piece of advice. If you right now are certain about anything, if you have ironclad certainty
Starting point is 01:17:51 about anything as it pertains to vaccines and masks and how this virus is going to work, you're wrong. That's all I can tell you. The only thing you can't be right now is certain because this is an evolving process. You can hold strong opinions. can't be right now is certain because this is an evolving process. You can have strong, hold strong opinions. You might be right.
Starting point is 01:18:07 But if you are certain that you could not be wrong, you are wrong because nobody could be certain right now. Too many things are changing too fast. Well, isn't that science in general, though? I mean, because it is. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, institutions for a variety of different reasons not just i mean you can be wrong in science if you have a good heart about hey we had the wrong information now we're adjusting course based on new data i totally get that um but again there's a lot of a lot of reason that people you know distrust you know falter this alphabet organization or that one and you know there's there's a lot of distrust out there which you alluded to with tuskegee and stuff how can we win back the trust just tell the truth you know that type of thing
Starting point is 01:19:07 uh yes sir that is exactly right a bit transparency and truth which is the not happening right now it seems but i don't know i don't know um if people are saying trusting fauci i wait wait somebody's got a response. Go ahead, Carrie. Go ahead. I was saying the story with Brie, like it's very, very fascinating. If she's still listening, I would love to follow up with her and her friends.
Starting point is 01:19:34 If she's still listening, you can definitely send me an email at VeritasTips at ProtonMail and just say, hey, Carrie, it's Brie from Clubhouse. I would love to talk to you to learn more about your story or anyone like that. So it's one of those things.
Starting point is 01:19:47 We're always trying to dig at the truth. No matter where it takes us, that's the beauty of truth. Veritas tips at ProtonMail? Yes, sir. Veritas tips, one word, at ProtonMail, V-E-R-I-T-A-S, tips at So Smore says, Dr. Fauci wasn't great advice talking to me. Mel, V-E-R-I-T-A-S tips at So, Smores says, Dr. Fauci wasn't great advice, talking to me.
Starting point is 01:20:10 And Smores, that's what I'm talking about. Right now, it doesn't look at great advice, but I'm going to bet that there's going to be some sort of reversion to the mean with that gentleman. And he will end up being okay when this is all done.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Because I've been through, I've said this before on this stream, I've been through five pandemics with that guy. And four out of the five, he has been exceptional and helpful. And it's the reason I got involved in radio, because he was telling us what we had to do with the HIV thing and getting out there in the media. And so don't be certain yet. You may be right, I may be wrong.
Starting point is 01:20:44 But let's see. I'm betting on a reversion to the mean for his performance. I'm not super happy with a lot of stuff he's done, too. I understand. But I think when the day is done, he's got a pretty good feed on where we should be going. Usually. That's all I'm saying. So, Kerry, thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:21:05 I know. I know, I know. Um, there is one more question. We got to kind of wrap things up. We've been, we've been here for quite some time. Susan.
Starting point is 01:21:14 What time do you have to go to? Uh, I got an hour. I got an hour still. Take another one. Okay. This is, I don't have to go until four 45.
Starting point is 01:21:22 Ah, this is Phil. Hi Phil. Hey, Dr. Drew. Great to talk to you, actually. I got to tell you real quick, I was not a big, huge fan of yours until today. I'm a big fan. But listen, I haven't been in a clubhouse room probably with more sanity and logic than what I've been hearing here with Carrie and yourself and the speakers.
Starting point is 01:21:45 I have this to say or question. I started losing the trust. And Carrie, you just mentioned that about how we've lost trust. I started losing it probably three or so years ago when I started seeing what you all had been confirming what's been happening, and that's the censorship, the blocking, the silencing of the voices out there. And what I saw have been being silenced. whether they were right or wrong, that's when I started to say, I don't trust the message of those that, um, or the voices that have been silent because why are they being silent?
Starting point is 01:22:36 Right. Yeah. And I, and I'm not sure that's a, you know, I understand why you would move that way, but I'm not sure that's the right position to take, but I totally understand why you'd be there. And, and, but I'm, we, you know, how many times has trust come up on this
Starting point is 01:22:49 program today? I mean, that is the issue right now. I, I, I think that's, you know, and it's easy to diagnose, right? I mean, everyone's feeling it and why the, you know, the bureaucrats aren't addressing it or adjusting their behavior to help improve that. It's, it's astonishing to me. Astonishing. Yeah. And Dr. Drew, so, and this would be interesting to get a comment from you from a medical perspective is what am I to believe? Cause I don't know of these say doctors, nurses, medical administrators that come out and say, Hey, we're seeing something here that isn't making sense. And it's going against the narrative
Starting point is 01:23:30 that it seems like the power brokers want you to hear. So when they are getting silenced, it's like... So here's what I think is happening. Here's my sense, and this is a guess. What I think is happening is that public health, literally what's so bizarre to me about this is this used to be the attitude of the right, which is we need to tell you how to live and what your values should be. And you can't handle the truth. That's their position. That's their position. You can't handle the truth. And so what they've done, it said public health has got to have a unified voice. It's got to be saying the same thing at all times. And we need the help of the social media moguls. We need the help of that infrastructure.
Starting point is 01:24:13 And they automatically have certain media outlets that pile on with them. And they've said that any alternative points of view are going to add to vaccine resistance and therefore must be silenced. When in fact, the opposite is true. points of view are going to add to a vaccine resistance and therefore must be silence. When in fact, the opposite is true. The more you obscure the data, the more you make it difficult to really see what's going on, the more impossible it makes for somebody like me to give you informed consent based on currently available data, the more the distrust builds, the more it becomes contagious, and the more rigid it becomes. It's the exact opposite of what they should be doing. They should take Phil and go, Phil, you're right.
Starting point is 01:24:52 Let me open the books and show you all the numbers. Let me be as transparent as possible, answer all your questions. And these people over here that are questioning things, you know what? We're going to listen to them too. We're going to try to arrive at the truth. And here's what I think is happening as it pertains to all these other opinions you're hearing out there. As I've said before, normally that happens within the profession. Normally that happens at the grand rounds and at the presentations. And we argue, we fight it out with each other. You don't see it publicly. Now those people are being silenced, even professionally. And so they feel like they have to appeal to the public. They're raising issues that are, eh, I mean, I'm willing to listen and think about it. It's
Starting point is 01:25:30 important to get outlying opinions. I, I, you know, I, again, certainty is the enemy here because I'm not certain of anything right now. I think when the day is done, the basic fact that we as medical providers generally do bad things to people to prevent worse things to people. And that's how we make our risk reward analysis. There's nothing we do that isn't dangerous because we're dealing with dangerous situations and dangerous conditions and illnesses. And those illnesses unfortunately require dangerous types of manipulations of physiology and dangerous interventions. So we're always trying to minimize the risk, maximize the benefit. But it's not. The risk is never zero. And right now, I can't explain to you
Starting point is 01:26:15 exactly what the risk is. But when the dust settles, I do believe, I may be wrong, but I do believe that the risk reward will come down on the side of vaccination. That's why I'm vaccinated. That's why my wife is vaccinated. I listen to people with all kinds of grave concerns about vaccination. They may have some real, there may be something real in what they're concerning. And friends of mine have these concerns. And I still say, I'm listening.
Starting point is 01:26:42 I get you. I hear listening. I get you. I hear you. But my gut is that when the day is done, the risk reward will come down on the side of vaccination. And for a lot of reasons, including, you know, reducing replication. So we decrease mutations, also decrease hospitalization, decrease deaths. And, you know, my son's been sick for two weeks after his vaccine. It wasn't pretty. It wasn't good. He's been sick as hell.
Starting point is 01:27:05 And, but I still think you'll be, have been worth it for him when the day is done. Um, so that's me. That's my opinion, Phil. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:13 I appreciate it. And, uh, let's all hope we get through this. And I just, one final thought going back to what was said, maybe 15, 20 minutes ago when,
Starting point is 01:27:21 uh, and carry you, I have no idea of your story. I'll be following it more closely now and looking up vera veritas yeah yeah is that we have at least on regarding the uh the what they what say cnn at one point and they have come out and publicly admitted, and then we have the private conversations, of doing something at all costs, which was not to report things truthfully, per se, but to have an agenda, and that's dangerous.
Starting point is 01:28:00 Terry, I'll put you back on hold. Phil, thank you. Very, no, it's a great, great observations, Phil. And I love your comment and question and your discourse with with drew. And it's it's just such a sad state of affairs where, where we once turned on the TV, and if it was on the TV, or in print, then it was gospel almost, you know, because they very, very rarely made a mistake. And going back before, if you did make a mistake, it was, you know, pretty dire consequences in my
Starting point is 01:28:31 industry, uh, where now is there's no accountability, there's no repercussions. Um, you know, as long as it got clicks, likes, and shares, that's all that, uh, these, these people care about. And that's truly eroding just the, the decency between people, how we vote or how we think. You know, we used to be able to have discussions with each other and come to arrive. You know, hey, here's the facts and we'll come to the middle or whatever. And nowadays, it's like you said earlier, Drew, it's tribalism. Joe Rogan says that all the time as well. It's just tribalism nowadays. I see what's underneath the tribalism in terms of the personality functioning
Starting point is 01:29:10 and the collective action and the scapegoating. I see what it all is. Dr. Johnson, Katherine Johnson of Physicians, welcome. I am. I'm an emergency physician. I'm curious to hear your perspective on this. You're referencing physicians who have
Starting point is 01:29:26 been censored as violence now my question is when i hear some of these uh so-called physicians speaking i don't believe they have hospital privileges i don't believe they're taking care of covid patients i believe they're more on like a wellness mission or something. There are definitely those. Those aren't the guys I'm talking about. You should hear, that's a great point. Let me just say, you should owe anybody. I just, I, somebody asked me about someone today and I looked up their credentials. I'm like, I'm sorry. I can't even, I can't even discuss what this person's talking about. He doesn't have the credentials. You need to, I prefer to see a major, a significant undergraduate training in science. That's just me, a medical school graduation from a accredited medical school, a residency in at least one
Starting point is 01:30:17 discipline, and at least one board certification that tells you this person is up to a certain professional standard and preferably a bunch of teaching experience in multiple settings. That's what I look for when I try to decide if somebody, if I can start to engage with this person, or if they have an academic standing, an academic position, okay, that's a little bit of a different kind of a, not a clinical sort of a situation. Sometimes they stay in academia right out of residency, but I'm listening because you don't get to those positions casually. How does that sound? Well, I have spent quite a bit of time,
Starting point is 01:30:55 I have my physician and science colleagues who are very forthcoming, as you can see in my bio, to our level of expertise and education when it comes to medical facts, science, and clinical experience, especially in COVID-19. So it's troubling when there are those who speak of themselves as doctors but do not hold these credentials and are giving health disinformation on this app that creates and heightens vaccine hesitancy when we are seeing cases of the Delta variant surge and overwhelm of hospitalizations because this pandemic of
Starting point is 01:31:32 unvaccinated, if you will, is really polarizing communities. And so, sure, where do you suggest people go to get good information? And we direct them often through the website, the website. They'll back channel asking for information. It's hard. Here's what I wish we could publicize more thoroughly, which is the age breakdown and the hospitalization breakdown per vaccine status. So both the age and the vaccine status, hospitalization and death. It's not easy to find that data.
Starting point is 01:32:13 It's not easy to find it. And you know what? We're all in this. But, you know, when I'm hearing the messaging from these non-physicians, non-clinical physicians, really amplifying some message that the vaccine is unsafe, that it hasn't been tested. These are just not true. They are blatantly false categorizations that are really, I think, dangerous, almost like mass malpractice at this point,
Starting point is 01:32:44 because we are seeing the unvaccinated filling up the hospitals. And now this is a preventable hospitalization. It's a preventable, often death. So can you quote the data on percent hospitalized with the vaccine versus without? So the New York Times actually is doing this, and there are some other websites. But for me to get up here and quote it without noting. I think I've got it. This is from, and I think this is Israeli data. I'm not sure. So let's not speak of Israel because their level of vaccination is quite different.
Starting point is 01:33:17 Right. I understand. But they do publish, but they publish hospitalized vaccinated. And a cohort of highly vaccinated. Right. That's right. The bias and the level of sophistication and nuance to interpret that data, which is incomplete data, is one that I don't think is relevant to the question and concern that I'm bringing to you directly. Well, let me just, I think you'll, when you hear the timeline, I don't think you'll say that.
Starting point is 01:33:45 The data I have, and again, this is something somebody sent me today, so I'm going to have to check on the resource
Starting point is 01:33:50 and, but the data is in front of me, rate of hospitalization amongst fully populated 0.01%. So there you go. So it,
Starting point is 01:34:04 whatever, let me, I got to find what this is supposedly from where is this from it's a cohort of 478,000 fully vaccinated okay any of that so we agree the vaccinated are not
Starting point is 01:34:18 getting sick correct but the data but do you talk to the unvaccinated do you talk to the unvaccinated I Do you talk to the unvaccinated? I do. I'm in rooms with them. Right. And what's the number one thing they tell you?
Starting point is 01:34:33 They tell me there hasn't been long-term data. No, no, no, no, no. You got to go beneath that. You got to go under that. I'm telling you my... No, no. That's what they tell you, too. They tell me that, too.
Starting point is 01:34:43 But then you go, come on. There is data. What's really going on? And do they give you too. They tell me that too, but then you go, come on, there is data. What's really going on? And do they give you something else when you ask what's really going on? Well, it's a fear-based position. They don't know how to interpret the data and they'd rather hear the disinformation, which is more reassuring to them than the truth. What they will tell you, that's all true.
Starting point is 01:35:01 That's all true. But they will tell you in their own 100% of the time, it's been my experience that they will tell you the reason I'm in this position. I don't know who to trust. That's what they will all tell you. I don't know who to trust. And if you sit with them and if you, and if you sit, because they don't know, they say it themselves. I don't know who to trust. I have found also 100% of people I can build back trust by talking to them about, what about full approval?
Starting point is 01:35:31 What about a platform based off the Pertussis vaccine? Would you take that? Yes, yes, yes. No one ever tells me this. No one talks to me about this. You personally can actually rebuild that trust just by spending
Starting point is 01:35:45 time with them. And listen, you'll be shocked at how people respond to just being respected and building that trust. They come on board. The problem is, as I mentioned already, when you said you're a bad person, you're going to die, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's the same thing dealing with drug addicts, which I've done for 30 years. And you tell them, you got to stop doing drugs or you're going to die. They stand up and walk out of the room. As soon as you do that, four shields go up with people. As soon as you, uh, evoke strong emotion and coming straight and a frontal assault, always, always, always just the way it is the way people are. All right. So, uh, we do have to wrap things up. I do have to wrap things up now.
Starting point is 01:36:28 Uh, thank you. I just, for that call, Carrie, any last, uh, comments of what you're talking about? Uh, no, this has been a blast and I appreciate you guys having me on, uh, again, for those of you that don't know, if you or someone, you know, or someone they know has overheard anything at work or anything that's the public needs to know you can always contact us at veritas tips at but again drew thank you so much for your time it has truly been a blast uh being on screen with one of my childhood heroes and please continue your okay it's very kind very good there's no
Starting point is 01:37:02 fight i'm not fighting i'm not trying not to fight that's specifically what I don't want to do I just want to be I want people I want people to get better I want people to do well Dr. Johnson has the same goal I'm putting up a good fight
Starting point is 01:37:18 oh my god he's not a fighter he's a lover yeah Tom Cigars I see the fight you're you're doing there please do i mean that's tom's doing a twitch twitch troll fight for us good for him well done thank you tom we really appreciate your openness what's that well an interesting point that you'd want to dr johnson's uh comments again i'm just speaking from my point of view and not a medical expert. She's getting a lot of pushback from the unvaccinated. We did an expose a couple
Starting point is 01:37:51 months ago on Facebook that she can go look at. It's from Morgan Common. He was a Facebook engineer. And anytime people would even start questioning the V, the vaccine, even not being anti-vax, but truly, hey, I heard there's some weird side effects or some studies. Can you answer that for me in a medical? Facebook algorithm would start to flag those not only comments, but accounts as vaccine hesitance, and it would give you a score, a grade, and start affecting your account and feeding you different information. I'd have to talk to Morgan about that, but that's one of the hesitancies that people have. It's like, well, hey, I'm just asking questions. I'm not trying to do one way or the other. And big tech is putting their finger on
Starting point is 01:38:34 the scale for me. Again, going back into the trust issue that like, hey, if these big tech overlords are now not even allowing me to have a general discussion or question in my medical personal health then who can i trust right and that's what kind of breeds that discontent and keeps us off from the middle like you're trying to do yeah exactly just make sure the information you're getting is coming from a genuine professional well that's what dr johnson is saying that to make sure look at the credit. People never look at the credentials. And if people don't put their credentials up front on their websites, they don't have them.
Starting point is 01:39:10 Because anybody that has real training, real credentials is happy to share them with you. Okay. Well, Carrie, thank you so much. Caleb Nation, thank you for producing today and setting all this up.
Starting point is 01:39:20 Good job. I loved all those visuals you were doing. Susan, thank you. And tomorrow we're going to just do calls? We're working on the dermatologist, but also Dr. Gary Donovitz is coming on Tuesday with his magic potion of hormones.
Starting point is 01:39:35 Okay. And he's going to talk about cancer and- He published a paper on testosterone and cancer in patients on estrogen. Is that correct? Testosterone. I don't, yeah. I think that's the name of the paper. I haven't seen the paper yet. He told me that was coming. And so correct? Uh, testosterone. I don't. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:39:45 I think that's the, he told me that was coming. And so I think he finally peer reviewed and published. He's coming back to help us figure out our hormones, which we definitely need to balance according to, uh, Gary, uh,
Starting point is 01:39:57 right. Who was here yesterday. I can't remember his last name. Yeah. And we have, uh, Frisha Paytas coming on Thursday? Thursday, yes.
Starting point is 01:40:07 And then Wednesday, I'm sure we're going to have, who do we have on? Yes, Caleb. Hold on a second. I'm going to end the Clubhouse Room. Thank you guys for hanging here. Thank you for your great questions. Maybe we'll move out to Dr. Judah Thursday. Hang on. We're going to run. We're going to end this right now and thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:40:24 Can you do that, Caleb? Is know. Are you freaking out about that? She's a classic. She's from like the earliest YouTube days. This is Drew's booking. So I told Susan, I said, Caleb's going to want to be part of this. I'm sorry. I didn't tell you yet, but I just sealed her in for Thursday. Trisha, as Caleb knows, I went on H3H3 and they had a huge blow up. I was trying to help them. What I like about Trisha is she's been very forthcoming about her psychiatric stuff lately. I think it's very courageous and educational. She's interesting.
Starting point is 01:41:01 We're going to get into all that. Caleb, does that sound about right to you? Yes, that sounds amazing. She's from the earliest days of YouTube, from back at my time. So yeah, I'd be very excited. Anything that she says and does is part of internet history. So nice. So she will, Caleb will be here. All all right we'll make the internet history next thursday he doesn't care about hormones he just he's he's still got his all right uh see you guys then to yeah there's what do you put up there you put up carrie's name we'll see you guys tomorrow and uh thanks for coming on swing on by next week and carrie thanks so much stay in touch okay ask dr drew is produced
Starting point is 01:41:43 by caleb nation and susan pinsky as reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention
Starting point is 01:42:25 Lifeline at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at slash help.

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