Ask Dr. Drew - Dr. Fauci Aide Subpoenaed For 2020 Emails To EcoHealth Alliance on “Origins” of COVID-19 That He Allegedly Tried To Hide w/ Naomi Wolf – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 351

Episode Date: April 28, 2024

Investigators of the origins of COVID-19 subpoenaed Dr. David Morens, alleging the former advisor to Dr. Fauci violated federal law by moving communications with EcoHealth Alliance and NIH Director Fr...ancis Collins to a private Gmail to evade government record keeping. What was he trying to hide? According to Washington Examiner, the “Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic has been investigating Morens since (June 2023) following the release of emails from Morens’s government account encouraging NIH colleagues to contact him via his Gmail to avoid Freedom of Information Act requests.” Naomi Wolf, Ph.D. is a bestselling author, columnist, and professor. She is recognized as one of the world’s most influential feminist writers. Wolf is a Rhodes Scholar, a graduate of Yale University, and received a doctorate from Oxford. She has written eight bestselling works of nonfiction, including The Beauty Myth, Give Me Liberty, and The End of America, and is co-founder and CEO of civic tech company Her latest book is “Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age.” Follow her at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at  • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • COZY EARTH - Susan and Drew love Cozy Earth's sheets & clothing made with super-soft viscose from bamboo! Use code DREW to save up to 40% at • TRU NIAGEN - For almost a decade, Dr. Drew has been taking a healthy-aging supplement called Tru Niagen, which uses a patented form of Nicotinamide Riboside to boost NAD levels. Use code DREW for 20% off at • GENUCEL - Using a proprietary base formulated by a pharmacist, Genucel has created skincare that can dramatically improve the appearance of facial redness and under-eye puffiness. Get an extra discount with promo code DREW at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 GEAR 」 • NANLITE - Dr. Drew upgraded his studio with Nanlite: the best lighting for film, TV, and live streaming podcasts. Bring your vision to life at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 「 ABOUT DR. DREW 」 Dr. Drew is a board-certified physician with over 35 years of national radio, NYT bestselling books, and countless TV shows bearing his name. He's known for Celebrity Rehab (VH1), Teen Mom OG (MTV), The Masked Singer (FOX), multiple hit podcasts, and the iconic Loveline radio show. Dr. Drew Pinsky received his undergraduate degree from Amherst College and his M.D. from the University of Southern California, School of Medicine. Read more at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And Naomi Wolf returns today to bring us up to date on some new data. Fauci aides subpoenaed for 2020 EcoHealth emails on origins of COVID-19, allegedly to hide what was going on there. We will get into that. This was an advisor to Fauci who violated federal laws by moving communications with EcoHealth Alliance and the NIH director, Francis Collins, to a private Gmail to evade government record keeping. We will get into that. Her latest book is Facing the Beast, Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age, which who knew? You can follow her on X at Naomi Wolf, Naomi R. Wolf, I beg your pardon., I believe,
Starting point is 00:00:47 is the website. Also on X Daily Clout. We'll talk more about that. We'll talk more with her right after this. Our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre. A psychopath started this. He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin. Ridiculous. I'm a doctor for f**k's sake. Where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals. Let's just deal with what's real.
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Starting point is 00:03:23 All right, as I said, you can follow Naomi on X at Naomi R. Wolf. Daily Clout also on X. And I believe the website is Also, Naomi Wolf, Facing the Beast, Courage, Faith, and Resistance in a New Dark Age. And we have new information on Dr. Fauci's behavior, at least his assistance behavior. Welcome, please, Naomi Wolf. Naomi, welcome back.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Thanks so much for having me. It's great to be with you both again. So I'm always curious on what's on your mind and what you're thinking about, what you've uncovered as you've fished around and your husband has provided more information to us as well along the way here. But this one is a little, it's surprising, but not unexpected, I guess I would say. What did you find? Well, by this one, do you mean our latest revelation that I just brought out to date the world, which kind of confirms a warning
Starting point is 00:04:26 signal that I've been trying to alert the world about since June of 2021 related to reproductive harms? Or is there another story that you had in mind? Well, I was thinking about the Fauci aid and the equal health emails, but let's go right into the reproductive health issue because I know you've been right on top of that. So let's do it. I'd love to share about that. And certainly I'll jump in about Dr. Fauci's AIDS emails after I get a chance to do this, but this is so important. You know, those of you who follow my work know that in June of 2021, I was deplatformed for warning about women reporting menstrual harms upon receiving MRNA injections. And you, Dr. Drew, did a very noble and gentlemanly thing,
Starting point is 00:05:12 initially not being that impressed with women's descriptions of these problems, and then wonderfully stepping up and apologizing to me, which wasn't even the most important thing. I didn't need the apology, but you were one of the very few men, certainly one of the very few male or female doctors to take this symptom as seriously as it needed to be taken. So now, unfortunately, we have the massive confirmation from a gigantic database that these injections are causing reproductive damage. Amy Kelly, our COO at Daily Cloud and the director of the War Room Daily Cloud Pfizer documents research team, the 3,250 doctors and scientists who have been going through the Pfizer documents and releasing 100 reports, she summarized the work of the Canadian group called Canadian COVID Care Alliance.
Starting point is 00:06:06 And what they have found is that they looked at January 2015 to December 2022. So longitudinal Ontario Health Insurance Plan billing code data via two Freedom of Information Act requests. And the reason that's important, I know you know, but maybe not all your audience does, is that when it's medical insurance billing data, it's comprehensive, it's detailed, it's primary source, it's government data. And obviously privacy is protected, but it lets you drill down into what exactly were people going to their doctors complaining of.
Starting point is 00:06:50 So this is huge. So there were millions of data points. And what this group found is that there was a particular focus on female reproductive health and cancer billing codes in the medical system. And that it varied by time. And that post-2021, you saw this massive increase in billing codes related to women's reproductive harms and men's reproductive harms. So they found that menstrual disorders, and the code was 626, initially trended down from 2015 to 2019. But in 2021, which is when the vaccines were rolled out, that changed. And there was a huge bump upwards for that code. Menopausal and postmenopausal bleeding is another code, 627.
Starting point is 00:07:42 And it increased in 2021 and 2022 dramatically. Menstrual disorders coding increased in 2021 and 2022. So did female infertility. This is a little maybe TMI, but there's a code 629, which is other disorders of female genital organs, and that also revealed a marked increase in diagnoses in 2021 and 2022. And this is so sad. The codes 632 and 634 are for missed, incomplete, or complete abortion, meaning miscarriages or spontaneous abortions, notably escalated after the uptake of the COVID vaccines in Ontario's population. Live births in 2021 through 2022 remain lower than in previous years. And lastly, the code 606, which is for male infertility, oligospermia, which is low sperm count, and azoospermia, absence of sperm in the semen,
Starting point is 00:08:46 which is literally something I've never even heard of, shows a notable increase in both 2021 and 2022 over previous years. So in some, both male reproductive functionality, female reproductive functionality, female reproductive health of all ages, and babies being able to live until they're delivered are all dramatically negatively impaired according to billing codes in the Ontario Medical System massive, massive data set after 2021. So I've got a few questions. So these code numbers you report, they don't sound familiar to me from the codes I use. Usually our codes start with a letter. Are these Canadian codes? Is that what that is? Yeah, Canadian. It's a Canadian. Okay. All right. And have you attempted to publish any of this data other than on your site, or is that something you think you could do to sort of at least as a letter or something to report this? So important. So the Canadian COVID Care Alliance has presented it in a presentation with slides. And then Amy Kelly wrote the summary, which we published today on Daily Cloud, presenting the findings in the slides. But we'd love to publish it, obviously, in a peer-reviewed journal. And our team did publish one of their reports,
Starting point is 00:10:23 actually a report showing that Pfizer had hid eight deaths of vaccinated people. They did publish that in a peer-reviewed journal, and that was very impactful. I mean, I'd love to. I just literally don't, you know, we face so much censorship and opposition that I don't know what peer-reviewed journal will be willing to publish this group's findings. But that's what I actually think that would be interesting, right? If you would know, you would find out what you're up against if you wrote it as a letter to several of the majors and see who took it. Because that would be very, very interesting by itself.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Even not a major. I'll tell you what, Annals of Internal Medicine has been very good about, they got on the controversies early and often. So you might think about them. Even they waxed and waned a little bit. But this is all alarming, interesting. How come, how is this missed i i'm wondering why you know in other places you know is there something about the way you collected data or the way the other people are collecting data maybe i'll frame it this way what are the criticisms of this study Well, we've brought these findings to a public audience.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I mean, COVID Care Alliance of Canada asked to partner with Amy Kelly because they wanted exposure of their findings. So they really haven't by themselves been able to kind of break through and bring this to a national or a global audience, understandably, because there's so much censorship. So there hasn't been criticism. I mean, as with all of these reports, you know, the primary sourcing is right there. Why did this not get found earlier? That's kind of easy from what I understand. No one asked the questions. I mean, basically this group, this group of really volunteers, just like our group is a group of volunteers, they submitted FOIA requests. They asked to see the data. you know vancouver sun and and the the all the people who are supposed to be informing canadians if there's a major public health problem didn't submit foias they didn't ask to see the data they
Starting point is 00:12:52 didn't ask the questions um and so i think you really have to credit this group for having foiled the material and it also is incredibly laborious to go through millions of records and filter out code by code and see what happened and present it. So as you and I both know, journalists no longer do journalism, let alone, you know, deep investigative database reporting that would have been required to break down these data sets into a story. But, you know, let me toss it back out into the world. I mean, you reach millions of people. Hello, New York Times. Hello, Washington Post.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Hello, you know, the Lancet and British Medical Journal. appears to be an incredibly important story with a massive longitudinal and also deep data set of a whole population. Dig right in. Let's do it. Yeah, exactly. You know your micro is right. Exactly. That's why I asked about the criticism. That's how you chew through these things. And I know John Campbell in Great Britain has been sort of exploring these sort of stunning but outlying observations.
Starting point is 00:14:14 You might try to get over to him. Have you ever been interviewed by him before? No, but that's a great recommendation. That's a great suggestion. That would be good. Go ahead. No, I was just going to say, you know, I'm not a medical doctor, as I always note. But to me, as a reporter, one thing that has a lot of verisimilitude is two of these conditions I'd never heard of before.
Starting point is 00:14:40 You know, we knew that postmenopausal women were bleeding. We knew that, you know, childbearing age women were bleeding in weird ways. We broke the story about spontaneous abortions in the Pfizer documents. But no sperm at all in the semen. How common is that, Dr. Drew? I've literally never heard of that as a condition. No, it happens. I mean, it happens.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Sorry. Really, that's so sad. It happens, but it is, yeah, it's obviously less than deficient sperm or sperm that's not functioning properly, that sort of thing. But azoospermia, I'd like to know more about those cases. It'd be, I don't know, it'd be very interesting. If that's actually caused by the vaccine, if somebody's reporting it as a vaccine thing, that would be amazing. But by the way, I have grave concerns about the reporting systems. I always did because they looked like there was all these things coming in. And the way they decided if they were a vaccine reaction is they sent a guy out to decide.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Just a guy. Guy makes the decision. And I had a patient about a month ago, a 99-year-old, nearly 100-year-old, have a severe cardiac event within hours of the vaccine. I made the full report, no feedback from VAERS, none, no follow-up, no nothing. And I thought, oh, well, here we go. This is it. I've seen the case. It was a vaccine reaction. I managed it. It was not. And the only reason it didn't require a hospitalization, I actually recommended that she go to the hospital. But if you've taken care of 90-plus-year-olds, they will tell you no. I'd rather come what may. Manage me as you will
Starting point is 00:16:23 as an outpatient. And she was one of those people that said, I do not want to go to the hospital. And I had to kind of do my thing and I was able to do it. And I was able to successfully, I wouldn't say resuscitate, but deal with her arrhythmias that she was having. And it was not good. It was not a good situation. It could have been a catastrophe. Now, mind you, I've never seen that particular reaction, cardiac reaction, that one in elderly patients.
Starting point is 00:16:58 I have seen it many times in young males. Exact same thing. Precisely the same thing. Usually weeks later in the males. This one was hours later. Interesting. The other thing was I going to say about these strange reactions that people are getting and they're not being reported. Aging brain lost it.
Starting point is 00:17:20 But I think the VAERS reporting. Go ahead. Yeah, the VAERS system is just gravely concerning to me that it's not being properly followed up. And those that are followed up are followed up by somebody who just, I don't know what criteria they're using to decide the things. Obviously, the one I reported, they've decided is not only not a vaccine reaction, but not even worth their attention. And mind you, remember, Jean. Go ahead. Sorry, that was my go ahead sorry that was my question did your case end up in VAERS like could you identify it in the database I mean I got a I got a confirmation that I successfully submitted the report I can tell you that I mean I took pictures of it and
Starting point is 00:18:01 I've got it and I'm and you know they And I left my email and my contact information. It was a physician report with detail. And they said, we'll get back to you. And then they did not. I do also want to revisit always bring up, which is we as males, particularly male caretakers and physicians, have a tendency to go, oh, women and their menses, whatever. Come on now. Relax. Because everything changes to menses. Come on. And that was so inappropriate of me. It's comical, but it's also reprehensible. And so that was where my apology was coming from.
Starting point is 00:18:43 We can't hear you, Susan. What's that? Whoops. Still can't hear you Susan what's that still can't hear you I don't know we do have a tape of it I wish we had a tape of it I think it was on Dose of Dr. Drew no no no it was on this show
Starting point is 00:18:58 and both Naomi and I were like pulling our hair out and screaming I wanted to fall on my sword completely because it was not just that issue. But that issue itself is at the core here that that should carry on into the future long after COVID, which is, hey, men, there's a lot in that packed in there that you are not thinking about. And you, as someone who's been very worried about women's health and women's freedoms for your whole career, you kindly brought it back to me. And I started thinking about it, and man, that's not okay. So anyway, I just want to just revisit it for anybody that happens to be listening that is a man, that there's many, many, many implications of menstrual irregularities that can impact many aspects of a woman's life.
Starting point is 00:19:44 Well, thank you. And as I said, the first time you apologized, you are forgiven. I would much rather have male physicians and caretakers. It's okay. Not even, that's not what I'm looking for. I just want to keep, I think it's worthy of bringing it up. Because I guess I, maybe I'm giving myself too much credit. I consider myself sort of empathic, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:05 and the fact that I was doing that was like alarming to me. Wait, did you just hear what she said? What? I'd rather have male caretakers. No, I didn't let her finish her thought. I didn't let her finish her thought. Go ahead and finish your thought. Yeah, go ahead and finish your thought.
Starting point is 00:20:20 I would rather have anyone, let's put it this way, we're all on a gigantic steep learning curve and something completely unprecedented has happened to humanity. So I think all of us are kind of facing ourselves in a mirror all the time. And I'd rather be on this journey with people who are willing to kind of go, oh, hey, that was hasty or maybe I didn't think that through, which I literally do five times a week than people who are not examining themselves. So, you know, I think it's all good. But what I do want to say about the overall picture is that this set of codes, right, which includes a whole range of disabilities and problems and impairments, to me, and again, this is partly because I wrote a book called Vagina.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And so I learned in very granular detail how much depends, how much has to go right just to have a normal menstrual cycle, let alone how much has to go right to have a conception, how much has to go right to have a fetus grow to term and be successfully delivered, how much has to go right to have a fetus grow to term and be successfully delivered? How much has to go right for lactation, for the baby to latch on, and so on and so on, right? So to me, having gone through that research process, knowing that women were having menstrual symptoms in 2021 made it obvious to me that there was something dramatically wrong that was going to impair
Starting point is 00:21:45 fertility. And this is what we're seeing sadly in Canada now, that it's not just female fertility that's impaired, but male fertility. And it does confirm, like as a journalist, when you have confirmation from multiple independent sources, that quickly becomes a set of facts. And so in the Pfizer documents, which is the data set that, as you all know, my team and I have been familiar with, there's a section that warns men to use two reliable forms, vaccinated men, to use two reliable forms of contraception if they're going to have intercourse with childbearing age women and actually asks them not to do so. So Pfizer knew there was something affecting the semen of vaccinated men. And I've had so many frantic emails from childbearing age
Starting point is 00:22:33 women saying, what is it going to do to me? And should I stop dating this guy? And it's heartbreaking, heartbreaking emails. And I certainly can't advise except just to say there's this evidence in this data set, but now a whole different data set is confirming that there's some impairment to male sperm in multiple ways. And this, by the way, confirms something that the journal Andrology found an Israeli study about two years ago, that there was a drop in sperm count. And then you've got the infertility and the abortions and the spontaneous abortions, the miscarriages. So it's a very catastrophic set of findings. That to me is the most dramatic. That's the most dramatic piece of data you presented, in my opinion, because it's a very specific endpoint that can't be denied. You're either
Starting point is 00:23:24 having more or you are not having more, what are called in-cabs, incomplete abortions. And the fact that those are up, it's interesting. I'm sitting here thinking about, Caleb, you're going to have to help me. The woman I spoke to that was so gung-ho on vaccinating pregnant women from Great Britain. Vicki.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Vicki Male. Vicki Male. Vicki loves facts. No, I know. But she was not talking about, you know, theoretically, this might be people who are not vaccinated during pregnancy. It might have been prior to their pregnancy they got vaccinated. And that's what. Like a week before or something.
Starting point is 00:23:57 Who knows? We just don't know because no one's looking into this. The only thing that bothered me about her, I know she really believed in her cause and we wanted to have her on, was that I mentioned that I had been blessed with triplets and it was so hard to get pregnant. And then I had triplets and I couldn't imagine putting anything in my body, even a Tylenol, you know, during the pregnancy. And she said, oh, but that's okay for you because you're high risk. And I was like, but it shouldn't be that way. It should be like that for everybody. She did say that.
Starting point is 00:24:29 When I go to the obstetrician's office for my pellets, during the pandemic, I saw signs up everywhere saying that vaccines were safe for pregnant women everywhere. And I asked my doctor, I go, are you seeing any problems from this? She goes, I don't work in obstetrics anymore. She just obfuscated the subject and moved on. And I said, fine, but it just kind of gave me a chill. Well, but to be fair, as this stuff is starting to roll out, what's happening to me is I'm starting to see overlap between COVID and vaccine. And they're in this mindset that COVID is what's dangerous to a pregnancy,
Starting point is 00:25:09 and vaccine has zero risk to the pregnancy. And if you really believe that, you're going to recommend vaccine, right? But it's so much more complicated as I'm looking at the data rolling out. And that's like right now, Naomi, as I talk to you, I, when I had bad COVID, was aware it was affecting my heart. And I just had a heart flow study, a coronary CT angiogram, where we found, lo and behold, I've got calcium in my heart in a certain spot that I never had before and some restriction. And I asked the cardiologist, I go, is there any chance for the
Starting point is 00:25:44 vaccine? I had the Johnson and Johnson. He's like, no, we're seeing this from COVID. And I asked the cardiologist, I go, is there any chance for the vaccine? I had the Johnson & Johnson. He's like, no, we're seeing this from COVID. And I thought, all right, well, I don't know. Plus we're seeing more stuff after the boosters and no one's teasing that out relative to COVID. There's so many questions to be answered and none of the work being done, except someone like you,
Starting point is 00:26:00 who's trying to open these things up and just show what you find and ask the questions. And what's disturbing to me is, and then you get condemned for that, you get criticized for that. That's wild. Yeah. Well, first, just I'm sorry that you're having that situation. I just want to note that doctors who do give informed consent or who are honest about the side effects, if they're aware of them, to patients get delicensed. So I would definitely get a second opinion from a dissident doctor, you know, and we've got wonderful dissident doctors in our network. Now, going back to your point about if you really believe that COVID is more dangerous than the shots and the shots are safe and effective, it's reasonable calculus. I guess I just kind of throw my hands up when I hear that, not at you personally, but just generally that soundbite in the world. Because in November of 2020, Pfizer knew per their, that the vaccines did not work to stop COVID.
Starting point is 00:27:08 They didn't work to stop transmission. They didn't stop COVID. They were not effective. Pfizer's conclusion was failed. And so that is one of the main, that's why this story is starting to unfold, right? Because people can't deny that any longer. Now you've noticed what the defense becomes, preventing hospitalizations, preventing the ICU,
Starting point is 00:27:27 preventing death, preventing severe illness. That's becoming the chant that's replacing if the illness stops with you if you take the vaccine. So we'll see how long that lasts. I'm sorry. Sure, and I get that that's the moving target of the PR, but we at the Pfizer papers know that Pfizer only got to that claim of preventing severe disease and hospitalization and death by fake math, where they removed 200 vaccinated people from a column. That's one part of it. That's one part of it. That's one part of the fake mask.
Starting point is 00:28:08 James Fryman looked at even the endpoints and how they were measuring the endpoint. There was a whole bunch of funny business in there. If anyone's interested in that, look at my last interview with James Fryman and Jessica Rose. I have to take a quick break, Naomi. I want to still wrap up this topic a little bit further, and then I want to talk about Dr. Fauci's shenanigans.
Starting point is 00:28:29 We'll be right back. Again, I want everyone to go to follow Naomi on Wolf, Naomi R. Wolf. You see it down there on the screen, and also, and also get the book, The Courage and Faith to, I forgot the title. I can't quite see it. Dark Age, Courage and Faith to, I forgot the title. I can't quite see it. To Resistance and a New Dark Age.
Starting point is 00:28:49 So weird. Think about the fact that, could you imagine that's the book you write 20 years? How long was the, you know what I mean? After some of your earlier books, can you imagine that's the title of the book? I mean, when you were writing back 20, 30 years ago, could you imagine you'd write a book with that title now? You know? I hope so, because all of the writers I really admire kept thinking and growing and didn't stay in one place over their careers.
Starting point is 00:29:15 All right. Fair enough. Good positive spin on that. All right. We'll be right back with Amy Wolf after this. Let's talk about aging, because everyone wants to know how to slow it down for almost a decade i've been taking a healthy aging supplement called true niagen this supplement boosts nad that's something that cells can't live without it's done with a patented form of nicotinamide riboside
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Starting point is 00:32:40 healthcare system. At home, we keep the ultimate First Aid Kit on hand. It has over 20 essential supplies and medications for situations when time is of the essence. Order one for your car and your go bag. Because these kits contain prescriptions, your purchase includes a telemedicine consultation as well as an instruction manual. Go to slash TWC for 10% off. That is slash TWC for 10% off all your orders. I'm very excited about these kits. Go to slash TWC. It's all backed up by telehealth. So if you have any concerns,
Starting point is 00:33:15 the backup is there. And again, my thing is about getting things into the hands of patients. I think if patients want to have control of their healthcare, this is the way to do it and to do it inexpensively. So again, and safely.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Naomi Wolf, again, you can follow her name, Naomi R. Wolf on X as well as Daily Cloud on and her sub stack as well. And Naomi, I'm looking at sort of weird consternation in some of the comments and stuff. So, explain again how you collected your data and what the study entailed. One more time, exactly how you opened this up, how it's objected, how it would. I mean, I'm just trying to anticipate criticism. In other words, could you have missed data? Could the numerator have been wrong? What could people criticize in the study?
Starting point is 00:33:58 I'm trying to think. But describe, please, how you did it. One more time. Sure. So it's not our study. It's a Canadian COVID Care Alliances study. And what we did, our role, was that they partnered with us to bring the results to a larger audience. project director of the War Room Daily Clout group of volunteers, which is a different group of volunteers, she took their findings and put it into a summary report format, which you can read on So what I've shared with you are the bullet points that she's lifted out from
Starting point is 00:34:40 their study. And so again, what the methodology is, is that they submitted two Freedom of Information Act requests to the Canadian government, and they got data sets based on medical insurance billing. And of course, Canada has a socialized medical system. So every visit is coded, every diagnosis is coded in a central database. So those are the data sets that this group, Canadian COVID Care Alliance, analyzed. And their findings were what I shared with you, that there were dramatic escalations in certain codes that correlate to certain diagnoses having to do with reproductive disorders post-2021, and the damage was in both men and women. And it included terminated pregnancies and whatnot, which was sort of hard to listen, hard to hear about. Is there anything more you want people to know about this study
Starting point is 00:35:47 before we transition to the Dr. Fauci story? No, except that as always, it's very important to look for yourselves. So I recommend that people read Amy Kelly's summary report and click through to the underlying presentation of the data sets that Canadian COVID Care Alliance provides right there in the report. Yeah, there's interesting data flying around. I saw some Australian data that suggested significant improved survival from, I think it was the first booster or something.
Starting point is 00:36:23 And I thought, well, yeah, it was 50 and over. That's what the data was. And I thought, well, yeah, most of that is a 75 plus. It really was worth the risk. Within that population, they would really suffer from COVID and their life expectancy is 10 to 15 years. And that's not a timeframe in which something's likely to go wrong. And we're seeing less adverse events from the vaccine in that older age group. So I thought, isn't this interesting?
Starting point is 00:36:52 I mean, the data is being sort of twisted and pulled and all over the place. So we have to all kind of look very carefully at what's going on. Plus now everyone's had COVID and it has a certain impact that we have, of course, also not measured because we're not allowed to ask any questions. It's just so bizarre.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Okay. So Dr. Fauci had some emails, at least his assistant. Oh, you want to finish that the Canadian government knew that they were hurting people, even as they were promoting and pushing this injection and mandates. They knew it. They had the same data. Well, that's the part that the British Parliament is slowly starting to look into. What did they know? What did they ignore? What did they not know? I mean, if you don't ask the question, you're not going to know it. Just because they had the available data doesn't mean they got the available data. There was active obfuscation of everything, and they might have been as actively sort of blinded to all this as everybody, give people the benefit of the doubt. But literally, the point of having insurance billing codes is to quantify how people are getting sick.
Starting point is 00:38:33 And, you know, first step is the medical insurance companies are going to be quantifying that data. So they're going to know even before they send the report over to the Trudeau government. And then the Trudeau government is going to know even before they send the report over to the Trudeau government. And then the Trudeau government is going to know. And in any given hospital, they're going to know because they have the same data with their own population of their own patients. So literally no one up and down that chain of command whose hands touched any one of these data sets at any large-ish scale from hospitals on up to medical insurers to the Trudeau government is innocent. They all saw this hellscape of bodies and they were silent and kept pushing this on their patients. So God bless you, but respectfully, I think you're wrong about the benefit. Well, I'll tell you what, that would be, because I know how the medical system works and I know how pathetic it can be.
Starting point is 00:39:27 What you need to find next, let me humbly recommend, find the person who tried to push the data upstairs and was told, shut up. That's the person you need. And who told that person to shut up and what did they know? That's where you're going to find the smoking gun is right at that spot you know i mean that's that's important respectfully that is important but these are the data sets that whoever is telling the people of canada that the injection is safe and effective and they need to take it have to look at before they make that statement with any kind of sense of integrity at all. So it shouldn't require some lowly functionary saying, hey, hey, hey, here's the data of all those people you injected. And some of them are getting sick because literally these
Starting point is 00:40:17 people at the top were saying it's safe and effective based on what they had these millions of records. The millions of records show that it wasn't safe or effective. I know. I could not agree with you more that it shouldn't be like that, but I'm really concerned it was like that because there was so much crazy behavior during COVID that,
Starting point is 00:40:38 I mean, I don't want to let people off the hook if they were actively aware of the risk to people and still pushing, that's beyond disgusting. I mean, that's almost like you can't. Somebody, though, knew. Somebody did know. I agree with you on that for sure. And somebody said, shut up if it didn't get all the way up to the top. But that's what John Campbell's searching for at the UK. That's what nobody's asking in this country. Nobody's sort of figuring that out. What seemed to be catching people's attention here
Starting point is 00:41:09 is the biolab versus natural evolution explanation for the source of the virus. And now we have an email. I want you to help me with this. From a close aid to Fauci, where an EcoHealth Alliance email on the origins of COVID was hidden, essentially. And this was from communication with EcoHealth Alliance and Francis Collins. By the way, before we get into this, did you see Francis Collins lately talking about the
Starting point is 00:41:41 decision-making of public health? he said two things that almost made me fall out of my chair. He said, first of all, public health officials aren't equipped to make the decisions they were making, which is something I'd been saying from the beginning of the pandemic. Like these people shouldn't have been making the decisions they were making. Then, I know, then he said, there's an interview that was, it's available online. Then he said that these people, the world of public health, put infinite priority in attacking this thing and zero concern for the risks of the actions they were taking. Literally an infinity difference between risk and reward. Infinity. That cannot do anything but harm human beings.
Starting point is 00:42:26 That is how medical, even just walking in an office, zero risk reward considerations is how humans are harmed by the medical system. So he was essentially saying, damn, they shouldn't have been so silly with the risk reward analysis. and probably these guys shouldn't have been the people directing things in the first place. And to me, what gets behind that is then who should and who should be is the person's doctors and communities and very close to the patients should be making the decisions, not some idiot from on high at LA County or some idiot in California State or even some other idiot in the federal government for whom they were never in a position to make the kinds of recommendations they were making. Your thoughts? Well, I certainly agree with you.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I've been reading a book called Rockefeller Medical Men, which is about the establishment of our current medical system. And it was all kind of systematized in the 20s by grants to medical schools by John D. Rockefeller. And where I'm going with that is that before that time, it was doctors on their own making their own decisions about patients' care. And there wasn't a kind of systematized standard of care, let alone a national layering of public health officials who were not doctors in a, you know, solitary one-to-one relationship with their patients. So what is public health? I mean, I quite agree, you know, maybe if someday there's, you know, a raging bubonic plague, we need public health authorities to weigh in. But the practice of healthcare for centuries has been, you make your decisions
Starting point is 00:44:06 about your care with the person treating you. And, you know, these layers of functionaries are, you know, were invented basically in the 1920s in the forms that they take now. And the reason they were invented was to consolidate power and to harvest profits. And that was true from the very inception of what John D. Rockefeller was doing. So the other thing I would say though, is that again, Francis Collins, well, now you tell us Dr. Collins. I mean, Francis Collins is on email chains that I've seen his own name, not an underling, not subordinates. When a group of Israeli doctors and pediatricians were trying desperately to warn Dr. Collins, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Walensky, and 15 staffers from the White House, including a
Starting point is 00:44:54 template that went up to POTUS, President of the United States, that the injections were going to cause myocarditis in minor young men and in young adult men. And he was on the email chain in which they scurried to cover this up and in which the comms people created a 17-page script, totally redacted, to lie to the American people from April of 2021 on, telling parents that it was safe and effective and that myocarditis was rare and mild and resolved, which is a whole set of nefarious lies. So if he was upset about that situation, he should have come forward in April of 2021. He's on the email chains. They went to him. He knew what the harms were and covered them up. Let's consider for a second. Yeah, I know. I want to consider for a second your construct of the plague, for instance.
Starting point is 00:45:47 And I want to think about HIV as another construct. Because here's the deal with the plague. The public health issue would be control the rat population. Do that and then let doctors treat the plague. Control the rat population, which they are not doing now in Los Angeles. There will be a giant tick-borne outbreak in this region. There will be. We have multiple tick-borne illnesses in this area.
Starting point is 00:46:13 They're inevitable. Now, they seem to have knocked the rat population down a bit, but not enough to prevent a significant outbreak of neurine typhus and or full-on plague is possibility. Oh, yeah, for sure. Oh, for sure. We've had it. We had it in Arizona. Yeah, it's sort of heading our way because we don't do the actual public health they
Starting point is 00:46:37 should be doing. Then let's look at HIV and AIDS. So HIV and AIDS, it was interesting because the public health sort of system took up the mantle of research, which was very helpful, in my opinion. I know Dr. R.K. Jr. feels differently, and there's people who feel differently. I was there. It was very helpful. We couldn't tell men anything except that they were going to die in six months. And soon we had something, and then we had something more very quickly.
Starting point is 00:47:02 We couldn't kind of keep them alive long enough. So we had something more. And public health helped with that. In the meantime, it was the medical schools, the residents, and the physicians that picked up the care of the HIV and AIDS patient. We had no real involvement from public health. They stayed out of our hair. And guess what? It was an extraordinary job. It was never in history had an illness emerge, became characterized, epidemiology worked out,
Starting point is 00:47:30 treatments for an illness with a 100% fatality rate. That was a great success. And it did not involve public health in the care of the patients. So isn't that interesting where things have worked out? I don't, well, I wasn't aware. I was in the middle of that fight and I wasn't aware of public health at all, except in so far as they're helping us, you know, giving us information and like they always did. The CDC just gave us information and help with research and that was it. And they were
Starting point is 00:47:58 telling us what to do. That's insane. And certainly not the FDA was not involved with anything, any part of what we were doing. It's just such an insane situation we are in now. So, so I'm sorry. So I promised we would talk about this Fauci letter and this, um, this, um, individual, this assistant that, yeah. Can you, what do you, what do you know about this? There it is. A Fauci advisor for private emails on COVID origins. I will, but may I just say the distinction you just drew between the theory of public health, which rightly is get rid of the rats, build playgrounds, make sure that there's not garbage festering the streets, infecting people. I mean, the great public health victory of the 19th century the subject of my thesis was the sewage system which was the solution to cholera and typhus that's the role of public health right keep the infrastructure clean you know not get in between the doctor and the patient
Starting point is 00:48:56 so i think that's a very useful distinction that you drew and i'll also notice someone who was alive and a young adult during the age the AIDS crisis, that AIDS crisis in the 80s, that there were efforts by Dr. Fauci and others to dictate quarantining and social behavior and treatment around HIV people. And it was roundly rejected, HIV positive people was roundly rejected as being inappropriate with civil liberties and privacy, how far we've come. So I think that's very salientary. All right. So the Dr. Fauci story is pretty shocking.
Starting point is 00:49:30 I mean, they all are, right? But basically, he has this very senior aide named Dr. David Morens. And Dr. David Morens is best buddies with, guess who, EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak. And they were exchanging emails in 2020, April of 2020, so already we were locked down, quote-unquote. And Morinz alleged that Fauci was, quote, fully aware, end quote, end quote, involved in some sort of damage control, end quote, possibly to protect EcoHealth from losing its grant. And EcoHealth Alliance, of course,
Starting point is 00:50:05 was the source of the gain-of-function research, basically, along with Dr. Ralph Baric at University of North Carolina. So Fauci, in spite of his denials to Congress, had been funding Dajak for years through eco-health. And the emails say, if it looks like they're implicated in the pandemic, this wouldn't be good for Fauci or eco-health. And the emails say, if it looks like they're implicated in the pandemic, this wouldn't be good for Fauci or eco-health. So as far back as April of 2020, a very senior
Starting point is 00:50:33 aide to Dr. Fauci was telling this head of a nonprofit through which Dr. Fauci was funneling our tax dollars to study coronaviruses, right? And they were doing the research at the Wuhan lab that was illegal in the US. Well, April 2020, they already suspected that they could have caused the pandemic through this illegal funding of gain-of-function research that they lied about to Congress, which is a felony. So there we are. There is a smoking gun that seems to be not interesting to people. Why isn't this headline news?
Starting point is 00:51:08 Why isn't it elsewhere than the New York Post? You're asking me? I've given up on this. You're a journalist. Help me. Help me. I've lost all faith in journalism completely. They took the money.
Starting point is 00:51:22 They took the money to mock those who raised questions about whether there might have been a lab leak they took millions in uh caris act funding to overcome vaccine hesitancy they took um millions from the bill and melinda gates foundation to promote one narrative and look what's happening to legacy media uh the daily beast is losing six million dollars a year and they're about to fire a bunch of people the washington post just fired hundreds of people um faith and legacy media is collapsing because they don't tell stories like this and your and my you know scruffy scrappy startup platforms are booming because we do tell people the truth we do engage in investigative
Starting point is 00:52:05 journalism. So, ha, ha, ha, legacy media, but it's very sad. Well, it's sort of, I think it's thrilling to see people pick up the mantle and do their own work. I think I like that. But here's a question I have. I have two questions. First, let me ask the first one. Are we simply surrounded by bio labs that are engaged in all kinds of subterfuge and warfare or arms racing of some type that the American public doesn't know about? Let's just start with that. Do you worry that that's where we are? Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Well, I worry about so many things. This is not top of my list, but the answer is categorically yes. In fact, Dr. Ralph Baric was running, according to his own CV, which I posted on Twitter shortly before I was deplatformed, according to his own bio, he was running 11 gain function research locations, including looking at coronaviruses in bats in Maryland. And you remember there was a story a few months ago that Dr. Fauci in 2017 shipped some samples to an NIH-owned, of infected bats, right, to an NIH-owned lab in Montana. And people reported getting sick with a mysterious illness in 2018.
Starting point is 00:53:37 I actually got many emails about this from people around that area. So for all we know, the lab leak may have been, you know, on our own homeland. It could have come from Montana because Dr. Fauci could not stop himself engaging in gain-of-function research with bat coronaviruses, which was illegal per Obama's edict in 2017, but it was happening in Montana. So, I mean, so the answer is yes, in Ukraine, right? Why is Ukraine such a... So many reasons it's so contested, but one of them is, as Putin has warned,
Starting point is 00:54:14 there are U.S.-funded bioweapons labs. I mean, this was acknowledged in Congress, in testimony to Congress, by an American who oversaw the program, U.S.-funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine. And all of them, you know, why do we think that's illegal? So I asked Mike Benz this next question that I'm going to ask you. And, you know, Mike talks, I'm sure your husband's aware of his construct
Starting point is 00:54:38 with the blob, the intelligence blob. And I asked him, is this the blob? Is it the blob at work? And could it be that, again, it's me putting the most positive spin possible, so I know you'll understand sort of my psychology, try and understand these things. Is there a fight underway that we, I don't want to say shouldn't know about, but if we knew about, we would understand better why all this was going on and we'd feel like they were doing the right thing
Starting point is 00:55:14 in some weird way. Like we'd be able to, forget the fact just if we just disagree with Gainer. Yeah, if we just all disagree that Gainer functions should never happen, which I'm sort of in that zone. But is there a world where this, what they're doing is designed to help protect us and we just shouldn't know
Starting point is 00:55:31 about it. Or I don't like this. You can't handle the truth. Shit. I just hate that. But anyway, let's see. You know what I'm asking?
Starting point is 00:55:37 Is this the blob at work for our own good? Yeah. Um, well, I don't know if it's the blob because if it is the blob, it's classified. Ooh. Caleb, what's that? I don't know. That sounded mysterious.
Starting point is 00:55:54 He jumped in and had a reaction. That sounded very mysterious. When something's classified, he all of a sudden wants to see what? He leans in. She means she doesn't know for sure, not that she has classified information. Okay. she means she doesn't know for sure not that she has classified information okay no i don't know because it would be classified if it was a national security program it would be classified i'm not i'm not the spy in the family so i literally have no idea um but i i do believe per you know to your question that there is sometimes a role for classified programs to protect us and that it's important that we not know about them right there's all kinds of stuff
Starting point is 00:56:31 going on that's probably protecting us that we don't know about and unlike a lot of people i don't believe in 100 transparency all the time because a lot of people in the intelligence world really and in the world of defense really are trying to protect us and it's secret, right? That said, I think what's going on with a lot of these gain of function programs in the Wuhan lab and eco health alliance and Bill Gates are such a great example of it is that it's so corrupt and you can't make the case that it's for our protection because what happens is this disgusting knot of global vested interests that are not protecting the United States citizens at all. So you've got the Pasteur Institute and you've got,
Starting point is 00:57:19 you know, Bill Gates who's invested in the vaccines and you've got China, you know, our adversary who don't like us at all, but, you know, it's so profitable. vaccines and you've got China, you know, our adversary who don't like us at all, but you know, it's so profitable. And then you've got the DNA database that they're building, which has lots of private funding and you've got BlackRock invested in China and no doubt invested in whatever products are going to come out of this research. So all these nasty it's that's the blob, but it's a different blob
Starting point is 00:57:45 right it includes probably you know national intelligence it's it's it's a giant mess of basically globalists and capitalism and it's international so no i don't think you can say it's there to protect us so it's okay and and the other thing is like, even classified programs have congressional oversight. And what Dr. Fauci was doing, he didn't tell Congress the truth about it. He didn't tell the Oversight Committee of Classified Programs the truth about it if it was classified. He literally lied to Rand Pollard, to the American people. So that's also a no. This is not an example of someone following the rules and keeping us in the dark for our own good. Could I ask a question related to that?
Starting point is 00:58:29 Really quickly, though, let me make one comment, which is that I would urge people to be very careful in your condemnation of the RNA platforms in that for cancer patients, this has been something we've been looking at for a long time. Remember, cancer patients are likely, we're going to be using vaccine technologies in patients that are likely to die for whom we don't have other treatments. So side effects become less significant, less important. We're trying to, again, you tolerate a lot more risk when the potential reward is higher, which is life-saving. Now, we're going to go through a period, a learning curve, where that's not really the risk and the reward are not going to be that far apart. But please, I worry that we're going to throw the whole platform out and we could lose something as a result. And don't get me wrong. What's that? Why save this platform if it depends on lipid nanoparticles as the medium that's carrying the mRNA to the location?
Starting point is 00:59:29 Because it's somebody that you're trying to extend their life by months to years, not decades. And if you have these side effects, there has been, I've been involved with some, like with melanomas and things. There's been things over the years that are vaccine responsive and whatnot. And in desperate situations where you don't have other intervention, look, we do lots of things that are very harmful to patients in the name of trying to save their life. Very harmful. So again, it's that risk reward we're always trying to figure out. My fear is the enthusiasm for it is splattering all over the place
Starting point is 01:00:06 because people are unwilling to look at some of the risks that you're bringing up. Go ahead, Caleb. Yeah, so as a taxpayer, I always hate the idea of the you-can't-handle-the-truth coming from my government. But at the same time, whenever people start acting strange and these officials don't make sense, then I try and look for what is there, is there a secret reason why they might be acting the way that they are? And one of the things that explained to me why they always seem to prop up big pharma
Starting point is 01:00:34 that I had read is that our infrastructure in the United States, our defenses against a bioweapon or biological warfare relies on having the infrastructure of big pharma there to constantly be ready with their factories and their productions and their distribution network so that if we are attacked with biological weapons we just basically nationalize those factories or get you know pfizer to pump out those i guess the antidotes and the vaccines and that's why the government keeps on always always deferring to big pharma always get Pfizer to pump out those, I guess, the antidotes and the vaccines. And that's why the government keeps on always, always deferring to big pharma, always pumping money into it, even when they have failed products, even when people get hurt. Do you see any aspect there of there being any honor in that, that they can't tell us
Starting point is 01:01:18 this, even though we're paying the taxes, they can't tell us this because it's a national security concern? Or do you just, do you think that there's no foundation to that concept at all? I mean you've raised a lot of interesting questions all at once. I mean I guess I would say that lots of industries get requisitioned in wartime or when there's a public emergency. And you shouldn't have to kowtow to those industries.
Starting point is 01:01:53 I mean, like rubber manufacture became completely oriented toward World War II defense production. And that didn't mean that our government was on their hands and knees to be tire manufacturers in peacetime, right? That's not how war works. So if that's a rationalization for kowtowing to pharma, I don't think it's a very persuasive one. Right, right. I just wonder, I try to put myself in the room where if I'm a politician and I understand politics and business or law, I don't understand anything about medicine. So then I have a medical advisor that comes in and says, hey, listen, we have two choices. We can go down the road of being unprepared and we can just let pharma, just let capitalism take care of this. Or we can prop these big companies up
Starting point is 01:02:45 because they already have the factories and have some sort of preparation because China can just create the, like they can just nationalize it and they can do all of this. But over here, we need to have like these extra rules and these extra layers to go through to keep it consistent with democracy.
Starting point is 01:02:59 You're making a case for extreme bureaucratic centralization, which is what's happening. Which is what's happening. That's what's happening. Naomi, go ahead. I'm just going to say that's a really interesting point. And possibly, I mean, possibly that argument could be made.
Starting point is 01:03:19 I mean, I know that we prop up the whole defense industry in peacetime, so they'll make planes and bombs in wartime. there would be a congressional committee tasked with um those secrets basically making sure that um it's being done you know lawfully among other things and i can't stress enough classified or not gain of function was outlawed right by our president in 2017 so right no one should have been writing emails circling the wagons for game function research, right? It was outlaw then our country would do that. They would keep doing it. Have somebody else do it. Right, have someone else do it, or just do it in a place where the laws don't apply as much, and get in trouble for that much later. That's why the part that confuses me a lot is that Trump is still sticking to his guns about the vaccine, even though that's really not a winning message
Starting point is 01:04:44 for his followers. Like that's not going to win him votes amongst his people. They kind of have to overlook that. And so it makes me, you know, start to wonder, is there something, I feel like Drew's brought this up a few times too, where he's like, is there something that we are missing only because they're not telling it to us? Because they think, it could be wrong. Like they may think they're think they're justified in doing that. And maybe that may be their own ego and their own issues. But to me, it's like, it's either that they're not telling us something or we're really screwed a lot more because the people in charge don't know what they're doing. Right. Well, okay, now that's a separate issue, which is taking advice from medical professors. And there, I definitely want to kind of defend President Trump or any president, you know, having seen how these offices work, there's literally no way a president can know everything. And as you said, rightly, Caleb, you know, he may know business, he may even know geopolitics, but he's not going to know medicine and science. No one can. So every president,
Starting point is 01:05:51 Clinton, Obama, everyone needs to rely on what are called special assistants to the president. And you have to take their advice. So I don't blame him for taking the nefarious advice of Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx at that time. I think it's dumb for him to not acknowledge as a message that we've learned a lot since then. I think that would go a long way. I agree. But I don't think that what you're not being told is a national security issue. Drew, I think probably what you're not being told is that he took a lot of money from pharma or is currently taking a lot of money from pharmaarma as everyone is and so he's not at liberty to you know say the thing yeah money is uh yeah money in politics is like it it it all goes to bureaucratic excess and money in politics that
Starting point is 01:06:40 that's that those are the those are the corruptions of the system and we you know. And when people hear the word corruption, they think illegal. I'm not talking about illegal. The system is just not healthy. It's corrupted. Right, no, it's corrupt. Yeah. Well, listen, I feel like our conversations
Starting point is 01:07:01 get more interesting every time we get together. And today was no exception. Is there anything we left off? I feel like our conversations get more interesting every time we get together. And today was no exception. Is there anything we left off? Is there anything you'd like to send people to or remind people of? Thank you. No, sadly, I do have to hop off. But before I go, I'd love to send people to Facing the Beast, the book which tells this whole story of the last three years and this journey we went through together, I mean, as a nation, and the story of the Pfizer documents, what we found in
Starting point is 01:07:32 them. And it's on Amazon. And also, please support us at Outspoken. That's my sub stack. And on, we're doing really important work, including an election integrity bill, which we're having adopted in multiple states. We need you to invite me through your representatives to your statehouse. I'll bring the bill and we'll get it passed so we can have clean elections in November. And this report that we've discussed is also on by Amy Kelly. And thank you so much. I'm so sorry I have to hop off now.
Starting point is 01:08:03 No, no. You've been generous with your time. Great to see you. We'll talk soon. And let's go ahead and put up, you bet, put up our schedule going forward. We have Tom Renz and Sasha Latapova
Starting point is 01:08:15 in here tomorrow, which will be very interesting. Tom also sends to MindData, Mike Lindell, Kyle Lucey, Peter McCullough. I'll be him in person. Donald Trump Jr. will ask him some of these questions
Starting point is 01:08:26 about why his dad doesn't he might be able to answer why he doesn't cop to some of these things that I wish he would I think it would do a lot to heal the country frankly okay so tomorrow is more of the similar kinds of conversations because Tom and Sasha both are data miners and they find their way into interesting data
Starting point is 01:08:44 and ask interesting questions. And we will continue this pursuit of the truth as best we can. Don't anybody jump to conclusions. I'd say that you're at your liberty to analyze the data as you wish and to have your opinions, but it feels like it's an ongoing process. Susan, anything you want to say before we wrap up here? Sorry, I wasn't interacting. I was listening the whole time. I'm filling out placements for the rehearsal dinner this weekend. Yes, and that's why we're going to be short. We're going to just go tomorrow, and then we'll be a short week, and we come back. 50 people going with five kids. I know, that's half the wedding. Craziness. When we come back
Starting point is 01:09:26 the following week, it is back to our usual schedule, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 3 o'clock. And then the week after that, I believe we are in Florida and we'll be in person from Rumble Studio. Caleb, how many people were at your wedding? Oh, that's a trick question I don't
Starting point is 01:09:41 remember. I was so focused on my wife. I have no memory of the rest of the event. Aw. Trick question. 250, I bet. Concerning. That's all I can say.
Starting point is 01:10:01 All right. Yeah. So we appreciate Nao being here. Do support her. Get the book. Very interesting stuff. Look at it for yourself. Draw your own conclusions.
Starting point is 01:10:10 I love her. Yeah, she's a good friend. And she's always interesting. And she's trying. She's trying her best. She should get together with Ed Dowd. Yeah, that would be an interesting combo. I was going to say, but no.
Starting point is 01:10:24 She probably already did. That would be interesting. I know her. All right that would be an interesting combo. I was going to say, but she probably already did. That would be interesting. I know her. All right. So thank you, everybody. We'll see you tomorrow at three o'clock Pacific time
Starting point is 01:10:31 for Tom Renz and Sasha Latapova. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder, the discussions here
Starting point is 01:10:41 are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information
Starting point is 01:11:08 has been updated since this was published. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at slash help.

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