Ask Dr. Drew - Dr. Kelly Victory & Ed Dowd: Trump’s Cabinet Nominations Endure MSM’s Trial By Fire – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 432
Episode Date: December 8, 2024Dr. Kelly Victory MD is a board-certified trauma and emergency specialist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She served as CMO for Whole Health Management, delivering on-site healthcare servi...ces for Fortune 500 companies. She holds a BS from Duke University and her MD from the University of North Carolina. Dr. Victory is a co-author of “Toxic Shot: Facing the Danger of Covid “Vaccines” ” available now at Follow her at Ed Dowd is the founder of Phinance Technologies and author of “Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Death in 2021 & 2022.” He is a former Wall Street analyst and BlackRock portfolio manager. Follow Dowd at and learn more at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • CHECK GENETICS - Your DNA is the key to discovering the RIGHT medication for you. Escape the big pharma cycle and understand your genetic medication blueprint with pharmacogenetic testing. Save $200 with code DRDREW at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Welcome and thanks very much for joining us. I'm Dr. Kelly Victory. I'm filling in for Dr. Drew
today. Delighted to be doing it. He and Susan are off, I think in Florida or somewhere in the
East Coast doing another project. So I'm filling in. Also happy week after Thanksgiving. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am still
recovering from fully falling off of my normally regimented diet of relatively low carb and very
low sugar. I'd love somebody to tell me the absolute number of grams of sugar in an entire
pecan pie because I pretty much consumed my body weight in refined sugar
over about a three-day period. So anyway, the thing that saved me, Caleb, was that I stayed
on my exercise routine. I continued to work out despite the fact that I was eating things I
never eat. And now I am back on the wagon. So we've got that. I'm really happy to be joined today by one of my
very favorite guests, Ed Dowd. It's hard for me to imagine that anyone who's watching this show
or follows me doesn't know of Ed and the remarkable work that he has done for the past five years,
really tabulating and coordinating, collecting data related to the pandemic.
We're going to be talking about quite a few things, including data around
excess deaths, but also we're going to chat a little bit about Trump's recent cabinet picks,
as well as some of the financial and economic issues that are going to be at the beginning of the new Trump administration. So Ed's going to
get us caught up on everything that he's been following. As I said, he has been an indefatigable
champion for exposing data related to COVID and related to the impact on excess deaths,
excess disability, and those sorts of things.
So we'll be back in just a minute, and I will more formally introduce Ed at that time.
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Welcome back.
As I said, I'm joined today by Ed Dowd. Ed is a former Wall Street analyst. He was
a portfolio manager at BlackRock and most recently is the founder of Finance Technologies. He wrote
a book called Cause Unknown, The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022. And as I said in the intro, he has been more than
anyone else I know, the coordinator, the tabulator of data related to illness, injury, death,
disability, these sorts of things, following the rollout of the vaccines. And while Ed is more circumspect than I with
regard to saying what's, you know, the cause unknown, you know, I know the answer. We can
talk about that. So I'm going to bring Ed in. We're going to talk about the state of the data,
as it were, on, you know, what are we seeing in the last year or so? It's been a guest previously on this show.
So we've talked about some of this stuff in the past, but I want to see really where the trends are going and talk a little bit more in depth about what this means in terms of the ongoing trends in increased all-cause mortality, decreased birth rates, those sorts of things.
We're also going to talk a little bit about
the Trump cabinet picks. Ed, nice to see you. Welcome back. I don't know, did you do what I
did over Thanksgiving? Please tell me you did. Please tell me you totally fell off the wagon
and ate everything you don't normally eat. I did. And I started a carnivore diet Sunday night.
I've already lost six pounds of mostly water weight because when you eat like we did over the holiday,
your body tends to hold more water because you're eating sugars and things you don't normally eat.
So I'm back on it again.
Well, thank you.
Then I'll feel so guilty because I was really, really feeling weak.
As somebody who I preach good health and good nutrition all the time.
And I was not I was exhibit A of exactly what you shouldn't do on a holiday.
But I did it anyway. Anyway, so I'm back on it.
Let's talk. I don't want to get into specifics about any particular cabinet nominee in the new Trump administration. But I'd like to get your
thoughts in general on directionally where this is going, where it's teeing up. And I don't mind
talking specifically about Robert Kennedy Jr., who both you and I know personally and have supported.
So we can talk about him, but give me your thoughts just in
general about where this is going and what you'd like to see. Well, first of all, what happened
after the assassination attempt of Trump on July 13th, you know, Bobby Kennedy joined it. Then Bobby
eventually quit his campaign and teamed up with Trump and brought a lot of voters over.
And this is a disruptive administration.
Bobby Kennedy's mere presence is disruptive.
He's an environmental lawyer.
He's been fighting that regulatory regime for a long time and corporations polluting the environment.
He then got on the vaccine train.
And he knows how to dismantle the corrupt institutions brick by brick.
So I'm very optimistic. We need to get him confirmed.
I'm fearful that there's five trillion in annual GDP in the health care system.
That's going to give money to senators in their packs to try to get some of the Republicans to not confirm him.
There's a lot of moneyed interests that don't want to see him there.
Net-net, it's a huge win for America.
And I just hope he gets the confirmation and it's smooth sailing from there.
I have a lot of hope.
I certainly agree with you on that.
I think to be very clear, Bobby Kennedy is extremely threatening to a lot of people on both sides of the aisle.
And it's not for the reasons they say, you know, they throw out pejoratives like always anti-vaccine
or anti this, you know, when the reality is what they're threatened by is the fact that they will
lose their control. They will lose money. He's going to do things like, you know,
eliminate the ability for people at our three-letter agencies to own parts of patents
on drugs or therapeutics that they are in a position to foist on the American people.
He's going to eliminate things like pharmaceutical advertising on television and those sorts of things. And that's clearly why they want
to keep him out. Do you believe that given the sort of the force, given the amount of energy
behind this campaign, and I think it was a brilliant move for Trump to embrace and bring
him in, do you think that they can pull off keeping him out? Can they keep him from, I don't know enough about
how the process works in the confirmation process to know, can they actually effectively keep him
from being confirmed? I believe they'll try. And as we get closer to confirmation hearings,
I expect all sorts of tantalizing headlines about Bobby and quote unquote women that'll be, you know,
very specious. And I think, I don't think America cares about that. I think America wants them in
there. And I also think that the biggest risk are senators that get bribed wholesale by the
pharmaceutical and healthcare industry into their PACs and their campaigns. That's what I'm worried about.
Yeah, and Big Pharma is the biggest, most powerful lobby in all of Washington.
They've given more money to political campaigns, again, on both sides of the aisle.
There's probably a handful of senators who didn't take money over the years
from Big Pharma to fund their campaigns.
So I know that that's going to be really, really powerful. I don't know how it will all shake out.
What about the idea of Trump making Bobby a recess appointment?
That would be fabulous. And again, I don't know the inner workings of all this.
If that's possible, I would do it and go from there. But I was on a call today where it was
discussed that there will be a Senate confirmation process for Bobby. But again, I don't know the
specifics, the why, the where, the how, but I would love to see a recess appointment personally.
So I think that may be the way to go as well.
Independent of the individual nominees, and some of them are a bit perplexing, I might throw it there, but independent of individuals, what are, in your mind, some of the top?
I just rattled off a couple with regard to television advertising,
for example, and the ownership of patents. What are the top initiatives that you think are important
in these different agencies that need to happen? Or what do you need to see happen right out of
the box to know that this is legit and that this campaign, that this new administration
really is going to make
good on their promises to the American people? Well, there needs to be a definite reopening of
the COVID vaccine. And I'd love to see that product recalled in the first six months of
the administration. That's obviously one of my issues that I've been hammering on for the last
four years. If we don't see it recalled,
then I'll start to get suspicious or at least a serious examination of it. There could be other
ways to thwart the mRNA vaccines, remove the immunity that big pharma gets for vaccines,
repeal the 86 Act. The market would correct itself because then it would be liability and
doctors probably would walk away from it. But I'd like to see full stop the recall of this vaccine. It should have already
been recalled. I mean, we had a swine flu situation in the 70s where 50 people died,
they recalled it. And now we have 30,000 deaths due to the vaccine in bears. So let's stop kidding
ourselves. It needs to go. A hundred percent.
Just to make sure that for anyone who's listening,
what you're referencing, when you say the 86 Act,
you're talking about the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act
that was passed in 1986 by Congress.
And it was passed as an effort to incentivize vaccine manufacturers
to be willing to create, to develop more vaccines for children. But in so doing,
they granted to the vaccine manufacturers blanket liability protection. They cannot be sued. They
have no exposure, which would be tantamount to saying, and I use this example all the time,
I would not buy a baby car seat that said on the box, by the way, if your child is maimed or killed by a
malfunction of this product, you know, good luck to you because you can't sue them. They have no
liability. I wouldn't buy that product. Why in the world would I allow somebody to inject my child
with a product that fundamentally says the same? If your kid dies from this or is maimed or disabled for the rest of his or her life,
you have no recourse. It's insanity. So I'm with you. That needs to be repealed.
I also agree, we need wholesale removal of the mRNA vaccines from the market, given the data,
and we're going to get into the weeds again of what you've seen recently, but it is so egregious. It is so
irrefutable to me, you know, what has gone on. Just another study came out today, a really well
done report on the contamination of these mRNA shots. I don't know if you saw it
with this SV40, that's DNA that in layman's terms, what we have now shown is that the BioNTech
Pfizer mRNA shots are contaminated with DNA that promotes cancer as well as promotes antibiotic
resistance. Four times beyond, more than four times the allowable amounts of this is contaminating these.
That by itself, you know, should cause these to be removed.
So what's your stance on pharmaceutical advertising?
You have thoughts about that?
Yeah, two things.
First, let me go back to what you said about the Vaccine Act. You know, prior to 86, there were seven, I think seven, six or seven vaccines in the childhood schedule.
It then exploded to 70 plus over the course of several decades.
And I just want people to understand how profitable it is for a pharmaceutical maker to do this.
They don't have to advertise. They don't have a sales and marketing budget.
It's part of the schedule.
And the margins on these products are huge.
And even though it's only given to the children that are born,
it's a steady, high-profit business.
And it's sickening that we have 70-plus of these now.
Back to the removal of the pharmaceutical ads. I think we're one of two
countries, us and New Zealand, that allow it. That's correct. Yeah. And let's be honest,
no one purchases a drug because it's advertised on TV. The doctors usually are using their
knowledge to then give out a drug for whatever symptoms you have.
It's basically hush money to the networks to not investigate anything about large pharma.
It's hush money.
I think Roger Ailes even admitted as much to Bobby Kennedy in a meeting,
don't you ever bring up vaccines on my show.
And, you know, this needs to go. It literally, and I think I heard
some statistics recently that some of these networks get 40% of their ad revenue from the
pharmaceutical industry, and that needs to change. Yeah, Roger Ailes, the former CEO of Fox News,
actually acknowledged that he wanted to get rid of pharmaceutical advertising
on Fox. But at the time that he made the statement, it represented 70% of the advertising
revenue for Fox News came from Big Pharma. And as you said, Ed, they don't advertise because
they think they can sell three more doses of Ozempic. They advertise so that they can control
the talking heads, so that they can control the talking heads,
so that they can make sure that nobody ever says a bad word about their products,
says anything about their liability protection on vaccines, says anything about the fact that
there's a question whether statins are legitimate or should be prescribed, any of that. They do it
to control it. And there's a reason why every other country,
with the exception of New Zealand, doesn't allow it, because you cannot have integrity
in the media if the media is completely owned and controlled by big pharma.
So I think that this is a huge issue. And back to what you were saying, when you think about
the profit center of vaccines,
if you don't have to spend any money on marketing because they're mandated, they're on the childhood schedule and your kid can't go to school without them, and you don't have to spend any money on
liability, you don't have to have lawyers or fundamentally malpractice insurance, the entire
thing goes to the bottom line. It is a cash cow. So if you wonder why there's an effort to keep Bobby
Kennedy out of HHS, it has nothing to do with what they're saying. It's purely about the dollars.
So let's pivot for a second here now to the update on what I would call the state of the data.
Many people who are watching this undoubtedly have followed, what I would call the state of the data. You know, many people who
are watching this undoubtedly have followed you like I have for the duration of the pandemic,
but kind of take us through where you started and what you're seeing, you know, what trends
have continued, what trends have, you know, what's the trajectory of the lines that you're seeing
with regard to excess deaths, disabilities, all the things that you and your team have been tracking?
Well, it's a good news, bad news situation.
Let's start with what happened and where we are now.
So, you know, in 2020, we had 500,000 excess deaths
due to quote unquote COVID.
You can make an argument that had a lot to do
with the hospital protocols and procedures
and denial of early treatment.
That's not my area of expertise, but a lot of people have talked about that.
So mostly old people died in 2020.
Then a similar amount of excess deaths in 2021, 500,000.
But there was a huge mix shift from old to young.
And that for me was a smoking gun.
We had about 124,000 people die ages 16 to 64 in 2020, and then that
went up to 235,000 in 2021. So, you know, for me, I'm not a doctor, but I don't know any virologists
that will say that decreasing variant strength is going to, you know to disproportionately affect young people, especially the boy.
So excess mortality peaked at 40% in the working age population in 2021.
There was the classic Society of Actuaries study that showed in their group life policies in the third quarter of 2021, millennials, specifically 25 through 44,
experienced excess mortality in that quarter.
I surmise that it was likely due to the pull-forward effect of the vaccine mandates.
Those who had been on the sidelines had to get a job or lose their job. So that was a very one-time
event pulled forward. So the good news is over the last three, four years,
excess mortality is down to about 10% run rate. Now, that's good news, but 10% steady state is
a disaster in the long term. And the CEO of One America, Scott Davison, said in January of 2022 that his book of business just experienced 40% in that age bracket.
And that was unheard of.
And he said 10% was once in a 200-year flood.
And then he said 40% was unprecedented and hard to calculate how off the charts it was.
So now we've gone from off the charts to once in a 200-year flood steady state.
And that's a disaster long term.
Also, the good news is booster uptake is abysmal.
If you look at the stock prices of both Moderna and Pfizer, they've come down quite a bit.
Moderna is down 90 plus percent from its high, and they don't have any other product that's available for sale. So they need revenue and they're trying hard to get these mRNA platforms approved and all sorts of different indications.
Like they want to create vaccines for cancer, which, you know, just sounds insane to me. A vaccine for cancer, I thought vaccines
attacked viruses, but maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. So that's where we are.
We're also going to start taking a look at birth rates, which we've hesitated to do because
one of the things that affects birth rates a lot is the economy. And, you know, it's globally, there's different economic forces
working. But if the birth rate is persistently lower over time, then we know we have a signal
and we're getting close to starting to examine that. Yeah, so a few things here. I'm very
interested in what's going on with the birth rate. You and I were talking the other day,
there are a couple of countries, I believe that Taiwan is one of them. I think it's either North or South Korea.
You had mentioned was another where birth rates are fundamentally at extinction rate. If they
continue going like this, birth rates are so low that it's not sustainable. So when you add together the impact of excess deaths plus decreased
births, the overall impact on the population growth is really profound. And what people need
to understand is that population isn't just how many people are on the planet. It's also whether
or not it's sustainable from an economic standpoint. There are lots of downstream impacts. So talk just for
a second about population in general. It's not just sort of, oh, it's sad that people are dying,
which it is tragic that they were killed fundamentally by these shots, which is horrific.
But just talk a little for a second about the impact of plummeting population. Yeah. So one of my partners, Carlos Allegria,
where I met him, wrote a book called Economic Cycles, Debt and Demographics. He did a great
study in all the different demographic situations going on across the globe. And prior to COVID,
China hit a demographic wall in 2020. So they're on a demographic decline, which is bad for their economy long term.
South Korea had a problem.
Japan has a problem.
Southern Europe has a problem.
He predicts that at some point the euro will disband because of the disparity between the countries that produce with growing populations and the southern European countries that have an aging problem without a growth increase.
So that was prior to COVID.
So now we have excess deaths and potentially lower fertility rates, which, again, we haven't spoken on that, but we're going to look at it.
And South Korea, we looked at preliminary data.
It looks like extinction level event going on there that over time the economy will collapse. And sure enough, South Korea is in the news. They declared martial law. We suspect that was to cover up a currency crisis and a collapsing stock market. But because their central bank came out immediately and provided as much liquidity as needed. So these have real world consequences long term for a lot of these economies. It'll collapse overnight,
but it's definitely not good. And demographics, you can't trade on demographics, but you can
certainly catch long term trends. Yeah. And with regard, just so that people understand, with regard to this fertility issue, birth
rates in particular, we have clear pathophysiology that explains why these mRNA injections might
be the cause.
With regard to men, we know that males who receive the injections show lower sperm counts
and lower sperm motility, for example. We know that there's a
protein on the spike protein of COVID for which the shots cause you to form antibodies that is
very, very similar, almost identical to a protein that is critical for the formation and development
of the placenta. So if you get one of these shots and you develop
antibodies to the spike protein, at the same time, you are developing antibodies to a forming
placenta, which may well explain why we're seeing increased rates of miscarriage or failures of
women to be able to get pregnant in the first place. So it's not like we're just pulling,
there's not just a correlation, there's actually good pathophysiology,
pathophysiologic explanation for why that might be happening.
So we're seeing that.
With regard to, also, I would maintain, if you pulled the shots off the market today,
if you completely said, okay, no more mRNA shots, we still haven't seen the end of the
health impact, the negative impact on the people who took them.
And I think the lagging disease that we're going to see, we certainly saw the sudden cardiac deaths, the myocarditis, obviously the anaphylaxis, blood clots and strokes early on.
It's the cancers and the autoimmune related issues that I think you're going to see for the next decade.
We know we're seeing increases in almost every cancer.
Are you guys following individual condition increases or just deaths?
No, no, we've looked into some causes.
Obviously, we showed there were inflection points beginning around 21 in cardiac cancers,
especially amongst the young and
increasing cancers and neurological issues.
Neurological issues, I think, are going to be a big problem going forward.
And we're going to drop a report in January on skin and liver.
So it's metastasizing in all sorts of different conditions and statistical aberrations, meaning inflection points and somehow the young are being, you know, old people get these conditions.
But even in old people, we're seeing signals. So we're seeing signals all over the place that something changed.
Y'all know what it was. It was a mass vaccination program. And what's been annoying to me is that we can't even talk about this subject in the mainstream media or at the government governmental level.
I will note we got a campaign between two individuals, Harris and Trump, where COVID was not discussed or the vaccines, the whole campaign. And that's what I don't want to see going forward is that kind of mentality,
because this needs to come to light because so many people don't know what's happened to them
and they can't treat, they can't treat the core root of the problem for treating symptoms.
I agree with you. And for what it's worth, you know, people disagree with me all the time and,
and you're, people are welcome to their opinion. If you think I'm an idiot,
absolutely, that's your opinion. You're welcome to that. But what you're not welcome to is to
not provide another explanation. I happen to believe, as you do, that the cause of these
things is the mass vaccination program. If you disagree with that and you say, you know, that's not what happened, great. What's
your theory? Because the data don't lie. You have the numbers on excess deaths, on excess disability,
and we know the increases in certain disease processes, whether it's cancer or myocarditis
or strokes or whatever it is. Those data do not lie. So you are required as a scientist, and this is what kills me about my
colleagues who dispute that it's the vaccine. Great. If you don't think it's the vaccine,
what is your explanation? Because you can't just ignore the data. You are obligated to come up with
another credible idea. And so far, you know, in climate change, I don't know, what was it? What's
your theory for what caused this?
But you can't just say I'm wrong and not come up with something else that you think is credible.
So we're going to take a quick break, your quick ad break, and then come back and finish talking about this.
And then I want to pick your brain a little bit before we run fully out of time on the issues around the economy.
So we'll see you back in a minute.
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Welcome back.
And let's bring Ed right back in here because I want to clarify. I was thinking, Ed, we were talking about the excess deaths and you were saying good news, bad news, that we've gone from a high of at one point 40 percent increase, you know, excess all cause mortality, all cause mortality to now down to seven to 13% or wherever we're floating right now.
That's with regard to deaths.
What about disability?
If you said it, I missed it.
Where are we on the increases in disability rates overall?
We started inflecting in February of 2021.
It was a rapid three standard deviation, three to four standard deviation rate of change into September of 22. So we added 3 million
to the 30 million that had been running around in the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the prior
four or five years. So in a very short period of time, we added 3 million disabled Americans. We plateaued for a while.
Then in June of 2023, we spiked up another million, which I suspect was statistical gamery.
You don't have a million all of a sudden added to the disability rolls.
So I'm sure they trued it up.
And then we've been going sideways ever since. I'm expecting
another true up at some point. And the chart, if you're looking at the chart, the chart is not your
friend. It looks like it's consolidating. So we have about 4 million disabled. And you got to
remember, disabled can go away and die. So that's one thing. And the other thing to think about
is that about half of the newly disabled came came from the employed pool so you know employed employed individuals usually
are the healthiest amongst us because by the very nature of being working and going to work
so that was another tell for me that the vaccine might have something to do with this because there
are you know mandates for those employed, whereas the rest
of the general population had a choice. And, you know, the rate of disabilities
in the general population into our study at the end of 22 increased 8%. The working age folks
increased 33% or the actual employed. So their rate of disability increased
more than the general population, which doesn't make any sense. And there's so many things that
are unspoken that we don't talk about that are related to these numbers. If you look at any
particular industry that relies on skilled workers, say airline pilots or the military or even, you know, somebody in high tech, if the people who end up being disabled and taken out of the workforce are then replaced by new hires, you know, think about what that means for the skill level of the average commercial airline pilot. If the veterans are the ones who are disabled
because they took the shots and they get replaced by people who are just new, we are replacing them
with people who are less skilled, less experienced, have less years behind them. Same thing with our
military. You have a portion of our military who chose to leave voluntarily or was
fired because they refused to take the shot. And the ones who stuck around and took it,
many of them are now working part-time, half-time, or working not up to full capacity. We've put a
serious hurt, from my perspective, on the strength of our military, our young troops, as a result of this singular vaccine initiative.
And I don't think we'll ever really get our arms around just how profound the impact was.
Do you guys follow or watch or crunch the data from other countries, or are you just
looking domestically?
We looked at the UK in a lot of our cause studies and our absence rate
studies and our disability studies. So in the UK and US, we found similar findings,
especially amongst absence and work time loss rates. They are very steady and they inflected
in 21 and 22 to the point where there are 12 to 13 standard deviations in both countries
above trend. And so what does that say to us? That says that there's a category of people
called injured who are constantly sick and missing work. And if you look at the Pfizer
clinical trials, there were 18% more adverse events, SAE, serious adverse events in the vaccine arm versus the placebo arm.
So just based on that alone, it should have failed the safety trial,
but they pushed it through.
I mean, you know how the FDA worked in the old days.
Forget they failed the all-cause mortality endpoint,
where there were 23% more deaths in the vaccine arm.
They failed the safety tests.
There were 18% more SAEs.
And this is a joke.
I mean, I don't even know why.
I'm still just befuddled why we're still here talking about this.
It's one of the greatest psyops and psychological operations I've ever seen.
And first of all, it's not a vaccine. It's one of the greatest psyops and psychological operations I've ever seen. And first of all, it's not a vaccine.
It's a therapeutic.
And they called it a vaccine so they could get it under the EUA.
We're living in bizarro land where there's so much fraud in our healthcare system,
fraud in the government, fraud in the economic statistics they're putting
out. It's literally the golden age of fraud in my mind. I agree with you 100%. And I think this
is the single biggest issue that Robert Kennedy Jr. can tackle. He's not going to focus just on
vaccines. It's the overarching fraud, corruption, and graft that is absolutely inculcated into our three-letter
agencies. I don't care if it's FDA, CDC, NIH, but also the DOJ and the IRS and everywhere.
We are living in the age of abject lying and fraud, truly.
Let's talk about that for a second. A critic came out recently against RFK,
Scott Gottlieb, the former head of the FDA under Trump, who then parachuted into being a board
member of Pfizer and became basically the spokesperson for Pfizer all over the financial
news media. He got free advertising going on CNBC all the time.
And he just came out and said that Bobby Kennedy
will be bad for Americans' health.
And I look at that and it makes me sick to my stomach.
That guy profited from the vaccines
and his nonsense lies about how efficacious
so far as in safe.
It's unbelievable, but truly, you know, we are living in an area, I think you, I just did a talk about this, you know, in an era of
lying where lying has become so commonplace. You are expected every day we are bombarded with
things that simply aren't true. You know, the economy is booming.
You know, your car causes climate change,
but Bill Gates' private jet doesn't.
You know, the police are systemically racist.
Men can have babies, whatever it is.
It is so insane.
When I was growing up, and I will date myself,
there were two really popular shows.
Both of them were predicated on the idea
that reality itself was being manipulated.
One was the Twilight Zone, and the other one was called The Outer Limits.
And they both had to do with, you know, do not touch your television set.
We control the vertical.
We control the horizontal.
It was the idea.
That was what was so terrifying, that there was some other force that was controlling reality.
And I feel like we are now, we have entered the twilight zone. We have reached the outer limits.
It is just pure insanity. You touched at the very beginning, and I want to go back to it for a
second. You're talking about how these things should have been pulled. In 1976, the swine flu vaccine was rolled out and it was pulled from the
market after there were 50, five, zero associated deaths that were believed that could have been
related to that vaccine. It was pulled. We're now at how many potentially associated deaths
for the COVID vaccines? In VAERS, I believe it's 30,000 globally, and I think maybe 16,000 in the US. And if you
look at the underreporting factor, you know, and multiply it, you take 20, use a number
of 20 or 41. I think 41 was the one calculated using the CDC's methods. You know, you get close to the number that we have, that we've calculated, 1.2 million Americans perished between 21 and 23.
That was corroborated, mind you, by another economist slash business consultant, ethical skeptic on Twitter, who's anonymous.
But he does separate work, different, different methodology, and we corroborate each
other all the time. So we're not, you know, we're not in cahoots. We just put out our results and
our results corroborate each other. And I also want to note, Peter Hotez came out recently in
an interview and said that he saw a study that the vaccine saved lives about
3 million because even though 1.2 million Americans died after the vaccine rollout,
now I find that interesting because that's exactly the number that myself and Ethical
Skeptic have come up with.
So they're now admitting 1.2 million Americans did die excessively
since the vaccine rollout. But don't worry about it, because more people would have died without
the vaccine, and they'd pull some mythical, magical, statistical garbage out of their butt.
I agree. It's very common to what I hear amongst people, whether it's at a cocktail party or just
in passing, that, you know,
the people who have been vaccinated, who I know have been vaccinated, are sick over and over and
over again. Many of them have had COVID four and five and six times. But then they'll say to you,
imagine how much worse it would be if I hadn't been vaccinated. I'm saying, well, you could be
like me and never have had COVID at all if If you weren't vaccinated, uh, it's, they just, they pull these numbers out. They are so they've drunk the Kool-Aid
and they absolutely won't look at the, the reality of what's happening around them. Um, they, they
are in the twilight zone. Um, with re I also, then I want to touch back on the neurologic things
you were saying that you're, you believe we're going to see more of these neurologic complications.
I agree with you because many of the neurologic complications from a medical perspective are autoimmune related, whether it's multiple sclerosis, ALS, those sorts of things.
Parkinson's, Alzheimer's have an autoimmune component to them. Furthermore, the people who are examining
these very unusual blood clots, these kind of rubbery white extensively long blood clots,
have found that those blood clots contain a protein called amyloid. For some reason,
you're developing or laying down profoundly huge amounts of amyloid that make up these clots.
Well, amyloid is what also lays down in the brain and causes Parkinson's. Now, whether these things
are related or not, no one has been able to prove, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you're going
to see more of these neurologic issues because of the creation of some of these abnormal proteins. That's, let's face it,
that's what the mRNA codes your body to do is to create a spike protein and then you create
antibodies to it, but it's causing you to create a foreign protein. Never a good idea. Wasn't a
good idea from the beginning. I don't care. You know, your first year biology student should know this.
You don't want your body creating massive amounts of a foreign protein.
It's going to set off autoimmune diseases all day long.
And I think that's what we're seeing.
So any other thoughts?
I want to pivot to some things about the economy.
Any other thoughts or anything else you'd like to get out to folks with regard to what you're seeing or what you're following next?
What's next for you guys with regard to your data analysis?
Well, we're going to update 20, 24 numbers for all our studies.
And then we've got a liver paper coming out, skin paper a muscular skeletal skin paper coming out.
And, you know, we're just going to continue to monitor what's going on.
And the disability number comes out this Friday, along with the non-reform payroll.
So I'm very eager to see what direction it's going.
And it's close to a new all-time high again.
So we'll see if we go to a new all-time high on Friday.
Give me a glimpse, if you can, on liver and skin. You're talking about liver and skin conditions?
Liver, yeah, liver deaths and skin issues, skin deaths, musculoskeletal deaths.
On the liver, there definitely was an effect in the older people that we can attribute most likely to the vaccine.
It's more money in the younger age folks because there was an increase in alcohol consumption during the lockdown.
But if you parse the data, we can tease out a signal.
But we're going to put the data as it stands and let the chips fall where
they may. I'll be particularly interested in the skin data because the reality is, again,
from a medical perspective, other than melanoma, most skin cancers, certainly most malignancies,
are not lethal. The vast majority are not. I think we've seen a change in that recently.
We've seen a number of people, including some high profile people, say a Jimmy Buffett,
who passed away, we are told, from an aggressive skin cancer that was non-melanoma. Is that the
sort of thing that you're seeing in this data? The report's not finished.
I haven't seen it yet.
My partners are working on it.
So I don't want to conclude anything right now.
Fair enough.
Okay, we'll look forward to that then.
But unfortunately, I fear we are going to see, and as I said, I believe that with you,
that neurologic, autoimmune, and cancer deaths and rates are the thing that we're going to see going forward, probably, tragically, for a good decade.
Obviously, there are people, many people, including my colleagues, who are working feverishly to find things to detox from the spike protein.
We're looking at things to sort of unwind this. You know, how can we change the trajectory of this?
Because it's really our challenge for the next decade.
But, you know, until we pull the shots from the market
and stop people from getting them entirely
and stop producing new ones
because they're constantly threatening
that they're going to come up with one for RSV
or we've got a, you know, mRNA shot for
monkeypox, we've got one for bird flu, now we're vaccinating the cattle and the chickens and the
turkeys, you know, it is just stop. And again, this, you know, like Bobby Kennedy, this does not
make me anti-vaccine. What it makes me is pro-science, pro-data, pro-safety, you know, and pro-sanity.
Just stop until we get our arms around this.
So until we do that, I don't think the hemorrhaging is going to stop.
You know, you've had some posts recently and some interviews recently.
You know, let's face it, you didn't start as a scientist.
You didn't start as somebody looking at medical data, you started as an analyst. And you are brilliant, in my estimation,
with regard to understanding trends and understanding sort of the economy and different
levers here. Talk a little bit about your thoughts about what Trump is inheriting,
where the economy is, and what he needs to look out for?
Well, there's two things. There's the stated GDP numbers and establishment non-farm payroll survey,
and there's economic reality. Trump got elected in primarily Bobby Kennedy and Elon and everyone
who contributed helped, but Trump primarily got elected because of the economy.
And in 1980, Ronald Reagan had a real average wage earning growth at minus 2%.
He got swept into office.
In 1992, minus 2% for Bill Clinton.
And James Carville said, is the economy stupid?
And by the way, those two numbers were associated
with recessions. Trump, prior to the election, had a minus 2% number. No recession, oddly enough,
but I believe one's coming when the truth is revealed. The government has been spending for
the last two years crisis-like deficit spending, meaning in the great financial crisis, we had 10% deficits to GDP.
We're at 8% right now. What's the crisis? The crisis was to get Biden or Harris reelected
and retain power. That was their crisis. And they basically, in my estimation, and I've talked to
economists offline who won't say this publicly, but they agree with me, they've cooked the books.
The non-farm payroll numbers are statistical lies. You've got to remember, when they come out with the number
on Friday, it's an estimate, but then it's followed up with real data later. They keep
putting out these fake numbers, then they get revised down. In August, we had a revision of
850,000 jobs down. We have the private sector sector every indication of the private sector is that
it's it's contracting so what did they do they uh opened the floodgates for immigrants gave them
stimmies that helped juice the economy short term that's part of the deficit then they hired
government workers like we've never seen before in in september alone i think it was like 950
thousand government jobs right before the
election. So Trump's policies are going to reverse all this. And so the recession will be revealed.
There are already revisions going on, major revisions starting to happen. And I'm sure we're
going to see more revisions coming forward. And the true state of unemployment is way higher than stated four and
a half, five percent, whatever it is today, more like 10 to 15. So you're saying that we fundamentally
have been in a recession, they've just been, like everything else, covering it up with smoke and
mirrors like they do with everything else. Smoke and mirrors and actual government spending and
deficit spending to kind of juice the economy and let
it limp along a little more. But Trump is going to stop the immigration. So that's short-term
juice that disappears. He's going to cut government spending. So his policies initially
will be contractionary, but needed to be done because the government, it's called fiscal
dominance. The government was
overwhelming the private sector. And we can't have a middle, there's no middle class in that.
So Trump's plan is to reestablish the middle class. The middle class did well under him.
Their per capita GDP income rose up until 2020. 2020 was a disaster, but every year up until then
it was up. Since Biden
got in there, it's come way down. Obviously, inflation has helped with that. And the rich,
the very rich, the 0.1%, under Trump, their percent of financial wealth declined. Under
Biden-Harris, it went up to all-time highs of 15%. So 0.1% of the wealthy own 15% of the financial assets in the U.S.
So let's talk a little bit about, given what you're saying, and I believe that you are correct,
and I certainly, like you, am very happy about Trump's efforts, his initiatives towards, you know, whatever you want to call
it, limiting government, the whole, you know, Doge thing, the Department of Government Efficiency,
and between Elon and Vivek, I think that they will slash and really cut out a lot of the fat.
That's all awesome. But what you're saying is going to happen is it's going to be a contraction
and there's going to, the recession will be revealed. Communication is the key to this.
What, you know, if you were advising Trump or, you know, if you were in the cabinet,
what would you be telling him to be saying? Because this is about getting out in front of this.
Otherwise he's going to get tarred with this and it's going to, you know, the left is going to have a field day and say, see, you know, his policies, you know,
suck. And, you know, they've driven us down, you know, a financial disaster. What would you be
advising him to be doing right now? You know, in December? Yeah, so his Treasury Secretary that he
just nominated, Scott Besson, has been trying to get the message out.
It's the 3-3-3 plan, 3% growth, 3%.
I forget, but it's the 3-3-3 plan.
And it's a good plan.
And he also has been communicating that the cannon has been spiked by the Biden administration, both at the
treasury level and the government spending level, the deficit spending. So he's messaging it. We
need Trump to start messaging it. Trump needs to stay away from the stock market as an indication
of how he's doing, because the stock market is at levels of valuation we haven't seen in quite a
long time. Warren Buffett, about a year and a half ago, started accumulating cash.
And he has the largest cash pile he's ever had, $350 billion.
He is getting out of stocks, and he has been.
He owns 4% of the Treasury bill market, more than the Federal Reserve.
He's been here before.
He's waiting patiently.
And he's not looking for a 10%, 20% correction.
He's looking for a lot more. Now, I was more bearish on what was going to happen if Harris had gotten in there.
Under Trump, I think we've got a shot of this drawdown coming in the stock market and financial
assets being not as deep as it could have been. And then, you know, hopefully if he gets all his
policies implemented, his deregulation, his tax cuts for the middle class, his energy policies, his trade policies, we'll see something like we saw in the 1980s.
Ronald Reagan handed a recession in 81 and 82.
By the time his reelection came around, the economy was booming.
So that's the model.
Yeah, because it seems to me I'm hardly an economic expert, but I do understand leadership and communication.
And it seems to me that what he really needs to be doing, what he, Trump, needs to be doing is tell people what's going to happen.
When it happens, acknowledge this is what's happening.
And then after you say, see, I told you that's what was going to happen. So that you, you lead them through it. You don't wait. You've got to get out in front of this and
predict it, acknowledge it when it happens, acknowledge it once it's behind us, say,
that's what, this is exactly what we expected. You know, we aren't caught back on our heels.
We have a plan for this. He has to make it very much a plan. Otherwise, I think that the vast majority of the
population, clearly, you know, my feet have barely hit the ground since November 5th. I'm thrilled
with the outcome. I was very, very concerned that they were going to steal this election
and that we were going to end up in a disastrous situation, potentially, literally, not hyperbole the the end of our republic I think I had Harris
gotten elected but many people I think believe that come January 20th it's going to be all you
know unicorns and and balloons and it's going to be great and I don't think that's necessarily what
we're looking at for the reasons that you've said and I think that Trump would do himself a big favor
to get out and start talking about this ahead of time,
what to anticipate, what to expect
as a result of the shenanigans
and the cooking of the books, as it were,
that's gone on in the economy that he's inheriting.
Yeah, and let's also not forget this.
The fourth branch of government,
the bureaucratic state,
the administrative state,
the deep state,
whatever you want to call it,
did not get thrown out of office
on November 5th.
They're still there.
They're like blood-soaked ticks.
And they're going to do everything they can
to protect their jobs.
And the messaging from the Trump administration,
Elon Musk and the VAC, is we're going to cut jobs.
So these people are going to do everything they can
to thwart Donald Trump and his administration.
This is existential for them.
So this is not going to be as easy as we think.
There's a lot of mechanisms they can use to thwart him.
You know, let's say he writes an executive order on day one.
It'll be challenged in the D.C. Circuit Court and then they'll have to go to the Supreme Court as opposed to Biden does an executive order.
No one challenges him in any courts.
So this is part of the problem we have.
It's going to be a battle.
It's going to be a communication effort, a PR effort.
And Trump needs to get out in front of the economy before the mainstream media does and call it before it happens.
Do you think that Elon and Vivek Ramaswamy can do what they've been tasked to do, not being in cabinet positions?
Do you think they will have the teeth to be able to do what they need to do?
I'm not sure of the inner specifics of how it's going to work.
What I do know is they're already, before Trump gets in there,
trying to pre-spend so that he can't cut the spending before the end of 2025,
trying to front-load the budget and then, you know, make it into law.
So he can't start cutting spending until after the fiscal year end in 95.
Or 25, sorry.
Are there any people who you think, who you personally would really like to see in the cabinet,
whether it's on the financial side or DOJ, that are there particular people
you've been waiting and hoping are going to get tapped to be in some position that you think
could have an impact? Well, I was very nervous about the Treasury Secretary. I like Scott
Fessin. I like what he's talking about. I want to put people at ease. He did work for George Soros,
but that doesn't necessarily mean anything because you have to understand how his operation works he has
soros fund investment and then he has the open society which is his political arm the fund
investment is about making money you could care less whether you're one horn one eye purple people
eating monster if you make money you're in and there are plenty of people i've known over the
years who have nothing like george soros's political views but yet worked there because
it was a good job and paid well as scott besant left uh because of his political uh disorientation
with soros and had enough fu money that he could go out on his own so i don't think people don't
don't label this guy as a soros toady. He's saying all the right things.
The capital markets and people on Wall Street like him.
And there were other appointees that were floated that were making me very nervous.
So I'm happy about that because if we don't get the Treasury right and the dollar right and the economy right, it's chaos.
So I'm glad about that.
Obviously, I'm happy with Bobby Kennedy and Jay and others.
There are some I don't like, but that's okay.
I'm not going to get my laundry list of everybody.
That's how I'm staying out of the weeds on individual nominees at this point.
It remains to be seen who all is going to get confirmed.
I certainly hope that
Bobby Kennedy will be confirmed because I think that that leadership position is a critical one
and everything that, you know, goes, you know, down from there. So from, you know, hopefully
that will happen and we'll see where the other ones go. Thanks a ton. I can't wait. I'm really
looking forward to this next uh report you
said that your next report's dropping on friday no no no the january but the disability numbers
come out disability numbers come out friday so gotcha gotcha look what i think might happen
this is game theory but if i'm a bureaucrat in the Bureau of Labor Statistics
and I'm worried about my job, I'd start reporting truthful numbers now under the Biden administration.
That's my hope. Yeah, you're right. That is game theory. But yeah, for them to also decide,
let's have a moment of honesty so that we can look good. Yeah. From your lips to God's ears, we shall see. Let's pray that President Trump stays
healthy and well until January 20th. We are still in a really tenuous time from my perspective
right now. Very bizarre things have been happening in the world. And we want to make sure that we
have no reason for civil unrest or martial law or any of the other things that could happen if we had a crisis.
So I keep hoping that that's the case.
And looking forward to having you back.
You know, we've got to do this on a regular basis because you keep exposing, Ed, the most remarkable data.
And listen, the data don't lie. As I said over and
over again, you can disagree with me about how we interpret it. You can disagree with how we've
analyzed it, but the numbers are the numbers. And unless people want to come on here and give other
credible explanations or plausible theories for what's causing this unprecedented increase in deaths and disability
and disease rates. Until then, I'll stick with my theory. So thanks again for joining us. We'll
talk soon. Thank you, Dr. Kelly. Great to be here. Thank you. And then I've got here, whoops,
what did I just do here? I've got the upcoming shows here. Let's see. You got them up there? Thank you. December 5th,
Elijah Schaefer and Janine Turner. And then December 10th, Justin Bateman. A show that I'm
really looking forward to, December 12th, Matthias Desmet with Aaron Cariotti. Aaron's one of my favorite people.
But Matthias Desmet, I think most people know, is the person who really coined the term mass
formation psychosis. He came up with an interesting theory about how it is that we ended up with the
absolute insanity that defined the COVID pandemic. And then Justin Hart and Toby Rogers and Seth Dillon and
Gadsad should be really good lineup coming into the Christmas holiday. So thanks very much for
joining us. Join me back on the no sugar, low carb bandwagon and I will see you soon. Thanks.
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky.
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