Ask Dr. Drew - Dr. Vladimir Zelenko: "We Could Have Ended COVID Long Ago" – Ask Dr. Drew – Episode 82
Episode Date: April 4, 2022Dr. Vladimir Zelenko is a Ukrainian-American family physician and author known for promoting a three drug combination of hydroxychloroquine, zinc sulfate, and azithromycin as part of an experimental o...utpatient treatment for COVID-19 that he has promoted as the Zelenko Protocol. He was nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a Nobel Prize, and was recognized as a hero at a US Senate Homeland Security committee hearing. Despite these accomplishments, Dr. Zelenko also enjoys the distinct honor of being banned by Twitter. To order Dr. Zelenko's supplements, visit and a portion of your purchase will support our shows. [The podcast was originally broadcast on March 25, 2022] Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( SPONSORS • REFRAME – Since the beginning of the pandemic, nearly 1 in 5 Americans has reported consuming an unhealthy amount of alcohol, but only 10% of them are actually getting the help they need. Reframe is a neuroscience-based smartphone app that helps users cut back or quit drinking alcohol. Use the code DRDREW for 25% off your first month or annual subscription at • BLUE MICS – After more than 30 years in broadcasting, Dr. Drew’s iconic voice has reached pristine clarity through Blue Microphones. But you don’t need a fancy studio to sound great with Blue’s lineup: ranging from high-quality USB mics like the Yeti, to studio-grade XLR mics like Dr. Drew’s Blueberry. Find your best sound at • HYDRALYTE – “In my opinion, the best oral rehydration product on the market.” Dr. Drew recommends Hydralyte’s easy-to-use packets of fast-absorbing electrolytes. Learn more about Hydralyte and use DRDREW25 at checkout for a special discount at • ELGATO – Every week, Dr. Drew broadcasts live shows from his home studio under soft, clean lighting from Elgato’s Key Lights. From the control room, the producers manage Dr. Drew’s streams with a Stream Deck XL, and ingest HD video with a Camlink 4K. Add a professional touch to your streams or Zoom calls with Elgato. See how Elgato’s lights transformed Dr. Drew’s set: THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. This show is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information exchanged during participation in this program, including interactions with and any affiliated websites, are intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Hey now, welcome.
We appreciate you all being here and watching you on the restream.
Of course, we're building a room at Clubhouse where you'll be able to ask questions of our guests in just a minute. Susan, how are you doing? Wonderful. We kind of slipped
in here early today. I apologize for the time changes. We screwed up. Bottom line is we screwed
up. And we thankfully, Dr. Zelenko very kindly adjusted his schedule to speak with us in just
a moment. Our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre.
A psychopath started this.
He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin.
I'm a doctor for f***'s sake.
Where the hell do you think I learned that?
I'm just saying.
You go to treatment before you kill people.
I am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals.
Let's just deal with what's real.
We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time. Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat. If you
have trouble, you can't stop and you want to help stop it, I can help. I got a lot to say. I got a
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So Dr. Zelenko is a Ukrainian-American family physician known for promoting drug combinations,
particularly hydroxychloroquine, zinc, azithromycin,
as part of COVID early treatment. He was nominated for the Presidential Medal of Freeman,
a Nobel Freedom, a Nobel Prize, and was recognized as a hero at a U.S. Senate Homeland Security
Committee meeting. And of course, like anyone who spoke up during this pandemic, he's had his
share of critics as well. We thought it'd be interesting to check back in
with Dr. Zelenko.
So let's bring him in here.
Dr. Zelenko, welcome back.
Dr. Hey, so nice to see you, Jeff.
You as well.
First and foremost, how is your health?
Dr. Actually, I feel very well.
I had recurrence again and it was inoperable.
I had radiation and I couldn't tolerate chemo anymore he gave me heart failure and bone marrow
suppression and so I didn't have too many options so I went to Europe for two
months to get experimental immunotherapy which was based on checkpoint inhibitors but also um not typical allopathic means uh hyperthermia
therapy whole body focused and il2 induced by the way that's quite an experience to have 105 fever
for four hours you don't need much good does not sound like it doesn't sound like they used to do
they used to do that to clear syphilis, right?
They used to try to induce hyperthermia, and it worked sometimes.
Is that why I'm feeling better?
Is that what you're saying?
It was to clear the neurosyphilis.
The neurosyphilis got cleared.
But to your point, just so people know, the checkpoint inhibitors,
essentially your your body
your cancer has developed ways to hide from their immune system and their ways to sort of re-expose
it to your immune system so your own immune system can't attack and where are the recurrences if you
don't mind me asking there's a pulmonary artery uh in the pulmonary artery but in a very inoperable
well they told me that i have more than a 50 chance of dying on the table
third open heart procedure so i said i don't know i don't like them but thank god and you'd already
had that procedure twice twice so wow oh my goodness i have one long let me tell you the good news. Amazing. I don't know. I'm just
that. But so I had to follow up after that treatment. I had a follow up CT PET
and actually showed that the tumor shrunk by a third. And more importantly,
on the PET scan that it was quiet. And so I have another another image
in next week, actually. But you know, I really feel good. I feel
better than I have in a long time. Thank God.
Steve Browning, MD, Amazing. Then, then, again, I just feel
the need to sort of interpret the doctor speak we're getting
into. So what Dr. Lenko is telling us is that his tumor in
his pulmonary artery to the lung that remains, which is a wild tumor to begin with,
and he's had two surgeries on intra-arterial sarcomas,
and this time it's shrunk by a third and it's quiet on PET scan,
meaning it may be dead.
It may be going to shrink even more.
We will pray for that.
Please go ahead.
And I do believe that the heart beats over a hundred thousand times a day
i i really feel that each of those beats is due to the positive energy and prayers that people
have sent in my direction because i know the statistics i should have been dead four years ago
yeah i mean this when i know it sounds like you should have been well when i first heard about
a tumor i'm like oh god oh terrible oh my goodness and he's like yeah i'm gonna get taken out like
that sounds terrible too it's like these are really serious operations and then as i recall
after the second operation then you got covid right yeah so it happened um i was on very
difficult chemo um four different drugs and it threw me, gave me cardiomyopathy, which basically damaged my heart. My EF was 35, which is equivalent to someone who had a major heart attack. And my lungs developed, I got fluid in my lungs, congestive heart failure. So that wasn't fun and um so i was in the hospital they removed the fluid
and i i went on interest which is a heart failure medication and over time thank god you know it
actually improved i'm still on the drug but my heart function is normal but oh my god that's
amazing that's also amazing that That's incredible. Yeah.
But listen, I was off the chemo because I couldn't tolerate it.
And then after three months, my oncologist said, well, let's try something called SUTENT, which is like Gleevec.
It's a type of, how do you say it? It's a targeted therapy.
It was a custom designed drug, uh, tyrosine kinase inhibitor TKs.
But anyway, so that I could tolerate, but then after like a few months, I started feeling
really bad and I went and I got a blood test and my bone marrow was suppressed.
My white count was low. I keep in mind, I did not restrict myself at all.
I have no mask, no gloves.
I've seen patients exposed to COVID like crazy.
Go to my synagogue.
I had no, no, I was just taking prophylaxis
and I was so good for a long time.
But then when my bone marrow got suppressed, I got sick and I really so good for a long time but then when my bone marrow got suppressed I got sick and I
really got sick in my one long both lobes left lung and I ended up in the hospital my oxygen
level was 75 on oxygen and I couldn't get up out of bed they wanted to intubate me put me on a respirator
I said I'd rather die this way uh but with the high dose steroids miraculously I I really turned
around and uh yeah the steroids do work they help anyway I want to tell you I'll share experience
with you I really thought that at that visit I'd be leaving my box and it was pretty amazing that
you know I survived and when I was discharged from the hospital
they wheeled me down in a wheelchair all right and I was waiting
I get emotional. Sure.
I was waiting for my ride.
And it was Lenox Hill Hospital.
And I just felt like the warmth of the sun on my face and a little breeze.
The feeling of ecstasy and pleasure that I experienced at that moment.
You there?
I'm here because I felt something similar to that
when I was sick with COVID too.
Let him finish.
But please, go ahead.
Yeah, it was just such a simple experience
of the warmth of the sun and just to feel the breeze
when I thought
I would be leaving in a box was so great to be alive.
It's amazing actually.
So, you know, I've dodged a lot of bullets and it's not like I don't have my medical
issues still, but I have a very, my attitude is the following that i don't worry about things that i can't
control um i i'm not i don't worry how i'm gonna die i worry how i'm gonna live
and so that's where those are the things i can control and
change and improve so i use my limited energies in that direction
that's that's kind of what i was hoping we would get into today because so much else has already been said.
But I wondered how you philosophically, you've just shared with us how you philosophically deal with your illness.
But how philosophically have you been thinking?
Because you tend to be very spiritual and very thoughtful about what's going on.
What have we been through here
in this country what was this all about how you know the way you were treated and not treated
have you have you do you have a philosophical sort of thought about this whole experience
i've reverse engineered the worst crime in human history but it depends on your tolerance about what I'm about to tell you.
Everything first of all whoever is listening to me please don't believe a word I'm saying.
What I mean by that is, blind faith belongs to God.
With human beings you should trust but definitely verify. And everything
that's being said, I have sources for what I'm saying. Listen, I've survived two years
of intense media abuse for a reason. Because I have evidence for what I say.
Are you going to be able to share the evidence?
Yeah, of course. Be able to tell us the evidence?
Yeah, go ahead.
Go ahead.
Yeah, of course.
I have evidence.
Do you need to get some water?
Go ahead.
Yeah, it could be.
Well, he has one lung, too, and that lung's got a tumor in it
yeah so good time good times and uh people are sending dr blanco their blessings which is what
i know he is appreciative of that he um he just said earlier and if you notice that the he feels
though the prayers that people are doing have made a difference. Also, we're on Rumble today if anybody loses a feed midstream.
We had a little glitch on Facebook because—
No, there was something to do with—that I had to clear first.
I don't think it has anything to do with this, actually.
All right.
What I'm going to do is email or text your wife a PowerPoint that has all the evidence.
And then as I talk or at a later date,
you could share it with everyone. Okay.
All right. We'll do our best.
Okay. I'm just going to go straight into COVID-19 is a weapon of mass murder.
There's nothing national about it.
We have 20 years of patent evidence and 20 years of
peer-reviewed published paper evidence that in detail chronicles how this weapon of mass
murder was constructed. And I'm going to start giving you the details right now. 1998, Ralph Baric, Dr. Ralph Baric, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, funded by the NIH, began research on something called cross-species transmissibility,
which basically meant to take a virus from one species and make it infectious to another species.
Okay, published a paper on it in 1998.
In 1999, he perfected the technique, published a paper on it.
Again, funded by the NIH.
In 2002, Dr. Ralph Barrett got a patent, United States patent,
which his research was funded by the NIH, which described how to take a coronavirus and modify its lethality
to human lung tissue.
I have the patent.
Then there was a lull, because gain-of-function research, which is a cynical term, you know
what gain-of-function research sounds like?
Someone had a stroke, they couldn't walk, they did physical therapy, they regained their
function to walk, gain-of-function.
In reality, what gain-of-function research here means is to take a benign animal virus and make it infectious to human beings and destructive
to human lung tissue and cause blood clots. And that research was made illegal and so it was
outsourced to China. In 2015, Dr. Ralph Baric and Dr. Zheng Li in Wuhan published a paper, found by the NIH,
I don't know if you see a pattern here, where they figured out how to take a bad coronavirus
and make it infectious to human beings.
I have that paper.
So the bomb was completed.
The two steps of the bomb.
One, and by the way, they could have completed it much earlier.
There's a reason why they didn't.
I'll tell you in a minute.
The component of taking a bad coronavirus and infect human beings, it's one.
But so what?
They're not lethal.
And to modify that virus in such a way that it becomes disruptive to humans. The payload becomes lethal.
And so both of those steps were done and combined.
Is the fur and cleavage site part of that modification?
It's two fur and...
Basically, that's how they figured out how to get into the animal virus
into a human cell.
Now, here is the really disturbing part.
In March of 2020, when I basically was in the epicenter of the largest a COVID outbreak in America with no treatment. I saw
a video, MedCram episode 34, Dr. Schultz. And in that video, Dr. Schultz described the use of zinc
ionophores with zinc, specifically hydroxychloroquine, in delivering large amounts of zinc into the cell to inhibit
an enzyme called RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which was essential for some RNA viruses to
replicate. In other words, zinc stopped the virus from spreading. But zinc could not get into the cell,
so it needed another compound
to facilitate its entry into the cell.
So it's like a gun and a bullet.
Zinc is the bullet, and in this case,
hydroxychloroquine was the gun that delivered the bullet.
Now, that paper was published in 2010.
The one thing I didn't realize until three months ago, that it was offered by Dr. Ralph
Same guy.
Yeah, I have this.
I'm going to give it to you.
You can't deny this.
I wouldn't go on national program and just say this.
And so just to process what I just said,
the same, by the way, funded by the NIH,
the same funding and the same person
was involved in every stage of development
of this weapon of mass murder,
and also developed an antidote to diffuse this,
which when doctors like myself
stumbled across that information in a very organized and choreographed fashion,
that information was suppressed, marginalized, vilified, any doctor who
dared to speak about its use was the platform. So it was, and it was,
and the media was all in very unified fashion doing the same thing.
So, and why this information was paid for the,
and the research was paid by the American taxpayer published in 2010.
It belonged to us. It's not like they didn't know. Okay.
So that's the first phase of my research
where is that the the researcher where is he is he around now why didn't he speak up during all this
that's a good question no one's there to talk to him he his name is dr ralph barrick he is
at the university of north carolina Chapel Hill. He's a brilliant guy.
I wish he would go on the media in the last few years and talk about his research.
Well, or at least just, you know, get his position, his opinion on the papers.
Or does he have some other publications that he'd like us to look at or whatever?
You know, where's he at with this?
Of course we have to hear from him.
Weirdly quiet. I'm inviting of course i want to hear from him
all right then look i got red pilled when cuomo
march 27 2020 issued an executive order blocking pharmacies in New York from dispensing hydroxychloroquine.
Now that was a direct attack on me and my practice. Why? Because I was the only one
doing it. And so just imagine from my perspective, I'm in the middle of an inferno of disease.
With God's grace, I figured out something, by the
way, which has now been validated to reduce hospitalization and death with multiple peer
reviewed studies by 85%, meaning if you risk stratify patients, take out the high risk
patients, you treat them early with an antiviral, anti-inflammatory approach,
you virtually eliminate the need for hospitalization.
And it's not me saying it.
By the way, it doesn't have to be hydroxychloroquine.
It could be ivermectin.
It could be EGCG, quercetin, steroids, blood thinners, monoclonal antibodies,
Luvox, colchicine.
We have many, many tools in our armament.
And I found the most effective treatment
is custom tailored to each individual patient.
Because it depends on their history,
depends on their presentation,
depends on their preferences.
And then you kind of put together a treatment approach
that is unique to that patient.
That's what I found the best kind of outcomes.
But, yeah, so when Cuomo blocked access, I couldn't understand it.
And then my patients started dying again because they couldn't get the
Anyway, so I did research again and on the nih server i found a substitute for hydroxychloroquine
which is called quercetin i remember being on your show saying it and you actually wrote it down
and looked it up i remember that uh and what it was then i took it everybody took it. Everybody took it. Yeah, we all took it back then. With the zinc. Can we hear something funny?
And the D.
I did five.
The C.
I did five interviews in Israel about quercetin.
It sold out inside the whole entire country.
Anyway, so what quercetin was, it was a bioflavonoid or a plant derivative.
It's found in onions and apple peels, but more
importantly, it was over the counter. So I remember, I'm getting goosebumps. I remember
like leaning back and saying, you know, I just found the cure to tyranny. Because there are two
reasons why people died from COVID. One was delaying treatment. And two was governmental tyranny by blocking access to life-saving information, life-saving medication.
I kind of agree with it.
I'm wondering what happened to our profession. where we're accustomed to doing the best we can for our patients,
given whatever is available to us at the moment, doing the least harm, right?
Do no harm and try to come up with some improvisation.
But it was so weird that academic medicine, our peers froze in place and were unwilling to do anything.
It was a very weird moment.
What do you think that was?
Well, it's very simple. unwilling to do anything. It was a very weird moment. What do you think that was?
Well, it's very simple.
In the last 20 years, the solo practitioner
or smaller group practices were all acquired
by larger institutions.
Doctors lost their time.
Yeah, that's what I thought too.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
So literally we went from decentralization to centralization.
That's sort of how I think of it.
We used to be decentralized to the best possibly trained individual practitioner and an
informed, motivated patient. And now we've taken all the decision making,
moved it back up to the bureaucracy. And people are afraid to do anything
outside of the quote, clinical pathways.
And the pathways are set by bureaucrats, or people higher up. And if doctors
deviated from them
they were fired or sanctioned or i think that's right i think that's right i didn't know that
was happening until this outbreak and i was i was stunned to see the behavior change it was like
what you don't yeah i never practiced in a time when people looked at patients and said uh go home
come back when you're sick.
That's just the craziest thing in the world to me
that they would say, sorry, there's things we could do,
but we're not allowed to.
Just go home.
Go home, and when your PO2 drops below 80, let us know,
which was already too late.
That's right.
It's tragic. There's so much unnecessary death that we've witnessed. Anyway, so I found the substitute and I just open sourced all that information and people
started doing better again. Because now I could say, Drew, go to the vitamin shop, pick
it up at the prescription or whatever, and were getting care in the right time frame and then all the academic malfeasance and fraud started
i'll go through three studies that are very important that kind of set the paradigm for
everything there was a study that was came out in april uh from the va VA in Virginia that study said show that
hydroxychloroquine kills people the only problem with that study was it was done
on patients in the ICU on respirators for at least 17 days yeah yeah yeah
is it logical to take and I I agree maybe it did kill people in that setting. But I was never advocating for it to use there.
I was advocating day two or three of the illness. You can't
make that extrapolation.
The second study to be fair to them, to be fair to them before
you go to the second one that that's typical of how we do Oh,
look at that. Susan, take a look. Oh,
it's a golden do that guy. Oh. Oh. Oh. It's a golden doodle.
Look at that guy.
That is cute.
Male or female?
Oh, boy.
His name is Mishka, which means in Russian, teddy bear.
Oh, he's so funny.
But to put a brighter light on that first study,
that's sort of typical of how research is done with so-called new medication usually you take a medication to study it and you first study it in
hopeless cases essentially like you know somebody uh you know has tried everything true you know
sort of um at the standard of care for a cancer and they want to try this new medication at the
very end of the line that's when they'll try it. That's sort of how oncology research done is in any event.
This was a medicine that was being used at the time around the world,
and it was sort of weird for them to treat it
as though it was some unknown medicine
that had to be used at the last stages.
That was sort of a weird choice, but we do that.
Okay, so that was the first study.
The second study was the recovery trial, uh, sponsored by Oxford university.
And this one was a good one.
Uh, 27 patient percent of patients with the hydroxychloroquine died.
And that's pretty, there's one little detail.
They use 2,400 milligrams a day of hydroxychloroquine when the recommended
dose was 400, in other words,loroquine when the recommended dose was 400.
In other words, they use six times the recommended dose, or in other words, they prove that if you poison people, the homicidal and lethal dosing, they die.
And then the third,
oh, this was the best.
Um, the Lancet publishes a study, also in New England Journal of Medicine.
It's a meta-analysis of 96,000 patients that hydroxychloroquine kills patients.
Immediately, the World Homicide Organization issues a global moratorium on research and use of hydroxychloroquine.
And the only problem with that study was that it was fraud.
And in the biggest scandal in the history of medicine and peer-reviewed science,
The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine had to retract that study by Surgisphere for fraud.
That study was worth less than used toilet paper.
And Surgisphere was, what was their, they were like a vote, what were they, a political organization?
I forget what their original, they don't do medical research, Surgisphere.
Why they got involved was weird too, right?
I don't know, but I know their executive assistant was a porn star.
That's right.
I remember that.
That's right.
I forgot that.
Now, now, now it gets really interesting.
So when president Trump said that he wants hydroxychloroquine made available to every
American, that task was given to Azar, Secretary Azar, who gave it over to Rick Bright, who
was the head of BARDA, which is a division of the Health and Human Services.
They were involved in biomedical research, bioweapons medical research and vaccine development,
which is interesting two capabilities. Anyway, and so this is on video. There's a documentary called
Totally Under Control, which I was in. And in the segment before that, Rick Bright, in his own words, brags what he did. He said the following. He and his team did
not agree with President Trump's order to make hydroxychloroquine available to every
American. And so they figured out a very clever way. They were supposed to use the right to
try legislation championed by Senator Ron Johnson to open the national stockpile of hydroxychloroquine,
which that's another question. Why would the government of the United States stockpile
hydroxychloroquine if it's so dangerous? And they were supposed to open it up and make
it available to every American. What they did was issue an emergency use authorization only for hospitalized patients, if you remember that.
And what that did,
it sent the message to every single doctor in this country,
myself included, that it seemed that you could only use it
in the hospital setting.
But in reality, all it did was open up
the national stockpile of hydroxychloroquine to
hospitals but it did not restrict doctors like you and me to use it in the
outpatient setting but the net effect was the following that all the hospital
institutions and all the larger employers of doctors took it to mean
that way and issued restrictions to their doctors not
to use it in outpatient settings.
So effectively that emergency use authorization destroyed any possibility, practically speaking,
of using hydroxychloroquine in the outpatient setting, which was the exact opposite of what
President Trump had ordered. that's all documented by the way in the words of the of the perpetrators now it gets even better
and so okay it keeps going all right i'm ready instead uh in the lance of paper was retracted
was published and retracted in may 2020 in in June of 2020, the FDA revokes the
emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine, even for the hospital setting. And if you
look at their document for the rationale, look at the footnotes 32, it actually tells you they quote the lancet paper that had been retracted for fraud right
after retraction as the basis for revoking the emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine
what what do you think this all was that had everyone going in this particular direction
around a medication.
You could argue whether it was effective, but it was a medicine you and I have used for 35 years at least,
and that's used in Africa every single day.
And the surges fear scandal was part of that.
Why the rush, the breathless rush to go this one direction?
What was that? that was motivated by something
it was motivated reasoning at at best what well how do we understand that that's the stuff uh in
the early part of this pandemic that i found so mysterious you can't why we're not looking at that
well you would tell me in a second i second maybe not but but why and then the my
other question is why are we not really examining all this carefully so we don't do stuff like this
again why isn't somebody at least on a psychological social psychology level looking at these things
and going what happened what was that what went wrong let me just start with your hypothesis
okay people people people will hear you
speak. Trust me, it's not closing the door is not going to
keep your word from getting out. You're on a stream just to be
just a weird so we're clear. And by the way, I'm reading the
Wikipedia and surges fear. It's crazy when you really read about
it. Super crazy.
So, so listen, if you look at Australia and in the province of New South Wales, as of today,
any doctor that prescribes a droxix or ivermectin, for that matter, in the treatment of COVID-19
goes to jail for six months.
And the government tells you why. It says it because
it encourages vaccine hesitancy.
Oh, interesting.
So let me translate that. I want to translate that for you. They're not denying
it works. On the contrary, it works. And what happens is doctors that help their patients in the right way, they get better.
When patients get better, they say, well, why do I need to take the vaccine?
And they probably encourage other people, their family, not to take it. There is plenty of room in that construct for public health officials to talk about hybrid immunity and duration of natural immunity and to still be encouraging the vaccine if that's what they wish to do.
Having had natural infection does not change the diathesis that much.
It changes it.
The patient may change their ideas a little bit, but the public health position could still be, no, no, no no we really want you to get hybrid immunity to be sure we push this thing down as
far as possible reasonable they can do that but to weird I know that's the weird part that's the the excess well let me let me ask you this um the what's for some reason to me um
the whole world situation sort of goes this way in a weird way i mean what was going on in canada
seemed bizarre to me and now what's going going on in the Ukraine is bizarre to me.
Do you have a way of understanding all these things?
I do.
But it will take a little...
It's a very complex puzzle.
And I'm not going to tell you what the puzzle looks like.
I'm going to give you the puzzle pieces
and let you figure it out.
So there are,
there's psychological warfare.
And it's well known that if you
induce a chronic anxiety or fear state
and you isolate someone from the people
they love and you dehumanize them by putting a face diaper on what's going to
happen for the majority of people is they're going to psychologically
decompensate and when they call it mass psychosis when people psychologically
decompensate they get damaged they get they get hurt, they become vulnerable, gullible, and very easy to manipulate.
And the whole purpose of this artificially made weapon of, really it's a weapon of
fear, let's say, was to create global fear and then to use that global fear to
manipulate the behavior of large numbers of human beings.
And I'm going to have to start building... Everything I'm saying is verifiable, so
I'm going to start building the puzzle for you. In 2010, Bill Gates had a TED lecture. Anyone can just Google TED, Gates, 2010 population control.
Bill Gates gave a presentation and said the following.
Most people know about this.
He said that the biggest threat to the planet is global warming.
The biggest cause of global warming is carbon emissions.
The biggest source of carbon emissions is human beings.
And therefore we need to reduce the world population by 10 to 15 percent, that's a billion people more than and how
we're going to do that is through the use of accidents.
Okay, the same Bill Gates in 2020 said seven billion people must be vaccinated. It's also on video, it's not me saying.
So I'm going to ask a rhetorical question.
I don't need an answer.
Why would I take a vaccine for my health that is being financed and advocated for by someone
who wants to reduce the world population?
In 2016, Klaus Schwab from the World Economic Forum gave a very bizarre interview on a French media platform.
I have the interview. It's in subtitles.
And he said, and I quote, that within 10 years, by 2026, every single human being will be tagged with a digital identifier.
What does that mean? I forget about the purpose of it, but how do you
get seven billion people to willingly volunteer to get tagged with a digital
identifier? I don't know. No one understood it at the time.
Okay, now here's some facts. If you look at the World Economic Forum, which is really, they have schooled most of the
world leaders right now.
For example, Trudeau, Macron, Ardern, Morrison, and many other world leaders.
What was her name?
Angela Merkel.
Even Bill Gates himself was a graduate of that school.
So it's not like they're without influence, the world economic
and if you look at their agenda and their website, it's right up there. The first two tax goals,
the 2030 agenda, which is now the 2030 UN agenda, is that number one, America will no longer be a
superpower. Number two, a few nations will govern the world globally. Verified? Take a look.
So my question is, how do you take the world's most powerful economy and military and human
history and in a matter of a few years remove its superpower status? Well, I have a way.
How about this?
You shut down the economy and perpetrate the biggest theft
of middle-class wealth in history.
What do I mean?
Well, over a million small businesses closed
and the larger corporations picked up their market share
and the valuation skyrocketed.
Why? Because it was very dangerous to go to the local grocery store, but it was safe to go to Walmart.
It was very dangerous to buy a hammer at the local hardware store, but it was inflation to such a rate and devalue the American dollar that
last week Saudi Arabia announced that it's going to shift its reliance on United States
dollar or petrodollars and move towards the digital yuan, which is China's new cryptocurrency. Number three, a national debt of over $30
trillion. But that, okay, we can, you know, we kind of could manage, but what's going
to tip the scale?
We don't know. We don't know if we'll be able to handle it or not. That's interesting. Well, we have to manage, but there's a reason.
In 2026, according to congressional data,
Medicare will become insolvent.
We'll begin to go bankrupt.
Now, if you remember in 2008, the housing crisis,
that globalized within a week.
What happened in America just went global.
And most likely the same thing is going to happen when the Medicare system begins to fall and our markets begin to become unstable.
You know, they're saying never let a good crisis go to waste. And so, wait a minute, 2026, one second,
isn't that when Klaus Schwab said according to his vision that uh that will be
the year that seven billion people attacked with a digital identifier okay now i have to give you
two very important patents uh before and one of them you're going to look at me like i'm nuts
but i challenge you drew to read it and then debate me because I've challenged
everyone and no one has dared to come and
Disagree with my analysis or interpretation the only people that have made noise called me a conspiracy theorist
And when I talk to them, I saw that they didn't read the
It's a 96 patent, which I have the number, which I'll forward to you.
Actually, I can do it by now.
That describes what's in these vaccines.
It's 50 pages, very complex nanotechnology engineering.
And it describes the following.
These vaccines contain on a nanoscale the capability to measure
biometric data, heart rate, respiratory rate, and temperature. And more importantly, it
has the infrastructure on the nanoscale to transmit that information with your location to a third party.
There's a patent that describes it. I didn't come up with it.
United States Patent published August, approved August 31st, 2021.
Number two, there's another patent. This one I remember by heart. It's owned by Microsoft. It's an international patent. The number is WO2020-06-06-06. And that patent describes the linkage of biometric data transmission to cryptocurrency.
I'll give you the patent also.
I know you're smart and I know you don't believe you verify
everything. So I really do. I beg you to please review.
I want to read it. I'm interested in reading it.
Now to understand what's really going on. Let's take a look at China. The CCP, the Chinese
Communist Party controls the central bank in China. A central bank in China just issued a digital currency,
digital yuan.
I mentioned it earlier.
Then what they did was they made illegal all other cryptos.
So now the only way to transact financially in China
is to use a government-controlled system.
Then what they did, this is happening already,
it's in place.
They connected the social credit score system
that they have to the cryptocurrency system.
And so what that means is the following.
You don't need a gulag anymore
to put a bullet into someone's head.
If you don't like or you view them
as a threat, all you need to do really is shut off their ability to transact, to buy food for their
family. So that's a very useful, efficient control mechanism. What's happened in China is a dry run
for what's going to happen globally in the vision of the World Economic Forum.
The operative word here is economic because there's already the foundation being laid for global cryptocurrencies.
Now, in 2026, when the Medicare collapses, there's going to be a tremendous amount of financial turbulence. That's going to be used as a catalyst to transition the world economies to a one world global
cryptocurrency controlled by a few global powers.
And here's the kicker.
In order to participate in that global cryptocurrency, you will have to be a transmitter of biometric
So let me play out a scenario for you. You need to buy bread, you go online,
your local store, you order bread, you need to pay for it. So forget about Apple Pay,
credit cards, or fiat currency money, paper money. All you need to do is scan your hand on a sensor. Your biometrics are transmitted.
Probably a few minutes later, a drone delivers the bread. It's kind of cool. Except what
if I don't want to be a transmitter of biometric data? What if I don't want my location known
24-7? What if I don't want my inner temperament, which we can figure out by measuring biometrics,
known to whoever?
Well, then I'll be excluded from a system of cryptocurrency transactions.
I'm sure there'll be a black market, but that's not the point.
What if the government doesn't like me?
I know they don't.
You know what they're going to do?
They're going to restrict or
shut off my ability to do transactions.
It's a control mechanism.
Let's look. I have all this evidence.
It's a puzzle piece that I thought I needed to show you.
But let's look at the population control component.
In October 2020, FDA had an internal presentation to its scientists.
And on slide 16 in that presentation, it wasn't meant to be released, but it got leaked.
There's a slide that shows all the side effects that they
were expecting with these vaccines. Now, that's two months prior to the release of the rollout.
So what, the FDA has prophetic powers? And now we have a year of data, a little bit more,
15 months of data. And what does that data show? Both the Eurovigilance database and the VAERS database, that there's a 100% correlation
with what the prophetic FDA said would happen in terms of side effects to actually what human beings experience and report it to these systems.
Both the European system and the American system.
So there's a term for that,
when you have 100% correlation.
It's called premeditated first degree murder,
crimes against humanity in genocide.
And how, and let's look what these vaccines do.
FDA said it was gonna do it.
Well, there's a percentage of people that die relatively soon after being vaccinated, usually
due to blood clot induced heart attacks or strokes.
There's a percentage of people, young adults, young males, who get myocarditis.
Miscarriage rates have jumped in the first trimester significantly.
That's even according to the Department of Defense data that just got released.
They said by 300%.
And then there is a huge spike of these weird cancers that we used to not see,
especially in young adults.
There's a spike in autoimmune diseases. There's ovarian and testicular dysfunction. By the way, there
was a bio distribution study leaked, a Pfizer study from Japan. And the lie that we were
told was when you get the inoculation, it stays at the site of the shot. What that study
showed is that it actually goes to every organ system and the number
one organ system that it gathers in is the ovaries.
And it causes infertility, by the way.
That's even according to the FDA's own predictions.
So it's actually a very effective tool for population control.
Some people die right away.
Some people's lifespans will be decreased because of chronic illness, cancer, and autoimmune disease.
It causes miscarriages and causes infertility.
It's amazing, actually, as a weapon to control the population.
Could that be why Bill Gates was so adamant about people taking it? One thing it
doesn't do is protect you from COVID-19. Look at the Israeli data. Israel is the most humanized
country in the world, especially from the perspective of four, three shots and probably
two shots as well. And according to Israeli funeral directors, which was just published last month
in an Israeli newspaper called Haaretz, they're saying that they're seeing a 10x increase in death,
so much so that they can't give everyone a proper burial, and also mostly young people.
And so the question is, why did I? So the official government narrative is Omicron. Oh, really? And why isn't anyone
else dying from Omicron? You know, even in South Africa when it started, doctors were
able to manage it. Now it's true that Omicron is much more infectious, even than measles.
But we found that it only affects the upper airway. It doesn't in most cases. It doesn't cause the damage to the lungs that we saw,
the original COVID strains.
Most people have a bad cold or flu, but they get over it.
The question is why are Israelis dying from it?
They are. Well, there's another possibility,
and especially the ones that had multiple shots.
What if I tell you I have dozens of peer-reviewed papers that And especially the ones that had multiple shots.
So what if I tell you I have dozens of peer reviewed papers that document how these vaccines
damaged the innate immune system?
They suppress T cell function, natural killer cell function, and actually they suppress
tumor suppressant. So I know, I know, thank you for turning my mic back on, Susan.
I know that people are concerned about that people have been
looking at that stuff. So more data will be revealed is it take
me to the where you're going with this? What's the what were
you taking us?
So everything I just said tells in comparison
to what really is going on.
If you listen to the words
of the people that have organized this,
they say the following.
These vaccines change who you are.
That's what Bill Gates said. And that's what Klaus Schwab said. What does that mean? And they explain. Through gene editing. What?
So it turns out that mRNA is a wonderful platform to deliver CRISPR-Cas9 technology. Look it
up. You'll see tons of papers on it.
What that means is the following to the public. When the human genome was sequenced, we figured
out much of which genes correlate to what traits and what functions. And then there
was developed a technology called CRISPR-Cas9, which allows for gene editing, which allows
for a human being to splice out a segment of a genetic code of a person and splice in
at will another segment.
Now, it may have good medical applications, let's say, such as Huntington's disease. It's a terminal disease
and there's no treatment for it. But we can, in theory, cut out that defective gene and splice in
a healthy gene. But it also could be used in not so nice ways. For example, everyone has tumor
suppressor genes. What if I splice into one of those and then disrupt it?
I've just taken off the brakes for cancer.
So how do you get the reverse transcriptase to get the RNA to turn into
That's a question that I ask.
We don't have that in ourselves.
I know.
By the way,
you know how viruses they
come into your cells with the code for the enzymes that they need to replicate
so RNA dependent RNA polymerase is part of the genome of viruses the virus
itself I asked that question as
well. But there is evidence that within six hours of injection of mRNA into a person,
that there is already integration into the DNA of the person. So there must be a reverse transcript
component here. And the question is, where does it come from?
My hypothesis, I have no proof for it, is actually encoded in the genetic code of the vaccine that is being injected.
It's coming, it's being delivered with it.
Now, so I summarize the following.
I know this is a little, I'm pushing consciousness
awareness here, and I know the majority of people can't process this and most likely
will disregard what I said or call me something like crazy, but that's okay. I've been called
crazy for the last two years and everything that I've said has actually been unfortunately proven right.
And so there's a population control component to this. There's a surveillance and slavery, literally control and slavery,
slavery mechanism in it.
And there's a gene editing component to that.
And then I want you to learn about someone.
His name is Yuval Noah Harari.
Yuval Noah Harari is one of the most dangerous people on the planet he's from I actually agree with you I've shared the I've shared the
I've shared the podium with him before his field his uh well he was pushing on addiction if I
remember I'm making sure it's that guy um was uh or is this the guy that wrote Sapiens? Yeah. You wrote Sapiens or a different guy? I think
different guy.
He is a professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. And he
wrote a bunch of books. Obama on CNN called him his favorite author. He has influenced, he's called a prophet
by Klaus Schwab, Zuckerberg, Gates, and he speaks at the World Economic Forum every year.
And just to give you some tidbits of the things he says is the following. Humans
are hackable animals. And if you can hack into an animal, you could re-engineer that
animal. But not with intelligent design. But not with some god above the clouds intelligent design but by human intelligent design
there's no such thing as soul there's no such thing as free will
so then he says we're entering a new era this covid19 crisis will be remembered as
the transition to 24 77 surveillance through the implantation
under your skin, biometric sensors, any such unbelievable what the previous tyrants and
despots like the Gestapo and the Nazis and Stalin wanted to do, a few corporations and
governments are now able to actualize.
And in the audience, you see Biden and Klaus Schwab and all these generous clap like this.
I'll send you all of it.
You just have to look at it with an open mind
all right well um let's step back from that and tell me why that is so um
i'm trying to think of a good word um use the word degenerate but why it's such a violation
of your basic philosophical principles in other words i i feel like it's not just about
for you being controlled or not controlled you mentioned a couple things such as free will and
soul i i'm guessing this has a deeper concern for you and i'm wondering if you could express that
because because because even if it's true or not true there's a philosophical issue here that people rarely talk about which is sort of the direction we're going uh and i'm suspicious and
you've you've at the beginning of this conversation you talked about how your
your how prayers have been helpful for you how your spiritual connection was so meaningful to you
how the joy of being alive was so deeply meaningful to you. How is this a violation?
Forget the truth or untruth of it.
How this direction is such a violation for you.
There's a few axioms.
If you remember, whenever you were in college,
especially in science classes,
they would come in and give you a few axioms in the beginning.
And they'll say, well, upon these principles,
we're going to derive theories.
And they don't really prove the axioms, but they use them as building blocks. And then the theories work. So we assume they're true. I'm going to give you a few axioms. God exists. He's good.
And he makes us every instant in time so we're never alone.
He gives us two unique gifts that are uniquely his, which is consciousness and free will.
And we're given a finite number of years to live.
And during those finite number of years, we can choose to serve the Creator or not. And we can
also choose to connect the infinite and the eternal through
choices that we make. So being able to choose is a godly gift that is not meant to be taken away by any other individual.
And it sounds like, I get that. embedded in some of those concerns is an injunction against,
well, an injunction to pay attention to humility.
Because to have the kind of grandiose sense of self-importance,
above all, uber alice,
I'm guessing that you would argue
the humility is something that's sort of
missing in all this.
Well, actually, what
Harari said was, we have
now the power to become God.
what I'm seeing is the following.
I'm seeing... That always goes well
when humans do things like that.
You know, Dostoevsky and Nietzsche both predicted the carnage of the 20th century.
And for the same reason, they saw during their lifetimes, millennia of moral values, good or bad, but they were built on experience and some religious principles thrown out. And then the attempt was made to replace those moral values, but rationally
derived human construct. They said the arrogance of that statement to take two years, I mean, 2000 years of evolution
of human civility or society, and to think that in one or two generations, you can reconstruct
it through the use of reason and human logic.
They predicted that that's going to lead to the absolute moral destruction of the foundation of society and will
lead to the mass murder of hundreds of millions of people and and yet in our lifetime i feel like
we've i feel like we've seen two waves of humans stepping up and going ah we figured it out i
remember in the 60s and 70s, everything that came before is meaningless
and we've now figured it out.
And I thought we learned that in one generation.
I guess you're right.
In Russia, it came a hundred years ago.
Same kind of nonsense,
which is we have now figured out the truth
and everything that came before is adulterated and evil.
And on we go.
And whenever I hear those, obviously I'm being a little hyperbolic in how I express it,
but whenever I hear things like that, I shudder.
I feel like we're within, you know, what has it been, 40, 50 years,
we're in another wave of that kind of thinking right now. You know, what they call the new world order is a rebranding of the oldest world
order of idolatry, paganism, and child sacrifice.
These aren't evolved thinkers.
These are devolved pagans who worship themselves.
And by the way, the most interesting thing is they don't believe in God
and they don't believe in afterlife.
So they don't want to die.
They have a problem, though.
We live in a body that has a limited lifespan.
So what they're actively working on, if you listen to people like Ray Kurzweil
and this Harari guy, have actually spent the last 30 years
working on a platform,
a hybrid platform of inorganic and organic construct, a humanoid
that will, with AI, where they believe they can down on human consciousness.
This is literally what they're working on.
And so then they found eternal life we believe
because you can have a series of bodies forever you can get a new newer model and just be
downloaded that's why people like Walt Disney have themselves frozen I I like the idea better of uh
I I liked being John malkovich's uh construct of how that would work better than i
like this uh inorganic organic wedding um yeah it's uh yeah it's a lot to sort of uh interesting
stuff to kind of think about and it violates some of the basic um sensibilities that i think you
have and i and i want to maybe dig Dostoevsky a little bit further.
But first, I want to ask you, as a Ukrainian,
how do you feel about what's going on over there?
Do you have any connections? Are you okay?
What's all going on with that?
Well, actually, I was born in Kiev.
I have acquaintances, some family, and actually in both places.
And it's a very interesting situation.
First of all, my observation is that Putin had cured COVID. Because overnight, two years of unrelenting media coverage about
It just stopped overnight.
Stopped overnight.
Whether you cured it or not, it went away. And all we hear in a global choreographed way is Russia, Putin bad, Ukraine good.
So the way I in general figure out what true is with this, I listened to CNN and I just
believe the opposite. And so, and listen, I know Putin is not a boy scout.
And by the way, disclaimer, my name is Vladimir Zelensky.
The president of Ukraine is Vladimir Zelensky.
We're not the same person.
Stop emailing me or sending me bad messages.
I did not start anything.
I'm not joking.
So, look, I really think, you know who the culprit here is?
Why do I say that?
Well, they've encouraged uh nato to recruit the ukraine and then when you recruit
the ukraine you move nato forces closer to the russian border it's really analogous to the cuban
yeah they they poked the russian bear and how about putting 17 bioweapons labs in the Ukraine?
Yeah, more to be revealed on that.
I'm anxious to hear what that is all about and what's going on there.
I'm going to interrupt you real quick, if you don't mind.
Hold that thought.
I've got to take a little break here very, very quick.
I also have some people that want to ask you some questions.
I want to get to that.
So give me just two minutes here here and we'll be right back and i know you've been very kind and with your time and i'm going to try to be respectful of getting you
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We're here with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko,
and we're talking about the situation in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.
And Reuters just reported something,
I think, encouraging.
Ukrainian forces, oh no, that wasn't what it was.
It says Russians are falling back.
But it said that Russia's main goal is Donbass,
suggesting scaled-back ambitions,
which is good, I hope.
Even though, you know,
it doesn't affect this construct you were talking about.
Did you want to finish that thought you had?
And then, Caleb, I'm going to have you ask your question
as soon as Dr. Zinko finishes his thought.
So I think the Russia-Ukraine conflict, in part,
was instigated for several reasons.
But one of them is to deflect attention from a failed attempt to
accomplish the agendas that I mentioned to you earlier.
Because instead of 7 billion people, they got 3 billion people.
And so there's going to be, right now by way of analogy, we're looking at two months before
the end of World War II.
The Nazis are scrambling, trying to hide, trying to create excuses and plausible deniability.
We were just taking orders, whatever, blame others.
Because once things settle down a little bit, there's going to be a lust for vengeance.
And they're going to be, I don't know if Nuremberg trials or Haig or military tribunals or whatever,
but vigilantes.
But there's a group of people that are really now scared for themselves because we know
who they are,
and they were very vocal about it.
And they created all this fear and all this chaos,
obstructed life-saving medications,
and really did everything in their power
to maximize carnage.
So if I'm hearing you,
if I'm cutting through the,
you know, you've given us a lot of information,
a long story
but it sounds like here at the end you're you're somewhat hopeful you feel like the the people are
aware that there's okay oh and so that's i like to hear it yeah oh i think we're in the verge of a
wondrous uh revelation of truth the only variable here is the body
until we get there.
Do you have a time frame for this?
Oh my God.
Is it like we're on the verge of something good?
Is it the fourth turning,
as that one book suggests?
I think,
again, I'm going to speak now theologically.
I mean, I think we're on the verge of a messianic transition where, as the prophet says, the knowledge of God will fill the world as the waters cover the seas.
The true narrative will come out. You know, I think God is giving every single individual the following choice.
Because we have, as a society, really have made some really bad choices for a long time.
For example, this is going to be controversial, so what?
Well, nothing you've said so far is controversial, so.
We've desecrated anything that has any type of sanctity, whether marriage, gender, life itself.
The slaughtering of the unborn in a discriminant way.
We've normalized debauchery. I recently read there was a transvestite dressed in drag that came to read stories to children,
six, six year old.
Now listen, people can live with any way they want.
I don't care.
But when you begin to impose that type of those choices on my children, when I have
a different value structure, then that's when the problem begins.
And so, in my opinion, this society has turned into what's analogous to Sodom and Gomorrah.
We've normalized immorality into the law of the land. It's a very convenient way of saying, God, we don't want you here. We have our own laws.
But anyway, so I think that we're being given a choice.
And here's the choice.
And you can't sit this one out, you can't sit on the fence.
And if you don't make a choice, you're making a choice anyway to fall into camp.
Who do you believe in?
Who do you put your trust in?
Who do you believe in? Who do you put your trust in? Who do you bow down to?
You bow down to your creator
who makes you every instant of time out of love?
And do you ask him for the fortitude
to deal with the uncertainty
and fears associated with living?
Or do you let that fear lead you astray
into a cultish codependency on sociopathic oligarchs and corrupt
government that's it that's interesting yeah even just turning away from some of the um the human
deficiencies uh is already sort of progress because the the certitude the
hubris we were talking i brought up humility a while ago to you uh let me ask well caleb
why don't you ask your question dr zelenko uh yes um so i i've read some stuff recently and i don't
know how much i believe it because i'm not a scientist but i've read certain theories about something called graphene oxide being in the vaccines that the
goal is to use it and somehow to turn living humans into nodes for 5g and create a global
mesh network so is this connected to what you were talking about earlier or have you seen any
evidence of this in your research please no i mean i mean that's what I've read, and it seemed like that connected to what you were saying
in the patent
that I described about
the technology
that's in these
vaccines, it's
kind of related to that.
it's not like the vaccines, they don't even have a power source themselves. It's not of related to that. And it's not like the vaccines,
they don't even have a power source themselves.
It's not like they transmit,
but everyone carries a phone.
And I don't even know how it's gonna be done,
but I could tell you the following.
Historically, who was the most powerful entity in the world?
It was he who controlled the sea lanes.
The sea lanes were the pathways for basically energy,
the word transmission, or sending oil to one place or another to do business globally,
And that's why the United States Navy is so big.
It protects the sea lanes from piracy.
Well in the future, the next threshold is low orbit satellite networks, which we are actively now setting up.
And it's a Skynet system.
And so he who controls the low orbit space really controls the future.
Guess what President Trump formed under his presidency?
A new branch of the military, remember?
Space Force, right.
Know what it was called?
Space Force.
There's a reason why it was formed,
because there's now gonna be a power struggle
below orbit space to control this network.
So obviously this network interrelates
to some type of global interconnectivity
and one world governance, one world communication
system and cryptocurrency.
How it works, there's a 5G, everyone goes nuts.
You know what 5G is?
All it is, is they use shorter wavelengths.
And so you need an antenna, essentially every block.
Whereas in the past, 4G systems they used
these big antennas they would be maybe miles apart they would triangulate and
so you kind of could know where someone was in the general vicinity now with the
5G having antennas everywhere you could raise a precision actually know where
anyone is all the time if they're connected to that.
So I don't care about the 5G, that means nothing.
But the fact is that they have now narrowed in and increased the resolution of being able
to pinpoint anything.
And so, I mean, I'm not a, and so I don't actually fully believe that.
I don't know if that's actually true.
I just was wondering if that's connected to what you were saying earlier about this ultimate goal of interconnecting people onto this global cryptocurrency and being able to track them.
Is that what you're saying, is that it's through something that they're secretly putting in people?
So you know how you use ways yes but
ways to tell you that you have 10 000 people next to you connected using it and they'll tell you
where the police are everything is interconnected they know where you are you know where they are
right and that's all from an external device but that technology is being scaled down
onto very small levels
and can literally be injected under the skin.
And so, right.
The other part of the question too
is that whenever I start going down this path
and starting to ask these questions
and wonder these things,
it starts to turn into a question in my mind
of how many people would have
to be in on this giant plan and also be keeping it secret like how many doctors how many politicians
how many people in the military would have to be rolling this out this very expensive plot
how many people would have to not keeping it secret they aren't keeping the thing they're not
they're not keeping it secret the nature of't keeping it secret. That's the thing. They're not keeping it secret.
The nature of evil is very interesting.
They tell you, they brag about what they do.
For example, Hitler wrote Mein Kampf years before he took power.
You just have to learn how to listen and pay attention.
That's why I don't want to get into the details of what is and is not the case,
but think more philosophically.
That's why what you were saying about Dostoevsky sort of interested me.
I mean, are you talking about the Grand Inquisitor,
Ivan's testimonial from the Grand Inquisitor?
And, right.
And essentially what that is, it's in the Brothers Karamazov, and I cannot recommend you read that strongly enough.
You get a sense of how Russians think, for one thing.
But in the middle of it, there is this huge exposition by one of the brothers, essentially telling a story where Jesus is imprisoned and the grand inquisitor comes in
and says so you're the great Jesus Christ you're nothing and he goes on to have this philosophical
discussion what if you are actually that guy I have you in prison right now what are you going
to do about it sort of and he really puts he's it's really a investigation and and uh dr uh zlensky tell um um zelenko sorry i see why people
make that mistake it's it's a it's a brain function but uh is really a story of moral
relativism right isn't that really what the story is about yeah is there an absolute truth or or is
everything relative if everything's relative, then what makes
your value structure better than mine? You know what? Survival of the fittest. If my
value structure allows me to step on your head, then it's better. That's it. Essentially,
that's the Nazis killed 40 of my relatives. But who am I to say that was bad? I mean,
I didn't like it. i don't like it but
if there's no absolute right or wrong so they did it they were able to do it and pull it up
and in their society yeah and i think whether you you know whether you're a moral relativist or you
you know whatever we think about virtue uh philosophy i think we all prefer
to live in a world that's as loud as it could possibly be we we'd all prefer to live in the
world that you're talking about it just seems better and we have uh thousands of years of
scripture that sort of suggests the human stories have been telling us that it's kind of better
and that uh we really haven't figured it out all over again.
And it's weird to me that...
Go ahead.
It's really much more simpler than... It's not complicated.
According to our scripture, I think everyone will agree,
we are all descendants of Noah and his family.
He had Adam, he populated the world.
Then God got really pissed with him and he made a flood, cleaned the house.
Only Noah, his wife, three sons, and three daughters-in-law were left.
And from them issued out all of the evidence.
So in reality, we are all brothers and sisters descending
from Noah and his family. The reason why I bring this up is that Noah was given seven
laws which in my opinion are relevant in every time and every place. What are those laws?
They'll resonate in your ears because it's actually common sense in many ways and some things that you probably grew up with.
Number one, you should believe in one God. Number two, you shouldn't worship false gods.
Those are the between you and God. Then three, four and five are the following.
Don't steal, don't murder, don't commit adultery.
And that's logical because how can you have stable society
if you don't respect life, property,
and marital boundaries?
Number six is to establish courts of justice
that are interested in enforcing the rule of law.
Number seven is the most interesting to me,
is not to eat of a limb of an animal
while the animal is living.
In other words, this is how it's explained,
that everything was created for our use.
It doesn't mean you have to torture and abuse you know how
much pain you wouldn't core animal cruelty right yeah I'd into a living animal right I do that the
way I interpret that is respect God's creation and his creature well there's another there's
another layer that from my perspective which is don't be animalistic because that's what animals do. They eat each other raw, whatever, whatever. So, well, listen, let's, uh, leave it with the
injunctions to Noah. Uh, we really, uh, again, appreciate your spending time with us, Susan,
anything before I let Dr. Zelenko go? No, I'm good. Uh, we want to talk about a Z-stack.
Oh, your, Oh, your supplement?
Can you tell us about that real quick?
Sure. So I should send Cuomo flowers because when he obstructed access to hydroxychloroquine,
I told you I was forced to do more research, came up with quercetin.
The problem that I saw was that people have
trouble putting the puzzle together two reasons one they couldn't source
everything in the same place logistically became a problem number two
there's so many options different C's different D's zinc's so it became
difficult for people to get the treatment protocol in the right timeframe.
So I was asked to put it all in one pill so that it's easier, accessible, and people can
have it in the right timeframe.
That's key.
That's how Z-Stack was born.
It's basically quercetin, vitamin C, zinc, and vitamin D, and what I recommend dosing.
And according to the FDA, all I'm allowed to say is that it's a nutritional supplement
and immune booster.
But its ingredients are all peer reviewed papers on the NIH server show the following
that quercetin and vitamin C together as a zinc ionophore, zinc delivery system. Zinc inhibits RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which is essential for RNA viral replication.
And vitamin D3, high normal levels of vitamin D3, boosts the immune system in such a way that it virtually eliminates intensive period of emission.
Well, and how do people go about it if they're interested in getting that
i think um i can tell you that
here let me tell you that come go to dr i said yeah use dot yeah go and use the code dr drew
for a discount so it's dr the There you go. And you can avoid having to take all those pills that you don't like taking every day.
I like the idea.
Is it all in one pill?
It is.
By the way, I open-source all this information.
I didn't patent it.
It's not proprietary.
Anyone can reproduce it.
I felt it was so important that the information
was sent out to the world, but there was a need for convenience and for accessibility
logistics, so I decided to fill that need. But anyone could put it together by themselves.
The ingredients and the dosing is right on the bottle.
In the meantime, we will put you in our prayers that uh that the
quiet pet scan is reflective of that tumor going away uh and that we wish you good health uh this
man has a will to live let me tell you and that you have i think it's the ukrainian in you yeah
she's been around my family which is also uk Ukrainian, which we've all had a similar, we have a similar relationship with our health, our body, and our medical problems.
Drew's father.
And I mean, it was just amazing how he got through things.
So I think you have longevity.
Yep, exactly.
That's for sure.
All right, my friend.
Well, thank you again.
God bless you. Anything you want to push out before I let you go?
No, it's nice to see you, just on a personal level.
It's nice to connect with you.
You as well.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky.
As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis,
or treatment.
This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only.
I am a licensed doctor.
I am a licensed physician.
I am a licensed nurse.
I am a licensed physician.
I am a licensed physician.
I am a licensed physician.
I am a licensed physician.
I am a licensed physician.
I am a licensed physician.
I am a licensed physician. I am a licensed physician. I am a licensed physician. I am a licensed physician. I am a licensed physician. As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment.
This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only.
I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here.
Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving.
Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, Some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published. If you or someone you know
is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal,
call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful
resources at slash help.