Ask Dr. Drew - Elvira – Mistress of the Dark AKA Cassandra Peterson – Ask Dr. Drew – Episode 53
Episode Date: November 6, 2021Cassandra Peterson is an American actress, writer and singer. She is best known for her portrayal of the horror hostess character Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. She has penned a hauntingly uninhibited ...memoir entitled YOURS CRUELLY, ELVIRA: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( SPONSORS • BLUE MICS – After more than 30 years in broadcasting, Dr. Drew’s iconic voice has reached pristine clarity through Blue Microphones. But you don’t need a fancy studio to sound great with Blue’s lineup: ranging from high-quality USB mics like the Yeti, to studio-grade XLR mics like Dr. Drew’s Blueberry. Find your best sound at • HYDRALYTE – “In my opinion, the best oral rehydration product on the market.” Dr. Drew recommends Hydralyte’s easy-to-use packets of fast-absorbing electrolytes. Learn more about Hydralyte and use DRDREW25 at checkout for a special discount at • ELGATO – Every week, Dr. Drew broadcasts live shows from his home studio under soft, clean lighting from Elgato’s Key Lights. From the control room, the producers manage Dr. Drew’s streams with a Stream Deck XL, and ingest HD video with a Camlink 4K. Add a professional touch to your streams or Zoom calls with Elgato. See how Elgato’s lights transformed Dr. Drew’s set: THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. This show is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information exchanged during participation in this program, including interactions with and any affiliated websites, are intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Hey, everybody.
We are coming to you live from New Orleans, Louisiana.
We made a special, yep, my technical advisor.
And the reason I'm able to get from one day
to the next is sitting next to me because we have a very special guest and we didn't want to miss
the opportunity to speak to the one and only elvira mistress of the dark because for many reasons uh
one is i knew uh the person behind elvira um some time ago and we haven't made touch base in a long time.
And I saw the new book, Yours Cruelly, Elvira, Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark,
and 40th anniversary of the creation of her character. And I thought, God, if Cassandra
would talk to us, I would be so happy. And let me just first welcome Cassandra Peters.
Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre. A psychopath started
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Where the hell do you think I learned that?
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Cassandra, welcome to the show.
Hi, Dr. Drew.
I'm so happy to be with you and not talk about STDs.
I know, I know.
And listen, hopefully we won't be talking about that, but you never know what we're going to get into here.
But I'm so appreciative.
I know this is the craziest season for you.
You're going everywhere, which way, every Halloween leading up to it and everything.
So I appreciate you taking a few minutes with us.
So I'm going to get through this interview and get you on your way to wherever Elvira needs to show up next.
I'm sure it's 20 places tonight.
So thank you for being here.
Talk to me about the book.
Why now?
40th anniversary of the creation of the character is that what led to the book well it's kind of yeah
i mean it's something i've been thinking about doing and talking about doing uh for oh probably
since i knew you from you know the k-rock days and yeah it's like 25 years ago. Yeah, you know, and so I'm always telling people I'm going to write a book about my life because I had a very bizarre kind of life before I became Elvira and everything became normal.
So I just kept thinking I'd do it.
And finally, my friend Pamela DeBar who wrote I'm With The Band.
We know Pam.
We know Pam really well. Say hi, Pamela. Yeah who wrote I'm With the Band. We know Pam. We know Pam really well.
Say hi for us.
Yeah, I will.
She's a great friend.
And she said, honey, until you get an agent and you get a book deal, you are not going to write your autobiography.
It just won't happen.
And she was so right.
Until I got a deadline and I got some money, I couldn't really sit down and take the time to do it because I was
running all over the country, you know, doing my Elvira thing. So that's what got me to finally
write. I have so many questions, Cassandra. So Pamela, her life was very interesting as well
with all the intrigues with some of the rock stars she was involved with. And that's one of the
things that's interesting me about your life that you didn't i don't think people really know you you met some of the
greatest historical figures of entertainment and music and some of them you i think went on dates
with right and some of you were assaulted by let's be fair i was assaulted by some i went date
on dates with some i just met and were very kind to me.
Others I met and they were total jerks.
But yeah, I don't know exactly how all of that happened,
except I was in Vegas in the early days and it was quite different than it is now.
And the two stories you mentioned to me in the past
was Jimi Hendrix.
So tell them that story.
Yeah, I went to the Denver Pop Festival when I was about, I think I'd already turned 17 by that time.
And everybody was there. You know, I mean, it was like, oh my god, Frank Zappa and the Mother's
Invention and Joe Cocker and everyone. But the head lead act was Jimi Hendrix. And, um,
I got bopped in the head with a canister of tear gas when the audience, uh, flooded the stadium,
ran down to the stage that the police threw tear gas. I got hit in the head and taken backstage.
Um, and when I, when they patched me up and I was headed back to my seat,
there was a guy standing in front of a trailer and he said,
hey, you want to meet Jimi Hendrix?
And I'm like, you know, wow.
And I went in there and there was Jimi Hendrix sitting on a bed playing the guitar.
And we talked we uh
i have to say we smoked a little doobie there and we talked for about i don't know almost an hour
until they said jimmy it's time to go on uh there was a little making out there but it was all very
very innocent and um he really kind of uh explained what what uh his whole thoughts then.
It was the Vietnam War.
It was America was kind of going crazy.
And we talked a lot about, believe it or not, politics and how, you know,
the pigs had come to the concert, ruined it all, you know.
So funny.
Where did you grow up?
Where did you grow up?
I started out in Kansas.
My parents actually lived on a farm for a while, and we moved then to Colorado Springs,
So that's how I ended up seeing the Denver Pop Festival.
It was only 70 miles down the road.
You should have called the book, We're Not in Kansas Anymore.
And so what did your parents do? Did they stay together? What was your childhood like? Yeah, my parents stayed together until my dad died. They
were married almost 50 years before my dad passed away. And I had a weird childhood, though. I didn't
have a great relationship with my mother. And so I moved out when I was 14.
I left home. Wow.
No, I know. You know, when you have kids, 14,
you look at them and go, 14, seriously, you can't even feed yourself.
You know, I can't believe I really did that at 14.
But I did. And I.
To be fair, to be fair, although we're not going to talk about STDs, a 14-year-old
that goes, that runs away from home and stays away from home is being abused in the home
in some fashion.
That's how that happened.
So I'm sorry your mom did that.
Yeah, it was abusive.
She was very abusive emotionally, verbally, physically. So I just had to get out. I kept trying to go back. I mean, I'd run out of money and things would happen. I'd move back in. And that would last about one hot minute. And I'd be gone again.
But it does set you up for a career in improvisational comedy, to be fair.
Okay, I've never heard it quite put that way. But yeah, now that
you mentioned it. But then, that's how I supported myself.
And I went to school during the day, junior high and high school
and I go go danced at night. It was like
little fringy outfits with little white go go boots, you
know that era. So it wasn't what they think about as a go go
dancer today. Whole different story.
No, it's not a stripper. If you remember if you watch 90 Day
Fiancee is Colty's mom was a go go dancer. And so so yeah, that
bikini girl like K-R-Rock so I know what you're
talking about oh wow there you go okay yeah I used to work at K-Rock when you were there yeah
she was a bikini remember the bikini girls oh yes maybe yeah that's how we met is that how you met oh my god yeah back in the day and so it's yeah crazy right
i think i met you one time but i was like a nobody no we last time i saw you literally we went to the
we went to the city walk in in hollywood to track you down you were signing a book in some halloween store the year
this is 20 years ago kid the kids were alive but they were little maybe 25 years ago uh wow and and
so tell me in the book you want to yeah and so two things i want to shine a light on right now
one is that people don't appreciate i i keep i tell people i go no no no elvira cassandra
cassandra knew what she was doing when she created elvira. Maybe she didn't know how crazy it would get. But I feel like you, this was an improvisational character. And as an improvisational actor, you knew what this character was. You knew what you were doing. people are under the impression that I just kind of waltzed in off the street, got this part,
you know, and they said, Hey, you should get into acting or something. No, I've been, you know,
a dancer, a singer, and mostly out of work actress for, you know, 20 years prior to getting the part
of Elvira. So it was kind of like, what's that saying that they have when opportunity meets something?
I don't remember, but I did. Preparation, preparation, preparation, opportunity. And
you and you were you were a Groundlings member. Yeah, I was a ground groundling. And which is,
as you know, a very popular comedy improv group here in LA. And for four and a half years I'd been in the
Groundlings with people like Paul Rubens just peewee Herman and Phil Hartman um so I was
prepared when when you know I say opportunity only gives you knockers once and when it did I was
ready so there and were you ever up for SNL or any other improv sorts of shows,
Mad TV or anything like that?
No, sadly not.
Well, you know, this thing just took off.
It kind of caught me by surprise.
I think I might have been getting ready for those kind of things, but all of a sudden Elvira came along and you're right about,
I didn't think this was going to be a career move that was really that
great. You know, I honestly looked at it as, okay, it's a little local TV station. Uh, I can work
a couple of days a week and make 350 bucks a week. And, you know, it'll kind of support me
while I go on real acting, uh, interviews. So yeah, it was a big shock to me it still is it's 40 years later and i'm going what
when's this thing gonna wrap when's this thing it's never gonna end you create an eternal
character you have it it will it will outlive all of us and but but i i see that as just just
great improvisational instincts like you knew you just i feel like and this is what i tell people
you know chris andrew was a grounding she was you know well-trained improvisational instincts like you knew you just i feel like and this is what i tell people you know chris andrew was a grounding she was you know well-trained improvisational actress who
when you stepped into this character you you you not just embodied it but you knew it you knew it
in your core and that's that people kind of respond to that it's i gotta tell you something
the in a weird way i'm responding responding to the new vampire TV show,
What We Do in the Shadows, in a similar way.
I feel like they're, have you seen it?
Yeah, I love it.
It's great, right?
And Paul, Paul Reimers was in it, interestingly.
He was?
Yes, and that's actually the episode I saw when Paul was in it.
Yeah, I feel, you know, it was funny,
but I think the other people that auditioned for this part
it was so cheesy i don't even think actors went to audition i literally think it was people who
really did walk in from the street you know uh off the street because khj put an ad in the paper
that just said looking for horror host for khj tv so I don't think they were getting.
That was channel 13,
That was channel nine.
Was it nine?
Channel nine.
Who was the,
who was the general manager when you were there?
Chuck Colonna.
Look how I met.
So Chuck,
I think I can say now Chuck was my patient for 20 years.
No way.
Seriously. And a dear, and a dear and a dear dear dear
friend like really a dear friend and isn't that weird that's why i asked that's why i knew that
he was there for many many years i loved chuck we got along fantastic he was great i was so glad he
was there i actually think he saw the potential uh of the character you know when it first started
and and uh really got it so you know thank heavens for him because there were other people there who
were like yeah i don't know about this you know but chuck was great and is is no longer with us
is that what happened he he passed away of covet i hope nobody reminds me saying so but he he was really yeah and um
really one of the my favorite people and i i started caring for him when he was still
general manager at khj and then he retired and stuff and saw him probably 25 years maybe 30 years
i took care of him but uh one of my favorite human beings. I'm getting emotional talking about it.
I don't know.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sad.
One of the staff that worked on my show for years, Danny McElroy, he was a lighting guy.
He just passed away from COVID.
I mean, it's amazing.
I mean, people just don't, I don't know that they get the seriousness of this
whole virus do you no it's a terror well they they do they're i think they're burned out on it
he was 80 something i mean he's older i mean as well but if you're older it's serious if
you are older it is serious serious everybody but now the other thing i wanted to yeah well
yeah here we are here we are but the other thing is the the will chamberlain story was the other thing I wanted to, yeah, well, yeah, here we are, here we are.
But the other thing is the, the Wilt Chamberlain story was the other thing I wanted to kind of flush out a little bit.
Cause I never heard that story.
You want to tell it?
I never told it to anybody.
I, um, really, I think my ex-husband was the only person who ever heard that story from me.
Um, yeah, I had known Wilt Chamberlain from the time I was in Vegas.
He dated my roommate. Yeah, I had known Will Chamberlain from the time I was in Vegas.
He dated my roommate.
And he was a really nice, interesting, funny, intelligent guy, you know, for an athlete.
And I really, really liked him.
And I met him again in Italy when I was over there, ran into him.
And he helped me out, actually, I was kind of out of money and starving, and he gave me a little money, and he was so nice to me.
And then when we came back to LA, he used to have big parties up at his house, and this
was probably the late 70s, I would say. And I would always go up there with a friend,
and one day I went up there, and W will grab me and pulled me in his closet and
forced me to uh perform fellatio i'm trying to think of a nice way to say it um which i later
discovered is actually considered rape um oh that is a that is a that is an overt sexual assault. That is like a full-on sexual assault.
Like criminal behavior.
And there was no way in hell I was expecting it or consented to it.
He grabbed me around the neck.
I had big bruises on my neck.
I tried to get away. When a 300 pound, seven foot six man or whatever
the hell he was, grabs you, there's really not a lot of fighting you can do. And then
when he was done, he just left kind of chuckled, look at me and says, it wasn't that bad. Walked
away. I was in a coma kind of I couldn't believe it had happened. And, uh,
Ooh, you know, I, I just guess I buried it kind of deep down and didn't think about it. Didn't
tell anybody. People keep, people keep writing to me now on social media and go, why didn't you
tell the police? I'm going, are you out of your freaking mind? An ex showgirl. Also then,
yeah. Also back then, back then, I'm not sure what would have happened.
You know what I mean?
It was a very, very different time.
I often, you know, we'll be watching something on TV about the 70s and I'll just go, why
did you guys put up with that?
What were you thinking?
And Susan said something very profound.
She goes, we had another option.
That was it.
It was just, those were our, those. Those were the only options we had.
That is absolutely true.
Deeply telling.
And I'm glad we've moved on from that.
And, you know, our daughter's way on the woke feminist spectrum.
And we like that.
We like that she has the opportunity that way.
It's fantastic.
It just wasn't that good. Oh, no and let's get everybody get the book
it's yours cruelly elvira memoirs the mystery of the dark uh other other stories that they can read
about there so we can entice them to get the book well one of my favorite stories that nobody seems
to ever bring up well i'll just mention a few things i was living in a haunted house but for one year and this was right around the time that i probably met you drew i lived in a tree
on hollywood boulevard i faintly remember this yeah tell us about that yeah wait now what was
that all about i kind of remember yeah i had a boyfriend who had played Tarzan in an in an old B rated movie. And so he decided,
I guess he was Tarzan and I was Jane. He built a tree house up in the Hollywood Hills, literally
on Hollywood Boulevard, but up in the hills, past Laurel Canyon. And yeah, we lived there
for one year. We used the garden hose from
the neighbor as our shower we had a porta potty that he would hold down and take to the dump every
week pretty much no it's this is this well yes but this is the degree of your sort of codependency on
men and the they put you through and I guess that was that sort of your was that sort of codependency on men and the bullshit they put you through. And I guess that was, was that sort of your, was that sort of your bottom?
Was that, was that where you thought, man, wow.
It was.
After, after a year of climbing up and down this rope ladder in my high heels and tight
skirts, trying to go to, oh my God.
Oh my God.
Look, either we move and into a normal apartment or I'm out of here.
And to his credit, he moved with me and we got an apartment. So it's
quite an experience and one that people haven't even brought up
that I have some pretty good stories.
Yeah, it's funny you you I remember you mentioning it back
then and me I sort of dismissed it. I was like, Well, you must
be it must be a pretty nice tree house. I remember sort of
talking like that. And you were like, what? It must be a pretty nice tree house. I remember sort of talking like that.
And you were like, no, no, not so much.
No, it wasn't pretty nice.
It was like the size of a whole garage.
We all had a certain amount of incredulity about it.
Like, well, we don't need to ask any questions about that.
She can't be serious.
So crazy.
And then in recent years, last almost two two decades you've been with your assistant right
your former assistant yes yes my um she was my trainer and then she became my assistant um
but we uh i i fell in love with her we were friends for six years she was my trainer at
gold's gym and she was in a relationship with a woman.
And I was married to my husband, and we became very, very good friends over six years.
And after I got divorced, she was having a hard time and asked if she could stay with me a while while she got an apartment.
And she came to live with me, and it was like a dream come true.
It was so much fun.
Suddenly, my ex-husband had moved out.
It was a very dark period with him.
She was there.
She made things fun.
She helped me out with my child.
She helped around the house.
She did everything.
Before we knew it, I don't know.
I was falling in love with her.
I don't know what to say.
That has never happened to me before. Before we knew it, I don't know, I was falling in love with her. And I don't know what to say.
That's never happened to me before.
People keep saying, when did you know you were gay?
And I keep saying, I didn't.
And I still don't.
I'm really not sure.
It just kind of proves all the great things between straight and gay.
Not everyone has to fit into a category, right?
I think people understand that these days more than ever and the way people used to talk about this they'd
say well i don't know if i'm gay or straight but i fell in love with this person and she happens to
be a female but i think now the way we would talk about it more is i'm fluid and i fell in love with
this person there you go yeah yeah that is exactly what happened ask your daughter
how old is your you have a daughter or a son I have a daughter uh she's 27 27. oh so you've
got ours is to ours or 20 we have 29 year old triplets so what's she up to these days oh she's
actually being a DJ right now how do you like that kind of what i was doing and you
were doing i mean working at a radio station part-time um oh really interesting art yeah
um how about your kids what are they all up they're trying to you know like one's living
in brooklyn and one's an artist she's a writer a writer and she's teaching a little bit at columbia
and one's finished law school starting a business and the other is finishing a psychology degree and
trying to figure out what he wants to do exactly um wow i i want to ask about some of the rat
packers that you were involved with that because that's another piece of your story i didn't know
so frank sinatra and sammy davis were you just around them at that time? Or were
you actually friendly with them? How would that all go down, so
to speak?
Well, I wouldn't call it friendly so much. Sammy Davis
came to see my show one night. And I of course, knew who he was
very much because my parents and, you know, he was in films
and everything back then. So it was a big, big deal when he came to see our show and he came with his wife Alta Beast and I had this uh very brilliant
idea oh my god I knew that he had at one time lost an eye in a car accident and I happened to have
me at the show an eyeball like a a real glass eye that was concave oh cassandra please no
i'm afraid where you're going yes yes someone dared me to glue it on my nipple when i was
dancing in las vegas as a show girl and i did like a idiot. And then I heard he was coming backstage and I got to tell you, I was, you know, I wanted
to hide underneath my makeup table or something.
And he came back.
He thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen.
You know how he did that?
Bending over laughing thing.
It was the funniest thing there. and he gave me the sweetest
compliment which i wrote down in my diary he said how can you be so beautiful and funny too
and i i love that compliment that always stuck with me nice thank god that's all i can say
there's another book title for you twitch said could poke an eye out with one of those things.
Put your eye out.
And how about Sinatra?
What happened with him?
Oh, well, not a very nice story about Sinatra.
I was on a date with one of the Osman brothers,
Alan Osman, and his whole entire family.
Mom and dad were with us on the date, okay?
This is how we do it in the
fantastic the mormon world yeah yeah yeah and uh we're at this big dinner and we finally get to
meet mr sinatra he was throwing a big bash for his daughter nancy and i finally get to meet him and
all the osmonds shake his hand and then when when it gets to me, he sticks his hands in his pocket, kind of leans back and goes, nice tits.
And that is all.
I mean, I died.
I mean, I don't even think mom and dad Osmond had ever heard that word before, you know, died.
I just melted.
I mean, what kind of a jerky thing is that to say to somebody in front of a whole family?
Not only that, and again, people only recently have started talking about how demeaning that is to you as a human being.
And that went off.
I mean, just watch the series Mad Men.
They get the great detail about how men treat women.
Somebody on our chat stream what's that i just wanted to tell you but i i didn't get my
revenge i uh later years later i went to a meal i was working at emilio's restaurant in hollywood
and i was a coat check girl and frank sinatra came in and checked his hat with me
and i spit a big loogie in that before he left.
I wonder if you know this.
Oh my God.
That was funny.
Somebody in our restream asked,
did you know,
did you ever meet Sven Gulli?
Were you ever appearing with him anywhere?
Of course.
I didn't appear with him.
I've met him at conventions and I absolutely love him.
I love his show,
which is on shutter right now.
I watch it frequently.
It's still around.
He's funny.
And then finally, I'm gonna let you go in just a minute here.
And by the way,
this is a special Halloween show.
So Susan is bringing in a friend of hers is a psychic after this.
She's getting a psychic greeting.
I'm going to,
I'm going to make her talk about,
you know,
so she's way into this.
Cause I like a greeting. We can greeting we can we can yes i love
psychic greetings oh i would love that good see drew do you want it today you have time for that
yeah she could she could do it this is okay this is halloween because i did because center do you
know this is halloween elvira's got to be in places i do i don't do anything until five o'clock
today so i have a little moment here
she's a clairvoyant psychic all right so we'll bring her in to talk to you but but my last
question is uh about Paul Rubens because I I first of all I think he's just a freaking genius
and secondly when I met him he's literally the nicest person you'll like in the world he's like
so sweet and so nice am I am I Am I, am I reading him right?
Am I getting him right? You are reading him right. I love Paul so much. Um, he's just one of my,
really my oldest, dearest, closest friends. And, you know, we have so much in common. I mean,
Paul and I, we have, we are like, uh, he's, he always says we're members of the most exclusive
club in the world.
You know, it's just me and him.
We're characters who own our own brands.
And so we have a lot to figure out with each other.
He is an amazing person.
You know what's fascinating about that statement is, I had not thought about it this way but but you you you are the same professionally
it's the same it's you're both extremely talented well-prepared improvisational comedians who knew
the characters you stepped into and then the characters developed this life that took over
yeah yeah no it is pretty amazing there's not really anybody out there, maybe unless you want to go into musicians like, you know, Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie or Gene Simmons, maybe.
But people that play. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. Yeah. He pretty much owns marketing licensing like nobody's business.
Yeah. Yeah. And then Elvis Presley, he was in the Jimi Hendrix era, I guess, with you, and he was important for you, yes?
Super important. My life would be so different if I had not met Elvis.
I ended up talking to him at a party. He came and saw my show when I was a showgirl in Vegas.
And then we ended up talking for, I'd say, like seven or eight hours. In that time, he gave me advice about my life and my career.
And I had just become a showgirl, which was my dream at 17 years old. And he said,
you have got to get out of Vegas. This is no place for a young girl. You need to move on.
And I said, but what would I do? This is my dream. And I just accomplished it. And he said,
he sat down with me at the piano and we sang a little bit. And he said, you know,
you have a decent voice, go take voice lessons and, and, you know, moving to singing or something.
So anyway, the long, uh, short story is that if it hadn't been for Elvis, I was the youngest
show girl in Las Vegas history. And I would now be the oldest showgirl in las vegas history it's not for him
you know there there may be a line of business there for you i'm just saying
if i were good appear in vegas no problem um seriously think about that think about that
you could build a whole show around it but but and people would die to come and be a part of it
i mean i could see it as a iconic thing but but it's interesting to me how we we do change each other you know brains heal and improve other
brains and hurt other brains you know we had the wilt story here how he hurt you and uh we we we
affect each other that's what it's that's sort of that's really kind of what i was hoping to
talk to you about today because i i, I feel that from your story.
Uh, we never talked about it really in detail like this, but I always thought that was you.
She used sexuality as her brand and to, and the stuff that you have to put up with, you
know, she did put up with a lot, but, but she didn't, she didn't let that define her,
you know, and that's like a fight.
Nothing wrong with using sexuality.
It's just, it's just that at a time
that was mistreated,
Sinatra, Chamberlain, blah, blah, blah.
I'm so glad to hear that Sammy Davis
wasn't, yeah, that's true.
I'm so glad to hear that Sammy Davis was not
in that category.
We're going to connect you with some of your past
loved ones.
Maybe Elvis will come soon.
Is she coming in?
After the break
we'll okay we'll take a break and then we're going to bring in a friend of susan's her name is rebecca
fearing and she is one of your oldest longest dearest friends and she is and she is uh has an
exceptional ability you'll see she she will get we'll get her into your talk to cassandra cassandra
how much time do you have like 10 minutes 15 minutes uh yeah i've got i've got like 15 minutes because luckily you're the real
real story i gotta tell you cassandra drew wants his psychic greeting so no no no get you off as
fast no no no no what i want i have a lot of questions i want her to i want her maybe you
could sit with rebecca for the first part when it's i would like that and then when i come back
in it's going to be about the world.
I want to know what Rebecca is feeling
about where the world's going
because I'm very concerned about everything.
I'm really like upset.
Yeah, exactly.
So here's what we'll do.
We're going to play a couple of commercials
and then we'll be back with Cassandra Peterson,
aka Elvira, the book.
We can get, I assume, everywhere.
Is that true?
Yep, everywhere.
It's on the New York Times bestseller list.
I am not surprised. I'm not surprised.
Yours cruelly, Elvira, Memoirs of the Mystery of the Dark.
Get it now while we're running these ads.
And we'll be back with Rebecca Fearing and Cassandra Peterson and you after the break.
Here with my daughter, Paulina, to share an exciting new project.
Over the years, we've talked to a ton of young people about what they really want to know about relationships.
It's difficult to know who you are and what you want, especially as a teenager. And not everyone
has access to an expert in their house like I did. Of course, it wasn't like I was always that
receptive to that advice. Right. No kidding. But now we have written the book on consent. It is called
It Doesn't Have to be Awkward and it explores relationships, romantic relationships and sex.
It's a great guide for teens, parents and educators to go beyond the talk and have honest
and meaningful conversations. It Doesn't Have to be Awkward will be on sale September 21st.
You can order your book anywhere books are sold. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Target,
and of course, your independent local bookstore.
Links are available on
So pre-ordering the book will help people,
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and it'll get that conversation going early
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about healthy relationships.
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And as we said before, this is a book that both teenagers and their parents should read.
Read the book, have the conversation.
It doesn't have to be awkward.
On sale September 21st.
This is our special Halloween show.
And this is my costume for this evening.
Susan went all cape on and a hood and all kinds of crazy stuff.
So I am the venetian
um what would he call it when there's a what's the word i'm looking for when there's a pandemic
venetian uh oh shoot oh my god i forgot the name all right anyway when there's a massive plague
venetian plague doctor this is what they used to wear in the 16th century so here we are but uh
next to me is rebecca fearing she has intuitive talents and we're going to talk
about uh cassandra's life and uh see if anything comes through for her and then after we talk to
cassandra let her go you guys hear me everybody hearing me okay caleb cassandra oh yes you're
there okay everybody here and after we let cassandra go we'll talk about the state of the
world so cassandra my friend rebecca fearing, you can find you where, Rebecca? At How do you spell Fearing? Affleck and Frank, E-A-R-I-N-G,
or you can call 818-853-1123, and you can find me. I'm really everywhere. So if you just look
on the computer under, you'll find me. Here's another costume coming by with her. Look behind you,
I give you a Rebecca.
Go ahead.
You have any questions?
I'm actually really good.
And yeah,
my last name is,
it's a real,
and people always laugh.
They say,
you had the last name fearing.
Am I supposed to be afraid of you?
And I'm like,
I'm good.
you know,
I'm also,
I'm a medium.
I'm a clairvoyant,
clairaudient and a medium.
So I do communicate with people on the other side and you just have to be
I do talk about the colors that I see and perceive in your aura, your energy also.
So I'm kind of a one-stop shop psychic, as you want to say. And so are you open? Are you ready?
I am. I'm totally ready. Okay. So let's see what I have for you. Okay. First of all,
your aura is really beautiful and sparkly, a lot of pink.
So I feel very strongly that you have a lot of love in your life and that doesn't have to be
in love. Although I do see something about in love. I say a lot of red, which is the creative
side. I also find yellow pushing forward with projects that are not from the past or new
projects. So I would say be open to really having new projects and
new opportunity because they're right in front of you. And behind that is green. So you're not doing
it just to do it. You are making money at them also. Are you open to still going out and promoting
and seeing people in person? Is that correct? Oh, yes, absolutely.
Because you're going to be really, really busy. So and you look fantastic. I had somebody I said
that I told them I was going to meet you. They wanted to know what's your secret of your beauty.
And that was a gentleman that I spoke to today.
If I had a secret, you can believe me that I would be bottling it and selling it on my website
right now. But he said you're an endless and timeless beauty. So he's a big,
big fan. And I'm also feeling two residences. So in your aura, you have a lot of dark blue,
which is usually associated to real estate, or it could be homes, home remodeling. But I'm curious,
are you going to be doing something with a home? I see you are. But I'm curious, are you going to be doing something with a home?
I see you are, but I'm curious, is that accurate?
Are you doing any kind of movement with your house, changing, moving, putting things?
I can't even believe you're saying this.
I just bought two houses in another state,
and I am in the middle of selling two houses right at this moment. Oh, that's why I thought,
because in your aura, it has that color blue that is always associated to real estate. And then I
kept feeling like you were picking new things out for houses. And I did see two. So that makes sense.
You're really working with four properties, but I see two new ones also, which is going to be,
I love it. I love
where you bought them. I love the location. And they also have a good resale value once you want
to sell them again, if you want to do that. Hello? We're losing Cassandra. She's breaking up on us.
I'm losing her. Cass cassandra is still there you are
it's the spirits yeah the spirits are coming in
okay caleb maybe you can help us with this i don't know quite what happened checking on it
we need to reboot reboot things you guys are still there i I'm checking on her. There she is.
Can you hear me?
I'm just flabbergasted.
That's when I fell on the floor after she said that.
I'm also
seeing a lot about your mom
because I felt your mom around
you a lot, but that doesn't mean she's passed.
It could be that your mom's alive, actually.
But I have a lot coming in about your mother.
Okay, because I feel like she wants to question.
She wants to talk.
And she wants to, first of all, let you know that she's good.
And she made it safely to the other side.
But she's very much around you.
You must have been, were you close to your mom?
She seems to be very much like you you must have been were you close to your mom she seems to be very much
like around you now actually we had a very bad relationship uh most of my life but we ended up really on a uh i ended up taking care of her and we grew a lot closer and a much better relationship
by the time she passed well that's good because she's your biggest fan now. Maybe she was before
and she just never let you know. But she says that she does come in the form of sending a dragonfly.
She doesn't want to say hummingbird. That's too common for her. Dragonfly. So if you see it out
of nowhere, you'll know that's a sign from your mom. I don't know why she picked that, but that's what she told me too. She told me also, I don't see that you have any tattoos, but do you?
Oh, yes, I have one.
Oh, because your mom said, well, you know, she does have a tattoo.
I was like, oh, I don't know.
Okay. You're kidding because my mother hated the fact that I got a tattoo when I was like, I got it when I was about almost 60 years old and she just was, couldn't believe it.
And every time we'd talk to somebody, she would say, oh, she got a tattoo, you know?
Well, she's saying it now, but not so mean.
She says, you know what?
If you get another one, then just get a really good artist.
That's all.
Oh my God.
I love that.
And then, um, do you have any, do you have any questions for me?
I mean, I do know that you have all these creative projects coming up and that,
you'll be excited about that.
And you,
you know,
I don't,
I see longevity in work for you.
So I don't think there's any quitting.
It's just when you decide not to work,
that's don't,
don't ever stop.
never stop.
One other place I wanted to go ahead.
I wanted to mention Spain to you because I do believe there's some
foreign travel around you. So I'm sure you have your passport intact. And I see, I see that kind
of warm climate like Spain, possibly Italy, but it was really strong around Spain. Wow. Yes. So
I went to Spain not that long ago, but I am thinking about actually eventually moving to Italy.
So Italy. Oh, where?
I am thinking about the Umbria region. I traveled a lot in Italy. It's a ton of time there.
I actually speak Italian and i really love the region yeah uh kind of around umbria
the problem is we won't we won't let you americans won't let you go we won't let you we want you on
our we want you with us well i would have to tell you about 150 which is a big percentage right that
you will buy a house in that area. And whether you live
six months or whatever, but you will definitely be able to do that. So I would start looking,
try to arrange it. And yes, you will do it. I mean, 100%. I've already been looking. I've already
been online for a house in Italy. And here I am in the middle of buying two houses, selling two
houses. And what do I do? I spend my extra time, which is almost nothing, but looking for a house in Italy. And here I am in the middle of buying two houses, selling two houses. And what do I do?
I spend my extra time, which is almost nothing, but looking for a house in Italy because I
just feel like I need to move back there.
Rebecca, wow.
And you know what?
I am blown away.
And you know what?
If you believe in past lives, which people don't, but I do because of the work I do,
you've lived there before.
You were happy there.
You were there with a little dog there. So I have no idea if you like dogs, but there is a dog attached
to you. Wow. You know, I have to tell you when I, when I lived there, um, when I went to Rome,
I was probably around 20. I was there from about the age of 20 to 23. And when I was in Rome when I got there I found that I was able to walk around the city and know
what was around the next corner and I told folks that I would be with I would say I have been here
before I know that when I turn this corner this is what's going to be there and i i would amaze them because i felt like i had lived
there before yes i'm almost sure of it yes so that makes sense to me because that's what i was um
perceiving i had a vision of you there you looked a lot like yeah you were agrippina in another life. I looked a lot like what?
I'm joking, but Nero's mom, Agrippina.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, I mean, I got goosebumps all over when you said that about having lived there before.
Because I kept saying to everyone, I feel like I have lived here before, but I never had, you know,
not in this lifetime anyway. Not in this lifetime, but in another for sure. And then this name is a
common name, but I do see it around you is the name Sam, S-A-M. Do you have anybody close to
you now with the name Sammy? Could be a man or a woman. I think it's more a man. I have two people. One is my car. My car is named Sam. The other is my
very close director friend of mine, who I named my car after, a very close friend of mine,
Sam Irvin, who directed my movie Haunted Hills. So yeah, he's a very close friend.
And he's alive very close friend and he um and he's alive that's correct yes yep yes because he wants to talk to you so when you get a chance give him a call he's uh
yes and i want to say he's dying to talk to you but he is wanting to talk to you so when you get
a break or get a chance please give him a call call. And I know this is going to be strange.
Have you ever, did you know his mother at all?
Because she's passed now.
Is that correct?
She has passed.
I did not know her.
She told me to tell you hello, Cassandra.
And she said, when you call my son, whether he believes it or not, I've made it safely
to the other side.
And I'm so proud of him.
And I love him
so much and just be pleased hello from me you're killing me because they had a hard relationship
because i don't want to expose too much about him but he is gay and and it was really really
difficult for him to come out to his parents and uh and that has been a big uh kind of tragedy for
him because he loved them so much and then when he told them he was gay um that kind of fell apart
so when i i'm gonna call him the second i get off of here and tell him what you just said that's so
beautiful she wanted to say that she's in heaven they're more enlightened they have just who knows
different expectations maybe when they wanted grandkids but they could have still had him.
But yes, and please tell him that they're very proud of him.
And they, well, she, it's his mother talking and that she does want him to know how much
she loves him.
Oh my God.
I'm going to call him immediately.
That will make his day or week or year or maybe life.
Who knows?
Well, great. I'm glad it came you know that i had
that and the people his mother came through she seems to know how to get a hold of me
wow that is amazing cassandra i know you've got to go uh now we've given you some marching orders
you're gonna have to i insist you stay in touch with us it's been way too long
and uh i've missed
you all this time i've thought of you many many times over the years and so that's why we always
a little pushy when it came to getting getting back in touch with you when i saw that the book
was out you had new life revelations that i thought i have to talk to cassandra now
well thank you i felt the same way about you drew i really did i always thought about you i'd see
you on tv and go oh my god i
just love drew i mean we had a great time together back in the day i think didn't we it's so fun
and did they in my stream they were asking but did you mention k-rock in the book
i didn't i didn't even get to that part i said that this is going to be for my second autobiography
i guess uh so yeah,
cause we had quite a, quite a thing going on there at K-Rock. It was really some fun times, right?
It really was. It was a little lightning in a bottle or Camelot or something, but
so I know she has to go and be Val Vara all over the world right now. So, so go do it. I know you've
been very generous with your time and, i will we will see you when the
halloween stuff settles a little bit okay yes and one more thing you have a universal nbc around you
so you know don't be surprised if uh they call you for something see you over at universal
okay you just completely freaked me out rebecca i'm gonna call you again, like tomorrow. Okay, great.
I cannot believe you just said that.
I can't tell you why.
I'll tell you later.
Okay, that sounds great.
Well, you have my contact information.
All right.
Just VIP.
It's in right away.
Thank you. You can call Susan and come in.
Thank you so much for the meeting.
She needs Rebecca's contact info.
Okay, yes.
So we'll get through to you, so don't worry. please yes no you know what you guys out there i don't need to research
anything because drew just asked me to do this anyway no no listen we did we did not know that
sandra would have the time for a reading and i had i told rebecca that would not happen and that she waited downstairs for two hours with her dog and we were in a wedding all day before any of this happened.
So there's no way she researched.
No, I don't need to.
No, I'm so well known at this and I don't have time to research.
And anyway, so no, I didn't.
But that's okay.
I don't have any of this stuff in my book.
I don't have any of this stuff that my book. I don't have any of this
stuff that you talked about in my book. So there is no way you could have researched that stuff.
It is not in my book and nobody knows except by, you know, very, very tight inner circle.
Amazing. Thank you so much. All of my, all of my viewers. So get, get on your way. It's Graham.
Thank you so much. Okay. Bye. Thank you. Bye bye she said bye to you susan so bye bye bye
so so we now have a little bit of time here i'm watching the restream here guys um i want i wanted
to monopolize rebecca's time here to talk about the world because you see she's very intuitive
and thinks about things a lot in a way that i don't think about things and so i'm interested
for this special halloween program we're doing today with Elvira and Elvira's reading and now reading for the world.
What, what I, and before, when she was downstairs, we were drinking coffee. I said, I, I'm more
interested in what, what you feel about the world. Cause I'm upset at the time. So what, what, what,
what are you, can you reassure us or is it going to get worse first or what, what's, what, how can
you help us? Well, I do believe, um, again, i'm not a doctor or anything but i when covet first came out i said look it's not going
to be gone right away please don't get upset but prepare i do think by 2023 it'll be starting to
really get better people can travel more freely and not be afraid i hope i'm right you know what
even if it goes away in the next six months, it'll take another six months for people to
calm down.
You know what I mean?
This thing is like people are wound up about it.
So yeah.
So, you know, I mean, thank God.
I mean, I got my COVID vaccination.
I've never gotten it, never got the variant.
And so I'm not going to worry about that.
But I also do feel like the interest rates are still good for real estate.
I think they will continue to stay that way.
The stock market up and down a little bit.
So you've got to really be kind of-
A stock picker.
Pick your stocks.
Pick your stocks wisely.
And then I remember when I said something about, do you want me to mention Trump?
Is that okay?
Yeah. I didn't think he would be, I remember when people, I said something about, do you want me to make, can I mention Trump? Is that okay? Yeah.
I didn't think he would be.
I remember when people thought he would stay in office and I'm like,
he's not gonna,
he won't.
Some people are upset.
Some people were happy.
I know he's trying to resurface.
I don't know if that'll happen or not.
I do know that though.
Don't panic people.
I feel like our economy will still stay stable.
That's nice. I also feel, I personally feel like our economy will still stay stable that's nice i also feel i
personally feel like this country when it gets polarized some middle something rises up some
sort of some sort of middle ground or something like you know back to teddy roosevelt abraham
lincoln are we going to see a great leader not even a great leader just somebody to bring us
together in the middle somewhere yeah i think they're in the works because there's people that
are even we wouldn't even have
thought about maybe starting to come out.
Some people are afraid of politics, but now they're going to say, look, I don't.
I have to.
Yeah, I have to.
I have nothing to hide.
Why am I afraid?
So I think we're going to come across some really great people that will come out.
I can't say what party, you know, I just know that we're going to be in a season of triumph not despair
oh my god you make me feel better already yes how long is it going to take like 10 years or
no no it does be in the coming years not too not too far in the future see positive positive mental
attitude for the yeah and i'm looking for you know i live in california we've had a little
series of earthquakes but you know we're used to to that. So I always tell people to prepare for that. For earthquakes. Yes.
I've got to get a generator. Every time you say it, I've got to get a generator.
I've got to get a generator. We've had little shakers lately.
I was doing a show on Wednesday. I don't know if you know, you were out here in New Orleans,
and I stopped because I think we just had a little earthquake.
Yeah, we've been having little ones all around uh i also think that though that foreign travel is going to get safer like i said 2023
it's going to be really rocking and rolling very busy so you know this is a good time to put on
your bucket list where you want to go i don't say necessarily buy your tickets yet but put it on
your bucket list because people are really going to be out there if you go to the umbria you'll
find cassandra peterson there with her i hope her girlfriend's with her still out there living
in their new italian villa yes crazy uh-huh yeah yeah no no no it came around italy yeah it came
back around that it was italian and she's i felt like she's going to get a house 150 percent and
then i'm also looking um a lot of we'll hear some celebrity marriages i mean we've
already heard a bit about you know kardashian and blink what is that the blink oh yeah um uh
travis travis i'm glad to see him happy in some ways after all the i've known travis for a long
long time yeah i got it he was in a plane wreck with his friend DJ AM, who was a dear friend of mine.
It was terrible. But yeah, Travis
is a very good guy. It's good to see him happy.
I agree. And some other
celebrity weddings
we'll see. So life is going to
kind of go on, is what you're saying. Yes.
Life will kind of go on as usual, except that
we'll have some more stability
in the economy and some more sort of happiness
from leadership better
my dad the other day you were like okay so she wants to know my dad who's passed away
thinks about covet or thought about covet or well he's just glad that you survived it let's put it
that way that's nice and that it's you know i mean i don't think it came from bat meat but you know
some say it did some say it didn't i don't i don't think your father agrees that don't think it came from bat meat, but you know, some say it did. Some say it didn't.
I don't, I don't think your father agrees that that's where it came from, but I don't
want to say completely.
He's just really happy that his son is healthy.
I'm good.
I'm good.
And, um, and then I also see, um, look at, we're here in Nola, New Orleans, right?
The people are so resistant here.
We mean like, like like resilient resistant yeah they
were they you've i mean i told the mayor i meant resilient yeah i told the mayor last night i said
you know i'm so impressed these people they want to live they're like they're like engaged they
want to go out there and they want to get on with it yes every uber driver i came across
is is a person that has lived here yep and loved it and yeah resilient to what's gone on here and it it is full
of life and it's full of like i don't know it has it's like any city they're a little dark
but you know what it's quite interesting and if you talk about the ghost like madame
laveau you know she was not exactly what people think. She was very Catholic.
She helped the sick.
She worked with prisoners.
And she happened to, you know, I was able to connect her a little bit, but she was surprisingly somebody who really was a good person.
Nice, nice, nice.
Well, I, you know, I always say that I have my dad's voice in my head
sort of being incredulous like,
what? A respiratory virus? Shut the world. We had like yellow fever and polio and tuberculosis and
a respiratory virus? Shut the world down? Like what? He would have been like confused like,
what's happening? Well, he was just like he doesn't, you know he's trying to expose what happened but he doesn't want to
really you know completely oh i see i mean where it came from yes yes oh you're telling me something
it's not from the bats well i think that's pretty clear wasn't bat meat yeah yeah it's pretty clear
it's a bat virus but it didn't come from a bat no just how does he feel about that
well you know he doesn't want to he feel about that well you know he
doesn't want to you know completely say but you know he does want to scare people either um and
i think maybe we're in some ways we're safer if it didn't come from like the bat meat i agree with
you i agree with you jessica b wants to know it was an accident accidents happen just could be
wants to know if i'll be president me um you know what he would probably win but i'm not sure drew really wants no i'm not sure
thank you for that you do know me drew for president and really more than i don't want it
mrs pinsky you have to wear that red wig more often just to hide out
uh any other questions from you guys on the stream here we're just goofing around for a You don't have to wear that red wig more often just to hide out.
Any other questions from you guys on the stream here?
We're just goofing around for a Halloween show.
If you have questions, I'm watching the restream here.
It's been a very interesting show.
Rebecca, thank you for being here.
Tell people again where they can find you if they want more.
Rebecca, Fearing,
Or take the number down, 818-853-1123 um if the phone is full with messages call back the next day i get a lot of phone calls but we do respond to everybody that calls uh tom cigar is
asking if i'm going to be on the joe rogan show and last night i spent a couple of hours with joe
and dave chapelle and tom segura and jo Joe and I made plans for a possible Joe Rogan appearance.
So you don't need Rebecca for that one.
I can tell you about this one.
Yes, he will.
And yay!
About time, about time.
And so, and by the way, I had, thank you to Jeff Ross,
who got me into the arena and then the backstage area.
The four of them were hysterical. the city of New Orleans sold out the
arena and were so enthused to have them there just speaking their mind and being funny and it was a
sensational show Dave who if he's out there Mr Chappelle whom I hadn't seen in years was uh just
such a delight and and he is and guys he is affected by all the storm that's around
him like any of us we it affects us and it's it makes us unhappy but i you know we should get
out there and support him to speak his mind whatever it might be he's making a point when
he says these difficult things and listen to his point not the difficult things you you can have
your reactions to it but re what if you want to take issue with something take the issue that the reason is he's saying these difficult things so that's my two two cents on this anything and watch
it all the way to the end yes that's what caleb says watch at the end which is the point he says
he tells you two things in the in the in the show which is listen carefully because you really have
to you have to really listen to what he's doing and watch it all the way to the end where he he tells you why he did everything he did and he makes a very interesting point that at first
i wasn't sure i agreed with but it sure made me think and i'm still not 100 sure i agree with it
but i'm glad he made that point i really am i'm i you don't you can admire and appreciate things
without agreeing with them people you can admire it you can you can you
know like like it could be like a you can appreciate someone's point of view and and it
will change yours even if you don't fully agree with it that you know Pauline and I were out
doing a book tour and and and she I got to know her point of view a lot more clearly because of
it and I thought oh I really admire this I don't i don't agree entirely but i admire the the the thinking and the perspective and and i always assume that
we'll all get to sort of some sort of synthetic middle ground with all these different ideas
which makes us all better and smarter right and we're not robots then you know yeah we're human
beings with free will just good yeah um and i also wanted to say one of my other predictions is
that the bridges and roads will get um safer because there's going to be a lot of work done
on oh we're going to have an infrastructure bill yes and then trains will be safer too
so that our railroads will be we get some fast trains in here yes we're going to get some good
trains and safe trains and so i'm excited about i like to ride the trains very interesting
caleb anything from your standpoint before we wrap things up here?
Uh, no, nothing from me. Nope.
Is Caleb going to stay in Alabama?
Um, maybe for at least a next year. I think so.
That's for sure.
We're liking it here.
How long are you going to stay up there? You liking it? Okay. Well, Caleb has no plans
to move away maybe at least for now yeah letting the baby you know here i have my uh here's
my my camden update photo of the day here this is him making his cute face this is baby we can't see
it because we're not getting any return we're just getting oh darn it well i'll tell you this is a
photo of the cutest baby in the world he's on your screen now and uh now i will
transition back although we saw we saw a competitor at the wedding today susan we saw a competing baby
uh let's see uh b world says i disagree with the delivery this is about chappelle
it's not great to compare social problems saying one is worth more than the other if the truth wish is equality be ruled i think you're
i think you're over in a different zone that from what he was talking about what he was saying i
don't want to get too deep into it but what he was saying is that african americans of african
descent have been fighting a special problem for hundreds of years and he was a little jealous of the fact that the LGBTQ
plus community could make such progress so fast.
And then he went on to make a point about that.
That's all.
That's all I'm saying.
Uh, okay.
Let's start with, uh, I'm looking more your stuff is all right.
We're going to wrap this up.
Anything else from any last words?
No, thank you.
Anything I should know?
Uh, well, what's well, I'm, I feel very strongly that financially you and susan are going
to do very well good thank you for that as a team here as a team member it is a team yeah it is and
that uh you thank you your mom's house thank you dr thank your mom's house but you know i
susan has been managing our stuff for a while they're doing an exceptionally good yeah she's
good and she's got an intuition about it so So it seems to be really good. It's a different way. I'm very rigid about it. She's holistic about it.
Yes. And your kids are amazing. Paulina, I just had the pleasure of spending some time with her
at the wig party. And she's definitely a leader with her own mind. And the boys are doing amazing.
So I think that your family-wise are doing great.
And like I said, you've got a couple of new projects coming up that will be really fun for you too.
Tom Cigars wants to know if she can read them over Twitch chat.
Tom Cigars.
Right now?
Listen, we'll talk about that off the air.
Maybe Tom's is possible.
And hey, Hitler, I'm seeing you guys.
And those of you from Mom's House, I don't know what that is.
Okay. Susan. All right. and uh hey hitler i'm seeing you guys and those of you from mom's house what that is okay susan all right so susan's gonna susan does work with rebecca and other folks quite a bit on
a podcast she's gonna bring back to life um one day soon evidently um i do uh okay okay
i hear you b world i hear you you don't like his delivery. And I get that. And who is that? Somebody's asking if I'm reading comments off Twitch.
I'm doing the best I can. It's moving kind of quickly, so I'm trying to.
Any other physicians in my family? Diane, yes, my uncle was a psychiatrist.
Will we have any other physicians in our family?
Well, the question was, any other physicians in your family?
Sons, no. Uncle uncle yes uh and that was
just these two generations what we were we were ukrainian refugees from the ukrainian genocide
ended up in chicago lived my parents my dad lived in sort of a ghetto and that family's
dream was both sons would be a doctor and you know get out of the jewish ghetto and they did
and then i became one, too.
And I'm not sure we're going to keep that thread going much longer.
What do you think?
Oh, what do you think, Rebecca?
Are there more physicians in the family?
I don't think you're children, like you said.
But I do feel one grandchild.
Yes, the possibilities will take that on.
Very well done.
All right.
Well, thank you all for being here today.
Happy Halloween, everyone. This is a really fun halloween show cassandra peterson
thank you please all support her by getting the book uh again let me read the title of the book
just so i get everything out here you put it up there caleb if you don't mind uh the book is true
yours cruelly elvira memoirs the mistress of the dark uh we've given you where you can find uh
rebecca if you
like her and just have a great weekend everybody enjoy Halloween uh there's Susan thank you Susan
thank you Caleb and I will leave it at that we'll see you on Monday is that right everybody am I
looking at Monday correctly we've got a big week next week with guests let me review what that is
very quickly we have uh I know we have if they go to slash dr drew i actually already scheduled all of
them so they can go and click to get reminders on every new uh guest that's coming up almost for the
entire month coming up they can see the whole lineup perfect we have a big lineup coming includes
it comes arthur kaplan the ethicist vene prasad the great oncologist researcher who's been
whose pen has been on fire lately and is beginning a lot of heat for
that. That's on Tuesday, but you can see it all there. Check it all out at, again, where is it?
They're all lined up at slash drdrew.
Okay, perfect. And we'll see you all on Monday. Thank you so much.
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder,
the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. This show is intended for educational and informational
purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor,
and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine
and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is
available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future.
Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated
since this was published.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me.
Call 911.
If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations
and helpful resources at slash help.