Ask Dr. Drew - Globalist Utopia Master Plan: Biochemical Engineer Ivor Cummins on Gates and Rockefeller w/ Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 346

Episode Date: April 15, 2024

Ivor Cummins is a Biochemical Engineer and the author of “Eat Rich, Live Long”. He has spent over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions. Since 2012, Ivor has been in...tensively researching the root causes of modern chronic disease. A particular focus has been on cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. Ivor lives in Dublin, Ireland, with his wife and five children. Follow Ivor at Dr. Kelly Victory MD is a board-certified trauma and emergency specialist with over 30 years of clinical experience. She served as CMO for Whole Health Management, delivering on-site healthcare services for Fortune 500 companies. She holds a BS from Duke University and her MD from the University of North Carolina. Follow her at and 「 SPONSORED BY 」 Find out more about the companies that make this show possible and get special discounts on amazing products at • COZY EARTH - Susan and Drew love Cozy Earth's sheets & clothing made with super-soft viscose from bamboo! Use code DREW to save up to 40% at • TRU NIAGEN - For almost a decade, Dr. Drew has been taking a healthy-aging supplement called Tru Niagen, which uses a patented form of Nicotinamide Riboside to boost NAD levels. Use code DREW for 20% off at • PET CLUB 24/7 - Give your pet's body the natural support it deserves! No fillers. No GMOs. No preservatives. Made in the USA. Save 15% at • GENUCEL - Using a proprietary base formulated by a pharmacist, Genucel has created skincare that can dramatically improve the appearance of facial redness and under-eye puffiness. Get an extra discount with promo code DREW at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 「 ABOUT DR. DREW 」 Dr. Drew is a board-certified physician with over 35 years of national radio, NYT bestselling books, and countless TV shows bearing his name. He's known for Celebrity Rehab (VH1), Teen Mom OG (MTV), The Masked Singer (FOX), multiple hit podcasts, and the iconic Loveline radio show. Dr. Drew Pinsky received his undergraduate degree from Amherst College and his M.D. from the University of Southern California, School of Medicine. Read more at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, welcome, and thank you for joining me today. I am not Dr. Drew Pinsky. I'm Kelly Victory filling in for Dr. Drew, who's off traveling today and not available. Really happy that we're actually broadcasting. If anyone was following my Twitter feed earlier, we were sort of on hold because there was a Some severe weather in Caleb's neck of the woods and we weren't entirely sure that we were not going to get knocked out by our hurricane and subsequent power outage Any of you who were on last week?
Starting point is 00:00:37 You are well aware of Caleb's remarkable technical Capabilities. However, we had a lot of technical issues last week with a total shutdown of the sound system, and Caleb managed to get it back on the rails in time to do the show with Ed Dowd. So thank you again for that, Caleb, and we'll keep our fingers crossed that the weather gods will work in our favor. I'm super excited about today's show. I've got Ivor Cummins, who many of you probably know as the Fat Emperor, a triple entendre, by the way, joining us today. He has got some great insight into not only the usual stuff that we talk about, important stuff, by the way, including things like increases in cancer rates and the debacle of
Starting point is 00:01:25 the COVID pandemic response in the first place. But I think more interestingly, he's got a far more broad look at what's going on. We call sort of what's happening with the global cabal, the elitists, what's the connection between the World Economic Forum and the WHO and the Gates Foundation and powers that be within our own country? And really, what is happening here? What we've been witnessing, everybody kind of knows deep down, even if you believed in wearing masks, or you believed in these vaccines, or you believe that COVID was as deadly as they said, even if you believed all that, at this point, as I sit here today, April 2024, I think the average person knows something isn't right. I mean, something does not make sense anymore. Others of us are
Starting point is 00:02:18 saying, oh my, you know, the world's burning, the world's on fire. But everybody, I think, has got the sense that something is awry. And I think that Ivor has an interesting perspective on it. We're going to talk a lot about that. If we have time, we're also going to get into one of my pet interests with him, which is about nutrition and the food source and what's being, you know, really how we are being made sick so that they can then provide us the cure for the sickness that they created uh it's very circular anyway so we're going to be back in just a minute with ivor cummins uh and get into the weeds with him on the global cabal
Starting point is 00:02:58 our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre. The psychopath started this. He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin. Ridiculous. I'm a doctor for f***'s sake. Where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying. You go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I observe things about these chemicals. Let's just deal with what's real. We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time. Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat. If you have trouble, you can't stop and you want to help stop it, I can help. I got a lot to say. I got a lot more to say. Let's talk about aging because everyone wants to know how to slow it down for almost a decade i've been taking a healthy aging supplement called true niagen this supplement boost nad that's something that cells can't live without it's done with a patented form of nicotinamide riboside
Starting point is 00:03:58 called nr or niagen it's more efficient and more scientifically reviewed than NMN or other NAD boosters. TruNiogen is truly the best way to boost NAD levels. And it's made by Chromadex. They're the gold standard in the NAD space. Dr. Charles Brenner, the scientist who discovered the NAD boosting potential of NR, explains. And the center of the metabolism that allows the conversion of food into energy is NAD coenzymes. And NAD gets disturbed in the aging process. And as we're exposed to conditions of metabolic stress, Niagen, which is the form of NR that was developed by Chromadex is the best and the only fully legal form of NR.
Starting point is 00:04:47 And this is really the gold standard for NAD boosting vitamins. I love this product. I urge you to try it. Go to slash truniagen for 20% off your order. That is slash truniagen, T-R-U-N-I-A-G-E-N, and enter drdrew at checkout, D-R-D-R-E-W, enter it at the checkout for 20% off.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Welcome back. As I said, I'm thrilled today to be joined by Ivor Cummins, the fat emperor who's coming to us from across the pond in Ireland. Ivor, many of you may not know, is actually a biochemical engineer. By training, he spent 25 years in the corporate world, leading huge worldwide teams in complex problem-solving issues. Starting more than a decade ago, he became interested in and really delved into the root causes of chronic disease, something that I'm very, very interested in, specifically things like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular
Starting point is 00:05:53 disease, and then really looking at the nutritional causes and fixes of those disease processes. In my newest position now with the wellness company, we are certainly focused on that as well. It's really about wellness and eradicating or reversing this tsunami we have right now of chronic disease. We are at a time when we are being crushed by that. And 50% of Americans have some really severe chronic disease and 80% have a chronic disease of some sort. So hopefully if we have time, we'll get into that. Since 2020, like yours truly, Ivor's really been immersed in the COVID debacle. He certainly saw some things happening that didn't make sense to him from a scientific perspective. He started looking into a number of things, not the least of which
Starting point is 00:06:53 were the origins of the virus itself and our very flawed public health response to it. And as I intimated in my intro a minute ago, he really is looking at the broader picture of what the heck is going on. What is the connection, not just with the CDC and the FDA and local politicians, but the broader global response to this from the WHO, the World Economic Forum, Bill and Melinda Gates, how do they play into this? What is this all about really? What's the end game? And so we're probably going to start with that and then work backwards. So let's bring Ivor in and we'll get this started. Welcome. Thank you for joining us. Great to be here again, Kelly. Thank you. I think I follow you all the time on Twitter, on X, and was amused by a recent video that you put in. We're going to play a portion of that video talking about some of these,
Starting point is 00:08:03 as I call them, nefarious players that are out there. But I also, I'm very serious when I say I have a pet interest in nutrition and in the relationship between nutrition and lifestyle and chronic disease. As a physician, your average physician, by the way, knows next to nothing about nutrition. It's really pathetic. They spend about 15 minutes on it in medical school and they spend semesters on pharmaceuticals. So as I tell people all the time, if you have a doctor who's writing you a prescription before having an in-depth conversation with you about your lifestyle, your nutrition, your exercise routines, your sleep habits, your stress levels.
Starting point is 00:08:46 And they're doing that before, you know, they aren't having that conversation before they start writing prescriptions. Then you don't have a doctor, you've got a drug dealer and you need to find somebody else. So hopefully we can get into that as well. Before we start though, since I said it, I said that the fat emperor, your, whatever we call it, nom de plume, is a triple entendre. How did you come up with the fat emperor? All right, Kelly. Well, very briefly, I was sitting with my wife one evening and I'd gotten
Starting point is 00:09:21 all involved in this metabolic health sphere. I'd given several lectures, put them on YouTube, etc. But it just kind of occurred to us as we were talking that, you know, the emperor for me is mainly the emperor's new clothes from Hans Christian Andersen. You know, everyone realizes the emperor is naked, but no one says anything because they're scared, because they'll get in trouble. So that was the whole kind of research world for 50 years.
Starting point is 00:09:48 They couldn't say, look, this cholesterol thing is grossly exaggerated. It's largely nonsense. The real problem is blood sugar and insulin resistance. You just couldn't say it. There was a consensus panel with the NIH in the 80s, and they were basically told, you're not allowed to question cholesterol. It's the primary driver of heart disease. That was essentially their words. So there was the emperor's new clothes where everyone had to keep their mouth shut. And then the emperor, for me, I'm a corporate guy. It signifies corporate power that put the
Starting point is 00:10:18 thumb on the scales for many decades and funded science, nutrition science, pharmaceutical science, funded it all towards the direction of profit. And then the last or the third thing was the poor kind of fat emperor, the person who's diabetes, who's metabolically very ill, and they keep eating the healthy whole grains and the heart-healthy vegetable oils, and they're literally just destroying themselves. But they're trying to follow the advice, you see. And there's something tragic about that. So that was kind of how I came up with it. Well, I love it.
Starting point is 00:10:56 And by the way, I'm glad that Caleb put up your book, the Eat Rich, Live Long. I just actually ordered my copy of it. It's supposed to arrive today. I have not got it, but I really want to read your take on it. But as you said, and I think it's apparent to anybody who's honest in healthcare that we have a public that is fatter, more diabetic, more hypertensive, more depressed, and more insomniac than ever, despite everything that we have been doing, supposedly telling them and educating them in what is supposedly a healthy
Starting point is 00:11:33 diet. And so clearly we're doing something wrong and frankly, probably lying to people about the reality of what's healthy and what's not for the profits of big pharma and the biopharmaceutical complex. So we're going to get into that, but I really want to start the other way, talking about your insights. And I think that they are profound, humorous, but also profound with regard to what the hell is going on here. It means something is not right. So I'm going to give you the floor to talk a little bit about how you came to this. And you've got a great pictogram that we're going to show as well that I want you to walk people through, but talk about how it is that you came to even looking at it this way, that this is a far more complex global phenomenon than simply our response, ill-advised or not, to a specific virus. It's way bigger than that.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Yeah, it's vastly bigger than that. And I started off, Kelly, I'm a root cause guy. So I started off with the complex dynamics of COVID itself. So in March 2020, my wife said, oh, do we need to get masks, do you think? And I said, no. And she said, but surely, you know, they're all talking about this COVID thing. But I had seen the Diamond Princess data, and it took me a few seconds, to be quite honest, to just do the math. You had 3 700 people it was a petri ship it had max spread perfect natural experiment and the only people who passed away
Starting point is 00:13:13 were late 70s and late 80s and the 2200 kind of staff weren't affected at all there was nothing reported so i did a quick map of that to the population. I said, right, really old, immunocompromised, frail people will be affected like a severe flu. Maybe a 0.15% overall mortality rate in absolute mortality, not much different than a severe flu season. And I said, that's it. And to this day, that proved to be absolutely true. That was it. But then, of course, they did the lockdowns. Everything went crazy. I got stuck in America at a conference, had to change flights, you know, Trump shut down everything, got home and the airport was closing in Dublin. I said, hold on a minute. The math is simple here. And for a while, I thought it was hysteria. So I did allow for a while that it was the precautionary principle, that they were just all getting themselves worked up in a froth,
Starting point is 00:14:12 and they were just making stupid mistakes. But then people began to send me, during April, World Economic Forum, Common Pass, mid-2019, the Common Pass with Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Rockefeller Foundation, set up a whole thing for a universal vaccine pass, QR code, digital ID. And I just couldn't ignore it. I didn't want it to be a kind of a conspiracy, but I couldn't ignore these facts. And more and more came in. So I stuck to COVID, though, mostly for six to nine months, going through the data on transmission, lockdown ineffectiveness, mask ineffectiveness. And it was like shooting rats in a barrel. The data was so
Starting point is 00:14:59 obvious. But eventually I had to switch to the geopolitics and the reality of the true root cause of this madness. And that really, the big break I got because I had the WEF, the WHO, I knew was an utterly corrupt organization. I quickly found out that Bill Gates, combined with Gavi, which is also Bill Gates, put them together. They're the biggest funder by a mile. And the key thing people need to understand is, it's not just that they're the biggest funders of the WHO, but they are truly interested parties. So all the other governments give money, don't care what the WHO does, quite honestly. They just give money because it's just tax money, it's mouse click money, they don't care. But Bill Gates's money is given for a reason. And it's for power and control and profit. So, you know, I just knew I knew most of it,
Starting point is 00:15:52 but I discovered Dr. Jakob Nordengård in Sweden, and he did a PhD around 2012 and wrote a book, Rockefeller Controlling the Game. And that gives the full history and root cause of this from the 1950s, even before that, right through to the World Economic Forum 2020 and COVID. And he is perfectly correct. And everything is referenced, utterly referenced. It's all published in the Rockefeller archives and the UN. So people need to understand, not only is it not a so-called conspiracy theory, but it's fully published and self-evident how we got here. I can't stress that enough. Spectacular. So before we get into this and start actually walking through, as I call them, these nefarious evil players, and that's what they are in my mind. You said something, and I want to make sure that we get it on the record.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Here you are, you're a guy, you're not a physician, you're our scientist, and you had ready access, as did everyone, to the data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was a perfect example. It was a great little study in itself, a little, you know, it was a microcosm of the universe. You've got these 3000 people, you could see it was right there. Yet despite that, despite that, that information was shut down. You had Neil Ferguson at the same time, you know, out of London, the College of London, putting out these quote, modeling, predicting that everybody's going to die. You know, out of London, the College of London, putting out these, quote, modeling, predicting that everybody's going to die. You know, we're going to have 200 bazillion people,
Starting point is 00:17:30 whatever his number was, 200 million people in the United States are going to die or whatever it was. He said it was some ridiculous number that was off by orders of magnitude, highly flawed. And at a time, why are you, you don't rely on modeling studies when you have actually real life studies. So they deferred to flawed modeling by a mathematician rather than looking at the actual data. Here's actually what's happening in real life. And that should never happen. Real life data always is superior to modeling data for good reason. So I just want to get it out there that what you were seeing and obviously concluding was correct. So start walking us through and you've got a great diagram. So you let me know when you want to bring the diagram up or if it's easier for you to just kind of talk it through kind of how do these disparate or apparently disparate groups
Starting point is 00:18:31 connect what's the what's the common thread between them all yeah well probably we get to the diagram in a moment but uh the best thing is to go back to Norgengard's PhD and his book, Rockefeller Controlling the Game, because essentially, back in the 1950s, the five sons of John D. Rockefeller, who clearly was a sociopath, you know, the robber baron, he was obsessed with internationalism, and he was obsessed with the idea that we needed to have one world government, essentially, where the elite like him could manage the world and do their trade with no limits and have the little people just do whatever work he needed them to do. And he truly believed that. That's just the way he was. And he taught his sons well.
Starting point is 00:19:23 So his five sons in the 1950s, they set up the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and they basically embarked on delivering world government. And they stated that themselves. They said, we cannot avoid the responsibility that has been given to us, I guess, by the universe. And this is how they think, that we need to shape a new world order in all its aspects, political, spiritual, financial, etc. I mean, they wrote it all down in the Brothers Fund initiation. It's all published. So they said what they were doing, and after 70 years, they're well on their way to getting it. They also knew that they would not get it within their lifetime. And they didn't have a problem with that.
Starting point is 00:20:09 They knew it would take like a half century, maybe a century. And that didn't bother them. They're not like ordinary people who focus on things next week, next month, maybe next year, maybe 10 years. They focus on things that will come to fruition long after their death, but their sons and their children will take over the dynasty. So they're long gamers in an extreme way. But to give an example, they identified in the 1950s climate disaster as an opportunity. So that was before there was any scientist in the room. So for the next 50, 60, 70 years, through myriad organizations and funding activist groups,
Starting point is 00:20:52 they got us to a stage where 90% of the climate scientists agreed there was a catastrophe. But that took 50 or 60 years and the setting up of the UN IPCC and the setting up of the Club of Rome, which was set up by Italy's richest man, who was also a friend of David Rockefeller and in Chase Manhattan Banquet. So all these organizations were set up with a long game goal. And the key thing is they identified climate disaster, global pandemics, global financial crashes. What was the other one? Global macro terrorism fears. They were the four primary opportunities in order to persuade the little people that they needed a global government. So they identified global issues. It's amazing. You really cannot overstate just how sociopathic these people are. Talk about a
Starting point is 00:21:54 God complex. It's one thing to have sort of a paternalistic view of the world that you are sort of the benevolent dictator. These people really go way beyond that. Rockefeller went way beyond that. He really believed that they were smarter than everybody else and should be controlling the world, that they had the right to control the world. And I think they identified those levers that would allow them to control it.
Starting point is 00:22:24 It's all about control, right? Because you get people to believe that they need a global government by driving them into either a place of fear or a place of desperation or both. You make people so desperate and or so fearful that they say, oh God, I'll do anything you want if you just make it stop. And if the anything is, tell us what to do, whatever, your highness, it doesn't matter. And so if you control the food source, you control the fuel source, you control education, you control travel, you control what people wear. Once you control all. You control, you know, what people wear. If you, once you control all of those things, you have people, uh, completely under your thumb. So I agree with you. This, this started
Starting point is 00:23:11 way back. It's fascinating, as you point out that they didn't necessarily need it delivered to them personally. They were happy for their, uh, lineage, their, uh, their children, or, you know, their, their, those who they had tapped as successors to ultimately guide it. But all right, so that's back from the 50s going forward. Now, what started the tipping point? How did we get where we are now? Well, yeah, the tipping point, I think it's a long time coming, obviously, since the 50s. And it goes through Kissinger and then the setting up of the Harvard kind of conferences that was funded by Ford and Rockefeller Foundation. And it turned out Department, the CIA, for good reason, because the CIA have to be highly involved with anything that involves world governance on behalf of the State Department. So it's not a conspiracy theory, it just makes sense. But all of this was moving on and steadily growing towards
Starting point is 00:24:18 the ultimate outcome. Now, the COVID was just the perfect kind of scam in order to rapidly accelerate progress. So they'd made a certain amount of progress with climate. They'd made other progress with swine flu. They got pretty close to getting a worldwide hysteria. And then it collapsed because the press around the world was still too free. I think I heard that 300 different news outlets all over the globe together began to question swine flu and realized that nothing was really going on. And the whole thing collapsed in a mess. Now, since swine flu 2009, they identified that
Starting point is 00:24:58 weakness, the free press. And when it came to COVID 2020 that problem was completely fixed and that's why we saw all of the press all of the media like gushing about the deaths terrified apparently though they're all caught at parties all the senior journalists were caught at parties during the lockdown but they knew what to say and their CEOs are all members of the World Economic Forum, and they all know what the story is. And an interesting thing is 2006, Rand Corporation, a military industrial complex outfit, did a risks report looking forward to 2020s. And they basically called out that the biggest risk they thought that might happen or could happen was possibly a global pandemic. And they noted that what would need to be done and
Starting point is 00:25:55 what would happen and Rockefeller lockstep scenario 2010 all published, they're an absolute facsimile of what happened. And what these reports, huge reports and scenarios said, was the governments would have to stamp down with authoritarianism to control the people and control, this 2006 Rand report, control misinformation. Because misinformation would be the big problem. Apparently, according to Rand and the WEF, who they did the report for in 2006, misinformation. People think that nonsense only came up in 2020 to stop correct people questioning what the hell was going on.
Starting point is 00:26:40 So they called it misinformation. But no, 2006, it was all laid out in the Rand report. So they basically identified all of the weaknesses that would undermine the scams of the future. And they worked on them for over a decade before COVID hit. So when COVID hit, I often explain to people, the World Economic Forum, since 1993, have indoctrinated 4,000 young global leaders. So Bill Gates and a bunch of other reprobates were the first crew in in 93. And then the Prime Minister of Ireland was in many years ago, Trudeau, Ardern, Macron, yada, yada, yada, 4,000 young global leaders. And over those 30 years, they were all helped move up the ladder really fast because of the enormous influence of WEF.
Starting point is 00:27:35 So they got all these people in place and all of them did actual exercises over the last 10 or 15 years on like and beyond, sustainable development, pandemics. They all did the whiteboarding about how they as leaders would deal with these problems, right? So they were fully indoctrinated. So just to finish on that, Kelly, what happened when COVID came? It was like Pavlov's dogs or that Manchurian candidate. Basically, all these leaders around the world and all the CEOs of the media, they all looked and said, ah, this is what we're all scenario planning for. Here it is. And they stepped right into role. That's why it was coordinated. Absolutely. And so before That's why it was coordinated.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Absolutely. And so before we get further into the weeds, which I want to about the WEF and these 4,000 global leaders, it's really important to point out that even with all of those leaders, 4,000 of them, they would never have been able to get the traction they did if it were not for the fact
Starting point is 00:28:42 that they'd identified the weakness in having an open and independent media. They knew they had to shut that down. This could never have happened. I submit to you that just like it happened with swine flu, the COVID debacle couldn't have happened, disease X, monkeypox, avian flu, the next fear flag. None of those things would get any traction if you had an independent and honest press and an independent and honest social media platform. It was only because they were very successful. And I'd like your take on that too, how they managed to be so successful in shutting down the public voices, you know, the shutting down this quote, misinformation and disinformation, because without that, even, you know, 4,000 strong, you know, 40,000 strong, I don't think
Starting point is 00:29:39 they would have been able to get the traction that they did, it was by shutting down true, honest, open discourse. Absolutely. And it's a two-hander, I always say. And they learned from Stalin. They learned from the little guy in Germany in the 30s. They know history and they learn from it and they're bristling with psychologists. So they were well prepared, but they knew the media. I think it was attributed to Goebbels. Give me control of the media or the radio in those days, and I will turn any nation into a nation of pigs. And that was the contempt. Goebbels knew it. If you own the media, no matter what era or what the nature of it is, you basically have the people because you just keep telling them the same lie again and again. And after a while,
Starting point is 00:30:33 they'll just assume it's true. And then they'll turn against people who question it because they'll feel that they're betraying the tribe or they're not saving granny. I mean, it's worked for all of human history. So that's that. But the other thing is the WEF, the young global leaders are just the tip of the iceberg. So they also have the young global shapers community, which is, I think, 50 or 60,000 people. And they're influencers in social media and all these kinds of spaces. So they've also got a huge program there.
Starting point is 00:31:08 And you can only become a young global shaper if you're personally vouched for by another shaper or you're already a member of the World Economic Forum. So they made sure no moles got in there. But then you've got all of the big corporations, especially big tech and especially all the banks, are all trustees, members, and on the board and heavily funding the WEF. All the media are in there as well. So all of their CEOs are doing round trips to Davos for many, many years talking about these scenarios and what would be important. So again, when the time comes, they will set the editorial tone in their organizations. And a reporter that questions it will quickly find himself or herself at the end of a contract.
Starting point is 00:31:57 And then there'll be a chilling effect and other reporters will see, oh my God. And they'll just note with nothing written. They'll just know what not to talk about. So this is not as difficult as people might think. How could they all be coordinated? Well, 50 years and endless money and control can get you these results actually quite easily. Remarkable. All right. Well, we're going to cut to a break. When we come back, we'll continue with this and put up the diagram that you can walk us through so that people can start to see just how intricate this entire scheme is. So we'll cut to a break. We'll be back in a
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Starting point is 00:35:43 The kit includes remedies for jet lag, variety of infections, even GI ailments. Imagine your flight getting grounded anywhere, say even in the US, and you start getting sick. You do not want to be at the mercy of the US healthcare system or any healthcare system. At home, we keep the Ultimate First Aid Kit on hand. It has over 20 essential supplies and medications for situations when time is of the essence. Order one for your car and your go bag. Because these kits contain prescriptions, your purchase includes a telemedicine consultation as well as an instruction manual. Go to slash TWC for 10% off.
Starting point is 00:36:18 That is slash TWC for 10% off all your orders. I'm very excited about these kits. Go to slash TWC for 10% off all your orders. I'm very excited about these kits. Go to slash TWC. There's nothing in medicine that doesn't boil down to a risk benefit calculation. It is the mandate, public health, to consider the impact of any particular mitigation scheme on the entire population. This is uncharted territory, Drew. All right. Well, welcome back. I'm here today with Ivor Cummins, the fat emperor, talking about the global cabal. By that, I mean the World Economic Forum, the WHO,
Starting point is 00:37:07 Davos, Bill Gates, and the interconnection between all of them. The COVID-19 pandemic was just part of that. And hopefully Ivor is going to be joining us again to walk through this great diagram he has, complex as it is, but it really does, it's really wonderful because I think Ivor it. It's illustrative of just how deep the tentacles go of this thing. And I think it starts for me to make sense why they've done things like how the whole climate change thing, you know, ties in and how the, you know, why it's so important for them to have another avian flu so that they can attack the food system again, and why we're killing cattle and all of that, how it all interconnects. So if you're ready to put the diagram up, we can do that now, Caleb. There you go. All right. So there it is. Thanks, Kelly. Yeah. So all I did really was I went to Dubai. I was invited to give a couple of keynotes at an investment conference, kind of high net worth individuals a few weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:38:10 And they wanted me to do the global kind of the Greek chess game, kind of what we're talking about, and also, you know, resilience against these problems. So I made this diagram up really quickly, and it really just reflects what's actually happening, but it also reflects the UN 2030, Agenda 2030 goals pretty faithfully, and it pulls them together. So remember, the WEF and the UN, they're basically joined at the hip since Rockefeller largely created both of them. But they joined up officially in 2019. No media covered it. And the WEF and all its corporations,
Starting point is 00:38:50 big tech and banks, will fund the UN Agenda 2030 goals. And they've documented there's an intention for it to become, you know, the new world government in the long run and a new Bretton Woods agreement and we have CBDCs, and all this stuff is being talked about. But this here is just a root cause diagram format, which I've
Starting point is 00:39:11 used for 30 years, using it slightly differently here, but just to see how everything joins up. And you'll see that the red circles, I marked them red, weaken society. This is always a goal. So there's lots of different goals, but they're all synergistic. They reinforce each other, and they all go towards this world government control and power, a centralized system that they want. So if you go to the top left, the COVID-19 program, that's what I call it, because whether the virus was real or not, lab or not, it doesn't matter. At the end of the day, it was exploited for the horror that we saw occur. And what they got out of that was through MF, mass formation, Professor Matthias Desmet did great work on that.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Through these mechanisms, they got lockstep authoritarianism, And that was all predicted and planned by the Rockefeller 2010 lockstep report and the Rand Corporation 2006 I mentioned. So they got this lockstep between governments and that weakened society. But the COVID-19 program itself, if you look at the arrow coming across, weakened society by definition, by getting everyone into a mass formation like headless chickens. That's a huge society weakener and dividing people against each other. COVID-19 also gave a transfer of power in the kind of brown or orange there, and it supported the creation or the enhancement of the biosecurity state. And the WHO was given enormous powers. No one cared about it before.
Starting point is 00:40:47 But now suddenly, if you said anything against them, you'd be taken off YouTube. The CEO of YouTube said that in March 2020. If you conflict with WHO, you'll be taken down. And then if we look a little lower below COVID-19 partner profiteering, and this is a really big parallel benefit
Starting point is 00:41:04 of the likes of the COVID program. All your partners get to wet their beaks. The mask manufacturers, big tech, big box stores, Amazon, all the funding partners of the WEF, big pharma, obviously in a big way, they all get to wet their beak, just like any organized crime setup. And that enhances the funding they can give to the WEF, and it bolsters the corporate alliances with all these corporates who are feeding at the trough. And then censorship. The partner profiteering is where Big Pharma, in your model, works into this whole thing, which is a huge piece of this. So Big Pharma is just one of the multiple partners. As we know, there are people who made billions of dollars on this, and many people in China did because that's where all of these drugs and supplies came from.
Starting point is 00:42:02 But then there was our own US-based pharmaceutical companies. So that comes in under the partner profiteering. Absolutely, Kelly. And people should think of the mafia analogy, organized crime, and the phrase wetting their beak. Because if a big mafia family is coming in, it creates alliances with all the other families and makes sure everyone wets their beak. It cements alliances and keeps everyone going in the same direction. So that's where profiteering is important. It's the grease that oils this kind of infernal machine. But censorship apparatus then, it was a huge opportunity to, the phrase I made up was, make censorship great again. Because for 15 years, we haven't had censorship. I mean, the Western principles are you do not censor.
Starting point is 00:42:55 What they managed in 12 months to make people largely accept censorship. So that was another massive benefit going forward to get censorship and the state overriding the First Amendment by using big tech to censor who they wanted censored. This was a huge benefit and that weakened society like nothing else, as we know. So that's the COVID, the whole COVID thing. Now, another big thing I didn't show there was they want a global digital ID. That's why in mid-2019, Rockefeller and Microsoft and Gates set up Common Pass. And that was kind of a sleeper company. And then suddenly it exploded in February, March 2020. And the Google searches for Common Pass shot through the roof.
Starting point is 00:43:44 And they were centered in East Coast America and Geneva. So you can just look and see the data, right? Right. All right. Okay, so that's the upper left quadrant of your diagram. Let's walk us through the next portion of it. Okay, we'll just quickly do the gender because this throws people they say look i know something crazy is going on because this doesn't really feel like grassroots and yet again we see all the politicians and all the media supporting something
Starting point is 00:44:18 that's anti-scientific but they're all doing it so i I smell a rat. Well, you're absolutely right. The reason for that, and it's been funded by the Pritzkers and billionaires and corporates for decades, and they've infiltrated academia and driven these ideas for a long time. Well, now they're getting a payoff because these things, this nonsense erodes fundamental truths and that weakens society. So society depends on kind of certainties and things you can depend on, like up and down, black and white, male and female. So they've actually gone after one fundamental principle that society all understands and are actually trying to turn it on its head. And that has caused massive division. You saw J.K. Rowling. You see all these great people
Starting point is 00:45:11 trying to call this madness out. You see great professors of sociology and of medicine trying to call it out. What happens? They all get smashed. They get canceled. They get attacked. So this is causing an enormous division in society and weakening society. So that's how all the gender nonsense fits in, even though without seeing the overall picture, you'd wonder, well, how does that fit in with COVID and pharma? Well, it fits in beautifully, actually. Well, it's not coincidence, Ivor, that President Biden announced that this past, you know, our Easter Sunday was a transgender day of visibility, the holiest of all holidays for the Christian faith. And he announced it instead of calling it Easter, that it was transgender day of visibility. Talk about eroding into the very fabric, the psyche,
Starting point is 00:46:07 really just the entire structure of our society is being undermined by that. And it's very, very divisive. So regardless of whether or not you, how you feel about transgenderism, the fact that he would do such a thing, I think was not just coincidence. I think it was very, very purposeful to pick Easter Sunday. Yeah, absolutely. It's divide and conquer, oldest thing in human history, and it's just a new corporate kind of woke version, but it's the same trick, same old ploy. So top right, I mean, I don't need to go through climate. We've had the film released recently.
Starting point is 00:46:48 It's superb, Climate, the movie. I helped share it wherever I could. Professors to the hilt all the way through it, actually smilingly debunking most of the climate catastrophe nonsense. I mean, they don't even have to try. Beautiful film, really even have to try. Beautiful film, really good one to share. But climate, of course, partner profiteering, wetting the beak.
Starting point is 00:47:15 The corporates with the green agenda, you've got all the windmills, you've got all the electric cars. A lot of players are wetting their beaks. Massive government money creating more inflation going into these highly inefficient models. But a lot of people are feeding at the trough.
Starting point is 00:47:31 The industries are becoming massive. WEF said it could be a $40 trillion business over the next 10 years. So they're dog whistling to all the corporate partners. Hey, you can feed, guys. You can wet your beak.
Starting point is 00:47:45 You know, you see how it all links together? And wealth transfer, massive. Let me ask you a question because I know you're in the upper right with climate change and in the lower left is about the war on farmers. The globalists, part of their global initiative, they will tell you that they want us to decrease our reliance, say, on animal sources for food. So then they launch a scare, you know, where you've got a bird flu and they're killing, you know, dozens of birds, millions of birds or millions of cows or whatever it is. They will tell you that they want us to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels. So they create this climate change, you know, thing, you scare and
Starting point is 00:48:26 say, if we don't decrease our reliance, you know, we're all going to burn up and the entire world's going to explode. And, you know, we're all going to die kind of thing. Do you think fundamentally at the root of this, do they really want us to decrease our reliance on animal sources? Do they really want us to decrease our reliance on fossil fuels? Or are they simply using these as control mechanisms to do what you're saying? Do you think they give a rat's ass about the, you know,
Starting point is 00:48:53 about the globe, about the environment or anything else? I mean, these are, this is not Bobby Kennedy saying this stuff. This is Bill Gates. Do they actually care
Starting point is 00:49:03 about these things? Or is it purely a control mechanism and a money-making mechanism for them? Yeah, I'd say, Kelly, at the top, the people are important because they have vast legions of useful idiots, including many of our ministers in Ireland and all over the world. So don't get me wrong. There's huge numbers of useful idiots who've been well rewarded and activist groups and entrained into this to act as kind of henchmen. And a lot of them may believe it because a lot of them are indeed idiots. But the guys at the top couldn't give a fig, I would say, overwhelmingly know that it's absolute nonsense. Now,
Starting point is 00:49:47 I would believe that they get excited at the idea that the people would be denied their healthy ancestral animal products that keeps them healthy and slim and more critical thinking. I'd say that delights them. And I'd say it horrifies them that in the last few decades, ordinary simple workers can go twice a year to a sunny holiday on a jet burning their kerosene. these ants need to be put back in an ant farm, like where they were for most of human history. This thing has gotten completely out of hand. We are the elites. We are the great financiers and bankers. And we're looking at a planet where all of these pesky ants are using up all the stuff. And they're having lifestyles that are kind of similar to ours in a way that is not acceptable to them. So that's my personal belief, Kelly, is they certainly have a massive superiority complex, or you mentioned the God complex, and they're all now together in the clubs.
Starting point is 00:50:59 Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, Rockefeller Brothers, WHO, WEF, I could go on all day long. All of the clubs are there and they're all together and they're all stroking each other as that the fact that they're the elite and they want to run a properly managed Antfarm. That is their ultimate goal. That's the only way I can put it to be slightly humorous and to call it what it is. No, I think you're right. It's sounding more and more like we are living the Hunger Games. We just don't know it or we haven't realized it yet. You know, I think, you know, maybe I should be called Katniss. I think this is more and more the Hunger Games. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:51:50 Again, I don't think they actually want a kind of a depopulation that involves major events because that's dangerous and that could provoke the ants, right, into a bit of a storm. So I think depopulation, which is a popular one talked about, that'll be achieved by making a world where no one wants to have children. And they're already halfway there, to be quite honest. And after a few generations, you'll get your depopulation over time. They're not in a panic.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And I don't think they want to hunger games because in reality, they want people to kind of accept this. You will own nothing and be happy. They want the masses to kind of walk into their own cages. They don't want to force them into their cages and starve them because that's dangerous to the elite. So, you know, they want to coerce them into this ant farm. Just like COVID was mostly coercion and not a huge amount of army brought in and railway trucks, right? People didn't disappear in their thousands to camps.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Now, I know there's a little bit of that in Australia. Yeah, they'd like that, but they didn't really try that because it wouldn't wash. So they're trying to boil the frog and get everyone drifting into a CBDC, social credit China system, 15 minute cities, slowly, slowly catchy monkey, boil the frog steadily, slowly take away their meat and their nutritious foods, replace it with a dependency pipeline of corporate junk food, you know, and just slowly do it. Yeah. All right. And that's why I said that this all ties into your background in nutrition and chronic disease and all of that, because I do think that they dovetail. Okay, keep taking us around the diagram here.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Right, round the merry-go-round, we're nearly done. So bottom middle, the mass migration, it's quite a hot topic. You get accused of being racist just for having an open discussion. But the reality is, this is a century-old strategy, and it's all documented. Count Klergli of the Pan-European Union, is this is a century-old strategy, and it's all documented.
Starting point is 00:54:09 Count Klergli of the Pan-European Union, I think it was 1926, those guys published in this. They wanted a European super state. It wasn't a Western kind of one-world government then. It was the Europe. And they identified that if they could bring in mass migration of very different cultures in large amounts and flood the zone, they'd undermine the nationality and sovereignty of all these disparate nations in Europe. Because the big thing that was stopping a pan-European union was you had red-haired Irish
Starting point is 00:54:37 over here with their fiddles and accordions, you had these Nordic Swedes, you know, in the Northern Europe with their own customs. And I could go on all day. You can't make a bland, you know, brown blob of the whole of Europe when you have all these very independent nations that are proud. So what you do is you flood them with an overload of migrants from very different cultures. And ideally, those floods of migrants will maintain their existing culture and not integrate. You don't actually want integration because then some nationality creeps back. So you want division and lack of integration and you want overload, flood the zone. So I think we're just seeing in the last
Starting point is 00:55:25 few years, people are wondering, why are all our politicians overloading our systems when we've already got a problem? And they seem disingenuous. They don't seem to be reflecting the voters at all. Like in Ireland, we had 76% said the mass migration out of control has to stop. And all the politicians are ignoring a 76%, you know, public poll run by one of the best polling companies in the country. Why are they completely ignoring us? Well, because they're answering to WFUN. That's why. Right. It's very interesting because in this country, we commonly say, and I certainly say, that the a decade now that the most common boy's name in Paris is Mohammed. There's been a huge change.
Starting point is 00:56:33 You see it certainly in the UK. So I think that your explanation comes far closer to the real explanation for why there's mass migration being allowed. It's not just as we're seeing, yes, in this country, it will assure that we never have a Republican in the Oval Office again, but your explanation comes far closer, I think, to the real, the globalist excuse or their motivation for allowing this to happen all across the world. And then cover that lower left, if you would, and then we'll wrap it up. Oh yeah, so education and children, this is going on for decades. People have been pulling their hair out. They can't understand why all the universities seem to have become literally Marxist indoctrination camps.
Starting point is 00:57:25 But as Ayn Rand said, communism and fascism are not combatants. They are essentially two similar thugs fighting over the same turf. And it's all based on the individual being basically a slave of the state, a rightless slave of the state. She had some great quotes, actually. So the idea here is they use Marxism, even though it's an elite-led world government goal, you use the fairy story of Marxism or communist-type lingo basically to give the ants or the people a fairy story, a narrative, saving granny, diversion, equality, inclusion. They've discovered that Stalin used the motherland. He used it very cleverly with the people to align them behind him, especially when they
Starting point is 00:58:21 moved in towards war, because the Russians loved their motherland. So he used that nationalism to gain and keep power. Hitler in Germany used the fatherland, and he used the kind of inherent racism that had built up in Germany through the Weimar Republic. He used that. So they used stories that were actually kind of real, but the modern, and this is a terrible shame on the modern people because the new totalitarians have discovered that the best propaganda they can use is actually nonsense. Isn't that amazing? That their most powerful tool to rally the ants behind your cunning plan is actually to feed them nonsensical stuff. But so far, it's working pretty well. I mean, COVID was absurd, right? The trans is absurd. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:22 As I say, it's amazing what fear... Fear know, fear is such a powerful cudgel by itself. It was such a powerful way to motivate people. And I want to make it full circle because I do want to save time to play this little clip of Bill Gates and get your take on that. But I want you to do the rest of the diagram first. But Bill Gates, who is the greatest beak wetter of them all, to use your term, he is the consummate beak wetter. So I want to play that little clip, but I just love this diagram so much. I might replace my backdrop here with that diagram because it is so critical in terms of bringing together all of these what seem to be disparate components. You know, people don't normally think of transgenderism having anything to do with COVID or how does climate change have anything to do with education? You know, how do these, well, they are all really connected and they are connected with this common theme.
Starting point is 01:00:30 There is a plan here. And so I want to, you know, know sort of let's come full circle. And then also, you know, where does it go from here? You know, do you see a way off this merry-go-round? Right. Well, yeah, hope, absolutely. I think people's awareness. I said two and a half years ago in Amsterdam, I began to say in my talks, a positive note
Starting point is 01:00:53 at the end, that this can be broken with awareness. So the two things that people can do, A, spread awareness. And you can't do it with wild-eyed conspiracy theories. Even if you believe in something, if it's not documented and published, like everything I'm talking about here, be very careful trying to convince someone. Because if they come back at you and you can't show clear evidence documented and referenced for what you're saying, that person, you'll lose them. And they'll call you a conspiracy theorist, whether it's fair or not. So you have to be clever in how you convert people and make them aware.
Starting point is 01:01:31 And the other thing is live the truth. So in other words, use cash as much as possible. Don't be part of the lie. Source locally from farmers, eat more real human food like meat, fish, eggs, and vegetables, get stronger, get resilient. So they're the two things you can do. Convert people, make awareness, get out there. But I think the good news, Kelly, is there's more awareness than I was expecting around 18 months ago. I was looking and saying, my God, we're in trouble. But now I see it's all to play for. We're on the razor's edge. And I'll just mention financial and CBDC is a huge one. And more and more people are getting aware that that is the final chance to enslave humanity. A CBDC, and I can't overstate this, if they get that, I would have to drop a lot of my optimism because that is
Starting point is 01:02:28 literally one of the most effective chains you can put on humanity for all the human history. And the financial in the CBDC is the universal digital ID, programmable money. And after that, you can stop any revolution before it starts. You can cut people off like Trudeau cut off the truckers. And it links directly to COVID because one of the big goals of COVID was to wrestle that universal digital ID to the ground in preparation for CBDC and social credit. Now, they didn't quite make it. The vaccine was supposed to get universal digital ID because ultimately the people would have to take it in the end, but it didn't happen. So they missed a big, big win there. From your purview, what do you think,
Starting point is 01:03:19 the likelihood that we can get out from this, so we can avoid going down that road. All to play for, I really think we're on the razor's edge. They are racing, they are tripping up a bit now. The World Health Regulations and the World Pandemic Treaty has been watered down to being called an accord. And the latest, I got a leak of the latest writing of it, the draft, and they are weakening the language left, right, and center in response to the awakening from countries all around the world
Starting point is 01:03:53 and the people awakening. It's my understanding that the British prime minister has come out and said that no way, no how would they follow this. It's my understanding that she came out quite strongly and said that they would not abdicate control to the WHO. Well, you got to be careful there because as we say in Ireland, they'd say mass. They'll say that and then they'll sign it,
Starting point is 01:04:21 but they'll say we will not blah, blah, blah until they do and they've got you to sign it. but they'll say we will not blah, blah, blah until they do. And they've got you to sign it. So it's very dangerous. They all lie. But certainly Tennessee has just voted. I think that they will never. I think it's Tennessee will never accept any laws or rules from the WHO, et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 01:04:43 So we need more of that. And they are beginning to trip a little. I mean, the COVID got great gains for them, no question. But also it's awakened a mass of people. So many have realized how nonsensical that was. So they're rushing for censorship and hate speech laws because they're feeling the heat now and they want to rush in hate speech laws before the people begin to openly challenge them more and the whole thing gets really messy for them. So I think we're at a good razor's edge all to play for a moment and the next 12 or 18 months is going to be really interesting, but possibly a big financial crash will be the next big thing to distract the hell out of everyone. And I'm worried
Starting point is 01:05:30 about that. Yeah, I'm worried about that as well, particularly with our upcoming election. It's, you know, it's always, it's a very dicey time for us. Talk a little bit, you know, move to that lower left piece about the war on farmers, because I think that that's something that certainly I really worry about with regard to the food source. We keep having these outbreaks, quote unquote, every so often of bird flu or of swine flu or of mad cow disease, something that allows them or motivates them or gives them justification to wipe out massive amounts of our food source. And I have great concerns about that, as well as the concerns about injecting our food source with mRNA or other vaccines that I think are deleterious to people's health. Yeah, I guess the vaccine one, I'm not sure. Most of my vaccine people, if you ingest it into your stomach through food and trace amounts, I mean, the real problem with the vaccine, I'd say, is the injection past all of your natural defenses. But that aside, you've got to control, ideally, the money supply, the food supply, and the energy. I mean,
Starting point is 01:06:48 that's the big triad. So we've got climate for the energy control, and we see that all around us all the time, that nonsense. And you've got the money, of course, they're pushing to CBDC, and the bankers are up to their neck in the leadership of this whole mess. And then we've got food. And what you want is the perfect thing for globalists is take away healthy ancestral homo sapiens meat and animal products because that makes people strong and healthy and feed them vegetable oils, sugars and grains, feed them junk food.
Starting point is 01:07:28 And the junk food you're feeding them is an international pipeline that can actually start or stop depending on how naughty the people have been, right? You can see in the long run. Whereas if you encourage local cattle, pigs, chickens, and beef, and local vegetables unprocessed, imagine all the countries had their own local production like they used to have. It's going to be very hard to blackmail or put pressure on those countries and those people because they can raise a finger, a middle finger, because they'll ultimately have their own kind of food and energy. So what you want to do is take that all away, remove all the infrastructure and replace it with a pipeline that can be,
Starting point is 01:08:18 you know, the tap can be tightened or loosened as a control. It's just perfect in every way. Take away the health. All your pharma buddies can wet their beak with the antihypertensives and statins because you've made the people more sick and you've made them dependent. And once they're dependent and the farming is gone, it's very hard to rebuild farming. It's an infrastructure.
Starting point is 01:08:51 It's very hard to rebuild it if you suddenly realize you've been duped. Interestingly, I live in Northern Colorado most of the time, and I have a large greenhouse there. And about 10 years ago, eight or 10 years ago, I got a letter from the state saying that I was required to register my greenhouse and to list what I was growing in it, how much I was growing and how much food source I was, this is on my property, that I was required to register my greenhouse and tell them what I was growing and how much produce I was able to get out of that greenhouse. I promptly dropped the inquiry into the garbage can and never filled it out. But I thought, wow, they are trying to find out who's self-sufficient. They are trying to figure out exactly who can get along without them. Because insurgencies never come from the city.
Starting point is 01:09:43 They never do. They always come from rural areas. People in the city, they would fall apart if the garbage collector didn't come on time and the police didn't show up and the firemen didn't show up. Where those of us who live out in the hinterlands are self-sufficient. And that was very interesting to me
Starting point is 01:09:59 that they were desperate to find out and to start understanding who has independence, food independence. So before we've got the clocks way down, but Caleb, do we have time to play that little clip of Bill Gates so that I can get Diver's feedback on this? Let's play that. Yeah, here we go. Bill Gates declared vaccines the best investment I've ever made. There's been over a 20 to 1 return, over a 20 to 1 return.
Starting point is 01:10:26 So if you just look at the economic benefits, that's a pretty strong number compared to anything else. This is a cognitive dissonant moment, which is being imprinted in your brain, just like remember the Great Depression, remember 9-11. Oh my God! Weapons of mass destruction. We are being conditioned to have the excuse for unbelievable acts of tyranny,
Starting point is 01:10:57 which will be justified by remember 2020. We're taking things that are you know genetically modified organisms and we're injecting them in little kids arms we just shoot them right into the vein the foundation has been sued by the governments of some of the poorest and most vulnerable nations for causing serious harm through experimental vaccine programs i uh it's sort of chilling. You've been incredibly kind to stay this late with us, Ivor, but it's late where you are. I'd like to just get your feedback on this and your take on how Bill Gates, really what role he plays in this entire thing. Yeah, I mean, oh, Billy Boy, interestingly, Professor Richard Werner,
Starting point is 01:11:48 the inventor of QE1, QE2 concepts, great guy. I met him a few times, interviewed him. He told me something I wasn't aware of, and I looked it up afterwards. Bill Gates's father was a big corporate lawyer for the Rockefellers. So again, it's just always the same. And apparently he was in, I think, Planned Parenthood with the head of IBM. And he was just raising an eyebrow and saying, the Bill Gates story itself, Rockefellers would have identified were going into a computer age. And they could have easily said, hey, Bill Senior, you're a young guy there. He likes computers. So how did Bill get the big contract with IBM out of nowhere
Starting point is 01:12:31 when he nicked the software? So you got to look back and question a lot of stuff. I think Bill Gates is the world's ultimate profiteer, zero principles. And after the Supreme Court, and that 25-minute movie, i'm not sure who made it but i just it was sent to me and i shared it you know after the supreme court knocked him down because he was a megalomaniac and the antitrust thing yeah that kind of footage of him nodding
Starting point is 01:13:00 you know in the testimony like this weird spectrum stuff going on. And then he woke up the next morning as one guy quipped or joked. And he woke up after decades of megalomania, trying to ruin his partner who had cancer and was out sick. And then he tried to steal the company off. And that was his friend and partner. And all the other stuff he did that ended up in the Supreme Court. And he's finally stopped.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Well, what happens next morning? He wakes up and suddenly he cares about black babies in Africa. I mean, you would want to be, I don't know, severely brain injured to possibly believe the Bill Gates story. So I think he was largely doors were open for him. He got into the big money. He wet his beak like no one else. And he's done amazing work for them with digital ID, the decade of vaccines, paying off the WHO. And I could go on all day. He's just one of the good old boys
Starting point is 01:14:03 up at the top. And he's doing a great job for them. I agree with you. I'm not saying that all of this couldn't have happened without him, but he certainly gave it a huge help. He's been the champion of this entire debacle for sure. I'm going to let you go. You've been incredibly kind to be with us. We're going to have to bring you back now to talk about your book and the whole diet and nutrition piece, because we didn't get into that at all. And so if you'll come back, we will dedicate an entire show to this topic. I think it's so important. It does dovetail in, as I said several times, to what we're talking about here with regard to control and making people
Starting point is 01:14:45 sicker and more reliant on them rather than allowing people to be resilient and self-sufficient. But it is the root of chronic disease, clearly what we are eating. And I would love to just pick your brain on that for a whole show. So we'll reschedule that at another time. In the meantime, thank you for sharing this with us. And as I said, I'm going to make that diagram wallpaper for the back of my studio here because I love that diagram. Thanks so much, Ivor. Super. Thanks, Kelly. Anytime. Bye now. All right. Talk soon. Cheers. Caleb, thank you for pulling. I'm glad that the studio didn't blow down no big storm that knocked it out, well done
Starting point is 01:15:28 you can see the upcoming schedule here, Matthias Desmond going to be a great show, I'm sure coming up on the 16th he is the father of mass formation psychosis, I'm sure that'll be a great conversation, and everybody's favorite Salty Cracker as well, you got
Starting point is 01:15:43 my friend Tom renns coming back attorney tom renns uh doing great work uh with multiple lawsuits on this and then donald trump jr that'll be great as well so uh thanks to everybody and happy that we made it through without a power outage cheers talk to you soon ask dr drew is Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today,
Starting point is 01:16:28 some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. if you're feeling hopeless or suicidal call the national suicide prevention lifeline at 800-273-8255 you can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at help

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