Ask Dr. Drew - Investor George Gammon: Establishment Elites Are “Simply Following A Playbook” To Dismantle The Constitution w/ Ivor Cummins – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 398
Episode Date: September 7, 2024Why are corporate media organizations condemning the Constitution of the United States – including recent opinion pieces that claim the “First Amendment Is Out Of Control” and “Elections Are For Democracy” in the New York Times? “Study history,” warns investor George Gammon. “They’re not executing a newly devised plan, they’re simply following a playbook.” George Gammon is an American entrepreneur, real estate investor, and host of the Rebel Capitalist Show. With over 500,000 YouTube subscribers, Gammon discusses macroeconomics, personal liberty, and wealth-building strategies. His entrepreneurial success includes growing a business to $24 million annual revenue before semi-retiring at 38. Find more at and follow him at Ivor Cummins is a Biochemical Engineer and the author of “Eat Rich, Live Long” available at He has spent over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions. Since 2012, Ivor has been intensively researching the root causes of modern chronic disease. A particular focus has been on cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. Ivor lives in Dublin, Ireland, with his wife and five children. Follow Ivor at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at • COZY EARTH - Susan and Drew love Cozy Earth's sheets & clothing made with super-soft viscose from bamboo! Use code DREW to save up to 40% at • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • CAPSADYN - Get pain relief with the power of capsaicin from chili peppers – without the burning! Capsadyn's proprietary formulation for joint & muscle pain contains no NSAIDs, opioids, anesthetics, or steroids. Try it for 15% off at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • TRU NIAGEN - For almost a decade, Dr. Drew has been taking a healthy-aging supplement called Tru Niagen, which uses a patented form of Nicotinamide Riboside to boost NAD levels. Use code DREW for 20% off at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Well, I'm very pleased to welcome back Ivor Cummins to our program.
We're going to finish our conversation that got interrupted by a thunderstorm in Alabama
that took out Caleb's entire system without our knowing it.
Right in the middle, just as I was asking, we are talking about horrible things.
You keep a smile on your face.
How is that possible?
So we're going to start back there. Generally speaking're also going to get george gammon in here uh
establishment elites are simply following a playbook to dismantle the constitution
interesting corporate media condemning the constitution we have sort of article after
article the first amendment is out of control. Elections are banned for democracy. This is the New York Times. You can follow George at
George Gammon, G-A-M-M-O-N, and of course, Ivor Cummins at Fat Emperor. We will be back with
both gentlemen in just a second. We're going to start with Ivor Cummins.
Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre. A psychopath started
this. He was an alcoholic because of socialian and bizarre. The psychopath started this.
He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin.
I'm a doctor for f*** sake.
Where the hell do you think I learned that?
I'm just saying.
You go to treatment before you kill people.
I am a clinician.
I observe things about these chemicals.
Let's just deal with what's real.
We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time.
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So as I said, George Gamler will join us in just a minute.
Some of his particular, he's an entrepreneur, real estate investor, host of Rebel Capitalist Show,
500,000 views, two subscribers.
Macro Economics, Liberty, Wealth Building,
really interesting stuff, YouTube slash George Gammon.
And also on X, it is at George Gammon, G-A-M-M-O-N.
But first, I just want to finish my conversation
with Ivor Cummins.
Ivor is a biochemical engineer, author of Eat Rich, Live Long, 25 years in corporate technical leadership
and management positions. And he has been researching root causes of chronic disease.
Ivor, thank you for coming back in spite of being on Dublin time. I appreciate it. No,
it's not early there. Oh, no, it's great to be back, Dr. Drew,
and finish our conversation.
So as we ended our conversation,
I was going to a break,
and I was like,
wow, you have such a great attitude
about some of the...
Now you've vanished.
Oh, there you are.
Such a great attitude
about some of these horrible things
we were discussing.
And is it Amor Fati or is it gumption?
It's a mixture of both, Dr. Drew.
So Amor Fati, very important just to explain love of fate.
So you have to love fate.
You have to accept fate, what is going to happen.
And that doesn't mean that you sit back and do nothing.
You strive to change the future. But if the future happens, if we all end up in the gulag,
sharing a last cigarette, so be it. Once we tried. And there's a couple of amazing tools
and stoicism to help with that. One of them is negative visualization. Now, you got to be careful with this one. You got to be aware of
the method. So what you do is you visualize in kind of meditation the worst possible outcome
in things you might fear. I mean, pretty serious stuff, death of a loved one, disaster in your
work world, stuff like that. And you go there and you visualize it
and you kind of feel it.
And then you accept it if it indeed happens.
And then you come back to the present,
you strive to avoid it,
but you've already accepted it.
I'll give you a quick example from Cerveza sickness,
as George would call it,
to escape YouTube censorship.
We can't say the C word. But basically,
in the summer of 2020, I was fighting really hard. I was making good ground, sharing the science on
Cerveza. And then I had a black period, a very dark few days, because I had told all the doctors
in my Irish medical group who are fighting against the madness.
I had said, according to Art of War, we own the terrain.
We know it's seasonal.
The hospitals are empty now in June.
And they have nothing, no fear porn until next October.
So we own the terrain. For four months, we got to work really hard and double down.
And then they pulled a master stroke in fairness. They began to bring in mandatory masks with prison sentences and fines.
Now we never found out, but it came from the very top. So while the hospitals were empty and everyone
was moving on and they would find it hard to bring people back to the nonsense,
they did a master stroke. They put everyone in masks and it worked and it kept the feeling of pandemia alive. And in those few days, I said, oh my God, you know, it was a bit depressing
because I thought we've lost our four months of terrain. So what I did was I projected forward a year. I knew this was all about, obviously, MRNA technology and the QR codes.
And I said, okay, I projected to summer 21 on my deck.
And I said, they achieved the passports.
They achieved the coercion.
Near everybody takes it.
And a minority are pariahs.
And they basically get what they want.
And I visualized it and I accepted it. And then I came back to my deck in 2020, June, back a year to where I was. And I said, okay, now I'm going to fight like hell. And I completely overcame
the despondency. So that's the power of negative visualization.
I've used it all the time.
And quickly, the other one is kind of choosing discomfort, voluntary discomfort.
So you take on something you hate, you fear, and you drive yourself to just do it.
And you find, of course, like most humans, when you do something you hate and you drive yourself to just do it, and you find, of course, like most humans,
when you do something you hate, and you run to the fire, take it on willingly,
you overcome it. And then you look back, and you wonder why you feared it.
So they're just two examples of tools of stoicism that build your titanium skin, if you will.
It's exactly how we treat obsessive-compulsive disorder,
interestingly, which is with graduated exposure to things that seem horrific and intolerable and overwhelming.
And guess what?
That's how people develop flexibility and regulation,
which is the opposite of a safe place,
which is the opposite of being offended by everything, which is the opposite of how we're raising young people.
How do we expect them to be healthy if we're doing the opposite of what we know they need
to be emotionally healthy?
Yeah, but you see, that is the method of the globalist madness.
They understand all of this. Unfortunately,
if we understand it, it helps us hugely in this battle. But unfortunately, they do understand it.
I mean, they've got shrinks up the wazoo. They've looked at Stalin, Hitler, all the others over the
years. It's always the same ploy. So they weaken society knowingly, and then it makes it easier for them
to get their world government. And it's obvious to us, but to most ordinary people, it feels like
a conspiracy theory. But all they're doing is very artfully, cleverly, and with huge money
and networking across the world with their organizations like Trilateral Commission, WEF, Club of Rome.
You could go on all day.
They're simply deploying good herd psychology.
And they did pretty well in Cerveza.
And now I think they have headwinds.
I think it's all to play for.
A lot of ordinary people are beginning to wake up.
So I think now it's on the razor's edge.
It's the most exciting time.
It's the fork turning like no other because we've got technology in the mix.
They believe that technology will allow them to get the thousand-year Reich that Adolf didn't manage to,
that technology will allow them to really hold the line in their totalitarian regime.
But I think technology is really helping us too.
And that's why there's a rush for hate speech laws,
misinformation, disinformation, malinformation.
So they are racing to head us off at the pass.
But we're also racing with growing awareness,
which is making them uncomfortable.
So I mean, it is exciting to be alive,
home what may.
And so that's how you maintain that positive attitude.
And I also heard you tell Neil Oliver
that Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,
gumption in particular, was an important part of this,
which I think anybody can see that on you.
I think the fact that you brought up globalist madness
is the cue to bring George in.
So let's bring George in.
I'll give you a little again about George Gammon,
entrepreneur, real estate investor.
His show on YouTube,
YouTube slash George Gammon
and on X George Gammon.
Let's see if we can get George in here
with the two of us.
George, welcome. George,
Thanks for having me.
So the globalist madness is
what the rebel capitalist
is talking about.
I'm reading your t-shirt, Ivor.
you know, this is an
interesting time to be having this conversation because
in this country, it seems like the assault has been on the Constitution and the First Amendment.
That seems to be how the people want to wrestle back control from the likes of an Ivor.
I mean, the things I'm just guessing that the headlines you've seen in The New York Times have been like something macabre, something out of a movie that you wouldn't
actually believe. You'd feel the writer had overreached. You know, this constitution is
just a piece of paper. First Amendment is out of control. What are your thoughts?
It really goes back to what you guys were saying about free speech. In fact, we were talking about this. I was with RFK and Robert Kiyosaki and Kenny McElroy
this weekend, and we were discussing how Marxism has infiltrated the educational system. And
I said, I'm actually rather optimistic about that because if we can uphold free speech, then I think the power is on our side because very few kids nowadays
are actually getting their education from their teachers. I think the majority of kids,
especially young males, are getting what they learn from YouTube. And I think that's why you're
seeing them attack free speech and misinformation and disinformation to the degree to which they're attacking it, because they know that that's our greatest asset.
You know, it's interesting when you look at like, what are the two major, three major stories of the last four or five years would be COVID, Hunter Biden's laptop,
and Russian collusion. Those are the three headlines that consumed people for months at a
time. And the press in particular got all three completely wrong, completely wrong. And yet there
is absolutely no acknowledgement on their part. Here here all those crazy headlines the new york times
is it sacred and is it also dangerous in any event the the point is do you want to give
those people control and the government has been in collusion of course with the press we're now
coming to understand i've worked as somebody looking at this from dublin is it the same in the
eu it's exactly the same in America, it's more a pitched battle
because you've got these two sides, almost in a civil war scenario. In Europe, it's more a majority
just goes with the flow, with the European citizen nonsense. But in Ireland, Ireland is a test case. It's a prototype, as I've often said.
Long before COVID, I said Ireland was a vassal state of the pharmaceutical industry. 60% of our
GDP is biotech and pharma. And I thought it was just classic pharma corruption. But since COVID,
it's clear they are absolutely up to their neck in the UN and the EU and the future totalitarian structure.
So Ireland is just completely nuts.
We are awash with economic migrants.
76% in an official mainstream poll said the biggest concern was the government
and mass economic migration.
Clear as day. And the
government since that nearly a year ago have utterly ignored it, and they are flooding bigger
numbers every month. So similar to America. Nothing will stop them, well, until we get the
people rising, because the puppetitions, as I call them, they all report straight up to the big hand above.
And the ones who come in who are naive and they get in and they think they're going to
report to their constituents and be honest, they find out very quickly they're gone unless
they report to the big hand.
And it's not a conspiracy theory.
We see it every day. In fact, I often tell
people, our noses are being rubbed in our own feces. And then you still have these idiots saying,
oh, it sounds like a conspiracy theory. Even as the nose is being rubbed right in, it's up the
nostrils. It's astonishing how stupid people are. I'm sorry to say. Yeah, but Ivor, I think it would be...
What's the big hand?
I think it would help Ivor
if we discussed the motivations
behind the global elite
because we talk about it,
we talk about what they're doing,
and for a lot of people,
the average Joe and Jane,
it does seem like a conspiracy theory.
But what you have to do
is you have to go back to the 1800s.
And once you understand their motivation and you look at today's events through that lens,
it all starts to make sense. So you and I both know that pretty much what drives them stems back
to a guy named Thomas Malthus. So this is this idea, this Malthusian idea that there's too many
people and there aren't enough resources. So what we need to
do is we need to reduce the population so we have more of an equilibrium. And Thomas Malthus back
in the 1800s argued why war, disease, famine was actually positive. Because again, it would bring
back this equilibrium to the world, people relative to resources. So every single thing
that you see them pushing, whether it's this trans agenda, whether it's the lockdowns,
just every single thing they push equals lower population. And then the other thing that they
push, the other part of their belief system is Marxism. This is why I always call them the Malthusian Marxist cult.
And in Marxism, they have something called late stage capitalism.
So currently we have this huge homeless problem.
We have this drug problem.
I'm in at a hotel in Tucson right now, and you can see it everywhere around.
And the problem is that in the school system, they're teaching young people that this bifurcation
in the economy and this wealth gap, this people that this bifurcation in the economy
and this wealth gap, this inequality, and this drug problem, this homeless problem is a result
of capitalism itself. And therefore, we need to break down the entire system because of the system
that was built by straight white males. And then we need to rebuild it from the ground up. But we
have to destroy everything in the process. And we have to take over the means of production from the ground up. But we have to destroy everything in the process, and we have to
take over the means of production from the capitalists, and then we have to distribute it
to the socialists. And if you look at all the policies that are being pushed right now by these
global elite, the Club of Rome, the World Economic Forum, they all fit right in line
with Malthusianism and with Marxism. That's what we're up against.
Yeah, absolutely, George. And you know, the irony is that the guys driving it,
in a sense, truly are capitalists. They are amassing capital, though it's not from their
own labor and it's not from their talent.
Like all the Rockefeller brothers who essentially set up the UN, donated the buildings and the land in New York,
and viewed it as their private club actually came across at one point many decades ago.
But they created all these organizations. But remember the Rockefeller brothers inherited all the money
and the Malthusian profound ideology from John D. Rockefeller,
who was kind of a sociopath.
And then his father was a literal snake oil salesman,
and he had to run away from coast to coast when he raped
or was accused of raping a housemaid.
I mean, this is the lineage.
So they've adopted the Malthusian beliefs.
They feel elite.
And they really are the worst people on the planet in a sense.
But this is what we have.
Yeah, Dr. Drew, for your audience, I strongly encourage.
Go ahead.
Oh, go ahead.
George, go ahead.
I would strongly encourage your audience to check out a YouTube video that I use on a lot of my videos that goes back to this paper that came out by the Club of Rome in 1972 called The Limits to Growth.
And, you know, back then, this was a huge, huge topic.
And I think MIT did a study.
They used their computers, and they determined that
on the current trajectory, that the world basically come to an end in 2020. And you can see videos
in black and white, you know, talking on YouTube, back in the 70s, talking about the limits to
growth. And when Klaus Schwab started the World Economic Forum in 1971. And in 72, he invited as a keynote speaker,
the gentleman from the Club of Rome that wrote that paper, The Limits to Growth. And this was
the foundation of today's global elite. So again, you've got to look at it through that lens
to understand why these corporations are pushing a trans agenda. You know, why these corporations are going in lockstep
with everything that these crazy governments
are coming out and saying.
It's because together they buy into this Malthusian worldview
and this is the direction.
They just think we have too many people
and not enough resources.
I mean, you just ask Bill Gates.
I mean, he'll tell you.
So Malthus, you know, it's interesting you refer back to the 70s because I was there.
I was part of the ecology movement is what you're talking about.
Remember that ecology flag, which sort of green stripes with a weird sort of quasi infinity sign in it or phi in the middle?
It was nuttiness on nuttiness, and I was completely indoctrinated into all that.
We were predicting at the time, Malthus, look, Malthus is from whom Darwin sprung, right? It was Malthusian principles that led Darwin to conclude that, oh,
biological systems has to
adapt to these limited resources or
they die. That's sort of the Malthusian
principle. And
I was deep in it.
I was advocating.
We had several things we were saying
at the time. A, ice age. Ice age
coming, number one. Number
two, acid
rain was going to kill us in the
North, particularly in the Northeast
and New England. You remember the acid rain?
Acid rain was going to eliminate farming
in the United States. Number
three, all the rivers and lakes.
There's more. All the rivers
and lakes were going to be choked,
so-called choked, by
algae blooms from the phosphate runoffs from the farms and the detergents we were using.
Number four, run out of oil 20 years max.
20 years max for oil.
And massive famine.
Massive famine.
Worldwide famine.
It is coming.
Start canning your foods. It is coming. Start canning your foods.
It is coming.
So I was 1,000% into that.
And little did I know that something called biotech and tech generally
would, guess what, solve the problems of acid rain and famine and the phosphates.
And repeatedly, multiple generations now,
Malthusian principles have been outwitted by essentially Darwinian adaptation by the human population.
We can outwit the Malthusian sort of mathematics.
It's clear.
And here's the part that's astonishing to me that the shitty ideas
we had in the 70s didn't get buried in that horrible decade where they belong how did they
end up having a life again in this decade it's beyond astonishing to me not only are the shitty
ideas coming back but the shitty styles and the shitty music are coming back it's it's beyond
imagination to me that we would revisit the worst decade,
certainly in the history of American history.
What is wrong with us?
Is it because these bureaucratic systems got so ensconced back then
that we hadn't found our way out?
Or do these ideas merely appeal to Marxists?
What's going on?
What is this?
I think the ideas appeal to people who are anti-human.
And that's at the core of this worldview.
And Dr. Drew, you were talking about how human ingenuity solved these problems.
The way I would say it is free market capitalism solved those problems.
Ironically, that's exactly what they're attacking right now through this push towards Marxism and to bring down society because their view that we're in this game of late stage capitalism.
So they're trying to tear down, ironically, what has solved the issue that they presented back in the 1970s.
And that's why this is so perverse.
And that's why we need to stand up and protect free speech.
Because if people like you and Ivor are able to say these things out loud,
if we're able to educate the population, the general public,
as to how bad these ideas are, then we will win.
But if we were banned, if we're thrown into a corner of misinformation and disinformation,
and we can't expose these bad ideas to sunlight, then we're going to have some problems on our hand.
All right. So I want to take a little break, and then that's where I want to focus our conversation,
because I really feel like the battle lines have to be drawn around speech.
I mean, that is it.
That's where the stand must happen.
It's the only thing I'm clear about, that free speech must be protected at all costs.
I just can't get past that.
And so it's clear to me that's what we all have to be doing right now.
I have to take a little break.
Before I do, Ivor, I didn't know what a stoicist you were.
Are you familiar with Ryan Holiday?
I don't think so, actually.
You ought to read at least one of his books,
and you ought to find him online. He's a young man who has been really deep in Stoicism his entire career
and has been bringing it to the masses.
His favorite is Marcus Aurelius, of course.
But he got into it years ago.
I ran into him when he was a college student.
I didn't know who he was. He asked me
what I was reading and I said, you don't want to know.
He goes, I just want to know what you're reading.
And I was like,
well, I read broadly
and weirdly, but right now I'm reading
this thing called the Incaridian
by this guy named
oh shit, I'm blanking on his name.
One of the very, very first Stoics in Caridia.
I'll talk about it after the break.
Epictetus, Epictetus, yes, by Epictetus.
And he was like, oh, I'm going to go read that.
Okay, not for the faint of heart.
It's not even a complete document.
It's just a bunch of pieces of his lectures.
And that sent him on the road to a career studying
and advocating for stoicism.
He's really, he thinks, and it's interesting, stoicism comes on with popularity
at certain periods of history where it's needed, frankly.
And I think we're into one of those periods for sure.
We'll take a little break here.
I'm here with George Gammon and Ivor Cummins.
They very kindly have joined me.
Ivor came back.
I appreciate.
And he also is in Irish timeframe.
So he's staying up late for us.
And thumbs up for the Doctor Who crew I'm seeing on the Rumble Rants.
Let me just get over to the restream.
They appreciate you guys.
Don't show.
The audience seems to be along with us this time.
So if there's any people that want to take on or question,
please do put it in the rants.
I'll read it during the break here.
Be right back with George Gammon and Ivor Cummins after this.
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I got to get some of those slippers.
I know you do.
I'm for sure you do.
That sounds really good.
You wanted to say something about capsidin?
Oh, yeah.
I always put my capsidin on at the beginning of the show,
and it takes care of the pain in my carpal tunnel in my arms.
But I put it on a little bee bite.
I got bit by a bee last night, by a meat-eating bee,
and it was kind of itchy, and I put it on there, and it helped.
Thank you, capsidin.
It's good for nerve.
For pain, really. It's a pain. It's good for nerve. Inflammation. For pain, really.
It's a pain.
It's an analgesic, and it's benign.
Ivor Cummins, a biochemical engineer.
Eat Rich, Live Long is his book.
Follow him at Fat Emperor.
And George Gammon, entrepreneur, real estate investor.
You can follow him on YouTube at George Gammon,
also on X at George Gammon.
Ivor, tell me again, why Fat Emperor? I forget.
Oh, really briefly, I discovered in a few weeks of research,
12 years ago, had a few bad blood tests,
discovered all the stuff about cholesterol and fat being bad was utter nonsense.
Oh, right. Yes, yes.
It was the biggest scam ever.
Well, until 2020, obviously. And it just occurred to
me one night having a few wines with my wife, this triple layer metaphor. I mean, you had the
kind of the emperor's new clothes story from Christian Anderson. I knew the researchers,
a lot of them knew that cholesterol was not a problem and fat was not a problem, but they had to keep their mouth shut. So there's an element to that story.
And then there was the emperor for me signified corporate power that kept the nonsense alive.
And then the poor fat kind of guy who's got diabetes, who's been told to eat more healthy
whole grains, very sad. So it was kind of a mixture
and I just made that up and it stuck.
Before we get back over to free speech,
I want to ask George about Elon Musk
and what would life be like
or how bad would things be
if we didn't have him around?
And he's, of course, under attack of late.
And I heard you talk to Neil Oliver about persistent humans. I don't know if you guys
have read, I'll ask Ivor first, his biography, but that is his superpower. That dude is relentless.
You said something about persistent humans when you were talking to, it was in your sort of
gumption talk with Neil Oliver. And you were saying that persistence
was kind of a superpower.
And I thought, yeah, for sure.
You went on into stoicism from there.
But I thought of Elon immediately
because if you read his biography,
my God, is he relentless.
He's just relentless.
And now we have him protecting George, our free speech.
What do we need to protect him?
And what would life be like if we don't?
Well, it's not just Elon Musk.
I think there are a lot of people that would fall into the category of people who realize
the necessity to maintain our free speech that have a large audience and have quite a bit of influence.
I mean, Dr. Drew, you would fall into that category as well. I mean, Joe Rogan is the first
that comes to mind because my YouTube channel, the Rebel Capitalist channel got kicked off of
YouTube in 2021 and no strikes, no warnings. It's just YouTube sent me an email saying, oh yeah,
by the way, we just took your channel down.
And I went ahead and retweeted that. I retweeted the email they sent. And that kind of went viral within the macro space with the guys that I know. And then about four hours later, Joe Rogan
picked it up and retweeted it and saying, you know, come on, YouTube, this is ridiculous. You
know, George talks about macroeconomics and the ramifications of the
lockdowns here. About a half hour after Joe Rogan retweeted that, I got an email from YouTube
saying, whoops, sorry, it was our mistake, a human error. We went ahead and reinstated your channel.
That's another thing to be really optimistic about about is we have people that have really smart guys that are wildly ambitious and extremely competent that have a lot of influence that have large audiences.
And they understand the value and they're proponents of free speech. So as long as these people are able to survive the attacks of the, I call them
the central planners and the authoritarians, I think that we're going to come out on the right
side of, not just the right side of history, but I think we're going to come out as winning this
battle of ideas. But it just goes back to, and quite frankly, I think more and more people are going to have
that type of influence because younger generations are going to gravitate towards social media
to get their quote unquote education, as opposed to the school system, like we were talking about
earlier. But it just reemphasizes the need to make sure that we give everyone a voice and that we have these
platforms that are doing the best that they can to promote the ideas of free
And I think RFK jr said it really well this weekend.
I was fortunate to be there live and listen to him speak.
And he said,
the definition of free speech is not free.
It's not speech that you like.
It's actually the opposite of that the free speech
and free speech laws it's actually allowing people to speak that you despise and he gave the example
of the aclu and dr drew you might have some insights because i think this happened when i
was a lot younger when the aclu actually stood up for the rights of the KKK to march
in the South, and everyone knew that this was detestable. This was grotesque. But they said
that it's our job to stand up for their right to say whatever it is that they're going to say no matter how much we oppose it
and somehow we've gone from that to just silencing everyone that has a view that's slightly
counter to the mainstream media as i recall i do remember that vividly as i recall they also
defended a nazi organization too and this that one got a little more weird and contentious,
but that's what they were willing to do.
Are either of you forgiving of Mark Zuckerberg?
I won't show my cards yet.
He's written a letter to Congress where he,
Ivor, I'd say no, judging by that grin,
but you go ahead.
He wrote a letter to Congress
where he was sort of falling on his sword admitting some guilt talking about the excessive censorship and outreach of the
biden administration yeah well i mean he's just hedging he's just playing the game so that's fair
enough i don't really judge him for that i mean i i'll have to stay true to my philosophy. I mean, stoicism, you know, that's one of the virtues is forgiveness and just good judgment
and that they're not always driven by evil per se.
And I often give the trivial example, just the easy example in my talks.
Like I just did three big talks in the UK, packed rooms, it was great fun, public shows.
But I make the point about the people who wear masks.
I mean, you are screaming within yourself to ridicule them. It's almost irresistible.
And you're so angry with them because, as I mentioned earlier, by wearing the slave cloth,
they perpetuated the madness. So genuine anger. But you have to just say, look, most of them are not evil people.
They were indoctrinated. They were hypnotized in a mass formation. Most of them actually believe it.
It's not really their fault. But Zuckerberg, it's hard to extend that kind of charity.
He knows all the stuff that's going on, right? You have to assume.
So he's just playing the game, I guess.
I think on net balance it's a good thing.
Go ahead, George.
I think on net balance it's a good thing,
regardless of his intentions,
because it shows and it exposes the government to exactly what they're doing
for the average Joe and Jane to see.
I think using the stoic principles that Ivor, you advocate,
we have to stay focused on what our goal is,
which is to make sure this does not happen again
and that speech is protected and all allies are welcome.
You know, and I think the model,
the model of saying,
I did something wrong.
He didn't really apologize,
but I don't care if he's motivated to make money.
He's motivated to be a good guy in the eyes.
I don't give a shit.
He's like, they went too far.
I shouldn't have done it.
I'm not gonna do it again.
You're welcome here, my friend.
You're welcome here.
I don't like it. I don't dig to do it again. You're welcome here, my friend. You're welcome here. I don't like it.
I don't dig it.
But all are welcome on this pirate ship we're trying to create
to protect the basic principles of certainly this country.
And I assume, you know, we come from, we are cut from Albion's cloth, as they say.
And Georgia Albion is the old name for the British Isles.
And, you know, is free speech as much of an issue in Ireland?
Well, yeah.
I mean, they actually got away during the COVID nonsense
because most people just complied.
So there was less heavy hitting lunacy.
Like in France, Macron came in with the iron fist
because the French were really resisting a lot of them.
In Ireland, people just rolled over.
We've gotten very soft.
I mean, I'm sad to say it,
but cowardice is now a common trait, I'm afraid. But Ireland is
rising up, no question about it. And, you know, I think the awareness of people that something's
rotten is now becoming established. Now, the main issue that got Ireland awake in the end
was actually the mass migration, because it went so over the top.
We had a massive homeless problem.
We had a problem with housing.
It was a huge issue the government was not addressing.
So we already had that.
And then because the UN basically told them or cracked the web,
they started flooding us with migrants,
like the graphs have gone off the scale.
And now people are getting
really angry because literally they are taking nursing homes or intended nursing home facilities
and converting them to places for, and get this, this is a reality, young male migrants. So 85% to 90% of the migrants are absolutely not from any country that has a war
or any problem with asylum. Nearly 50% are Nigerian and Pakistani. That's nearly half
of the migrants for the last year. And clearly, there is nothing going on there.
So people are beginning
to realize, hold on a minute, for some reason, I don't want to get into conspiracy theory,
for some reason our politicians are hell-bent on going against our wishes and they are causing
havoc in our villages and towns and exacerbating an already extremely difficult situation with housing and homeless.
So this is forcing them to wake up.
But hate speech law, the government, I just did a video two hours ago on it.
The government said yesterday they're going to make a third attempt to ram through the hate speech law.
And we won't get into the wording here but it's 1984 minority report all packaged
together in parentheses and squared so the wording is insane you guys brought up marxism at the
beginning isn't this the goal is to yeah flood yeah yeah flood the flood the population so you don't have a national identity,
but really so you also even don't have a cultural identity.
I was listening to some lectures in France,
some history lectures a couple of years ago,
and they started looking at historical figures
that they had historically condemned.
And they went, you know, they after all are part of us
and who we are and what it is to be French. And I thought, oh, they're trying after all, are part of us and who we are and what is
to be French. And I thought, oh, they're trying to decide what does it even mean to be French.
And that's going to create, well, I saw it coming, Marie Le Pen. And that's sort of happening all
around Europe. George, we don't really have that problem. This country, we look at it as
economic difficulty, putting the finger on the scale of voting uh
you know expensive and taking money away from people there are americans that do need the money
it's a little different do you agree uh i think we have the same problem i mean i've got a lot
and what you're talking about is the marxist wants to break down the fabric of society.
They want to tear everything down.
So they sit back and say, well, how can we best achieve this?
So as an example, I've got a lot of employees that work for me that live in Colombia that are from Venezuela.
And they fled the Venezuelan hyperinflation.
They've got a lot of family there.
And they said that now Caracas is one of the safest cities in the world.
Why is that? Because they took all their gang members and they shipped them to the United
States. Because they could just go through the Darien Gap and they could just come across the
border and they'd get a debit card for $10,000. And now you see all these gangs, Venezuelan gangs,
that are taking over all these apartment buildings in Denver and doing this all over
the United States, not to mention the problem that we're having in New York City.
So it's just, again, when you look at the immigration crisis, we'll call it, the illegal immigration crisis, through the lens of a Marxist, it all makes sense.
And I think this is, without a doubt, intentional. But the one thing that we have, another thing I'll say that we have as an advantage or a tool in our toolkit is the fact of they have hubris, Dr. Drew, from the standpoint of they overreach all the time. And what this does inadvertently is it makes people that otherwise
would have been sympathetic to their arguments, it makes them open up their eyes. So as an example,
you remember back during COVID, how they kept pushing these vaccine mandates and everyone has
to get the vaccine. And people were going along with it until they said, well, now we want to force your three-year-old
to get the vaccine. And that's when people, even on the left, or even people that were
extremely pro-vaccine said, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, timeout. You can force me to get this,
but you're not putting it in my kid until we find out exactly what's going on.
And then those people start to say, well, wait a minute, they've been lying to me about this.
What else have they been lying to me about? And then they start to look at, you know, you were
talking earlier about all of the things that have been labeled misinformation and disinformation.
I always say today's disinformation is tomorrow's truth. And we've seen that over and over and over
again, especially since 2020. I mean, more recently with the Nord Stream pipeline,
how the Wall Street Journal comes out and said, oh yeah, this is just a few drunk guys from Ukraine.
When back when that happened, they were blaming everything on Russia, everything on Russia. And
if you said otherwise, well, then you were spreading misinformation and disinformation,
just like they were saying back during COVID. But that's just a small example.
And I, this weekend,
was with a good friend of mine at this Limitless event. And she was listening to RFK. And back during COVID, she was taking the whole thing hook, line, and sinker. She was your typical liberal
Democrat. I mean, she's great. I've been friends with her forever. But this whole vaccine, actually,
she didn't go the path of the vaccine because even she was skeptical about that. But masks and
lockdowns and everything else. And she told me this weekend she says you know what they have been proven wrong
the mainstream media so many times that now i don't believe anything that is coming out of their
mouth and i assume that anything that they label misinformation is actually something that i should
be paying attention to because that's actually truth.
And she kind of uses whatever they're labeling as disinformation as kind of smoke, you know,
where there's fire and to do more research on that.
And she comes to more and more of the, you know, when she does her own research, she concludes that the mainstream media is just pushing propaganda.
So now she is complete.
It's totally opened up her eyes.
And I think that's a huge advantage that we have,
the hubris of the global elite.
Elites tend to be hubristic.
And that's what generated this show.
I started interviewing people that had been canceled,
particularly physicians and scientists.
And guess what?
I may not have agreed with everything they said,
but I learned something from every one of them.
And some of them I learned a lot from. And some of them I have huge admiration for now,
and they turned out to be completely right at all times. So yeah, your point is well taken.
And I just want to bring out a little quick story about this sort of capitalism and tearing things
down. I interviewed a kid named Jared Klickstein. He wrote a book called Crooked Smile.
He was a heroin addict on the streets. And he told me that what really, a couple of things,
what really made his disease dangerous and made him a criminal was when in California,
they changed the laws. You could steal $800 a day, $900 a day to support your habit,
which he did on a regular basis, number one. And then number two, he said he could also, eventually, they started giving drugs out.
The state started giving drugs out, the city, the county, handing drugs out.
And he said almost to a person, these people that were there in the streets to help him
with his homelessness and his addiction, would pat him on the back and say, you're a victim
of capitalism. Once we bring
down capitalism, you'll be fine. That is murder. That is murder, guys. That is somebody committing
manslaughter and they should be prosecuted accordingly. And that is disgusting. George?
Yeah, that's what you have to understand because to the rational human, we see these zombie apocalypse zones.
Like I said, I'm in one right now in Tucson where it's a war zone where people are literally walking around with needles sticking out of their arm.
And we, as rational people, say, okay, we've got to do it.
We've got to have more rule of law.
We have to have more,
we have to get the economy going. And in order to give these people an opportunity, we need to address mental health. We need to address all these things. But for the person that's been
brought up in the school system of where they push Marxism, they see it the complete opposite
of that. They look at all of these, let's call it the zombie apocalypse, and they say this is a result
of white straight males building a capitalist society. And the only way to fix this problem
is to redistribute the wealth. The only way to fix this problem is through socialism. And we know
that that's going to exacerbate the problem so again we can sit here
and talk about how crazy this is but i would suggest the audience try to do your very best
to look at it through the lens of these people that to us seem crazy because to them we seem
crazy and to them this is just this makes sense. And this is evidence, everything
that we see around the world today in the United States, with let's just say, income inequality,
they see that as confirming their views on Marxism. So what do you expect? We predicted this.
So this is really what we're up against. But back to the topic of hubris,
Dr. Drew, I'm sure you saw this the other day, how RFK came out and said he was not only battling
big pharma, but he was battling big food and these terrible foods that we have in the United States. And sure enough, within two or three days, time comes out with a story saying why ultra-processed foods aren't that bad.
That's an example of hubris.
Because whether you're on the right or you're on the left, whether you're progressive, liberal, conservative, it doesn't matter.
When you see a headline like that, you're like, what?
No, now you're trying to convince me that ultra-processed foods are somehow healthy?
No, no, no, no.
This can't be right.
And then that builds that skepticism.
So let's talk about solution.
Ivor, what do we do?
What do we start?
Obviously, the battle lines can be drawn around free speech.
We can all get up and talk about things like this,
whether we agree with each other or not.
That's my job.
What else?
Yeah, well, Dr. Drew, so free speech is just an imperative.
Without that, as George elucidated, yeah, you take that plank out, we're all going
to be running for the hills. That's fundamental. I always say it's a two-hander. It's awareness
in the population. It's the only thing that ever overcame these types of turnings was the people
roles. So awareness is huge. I know it's difficult. I know a lot of people are hypnotized. And as George absolutely correctly said, this kind of 50% of people who have fallen for the
Marxist nonsense, what's happening in the world, the worse it gets, just reaffirms their nonsense.
So it's challenging. But awareness and raising awareness, and I always say to people,
forget about chemtrails. I mean, I have people I respect who are asking me about chemtrails.
I just say, shut up.
Forget about chemtrails.
Forget about flat earth stuff.
Forget about anything that may be true, but it sounds conspiracy-ish.
You will never convert new people with anything that smells of conspiracy.
So focus on UN, WEF, Rockefeller.
Focus on the Agenda 2030.
The UN Pact for the Future is being signed in September.
Do you know that?
It's all documented.
It basically says all of what they're doing to us.
So focus on the really published Solid as a Rock stuff and concepts like Malthusianism and history, the real stuff,
like we used to talk about 50 years ago. So that's one thing is awareness. And the other
thing is to live it. So use cash, local producers, eat real food, practice stoicism, get mentally
strong, get mental acuity, get physical, metabolic, and mental strength for the challenges ahead.
And basically, don't use their systems and oppose them at every turn.
And then, of course, there's the broad one.
Network like hell.
Talk to people.
Meet in real life.
That was actually my thing in the UK last week. The whole theme was we need to get away from the telegram groups,
the kind of circle jerk, you know,
getting paranoid and being terrified of every latest nonsense.
Forget about it all.
Meet in real groups, real community,
grow communities in real life and start just growing this tribe.
A tribe that's unified with one unifying purpose.
It's against all the nonsense from the guys
who are ruining the future for our children and grandchildren.
Just keep that as the central theme.
And yeah, you know, it's old-fashioned,
but that's the way I see it.
And you're still smiling. I can't get over your positive mental attitude, but
I hear more about building community. And when you look at every, I've said this many times on
this stream, but when you look at every great epic poem or story like Voltaire's Candide. At the very end, whether it's Gilgamesh or
Homer and Odysseus or Candide, at the end of the book, after their big adventures and going around
the world trying to save it, their ultimate conclusion is you should go back to your
community and serve it. Voltaire had, you should cultivate your garden.
Gilgamesh said, I've got to be a good king.
Homer went back and reestablished, I mean, Odysseus, his family.
It always comes to the same thing.
George, do you agree with that?
Is there more to be done?
Well, I want to encourage people to realize that they have the power.
And if they could take one thing away from this live stream, that's it.
What I mean by they have the power is none of this is a foregone conclusion.
And even if maybe 10% of the population of the United States or in Ireland were to just push back against this,
they would be defeated. And when I say push back, all you have to do is just say no.
Just say no. And I always use the example of COVID in 2020 in Phoenix, that's the city I know well.
It's about 4 million people. And think about if they implemented these lockdowns and said that you couldn't go to school, you couldn't open your business.
What if just 10% of the population just said, no, no, I'm not doing that.
400,000 people just said, no, I'm going to teach kids.
And yes, I'm going to take my kid to school and I'm going to open up my business and I don't care about your stupid laws. I'm just going to continue to live my life.
There is nothing the army, the military, the police, the local government, there's nothing
they could do. They would just sit back and say, well, I guess that's it. You know, another time
right during COVID, my research assistant, Josh, he was on a flight from Atlanta to Naples.
And in Naples, there's a lot of freedom-loving people, that's for sure.
And this was the height of COVID where they were just adamant about wearing masks, of course, except when you're having a Jack and Coke because then COVID takes a time out.
But Josh said that once they got up in the air, like half the flight just said, no, we're not wearing masks.
And they literally took off the masks.
And the stewardesses were like, oh, you got to put that on.
They're freaking out.
And then the captain is on the microphone saying, you got to put that on.
You got to put that on.
And they just said, yeah, no.
No, I don't think so.
And what are they going to do?
They just have to go down and land. And I'd like to remind everyone the story of how Romania got rid of communism back in the early 1990s with Ceausescu, who was a dictator to say the least.
He had the power of the police, the military, everything. And it was just boiled down to 500,000 people that
gathered at their square and just pushed back and said, no, absolutely not. And nine days later,
they took him out back and shot him. And now I'm not condoning violence of any sort, but I'm just
saying that to show people that at the end of the day, there's a lot more of us than there is of them.
And if we just come together as a group of like-minded individuals
that see the insanity and just push back and say,
no, there's nothing they can do, and we win.
You guys have mentioned, go ahead, Ivor.
Oh, and I was going to say, you'd be delighted dr drew that i'm still on form when when george had brought about and shot him i laughed
um so but but the thing is some people deserve to be executed in a sense i mean without condoning
violence etc he was a very very evil evil man with blood dripping from his hands.
But I love that point.
Yeah, 10%, 12% is a tipping point.
And not only can nothing be done with the 10% or 12%,
but then, of course, the sheep or the herd, the tribe,
look at the 10%, see them kind of making sense,
and then their fear reduces, and they have a chance to jump ship,
and then you get the tip.
So it's just huge.
And in COVID, one guy on Twitter, I remember once I was railing about masks,
probably telling the story about how their master stroke in the summer of 2020
when the hospitals were empt empty and there was no
ICU porn. They had nothing. The masks got them to the next winter. And one guy replied and said,
well, Ivor, more than that in a sense, if they hadn't brought in the masks, the whole thing
would have collapsed. And I realized in Western Europe, if they hadn't brought in the masks, four months would have passed.
People would have moved on.
And I don't think it's true.
They couldn't have racked up the fear porn in October, November.
It just wouldn't have held.
I've heard you float that theory.
Go ahead, George.
Oh, I've heard you float that theory. Go ahead, George. Oh, I'm sorry.
I don't know if you guys or Dr. Drew,
if you've seen the meme,
but I would strongly suggest the audience kind of look it up.
I think it's floating out there on Twitter
where it starts off with a crowd of people,
let's just say 30 or so,
that are bowing down to one guy at the front,
a dictator, an authoritarian that's cracking the whip.
And then the next stage,
you've got one person in the crowd that stands up. And then the guy goes to crack the whip even
harder, but he continues to stand. And then the next stage, you've got half of the crowd standing
up against the authoritarian. The last stage, you have the entire crowd standing up against the authoritarian, and the authoritarian with the whip is now bending over on his knees.
That's the way it works.
That's it.
I always thought that was the role of press to make sure that the populace went that direction, but it's gone on its head lately where they do the opposite, where they stand behind the person with the whip there that we see on.
There it is, exactly.
And so, yeah, I think it's worth reviewing.
You're the press, though, Dr. Drew.
You're the press.
Forget CNN.
Forget MSNBC.
I mean, you, Rogan.
It's hard.
That's why this free speech thing is so important.
You are the press.
It is why it's so important.
I agree with you.
But when you realize you're up against CBS, NBC, ABC, New York Times, MSNBC,
these are big influential organizations that people are losing.
People are starting to see, as your friend did,
that they can't believe anything and they can't believe anything.
They don't know what's real.
And same thing in social media, by the way,
you have to be very careful
on what you believe
and what you, you know,
you have to really look at things
very, very carefully.
But it is an ongoing battle,
but it's also worth reviewing.
You guys mentioned mass formation
more than one time
and that's Matthias Desmet's idea.
And it's worth looking at those numbers
for a quick second,
which is what he found
in the psychology of totalitarianism
is that 20% of people become rapidly hypnotized.
And my hypnosis friends tell me
that is a universal feature of humanity.
About 20% of the people are really easily hypnotized.
About 10% can't be hypnotized
and they are the ones that throw the bullshit flag
very early in these events.
It's the 70% in the middle that just want to live
their lives and be left alone. It can't. They can't do that anymore. You have that 10% that
is standing up in the whipping analogy needs to bring in that 70%. And that's the group that
really is going to make the difference. They can no longer just put their head down and get along.
They have to stand up for a minute.
And we won't keep them very long, I promise.
We just need their participation until some of this foolishness sort of,
until the wheel turns, to use the analogy of the turning
that you mentioned, Ivor, early in this conversation.
So do you see this as a fourth turning, Ivor?
Yeah, I mean, it's a fourth turning,
but I think it's a little supercharged in fairness.
It's not that you run in the mill one because of technology.
These are technocrats, and they believe they'll use the technology
to succeed where the totalitarians of the past did not.
They'll create a prison, as Aldous Huxley said,
a perfect prison where the inmates are not even really aware they're in prison.
And that's what they're going for.
But I mean, just to end on a positive sign,
I mean, I loved this one the other day,
just before I gave the shows in the UK.
It was just beautiful to add to
the positive news.
So in Ireland, very briefly, if a recent poll showed that 47% of the population had strong
misgivings about the toxicity and side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, that would be huge
To George's point, I mean, 47%.
Wow, I can work with that.
But the poll actually wasn't for the people.
It actually polled doctors and nurses in the medical system.
And it was 47% said that.
Now, the medical system during the COVID, they were lost.
They were the worst people in Ireland.
I have someone in my family who was in college doing medicine.
They said it was zombie apocalypse.
You're literally screaming about passports and severe potential harm from the COVID vaccines.
So that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Even those guys, utterly indoctrinated and lost, I thought, nearly half of them are kind of waking up.
And need to really look at themselves because that is the prison guard experiment.
If you did that, particularly as a healthcare provider, you would not be the good guy in a Nazi Germany scenario.
You would be the prison guard.
George, your last thoughts.
I would encourage the audience to just ask themselves when the last time the
people that were in favor of censorship were the good guys.
if you go back throughout history,
I can't find a time when they were the good guys.
So if you're on the fence about this,
just realize that,
you know,
if you want to be on the right side of history,
you've got to promote free speech and these ideas, no matter how quote unquote dangerous they are, because at the end of the day, that that's our best weapon.
And that's really all we've got.
So that's how I kind of break things down into very, very simple terms. So just any of the stuff that's going on right now,
you know, any of the things that these people are pushing, you know, ask yourself, did the Nazis do
that? Did Stalin do that? Did, you know, did the patriots that started the United States,
did they? And you start to see that, well, wait a minute, even though I might think that this,
you know, sensory of misinformation is a good thing, I realized that going back throughout history,
that's never, ever, ever been a good idea. And it's always led to totalitarianism
and authoritarianism. So that's what I would encourage people to think through their own defense.
And one very last thing.
Ivor, you were telling me about a half hour. Go ahead.
Oh, just one last thing. And George, you just reminded me there,
Nick Hudson of Pandata in South Africa, an amazing man, amazing intellect. He came out with a short
clip that I alone got nearly 3 million views on Twitter. It's gone everywhere. And it's a simple
he said, if you are told there is a global issue that affects all of us and only a global authority can resolve it for us and that will involve and it does involve censorship and collusion and all the other stuff we see, then you know it is a scam.
And I don't think, like George said about but the other one, there's no exception.
No exception.
Yeah, and same, you know, as goes capitalism, goes government.
The closer to the customer, the closer to the people the government is, the better it
is, the more efficacious it is, the less arbitrary it is, less arbitrary it is the more it serves the actual
needs of the people and the customer if it's capitalism adam smith had it pretty much right
and you did mention uh ivor a few minutes ago something about uh people being canceled through
history and i i was just going to bring up back then that you know you you got to remember this
has been going on since galileo and you And do you want to be the Spanish Inquisition
or do you want to be on Galileo's side?
Which is your poison?
Which would you pick?
And then finally, you mentioned the Patriots, George,
in this country advocating for free speech.
John Adams did bring us the Aliens and Seditions Act.
And it was an ignominious
and embarrassing chapter of our history that we always looked back
upon with great opprobrium. And now we think it seems to be, it seems like our leaders think
now it's a good idea. Something that we allowed, put in place for a few years that was throughout
history looked at as a giant mistake. Now all of a, it's a good idea? Okay. I guess now we understand.
Much like the 70s,
whenever anybody says we finally figured things out,
it's run.
The answers are, you know,
we can progress, we can move forward,
but there's never an answer.
It's never one thing.
That's why I'm getting upset about people going,
we're supposed to believe,
you know,
you gotta go believe
a scientific authority.
They're not trusting science anymore.
Science is a process.
It's not a scientism.
It's a process.
we could go on all day
about this stuff.
I gotta wrap these things up.
I appreciate you guys being here.
We'll follow George Gammon on X.
We'll follow Ivor Cummings on X
at At Fat Emperor.
And both of you, your YouTube channels,
we'll send people there.
And I hope to talk to you again soon.
Thanks for having me on.
Thank you, Dr. Drew.
And let's go back, Caleb,
and take a look at the schedule coming up here.
I think we have Salty Cracker coming up in a couple of days.
And that's going to be
a noontime show,
I believe.
Before my show.
Before Susan's calling out.
And then tomorrow
we have Tom Renz
going to go review
some new stuff with him.
Susan is going to revisit
the MH3.
Tomorrow's my birthday.
Susan's going to revisit
the MH370 situation.
MH370 and 9-11.
With Captain Don Hanley.
On the 10th.
On the 10th.
And Michael Gates comes back with us
to talk about his struggle
with the state of California.
Joel Pollack.
I haven't talked to him in a long time.
And Jimmy Dore.
My cat that was coming back,
old Loveline partner.
He's going to be in studio with us.
Marty McAree has been around quite a bit lately
with Dr. Brian Hooker.
Great guest coming up.
Many more to come.
We appreciate you being here.
Let me look quickly at-
I was going to say something.
One thing.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Caleb.
Oh, yes.
I just wanted to, for the audience who weren't familiar with the word you just used,
here's the definition of opprobrium.
It's true.
He comes up with these words.
Just helping.
It's a real word, guys. You know what's weird helping it's a real word guys you know what's
weird it's a real word and i thought it was spelled with it i thought it was spelled with
an a until this minute so thank you for me too you have to read it to the people who are listening
on the podcast a program harsh criticism or censure extreme dishonor often with lasting
consequences a program was absolutely how-
I'm surprised you could spell that.
That's good, Caleb.
We came up with the,
how we have felt throughout American history
about the Aliens and Sedition Act.
Homeschooled and he could spell it.
Which was our one big censorship policy
that we moved away from very quickly.
Oh, a super chat.
I want you to say, I want to say
something. Casey said a super chat, loving you and your content. I was taken off Twitter 22. Jesus,
that's awful. Salt must flow, Serene. Yes, he will. The salt will flow. It will. Can I say something?
Yes, please. So they were talking about how you are like Joe Rogan and you can get the message
out and you're the new, you're the media, it's true.
But what came to mind immediately
was we were talking to a local newscaster
who's been in television forever.
And you have your left media that does local news.
You're not even allowed to be a good lighting person
and have a Republican point of view over there.
And then you
have your right which is you know like fox but it's like somehow we're right in the middle and
that's such a a refreshing thing because you know just watching like the today show in the morning
drives me nuts you know because it's just it's just fluff it doesn't they're not saying anything
they're saying what the government has told them to say and then the the people on the right might be going a little too much to the right you know
um i i get pulled into that i just have to admit that but um i'm you know i try so hard to watch
cnn these days but it just every time i just want to rip my eyelashes out but um if if you know what
he was trying to say to you is that you have freedom of speech
on your show which is unusual for anybody working in television everything's pre-produced nothing is
live you have to just go with whatever your producer told you to do and you can't like she
was just saying she can't she she can't say what she wants to say but she wouldn't even say
it to me you know yeah but i think that's yeah i i get it and and most of the people that we have
are their friends in television are actual journalists and wanted to get things right
like news network news and stuff like that like it's all you know it's all business pre-planned
and it's just to get the message out without scaring everybody,
although they did a great job during COVID-19.
But they also, I have to give them this,
is the only time that they go radicalize is when it rains in California
and they make everybody stay home and not drive their car.
How they're able to do that, I have no idea.
Unfortunately, it's not us.
So, okay. Let's
wrap this up. We appreciate you being here.
Tomorrow is 3 o'clock.
Powerful flowing golden stream, Molten
Sod says. Molten Sod.
Thank you guys
for making me say that.
Let's see. I think that
will do it for today and tomorrow
we have Tom Renscombe. We will go over some of his data and see
what's new on his uh radar and then the salt will flow at noon on thursday see you then
ask dr drew is produced by caleb nation and susan pinsky as a reminder the discussions here are not
a substitute for medical care diagnosis or, or treatment. This show is intended for educational
and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your
personal doctor and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of
medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information
that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the
future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was
published. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911.
If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.
You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at
slash help.