Ask Dr. Drew - Jack Posobiec: How To Crush The Communist Revolution & “Forces Of Unhumanity” w/ Joshua Lisec – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 347

Episode Date: April 19, 2024

Jack Posobiec is not a fan of communism. The political pundit, intelligence veteran, and pillow pitchman is the coauthor of “Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush T...hem)” with Joshua Lisec. Read their book at Jack Posobiec is the senior editor of Human Events and host of Human Events Daily. Poso is a veteran intelligence officer of the United States Navy who was the Intelligence Director for Navy Expeditionary Forces Command Pacific – Task Force 75. He is the author of multiple bestselling books and currently lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife and their sons. Follow him at and read more at Joshua Lisec is a certified hypnotist and an internationally bestselling ghostwriter who has ghostwritten more than 80 books since 2011. With Jack Posobiec, Joshua coauthored “Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them)” available July 2. Follow him at and learn more at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at  • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • COZY EARTH - Susan and Drew love Cozy Earth's sheets & clothing made with super-soft viscose from bamboo! Use code DREW to save up to 40% at • TRU NIAGEN - For almost a decade, Dr. Drew has been taking a healthy-aging supplement called Tru Niagen, which uses a patented form of Nicotinamide Riboside to boost NAD levels. Use code DREW for 20% off at • GENUCEL - Using a proprietary base formulated by a pharmacist, Genucel has created skincare that can dramatically improve the appearance of facial redness and under-eye puffiness. Get an extra discount with promo code DREW at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 GEAR 」 • NANLITE - Dr. Drew upgraded his studio with Nanlite: the best lighting for film, TV, and live streaming podcasts. Bring your vision to life at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 「 ABOUT DR. DREW 」 Dr. Drew is a board-certified physician with over 35 years of national radio, NYT bestselling books, and countless TV shows bearing his name. He's known for Celebrity Rehab (VH1), Teen Mom OG (MTV), The Masked Singer (FOX), multiple hit podcasts, and the iconic Loveline radio show. Dr. Drew Pinsky received his undergraduate degree from Amherst College and his M.D. from the University of Southern California, School of Medicine. Read more at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 There is a lot of excitement surrounding today's show. Jack Prasabic joins us. His new book is Unhumans, The Secret History of Communist Revolutions and How to Crush Them. He is joined by his co-author, Joshua Lisek. He is a best-selling ghostwriter. He has written more than 80 books.
Starting point is 00:00:17 He's also a hypnotist. I have a million questions for him. And of course, Jack is the editor of Human Events, host of Human Events Daily. He is a veteran. He has lived in China. He speaks fluent Chinese. He has been an intelligence director for Navy Expeditionary Forces, Command Pacific Task Force.
Starting point is 00:00:36 And he is the author of multiple bestselling books. He lives in Washington, D.C. presently with his wife and their two sons. You can follow him on X, Jack Posobiec, P-O-S-O-B-I-E-K, and read more at Sorry, somebody say something there? It's a C, not a K. What did I say? Did I say K at the end? Yeah. P-O-S-O-B-I-E-C, correct. Interesting. That was a mindless slip on my part we'll get right to it after this
Starting point is 00:01:05 our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre the psychopath started this right he was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography ptsd love addiction fentanyl and heroin ridiculous i'm a doctor for say where the hell you think i learned that i'm just saying you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals. Let's just deal with what's real. We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time. Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat.
Starting point is 00:01:35 If you have trouble, you can't stop and you want help stopping, I can help. I got a lot to say. I got a lot more to say. Let's talk about aging because everyone wants to know how to slow it down. For almost a decade, I've been taking a healthy aging supplement called TruNiagen. This supplement boosts NAD, that's something that cells can't live without. It's done with a patented form of nicotinamide riboside called NR or Niagen. It's more efficient and more scientifically reviewed than NMN or other NAD boosters. True Niagen is truly the best way to boost NAD levels. And it's made by Chromadex. They're the gold standard in the NAD space.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Dr. Charles Brenner, the scientist who discovered the NAD boosting potential of NR, explains. And the center of the metabolism that allows the conversion of food into energy is NAD coenzymes. And NAD gets disturbed in the aging process and as we're exposed to conditions of metabolic stress. Niagen, which is the form of NR that was developed by Chromadex, is the best and the only fully legal form of NR. And this is really the gold standard for NAD boosting vitamins. I love this product. I urge you to try it. Go to slash truniagen for 20% off your order. That is slash truniagen, T-R-U-N-I-A-G-E-N, and enter drdrew at checkout, D-R-D-R-E-W,
Starting point is 00:03:15 enter it at the checkout for 20% off. I think you all know that I take this supplement and have been on it for many, many years. And whenever people say I look younger than my chronological age, I always think it's got to be that true. Now I take about a thousand milligrams a day. This week is going to be quite a trifecta.
Starting point is 00:03:35 In addition to Jack Posobiec today and his co-author Joshua Lysak, we have Matthias Desmet coming in tomorrow, which is, again, he has been studying mass formation for a long time. So it's a perfect follow-on to our conversation today. And to put a final nail in the coffin of the week, we're going to speak to Mike Benz, obviously the social media influencer, let's call him, who has been raising awareness about the intelligence blob. And then Salty Cracker, Naomi Wolf, Tom Renz, Donald Trump Jr., and Mike Lindell is on the schedule. So we'll get all those in here coming up. So be sure to stay with us. Today, we are welcoming, as I said, Jack Posobiec.
Starting point is 00:04:15 You can follow him on Twitter, Jack Posobiec, P-O-S-O, let me get this right, P-O-S-O-B-I-E-C. Also, Human Events is where you can follow him on X as well. Joshua is Joshua Lisek, L-I-S-E-C. Gentlemen, welcome to the program. It's a real pleasure to be here. There you go, guys. Jack, are you muted? I think we're all in. Here we are. Jack, you there?
Starting point is 00:04:47 Headed on mute. There we go. I just have to say it's a real pleasure and an absolute honor to be here. Well, nowhere for us to go but down. So hopefully that feeling will be carried through the rest of the show. So I want Jack to talk about something straight off the top. One of your chapters, so the book is, let me get the book so people can get it, Unhumans, The Secret History of Communist Revolutions
Starting point is 00:05:14 and How to Crush Them. I am obviously fascinated by this. I have been, I've become preoccupied in the last six months with the French Revolution. So I've gone down a hundred rabbit holes with that particular revolution. And I know you guys write about that in the book. It's one of the chapters, a couple of chapters, I think, are dedicated to the French Revolution.
Starting point is 00:05:34 And one of the things that, amongst the many things that jump out at me about that period of history, was that a lot of people don't realize that was where some of the ideas about totalitarianism really got going. The Jacobins wanted a centralized administrative state, essentially Louis XIV's state, just run by the citizens rather than run by a monarch. And all that thinking started bleeding into this idea that there should be equity of essentially property. That's where the sans coulade eventually went. But tell me about what you were thinking in terms of, Jack, writing about the French Revolution. Well, I couldn't agree more.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I mean, you've basically got all the high points there. So essentially what we see is exactly that and and one really important thing for people to understand and i think they will uh if you're listening to this and they go out and if they're interested in learning more and purchasing on humans and reading about this is that we're still living through the french revolution we're still living through it right now. These ideas, even the rise of communism that we saw in Russia, it was predicated by these ideas that come out of the French Revolution. And Karl Marx himself and Engels, of course, refer back to this many times in their own
Starting point is 00:06:57 writing that these ideas did not originate with them, but in fact, it originated in the French Revolution. And so even basic phrases that people use every day, like the words left and right, I don't even think people realize that that goes right back to the French Revolution. The Jacobins sat on the left and the monarchists and the royalists sat on the right. And to your point, they were attempting to not just redefine society, but they were taking a system of power that was already in place that existed in the kingdom of France at the time. And they were attempting to subvert it in the sense of it would be now controlled by the bottom up. So the people who were at the bottom
Starting point is 00:07:36 in their terms of the society, the people who had been oppressed would then become the new oppressors. They would take the place of the oppressors. And in their view, this mindset, this Marxoid lens, which we now call it today, we refer to the French Revolution in the book as a proto-communist revolution, for lack of a better term. But the idea, of course, isn't that they were going to create some sort of system of equality. The idea was, as you say, they were attempting to simply put themselves in charge of the new system. Now, when it comes to land, and it comes specifically to those ideas of land reform or land reapportionment, this has always been part and parcel of communism
Starting point is 00:08:19 and proto-communism going back to the French Revolution. And it still is with us today. It's what we see going on in New York City on a regular basis. You can go and open the news and you'll see somebody going and getting arrested from trying to kick some squatters out of their own house. This is the abolishment of private property, reapportionment of land, reapportionment of wealth. When we saw this, of course, we saw the homeless moving into the Palace of Versailles. We saw homeless people moving into the palace, which is now the Louvre, of course, the most beautiful museum on the face of the planet. And again, this was all completely turned upside down by the French Revolution in the
Starting point is 00:08:55 name of equality, in the name of equity, in the name of inclusion, many of the same buzzwords that we all hear today. And what's very interesting, and people need to understand this, is that initially, it was done as a reform movement. The Jacobins weren't in power right at first. The Jacobins came along later. You'll see this as well with Russia. You'll see this in China. The Jacobins come along later. But initially, it was just about reform. It was about making society better. It was about helping people. But then somewhere along the line, these politics of grievance, these politics of envy, these politics of resentment actually come to the fore. And because those were seen as the more fervent adherents, the more devoted adherents of the
Starting point is 00:09:40 revolution and of the new way of things, Of course, this goes back to the romanticist movement, which the revolution, of course, bore a lot out of. As we know, of course, the French are known for their love. And so if you didn't love the revolution, then of course, perhaps you weren't willing to go quite as far as others. So what I mean to say by all that is that the people who were willing to go the furthest were the ones that eventually won the revolution. Those were the Jacobins. And for them, simply reforming society or raising taxes, which actually is what the whole thing started over in the first place, wasn't enough. They had to go and start actually executing
Starting point is 00:10:21 the leaders of society all the way up to and including, as we know, the king and the queen. Yeah, and if you're a student of history at all, what everyone needs to realize is that when these sorts of purges develop, which they inevitably do because you have to force people to participate in these things because it runs contrary to so many human impulses, they're forced into it, and you're never pure enough. So whoever puts the people on the guillotine ends up on the guillotine, including, if I remember right, Dr. Guillotine himself. You all have, Robespierre certainly ended up on there. Everybody ends up on the guillotine,
Starting point is 00:10:58 until usually a strongman comes in and says, enough, Napoleon in this case, and puts a stop to it. Under the name of republicanism, he becomes an emperor, which is comical, but there we go. That's how these things run. They don't run sensibly. Josh, these things always have, I don't know how to ask this. Essentially, so much of the French Revolution, we're going to stay with that, was based on the principles of Rousseau. And there was never a bigger schmuck than Rousseau.
Starting point is 00:11:32 There was never a bigger asshole than him. He himself hauled around a young lady, impregnated her five times, forced her to leave all five children on the doorstep of an orphanage at the time when the survival rate was about 10% in those orphanages. He was a horrible, horrible human advocating for the great, what he called the noble savage, the noble native,
Starting point is 00:11:58 all these ideas about how humans really were, yet he himself was just a scumbag. Psychology always enters into these revolutions, I guess let's call them. Why is that always the case? Why can't they be more persuasion-oriented? Why can't they sort of stay with the basics of how really human motivation and how humans work? Why do they always have denial about those things? Yes. So, typically, the communist revolution, be it a proto-revolution like in France or earlier in possibly the well-in 20th century communist revolutions, they all follow a set of patterns. And there's this sort of a template for the revolution that we talk about inside of the book. And one of the things that they do prior, always prior to the revolution, is the messaging stage.
Starting point is 00:12:51 There's a military term for this. It's called the Operational Preparation of the Environment, or OPE. And subversives, radicals, revolutionaries, prior to inciting the actual revolution itself, they do a little OPE work. And one of the aspects of OPE is messaging. How can they manipulate the masses, particularly the malcontents, the fringes of society, what is sometimes referred to as a coalition of the fringes.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Those people who are the rejects, either through the consequences of decisions outside their control, or of their own decisions, thieving, robbing, and so on. And these revolutionaries will wrap those people up to be their evangelists, their advocates, their agitators, in some cases. And then the movement will grow. And anyone who has a resentment, who has envy, who has grievance, and this is key, this is key for the apparent legitimacy of the revolution, legitimate grievances. This was certainly the case in pre-revolutionary France, as it was in pre-revolutionary Russia and in other places. Now, we are seeing something like a communist
Starting point is 00:14:07 revolution in the United States currently, which is something that we suggest in the book as a unique and useful filter through which to understand the current events, the times and seasons in which we live. But this mass messaging is essential to get as many people as possible roped into the revolution prior. I'll give you a quick example of this. Prior to the worst parts, the most violent parts of the Russian revolution, the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin had a very simple slogan that appealed to all who were not aristocrats. And that slogan was peace, land, bread. That is, get us out of this foreign war, that is World War I, reform the land so that the serfs can have proper ownership of their own fields that they're toiling in, and then have plenty
Starting point is 00:14:59 of food for everybody. Now, who would oppose peace, land, and bread but the bad guys? We're obviously the good guys because we want to give you the best you can. And this sort of, well, we saw in the French Revolution as well with the famous slogan of, I think in English it's liberty, equality, fraternity. Who would oppose those but a terrible person? And that standard messaging is easy to manipulate masses. And particularly, it's easy to lull the counter-revolutionaries into passivity because you don't want to be the bad guy. And we notice this in Russian Revolution period where the Tsar's family held back. They did not attempt to put down the uprising,
Starting point is 00:15:45 the Bolshevik rebellion. This also happened, of course, in the French Revolution. The royal family, Louis XVI, held back, didn't want to appear that he was antagonistic. Okay, let's hear their demands. Let's see how reasonable they're going to be. Okay, well, let's just kind of work with these people, let it go. Whereas in other times and
Starting point is 00:16:05 seasons such as in the the franco period of the spanish civil war a resolute will of resistance no not on my watch i will not let this happen a very different outcome occurred and that was the crushing of the communist revolution and like i, oftentimes these things end when a strong man comes in, so to speak, and a man in quotations. Jack, social evil is always done in the name of good, always. It just seems like that's a trend. And same with this, your book is called Unhuman. And yet this does seem to be a particular human phenomenon that is developing in periodic sort of waves in the world. You both mentioned envy. And envy is something that appears in humans with narcissistic traits. That's what envy is.
Starting point is 00:17:04 It's one of the big liabilities of narcissism. So one of the questions, Jack, I've always had, I'm going to ask Matthias Desmet the same question tomorrow, which is, are these things some sort of almost mathematical phenomenon that develop in evolution of governments or are there being consistently brought on from outside forces the way lennon and his people brought it on or are these periods of character traits that develop over time in human beings in certain waves, with narcissism being the key one that is so prominent today, and so prone to envy, and so prone to projection, and so prone to hysteria, and all
Starting point is 00:17:54 the things we've seen lately in this country. Is it some combination of these things? What are your thoughts on that? Well, I would say this, and as a guy who's a Christian, this is something we would believe in. We would say we're all born with original sin. Man has fallen. Man has a fallen nature. I'm a Hobbesian. What can I say in terms of that? That people, greed exists. Greed will always exist. And the way that this was dealt with politically in early societies, of course, is you would have the strongest member of the tribe becomes the leader of the tribe. And then that tribe beats up all the other tribes. And then maybe you establish a king and the king
Starting point is 00:18:34 becomes the ruler. And the ruler just basically decides through power. We've all heard this story a million times. They use their power to decide what is fair and what is right. But then they're able to still maintain that through a set of rules or through some sort of code. And we can see these going back thousands and thousands of years, things that even predate the Bible. And so this has been part and parcel of human society for as long as we've known about humanity. But something that actually goes against the trend, I would But something that's not, something that's actually goes against the trend, I would say something that bucks the trend is civilization itself and the ability to create civilization under those conditions. It's very rare. It's very hard. It hasn't been done very much throughout
Starting point is 00:19:19 civilized life. We've had empires over the time, but empires come and empires go, as we all know. And so the idea that you can get it quite right, where you've got the right mix of allowing people to work and have innovation, but as well as the right level of government, whether the form of the government comports that form of civilization, of course, is a huge issue here, where you have this flourishing of science, a flourishing of arts, a flourishing of actual human progress, I don't mean like progressive progress, then you can kind of get it right. And so when you look at the United States as an experiment on this longer chain, which we're talking about here, which really comes to show how the United States and our particular and really peculiar form of government with a constitution, with the ability to change the constitution, with certain rights delineated as things that government shouldn't be able to abridge.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Even though, of course, we can all see the government abridging those rights on a daily basis lately. This is something, of course, we get into in the book quite a bit because we try to explain that which it is right now. So that we're living through. And so essentially what it comes down to is that with the rise of democratic republics and constitutional republics that we still live in now. So we got away with the kings. The French Revolution wins. Basically, we do away with the kings.
Starting point is 00:20:37 We do away with the monarchs, Russian Revolution. Spain, of course, maintained their monarch. But after Franco wins the war, but then even after Franco leaves power when he passed away, Spain eventually decided to move to a more democratic republic. And so the French Revolution wins. We get rid of the kings. We aren't going to have kings anymore. But there's a problem because there's a short circuit in the system.
Starting point is 00:21:01 And the short circuit comes as to what exactly we're talking about right now, that when you introduce envy coupled with a form of justification of that, we all feel envious. We all feel envious all the time. Someone's got a better car than us. Someone's got a bigger house than us. Someone's got a better whatever. We all feel that type of envy, but we sit back and say, maybe I should work harder. Maybe I should put in some more hours at work, or maybe I should get a better job. Maybe I should get a promotion. Maybe I should move.
Starting point is 00:21:35 We think about how we can improve ourselves to achieve those things. But then maybe for a second, maybe for a split second, we might think, what if I took that from that person? And what if I made it my own? And this is, of course, how you get theft. And so theft always begins with envy. It begins with greed. It begins with this licitous desire. And so the problem is if you couple envy with the justification of envy and inject that
Starting point is 00:22:00 into a democratic process, which is what we're seeing now, you will eventually unravel that society completely because you will start telling people that the only reason that there are people who are successful, the only reason there are people who have achieved anything, and I'm not just talking about like the super rich or anybody who's gotten rich through shady schemes or anything like that. I mean like small business owners. These are the people who were targeted by the Bolsheviks. They called them the Kulaks back then, but you'd say small business owner, people who have, oh, I don't know, an Airbnb or a rental property. These are the people who always end up bearing the brunt of all of this. They, of course they go for the Christians, their religious leaders first. But after that, on the economic side, the people they go for are the people who are just one rung above, basically. It's not like the super rich, the super wealthy,
Starting point is 00:22:51 they can always get out. It's actually those people who are just in that upper middle class band that we see across these revolutions. Those are the ones who always end up suffering the most. And it's not done in the name of equality. And certainly, you know, you get the peasants line up in the gulags and nothing's better for anybody else because you get lined up in these Soviet block concrete housing and everything else. So nobody's actually doing any better
Starting point is 00:23:15 other than the people who led the revolution in the first place. What you actually get, though, is more of the envy. You just get a justification for people tearing down society, tearing down civilizations, tearing down histories, going after people who are successful,
Starting point is 00:23:31 going after people who are better looking, people who are doing well and saying, we are going to destroy you to essentially make you as miserable as we are. That's what you get through these things. In addition to unhuman, I suggest people check out the white pill, A Tale of Good and Evil, where Michael Malice shows you exactly how Stalin
Starting point is 00:23:51 and that regime was able to use the kulaks, which is different than the gulags, to manipulate and turn people on one another in the name of acting out this envy. Jack, I want to do you a favor, and I want to clarify, I want to distinguish between jealousy and envy. Religions throughout history always have injunctions against envy, because envy is different than jealousy. As you mentioned, jealousy is, Jack's got a nicer car for me. That makes me very uncomfortable. I don't like that feeling. I want that. I'm going to go work harder to be like him. Envy is not just, I want that.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I'm going to steal that. But I got to knock him down. I have to destroy him. I have to take him down for making me feel less than. That's envy. Envy is one of the most destructive of human emotions. And it's the one that causes people to destroy other people for how they feel. And again, underneath that is narcissistic rage. I have a quick follow-on question for you, Jack, which is as an intelligence officer working
Starting point is 00:25:00 sometimes in communist systems, did you see this coming here? Did you do this present moment? Is it something you predicted? Did you see it underway? Is it, I mean, it's now that it's here and you're writing books on it, obviously it's like, you know, okay, here we are. To me, COVID sort of ripped the Band-Aid off for me on some of the excesses.
Starting point is 00:25:18 Did you see it coming or how did you come to understand this? Well, so I'll put it this way. When I first worked in Shanghai, I was working for the US Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, just out of college and super entry-level job at the Shanghai American Chamber of Commerce. And what was interesting, and we were helping US companies and US firms get into China. This was the idea that we're going to help US firms go into China, we're going to sell into the Chinese market.
Starting point is 00:25:44 And of course, this is something that, of course, Western companies have been after since the 1800s, since the Opium War. Of course, the British first tried to flood China with opium. The opium went over, then they were trying to get goods into the interior of China. This has been the dream. This has been the great dream of every Western marketeer to be able to sell to 1.2 billion people. And the thing that I learned while I was over there was that one of the reasons that the US had built so many of these ties with China, and of course, it always kind of in the back of my mind saying, why aren't these guys communists?
Starting point is 00:26:16 There's a lot of hammer and sickle around here. And my family's Polish. And we don't have a great history when it comes to those guys. And everyone said, oh, we're making money. We're making money. We'll all go along with it. Everything will be fine. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:26:30 And we were also told that during the opening up of China, which included the return of Hong Kong, the handing over of Hong Kong by the British to China, which took place in the 90s, had been signed under Thatcher in the 80s. And then eventually, the recognition of China into the WTO, their accession there, given the most favored nation status, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, very much the story. But we were always sold this bill of goods that said, well, the more open we become to China, the more they'll become like us. They'll become democratic. They'll become capitalist. And capitalism will always equal a free society. And that was the boilerplate that we were all told. Well, when I was over there though,
Starting point is 00:27:10 I'll tell you what I would see is that we would bring over congressional delegations and business leaders and government leaders, and they would come to Shanghai and they would be given these tours by the leaders of Shanghai at the time. Xi Jinping actually was one of the leaders of Shanghai back then. He was the party chairman of the city of Shanghai long before he became the chairman of the entire party itself. And they would go down to the Shanghai Municipal Planning Museum. And it was sort of this idea where they would tell you what was coming next for Shanghai, what was coming next for southern China. And they would tell you, and it was always the mega projects. And everyone knows that China is, of course, they love their mega projects ever since the Great Wall of China, the Great Canal of China, which doesn't exist anymore,
Starting point is 00:27:49 but it used to be this giant river, sort of a man-made river, Three Gorges Dam, etc. And so they would talk about high-speed rail. They would talk about all of these wondrous things that they were putting together to innovate in China. And when American politicians would say, what about the property rights of the people who live along the line of this high-speed rail? Or what about health concerns, environmental concerns? And CCP officials would kind of look at them and say, what about them? Who cares? It's not a concern of ours. And so you would see how American leaders, and not just Americans, but Western leaders, would become intoxicated by having that level of power,
Starting point is 00:28:31 by seeing that level of power, getting a taste of it. And this is almost, that was 2006, 2007, so we're talking almost 20 years ago now, that that's how the seeds were planted. And you can see, just pick up a copy of The Economist and you'll see them talking this way. It's the rise of a technocracy and the rise of being able to do whatever it is we're capable
Starting point is 00:28:53 of doing, rule by expert, rule by the party, okay, the new party, whatever you call it. And then using whatever phrases make sense in a Western context to be able to achieve what they call, and now, you know, Jamie Dimon and some of these people have talked about it, the China model and replicating that throughout the West. And of course, when COVID came down
Starting point is 00:29:14 and all of these things started happening throughout the West, I said, wait a minute, this reminds me of the stuff they used to do back over there. Now they're just bringing it here under a different name, but it's the exact same
Starting point is 00:29:25 systems. It's the exact same lies, and it gives them the exact same levels of power that the Chinese Communist Party have had since, well, 1949. Well, in fact, when the Italian shutdown was perpetrated by a politician who wrote a book about it, that they had to take off the market because his book was about not his success in shutting down COVID, but his admiration for the Chinese model and how he wanted to show how that would work in Italy. And that's a book by Michael Sanger where he chronicles that called Snake Oil Science. And it is shocking that that kind of thing has been happening. I have to take a little break. Before I do, though, I want to go to Josh and ask you about OPE. So is somebody doing that, or is that just their snake oil siren?
Starting point is 00:30:12 Xi Jinping shut down the world. That yellow line is the graph that the leaders in, what's the name of the city that the virus broke out in? Help me, somebody. Hunan. Yes. And the virus, that's the graph they sent, the leaders sent to Xi Jinping about what the lockdown had accomplished,
Starting point is 00:30:34 which of course is total BS. Because as we well know, it came back and came back and came back. You can't use lockdown to eliminate a respiratory virus. But OPE, Josh, is somebody doing that? Or is that, again, it's just a trend and there's a wind blowing where people are sort of getting involved with this and they see this as a technique? Or is it useful idiots? Where is this coming from? Over the last quarter of a millennium, we see the same type of individuals show up.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And of course, in the book, we refer to them as unhumans because it's both a noun and a verb. What they do when they take power, regardless of time, place, or race of the perpetrators, they unhuman their victims. And we are what we do. So they deprive them first of rights to their property, then of their rights to liberty, freedom of association, freedom of religion, and so on. And then they deprive them of the right to life. And all those human rights are seized by there are the people who are good, they're the ones who are have-nots. They're the victims of the ones who are the haves of the society, that is, the oppressors. You have because you took. You've been taking for these however many years, and so it's time for you to have your stuff taken back. And there's a sense of entitlement in this.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And dare I say, social justice is part of the communist principle. It's an application of the communist principle that we should all share this stuff. And it's those bad people who took, who cheated, who lied, who thieved. And whether that is legitimate grievance or not is usually besides the point. But it's the instigators of this who want the power for themselves, who are doing the manipulating, who are doing the operational preparation of the environment for revolution. First, what they do, the first stage of OPE for the revolution, is they separate, meaning they identify who in the society are the oppressors, who are the oppressed, who are the haves, who are the have-nots. At that point, they begin sort of caucusing with, coalescing with,
Starting point is 00:33:00 or to use a favorite leftist term, organizing this coalition of the fringes, those groups who believe themselves to have grievances with the society for socioeconomic reasons, racial reasons, cultural reasons, and what have you. And so they organize that group. And then comes the messaging. That's where they, to be frank, hypnotize their side with the same repetitive messaging, simple language, easy to understand. We're talking fifth grade level and below, like peace, land, bread, and other three word expressions we might have heard in the last few years here in the Western world. And then they spread those people as messengers out specifically to influence the masses. Because, well, I don't want to oppose Peaceland bread, like I was saying earlier, that would make me
Starting point is 00:33:56 a bad person. That sounds like they're doing some good work there. Okay, liberty, equality, brotherhood. Okay, that's good. Yeah, that's good. And so it lulls people into a false sense of safety and security that this sort of uprising is, oh, actually, it's going to do some good work. It's going to right some historical wrongs. That's the second stage of operational preparation for the environment, followed by the third stage, which is infiltration. Infiltration. And this is where the subversives, either they themselves or they'll send out their minions, their vanguard, to take possession of key institutions, choke points, organizations, you could say branches of government, where they need to hold control or at least have sway
Starting point is 00:34:41 over the fate of that institution. Sometimes, as in Russia, they will do what's called the dual power strategy, where they will try to infiltrate the main organization while building up their own on the side just in case they need to seize the existing power structure. We saw this with what were called Soviets. People think, wait, what, Soviets like the people? No, called Soviets. People think, wait, what, Soviets, like the people? No, the Soviets. These were councils of workers and peasants who would self-organize all over Russia, and they become these sort of little micro-peasant governments. And that was part of the dual power
Starting point is 00:35:17 strategy in case they needed to completely overthrow the existing power structure while simultaneously attempting to infiltrate and rule from within that structure. So infiltration always happens. And we see throughout each of these revolutions, the same process, the same OPE tactics. And this is an argument we make in the book that communism is not a coherent philosophy because there is so much internal contradiction, because people with high ideals and philosophies abandon their own five children. It doesn't make any sense. There's hypocrisy everywhere. It's because it's not a philosophy. It's not a coherent worldview. It is weaponized, organized resentment. And the tactics they use are the tactics that are used by people who oppose
Starting point is 00:36:05 civilization, who oppose law and order throughout history. It just so happens that over the last quarter millennia, they've used the same tactics and tools to tear down the human rights to life, liberty, and property wherever they've risen up. Josh Leisig, Jack Prasabic. The book is Unhumans, The Secret History of Communist Revolutions and How to Crush Them obviously there's several that is chronicled in the book I've got various
Starting point is 00:36:34 titles, The Russian Revolution The Untold Story of Civil Rights and Cultural Marxism in the United States we've got the French Revolution, The Spanish Civil War, The Russian Revolution story of civil rights and cultural Marxism in the United States. We've got obviously the French Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, the Russian Revolution. A lot to read about there, and it repeats itself in terms of these techniques and these strategies and these historical trends that
Starting point is 00:36:55 we need to all be aware of. How to crush them is what we will get into after this little break. What do we do about all this? It feels very sort of helpless, and it feels like it's moving in such a way that it must be hard if it's actually happening, hard to combat. But we will get into that with both you guys after this. You can spend thousands of dollars and dozens of hours trying to look a few years younger, or you can skip all that and the hassle and go with what works. GenuCell Skin Care. Genuucell is the secret to better skin their products are made in the usa using a proprietary technology that combines a naturally effective base with non-gmo ingredients in fact you might have witnessed the astonishing effects of genucell during a recent unplanned moment of our show when just a little genucell x XV restored my skin within minutes right before your eyes. That is how fast these products work.
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Starting point is 00:40:29 healthcare system. At home, we keep the Ultimate First Aid Kit on hand. It has over 20 essential supplies and medications for situations when time is of the essence. Order one for your car and your go-bag. Because these kits contain prescriptions, your purchase includes a telemedicine consultation as well as an instruction manual. Go to slash TWC for 10% off. That is slash TWC for 10% off all your orders. I'm very excited about these kits. Go to slash TWC.
Starting point is 00:41:01 There's nothing in medicine that doesn't boil down to a risk benefitbenefit calculation. It is the mandate, public health. Just quickly about the wellness company. These kits are so valuable. We had a child that my son got an infectious E. coli, a toxic E. coli, and we had to find ciprofloxacin that is in this kit. We have doxycycline in the
Starting point is 00:41:25 emergency kits, which cover things like even STIs and tick-borne illnesses. And if you get a tick bite from any, look out here, we've got murine typhus, and obviously people have Lyme disease in other parts of the country. And this taking it early and quickly is absolutely going to reduce the risk for that. And you don't want to be at the risk of the country. And this taking it early and quickly is absolutely going to reduce the risk for that. And you don't want to be at the risk of the healthcare system and trying to get an appointment. I want to put the control back in the hands of the patients.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And these kits do exactly that. Also, I want to tell you about our friends at Paleo Valley. We've been talking about Unhuman, say the book, compares radical revolutions to the one we're going through today, radical revolutions of the past. They also offer ways to fight back,
Starting point is 00:42:07 solutions which we're going to get into in just a minute. As I said, TWC is one way, but here's one solution I'm also quite serious you should stock up on, which is the bone broth from Paleo Valley. Susan and I love this stuff. We have it every day. We were just traveling with it. Highest quality you'll find. It's tasting great.
Starting point is 00:42:22 We like the chocolate. It comes with vanilla, unflavored as well. Add it to coffee every single day. Literally, it's not a day we go by without it. It's made from the actual bones of grass-fed and finished beef. You get the glycine, amino acid, glucosamine, gelatin, bioavailable protein, and collagen, which of course helps with skin, hair, nail, heals the gut. And it's a great source of protein, as I said.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Use our exclusive promo code. Get it 15% off your first order of all the great products they offer, including the various sticks that are available now. 20% off when you subscribe to get a bigger discount on your bone broth, beef sticks, the new chicken sticks. They have the Ben Venison. We've started eating those last night, which was fantastic. Go to slash paleovalley for 15% off your first order, 20% when you subscribe.
Starting point is 00:43:09 And tomorrow, I will be joined by Paleo Valley co-founder, Autumn Smith. After I talk to Matthias Desmond, you'll see Autumn has really put a lot into every one of her products and has thought everything through. She's committed to health. And we feel very fortunate to have these people in our lives supporting us. The Wellness Company, True Niagen, these guys at Paleo Valley, we're very, very lucky. Make you healthy and happy. Store it up just in case we end up in a communist state. And you worked with the superfood golden mix this morning. All they'll give you is rice, so you got to be careful. But Susan, you had the turmeric.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Get your protein. Turmeric. You had this product this morning. I mixed it with my bone broth. It's pretty tasty. It has turmeric and mushrooms and healthy, healthy stuff. All right. Golden milk.
Starting point is 00:43:55 We're going to bring Jack Prosobiec, How to Crush the Communist Revolution. And that is also with Josh Lysek. Unhuman, the secret history of communist revolution and how to crush them. There it is. Get it now. And let's get into the solution part of this, Jack.
Starting point is 00:44:10 I'm going to start with you. It feels a little overwhelming to think about these things. The fact that these ideas have been flying around since the French revolution, since 1790, makes it that much more sort of worrisome. I know we've been through various waves of it in this country. It seems to appeal, I guess, around the time, 1930s, I guess, we had a big wave of it. We became convinced
Starting point is 00:44:30 that Russia was the way that had the answer. The idea of the Potemkin village was something that our journalists were led through, much the way that journalists were led through the Shanghai Museum that you were referring to there. What do we do to combat this? Well, you know, it's actually really interesting because there is something that's direct to what you're saying that we talk about a little bit in the book. But one of the things is that the United States actually did back in the 1930s. And people have to understand this, that something we learned going through each of these, even back to the fall of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire, is that all of these are always brought about predominantly because of economic disparities. That's what gives these things the juice to take your envious people, your envious class, whatever they call themselves in whatever part of the world they're operating in,
Starting point is 00:45:25 these unhumans, is that economic instability and the economic inequality takes them to a point where beyond they're able to attain critical mass so that Mao is able to raise his army, that the unhumans are allowed to rile up the peasantry, rile up the people enough so that they're able to take power. What we're living in now is slightly different because we're living through a cultural Marxist, what we call an irregular revolution, a regular communist revolution, because it's mostly taking place online. You can walk down the street, you're not going to be accosted for simply having money or something like that. But you say one thing out of of line or you make a phrase that's out of line or you post a meme or a cartoon that's considered too edgy and suddenly you are canceled. I guess the Chinese communists were the ones who
Starting point is 00:46:13 came up with cancel culture in the first place. And so what you learn from all of these areas, what did the United States do if you go back even to even prior to the 1930s that the United States started introducing things as a response to the Industrial Revolution, like just basic things, eight-hour workday, 40-hour workweek, introducing the weekend, these basic ways to start alleviating this pressure. So this is a huge part of it, is identifying things that actually are key grievances and then meeting them. That's number one. Number two, so that prevents the bond humans from being able to raise their massive amounts of forces. Number two is it's a word that goes back to some of those old codes that we were talking about. And it's something that when I speak
Starting point is 00:46:59 to the conservatives in my audience, and particularly people out there who I've been around for a long time complaining about what's happening, but not really figuring out how to do anything about it. It's an understanding that simply debating and arguing and whining about it is not going to do anything. Take today, for example. We got a guy who is the leading candidate for office. Donald Trump is
Starting point is 00:47:28 currently on trial in New York City over this business regulation that they have trumped up into a felony. Now, look, if you're not a Trump supporter, then at least you could go out and say, let's have this out at the ballot box. Let's vote for this. Let's put it up and have a serious vote with actual election integrity and to let people determine based on our system of rules, whether or not we want to be the president, but that's not what's happening. In fact, this is being removed. It's the most undemocratic thing that we've seen. This isn't going to, I use that as an example. You could find a million examples, just that it's going on right now. And it has to be said that this isn't going to stop until it is
Starting point is 00:48:09 stopped. And that word that I was talking about, that old code that I was talking about is the code of reciprocity, lex talonis, the idea that that which is done to me, to my side will be done to your side. And when you have one group of people that's constantly launching investigations, not just to Trump, by the way, they're going after Elon Musk, they're going after his companies, they're trying to find any way they can do to strip him of his power over X, to take him down, take out any free speech platform out there like Rumble or others, that these people will not stop. They will not stop until they receive a taste of their own medicine. And it's just as simple as that. That's the most basic thing that could be done
Starting point is 00:48:54 in order to fight back right now in a very quick way. Going out and finding some serious, whether you're at the DA level, whether you're an attorney general, or even at the federal level, let's say Trump wins and you're able to put the shoe on the other foot, you've got to start responding with some fire with fire when it comes to this. And we're not talking about violence. I'm not talking about the riots in the streets like BLM and Antifa and those guys. I'm talking about actually ways to hurt these guys, hit them in the pocketbook where it really matters. Lawsuits, conduct RICO organization, RICO lawsuits of Antifa and BLM right there. Obvious example and all the people who donated to them, the money laundering that was going on,
Starting point is 00:49:40 the trafficking that was happening. It's so easy to do this. And yet you won't find people that seem willing to do so. On the COVID front, where are the lawsuits on these companies? And more to the point, not just the companies, where are the lawsuits, the personal lawsuits against people who were going in on COVID? There are things that can be done on a direct level, and yet you don't, you know, you'll go to government. Where are they? Yeah, government will say, oh, we're going to investigate, we're going to investigate, we're going to investigate, we're going to get emails. And, you know, you say, wow, we're going to investigate. We're going to investigate. We're going to investigate. We're going to get emails. And, you know, you say, wow, we've got the facts now. We're done for.
Starting point is 00:50:09 Okay, where's any kind of justice for the people that suffered under the tyranny of COVID? There's none. And I would say that the next time that those very same people get the opportunity, whether it's a COVID or we're hearing, what was the last one I heard? Daily Mail was running COVID-24 the other day. Bird flu always comes up every once in a while. Look, you're never going to stop these people because as Joshua says, it's not an ideology, it's a pathology. It is a tactic whereby they're trying to gain power, to replicate the China model. And in doing so, the only way to actually stop them is to put roadblocks in their path
Starting point is 00:50:51 and let them know that, no, this is the line and we will not be going any further. Where are the suits? What do you think's preventing that from happening? Well, of course, I had to catch myself there because certainly there are immunity agreements in place for the companies when it comes to vaccines. And I know there's legal strictures there. But when it comes to COVID-19 and the lies about COVID-19, the lies from government, the lies from NIH, the lies from Fauci, from Peter Daszak, from others, why wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you launch investigations into them? Why wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you launch investigations into them? Why wouldn't you file lawsuits? And of course, we have seen, I should, I'll check myself a little bit, that we have started to see
Starting point is 00:51:29 these types of lawsuits done at the state level when it comes to attorney generals, attorneys general, like out of Missouri and I believe Louisiana have filed lawsuits against the CDC and against the NIH. But I'm talking personal lawsuits. I'm saying get personal with this. Why not? Why not sue Dr. Fauci? Why not sue Dr. Pesach, Dr. Daszak directly? Why not go after Peter Daszak? I don't know if he is a doctor.
Starting point is 00:51:52 Why not go after the EcoHealth Alliance? It's so obvious that there are groups that could be doing things like this. And I'm not just talking about, you know,
Starting point is 00:52:00 this bragging. But if it's that obvious, why isn't it happening? If it's that obvious, why isn't it happening? If it's that obvious, why isn't it happening? What's your theory? I think that my theory is that there's a lot of people out there
Starting point is 00:52:11 who they need a software upgrade. You know, it's kind of like when your cell phone is operating on the old model and you think that we're still living in this society. And I wish we still were living in the society
Starting point is 00:52:22 where we had a republic and we would just present information into the public sphere. We would say, oh, look, this was a lie. That was a lie. We can go from there. But unfortunately, we don't live in that world today. We live in a world where people take power, where power is found, and then people go and listen to their echo chamber and the other side listens to their echo chamber and never the twain shall they meet. NPR just had a massive whistleblower over the weekend, but nobody who actually listens to NPR knows that there was an NPR whistleblower. And so we can see that the former levers of power aren't there anymore. And so now people need to
Starting point is 00:52:55 look to new levers of power. And this is what I say when I say things like that, reciprocity, eye for an eye, lex salonis. I'm saying, no, no, no, I'm not talking about violence. I'm just talking about actually doing things to cause pain financially, time wasting, et cetera, et cetera, when it comes to this in order to stop them from the gobbling up of power that they're doing. Josh, I'm imagining that persuasion has a long, role to play in whichever whichever side of this you're on and hypnosis at its at its sort of more common common application is persuasion right and how would you distinguish between like a legitimate grievance and the pathology you reference? Because there are legitimate grievances. I mean, people have been worrying
Starting point is 00:53:49 about income inequality for a long time. They're cautioning me that I should call you Joshua and not Josh. Early on, somebody said I should call you Josh. So I apologize for that. But Joshua, is there something, I think that's an area of confusion for me. I mean, there are legitimate grievances that people have, and then there's using those grievances in a persuasive way
Starting point is 00:54:15 to try to do these things you guys are alleging is happening. How do you tell the difference, and how do we know that something more global is happening here? Yes, in previous regular communist revolutions, the socioeconomic grievances were obvious, were undeniable at a glance. There was initially no persuasion required for the have-nots, for the oppressed, to know that that was in fact the case. For example, it wasn't until 1861 that the Russian system of land-based slavery, the serf system, was outlawed. And then even after that, there was an effective form of debt slavery that the freed slaves, the serfs, had. And then that persisted for generations,
Starting point is 00:55:05 that great suffering, up until the turn of the century and beyond. So there was, in fact, a system, an ingrained system, and this is what the left will often talk about. They'll talk about systemic this and systematic that. What we have is actual systems of oppression that was in the place of law. Now what happens in other maybe irregular communist revolutions is they will use that same sort of language of oppression, that sort of coaxing behavior that progressively convinces you to realize, or perhaps to believe, rather, that you are not the master of your own fate. You do not control your own future. It stows people. And of course, we see the racial and sex-based messaging of the, that is, the operational preparation of environment for cultural revolution here in the United States,
Starting point is 00:56:05 particularly beginning with the 1960s. Now, prior to that time, there had in fact been actual systematic oppression of certain classes, groups, obviously. But what had happened from that point and beyond, it went from equality under the law to equity to social justice. Those people took from you, so now you should take back from them. It's only fair. And that is a shift. It's a subtle shift from equality under the law to the people who are to blame must be punished. We see that language beginning in the 1960s spread throughout college campuses, and it stayed there ever since. And as the people went and graduated and entered institutions, those institutions, be they education, be they media entertainment, be they government, the people who graduated from that period of
Starting point is 00:57:06 education, that is now who is in charge, who has infiltrated the institutions of the United States of America. So that operational preparation of our environment for cultural revolution has unfortunately been successful. People with the oppressed versus oppressor model are in place and are in positions of power to implement the oppressor versus oppressed social justice model, where the descendants of people who were oppressors, or at least people who just look like them, must be punished for the sins of people decades, if not centuries ago, who look like you because that's only fair. And you being this individual, you may not have ever suffered a grievance at the hands of the alleged oppressor. But if you look like the people who did, well, then you qualify. You get to have
Starting point is 00:58:00 the benefits of oppression. And that sort of term sounds a little odd and strange, and yet it's the real deal. Tell a population they can get something for nothing, and they will line up right out the door for that, no matter how noble the motivation may be. Joshua, before you wrote this book, were you interested in this material, this history and this phenomenon?
Starting point is 00:58:27 Yes, a number of years ago... Go ahead. No, no, you. Yes, a number of years ago, I, with a friend, it was late one night, in fact it was early morning, right around four in the morning, at a little Irish bar in Battery Park in New York City, a friend and I were talking about what we had noticed following the 2016 election, how it was not okay for the right to organize, but it was very much okay for the far left to violently organize. And we thought, why is it okay to be far left and violent, but not okay to be right wing and peaceful. What's going on here? And that ultimately turned into a documentary film, an award-winning documentary film called
Starting point is 00:59:12 Better Left Unsaid. The director is Kurt Jai Mungal. Fantastic film. I was executive producer on that. And the purpose of that film, released in 2021, was to share the reality of what happens during a communist uprising, how violent these things can actually be, particularly towards women and children, and how all of it is justified in the name of the oppressor-oppressed imbalance, and how the families of the alleged oppressors must suffer in order to create a sense of social justice for the alleged oppressed. And that bloodshed, that seizure of property, it's only fair. And that was my first foray into this personally, because right around that time, my wife and I began having children, and you begin to care about these things more once you realize
Starting point is 01:00:05 you have a you have a literal biological stake in the future and i wondered if one day i would return to this topic in a literary capacity being a professional uh writer and book author and it seems though that the time has come to return to this topic and then jack uh you again calling upon your intelligence uh and working in intelligence. Could I throw in something there? Because I had a really interesting thought when you just mentioned about legitimate grievances and legitimate, specifically economic grievances. And I could talk about one right now very quickly. And going back to China, the relationship, the trade relationship that we have with China is absolutely a disgrace
Starting point is 01:00:46 when it comes to working class and middle class in America. There's no question whatsoever that that relationship is done at the behest of people who are at the tops of these massive multinational corporations. They're extracting so much out of this relationship. It was all, and we explained this in the book, how it was put together. Look, the Chinese regime could have, the CCP could have been knocked over with a feather on June 4th, on June 5th, 1989, after Tiananmen Square on June 5th, could have been knocked over with a feather.
Starting point is 01:01:17 But what did we do? We went over and cut this deal with them. And General Scowcroft goes over and cuts this deal from Bush Sr. and says, we're gonna Senior and says, you guys are going to be the factory of the world now and we're going to give you all this stuff, all these tchotchkes and we're going to let you in the club. And this is when we saw the systemic and you want to talk actual systemic repression and
Starting point is 01:01:37 systemic issues. What we've done is we've sold out the entire middle class, the manufacturing base of this country. We've sold out people at the working class and the manufacturers. And in doing so, enriched the Chinese companies. It's all by design. It's 100% by design. But you talk about this and you talk about writing that trade relationship. You talk about things like tariffs, doing anything to actually help the people of this country and have them see their real wages rise for the first time, which pre-COVID
Starting point is 01:02:05 was something they were starting to see for the first time in years. And yet we'll never have anyone talk about that because they would rather have you pay attention to some, as Joshua was saying, some racial grievance from hundreds of years ago or some other thing, some trumped up thing in the media that you don't want to raise everyone about. Meanwhile, we're all getting poorer, inflation's getting hotter, and China is running away laughing to the bank about it. So Jack, let's wrap this conversation up by sort of summarizing and give you each a chance to say, where is this thing going and what does the average person need to do about it? Jack, you first. Well, let's hit Joshua first, then I'll come back to Jack. Go ahead, Joshua. Sure thing.
Starting point is 01:02:46 We close unhumans with the call to action at various levels of society. So we say, if you're potentially that great man of history, of our history, here is what you specifically may be called to do. And we lay out multiple suggestions
Starting point is 01:03:02 with examples of that. And then for the every man, woman, and child, we say, here's what you can do to prepare your environment for the micro revolution to come to you. Here's how you can defend yourself through reciprocal means and otherwise. Now, the irregular communist revolution we're experiencing right now is different in that it's not a sort of hot war where there's people waving red flags, holding pitchforks and axes and other weapons in the streets, marching into governmental buildings and slaughtering everyone. It's a bit more on the down low than that, where these little revolutions and revolts are targeted at specific individuals, their families and businesses, is what we've
Starting point is 01:03:45 seen over the last few years. And so that being said, it will probably stay that way for a while, which means that there are 300 plus million potential communist micro-revolutions that could take place. Each normal, everyday, law-abiding citizen being a potential target of that little micro-communist revolution coming for them. Canceling them, purging them from society and from their career, seizing their reputation,
Starting point is 01:04:16 their finances, their income, sending them into bankruptcy and ruin, dissolving their marriage, their relationship with their family. Horrifying, horrifying things, even driving them to the worst case scenario in some cases. But what we can do is we can prepare ourselves for that event. And those who are men and women of means, there are things that you can do at a much more influential scale to right this wrong and to end this,
Starting point is 01:04:45 or perhaps, should we say, crush the communist revolution currently taking place in the United States. I will have to read that chapter. Jack, last thoughts, same question. Well, I agree. I think when a lot of people get this book, they're going to turn to the last chapter first, and that's okay because it's not a whodunit. But the way that it plays out is it talks about, and when Joshua is right, we go into the great met of means level. Look, that's your Elon Musk going and founding, taking over, I should say, refounding X and allowing it to be free. People like the folks, Joshua Povlovsky and others at Rumble, putting that together, Truth Social, those guys making that actually being able to give us freedom of speech back to the internet and restoring
Starting point is 01:05:29 it. But then it's also about going into your churches, going into your school boards, making sure that the things that are being done there are congruent with what you need. In some cases, people going and moving to homeschool, finding ways to build a parallel economy. It's all about people taking action. And that's the main key precursor to any change here. It's about people taking action to fight back. And if you
Starting point is 01:05:51 find someone who is going along with these things, who's in your community, who's on your school board, wherever they are in a place of power, if you have the leverage and ability to do something about it like those moms did in Loudoun County, Virginia, a couple of years ago, then it is incumbent upon you. And in fact, it is your duty to do so. Duty to your children, to your family, a duty to yourself to actually go up and get rid of these people in places of power, get them out, send them home. Don't worry about it. Stop trying to worry about their feelings. Don't worry about if they call you and you have to stop worrying. You have to stop worrying about if someone calls you, you know, they said they call me a mean name on the internet. And they said this, they said that about me. I know this guy said something. I don't care. You know why? Because I care about my family more. I care
Starting point is 01:06:36 about my town more. I care about my community more. And ultimately I care about my country more. And if you put all of that ahead of the things that will happen in between, you will always win out on the side of good. This is a book that is pro-humanity. And that's why we gave it the title Unhumans, because it's all about representing human flourishing, human progress. And the main thing, I'll end with this. And it's something that my friends on the right and I, I think we have a problem with sometimes, that we don't define what we call a viable
Starting point is 01:07:09 competing vision. The left is great at telling you what their vision is. It's ridiculous. It's a joke. But they're happy to tell you how it's going to work, and everyone's going to get some video going around. Everyone's going to get free PlayStation 5s when socialism comes. Look, as silly as it sounds, they're at least presenting a vision.
Starting point is 01:07:24 The vision that the right and the vision that sort of the normals need to start envisioning and promoting in society today is a country where people can walk down the street in a place that's in a major city and not worry about looking over their shoulder. It's a city where we have trade with other countries, but we're not getting constantly taken advantage of and that our ports are humming with commerce and that our bridges aren't falling apart in them and falling down, killing workers. It's a city where we have basic law and order, but we have good services that we're able to take advantage of on a regular basis. That's all we're talking about, where we innovation and yes by the way a society that takes care of people that legitimately do need help it's a basic vision for society it used to be called the american dream it used to be called the
Starting point is 01:08:18 american republic and if we're ever going to get back to it we have to start actually describing what it is and what it looks like there There is the book. Thank you, gentlemen. Follow Joshua on X at Joshua Lisek, L-I-S-E-C. Jack on X, Jack Posobiec, P-O-S-O-B-I-E-C. And also on X, Human Events, and look for the Human Events Daily there. Gentlemen, thank you so much for joining me. Thank you, Dr. Drew. I got to say, before we started, I went around the studio here and made sure I changed all the smoke detector batteries in my place to make sure that I didn't fall into the love line trap, because I learned a long time ago, don't do it. Not just don't do it uh you're opening yourself to real abuse uh if you haven't changed the nine volt battery because you as adam would say only a lizard could live in an environment where that
Starting point is 01:09:12 thing is chirping at you and not reach up immediately and just change the damn battery so i appreciate that thank you there you go you go. My pleasure, man. All right, gentlemen. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Take care. Thank you. Bye-bye. Again, coming up, we have Matthias Desmet tomorrow with Autumn Smith from Paleo Valley. I want them to come back and have a sense of humor on the next one because they're really funny. They're funny, but they're talking serious stuff about this book.
Starting point is 01:09:39 Oh, my God. Mike Benz with Anthony Brown, who is setting up a new homeless shelter in Ohio. Salty Cracker coming back, Naomi Wolf, Tom Renz, Donald Trump Jr., Mike Lindell. We've got a great lineup coming. I'm going to be in Florida in the first week of May. We're going to have Peter McCullough in studio. We're going to do some stuff from Florida
Starting point is 01:10:01 that first week of May. So I just want to say a couple of things about this, what we were just talking about. There is a lot of unhappiness in this country. And it just seems to me, back to the French, the words of Voltaire, we got to cultivate our own gardens, take care of your own family, flourish, thrive. If we get more people, families that are healthy, children being raised in healthy environment, we won't need any of these great, huge reactions. I was thinking about how I felt about living in California. I've seen things crashed during the Black Lives Matter riots.
Starting point is 01:10:37 I felt like we were the target. I just posted something that said, this is what it's like to live in LA because a friend of mine had sent me a video that was taken in the jewelry mart area and they were just crushing the windows and taking all the jewels. And these are family owned businesses that have been there for years and years. And when I posted it, this very woke crowd came out, well, you live in your high and mighty place in Pasadena. How would you know what it's like to live in LA? And I was like, and my daughter was like, take that down, take that down. I said, no, I'm not taking it down. This is how it is to live in LA.
Starting point is 01:11:14 It's not right. Why is this, why are we defunding the police and letting people run amok? Why are we not protecting ourselves? Getting people to thrive. That is, we need to find ways downtown la is destroyed now all the experiments thus far have been ineffective and it's time to do things that work for people and get everyone back into health and mental health and spiritually healthy and thriving again
Starting point is 01:11:40 it's it's not people are quite able to do that, but we have to create the soil, create the environment for that. And that's the hard part. It's getting the ship kind of turned because we can help people. We can make them thrive. I was talking this morning about homeless. These are all people that could thrive. We just can't let them die on the street. We have to do something to-
Starting point is 01:12:01 Or turn into the angry mob. I mean, they were a big part of it. It just, you know, that's what's going to take over California, is that we're not helping people. No. I am more interested in people thriving. And that, I think, and what bothers me is these alternatives that are coming up have never worked.
Starting point is 01:12:23 They always result in disaster. Be a student of history. It's why I think it's interesting these guys wrote this book. You can see the mistakes of the past, and you end up with a strong man stepping in, some sort of Napoleon or Franco or something. And now what have we done? So let's get back to basics. Unhuman is available on pre-sale at Amazon.
Starting point is 01:12:44 And I'm sure if you just... Ah, presale. Okay, got it. I do believe. I want to read that last chapter. All right, let me quickly, if you guys don't mind, let me look quickly at the Rumble Rant, see what you guys are thinking. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:13:04 Okay, I don't see anything I need to address right there i'm looking at the restream as well very uh sincere yes uh tom cigars anthony will be in here to talk about his progress uh that's on wednesday i believe uh tomorrow's autumn smith uh hang a second thanks for having jack uh mostly bye-, people are saying. I just like, you know, I see like how Bush, you know, moved everything to China and then Trump tried to stop it, you know, and then there was a big envious. I mean, we'd already lost so much business to China. tomorrow does matthias desmond about is whether or not this is whether or not personality traits have cycles to them through time and that certain personalities are prone to envy and prone to these phenomenologies that we have seen as mass formations that's what we're going to get in
Starting point is 01:13:56 tomorrow with matthias desmond so be here for that that is early i believe because he is in europe we are at noon tomorrow i might check me on this Europe. We are at noon tomorrow. Check me on this, everybody. Right. We are at noon tomorrow, so I want you all to be here for that. We've been trying to get him for 14 months, a year and a half, something like that, because I came upon his material early in the COVID hysteria. And to have somebody who was studying hysteria long before COVID hit, I found it very interesting, and I want to discuss that with him. So we'll get into that tomorrow at noon. On Wednesday, we're back at three o'clock again, but I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow at noon. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis,
Starting point is 01:14:41 or treatment. This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today,
Starting point is 01:15:00 some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Starting point is 01:15:17 at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at slash help.

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