Ask Dr. Drew - Jason Ellis on Ellismania, SiriusXM & His Next Show - Ask Dr. Drew - Episode 28

Episode Date: December 2, 2020

Jason Ellis joins Dr. Drew to discuss the sudden cancellation of his SiriusXM show and where he's planning to go next. They answer calls about depression, addiction, and speak with countless fans who ...pledge to follow Jason to his next platform. Jason Ellis is a New York Times bestselling author, athlete, and radio host. Follow Jason at  Get an alert when Dr. Drew is taking calls:  Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation (@KalebNation) and Susan Pinsky (@FirstLadyOfLove). THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. This show is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information exchanged during participation in this program, including interactions with and any affiliated websites, are intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:30 worth a slam dunk. An authorized gaming partner of the NBA. for terms and conditions. Must be 19 years of age or older to wager. Ontario only. Please play responsibly. If you have any questions or concerns about your gambling or someone close to you, please contact Connex Ontario at 1-866-531-2600 And I'm joined by someone that has even more to say than me, the great Jason Ellis.
Starting point is 00:01:01 Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre. Psychopaths start this way. He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin. Ridiculous. I'm a doctor for... Where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you
Starting point is 00:01:19 kill people. I am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals. Let's just deal with what's real. We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time. Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat. You have trouble. You can't stop. And you want help stopping. I can help.
Starting point is 00:01:32 I got a lot to say. I got a lot more to say. Jason, thank you for joining us. Thank you. It's great to be here. Now I feel like I have to stop talking without taking a breath. So we have on the restream lots of your fans. They want to hear the story and they want to know.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Of my childhood? Well, we can start. Of my skateboard career. You're a product of. About my burrito store that I'm opening soon. Product of normal spontaneous vaginal delivery in 1973. No, but other than that, I'm anxious to know too what happened.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yeah, I got fired the other day. I happened to be looking at my Twitter feed when that came up and I sent it to Catherine and I was like, what the fuck is going on here? Yeah, I feel like it's hard for me to eat. It's hard for me to sleep. I'm absolutely terrified uh but yeah just out of the blue i mean i had a big plan on we're having a big special guest on the show we're going to do a one-off at the serious xm studio just for us because i got this exclusive guest and he was going to perform a couple songs
Starting point is 00:02:42 and then uh they just called me the other day and said yeah we're gonna let you go who's they my boss and he said he's the program director i'm on the phone with hr somebody from hr and i was like well what did i do because right i know i'm a maniac but i kind of know the rules yeah yeah but i like it's not your fault nothing you did that's good yeah so it's very confusing you know i'm not was it his guy's name is jason isn't he the program director no i don't want to name anybody i don't have any no no beef i know you got no beef but do we know what the radio is a nefarious business even satellite what is nefarious mean uh like like uh untrustworthy and capricious like i'm not very nefarious at all you you Like untrustworthy and capricious.
Starting point is 00:03:25 I'm not very nefarious at all. You maybe used to be, but you were no longer. That's true. You called me superficial? No, not superficial. I might have been. I've got a lot of lessons. Difficult to predict.
Starting point is 00:03:35 How about that? Difficult to predict. This is going to help me grow, Dr. Troops. Yes, yes, it is. It'll make me be full of wisdom, and I'll be so much stronger. Remember, I used to have a daytime. Look at me now, guys. Yeah. Remember, I used to have a daytime radio show and it'll be on a local station here in los angeles
Starting point is 00:03:49 start canton bucks it's a piss pretty soon wedding bucket of buckets of this but that weird airplane does inventor guy what happened you know you collect these urine that's schizophrenia when people do that i don't have that i'm just saying i don't want to snap man it's not gonna happen this pressure is fucking getting on me what if everybody doesn't download my show, dude? We're going to talk to them about it. We're going to make you feel better before this is done. You're an instructor? No, no, no, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:13 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Before we're done, you're going to feel better. But remember, I had an AM radio talk show for a little while, and I was just called in the office one day, and they go, that's it, we're done. It happens all the time in radio that's the way radio is it's just it's just like a it's just capricious capricious it's just weird and they make their decisions their decision making is hard it's almost like you know uh what are they with the with the sticks
Starting point is 00:04:42 looking for water you know it's like a divining rod kind of thing it's very hard to understand now i'm guessing that uh sirius is having trouble that's what i'm guessing this is yeah somebody else they're calling me right now i don't really care i don't feel like i can get fired but they're offering me a podcast deal yeah and i said wait you're you fired me and now you want to hire me? I'm like, I don't understand why it happened then. Or why it happened like this. They think it was one person that made the decision. And maybe some other people feel bad about it,
Starting point is 00:05:17 but the decision has been made. So I feel like maybe I'm just annoying to somebody or some demographic. No, no, no. I hope it's got nothing to do with the buy shit. No, no, no, no. You're going in a bad direction. You're sinking. Oh, fuck yeah, I'm going in a bad direction.
Starting point is 00:05:32 This is not right. But your thinking is off. This is not. I understand why you're going this direction. It's not real. That's not real. You're leaving a fan down by the river if this shit doesn't work. Let me help you.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I want you to talk to one of your fans chris you want to talk to jason go ahead it's me it's you awesome hey jason man hey hey man i just want to first say i've been listening to you for 13 years man it's been a long ride i was listening back when uh this was the jingle jingleberries were making remixes with their daughters singing to Beyonce. Look, man, I love you, and I can't thank you enough for what you did for us, the fans. Chris, stop. Stop talking about what he did, and let's start looking forward to a renewal. This is going to breathe new life into Jason Ellis. He's going to go on a platform
Starting point is 00:06:25 that's all his own where he has control of things. I swear to God, that's what's going to happen. Wouldn't you follow him? Yeah. 100%. In an instant. I mean, you have so much to give us, the fans, and we're looking forward to tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:06:42 You're right. You're going to have so many awesome opportunities ahead of you. Even Adam Crowley, he lost his job. He was doing a morning show. I thought it was pretty good with Danny Bonaduce and all of a sudden he, you know, the rug got pulled from underneath. And he bounced back and now he's, you know, he's, he's at the top of the podcasting game. But you need,
Starting point is 00:07:00 but we need all his fans to follow him to his next project, which I say you sort out in the next couple of weeks. Yeah. I'm having a meeting. Obviously not this Thursday, next Thursday to see how the studio, what the studio needs for the podcast. Cause I'm already talking to somebody in the podcast world about delivering
Starting point is 00:07:21 the Jason L show. And by the way, uh, Calther would kind of tip me off to that whole deal. I've worked with him. I've had a relationship with him for 35 years. Good guy. Okay, awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Now, it may not be the right business deal for you. You've got to really pay attention to that. See, that's the thing that I can tell that I don't know anything about because podcasting is a little bit different. Talk to these two behind the screen here. They know these two are now expert. Joanne's a big fan go ahead joanna go ahead oh my god jason i am a 50 year old jewish broad from the suburbs and you have entertained me for so many years when i need a laugh you are there you're free spirited, you're uplifting, and you're positive. So why aren't you giving yourself the same benefit and privilege of being uplifting for yourself?
Starting point is 00:08:15 Go ahead. I can't talk. Yeah, it's not in his nature. I know that about Jason. He goes negative hard and fast. I'm not saying it's over i'm fine it's just it's a kick to the gut when people fire you it's especially when they take away something you love it's that and it's this you know i don't even i don't even know radio i only know serious xm i
Starting point is 00:08:39 didn't i don't know anything else well i, I will tell you that this, the serious model is closer to podcasting than other radio. Every time somebody says something nice to me, I feel like it's all these people that I kind of grew up with. I might've helped them. They might've helped me, but it's just, it's just all you did was help me reach out.
Starting point is 00:09:03 And Joanna, you're going to follow him to the next project, wherever the hell it is, no matter what? I should have brought sunglasses. Sure. I've been listening to him for years. I only was introduced to him on Ridiculousness years ago. Thank you, Rob. And then I looked into who he was.
Starting point is 00:09:16 That's what I'll do. I'll ask him, can I be back on Ridiculousness? Jason, it's time to call this shit in. It is, right? Yeah, this is when you do it. It is, right? Yeah, yeah. This is when you do it. I need to fire off all the alarms. I know.
Starting point is 00:09:28 I told Kevin on the way here today. Thanks, Joanna. I told him, you know, this is it for me. It's a fucking war as far as I'm concerned. To me, they fucking killed my puppy in the middle of the night. I'm taking everybody out. Yeah, yeah. Everything I've ever got, all the energy I've ever had is going into these shows so if everybody well here's the here's checks them out then i know i'll be okay
Starting point is 00:09:49 it's just will everybody go over there and check it out i feel good about it because it's free yeah it's different than serious yeah and i feel like that's the main complaint that i keep hearing is we just couldn't afford to listen to you and well now you can't say you have to do you'll have to do ads and stuff because you need to pay for all this garbage and all this stuff to make it happen but that people will be okay with that they'll support you but but here's the deal um all that energy that you could turn at this you you also turn against yourself yeah right same same energy it just goes it's just new yeah i mean i know what i'm i know what i'm doing with it i know how energy. It just goes, it's just new. Yeah. I mean, I know what I'm, I know what I'm doing with it. I know how I handle it. But to me, it's, um, there's shock.
Starting point is 00:10:42 There's, there's crazy fear. There's, you know, becoming, um, being a shithead and becoming successful is a giant fuck you to who everybody okay um everybody can get some uh but you know parent dead parents you name it anybody um and to drop off like i'm a parent you know i gotta pay take care of my family yeah and if I can't do that, then I failed. That's not an option. No, not at all. So that breaks my heart to think that I am in that position, even though I know what I'm capable of. It's just entertainment business.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Just because you're really capable doesn't mean everyone's going to do it. Everyone's going to follow you. Yeah, but this is kind of a special thing that you've built a community. Nicole, go ahead. Hi, Jason. I'm a Wolfknife and a longtime fan. And of course, I'll be one of the ones following you wherever you go. I just split up with my husband this summer and I have four children.
Starting point is 00:11:42 And my older boys I've messaged you aren't talking to me. So this is very difficult for me to grasp and I'm filling in the blank. I'm like, they think I'm a terrible mom. They think I'm this, they think I'm that. And I think that you need to just remember the times when people tell you that you're doing a good job and you're being an awesome inspiration. And I know that all your fans are going to follow you. Like, I know, I know you're gonna, it's going to just work out like in a few weeks or a few months, it's just going to be like, oh, this was better. Cause despite my children sort of not talking to me right now, this is better and they're going to come around and everything's going to fall into place
Starting point is 00:12:28 and it's going to work out the best for you. Are you in Canada? I am in Canada. It's about to work out. Oh, man. I'm about to stop it. I was digging in the mud earlier, but now I'm here on the phone.
Starting point is 00:12:41 That's crazy. But, but, but it is, and crazy. But Nicole, one of the reasons I called that out is I want you to bear witness to this, which is his Canadian fans are insane. I don't mean crazy, but like they're serious fans of Jason Ellis. You can get podcasts in Canada, right?
Starting point is 00:13:00 Oh my goodness, yeah. I have your local on my arm. The Ellis one. Yeah, I mean, I feel like you could be carried just on your Canadian fans easily. Because I met lots of them in Las Vegas during each of the Ellis manias. And that's the first thing that jumps out at you. It's like, man, a lot
Starting point is 00:13:15 of cool Canadians are very connected to you. So keep it going, Nicole. Get the word out, alright? Yep. We love you, Jason. Thank you, Nicole. Thank you, Nicole. Love you, too. Yeah. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:13:28 Mitch here. Mitch, go ahead. Hey, Jason. Another one from Canada. How's it going? Hey, man. How you doing? I'm doing okay.
Starting point is 00:13:39 I was the guy that messaged you a couple weeks back on Instagram saying Instagram saying there that a little nervous to call into the show and whatnot. So I thought now is a better time than any to call in and say, what's up? We love you. Everyone from Canada loves you. Keep your head up, man. I remember you.
Starting point is 00:13:54 I told you, I told you to call. I said I was approachable, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You told me to call you anytime.
Starting point is 00:14:01 And then next thing you know, the show shut down. And I, I just feel like I missed that opportunity to call you. You know what I mean? So I had to call you now. And I wanted to call you anytime and then next thing you know the show shut down and i i just feel like i missed that opportunity to call you you know what i mean so i had to call you now and i wanted to tell you just keep it like i'll be straight up and admit it like when i found out the show was canceled i cried like i spent all day yesterday crying because like you got believe it or not like you're talking into a microphone but to, you know what I mean? Like you're, you guys are our friends, friends,
Starting point is 00:14:27 family, coworkers, like it leaves a void in, in our, in our, kind of in our daily routine without you guys, you know, making jokes, making us laugh and it sucks,
Starting point is 00:14:38 but loyal, loyal Alice fam. I know they're going to follow you wherever you go, man. I want you to keep your head up. There you go. Thanks dude. Thanks man. Appreciate it. On my restream, Ellis fam I know they're going to follow you wherever you go man I just want you to keep your head up thanks dude appreciate it on my restream there's a lot of speculation
Starting point is 00:14:48 about Howard Stern's upcoming contract and I want to say that doesn't fit for me because Stern's what if he got me fired because he's threatened by you that'd be crazy right that'd be like
Starting point is 00:15:03 a badge of honor i doubt i here's why i don't think so yeah he doesn't know i exist riddle me this no you've been on the show many times i've heard you oh yes but but riddle me here's what i wasn't anymore that's true all of a sudden i wasn't allowed on anymore or they weren't even asking did you talk to gary about it i asked him i had a new book and he was like uh he emailed me back immediately and said another maybe another time i was like he didn't even read it so they go hot and cold on people right we know that and it doesn't necessarily mean they want you off the station they just they just they you know, he's symphony director and he's, he runs hot and cold in his, uh, more than likely. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. And, and if he's making a big deal with serious, a lot of that is going to be stock. I'm sure. And that's kind of how those deals work. He's going to get a part of the company. Oh, and if he gets a part of the company, he should want you to be there because you're a major draw to keep people engaged with their with their subscriptions right so that the whole stern theory doesn't fit for me it just doesn't fit a lot of
Starting point is 00:16:11 people are canceling they said telling me because of this i know i see people keep saying there's the people keep showing me that the company's saying that not to cancel and that i'll be back soon i was like will i I didn't know that. Somebody would tell me. When you try to cancel, people are getting text messages from people that are canceling. That's about the podcast, I bet.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I bet you. Right? How would they already know that I... Well, they want to control your podcast, right? And fire me? Makes sense to me people do that when you go to a different part of the company right the other part picks you up one part let you go the other part picks you up yeah i don't really want to do that or not well she broke my heart susan grab
Starting point is 00:16:59 and grab a mic how many times have we seen people go through this stuff and are we've been through it ourselves and it works out just fine uh yeah i mean this is jason you're a huge brand so you can you can do what you want next you just have to think about it don't do it right away but of course they're going to try to snatch you up and make money with your brand again but you just need to charge double i i know that's where your head's at right now, but, but in terms of his being so down about this, but this is his first experience with this, right?
Starting point is 00:17:31 I know. We've been through this so many times. I can tell you so many times, like more than one dude. Oh yeah. You're smart. You saved money. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:17:43 I did, but I'm done. You're going to be fine money. Yeah, I did. But I'm done. You're going to be fine. At the end of Christmas, if it just stays like this, I'm like a fisherman or a yoga instructor. I barely know yoga, too. By then, you're going to be back in the...
Starting point is 00:18:01 I've got giant plans, Drew. Do you have an agent or anything? No, I don't have any. You don't have any management. Okay, so this is going to be all in your back. You know what? I've got giant plans, Drew. Do you have an agent or anything? No, I don't have any of that stuff. You don't have any management. Okay, so this is going to be all in your doing. I've got a lot of people reaching out to me that know a lot of stuff. I mean, Brandon Shablett,
Starting point is 00:18:14 you know, I drove to his house. He's like, come up. Brandon? Yeah. Great. He did everything in the house. I mean, he's a great example for you. Perfect example.
Starting point is 00:18:20 Take his show somewhere else so that you don't have to be a yoga instructor. Well, that's another way to do this, to get on somebody else's platform like that. That's what I'm going to do. Immediately. My show on that platform. With him?
Starting point is 00:18:32 With his company, yeah. You're going to have immediate success. Yeah. That's going to be immediate. Seriously. That's going to be very. What's this Patreon thing everyone keeps talking about? Don't do that as a separate thing.
Starting point is 00:18:45 We're locals. You would be great at do that as a separate thing. Well, locals. You would be great at locals. Do a separate live show for Patreon. Because I've always, I'm really sad about not being live. Yeah, that's true. To know that I'll never be live again, that fucking hurts. Jason, we're live right now. You can be live.
Starting point is 00:18:59 I know, I'm back. You can do this. Can we stay on? We have a room in the back. You leave. i'll just keep doing these guys can shut my susan you know the heart it's got bells in it it's very tricky it's got a lot of stuff and if you go down here there's the stomach region some people have vaginas some penises except both it wouldn't be on youtube but maybe it would i don't know
Starting point is 00:19:20 you guys talk about stream like this too you say that you want okay about you. You can do a stream like this too. You can say anything you want. Okay. You can do a stream like this also. And I'm sure Brendan can set that up. I'm positive. You can come over here. I'm going to show every day if you want. We'll just get Caleb to. We'll have to sell some ads. I've got to do work.
Starting point is 00:19:36 I need content. Yeah. Yeah, you do. You do. You have to stay busy. Definitely. Hang on. Now you're encouraging him.
Starting point is 00:19:42 You discourage me. So see, we're the same guy that way and i have none yeah none right now so let me tell you my worst you want to work with adam carolla we could give you that job wait would i work with adam carolla man that's a yin and yang i thought you were you and i were opposite i know that's how i got used to that. We would fight. I mean, Drew's a master of keeping, you know, his fires going in all places just in case this happens. You know, when we knew radio was going to go, he picked up a new podcast, Dr. Drew After Dark. And we just, you know, we said, well, that'll probably help in the meantime. But you own all your stuff.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Yeah, we own everything now. Yeah, all your stuff yeah we own everything necessarily yeah we do now we own i just agreed except for the dr drew podcast which we don't really give a shit about after dark is a cove it's a thing but we own it though we're oh yeah but they don't we could take all our stuff with us if we want to we have yeah we have control i can't all my stuff is gone right so the new jason will make sure that you can take everything with you yeah and you can make you know cartoons out of it i'm really not that worried about it to me it's not like um my album you know i mean like it's not my i don't have no chinese democracy involved in it yeah it's and i don't think that i'm anywhere near done like no you're not i'm
Starting point is 00:21:05 better than i ever was you're not done so if it's just doing shows i i fucking pity the fool we're gonna be a thousand times better than everybody because everyone else is lazy you got it easy yeah and my life's on the line and when my life's on the line i do different shit that nobody else will do it's fun because you can create your own world. It can make it easier to get to. You know, you can build it in your house. You can, you know, you can create your own content and not have to worry about the boss telling you
Starting point is 00:21:34 you shouldn't have done that. Still can't fight animals though, right? YouTube wouldn't allow that. There are lots of things they won't allow. I'm serious. I want a lizard to attack me again. I'm like, such a good show. pink reached out i can have pink might have somebody play music live that's really gnarly and then have a giant lizard attack me and i'm like
Starting point is 00:21:53 if it actually if it actually attacked your genitalia then it would be on then it would be that's instagram i want i want there you go i don't want to be that successful so so there's your limit so um where was my brain a sec i wanted to take this in some direction oh have you thought about talking to rogan i don't i mean we're not red band i don't know no joe like that but this is the point i don't think i don't know Joe like that. But this is the point. I don't know if Joe doesn't like SiriusXM people and maybe the band is lifted, but I don't know him. And of course, yeah, so could every person that wants to have a big podcast. You know what would be good is if you went on the Joe Rogan podcast.
Starting point is 00:22:40 I'm like, yeah, fuck, that would be great. Right. Well, you have to have your show going and some sponsors. I feel like I've annoyed him somehow. I honestly feel the same way. We know each other. Yeah, I'm the same exact way. He's never been on his show.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I don't know why. I like the guy. I love his show. I don't get it. It might be something that he's not into, which is fair. Yeah, yeah, exactly. So let's get another little comment here from Cole. Hey, Cole, what's up?
Starting point is 00:23:09 Hey, how's it going? Hey. Just trying to say that I've kind of felt like I've grown up with Jason a little bit just because I'm about the same age. And I started listening to him back when he was just kind of a DJ in faction. I was doing construction out in Arizona. And since then, I've had kids around the same time and i've got a whole new career i'm a registered nurse now oh wow good for you man i'll follow you thanks dude i appreciate it we're gonna need you yeah
Starting point is 00:23:36 yeah and bring spring all the way across the country and and listen to you the whole the whole drive that's right i can i can see where that would be a cool thing that you would feel like you have company with you with jason and tolly in the car uh dylan hello hi dylan hello hi buddy hey uh how are you guys doing we're good we're good uh i just want to say i've been listening for like 10 years i'm only like 24 so i was listening when i was 14 in my brother's car whoa uh you weren't supposed to do that i've just been following jason the whole time yeah oh i was listening when jetta was there when uh yeah everybody was there i've just been following the whole time and just developed me as a person i've been just such a better person i'm gonna follow you to that podcast patreon whatever the fuck thanks man i fucking god i hope this is real i hope
Starting point is 00:24:31 that everyone else thinks the same way he does ah i'm telling you that's why that's why i'm doing this because i knew this would be here i knew it jennifer in fact i didn't expect too many women that's kind of interesting to me oh Oh yeah. Interesting. Yeah. Jennifer, go ahead. Hey. Hi. Hi, Alice. Hey, how you doing?
Starting point is 00:24:49 Okay. First off, I want to say I'm good. How are you? Good. Thanks. And it can be better, but you're going to get through this. Um,
Starting point is 00:24:55 my husband has been listening to you for 12 to 13 years and he introduced you to me and you are just hilarious. Everyone on your crew is amazing. I really admire you as a person and you're going to get through this we'll do patreon we will follow you till the end we will be with you through the hardest moments and we want to support you in every way possible my husband called serious and canceled it right away yesterday and we're just really big fans she's canceling right now. She's picking up her phone and canceling. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:25:29 He already canceled. He canceled yesterday. Jennifer's out here in Riverside. She's in Southern California. We're talking to people all over the continent, which is amazing. Thanks, Jennifer. Good luck, Alice. We love you. I love you too. That's right. That's's right this is going to be
Starting point is 00:25:47 good uh this is uh brent wants to tell you he's he's already canceled go ahead brent uh dr drew i appreciate you uh for letting me on uh jason man i have been listening to your show actually i've been following you even longer than the show, back during the X Games days and BAM and Haggard and all that stuff. But I'm a huge, huge fan of yours. I've actually turned you on to a bunch of my buddies. I called Sirius Radio and canceled almost immediately. This is just mind-blowing that they would do this,
Starting point is 00:26:26 man. But I wanted you to know you and I actually kind of have a little similar situation. My brother committed suicide last month and listening to your show helped me through it because it's a hard thing
Starting point is 00:26:42 to deal with and you and Tully and Kevin powered me through it. And every day, man, I'm thankful for you. And I wish you and your family a really good Thanksgiving, man. I'm following you wherever you go, dude. I love you a lot, bud. Thanks, dude. That is what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Thank you, Brad. That's what I'm talking about. So let me tell you my tale of bro. I'm going to give you a break. I'm going to give you a little break. So I was back in the Loveline MTV days. Somebody plucked me to go do a daytime talk show. And we did a huge pilot.
Starting point is 00:27:15 And I mean, big studio, big audience, the whole deal. And we were taking it around the country. We'd already cleared 90% of the country. And I had sales meetings scheduled. It was with like TriStar or some company that was out at MGM back in the day. We're talking 25 years ago, 20 years ago. And I was actually having trouble figuring out how I was going to do it because I was practicing medicine full time at the time.
Starting point is 00:27:41 And I was like, how's this going to work? But all right, I'm going to try. And they wanted to take me out on the road to um go sell this thing to visit all the stations where this thing was going to appear because it was already sold right yeah and um production was probably a month away we were going to go and like it was really starting to ramp up i'm driving down the pasadena freeway going through the tunnels and my manager calls me and goes, yeah, the daytime show. I go, yeah. Yeah, I'm getting my plane
Starting point is 00:28:10 tickets for Detroit next week. He's like, yeah. They're going with Queen Latifah. They're going with Queen Latifah. And I was like, what do you mean they're going with Queen Latifah? Yeah, it's Queen Latifah's show. And I was like, what? That was your show. I was like, what? What does that even mean? How does that work?
Starting point is 00:28:24 That way it works. That was like, what? What does that even mean? How does that work? Because that's the way it works. That's it. Like that. It was like, what? And so that was where I learned about these things. And by the way, I was a dilettante novice back then. I wasn't really paying attention. I didn't know anything.
Starting point is 00:28:40 I was just busy practicing medicine. And this was so astonishing to me that somebody could treat another person like that i couldn't believe it i've come to understand it's very well i've experienced it 10 more times since and now i just go that's that thing this guy i can't believe how much tougher you are than me no no i'm just having more experience i was feeling just like the point is i felt just like you. I know exactly what this feels like. It's confusing. It's astonishing.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And a piece of you is being like ripped out. Your life ahead. My fucking identity. Yeah, your identity, your life ahead as you understood it was all like record scratch. Yeah. Now you got options. You got options. I could be a wrestler.
Starting point is 00:29:27 You could. By the way, I want to talk to you a little bit about what you were doing out on that barge i saw i saw you on the floating island i know right such a good idea what's going on was that recent yeah that was uh three weeks ago it scared me a little bit i didn't know if i was seeing something recent or something that was taped i had a big motocross knee brace on because i just recently had the cadaver mcl knee replacement yeah yeah so you know i had a big knee brace on it was only some the only fight i was in was the blindfolded cowbell fight i saw it and you had some cool bathing suits on prior yeah i wore american speedo because i love america and a speedo everybody does and uh i i actually got kind of scared i mean the referee looked like really jarred when people were falling off he
Starting point is 00:30:13 didn't know quite what to do he wasn't planning on that part the thing that's one of the things is uh i was backing up because that it was when you fight four people blindfolded it's hard not to get tired yeah because it's hard to breathe because you're blind and you think, man, I hope somebody doesn't punch me in the face right now. So it's hard to breathe relaxing. And then it comes. And then somebody does hit you in the face.
Starting point is 00:30:35 And surprisingly, you don't want to fall off the island. Right. Because all of a sudden I'm like, wait, I can't hit ropes. I can either hit a person or the water. And my competitive brain doesn't want to lose. Yeah. So I don't want to fall in the water. So I was really trying to bash people.
Starting point is 00:30:50 So I was very tired. And then in the final round, I lifted my blind up. And it was the really big guy. And I was like, oh, man, I got to punch this guy for two minutes. Like, maybe we'll fight until we get off the side of the island but i i actually remember when i was backing up i was throwing punches they were landing and i was like man i can't believe his face is right where my hand is just and then as i i could tell that it was i must be so close to the end of the island that instead of falling like that
Starting point is 00:31:20 i just stepped because if i had a fallen you'd be would have hit my back of my head on the other one. But I still... Nobody did that and I think at one point the ref is a good friend of mine. He's my boxing coach. So he thought I might have hit my head. That's why he had his hands up like that.
Starting point is 00:31:39 And he thought the big guy might land on me and kick me down. He looked like I felt when I sat in your corner. He was terrified for me. He was terrified for you. But he was also trying to pull people out of the water and referee the fight. The other thing, try falling into the freezing cold lake blindfolded with boxing gloves on.
Starting point is 00:32:02 That's the part that got him. You can't swim. But I don't think anybody sort of planned for that. We didn't plan for it until right before we fell in. Yeah. And I go, right. So we probably won't be able to see where we are when we come out of the water.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Right. So that means whoever falls in, the ref has to get over there immediately and start saying, hey, swim this way. And all four of us said, got it? Got it. And then we put our blindfolds on. Let's fight. All those people are just fans.
Starting point is 00:32:34 You know that, right? Oh, I didn't know that. I know that's often you do that. And we got in a van all together and drove up there and did that. That's fantastic. That was a good one. I think that has potential for when the pandemic's over to do a really big one for Lake Havasu in summertime.
Starting point is 00:32:53 That's a plan. Great idea. It's a great idea. If I still have. So what's interesting is water adds a whole new element of chance. I just thought I did comedy boxing, and that is another event that does comedy boxing. And I'm like, I don't really mind people copying, but I don't, I just want to do different stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:10 I don't want to be the same as everybody else. I want to picture Dr. Drew and Havasu. Has a nice rhyme to it. All right. Well, we'll go do that. We'll go out there. Dr. Drew does Havasu. An anthem to be sung out there, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:33:21 But, but, but, you know know we brought our son one year to i think the first time i sang the anthem yeah and he was like this is what how's this why he wasn't he didn't really familiar with you and about an hour and he goes this is so entertaining this is very entertaining i understand why you like this and he became a fan immediately which is why i was saying you might have an ellis event to launch your podcast kind of thing to bring, bring people into the tech, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Everything. He's going to get one next week. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to get you a podcast next week. Josh, go ahead. Hey Jason,
Starting point is 00:33:56 I'm 26. I'm like, I was 24 earlier. I just want to let you know, listening for a long time. Um, nobody my age has serious. So it's kind of tough for me to share the show
Starting point is 00:34:06 or anything, so I'm kind of looking forward to wherever you end up next. That's a really good point. I can actually share the show with my friends. The bad age group is looking at podcasts. Thanks. That's an important point. That is...
Starting point is 00:34:19 I keep forgetting that at one point I was just there for so long that I just didn't pay attention to everybody else anymore because it would bug me. Because I'm like, wait, you guys are all making edited videos and it's like this real fast entertainment. I'm like, I see how that's catchy,
Starting point is 00:34:38 but my company just doesn't want to do that. They've never wanted to do that. And I thought, yeah, but they pay me a shit ton of money yeah so and i don't you mean after having a taste of a little bit of fame i know that uh believe it or not some people might not believe me but i don't really care for it that much but i like being successful but uh hey man you know i mean uh look at you i know i've got a fucking wolf on my head it's hard to believe but i'm like oh man i'd rather you didn't you know i kind of like like doing my work and trying to accomplish new things i don't really need to toot my horn as much so uh anthony
Starting point is 00:35:21 is uh someone uh that we support and who's a regular visitor here. And Anthony wrote a book called From Park Bench to Park Avenue. He was a homeless dude trafficking drugs, and now he's an RN who runs a psychiatric hospital. What's an RN? Nurse, registered nurse. Oh, okay. And Anthony, you've never listened to Jason, but you're digging him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:49 This person I've never seen the dude. I've never listened to Sirius either. Yeah. So he has a – Jason has a show. What, with a cat? This guy seems like he doesn't hate me. No, he wants to come follow you. He wants to know more.
Starting point is 00:36:04 And so, Jason, if you think about Jason, the simplest way I can describe Jason's show is it's similar to Howard Stern in that it's talk and there's a family, like a group, you know, and there are characters that come in and out. And it's a little world that Jason runs. And he's at the center of it in his life and thoughts and which is also very interesting you know thank you true uh and uh and and anthony he's struggled with some of the stuff you've dealt with you know as well drugs and alcohol okay yeah i actually was drinking again
Starting point is 00:36:40 and i in a way where i didn't think it was hurting me which is funny to say even though i know i'm an addict but i actually i have a heart condition where my heart can go into afib i had an ablation performed and i triggered it a couple months back which means i had to be shocked back in yeah and then i went and saw the doctor and got all these tests again he's like look your heart is fine as long as you don't drink. And I'm like, I don't even, that's it. I'm done with, I mean, it kind of saved me accidentally because I didn't realize until I just, because I thought,
Starting point is 00:37:16 I don't need to come in with any heart condition for the rest of my life. Alcohol was pretty cool, but it was never that cool. So I just bumped it. And then i've noticed over the last sort of four months i think i'm very fortunate that because i've got lazy and i think you look good on that money you really look good i got healthier i got more motivation and i think i'm probably in a better mindset to handle being called out of the blue and fired the other day because i feel like i hate saying that there's like this feeling
Starting point is 00:37:49 that something big is going to happen because it's like, what are you? You're not Nostradamus. You don't know shit. But I just feel like there's something bigger that's happening because I'm not about, like I said before, I just want something big and a positive thing to happen and I had something
Starting point is 00:38:06 to do with it i don't really care about the rest of it you know it's a trip something big is going to happen but if we don't let go of what we have we don't have room for the bigger thing they want you over they want you to slide towards me a little bit with the mic just the mic over yeah and anthony maybe i just wonder if you have any uh you know recovery words of wisdom oh yeah don't quit before the miracle happens oh nice well i can tell you that that this is the the other thing that i hate true is i really wanted to join aa again because i liked my friends there, but I still smoke marijuana and I know that that's not
Starting point is 00:38:47 cool. So I can't go there even though... But I just know I want to... I got fired the other day and it's one of the worst things that's ever happened to me. But, you know, like three months ago when my heart went into AFib and I had to go to Cedars, that was a thousand times worse. Right, that was the worst.
Starting point is 00:39:03 A thousand times worse. Well, let me tell you, Bob Forrest, you know my buddy with the glasses and the hat, right? What was? Bob Forrest. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Bob Forrest, when he was doing the work of getting sober, went to meetings, resisted, was obnoxious,
Starting point is 00:39:23 sat in the back drinking beer in the meeting. He did that? He did it. And what happened as the meeting was letting out, they all looked at him and said, Bob, keep coming back, man. He was so blown away by that that he stopped drinking and tried it. Just go to meetings super high and smoke blunts until, and they go, keep coming back, Jason.
Starting point is 00:39:44 I'm not sure I'm saying it. I'm just throwing open the possibility that they will still accept you at meetings. But, Anthony, what do you think? What do you say? Well, you can't smoke at no meetings today at all. No, I know. But he can show up. I use Visine before I go in there.
Starting point is 00:40:02 So you can't tell. Well, it's not the meetings. It's the individual that wants to do the thing. Like you said, I'm going to get somebody serious because if you're having issues with your heart because of that, I'd let that go. But as far as being fired, dude, worse things in life. I mean, if you really look back at life,
Starting point is 00:40:21 there's probably something worse than this has happened. You know? And it's because of that I get to meet you and I than this has happened. You know, and it's because of that I get to meet you and I get to chat it up with you and that's groovy. Yeah. Yeah, I miss the community. I like to struggle. Thanks for calling in. So how about, I know exactly
Starting point is 00:40:37 what you think about when Anthony says that. What? When Anthony says that? The worst things have happened to you? Oh yeah. Yeah yeah i know exactly what you think about he's right he's right yeah so you're gonna start making me cry again isn't that weird that i i actually am in more shock of being fired than being sexually assaulted by my father okay that one's less creepy to me right now is that crazy to say that i'd rather like let my dad do stuff to me again if I didn't get fired?
Starting point is 00:41:05 But you know what's interesting is that that shows how much you sort of- This is not going to make it on anything, is it? I've gone too far. No, no. This is live. This goes out everywhere, man. Shit, sorry. Yeah, this is going everywhere.
Starting point is 00:41:14 It's okay. So to me, that says you've managed the trauma. You've made it part of your life experience. Man, does that mean I have to do mdma therapy over my firing no that means it's too much no no and you just got to get i'm just gonna get over it you got to get your shit together i'm just gonna get over there yeah we gotta take a little break uh let's do take that break and we'll be right back with more jason ellis and your calls as we're gradually moving back to opening schools and businesses and of course our in-person interactions i want remind you, this is all time with cold and flu season getting going.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Staying hydrated is key to helping your body deal with the added stress and with the upcoming flu season. My regular fans have heard me talk about a product called Hydrolyte for a long time now. It's an amazing rapid rehydration drink. It's a mix that, well, we're obsessed with here. I'm excited to announce they've just released Hydrolyte Plus Immunity just in time for cold and flu season. Hydrolyte Plus Immunity starts with their fast-absorbing electrolytes and adds a host of immune-boosting ingredients. Each single-serve, easy-pour drink mix contains 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C and 300 milligrams of elderberry extract, what is hopefully immune boosting formula that's
Starting point is 00:42:25 high in antioxidants and zinc. Combining this with Hydrolyte's seven key electrolytes, it's a fantastic way to stay proactive and properly hydrated. Hydrolyte Plus Immunity comes in convenient, easy to pour powder sticks that rapidly dissolve in water and make a great tasting drink that has 75% less sugar than your typical sports drink. It uses all natural flavors and it is gluten-free, dairy-free, caffeine-free, non-GMO, and it is vegan. And you can find Hydrolyte Plus by visiting slash drdrew. Again, that's slash D-R-D-R-A-W. Be sure to use our code drdrew25 at checkout for a special discount.
Starting point is 00:43:07 According to SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 20.3 million people above the age 12 suffer from substance use disorder. Incredible. The disease of addiction takes an average of 130 Americans every day. Sadly, the opioid crisis, which many consider the worst pandemic of our time, has been even further perpetuated by the spread of COVID-19. Since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, drug overdoses have increased by 18%. Factors like economic stress and social isolation have led to increased depression and unnecessary deaths. A Better Life Recovery is a premier addiction treatment center in Southern California, offering one of the most highly regarded and comprehensive
Starting point is 00:43:49 addiction treatment programs in the United States. Dedicated to helping its clients achieve complete inner and outer transformation, they offer a 45 to 90-day program custom-tailored to meet the needs of each individual client. Long-term is the way to go. Many of a Better Life's clients elect to stay up to nine months to receive additional support. A Better Life Recovery will do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to ensure the success of every client. Are you ready for a better life? Go to or call 866-581-4401 now. All right, we're back with great Jason Ellis. And Susan Penske wanted me to point out
Starting point is 00:44:28 that Jason was booked to be on this show because he's a friend and we're a fan well before the firing kicked in. And the firing has taken over our thoughts today. And so that's why we're sort of going into it deep. I'm full of content today, Drew. I do want to do two quick reviews. We have some interesting
Starting point is 00:44:47 data that came out just as we went on the air here. One is that there was a hydroxychloroquine trial for the prevention of COVID-19. It was a very good randomized control trial for the use of hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic agent. It did not do anything.
Starting point is 00:45:04 It's kind of what I've been saying. So I don't know what is happening with Dr. Zelenko, that he doesn't get COVID, but he claims it's his hydroxychloroquine. It pretty clearly is not that, because this data, this is a good study. This is one, I can point at this, in very few good studies with hydroxychloroquine, this is one. And the other thing is, another study, this is all in the New England Journal of Medicine that just popped out just as we were going on the air. They did a randomized control trial on convalescent plasma, so the plasma of recovered patients from COVID-19. For people with severe pneumonia, people with advanced disease, does not seem to do very much, which I had heard from
Starting point is 00:45:39 people in the ICUs. So it's not doing that much. Doesn't mean it might not do something in the earlier stages. Again, the particular stage of the illness that we do an intervention with these therapeutics make a difference. And Andrew Oshkosvili, who's on my thread, says CDC director says that vaccinations will begin the second week of December.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Andrew, that's what I'm hearing too, and I'm going to go get it. I'm going to go get the Pfizer vaccine. It's looking good. And the question is, each state may distribute it differently by different means. I'm hearing my hospital will be distributing it.
Starting point is 00:46:14 One of your fans said that their sister, who is a nurse, got the vaccination last week on Twitter or something. Yeah. How could that be? How'd they do that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:46:25 That's interesting. So to my knowledge, it's not been approved yet and it's not been distributed yet. So she maybe is in a phase three trial or another local trial. I want to go back to talking to Jason's fans. This is Tamara. Tamara. Oh, no, wait, hold on, Tamara. I didn't, I didn't get you up.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Hold on here. This is a weird system. I sometimes have to hit it just the right way. Tamara, there you up. Hold on here. This is a weird system. I sometimes have to hit it just the right way. Tamara, there you are. Hi, Jason. Hi, Dr. Drew. Hi, Alice. Hi, mommy.
Starting point is 00:46:53 Another female, another Canadian. But I just wanted to let you guys know, I listen. I'm a wolf knife. I've gone to Alice Manias. I have been listening for years and years and I'm also part of the Ellis Fam group on Facebook which has thousands of fans
Starting point is 00:47:12 and people and friends and we will follow you. That's all we've been talking about for the past two days. We will follow you wherever. I love you guys. A lot of us don't listen live. Thank you. That's all I've been talking about.
Starting point is 00:47:28 Oh, man. Let's go back to the well again. Okay, Tamara, thanks for the call. Appreciate it. Thank you. To me, that's such an interesting manner of speech. How they managed to have that one word like that. I know.
Starting point is 00:47:42 Why belt? Why is there a belt when it's just a belt? I know. I'm from another country, but i know that it's not about right and it's although you guys put a you'll put an r at the end of an a where there's an a no i don't and you'll and you'll take an er and turn that into an a so it's water and it's uh yeah water yeah what uh yeah watch her watch her in our world i don't know about that one but i I will go with people in Australia say Tuesday or tuna. Oh, wow. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:48:11 You don't know how dumb you are when you say that, right? That's a new one for me. All right. This is Jeff. Jeff's very upset. Jeff, go ahead. Hey, Jason, Dr. Drew. Thanks for taking my call.
Starting point is 00:48:23 You bet. Um, Jason, Dr. Drew, thanks for taking my call. Um, I just, I wanted to, I just wanted to tell Jason, I have been listening to his show for probably 12 years, uh, religiously every day. I drive a truck, I drive a garbage truck every day. And I listened to the show in the morning, uh, from the night before every day. And then when that's done, maybe I listen to Howard, maybe not. I usually, ever since he got the new, his own channel, I would probably just put that on and listen to that for the rest of the day. And it sucked.
Starting point is 00:48:55 That channel's gone. His show's gone. I had nothing to listen to today. And it sucked. You know, I just wanted to save that. They didn't play any tape stuff or anything? It just was more of the music and that's it?
Starting point is 00:49:11 There was nothing. If you searched Jason Ellis on XM, there's nothing there. Nothing comes up. That's radio, man. That's the way radio works. You just cease to exist. In the terrestrial radio, they change the locks
Starting point is 00:49:25 every time they kick somebody off the air that's that's terrestrial radio but uh silver lining kind of ironic because they took everything that jason ellis off the air but on right now because the show comes on at five o'clock every day so right now it says on the thing it said covino but it was jason ellis' show is on right now. So I don't know why. I don't even care what they do anymore. More power to them. All the best to everybody on the channel.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I'm really sorry that you can't hear me, but in two weeks from now, you're going to hear me. And so is way more people. And we're going to fuck some shit over. People are going gonna be getting it big time i love it i love it i love it i love it cody hey i just uh you know it's good to see dr drew uh for a little bit and that you know kind of can be where jason's path goes but i just wanted to say that i came in when you first started and i
Starting point is 00:50:24 heard you mention a little thing about maybe the bi thing is part of the reason some of this happened but i don't want you to ever feel that you coming out was a bad thing at all because for me personally and thousands of others it changed my life like it made me realize that someone like you, who is just unapologetically who you are, and that just made me realize that I can be that way. I can be a badass who hangs out with hot chicks and everything else and still have the sexual orientation that I have and nothing be wrong with me and it's normal and it's okay. And you were a huge part in making me realize that the way I feel is okay. And that's been a huge part in my recent years of, I just got married. I just bought a house. I'm kind of at a good high and you being the inspiration for me to do that just means the world to me. So wherever you go, no matter where it's at, no
Starting point is 00:51:25 matter how we have to get it, we're going to follow you. And we follow you because you're Jason Ellis and that we love you. So that's where, that's who we want is we want Jason Ellis and whatever you've done or anything, don't have any regrets because you've changed my life personally and a lot of lives. And I just can't say how much I thank you for that. And I appreciate how much you've done for me personally. Thanks, dude. For the record, I would gladly be fired for that reason. Like if I can help you feel better about your sexuality.
Starting point is 00:52:01 Why don't you take it? I'll take it. I'll take the firing for that. It's more important to me. I'll take the firing for that. Yeah. It's more important to me. I can't believe I'm in that position. Like, I'm assuming that dude's for real. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:12 That's... I didn't go to school. That's like the greatest achievement in my life. Besides my kids, what he just said is the greatest thing I've ever done in my life. There's just no way I'm going to cure cancer. I just don't. I can't be bothered.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Sorry. I know it sounds dark, but I know it's going to take me way too long you probably have better luck i think uh you're right that this is massively important and impactful just making people feel like they don't have to be ashamed of who they have sex with hey let me ask you a sex question if i do an only fans is that gonna are OnlyFans, is that going to, are people going to not, like, does that affect my podcast? I don't know. My wife has started one
Starting point is 00:52:53 because you could be on hers. We're financially terrified. Yeah, yeah. She's going for it. She's super hot, but they, the guys asked her
Starting point is 00:53:03 if you did a group one, it would make more money. And I'm like, I don't mind doing that. But does the world frown upon my penis? Peanut Gallery, what do you guys think? Susan? It depends. Caleb knows. Caleb knows. Go, Caleb.
Starting point is 00:53:20 I can't hear you. With OnlyFans, they're trying to kind of change the image of it so you can do a lot more stuff on there. It's almost like it's kind of its own Patreon environment in a way now. Yeah, but is it going to affect his brand badly? Is it going to be moral? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:53:35 It depends. I don't know. I'd have to look at your whole brand. Yeah, yeah. I'd have to see more. In other words, I mean,ason's always been open about everything but i feel like it would hurt i really don't i don't think it would hurt especially now where only fans is like only fans is changing the image now so i don't know i think i just feel like it's
Starting point is 00:53:55 not gonna be hard fucking like i'm not gonna be in hard fucking i'll put my i've already got only fans that i haven't told anybody about that i put stuff on because I am, I want to do it. I'm an exhibitionist. But if I have no money and I need to pay my rent and my wife is super hot and people are like, yeah, man, like throw your boner around a little bit. And then my wife can have sex with like other girls and stuff on there. That's how's that? We agreed to it. It's not behind anyone's back. No one's getting hurt. If she made real money, like money to get me out of this or to hold me off until
Starting point is 00:54:35 this podcast. I think she doing it. I think she doing it's no problem. But you may not be able to get another contract. You never know. But it's hard problem. But if I'm in it, but you may not be able to get another contract. Like, yeah, it might, you never know. It's hard.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Yeah. But it's hard to know. You don't want to limit your options. I'd say that's right up front. But if you have, if you have to do that, you get to that point, then you can think about it. And it's not making a rash decision.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I mean, your wife can do whatever she wants. I can start one too. Should I get one? I would totally sign up. Would that be inappropriate? If that's what she wants to do, it would be totally appropriate. So, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I've lost my sound. I just kicked it off. Okay. This whole OnlyFans thing with Susan got him kind of rattled. And that's a very difficult thing to do, Susan. I've never seen kind of rattled. And that's a very difficult thing to do, Susan. I've never seen Jason Ellis rattled. So, I'm looking at your guys
Starting point is 00:55:32 chats here in the meantime. Oh, yeah, they're telling us, Susan, we got to get Caitlin Lowry in here. Right, Susan? Who's that? Caitlin from Teen Mom. She wants to come in. Can Jason come to Locals? Yeah, that's another place you could go is Locals, Jason.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Oh, there it is. Which is a place that people go to build a community with you. It's called Well, you look at that. You should look at that. That's a not only fans thing. It's literally just where your fans go and build a community. So you can look at that. Okay, here's the World FDA meeting. thing. It's literally just where your fans go and build a community.
Starting point is 00:56:06 You can look at that. Okay, here's the World FDA meeting is scheduled for December 10th. This is an emergency. Why do you wait so long? World Rewind, I'm hearing there's a pre-approval committee that is setting the standards for the approval committee so that the approval committee can go through very quickly. That's what I'm
Starting point is 00:56:22 hearing. I don't know if that's true or not. It would be unconscionable if they were just delaying it just to delay it uh okay let's go back to the phone calls here there's a lot of covid questions it kind of bleeds here so it's we're getting that uh here we go uh this is colin colin Robinson. Is that you? Colin? Hello? Oh,
Starting point is 00:56:52 it's Brooke Bailey. I'm a, his wife. He called in for me cause I was too nervous to dial. Well, here you are. I've been, I've been listening to Jason for over 10 years now, ever since paint stock.
Starting point is 00:57:04 And I've been a huge fan. He helped me through a lot. I'm going to cry. I'm actually emotional. So I'm sorry. Um, but I just always wanted to tell you how much you've helped me and helped me rebuild my relationship with my mom.
Starting point is 00:57:21 And, um, I love you and I'll be there to support you no matter what you do thank you i'm sorry that this happened i really appreciate it bless you bless you thanks brooke sorry about my sneezing i'm gonna take any more phone calls uh a couple more just a couple more let's see what we got uh oh that's colin i'm sorry. I just put Brooke back up. Talk about the virus, please. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:47 You want a break? I can talk about the virus. Let me, because the, Joe, you are being silly. I see you being silly there. Tom Cigar says, this guy has an intense fan base. Indeed, he does. The Ellis Mania, go to an Ellis Mania one of these days. Do yourself a favor. At least
Starting point is 00:58:07 rent... Can you still rent them online and stuff? I think they're free on YouTube. You ought to take a look at Ellis Mania and you'll get a sense of Jason and the world he creates and the entertainment value. There's some video of it on my Instagram right now at Wolfmate. There's like
Starting point is 00:58:23 some videos of some highlights if anybody wants to check it now loading one anyway mary lay says and i know what this means so i'm going to ask you uh ask about his hometown melbourne's dictator san melbourne's melbourne's dictator sand san dictator san melbourne's-n i mean is there is there some local government maybe that's cracking down on them and they're feeling like they have a dictator because i know i know i know australia has been particularly intense with the lockdowns and stuff right yeah but i don't know anything about that i told my brother every now and then he said that they seem to be a little bit free these days to do a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:59:06 It's lightening up. Is he saying sand? Does he mean Sandringham? Because that's where my parents are from. I can tell you that the one thing, one criticism I have about these aggressive lockdowns is as soon as you lighten up, the virus comes in. I mean, it doesn't
Starting point is 00:59:21 prevent the virus. You have to have a vaccine. You have to have a vaccine. The idea was to prevent the healthcare system from being overwhelmed. That was always the plan because no one ever imagined you could eliminate the virus by walking in. I still understand why it's just if you're sick or older, you just, then you have to do it. Dan, you gotta be careful. Everybody else kind of has to
Starting point is 00:59:37 help out. She's back. It's Dictator Dan, she clarified. Or marked it. Dictator Dan. I don't know who Dictator Dan is. I've hit my head a lot. In Australia, it was a long time ago. Yeah, yeah. I got so many lives that I've lived since then.
Starting point is 00:59:53 Ultimate reject. Tell me Dan who. Let's see. Okay, I got it. What's that? It says something about the Dictator Dan in Australia has enforced drastic lockdown. Right, that's what I figured. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Yeah. The Victorian premier has returned fire after the world's biggest newspapers, after a headline labeled him a dictator. Well, that's what they're doing. Okay. Yeah, so that means there's a prime minister who of shit and he's and he's making everybody yeah look i think the curfew is too much i hear that there's one hour that you're allowed to go out or something and you're not allowed to five million five miles away from your house it's
Starting point is 01:00:34 ridiculous that is ridiculous yeah you're kind of asking for war you know it's like i'll do your thing i'll do what you want but if you start telling me that I have to live like I'm in prison, and I'm not seeing people fucking walking down the street, holding onto their neck, dropping to the floor, dying, I do start to question your authority. Right, exactly. You're going to behave like a prison candidate. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:56 You start to riot. Yeah. Because we can't be fucking prisoned. Yeah. That's the whole point of inventing it because it's you know you're in trouble when you're in there a lot of people are asking to bring alice mania back to vegas because that's the more accessible one for everybody yeah that'll probably be an option if obviously podcasting thing all works out and we can do an alice mania the hard rock is obviously not there
Starting point is 01:01:21 anymore oh my god yeah it's a virgin isn't it? But the building's there. The people that run the Hard Rock, I'm not sure I'm supposed to say this. Oh, okay. I'm friends with the people that run the Virgin Hotel, and there's still a potential of Ellis Mania being back when Virgin is officially up and running. Great. And obviously, the pandemic really stopped that.
Starting point is 01:01:43 So people are asking me what's going to happen tonight on Fox 11 let me give you a rundown we're going to talk to restaurant closing restaurants we're going to talk to somebody in the emergency room we're going to talk to somebody about the number at LAX about the number of people coming into LA via planes
Starting point is 01:01:59 we're going to talk about Thanksgiving obviously we're going to talk about Thanksgiving, obviously. We're going to talk about, boy, there's a lot of copy here. Meghan Markle sharing her story of miscarriage. Sorry. Meghan Markle. This is the news, Jason.
Starting point is 01:02:22 See, if you get a news job, this is the stuff you get talked about. Yeah, and tweets from our viewers. So we're going to talk to the viewers a little bit much like here i don't i don't suggest it it's going to be a little bit lighter tonight uh it's sort of a pre-thanksgiving kind of thing it looks like to me so uh let's go back to our phones are you flying you're not working i've been flying a bunch you have i'm flying on monday i'm flying again yeah we've been to new york we went to cabo went to mexico i saw you guys in Cabo. It looked awesome. Yeah, it was great. We went into Cabo San Lucas
Starting point is 01:02:49 and went right past Cabo Wabo and went on a boat. We lived. We were sort of in a COVID bubble. We had a resort that somebody rented. Four couples were there. See, masks work, right? They either work or they don't work.
Starting point is 01:03:05 They work. Distancing works. I know how to mitigate and, you know, I take my zinc and my vitamin D and all these things that help. And then you navigate. Then you navigate. And I have my UVC lights. I use them when I want.
Starting point is 01:03:20 It's UVC light. It sterilizes surfaces. I'm a big fan of UVC. Yeah, you want one? I'm going to get you one. Wait, if you point it at it, it sterilizes it? In 10 seconds, it sterilizes services i'm a big fan of you yeah you want one i'm gonna get you wait if you point it at it sterilizes it 10 seconds yeah it's great for your iphone your computers we're not supposed to talk i know i'll be able to talk about it more soon that's the sickest thing ever but it but it's for planes it's the best thing ever yeah it's gonna be the everyone's gonna want that yeah i know and so i'm a big fan of that. Man, I want to make a Wolfknife one.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Yes. Oh, yeah. Yes. Maybe they can be your sponsor one. Yes, yes. Yes, can't wait. So I'll try to hook you up. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:57 But what was I saying? Oh, and so I believe you can safely do these things. The airports were a little wonky, and we kept our distance from people that had their masks under their nose and congregating. You can do this kind of safely. And to be so draconian
Starting point is 01:04:14 about it where you can't leave this room, it doesn't make sense. Well, technically, we shouldn't even be together in this room right now. I understand, but we've been tested a million times. No, I know. Bullshit. You know, there's just, there are ways to navigate. I understand, but we've been tested a million times. No, I know. It's bullshit. I'm not saying. They're ways to navigate. I got tested three days ago. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and now if you fly to New York, you have to get tested between three,
Starting point is 01:04:34 up to three days before, and then you have to get tested four days after so that you can leave your house after seven days. Nicole. They have all these rules. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, Nicole, what's going on? Hi. Big fan, Jason. I was calling because I was wondering on your next adventure, is Michael and Tully going to be involved
Starting point is 01:04:56 in any way? Yeah, we're trying to do the Jason Ellis show that's going to be Kevin and Tully, Dingo, Catharwood, and Jamie Foxx. And because it's only two shows a week, there's a good chance they'll probably be all there.
Starting point is 01:05:12 And it'll all be in one room all together. So the current plan with the guy you were talking to is two shows a week? And then another one for Patreon. That's good. I think three a week is a good yeah and then obviously if everybody downloads it because i the the plan really would be to go back to giving people what
Starting point is 01:05:32 i believe is you do five days a week so i do five days a week right that's where i come from and if people so you listen to a new show every day whether you're going to work or whatever it is when you listen to it i got new ones for you um but that would completely depend on sponsors and how many people you know i i hear that if it's a hundred thousand downloads that i might be in the clear and this and things might look yes you gotta you gotta get in that zone i think you could basically have the power to use all the people he knows to bring everybody there to do this no doubt in my mind but we will see you know tully is a very smart creative dude yep and that's why we've had to talk about it and we both agree that now that we're you know backs against the wall and it would
Starting point is 01:06:18 be crazy not to try the json i'll show yeah 100 but i bet he'll have some ideas that will be good and outside the box you know just listen I've got some good ones already I have no doubt because I don't I'm terrified all I think about is shows
Starting point is 01:06:31 ideas how to change the game that's all I think about all day I don't sleep I don't eat I'm fucking weird I don't eat
Starting point is 01:06:39 I'm losing weight but I'm kind of what is it who totally calls me narcissistic totally calls you that yeah he always because he helps he doesn't call me that i always forget the word yeah and then i go what am i again and he says narcissistic and i go yeah yeah yeah that's what it is but if i do lose weight because i've
Starting point is 01:06:58 been training a lot and obviously not drinking so really the only highlight of my life is candy when it comes to ah I like you know like some cakes or I like sodas now I've noticed that I like sugar like fully sugar black cherry love black cherry sodas man them shits are so good Mike what's up hey guys oh man this is crazy um big fan of both of yours. Obviously, calling for Jason more at the moment. It was wild, dude. I can't believe it happened. I was in my garage last night seeing all the stuff come through. I actually started crying, which I haven't done in quite a while. I don't even know why, but maybe that's for a whole other reason. But just wanted to say, man, I'll follow you no matter what and uh how's the other
Starting point is 01:07:45 guys doing you know how's tully a good question i think tully's i mean i talked to him he seems really relaxed actually i don't know if it's because his wife has a job as well but maybe he has plans for other stuff and he thinks he's i don't know he seems to less stressed I think Kevin is always worried but I also think I mean it's a weird thing when you think you might end up broke after being in something for so long but I also feel like we have this feeling that um you haven't squashed us. Like I think we, but all three of us kind of combined think that if we were presented in a different way at Sirius XM,
Starting point is 01:08:36 we'd be a lot bigger than we are. And I think that you have your suspicions. You got to be worried about it. You got to be paranoid, but it's, I think that it'll be bigger than it's ever been, but it also could totally not be. So I think,
Starting point is 01:08:52 I know Kevin and I are a little bit more similar because I think Kevin and I have less plans. We're left less, like if we don't get a job in the next two months, we're both fucked, like proper fucked. Yeah, but you've already got a plan. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:09:07 So I think... You guys will pull it off. But I think we both... I mean, I definitely... I talked to Kevin before I came here. I told him to us, to me, this is war. Like, people are trying to take everything away from you. All these things.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Like, all the things I think about. I've answered. I don't even know. Hundreds of thousands of messages to everybody. Anybody ever asked me for anything. I try to help them as much as I can. Like, unless it's like what's wrong with my kidneys,
Starting point is 01:09:36 I tell him, call him. But if it's something that I can, anything I'll answer anybody. And I always do. Cause I owe it to you because you guys made me. So all that effort that they didn't do.
Starting point is 01:09:50 You know what I mean? None of them talked to any of you guys. They don't know about any of the people and what we've been through together and they underestimated what's going to happen. I agree. I absolutely agree with you. Totally agree. You're going to kill it, Jason. Good luck, man.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Thanks for fucking having my back, dude. Guys are awesome. We should really be telling people where to watch to figure out where it's going to be. To go to your website? You know what I mean? We need to watch you so we know. I'm just going to keep everybody
Starting point is 01:10:21 posting because I'm told don't disappear on social media. Keep telling everybody that you're going to do this like i said thursday not this thursday next thursday this company looks at my studio tells me what we can do and by that by friday the boys are already ready we're ready and so what's your social media handles? Give all those out. At Wolfmate on Instagram or Ellismate on Twitter. On my YouTube channel is Jason Ellis, I believe. But that has all those little boxing fights and stuff on there. It had some of the last live radio shows, but it was just one camera on a laptop.
Starting point is 01:11:00 It's not that impressive. So this whole thing, I was told not to be on this whole thing like i get in trouble you have to fight in your contract to be on youtube so i just gave up oh i see so this is like so you can build that out now too i haven't done anything to the way that any of the podcast world has done yeah you got it you've got to expand your digital platform your footprint you know i'm saying It's time to get. It's time to exist, which I'm, you know what I mean? I'm two things, man.
Starting point is 01:11:33 I'm terrified, which I'm sure will help in the long run. This stuff is good for me. Like, you know, I did yoga with my wife last night. And at one point, I didn't want to do yoga because I felt so depressed. And then when I did this stretch with her and I was holding on to her, I felt like, you know, it's cheesy as hell, but we've got each other, you know? And if they take everything away from me, and I do live in a fucking van down by the river, she's not going to leave me.
Starting point is 01:12:01 That's true. So I have that and I have my kids. So I have to do worst case scenario. That's just how I roll because I have to visualize worst case scenario so that I don't have any regrets on the amount of effort that I put in to get where I need to go. So I need to visualize that if you don't put in all the effort that you've ever wanted to put in on anything you could be in that worst case scenario and even with that occurring i still know that i'd sit there with my little joint watching some fucking netflix with my wife that will happen me that will happen so do you know k smythe i don't know if you Kay Smythe. She's been on our show a couple times.
Starting point is 01:12:46 She does a lot of, you know, she does a lot of. Provocative stuff on the internet. Right. But she also is, she's one of our guests. And she said, don't do OnlyFans. It'll fuck your career in the long term like it did with Simon Racks. And he said, she said, but your wife would make a killing through sponsors too so fans and back-end sponsors and then private image sales could easy easily be four to five
Starting point is 01:13:10 figures apart so so yes she should the katie should do it yeah can you ask her if i promote katie's only fans is that okay okay well uh she's working with her. She said, I'm dealing with my, she said, I'm dealing with my country clients or I would have called in. She's Welsh. So yeah, we'll ask her. Ray, what's up?
Starting point is 01:13:38 Alice. It's been a long time, buddy. I've been listening to you for like 14 years. We had a bit of a past there. I don't know if you remember. I used to send from Canada a bunch of RDS stuff down to the States.
Starting point is 01:13:50 You kind of got mad at me a couple times. I think. I'm not sure. What's RDS? I don't care what happens. What's RDS? Red Dragons. Oh, oh, oh. Yeah, I was a prick back in the day. I would get angry at people for no fucking reason. I apologize, dude. I don't even remember it, but I totally believe it back in the day. I would get angry at people for no fucking reason. I apologize, dude.
Starting point is 01:14:05 I don't even remember it, but I totally believe it. Yeah, yeah. It's no big deal. I don't care. None of us care. Where you go, we are all going to follow. Jason, it doesn't matter. I heard Brooke talk, and I know Brooke.
Starting point is 01:14:20 I follow her on Facebook, and it's true. It doesn't matter where you go. All of us are coming with you. Your platform is bigger than you think. And you're not, I watched your, I watched your video today on Instagram and you, you've, you've got no reason to be upset or afraid or anything. Jason, we're going to follow you no matter where you go. Jace doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:14:42 He has plenty of reason to be upset, but he should feel confident that things are going to work out. I agree with you. He should be very, very, very confident. Jason, we're not going to, we're not, none of us are leaving your platform. Humongous. You've got, you've, you have so many followers and so many fans and you know, I met you in Vancouver and it just happened out of nowhere. I was like, Jason's in Vancouver. I'm here. I got to go see him. And you actually grabbed me, put your arm around me, and said,
Starting point is 01:15:12 Katie, let's get a photo with this guy. I was like, cool. This is really freaking cool. You're all about your fans. That's why we're not leaving you, Dave. I'm glad I wasn't a total prick all the time. Now, this is a heavier problem. Good that you covered that. Thanks, dude. I feel like I have to
Starting point is 01:15:25 put this call up because it's been sitting here and we got to deal with this. Helena. Hi. Hey there. Hi. Hello. Hi. What's going on? I just want to say that Jason, I'm sorry. I haven't really listened to you before, but you sound really lovely, and I'm very sorry you got fired.
Starting point is 01:15:48 Thank you. I appreciate it. And I plan on listening to you now. Thank you. Adorable. Thank you. No, I just, I'm having a very difficult time right now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I've struggled with mental illness for a very long time. But in the last year or so, it's progressed to the point where I've had suicidal ideation for the first time. And the thing is, is in the last year, like I'm, I'm doing all the things that you're supposed to do and things are just getting worse. And now I don't you're supposed to do and things are just getting worse.
Starting point is 01:16:26 And now I don't really know what to do. So let's talk about, so suicidal thinking is a symptom, right? It's not a real thing. It's a symptom, but it has a very dangerous potential obviously associated with it. And it's a sign that your depression usually, although you can be manic and suicidal too, but your depression is getting more severe. Are you on medication? Have you been treated properly?
Starting point is 01:16:51 Have you been sort of... I've been taking mirtazapine for about 12 years. Well, maybe it's time to make a switch or add something to it. That sort of what Remeron is. That's where I'm at. And I do have an appointment with a psychiatrist, but my doctor is not the greatest, and he's not taking this very seriously, so he set me up for a one-time consult. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:17:14 I know you're in Canada, and the wonders of the Canadian healthcare system when you actually need it. She can't see another doctor? No. And so here's what needs to happen. You need to take matters into your own hand a little bit and start. I really believe that brains heal other brains. And if there's any sort of mutual aid, you can get yourself involved with support groups, anything else like that.
Starting point is 01:17:37 It's so easy when you're an addict because there's 12 steps all over the place. But anything like that where you can reach out to other people on zoom, these things are meeting all the time. Now just look for emotional mutual aid societies, emotional support, and, and then start, I'm, I'm guessing I'm feeling like something's going on in your life too. Like you need to kind of get something going, right? Well, I mean, that's, that's the thing is that like, objectively my, my life is really great. I have a good job. It's very understanding of my mental health.
Starting point is 01:18:07 So I can pretty much I have a certain amount of stuff I need to get done and I can kind of do it whenever I'm up for doing it, which is amazing. I feel financially stable. My apartment is the cleanest and organized. What's the emptiness that I'm picking up on? Where's the emptiness coming from? I really don't know. I have a fulfilling relationship. I have friends.
Starting point is 01:18:29 That's all good news. I think there's something I'm sensing, but I may be wrong. My family is shit. The what? My family is shit. But they have for a long time. So i'm kind of used to it
Starting point is 01:18:48 yeah you're not really you can't say you're used to it when you say they're kind of shit it means that they've been torturing you your whole life right and you're not used well yeah i'm used to it i made the mistake of speaking to my mother on the phone and she decided to remind me that this is hard for my partner and he might leave me i might lose my job and no one would take care of me this is what i'm talking about this is what this is what i'm feeling is that you don't have anybody in your corner right uh that you really that i mean it's just there in your corner and you need to work on that you're being depressed and having a somebody that's always around talking to you about more depressing shit doesn't help.
Starting point is 01:19:27 Does not help. I do have my partner, and he's been amazing. No, I understand. Listen, but that's... Keep talking to him. Yeah, that's different. Your romantic partner is one thing, and that's great. And your employees or your coworkers, that's great.
Starting point is 01:19:38 You need somebody who is just listening to you and supporting you. That's what therapy is. But if you don't have that, again, it's mutual aid or it's a friend. Somebody really cares about you. Helen, I got to wrap it up, but it may just be adjusting the medicine too. Sometimes, as they say, a cigar is just a good smoke. I stopped seeing my therapist. Really?
Starting point is 01:19:57 I thought you had a really good, really intense thing going there. I really, it's just like a thing that I habit. I just made sure I went once a week, no matter what. But since the pandemic will happen, I just don't like Zoom. Yeah zoom yeah i'm with you go back when it's when it heats back up again yeah and i should be fine right yeah yeah i mean your your your trauma was pretty intense and you've done i mean when i think back to some of the shit i used to hear you talking about on the stern show that would freak me out and i'd worry about you. What? Oh, I don't want to. You would go dark. Very, very dark. That's not around anymore. That party's
Starting point is 01:20:31 just not around. That's what I'm saying. I've made it. I just moved to the beach. I've never been happier in my life. Well, stay with those thoughts. Stay with that. We're going to bring Jason. We're going to bring jason uh we're going to support jason any way we can and um my friend it's good to have you here i'm glad this was scheduled i'm sorry i'm sorry this happened to you didn't deserve it but i i feel it's so easy for those of us who know you i want you to understand this and who are fans also because i feel like i'm a fan and a friend that we look at me and go,
Starting point is 01:21:07 Oh my God, he's going to be fine. We just, you just know that that's how other people see you. I know it's hard to, you're, you're the one responsible for, I know how difficult that is,
Starting point is 01:21:15 but, but we all look at this and we go, this is going to work out. This is going to be all right. All right. All right. All right. Anything else,
Starting point is 01:21:23 Mrs. Pinsky, Susan, anything else? Are you okay? She looks stricken. Well, we're just going to have to help get your YouTube channel is a good channel. We're going to make sure this plays out.
Starting point is 01:21:33 We're going to make sure we get big. And you can promote your wife's fans only. Only fans. Yes. Yes. And Kay also said she would like to interview both of you on her show too. Okay, cool. It's time for you to call in favors once you've got the structure up and stuff.
Starting point is 01:21:51 She's only got 400 fans, but it's okay. We'll all come around. We'll all support you. You've got to start doing the rounds. Now you go be on other people's podcasts, promote your podcast, and then they come on your podcast. I've had lots of Bert Kreischer reached out to me and Sam Tripley. He'll bring you the ratings.
Starting point is 01:22:07 No problem. Brenna Sharpe. All these people are so nice to me. We got to get you up on the cabin. When he does the cabin again for Netflix,
Starting point is 01:22:12 we got to get you up on that. So does Tully do all your booking and stuff? No. What the? Okay, so get a good booker. Somebody can book these people because it's a pain in the ass.
Starting point is 01:22:21 Jason doesn't do it himself. I book for myself. Okay, good. Well, they're all in your phone, right? You have them all in your... Okay, cool. Sort of like you're in my phone. Like I said, hey,. Well, I book for myself. Okay, good. Well, they're all on your phone, right? You have them all on your... Okay, cool. Sort of like you're in my phone.
Starting point is 01:22:27 Like I said, hey, you want to be on the show? Yeah, he's going to be on. Yeah. Guess how I'm going to get him. I didn't have to go through this. I'm going to use this bad boy right here. Some PR person.
Starting point is 01:22:34 And you're going to call you. Yeah, I probably just realized, shit, I do get it quicker if I go to her. Yeah, right. It happens. It's true. All right, listen, we appreciate the calls.
Starting point is 01:22:43 We appreciate the support for Jason. This was a non-COVID related show. However, I'm hearing tomorrow Susie, when you announce what you're doing tomorrow on Thanksgiving Day. I'm cooking a goose. You told me we were going to get... Oh, I don't know. It was just an idea because I saw somebody
Starting point is 01:22:58 say, oh, are you sad about Thanksgiving? If you're not having Thanksgiving with anyone, I'll do a little stream. That was Brad Williams. i was copying him so um but if i don't know if we can break away for like an hour so around noontime or something tomorrow we might even put a little twitter thing together like a zoom yeah you can zoom in and we can talk about how fun it is to be alone on Thanksgiving. Or whatever. Hey, Chick, I'm going to be alone. My wife and I are going to be alone in a house that we might not be able to
Starting point is 01:23:32 afford in a month from now. You can zoom in too. We are fucking high level sad. We'll be fine. We're so fine. I'm just fucking with you. You'll be okay. So sometime tomorrow we'll drop in and just support people that need a place to go yeah we'll hang out on thanksgiving day a little bit and um and maybe do a little zoom thing that we do we like doing once in a while and we
Starting point is 01:23:54 appreciate all you on the i see you all in the chat we again like i said this is not a information oriented show today but we do different things on different information. Turtle shits and stick out. Okay. So, so Jason, just to reiterate, if anybody out there is a Jason fan, doesn't understand, we have this thing called
Starting point is 01:24:13 It's you go to and I put the zoom meeting up there because it's a, it's a subscription base. It's like seven bucks a month or whatever. A lot cheaper than serious radio. And so when i put that up they can all just be in the show on the live feed show and talk and chat and okay so it's dr drew mike was on yesterday yeah dr and we'll put together a big little zoom chat
Starting point is 01:24:37 there's so many ways that you can connect with your audience you know okay it's fun but you're any of your fans who want to do it just go to okay speaking connect audience i've got to go run do this fox 11 thing right now i told you he had to go yeah so we gotta wrap it up we thank you guys lots of love for jason on the stream here and uh just keep your eyes open and follow him on all the social media platforms say him again jason at wolf mate on instagram at Ellismate on Twitter. And a new show coming. Well, that'll be announced on those social media platforms. And we'll see you tomorrow. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. This is just a reminder that the
Starting point is 01:25:13 discussions here are not a substitute for medical care or medical evaluation. This is purely for educational and entertainment purposes. I'm a licensed physician with over 35 years of experience, but this is not a replacement for your personal physician nor is it medical care if you or someone you know is in immediate danger don't call me call 9-1-1 if you're feeling hopeless or suicidal call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 anytime 24 7 for free support and guidance you can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at help

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