Ask Dr. Drew - Justin Hart: The Science™ Is A New Cult Religion & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s HHS Must Fix It w/ Josh Bernstein – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 437
Episode Date: December 22, 2024Pundit Scott Jennings recently told CNN that the best argument for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. being nominated to the HHS is that he’ll “make science actual science again. During COVID, “the science...” became a religion and millions of kids and people suffered for it.” [Broadcast LIVE on December 17, 2024] Justin Hart is a data analyst, author, and technology executive with over 25 years of consulting experience for Fortune 500 companies. He founded and served as a data advisor to the White House during the COVID-19 pandemic alongside Dr. Scott Atlas. Hart previously directed special projects for the Mitt Romney campaign and launched, a political parody video platform. His book ‘Gone Viral: How Covid Drove the World Insane’ was published in 2023. Hart appears regularly on Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax. He’s the father of 9 kids. Follow him at Josh Bernstein is an author, political commentator, and former news anchor. He authored “Preserving Liberty: Bold and Brave Solutions to Save America and Create Permanent Freedom” available at . Bernstein has appeared as a subject matter expert on over 4,500 radio shows and 100+ television programs over twelve years, discussing topics from current events and national security to healthcare and constitutional issues. Find more at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at • COZY EARTH - Susan and Drew love Cozy Earth's sheets & clothing made with super-soft viscose from bamboo! Use code DREW to save up to 40% at • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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two very interesting guests today first of all justin hart coming in you can follow him on x
justin underscore hart h-a-r-t not like the organ also
rational ground by justin hart um data analyst author technology executive over 25 years of
consulting experience for fortune 500 companies founded uh served
as a data advisor to the white house uh alongside dr scott atlas i'm going to read a scott atlas
quote to him in just a minute and they will be joined by josh bernstein about 45 minutes or so
political commentator author former news anchor authored preserving liberty bold and brave
solutions to save america and create permanent freedom he's appeared on many
many radio and television programs you can follow him on jbush so stay with us justin
hart right after this our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre the psychopath
started this right he was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography,
PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin. Ridiculous. I'm a doctor. Where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a
clinician. I observe things about these chemicals. Let's just deal with what's real. We used to get
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So I want you to see,
I want you to follow Justin Hart on X.
It's Justin underscore Hart, H-A-R-T,
and also check out COVID Reason.
You mentioned in one of your,
in one of the intros I read for you
that you were alongside Scott Atlas.
And I've had the privilege of interviewing Scott.
Were you in the rooms
when some of these crazy decisions were being made?
No, we were the, you know, when Deborah Burke,, it's great to be with you, Dr. True. I guess
we first talked like three years ago now, and now I've been on like three or four times.
So excited here because we have a new beginning and we'll talk about that in a minute.
But yeah, with Dr. Scott Atlas, we actually helped arrange a lot of these meetings between
some of the Stanford folks and the folks at the White House.
And then we got the call.
He doesn't have anyone.
The White House hasn't assigned Dr. Atlas anyone to help him except for maybe an intern and sort of like, you know, a guide.
And so he needed some data people.
So remember, Dr. Birx used to give an interview and she'd say, Dr. Atlas had all these very shadowy people behind him who were doing all these.
That was us.
It was completely pro bono.
And we did it remotely.
But basically day in from August 2020, July 2020 on through November, we every day were just in there saying, okay, what can we do to counter and help Scott right the ship?
So that was kind of the genesis story between a lot of
people there. I want to read you something he tweeted four minutes ago, or at least somebody
tweeted. Yeah, it's his ex. And to push back, to give a response to Dr. Birx, his quote is,
Fauci, Birx, and Redfield, who I've had the chance to interview recently, and he's
taking some responsibility, backtracking a little bit, which I love to see. He's welcome on board
here. Yes. Fauci, Birx, Redfield presided over the worst fiasco in public health history,
destroyed younger generations, massive psychological harms in teens and college students,
suicidal ideation, self-harm, anxiety, depression, from the lockdown, not the virus, they caused that.
And it was so predictable.
I said it at the time.
I said, you're going to destroy 8 to 15-year-olds.
I said it over and over and over again.
And they did it.
And now we have Francis Collins on the record saying, well, we were focused on one thing.
We didn't consider risk-reward, which the opposite of anything in medicine, which is do no harm. So always contemplate the harms of
any choice you make. Yeah, you know, it was a crazy scene if it was just one or two things
that they got wrong. But I mean, the list is enormous. The origin of the disease, the transmission type, asymptomatic spread, the PCR testing regime,
the fatality rate, the lockdowns, the plexiglass. Take the plexiglass, for example, billions and
billions of dollars spent on this thing. And then the CDC quietly in March of 21 removed that
recommendation from schools and retail to use plexilast because all of a sudden they realized,
oh, you know what? It really doesn't help. It's another surface to clean and it impedes airflow.
I mean, think of just the billions of dollars wasted for that and the mindset that goes into
that and masking. And then you go down to the list to vaccine and vaccine injuries.
I can't think of a single thing they got wrong except to actually abandon their
office and go elsewhere. So what happened? This is the question I ask of everybody.
What happened to us? What happened to my profession? What happened to those bureaucrats?
Scott had a theory. Scott's theory was, I don't want to necessarily adulterate your answer,
but his theory was, these are bureaucrats. They really aren't practicing physicians.
They are not used to being questioned.
They are authoritarian, and they dismissed anybody who wanted to discuss actual data.
That doesn't quite get me where I want to go, though.
It's not quite there yet because it was so, so bizarre.
But go ahead.
You recall Dr. Fauci's lieutenant
who took heat on the Hill,
try to remember his name.
But basically he was caught, you know,
avoiding FOIAs and he made a fool of himself
in front of Congress, right?
Well, he was the co-author, David Morens, right?
So David Morens and Dr. Fauci
have been co-authors on papers
for the last dozen years.
And what's funny is you can see them
increasingly moving towards the thing of,
darn it, why can't we get back to just olden times
where we weren't gathered at sports places?
We weren't gathered in these massive moving hordes.
Oh, yeah.
By the time that famous Cell Magazine 2020 article came out,
co-authored by Dr. Fauci and David Morenz again.
You can see they say this great line, can we at least try to bend modernity to our will?
They really thought that they could put forth their hand and stop the Mississippi River,
that is to say, a viral respiratory aerosolized pathogen,
and somehow that they could physically manipulate
a time in eternity to do that.
I just still don't get this
thus saith the Lord attitude they had.
That, you know, we were not going to,
we were never going to shake hands again.
Do you remember that one?
That time had come and gone.
It's so delusional.
I guess
my question would be, why
do they feel...
Robespierre had a committee called
the Committee for Public Safety.
They were going to maintain safety
uber alice. Is that something
that humans just go through once in a while?
A couple leaders decide safety uber Uber Alice is their goal for living, and they're going to save humanity like some sort of messiah.
And they are completely delusional in making that attempt because we are biological agents.
Oh, absolutely.
There's a great book called The Betrothed by Monsignor, by an Italian author. And it's basically a work of fiction,
but it was based on actual diaries from the plague in the 17th century in Milan.
And you see the same sort of things happening there. They burned all their clothes because
they were feared of this thing or that thing. One instance they talk about, for example,
a gentleman in the front pew was seen brushing off his pew
with his hand, and they thought that he was spreading the disease further. So they took him
outside, and the journal entry ends, I do not think he could have survived moments longer.
Think about all the beatings, the physical beatings that people took because they weren't
wearing a mask somewhere. I think this is unfortunately part of human nature. And the leaders in that great fiasco in the plague in Milan, which was far more deadly than COVID, they basically took advantage of it for power gain, wealth, and otherwise.
Well, that seemed to be some of what was going on here.
But I always take this opportunity to say, examine your behavior during this outbreak. And if you were somebody yelling at
the reporting your neighbor for having a party or screaming at people to mask up between bites,
you would not be resisting the Nazi movement. And if you lived in Germany in 1935,
you would more likely be a prison guard. And it's important to know that and learn it and
find a correct course. Again, I am welcoming people who
want to correct course, want to apologize, want to get on board. Redfield is somebody I admire,
and I think he's doing a good job to try to correct himself. That's all. Pretty simple.
But it doesn't seem like a lot of people are doing that.
No, I think that's right. I think it's good to be welcoming. For some of these people, though, they should
never have a hand in public health again. I think Dr. Redfield is making some great comebacks,
and he was early on talking about the impact that this would have on kids. It looked like he was
doing those CDC discussions from a locked case down in the CDC basement. But at the same time,
there is welcoming room for these people.
A lot of these folks,
they need to step back
and never touch public policy again.
Well, public health generally needs some,
what's the word, barriers,
constraints on their behavior.
Have you any theory about how we do that
or what those constraints should look like?
Well, I think there's going to be a lot of room for that discussion now.
What a difference a year make.
I think we spoke maybe last year, and I was kind of in the camp of Governor Ron DeSantis,
who was a great champion for a lot of anti-COVID policies, proving things right and wrong this way and that. And I had hoped that his
candidacy would help bring light to the recompense that we wanted for the even retribution for the
changes that we wanted. So our kids and our grandkids never have to go through that.
You know, when his candidacy lost there, I dutifully signed on board. I'm a good soldier
myself in the Republican Party, and I signed on with President
Trump. But I didn't held high expectations that we would make it. But here we are with nominations,
RFK Jr., Jay Baciataria, Marty McCary, all those people you've had on your show.
And we have an incredible once-in-a-life opportunity to see some significant changes.
Two years ago, Dr. Jay came with us on the Hill.
We roamed the halls of Congress
and we sat down, we talked to people
about the changes we wanted to see at the CDC.
One of them is pretty basic,
which is the people that make the decisions
about the grants of the CDC
were also making the policy recommendations for the White House COVID task force.
And so, for example, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, both sat on this committee giving away billions
of dollars.
The chances of, let's say, a study that might come out against masking getting any funding
from the NIH were zero because you can't have the
policy people look embarrassed and giving money to funding stuff that counters their policy.
So having a separation of those powers is a great example of things that we can see change.
And I think the other thing that Dr. Bhattacharya is talking about has been that sort of cost
benefit analysis, understanding that
you need to do an assessment as to what impact will this have down the road.
The first year, recall, Dr. Drew, the first signs of real danger were when oncologists started
raising alarms in the spring of 2020. And they said, okay, either COVID has cured cancer or
something else is happening because we're seeing half as many patients as we used to. And the reason was that people weren't visiting their
doctors, were too scared to go to the hospital. And that compounded, in some cases, we saw
drops of 70, 80% in the number of diagnosed cancers or specific very fatal diseases.
And this was tragic.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
So those are things that I'm really,
I can't, I had to pinch myself sometimes to see like Marty McCary at the FDA,
this man who basically I hold in great regard.
And these are people that are not over their skis.
They are well-grounded, well-credentialed,
well-published people.
And I think that our country is to be much better off for it.
I hope they can
get in control of this thing. I think they may need help
from the Doge team.
I remember talking to Ben Carson
when he got in there, and he was just like,
oh my God, this is so difficult. It's such a mess.
He wasn't fatalistic,
but he was like, this is worse. This is
more challenging
than I imagined. So I feel like they must wield their terrible swift sword in order to get
compliance from this bureaucratic morass that really is the group that thinks they run the
government, not the people of the United States, which is, when I started hearing those stories
from the bureaucratic fronts, really disturbed me.
I mean, it's just the opposite of what this country is supposed to be.
Those people serve at the whim, at the, what's the word I'm looking for?
At the happiness or whatever of the president or other elected officials who we put in.
Not that they should be running the government, not at all.
And they should lose their jobs if they have that attitude.
Yeah, it's very difficult to get rid of entrenched, calcified government bureaucracies.
And so they're going to have a large task in front of them. If you ever want to sort of just drive yourself crazy, but also get into the nitty gritty of things, go look at the Federal
Register. This is the publication that the
government puts out every single weekday. It's 300 to 500, sometimes 700 pages long. Everything
that your government is doing on a daily basis, from tracking minute shrimp viruses to satellite
turnings, and you won't believe it. And whether or not they can name sunblock lotion, sunblock lotion, they're into everything.
And it will drive you crazy.
And I'm hoping that we can sum with, you know, I think you just need to trim a lot of this
bureaucracy down and we might see some semblance of light.
Well, isn't that the opposite of what the Founding Fathers intended?
They intended a limited government constrained by the people.
The federal government was just to create
a more perfect union and deal with defense
and international treaties and interstate commerce.
And that's it.
You know, that's what it was designed for.
How do, you know, you have to wonder how we got here.
You know, I've noticed that there,
I've noticed, go ahead, Justin, go.
No, I was saying, you know, you remember Alex de Tocqueville, he was a French sort of, you
know, debutante, this guy who basically came over and he, he went through the country and
he interviewed people left and right, said, what, what makes America great?
And he had some great insights.
And one of the things he came across with this great line that always stuck with me,
he says, the American Republic will thrive until its people realize that they can be bribed with their own
money, right? And so I think that's part of the problem is that we have such this turnstile of
people that are paid by their own money and give more to feel good about themselves, but also just
to make life easier. It's a difficult prospect left and right that they're going to have to deal with.
And unfortunately, and one of the things I do study on the blog and everything else is
the deep economic recession we have in, because this is to blame for COVID too.
A lot of people don't talk about this because of the stimulus under President Trump.
And then the stimulus times three under President Biden, that increased
everyone's incomes over those periods by about 20%. And that created this false demand and supply
side where demand shot up because people had all this extra money to spend. And so retailers,
car dealerships, you remember how hard it was to find a new car? Remember all those boats that were stuck off the shore at LA Port because they couldn't get them because everyone was ordering stuff from China?
Well, we're on the back end whiplash of that because the government spigot has turned off.
All of our incomes went back to 2019 levels.
All these retailers have warehouses full of stuff they can't get rid of.
And so now you see this economic downturn. The government is projecting that gasoline impact, the gasoline consumption next year
will be at 2019 levels. We're going backwards because people don't have money to spend
because of the retail issue that's happening, which leads to job. And it's globally. China
is in a big hurting problem. All of this because of COVID decisions.
That's terrible, terrible consequence.
The whiplash from COVID finance policies.
In all of it, very predictable.
I'm willing to give people four months or six months
during the early days of the pandemic,
trying to figure it out.
No one got everything right.
But some of the stuff that went on after that and the draconian measures that you listed at the beginning of this conversation
were very predictably going to have deleterious effect. And this was not, you don't have to have
a deep insight or profound clinical training or immense imagination. It was sort of like textbook,
all of it. It was. And look, there's some bright sides.
We have kind of a really interesting moment developing, right? One of the big economic
downturns we had was the turn of the century. And then you had the internet take off to kind of
help us ramp through up and down. One of the big downturns we had was 2007, 2008. And we had the
iPhone revolution. So there are great opportunities to latch onto there. With the economic downturns we had was 2007, 2008, and we had the iPhone revolution. So there are great opportunities to latch onto there.
With the economic downturn that we're facing right now, we have the AI revolution.
And this is something that I do professionally.
And it's so interesting to help companies and help them understand how they can make
use of AI efficiency to help them out where they're going like, my entire business is in shambles because I bet big on a big fake economy
that was boosted up by fake money coming to people's pockets. And now I don't have it.
So I'm actually going out. And one of the other things I'm doing is I'm having fun with AI too.
We just launched a new website called, And it's a parody website.
And it's all built by AI.
All the articles there are written by AI.
All the videos that we produce are AI videos.
And we have fun. So we had one the other day that went viral where we told liberals who were really upset
about the election results that we can find a way to cryogenically freeze you and it'll
cost you this much.
And we'll give you a discount
in case J.D. Vance wins the next year after you.
So these are things that I think people are going to have to take shelter
in some really warm, good fun,
because the next few months,
the next few years are going to be difficult.
I hope the Trump candidacy,
the Trump presidency,
the Trump campaign are ready for this,
because I don't think they realize how dire the financial situation is.
A couple of comments.
I hope we come up with the energy sources, nuclear, to maintain your AI revolution.
Let's see how that goes.
And I have a historical memory from the Biden stimulus,
which following that,
I was walking through the city center in Las Vegas,
and there are all these high-end stores in there,
and there were lines upon lines of people
who shouldn't have been buying at Louis Vuitton and Prada
and the watch stores and stuff.
And I just thought, oh, this is a catastrophe.
That to me will always stay with me.
And the other thing back to,
this is what I want to actually talk about,
which is back to de Tocqueville.
He also had the insight that the local practice of democracy
was why America worked.
And the limited government at the federal level,
the federation, the federalism was limited.
And it seems like one of the dividing lines
that has developed between right and left is the left seems to believe that people need some sort of centralized authority to constrain their behavior because they'll behave badly.
And that centralized authority will be benevolent, never mind the fact that never in history has that been true.
Never, ever, ever.
But okay, fine.
And then on the other side,
you have the right saying,
no, leave me alone.
Let's decentralize.
Let's have more freedom.
Let me watch Justin and what he does
and maybe I'll learn from him
and that's how I'll make my decisions.
It seems like that's a big sort of philosophical zone that we've fallen into these days that is dividing the two parties, no?
I think that's right.
I think as Tucker Carlson notes, a lot of people in these big blue towns stay up late at night just biting their teeth and really upset that someone in deep red Utah or Iowa, you know, isn't giving, you know, some trans youth the time of day, right?
And isn't, you know, defending that right and going to the hilt and everything else there.
Whereas the rest of us are just like, look, I don't have time to think about you.
I don't think about you at all, as they say in Mad Men, right?
And so those are things that I think we need to come to grips with is that there's an immaturity because that's kind of a middle school type of
thing, right? You worry and you have this external sort of visage that everyone is thinking about you
and if only they would think better about you and your friends and everything else there,
everything would be fine. Therefore, the government must force them to think on those things.
And in reality, you know, it's like, look, there's just no time for that. Time to live your life.
Well, it's funny. I was listening to a french radio program this morning and for the first time i heard a full-throated um defense of what has happened in this country and a strong recommendation that
the french moved this direction and they framed it as instead of this populism and all the crazy
rhetoric we've had forever is this one guy just
said look it's it's the restoration of reality this is all about reality coming back and we and
the french need to get into reality as well and they don't think macron is in in reality necessarily
they do like the new prime minister recommendation who seems like an old school guy
but um reality is back pragmatism is back
common sense is back is i and that that's what in the and because there's been such a massive
disconnect between the government and the lives of the people who just want to keep their head
down and keep take care of their family and deal with their friends and move move along which is a
which is a commonsensical approach to living.
Yeah, look, a lot of people are completely flustered still as to why President Trump has been so successful.
And I think I can sort of vary a phrase from the good book,
which is that authenticity covereth a multitude of sins.
And I say in this term that President Trump is the
same person in front of the mic as he is one-on-one, right? Like he wouldn't say anything behind doors
that he wouldn't say to your face, kind or otherwise, right? And that authenticity is so
hard to find. I've been in politics most of my career. I've met many politicians. I've worked
for presidential campaigns.
And almost to a person, the candidates that you talk to one-on-one have a very different
rapport than when they get in front of a pulpit, right?
And I think one of the things that President Trump has found is that if you're authentic
about what you are, you get a lot of leeway.
You get a lot of leeway on the issues because there are some things that President Trump
does where I pull my hair out. But at the same time, I appreciate that he's just
straight open and honest about what he's doing and what he's thinking at that moment. And I just
have that expectation that I think a lot of people do. That authenticity is something that the
Democrats are trying to find because they're trying to manufacture it, right? They're going
on these call, you on these call me daddy podcasts
and these other things.
And you realize that very casual conversation
like we're having, like Joe Rogan has,
they just, they can't emulate it
because they can't drop their facade
and tell you what they really think
because if they do,
you would vote them out of office, period.
Or they'd alienate some version of some
piece of their party. Two last questions. There's a bunch of chatter I want to respond to, and then
I want to get into the little bit of vaccine. People are asking what your training and background
is, which I don't know. Where did you go to school? What was your training originally in?
How did your career go? Went to BYU. I'm a self-made data guy though. I've been a chief marketing officer, chief data officer of several
companies, but I've worked mostly in politics. I do data analytics and AI stuff for a bunch of
firms around the country here. My day job though is doing political fundraising for campaigns up
and down the sphere. And I always have to say this.
I apologize.
My main medium
for raising funds
is over your text messages.
You guys are great.
Thank you for responding
so much to
those political text messages.
They work.
They work.
I hear laughter in the background.
I figured that's why
I get so many of them.
And Susan,
Susan's like,
she's always complaining about them.
So next time, next time, yeah, they don't work with me either.
But next time, go, it's Justin Hart, damn it.
Oh, that was you?
So I just want to, I saw just the data today that he's an ex I like following
because I feel like he's trying to present the data.
Was comparing sort of, you know of cancer, heart disease,
respiratory deaths from Florida and California.
I don't know what to do with all this data.
I get
worried that people are getting crazy
on all sides because I'm such a
moderate. I'm just trying to
plod my way towards the truth
and I can't find it yet. The whole
notion of turbo cancer I think is
Cancer has always had an aggressive version.
There's always aggressive cancers out there.
Could COVID have caused it?
Could the vaccine have caused it?
Could vaccine plus COVID be responsible?
It would be very difficult to tease that out.
But I'm having trouble finding reality in the mix. There's no doubt in my mind that they did not have the bioethical standing
for a mandate for young males in college.
Absolutely not.
And those kids should be pissed if they got myocarditis
and they should take appropriate action.
But my elderly patients
probably benefit from
a vaccine and maybe one booster after that.
I don't know what we're doing. I don't know.
I can't see the benefits.
How do you interpret all this, that data?
And we'll sort of wrap up with this topic.
Well, look, this is the neat thing.
The data is all there.
We've been foiling it for three or four years.
And we're hoping that once someone gets in there,
we'll be able to open that up and see it.
I'll give you just one stat.
And this is more of a political stat
because I think it's very instructive. The CMS, which is the body that oversees the policy
for Medicaid, Medicare, reimbursements to hospitals. That's going to be Dr. Oz coming up,
by the way. That'll be a good show too, I think. That one, for example, they had a policy that on
March 22nd, 2022 was the last day that you could submit reimbursements from a
hospital to the CMS, to HHS for reimbursement for a COVID death or a COVID sickness otherwise.
And if you look at the charts on COVID, all of a sudden deaths from hospitalizations
dropped completely off a cliff after March 22, 2022.
And all I would say is when the government came in and closed the most profitable parts of a hospital, right,
any good administrator would do everything in their power
to make sure they got reimbursed from the government
for everything they could.
Now, my team had the opportunity, thanks to Dr. DeSantis,
thanks to Governor DeSantis and to a few other people there in Florida
to examine 800 death certificates directly
with personal information left out.
We got those death certificates.
We were able to look at part one and part two,
and we were able to determine
that like at least half of this stuff
was just lazily printed out
and put a COVID mark on there.
And we saw things like, you know,
gunshot wound and broken femur of a COVID death,
right? And so I'm not saying there's anything nefarious going on. I think the incentivization
to keep hospitals open was basically created an atmosphere where everything was marked as COVID.
And as you can tell, you know, when you have a COVID test that can pick up a COVID infection
of five days or 75 days, then they're going to have a lot of COVID infections there. It was all
set up and it's nothing, I don't think, conspiratorial, nefarious, but in the end,
it didn't help the numbers at all. And I'm hoping we'll have some clarity on that.
And I would urge you, please, it may be too big a topic, but the way we fill out death certificates in this country is ridiculous.
It's not reflective of the causes of death.
It's random.
It doesn't.
Physicians, our arms are twisted to fill in certain ways to prevent triggering coroner's cases or autopsies or keeping families in distress for weeks before
the body can be released. And ultimately, they push you to put in cardiovascular death. In other
words, they push you to put in window one, heart stopped, cardiopulmonary arrest, which you can
always put in there. That's always the imminent cause of death is the cardiopulmonary arrest, which you can always put in there. That's always the cause of an imminent
cause of death is the cardiopulmonary arrest. What leads to the cardiopulmonary arrest, the two and
three, they also, if you say aspiration pneumonia, oh no, no, no, that won't do. And so it's crazy.
We are not at our liberty to fill out a death certificate that reflects how somebody died.
So there's so much just in that.
The other thing I was thinking about,
I'm thinking about so much here,
but the other thing I was thinking about how so many of the public health officials
in this country are either pediatricians
or not physicians.
And that's got to change.
That's a real problem
because pediatricians are not good.
I would never make a pediatric decision.
I don't know how to make pediatric decisions.
Pediatricians don't know how to make
adult medicine decisions very well.
And that's where a lot of some of the excesses came in.
Yeah, look, this is a difficult situation.
You can see as a demographer,
I can look over to Japan, for example,
and the worst
case scenario is coming out of med school in Japan and thinking, oh, I want to be an OBGYN.
No chance because they're not having any kids over there, right? And we're going to be suffering the
same sort of thing here where, you know, what is the incentive for anyone to come out of med school
and say, oh, I don't know, I'll go to, you know, children's pulmonary medicine, right? It's such a
speciality. And then in the end, no one's having any kids. So what am Imonary medicine, right? It's such a speciality.
And then in the end, no one's having any kids.
So what am I going to do there?
It's a difficult prospect for doctors.
We've got to have more kids.
I've got nine of them, Drew.
You want a couple here?
And then I think in the end, we'll see.
I was just going to say, he has nine.
Holy moly.
Brady Bunch style.
Brady Bunch style.
But actually, we're nine kids myself. I remember you telling me that, but still, I don't remember being nine. Even the Brady Bunch style but actually we're
I remember you telling me that but still I don't remember being 9
even though Brady Bunch only had 6
I have a newborn
he's just a year old this next week
or was it 8 Brady Bunch 8
but hey man lastly
I put his bio on the show I couldn't figure out
the right number because we had one from like 7 kids
or 8 kids.
So I wanted to put somewhere between seven and 12 children.
Every year.
So last but not least, what is your plan?
Are you going to help RFK Jr.? What do you feel he's going to do?
He told me his first act was to put a RICO case
against the pharma with the journals
to try to untangle that mess.
I know he has a lot of things on his plate.
It's really interesting watching him.
He's so disgusted with the way things are being reported now, I can tell.
He's just like, that's not true.
He's like, he's tired.
Just do your damn job.
That's not true.
But anyway, what do you see?
You said you were hopeful about the future.
What do you hope these people do?
Well, I'm hoping that they get in there. It's
going to take a little bit. My wife, Jenny, who I really do pride in keeping me sane and everything
else, says just take your time, have some patience. I'm not going to be going to DC anytime
soon, but we'll see in the future what transpires. We would love to help in any sort of way we can.
We'll be on the sidelines rooting people on and getting them through, you know,
the commission process.
They've been nominated now.
Let's get them confirmed
and see what's going on here.
That would be nice.
Justin, I appreciate you being here.
Is there a book?
Do you want to promote the...
Yeah, sure.
Isn't that a...
Yeah, there it is.
Gone viral.
COVID drove the world insane.
Yeah, gone viral. COVID drove the world insane. Yeah, gone viral, how COVID drove the world insane. We did really well on our first printing there. And let's get to a second one. I'd love to see that. It gives you
basically just a lowdown on everything you want to see. That litany that I rattled off at the
beginning of the show there is all there in the book there. And I think it's a good memory. It
drives people crazy to revisit this stuff.
You'll take crazy pills thinking, what did we do?
But in the end, I think we'll be better for it.
Yeah, I'm coming to understand what happened.
And I'm also coming to understand
that humans do this once in a while.
I thought we got over this in the mid 20th century,
but nope, turns out we're doing it again.
Justin underscore heart on X, H-A-R-T.
Justin, thanks for coming in. Thanks,
Dr. Drew. We'll see you soon.
Good to see you. Coming up, Josh
Bernstein. You can follow him on
J-B-U show.
J-B-U show.
.com. He is not on X. I beg
your pardon. I think I earlier
said he's on X. He is not on X.
He is a political commentator, former news anchor.
He has a book.
It's called Preserving Liberty, Bold and Brave Solutions to Save America and Create Permanent Freedom.
There it is.
And there he is.
And he'll be with us right after this.
Freedom. he is and he'll be with us right after this.
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different topics and uh i want to get an update from him today josh welcome to the program it's
great to be on the program with you you're not on x is that a statement of some type
no actually i am on x at at preserving liberty but i've been one of the more censored people
the last four years so sadly i had to use a different type of name on x but you can find
me there you can find me on truth social and getter and a couple others and of course
my website which is as you can see behind me. What got you censored that we now know to be just simply
axiomatically true? Well, that would take up the majority of our segment, but I'll give you the
skinny on it. I exposed Ilhan Omar, Ilhan Noor Sayyid Omni, where she came from, how she came to America. And long story short, she didn't like that too much.
So within about a 48-hour period, I was pretty much ghosted.
They attacked my Amazon Prime show.
They attacked my Roku television show.
They attacked YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, you name it, all of it, even LinkedIn.
I finally got my LinkedIn account back only about a week ago.
So it's been a rough ride,
but I'm here on the other side
and I wrote my first book
and I'm looking forward to Brendan Carr
changing some of the rules, hopefully,
when it comes to censorship in this country.
Yeah, that certainly would be,
I mean, the fact that we even have to say that is so odd to me.
I mean, the First Amendment has been under attack.
I can't get my head around it.
It's so contrary to every principle I thought we lived by.
Put it this way.
We are in America.
And for me to speak freely the past four years, I have to rely on a full 24-7, 365 security team in another country. Let that set
in for a second. In other words, I'm a little confused. You had personal security issues or
security to make sure your material stays out there? Security for my website. I've got 14 levels
of security on my website. I've exposed judges, organizations on the left, on the right, as an investigative journalist for well over 12 plus years. And, well, I'm just not going to be invited to any of the cocktail parties in D.C. in the swamp anytime soon. But hopefully that swamp is going to get cleared out here pretty soon so we'll see one of the uh the sort of thought
bubbles over my head throughout this whole fiasco has been what happened to journalism
what happened to journalists i it it's really odd and they don't seem to be backing away from their
whatever this new ethos is yeah i talk about it in my book in chapter 10. I came up with a truth in media act.
And the bottom line is these prevaricators, these saboteurs, these prostitutes, as I like to call
them, they will say anything just for a story. If it leads, it bleeds. It doesn't matter whether it's true, and they never do any retractions. So if we had a universally adopted and approved way to hold, I think, these journalists accountable, I think that would be great.
I know that the new Voice of America director, Carrie Lake, has said that she's going to look into possibly some of the FCC licenses for a lot of these people that
you know are just spewing and pushing garbage that is not true or accurate right so let's drill on
that a little bit because you're you're not saying infringe on their first amendment privilege to say
what they believe you're you're wanting them to be held to the contract that they have to have the access to the airways that they do.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, look, it's a pretty big responsibility to be able to report the news.
And if you are not telling people the full truth or you're leaving details out or you're selectively editing or whatever it is that you may be doing because you have an agenda,
then that's not reporting the news.
That's becoming a propagandist.
And I think those folks need to be held accountable for that.
Now, I'm not a big government guy, nor do I talk about that in my book at all.
But I think there needs to be a universally approved and agreed upon almost ethics, if you will, ethics for journalism in general.
You know, we need to bring integrity back to journalism.
You know, people like yourself, like me, many others in alternative media, we don't have an agenda.
We just have the only agenda we have is to the truth.
And wherever that truth may lie may be on the left, may be on the right
or in the middle.
And I'm not a journalist.
I'm just somebody,
and I have a certain professional training
and experience clinically,
but I've been in media a long time.
I know how to use media
and I think the truth
has been in short supply.
So I'm trying to ascend to it.
People lie and distort to me
and my job is to deliver to the audience
and let them decide
for themselves um speaking of distortions i i believe you've been speaking lately about the
situation in romania i don't think people are well no but i don't think it's being reported on
let me let me um i think you're talking about this i At least my producer said that that's something on your radar.
My understanding of what has happened is that we have once again sort of, I don't know,
put our finger on the scales in the elections in Romania because NATO wants to build a giant base on the Black Sea right across from the Crimea, which seems like Ukraine too to
me. This seems like we're doing the same thing we did that triggered the whole Ukrainian crisis.
And I don't hear that being reported anywhere. Do you? Do you see it reported? And am I getting
this right? I haven't been the one that's been talking about it, but I can comment on it. I mean, clearly, look, Russia, again, when they invaded Crimea in 2014, then Barack Obama said, well, if you go into Crimea, there'll be a red line.
And, of course, they did, and it might as well have been a chorus line because there was nothing that was done about it. But let's not forget that in this current conflict,
Ukraine are the aggressors, number one.
They are the ones that have the biosafety labs all over Europe.
They are the most corrupt country in Western Europe.
They want to join NATO.
Of course, Vladimir Putin does not want a NATO-endorsed country
that close to his borders, so he's
pushing back against it. But look, the bottom line is President Trump needs to end this war.
One of the things that I think has switched possibly with Democrats and Republicans is that
Republicans are now the ones that don't want to get into these global conflicts. We want to be
more protectionist, and we don't want to do nation
building around the globe. Certainly, we have to have troops in certain areas and hotspots,
of course, in South Korea and other places on the Korean Peninsula, the Asian Peninsula,
just to keep things copacetic and keep everybody in check. But we certainly don't have to do
nation building. And I think that's been a big change a sea change if you will uh between the republican party and
the democratic party but um the bottom line is theory why that happened disaster what's that
theory why that happened it's so bizarre yeah that left to right shift yeah i could i could
clearly see um that the left has been talking to themselves and not real
voters in the country, number one. Number two, you've got the military-industrial complex. You've
got the Raytheons. You've got all these different organizations that are making tons of money. I
mean, there's money in war, let's face it. And as the great George Carlin once said, Americans,
you know, are in a war typically about every 25 years if you look at history.
And we need to stop that.
There's no reason for it.
I mean, look at the absolute horrific pullout in Afghanistan or, as I call it now, Talibanistan because that was an absolute disaster.
So, again, we're seeing it repeat. They're spending all of our money, all of our capital, and they're giving it to a country that is obviously losing the war completely.
And all it's doing is exacerbating, God forbid, a possible nuclear proliferation against the United States and its allies.
So I'm really excited that President Trump eventually here is going to get back in office and take care of these things and no more foreign wars.
I wonder if you have any opinion about this whole drone thing that's been going on.
I think I do ask.
I figured I was on your behalf, Susan.
But my fundamental feeling about it is, my God, we're at a place where I don't believe anything our government says.
I don't believe anything that's on the press.
When I see Mayorkas sit up there and say, oh, it's not this year, it's all a mass hysteria, or I don't know what he's alleging even, but there's nothing.
I just get disgusted.
I don't know what to even think.
What do you think is going on?
Well, I think it can really only be one of two things and possibly both.
I think it's either Iranian intelligence and Chinese intelligence or worse, both of them. years ago, Iran shot down one of our drones and they were able to collect the wreckage and then
reverse engineer the technology. So there's no question that they were able to do that.
And what if they were able to enhance it? We're hearing stories about these drones being spotted
and then disappearing or even cars slowing down when they're in the vicinity of these drones. So who knows what's going on? But the Chinese, of course, let's not forget with their balloons
all over the United States, traversing our military installations, looking at our land
and everything else. I talk about that. The China syndrome is the chapter in Bold and Brave
Solutions to Save America and Create Permanent Freedom, Preserving Liberty, my book.
And so I think that it's probably the two of them working together.
But let me just give this warning to President Trump and his people.
I would be very, very careful about the inauguration.
I think that the inauguration ought to go inside in a secure military facility, do the swearing in early with a witness.
John G. Roberts obviously does that.
And then from that point, I would then immediately order the military, once he's sworn in, to
shoot down these drones and get them out of the sky, because I'm very worried that him
at the Washington Monument outside at this
inauguration, and not just him, his entire cabinet would be there as well if, God forbid, that these
drones did some type of operation or strike against him. I mean, you could wipe out the entire cabinet,
not just him, all of MAGA in one shot. So I would tell President Trump to be very, very cognizant of
that and be very careful.
And we will pray for his safety and, of course, his entire cabinet's safety for the inauguration.
It just seems to me that if they were actually enemy crafts, wouldn't they attempt to shoot them out?
Wouldn't you see military aircraft from our country checking it out?
The scary part is that it has to be China.
Hang on, Josh.
Susan is way into this.
You can't explain it.
It has to be China.
Okay, that's what I always say.
Anyways, keep going, Josh.
Yeah, I think she's correct.
It more than likely is China or Iran or possibly both of them working together.
I think right now this is reconnaissance, if you want to know the truth.
I think they're looking at the landscape, where the buildings are located and all that,
and this could be a dry run. The scary part is that I believe that our government absolutely,
100% knows where these drones are from, who's operating these drones, and what their possible mission might be.
And yet they're not doing anything about it because, I'll say it publicly, I think they
possibly could be complicit in it. Ooh. Of course. Describe more what you mean there.
Well, look, I mean, this government has tried to impeach this president. That didn't work.
They have tried to assassinate this president or people around this president have tried to do that.
That hasn't worked.
They have tried to frame this president.
They have tried to do everything.
And I just can't sit here with a straight face and think for the life of me that they're really, truly interested in a peaceful transition of power. My God, I hope they are. I hope and pray they are. But again,
why are these drones? This is not one or two drones. These are not Radio Shack, you know,
whatever you call it. I'm trying to think of the store, Best Buy. You know, these are not those
types of drones. These are drones the size, as Sean Hannity pointed out a couple of days ago, the size of dining room tables or possibly even small SUVs.
I mean, these are major drones.
So they've got to be military types of drones.
And so if they are, why aren't they being stopped?
Why are instead Mayorkas pushing over to the state saying, hey, why don't
you do something about it? Why don't you shoot them down? Why don't you do this? Why don't you
do that? Instead of the government doing it. So I would be very leery of this government on the way
out. They are doing some horrific things. 8,000 plus pardons. That is four times more than anyone else in U.S. history has ever pardoned people. So
they're doing some crazy things, selling off our border wall for pennies on the dollar.
They're just, they're evil. They're just evil. And I'll say it.
I'm hoping that most of those thousands were just sort of BS cannabis offenses that stuck
people in prison for long
periods of time, but I don't know who
this is yet, and I'm worried about it.
The other thing, did you see Kash Patel talking about
having reviewed the Kennedy
assassination file and the 9-11 file
and saying that there's certain
things in there that, for reasons he was
very circumspect
about, obscure, that we will
never be, we can't release uh and then everything
that is known is already out there essentially and then 9-11 when you see that it will piss
people off i didn't know what that meant uh i wonder what your thoughts were on all those comments
yeah i did see that he was having a discussion with glenn back at the time and glenn back asked
him you know so tell us about the JFK papers. And he
basically just kind of said, look, what we basically already know is really what's out there.
There's not too much else besides that. But as he did mention, there is some information pertaining
to 9-11. My guess is it's probably having to do with Able Danger, the secret program at that time. And let's not forget that
9-11 was able to happen because of Bill Clinton and Jamie Gorelick putting up a wall between the
different intelligence agencies. So maybe we'll find out more why they allowed 9-11 to happen.
They put up a wall in terms of sharing of information?
Sharing of information between the FBI, the CIA, the NSA.
Why they did that, I have no idea, but they did do that.
Look, it might have been, I could see it having been benign intent.
They probably looked at the securities apparatus
and said, it's getting out of control. Let's try to isolate them in different camps so they can't gang up on everybody i i to me it could i i
bill clinton was a very smart dude i don't i can't imagine him doing stuff that was
dumb that sounds it sounds dumb if you think about it on the foreign adversary scale it sounds sort
of smart from the standpoint of containing this thing that has spiraled out of control since then.
Yeah, well, think of it this way.
I mean, if you knew that there were people that were wanting to take flight lessons but not wanting to learn how to land, perhaps that might have been a red flag.
I don't know.
Yeah, just maybe.
Just maybe.
Well, what is on your radar presently?
What is worrying you these days? What is on your- Well, first and foremost, I would say-
In your crosshairs. Yeah. I would say the first thing we, the next hurdle we have to get over,
I would say would be the inauguration. I just hope and pray that nothing goes down
on the inauguration i think again until
we figure out where these drones are coming from who's operating these drones and what's their
purpose or mission i believe that president trump would probably be smart to do some type of
inauguration inside of a secure building a military, rather than being on the outside.
But other than that, Preserving Liberty, Bold and Brave Solutions to Save America and Create
Permanent Freedom.
It's about 150 pages.
It's a pretty easy read.
This is the type of book that you'll want to read with a yellow highlighter in your
It's been endorsed by two New York Times bestselling authors. And the foreword was written by a good
buddy of mine and a sitting member of the U.S. Congress. So I'm excited and I'm proud of it. I
basically talk about lots of different things that are problems, but I don't just talk about the
problems. I talk about different types of solutions and how we can solve a lot of the issues that we
face. Yeah, I'm just so pleased that reality is coming to bear.
The common sense is coming back.
Problem solving is coming back.
It's like we're not, I don't know, we're in reality.
We're back in the awaken from a delusional mass formation, awakened from sort of this
weird preoccupation and fear of God knows what of everything.
But I'm glad to see that reality is reasserting itself. awakened from sort of this weird preoccupation and fear of God knows what of everything.
But I'm glad to see that reality is reasserting itself.
I would have predicted that it always will, but it was getting weird. I was starting to worry about it.
Josh, thank you for going ahead and making a finished comment, and we'll wrap this up.
Yeah, just as far as talking about RFK Jr., I know that they were talking to him today and grilling him today in Washington. transform our public health, our water supply, stop running ads on television and radio for
pharmaceuticals and things like that. There's only two countries in the entire world, New Zealand and
the United States, that allow that type of advertising. So that needs to stop. And then,
of course, I think we need to hold these people accountable for what they have done, for the lies that they have spewed
and for the censorship, for the mandates, for so many different things. I talk about it in my book
and I do chapter seven. I talk about lab leak versus natural origins. And clearly you can tell
100%, I use their own emails against them that indeed it was a lab leak, whether it was malicious or not.
I guess we'll never really know. But I think there's a lot of things you can do.
Repeal the 1986 vaccine injury court, which is really a wink wink and a nod nod to the big pharma industry because it's almost impossible to even submit a claim.
It's very cumbersome. And of course, they look for ways to
deny those claims as well. So if he can do a lot of those things, change our food supply,
change our water supply, make us more healthy, I think he can be an incredible and consequential
health and human services secretary. I completely agree with you. I worked a little bit with his
campaign. And while I didn't formally endorse him for president,
I just kept saying, this man needs to be in Washington.
This brain, he needs to be looking at things.
He's very good at unraveling complex systems
and looking at adulterating influences on those systems.
And God knows we have a lot of that.
Josh, thanks for being here.
We appreciate it very much.
Thank you.
Anytime, any topic.
You got it. Excellent. I very much thank you anytime any topic you got it excellent I love that
anytime any topic we will
call on you again I want to talk about drones
I figured if Susan gets
maybe you can have them on your show Susan
yeah it'd be interesting for him to throw some of the
stuff he knows out to your peoples
this time I thought
oh they're just you know it's US government
they're testing it they're doing oh they're just you know it's the US government they're testing it
they're doing something they're searching for something and then i said but it's probably
china because if you can't if you can't figure out what it is it's got to be china and i always joke
when i say it yep the fact that he said that i was just like well you know anytime any topic i like
that anytime so let's put up upcoming.
I'm very excited about tomorrow
because my friend Gad Saad is coming in here.
He's going to tell you his sneaky effort.
I don't think we'll be able to say the full words.
Seth Dillon in here.
Matt Waltz.
He's got a great program for the veterans
and also a Navy SEAL coming by.
Jeff Dye.
I think that has been rescheduled again,
but he's coming in, I think, into our home here.
January 23rd, Salty Cracker.
Obviously, we have a new year scheduled
to kind of hook up here.
Lots of interesting guests,
Emily Barsh and I have been talking about.
So there's plenty of people for us to interview.
But do send us any recommendations
to contact at
Love to see you there and take your recommendations.
And we're interested in expanding our guest base.
Susan, anything more on your front?
Is your show is going to be down for the holidays?
All right.
I don't know.
We could do some.
I don't know.
We're kind of dark for the holidays.
We are expecting a grandchild.
Not in a dark way.
We are expecting a grandchild any minute. dark way but we're expecting a grandchild any
minute so it's keeping us sort of uh on tenterhooks as they say and so we don't know what to schedule
and not schedule and then christmas top of that right christmas on top of that so we apologize
if the uh schedule seems a little vague or scant that is what that is all about but we are fully
committed to you and this program we love
doing this we appreciate you all being here uh we appreciate our sponsors that allow us to keep this
ship a rolling um let me look at ah somebody's saying i'm i'm i'm i am spreading russia propaganda
okay uh did you even say the word Russia at all today?
I don't think you said the word Russia on today's show at all.
Maybe that Romanian thing I had heard was Russian propaganda.
Maybe it is.
You know, really, it's that my grandfather was a sergeant in the Russian army,
and they're still talking to me is what it is.
They're still speaking to me from Putin'sen's office uh so go ahead go ahead and spread
exactly you should be skeptical of everything everybody
uh let's see i'm looking at what you guys oh there's a lot of fighting on the, I'm spreading Chinese.
Are you,
is that what they're saying?
You're putting.
but I am.
I just,
I can't believe he said that.
I was just like,
who said that?
It was China and Iran.
Oh yeah.
I don't know what it is.
I don't know what it is,
but I,
I look, I want to say this. It could also, we, yeah. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is, but I...
Look, I want to say this.
It could also...
Here's what...
It's driving me nuts, Caleb.
I want to say this.
It's driving her nuts.
She said that.
And this whole thing could be a mass formation.
It could be a mass hysteria.
It's possible that there were a couple of drones
that people got some pictures of
and then, boom, blew it into a mass hysteria.
Because I don't know.
I saw sort of radar maps of 50 drones coming to shore.
I see them flying over.
Well, and we have some people we know who took pictures that it seemed legitimate.
But one of the possibilities is that this whole thing is a mass formation.
Like if they were spying on New York from Jersey, that's a perfect vantage point.
Susan, we don't know,
but I do believe it's something.
And as soon as the government denies it,
I am especially prone
to believe it's something.
What are you putting up there?
It's a tweet that pretty much
sums up my thoughts on this,
which says,
isn't it convenient
that there's always a bill
ready to be passed
to take advantage
of any random wink wink situations?
Which is what,
that's my belief on it. I think it's what you're saying
is it's a lot of some people see things
in the sky other people think they see
things then people come out and debunk those
things and then there's more
and then I think it's all just
about asking the questions causing drama
because they want to have more control over
our skies I mean
which I mean we do have a do have a problem coming, guys.
Maybe that was something else.
There are so many drones out there.
What do you think the problem is?
I mean, drones, they are very quiet.
They are very sneaky little effers.
You can do a lot with them.
They're not quiet.
They're huge, Caleb.
They're huge.
They're about the size of a minivan and they are really noisy.
I'm reading your guys' chat over
the rants and the restreams.
If you want me to see stuff, enter it right now.
I'm looking at it.
I don't know.
The people that I've...
My friends who have seen them a couple nights in a row,
they have videos of them.
I can hear the engines.
Really smart people. That's the thing.
They get really smart people. I's the thing is they get really smart
people. It's like, I mean, I think we've talked about this
before with like, what, Daniel
Lazar, I believe, is the guy that saw the UFOs
and the theory that a lot of people think is that
yes, he actually did see
alien bodies and UFOs, but
because it was a government plan
to fool this one expert with
by doing a very large,
you know, but who knows?
I see something here.
Rolls Tender
wanted to know
why I brought up
the Romanian election.
Well, because my grandfather,
the Russian army,
is speaking to me directly
in this earpiece.
The reason I brought it up
is I heard about it
on another podcast
and I thought,
oh, that's interesting.
Is that real?
Is that not real?
Is that what's happening?
I don't know. And I just brought it up with Josh because I figured he'd have an opinion
and he did. His opinion may be accurate. It may not be. I don't know. I just. I know. It just
blows me away because I was, I just, I think it could be because if it's not explainable,
you're sneaky. Okay. Well, I'm looking at your comments. I'm going to go over the restream very
quickly to see if you guys have anything there.
We'll let you know when the baby comes, Bond.
Our president, he can't just go out and flail in the wind.
Not going to be good.
Martin is angry with us for interrupting the guest.
We have a problem technically with a delay here.
And so there's inevitable talking over each other.
We can't do anything about that.
She just did it over me.
That's a different thing.
But we apologize for that.
And we try-
There it is again.
We try to minimize that talking over thing,
but it's inevitable.
Let's see.
Ah, so somebody's saying I was wrong.
We wanted to build a base there.
It's already there.
Yeah, J-Wink, but I heard that they were going to build something larger.
I don't know.
Listen, I, by the way, what do you all feel about the Crimea?
I mean, the Crimea was, that was Peter the Great's,
it would be literally like somebody taking over Washington,
taking over Boston Harbor or something.
You know, it was, it was, it was, you know,
that was Peter the Great's, you know,
really his big thing was the bases there
in the Crimea.
I'm looking at you guys.
All right.
Oh, I was paid to make it.
Roll center is like, oh, I was paid to mention it.
that's what the theory is now is I was paid to mention the Romanian base.
that's it.
That's the ticket.
I wish you were.
Romanian propaganda dollars.
Famous for the propaganda money.
Doing the show if you got paid.
And the people's liberation army from China.
They get in my ear once in a while too.
Uh, and if that were true,
my wife would have a psychotic break.
Actually, what would happen?
If you took one penny from China,
Susan would be out of here.
Oh, man.
One, not forget a penny,
just one piece of information.
So Caleb, do you have plans for the holidays?
Are you kids getting excited?
Yeah, they're really excited.
We're doing the elf on the shelf thing.
So my son is right at that age.
Just searching for that elf.
Justin has nine.
And we keep telling him, you know, I keep telling my wife, look, because we're doing that thing with the elf where it's like, the elf is watching you.
You can't go and push your little sister over.
I'm like, if he's still doing this stuff,
by next year, I'm bringing out the Krampus.
We're going to be a Krampus family.
Oh my God.
What is that?
Krampus was the guy that gave children
coal and stuff, right?
He looks like this ghoul looking
horrible looking ghoul
with like a dripping cloth on him
and yeah, one of our
uncles did that to his kid.
Yeah, there you go.
What happened to Santa? I thought Santa used to
do this for people.
Krampus I think is the anti-Santa, I think
kind of, in a way, in some, I think
it's German or something like that, I forget.
And so somebody, a salty something on the brand said,
I knew Drew was a Ruski.
No, we're actually Ukrainian.
We are Ukrainian and Belarusian.
And my uncle, my grandfather was stuck.
You didn't have a choice about the army.
And then when Stalin started,
he was doing his thing in the Ukraine,
we were part of the,
you know, we avoided the Holodomor
by being part of the exodus,
this country from that region.
And there were many, many, many
hundreds of thousands of people
that had to find,
we had to find,
we had to prove that we could,
our family could support itself.
We had to find sponsors.
We had to come in through Canada.
It was very, a huge mess.
It wasn't like people today, you just walk in through the border. No, no, no, We had to come in through Canada. It was a huge mess. It wasn't like people today
you just walk in through the border. No, no, no.
No, no, no, no. I'm glad you didn't stay.
You'd end up in the Ukraine. I would have
been in it. Yep.
Alright, we're going to wrap this up. Thank you all for being here.
Caleb, we'll get you back to Krampus and the
kids and you're tormenting
and abusing your kids or I think
maybe it's your wife's invention.
She's making me know.
She's like, no Krampus.
No Krampus, Caleb.
We will be here at three o'clock tomorrow,
Seth Dillon,
and then Gad Saad, my dear friend.
And he's going to...
Caleb, can we say the word effers?
He has this whole theory about sneaky effers.
You can say it now,
but probably not in the first five minutes of the show. Otherwise, advertisers get mad but yeah it's called the sneak it's called the
sneaky it's called the sneaky fuckers theory and it's essentially that men and mammals uh to a way
to get around the alpha males pretend to be very feminine and female-like so they make the females
feel comfortable and they join the female horde or pod.
And that's how they become the sneaky fucker.
That's how they get access past the alpha male.
And he has a theory that sneaky fucker dumb
has been extremely active in the last 10 years or so.
So we'll hear from him and then Seth Dillon.
And that will be our last show going into the holidays.
Is that correct, everybody?
Am I going to do something here tomorrow?
Are we going to do something on Monday or Tuesday? No, the next week? No. So this will be our last show going into the holiday. Is that correct, everybody? Am I going to learn something here tomorrow? Are we going to do something on Monday or Tuesday?
No, the next week?
So this will be tomorrow.
Yeah, you will learn something.
Gad is an evolutionary biologist.
He knows what he's talking about.
He's written a book called The Parasitic Mind that I suggest you read.
Sorry for the strange start on this show, but hopefully it won't happen after the holiday.
Oh, I've already forgotten what our problem was.
The restream.
Oh, the restream the wrong
yes well now says justin hart caleb fixed it he did and you can view links by uh taking a picture
of that uh qr code on the screen right now and we'll see you all tomorrow at three o'clock
god sad joins me
ask dr drew is produced by caleb nation and susinsky. As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment.
This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only.
I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor,
and I am not practicing medicine here.
Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving.
Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of
this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the
information has been updated since this was published. If you or someone you know is in
immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255.
You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at slash help.