Ask Dr. Drew - Kari Lake & Jack Posobiec: Prepare For The Most Consequential Election In Modern History – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 419

Episode Date: November 2, 2024

Election Day is on November 5, 2024 – and it could be one of the most consequential days in modern history. • SPONSORED BY JUVENT – If you’re serious about optimizing your health and wellnes...s — especially if you want to strengthen your bones and improve mobility — check out the JUVENT Micro-Impact Platform. Get $500 off your Juvent today by using code DREW at Kari Lake is an Arizona candidate for US Senate. A former news anchor, Kari now proudly calls herself a “nightmare for fake news”. Find more at and follow her at Jack Posobiec is the senior editor of Human Events and host of Human Events Daily. Poso is a veteran intelligence officer of the United States Navy who was the Intelligence Director for Navy Expeditionary Forces Command Pacific – Task Force 75. He is the author of multiple bestselling books and currently lives in Washington, D.C. with his wife and their sons. Follow him at and read more at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at  • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • CAPSADYN - Get pain relief with the power of capsaicin from chili peppers – without the burning! Capsadyn's proprietary formulation for joint & muscle pain contains no NSAIDs, opioids, anesthetics, or steroids. Try it for 15% off at • CHECK GENETICS - Your DNA is the key to discovering the RIGHT medication for you. Escape the big pharma cycle and understand your genetic medication blueprint with pharmacogenetic testing. Save $200 with code DRDREW at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 as always a lot going on today we are going to have carrie lake in here in about a half an hour or so of course she's a candidate in arizona but first we have jack posobic hopefully coming by you can follow him on x at jack posobic p-o-s-o-b-i-e-c the book is bulletproof the truth about the assassination attempts on donald trump and his co-author joshua lysek joins me first off you follow him on x on joshua lysek l-i-s-e-c a lot to get into today as we're running down to this election people are getting nutty all over the place so we'll get into it after this our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre the psychopaths start this right he was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography ptsd love addiction fentanyl
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Starting point is 00:03:29 Pleasure to have you. And I did not know about your background in persuasion and hypnosis, but you're just the man for the present hour because this fascinates me greatly. I heard your interview with Scott Adams. I did not know you were involved in Wynn Bigley, which now has a new edition coming out. So congratulations on that. But most of you here to talk about the book you do with Jack Posobiec, Bulletproof. Give us a little sketch of that before we go on. We began writing this book, Bulletproof, minutes, barely hours after the first assassination attempt there on July 13th, Saturday at 6.m. Eastern Daylight Time. I was sitting in a restaurant. I got text message and I look at it and I see what's this all about. Oh no, heart sinks when you begin to open up the app and you see messages, you see videos, you see clips of all of this going down.
Starting point is 00:04:19 And then I go over to mainstream media to see, wait a second, is this being reported elsewhere? And headlines read, Trump falls on stage, firecrackers heard nearby. And I realized they were burying history. They were creating fake history in real time, just minutes after the world witnessed an assassination attempt. And my inner thought was, no, not on my watch. We're not doing that. And Jack Posobiec, who was my co-author on the previous book called Unhumans, it was a New York Times bestseller, we wanted to get the gang back together to make sure that the public would not be allowed to forget this story. Because immediately after it happened, it was buried by the media, even to the point that now Google does not, as far as we are aware, doesn't report searches per month, average searches per month for anything associated with the assassination attempts.
Starting point is 00:05:09 It shows the software that I use for SEO shows zero searches per month. Meanwhile, Trump News has like 3.2 million. Trump Updates has 1.8 million. And Trump Shooting has zero? I don't think so. So there seems to be a collective effort to bury this. Well, it's interesting. I want to bring up another example of how this was done during the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:05:34 But you mentioned bringing the team back together. Let's do exactly that right now. Jack Posavich is here. Bring him on in with us. Jack, welcome back. Dr. Drew, thanks so much for having me back on. So for either of you guys, I don't know if you remember, I was talking to someone, to Adam Carolla about this today, about how they dealt with things like ivermectin.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And you had physicians and journalists and all sorts of people from a variety of backgrounds having oversized opinions about a drug they essentially had just learned how to pronounce the name of, and the physicians were twisting themselves into pretzels to make it sort of okay what the press was saying. The reality is they should have gone, I don't know, I've never heard of this drug before, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't talk to your doctor. it's like oh my god oh my god and they had to bury anybody that made a case for ivermectin do you remember all that just seemed like the same playbook to me jack that's exactly right and so anyone who doesn't have the official narrative anyone who's putting out more information than we should he's immediately buried keep in mind dr, Dr. Drew, that we even had
Starting point is 00:06:46 the FBI director himself went in front of the house, and we detail this in the book, and spread a conspiracy theory that President Trump wasn't even shot. That, in fact, it was shrapnel, this shrapnel hoax that he had been hit from one of the teleprompters when anyone can see the video and of course the entire world is seeing the video teleprompters are perfectly intact no bullet hit these things and so you see this concerted effort for some reason from members of the official government to say that what you saw with your own eyes didn't actually happen now that one specifically it just didn't hold up in Now, that one specifically, it just didn't hold up in the face of evidence and quite frankly, in the face of reality,
Starting point is 00:07:30 which is the same thing that happened with stuff like ivermectin or things like the lockdowns and social distancing and masks and people eventually pushed beyond them with things like the assassination attempt. Initially, we were told it was fireworks, that President Trump had taken a fall, that perhaps the bullet wasn't real, but there will still be. And I actually did an interview yesterday with someone who, you know, he's, he's, I'll say this, he's, you know, he's not really politically aligned with, with a Trump supporter, even though he's much more open to Trump than someone who's on like the far, far left, if you will. But he said, look, I, and he's in California, he said, I talk to people every day who tell me that Donald Trump was not shot,
Starting point is 00:08:08 that it was staged, that it was fake, and we walked through every element of these hoaxes. Well, let me ask this then. This is a little more towards Joshua because he's the persuasion-trained individual here. It feels like this same playbook we just mentioned, too, of the sort of attempts to crush the truth, essentially. It feels like those playbooks have been underway for about eight years.
Starting point is 00:08:39 And the public, Joshua, I think it's like the playbook has been opened and we can see it now. So when they try this stuff, the public goes, oh, not really. You can try that again. There's a lot of ho-hum to this nonsense and people then go on X and try to figure things out for themselves. But is it not the case that they have sort of exhausted the playbook? That's right. That's right. A number of attempts to bring down Donald Trump and slow down the Make America Great Again populist movement have proven unsuccessful. It seems like everything they've thrown at him hasn't stuck. It hasn't worked.
Starting point is 00:09:17 And then following the debate, it was clear that Joe Biden was not going to be a serious candidate this year. And it seems like some pretty interesting timing that barely two weeks after that is this assassination attempt. Immediately prior to the RNC convention, the Republican National Convention, and the selection of Trump's vice presidential pick, if there was a time to try to end the movement once and for all. It was going to be then and there during that period after it was clear that the Biden perfect mental clarity, sharp as a tack, that conspiracy theory, it was disproven in front of the public and there was mass panic. And of course, there had been a number of comments made by Democratic leadership that we believe was effectively incitement to violence.
Starting point is 00:10:09 There was talking about using words like killing, talking about putting Trump in a bullseye. Reid Hoffman is reported as joking that he wished Trump had been made an actual martyr rather than a metaphorical one in order to create sympathy. And it's not just recently in the months and weeks prior to the shooting, but going back many, many years. And it certainly seems to those of us who are paying attention that the intent was to motivate a mentally unstable yet capable marksman to try to commit to the ultimate sin against Donald Trump himself. And that is exactly what we witnessed. There he was 140 yards away, able to take eight shots. And the strangest thing about it is that was the perfect place for a would-be assassin to be positioned. Same as with Ryan Wesley Ruth a couple of months later. They're on the golf course
Starting point is 00:11:05 hiding there by the chain link fence right outside, covered up by brush and having kind of his own tactical battlefield situation. They are perfectly positioned, both of them, to do what they wanted to do here. And both of them seem to have been motivated by that threat to democracy, literally Hitler language. Donald Trump himself, following the FBI victim briefing that he had shared, and this was reported initially by Breitbart, he described Thomas Matthew Crooks, the Butler shooter, as, quote, very liberal, unquote, which is completely different from what the mainstream media is reporting, that there was no known motive, no known political motive. We'll just never know.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Oh, well, next story, Trump's literally Hitler. Puerto Rico jokes, and they're on to the next thing. You know, Joshua, the first time I ever heard the term Trump derangement syndrome, and then abbreviated as TDS was our mutual friend Scott Adams. I'm wondering if you had something to do with that, since you're sort of a co-persuasion geek with him. And I want to share with you, I listen to French radio every morning
Starting point is 00:12:12 because I'm trying to get my language gelled with that language. And I'm fascinated by their political thing. I don't know if you guys are watching it, but it's a mess. And it's kind of fun to watch. But I'm listening and the announcer for Radio Sud is going, nous avons vu le Trump derangement syndrome.
Starting point is 00:12:30 And I was like, oh, my God, it has gone over the Atlantic, and they're using the English word Trump derangement syndrome in France, and I'm certain it's not the only country that's hearing it. But is that you, Joshua, that did that? I like to joke that Scott does all of his own stunts. I came in after the initial burst of derangement syndrome being a thing that people recognize as being real. But I will say that I was famously deprogrammed by Scott Adams, formerly an anti-Trump guy that I was. He used to be quite liberal. And it was Scott Adams via his work
Starting point is 00:13:06 on this topic that changed my mind permanently about five years ago or so, very publicly and quite hilariously. Yes. And it was, of course, using some of the principles. And it was using some of the principles of hypnosis. And, Jack,
Starting point is 00:13:22 as we get into these final hours here there you know there were two psychologists that actually characterized the trump derangement syndrome well she well she was a canadian her husband is a as a quantitative psychologist and they uh have actually documented what the risk factors are for it they've defined it it's kind of interesting it's really gone past the persuasion world into the world of psychological sciences. But as we run up into the election, what are you worried about? What should we expect? How can we prepare ourselves for whatever either side does coming into next Tuesday?
Starting point is 00:13:57 Sure. Well, I'll just say that on your previous comment there about French elections, I haven't been too involved in French politics since back in 2017 when I leaked Emmanuel Macron's campaign emails, and they were very upset with me when I did that right before their previous election. Right. By the way, he's looking pretty good compared to Sarkozy and some of the other ones.
Starting point is 00:14:20 He's looking pretty reasonable compared to, particularly compared to Mélenchon, who's a nut. Look at the French, man. Just give it to the French when it comes to their politics. But I'll say this. When it's our own election, I would say this, that I see something that's happening on the right where people are already pre-primed to view things as a fraud or as a steal. And one of the things that I've seen is people will just jump on something online and say,
Starting point is 00:14:50 I'm going to share this because it's the next big thing. And, you know, it might turn out to actually not be true. It might turn out to be an honest error, or it may be in some cases, like there was a situation yesterday in Bucks County, Pennsylvania,
Starting point is 00:15:03 which is very near my hometown, where there were actually people, the security officers, or I'm not even sure entirely who they were, but uniformed officers outside the polling place telling people they couldn't go out to vote, which was complete violation of state election law. was able to collect affidavits and get that to a lawyer. They sued in open court. There's now an injunction extending voting beyond that. So what I would just say to folks out there is I get it. We need to look out for all this. We need to be vigilant. But at the same time, we also need to clarify and verify all of the things that we see out there. So when someone pops up and says, hey, I've got the next big thing and this is what's really going on you have to be very careful because number one uh it could just be something that's completely honest error could be a mistake or potential for bad actors to get involved we know has already happened apparently it even has a name it's called like a buffalo run if i remember that which is like if you decided i've got the crack and I'm releasing the crack.
Starting point is 00:16:06 And here I see it. I got it. Hey, Drew. Hey, Drew. Can we quickly work with Jack's mic a little bit? It's crackly on this end, and it will not be a podcast if we don't address it really quick. Okay. Caleb, you want to help us out with that while I go off about the crackings?
Starting point is 00:16:19 Which is that- I think he just needs to know. It's coming through like really grainy and crackly. Do you have... Jack, you might just have to refresh the Zoom call or just make sure that in Zoom you have the correct microphone selected because we can barely hear you. So we'll let Jack...
Starting point is 00:16:36 Okay. Sorry to mean to interrupt, but I had to do it. So I will say, Joshua, that people get very excited about things that really is, frankly, confirmation bias. Cognitive dissonance, cognitive distortions is alive and well, and you've got to check yourself. You're as bad as anybody else. You want to be better. You want to be cautious, careful, check your sources, be scientific.
Starting point is 00:17:02 The scientific method is supposed to buttress us against the weaknesses in this instrument but do you worry about the buffalo runs yourself joshua i did previously until there were a number of influencers on the right for example joshua steinman being one of them he was an official in the first trump administration he he and others like Mike Cernovich, like Jack Posobiec and so began and Scott Adams began calling these tactics out and saying, wait a second, if it sounds exactly like the sort of thing that you would expect, maybe they're aware of that. And maybe they push this. Two on the nose, two on the nose.
Starting point is 00:17:39 If it's too much to just go, I don't know. Yeah. And understanding this confirmation bias, looking for reasons to believe this is the real deal. We had to be careful with research for bulletproof because the official story seems to be bunk. The least evidence is available to support that theory, but there are a number of other plausible scenarios. And so we laid it out. Funny enough, we did in the book, a social experiment asking chat GPT-4-0, what artificial intelligence believes is the likeliest explanation. And we said, okay, what are the odds of all of these so-called security failures,
Starting point is 00:18:26 all occurring all at once on the same day when most of them had not occurred before, much less simultaneously. And all of them occurring at exactly the same time that a trained marksman is 140 yards away. One in one septillion. That's the odds of that happening entirely by chance. One in one septillion. Who calculated that for you, speaking of being careful with your sources? Yes, we had ChatGPT do that, of all things. We laid out, here's what we see.
Starting point is 00:19:00 And we did not want to say, here's... That's comical. Here's a theory that we're going to weave. And so it's Microsoft, which is not exactly known for being a conservative organization. And ChatGPT is famous for producing left-wing aligned, leftist aligned output. And its analysis was, given the odds of all of these things occurring simultaneously, it begs the question if it was, in fact, all occurring independently, and there was not some prior organization
Starting point is 00:19:32 between and among these individuals involved. And so that is, we're going up to the line of saying there was, in fact, an inside job here, but the odds are what they are. The probability is what it is. And we lay out all the math and we show the work that, and we'll see the prompts and the output
Starting point is 00:19:52 for ChatGPT with this hypothesis. And then Jack and I, we were both there in the front row for the second Butler rally. And everything was set up exactly as it was for the first one. And the first thing I noticed was how deep in the pocket of security Thomas Matthew Crooks had to have been. And yet he was seen that day walking around calmly, coolly,
Starting point is 00:20:16 casually, confidently, even cocky. And he does not seem to be someone who's trying to hide. Despite having a rifle, despite having a range finder, he's going about his business. Not what you would expect of someone who's afraid of being caught. He does not act like someone who's afraid of being caught. And that gave me pause. And then seeing the way that the stands were arranged,
Starting point is 00:20:40 that was really the only spot he could have had a clear shot at Donald Trump. And he would have had to have known how everything was going to be set up beforehand. And he would have had to have known there was not going to be a counter sniper watching him from his position to catch him. Hey Jack, I want to jump off the assassination book for just a second and talk about your website. Is that The Independent? Is that what it's called? Or is that just where you contribute? Is that yours? We have the
Starting point is 00:21:19 Okay. I found a contribution of yours in any event. And in that, I just saw an interesting headline I wanted to ask you about. It was essentially that the moderate middle is a myth. And I thought, oh, that's kind of an interesting thing to say. I consider myself middle, sort of radically middle, stuck in the middle, able to see the excesses on both sides. Am I kidding myself? Well, I'll put it this way. When it comes to voting,
Starting point is 00:21:48 we haven't seen a lot of moderate middle really be out there. When it comes to this, and people will talk about the sort of socially liberal, financially conservative voter. And when you plot that out on using exit polls, and when you plot that out in terms of voting, you're looking at maybe a tiny, tiny swath of the party in such a way that if either of the national parties, Republicans or the Democrats, were attempting to construct their policies to really fit that type of voter, you're just not going to see it there. The electorate doesn't exist in any meaningful sense, certainly not in the nationwide vote and definitely not in the swing state vote. This is one of the reasons, by the way, that you don't really see third parties coalescing very strongly other than in a few distinct districts, maybe a state district or a state house, state senate, or a couple of times you'll see third-party governorships get in. But really, what we tend to see more is a coalescing
Starting point is 00:22:50 among a different type of voter, one which is, and this is quite interesting, socially conservative and financially liberal. And that type of voter actually is a swath where if you look at Donald Trump's positions, if you look at his statements and where he's shifted the Republican party, put it this way, Republicans and conservatives can move to the left on economics more so than they can on the social issues. And this certainly involves things like guns, abortion, etc. But Democrats, we've seen by and large, cannot move to the left on anything. And this is something that we've seen in a huge way.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Look where the party was for the Republican side just a few years back when Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan were the standard bearers. They were campaigning on privatizing social security, getting rid of Medicare and Medicaid, completely gutting Obamacare, getting rid of all of these various programs. Whereas Donald Trump comes in and he's talking about getting rid of taxes on social security payments, getting rid of taxes on tips, slashing all of these things, and would never even dream of touching any of them. This is why, by the way, you would see that President Trump was able to flip the Rust Belt in 2016, came very close in 2020. Of course, we're seeing the Rust Belt play a huge role in 2024 again. So it really is the question of, are you talking about social issues versus economic issues? Because on economic economic issues we are seeing a lot
Starting point is 00:24:26 more of this of this middle ground than you are on the traditional social issues which is where people usually try to draw that dichotomy and jack i i want to ask you again about the run-up to tuesday because you're you were a former intelligence officer and i'm wondering if you are there things that you worry about that the average person would not, that's sort of not in the public discourse routinely? I mean, there's lots of things we could point at, but what do you worry about when you think about, from your training and perspective, are there things that we should all be thinking about that is going on in Jack Posobiec's head? Well, certainly, I worry about a number of things. Obviously, we've got these politicians out there like Josh Shapiro, who's my current governor, who has his own issues where he wants to be the next president after Kamala Harris. to potentially get in like, obviously, we've seen these fire bombings go on in Washington State,
Starting point is 00:25:28 Free Gaza, I think was painted on a number of the messages. And again, these issues about potential violence or potential unrest at the polls on election day when you've got any mass situation like this is always going to be an issue. That's why I'm always telling people, look, take the anxiety out of it. No black pills, no black pilling. That's why I'm always telling people, look, take the anxiety out of it. No black pills, no black pilling. That's something we always talk about. Black pilling is that embrace of despair, right? We want white pills.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And the best way to white pill yourself is to think, all right, something is going on. Here is the training. My training is I am going to pull out my phone. I am going to document this. I am going to talk to people that are nearby me that will be willing to witness this. And perhaps I'm going to have in my back pocket a phone number for one of the election centers from either President Trump or whoever, one of the state election centers, if that's what you're interested in, so that you will know how to get that information directly to a lawyer. And if depending on where you are in the state, like if you're in Philadelphia, I know, for example, just because I've done elections there
Starting point is 00:26:28 for a long time, that you could get a lawyer there within 30 minutes to adjudicate any situation that might be going on. So that knowledge of having a system that I like in the military, they train you to prepare for these events before they take place so that when an emergency or when anything might happen that triggers that fight or fight response, rather than giving into one or the other, you go into your training. You say, wait a minute, that response never takes place because you realize I've encountered something like this in training before. And when this scenario occurred, this is what I did.
Starting point is 00:27:00 And it worked out very well. So we've got to think about that prior run through those scenarios in your head. What do you do if this happens? What do you do if Antifa shows up? What do you do if anyone nefarious shows up? What do you do if someone shows up with a fake badge that is walking around saying that they're an election official or an election official like we saw in Pennsylvania here yesterday? Well, you would film them and then you would go to get clarity later. You may be a lawyer yourself if you're a lawyer then please by all means conduct a legal investigation and know the statutes but at the same time if you don't get those videos out forward or you give into those anxieties and you just start getting caught in that rabbit hole of i'm going to share everything
Starting point is 00:27:39 that i see that looks like it's a problem or I'm going to put that out in my family chat or whatever it is, then what you're really doing is you're just giving into anxiety rather than taking positive action to do something to better yourself and potentially even help you sign the election. Yeah, that's really good advice. Gentlemen, I'm going to let you go. I thank you all for coming in a little bit early. Congratulations on the book. I'm guessing you guys are already working on something else. What's your next book going to be about? Oh, Joshua, I don't know if we can reveal that yet, can we?
Starting point is 00:28:12 I don't know. We've got some plans. I'll say this. We've been discussing spirituality a little bit. Discussing spirituality a little bit. Okay, so we want you back soon. I have a show about spirituality but um this one we got his mic working perfectly i want to thank you but we
Starting point is 00:28:30 will have you guys back soon but i in spirituality you know we to your point uh i've been saying for quite some time we've been in a spiritual uh vacuum in this country for quite quite a while however however you want to conceive of that everyone has got some spiritual malady and certainly I deal with a lot on the addiction front it's pretty wild and going at the core the source of that
Starting point is 00:28:54 could be a worthy project so have at it gentlemen I look forward to that thank you, God bless thank you Dr. Deer we'll see you soon you got it, Joshua L lysek on x uh jack posobic on x uh p-o-s-o-b-i-e-c and uh lysek l-i-s-e-c we're gonna have carrie lake in here
Starting point is 00:29:14 a minute of course she is a candidate in arizona for the u.s senate um she is a former news anchor and now she proudly calls herself a nightmare for the fake news and i always get interested in talking to her about journalism and what happened to it and it's just so mysterious to me what we're what we're calling journalism now and that it's still it doesn't seem to correct course much it's a little bit it'd be interesting to see if she sees any correction out there but uh and caleb i assume she's nearby. Is that accurate? She's on her way. She'll be in soon. It's a very busy time for her. Elections are close. For everybody. I get it. I understand it for everybody and we appreciate her being here.
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Starting point is 00:32:19 dolphin research. The Navy maintains a fleet of dolphins and a brilliant veterinarian recognized that these dolphins sometimes developed a syndrome identical to our Alzheimer's disease. Those dolphins were deficient in a particular fatty acid. She replaced the fatty acid and they didn't get the Alzheimer's. Humans have the same issue and we are more deficient in this particular fatty acid than ever before. And a simple replacement of this fatty acid called C15 will help us prevent these syndromes. It's published in a recent journal called Metabolites. It's a new nutritional C15, pentadecanoic acid, it's called. The deficiency that we are developing for C15 creates something called the cellular fragility syndrome. This is the first nutritional deficiency syndrome to be
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Starting point is 00:35:10 If you already have a British Birkfeld system or an equivalent, Juvent will donate two systems on your behalf. Just use the offer code HELENRELIEF at checkout alongside, I'm sorry, you're right, HELENRELIEF at checkout alongside code DREW for that $500 off. It is Carrie Lake joining us, of course, the candidate for Arizona state senator in Washington. Carrie, welcome to the program. Oh, my goodness. It's good to see you, Dr. Drew, running for U.S. Senate in the great state of Arizona, State 48, as we call it.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And we just jumped off the campaign trail to sit down with you. I said, I got to have some time with Dr. Drew, and thank you for having us. I appreciate it. I was looking at some of our old conversations, and it's interesting how things change. How has your perspective changed on the political process going through all this? I mean, you were an anchor journalist and now candidate for Senate. How's it been? You know, actually a lot of the same skills. You know, I'm always, the beautiful thing about being a journalist is you're always learning and you're always talking to people and hearing their stories and learning about issues. And I've been
Starting point is 00:36:19 constantly doing that. It's like being a lifelong student, which is a wonderful thing, a wonderful opportunity. I think the way things have changed is for the people of this state, while we had an incredible movement that President Trump ushered in with the America First movement, MAGA, whatever you want to call it, back in 2016. And I think it even grew in 2020. Of course, COVID changed a lot of things and a lot of shenanigans were played. In 2020, we had a statewide similar MAGA movement here when I ran for governor. But what's incredible right now is I feel this movement has grown even bigger.
Starting point is 00:36:58 It's moved beyond Republican-Democrat. We're not Republican-Democrat anymore. We are Americanism versus communism. Some people might say socialism. I kind of think we've already taken a step further from that. And we're watching as Arizona's just come together and I get Democrats come up to me and say, oh my gosh, we are voting for you and President Trump. Like our lives depend on it. We have independence. It's just, it's unifying. It's actually a big unifying movement right now. When I hear you say that, I think about the infringements on personal liberties that have been suggested and perpetrated, particularly as it pertains to speech.
Starting point is 00:37:39 And that is so mind-boggling to me, for that is a super clear line in the sand. And I'm guessing it's that sort of thing that is wearing people down where they're just like we can't have this anymore it's got to stop it starts to get really scary when you're being censored it starts to get really scary when uh you're watching the president uh joe biden i think he's still the president i don't know i don't know who's running the country, but is that Susan? Yeah. I mean, she doesn't realize that. She has headphones on. She doesn't realize how loud she is on my mic. It's like, I'm like, whoa. I actually startle.
Starting point is 00:38:14 We laugh about it, but we should be crying about it. I mean, who's running our country right now? But Joe Biden coming out last night, I think it was last night, and calling Trump supporters, which is, I believe, well over half of the country. I actually think we're pushing on really, really big numbers that were garbage. I mean, listen, I know that not everybody in this state is voting for me, and I don't despise them or dislike them. As a matter of fact, I love the people of my state and of this country. I believe that the policies that President Trump, that myself, we're going to push are going to make everyone's lives better. And I don't want to disparage them. You mean everyone who doesn't support you is not a Nazi or a Bolshevik or some delusional thing that people seem to be preoccupied with? No, it's really, it's gotten crazy.
Starting point is 00:39:08 And I don't sense that kind of feeling on the ground. I talk to more Arizonans than anybody. And what I sense from Arizonans is they're ready for the election to end. They're ready for the ads to end. I mean, I think just the ads on TV. You're a therapist. You're a psychiatrist and a psychologist. I don't know exactly what your title is.
Starting point is 00:39:29 I'm an internist addictionologist, but I worked in a psychiatric hospital as a physician for 30 years. So I'm very familiar with all that. Election season always weighs on people. It's like a heaviness that we carry around. But this one in particular, the ads are very aggressive and ugly. You know, I haven't had, I've had $100 million in ads thrown at me. So I just met some kids today on the campaign trail.
Starting point is 00:39:52 They came running up and hugging me. I'm so blessed that I love kids and they love me back. But one of them said, I don't like the TV ads when they say bad things about you. And I thought, wow, the kids even see this. I think we sometimes forget as we're talking and arguing and debating, more arguing than debating, unfortunately, our kids are listening. And that can be very difficult for our children.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Yes. And we already told them to shelter in place. And they're going to kill their teacher and their grandmas. We have destroyed those. When they wake up and really start thinking for themselves, they're going to kill their teacher and their grandma's we we have destroyed those when they wake up and really start thinking for themselves they're going to be angry and i'm all for it i can't wait for when that happens because they should be angry but i want to read something that just came on yeah i agree with you i think yeah uh from cnn this is kind of interesting you mentioned you know i when you're elected to public office, you're supposed to be representing all the people. The garbage included President Biden. And
Starting point is 00:40:51 it's interesting that a pollster on CNN just said this. This was like an hour ago. This guy named is Frank Luntz. And he says, it's going to be huge, these garbage comments he made. This is not some comedian saying something stupid and offensive at a rally. And he goes on to say, Trump seized on this. The basket of deplorables was significant in 2016. I promise you this is going to drive Trump turnout. And I'm sure there's going to be ads as soon as tonight about the garbage comments. It really is a bridge too far, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:41:27 What was he, is he, do you think this is a, I'm going to ask you this, this is kind of a silly speculation, but some of the things he says makes me wonder if he's trying to undermine the Kamala's presidency campaign. I've heard that. I've seen some tweets to that effect. I'm not sure if he's that on top of it to be thinking that strategically, but it definitely didn't help. You're right. It's a lot different. A comedian makes a bad joke. And when you don't laugh, it's kind of an indicator to that comedian. Maybe that's a joke worth pulling out of the set.
Starting point is 00:42:09 Nobody liked it. It's different from a comedian, from the man who is supposedly leading our country, representing all of us. And look, I'm going to represent the people of Arizona. I'm not going to agree with everybody ideologically. Politically, we have differences of opinion. But I certainly respect the people of Arizona. I'm not going to agree with everybody ideologically. Politically, we have differences of opinion, but I certainly respect the people of this state. Ask my husband. We've been out where somebody kind of not got in my face, but said, hey, I disagree with you on that, and I think you're wrong on something. I always try to go up and have a conversation with them because I always think that starting a conversation is the first step toward wondering and finding out if you can see eye to eye on something.
Starting point is 00:42:49 And when you can start to see eye to eye on one or two issues, then it's a lot easier to discuss those issues that you don't see eye to eye on. And it doesn't mean you're going to come to a consensus. It might just mean that you walk away where I respect a little bit of what you've said about that issue, and you respect a little bit about what I said, and we understand where we're coming from. And I'm hoping we can get there. I think we will get there because I'm sensing the country is starting to gel and come together. We're watching as these corrupt individuals in Washington, D.C., who are fighting so hard against President Trump. I mean, Kamala Harris in one of the most recent events that she did,
Starting point is 00:43:26 I can't remember who she was being interviewed by, every time they would ask her something, she blamed it on President Trump. And I wanted to tap into the TV and say, just a little reminder, he has not been in office the past four years. Right, it was Brett Barrett, I think. It was that Brett Barrett interview where he was shooting everything. What have you done? It's kind of like if your kids try to, you know, you call your kids out on something they messed up and they try to blame it on the dog ate my homework or they blame it on their little sister or their big brother.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Yeah, yeah. Eventually, you have to stop and be held accountable for what you have done. And I think she had a couple of opportunities that she messed up on. And she could have said, when they asked her the other day, what would you have done. And I think she had a couple of opportunities that she messed up on. And she could have said, when they asked her the other day, what would you have done differently? I mean, she's even admitted that the cost of things are too high.
Starting point is 00:44:14 She's admitted that we need to make a change. But what she couldn't admit is that they did anything wrong. And actually, when you admit you've done something wrong, there's a way you show some humbleness there. And she failed to do that and missed an opportunity. Yeah, there's so much opportunity for people to go, hey, I got that wrong. Sorry, I'm adjusting chorus. Here's how. That's how we're going to build trust in all of our institutions, my profession, public health, government. She could have just blamed Biden. That's right, Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And then apologize. But to these points,
Starting point is 00:44:48 as we hit the run-up to your senatorial campaign and senatorial election, are there things you want to clarify, set straight? Are there issues still lingering on your campaign platform? You know, I feel really good about where we stand on the issues because I've seen the solutions that the America First group presents and suggests versus what the modern day Democrat Party, I don't even like to say Democrat Party because I have a lot of friends who are Democrats and they don't even subscribe to this nonsense that's being pushed. I don't even, I think somebody's taken over the Democrat Party. But I look at what Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and my opponent, Ruben Gallego, have offered to America the past three and a half, almost four years versus what we had with President Trump.
Starting point is 00:45:34 And I just believe deeply that the solutions offered by America First, they help all of us. As evidenced by the extremely low, historically low unemployment levels for black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women, men, members of our tribal community were doing better under President Trump. I look at how much more safe our border was. I've covered the border for 30 years. We'd never had a safe border before until President Trump came on the scene. So I just look at results. And whether you love the person, the personality, or you don't, you have to admit we had better results under President Trump. So I'm happy about that. I'm not a perfect person. I've never said I was. And I don't know, maybe I rubbed some people the wrong way.
Starting point is 00:46:25 That's a possibility. I think none of us are perfect. And I want to have the vote of every Arizonan. And I want them to know that I'm only in this because I care about this state. Believe me, nobody gets into this for the fun of it. It's grueling. I've had $100 million in ads. I've watched as the media that
Starting point is 00:46:45 I used to work in, Dr. Drew has attacked me relentlessly every single day. It's negative, tearing me down. And, but I don't care about that. Why these are former peers and things. What, what is it? Is it that you attack them for being the fake news? They didn't like that. I believe it's because there's a lot of very, very far left people in the media. It makes me laugh when people go, are you going to be able to work with Democrats? And I laugh and I say, well, I did work in the media. 98% of the media is Democrat. I worked with them every day. And I frankly got along with the people in the media. I just believe politically they're so head in the sand
Starting point is 00:47:27 when it comes to, they have to push for the Democrat party because they have pushed for that the whole time. And they don't want to relent and say, well, maybe we were wrong on a couple of things. I'm not saying that everything that President Trump did, he got right perfectly, right? That first term was difficult for him being an outsider. He brought people in. He's even admitted it recently that he brought some people in and surrounded himself with some people who might not have been the best fit. But you're walking into a new situation as an outsider. You don't know who's who. You're assuming the people in your own party are going to be there with you. And he found out the hard
Starting point is 00:48:03 way that there's a lot of snakes in that swamp. I'm not saying I'm right on everything, but I always want to learn and grow. And I certainly want to do the right thing by the people of this state. Yeah. What happened to your profession? You know, I talked to Cheryl Ackeson a couple of days ago, and she gave me faith. Okay, there are investigative journalists out there. I've come upon them, but they're not working in the day in, day out media sphere.
Starting point is 00:48:33 And the ones that are there are self-righteous and have an irrational certitude about everything they're saying. It's the weirdest thing. I've never seen anything like this. Do you have a theory about what's happened? Is it just the business forces on journalism? I think for the corporate media, the legacy media, the five or six corporations that control the vast majority of the media, there's people who are working for a paycheck. They've been contributing to their 401k. Maybe they still have a pension. And to walk away from that is scary. I walked away from that. It is scary. I walked away from a seven-figure contract and said, I'm not going to be a
Starting point is 00:49:09 propagandist. I signed up to be a journalist. So I know it's scary. But I also believe that they're starting to see at the end of the road that this is not going to go well. I've been saying it for a long time, Drew, that I believe we've been too willy-nilly giving away these FCC licenses. Those things are gold. They're like the biggest gold bar you can have if you're in media. Think of CBS. Recently, President Trump called them out, and he was right to do so, and other journalists. I think Cheryl has even called them out.
Starting point is 00:49:39 They took an interview with Kamala Harris, and they edited it to make her look better. Do you think for one second that they would have edited an interview with President Trump to make him look better? I think they might have edited it to make him look worse, but not better. And that's completely unethical, but more so than that, it's actually election interference. Right. And so we're giving them an fcc license you will explain what that means because i don't think people really understand that they're supposed to be providing a public surface of news not opinion news and that they've lost that and you could you could easily justify as you're sort of tilting at, taking those privileges away.
Starting point is 00:50:26 An FCC license, it allows you to broadcast over the free media, which is the basic channels that everybody has access to. And I believe it was put in place, if I'm right, to be able to, if there were a serious emergency where the government could then interrupt. We've all seen those where they do an emergency test of the broadcast system, right, where they kind of break into programming. We've seen those where in the middle of watching something and all of a sudden they're doing an emergency test. That's really what our airwaves are for, to get information out to the people if there's ever a serious emergency.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Thankfully, that's very rare. But we have the airwaves. We want to maintain them. We want them up and running where people are there and we can get information to them in case of an emergency. And when there's not an emergency, we give those FCC licenses out to somebody who's going to behave responsibly and put out programming. I find that word interesting, programming. Sometimes you're wondering if they are trying to program us. And so it allows various networks, Fox, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, to put out information. And sometimes it's fun entertainment. It might be American Idol. It might be an NFL football game.
Starting point is 00:51:39 This is why it's so valuable, by the way. These networks make a fortune selling advertising when there's a big NFL game or an NBA game or a big show that they have. So they're making a fortune off of these licenses. And I can tell you, after working for 30 years in broadcasting, they value that license. It allows them to do business. If somebody makes a complaint about them, profanity on the airwaves, things like that, they can get a hit or strike against them, and there's a shot they could lose their FCC license. So they never, ever, ever want to do anything that rocks the boat that would take away their FCC license. Well, let me tell you, these corporate media giants have done a lot to rock the boat. They've literally lied to the people of this country over the last
Starting point is 00:52:25 several years. They've done a smear campaign against President Trump. They have interfered in elections. They've withheld information that was pertinent and important to our health when it came to their coverage of COVID. And I believe we need to call these heads of these corporate media giants in front of Congress and say, why did you do this? Who was behind it? Did you know you were putting out false information? Did you know? In some ways, I think they've defrauded the public by lying to us. So why are we just willy-nilly handing these out? Because we have all along. I think it's time we re-examine how we give out these FCC licenses and re-examine it. You know, they don't even let President Trump on some of these networks for many years and months. They took his family off.
Starting point is 00:53:11 They didn't want to put his, whenever they did have an interview with him, it was cut and pasted to make him look terrible. They do the same thing to me. And all we want is a free and fair press. We're not getting that right now. We need to push to make sure we have that once again. Yeah, Kerry, I read the policy from the FCC, the Federal Trade Commission, Federal Communication Commission, policies against news distortion in TV and radio broadcast
Starting point is 00:53:37 applies to deliberate distortion of significant news events. And this whole thing, what you're describing, reminds me of the cozy relationship between the FDA and the pharma companies. It makes me wonder if there's some distorting influence here between the business world and the FCC. And that's something maybe Robert F. Kennedy, if he gets in there, can look at as well. In addition to making us healthy, he can make our news and information healthy as well. I've heard from people who are insiders that when they started advertising big pharma on these networks, it was many times as a way, because you see these ads and you go, who would buy that drug when they're telling you
Starting point is 00:54:17 these are the 50 different side effects and you're homicidal, they'll make you suicidal. It'll give you kidney failure. And and you're like who would take that but it's really um a way for big pharma i i've heard many insiders and whistleblowers say those ads are a way for big pharma to kind of uh pay back and say thank you to the broadcast media for not blowing the whistle not not covering them with scrutiny. And I think we need to examine that as well, these ads that are handing over basically hand over fist hundreds of millions of dollars to the corporate media from the corporate big pharma.
Starting point is 00:55:01 It's just a way of kind of shifting money around. Yeah, I've heard similar speculation. Because you're like, how many people are taking Sky Rizzy that they're going to make profit from these expensive commercials that are a minute and a half from primetime? And I've heard that, no, no, that's not the intent. The intent is to have control over those organizations. And to, as you say, give a nod back to that. If you're going to run an ad against this drug we're putting out, then that $10 million ad buy we bought for that first quarter, that's going to go away. And it's pretty scary. I remember once I was at a hotel.
Starting point is 00:55:37 We were on a trip. I think we were doing a fundraising trip. And we were sitting there waiting in the hotel lobby to take off, and I saw a whole segment. I think it was like Good Morning America or something like that, and childhood depression, and they did a whole thing, and they were interviewing people. And then the segment ended, and they said,
Starting point is 00:55:56 this segment was brought to you by, and they named the drug company, and then they did two ads on their drug which to treat childhood depression and i thought that seems like a conflict of interest doesn't it i mean where are the ethics here something you've been asking we've for when i first found you it was you your your skill in sort of addressing the distortions in your colleagues and their how they approached you and how they the questions they asked and how you could tell they were going to distort everything. And I just love that. They seem to be? They seem to be totally losing control right now. No, they've definitely been doing that. But
Starting point is 00:56:38 have you noticed, Dr. Drew, in the past even month, three or four weeks, it seems to be spiraling into a level of almost hysteria from some of these people as if they know the jig is up. No, there's two things I've noticed. One is hysteria with delusional thought processes. I mean, frankly, delusional thinking. I mean, they're unassailable. They can't be convinced out of these Nazis are coming to get them. That's something that psychotic patients think about.
Starting point is 00:57:09 That's not what a normal person thinks about. Number one. And number two, they've become inconsolable and they just have fallen into this sort of pit that I'm really worried about, actually. I don't like that we're, I love Americans. I'm a moderate. I like both sides. I want people to thrive. That's all I really care about. But the mental health distortions, the hysteria, exactly what you're talking about, has become of actual concern, clinically of concern to me. And God knows we have a youth crisis in mental health that we've created through COVID and other things. But listen, I know you're very, very busy. I want to get you back out on the campaign trail. We appreciate it always when you spend some time with us, and we look forward to celebrating you
Starting point is 00:57:59 and your victory coming forward. Thank you. And we're going to work hard. I really mean this, and I'm glad you mentioned you're a moderate. I know they call me an extremist and all these. I'm really not. I'm just someone who likes to solve problems. I believe we can solve these problems. I believe we're going to come together as Americans. I want to frankly help save our kiddos, these young people. I just talked to a high schooler and she said, can you please help us? She goes, I don't feel like I learned anything in high school except division and confusion. And I think we're going to have some healing to do with this young generation. And I'm looking forward to helping get us through that. So you might be called upon to help us with that, Dr. Drew. We're going to need your help. Count on me. I'm there. Carrie Lake at
Starting point is 00:58:44 her at Carrie Lake on X. Good luck, Carrie. Nice to We're going to need your help. Count on me. I'm there. Carrie Lake at her Carrie Lake on X. Good luck, Carrie. Nice to talk to you. Thank you. And coming up for us, Susan, your show is tomorrow. If you want to jump on mic and talk about it, it's Halloween. Naomi Wolf and Cindy Kayser is one of your exceptional talents. Okay. Yeah, that's it. That's what you have to say about it. Caleb won't put me on the screen. No, your mic is off. No, it's on now.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Okay. Can you show my face, Caleb? Well, we got the big. Maybe he fell asleep. There we go. There you are. No, he was putting the schedule up. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:59:19 But can I sell my show? Okay. This is a big one, everybody. It's Halloween, and that's a big deal for psychic mediums. Tomorrow we have Naomi Wolf. We have two psychic mediums, one who is from the Holzer Files, medium Cindy Kesa. She is a well-known psychic medium on the Travel Channel. And also Lauren Rainbow, who they work together it's going to be such a great show because Naomi
Starting point is 00:59:46 has agreed to be on the show with us and some other great casts so you know I'd love to see you there tomorrow and thank you for watching at 2 o'clock eastern 11 o'clock we're going at an earlier time it's going to be 2pm so you can get out to the trick or treat so Caleb can go out
Starting point is 01:00:01 so Caleb can go 11 pacific 2 p.m eastern and also um just you know tune in set your alarms you're gonna really love it it'll be fun do you have pictures of uh what the family's going out as uh not quite yet but i'm gonna have it soon we'll we're taking some tonight so we'll get them up soon excellent cute And also, what was the other thing I wanted to tell everybody? I can't remember. Anyways, we'll see you tomorrow. All right.
Starting point is 01:00:31 And I will put up the schedule. Oh, we have like 60,000 people watching on X right now. So I just wanted to say hi to everybody on X. Thank you for watching and joining the broadcast, as well as Rumble and YouTube and Facebook. We really, really appreciate your your viewership yeah we do indeed and uh this thing's you people you'd like me to talk to you like to hear from topics whatever please contact at go ahead and uh bring us up there
Starting point is 01:00:56 and we'll try to try to keep up with it and you'll see the guests coming up here right now let's put that list up kayla okay let's go back to this is what this is what's susan was being pushed off camera to uh to show let's see if we can get that up i know we have salty cracker coming in right after the election we have jillian michaels coming in uh jimmy door uh i have a special thing with him next friday the 8th uh so keep an eye out for that. Tyler Fisher got booked, of course. He's got his ass in a sling. He plays the character of woke Jordan Peterson. Anyone, if you've been on the internet, you'll know that, who he is. Well, and he does a mean Trump, and he got his ass in a sling with Delta Airline for some stuff. And we thought, we've already got Tyler in here.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Let's support him. And Remy Adelik will be back again. He's always great. He's a human trafficking expert. He's a special forces guy. He's doing a master class or something like that. Excellent.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Do you know what that is? Yes. I don't know what the topic is, but he essentially teaches. And he's got... Probably human trafficking. It might be around intelligence. He's an intelligence officer
Starting point is 01:02:02 and he can learn how to sort of... I don't know. We'll see. We'll see what he has to say. Again, Salty Cracker and he can learn how to sort of, I don't know. We'll see. We'll see what he has to say. Again, salty crackers should be fun. And you can do, of course, follow-up updates and ask Dr. Drew. And, yeah, stay safe, everybody. Take it easy.
Starting point is 01:02:17 Enjoy Halloween. It's going to be all right. We're going to make it through this. We appreciate X. We love you guys. And, Caleb, anything else from your standpoint uh yeah again early two o'clock for susan go ahead i just want to remind everyone of the wise words of our president uh please forgive him for he not knoweth what he said and on that i'd like to leave
Starting point is 01:02:40 you that is something that caleb just drummed up during the show. That is in response to President Biden talking about the human garbage that I think he was alleging supports former President Trump. And let me be clear about, let me say this. I was going to say this to Kerry, but I saved it for the end here. Tony Hangecliffe is somebody I know very well. He's an insult comic. That's what he does. And if you don't know that Puerto Rico has an issue with landfill, you would know he was poking at that. There you go. Is that for me too? Not just for President Biden? It's like one of my new favorites. I'm going to start replying to people's comments all the time, and I'm just going to drop in this meme just constantly. He not knoweth what he said.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Wow. It's so profound. Well, I believe somebody, Jesus of Nazareth is quoted as having said something, if not exactly that, something very similar. But again, good. Forgiveness is a great asset, as is gratitude, as is humility. These are all things we can cultivate. Posavik was saying with Joshua Lysak that they're going to get a book on this.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I look forward to that. It's an important topic. If you guys have issues or people you want me to talk to in that zone, contact and do check out our supporter site. We really stand behind some of these products that we have the great privilege. slash sponsors. There you go. And we will see you tomorrow
Starting point is 01:04:09 at 2 o'clock Eastern, 11 o'clock Pacific. Have a great Halloween, everybody. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute
Starting point is 01:04:21 for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated
Starting point is 01:04:48 since this was published. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me, call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at slash help.

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