Ask Dr. Drew - Lionel on Shadow Governments, Free Speech & The Cult Of COVID-19 – Ask Dr. Drew – Episode 77
Episode Date: March 7, 2022Lionel is a talk radio veteran, trial lawyer, former prosecutor, author, pioneer podcaster, and multi-platform legal and media analyst. Lionel has hosted shows for Court TV, WABC, Air America, and RT.... He has his own subscription video channel, free from draconian limitations as to expression. Find more at and [This episode originally aired on Feb 17, 2022. Watch the video from this episode at] Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( SPONSORS • REFRAME – Since the beginning of the pandemic, nearly 1 in 5 Americans has reported consuming an unhealthy amount of alcohol, but only 10% of them are actually getting the help they need. Reframe is a neuroscience-based smartphone app that helps users cut back or quit drinking alcohol. Use the code DRDREW for 25% off your first month or annual subscription at • BLUE MICS – After more than 30 years in broadcasting, Dr. Drew’s iconic voice has reached pristine clarity through Blue Microphones. But you don’t need a fancy studio to sound great with Blue’s lineup: ranging from high-quality USB mics like the Yeti, to studio-grade XLR mics like Dr. Drew’s Blueberry. Find your best sound at • HYDRALYTE – “In my opinion, the best oral rehydration product on the market.” Dr. Drew recommends Hydralyte’s easy-to-use packets of fast-absorbing electrolytes. Learn more about Hydralyte and use DRDREW25 at checkout for a special discount at • ELGATO – Every week, Dr. Drew broadcasts live shows from his home studio under soft, clean lighting from Elgato’s Key Lights. From the control room, the producers manage Dr. Drew’s streams with a Stream Deck XL, and ingest HD video with a Camlink 4K. Add a professional touch to your streams or Zoom calls with Elgato. See how Elgato’s lights transformed Dr. Drew’s set: THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. This show is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information exchanged during participation in this program, including interactions with and any affiliated websites, are intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Today is no exception.
We today are going to speak to Lionel.
He's a talk radio veteran, trial lawyer, former
prosecutor, author, pioneer podcaster, multi-platform legal and media analyst. Lionel has his own
subscription video channel, free from limitations. You can go to Lionel, L-I-O-N-E-L. Make sure I get
that right. Lionel, yep. You can also follow him on Twitter at Lionel Media.
And I heard him speaking about media.
I thought that would be an interesting thing for us to get into.
Our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre.
A psychopath started this.
He was an alcoholic.
Because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin.
Ridiculous. I'm a doctor for f***'s sake. Where the hell do you think I learned that? because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction. Fentanyl and heroin, ridiculous.
I'm a doctor for f***'s sake.
Where the hell do you think I learned that?
I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people.
I am a clinician.
I observe things about these chemicals.
Let's just deal with what's real.
We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time.
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I got a lot to say. I got a lot more to treat. If you have trouble, you can't stop, and you want to help stop it, I can help. I got a lot to say.
I got a lot more to say.
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Drew Lionel.
Welcome to the program.
Thank you.
It's a pleasure to be here.
There you are.
So I'm sure we'll get into other topics,
but the,
I don't know where you were.
It was on some other cable type platform and you were talking about media
And I thought,
that's a guy that has a lot of interesting ideas about media.
And I'm sure we can dovetail into talks about Joe Rogan and journalism and some of these other topics that are so heated.
Well, I'm not boring, but if you think so, good.
I like to hear this.
But what's happening to media?
Where is media going?
And what is it doing to us?
Okay. First of all, frame of reference, I am nine days older than you. So we are from a particular
interesting epic. Interesting. We are from the 58 Club, by the way, some of the greatest,
I mean, everybody from Madonna, Prince, Michael Jackson, you, me. So I've been through this,
and I started off in talk radio by accident at the nascent
development of rush limbaugh and saw what happened then there was never been anything
since rush limbaugh in reference to to the the platform then went from that saw the internet
just like you and i've seen this so i can point to various things. I can say, here is the various collective media today
vis-a-vis what I've seen before.
And social media changed everything
to the point where I'm wondering
what would OJ Simpson have been with social media?
Social media goes into the soul,
you being an expert in addiction,
it reprograms the brain and basically inspires
this solipsistic, narcissistic, egomaniacal, egocentric, strange, weird, I don't know what it
has changed people's lives all for the worst. So media now reflects that. It merely caters to this.
And the idea of journalism, that's going to go the way of the
minuet. Journalism, what is that, grandpa? What does that mean? Don't you love when they say,
Drew, fair and balanced. We give you what you need to know. We don't want that. I want your
opinion. I want slanted, biased, keep me informed because media right now is a runaway train that you have to keep stoked.
And if you stop for one second, you lose.
So keep it going.
Even if you're wrong, even if you're over the top, even though if you exaggerate, it doesn't matter.
Just keep saying something and keep going.
Keep the metrics and the likes.
And that's where we are today.
It's a mosh pit of nothing.
Sounds awful.
It is, I love it.
You like it, but it's awful.
So let me kind of drill into this a little bit. Don't you agree?
I'm not sure.
I will certainly agree with your idea that it's about content, content and continuing it going uh and that the the
business forces afoot are working against something called journalism that's for sure i read a long
article today i forget even what what journal it was in about this oh no it was actually a twitter
thread isn't that weird that's already a weird sort of adjustment in my head it was like a 25
uh entrance uh you know, 25 post Twitter thread.
And he was a journalist
talking about what it's like
to be in a newsroom today
and the forces that are on people,
which is essentially
to create something sensational,
something very social media-esque,
not to be worried about
the checking your sources.
He talked about his history
where he used to have to check four sources. Now, if somebody checks one they they barely even look at who that was usually i i have
found there's a sort of an extraordinary thing happening that i i personally have found which
is things that really go viral are never actual reports of something that actually happened
they're always right what someone said happened
which is sort of an extraordinary phenomenon i mean why shouldn't reality be as viral as what
somebody said is reality but for some reason people's ability to evoke outrage or to evoke
virality exude exceeds reality's ability to deliver that well I hope to live long enough to understand what
that means but I will tell you this much that what we do is we basically live in a world of children
and if you want to make enough you want to be a journalist through you go ahead you go ahead and
you be a journalist and you write and you use your four sources and you will be the loneliest, the poorest person who's ever walked the earth.
Go ahead and do that.
If you want to do this.
But if you want to get into what I learned, by the way, one of the greatest influences in my life was always professional wrestling.
Professional wrestling in the South, where I'm from, 60s and 70s NWA, taught me everything. Manichean, good versus evil, heel versus baby face, always give them a show, bring them heat, never be boring, and always identify, very simply, good guy, bad guy. this very very uh carefully um i hope and i may have frozen i'm not really sure but it is people
are stupid is that the simple way of saying it about that now he did freeze on that you froze
right there go ahead i heard people are stupid i heard people are stupid today people are stupid
they are uneducated they are without
the ability to critically think they have no historical perspective they are of the belief
that whatever they want reality to be that is reality they don't care about anything and what
i've found is that somewhere there was a there was a niche there was there were slivers of people
who really care about historical perspective and politics, but they're sensible, but they're not in the majority.
The people today, I'm sorry to say, are unable to think.
When I say think, that sounds rather highfalutin, but I mean it.
There's no critical thinking skills.
There is a—
Let me stop you.
Let me stop you. I agree with you about critical thinking,
but you're suggesting something a little more than lack of critical thought. You're suggesting
the lack of ability to adjust to subdominant primitive impulses that are deeper in our brain
structure where our ventromedial prefrontal
cortex isn't able to stop it. It's what bleeds through and becomes what we are interested in.
That's not about not just critical thought, that's sort of primitive man afoot.
Well, sometimes you can take a very, very simple thing and you can give it a very complicated and
brilliant explanation and explication
that you have, but it just doesn't, it misses the point of the simplicity.
It's just crazy.
It's just simple.
It's like an itch.
It's very simple, very simple concept, but I'm sure that if I were to give you the neurological
basis for it, it would sound like quantum mechanics.
Let me just explain something.
That's us.
Let's be able to separate a lot of issues here, which is what we can't do. F. Scott Fitzgerald said that the great mind is able to handle multiple dissimilar things simultaneously and not losing your mind. a name just for shorthand purposes, the shadow government. We call the deep state, police state,
intel state, shadow government, ruling class, whoever is running the show, whoever is creating
this script that we are living for. It is not going on in Washington and it's not left, it's
not right, it's not Democrat, Republican or liberal conservative. Whoever these people are,
they're running the show. And what they do not want you to do is to think. And you only get flack when you're over the target.
So the only way you're going to know
that what you're saying is correct is if you're banned,
if you're shadow banned, if you're demonetized,
if you're cut off, now you're talking.
So what happens is we first addict people to social media.
That is no amount of words can explain to you what that did.
And I love the addiction sciences and I really like what happens to the brain. I'm a big fan of
yours and Nora Volkow and how scanning imagery has shown how people react. But what they've done is,
do you like this device? Yes. You wouldn't want to see this taken away from you, would you?
Then watch what you say.
And that is exactly and precisely what's happening.
Now, when you and I grew up, we were five years old roughly at the time.
First time I remember JFK's assassination.
I was just a kid.
We were.
And my mother was crying.
And I was fascinated.
And there was a time when we would say, well, who do you think did that?
And nobody dared worry about,
it was obviously, it was mysterious.
And if you wanted to talk about it, you could.
Nobody shut you down.
In fact, Mark Lane and others basically liked it.
No more for that.
Today, based upon this shadow government,
whoever it is, in concert with this fascistic tech world,
they have basically said, if you talk about certain things, whether it's hydroxychloroquine
or ivermectin or whether masks or voting or Trump, whatever it is, if it's on our list we will shut you down and what it does is
it paralyzes creativity paralyzes critical thinking it it makes us incurious it makes us
like sloths and dotards and like biden we just kind of sit around and we just
we just don't want to make any waves. Now, that's how we've adapted.
And that's why you think media is going into this mishigas, this nothingness, which is just everybody's.
So let's go back to journalism and its original intent. I mean, originally, it was just to report what happened, right?
To sort of give a report of an event, correct?
Now, early on in this country,
there were papers that catered to one political party or the other, right?
I mean, even during the Lincoln-Douglas debate,
said he had to go back and read both sides, essentially their dictations of what
he said, and they were both so different, he had to collate them, put them together,
and write them out himself, because neither got it even close to right.
They were just completely different renditions of his speeches.
That was 1865 or something.
Well, right. But the point is, this is
not a new phenomenon for us to have these
distorted views of the world,
in spite of the fact that the intent
and the stated goal is to be
true and honest
and to just report reality.
Now, is that...
So I'm just tossing
out that this is, yet again, another incarnation of these splits in how news is reported.
Do you think that is just something to do with cognitive biases or are these things that are, no, go ahead.
No, there are, you can call them evil.
There are people who do not want you to talk about certain things
Now for now, why would they know what?
Okay, you don't know example. So I'm talking about kovat talking about kovat
There are people who do not know we obviously did not want you to talk about therapeutics
Remember that if you talked about therapeutics if you talk about whatever this was called misinformation disinformation and you were shut off and shut down and shut
Up now you're going to ask, well, why?
Why is it different?
It's a difficult question.
I don't know.
We can guess.
As a former prosecutor, one of the things we never cared about is why.
We always cared about intent.
Why does somebody want to kill somebody?
Well, that might help, but why means nothing.
Did you mean to do it?
Why is somebody a Nazi?
Why is somebody joins the Peace Corps? I don't know why. We can have fun with it all day long.
But the thing is, you are not allowed to say certain things. Now, there was a while back
during the Rush Limbaugh days when the predominant voice was, quote, conservative.
And I rejected that as well. It was silly. it was hokum it was ronald reagan
this fetishistic flag waving nonsense it was ridiculous but that was the predominant thing
but nobody shut down the liberal voice they just didn't have a platform they just couldn't do it
they tried their best they just for whatever reason why i don't know today it's different if you dr drew say something let's say what you say
is contrary to the theme that is accepted whatever it is you name it whether it's a political event
from 9-11 to jfk to vietnam to covid and if it's not liked somebody somewhere will say excuse me
that is not accepted that That's disinformation,
misinformation, data information, whatever it is. And they will point to, now this is the best part,
talk about journalism. This is brilliant. A source that they have created artificially
to dispute you. Snopes, PolitiFact, Wikipedia, whatever you want to call it.
They will point to the artificially created source that disputes you
and you will be shut up and you won't be shut down because you differ. You have given the wrong
information. Now in the history of censorship, this is different. It's not that your opinion
is wrong or you're hateful or you're a white supremacist or whatever, that's also on the plate as well.
But no, it's just wrong and dangerous. And what do most Americans do in particular?
Nothing. Absolutely. They're ground down into this, you're talking about obsequious,
impuissant, feckless, atesticular, invertebrate, nothing. They have been, and you'll
love this, and I believe that most of what we do is pretty much a matter of psychology behavior.
This is learned helplessness. This is the classic dog that's been shocked for so long. He just
doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know what to say. He's just what to say he's just given up and we have on some end
it's one of the most beautifully executed endeavors by what i call the shadow government
why for reasons i have no idea sometimes maybe just for drill and it is i've never in my lifetime
seen i've never seen anything like this i I was in talk radio when Rush started,
and somebody wanted to come up with the fairness doctrine, but they didn't really go through it.
The only way you could get knocked off of airways is if you use the F word or you violated some FCC
words about excrement or whatever it is. By the way, here's one. There's no more shock jocks
anymore. Do you know what shocking is? The the truth and if you dare stray from the truth think about what Joe Rogan did it was so
nothing it was boring he had on a doctor to him in particular who had different
theories different hypotheses about kovat that was it talk about a snoozefest
and yet they said we're gonna teach Joe Rogan a lesson.
And if you believe one minute that that that that Neil Young came along on his own as get this a Canadian polio survivor.
What the hell does that have to do with anything?
If you think for one minute that somebody didn't recruit him.
Hey, Neil, what?
Listen, heart of gold ain't doing so much.
How would you like to spearhead this move to have Joe Rogan?
And we sat back and I'm thinking, I can't believe what I'm seeing.
This was the most boring.
I still can't.
Drew, remember when we were kids, the anarchist cookbook, it was a book that showed you how to
make bombs. And they actually said, well, maybe it's worthwhile. It was dangerous then.
We, I, I'm, I'm, maybe I'm in the wrong era. Kids today born in captivity are used to this.
I can't say whatever I, I'll give you an example very quickly. This Bob Saget story,
if you think there's not a whole lot going on with that, you're not paying attention. This is
from a prosecutor and I know you as a physician know this, that case reeks and stinks to high
heaven, but be careful. Don't say anything. You might say something to, so we're like this.
And that's the way I'd love to talk about that as a homicide detective.
Can't do that.
Can't talk about 9-11.
Can't talk about anything.
You can't talk.
You can't even talk about Biden's lack of cognition, this senescent dotard.
So what are we talking about?
Let's talk about Bob for a second.
I got a bunch of stuff to talk about.
It's interesting. All right. Yeah. A bunch of stuff to talk about. It's interesting.
All right.
Yeah, a bunch of things to talk about.
Let's just do Bob Saget since it's top of mind.
You know, in his autopsy report, he had a very serious cardiac issue reported as cardiomegaly,
which is a feature of myocardopathy, cardiomyopathy. And it's associated with rhythm disturbances and fainting
and probably why he fell down.
And there have been now a rash of people falling down.
I don't know if you've seen all the reports, all the videos of people
having fainting episodes.
Fainting episodes.
Passing out.
Passing out.
Falling down. Syncope. Syncope. Falling down.
You think that's falling down?
Did you see what happened to his skull?
That's some fall.
I can show you a video right now of a friend of mine who had the exact same fall, the exact
same circumstance, and fractured her skull in the exact same place.
Do you have that video handy, Caleb? I'm looking same place. Do you have that video handy, Caleb?
I'm looking for it.
Heather's video.
She's a stand-up comedian.
And there have been multiple other episodes much like this.
So what are you saying?
Something is going on.
So I don't know.
Why does Amanda say?
They are covering stuff up.
A guy this age should not have cardiomegaly.
Should not.
You get that a couple of ways.
Virus, myocarditis, a prolonged hypertension, which he didn't have,
valvular heart disease, which he didn't have,
intrinsic heart disease, severe, which he didn't have.
Why is he having cardiomyopathy?
What is going on here?
What happened to this guy?
What about the reports of his –
I'm sorry.
I'm going to show you the exact same incident in video
right now with a comedian friend of mine.
You know, and my fear
is it's either
COVID related or vaccine related
or something related.
No, thank God. She went immediately to the ICU.
She was public event.
She was taken right to the ICU.
So what you're saying is, let me ask you this.
If you were a homicide detective right now
let's just assume this and your entire crew here was and you would look at this based upon also
the amount of trauma to the skull itself from a variety yeah you would sit there and you would
say you know what no reason to follow up on this this happened before i've got a video of a comedian
who fell down and nothing to worry about i i i would say i i would say he definitely did not fall back and hit the bedboard that
definitely did not happen there's absolutely categorically and then crawling could there be
foul play could there be foul play i i mean yes if there were some evidence of foul play but i i'm
there the evidence is in the the evidence is he has
cardiomyopathy why does he have cardiomyopathy was what i want to know that's the foul play
do you know there was a case recently see i'm i'm saying i i don't want to do the old occam's
razor business i want to talk about the yeah you know you hear hoof beats and you hear the zebra
i'm not talking about that yeah but there was a recently there was a while back there was a guy
named epstein who had all kinds of evidence of people who said, including the Attorney General, oh, he died of suicide.
And that is complete merd.
Now, what I'm saying is I can sense a little bit of perhaps astute trepidation on your part, being a professional, being a person of renown, to be very careful, as am I,
but as soon as we get done with this and we walk around to, let's say,
taverns or friends, people get together,
nobody is sitting around talking like we are.
There is a sensibility that says, I want this thing explored.
There's something about this that doesn't make any sense.
People are also asking, why does a family?
Bob, yeah, that's all i'm saying either either yeah i agree with you that there's something there i'm hoping it's not some something about some anatomical something that the family fears would
you know humiliate bob in in you know in his in his honor they would not want that exposed or
something he had issues i don't. But I agree that there's something
up here. In terms of
foul play, you know, with Epstein,
here's Heather's video. Well, I'll show you the video
in just a second.
Okay, well, I'll show it to you again.
Let's play it one more time.
Oh, nice.
Skull fracture,
subdural hematoma, into the ICU now drew i'm not in it before now this may not
drinking this may this may shock you but i've heard of people passing out before that is true
yes i understand i understand but that's but but but fat is one thing when you pass out and your
hands go down in front of your face oh yeah you yeah. And you sort of, this is, that was no blood pressure all of a sudden.
That was either POTS or a cardiac event or something that a middle-aged woman should not have.
So something is going on.
Something is afoot.
This all needs explanation.
If, if that's exactly what happened.
If you don't, and again, i don't know anything about this but if i'm
the prosecutor or if i'm the lawyer for the family if they're interested i'm going to make sure we
don't have some incompetent rube who's the me from a from a small town we don't have somebody
who doesn't know how to read a crime scene we don't have other factors that may be I'm just saying and but yeah but you hear
this I'm trying to balance the two things balance um an incredible uh perfervid excitement over
getting to the truth but not rushing off I'm not making up facts I'm not I don't know anything
about it man I'm just saying and again right I understand
I understand that you feel your instincts or your spidey senses are up and so are mine but
but you know with Epstein we had evidence a camera shut off guys claiming to be asleep
a fractured hyoid bone all kinds of pieces of evidence in Bob's case we have one piece of
evidence myocardopathy or cardiomyocardial wait a minute that's and that's like whoa where
did that come from that that's not foul play one of my great friends i've known for about 30 years
now is dr michael bodden well michael biden did he was hired by the family not only do they have the
fractured hyoid and the thyroid cartilage and petechial hemorrhaging and this ligature we're
talking about this we're talking about Epstein now. Epstein.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
And not only that, nothing could have possibly been, you can't, you can't even, you could
not do this with this flimsy, whatever it was.
Not to mention he was in a jail cell with a guy who was, who was facing death row and
nobody knows where he is right now.
And the whole country including drew the attorney
general he said oh it's a it's a suicide to me now listen i don't know about you but maybe it's
maybe it's me maybe there's something wrong with me but i have never ever heard anybody from the
government i think ever give me the straight story about anything. It's either understated, overstated, or misses the point altogether.
And also, there's that tenancy thing.
I want to get back to that.
I want to get back to that because that's, I think, what's interesting here, the distortions.
And interestingly, just before we came on this stream, the way you you in the in the um media discussion i saw you
uh on a previous platform you were saying streaming video is the future you were screaming all about
streaming that's what caught my attention you still feel like that it's so it's really just
people like you and me putting a camera up and having conversations and people dropping in no
no wait oh stop stop wait wait wait wait wait no this is first i don't
can i give you something very quickly it's my it's my macaroni and cheese it's very simple
okay macaroni and cheese people love it kids love it why i don't know why it's macaroni is cheese
you put it together and it people go crazy sometimes things just work And sometimes you will find the intimacy. Let me tell you what's dead. The Ted Baxter
set. Good morning, Dave. Good morning. Let's go to news traffic and weather. Wait a minute. This is
dead. This is Dave Garroway. This is 70 years old. It's moribund. It's over. And what happens is
you will get people by virtue of the intimacy the relaxed nature of
this you've seen it drew we've all seen people who are fantastic and there was something about them
the way they relate to the camera the way they speak some people couldn't lure me out of a
burning building but the thing is this is the this is not the future. This is now. This model is dead.
You see last week when you had Whoopi Goldberg, when they said, Whoopi Goldberg, Whoopi,
take two weeks off. They want her out of there. They're not going to support that anymore.
Nobody's watching this crap anymore. It's done. It's finished. The whole thing with Chris Cuomo,
get rid of him. Let me write him off in in the books whoever signed him for this what is this do
you know that right now i'm not sure where you are i guess you're in uh la or something you
probably have a guy who comes on at six o'clock doing the weather what what what prehistoric
pre-cambrian areas who waits for six o'clock to say jesus if only i could find out if it's
gonna rain they're they're stuck in this this're stuck in this rosin and the people who
are holding them back are the executives who are hanging on by a thread. You're going to be having
right now people with a phone going out to check. Remember the Northern California fires? Some of
the best reporting I ever saw was a guy with an iPhone who just went on and said, look at this. So there's nothing. The only thing that kept this reminds me of the 80s when everybody thought they could be a comedian.
And you saw one jerk after another
standing in front of a brick wall
at ha-has and chuckles and you,
and it was awful.
We're going to go through a sifting period here
and people are going to find out
really who's good and who's not.
And don't you feel like Rogan is part of that evolution?
I'm trying to...
Michael Fettler here.
And Joe...
Oh, you're reading what's on the side?
Let's see.
There's always a confirmation bias,
though humans tend to see patterns
that are merely coincidental.
Nothing like small print.
It's even harder when there is an actual verif oh well
oh oh well and they love you so anyway so they're just people commenting alongside
i thought michael fendler was some philosopher from the no no no no no no
from from our from our chat okay but i lost my train of thought. Got all their movies.
No, you weren't.
It was derailed.
Yeah, I was derailed.
Work with me.
I was asking about,
so I said Rogan.
Isn't Rogan part of this evolution?
Isn't this what you're talking about?
Oh, he was.
First of all,
he was their worst nightmare.
I am such a fan of his
because of, and let me be honest with you, listen to me.
I should go blind if I'm lying.
I don't think I've heard five minutes of him or Rush or Han or anybody.
I don't listen to any of these people.
But I hear the YouTube section.
He talked about this one or that one.
And he's very, very good.
This is a guy who basically was locker room.
I talk to young men in particular who love him.
And he gives them some...
Somebody told me, Joe Rogan gives me a positive message about whatever.
Some things I don't get.
You know who I don't get?
Jordan Peterson.
I don't get what this guy's about, but they love him. When he talks about lobsters and standing up straight, I don't get you know who i don't get jordan peterson i don't get what this guy's about but they love him when he talks about lobsters and standing up straight i don't get it
doesn't matter i don't get golf or fishing either but he all of a sudden worked and he as soon as
he sold this big made this big uh contract with spotify by the way drew do you believe that for a
second come on 200 million dollars please stop it what is this a cute
krugerrands or or some kind of weird crypto please stop it anyway and as soon as i knew what i said
guess what hope i can say this you just put up your balls as collateral they're going to cut
them right off they're going to want to destroy you drew you've been in the business long enough
especially when it comes to radio they hire you and what happens some numb nuts program director wants to cut you down to size and say we don't
like that change the tone don't play so much music do this it's since day one and they were
going to teach rogan a lesson how dare you think you're going to come in and by the way these lily
livered mincing little pusillanimous snowflake
people who work in the office who took up a collection we don't like joe and his and his
and his uh conspiracy theories this is what i knew you're doomed pal you're doomed why doesn't he
just do it on his own and just cut these people out because this is this tyranny by committee
he could that's why he's not scared of this. He certainly could.
But it's interesting.
I mean, he just talks to people that interest him, right?
You have to keep his interest for three hours as well as other people.
And he talks to conspiracy theorists.
He talks to alien predictors.
He talks to geophysicists who aren't academic.
He talks to people from Area 51 just because it is he goes oh
a lot of his podcast is going wow i never thought of that how interesting that that's what he's
doing wait a minute funny stuff that interests him a couple of things well first of all i hope so
what if you what if it didn't you ever see larry king most of the time larry king talked to people
he didn't even know who they were he's just larry i know larry keenan today we're talking to Jesus Christ is it Jesus
Larry Larry King could have reversed the teen pregnancy uh rate by just describing the sex act and the man begins to mess it.
Forget it.
You know what though, Lionel, I'll tell you something.
I got to, one thing, I mean, in Larry's offense, I loved him dearly.
I sat in for him a couple of times and people accused him of being unprepared.
I got his material and the way he produces it.
He would really have a lot of material in front of him that he would he didn't read it from so it's stop it stop he did i drew he gave him papers because i was like this
he always said i don't read the book well that wouldn't make sense why don't you read it well
then i'll know what he's talking about listen i met larry king by the way larry king bless his
heart but i think he died in 1983 and nobody told him.
Listen, Drew, during our days, when we were young, 9 o'clock at night, Larry King was it.
So during his day, he was it.
He was the Rudy Valli. He was the Vic Damone of his time.
He was the Joseph Fettler of his time.
Yeah, he was the place.
He was the place to go.
A couple of things about joe
rogan you know where he really just left me completely is when he gave that stupid and
the joe hope you're listening that stupid hostage video hi everybody hi guys watch with this hi guys
everywhere you every show every from making bread to when he hammer. No, but... No, hey guys.
Yeah, but it's always hey guys.
He opens every show with hello friends.
That's how he opens every show.
It's like Aloha.
It's like Aloha. Come on now.
Drew, I've been in the business.
I know Cowabunga.
I know, I know. I hear you.
So he starts off with this puce of animus.
Hey, you know, sometimes I make a mistake.
He should have looked at the camera.
It was a hostage video.
He should have looked at the camera in the eye and said, let me tell you something.
Mr. Eck, who hired me, if you don't like what I'm doing, fire me.
Now, who is his audience?
MMA, ultimate fighting.
He'll talk about six hours on how to kick somebody in the balls. So this is the type of mentality of the people he's talking to. Testicular compression, all right? And Muay Thai
and this and that. So what does he do? What does Mr. Tough Guy do? He comes out with his apologia.
You know, I try and I make mistakes. How can you make a mistake by putting two doctors on? He lost me right there because he got scared.
And he should have realized, either you fire me,
and if you expect me to believe that Neil Young is going to hold me hostage,
and who else?
What's the matter?
Bay City Rollers?
Maybe that's it?
How about, come on.
And then Nils Lofgren?
That was the funniest. Because people were and then nils lafgren that was the funniest because people are
saying nils lafgren wasn't that wasn't that phyllis's husband on mary tyler moore who the
hell's nils so he was okay but guess what let me do one thing quickly the rate of amnesia in this
country he's already forgotten yeah i know nobody even it's like whatever happened to joe rogan oh
yeah yeah it's they've already gone on to something else that's the sort of extraordinary
thing it's like it's like a marauding mob just you know pillaging and raping and just moving on
that what's going on but let's let's take a quick sidebar quick sidebar and it's i want to tell a
radio story because i know you're a radio guy and you you triggered my radio sensibilities when you talked about oh yeah you know administra
radio administrators coming in and telling you how to do your job which is very common
more common thing or or the more common thing is lionel we're changing formats today we're going
from talk radio to ranchero music sorry it's's starting at 2 p.m. Different direction.
Yeah, we're going a different direction.
But I got to tell you a story.
This is the best radio story I know of.
And Susan, I don't know if I've even told you this story.
Adam Carolla had a morning show on the radio for several years.
It was syndicated.
And he had, of course, an administrator overseeing him.
And Adam would call in favors from his friends.
He'd have friends come in and, and, you know, do segments for him.
And he had three,
three guys come in who were up and coming comedians who would come in every
week and do little segments for him. And Adam being a comedian, it said,
these guys are great. This is funny. This is great radio. Of course,
he'd been on radio for a long time. He's called into the administrator and goes,
look, the administration goes, these guys that come in every week.
I don't know why you have them here.
They're not funny.
They're not good radio. The first guy, he brings in clips of reality shows and stuff.
This guy, Joel McHale, he will never amount to anything.
Joel McHale, out, out.
This next guy, the next guy, he is not funny.
He is just weird.
You may have heard his name.
It's Zach Galifianakis.
Zach, out.
These guys were coming in for free to donate to his radio show.
Third guy, he goes, is radio death.
He's not funny.
Susan, you may have heard his name, Louis C.K.
These were the three guys that were coming in and donating their time for his guy's radio program,
and he kicked them all out because they weren't funny.
I love the way you say radio administration.
Those who can do, those who can't are program directors.
They're the worst.
I got my start.
Not all of them.
I got my start.
Not all of them.
Oh, no.
No, let me, excuse me.
All of them.
You know what I think?
That's what I think about the whole group.
By the way, this is a talent.
I'm a manualist, which I didn't put down on my list.
And I can do this without hands. It's dangerous. Well done. Well done. That a talent. I'm a manualist, which I didn't put down on my list. And I can do this without hands.
And it's dangerous.
Well done.
Well done.
That's talent.
So I can tell you a little bit.
I can prove your.
Pardon me?
Go ahead.
I wish you liked your microphone.
Into a blue mic, by the way.
Blue mic.
We're a big blue mic family here.
Or it's a marital aid.
But when I first got started, because this is, I, when we were kids,
we always would do prank phone calls.
I did prank phone calls all the time.
Well, when I was, I guess, I don't know when,
I noticed there was a thing called talk radio.
And I used to call talk radio stations all the time.
Oh, blue, I love it.
A Yeti, it's a blue Yeti.
Wear a long coat, nobody will know.
That's what it is.
So anyway.
There you go. So I would have threei. Wear a long coat. Nobody will know. That's what it is. There you go.
So I would have three rules. Number one, be the first caller. Number two, never talk about the
subject. And number three, when at all possible, insult the host family. So I would pick the most
benign, ridiculous shows that were not controversial in the least. One guy was a guy, he did television repair.
So I would call him. First call. And I'd say, let me tell you something. I hate you.
You don't know what you're... Anyway, he would lose his mind and talk about me for the next
subject. I would then use different voices and I would do this and that.
Make a long story short, somebody said, would you like to come on and do this? Now this was in radio
when we had fun, when you could do things. My topics were, instead of having the, by the way,
comics never work on the radio. Sorry, it's true. But I asked the topic one time, what's the worst
thing you've ever smelled? And three hours it was the worst it
was the most hideous and it wasn't disgusting and somebody said this is radio i said exactly
this is a program director theater of the mind yeah but they can't smell it no no no just listen
to them people this was i was on nine to noon before lunch people were em emetic in the hallways and it was just people calling him saying
you know i don't know much about ukraine but i did smell a rotten seal one time or whatever it was
little by little bit by bit radio was fun and it was exciting and you could do different things
i went from tampa to wabc in new york where i thought well this is really
going to be wild not at all because the great radio today is local small markets where they
just say go and do what you want to do and that is done it's finished it's there's no
i don't know what the word is. It's all this. It's not inspirational.
It's not inspired anymore.
Well, hold on.
We're going to stop.
We're going to go to Rogan.
We're going to talk.
I've got to take a little break and run some ads.
It's just a two-minute break.
I understand exactly.
Believe me.
Something you said, oh, is that you invented what Richard and Sal do on the Stern Show
when they call Swap Shop.
I don't know if you've heard that bit, but they call in this.
It's an internet radio show called Swap Shop,
and Richard calls in, Richard and Sal call in and make fun of them,
and they go crazy.
They go nuts.
So what you invented is still being done on Sirius FM for what it's worth.
Take a little break.
We'll be back to talk a little Rogan after this.
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lionel very good lionel at lionel media thank you lionel you were i interrupted you you
wanted to say something about joe rogan you said you were going into what your thoughts were about
him in spite of his completely forgot about it i was into the hydration i'll get you back in i'll
get i'll get you reframed i'll get you back into the stream you you were you the puce is a pusillanimity is that a
word you were uh of the i i'm of the school straighten me out i'm of the school that if
you made a mistake i have no problem apologizing for mistakes and owning the mistakes listen well
he hit some n-word stuff he had some N-word stuff that was not good.
Oh, stop.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Hold on.
First of all, I know your MO, okay?
Let me explain to you.
You're a nice guy and you're not.
What's my MO?
That's who you are.
And by the way, forgive me.
I'm not.
I think it's bullshit.
My wife's not.
I married somebody who's not nice.
I agree with you. I think it's just being cheesy. Well, let me married somebody who's not nice. I agree with you.
Let me tell you something.
It's this mealy mouth stuff.
You got to take a ground.
Listen, the only thing in the middle of the road is a yellow line and a dead skunk.
I think Phil Crane said that best.
Let's talk.
He didn't make a mistake when he said about the COVID thing.
Now, first of all, let me explain he said about the COVID thing. Now, first of all,
let me explain this business about the N word.
I am so sick and tired of the N word.
And to think that people are so monumentally unimaginative
that somehow by saying the N word,
I've sanitized a word that, and I don't want to say it, I never
did use it. Just like the word like is used far too much in sentences. But when you have Snoop Dogg,
who by the way, highlighted or headlined or whatever the Super Bowl, which they should
call it the CTE Bowl, because half of these guys are going to be drooling into their oatmeal one day with their tau proteins
and here's Tom Brady
how do you feel Tom?
after 3,000 concussions
you've got this man who's
made a fortune not only using
the N-word in every conceivable
yeah but it really
is, look I've looked into this
carefully and my
black friends and people it really shouldn't come out of a white person.
It shouldn't come out of somebody's mouth.
It just shouldn't.
No, excuse me.
I'm sorry.
He's a comedian.
And did you hear the context?
He was using it to explain it. First and foremost, when you have to go back and we care more about what
Joe Rogan said 20 years ago, and nobody cares about the Epstein Black Book. Nobody cares about
Hillary Clinton. Nobody cares about the lies. It's this stupid, it's a no brainer. I understand it.
Nobody's defending using the N word, but look, either we use it or don't use it.
And I'm just tired. It's a nothing concept. And what he should have said is look in the camera
and say, I said this. Now, do you want to fire me, shoot me, kill me, execute me? What? Eviscerate
me, imprison me, make up your mind. That's what i said get over it i swear to you people would
applaud it was somebody who actually said i don't think so if you if you call somebody i really
don't think did you hear that drew did you hear the context of what he was saying i'm not defending
the end no i know i i get it i i get it he was reading something and all of a sudden i get it
i didn't know what i was saying you said it live with it
move on enough for this it's i mean this this pretend do you think he really do you think for
one moment joe rogan went home and said i can't believe i said that okay no he got caught he had
to say something nobody cares about this well it's the who's saying this it's a non-issue
and it's a lot of uptight white people who sit there and they've got to act more offended than
anybody else look i'm not saying that nobody's saying it but they what they did was they did it
after the covet thing didn't bring them down they never they never found these initially it was
because the covet argument they they
couldn't destroy them with that so they went and dug up old n words
i i get it and there and there was a time where there was not as much clarity on on all this but
okay i want to go back to the the issue of closing people down because we were we were talking a lot about that 45 minutes ago
and and it it seems like well before covid we have had adopted this um appetite for shutting
people down or for for you know having or for having sort of a a canon of um acceptable even
scientific ideas.
And if you stepped outside of certain ideas, you had to be silenced, destroyed.
I, for instance, remember during the Me Too movement, I was saying, look, we, and it was
a lot of talk about, what were they calling it then?
They were calling it toxic masculinity on college campuses.
And I said, look, you want to find – but hold on.
But I said, you know, you want to – I'm a physician.
I want to look at the health issues.
And if you look at every adverse health outcome on a college campus, you find alcohol.
Whether it's a fight or a fall or an unwanted sexual contact or an STD or a pregnancy, or an unwanted sexual contact, or an STD, or a pregnancy, you name it, any
adverse health outcome, you always find alcohol.
I had to be silenced for that.
I had to be silenced for that.
That was because it misses the point.
It misses the point.
No, it misses the point.
How does it miss the point?
The real problem is the toxic masculinity.
I wasn't blaming toxic masculinity. I was including it in my discussion. Anyway, it misses the point. How does it miss the point? The real problem is the toxic masculinity. I wasn't blaming toxic masculinity.
I was including it in my discussion.
Anyway, that's just an example.
I had many examples like this.
That is, let me tell you something.
This is a modern day.
We all have these wonderful little quivers.
And in our quiver, we have different,
the new phrases that we use.
And all of a sudden sudden I remember when trigger points and oh
god there were microaggressions and I cannot possibly follow any of the permutation the
transmutational gender insists and all that I don't even know what that means I don't even I
can't even I gave up on that a long time ago let me give you the bottom line on this there is a word for it and i can't say it's
a family show but in spanish we say caca del toro it's absolute nonsense we have had it let me
explain something to everybody watching if you don't like drew turn him off if you find what he's just saying is
disgusting turn him off go someplace else you know what i find really disgusting absolute
blatant nescience and ignorance that's what i can't stand so you know what i do and i know you
yeah it's simple and you also don't like you you don't like middle ground. And I do.
I like you.
You said-
I can see that.
Yellow lines and dead stunks.
I do.
And I'll tell you, Abraham Lincoln, that was his great genius, was finding a middle ground
in unclear circumstances, or at least finding principles in unclear circumstances.
And so I know you're not a fan of it.
I know you're not a fan, but i know you're not a fan but i am
go ahead stop stop for a second stop for a second there are some times by the way did you know that
abraham lincoln used to walk five miles every day to school to and from but they always leave out
one thing he was always late there was an old comedian said that and i wish i could find that
i think it's one of the funniest lines ever would you stop stop this business about, I want to go to a doctor
and say, doc, am I pregnant? Well, not me, but well, I don't know. What do you mean? Doc, is he
dead? Is it cancer? Well, sometimes we love certainty. We love it. Now listen, I love the
nuance. I love a little bit of this. I understand it. But Drew, let me explain something to you. This is a dirty, cruel world,
and we are being led by people. I don't know where they're from. I think we share the same DNA.
I'm not sure. But I am being told now, by virtue of the shadow government, I think,
that a man, as an example, a man, a six foot three, 200 pound man, by virtue of some, oh, I don't know,
psychosocial transmogrifications, some transitional emotional soul change is now going to compete
against some four foot tall little girl named Morgan. And I'm supposed to buy this. And if I say, no, wait a minute,
I don't think I'm a transphobic. Well, you know what I say to that? If the Republicans or anybody
want to win any election, all you have to do is say this. Do you think a man, a grown man,
should be able to wrestle your daughter in a school outing. No, thank you. Vote
for me. Did you ever think in your lifetime you would ever see this? And remember where we're from,
Drew, we've seen it all. We have the sexual revolution, the summer of love and all this stuff.
Did you ever think we would actually have, where the president, did you see who Biden picked? This non-binary kink for getting in charge of nuclear waste.
Did you see it?
I can't write this.
Tell me you saw this.
I'm thinking to myself, this is the onion.
This is Babylon Bee.
We live in a world right now where people need certainty.
And let me just say something.
This N-word business, I've got to say this again, this is not an issue.
Nobody, I was born in the South. Not for old white guys born in 1958.
Here you go. You got to say about the old white guys. I was born in South.
It's true though.
In the deep South. I never heard the N-word until I came to New York, and I heard it not from white people.
Now, I don't know where this N-word thing is.
I don't know where these white supremacists are.
And I've got one thing to say, too.
Let's assume, Drew, that you're a white supremacist.
Knock yourself out.
Or a black supremacist.
Since when does that matter?
I don't care.
Why are we pretending? The thing is, is that if I can get more upset than you are,
then in my particular, maybe in my LA, West Coast, wherever you live with your friends,
maybe they like, maybe I've got more cachet. Look at him. He's going crazy over Joe Rogan
saying something 20 years ago that nobody remembers hearing. Now, if that means something,
if that has some currency in your group, fine. fine for me with all the stuff that's going on in the world today
that is the least of our problems that that doesn't even matter i mean when you when you get
when you get down to it right that that is uh that is the core problem right now, which is everyone is so preoccupied with language and,
and with,
you know,
and by the way,
squashing ideas,
that's the other thing.
the language police is what you and I had to deal with back in the
eighties and nineties on the radio.
And that was perpetrated by the right.
And now we have the idea police being perpetrated by the left who use
Let me give you an idea.
Can I, and, and cancellation and and you know the I
forget where I do you've befuddled me a little bit on some of these topics I
like that yeah I'm sure that's as an attorney you'd like me on the stand
but this is the way people speak when you go and have a you know beer with
somebody you don't sit there with a list of joe we're going to be talking about a few things
let me start with your yeah yeah no no of course no i of course we just we're just confabulating i
dig it yes yes but i want to ask you something sorry go ahead about what ask me something about
it's not the thought police it bothers me it's a thought vigilantes because what happens is it's
not the government is telling us it's the people that they get these subsidiary these this this
torch and and uh pitchfork crowd that comes after me because i said something that's i i i mean i i
i cannot i don't even know where to start with this one it started for me i guarantee you i know
nobody wants to say this because this is asian history but I was here in New York on that Tuesday on 9-11. I was here. I was here. I saw everything. And I saw stuff that
I still don't understand. Never say anything about that. Never question anything. This is the official
story. Don't veer from it. We don't want to hear it. Yeah, but I was here here we don't want to hear that okay fine i've never heard anything anything
like it i want to know the truth the more salacious the better somebody that i didn't know
i like facts that nobody ever brought up before let me throw one at you right now we have a big
problem in this country and that's with with children who are subject to sexual predation all over the world, institutional, online.
Let me explain to you.
One of these days, somebody's going to come up with, if they haven't already, they're going to create a little doll that is so lifelike with skin that mimics rubescence and rubifaction and blushing and horripilation and goosebumps.
And this doll will be powered by artificial intelligence, not a robot.
And it will learn you.
And it will look like an infant or look like whatever it was.
And they're going to sell it.
Now, somebody the other day said, well, you can't sell that.
I said, why?
Because that's an infant
and somebody could have sex with a doll?
Yes, but they think it's something.
I said, wait a minute.
Are you telling me you want to arrest somebody
for what they think?
Now, think about that.
People say, well, you know this is going to.
We have lost all appreciation
because when you want to use an example of what thought police is, you've got to go to an extreme
example. You can think and write anything you want. And in my world, you're not going to like
this, Drew, but if you want to go on TV or radio and you want to drop the N bomb or the F bomb or any bomb, let's have some warnings.
Go ahead. It's a thought. It's a word. And I hope you'd use it with such frequency that we get
bored with it. But I am so afraid of how we're taking, we're losing the ability to just think, to just think crazy stuff and to hold, I guess, sacrosanct the First Amendment.
But you opened with that you have to be super simple because people are dumb and super clear,
good guys, bad guys, World Wrestling Federation, et cetera.
You're now talking about ideas that are, you know, a little lofty.
How do we reconcile these two points of view?
Simple. By explaining to people very simply, very, very simply. Let me ask you something, Drew.
What do you wish you didn't know? Don't tell us. But can you think of anything you wish you didn't
know? I can't. I'm not saying something that we experienced the death of a pet or something like that.
But I mean, is there any fact?
Is there any reality?
Any horrible aspect of life?
Any disgusting, vile thing that humans have ever done that you're worse off for knowing?
The more I know, the better I am.
So bring it on.
That's not the world we live in today.
I want people to get to the bottom. If they don't like the Bob Saget story,
tell me what you think. You might be wrong, but I don't want to hold anybody back. And if you don't like it, change the channel. That simple. All right. I think I have a call here. Let me
see if I can get this up this is i like that
sort of dude i think i will it's it's sometimes i click on this thing and nobody shows up uh so
we'll see dan what's going on hi dan okay dan because you're so faint i'm gonna repeat what
you said is that essentially joe has a lot of black friends and supports a lot of black fighters
and things and and he and lot of black fighters and things.
And some of them have come to his aid, Dan.
They have.
One Israeli guy really clearly helped him out.
And I like people looking into stuff.
You like people having all the ideas they can possibly get in their head, and I'm of the same mindset.
But I'm going to tell you, do your homework on not the history of the word, but how the word falls on the ears of your black friends and colleagues.
Just interview them.
Ask them about it, and they will tell you.
They'll be very clear about it.
May I clarify something?
May I clarify something but i just want to say if you care about your your friends and peers
they will tell you how you know that it does not does not it's not something they appreciate and
i would think you just want to be on board with that but go ahead you're going to get the award
from whoever is going to give you the award for absolutely pouring your heart out to say and i
just want you to know that that's a white man okay. Of course you're right about that.
Look, let me give you an example
to show you where I'm on your page.
I am from the South, Florida.
Now, I know people who live
and they have this thing about South and Dixie
and they have the stars and bars.
It's not the Confederate flag.
It's the war flag.
Okay, but they have absolutely no interest
whatsoever in recreating or in abrogating the 13th amendment or to go back to slavery and i've told
him i said listen you know and i know that when you see this you think something and i get that
and i know what you're saying there are other people who do not feel like that. And I must defer to people who, when they see that stars and bars,
they think of, this is not good. This is a terrible time of our history. Now, what do I do?
Do I say, listen, you don't understand history from my perspective, or do I, as a human being,
say, you know what? I'm going to give you this one. The flag doesn't mean that much to me.
I'm going to make a concession. I got it. It's one of those things. Fine. I'm all opinion that's all that's all i understand that
but we have got to move on now let me let me ask you this as a clinician as a physician as somebody
who knows a little bit about addiction and the like is there anything you can say about how
certain aspects of certain strata of society are affected differently based upon culture
mores traditions familial units a drug abuse criminality can you do that no I
don't I don't care what you say no don't do that but what if it's true we don't
want to hear that no but I can help you don't
see that's the part this is where we are because we've been like this we step
over we can't talk about stuff look I was a prosecutor I saw things I never I
couldn't believe you won't talk about racism when I first left the
prosecutor's office I went to the county jail to visit a client I walked in and I
said what is this the black jail what visit a client. I walked in and I said,
what is this, the black jail? What is this? There wasn't a white person anywhere around.
And I saw it. Now what happened was my chance of getting bonded out is different than some
black persons. Why? Well, you can point to different reasons, maybe because of a record.
But if I could, I saw a completely different thing. Now, why? We'll argue why later on.
I've seen this.
Let me tell you right now.
If I could do something, I happen to believe that diet is one of the most important things that is just so overlooked in this country, it's not even fun.
If I could do something to introduce fresh fruits and vegetables to the African-American community, people people of color poor hey i could drop bmi by
the new mayor of new the new mayor of new york is pushing that very hard eric adams you know
what's a plant-based diet eric adams eric adams he says he's a vegan fish eric adams
i'm not gonna judge well i know because you don't judge.
You're Dr. Drew.
I live here.
I'm telling you about this stuff.
Judge not.
Well, let's talk about your guys.
Let's talk about Gascon.
Let's talk about this ridiculous, these sorrows-backed prosecutors.
Let's talk about restorative justice.
Look, do you want to get tough about this or not?
Or we can be nice.
We can talk about this. Eric Adams, they came out and said he was a vegan, but he eats fish.
He's like, look, you brought this up. I didn't. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
I remember the one thing I want to talk about, and we'll sort of wrap up with this, is that,
you know, you mentioned how, you know, you lived through the summer of love in the 60s and the 70s and whatnot, and how you talked about young people today as having been, you used a word, like trained.
Where do you think the rebelliousness, yeah, the captivity you said,
rebelliousness was sort of a value in Neil Young's day, for instance.
Sort of.
Why do you think, but he was part of that era.
And it seems like if you think about our era being, if we were teenagers today, we would
be going nuts rebelling against things.
Let me tell you something.
We'd be going nuts.
I don't know about you, but I had the greatest childhood.
I had a pellet gun.
I had a wrist rocket.
Our favorite game is called Jumping Off the Roof.
I had a wood-burning set.
My mother and father gave me, I think it was eight, a wood-burning set, basically a welding iron, 800-degree.
I used to burn wood.
Nobody got hurt.
Nobody broke their neck.
Nobody lost an eye.
It was fun.
We drank out of a hose.
We were out.
It was great. We didn't wear 90 helmets. It was just fun. And there was a sense
of fearlessness. And I tell you what we also could do. We looked adults in the eye. We could
shake hands. We could sign our name. We knew where the hell we were. Have you ever talked to kids
today? I know I sound like the kids today with their long hair. Well, that's a lot of what we're doing here.
But go ahead, keep going.
Have you ever talked to somebody right now?
Have you ever talked to somebody, some mush mouth kid who looks at you?
It's like, look at me, look at me, no eye contact.
Maybe it's the psych meds that your profession loaded these kids up with,
from everything from bedwetting, enuresis, to you name it.
They're just, it's this, when I was 16 years old i watched the clock the first thing i did was get a license i
gotta get out of here kids today oh i know i know it's so weird is i have three 29 year olds living
with me yeah and well susan uh speaking of uh she told yes we have triplets. Talking about how she was
a parents giver. Wait a minute, Drew, hold it.
I would say I've got triplets
who are 29. It sounds like
they're random. These three 29-year-olds.
It's like
the prosecutor's listening carefully
to what you're saying.
She was given a bow and arrow set
or there was a bow and arrow set in the house
or you were given it? Yeah, no, it was just sitting around.
Bow and arrow set in the house.
And she was the whole three running with an arrow in her mouth and fell down.
And I lived.
Tell the story.
That is my wife, ladies and gentlemen.
One of my favorite, look at this.
Three, listen, stop for one second.
I'd love to do some freudian profiles of that
your triplets in this household with these people oh yeah who is the dominant who is the
who is the dominant of the troika the triad the triumvirate who are they talk about that yeah i
mean twins are but triplets are changes it changes changes. It changes. It morphs. It moves. It
changes. Do you not believe, are they different? Are they fraternal?
Profoundly. Fraternal and profoundly different. And there's two boys and a girl.
And then you get the epigenetic thrown in there. See, I have this thing about, I believe that we are, it is nature,
but nurture, it's like you're born a slab of marble versus balsa versus styrofoam.
But what happens to that marble is a whole nother story. That fascinates me.
Or they will talk about dandelions versus orchids in terms of our genetic constitutional makeup.
But I want to make one quick comment about what you said about the kids today.
And it's not just the kids.
It's our society generally.
Safety uber alice.
And I sound old?
Safety uber alice.
Well, all of us.
This society has taken thriving and pushed it down as a priority and moved safety up as the ultimate
priority of all of living safety what happens that is no way to live that is no way to live
and covid covid reached in covid is the is what what to to our sense of dementia or demented
thinking what what what meth did for drug abuse made people, and I told you this before, COVID is a
religion. The vaccine is the sacrament. The mask is the vestment. Fauci is the Pope and the CDC is
the Vatican. There were people who said they'd been walking around their whole lives saying,
I don't know about anything, but I know this. I can go on Facebook and all of a sudden look at me.
I got my shot.
Do you know that I told people with a straight face, when you get to this age, you can say stuff
and people will believe you. I said, I got the rabies vaccine. I went down and looked at the
veterinary list, parvovirus, rabies, distemper. I told people I got that. They said, rabies. I said,
better believe it. Can I get that? I said, well, I got the booster. I got
the rabies booster. Remember when anal swabs, when China was mentioning anal swabs? Don't tell me you
didn't hear this, please. Just Google this. I told people with a straight face, I said,
they've got a place up in Nyack. You drive through. It's a drive-through anal swab. It's a little
tough. If you've got a smaller car, it's and stuff but they say it's the best way possible because buccal cells do not have the
same concentration as cloacal and i'm and i'm making this stuff up and they said really i said
it's not fun okay but it works i never understood how we can lead people along.
Gustave Le Bon is one of my favorites.
This is about crowd theory.
I love to watch murmurations of starlings and fish, and that's who we've become, a
We're just mindless.
We've lost our minds. Yeah, it's it's funny you say that yeah
go ahead finish your thought anybody who drives a car alone anybody who drives a car listen to
the mask drives a car alone in the mask you should have the police pull you over immediately put
something over you knock you out do immediate brain surgery to find out what is it that caused this person
to misunderstand
the rudiments of nature
and common sense to wear a mask
by themselves
in a car.
This is when I realized...
I forget to take it off.
Sometimes you forget, that's right.
But I feel the same way that people outdoors
are wearing the mask. It's the same phenomenon. But back to Gustav Le Bon I it's funny you bring him up I
when when all the craziness started about a year ago I immediately pulled out Le Bon extraordinary
popular delusions and the madness of crowds um Dahlia is that his name has a new book about
cycles and and and crazes this is this is the madness of crowds we are in this is the thing
the founding fathers feared the most which was one of the one of the things that i thought was
and people will be looking i always imagine if i could meet someone from another planet another
star system another biological entity i would say i want to show you something i want to show you
by the way good good production work.
Hats off to your group.
Look at this.
They got the picture.
They put it up.
There it is.
But I want to show people.
You said streaming is the future.
Here it is.
What I realized changed everything was when people went to from sleeve tattoos to neck tattoos
this was the end of civilization as we know it
this is when i thought to myself no there is nothing worse there's to me
when somebody walks up to you and they have an arm with born to lose
or only god will judge and i'm thinking to myself
this is it now a couple of things here.
You must remember, first and foremost, people have been following, you know, one of my other, I guess, passions is what makes serial killers serial killers.
How did the Holocaust occur?
How do you transform people?
It's the Milgram experiment.
It's the Stanford prison experiment. It's how do you take people it's the Milgram experiment it's the Stanford prison
experiment it's how do you take people how do I take by the way if you ever see a 70 year old man
with an arm full of tattoos he's an escapee do not mess with that man somebody 20 years old and it's
been said before his name is Todd he's at a barista whatever it is but how is it that somebody
said I'm going to spend thousands of dollars to permanently scar
my skin so that when i get old and the and and the the skin elasticity changes and it looks like a
big bruise like i've been through some industrial fire i'm going to be stuck with this because i
have so little sense of self that i will do anything to be a part of this up to and including scarring my
body permanently. Now I want to do the, I mean, he's kind of got a point. No, the answer is you
wait until you're 65 and you have all the actinic changes and the laxity, then you sleeve tattoo
and you make sure you do things that look good as it continues to slide so i'm thinking
because i've got all these i was a lifeguard i've got actinic changes all over my forearm
i need sleeves now i want a peacock on my arm but he does have a look better he does have a point
like i remember ricky rackman had a picture of his girlfriend or his fiancee on his back and i
said what happens he gets old and his his back starts like draping her face is gonna be all old and wrinkly
and well you know it's funny um Michael Michael Bodden the forensic pathologist wrote one time
that in prisons they will have a certain Madonna figure at the base of one's back to prevent prison
rape and also um your there was a story about somebody who had your name y--O-U-R-N-A-M-E, tattooed on his penis.
And he would win drinks.
For bets.
For bets.
I bet you I've got my.
And I did something years ago where I had Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
But that's an old joke, and I don't want to go into that right now.
We won't be late.
Six people are getting that.
I don't want to wrap it up now.
I'm not done yet. This is very enlightening. You're not done? All right. What are you going to I don't want to wrap it up now. I'm not done yet.
This is very enlightening.
You're not done?
All right, what are you going to do?
I have to go.
I have an appointment, but Drew can keep going.
All right, you want to go a little bit?
Lionel's on a bit of a roll.
He scares me when he's on a roll.
I like it, though.
I like it.
I mean, I'm open to this.
I know it's probably offending a few people on our restream, but they're kind they're kind of having fun with it over there and i i get it i mean i'm old i always tell my kids
you know i have a right to offend people because i'm old okay so just forget with the so are you
old in the in the text susan so i'm your age i am she's 59 i mean i'm we're. I'm not old, but for this generation, I'm the oldest person in my family.
But no, I get it.
And I love that you're able to speak your mind because we all are so careful.
And, you know, I sometimes slip and I say what I feel and I get a lot of shit for it, you know?
Listen, Susan, let me ask you a question.
Susan, would you be 20 years old right now if you could?
20 years old.
Not knowing what you know now, but be 20 years old.
Back to 20.
No way. No, I'd like to have that body back though that was a pretty rocking body no you're fine it's fine it's all good it's all good i can't
imagine you see what you do is you do what i do you spend most of your life being sedentary you
don't do anything athletic you You do nothing that involves motion,
athleticism, so that when you get older, while your friends say, you know, I can't play golf anymore, you don't recognize anything because basically you've never done anything your whole
life. So I feel terrific. I feel like I'm on fire now. I've never been better, smarter, wiser.
I've got people listen to me. They at me they say I must know something but
in fact not really I'm more curious and I've ever been I'm more tolerant that's
the funny part I come across as being intolerant no because I'm telling you no
I tolerate you say what you want it's okay I'm I don't want anybody agree not
to do anything if you want to mar your skin permanently fine I don't want anybody not to do anything. If you want to mar your skin permanently, fine.
I don't care.
But expand yourself.
Understand and recognize that it's okay.
Not everything makes sense.
And not everything is cool.
And not everything that is socially bumper sticker worthy is laudable in the long run.
Be able to discern.
That's all I'm saying.
Right, Drew?
Well, and yeah, but that was where you opened.
But you opened your comments with this, which is you've seen an historical arc.
And that is something that through most of human history, people will look towards the
population to see history play out and ask, what are we doing wrong?
What can we learn from
history what have you how have you seen things evolve we've got the opposite going on now where
people have said yeah no no you know nothing we've figured it all out and it's all different now
forget it whatever you've learned and i remember that kind of stuff in the 70s too there was that
same kind of ethos going on then you just said something was a very and thank you for saying this you said an historical not
a historical good for you you're one of three people who can do this in the world oh that's
very very good and listen i one of the things you have done and i have i am such a fan and what
addiction you know what i got out of this thing from watching you and your stories about this
it is as close to black magic and witchcraft to think that something that is seemingly innocuous
just a liquid that oh i can give it to one person no big deal but for me something happens and when you see this and how lives are destroyed and how
people and it's legal and i'm in the put it this way i'm in the prosecution business i put more
people in jail for dui think about this we have this law against drinking and driving but we have
we have parking lots at bars in fact fact, you have to have a parking lot
for zoning. We have a place where people get drunk and then we say, last call, and we send
them out into the night. We tell people, tastes great, less filling. I've seen lives destroyed
by this thing. We tried to ban it once, didn't work. So what's the secret? And now there
are drugs now which make that look like nothing. Let me tell you something. The new marijuana,
this new skunk, this isn't the stuff that we knew in the 70s, my friend. I don't know what this is,
but this is going to, you're going to see a bunch of mush mouth i mean semi-literates it should not be against the law
you should be free to do that but this is serious business and that's one thing i've learned about
being a little bit older maybe susan she's probably gone to her appointment now but how
much she's done i'm about to but i can't leave she can't leave she's you you've had her imagination
how much how much does remembering a birthday mean to you or a joke?
When you see people, if you've ever seen a loved one really lose it,
and I don't like making fun of Joe Biden.
I'm sorry.
I think it's rude.
I think that's because the man is seriously, he's dottered.
He's a dotard.
He's hobbled by decrepitude.
He's old.
I don't want to do... No, not that he's
old. I know a man who's 101 who runs rings around him. There's something wrong with him. But
I don't want to do anything that affects my ability. And by the way, if I had a kid right
now playing football, I'd say, don't even think about it. Little girls getting headers. This is
a very beautiful thing. And you've taught me this look at
look at the people drew you've talked to these people had more talent they had more money they
had everything going for them and what brought them down liquid a liquid yeah that is yeah or
did a yeah or or worse yeah yeah or a volatilized liquid or a liquid injected.
The brain is an extraordinary.
The reason I like working in addiction world, many reasons.
But one is the genetic potential for it.
Those people tend to be very rich human beings, very intelligent, very creative.
And when they recover, it's phenomenal.
It's just amazing.
And it's a disease that takes good people from us.
Number one, it makes them do bad things when they're in the disease, but these are good people.
Number one. And number two, you get to see all the other higher mechanisms of the brain
struggling with serving a false god. So the usual motivational state of the brain is survive.
The addict's motivational state is use. And all the thinking, all the
feelings, all the judgments are under the influence without them being aware of it,
of this distorted motivation. So all their thinking becomes what we call stinking.
It becomes distorted, problematic. They have good logic. Their logic is perfect.
But where they're being driven with their logic is to terrible
places you mentioned before something which i find fascinating that of psychopathy psychopathy
is one of my i love because you don't understand what normal is until you understand what abnormal
is you don't understand that's true the the head heart connection i don't know if you've ever
heard james fallon speak and other people speak in the hair. I know Jim and James and I've interviewed him, I think on this streaming show a couple
of times, but yeah, his story, I caught his story years ago and I thought, oh, it's fantastic.
It's fantastic.
But here's the thing though.
When you ask, there is a, we are seeing right now a conditioned form of sociopathy that's
And what's happening is we are is we're teaching a detachment
between the head and the heart.
One of the great experiments I love is when they
will put a true psychopath, and they will put a little,
they'll say, we have this little device on your finger,
and at the count of 10, we're gonna give you
a mild electric shock.
And they look at their imagery, and for everybody else,
everything's going crazy.
And so much psychopathic stuff is happening.
But yet, we can take
this person who is a psychopath
and he'll say, oh my god,
Drew's hurt. He's on the field. I'll get him.
And they say, what are you, nuts?
Now he's a hero.
But then again, he can't play chess because he
can't appreciate consequence, but he'll
do things that we love. So
life is a balance. There's a little bit of
sociopathy that we gotta have. We have to be able to look at sometimes and just say, you know what?
They're not everything that's pathological in the human brain is strictly pathological.
Every liability comes with a certain number of assets. Alcoholism and addiction comes
with the capacity to survive in adversity. They,
they are survivors,
Let me ask you this question. They are sort of turned on by,
Let me ask this question.
You cannot make the brain do something it was never intended to do.
For example,
I can eat all the sweet and low I want,
and I will not get a high or whatever it is.
So that means there's a neuro receptor,
something maybe God or nature at least said,
there's a neuro receptor, something, maybe God or nature, at least said, there's a reason for this.
There's a reason why ethyl alcohol does something, why?
What is, why is this an overextended,
overplayed instinct that we had?
There must be a reason for why the brain does this.
Is it dopamine gone nuts?
Well, if you're a biologist, you always think evolutionarily, right? And so what would the brain does it? Is it dopamine gone nuts? Well, if you're a biologist,
you always think evolutionarily, right?
And so what would the evolutionary process be?
Well, they have a tendency to be, so to speak,
turned on or at their best and the least anxious
in extra physiological rewarding circumstances.
So things that activate what's called the ventral tegmental input into the shell of
the nucleus accumbens, which is the medial forebrain bundle, that shell, when we look
intracytoplasmically at the cells in the shell of the nucleus accumbens, they have second
messenger, something called CREB, cyclic AMP response element binding protein, that becomes activated in ways that isn't activated in normal cells and is changing
the genetic machinery of the cells in the shell of the nucleus accumbens if that's happened over
prolonged periods of time. But the reason it was there in the first place was to say,
that's good. Do that again. Do that again. That was good. Excellent.
And so essentially it's made them more rewarded by and feel better by extreme circumstances.
I would do an experiment every week.
I'd give lectures to large groups of alcoholics and addicts, and I would always do the same thing every week. I'd go, what would happen if a bunch of Huns with spears came over,
ran into the parking lot here? And you know what the alcoholics say? They go, I'd pick up
something. I'd go get them. I'd go charge at them. I'd fight. That's not a normal reaction.
I would run the other way. And evidently, in repeated episodes of military assault,
I would be more likely to get a spear in the back than the alcoholic would be likely to survive in the battle. And so if you look at isolated
populations that have been repeatedly assaulted militarily, you see alcoholism emerge, lots of it.
Northern England, Scotland, North American Indians, certain parts of Central Europe,
when there's been multiple generations of military genocidal
assaults, you see alcoholism emerge.
And that's because they were the survivors.
They survived better, and they're turned on by all this.
They make great fighter pilots, great shortstops, great extreme athletes.
They're all, they do excel in those areas.
Would make a great what?
You would make a great sommelier you could
say for example this is of course this is a visitor this is an algebra what this does is
this goes into the cortical accumbens this basically will activate that that proto-sexual
display and you'll be on the floor barking like a dog because of your hyper-sexualized sensei
dimensional disc you know be wonderful and of course I'm sure your wife and your kids are saying
Would you knock that off
Would you shut up
I'm going to have a drink
Well we will
Leave it at that
It's been really fun to talk to you
And I thought we were going to talk about media
And media analysis and future of media
But we went all over the place
And the only thing we didn't get into
was the Ukrainian genocide in Holodomor,
which I thought about that,
but now we'll leave that for another day.
It's a NATO fraud, by the way.
My family ran away from it.
Oh, the current thing now.
The current thing, yes.
Something goofy is going on now.
In fact, this is going to sound crazy, but those of you that are fans of 90 Day Fiancé,
some of those women are Ukrainian.
I want to get one of them on this show and interview them about what's going on with their families,
what they're actually thinking in the Ukraine., at LionelMedia on Twitter.
Caleb, thanks for producing this and
impressing Lionel with your skills
that was a nice
feature extremely yes I figured
and Susan
thanks for work today and
we will see you all
am I getting this right Caleb where are we next on Tuesday
I believe so I don't think we're doing
a show on Monday
I'm not sure I think it's Tuesday next time alright All right. We're not sure. Monday or Tuesday.
Makes the big bucks. Has no idea.
I show up when the time is. Like you said, it's streaming. It's streaming. It's reality.
The man can talk about the incumbents, but it's like, I don't know.
I don't know. All right, you guys.
We're going to leave it at that I appreciate it
enfeebled but talented
a little bit enfeebled
you said we weren't old but I would
argue otherwise
thank you Lyle and we'll see you
we'll see everybody next week
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation
and Susan Pinsky
as a reminder the discussions here are not a substitute
for medical care, diagnosis or. This show is intended for educational
and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your
personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of
medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information
that is available to me today,
some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future.
Be sure to check with trusted resources
in case any of the information has been updated
since this was published.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger,
don't call me, call 911.
If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal,
call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my
recommended organizations and helpful resources at slash help.