Ask Dr. Drew - Newly-Revealed 2020 Emails By NIH Officials Expose Efforts To Conceal Communication About COVID-19’s Real Origin & EcoHealth Connections w/ Mike Benz & Dr. Meryl Nass – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 363

Episode Date: June 1, 2024

Newly-released communications from the early days of COVID-19 reveal efforts by National Institutes Of Health (NIH) officials to hide emails about the pandemic’s origin. If they secretly had doubts,... why did officials blatantly lie to the public about their confidence in a zoonotic origin? Former State Dept. cyber official Mike Benz discusses new info, and Dr. Meryl Nass returns with an update on the WHO Pandemic treaty. The NIH emails included references to a “secret back channel” to Dr. Fauci and steps to “make emails disappear” in case of a Freedom Of Information Act request, discovered in messages with Dr. David Morens and EcoHealth Alliance president Dr. Peter Daszak. “We are all smart enough to know to never have smoking guns, and if we did we wouldn’t put them in emails and if we found them we’d delete them,” was written in an email sent on June 16, 2020. “[I] learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear after I am foia’d but before the search starts,” Dr. David Morens wrote in an email on Feb. 24, 2021. Mike Benz is the founder of Foundation for Freedom Online, a free speech watchdog dedicated to restoring the promise of a free and open Internet. He is a former State Department cyber official in the Trump Administration, whose responsibilities included formulating and negotiating US foreign policy on international communications and information technology matters. Follow Mike at and Dr. Meryl Nass is a board-certified physician with over 40 years of experience in all areas of internal medicine. She is a nationally recognized expert on epidemics who has consulted for government agencies around the world, especially focussing on anthrax, Zika, Ebola, and biological warfare investigations. Follow Dr. Nass at and learn more about Door To Freedom at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at  • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • TRU NIAGEN - For almost a decade, Dr. Drew has been taking a healthy-aging supplement called Tru Niagen, which uses a patented form of Nicotinamide Riboside to boost NAD levels. Use code DREW for 20% off at • GENUCEL - Using a proprietary base formulated by a pharmacist, Genucel has created skincare that can dramatically improve the appearance of facial redness and under-eye puffiness. Get an extra discount with promo code DREW at • COZY EARTH - Susan and Drew love Cozy Earth's sheets & clothing made with super-soft viscose from bamboo! Use code DREW to save up to 30% at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 and today we'll be joined by meryl nash in a few minutes dr nash of course is a frequent flyer on our program she has been fighting the world health organization so-called treaty and uh she is warning us that just because negotiations have stalled or are quote dead which you could certainly celebrate that it is not likely that they're going to stop from trying again in what she describes as a more secretive and sinister way. And speaking of sinister, Mike Benz joins us today first. Not that Mike is sinister, but that he has got sort of an interesting view of the blob, the world out there. He was the founder of Foundation for Freedom Online, a free speech watchdog dedicated to
Starting point is 00:00:43 restoring free speech online. He was a former State Department cyber official in the Trump administration. And he was designed, his job was to study the blob. And if you don't know what the blob is, he will tell you all about it. You can follow him at And on X with Mike Cyber, no, Mike Benz, B-E-N-Z, Cyber. Be right back. Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre. A psychopath started this. He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin. Ridiculous. I'm a doctor. Where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people.
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Starting point is 00:03:15 Caleb, if you would, nine for the upcoming week. We've got Kelly Victory coming in tomorrow. I'm going to take over the show because I'm going to be out of town with Brian Hooker. Also, we've got a very interesting guest coming up, Winston Marshall coming, Naomi Wolf, Brian O'Shea. Look at the list up there, Melissa McAfee. She's the Pfizer whistleblower. That's what's coming up. We're sort of expanding our base of guests this next couple of weeks. It should be very, very interesting. Today is no exception. As I said, we have Mike Benz in here. Let me give you
Starting point is 00:03:45 some more of his particulars. Mike, of course, was early in warning us about the excesses of, amongst other things, the security infrastructure in our country. And maybe security is sort of a kind way to describe it. And in fact, we now have newly revealed emails from National Institute of Health officials that were clearly exposing, where were clearly shown attempts to conceal communications about COVID-19 origin and Equal Health Alliance. Mike Benz joins us now. Thank you for coming again mike thanks for having me yeah these emails are absolutely extraordinary i i i don't know that i've seen tell me about them i don't know that i've seen a dump like this that um is is
Starting point is 00:04:38 so explicit in uh in in many years i mean a lot of these of these times there's subpoenaed documents from Congress, and there's one or two things that are somewhat shocking, but maybe there's some sort of defense. But the better part of this week, I've been collecting different jaw fragments of mine off the floor as one email after another. Sometimes a crime happens and there's lots of conspiracy theories about what the crime is. And there's a lot of, oftentimes there's a lot of theories that seem to, people say, well, okay, it might not be the worst case scenario, but some fraction of it is true. And even if it's 25% true, it's still a big scandal. And in this case, what we're now seeing with these emails and about the whole COVID origin
Starting point is 00:05:30 story is it's like 250% true. It's like way worse than even what conspiracy theorists were alleging because what we see them doing here, and by them, I'm referring to Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, David Morin, Fauci's right-hand man. They were just busted in about how to delete things after a FOIA request has come in and telling people not even to send things to his official Gmail, creating a proton mail or creating a Gmail or hand delivering documents in person so that the American people who pay their salaries can't actually find out what they're thinking about, especially related to origins.
Starting point is 00:06:24 I actually wrote down some of these. The best way to avoid FOIA hassles is to delete all emails when you learn a subject is getting sensitive. They complain about a news cycle about gain of function getting out and COVID origins coming from a lab leak. And Dr. Morin says, that email somehow fell into the hands of a congressman, probably via a FOIA of someone who didn't delete it as I did. And then in parentheses, he writes, delete all of Peter's emails and others related to origin. And then he says when the shit started hitting the
Starting point is 00:06:56 fan. So this is Fauci's right-hand man bragging that he deleted all of his emails about COVID origins when the shit started hitting the fan. And he also deleted that of Peter Daszak, one of the NIH major contractors, who specifically was given $53 million from USAID, which I should note is a frequent CIA conduit, to do bat coronavirus work related to the Wuhan lab. Also, intentional misspellings in order to prevent FOIA disclosures. Telling people, don't send me things. Calling for a PR strategy, referring to the orange blob, meaning Trump, not themselves. And bragging about ways to try to make the PR seem, quote, Trump infected, and then hoping that these bad news cycles go away as long as Rand Paul doesn't amplify. Joking with each other about
Starting point is 00:07:52 how they deserve kickbacks for all of their hard cover-up work. At one point, Dr. Morin emails Peter Daszak saying that he deserves a kickback for all of his hard work covering up their tracks. And Daszak responds, well, you certainly deserve it. I mean, if they spent half as much time practicing medicine as they did committing felonies covering up their crimes, we might actually have a functional medical system in this country. Wow. So what do you make of all this? Do you have a... I mean, we don't know yet what they were covering up, right?
Starting point is 00:08:27 We don't even know if they were covering up the origin. They may have just been covering up God only knows what. I mean, you could easily speculate gain-of-function research or the international relationships that we maintain or the flow of our tax dollars into these organizations. What do you imagine or do you have any evidence, maybe not using your imagination, or using your experience and your imagination, that they were up to? Well, I can use my eyes as I read this quote,
Starting point is 00:08:55 where he says, that email somehow fell into the hands of a congressman, probably via FOIA of someone who didn't delete it, as I did, parentheses, delete all of Peter, meaning Peter Daszak. Peter's emails and others related to origin. So he is explicitly saying that he and his cronies deleted all emails related to origin, quote, when the shit started hitting the fan.
Starting point is 00:09:19 So one plus one is two. The emails related to COVID origins were deleted when the shit started hitting the fan. This is right after saying that he learned these tricks from their FOIA lady about how to delete things after a request comes in. So what we have here is the Enron situation where everyone knew there was smoke. Everyone could see the billowing flames of fire. And then you get the stories about how they're up until 3 a.m. night after night, deleting all of the records.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Well, now we have them doing the digital paper shredder of everything. And at this point, you have to say it, the very, very, very least, it flips the burden of proof. If they themselves are so terrified of their own words, their own documents, their own emails, their own communications, to the point of deliberately misspelling things, setting up alternate phones, burner phones, basically proton mail accounts, email accounts, Jimmy rigging it with a FOIA lady, deliberately doing it when the shit started hitting the fan. This flips the burden of proof.
Starting point is 00:10:31 As I see it, they need to prove to us that it was not a lab leak because just from this alone, we see they were so terrified of what they all thought it was that they immediately deleted it. And they deleted it because they knew it would look so bad if their own words had to be played on a jumbotron later and you know they i saw the isn't it true they're putting you know dollar signs in where there should have been an s and using exclamation points for l's or something these are ways to avoid the sort of word search of a FOIA document, I'm imagining, right? And on top of that, they're actually deleting stuff. Yeah, but I guess I can't believe it, right?
Starting point is 00:11:19 It's so flabbergasting to think that this was so overt. This is a question I asked you last time we talked about the blob. And I want to get back into the blob conversation a little bit too. And by the way, I'm wondering where Michael Schallenberger is for this particular dump. Is he going further deeper?
Starting point is 00:11:36 Are you going deeper on this dump? Well, this sort of gets to an issue above this. I mean, frankly, we didn't need these to already have a very damning case about COVID origins and COVID cover-ups. My specialty is on social media censorship, and especially the role of the US government and the foreign policy establishment, the blob, that is the Pentagon, the State Department, and the CIA. And their fingerprints are all over this thing from top to bottom, seven ways from Sunday, to the point where you can't look away from it. And like I said, it just shifts that burden of proof. You have to assume that that's what it was because of how hard
Starting point is 00:12:14 they worked. Instead of doing a real job, their jobs seem to be professional cover-ups for years on end. But because of that, I think what remains at this point is to trace it up the chain. This is one of these things where you have, when we can go through all the different roles of the intelligence agencies
Starting point is 00:12:37 and the Pentagon and the State Department in all of this, but what's missing at this point is what really was COVID in retrospect? Looking back at it, what was this? There's the question of, okay, let's just say you assume it's a lab leak. Well, lab leak sort of gets you into a question of, well, was it an accident? Was there a purposeful release? There are a lot of strange issues around past pandemics
Starting point is 00:13:06 in the past two decades where they've served a very useful geopolitical purpose. We know that the history of the biosecurity program and bioweapons program had very deliberate planning of the use of sort of semi-pandemic type gain-of-function diseases in order to drop on other countries to induce crises. This gets back to a lot of the history of the Rocky Mountain Lab in Montana and the work that was done on tick-borne diseases and gain-of-function in the 1950s around the time of the Korean War. It gets to a lot of very, very strange questions around the use of vaccine clinics and the
Starting point is 00:13:44 use of pandemics to have a kind of crisis predicate to put military boots on the ground in regions. You had a very strange example in 2013, for example, when the CIA was running fake vaccine clinics in Pakistan in order to collect the biometrics of the population there. But there's, there's, at this, well, and you have, you have, you have cover for, for medical services, for military all over. I mean, even in 2014, the, the, the U.S. military got busted using a USAID HIV clinic as a front to run military commandos into South America. I mean, this, and this is something that something that has been done many, many times. They've gotten busted many, many times using these sort of fake humanitarian credit kits
Starting point is 00:14:33 to establish military beachheads because nobody suspects that the aid workers are basically working for the military. And there's a lot of there there, but so many things happened during COVID. You know, there's that it leaves you in a kind of speculative guess of which one of these dozens of monstrosities was, you know, was the purpose or was it a combination? You had, for example, we have mass mail-in ballots in this country. That's never happened before. Universal mass mail-in ballots in this country. That's never happened before. Universal mass mail-in voting. There were controversies around mass mail-in ballots in the 1862 election of Abraham Lincoln, where newspapers were fighting with each other about whether or not these things should even
Starting point is 00:15:17 be allowed. And now it's de rigueur. It's now our new way of voting. That's been shoehorned in from COVID. You had a mass transfer of wealth. You had arguably the greatest wealth transfer in our country's history because of all the small and medium-sized businesses
Starting point is 00:15:34 getting shut down, everything moving to these online tech conglomerates, Amazon cleaning up with the bricks and mortars get decimated. You had the insanity of the COVID relief funds and all the banks that made out like bandits from that. You had this biosecurity state come in with these vaccine clinics and now you have basically contact tracing on every app on your phone that now gets filtered to the intelligence world through that when the same time, just two years before COVID,
Starting point is 00:16:06 that same intelligence community demanded under ID 2020 that by the year 2020, we would have all these, basically surveillance tracking device mechanisms that would be legalized domestically. And lo and behold, that was accomplished through COVID-19. There are so many. And then you got Pfizer and Moderna making a hundred billion dollars just off of the vaccine sales, uh, loans from them. There's so many, you know, at this point, and then you have,
Starting point is 00:16:35 we have to sort of acknowledge that what really was even COVID, COVID, you had a very strange situation where the flu totally disappeared, completely disappeared. And when you add up the numbers of what COVID cases were with the flu just completely disappearing, which had existed for millennia, as old as humans are, the flu existed right up until 2019 to 2022. It just went on hiatus. What happened there? You had this situation where it turns out that now, in retrospect, we know that it was an identical death rate, a fatality rate with COVID and the flu. And you had the direct targeting of the security state to prevent you from even mentioning the comparable fatalities of COVID and the flu. So at this point, these emails are fantastic.
Starting point is 00:17:28 These are felony crimes. If we had an actual Justice Department in this country, not one as captured by the blob as the medical services are, we'd move directly to the trial phase of this because they're at least guilty of felony obstruction. But as I see it, the investigation sort of has to get to what is the role of pandemics in our military, our statecraft, and our intelligence structure. I'll just pause with one last thing to say this. It was a major international scandal in 2013 when the CIA got busted running fake vaccine clinics. And at the time, it was one of these things where there was a lot of hemming and hawing.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Oh, it was sort of an accident. We shouldn't have done it, but we were trying to catch Osama bin Laden in the waning days of all that. So extraordinary measures for extraordinary times kind of thing. Well, okay, where else are they doing it? Are they doing it in Latin America? Are they doing it in Africa? Are they doing it in Central Asia? We need a total accounting, essentially, of the size of the biosecurity state and the role of these medical countermeasures and all of them. And I think until we have that sized up, we're not going to be able to really look in our rearview mirror and even understand what the car crash we all just witnessed.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I am familiar with the flu COVID data you're talking about, but I can assure you, having been working clinically during COVID, it was worse than the flu. I promise you. It was a nasty virus, and it had very specific characteristics to it that we had never seen before in terms of the way it played out but we figured out ways to treat it and we have ways to deal with it yeah okay it felt different right i i only meant to suggest that i find it strange that the flu completely disappeared it was like it was cannibal i mean we had this situation where everything you know if you die if you got in a, if you got in a car crash or a motorcycle accident, you know, all these deaths, we don't really know the death toll. You know, these conflations of with coronavirus versus from coronavirus, you know, but I'm sorry, I'll pause. No, I agree. Our data was messed up. We
Starting point is 00:19:40 were talking to John Bodwin about this just last week and and uh but but that's a that's a separate issue i i don't want to go down that rabbit hole right now i want i want to understand i want to understand the blobs motivation that that's the part that i i'm really every time you come on i start struggling with what do you what are they doing and and and i you just mentioned the pakistan false or phony vaccine program i I mean, they get away with this stuff and we don't do anything. Does anybody show any concern about it? I mean, is there something above the blob making these decisions?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Is the Military Intelligence Committee in the Congress, do they know about this stuff? Or is there something that motivates this that we just, I don't know, we don't get to talk about? What do you think? I suspect that there is, news is global. And so when you launch an investigation as to our own intelligence or State Department or military malfeasance,
Starting point is 00:20:41 if you blow it up on a jumbotron and you try to get accountability domestically, you've just created an international scandal. You've just given ammunition to China and to Russia and to Iran and to Venezuela and to anyone in Europe who wants to say, well, the American, the United States is a bad actor on the world stage. Look at what just came out. This is stuff that I dealt with at state when we would try to argue that other countries shouldn't be using Huawei or other kind of Chinese IT infrastructure because of a backdoor from the CCP. And the answer we'd always get back is no. We read the news here in Europe. We read the news here in in asia you know we we know that you know how are you any different or better than china when it comes to that security concern you're going to have to come up with a better reason you're going to need to offer us more in there's an interesting question in in here is an interesting
Starting point is 00:21:36 almost philosophical question embedded in what you just said which is is this the natural history of modern democracy is that they go this way they all they all go this way, and that they're all in this weird game together? I was thinking this morning about the Roman Republic and how this country sort of had a Republican-Republic system where virtue and honor and collaborative world was the way. And we've gone from that to this. And again, you're bringing up that the EU looks at that and goes, yeah, you're that way too. And so is China. So is Russia.
Starting point is 00:22:15 And probably so are we. So is that just what has happened to us? Is there a remedy for this? Is it what happens? And is there a remedy? Well, it seems to be. When you look at, for example, the history of oversight of the intelligence community, we created the CIA in 1947 at the time when the rules-based international order was all shifting from empire by conquest to empire by political control
Starting point is 00:22:41 and creating vassal states because you control the politicians in that country. And so everything in our military and our intelligence world shifted. We created the CIA so that we could do all these black ops and covert actions with plausible deniability. We no longer had a Department of War. In 1948, we changed its name to the Department of Defense, where instead of warring you, we would defend you to death. We call it
Starting point is 00:23:06 forward defense. We're not offensively attacking you. We are forward defending ourselves. And so everything became a, it's coming right for us. And so using that as a predicate for that. But we had about 30 years where there was no oversight of the CIA whatsoever. From 1947 to 1975, there was no mechanism for Congress to be able to investigate the CIA. It wasn't until the Church Committee hearings in 1975 that we even established a House Intelligence Committee and a Senate Intelligence Committee for oversight of the CIA. And then very quickly, from the 1970s to the 1980s, there were a lot of CIA scandals, including Iran-Contra and these regime change operations spilling into the public light. And then basically after Iran-Contra in 1985, I don't think there has been a single hearing on CIA operations going on. We had a brief moment in time in the mid-aughts when CIA torture programs became subject to congressional oversight and scrutiny.
Starting point is 00:24:17 But this is a weird thing to say about torture, if you of forgive me for saying it. But it's actually fairly tame when you look at the sort of grand geopolitical chessboard of what our intelligence services actually do. When you orchestrate a civil war and a regime change, tens of thousands of people die. When you cook up a false predicate around weapons of mass destruction, something that you know to be false, that's basically recycled, that you heard from the New York Times. I mean, that's what Colin Powell said. You use that as a predicate to go in and get 100,000 people killed. I mean, there's no oversight. We have not had actual red-blooded, full-claws, full-tooth oversight of the CIA in this country in 40 years. Or even of our own military abuses and wrongful actions.
Starting point is 00:25:15 And I think part of this is because they are considered so essential to statecraft that if we dig up our own skeletons from that closet, we hold it up for our own people to see, now the whole world sees our skeletons. And then there goes the American century. There goes American hegemony. And so we have this really difficult issue with foreign and domestic. And it just so happens the people in charge of oversight, their whole worldview is colored by the global, by the foreign. The House Intelligence Committee, the House Foreign Affairs, or Senate Foreign Relations, all those people are focused on what other countries, because that's the nature of intelligence. At least it should be. And so they look at it as what is going to be the blowback for that on the world stage.
Starting point is 00:25:59 And so because of that, because we need to keep it a secret from the rest of the world, we need to keep it a secret from the rest of the world we need to keep it a secret from our own citizens and should be you mentioned last time how by calling us various things they were able to turn the blob inward to the country and use the intelligence muscle against the u.s citizens which was never meant to be the use of it and also you said uh i guess it's colin powell um knew something was to be false because he only had read in the New York Times. But I'm wondering if right in that moment is some insight into how much, so much of what goes on these days is just plain old hysteria, that the hysterics come out of not just the public and not the press, but the actual blob itself is just prone to hysterics,
Starting point is 00:26:46 including the Defense Department. It makes me really wonder about that, but I'm going to let you answer that after the break. I'll take a break, and then I'm interested in the remedy for all this or what we should be doing or thinking. But you tell me first about the blob and hysteria, and then we'll talk about remedy right after this, okay?
Starting point is 00:27:05 Let's talk about aging because everyone wants to know how to slow it down. For almost a decade, I've been taking a healthy aging supplement called TruNiagen. This supplement boosts NAD. That's something that cells can't live without. It's done with a patented form of nicotinamide riboside
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Starting point is 00:28:40 I love it. A COVID emergency kit, but let's unpack their medical emergency kit, the one that gives you immediate access to treatment for a varieties of medical conditions. A COVID emergency kit, but let's unpack their medical emergency kit. The one that gives you immediate access to treatment for a varieties of medical conditions. Here's the kit. Pneumonia, upper respiratory infections, skin infections, gastrointestinal infections. You'll have on-hand medication that will even serve as immediate prophylaxis against a sexually transmitted infection, rapid intervention for Lyme and other tick-borne illnesses. Of course,
Starting point is 00:29:03 we've added Tamiflu to our kits in case the avian flu should become human-to-human transmissible. Then we know something is up and we want to be ready. And look, we want to be covered for bioterrorism even. And of course, the Nobel Prize-winning antiparasitic ivermectin and a how-to guide and a virtual consultant. Get access to these prescription meds by going to slash TWC to save 15% off.
Starting point is 00:29:28 That is $30 off the medical emergency kit. slash TWC for 15% off the kit and any of their kits or their supplements. Do it now. slash TWC. Dr. Drew said the best way to quit drinking is by going cold turkey.
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Starting point is 00:30:13 And now my coffee of choice also happens to be a Paleo Valley product. Their special proprietary organic blend is made with coffee fruit extract and eight functional mushrooms that offer cognitive support and you you'll feel it uh they have they're full of phenols of course and uh i i'm i just drank a cup just now with with some of the bone broth low acid easier on your stomach is a promise of purity
Starting point is 00:30:37 because it is lab tested for mycotoxins or mold and as for the bone broth as i said it's made from real bones grass-fed finished beef, contains collagen, glycine, and of course the important amino acids. Go to slash paleovalley for 15% off your first order and 20% off when you subscribe. That again is slash
Starting point is 00:30:57 paleovalley. Thank you for that, everybody. We appreciate you supporting those. And True Niagen has some interesting stuff coming up too. We're going to bring Dr. Amy in to talk to us about reproductive health. And women in their 30s, when NAD starts to drop, may be improving their reproductive potential with True Niogen. So I love that stuff. I use it every day.
Starting point is 00:31:19 These are all things we are very, very, very fortunate to be supporting. So let's bring Mike Benz back in. We were talking about remedies for this and also discussing hysterics and how the blob is prone to the same hysterics that the media and the public seems to be sort of very deeply, what's the word I'm looking for, vulnerable to? Is that because we have filled the roles of the blob with people that are like the public, prone to hysteria? Well, there's an amazing quote here I actually just sent to your producer over the break here. And this is from a 2016 article by Dr. Peter Daszak,
Starting point is 00:32:05 the same person who we covered in the first segment, who's deleting the smoking gun emails and bragging about how they should be getting kickbacks for all the cover-up work they did. And this is from a 2016 article called Developing Medical Countermeasures
Starting point is 00:32:21 for Coronaviruses. And they're complaining about how the main problem is they're not making enough money because investors in a pan-influenza vaccine are only invested during a crisis or at the height of a crisis. And so here he writes, and this is a direct quote. This is on the topic of hysteria. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, we need to increase public understanding of
Starting point is 00:32:44 the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process. So this is the guy who makes his money. Daschik got a $53 million grant from USAID for the bat coronavirus work just ahead of the outbreak of COVID. And here he is saying that the way to get money to flow through this whole system is to create hysteria, to create hype, and that the key driver of that hype is the media, and that the economics, the payoff for the Pfizer's and the Moderna's and all the hedge fund and private equity firms that will invest on that basis is the hype driven by the media and that they will invest because they'll see profit at the end of the process, meaning they will see that
Starting point is 00:33:53 the hype will create the perceived need for this pan-coronavirus vaccine. So you have it right there. The hysteria that we all saw, which was apparently basically trained to our heads almost at the barrel of a gun, given how much of this money came from Pentagon contractors for this media spin, how much of it came from places like the National Science Foundation, which was basically set up as the military's kid sister in the scientific development world. How much of it was given out through State Department grants and how much of it, you had hundreds of billions of dollars on the PR of all this, all told between NIH, CDC,
Starting point is 00:34:39 NIAID, the Pentagon, the National Science Foundation, the State Department, USAID, and others. And here you have it point blank from basically the guy at the center of it himself saying, this is exactly what we need to do. We need to create hype. Even when people aren't, when they're not in a state of fear, then they're not going to put out all the money for this. So if we want to hear that cash register cha-ching, we need to create a clockwork orange operation where people are put in a state of fear all day. So what do we imagine this is?
Starting point is 00:35:14 Is it narcissism? Is it hubris? Is it greed? Is it all of the above? What do these folks imagine they're doing? Of course, they imagine they're doing something good because that's always how real social evil gets done. But what is this? What are we looking at here?
Starting point is 00:35:32 It's a good question. I suspect everybody who's involved in it has their own particular set of vices that draw them in. Certainly, the whole gain-of-function field is what's sometimes called dual use. You are creating a souped-up super virus nominally. So at least this is what the PR on it is, so that you can create cures for the even souped-up monster super viruses. And so I suspect that there is a kind of God-like feeling. You are playing God with this. You are creating new forms of life. You know, when you read Bobby Kennedy's
Starting point is 00:36:12 two books on the Wuhan situation, you know, the real Anthony Fauci and the second one he just put out called The Wuhan Cover-Up, it spends a fair amount of time going through how much more money is involved in the gain-of-function studies, how much easier they are to do than other kinds of scientific papers, because it's a relatively straightforward process. You deliver a result right away. Here's how I engineered some new freak virus of nature, as opposed to 10 years of esoteric theory. You know, I mean, you're right in the action of it. And, you know, and I suspect that, you know, I suspect there's a godlike feeling. You feel very important.
Starting point is 00:36:55 It's a lot of money. I mean, that's, I mean, that's, I would put greed certainly, you know, far up there. But then you have a lot of people who aren't necessarily very talented, who aren't necessarily the best and the brightest, but they are made the most famous doctors on earth. They are thrust, they are here to save humanity in a crisis. We look to people like Dr. Peter Hotez, not to be disrespectful, but I don't know that Peter Hotez could have made it in in any other field i mean the the motor doesn't run particularly hot there and i there's there's almost no skill set other than a kind of pr flack in in a kind of jv you know bill nye the science guy sort of thing that he could and yet he's became the face of this you know i mean there's, there's- What bothered me, I got to tell you,
Starting point is 00:37:45 let me just give you some feedback. What bothered me, I have no quarrel with Dr. Hotez, except that he is a pediatrician. He has no adult medical training. And when I spoke to him, he was freaking out about routine complications that we see in adult medicine as some sort of extraordinary. I remember
Starting point is 00:38:06 walking away, shaking my head going, what is he talking about with this? This is what happens when old people get sick. Oh, he's a pediatrician. He's never taken care of an old person. So he's freaking out about what he's hearing. And I would never take care of a kid. I have no judgment there, no training. He only takes care of kids. So this is, and by the way, file amongst your smoking guns out there, most, at least authorities in public health, state level certainly, are pediatrician
Starting point is 00:38:39 because they are the vaccine program creators and they understand these things because they're pediatricians. I wouldn't deem to do that. But when it comes to an adult pandemic, well now they're completely out of their league. Which is one of the things that caught me during COVID.
Starting point is 00:38:58 No one was ever talking. I kept asking, are you talking to an infectious disease doctor? Did an infectious disease specialist tell you to close the schools in Los Angeles? No, they did not. Why did you not consult with somebody whose expertise is this and make a huge decision that's going to affect the lives of millions? It's the right thing to do, is what they said to me on television.
Starting point is 00:39:22 So I've got it on tape now where they said that to me. And I understand things were a little unclear at the beginning, but then open them back up again after consulting with somebody the way Florida did Florida battle. I held a panel and consult with a bunch of experts and he went, okay, I've read everything, read the literature you provided me. I've heard your testimony. I think I'm going to open things back up again.
Starting point is 00:39:41 And now we have got a perfect AB-B test. Florida versus California. Which one did better? What do you think? Guess what? So anyway, sorry, but that was my public service announcement for the day. Right. I mean, look at how they didn't move from California. Somebody with common sense out there.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Right. I mean, common sense was not happening at all. Yeah, no kidding. That's, oh, just anything pragmatic was completely crushed. And this is what this FOIA dump shows us, that anybody attempting to use their brain or to say something reasonable had to be crushed. Now, you said something early on in the last half hour, you said something about going straight to court or straight to, I don't know what you said, to discovery or something. Do you think there's going to be some sort of solution in the courts?
Starting point is 00:40:32 It's back to remedy. What do we do? Not under a Biden administration. This is one of these things where we're in a very weird moment in American history. I don't know that we've ever been here before. And we've had presidents assassinated, a couple of them. We've never had a president indicted, let alone 91 felony charges, FBI raiding their house, four separate criminal cases with those 91 felonies. I mean, we have a Justice Department that is completely off the rails. I mean, it's almost, I mean, it's probably the most corrupt institution of Washington, and that is not for lack of heavy competition. So, you know, the idea of somebody being arrested by the Justice Department when they are so in bed with the White House. You had this relationship. But again, it's not corruption the way our lawmakers have been.
Starting point is 00:41:34 We think of corruption as money and interest, while I think the judges just have a belief system. They believe they're doing the just cause. They believe in what they're doing and they have a thought system that informs them. And I think anyone arguing with you, I'm trying to just present the other side, would say, oh, no, no, they're doing God's work.
Starting point is 00:41:58 They're presenting an insurrectionist from becoming the president of the United States. And so this is this weird world where, you know, do you remember Yanni and the two sounds or the yellow and the blue dress? This is two different views of the world and we can't seem to reconcile it. And that feels like something we've never been in before. Well, certainly. I mean, it is balkanizing the country because of the huge erosion in trust. I mean, this is one of these things where I think because of how much the world turned on its head when Trump won the 2016 election, it's splintered everything.
Starting point is 00:42:39 The urge to destroy or effectively judicially assassinate him, you know, from every direction has led to every instrument of American life being weaponized in this process. I think that we've all seen the politicization of things in schools and in sports, in video games and medicine. That's what we're talking about. You know, it's the common ground that we used to have because it was just politics well the politics and the culture have completely merged and so now nothing's just you know just you know cult all every element of culture is you know feeds into the hearts and minds of people and so it becomes a pawn in the politics is there any is there any model in history where that we there's been solutions
Starting point is 00:43:25 other than a strong man coming in and Napoleon stepping in? That seems to be history's solution is literally Machiavelli's prince stepping up. But I'm wondering if we, because of our strength of 50 independent states and we have so many interesting aspects to our system, I feel like we could find our way through this.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Maybe it's just, there's just, as my friend Adam Kroll always says, just safe spaces and octagons. We just separate into our different localities. I like that. We'll know, I think, a lot more this time next year. I think that what plays out, even in the next week or two, we'll know the status of this first Trump trial. That is going to make the country's position in a different place. And again, in a weird way, this is related to medicine because the question of whether or not you can... You had this strange situation where at the same time Trump was being indicted for mishandling classified documents, you had Joe Biden mishandle classified documents.
Starting point is 00:44:29 You had a special prosecutor from the Justice Department investigate it and say Joe Biden committed these crimes. He mishandled the documents. He did so deliberately. But we think that a jury in D.C. would not want to convict him because he presents in a jovial way and he is, you know, he's sort of old and a bit senile. And, you know, so even though it's the exact same, I mean, that's the difference between a thousand years in prison and getting away scot-free. It's the exact same set of facts, but just one prosecutor's discretion. And, you know, that's what rule of law now turns on in this country. And you can see a very similar thing, I think, with respect to getting justice about COVID. The fact is, is the Biden, the Trump White House, you know, tapped Tony Fauci and Dr.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Birx and, you know, all that stuff played out under Trump's nose. I think it's rare that you'll see a Trump supporter who will completely absolve Trump of all that, although it was sort of a shot from the dark that no one really saw coming. The fact is, it was all very much working with this kind of shadow Biden realm. If you remember, they even withheld the announcement of the Pfizer vaccine until two days after, or I think it was four days after. It was literally the very next week.
Starting point is 00:45:53 They had already, I think in October of 2020, they had already internally said that they were ready to make the announcement and they held off on it so that Trump couldn't get the credit for it on election day in 2020. I mean, that shows how deep the Pfizer world was with Team Biden.
Starting point is 00:46:10 The idea that Team Biden's Justice Department would then turn around and indict those people seems very low probability to me. two people who land on one or two grenades, but I can't imagine a Biden administration having anybody at the senior leadership pay anything other than maybe a civil fine. And even that I would probably bet against. So it's going to take new leadership. So back to remedies. Remedies. What are our remedies? What's the average citizen do? Well, you could vote for pretty much anybody. You could vote for a Flicus plant for president, and that would result in more cleaning house than what we currently have. I mean, the fact is, personnel is policy. And the biggest thing that changes when a new government turns over is that the new governance mechanism puts
Starting point is 00:47:07 in place the people who are there to reform the government. And whether that's Donald Trump or Bobby Kennedy, or like I said, pick a random inanimate object at Walgreens and it would do a better job staffing a less corrupt government than the one we currently have. But the other thing is, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk about all of this. Share not before. We were all crushed on social media in 2019, in 2020, in 2021, in 2022. And it is very much a brand new world now with alternatives available on Rumble and with almost total free speech on X and a security in your platform. You couldn't talk about any issues with vaccines, mandates, masks, lockdowns, conspiracy theories. You were banned from talking about COVID origins. And now, you know, that's all possible, which means – I mean, who would have thought a couple years ago that we would even be able to muster the political capital to have a congressional subcommittee on COVID origins, which is who's turned up all of this?
Starting point is 00:48:26 You know, Tony Fauci is now set to testify in front of Congress. So accountability is always slower than you want and less satisfactory than you want. But the motor engine of it is politicians feeling like heroes because it's on the tip of everyone's tongue talking about it. And when they go in and take some action, they are rewarded as heroes. So the predicate for a politician doing something heroic is for you to be already talking about it so that they get the signal and feel that sort of carrot and stick to go to bat for you. Perfect. Perfect. That's a great place to wrap up. Caleb, what did you put up there about the giant meteor and ended already? What was that?
Starting point is 00:49:11 It's one of those, it's a parody sign, a bumper sticker. It's a parody of Bernie Sanders' sign. And instead of voting for anyone, it says just vote for the giant meteor 2024, just ended already. And the foundation for Mike, what's coming up there? What should we look for? So I'll be doing a video series shortly on censorship laundering to show how the whole society model works with respect to how the government, the private sector, civil society, and media all coordinate the censorship of targeted narratives.
Starting point is 00:49:41 And then later this month, we'll have a big series on what's behind the global government censorship cascade happening from Brazil to Australia. Well, when is that one going to be? The first one coming up? When do you expect that to be posted?
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah, this week, we're kicking off our video series on censorship laundering. And then next week is our target for the big report we've been working on for about a month and a half here. So if you don't mind, I have to give a talk up in British Columbia
Starting point is 00:50:11 in later June. And I'm preoccupied with the mass formation and how people get hysterical and why we're so damn hysterical and how it happens in history. But of course, with giving you attribution, I want to talk a little bit about the censorship part and the propaganda part.
Starting point is 00:50:26 So people understand how this, you know, they turn up and down these hysterias. So, but if you don't mind, I'm going to call on your foundation. I'd love to. All right. Thanks. All right. Thank you so much. And thank you for being here.
Starting point is 00:50:40 And we hope to see you again very soon. That is Mike Benz coming up. We are going to talk a little more about where we need to keep talking, and that is with Dr. Meryl Nass. You can find her at Nass, N-A-S-S, N-A-S-S, Meryl, N-A-S-S, Meryl, M-E-R-Y-L. And is where you can find posters and whatnot. And there's an update from Dr. Nass regarding the World Health Organization. I don't dare call it a treaty.
Starting point is 00:51:06 I just can't get that. I choke on that. So I prefer to call it a so-called treaty. Please welcome Dr. Merrill Nass. And while we're bringing, while we're welcome, hi, welcome back. Let me give people your particular,
Starting point is 00:51:19 so if they've not seen you speak here before, they understand. Oh, Caleb. There we go. Dr. Nass, of course, board-certified physician, four years of experience in all areas of internal medicine, nationally recognized experts on epidemics, and MIT-trained prior to going to medical school.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Where'd you go? Was it Brown, Dr. Nass? Is that where you went to medical school? I forget. Uh-oh. I think you're muted. I think you're muted. I think you're muted. Yeah. Started med school in New Jersey, got married, and moved to Mississippi where my husband was a faculty member.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Oh, interesting. That's very true. Graduated from the University of Mississippi. Fantastic. And then internal medicine, and then many, many years of that. All right. So give us an update on a World Health Organization. When I saw that they had given up, it's seeming sort of ignominiously, I thought, okay, good, this is it. And I saw some of your delight online. And then that turned to hold on, everybody. the fight is not over yeah so um the thing about the who is uh yes it got a little hit at the knees but it's going to keep trying to move forward so there there are two documents there were amendments to an international health regulations and a new
Starting point is 00:52:41 pandemic treaty which is called the Pandemic Agreement. Nations, about 50 people in two committees, 50 each, were negotiating these two documents for two years, and they never were able to come up with a consensus on them. They didn't come up with a finished agreement. They finally ended it on Friday. And so that is something for us to be very happy about. They couldn't get people to agree, nations to agree. But of course, the people behind the WHO who have, you know, bought and paid good money for it are not going to give up. So they
Starting point is 00:53:18 want to continue negotiating these documents and if possible, have a few of the amendments get approved this week so that they can claim a partial victory and say there's reason to keep going thing is if even even if the who fails to get either agreement the un is all writ is geared up to do the same thing so the the UN General Assembly meets in September, and the Secretary General Guterres has already asked the members to give him permission to organize an emergency platform, a mechanism by which he could declare global emergencies with, again, no standards, and then he could decide what to do about them and direct the nations to obey. So we don't have treaties yet that have all the details in them as these nations tried to negotiate for a couple of years.
Starting point is 00:54:16 But the plan is to get permission to move forward with this at the UN. At the same time, the EU is putting into law similar rules. So again, the EU is controlled by the globalists. The WHO and the UN are controlled by the same globalists. The US government is controlled by them also, as is the Australian government, New Zealand, many governments. What the globalists haven't been able to get so far is control of all the states. And according to the US Constitution, 10th Amendment, any authority that is not specifically enumerated in the Constitution as belonging to the federal government reverts to the states. So that means the states have authority over education, for instance,
Starting point is 00:55:10 and healthcare, because they're not discussed in the constitution. So does Biden have the authority to turn over regulation of healthcare to the WHO or the UN? We say no, the constitution doesn't give him that authority. And so my group, Door to Freedom, working with the Sovereignty Coalition, the Children's Health Defense, National Vaccine Information Center, Stand for Health Freedom, we have worked on a state strategy as well as a federal strategy and brought to state authorities, attorney generals, governors, and legislatures, the issue that they're in charge of healthcare, do they want this to get turned over to the WHO or the UN? And so in the last month, on May 1, we had 49 senators, every Republican senator in the U.S. Senate said, no, we're not giving up sovereignty to the WHO. And we demand that if you pass this treaty and the amendments that they go before the Senate.
Starting point is 00:56:16 And then on May 8th, we had 22 all Republican attorneys general say, look, we're not going to be allowing the WHO into our state to give us orders. We're not going to carry them out. And on, I think it was the 22nd of May, we had 24 governors write their own letter to President Biden and say, look, you know, this is not good. We're not letting you do it. We are the primary authority in our state, and that isn't going away. So that's wonderful. We also were working with legislatures, and there are a variety of different bills that have gone through about a dozen legislatures, and some are still sitting there. But yesterday, Louisiana passed in its house. And so Louisiana passed 37 to nothing, a bill denying jurisdiction to the not only the WHO, also the UN and the World Economic Forum about six weeks ago. And it went from the Senate to the House. A little bit of language was changed.
Starting point is 00:57:29 It went back to the Senate yesterday. The Senate passed it again. It had already been passed in the House. Today, the governor, Jeff Landry, in Louisiana signed it, and they had changed it so that the date it became active was today. So as of today, Louisiana, it doesn't give any jurisdiction to any of those three organizations. Oklahoma. Great state of Louisiana.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Yes. Please go ahead. All right. Oklahoma passed in its house about a month ago. It's a very similar bill. And then it was blocked by Republicans in the Senate. And that block has finally been removed. And it's going to the Senate tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And then it will go back to the House because it's been slightly amended. And the Oklahoma governor, who already has signed on to a letter to Biden about this, will sign it. So Oklahoma also will be denying jurisdiction to the WHO, the UN, and the World Economic Forum. We have other bills in Alabama that basically are asking the federal government not to go along with the WHO efforts, but they don't absolutely deny jurisdiction to those organizations in the state. And then we have a number of other states where these bills will, we hope, move forward next year in the next session. So that's where we are in the world.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Certainly it's going to create an interesting sort of momentum to the exodus from certain states if only certain states are allowed the the you know the only certain states are allowed to exempt themselves from this nonsense but it'll be interesting to see i have a couple questions uh do you know when they were in this uh 50 country reconciliation negotiation do you know which countries gave them the most trouble i'm guessing they wouldn't listen to united states i'm guessing the EU did not give them trouble. Where were they getting? And I have seen certain African leaders speak out about things like this with great concern.
Starting point is 00:59:33 So I'm wondering if it came from certain African countries. Yeah. So, well, there were lots of different contentious issues. So the pharmaceutical industry felt like they were being asked to give up too much that they, although it wasn't specified exactly how much they had to give up, but they have been against these documents. And even today in a meeting this afternoon for us,
Starting point is 00:59:57 the representative from the international pharmaceutical manufacturers association said, we don't like it. So they carry a lot of weight. Strangefellows but whomever whoever helps meantime right the developing countries and particularly africa because africa tends to hang together so there's 54 african nations um today they were talking about a group of 47 but that's that's a lot there's 194 members member states of the who so the african bloc is essentially a quarter of them and so uh if you can't get the african bloc to go along you're going to have a hard time getting your documents through is that what
Starting point is 01:00:36 happened i i just smell that as part of the issue they haven't voted as a whole block yet but they they've demanded so what happened is the globalists tried to do two opposite things with these documents. They needed the third world countries. So they said, we're going to give you equity. We're going to give you cheap vaccines. We're going to give you laboratories. We're going to encourage more healthcare workers, etc. But the specifics were never written into the documents of how that would happen. And of course- The way they treat some of these African countries, it's despicable. They're just like some sort of utility that they can manipulate. And they're sniffing it out.
Starting point is 01:01:16 And I've seen some very clear thinking African leaders push back hard on this and I hope they'll continue to do so. Yes. So you remember that the leader of Tanzania who had a PhD in chemistry, very smart, he was assassinated or well, he died, mysteriously denied. He was in his fifties, healthy guy during the COVID pandemic when he refused to impose lockdowns and vaccine mandates in his country. So the, what, so the Ugandan representative today, so now they have bigger meetings. So those were the negotiating teams.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Those negotiating teams are done for at least the time being, or maybe forever. Today they had committee A discussing these two documents, and then they had a plenary. So they need multiple negotiators from each country or diplomats. The Ugandan said, look, you know, we're not happy about the director general being able to declare a potential pandemic at whim.
Starting point is 01:02:23 So he said, we have these diseases in our country all the time. And once he declares one of these, it really affects our economy. So we think there should be standards. We're not going to go along. And I think that would be true. Shocking. Shocking. Probably the rest of Africa.
Starting point is 01:02:39 What crazy thinking. What crazy thinking. Wild thinking. Standards. Who would have thunk? Oh, my God. Well, thank you for the work you've been doing. And you came a long way.
Starting point is 01:02:51 I just remember when Michelle Bachman was the only person going, excuse me, we got a problem here. And you got involved. And I think your group and several others have had tremendous effects. So thank you, number one. One last question before I wrap things up. I noticed that Marie Le Pen and the Italian leader Maloney were sort of gathering together some forces for the EU. I'm wondering, is the EU, could it change direction as it pertains to stuff like the World Health Organization Treaty, so-called?
Starting point is 01:03:22 So the EU, interestingly, is not a member of the who and somehow weaseled its way into negotiations so the eu is negotiating for its member states but can't necessarily vote for them but they're trying to find a way so that the eu can vote if if anyway Anyway, so von der Leyen is 100%, 1,000% in favor of this agenda. But Maloney is not. And I'm sure Marine Le Pen is probably not. Senators in Italy have said that Italy will not be voting in favor of these documents. When the prime minister of Slovakia said that two weeks ago, he wound up being shot a few days later and he's been in the ICU. I remember that.
Starting point is 01:04:11 So I don't think it's a good idea for heads of state to make their position known ahead of time. All right. Is there anything you'd like people to do? Can you have Dr. Ness tell everybody why she's not licensed right now oh somebody was being kind of a did they go after your license on russell's i think yet again didn't she lose it are you letting go yeah i lost my my license my medical license was suspended at 26 months ago and i've not gotten it back um but this was probably an act of God to propel me into working on the WHO and giving me the time to do it.
Starting point is 01:04:50 So I have no complaints about that, but I cannot write a prescription. You don't have to worry about losing it again. Yeah, exactly. I wish Drew would lose his sometimes. She keeps encouraging me to let mine go, just so I don't have to worry about this stuff. But are you going to sue the state organization that was so egregious in the way they – I remember discussing with you how this happened and what the ridiculousness was.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Is there going to be any sort of legal action there, do you think, on your behalf? So we did sue the board, and oral arguments were in January and nothing's happened. So I asked my lawyer a couple of days ago and he said, oh, the judge is retiring. He's retiring at the end of the month. I'm like, what? So what does that mean? What does that mean? Exactly.
Starting point is 01:05:38 He hasn't made a ruling yet about whether we move forward or not. Anyway, that's how things are and i appealed the so that was a lawsuit against them for a malicious prosecution since it wasn't based on you know my ability to practice medicine and then uh you know we're also appealing i don't know where those things will go but what do people need to do so the pressure of people by mobilizing lots of people, explaining what was going on at the WHO, and having thousands and thousands of people contacting their elected representatives, that's how this happened. And so don't let up the pressure because the UN is coming back. The WHO will try to come back with something and we still have to stop them.
Starting point is 01:06:25 But what's happened is they've lost the advantage of stealth. Now people have figured out what this is about and they're going to have a lot more trouble pushing it through next time. But we've got to keep our eyes on it. So thank you to everyone. Thank you so much. For those calls. Yes. And I'm sure they feel the same way I do.
Starting point is 01:06:45 And gratitude for you for leading the way. So again, the website where people should go for more information, Dr. Nass? Yeah, Great. Thank you so much. And my sub-stack? And we'll talk soon. Yeah, merlenass.substack.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Yeah, Okay. I've not promoted that, so go ahead. Thank you. Got it. Perfect. And thank you so much, Dr. Nass.
Starting point is 01:07:12 For everyone else, tomorrow, is Dr. Victory coming in at normal time, Susan? Is your camera on, by the way, Susan? Can we see you? No. Yes. No. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:07:22 That's Caleb's job. It's disconnected from whenever we switch the cameras. Yeah, we'll get it next time. Well, I can see it on my side, so I'll just look at myself. Kate Means and Andrew Burrell. Yes, tomorrow it is the normal time. Okay, Rachel Morin, Thomas Pappas, Melissa McAfee,
Starting point is 01:07:41 Winston Marshall will be very interesting from the EU. It's going to be an early day. Naomi Wolf, Brian Joshe have very interesting from the EU. It's going to be an early day. Naomi Wolf, Brian O'Shea have some interesting updates for us as well. So they'll freak us out even further. So we appreciate you all being here. And Susan, anything? I know you're responding to the
Starting point is 01:07:55 Rumble Ranchers a little bit there. I could tell. No, it was just somebody said that, oh, you're platforming and documented. Hey, hey, anybody says platforming, I don't hear that word ever again. I'm sick of that word. I'm sick of it.
Starting point is 01:08:08 I'm sick of it. I'm having an interview with an American citizen. Yeah, that's it, period. And guess what? I don't agree with everything everybody says, but I learned something from almost everyone that comes in here. Well, that's why I called it out
Starting point is 01:08:19 because I agree with you. Dr. Ness has been through a lot and she's still moving forward and doing great things for the world. So even though she's not putting in an IV or waking up at the crack of dawn to take care of all her patients. She's done plenty of that. Yeah, listen. She was 40 years. MIT trains. Did all you guys go to MIT?
Starting point is 01:08:42 Is that where you went to school? We had Dr. Peter Hotez on the show. We've had Dr. Nikki Mayle on the show. We've had Dr. Nicky Mayle on the show. We've had the whole variety. All of them that'll come on, we've had them on here. We're not just platforming people. We're having conversations. We're trying to learn the truth here.
Starting point is 01:08:55 That's correct. Somebody went, re-re. He's coming back to you this month. All right. So I appreciate you guys being here. Caleb, anything else from your standpoint? Thank you for rolling with our technical issues. Yeah, I don't have a camera because we had a last minute issue.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Well, the audience doesn't know. We got to make my camera. We fixed it before. Yeah, whatever. I don't have any hair and makeup. Oh, let me, Susan, if you could throw up the thing about Canada maybe or my pillow, we'd appreciate that. But yeah, we're going up to British Columbia on June 24th to 27th, I think it is, if that's right. She's got to put the information up for me.
Starting point is 01:09:30 And yeah, there you go. Throw that up. Throw that up a little bit. Yeah, Canada's just gotten worse. I think everyone understands that. And I was asking up there and speak. Dr. McCullough's coming up. I think Dr. Reich may come up.
Starting point is 01:09:43 By the way, we're going to have Justin Trudeau's brother in here very soon. Yeah. Julian Assange is too. What's that, Susan? We got Julian Assange? His brother. We have two brothers coming up. His half-brother and then Justin Trudeau's half-brother.
Starting point is 01:10:00 It's like a week of brothers coming up. That's great. Well, Trudeau's, of course, invocation of the so-called Emergencies Act aimed at the truckers. You guys remember that? First time that had ever been used. Sort of the banking dissidents and the insane government overreaching programs, the assisted suicide program. There's so much going on up there. And we've got friends up there and they asked me to come up through the wellness company. And they've got codification of speech laws and surveillance. So next month, check it out.
Starting point is 01:10:27 We're trying to sort of encourage freedom again. June 21st through the 23rd, Susan and I are participating in the third annual Reclaiming Canada conference. Dr. McCullough, as I said. I think Dr. Reich is going to be there too, Susan. Is that somebody else? Yeah, it's a big, big panel of people. I'm just one of the many. And as I said, I'll be relying on some of my Mike Ben's stuff that was it comes out here
Starting point is 01:10:49 so appreciate that and then the other thing was to oh to address real information what is that what's the website hang on keep going keep going keep let's see where the website is ah there you go go to for more information and tickets again that is what's going on yes it's in Victoria not in not in not in Vancouver because we keep saying and also our friends over at MyPillow. Don't forget them. They've been great to work with. They're lovely. Mike's been great.
Starting point is 01:11:27 The people are great. And let me give you some of the links to their stuff very quickly. We've been very, very pleased with the stuff that they provided us. Go all the way to the bottom there, Susan, for the call to action. Please, all the way to the bottom. Yeah, that's where it goes. Okay, promo code drdrewdryw at and also slash mypillow.
Starting point is 01:11:48 And we've got towels and bed sheets. We got all kinds of stuff. I know we've been very, very happy with it. And Susan was yelling at me for now. She was, yeah, keep us moving forward here and keep all of our employees employed. And we would love to appreciate it very much. Keep Caleb's babies in new shoes.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Susan was yelling at me earlier that I didn't wear my pillow slippers or what are they called? Beach shoes. Beach shoes yesterday. Yeah. His feet were burning. We were on AstroTurf and he was like, this is really hot. The dog's feet are hot.
Starting point is 01:12:17 I was like, where are your new slippers? My mistake. Yeah. We've got to wear those. All right. So we appreciate you supporting people to support us and that work with us. We can keep doing this and we appreciate you
Starting point is 01:12:28 being a part of it and contact if you have any suggestions or things you'd like to see in the future. We're happy to read that stuff. Susan checks it all out.
Starting point is 01:12:36 slash sponsors. For all of our sponsors, we appreciate you. You can see if you like our lighting or if you like, you want to know where the links are,
Starting point is 01:12:44 the discount codes are. They're all there. Caleb puts it all together on this website called This website. It's extraordinary. What a creative name, too. Okay. We appreciate you all, and we will see you tomorrow at 3 o'clock Pacific time.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Dr. Kelly Victory steps in for me. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published.
Starting point is 01:13:42 If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at slash help.

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