Ask Dr. Drew - Nikki Glaser on Ask Dr. Drew — Episode 20
Episode Date: June 25, 2020Nikki Glaser is an actress, comedian, and host of multiple podcasts, radio, and TV shows. She joins the show to answer questions on self-confidence, caffeine addiction, finding love during COVID-19 lo...ckdowns, and more. Find details about Nikki's comedy tour at “Nikki Glaser is one of the funniest female voices in comedy today. For over a decade at clubs across the country, and as the host of three hit podcasts, Glaser has been honing her shockingly- honest, no-holds barred style of comedy. In that time, Nikki has also executive produced and hosted two TV shows: Nikki & Sara Live for MTV (a female-driven pop culture sketch comedy show) and Not Safe with Nikki Glaser for Comedy Central.” Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation (@KalebNation) and Susan Pinsky (@FirstLadyOfLove). THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. This show is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information exchanged during participation in this program, including interactions with and any affiliated websites, are intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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or someone close to you, please contact Connex Ontario at 1-866-531-2600 And today we are joined by the great Nicky Glazer.
Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre.
Psychopaths start this way.
He was an alcoholic.
Because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction.
Fentanyl and heroin.
I'm a doctor for f**k's sake.
Where the hell do you think I learned that?
I'm a sailor.
You go to treatment before you kill people.
I am a clinician.
I observe things about these chemicals.
Let's just deal with what's real.
We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time.
Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat.
You have trouble.
You can't stop and you want to help stop it.
I can help.
I got a lot to say.
I got a lot more to say.
There you are.
There I am.
You can find her at
There's all the spelling is up there
and uh at nikki glazer and uh the new podcast you up with nikki glazer correct
yep it's it's an old new i'm now doing it daily it was a weekly but um since i have no other work
i was like oh i might as well do it daily so i just do uh i call him a hit of pod uh every day
um monday through friday yeah that's probably the right
where you do it right there correct kind of yes that's in my dad's home office in st louis
missouri so that's i want to get into a few things so so you have been in st louis continuously since
i saw you on millionaire uh in like february or march when was that yeah march it was like i think
we did like right when shutdown happened.
So that was the last TV thing that I did was seeing you.
And then I was on this show right when I got into quarantine.
I think like a week later, this is one of the first like internet shows I did.
And I've been here ever since.
So going on, it's been four months now.
And you kind of like, you kind of like it.
I kind of love it.
I turned 36 in this house just the other day,
and I cannot believe I'm a 36-year-old woman living at home with my parents
and really loving it.
And I don't need to be.
I mean, I can afford to not be here,
but I'm choosing to be here because I'm lonely.
I like roommates.
I don't have any friends right now that live in St. Louis.
I don't have any friends that are living in New York city where I used to live
in LA that I'm planning maybe on moving out there again.
Cause I was living in New York, but there's really no reason to be there.
There's nothing, no work really waiting for me there. So I don't know.
I kind of, I'm just like hanging out.
I mean, people are doing clubs. People, I know.
Tell me, the cancel thing is pretty scary.
I mean, it is.
I mean, it's terrifying.
And I'm actually writing a show right now for Quibi that, but way before this, any of this happened last year, I sold show to quibi called canceled that i'm now writing
while in quarantine um that is about if i got canceled and had to move back home with my parents
in st louis missouri and so i'm writing a show that i'm actually living aside from the fact that
i wasn't canceled but um it's always been a fear of mine, you know, as a comedian who makes my living, just speaking off the top of my head and saying dumb stuff and taking risks
and saying things that I definitely regret and some things that wouldn't get
me in trouble.
But even I say things I regret all the time,
whether or not it's something that could get me canceled.
So I've,
I'm sure I've said something in the past that someone could get upset about
enough that could try to
ruin my career. And, you know, it's, it is, it's, it's scary, but, uh, I feel like overall,
I just know I'm a good person and I don't think I've done anything illegal or said anything
completely. Uh, I don't know. That's what I think about all these guys that get canceled. I go,
do they walk around being like, Oh, I wonder when someone's going to unearth that thing I did.
Do they know that they've done it and they're just waiting?
Because I'm waiting for something I don't even know I've done.
I have the exact same question.
I wonder that myself.
Or are they so, I think the world thinks that somehow they're morally bankrupt so they don't see it or something.
You know what
i mean i wonder how many of them are walking around going or when it does finally happen
and they think oh my god i didn't think about it that way i i don't know i don't know the answer
that i've never really talked to anybody that's been in that position so i don't know well we
will be in that position soon enough thank you thank you thank you for that reassurance it's
good to know but but i mean but 80 to say like i don't think some of it's justified, but I don't know.
I feel like it's weird to destroy someone's career because they were mean to a young legal girl once.
And I don't know that that's... But I need to know all of the stories.
That's the thing. I need to have a research in front of me before I make a statement.
It's hard.
80% of your humor is directed at you.
You know what I mean?
I tend to not.
That's good territory, right?
You can't get in trouble with that.
I might cancel myself. I might take offense
to something I've said to myself
in the past. Why don't I just get to it before anyone else can?
Yeah, take care of this.
Take care of it.
Get rid of her.
Cancel her.
I touched myself when I was 15.
So is that?
I'm just kidding.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
We can talk about anything here.
I'm trying to make jokes.
Honestly, I don't feel comfortable even.
Can we just move on?
Dude, I've seen your Instagram.
I've seen your Instagram live.
Touching yourself seems to be a common topic.
Whenever you talk to your girlfriends on Instagram.
I know,
I know that is true.
I'm struggling with it.
Did your,
did your mom,
did you,
you were also concerned that your mom or dad might hear you on Instagram.
Did they,
I wondered if that happened.
I don't think they've heard me yet.
I'm very quiet when I do those things um and i wear
noise canceling headphones because i don't even like to hear myself so i i hope that i'm not
oh my god i hope they just think i'm stretching or something
i know i bite on a stick like i'm giving birth in the woods uh you know, that's what I do to fight back the screams.
You know, the Megan Fox thing, which I had not heard about,
I just came across my text that people are bombarding me with that,
but let's not get into that.
So, you know, the one thing about the cancel thing is when I wrote that book,
the narcissism book, The Mirror effect, I wanted to include a chapter
about pre-revolutionary France because I was saying, you know, I've never seen a period of
history with all this trauma and all this narcissism. I bet the only thing I could find
was France around the revolution. And I said, you know, it concerns me what's going to happen
is there's going to be mobs and there's going to be guillotines. And that's what we have now is a
reign of terror where nobody's pure enough pure enough nobody's good enough everybody gets
canceled and then the people that were doing the canceling then they get canceled that's the reign
of terror it's the same exact phenomenon yeah i it's scary to even speak out against the people
that maybe deserve it because then everyone their fans start looking at stuff you've
done and try to cancel you so it's like you i just i'm trying to stay quiet until i have all the
details or until i'm forced to like say something i don't know it's i don't know why i have to put
out a statement because other people have been i i know in the past your your heart is i know your i know
your heart is good you know what i mean i i know it's it's pure you know what i mean and and you're
that's what i think but and you're a comedian who gets paid to stay stupid you know what i
mean it's so i i don't know and she loves birds. You love birds? Yeah, I love birds. But you know what this whole thing was?
I used to say in the past that I came, like when we were talking about race,
I've been saying it for years and I felt really uncomfortable saying it,
but I would say that I grew up in St. Louis,
which is still very, the neighborhoods are very segregated.
I didn't grow up around enough black culture
to really understand it and to feel comfortable around it.
And so I probably have some,
I'm not racist, but I probably have some racist tendencies
and that's okay because I wanna learn how to not be that way
but I'm not gonna deny that there's certain behaviors
or thoughts or whatever.
And I don't wanna be that way so i want to look at it
and i was all comfortable uncomfortable saying that now that's like a acceptable thing to admit
now like well it's also it's now it's all it's an indictment of st louis because you have a large
african-american population in on the east side right and the fact that you're not interacting
to me is sort of heartbreaking it it is to me too because i i don't know i grew up
thinking that you know you go through your you know grade school education you learn about civil
rights and you just think everything's okay now we had you know they would um yeah bus kids in
from the city to go to school with us in the in the suburbs and so i thought like oh if everything's
equal and then you grow up and you're like no it's not but that's what they told us that's what the
history books taught us so but this is what you feel the complaint angry at st louis in many ways
for not and and be careful because there's there's a friend of mine put out a video his name is uh
dan siegel he's a very famous psychiatrist.
And he said, you know, we have a glitch in our software in our brain where we have biases that are, even if we're explicit, we don't feel it.
We're not aware of it.
We don't believe we have a single bias.
On some level, we always have biases.
And we have to just pay attention.
That's all.
That's the best you can do and so but is admitting you have
biases then make you a bad person to admit that you have these subconscious things that are taking
place i i don't know does that mean you sh i i i i want to be better i'm not perfect in every way so
i have to admit some of my flaws but then is that going to get me canceled to admit that i i don't think so that that there are stereotypes and sometimes i adhere to those
or believe those and despite them being true it's like is that wrong to admit i don't know
you can admit it you can admit it and go how how shitty of me i'm going to work on this you know
kind of thing i think that's a reasonable position yeah So, right. And that's, that's what I've been saying for, for years,
but I've only seen it now kind of become socially acceptable to admit that
before it was just like, no,
I'm never racist and I've never been racist and there's never been a single
thought about another person of another race that I've had.
That's different than my own. It's like, really? I don't believe that.
I don't believe you're a bad person if you've had those thoughts, but yeah,
acknowledge them and be them and try to
educate yourself and fix them. And that's what we're all trying to do, I guess, I hope.
And my sort of
approach is, as a white male of privilege and biased
in whatever way I am, my African American
friends have to constantly school me.
So I don't feel in a position to say anything
until my friends are there helping me.
So let's leave it there.
Let's leave it at that.
And I'm glad, everything you're saying though,
actually, I think people should be happy about
because you can't be anti-racist
if you don't acknowledge that there's racism.
You know what I'm saying?
Yeah. You can't go against something if you don't acknowledge that there's racism. You know what I'm saying? Yeah.
You can't go against something if you say it's not there.
So you're saying, hey, I guess I didn't know.
By the way, you should read, please do me a favor.
You want to get a taste of gaining some clarity.
Read Frederick Douglass' biography.
I keep saying this on most of my, do you read it?
No, but I just read a um a guy on reddit
was talking about how it gave him so much perspective and taught him so much yes i put
it down on my list please get to it it's like uh it's like the i like the scales fell from my eyes
i then i was immediately embarrassed and ashamed so go read it and you see if that doesn't change
your outlook for good i would love to feel
more embarrassed and ashamed than i already do like i because i think that spurs change
unless you feel uncomfortable with how you've been living and how you see the world and there's
no reason to change like you said so i'm actually i like things that make me feel like
i don't feel that way i don't do that like i like things that make me feel like, well, I don't, I don't feel that way.
I don't do that.
Like I like things that make me feel uncomfortable and make me feel ashamed.
There's a couple of videos that have been circulating since Black Lives Matter that
I've spread and said, watch this because it's going to make you uncomfortable.
And that's how you should feel.
And so I kind of, um, I like that stuff.
Barbara, somebody on my, on my chat room here said, as Barbara says, as a woman of color,
I fear for my future children in regards to racism. And I've noticed, I talked to Adolph
Brown, who's a psychoanalyst, an African-American gentleman. I'm going to do more with him because
he has such a deep understanding of how our minds work. And I could really, he and I had some very
interesting conversation. But the one thing that something like Barbara saying that and made, makes me feel sad. And rather than us all getting organized around
outrage and anger and shame and guilt, collective acknowledging how sad it is that Barbara has to
feel that way, how sad it is that we have this history, that's a common ground. And I would
urge people to kind of, I'm not saying all the other emotions are wrong.
I'm saying there's a common emotion in sadness that we could all kind of acknowledge.
And it has potential for growing out of it, at least.
And I'm getting very sad.
The whole conversation, the fact that we're...
I know it's all so depressing
I've been so depressed recently
and as a white girl
in the suburbs of St. Louis
I'm depressed
so I can only imagine
but yeah
it's um
what a time
have you ever lived through
anything even close
to what we're
going through
I mean I
excuse me
hang on a second
we gotta get Susan
to turn off her computer
there we go
I mean I lived through she's, hang on a second. We got to get Susan to turn off her computer. There we go.
I mean, I live through, yeah. She's watching another live.
I've been through a lot of stuff.
By the way, before the mics heated up,
you heard her say, you know, a friend of mine called me
and she went, which girlfriend is that calling you, right?
Did you hear her say that, Nikki?
I swear to God.
Oh, come on, I was joking.
So here's the thought i have
when she says this and nikki as a woman i want you to bear me bear up am i completely off my
rocker am i right on this she's hoping that it's a girlfriend so she gets a hall pass oh that's
what she that's what she's thinking she's like making a plan because i'm so far from that why
would she bring it up every time i get a phone call i know but i made nikki
laugh it's because she's thinking if i could just get him caught then i could go do what i want to
do nikki but you're a woman tell me if i'm right on this i think you're over analyzing it oh nikki
you don't have to support just because you're come on now all right it was an innocent good joke but
i do know what you're saying where you're like oh you're
making that joke because you want to do that you're you're that's a little I
don't I don't know that that's where it was coming from
he thinks she'd offer test too much Shakespeare had it right I thought I had
a good delivery I was really proud of my you You really did. Thank you. And I like that Dr. Drew goes, wait, which one?
Because he goes, is that your girlfriend?
You can't keep them even straight.
Which one?
Do you know?
The one you know about?
I know.
Oh, somebody, Monica wants to, Monica Ricci, our buddy,
wants to know who is your hall pass.
I don't issue hall passes, everybody.
I'm not in the business of hall passes. i don't think those work out very well yeah you don't i don't why nick you
disappointed that i don't i don't issue change mine i mean susan who was yours susan i had robin
williams but he was but he passed on oh and then right and then i moved over to Mario Batali. And you had the Anthony Bourdain.
Mario Batali.
Mario Batali.
She goes from funny to food.
You could do Crocs and cooking for eight hours and I'd blow him.
And then.
You understand we're going to be kicked off YouTube because of you.
Do you understand that?
All right.
And then.
Mario Batali?
Why? It changed. That changed after the Me. Okay. All right. Mario Mattali? Why?
That changed after the Me Too thing.
That changed.
And when you blew him, you could kneel on his crocs and it would be like a padded.
And then, because I like interesting men that are funny or can cook.
But now, I don't know. I don't really have anybody maybe the rock oh my god guy theory no no wait she had who was the other one you had
somebody else the rock yeah the rock now um rock i know what's yeah hmm uh cass uh the name of the
book i was talking about is it's a book it's just it word Douglas on it, but it is Frederick Douglass' latest biography, and it is sensational.
It's not his autobiography.
It's a biography, right?
It's a biography by a current modern author, and it's very, very, very good.
It's very good.
And Monica was disappointed in you, Susan.
You didn't resonate
with any of your choices i think she's disappointed in you because you don't have one oh i see i see
let's see uh oh yeah you're doing too many celebrities to have a hall pass dr your
daughter's you can't yeah susan your daughter has now on now in the chat room going, I picked the worst day to listen to your stream.
And Paulina, I would absolutely agree with you.
Oh, yes.
Yeah, so don't worry, Paulina.
They're going to kick her off YouTube.
Don't you worry.
So, see, Nikki, you're not the only one that humiliates yourself.
I know.
I'm so glad that there's another family that yeah you make your your children uncomfortable
i make my parents uncomfortable right we just spread around all the generations well let's
all say i can't wait till i have kids i feel like i know your parents personally after all the
the instagram posts wait wait i just want to remind everybody that i was made a mockery of
on who wants to be a millionaire,
which was great.
I loved it.
I laughed my butt off. So let's tell that story again.
Let's tell that story.
I was wondering if you wanted that story to be revisited.
Hang on a second.
It was hilarious.
Andrew, I see your note about the inhaled remdesivir.
Did I get the video?
I did not get the video, Mr. Ashkazvili.
I don't.
So I would love to see whatever you're talking about.
Maybe I did. I remember doing a little more research. I think I did. Yes, I did not get the video, Mr. Ashkazvili. I don't. So I would love to see whatever you're talking about. Maybe I did.
I remember doing a little more research.
I think I did.
Yes, I did get it.
Oh, the TED Talk video.
I did get that.
It was excellent.
And very exciting, too, to see what they're up to there.
So, yes, I did get that, Andrew.
Go ahead, Nikki.
Tell the story.
I was on Susan's uh where she had a psychic
on who was supposed to like talk to wait slow down slow down nikki nikki slow down susan you have you
have a psychic pot what you know psychics how weird how weird is that it was a great concept
i don't really believe in psychics, but I was open to it.
And the woman was trying to drudge up someone that had died in my past to
like maybe come through and speak to me.
I imagine ghosts in the past are like,
they get asked to do a podcast the same way I am.
And they're kind of like, oh, I've done seven this week.
Okay. Yeah, I guess i can do it um so no one
was coming through and then finally someone came through and the description just didn't fit anyone
from my life and uh but susan was still in the room and so she was like wait a second can i just
hear more about this woman because it sounds like my mom and the psychic told us more about her and she was like uh you know Susan asked
like oh my gosh this sounds like my mom does she have like very long hair and she's smoking a
cigarette and she's sweeping like she's vacuuming and the woman goes the other two but she actually
has um it's like a short bob cut and Susan just goes ah mom cut her hair
i just love the idea of your mom getting a haircut in heaven
oh i just didn't recognize her oh she's lost some weight and she cut her hair
and it just i i i do i want to believe in that stuff but to me it was just an example of um and i don't mean to humiliate you in that story at all
because i think so many people want to see their moms and want to connect with the dead and that
they'll find any way to kind of make that person be the person i would i would i would argue nikki
that we've gotten to a point politically in this country where that's how people think politically
too you know what i mean no matter what position're in, they will defend it when the facts are presented to them.
I always think about the flat earthers.
You know, they went out and they bought this very expensive NASA, you know, gyroscope that
was going to prove that, I forget exactly the specific science, but the gyroscope would have
to be off by a quarter degree every four hours or something.
So they bought this incredibly expensive piece of technology.
They went, we're going to prove to you the, the, the earth is flat.
They looked at it and it was off by a quarter of a degree and they went, well,
we're going to have to explain that.
So, so this is the point you, if you, if you reason from conclusion, which is I'm talking to my mom,
you'll find any way of justifying it.
Or if the earth is flat, that's my conclusion,
and any evidence has to be interpreted in the conclusion I've already made.
And that's the way people are thinking politically these days too.
They just get these – they get things,
and no matter what evidence is presented to them,
they use it to defend their conclusion rather than to modify their position.
You're right.
We have to keep that in check at all times.
I can make any man a narcissist in my mind.
If I think a guy who's hurt me or rejected me, I either say they're gay or they're a narcissist or they'll
never love anyone and slow down if it's in relation to you that must be true that's obviously
true that's obviously true so you're good on that you're good but but it's again it's a way
it's a way of making yourself feel better bottom line and so i you know that that's a little
different that's that's reasoning to defensively right to try of making yourself feel better, bottom line. And so that's a little different. That's reasoning defensively, right, to try to make yourself feel better,
as opposed to the conclusion is it's kind of the same thing.
I don't think you're this person that would say,
if somebody doesn't like me, therefore they must be.
You're thinking, this feels awful.
I've got to figure out why this happened.
And you're making sense of it.
It's a little different.
But it's also a cognitive distortion, right? For all, who knows what the reality is, right? In those guys. I mean, I'm unlovable.
See, that's the other problem is you start to go to these other places.
That's the one I really use and will use any evidence to support it so anytime anyone gives me anything good about myself
i then say that they are stupid and i've fooled them right so no one can ever convince me when
i'm in depression mode and i hate myself and everything i've done is crap and it's all i'm
a fraud and i'm not funny and i'm not interesting i'm not smart anytime someone goes well i think
you are then i go well then you're dumb and I've tricked you.
Like they can't win.
I, I, yeah.
And I think, again, that's the same phenomenon, which is reasoning from a place of feeling
like I need to keep the feeling drive the thinking.
And because I have low self-esteem, I do the same kind of stuff.
I will play the same and certainly across my lifespan.
I played that game with myself, where you just,
I'm more in the dismissing people
that would be thinking good things
because they must not understand.
They just don't know what they're talking about.
Or I've stroked their ego enough that they like me
just because I'm so nice to them
that they'll just convince themselves
they like me no matter what.
That's usually what I think of when people like someone like you,
who I respect,
like likes me.
I'm like,
Drew likes me and thinks I'm interesting.
he probably just does because I am nice to him or something.
but then that's,
that's stupid because you're not someone who's just likes anyone who's nice
to you.
Like I respect you enough.
So it is the only way i know that i'm worth something
is from like people i respect liking me i thank god for that well that's good i mean that's i
think self-esteem is it's shot what about you you just said you have low self-esteem i think people
do you i i assume you've mentioned that before but to me that comes as kind of a shock that you
just admitted that as this accomplished person.
So esteem gets set by about age five, right?
And if you don't have the right whatever, and some of it may be biological too, you end up with one, you know, either high or low esteem.
And you can't really do much about it after that.
You can't really.
Hang on.
But so I have found it to be an, it, it doesn't bother me anymore.
I did enough therapy and that kind of stuff that it doesn't, I'm aware that
that's my orientation, but it's not a, doesn't bother me, right.
But I actually use it as an asset because whenever anything goes wrong, I blame
myself whenever there's something that needs to be improved upon,
I look internally.
I don't assume any of it's out there.
I assume it's all here.
Because this is deficient, so I gotta make it better.
And that's an asset.
As opposed to people that constantly blame the world,
you can't change the world.
You really can't change that.
You can only change what's going on in you.
So I've-
Don't tell Eric Clapton that.
Well, and that's
why they say the self that's why they say the self-esteem movement has been a failure because
it was a mistake i mean it's it's it's you you you miss a lot of unpleasant affect if you have
higher self-esteem but to really strictly build up a steam without any um you know any need to build that esteem you know like doing things
to help build the esteem like accomplishing things in the world that has then there's a
bunch of people that just think things should be coming to them and the world is the problem
and that's that yeah i've made a lot of strides since talking to you on your show.
Well, the deepest you and I got was on your show.
We did a whole eating disorder thing.
Are you better since then?
Yeah, I'm actually really good in that department.
I mean, it's brought up other things, but that is doing better than it has in 18 years.
Great. I'm so grateful for that.
But you're the one who really turned me on to emotionally focused therapy, which I went through a couple of therapists and it took my time in finding someone.
But I finally found someone who like when I tell her my stories of life, she just looks at me like.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And like starts to cry.
And I'm like, why are you crying?
And it's real.
She's really feeling what I should be feeling and kind of showing me that it's okay to feel that way,
even as someone who's listening to my story, let alone someone who experienced it.
So it's really taught me to be able to cry here and there.
I am so happy for you because you see what she's doing.
She's connecting.
She's reflecting your feelings and metabolizing them in a form that you can
take them back.
And that connects you,
that connects you to your feelings,
I'm so,
I'm so,
so glad you're doing that.
I would never have found her without you.
I mean,
I really went on this like a online thing and I typed in emotionally focused
therapy and I found like the only woman in New York city who didn't do it for just couples and and now she's
my therapist I love her because it's it's sort of renowned for a couple I
think we talked about this one boy it's you know it's well known to a very very
effective with couples but I'm here to tell you it works for people that are
willing to do it with the stuff you're dealing with very good is she still back
in New York she is in New York and we just FaceTime but it's it's powerful and to do it um with the stuff you're dealing with very good is she still back in new york yeah
she is in new york and we just facetime but it's it's powerful and every week i'm i cry and it just
and and then after our sessions i'm very emotionally open and it's still uncomfortable
for me to to cry and to feel my feelings but um it'll get better yes feelings uh feelings have
never killed anyone i i think i always hear
that and i'm like really but they haven't killed me yet so it's just i never feel justified in
crying you know that's my big problem is i think i i just like there's other people who are living
sadder lives what are you crying about so i just feel ridiculous um but that's a very common feeling obviously
but not even worthy of your feelings think about that
yeah it's i just always feel so ridiculous crying because it's just
unless you know if someone in my life very close to me died like for example i had a um
this was a thing that kind of came to fruition over the weekend I had a friend in high school
who killed himself and I wasn't really close with him but we had gotten we had
spent some time together a handful of times in the weeks leading up to his
death I'm not saying that I caused it but now that I'm saying this I'm like
yikes no he we had spent some time and then he killed himself and no one in my
life knew
I was friends with him because I didn't document it.
He didn't come over the house to my parents' house.
And I just, when I wanted to cry about it, I was just told you didn't even know him.
What are you crying about?
And so I just tucked it away.
And then this weekend I found out I was mentioned in his suicide note and I burst out crying
when I found that out because I was like like there's evidence that i that i meant something to him and he meant something to me and i had
no idea that that was there and and why i needed that to be able to cry i don't know because
i was sad you know if you're sad you're sad why do you need to be have your name in a suicide
note but for some reason that was like okay finally i can cry 18 years later about this thing that really upset me back then but i didn't i didn't
feel justified i would keep looking keep mining whatever's going on there because it feels
profound i don't know quite what it all is but it feels kind of profound so good for you i will
thank you thank you somebody has a question for us,
for you rather.
Let's get to it.
Where'd she go?
There she is.
this is he,
it's Dwayne.
One sec.
How are you?
I'm good,
You got something for Nikki?
a big fan of your mom's house.
you keep bringing up every now and then how someone, uh, there's this guy that you're on again, off again.
And then I'm just curious, how's that going?
I think you're talking about the guy she called when we were on Millionaire, right?
That's exactly who it was.
That's so funny.
Yeah, nothing's going on there He watches my Instagram story once in a while
But I've truly given up on him
In terms of any kind of like lasting
Partnership and that's a good step
But would I
Change my mind if he did
Probably but I'm not
Like looking at my Instagram
Story seeing if he saw it anymore
I don't think about him at all
He's a
nice guy but um i probably only liked him because he was unavailable to begin with
but um yeah yeah that's that's what i'm uh starting to realize and yeah he lives in new
york and i and i don't plan on living there anytime soon so it wouldn't work out anyway
i thought you're going back to new york no i mean what's there to go back to i don't i there's no comedy clubs that's what i moved
there for is comedy clubs and restaurants so i just i just uh i had an apartment that i got
march 1st and i just found someone to sub lease it and i'm shipping all of my furniture to st
louis and maybe starting over here wow now you were in los angeles for a while too
right yeah i think i'll eventually go to la this winter but for now i'm just i think i might just
stay here and see what happens i'm trying to sell a reality show i don't know i'm just now that
stand-up isn't happening i'm just like what else can i I do? Don't put any roots in Los Angeles.
California is a shit show.
Oh, my God.
Tim, what's going on?
What do you mean by that?
I'll tell you in a minute.
Tim, go ahead.
Hey, Dr. Drew.
Yes, I was curious.
What do I do?
I think I'm suffering from a low-grade anxiety because of all this nonsense going on
i i think i think low-grade anxiety would characterize the collective unconscious right
now i think we're all experiencing and nick you've got anxiety stuff right you have anxiety disorder
yeah i do too and so this this current the covid not being able to see the future the unhappiness the unrest it is a recipe for anxiety
i can't imagine how anybody doesn't feel anxious with all this going on so yeah and but i think
that's uh beginning to uh dive into somewhat of a depressed state of course of course and so then
that's what happens is that depression can cause anxiety and depression and anxiety can lead to depression.
You feel them, right, Nikki?
I mean, I'm already a depressed person and this is definitely making it so much worse.
And you're right.
I think when you have a call with someone and you go, how are you?
And they go, great.
You just go, what?
How could you? You're
not, no one's great right now, but not to make your problem sound like we're all suffering, but
for some reason that helps me to know that everyone, no matter how happy they look on
Instagram, everyone's kind of depressed right now. Hey, speaking of what else can I do? You said
out loud, somebody here, Lauren has a great suggestion for you uh call the producers of the
mass singer you should do the mass singer that's a lot of fun i've been dying to do that show why
don't you call them i don't know if they're i don't know if they're going on i i have heard
rumors that they might not continue because it's expensive and they need an audience and they're
running out of people you could just we're all wearing masks now so i know it's not so unique
but uh seriously you should what should that guy do huh what should
that guy do it's your first step or do you have your like these people who are just normally happy
are suddenly experiencing depression for the first time what's the first step i don't even know okay
so the first step is nutrition and sleep the second step is sunlight and exercise. And then it's about connection with
other people, particularly people that you care about and care about you. And then it's about
purpose. And I would argue that the lack of purpose is what really is getting to people.
They don't have work. They're stuck without their usual contacts. And then you can't,
people need hope and in that
hope they need to be able to see the future and how about you I mean so just
we're kind of talking about what should I do what else can I do I don't I don't
know what to do right and and that's for me really hard that's been the hardest
part of it this whole thing it's just suddenly like the future looks kind of
foggy and gray and I can't't figure out what's out there.
I don't like that.
I don't like it either.
I'm trying to stay in today more than ever because more than ever,
you can't predict what tomorrow is going to be like.
Things keep changing.
I keep booking gigs.
I have a gig a week from now in Utah, in Salt Lake City,
and I think it's going to happen.
But D.L. Hughley collapsed on stage last week, and now everything's changing. and I think it's gonna happen but DL Hughley
collapsed on stage last week and now everything's changing I mean it's day by
day if I could make a suggestion to I forget his name but you know obviously
meditation meditation worked wonders for me for my depression and it's I know
that it's daunting and people feel like overwhelmed by it right I think there's mindfulness where it's sort of the general category of
mindfulness and meditation has been so popular lately as a panacea.
Like it's going to work no matter what's going on.
It's going to help you, going to help you, going to help you.
It turns out that's not true.
That some people get more anxious and more depressed by mindfulness.
Now, I'm not saying mindfulness is not good.
Probably 80%, 90% of the time it is good.
So your advice is quite solid.
But what I want to be sure to say is if you're one of these people that kind of gets worse
when you try to do it, usually that's PTSD or some sort of trauma stuff.
And so be very careful.
Don't demand that you necessarily use mindfulness meditation
though it is recommended let's get another call from Philip Philip what's
up man On TV's episode, you said that with COVID-19, the financial effects of it, there's been more deaths of despair in that demographic, that statistic, rather.
So my question is, could the exact opposite be happening with COVID at the same time with people that will be dying from other ailments?
So, for example, heart disease, a person has heart disease but then they get
covid and they pass away from that and it goes down as a covid19 death but it could be argued
that they would have passed away anyways so so there's there is a lot of that there is a lot of
that philip that that's definitely and and people are dying of heart disease but they happen to have
had covid so it's being called covid so yeah there's a lot of that. But here's a piece of data that no one tells you that really
is something people should think about. I was looking this up a couple of days ago.
Nick, and I'm going to put you on hold and have you listen along.
Nicky, what's the average length of stay after someone is admitted to a nursing home before they pass away
what's the average duration of time let's say you're getting on and we have to put you in
nursing homes again these are hospitals not not uh independent living facilities or condominiums
or assisted living nursing homes which is a nursing 24-hour nursing supervision. The average. Average length of stay before death
after you've admitted. 18 months.
Six months.
Six months. So the vast,
vast, vast majority of COVID deaths
are nursing home patients.
Think about that.
Think about that. Who would have died
within, the majority would have died
within the next six months
So this is important.
When this whole thing broke up, that's what broke out.
It's one of the things that I was getting a little freaked out about.
I'm like, we don't put 80 year olds on ventilators.
You don't put 85 year olds on ventilators because they don't survive.
And if they survive, you make them the most miserable human on earth for about six months and then they die.
It really is horrible when you do that to people.
And I don't understand. Maybe the laws change in certain states or something where doctors are forced to do this. six months and then they die. It really is horrible when you do that to people.
And I don't understand, maybe the laws change in certain states or something where doctors are forced to do this, but this needs to be thought about. And I've said it before in the stream,
this is an opportunity for everybody to think about making their end of life wishes known to
the people around them. Like, do you want everything done? Do you want ventilators?
Do you want, you know, where do you want the line to be drawn? And do you ever want to be in a nursing home?
I'm on the record, Nikki.
If I get so neurologically impaired or so physically impaired that I need to be turned by two people, I need an institution to turn me around and wipe my ass, forget it.
Stop feeding me.
Just let me go.
Roll me off a pier.
Yeah, don't put me in a nursing home.
I'll be fine
just stop beating mario batali yeah right
i think i think the batali hall pass won't do that dr drew would they do that would they
actually follow that request and just be like sorry we're gonna i mean they have to keep rolling
you over and wiping your ass no no no you can your family, don't put me in a nursing home.
Get hospice.
Don't feed me.
I'll be fine.
Now, you can do that.
You can do what's called palliative care, which is making the end of life dignified.
Make the end of your life as wonderful and dignified as the rest of your life.
Don't make it a house of horrors which we in the medical system
we can do trust me I used to do it all the time because people demanded it but don't you have to
go into a a place for hospice no hospice can be done at home anywhere you want hospice is a team
that shows up but then hospice is a team that shows up do they stay 24 hours a day towards the
end they will they'll give you a nurse i need to
know this so when that happens to me thank you yeah nikki i told you she's recently sold out
she's preparing she's preparing now now if something if there's any funny business or
any weird misadventure that goes on here i want you to witness for me and i want you to call the
fbi do you understand i'm scared your back's gonna go out temporarily and she's gonna be like see you can't roll over it's the end i'm gonna outlive
the guy okay just so you know i have to take care of him he's putting the shit on me now
she i'll come with a haircut uh but you she will she will hasten the demise trust me uh so i didn't ask for pillow
therapy i asked for no nursing home and no ventilators a little bit different a little
bit don't give me any ideas nikki i'm counting on you keep watch my back
i'll wash your back too. When you need it.
I recently gave my,
I wrote an email with all of my passwords in it or not an email,
but I sent a,
or I just wrote it into my dad's computer with all of my passwords so that if something happens to me,
my parents can like access all of my work and you know,
and my Google drive and everything,
because I don't i heard some
story of a girl dying in a car accident and her parents were trying to unlock her phone just to
see your last pictures and just to see your last text and apple will not give that information over
no matter what i know so i gave them my phone password my email every my tinder i'm like swipe
for me in the future you know in the afterlife um i give them
everything and they're like this is really weird for you to do it i'm like but accidents happen
you know so it's good to have no you you need it's it's need you need to make your wishes known
and your you know plan do you have a last will and testament i think i do yeah i'm pretty sure
i have something like that but i don't you know you know, I want to even tell people which pictures to use at my funeral,
like the one that is on the next year casket.
Like, I know they're going to pick one that I hated from this promo shoot I did four years ago.
You know, like they put on posters.
Is it this one?
Show the one that we have.
No, I like that one.
That's from Dancing with the Stars.
I look sultry and ready to get kicked off first.
All right, good, good, good.
Yeah, and by the way, if you go on The Masked Singer,
even if you get kicked off first like I did, you'll have fun.
You'll have fun.
It really is a very fun show.
Oh, you were on it.
You didn't know that?
Oh, I didn't know that.
Oh, yeah.
No, I didn't.
Oh, my God.
Oh, yeah.
Look up Drew Eagle, and you'll see. He was a bird, Nikki. Oh, yeah. No, I didn't. Oh, my God. Oh, yeah. Look up Drew Eagle and you'll see.
He was a bird, Nikki.
Can you?
Oh, my gosh.
Right up your alley.
Well, maybe, you know, maybe.
Right, I was a bird.
Maybe Caleb can play a little bit for him.
Yeah, he's going to look for it.
He's going to play you a little bit.
Did they know it was you?
Did they figure out it was you?
Oh, no.
It was really bizarre because, you know, I know Ken and Jenny very, very well.
And Ken, before you knew Ken, I knew Ken as a doctor.
And I used to have him fill in for me on Loveline.
He was a very good, very smart, very good doctor.
And I'm up there in this crazy getup you'll see in a second.
And he goes, I know who you are.
I used to fill in on your show. You a talk show you're craig ferguson
and then wait and then jenny who i know even better goes i'm thinking there's all the radio
they're talking about listening radio i think you're adam carolla and i was like
you got all the way to adam and you couldn't do one little step further. Yeah. Isn't that
What did you sing?
I sang as well. I had a, I had a really, okay. So I used to sing opera when I was a kid and
I noticed in, I used to, and so I started singing like national anthems for like the
Kings and the Dodgers and stuff just for fun.
Oh, my God.
And I noticed that my mid-range was just gone.
It just all of a sudden was like, and my vocal quality had changed.
So I went to see an ENT, and I had a varicea on my cord, and I had hemorrhage, and I had reflux.
I had all these vocal cord problems.
And they're like, oh, dude, we need to do laser, but that'll be three weeks of vocal silence.
And I'm like, I can't do any of this. So we went into sort of a vocal rehab program
and vocal coaches started showing up at our house every day. And by the way, they make steroids or
something. Steroids, they let me take steroids. And they, by the way, they have these very
stringent non-disclosures and our kids didn't know what was going on. And my son's like, what's with
these coaches coming in? And we're like, I'm going to sing for the Dodgers.
Don't worry.
It's no big deal.
And then she started showing up every day, and I was like,
you better sign this paper.
I had him sign the non-disclosure, too.
So as we were preparing, they were like, you're going to be the eagle, right?
So I go, oh, I'll be doing anthems, and maybe I'll do some Sinatra
or some Michael Bublé or something.
I learned about 20 songs.
And then I put the costume on, and it's like this crazy rock eagle.
And I'm like, oh, no.
I have to sing something kind of rock for sure.
And I don't sing rock.
So then a whole other adventure ensues.
And I ended up singing a Meat Loaf song.
Oh, my God.
Wait, you trained and learned songs
i mean how long were you doing that for prior to yeah yeah i i it didn't take me that because i
i'd sung so for me to lead to learn stuff was was pretty easy um the harder part was getting my
cords back in order um so i i started in june probably the second week of June, and we filmed like second
week of July, something like that. Or maybe I think I did about six weeks of prep because
when I realized I had a problem, I was like, we got to work on this. And then the songs,
I just was picking stuff I wanted to sing. So I learned a bunch of stuff. There's a whole
mess on that show in terms of how they deal
with uh music clearances and who sings what and oh my god it's that part was craziness um yeah do
you have anything i love those shows oh here's a picture i'm getting a picture here he's gonna put
a picture up for you of the whole there it is oh there's the eagle and then well that's cool you
know at the end they take your mask off,
and then they make you sing again.
So that's the one on the right.
And the left was the actual.
It's crazy.
That's so fun.
I would love to do that show.
I mean, I did Dancing with the Stars, and I did not.
When I got asked, I was like, oh, God, I have to do this show
because I'm not going to turn it down because it's just so weird and fun.
But it was the hardest thing I've ever done.
And it was the best show I've ever been on.
I loved it.
It was different than anything I've ever done.
And I think you would like this.
I think you would like this, too.
It's very similar.
It's a whole world you sort of enter into.
And it's very well done.
They do an amazing job.
I have a question here from uh
julie in huntington beach i want to get to her real quick she wants to we're doing a homeless
talk here hi julie hi how are you we are good what do you got um okay so um i represent a very large
uh community within my town of Huntington Beach, California,
that are seeing the increase of homelessness happening everywhere,
just lots of transients and lots of just people sitting there saying that they have mental disease
and that they've got this and that and, you know, and they're just smoking pot just in the, you know,
areas, the public areas and right by the pier.
And, I mean, they come in droves and they just hang out and they're just everywhere.
And, you know, us taxpayers that have gorgeous properties that have invested, you know, in our beautiful place
are aggravated because, you know, these people are just sitting there
and the police officers aren't doing anything about it because of the laws that are currently in place right that is that's the you're
zeroing in on the problem the problem is the the laws that's the problem please right and what i
saw from what you were talking about how how deeply you feel about changing the laws in order to help the people that have these diseases
that are choosing to do the drugs and not choosing to take the medication that they need to get
healthy. It's within their right to just basically not be healthy and sit around and beg from us
that are just trying to enjoy our day because we've been working really hard all week long.
All we want is just a nice view and to enjoy our meal without getting hassled.
Well, you're just getting a tiny little taste of what we've been dealing with up here for quite some time.
Yeah, you're in L.A., I guess.
Yeah, it gets very dangerous for everybody.
It gets very dangerous for all eventually.
I know Huntington Beach is nothing compared to what you guys are dealing with in L.A. Right.
And New York and other major concentrated cities.
Yeah, so let's talk about it a little bit.
Is this what you were referring to, Dr. Drew?
It's one of the symptoms I was referring to.
Is that in California right now, if you want to steal, we'll look the other way.
If you want to do drugs, that's legal.
Jails, we don't really need those.
Sanitation, that's not a concern of our government.
Rats, who cares?
Destroying property, not a big deal.
Assault, well, unless it's with a deadly weapon.
And then, you know, what did you really mean?
That's California right now.
You can do essentially anything, and people will look the other way.
And it's creating a mess.
It's creating a mess.
And the people, the most vulnerable are the ones getting hurt the most.
So the mentally ill right now are accumulating on the streets,
the drug addicts and the mentally ill.
So we now have open air asylum and open air shooting gallery.
And that's what we get.
That's the state.
That's the state of California.
And you know, these are my patients.
I know this population so, so, so well, and they're coming from all over the
country because you can steal to support your habit and you can use unmolested you can even traffic you can even traffic in drugs they know exactly
how much to carry and how to traffic and stuff and um that's it the and the cops can't do a thing
they just sit there and try to you know give them naltrexone when they overdose and that's about it
i've been all over the state i went to sacramento and looked at what was going on there they have
they have they have meth gangs it's really kind to Sacramento and looked at what was going on there. They have, they have, they have meth gangs.
It's really kind of interesting in Sacramento.
What's going on.
It's, it's worse than almost anywhere else, but it's, it's a mess and it's,
and people in Cal in Los Angeles, they're dying at the rate of three a day, three
a day or dying on the streets from the neglect and unless we change some laws.
Uh, there's no way to help these people.
There's just no way.
And they're all going to die.
And I would argue that's extremely racist policy. Just look at who's on the streets.
And if we really want to help them, we need to show a little willpower and help them.
By the way, these people, the folks, when you do treat them and they come off the streets,
they are pissed when they look back and go, you left me in that state on the streets? Why?
Why did you leave me like that state on the streets? Why?
Why did you leave me like that?
It's kind of extraordinary.
So here we are.
What are the laws?
What are you talking about?
What are the laws?
So Prop 47, Prop 57, make drugs legal, make trafficking legal, and make stealing legal.
So all the drug addicts come.
And then something called the Lanterman-Petris short act, which is the 51 50, you know, the hold act is, does not, it only, it only allows you to hold somebody against their will.
If they're going to say, I'm going to kill myself and here's how I'm going to do it.
Or I'm going to kill somebody and here's how I'm going to do it.
That's the only way you can hold them anymore.
When in fact that we should modify that to include certain states of
lack of insight and gravely disabled where you can take people for in a week and re and reconstitute
them you really get them back and you just can't do it unless you can hold them in a place and get
them get them treated i mean and the insanity to me is if that were a dementia illness and you
didn't do it you'd be guilty of neglect but for a psychiatric illness and you didn't do it, you'd be guilty of neglect.
But for a psychiatric illness, oh, it can't touch that.
Can't touch that.
If a demented patient were walking around talking to him or herself or were making horrible choices and couldn't feed them, whatever, and you didn't bring them into a hospital,
oh my God, can you imagine the outrage?
But a schizophrenic with the exact same symptom complex, oh, wow.
Who are you to say?
Pretty crazy, right?
And has this only been exacerbated by everything that's by COVID?
I mean, has it just gotten worse?
It has gotten worse.
In some ways, it's gotten better because what happened was the dealers got scared.
And so the drug supply dried up very quickly.
And so guess what?
People suddenly became willing to go inside.
So a bunch of them were put in hotel rooms and things around town.
And that's been actually a very successful, as far as I can tell, move.
But I think they moved about 4,000 or 5,000 of the 65,000 we have.
So there's
been a little move in the right direction and then all this talk about defunding the police
and then funding mental health services no one has discussed it with anyone in mental health
no one so what it is they want to do and how we're going to do it they better help us change
the laws or there will not be anything done so here we go that's it's it's infuriating what's that do you have hope i i've tried not to think
about it through this whole thing because i've gotten so frustrated so so so frustrated that um
i had enough depressing me i didn't want to think about it.
Now I'm starting to think about it again. I feel sort of overwhelmed when I think about it.
I don't know if I feel hopeful or not.
it's rough,
that happy note.
Let's see what else is going on on the,
I knew you.
Let's see.
I love that. I'm looking at this chat to see if
anybody has any questions for us
after permanent coma or near death
let's see what this is which body
organs and processes never really come back
even with therapy or other treatments
like the intestine balance so on is something
I want to consider as a young person
who doesn't want to be in a coma for 30 years
after a car accident yeah brain is what doesn't come back. Brain.
Once your brain goes, that's it. But your body, we can keep everything else going as sort of a,
like what we call a physiological prep. Like if we cut your head off and we just kept the rest
of it going with machines, we can kind of do that. So you shouldn't want to live on past brain death.
I agree with that wholeheartedly.
Nikki, I'm sort of upset having talked about the...
So uplifting.
Can I ask you a question?
Go ahead.
I'm trying to quit caffeine
and I just want to hear your thoughts about caffeine addiction.
It's one of the lesser addictions, right?
It's not really a stimulant.
It's a de-repressor.
It hits the adenosine system, so it lifts off the brakes, and that's what makes it feel like a stimulant.
People do get headaches.
People do miss it.
We're highly ritualized around it.
I mean, Dr. Drew, I tried to quit it the other day, i quit for 20 minutes and then i was like screw this it literally was 20 minutes because i got so
depressed like i felt i felt i crawled back into bed after i ate breakfast because i was like
there's no reason to even be up i mean it really affected me emotionally nikki i've been watching
as soon as i got out and had some coffee, I felt better.
Because I am a coffee abuser, I've been watching the literature on it very, very, very carefully for many years.
And there seems to be no downside.
And there seems to be lots of upside, including reducing your risk of Parkinson's and dementia.
So why stop?
I mean, if it really makes you happy.
Because of anxiety, I feel like what if it's making me depressed?
I don't like depending on anything.
I don't like anything that I can't, you know, I really discovered that I was dependent on
it during this quarantine because what reason do I need to be awake all day?
I was like, oh, I'll quit coffee because I don't need it.
I get it.
And now, and it's not an option.
It just, no matter what time of
day i i want it and it um i think it's an appetite suppressant i think it like helps it it it makes
everything off whack i just the stuff i've read about it makes me feel like the people i've read
about who have quit it and been able to overcome the, what's it called?
The grip.
The desire.
Yeah, the grip.
Or when you quit something and then you get the withdrawal symptoms.
Which are really, I mean, I just couldn't believe how bad the withdrawal symptoms are for it.
I really felt it.
What about, I mean, it's it's you know I'm a big
believer in cold turkey and pretty much all addictions but but coffee doesn't
really fit an actual classical addiction model so what about just cutting down
what why could you think you could limit yourself yeah I think I'm gonna start
replacing it with decaf and cutting down but my worry is that it's just so
ubiquitous and everyone does it and And I just peer pressure, Starbucks pressure.
I keep getting gift cards.
I just don't think that there's any way that it's my last vice, you know, that and pot.
I'm also trying to quit smoking pot, which I would also like to hear your thoughts on that.
Well, that has much more consequence.
I mean, obviously, if somebody's smoking pot, what are you doing how much you're doing i take like uh i would say like seven hits a day
yeah so daily cannabis daily anything right can if you were doing it once a week or something i'd
be like all right whatever but but daily exposure to alcohol or cannabis or benzodiazepines, if you daily exposure is not a good thing.
Now, to things that have a direct effect on the brain, I'm letting coffee stand over to the side
because it's not, doesn't have a direct effect on the brain. Um, nicotine also doesn't look like
it's harmful done on a daily basis, though it's highly addictive, but these other drugs, I mean,
you can measure changes in people's
cognition and their moods and their, you know, in their biology.
If you're exposed to these things on a regular, regular, regular basis.
And it, it tends to be cumulative.
Not everybody gets cumulative effects, right?
We all know, you know, grandpa Joe that drank bourbon every night, his whole life.
Or we all know some college professor that smoked pot every night for his
entire life and has had no effect.
Yes. That that's out there. But generally speaking, the brain is such, things that have
those kinds of effect on the brain, central nervous system depressants particularly,
and those that have any kind of toxic influence on the brain, hallucinogens, stimulants,
psychostimulants, it gets very concerning. It's a pretty delicate instrument and it can have sort of effects that you're
not aware of that sort of accumulate.
I think that's why I got to a point where I was like, I need to quit doing this
because although I wasn't feeling the, I actually, I get energy from smoking pot.
I want to go on a run and create and do a podcast and call my friend.
Interesting. I find, I find almost like, um, you know, when I've done Ritalin before in I want to go on a run and create and do a podcast and call my friends.
I find almost like when I've done Ritalin before in college to write a paper.
That's how I feel.
I feel very amped.
I want to clean.
I want to create.
Hang on a second.
Have you ever taken an opiate?
They don't really.
You don't get the same thing?
Because some people get a stimulant from the opiate too.
That's not you?
No, I think I would be really into them if they gave me that because I want that kind of energetic high.
Yeah, yeah.
Like downers.
So that's an unusual effect of cannabis, right?
So maybe you're not going to have the same consequence from it, right?
I mean, every biologist. Right. cannabis right so maybe you're not going to have the same consequence from it right i mean every biology right and i was thinking that and i really didn't feel any harm in doing it but i feel like
my cognitive abilities have diminished in terms of like i couldn't think of the word withdrawal
two minutes ago now is that because i just couldn't think of it or is that because i
smoked too much pot i don't know i do know however that i'm just feeling slower cognitively and that also might be a symptom of being not performing as much being in
being inside all day living with my parents not talking to as many people so yeah i'm just gonna
test it and see today is i'm gonna smoke no pot for a week and see what happens you're just gonna
screw your sleep up you're gonna have fucked up sleep for a while so what prepare for that but 12 hours well i'm gonna say maybe not though because you've had
this stimulant thing maybe it'll go the other way i i you know this is the thing about these
chemicals they they are very idiosyncratic and how they affect people right it's really interesting
how it's affecting you um i'm looking at people's people have lots of thoughts and some people are
having a similar thing to what you're having.
Is there a particular pot?
Is it sativa that's giving you the stimulant?
Um, I smoke it all and it all does the same thing for me.
I really have never found a difference between the strains and, um, it's, it really is so
It's like coffee to me.
It's the same as a strong cup of coffee, but it makes me, you know what it does, Dr. Drew?
It makes me
blissfully happy like it really gives me an opioid type feeling of uh you know i can have this
intense depression i could smoke one hit of weed and i suddenly feel grateful for my parents i love
my dog there's this like overwhelming sense of gratitude that i get from it and of course there's's always, you know, the fall later, a couple hours later, I'll feel
like a little bit tired and sluggish, but then I smoke again and I feel happy again.
And I don't like anything making me happy.
I insist on not being happy.
Well, that, that, but that's hard to break, right?
When you love something like that, it's hard to break it, right?
It's really is. So I'm going to experiment with a week of not doing it and see where i'm at
um and go from there if you can if you can control it to just occasional exposure i would imagine
that'd be no big deal um that's probably what i'll try to do yeah but i'm not good it's all or
nothing for old glazed dog over here. Glazedog.
Yeah, that's what I sometimes call myself.
Let's do one more call here from Lenore Glazedog.
Hi, Lenore.
Oh, hi, Dr. Drew.
I'm so happy to talk to you.
I'm a recovering addict.
I have over 20 years of sobriety.
Congratulations. And I have over 20 years of sobriety. And I have
macular degeneration. So I'm reading,
I'm listening to books on tape.
And I'm listening to yours right now.
I just wonder, like, during this
COVID, you know, like,
I do like 40 dishes a day.
I walk 20,000 steps.
I go to meetings
on Zoom.
And I don't drink coffee that much.
And am I OCD?
Usually, addicts have some OCD and some ADD, ADHD.
So there's probably some of that in there, right?
And that's okay.
As long as it's not hurting you, distressing you causing you problems with functioning that kind of thing it's
fine and i'm working with others i answer the helpline yeah no it's good yeah i'm sorry about
the back here comes nikki i relate to feeling guilty about hi there i congrats on your recovery i i relate to
being feeling like you're addicted to zoom meetings and feeling like judging yourself
for these kind of compulsive behaviors that ultimately aren't that harmful right dr drew
no it's good these are good addicts got it you can use it for good and the zoom meetings turned out to be very effective
for addicts and alcoholics it was surprising to me oh my gosh yes i found i found recovery during
uh covid in the form of zoom meetings and i i don't imagine that i would have been able to
you know first of all address my problems if it wasn't for the quarantine or have so much um
connection to other people thank Thank God for Zoom.
And I hope they continue after this all lifts.
Oh, that's cool.
That is very, very cool.
Thanks, Lenore.
Well, Nikki, I'm going to let you go.
I'm going to do a little, unless you want to hear my little COVID analysis here.
Do you want to stay with me on that?
I'll hear it.
All right.
So you're here. First of all, I'm waiting for the University of Washington to update their data.
They have not updated their graphs in like 11 days, which is, what's the date today?
The 19, 20?
11 days during COVID is like 11 years.
It's 20 seconds.
So it's 11 days since they last updated their data.
And that's the longest they've gone, almost this entire outbreak.
So I don't know what's going on at University of Washington.
They all died of COVID.
No, no, no, no, no.
They're all fine.
I talked to Dr. Murray a week ago.
And what Dr. Murray said was that this is, I have a bunch of questions still for him,
but that he admitted, he agreed that if this virus just sort of cruises along like it's been,
it's actually better than if it spikes and goes away.
So the fact that we're sort of living with this thing at a low burn
and now there's all this consternation in the press,
oh my God, outbreak, outbreak, outbreak.
No, no outbreak.
Florida is where a lot of the attention is right now.
Let me read the numbers in Florida. A, no change in death rate, but you could argue that's coming in a lot of the attention is right now. Let me read the numbers in Florida.
A, no change in death rate, but you could argue that's coming in a couple weeks,
but no change in death rate, no change in hospitalization rate.
Since the demonstrations, which is you would expect to see some spikiness
with the demonstrations.
It's been over two weeks.
That's right.
And with us going out and moving about, there's going to be some spikiness.
So here it is since the 14th, 2000, 3000, 2000, 3000, uh, 3000.
Three, 4,000, 4,000, 3000.
Where's the spike.
It's more there in the, in the three to 4,000 range.
They used to be in the 2200 range, but it's not they're in the in the three to four thousand range they used to be in the 2200
range but it's not affecting hospitalization they are testing more they are picking up more
and it's being picked up more in younger people which are milder illnesses so i heard i heard a
soundbite on cnn that the hospitals are over you know some doctor was saying we're we're being
inundated with patients yeah i don't know i'm it's true. I'm sure they're seeing a flow.
They're 20 to 30-year-olds.
Of young people who are not being admitted to the hospital.
I'll update hopefully tomorrow when I get the graphs from University of Washington.
I hope they give them in by tomorrow.
And they're all asymptomatic.
Well, not all of them.
Go ahead.
Well, a lot of them.
Aren't deaths what we should
be focused on or as opposed to hospitalizations and death is all that really matters yes
hospitalizations and death i mean the whole nobody ever intended to reduce the total number of cases
or reduce the total number of deaths that was never a goal the goal was to flatten the curve
to be sure that the health healthcare delivery system was not overwhelmed.
And we did it.
We achieved it.
And it's now going along at a slow burn, which is going to continue.
And as we move about, it's going to get a little hotter.
It's going to burn a little more.
But there's no evidence of any explosive outbreak.
Dr. Fauci has said there will be no explosion.
He's also said there will be no further lockdowns.
There seems to be sort of a weird threat in the press that we're going to have to lock down. No, we will catch
these cases. We will isolate them. We will isolate their contacts. And there may be some little
outbreaks here and there that become a little more serious. That could happen. And we will contain
them. Right now, I can't see much of it. Certainly certainly there's no rate of change increase there's like a
little a little little more positive slope in some areas but no asymptotic no parabolic change
it's just a slight uptick which how could there not be an uptick how could there not be an uptick
with tens of thousands of people in the streets and all of us moving about more and not being
perfect with the mask please wear your masks,
They clearly work.
And that will reduce the,
these things from becoming a,
any kind of conflagration.
let me,
I want to go back to our chat,
see if anybody has any questions about that.
people are going to the gym.
Have you been to the gym.
Have you been to the gym yet?
No, I haven't.
But I have friends who are personal trainers, and they're back at work.
I went to the gym over a week ago, like 10 days ago.
I did not get COVID from it.
And it was a little uncomfortable because there was a lot of people there without masks.
I wore a mask.
I cleaned everything. But, you know, you have to be careful well Nikki I waited I waited online though this
weekend to get inside a Lululemon because they were doing the capacity and you have to come in
with a mask and I asked a girl we were both wearing masks and I asked a girl about some
shoes and I wanted to like show them to her and she was like, and they were really following it.
So it's,
you know,
it is weird to wait in online to get inside a made well,
like you're at the club,
but I can get used to it.
It's fine.
Someone at Tom's cigar is pointing out that the death rates are lower than
they'd been in Florida.
But to be fair,
they may go up again because the case rate is going up a little bit but let's remind ourselves 60
percent of all cases were either nursing home or nursing home staff and the average length of stay
after admission to a nursing home until death is six months yeah i'm looking at florida it said
the average number of deaths has trended downward since the beginning of may and as well off the
peak of 51 average right so
here we go everybody why are we listening hospitals are handling it too please do your own investigation
we can no longer we can no longer rely on our press we're going to catch it we no longer can
they have they have jumped the shark they've jumped they i don't know what they're doing
they seem to be uh into panic porn their team armageddon and they will consider
nothing else if you look at it this way if a 20 or 30 year old is going and getting tested
they know they have it they're not going to go visit their grandmother in a nursing home right
that's right or their grandma at home or their auntie or whatever or grandpa sorry i'm leaving
that out well thank you you spent a lot of time with us. I thank you. I know how aggravating it is to do other people's podcasts.
No, literally any time.
I love you.
And you helped me so much both on and off camera.
So I appreciate you.
And if you have more trouble with the cannabis thing, let me know.
Because it's a little tricky to what you're trying to do here.
That's so nice of you.
I would love your help
with it if i if i do need it yeah it's also it's interesting to me because you have a fascinating
kind of response to it and i want to hear how it goes when you come off it and stuff too because
that's that's not the you're not having the usual relationship which is interesting though
the the hard part is when you love it like like you really love it, it's hard to let go. That's the hard part.
Yeah. I'm going to have to
learn to love something else. And stay off the
panic porn. Stay off the panic
porn. And porn
in general. I didn't
say that. I don't know. How bad is it getting?
Panic porn is the kind of thing I'm into.
Just girls.
I'm just reading COVID stats
for Fox News.
That's what I like.
Are you spending too much time
with the porn?
You know,
when I do spend time with myself,
it's with porn as well.
And it always has been that way.
I've never been able to not...
I would see no point
in masturbating without porn.
It wouldn't even occur to me to do. But you're not spending hours and hours. You're not upset with yourself. never been able to not I would see no point in masturbating without porn it
wouldn't even occur to me but you're not like spending hours and hours you're not
like no I mean no no no no no not that but the porn I do watch is deeply
disturbing and no man could literally ever recreate it so there is a problem
there and I'll probably have to talk to you about that at some point nothing
you're to go public with right now I mean yeah I'll tell you I like I like when I like watching women tied up and not being able to because
for me I struggle with orgasming I always have because it's just a release
and it's like out of control and I don't like to be out of control I never have
and I didn't I didn't have my first orgasm so I was's like out of control and I don't like to be out of control. I never have. And I didn't,
I didn't have my first orgasm until I was like in my twenties and I definitely
didn't give myself one until I was nearly in my thirties.
And so now I can do it,
but it's always watching girls being forced to have orgasms,
like being tied up and being forced to do it with like, uh, equipment.
So unless I find a guy with a dungeon and uh well
but do you actually but you actually like that do you actually like that fantasy or just like the
the being the whole the whole somebody else being in control fantasy is good i like that i like not
i like being forced to do something where you because you look ridiculous when you have an orgasm there's just no doubt about it it's just not a good look and and i feel like i could
just like anything could happen i just feel like completely out of control with all any part of my
body and i don't like it so but i do love the feeling of it and so it has to i like doing
things where it's like you're making me i don't don't want to, but I guess I have to.
Don't say that to anybody
until you're actually interrelated.
Until consent has clearly
been rendered. Do not
admit that. I have safe words.
Okay, good.
Well, good.
At least you know that. There's nothing wrong with that.
Right? Yeah.
That's your thing.
It is my thing. It's, that's, yeah, that's your thing.
It is my thing.
Yeah. It's good to know, but it's, it's, thank you.
I just feel like no one really is.
Um, that's not so many, so often when you're in relationships, like guys, just, uh, I don't
even like to have sex because no one can do that unless I asked for that
specifically and that's just not a first date kind of first sleeping together to
kind of thing and then I just end up faking orgasms just to get it over with
so I don't have to deal with the guy's ego feeling like I've got it just give
me a little more time okay you don't have it because it's not going to happen. It's a lot of work.
So, so I would agree.
It's not a first date thing.
Um, but it's something you could get somebody, even a guy that doesn't, isn't into that.
Again, men aim to please.
They really do.
And even if it's not his natural inclination, you just give him a couple of pointers and
he'll be, he'd be up for it.
You know what I mean?
Men, men, men like the, they like to know what their job is.
You know what I mean?
That unless, unless they're just not into it.
Some guys.
Bondage and forcing them to have an orgasm.
With a vibrator.
I, I, I just, I think if she.
Would you like to do that?
I think if she explained what, what was, what she liked a guy would go oh i can do
that you know wouldn't it be easier just to watch it on tv together and like maybe do that's the
thing it's just easier for me to just watch it by myself than to actually have someone do it because
what i'm not lacking is is like an emotional connection and someone holding me. I don't even want that. I just want someone to actually
not hold me and
not even touch me, to be honest.
It's all things I have to work out.
I get it. You've both admitted to being
lazy here, so I get it. You're both
very lazy, both of you.
I get it. I listen carefully. Trust
All right. Well, Nikki, thank
you. I'm going to let you go.
Thank you.
I always enjoy talking to you.
Maybe we'll get out to St. Louis one of these days.
It sounds like you're going to be there for a while, so we'll come visit.
We'd send everybody to, but you're not doing any stand-up, but you do
have a podcast.
I am.
I am doing stand-up.
The dates aren't updated, but I'm going to be in Salt Lake City July 3rd and 4th.
I'm going to be in Nashville July 9th through the 11th.
Also, Kansas City is a date that's coming
up and Phoenix, Arizona.
Check me out there if
the stats stay
the same. Go to
This reality show, is it coming soon?
Well, we're
pitching it soon. I'm just talking about it like it's already
happening because that's how this business works if you just like tell people something's happening
if you can film a bit it makes it more likely you know what i mean if you just get out your
phone and start filming stuff that's oh look oh this works great lauren on youtube said i hope
she comes back oh you want to keep back anytime? Anytime, you guys. I'm serious.
If you ever need a guest or want me back,
I love doing the show.
And yeah, you can follow me on Instagram if you want to see
the reality show that is my life right now.
There's pretty good conversations you have there. It's pretty fun.
We should go to Nashville and see her.
Nashville? She's in St. Louis.
No, she's doing a show in Nashville.
July 9th through the 11th.
Let me know.
Maybe we'll do that. That'd's doing a show in Nashville. July 9th through the 11th. Let me know. Maybe we'll do that.
That'd be fun.
Because we love Nashville.
We have to go to, that's Nash Vegas, and then we have to go to Las Vegas.
Our son went to Vanderbilt, and so we spent a lot of time in Nashville.
Oh, nice.
It's so great.
Yeah, I might move there.
That's like a nice, happy meeting.
I know.
Let's meet there, Nikki.
I totally agree.
And then you and Dr. Duke can start a show.
We fantasize.
I'll move to Nashville.
I would love that.
And my engineer and the person who's screening the calls is listening right now, and they want to move there, too.
All right, so it's all going to look for real estate.
July 11th, we're going to find connected townhomes and all of those.
Make a whole compound.
We could make one condo just the studio and then one condo yours.
That's the reality show, man. I'm not even even joking you that sounds like something i'd be into so keep me posted and
i'll talk to you guys thank you bye-bye talk to you soon bye-bye and if anybody has any other
questions uh covet wise uh i just wanted i i just i get upset when i hear all the headlines and see
how it's uh not fitting with the reality.
Again, not to say that things couldn't be spiky.
I've been predicting a spike for quite some time.
They should spike a little bit, but they're not going to explode.
There's really no evidence that.
When you look at the, let me see if I can get the daily rates in the United States.
I don't really have a breakdown.
I only have it state by state right now. We're at 114,000 deaths in this country. Let's see how that compares with what the University
of Washington predicted. Give me a second. 114,000. They predicted, wait, that doesn't seem
right. Oh, it's California. One second. United States of America.
They had predicted that we would be at 120,000 deaths.
So we are, you know, that's sort of the zone we're in.
Boop, boop.
At this point.
Somebody said Nikki and Psycho Mike would be a good podcast pair.
We're going to have, actually we're having Psycho Mike on tomorrow.
Oh, good.
So that's a good follow up on dose of Dr.
Drew three o'clock.
We appreciate you guys being here and showing up and asking questions
and getting on the chat, go to to get links to all the podcasts
and calling in.
We appreciate all the great calls and I'm sorry, I can't get to everybody.
It's my apology.
Every time Wednesday, we have another dose of Dr.
Drew with Tyrus and Thursday. We'll probably be taking the day off, I think.
Oh, really?
We'll talk about that later.
Should we be sterilizing our surfaces like crazy?
I mean, we've been doing it since the beginning of this pandemic.
We now know that it's very limited transmission on surfaces.
It is really proximity times duration, right?
Proximity times duration. If you have masks on,
that exposure is not as likely. If you have ventilated room, it's not as likely. If you
have UV exposure, it appears to be very likely. There's some evidence that this virus may be down
now because of the season, though they're not making too much of that. And there's some evidence
that the virus may be down now because it's losing some of its virulence that may be true but we don't have enough evidence to really conclude that yet
i would say uh all we do know is that it the idea of a second spike which is really what the press
is trying to tell you demand happens does not appear to be a likelihood i have some good news
drew what's that five people are allowed in our gym in New York now.
Oh, five at a time.
So we can go, maybe we can start thinking about Corona.
See, now you have a reason to live.
Talking about parenting during the pandemic would be great.
Yeah, I'd have to get a good guest for that to do that.
What is the data on elderly and overweight people who survive Corona?
People do talk about the survivors and some of the persistent symptomatology. It's very similar to the 1918
flu, that there's a lot of neurasthenia weakness. There's a lot of depression. There's even thought
disturbances that sometimes develop. So there's a lot of stuff that people can get into as a
consequence of having had COVID. I mean, follow the stories of some of the people that just took months to recover.
It's not all that uncommon at all.
Okay, is there anything else?
Oh, I need to remind people.
Susan, you took away my wands and my thermometers
and all that stuff.
Right there below on the left, yes.
Okay, so just want to remind people
you can get these thermometers.
We should all be using these things at 866-4-RED-HOCK. Yes. Okay. So just to remind people, you can get these thermometers.
We should all be using these things at 866-4-RED-HAWK.
Apparently, those of you in Europe, you don't have letters on your phone,
so it doesn't translate.
So that would be 866-473-3429.
Wait, slow down.
866-473-3429. You can also get...
You have to do it slow, Drew.
I don't type that fast.
The San Mini, you can get the...
844 or 866?
Sorry, I screwed it up.
The San Mini is, of course, a device for needle destruction
for the insulin needles and the needles that people use out on the streets.
We've got to get rid of the needle stick problem.
And in addition to the thermometers,
you can get the UV wands and the UV room cleansers.
That's over by the blue mic.
I can't reach it.
Somebody said they bought one.
Yeah, I think these things are great.
We're going to travel with the UV wands.
They really work very well.
So they have small wands as well or just the big one they
have three different sizes so they're like what battery run or something yep oh yeah three
different sizes and uh they're going to be really really helpful in travel and using ubers and
things like that so uh once i have i'll have one in about about end of this week early next week
and i'll show you i'll demonstrate it here you can't turn that one on because we have to leave
the room right the big one that cleans the room yes you have to be
out of the room it clears a room it did you have to it has to be no shadowing you can't have like
you know a big piece of furniture in front of something you want to give so we can just put
in the middle of the table and turn it on leave the room but how do you not be in the room if
you're when you turn it on it takes a minute to turn on and then it has a motion detector. It'll turn off if you get near it.
Oh, nice.
And it's on a timer too.
I think I might use that tomorrow
before Rebecca comes.
Because she's having surgery on Thursday
and I don't want her to pick anything up.
Not a bad idea.
Again, it's 866.
Not that we have.
I don't think we're infected.
866, number four, Red Hawk.
And to those of you in Europe, it's 473-3429. 866-47-RED-HAWK. R-E-D-H-A-W-K. And of those of you in Europe, it's 473-3429.
Susan, did you get Dr. Zelenko that Andrew sent to you?
We were going to talk about hydroxychloroquine, that email I sent you.
Nope, not yet.
She hasn't done it, Andrew.
I worked on another doctor and you wanted the NAD guy.
I do want the NAD guy.
I do want NAD because we're going to talk about NAD infusions
so I can explain to you
why I'm so enthusiastic.
I'll look it up right now,
Thank you.
Explain to you
why I'm so enthusiastic
about TruNiagen,
which I take personally.
the NAD guy can't do it
for a couple of weeks.
He's too busy.
We might want to find another one.
I know.
I finally got back and forth
with him a couple of times.
But we do have Psycho Mike tomorrow.
Psycho Mike Catherwood will be here tomorrow,
my old Loveline partner.
Tyrus on Wednesday.
Tyrus on Wednesday.
And I think we'll do something on Thursday.
And then my show's tomorrow as well.
In the evening.
If anybody wants to hear some astrological predictions.
And Fox 11, I'll be there tonight at 7 o'clock.
Oh, yeah.
I forgot about that.
We've got Dr. Oz coming in tonight,
which will be very interesting.
And don't forget Dr. Brady.
I'm going to be going through all the different Dr. Brady who reconstructs teeth and has that
charitable organization where we put together, reconstructed Allison's mouth, if you saw
that episode.
Very good.
Go back and see it.
It was really great.
And Tom Cigars, the UV will not sterilize the poutine.
It will not do that.
I don't have the thing about the information on Dr. DeZelenko,
so please resend it again.
I have it.
Thank you.
Send it again.
Me, okay.
I just put it in my thing and it didn't pop up. All right. Uh-oh.
I have trouble finding Andy's stuff because Ashkazvili doesn't come very easily up here.
Here it is.
Psycho Mike or Psychic Mike?
Ha, ha, ha.
He's been on my show.
He actually conjured up my hall pass, Robin Williams,
but he waited. It was in the bathroom. Unfortunately, nobody heard it.
So it's on the way to you. Thank you. I've sent it to you now four times, I think.
So I see all the different... Andy Dick brought Robin Williams in too. That was fun.
All right. I'm gonna take one last look at the chat and then we brought Robin Williams in too. That was fun. All right.
I'm going to take one last look at the chat and then we're going to go here.
Thank you, Jeans.
Thank you, mommies.
Don't forget After Dark.
Check it all out at
Of course, Adam and I every day.
Joshua likes my show.
And keep feathering it, y'all.
Thank you, Jay.
I agree with that.
Oh, and I'm also doing Where Your Mom's At.
This week?
So it'll probably go up next week?
Yeah. Okay. So look for Where Your Mom's At at your mom's house. I'm? So it'll probably go up next week? Yeah. Okay. So look for
where your mom's at at your mom's house.
I'm really nervous. You should be.
Alright, we'll see you all next time.
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky.
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but this is not a replacement for your personal physician,
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