Ask Dr. Drew - Pres. Biden Pardons Son Hunter: Is A Dr. Fauci Pardon Next? w/ Elijah Schaffer & Janine Turner – Ask Dr. Drew - Ep 433

Episode Date: December 9, 2024

After pardoning his son Hunter Biden, it’s been rumored that President Biden is now considering a pardon of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Would receiving a Presidential pardon be an admission that Dr. Fauci ...committed crimes – and could immunity prompt the former NIH director to finally tell the whole truth about the pandemic? Elijah Schaffer is a journalist for The Gateway Pundit, host of Slightly Offensive on Censored.TV, and a news presenter on Vigilant News Network (VNN). Follow him at and at Janine Turner is an actress, author, speaker, and constitutional advocate. She gained prominence starring in the Emmy-nominated series “Northern Exposure” (1990-1995). Turner founded Constituting America and hosts two podcasts: “YouSA” and “God on the Go Minute.” Her book “The Pivot Principle: Finding Joy in Despair” is available now at Today, Turner works as a rancher in Texas. Find more at and follow her at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at  • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We call that. Lots of show coming your way today. We are from a satellite studio. Obviously, we are out in Boca Raton, Florida, in the censored TV private secret studios. We're going to have Elijah Schaefer in here, journalist from the Gateway Pundit, host of Slightly Offensive on Censored TV,
Starting point is 00:00:22 presenter on Vigilant News Network. You're going to follow him on X at Elijah Schaefer, S-C-H-A-F-F-E-R, and also We're going to be joined also by Peter Gallulli from The Wellness Company. He's the CEO there. And then Janine Schaefer, excuse me, Janine Turner. Janine Turner, you know her from, amongst other things,
Starting point is 00:00:44 Northern Exposure, if you remember that TV show from back in the 90s. She is a author, speaker, constitutional advocate, and she has had some issues with cancellation. The book is The Pivot Principle, Finding Joy in Despair. We've got a lot to talk about, a lot of show. You can follow her on X. Jeanine Turner, we'll be right with you after this. Our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre the psychopath started this right he was an alcoholic because of
Starting point is 00:01:11 social media and pornography ptsd love addiction fentanyl and heroin ridiculous i'm a doctor for say where the hell you think i learned that i'm just saying you go to treatment before you kill people i am a. I observe things about these chemicals. Let's just deal with what's real. We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time. Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat. If you have trouble, you can't stop and you want help stopping, I can help. I got a lot to say.
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Starting point is 00:02:54 This is an important breakthrough. Take advantage of it. Go to slash drdrew to receive 15% off a 90-day starter kit subscription or use code drdrew at checkout for that 15% off or just goday starter kit subscription or use code Dr. Drew at checkout for that 15% off or just go to our website, slash fatty15. And as I said, we'll have Peter Gallulli in here in a few minutes, CEO of the Wellness Company to talk about what's new with the Wellness Company. And we're going to have Janine Turner, actress, author, speaker. Remember her from Northern Exposure.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Follow her on X at Janine Turner. And again, also You can also get her book, The Pivot Principle, Finding Joy in Despair. But first, Elijah Schaefer, journalist, Gateway Pundit, slightly offensive on censored TV, presenter on Vigilant News Network, VNN. Elijah's available on X at Eliza Schaefer. Elijah, thank you for letting us commandeer your studio and for joining us today. Hey, thank you for having me.
Starting point is 00:03:56 You're a legend, and I listened to you in high school, not to age you at all, but... Not to age you, but go ahead and do so. Yeah, not to age you, but... When I was seven seven i used to listen to you yeah i was like i came out of the womb and i was like is that dr drew no but it's so it's uh wonderful to be here with you to have you in the room and it's kind of cool because uh we'll just say high school was five years ago for those that are watching so not too old yeah right
Starting point is 00:04:19 thank you for that so one of the things we got a lot to talk about i want you to tell your story in a few minutes but before we do one of the things we we've got a lot to talk about. I want you to tell your story in a few minutes. But before we do, one of the things we promised to address was all these pardons that the president is issuing, including pardons for crimes never before thought of. Like, you haven't committed a crime? That's okay. If you have thought of, if you've committed one at one time and we didn't know it, we'll excuse you from that. I'm surprised he didn't project into the future as well, any potential crimes coming down the pike. And there is, I guess, this discussion of potentially pardoning Dr. Fauci again. My understanding is, up until this present moment,
Starting point is 00:04:57 presidential pardons were for specific crimes, crimes that had been adjudicated, and you were pardoned for those crimes. Are you aware of other historical antecedents where people have just been excused of anything they might have done? Well, I mean, kind of, because I mean, we did bomb Iraq for their nukes that they told us that they had, right?
Starting point is 00:05:20 And so they got punishment before they were even convicted of a crime. It's not the same thing, but I think we've been for the last several decades sort of preemptively doing whatever we want to do and then letting the law and the courts catch up with us. It's a progressive sort of lawfare. I kind of am getting used to it. It's uncomfortable because it's illegal and it's not conventional.
Starting point is 00:05:40 But we don't really follow that pesky document called the Constitution anymore and like, you know, bill of rights and stuff, it's sort of just on the sidelines. They're burdensome. Yeah, it's unfortunate. I know you're being facetious about it, but it makes me a little nauseated because we're not far from that.
Starting point is 00:05:56 No, no, we're not far from it. I mean, even, you know, you see what's going on in New York with Daniel Penny, you know, and the case of self-defense, you know, specifically like how when there's interracial, you know, and the case of self-defense, you know, specifically like how when there's interracial, you know, violence or interactions, then sometimes in these big cities, you don't see the same judgment if it's between black and black or white and white, right? There's sort of a lot of motivation, it seems like, to further divide the country. And one might ask,
Starting point is 00:06:19 if you were going to go and pardon people, that's one thing to do it like so flagrantly, but why would you go on such a PR tour for a year telling everybody from multiple mouths, we are not going to pardon Hunter. And then why leak it ahead of time? Well, we might be pardoning some people that didn't even commit crimes. Are you going to be pardoning people not born yet? Right. Why not? Yeah. Well, they don't have any rights. We've sort of established that, right? Oh yeah, correct. Fetuses don't have rights, but also the American people,
Starting point is 00:06:50 I feel like a fetus myself because it feels like I don't have any rights either. I'm thinking about Whoopi Goldberg twisting President Biden's insistence that he would not pardon his son as not being a lie and that she got into it with Charlemagne the God. What'd you think of that interaction? Did you see that? Yeah, Whoopi Goldberg.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Oh, she's such a character. She's gonna be an Annie. She's gonna be an Annie. We saw that in New York. She's back on the stage. I mean, good for her. I mean, she's been very successful in her career. I don't wanna disparage her in that way.
Starting point is 00:07:20 But as a political commentator, I feel like she's probably you know more inconsistent than the modern food pyramid you know what i mean it's like it seems like it's inverse and backwards where everything she says is is hypocritical and i know she's been getting mad the last week particularly because you have to read all these legal notices and it's like why are you mad that you guys are spewing out incorrect information have to correct it you know something's off there why doesn't she not read it and see what happens? That'd be interesting, right?
Starting point is 00:07:48 She'd scream racism, right? Isn't that what she said with the cupcake debacle? Yeah, she couldn't get all those cakes made. Because people didn't like her. She was a Democrat, right? Right. It was not racism. It was her political issues,
Starting point is 00:08:00 her political positions. Yeah, I don't understand. I can't imagine how people can twist this consistent pierre pierre um the the press secretary oh cream jean pierre jean pierre jean pierre and she um she said repeatedly we've we've told you it's no there's no way it's gonna be a pardon he's been clear there's no way it's gonna be a pardon and then all of a sudden there's no way it's going to be a pardon. He's been clear there's no way it's going to be a pardon. And then all of a sudden there's a pardon. Okay. By the way, that's the surest way to kill a drug addict.
Starting point is 00:08:31 They keep going. People keep taking this position that if it were, you know, family's family and if you're going to, you know, he's his son, he's got to protect family. What are you going to do? That's what anybody would do. No, it's not what anybody would do. And in fact, if they were in my care,
Starting point is 00:08:45 I would not permit or I would do my damnedest to encourage that father not to rescue the son from the consequences of his disease. Now, in this case, I understand this is a little bit more involved because the son was doing the father's bidding. The more I listened to Mike Benz, the more I get really bent out of shape.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Did you see him on Rogan recently? Oh yeah, that was incredible. Tell me your thoughts. You know, I think when he was going out there and directly saying, look, this corruption is like systemic. It's from the top down. I really, really sense,
Starting point is 00:09:14 I mean, Mike Benz is an interesting character because he kind of came up on the scene rather quickly, right? Well, he says, he told, I interviewed him a couple of times. He said he was in the Obama administration and his job was to untangle the blob, like help the president understand the blob. And that's how he got
Starting point is 00:09:31 into this. And now with social media and the way things went, he saw it happening. So he felt like he needed to share what he knew. Right. And I think what he showed and that I continually say is that systemic racism, I mean, it may exist in certain institutions. Systemic problems in general may be a big issue. But when you look at what's happening, it's like actually we have corruption from the top down. It's organized corruption and it's organized racketeering and protectionism. So it's not just the fact that people are taking money,
Starting point is 00:09:58 giving money and doing political hit jobs or doing political investigation raids like we saw in Mar-a-Lago. It's that they're guaranteed a buyout. They're guaranteed safety and protections in the courts. And so basically you have this sort of like proletariat sort of like almost like the old Roman guard that, you know, they used to almost put up forbidding the place of being the Caesar because they were the protection and they could kill you and they constantly were killing the Caesar.
Starting point is 00:10:22 So it became sort of a joke position, be the emperor or whatever, because the guard knew that ultimately, if you don't want to follow us, then we'll take you out. And that's sort of what the CIA and FBI become today. And he sort of brings light to that, where they're working on their own directives. And it's like, look, we don't care who you elect. We don't care if you're the president, we'll come into your home. We'll do whatever we want to do. Point a gun at your wife. Well, some of you people may not have seen the little tape that rolled into this interview today, but it was an interview with Paul Alexander
Starting point is 00:10:51 where he said he was talking to bureaucrats in the State Department who were very clear with him. The president just kind of rolls through here for four years. He doesn't run the country. We do. We determine what happens here. It was probably a year and a half ago he told me that. I was stunned that they were so hubristic about this.
Starting point is 00:11:11 I thought they kind of did it on the DL and was sort of, you know, sort of maybe because of the size of the bureaucracy, they kind of hid out within it or something. But this is a stated position, a cultural position within the bureaucracy as it pertains to the, is it the Roman Guard, Roman Legion? Roman Guard. Yeah, the Roman Guard. Is that your construct or did Benz bring that up? Well, he was sort of talking about that, but I had watched a historical documentary about it
Starting point is 00:11:37 and I was going, wow, that's pretty, there's a lot of similarities and symmetry between the two. Like this is not a new problem, right? With people with the power. Well, it's interesting that the founding fathers were thinking about Rome when they set up our system. Yeah, it is. You know what?
Starting point is 00:11:51 It is, honestly, it feels like we're a little bit in that same spectrum here too, because cancel culture is a little bit like the Colosseum. You know, it's like- Not just the Colosseum. I don't know if you've read, you know, if you really read about the history, there was just violence upon violence on violence.
Starting point is 00:12:05 They'd have these waves of sort of overthrows where people, they'd kill everybody and their family, sort of the way the Nazis did their thing. Right. You know what also was an interesting factor too is the Royal Guard, and I don't want to mess up the exact name. It has a particular name. They were saying how they essentially worked on bribes and they were fat and untrained and in modern movies, I like to make them seem like an elite fighting guard, but they were rather unimpressive individuals.
Starting point is 00:12:30 But yet because of their ability and the widespread corruption, they were still deadly, not because they were stronger or swifter, but simply because there was no roadblock, no, no judicial process that could get in the way. And I sat there and I listened to Mike Benz and I'm like, that's literally what we have.
Starting point is 00:12:47 We have a lack of checks and balances with this elite three letter agency, you know, ruling class and they really can get away with what they want while we are held to the highest degrees of accountability. Like on January 6th for minor misdemeanors, you find yourself in jail without trial for a year because you voted for the wrong guy. Do you think we could roll this back?
Starting point is 00:13:09 That's a good question because I want to be careful whenever I'm talking about the potential for violence in the fact that this kind of stuff would probably result in people getting killed because I don't think these people would give up power. I don't think these people would give up their bureaucratic positioning. Because we're not talking about a $100,000 raise. We're talking about people who have the power to control the largest empire in the world's history without even having to go through elections. I mean, this is power that we've never heard of or that's ever been seen. But it's not by a given individual.
Starting point is 00:13:41 It's by groups of individuals. Individually, they're not that powerful, or am I missing something? Well, I think that they are. Like, I mean, when you go down to it, I mean, when you see right now these senators that are in these, you know, red zones, we kind of have a lot of these people we call rhinos, people that might not know. They're Republican in name only. You know, they're in these deep red districts, just like we get Nancy Pelosi or these queer politicians in blue districts. They kind of just allow themselves to stay in office forever. Well,
Starting point is 00:14:09 how does that happen? Well, obviously, because the primaries are what are mainly rigged. People choose two candidates, a Republican and a Democrat that basically agree on the same critical issues. And in the end, in a red district, the red guy will win. In a blue district, the blue guy will win. You always have a fail safe. But what are they looking for? They're looking for people that are going to be loyal to this sort of bureaucratic state and an elite class that are going to allow them to do what they want overseas when it comes to war, when it comes to surveillance. And they continually, even as Trump is elected, they're trying to put roadblocks in the way of his cabinet picks, meaning they don't really care what the president wants. They don't really care what we want.
Starting point is 00:14:44 They care about what they want. No, I get that. And it is one of the most disgusting realizations I've had really post COVID. COVID laid bare so much for me, and I was disgusted by a lot of things, but that is the one thing that the free speech, as you said, the Bill of Rights
Starting point is 00:15:03 being sort of an inconvenience, the free speech infringements, and then this issue of a bureaucracy running our country that's unelected and believing that they actually run the government is disgusting. So speaking of COVID, we have Dr. Hotez now. I do, I think I want to talk to you about this also. What is the, these Republicans that are, maybe Janine can talk about that a little bit. this also. What is the, these Republicans that are, maybe Janine can talk about that a little bit. But Dr. Hosea, now, I wonder, gosh, Caleb, maybe I should have warned you about this.
Starting point is 00:15:34 Should we play, can we play that video that he laid out on, I guess he saw it. Okay, we won't do it. So the producer says, all right. So what it essentially said was that as soon as the president takes office there's going to be a rash of infectious diseases okay and he goes through first of all h5n1 the bird flu and how that's now everywhere no human to human transmission but it's everywhere
Starting point is 00:15:59 and then he talked about dengue which is a a major headline. We had dengue, we had actually indigenous mosquito transmitted dengue in Southern California. That's a major issue in infectious disease. Press didn't publish it once, didn't cover it at all, but he mentioned that. He mentioned childhood illnesses. He mentioned how bad transmission of coronaviruses are a thing, none yet available, nobody's documented anything, but there was a SARS-1 and a SARS-2. And well, first of all, how did you feel about what he was saying?
Starting point is 00:16:32 Well, first of all, I want to say, I think we actually do have a problem with humans kind of becoming like birds. You've seen a lot of people today are very round and then wear those leggings with the little stick legs, like a pigeon body, you know? So I think we're sort of forming into it. We're becoming birds, so it will infect us.
Starting point is 00:16:47 So the virus will not morph. We'll morph. We are morphing. I see. You've heard of transgenderism, and this is a transspeciesism. I got it. We can become what we want. So there it is.
Starting point is 00:16:59 There is the headline there. Wow. Big public health threats going to come crashing down on January 21st. So let me give you my opinion because my opinion is going to freak people out. Okay. I agree with everything he said.
Starting point is 00:17:18 And it's nobody's fucking business. No one should be worried about that except doctors. It's always been like that. No one should be worried about that except doctors. It's always been like that. This is nothing new. Dengue fever, Zika, this has been around for decades. Doctors worry about these things. The public shouldn't even be aware.
Starting point is 00:17:38 They needn't be thinking about it. He's a pediatrician. He doesn't deal with adult medicine. These are adult medical problems that I've been thinking about my entire fucking career. And it's just our concern. It's called being a biological agent in an ecosystem in which there are infectious diseases. It's the practice of medicine. I'm concerned about it. He, were he not a pediatrician, should be worried about it.
Starting point is 00:18:07 But he's a pediatrician. He should worry about pediatric illnesses. He's never treated any of those illnesses he mentioned, ever. I've seen a lot of them. I've seen all the equine viruses. I've seen all the stuff transmitted. It's what we deal with. I deal with rickettsial diseases in Southern California.
Starting point is 00:18:22 It's being a physician. We need to worry about it. We need to discuss it amongst ourselves. And at which point it becomes something that the public on a need to know basis needs to be notified. Then we will tell them what to worry about, when and what to do with it.
Starting point is 00:18:36 But the fact that they are, it's the same thing as the premeditated pardoning. I'm pardoning you for things that you may never have done or never gonna happen. It's the same idea. I'm pardoning you for things that you may never have done or never going to happen. It's the same idea. We're going to make you worry about things about that you're made.
Starting point is 00:18:50 We're literally making you worry about things that have, that are related to being a biological agent. We are biological agents. And as such, shit happens to us. That's what he's telling us. And everything he said was accurate. Everything.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Well, I'm just saying, it is kind of funny. You mentioned that he's a pediatrician, but I don't know if you've seen the world today. Most of these people are really not much of adults anyway, right? So maybe he's actually a doctor for all the children walking around. So you're going for, we're all children or birds. Children or birds.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Therefore, it's really important. I'm trying to get where their brains are at because I think they think that we're all children or birds. Children or birds. Therefore, it's really important. I'm trying to get where their brains are at because I think they think that we're like animals. They treat us like animals and they also talk to us like we're children
Starting point is 00:19:32 where they don't actually care. And I think the most fundamental thing here is that what you're pointing out, and I've brought this up to many people who have not been what's called red-pilled
Starting point is 00:19:40 or awakened to the control methods that are going on is this. When you hear a doctor talk about that, he is not talking about the seriousness of a threat. He's talking about the seriousness of the media's attention to something. So it's, hey guys, here's what we're going to be covering for the next year.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Why can they say that when he has his first day in office, as Hotas said, we're going to have these problems? Do they not exist now? Yes, they exist now. What he meant is they don't exist inside your brain because it's not on the news all the time. So we are going to push this on social media. We'll change terms of service
Starting point is 00:20:11 so that people can't speak out against, you know, you as a doctor, you're not credentialed anymore because you're credentialed under a medical system in America. But this is a technological system, which is why Trump wants the digital bill of rights, which is the most transformative thing I've seen,
Starting point is 00:20:28 which is to protect your rights and our rights where if you can say it in the real world, if you're credentialed to speak on these issues, you should not be prohibited from speaking that same way online. And I think with the medical stuff, I'll just say that, the biggest thing Trump can do to counteract this is to give people like you the weaponized power
Starting point is 00:20:43 to use your free speech online. I don't want to be weaponized. I just want to be free. But you are a weapon. That's why they're scared of you. That's why they silence you. But here's what people get screwed up is, and by the way, Susan, I need to know how people are reacting to what I just said, but because people get very weird when I get adamant. What was I saying the other day? Oh, we need more of that. People freaked out, that. Rumble loved it. If they get offended, it's fine. But the fact that I can agree with him, what he said was correct,
Starting point is 00:21:12 and take issue with it at the same time. This is where people can't understand. It's like, yes, he's right. And he and I, well, not you, him, because he's a pediatrician, but me and my colleagues in old medicine should be talking a lot about this and thinking about it and worrying about it and conversing about it. And
Starting point is 00:21:27 the press should not be involved in any way whatsoever. Now we have outlets like this where maybe I'll choose to talk about it, maybe I won't. That's a Bill of Rights issue. And, you know, if you want me to talk about it, I will on kind of needs-no basis.
Starting point is 00:21:43 I'm not going to panic you. I'm not going to freak you out. I'm going to say, here's what doctors are thinking about and worrying about. Dr. Hotez mentioned the ones I worry about. And I've worried about things like that for 40 years. Have you been worried about it for 40 years? I have. I've been dealing with it for 40 years.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Should you have been worried about it all that time? Would your life have been better? Would you have been safer? Would you have not had illnesses that you ended up getting because you worried about, and you altered the course of your life because you're a biological agent? No, that's ridiculous. Well, yeah, and I think the manipulation is, I mean, you see this on a lot of issues.
Starting point is 00:22:13 Like I remember back in Trump's first administration, you know, obviously there was the Trump derangement syndrome where people, you know, thought, you know, he could not do, he could not do anything right. He could only do wrong. And I thought the interesting part about that was like when I would tell people, you know, some of these pictures
Starting point is 00:22:28 in the kids with cages thing, you remember that? I would say those main pictures were actually from Obama's presidency. And they would say, you're a liar. And then I would show them AP News, show them the credit creation
Starting point is 00:22:38 and they would go, no, no, that's not true. Then they would go, well, he's deporting everyone. He's terrible. And I go, listen, I'm a right wing guy. I would like him to deport would go, well, he's deporting everyone. He's terrible. And I go, listen, I'm a right-wing guy. I would like him to deport more people.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Unfortunately, Obama was deporting more. And they're like, do you mean the second coming of Jesus Christ? He was deporting more people. And I'm like, yeah. So then you show them statistics. And you know what's crazy though? They still wouldn't change their mind. That's the real sickness of media.
Starting point is 00:23:02 It's so ingrained. It's the sickness of brainwashing. And the media has, I didn't realize that, I thought propaganda was something that happened in the 1930s. I didn't realize that humans are always prone to being brainwashed
Starting point is 00:23:16 by propaganda or that it could happen. It really was very surprising to me. What is that, doctor? I know you're going on a line, but like from a psychiatric, psychological point of view, when we're in a place where you're presenting facts and people don't believe them, I know it's called propaganda, but what's that going on?
Starting point is 00:23:34 It's funny. There was a podcast called You Are Not So Smart that I used to listen to before COVID because I was frustrated with people that I couldn't persuade through rational discourse. And in particular, I was frustrated with flat earthers. And I thought, God, how could I get a flat? I mean, literally, I want to go to them and say, the basic laws of mathematics and trigonometry and geometry would have to be null and void if I were to take your point of view. And it turns out, the one thing I learned from studying this a little bit is that it's a worldview and it's a community and it's the connections in that community, then that shared worldview that is what's important, not the facts. You can actually
Starting point is 00:24:23 persuade someone, let's say the measles vaccine is good. Even an anti-vaxxer could be persuaded the measles vaccine is good. But there's something called the backfire effect where they'll double down on everything else. So even though you may be able to persuade them in a narrow area where you really get them to dig in, they'll double down on other areas that are similar.
Starting point is 00:24:45 And the only way you can go about it is to go, have you thought that maybe your thinking about the world is off? And how often can you get in that conversation with somebody and really get anywhere, right? It's so funny, myself, because I'm in that 10% that doesn't seem to be affected by typical brainwashing, the 30% go all in, 23% go all in,
Starting point is 00:25:08 10% throw the bullshit flag right away, and 70% just kind of want to be left alone. That's the mass formation numbers. I'm at the point right now, you saw Joe Rogan's standup where he said, I don't know, maybe the earth is flat, maybe Michelle Obama has, I don't know. He the earth is flat. Maybe Michelle Obama has mail. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:27 He said, I'm up for anything. And I kind of feel like that now. I just, I can, I'm open to everything because things that I thought could never be turned out to be. And that was exposed to me during COVID. Yeah, I think also, you know, there's a lot of statistics about this and large medical terms. It's more simply understood by me that a majority of the population is retarded. It's a medical term. That is genuinely a-
Starting point is 00:25:52 There are several medical terms. There's retarded. Wait a second. There's idiot, imbecilic, and moron. Those are all medical terms. Dumbass as well growing up, which is unfortunately the majority of people I meet on the street. But no,
Starting point is 00:26:07 it is interesting. Just because they don't agree with you, Elijah, really? Yeah, well, hey, don't tell my wife if she's watching. But she's, you know, obviously in the midst of all this, all I was going to say was, what I noticed is that even in my own mind, there are things that, you know, obviously I don't understand are hard to let go because you form a worldview
Starting point is 00:26:23 and it's hard to be detached from that. But it's crazy. Like I have family members who cut me off for not getting vaccinated against COVID, told me I was killing my family, treated me like a second rate human being. You know, my family's from Australia as well. And I had, you know, a family member who almost got arrested for eating lunch outside. You know, they had drones going over their backyards. And then when I asked him about this, hey guys, you treated us like we were second-class citizens for, for several years, particularly in Australia, about three, would you apologize? And I get this.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I wasn't that big of a deal. You're overreacting. You're exaggerating. So there's still like a detachment in people's minds where they can't accept the severity of the choices they're making, like the illegal immigration issue, et cetera. So, I mean, it is, it is frustrating. I'm sure a lot of people watching this to get through to people, but the best immigration issue, etc. So I mean it is it is frustrating, I'm sure a lot of people watching this, to get through to people, but the best advice I have is try to clear up as much as you can in your own head, because you can't control anyone else's mind except for your own. And I want a little bit of Elijah's pedigree. He filmed Kyle Rittenhauser during the shootings, that was your footage. He was inside the Capitol on
Starting point is 00:27:22 January 6th. You've been undercover in the Antifa groups. You've been around. Yeah, unfortunately, and I didn't catch any STDs while I was with Antifa. So that's the first time in the world, I think. And then finally, the term woke right. Yeah. Is that a real thing? You know, I think people are trying to make it a real thing.
Starting point is 00:27:46 It felt kind of right to me. It felt like maybe there is, I'm a little guilty of some of this stuff. So maybe you ought to thump on me a little bit. Well, so obviously there's a few people that are like sort of this intellectual group or they tout themselves as intellectuals. And I want to be kind to their pedigree.
Starting point is 00:28:04 I like them. And I think they're very, very good gentlemen. I want to be kind to their pedigree. I like them. And I think they're very, very good gentlemen. I think I'm in this group. Go ahead. Well, yeah, I think they're good people. What I think though, is that they actually disagree with a portion of the right wing on three issues, which is the influence in place of Israel and Zionism, or as some might call it, the Jews or whatever, they also disagree on sort of this prototypical idea that the West belongs or should be predominantly white. That's one of the controversial issues.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And the third is, is the place of religion and Christianity in policy decisions in the government. And the group that has coined this are typically the more center to center left, center right part. I'd say just centrists. They tend to be atheists that are calling people woke right or agnostic.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And they tend to be very anti-communist in a lot of their ways, but it's almost like an adherent religion. And not to bore people, what I have found is that a lot of these factions have been warring for many, many years. And a lot of these more liberal side on the right don't want to get caught up calling people anti-Semites or Nazis
Starting point is 00:29:14 because obviously the woke left, as we'd call them, is calling everybody that, right? It's sort of lost its term. I mean, Jews are getting called anti-Semites and Holocaust survivors are getting called Nazis. So it's sort of lost its flair. So in order to sort of like categorize this portion of a more dogmatic right-wing, they're calling them the woke right. I think it's a paradox. I don't think they can be woke. I don't think that's possible. What I think that the
Starting point is 00:29:40 confusion is here, to summarize it, is that because that portion of the right wing is offering some pretty severe and extreme solutions to some of the problems in the West, because the framework and the leveling of reasoning is similar to that on the far left, they're categorizing them as the same people. However, I think they're being intellectually dishonest. For instance, what this one individual did, James Lindsay, is at first I thought he did something really funny. I thought he republished Karl Marx's manifesto in a, quote, woke right publication. Then I found out that he changed about 90% of the document and just changed the wording. And I go, you know, that's not really the same thing. Because if I were to show an Israeli, you know, pro's not really the same thing because if I were to show an Israeli,
Starting point is 00:30:25 you know, pro-Hamas propaganda, but then change Hamas to Israel, and then they agreed with it, that doesn't make them hypocrites. They're very clear on what they want. And if the solution for Hamas is for Hamas to win and be totally victorious, and the solution for Israel is to be totally victorious,
Starting point is 00:30:42 I don't think Israel is hypocritical for taking that propaganda and making Israel the victors and approving of it. And so I think because they're trying to say that the framing of the arguments are similar, but the methods and the solution are different, that they're the same thing. And I don't find it to be as convincing as I feel like they're
Starting point is 00:30:57 sort of marketing it. Does that make sense? Yes. It's only slightly offensive. Follow Elijah Schaefer on X at Elijah Schaefer, E-L-I-J-A-H-S-C-H-A-F-F-E-R. In a few minutes, we're going to get Janine Turner in here. She is, of course, the actress from Northern Exposure, if you remember her there. She is also author, speaker, constitutional advocate. Her book is The Pivot Principle, The Pivot Principle, Finding Joy in Despair.
Starting point is 00:31:26 It's available now. You can follow Janine on xjanineturner and is where you can find more information. She is now a rancher in Texas. There's a lot going on
Starting point is 00:31:38 with Janine. She's going to join us, but we're going to be first joined by Peter Galuli, the CEO of The Wellness Company, who's going to give us a an update on where things are at. The man from The Wellness Company. The man, The Wellness Company.
Starting point is 00:31:53 And we'll take a little break. Be right back with everybody after this. The Wellness Company knows that taking charge of your family's health care is a top priority. And being rationally ready, who knows what the future will hold for us. Now TWC has a service to cover your family's medical needs including and especially prevention. For just $100 a month the One Wellness Elite membership includes two free medical grade nutraceuticals per month, free prescriptions for over 800 of the most common medications, access to concierge telemedicine, available at a moment's notice, and a 15% discount on all supplements and the
Starting point is 00:32:33 emergency kits. 15% off the emergency kits. That's quite a saving. So if you're spending $100 or more on supplements and meds every month, this plan will already save you money. If you sign up for a year, you'll save $200. And when you use the link, slash TWC, you'll get 10% off the first payment to the One Wellness Elite membership. Check out One Wellness at slash TWC and get 10% off your first payment. slash TWC. It's all there.
Starting point is 00:33:05 That's brilliant. And thank you, Drew. Who' slash TWC. It's all there. That's brilliant. And thank you, Drew. Who's Dr. Drew? Where is he? Dr. Drew. Dr. Drew. And we are back. Peter Gallulli joins us from the Wellness Company.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Peter, where shall we follow you, sir? Well, you can join my dozens of followers on Twitter. Go ahead and follow him. See if we can build that out a little bit. Please, everybody, get on that. You moved to your left. No, to my right.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Oh, your right, sorry. So go ahead. And Peter, give us an update on what's going on with the wellness and One Wellness, all these different projects. I have the medical emergency kit right here, buddy. You're out of your mind if you don't have these things on hand.
Starting point is 00:33:49 I'm going to give a little pitch, which is that I feel very strongly things need to be put back in the patient's sphere of influence, the patient's hands. And wellness has been doing exactly that. The emergency kits, Susan, how often do we reach into our kits?
Starting point is 00:34:03 I did this week, as a matter of fact. Very, very frequently. I got my Keflex out of there and didn't have to call the doctor. Well, thankfully she has a doctor in hand, but you might need to call telehealth. We are backed up by telehealth. My doctor told me to get it. I said, let me use the one. I want to use it before it goes out.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Exactly. And you've used the cream. Yeah, the Bactroban. I'll tell you a couple of things that I had later, but the One Wellness is what's interesting. Yes, tell us about One Wellness. Yes, we've had a insane year at the wellness company. I mean, we're only two years old. It's kind of hard to even believe, Drew,
Starting point is 00:34:38 that it's only been going on to our third year now, but here we are. And I think one of the things that we've seen most prominently is people that just keep coming back again and again for more of our services. They wanted to be able to save and really value our best customers. And to your point, how do we combine the loyalty, Drew,
Starting point is 00:34:57 with that kind of concept of putting it back in the patient's hands? So we want to give an alternative to insurance, right? And we've seen time and time again that the insurance companies, they really are calling the shots in the patient's hands. So we want to give an alternative to insurance, right? And we've seen time and time again that the insurance companies, they really are calling the shots in the hospitals and they're really telling the doctors what to do. Well, I'm going to say something and this is met with peace and love, but there was a horrible thing that happened in Manhattan, in New York City this week. And immediately people started pointing at the frustrations of the industry that he was a part of. And I don't want to guess what was motivating the assassins or any of these things,
Starting point is 00:35:32 but the fact that immediately everybody's had such horrible experiences with insurance that those are the kinds of thoughts this entire country had simultaneously. We might want to reconsider how we do this. You know what I'm saying? And that's what wellness is trying to do. And I was blown away, Drew, by those comments. And I really think that it strikes a deeper nerve in America that we're seeing right now because people are just sick and tired of being bullied and treated like they're second-class citizens.
Starting point is 00:35:59 They're treated like they're just a piggy bank. Especially when their life is on the line, their health is on the line, their wellbeing is on the line. It's like, well, sorry, the anesthesia was more than three hours. Maybe you're going to have to pay for the rest of it or just wake up while your belly's open. Okay, that's the way it goes.
Starting point is 00:36:16 What are you going to do? Well, and Drew, think about the situations when you're most likely to talk to a doctor. It's when you're in distress. It's when you're not mentally able to make the best decisions. And a doctor should be there to advise doctor. It's when you're in distress. It's when you're not mentally able to make the best decisions. And a doctor should be there to advise you, but still, you're oftentimes choosing
Starting point is 00:36:29 between your health and your bank account. And that's a really hard choice for people to make a lot of times. And if we can get ahead of that at the wellness company, if we can give people the tools to stay well, and when they are getting sick or feeling that scratch in their throat, rather than waiting until they might have to venture
Starting point is 00:36:44 into a hospital and being laid up in bed for days, they have the meds already on hand. They don't have to make that choice anymore. They can save money and be healthy. Yeah, you can't imagine the situations I was in. On the mental health side, it's just egregious. People leaving and, you know, them, me saying, I can't, it's going to cost, you won't be able to afford this if I don't discharge you.
Starting point is 00:37:05 And I don't think you should go anywhere. I think you should stay here. Maybe we can arrange some aftercare. Insurance company won't cover that. And people hurt themselves or something terrible happens. And the insurance company literally will say, well, we don't practice medicine. There's Dr. Pinsky's signature right there on the discharge order. We had nothing to do with it.
Starting point is 00:37:22 That's, sorry, you had a lot to do with it. It may be everything to do with it. And we need a new incarnation. And I don't know, one wellness to me seems like the beginning of something maybe goes that direction. Yeah, it certainly is. I mean, you can save money on everything that we offer
Starting point is 00:37:37 at the higher tiers. You can get free scripts. We have over 800 free scripts in our formulary. So if you're on almost any chronic medication, you can get it for free as part of that plan. You can get free virtual care visits. You can get free supplements every month. So you're actually moving away from-
Starting point is 00:37:53 Are people happy with the telehealth visits and the service? They're very happy. And it's really important to us, Drew, that we have our doctors available. If you want to be part of the TBC telehealth network, it is required that you are doing both in-person and asynchronous consults. We don't give doctors the option because we want them to have that patient connection.
Starting point is 00:38:12 That's so important. Yeah. And then since we are an interview show, I'm going to ask you, how has this experience been being the CEO of something like this? It's such an interesting, for me, it's been a wonderful and interesting experience. I just imagine what it's like for you. It's been fascinating. I mean, life is certainly not linear.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I'll tell you that. If you told me a couple of years ago that this is where I'd be sitting, I probably would have laughed in your face. You were crushing diamonds for military ID stuff. That's a story for another time, but that is absolutely true. Crushing diamonds for the military is a good way to put what I was doing.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Correct. But I mean, look, we had no idea what we were tapping into when we formed the wellness company. And it started with spike support. I mean, we really started looking first at just COVID vaccine detox. And that still is one of our top selling products today. I know, Drew, you took a branch on it early on and started talking about spike support. We launched a new product, an improved version
Starting point is 00:39:09 that's now outselling the original. And I mean, 80 something percent of Americans took a vaccine. And I think a lot of them, health is apolitical. They want to just be healthy no matter what it takes. And we want to be there for them. Look at Dr. McCullough's protocols. They're very good. And then Peter's got these products that help support them
Starting point is 00:39:27 or actually can easily represent those protocols. He's a brilliant physician. He's been studying these things carefully. He's changed how I think about viruses, interestingly. And it's evolving and we're getting better, I think. I couldn't agree more. And I think that we're going to see a real groundswell here under RFK, hopefully in a couple of weeks,
Starting point is 00:39:49 of people starting to feel comfortable talking about these topics that previously were taboo, like vaccines, right? It's time we question everything. And I think people are ready. Like I said, maybe the earth is flat. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I'm open to things I was not open to three years ago, two months ago even. I'm just very open-minded. But we do need to get to, we need to ask the right questions and look carefully and objectively at the data and the answers and study things properly. We also have Harvey Reish in the group who's
Starting point is 00:40:17 just wonderful at that. And he he taught me, he made me refocus on my scientific methodology, which is, hey, we can say one of two things with the scientific method. The null hypothesis is either informative or it is not informative, and that's it.
Starting point is 00:40:35 And that's what we do in science. That's the scientific method. So I know for a lot of you that may sound obscure. It is not. It just shows how focused and refined and delicate the instrument is we use that we call science. And we sort of have become very, very casual with it. We need to get it more focused. I talked to Brett Weinstein about exactly that, and he completely
Starting point is 00:40:57 agreed with me. All right. So Peter, thank you. I want to bring my next guest. So wait, give the gift of health for the holidays. Go to slash TWC. Join. One Wellness. Make your family join. Use code Drew. One Wellness. Use code.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Oh, you need to code Drew? Check out the kits. We have kits. Yeah, and also, you know, or just get a kit for some. I don't know. Just go over there and check it all out. Dr. Victory worked out, right? She worked on the red.
Starting point is 00:41:23 The red one. Dr. Victory, Kelly Victory, who you guys all know from this show, she, of course, does a lot of disaster and ER. They have the big kit now, too. It's so cool. That huge one is wild. What's that one called? The field emergency kit.
Starting point is 00:41:36 The field emergency kit. It's a tank. We love that thing. Do you guys have gift certificates over there? It's just beautiful. It's beautiful. All right. So everybody out there on our feed, they have gift certificates over there? It's just beautiful. It's beautiful. All right. So everybody out there on our feed,
Starting point is 00:41:47 they have gift certificates. So if you want to get one for grandma or you want to get one for your colleagues at work, you can't think of a great gift. I just thought of somebody I want to get it for. So I'm going to get a gift certificate. All right. Well, it's been a pleasure to,
Starting point is 00:42:01 like I've said, it's a pleasure to work with you and Foster and the whole organization. It's been a pleasure to, like I've said, it's a pleasure to work with you and Foster and the whole organization has been really, it's been a really interesting and delightful experience. And I feel like we're doing something good and I hope we continue to sort of expand what that means and that that's the future, I hope. Janine Turner.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I'm going to tell you about Janine. Those of you that are Gen Xers remember her from the Emmy nominated CBS cbs series northern exposure she founded constituting america and she hosts two podcasts usa and god on the go minute her book is the pivot principle finding joy in despair it is available now she there's the book and she works as a rancher in texas you can find more at and follow her on X, Janine Turner, just like it sounds. Janine, welcome to the program.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Hi, great to be with you, Dr. Trout. So tell us, you had a cancellation experience. Tell people about your history a little bit, if you don't mind. Well, it's funny. I just put a poem that I wrote in my book, which is mixed with poetry and prose and, you know, well-health type of scenarios, about being silenced and being confined to a box. And I've experienced that a lot in my life. about being silenced and being confined to a box. And I've experienced that a lot in my life.
Starting point is 00:43:30 I'm actually working on a novel right now called Silence. And, you know, I'm an actress. And I love my fellow humanitarians, who I believe my fellow actors are humanitarians, and they're good people, and I love so many of them. But if you have an opinion that's different than theirs, you are told to keep your mouth shut, which is what I was told. You can be here, but you need to not talk.
Starting point is 00:44:01 So I've been experiencing that since I was about 18 years old. I moved to Hollywood at 17 and New York City at 15 to model. And so it's been a big part of my life. I think I saw, I'm looking right now on your X feed. I think, did I see that poem up on X today? It sounds very familiar. I'm looking around. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:20 You may have. I did it in two parts because it's long and you have to do it in 90 seconds. Yes. But it's confined. Okay, that's what it was. Confined into a box. And I think that's really how I have felt so much of my life. No matter what scenario you want to, what decade of my life I'm in, silencing has been a big part of my life. And I really believe in the freedom of speech and I'm I'm a Texan and
Starting point is 00:44:46 I was raised by a West Point father graduate and a very opinionated you know southern woman and so I speak my mind and I'm not going to let anybody stop me from speaking speaking my mind so does it shock you that the first Amendment was suddenly something that was sort of, you know, something we could live without? Something that maybe is a little bit of an inconvenience? Was that shocking to you? Yes, it was shocking to me. And I love philosophy as well, Dr. Drew. Hegel talked about the dialectic, you know, that you need to hear my interpretation,
Starting point is 00:45:26 different points of view in order to grow. And I'm a real advocate of reason. And you cannot reason if you don't hear both points of view. You really need to hear, you know, this point of view and not be indoctrinated, which is happening in our schools. But let's listen to this point of view. And why don't I make up my own mind? And I think that that's been what's really been missing in America. And I'm very encouraged about this election and that Trump was elected because Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, since I'm a constitutional scholar, so to speak, talked about the genius of the people. And I was really relieved with this election. And I feel that the genius of the people have spoken.
Starting point is 00:46:13 And now let's see what can be accomplished. That is a great frame to resurrect. Because people talk about the wisdom of crowds and things like that. But the fact that Hamilton framed it as the genius of the people, I think is a very, very important thing for us to remind ourselves of. The other thing I'm thinking of when you mentioned GWF Hagel is that a little known statement he had that I just find really important. And when I read it, I was like, what? Now I get it. He said, essentially, he talked in a lot of code. And he said, the owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the setting of dusk.
Starting point is 00:46:57 The point being is that you can really only look back and understand history as it's closing. And I thought, yeah, that has never been more meaningful to me than in recent sort of years. So looking back on COVID and looking back on so many things that have happened in the last 10 years, it's like, oh, I understand it completely differently now. Well, and I like what Voltaire says, you know,
Starting point is 00:47:21 which is, you know, I may disagree. I may disapprove of what you're saying, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it. And I think we've lost that in America. We've been shut down. We haven't been able to express ourselves. And we have a speaking program at and one of them is how to have a civil civic conversation because I've been shut down so much of my life, know whether it's Hollywood or as a single mother or whatever it may be and and I think that that we must be able to have civil civic conversations where we listen to each other and I'm not always the best at that
Starting point is 00:47:56 I will admit I think it's a goal worth achieving and and it's interesting i find myself um quoting de tocqueville a lot and i understand democracy in america is something that you are very familiar with as well again you know that we're we are you know here we are two americans in the not so early in the 21st century anymore talking about and quoting a guy from 1820, a French aristocrat that visited us in 1820. What are your thoughts on De Tocqueville? Well, we have academic studies every year at our foundation. And one was about American exceptionalism,
Starting point is 00:48:40 which I really think we need to go ahead and say that word and why we are. And our study word um and why we are in our study proves throughout history why we are exceptional and the other is de toqueville and de toqueville was so prescient and he was able to talk about um america from an objective point of view and juxtaposition america against the french their monarchy, you know, how they didn't succeed really with the revolution and how we did. And I find de Tocqueville to be quite intriguing. We have a study about that at right now. And he talks about everything. He even talked about the rise of America and Russia being great powers with which to deal in the future.
Starting point is 00:49:25 He predicted it. He predicted it. He actually predicted it. It's crazy, right? I don't know. How could he have seen that? That's so weird, right? I know.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Very, very true. But he talks about, you know, Voltaire and the freedom of speech, and he observes our country and really how industrious we were and are and how we were based off this sort of moral compass that gave us our ability to be great within our community, within our townships. And I think we've lost townships haven't we dr drew i mean we we think that the i i give 600 kids they think the president's the most important but townships
Starting point is 00:50:12 are really very important well and to to that point janine what to talk phil said was the local practice of democracy was the reason democracy in America was successful. So not only was participation of all citizens sort of brought in on the local level, it was a practice. It was a way of living that was in the classroom. It was in the civic centers and it sort of permeates our life. And we've lost some of that practice. And we have to be very careful about that because he really thought that was the reason it worked. Yes. And when I speak to kids, I speak to students all over the country, and I ask them, how often do you vote?
Starting point is 00:51:00 And they say four years. And I say, for whom do you vote? And they say the president. And I'm like, well, really, the president's not supposed to be the most important person. It is your legislator, your district,
Starting point is 00:51:11 and in your township. Teaching kids to be civic citizens and why that matters. Also, Dr. Drew, I know you can relate to this, to be able to reason. And we can't reason if we don't hear two points of view.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Well, listen, we ascend to the truth through dialogue. That's how we get near the truth. Humans do not have the capacity for the truth with a capital T, but we can ascend to an approximation through dialectic, like you said. But everybody, look out your window. When you look out your window right now, whoever is picking up your trash, who's ever doing the fire department, the local police, whoever is sweeping the streets, that is not the federal
Starting point is 00:51:56 government. This thing was not set up so the federal government was supposed to be involved in our lives. It is our local government that really impacts us. The fact that we worry about the federal government is an abomination. It's a bastardization of this thing you mentioned. Hamilton was a little bit
Starting point is 00:52:13 towards big government, but at least Jefferson felt that they should not be in with us. They should be dealing with interstate commerce and defense, and that's about it. It's true. It should be limited
Starting point is 00:52:24 and enumerated government. That's what our constitution says, the national government, and that it's really federalism. And I have to tell you, I have a love affair with federalism because federalism is about the states and about the local governments
Starting point is 00:52:38 and about what we, the people, what I teach the kids is, you know, it's the consent of the governed and it's we, the people, not we, the government. So you know, it's the consent of the governed and it's we, the people, not we, the government. So we are actually, we've gotten to this mindset that it's government, but it's not the government. And I'm excited about Doge, aren't you? I think Doge could be really exciting. Oh my God. Yes. I want to, I want to bring Elijah in for a second, because this, there's two issues that, that Janine's triggering me to think about, which is
Starting point is 00:53:05 one is this, I've come to realize that people on the left, when they were complaining about the end of democracy, it's getting distilled down now to an understanding that what they really meant was, oh no, no, now democracy means democratic institutions, meaning these bloated bureaucratic institutions that were invented under a democratic system, those are in jeopardy, which I say is a good thing. But democracy, the practice of democracy is not in jeopardy, but maybe they didn't even mean that. No, I mean, I think what it was is that democracy is important to get who they want in power, and then they can instill that through the institutions. And then once they're in power,
Starting point is 00:53:47 democracy is actually a bad thing because it threatens their power struggle. It's pretty genius. It's going at the institution that they put in place. Yeah, the other thing I want to ask you real quick, talking about de Tocqueville made me think about the French. Have you been keeping track of what's going on there? I'm there.
Starting point is 00:54:04 The Macron's government is sort of in collapse at the moment. Yeah. Well, they can't get a prime minister in there. Even a guy like, I forget the guy that just got the no confidence. Yes, no faith, no confidence. He was a very reasonable, very moderate guy. And he pushed through a budget that was a little bit status quo-y and everyone went, that's not, we wanted something different now.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Do you have an opinion about that, Janine? Go ahead. Yes, I do. I do. We did an entire study on American exceptionalism and I have a talk show about American exceptionalism at And one of the reasons we are exceptional is because of our constitution. And you see all these other countries floundering and not succeeding, but we have a rule book. And the President, Trump, they all have to swear to protect this rule book, which is our Constitution. And that's the difference between us and countries like France. I totally agree with you.
Starting point is 00:54:58 I agree. And this is their fifth republic. It's the second republic. You know, they all put the fifth republic. It's the Cinquième République. I might also talk about the way that we have a Bill of Rights and things of that nature that actually
Starting point is 00:55:13 it was because of the anti-federalists and the federals. We had John Jay, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton that wanted the Constitution but we had the anti-federalists that came in and said, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, we want to build rights. And that's a great example of dialogue, of listening to other sides, of compromise, of this kind of Hegel dialectic. It's really great. Two sides can come together because it's the genius of the people and we have different ideas,
Starting point is 00:55:42 but can we find the middle and really come together? And I think that's what our Constitution has done so incredibly brilliantly. We would not have the Bill of Rights if we did not have the anti-federalists fighting against the United States Constitution and John Jay and Alexander Hamilton. I think Elijah and I would both agree with you wholeheartedly. And the fact that the majority of those documents you're talking about were designed to protect us from the government, protect us from government excess, from the government, because the founding fathers had seen the insanity of what can happen. Yeah, it's like when they say, what are you an AR-15 for? You know, people just have handguns. Go ahead, Janine. That's why they believe in the states.
Starting point is 00:56:27 They really want, and we have forgotten about that. Which is another genius. It's another genius. No, it's another part of the genius. It's why we have these, it's although, you know, I'm stuck in one right now. California is such a disaster. How did you get out of there, Janine? I guess you went back home to
Starting point is 00:56:41 Texas. California is catastrophic. I left California when I was 23 and moved to New York City. Okay. God, it was terrible, California. Well, New York is better. I'll tell you why. Because you actually do get something
Starting point is 00:56:55 for your tax dollar. The government is still out of control and stuff, but you actually get something. California, you get literally nothing. Except hassle. I never liked California. I was really glad that Northern Exposure was filmed in Seattle. And we were sort of removed from all that.
Starting point is 00:57:12 By the way. It wasn't in Alaska? No, it was in Seattle. Damn. I thought for sure. Are you too young for Northern Exposure? Yeah, I am a little too young for that. Susan, we were big fans, yes?
Starting point is 00:57:30 Elijah, you can watch it on Amazon now., you can watch it. I'll check it out, honestly. It's a great show. It's a great, you would love it. Well, the shows made today aren't very good. I mean, you know. It's much better use of your time, trust me.
Starting point is 00:57:46 But you were going to say something. Oh, I was just going to say that, you know, I think the system that's set up, people forget. You know, they always ask, what do you need an AR-15 for? What do you need this for? And they go, who has an AR-15? You know, and I go, the government does. Like, and they go, oh, so what do you want to have?
Starting point is 00:58:00 A nuclear, you know, powered submarine? I go, if it was available available i would be fine with that but at least an ar-15 is easily had and i think people forget that the government is not your friend and then what always happens is i just want to point this out they you know while they're in power these people they go oh you know you don't need a gun you don't need this then trump gets in and they go only the police should have guns only the government should have power and then they tell you that trump is worse than Hitler. And you go, so then why would you want them to have all the power?
Starting point is 00:58:28 Right. Why would you want him making decisions about abortion or about whether we have guns? You need your rights, right? No matter who you are, left or right, you need your individual rights. That's right. Janine? But Dr. Drew, Alexis de Tocqueville talked about the administrative state, and we just had an essay on this at, and it's out on the social media where I talk about it.
Starting point is 00:58:48 He talked about the administrative state, which I don't believe in. I like elected officials making our decisions. But he did talk about the administrative state, couldn't give us some enlightened information. So once again, I think it's all about giving the power back to the genius of the people and to the people, the consent of the governed, but also it's okay to listen to what experts have to say. So it's a fine line, right? It's just coming back to the middle, coming back to hearing both points of view, coming back to growing, listening, and reason, and hearing and combining these talents that we have in America, because we have so much talent in America.
Starting point is 00:59:32 I hear you saying the return of common sense, which is something I found myself saying like three or four years ago. I kept saying, I want to invent the common sense party. No, I said I wanted the pragmatism party. I think common sense is returning. Don't you? Yeah. I would say to that agreement, you know, a lot of people think it's bad that the Republican party is made up of a lot of ex Democrats, but you know, it's the Republican party is mostly made up of Republicans, but I think it's significant that it's made up of a lot of ex Democrats because it's, it's basically common sense individuals who want to come together and saying, left or right, put aside.
Starting point is 01:00:07 It's about doing what's good for us collectively. Governing. To govern the people. It's a basic function. Trump said in his speech, his acceptance speech, the common core of common sense. And I think that's very, very valid.
Starting point is 01:00:26 I agree. That's a very powerful statement. And you were talking about Doge, Janine, and I brought this up the other night. I was on the Gutfeld show and I saw the secretary of education on Chelsea Handler's old talk show. If you remember, she had a talk show
Starting point is 01:00:41 on Netflix for a few minutes. And she goes, I don't know anything about education. So I thought I'd bring in the Secretary of Education, and he could tell me what education is all about, because I know nothing. She goes, well, tell me about education. You're the Secretary of Education. What do you do?
Starting point is 01:00:53 And he goes, what do I do? She goes, yeah, what's your job? He goes, oh, my job? My job is to protect the civil liberties of every student in the country. And I thought, oh, shit, we are in trouble. This was Obama's Secretary of Education. And I thought, oh shit, we are in trouble. This was Obama's secretary of education. And I thought that an entire department, we need education. We don't need civil liberties.
Starting point is 01:01:11 That's, that's, that's yes. Yes. We need civil liberties, but by God, we have to have education. That department must go. It must go. Yeah. I think that eradicating a lot of these departments will do nothing but good. Say that again, James? We need to teach them about the United States Constitution, right? That's missing in our country. Let's talk about the Constitution. Let's talk about what it gives you. Let's talk about the rule book, the liberties that you have within the Constitution,
Starting point is 01:01:39 and why our founders and whatnot and all of our representatives and all of our presidents, they swear to protect the Constitution. There's not enough education about the Constitution. I really do agree with you. And it sounds sort of trivial and trite to say that these days, but I think this is the only country founded on a set of ideas. And if we don't, as a feature of our citizenship, come to an understanding of those ideas, how can we have a voting? I mean, that was the founding father's concern, that we could do, could people be educated enough
Starting point is 01:02:15 to really be responsible for their votes? And if we don't even understand what we are about, you know, we're not around a common history, we're not around a common ethnicity, we're not around a common ethnicity. We have some common heritage, but not much. It's really unified around this idea codified in the Constitution that is what this country, this experiment, this great experiment was. And how do we do it without people understanding what it is? You agree? Yeah. I think ultimately speaking, the fact that most young people know how to twerk, but couldn't tell you two amendments in our
Starting point is 01:02:52 rights there. I think we're in a very deeply sad position. And I'll just say this. I think our founding fathers, we need to really go back and look at what they were saying, because I don't even think they were for public education in general. They were for self-education, self-governance. And a lot of what we're doing now is depending on the state. We should ask ourselves, if we are the state and it's a state by the people and of the people, then the people need to fix up and clean up. I agree. Well, I would disagree with that a bit.
Starting point is 01:03:18 I would disagree with that a bit. Go ahead. John Adams, he was my favorite, really believed in education, maybe not public education, but knowledge is power. We must really educate our students. So I think it should be on a state level, quite frankly, but education is important. And so both points of view to be able to teach our kids to reason and to be civically minded about being a citizen in our country. I agree. I think we'd all agree on that. And, you know, I was educated in New England and New England has a magnificent educational heritage. And John Adams was
Starting point is 01:03:59 certainly a part of how that got established. It's a question of whether there should be a federal public or how that should work. But a topic question of whether there should be a federal public or how that should work. But a topic for another time. Janita, I got to kind of wrap up. Give us your final thoughts and your final pitch for Constituting America and your podcast and what they can find in the book.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Tell us everything. Oh, thank you. Well, my book is just about finding joy and despair. And it's a collaboration of poetry and prose and how to dig yourself out of despair. Constituting America is about finding civic reason. We have a speaking program. We have an academic study. We have a talk show that I do on American Acceptance. So it's all about loving America, understanding why America is great, and
Starting point is 01:04:47 understanding how we need to teach our students. We offer those programs about why the Constitution actually really matters. It is the rule book. And then the podcast? Oh yeah, Constitutional Chats. We have a podcast every Tuesday, Constitutional Chats, where we bring in scholars from all over the country to talk about the United States Constitution.
Starting point is 01:05:11 And we have a lot of youth that have won contests at Constituting America. So we have youth on our panel to actually ask these scholars questions. And that's every Tuesday at 2 Eastern. And the American Exceptional is available through Constituted in America and all over all podcasts. Janine, thank you for being here. It's a pleasure to talk to you.
Starting point is 01:05:34 Thank you, Dr. Drew. And thank you, Elijah. Thank you as well. It was wonderful listening to you. Thanks, Janine. Thank you. All right. And it's you and I again. Thanks, Janine. Thank you. All right. And it's you and I again.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Kind of wrap this thing up. I want to see if Peter, I'm driving poor Caleb crazy by switching all these cameras. We are in Elijah's studio and we are grateful for him turning this over to us today. I'm vamp here to give Caleb a couple seconds
Starting point is 01:06:02 to turn on Peter's camera. But Peter, any, you all right? Peter, any last minute thoughts I'm vampier to give Caleb a couple seconds to turn on Peter's camera. But Peter, any last minute thoughts from the wellness company or what's upcoming or where we should look for more? Yeah. We have something coming. You and I have something coming soon, right? We certainly do. Yeah, we certainly do.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Want to talk about that? Yeah. So is going to be offering its own line of telemedicine products, both Drew's favorites and some custom creations by Dr. Drew himself, which I'm super excited to see released in this world. I think it's been long overdue. When are we going to do that? When's that going to happen?
Starting point is 01:06:37 Do we have any estimators there? No, I think- Because I want to till the soil because I think that's going to be a great thing for people. Come January, I think we're going to have a beautiful website ready to go. Great. In the meantime, go to slash TWC
Starting point is 01:06:50 and get all the stuff you need for your family, your friends, the holiday gifts. Just like I said, great gift. And Peter, follow you on Twitter. Twitter,
Starting point is 01:07:00 rather. Peter Galooly. G-I-L-O-O-L-Y. G-I-L-L-O-O-L-Y. That was a stimulating conversation. You liked it? Yes. So did 60,000 people on X. That's Elijah.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Elijah's following came in. No, I think people came in. I was going to say on the side note, wrapping that up, two things. Number one, my family, I had multiple family members
Starting point is 01:07:23 that are minors get denied healthcare here under Anthem Blue Cross for not being fully vaccinated, including with the COVID shot. And we're not allowed to go into the practice. So, you know, in terms of, I asked them what we would do in terms of if there was an emergency situation and they said,
Starting point is 01:07:38 go get vaccinated. And I said, why? I said to protect us. So when you talk about having life-saving medication at hand, if there's an infection, make sure you have it on hand because you never know. Wait a minute. You're telling me that a medical establishment-
Starting point is 01:07:51 11. 11. I called 11. 11. 11 medical establishments here in South Florida. Pediatric? Yes, pediatric. They believed that the child being vaccinated
Starting point is 01:08:01 protected the staff- Correct. Particularly, he said hepatitis B was one of the ones required. I don't think a six-week-old boy is involved in any sexual activity, but according to them, it was for their protection. Yeah, this is really a true thing. So if you were to parse out certain vaccines, like if you were to take measles, take mumps,
Starting point is 01:08:22 take, I don't know, haemophilus, take some other things, but not take hepatitis B, say, they would say, that's enough. We can't have you in here because you're going to expose us to hepatitis B. Yeah, it made my family member cry because it was- Do you understand hepatitis B is transmitted through blood? It's like HIV. Well, yes, but I'm saying legitimately they said, and by the way, the way they worded it, I looked it up. It's actually not even how they worded it. It's like the COVID thing where they would say COVID laws, but it was just like health recommendations.
Starting point is 01:08:50 They, at least three of them told me that it was due to the vaccination laws, Florida vaccination laws. That makes more sense to me. I don't know if it's true or not. No, no, but I looked up. It's not. It's just health recommendations. But they tried to sell it to if someone was maybe less educated on the issue or a little more ignorant on it.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Because it's state to state different too. I'm new here too, so I looked it up and it's not a law, but they said it was a law. So I thought it was pretty remarkable. We did find one clinic and they said, I'm not going to say their name, but just don't mention it anywhere that we're not requiring. So it's still under the table.
Starting point is 01:09:23 And I thought that that's definitely something that the RFK Jr., if he's appointed, should definitely look into with what's going on with services here in Florida. So it's in Florida. I can imagine it's worse in New York and California. But so the issue is, I might be able to talk to him.
Starting point is 01:09:41 And so the issue is that literally you are refused services if you're not vaccinated. Correct. Even if you have insurance, I literally, we make the appointment, they ask for the insurance and then they ask, is he fully vaccinated? I ask what the schedule is. They list off them. Some of them offered said COVID as well, which was kind of crazy because it's weeks, weeks, weeks old. Well, I mean, I was wondering if they were smoking something. And I asked him, I was like, you're if they were smoking something. And I asked him, I was like, you're really going to deny access
Starting point is 01:10:08 because I'm being very, very upfront to a young baby who's having a health, an unrelated spinal condition because of them not being vaccinated against a sexually transmitted disease. And I got an honest yes from two of them. Like two clinics,
Starting point is 01:10:22 like yes. And I was like, that's absurd. So much to the point that I am concerned because I didn't know it was that bad. And I actually thought it would be more free here. Like I actually- This is Florida, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:34 Yeah, it's bad. We got to sort of investigate that a little further. I think we should. Because whoever the medical, actual trained physician staff has to check their policies because they're the responsible party. I can understand if a clerk at the front desk
Starting point is 01:10:53 doesn't know any better and is scared and just following what they think is the policy. But if the medical staff stands by that. How is Dr. Joseph Latipo allowing that to happen? Isn't he in charge in that state over a lot of stuff? That's who you should talk to. Are you hearing that? He's Joseph Latipo allowing that to happen? Isn't he in charge in that state over a lot of stuff? That's who you should talk to. Are you hearing that? He's asking about Latipo.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Latipo, I don't think he would stand for that if he knew about it. Listen, I looked and it is the recommendation. I'm all for recommendations. Don't get me wrong. That's different than can you get care. Correct. And I asked multiple times and they said
Starting point is 01:11:23 we could not bring a child in there without following the full vaccination schedule. I think you would agree with me also that a facility is at their liberty to say we don't want to deal with those patients, right? They're at their liberty, but they better have good reason for it. Well, yes. I was going to say, listen, I think there's a fine line there where I think that they are at liberty, specifically with healthcare, if it does follow direct guidelines. Like if there's evidence that a baby not being vaccinated for hepatitis B puts their staff at risk. But if there's not that evidence and it's just a guideline. But guess what, there isn't.
Starting point is 01:11:58 So they're going to have to back away from some of that stuff. But if they want to say, we don't want measles in our facility, it's like, I don't know. You know what I mean? They don't want the, they feel- Well, they're still doing, listen, they're still doing this because my wife, when we were coming back here from Australia, she was seven months pregnant and the United States government didn't want to renew her visa or like give her a renewal unless she had two doses given now of the COVID vaccine. And when we showed them the medical work, we worked actually with doctors from the wellness company to create an entire resume explaining from highly credentialed, highly
Starting point is 01:12:29 published doctors about the threat of that. They said, well, it's the current recommendation from the United States government to do that. People have been hiding behind the recommendations, but CDC has been saying, we just make recommendations. And then the people that are following the recommendations follow it as though it's thus sayeth the Lord. They're like a law. It's ridiculous. Okay. This is a bigger topic. We're out of time. We're over time. Sorry about that. Do you have a show coming up tonight? Yeah, I actually got a show at 8 PM Eastern time. It is on Rumble. It's slightly offensive. And I also have a show tomorrow morning at 8 AM Eastern time. It's on Vigilant News Network on Rumble as well. It's a new show five days a week. You got to. Eastern time. It's on Vigilant News Network on Rumble as well.
Starting point is 01:13:05 It's a new show five days a week. You got to check it out. It's amazing. What's it called? It's called The Daily Dose and it's the stories you might've missed. Work actually with Vigilant Fox on X. He curates the stories and we cover the news.
Starting point is 01:13:17 So he's been really, really cool providing us with topics. And I was telling Elijah that Scott Adams has been referring to the Vigilant Fox almost every day because the way he collates news and presents is very, very important. He's a fox. He's cunning and he's swift. Cunning and swift and, yeah, cunning, I would say. That covers it.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Cunning pretty much covers it. Incredible. Okay, Peter, thank you for being here. Appreciate it very much. Thank you for all you've done for wellness and for all the people that are benefited from the wellness company. We appreciate you all being here as well.
Starting point is 01:13:50 We've been watching you. Susan, anything on the restream or the rumble rants? I just want to shout out to 70,000 people on X. Thanks for listening. And also that there's something wrong with the chat. Which chat? Are there Chinese bots over there? The X chat?
Starting point is 01:14:09 Checking our, well, I'll post something and it won't go through and then it takes a couple of minutes. This is on X, huh? Yeah, but maybe it's just, there's so many people over there, it's just not working right. We've always had weird,
Starting point is 01:14:19 well, it's showing up on the restream. Yeah, yeah. And I see Sean Smith I see Vaganza I see I see from X I see Hobo Kelly
Starting point is 01:14:29 you guys are too young for Hobo Kelly indeed all of them look it up okay and then Elijah I appreciate you
Starting point is 01:14:38 being here very much thank you so much and for letting us use the studio I'll talk about upcoming guests in just a second but in spite of the fact,
Starting point is 01:14:45 last time I was in here, I ruined your sound equipment. It's just ridiculous. You dropped a Diet Coke into the Roadcaster. A memory made, but you know what I feel like is that, because this is obviously, we just set this up,
Starting point is 01:14:55 moved from another country. I feel like we'll get it down more and more and more. And eventually, maybe we'll have five back at Roadcaster. Is this the one I sent you? The brand new one? Yes, that's the brand new one. So you guys did, and that wasn't even necessary,
Starting point is 01:15:06 but it was a very warm gift. You had a backup, fortunately, here. And then I said, I'm replacing it. We didn't have the sound right. I felt so bad, and I was like, I don't know what to do because it was like peaking or something. But now it's fixed, and it's great. And I just want to remind people,
Starting point is 01:15:21 you don't need a podcast studio. I always say this. You just need a voice voice and you have a phone and you can get your voice out there. Never stop speaking the truth. Oh, that's sweet. That's a great, that's a great words to live by. That's how we started.
Starting point is 01:15:32 It's true. She just said, you know, you've got ideas about this COVID thing. You should share with people, talk about it. And Caleb said, you know, streaming is a thing. So there we are. But let's see the upcoming guest, Justine Bateman. Have you seen Justine on X lately?
Starting point is 01:15:45 She is on fire. Oh, X lately? She is on fire. I've seen her. She's on fire. She's so funny. That's on the 10th, which I guess is Tuesday. Anybody tell me that? Tuesday. Tuesday, thank you.
Starting point is 01:15:55 And then Susan has a show on the 11th at noon. Do you know anything about that yet? Calling out with Susan Pinsky. We're going to have Emily Hagen and Drea. Drea's coming back. We're going to talk about Laurel Canyon mysteries and history. Drea is a great guest. It's always great to see her.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Yeah, we want to talk about dead people from Laurel Canyon. Robert Barnes from Viva and Barnes coming in on the 11th with Aaron Day. Very special show on the 12th is a noon show because Matthias Desmond is in Belgium. So we are going to do that at noon on December 12th with Aaron Cariotti. The two together are just sensational. And then Justin Hart on the 17th with Toby Rogers.
Starting point is 01:16:35 Seth Dillon on the 18th with Gad Saad. Talk about the parasitic mind, I tell you. That his stuff, what did he say the other day that I just caught my attention? Oh, we're going to talk with Gad Saad about sneaky fuckers. Do you know what sneaky fuckers are?
Starting point is 01:16:53 That's like my son. It's a year and a half. Sneaky fuckers are, it's a zoological frame. It's obviously sort of a tongue-in-cheek term for zoological behavior, particularly observed in primates where sneaky
Starting point is 01:17:11 fuckers get around the alpha male by pretending to be more like the females to get access to the females, and then they're sneaky fuckers and get at the females that way. I like it. I mean, I do like giving the animals some funny names like that. But doesn't it sound familiar
Starting point is 01:17:27 for the present moment? Yeah. It's called Hunter Biden, you know? No, no, he was not. Sneaky fucker with a crack pipe is what we call that. Yeah, that was a little different
Starting point is 01:17:36 than sneaky fucker. I have a theory that he's going to get arrested and thrown in jail after this is over. He's going to go out and do, you know, because that's what
Starting point is 01:17:43 criminals usually do. That's what addicts do. But there's one more thing is that since he can't incriminate himself on any of these things he has done, there's no more incrimination.
Starting point is 01:17:53 Does that also count for future? He can be questioned and he has to, or he's going to be in contempt. Yeah, you know, addicts are typically honest. So that's,
Starting point is 01:18:01 and I, you know, so that's honest, just saying. Yeah, so we'll leave that. We'll leave it there, so I, that's honest, just saying. Yeah. So we'll leave that. Leave it there. It's part of the 12 step program. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:09 So, but, but if he does another crime, is he, he's not clear on that. He is not, though, though,
Starting point is 01:18:17 who knows where this is going. He's going to get arrested for a DUI or he's going to like, he's going to do something. I've actually been worried about his survival because I saw that attorney sort of supporting some crazy behaviors. I see this supporting bad behaviors. You give addicts a rope and they will hurt themselves with it. He has to be thinking he's invincible right now.
Starting point is 01:18:35 That's why we tell family members, let them get arrested. It's like the spoiled brat gets let off and then they go out and do it. You know what? I am worried because obviously, not glorifying addiction or anything, but there's always some funny memes that are showing him literally driving a Porsche about 130 miles per hour with a crack pipe. Some people see this as toxic.
Starting point is 01:18:54 I see this as legendary. It's sort of like this joke because he's like, it's sort of like a movie, right? It's not legendary in the real world, but it's like that character who's crazy, but it all turns out happy in the end. I think he thinks he's in a movie where it's like, he doesn't realize, and I don't think it's that, I think he might die.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Because- I think he'll have a heart attack or he'll OD because- His life is in serious danger. I don't see a spirited program of recovery being represented. I don't hear recovery language. I don't see recovery behavior. I don't see recovery behavior. And so when somebody with that history is not manifesting something that looked, I mean,
Starting point is 01:19:30 he might be in some intensive cognitive behavioral therapy or something that could be helping him, but boy, I mean, it's still, this picture, oh my God. I feel, somebody- That's the joke. It's like, but in the end, it's not a movie. And I think that that's where a lot of people today, and I, and I, myself included, I grew up in LA and one thing I noticed moving out of LA is people in the rest of the country don't think that they're the main character in a movie. Right. Right. So like in LA, everybody, maybe in New York too, but everyone thought they're, they're in a movie and you're like, Hey, you're, you know, you're not in a movie. And I realized that's people who moved there, right? They moved there. They all think
Starting point is 01:20:04 there's something special. But I think with, with this kind of attitude, you're not in a movie. And I realize that's people who move there, right? They move there. They all think there's something special. But I think with this kind of attitude, I got to thank God. I mean this genuinely. Some of the areas that I've screwed up in my life, some of the consequences I faced, some of them public, whatever. I mean, some of them are based on bullshit in my life.
Starting point is 01:20:18 Of course, it's never my fault. But what I mean is like, I looked through the last 30 years of my life and I'm grateful that there are consequences in place for actions because I know it sounds, you know, milquetoast, but I would be dead if I, you know, didn't get ahold of the partying, didn't get ahold of, you know, the drug use in college and things like that, you know? And I think that kind of stuff, the fact that, you know, your body starts to hurt or, you know, you get a friend call you saying, my liver's hurting, You're going, that's there because, you know, as I would say, God has designed your body to protect you, to warn you. And so I've seen a lot of friends die. A lot of friends have problems and a lot of friends who even get divorced because no one's willing to tell them, hey, there's some toxic issues going on in your life. So unfortunately, like with all addicts,
Starting point is 01:21:00 you give them too much freedom and you give them no consequence. And usually you end up at their funeral within two years. And there's sort of a crazy thing happening right now where sort of reality is coming back. You know, like reality is re-emerging. And with that sort of a practical kind of pragmatic approach to it, because that reality eventually asserts itself. And in addiction, when it does so, the outcomes are often not great. Well, listen, my friend, good to see you again.
Starting point is 01:21:28 I thought we were gonna go over your history, which we had too much else to talk about. We'll one day do that. We'll have some fun one time. I think we'll be spending some more time in Florida soon. Yeah, we'll be back. Yeah, when I have a better, I was actually, originally it was me tomorrow,
Starting point is 01:21:40 so I had blocked it out, but unfortunately on Tuesdays, Thursdays, I have my stuff, but I was gonna say a phrase I heard recently was a conservative conscience is coming in. Like not conservatism, not political, but a conservative conscience of people sort of realizing that even if I wanna be liberal
Starting point is 01:21:55 and progressive in my mind, it's actually suicidal empathy. And so I have to make decisions to stop myself because the world's gonna kill me if I don't get control of my own life. Also, this is misplaced. This is sympathy in the place of empathy and sympathy can be toxic just like anything else. So another topic, different day. We'll see you there. It is Justine Bateman, next guest. She has been on fire lately. Follow her on X. You'll see what
Starting point is 01:22:19 I'm talking about. We appreciate our guests. We appreciate you. And we will see you on Tuesday at three o'clock. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me, call 911.
Starting point is 01:23:06 If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at slash help.

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