Ask Dr. Drew - Rachel Uchitel Speaks On Addiction, Tiger Woods & Celebrity Rehab - Ask Dr. Drew - Episode 31

Episode Date: February 3, 2021

Rachel Uchitel discusses addiction, Tiger Woods, and the response to HBO's Tiger documentary. Dr. Drew answers caller questions about COVID-19, Insane Clown Posse, and more. Rachel Uchitel appeared on... season 4 of Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew. She has a degree in psychology and spent years as a TV producer and correspondent for Bloomberg News, Extra, and more.  • More about Rachel Uchitel:  • Follow Rachel Uchitel:  [Streamed live on January 27, 2021] Get an alert when Dr. Drew is taking calls:   Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. This show is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information exchanged during participation in this program, including interactions with and any affiliated websites, are intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:52 BetMGM operates pursuant to an operating agreement with iGaming Ontario. Hey, buddy. Welcome to the program. I'm going to be introducing my guest in one second. I apologize for any COVID brain glitches because I've got lots of them these days. I'm generally feeling better, but uncanny, the neurological effects of this thing. Just looking at the overall data on COVID before we get going here, and everything is going in the right direction rapidly. So that's good news out there, especially in California. In California,
Starting point is 00:01:21 we're really sort of that COVID-like illness, which is any febrile illness that hits an ER, dropped dramatically a couple weeks ago, and now we're seeing the follow-through with COVID illnesses dropping as well. So hopefully we'll get to back down where we were in our baseline before this big old surge, and hopefully it will stay there
Starting point is 00:01:38 while we get everybody vaccinated, but that yet remains to be seen. So I want you guys on Restream. There's a lot of love for Rachel out there. So let's go ahead and bring in Rachel. You could tell our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre. Psychopaths start this way. He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin. Ridiculous. I'm a doctor. Where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals. Let's just deal with what's real. We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time. Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat. If you have trouble, you can't stop and you want help stopping. I can help. I got a lot to say.
Starting point is 00:02:19 I got a lot more to say. Rachel, welcome. Hey there. Thank you. It's so good to see you. It is really good to see you. And I was laughing my ass off about that because you posted one of our little, what should we call these episodes, you and I, between you and I, from Celebrity Rehab. And I noticed Heather McDonald was liking liking it like what the top of the page your new best friend McDonald and uh
Starting point is 00:02:52 she's a friend of ours too um but you know what I but I was I was laughing at it I was laughing how you and I went at it a few times but I thought to myself and and I really, and I really mean this, which is, um, you were working hard and you, and you do respond to treatment. Uh, and I will always remember that cause you, you, we worked together for a while after the cameras were gone and you really, you really worked hard. And I guess now you're working with transcend recovery. You're working with another program. Yes. Um, I'm working with them to, um um really help other people and really i mean it's kind of back to basics from what you taught me i mean i remember going um to you that one night that we were at the larmitage i don't know if you remember this i do remember that down
Starting point is 00:03:39 i do remember and looked across the table at me and you were like, sort of, what are you going? And basically I was like, I need help. And you were like, okay, so we're going to find a name for this and you're going to figure out what this is about. And we figured out that I suffer from love addiction. And I remember sitting with you and saying, that is totally ridiculous. I'm not going to go. But let's be clear. Then you were really suffering back then. I mean, that was not a sort of a trivial time for you. You were miserable. Yeah, I was miserable. I was having such a hard time. I was a recluse in my house, but I had the whole world chasing after me, calling me names. Really, you know, I was on the cover of every newspaper and in the source of every media story on television.
Starting point is 00:04:36 And I was in my house and I was really suffering not only from what was going on in the news, but really about what was going on when I turned out the lights at night and put my head on the pillow. And it wasn't even about what was going on in the news, but it was about what was going on in my head and what had gone on in the past and the trauma that I was suffering. And I didn't know who to talk to. And you came into my life and you sat across the table from me. And it's going to make me cry because the interesting thing about you, Dr. Drew, is that when you are sitting with a person that is the only person in the room, and I talked to Heather McDonald about this, that that is the greatest part of you is that you can connect with people. And that was the connection that I had with you in that moment. And in the time that we worked together in Celebrity Rehab, that that was not a reality show and people don't understand that that that was real um work that i did and the
Starting point is 00:05:30 eight people that were on the show we all did together and um you know such a loss um of jason davis and um losing him was such a shame because he worked his ass off in the time that he was there he actually before he was he was doing really well just before he passed away. I mean, because Bob was working with him still. And he was remarkable. And got his hands on something. The doctor gave him something. He was such a smart guy, such a wonderful guy.
Starting point is 00:06:00 And he tried. He tried. And addiction got the best of him. And by the way, you know, addiction can be a long, um, battle, right. But it can be one time too many, you know, and it can just be that one time it gets ahold of you and you take the wrong drug, wrong drug from the wrong person. And it doesn't have to be, um, you know, fentanyl, it doesn't have to be cocaine. It doesn't have to be alcohol. It could be love addiction. It can be something that it could be behavior and something that you cannot
Starting point is 00:06:30 get ahold of and something that you need treatment and something that somebody needs to get, uh, a hold of for you and that you need somebody to help you change your behavior. And that's why I'm working with transcend because, um, that is a place where people can really go and get some help when they need some change in their process and change in their behavior so I'm having a bit of a flashback and I hope you don't mind me bringing this all up but there were dots you and I connected to how you got to that present moment when you were so miserable I mean when we went all the way back to your I'm having a flashback and I hope this is not the wrong place at the wrong time to bring it up, but we talked about you in the shower
Starting point is 00:07:10 after your dad's passing, right? Yeah. I still, I remember all of that. We talked about your fiance in 9-11 and then what had happened to you that was now, one of the reasons you're out in public now you were on this documentary about tiger woods and we'll talk about that in a minute but these to me they they all connected they and i guess not the right i'm getting a little emotional thinking about this because i i went through so much of that with you you know it was tough tough stuff and then your mother and
Starting point is 00:07:45 your grandmother trying to deal with that at the same time as this huge through line you were dealing with with with these losses that were just just intense yeah so i've had what i would call a lot of betrayal and i've had a lot of loss yeah and i've sort of grown up feeling almost like I've been put a little bit like a wild animal and then kind of put into a cage and then had to fend for myself, right? And I didn't really understand what unconditional love was and therefore I didn't learn how to react appropriately and react and act appropriately. Not that I'm making any defenses for know, defenses for my behavior, but this is why. To explain, it's a way of understanding it. We're trying to understand what happened to you, you know, and that's what you have to do. You have to make a narrative. You have to make a
Starting point is 00:08:32 way of digesting it and understanding it. But you did have kind of a connection with your dad, but then that was sort of lost in the worst possible way, right? Right. So for people that don't know, my father died of a cocaine overdose when I was 15 years old, and I was sent to a therapeutic boarding school when I was age 12, and I was told by my headmaster that he had died when I was really sort of hard to come to terms with um because i wasn't there for it and um having that kind of loss is horrible but when you're sort of not at home and can't deal with it it's also you know a whole um you know that's a horrible thing to have happen is your grandmother still with us no no she um she died is that was everything okay with her with you when that when she went away or no we finally um about a week before she died, we finally had a conversation. But it did take up until then to have that conversation and sort of make our peace.
Starting point is 00:09:35 But she didn't talk to me until right before her death. So one of the things you've said is that women don't get much of a chance for redemption. It seems to me that, I mean, I hope we're entering a time when there's not a difference between men and women as it pertains to this kind of thing. But I think, you know, my always sort of instinct is to help people understand what someone's life has been so they can understand where they are. Do you think that adds to the potential for redemption? Or are there other roads to are. Do you think that adds to the potential for redemption or is there, are there other roads to redemption do you think?
Starting point is 00:10:14 Well, how do I put this? You know, I think that, um, yeah. So people like me to the extreme, right? So I feel like I'm a little bit misunderstood. So people either really like me and they kind of get me or people really don't like me. And it's a very interesting position to be in because people have a very strong feeling about me. And it hasn't been a great feeling that for so many years, 10 to be exact, that people have really felt a strong anger towards me. I mean, if you look at my social media, if you see what a lot of people write about me in the media, um, they write with a lot of, um, spitefulness and use words towards me, like they personally know me or like I've personally done something to them. Is it mostly women? Mostly women do that? Yeah, mostly women, but sure. There could be men,
Starting point is 00:10:58 but it's, you know, it's mostly women, but, um, but that kind of spite and that kind of anger um is i i was gonna say i would have said years ago it's not normal but it's become become normal and you know for a while it was understandable but then it became it's not understandable and then it became this is what society is and then there was the hashtag you know the hashtag me too movement and kind of people really forgave women and made an excuse for women but here's where i'm gonna stand on this i sort of feel like women are not really given an agency here it's almost like if they're young they're victims and if they're a little bit older they're homewreckers they're dangerous yeah they're dangerous they're threats and you really don't have a middle ground and the women don't have They're dangerous. They can have a big winning moment. They can get a new job. They can get a new marriage.
Starting point is 00:12:05 They can get a new family. Something happened where they can return to society. And it was just a mistake. But a woman has to live scorned. A woman has to live with a scarlet letter. And yes, I've made a mistake. And yes, I'm sorry for my mistakes. And who isn't sorry for their mistakes, right?
Starting point is 00:12:24 But I also deserve a second chance. And I shouldn't have to ask the public for a second chance. That's between me and whoever I've made my, had problems with, right? But it seems that the public really wants to make a monster of me and really wants to have such anger towards me. Like I personally hurt them. And that has really affected me mentally, right? I mean, that really hurts. And how do you move on from that, right? And that has not given me a chance to move on, which is why I decided 10 years after the events that happened to speak in the documentary. And I decided to speak once. Of course, I's been a lot of, um, you know, of course I've done a lot of interviews talking about the fact that I've spoken, but I only told my story once. I didn't tell some big, disgusting tell-all about what happened. I just told a little
Starting point is 00:13:15 bit of the story. I got the story out there and, and that was it. You know, this wasn't any disgraceful thing that I wanted to be slanderous about. I just wanted people to know I'm not some homewrecking mistress, fly-by-night girl. I was someone before. I was someone after. I'm someone that has feelings. And by the way, I'm someone just like you. So back off a little. I'm wondering, did you know all the other stuff he was getting into?
Starting point is 00:13:43 And I ask that not to understand how you feel about it, but how he was into all that stuff, but you became the lightning rod for everything else. You know what I mean? Which I find bizarre. That's bizarre to me. Right. So I don't want to talk about that whole situation. Yeah, that whole situation. But I will say I will say in general about situations like this is that I feel like it's been very interesting that clearly I'll make it just a general statement that clearly. um, you know, you can make a clear, um, you can draw a clear, uh, assessment that somebody was already heading off a cliff. Right. And I was in the passenger, I was in the passenger for that.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Yeah. And, um, this wasn't just, you know, a one shot deal. Like somebody was already heading towards a cliff and I just happened to be part of that narrative you know yeah that's what i find i find bizarre though that it's stuck and and on you that you became the it all it all crystallized around you and and the other thing i've noticed that people do on social media is they turn people into cartoon characters right they dehumanize you in by making you into a cartoon character like you're some sort of you know i don't know what the character would be but you're not a person you're just this sort of animated figure you know the bullying is so horrible i mean you know i could go down my my phone and my instagram and just read you the things that people say to this day are just as nasty as they were 10 years ago.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And, you know, I could go into therapy with you tomorrow, Drew, about how that still affects me. And people are like, oh, it's just haters. Oh, no, it gets through. It's not normal. Yeah, it gets through. It does get through. And the interesting thing is, is you, the other stuff becomes a whisper, right? The stuff that's like, oh, you're so great. Oh, I've loved you for 10 years. Oh,
Starting point is 00:15:49 I've watched you for 20 years since I've seen you on, you know, whatever. Or, oh, I used to come into your store and loved you. Oh, I see you and your daughter on the street. The people that say nice things. Oh, you're beautiful. That stuff becomes a whisper. And all the other stuff is a megaphone i hate you you always go for married men you're so ugly you're so all that stuff is a megaphone and it's really hurtful so so we've evolved our brains evolved to pay more attention to negative than positive right that's just that's just everybody uh we we want to pay attention to the leopard and the alligator not the domesticated
Starting point is 00:16:26 cat that loves us. And that's helped us evolve. But in a social context, it drives us crazy, right? Because it also has so much threat associated with it in the sense that ostracism, right, being ostracized, a very dangerous thing for people, historically, evolutionarily. If you were ostracized from a tribe, you couldn't survive. And we need our social connections to survive. So being threatened with sort of outcasting is a very serious threat. Let's do talk about something positive for a second, though. Is the store still there? Are you updating your daughter?
Starting point is 00:17:04 I closed the store uh almost two years ago now um retail you know was having such a hard time yeah and was not doing well even before covid really um so i chose to to close up but it was you know winning sort of every award that it could when it was open and And quite frankly about that, I will say that entrepreneur entrepreneurs, you know, really have to know when to close and when to sort of fail also. And, and that was a really big lesson for me, um, to know when to say, okay, it's over. Right. Um, so I loved having a store. I love doing that. Um, it was a great lesson for me and, you know, now I'm trying to figure out what act two is. Right. And that has kind of that was sort of what I was leaning into right when COVID hit.
Starting point is 00:17:51 So, you know, that's where I'm at. And I'm doing a lot of work on sort of not living this discount version of myself that I felt like I was for 10 years of my life. And really coming out in this HBO documentary and speaking was how I felt like I was really going to get out of this, um, this cloud that I've really been living with. And it just came out, you know, a week ago and, you know, the documentary, have you seen it yet? Okay. Okay. It's a great documentary. It was so well done. It is well done. I know some of the details and stuff. They sure glossed over a lot of stuff. I thought you came out looking fine.
Starting point is 00:18:37 You know what I mean? Because you get a real sense of how you fit into the whole story, right? You understand? I don't think people understood that. But the part that troubles me now talking to you about it is it was a redemption. He built like a redemption documentary.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And no one else in the documentary except him is redeemed, which is kind of interesting, right? That's great. I mean, I'm glad he had the redemption story, but everyone else kind of gets cast off to, you know, whatever. Including his wife. And that's great. I mean, I, I'm glad he had the redemption story, but, but everyone else kind of gets cast off to, you know, whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Right. Including his wife. And that's right. Well, and that to me is the interesting point that now it's kind of like, I want to have that conversation of like the, everyone else also deserves a comeback story. And we don't have to have a skill like an athlete or like a superstar to
Starting point is 00:19:26 deserve a comeback story right i mean we can also be able to tell our story and move on and be okay and be deemed as worthy and be deemed as being able to not have to live as rachel yucatel comma and then associated with something that happened so long ago, right? Right. And I want to get away from those shackles. So I just needed to be able to do that to see then what is allowed for me in my second act of my life. You've always been so very entrepreneurial. I would imagine that's the second act, that some sort of autonomous, independent business. I mean, the store was sort of a mini version of what maybe is coming,
Starting point is 00:20:07 right? Yeah. I mean, Heather, you know, from, from speaking on Heather show, you know,
Starting point is 00:20:14 I, yeah, Heather McDonald, sorry. You know, I've been definitely working on a book and as you know, so many things I've gone through in my life. I have so much to say and so much, you know,, again, either love me or hate me, definitely want to hear what I have to say and have a reaction to what I have to say.
Starting point is 00:20:34 So maybe that will be something going forward that people will be interested in me in general. And I just have to say, you were doing really well when you got married. I thought that was going to go. I'm sorry it didn't. But that's okay. Not everything has to. But you really were making lots of strides back
Starting point is 00:20:58 then. Yes. Well, sometimes you pick the right people and sometimes you don't. And that's okay. Close, but no cigars. Yep. Yep. I have a great, beautiful daughter out of it, so that's what was meant to be out of that, right? Yes. And I truly believe that, listen, I want to find the right person. So I believe in relationships and, um, you know, uh, I believe in finding the one person that I can be
Starting point is 00:21:27 with. So I definitely want to be with someone. Um, so I am looking for, uh, you know, a family and, uh, as you know, because you know me, I think that that family unit is the most important thing that I can find. So that's what I have always been looking for. And that's what I hope to find eventually. So for me, that is the one thing that I always will be searching for, a witness to my life, like I always would tell you. And that's what I, that's my ultimate. Speaking of witness, I mean, you got to write that book because I'm just thinking about all the different historical phenomenon you were involved with, with your dad, with cable, with your fiance, with nine 11, with, I mean, they're just, I mean, there's so many parts of your life that were reflective of the historical moments in which you were living, that you were, you were in it one way or
Starting point is 00:22:20 another. Yeah. Now the other thing, the other thing i remember about you and it's the same you know this phrase you'll remember me saying this because it popped into my head when i first got to know you and it's coming back in now as i've talked to you which is and i've said it to you repeatedly was that rachel doesn't suffer fools gladly rachel rachel is not going to waste her time with other people's shortcomings and particularly cognitive shortcomings. And I'm imagining that can be problematic out in the world a little bit for you. Is it, have you softened on that front at all? Well, um, it's funny because I remember when
Starting point is 00:23:00 you first said that to me, you had to explain it to me um and and i thought wow that is the greatest line to sum me up um and i remember that um patty stanger actually tried to set me up on a date and she called me a shredder that was her version that's a that's a that's an unkind version of the same thing yes i know what she's talking about though yes yeah i get that but saying the same thing um so it's funny because i definitely have a problem with my tone i definitely uh i'm short with people um but i i listened to your advice which is you have to remember that there's a a small percentage of people that that get it right and that get the joke and that have been through the experiences that maybe you've been through yeah right and so as a person sort of when you're um dealing with
Starting point is 00:23:55 someone or a situation you kind of have to look at the other person and how they're how they're reacting that's right and and think about what they're going through and how they're reacting. That's right. And think about what they're going through and how they're reacting based on what they've been through, right? As opposed to reacting based on what you've been through. And I try to calm down and remember that they might not just be reacting because they're being mean or they're being stupid, but it might just be because of how they are perceiving the situation. And I always think of you and what you've taught me because of that, because it, it just, but I know, but I know you don't have much patient. You do not have much patience with stupid. You just, you never will. I don't think, I just don't think you ever
Starting point is 00:24:35 will. And that's kind of funny, but, but good for you. Uh, and, and the getting it thing, isn't that funny? I, there's so many things are flashing back to me. That's the way you described, I forget your fiancé's name, Andy, right? Andy, is that right? Andy. Andy. All the bond traders that were with him got it. They used to talk about themselves that way. Yes, that they got it.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Yes, that they got the joke. Yeah. And, you know, it's funny. Maybe, I don't know, maybe two months ago or something i during you know part of when i had nothing to do and it was late at night i sort of watched some of our old episodes of celebrity rehab and there was the final episode where we went down to ground zero you and i crazy wasn't it and yeah and we went down to ground zero, you and I. It was crazy, wasn't it? Yeah, and we went to the boathouse and did what we did. There were two uncanny moments. One was that older man who was a museum curator
Starting point is 00:25:38 who came out whose wife had died. That was crazy to me. And then we go down to the boathouse in Central Park, and there's a monument to Andy on the side of the pond. From now to me. And then we go down to the boathouse in central park and there's a monument to Andy of the side of the, of the pond from now to nowhere. I mean, it wasn't like the producer stuck it. There was something that's in the park.
Starting point is 00:25:51 It was crazy. And it was so special to me that we have that on tape number one, but that I could sit there and watch it and have those moments. But also I really don't have, this is going to make you cry. I don't have moments that I can share with people that get it, you know? And I felt like I had a moment that I could share with you and that you got it, you know? Cause again, I, I just don't feel like I have a lot. And the fact that you're remembering all these things about me, um, you know, means a lot because you've,
Starting point is 00:26:23 you've been through a lot of history with me. And then the history you haven't been through, you recall. And, you know, it means something to me. So I appreciate it. It was intense. I always appreciate you. I always had an affection for you. And it was intense what you were dealing with.
Starting point is 00:26:37 It was really, really intense. And so I was witness to a lot of this. And it doesn't just, you know, much the way it doesn't go away for you at all. It gets into other people's bodies and minds too when they experience it with you. So it stays with me and it would have been different if you had been really resistant and objected. But you were actively participating and really trying to help yourself. And there's something about that that increases the receptivity of the person who's trying to help.
Starting point is 00:27:06 So I appreciated that. Hey, Susan, I want to ask you about the redemption thing, if you have any opinion about what Rachel was saying. You have a mic right there, yeah? Not to put you on the spot, but I wondered if you agreed with her about, because you've always talked about how there is a difference between how men and women are treated. Yeah, go ahead. No, I agree.
Starting point is 00:27:29 I think that it's a double standard and men do get out of it a lot easier. Also, I guess, I don't know. I think it's just always the woman's fault when when there's a relationship that is right but i think i but i think but and to rate the point that rachel made and i sort of prompted it but i think it's other women that are so unforgiving about it yeah and it's i mean i just i didn't really i mean i'm gonna mention the documentary i didn't like the the light they painted rachel in as a you know sort of a cluster of these women which she was sort of bunched in with all these women that you know he was seeing on the side yeah but i thought she sort of made
Starting point is 00:28:16 it clear there was something more going on yeah i mean it was clear but yeah but it was that's not the way they portrayed it it just it sounded like i don't know it's kind of well that's not the way they portrayed it. It sounded like, I don't know, it was kind of. Well, that's fine. Because maybe because I knew the story, I saw it more as it really was. Yeah, I don't. I don't know the story. I mean, I barely remember Celebrity Rehab, but I do. But I love it. Thanks, Susan.
Starting point is 00:28:37 That's good. I was raising three kids, okay? I remember it. I haven't rewatched it over the years years but you guys had some intense experiences yes we did and um but i but i've always loved rachel because she's she's very well spoken and understands it and she's been through a lot of therapy and she really knows what she's dealing with you know i i personally i think that women are you know we we are jaded, you know,
Starting point is 00:29:06 whenever we get thrown into the limelight, you know, and then you're canceled, you know, it's just a, I mean, you know how it feels. It's such a weird feeling. Tiger was bigger than life though. So, you know, he had a lot behind him to get through it and they wanted him to come back and be at the top again. So,
Starting point is 00:29:28 you know, I, it's sad that you were put in that position. Well, I let, let me ask this. Is there, I think social media is just a cesspool, particularly Twitter. Do you encounter stuff in real life? That's so problematic. So, so unpleasant is it is a real life, but it but is real life just a kinder place than than social media well it's kinder than social media but it's not it's not uh that kind i mean i i find that people definitely have uh ulterior motives for wanting to get to know me um and um you know when they get angry um that is the ultimate that they end up using well you're nothing but a whatever the words are and oh i knew that you know whatever the tmz blog lines are are the lines that end up coming out do you know um and and that is what i end up getting sort of molded down to at the end of
Starting point is 00:30:35 the day and that's what comes out in those as those nasty words all at the end of any kind of relationship and it just seems to be that's what it you know they use as their fighting words when it has nothing to do with the with what the argument is about do you know what i'm saying yeah and so uh i fight like a lawyer i use facts i use this is why we're in an argument and then usually the people that i have it out with are end up talking like they're coming out using lines from a blog, you know, so I have to feelings rather than logic.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Yeah. So I end up having to choose my friends very wisely, um, and make my life very small. I mean, even recently, if people have noticed, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:18 I've been, uh, just recently I've been in different magazines cause quote unquote friends have sold random stories to the daily mail um they've changed facts from uh you know quote-unquote uh text messages that i've sent them um that were completely falsified and like if we were going to get into it i can explain who these people were that i've known them for less than a month do you want to set that record straight i mean you shouldn't give the opportunity to if you want to
Starting point is 00:31:47 it's up to you uh sure i mean i'll just talk about uh just in general um you know uh one of them for example i can't even remember the details now because they were so not true but first of all be careful if there's some i don't really know what's going on but if there's something going on somebody will spin this and throw it back at you so so be careful choose your words wisely that's why yeah that's that's why i don't even want to sort of go there because that's fine in front of me i would be i would be so factual but i will just explain to you that um i i will say that you, the Dale, I will say this cause I have no problem saying this is that the Daily Mail has taken, uh, you know, its role as what the National Enquirer was, uh, you know, 10 years ago, 15 years ago, where they really go after, um, public
Starting point is 00:32:39 figures or celebrities, whatever you want to call them um like with a vengeance where they really want to take down somebody um as long as the public has the appetite for it right so they will just take whatever story and then just turn it and um twist it and um if you say uh one thing they will take it and they will spin it and make it just look so dirty and disgusting. And they don't look at it and be like, well, I don't know if that's the actual fact. Let me actually do some journalism on it and see if that's correct. So the girl that sold the story, I know exactly who it is. I know exactly where I met her. I know that she has my phone number and she has text messages from me. And I know exactly what those text messages were, but those text messages were not accurate. They were not about
Starting point is 00:33:29 what they were about. And I know exactly what she did because she took, I mean, I have the text messages from her where she apologized. She said, she lied. She said, you know, that she tried to retract the story because she made it up and she sent inaccurate text messages and blah, blah, blah. And, you know, I'm not going to get into the back and forth of it, but, um, you know, the point is that she exaggerated and it made it look worse than it was. Now I'll talk about seeking arrangements for a second. Cause I have no problem talking about dating. Okay. Okay. So, Dr. Drew, you'd be into this because of your whole Adam Carolla thing. Right. So, do you talk about online dating or that kind of thing?
Starting point is 00:34:14 I have plenty. I mean, we had Emily Morrison a couple days ago. And Adam and I still do a podcast. So, this all comes up. Oh. Okay. Well, we could talk about this another time. but I will just say, um, because we, you and I haven't talked about this before. Um, you know, there was a whole story about
Starting point is 00:34:32 seeking arrangements and do you even know what that is? It sounds like a dating site. Yes. Okay. Yeah. It's a dating site, but people have made this into this whole scandalous thing. Like I had a whole pretty woman moment and I was being paid like a hooker to go on a date, a dating site. And that is totally inaccurate. I'm not a hooker. I don't get paid to sleep with men. And that's just, you know, totally inaccurate. And seeking arrangements is not a website for hookers. So, you know, I could do a whole podcast with you just on online dating and how you, how you go on online dates and the importance of it, because I've met a great amount of decent men. And I think it's a great way to date if you do it the right way. Especially now people are locked down. You have to be using digital media.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah. And there's a certain way to do it, by the way, because I think it's a great way to meet someone because you can fall in love with somebody the right way based on having chemistry with their personality because that's how something will really last, by the way, not based on looks, right? So online dating, to me, that concept is genius and it works. And so something like seeking arrangement can work because, um, people want to have this actual male and female arrangement. And if you go on something like Twitter or grind, not Twitter, excuse me, grinder, or, um, you know, all these ones where people are just going and having sex, that's crazy. You go and you have sex with somebody
Starting point is 00:36:03 and then you just go your separate ways and people are all pissed. That's ridiculous. So, you know, I they did this article about me, you know, getting paid for sex. I don't get paid for sex. I'm not a hooker. So but I made a statement and I said this and they like buried it at the bottom of their, you know, I mean, the Brits invented this kind of takedown press. I mean, they really invented it. We just adopted it over here.
Starting point is 00:36:36 And they've gotten more brutal than ever. I mean, I don't understand the people that do it. I don't understand how they live with themselves. It's just they're trying to harm people. That's all. Yeah. It does not feel like a, I don't understand how that feels like a good way to make a living. The Daily Mail sucks.
Starting point is 00:36:54 But also the, yeah, it sucks. And the people that read it are just like, oh my God, you get paid for sex. You just sleep with married men. You hooker. They write this stuff on my instagram and then they move on to their daily life and i'm just like how do they read this how do they believe it how do they write this and move on like well that that's the part you're saying something that i think all the time i read tweets or you know instagram posts sometimes and i just go what
Starting point is 00:37:18 what motivated that person to write that and and did that feel good they feel good about themselves and with this whole horrible stuff sometimes i'll look at who they who they are one person that wrote that runs a daycare in virginia and they were writing me stuff like that and i was like how how how do they have a job like that and they write stuff like that on my social media not christian it's crazy that's pretty wild susan i feel like you're trying to say something no i'm reading the daily mail it's just ridiculous i mean you can't if anybody believes the daily mail they need to go back under the rock but you know rachel has the has to do it all on her own which is part of the problem too we take shit from no i know but we have each other right and we have you know and rachel's always a lot of the time is is a solo warrior right rachel yeah exactly but susan
Starting point is 00:38:12 you and and dr drew have credibility right that's what you have going for you you have shows that makes it worse sometimes okay no we got but being in the public eye a few times so trust me you know you can they can twist anything like you said and of course and it's just yeah but but it's interesting that they're still going after you it's like geez what it's interesting yeah i i feel like you need to get on with business you know get on do your business and build a business or whatever that is yeah and and this let this be whatever it was or is and just move on past it we do a lot of shows on the cancel culture and and the trolls and when you know we kind of got hit pretty hard in march at the beginning of the pandemic and and i learned a lot about trolling and what people do in their free time. But there are, it's just a, it's like, it's just like 50% of the people like you and 50% of the people hate you.
Starting point is 00:39:14 So you just have to like somehow get those people to stop coming around, you know, and just say, go ahead. If you don't like it, just don't show up. Okay. Get out of here. Scram. I don't know if you're ever going to get away from that I you're just you you you're kind of I mean especially after this this documentary I mean it's being relived so um but it's but I didn't I I didn't you you aren't a prostitute you weren't you weren't like a lot of the women that he was dating and in vegas
Starting point is 00:39:45 and we could clearly see that but um but that's just hard to hide you know the these news these takes on it and i'm sorry for you i think that that's just not right i i don't like it well i think i think there is there may not be the same opportunity for redemption but but there is opportunity to move on yeah for sure um now here's here's what i want to do we've got a bunch of phone calls uh lined up i'm sorry people waiting on hold there um the topics are all over the place um let's see if i can find something for there's one thing on sex addiction. Yeah, there's also a sex addiction call. There's a dating via Zoom. Oh.
Starting point is 00:40:31 I don't know what Casey's talking about. Is that our Casey? I don't know what I would do if I was single. That's our Casey. Once it has a question for Rachel. But let's do this. Let's take a little break. Take a couple minute break, and then we'll come back.
Starting point is 00:40:39 We'll take some calls, okay? Well, I, too, have struggled with GI issues over the years. I have something called Lynch syndrome. So gut health is extremely important to me. And while gut health awareness has increased, it's led to a wellness trend that's inspired a host of questionable marketing and some false claims. Now you've seen the word probiotic attached to all kinds of supplements, drinks, even more. They may claim to deliver the healthy microorganisms our gut needs for proper function, but all too often the promises are in fact too good to be true. Thankfully, I became aware of a company called Seed and their flagship product, the Daily Symbiotic. Seed's Daily Symbiotic
Starting point is 00:41:16 offers 24 clinically researched strains of microorganisms in a single dose. These strains support gut health and can improve regularity and relieve bloating, sometimes within as little as 24 to 48 hours. To me, what really sets Seed's daily symbiotic apart is the delivery system. While some products may offer the right strains, they're fragile, they rarely survive the trip through the gut, doesn't get where it needs to go,
Starting point is 00:41:40 but Seed uses a capsule-in-capsule design that helps ensure the probiotic reaches your colon, which is where they often are needed. I've been taking Seed's Daily Symbiotic, and I really encourage you to check out their story and the science behind what they do. To try it for yourself, just go to slash drdrew. Use code drdrew20 for 15% off your first month of Daily Symbiotic. That is slash drdrew. Use code drdrew20 for 15% off your first month of daily symbiotic. That is slash DrDrew.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Use code DrDrew20. This pandemic began, we were not sure how it spread. Everyone began wearing masks and using hand sanitizers. Great ways to slow the spread, but a lot of people still get sick. I can personally attest to that. We now know that COVID-19 spreads via aerosols and droplets from the nose and mouth. And I've been thinking about this for a while. Why aren't we also sanitizing the nose and mouth, killing the
Starting point is 00:42:28 virus directly at the place where it spreads? Why weren't more doctors thinking about this? Well, some doctors have done the research, which I discovered it sooner. That's why I'm excited to tell you about Halodyne. It's an FDA registered antiseptic for the nose and mouth that's proven to eliminate 99.99% of the virus that causes COVID-19 in just 15 seconds. That's right. It's created by a team of clinicians with decades of experience in antiviral treatments, initially created to protect healthcare workers. These are smart scientists, and it's a great product that also eliminates many other viruses and infecting particles. I'm using both their nasal antiseptic swab and their oral spray to help protect those around me, and you should be too.
Starting point is 00:43:07 For others and for yourself, whether you're hopping on a three-hour flight, always use it there. Visiting grandparents or attending a meeting that you can't miss, Halodyne's family of oral and nasal antiseptics give you the safe, easy, on-the-go antiviral protection for up to four hours. I encourage you to try Halodyne at today. My listeners get 10% off with the discount code DRDREW. That is discount code D-R-D-R-E-W. So obvious. It just makes
Starting point is 00:43:33 sense. Stop the virus before it spreads and gets in your body with Halodyne. Rachel's not ready yet? Okay. Okay. When Rachel's ready, you let me know. We will take some calls in a few minutes here. Let's just talk very quickly to Jennifer.ifer it's a coveted question before i bring rachel back into the conversation jennifer what's up hi hi dr drew hey there um i just wanted to say first off that um my husband and i are big fans of yours for many years.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Very kind. And the other thing I wanted to say to thank you and Susan both that you enlightened us about palate therapy. I got testosterone pellets. Great. Helps, doesn't it? Yeah. Oh, my God. Yeah. Right. It's like, it's, it really is dramatic. So good for you. It's pretty dramatic. I have a younger husband
Starting point is 00:44:32 and he's very thankful. Um, I'm 51, he's 44. Um, so, um, yeah, it's been amazing. So, and it's also really helped. I was going to say they're both young. That's right. Yeah. You were both young. Um, it's helped so much with, um, my perimenopause and going into menopause and it's just amazing. So, um, thank you for that.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Yeah. Yeah. Um, and, um, I know you just had COVID. My stepdad just came down with it. His younger wife brought it home and didn't know where she got it. And so he's 73. He also got the monoclonal antibodies. Um, but he was kind of on the later side of that. And he was, he was when he went in well into his illness before he got the monoclonal antibodies. No, not, not like well into it, but he was like at least, you know, nine days into it. And that's well into it. it. It doesn't work as well
Starting point is 00:45:48 later. I had a conversation with a doctor today about just this issue. We're seeing it's not working as well when it's past seven days. Oh, okay. Yeah, so he could still come down with some of the harsh effects of it then. Well, of course. I mean, it doesn't prevent, you know, it just sort of stops it from progressing. I'm still having lots of stuff. And my cough, you know, when I exert myself, my cough gets worse, my fog gets worse. And so I had a really busy day today. And so coughing more, tired more, it's just crazy.
Starting point is 00:46:23 But you had a question about the vaccine. Is that right? Yes. So, you know, if you've already had COVID, then what is the difference of already, you know, just having COVID and then also getting the vaccine? Is it going to protect you that, you know, so much more? Right. So I have mixed feelings about the whole post COVID vaccination. So Dr. Fauci is on the record saying that three months after your COVID, you should get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:46:52 I understand why he said that. I think that's a little aggressive. A lot of the people who are having reactions to the vaccine are people who have previously had a COVID infection, why that's happening and what that means, we really don't know. I'd like to get that worked out a little bit before we get aggressive with telling people to get revaccinated. I personally don't want to take a vaccine from somebody who needs it.
Starting point is 00:47:15 I've had what's called an Adatex score, which measures my antibody response. And I have 100% neutralizing antibodies. I have antibodies against multiple viral proteins, not just the spike protein. And my spike protein quantitative assay was literally 10 times what somebody gets if they've been vaccinated. So I have all this immunity built up. I'm just going to watch it myself and remeasure it, get repeated additive scores. And when it starts to fall, that's when I'll get the vaccine,
Starting point is 00:47:45 but not before that. So I just believe there are more sophisticated ways to do this than just everybody get it in three months after you've had COVID. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Okay. So be careful, but there is a high probability we're all going to need to be vaccinated even if we've had the illness. Caleb, can we bring Rachel in? Is she ready to go?
Starting point is 00:48:07 Almost ready to go. Okay. All right. Is she ready now? Okay, bring Rachel or you could tell back in. Hi, Rachel. I tell you what, I've got some calls for you. I want to get to them, and then I'm going to let you go
Starting point is 00:48:19 because I got a bunch of medical calls on the line here I want to try to get to. You've been very kind and forthcoming as always. And we appreciate you coming in here and telling your story. And I hope it helps for people to hear it. I still have this instinct that if people really knew, they really understood what you've dealt with, you know, all that we talked about at the beginning,
Starting point is 00:48:42 your dad with your fiance, with Tiger, with the press. I mean, there's so many things that you have dealt with that would buffer you against somebody turning you into cartoon character. You know what I'm saying? If they understood some of the suffering, it's not so easy to turn somebody. Here's
Starting point is 00:49:00 somebody who wants to ask you about a book. So let's see what she has to say. Kara, what's going on? Hey true hey rage hi curious to know um hi i'm just curious to know if you are actually going to pursue writing a book and what your timeline is for that because i think it would be a bestseller oh thanks um yeah well I am trying, definitely my hardest to pursue that because I've gotten a lot of positive feedback in that direction, especially in the last couple? Yeah. That interview helped. It did help. Good. It helped. And Heather has been a really positive influence towards that goal, to be honest with you. So we've had some conversations in that direction. But yeah, I or not I want to go more down the road of just like a historical past or if I want to make it more juicy. So I just have to figure out what I want to do. You know, so. Follow up. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Thanks. No, I think it'll be great. Thank you. Yeah. And if, and if you witness what I've witnessed,
Starting point is 00:50:26 if she really describes it in a way that they can share your experience, I think it'll be quite powerful. Okay, now this is Casey who has a question about dating via Zoom. Casey. Hey, Dr. Drew. How are you? Good, buddy. What's going on? Oh, you know, actually, I apologize. I kind of had to jump into the stream a little late. I was hanging out with one of the locals on the phone.
Starting point is 00:50:53 But so I kind of walked into a conversation here, which is really interesting. And Rachel, I actually wanted to say that coming from a very abusive background myself and doing what I'm doing with locals, I just want to say I celebrate your courage and your honesty to just get out there and just be yourself. It's so hard to do today. Everybody's so fucking egotistical that you can't do anything. Well, it's not just egotism. Thanks, Casey.
Starting point is 00:51:31 It's the attacking. It's the guillotines that are out. The people want to destroy people. And they want to be part of a mob that behaves that way. And I personally can't understand why that's gratifying. It's the most mysterious thing in the world to me
Starting point is 00:51:45 did Rachel's camera freeze I think we lost Rachel Susan likes the picture she looks adorable she's thinking we'll leave it up we'll see if we can get her back but thank you Casey
Starting point is 00:52:03 I want to take the sex addiction call in a minute. And we've got, let's see. I'm trying to get some of these. We got lots of interesting calls out here. Okay, I want to talk to Donna. Donna, what's going on? Hi, Donna. Donna says she had COVID at the end of November.
Starting point is 00:52:24 Maybe Donna's not the right name. It says Donna lost hearing in one ear, still feels like she has inflammation in her body. I want to talk to her because I can relate so strongly. I have ringing in this ear. I have dizziness. And I feel like my sense is that whatever happened to most people in their nose happened to me in my ear.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Donna, you there? Donna? Oh, I'm here. Hey there. So you still have... I'm here. Can you hear me? Yeah, I do now.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Sorry. I work in a hospital. So I got another hospital call. But all right. So really quick. I've had COVID twice. I had it in February. I had pneumonia.
Starting point is 00:53:06 I got what they call COVID-C, but it turned out to be an autoimmune disease. I didn't even know I had that pustular psoriasis, which I'm still suffering from. Oh, my goodness. Then I got, yeah, right. I've never experienced this. It looks horrific. So at the end of November, boom, I get it again. This time it was very, no big deal. It was like a cold. I was getting over it. Day 10,
Starting point is 00:53:32 I go deaf in my right ear. And I went to urgent care. Then I ended up going to the ear doctor, getting some procedures. Actually tomorrow I'm getting an MRI of my head that I requested because I always want to know, make sure nothing else is going on. But the thing is, I do feel my body has inflammation that I can't let go of. I've been back to work over a month now. I'm still deaf in my right ear. I need to get this inflammation out of my body. What do I do? Okay. I feel like I haven't had it twice, had it once, but I'm suffering from the same stuff you're describing.
Starting point is 00:54:10 I have ringing in my ear, decreased hearing in this ear, dizziness. And I was just saying, people, that I think whatever happened to most people's olfactory system happened to my ear. That's just my sense of what happened. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. And it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:54:23 It's a small vessel. I feel so off balance. Yeah, it's a small vessel angiopathy that we think is happening in the nose. Why couldn't it happen in other cranial nerve systems? Why not? It makes sense to me that it could happen. So I think that's what we both have. You're probably right that there is some persistent inflammation.
Starting point is 00:54:43 There are some people that are using corticosteroids late in the game. Steroids of various types. I don't want that. I mean, maybe. I mean, just a course. They put me on steroids for a little bit. I was on steroids when I was sick. No, you didn't like it?
Starting point is 00:55:00 It helped me for a short while, but it made me feel like I was on... I've never done drugs, but if I did, I was on crack. Yeah, yeah. It speeds you up. I was so hyper. But I mean, you could try a lower dose and stuff. Now, the other thing is people are advocating fluvoxamine for exactly this kind of stuff,
Starting point is 00:55:15 particularly inflammation in the central nervous system we think is going on. So you could look into Luvox, 50 milligrams twice a day. That's a possibility. And also Colchicine. Is that over the counter? No, no. These are all prescription, but they're all, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:29 medicines have been around for a long time. Colchicine is also something that people are using for the inflammatory part of this illness. I don't know. And you should sign up maybe with Dr. Yogendra for the long hauler studies
Starting point is 00:55:40 because they're really looking carefully at long haulers and trying to figure out precisely what's going on. Otherwise, at this point, we're just kind of guessing. But talk to your doctor about colchicine, steroids, fluvoxamine. Okay. Right. And I just heard what you said about the vaccine for people who have had COVID. Those are the ones who usually have the reaction. And my concern is, um, is that, and I haven't had the vaccine yet, even though it's offered to me because I'm a healthcare worker, I'm holding off. And, um, but I'm running out of body parts here, you know, with this muscular psoriasis.
Starting point is 00:56:18 No, I get it. And now my ear, I mean, come on, what's left? Well, and I think you should get the vaccine. The question is when, uh, and again, the's less? And I think you should get the vaccine. The question is when. And again, the CDC is saying three months after the initial infection, which for you is when. When is it three months since the second episode? I found out I had it on November 21st.
Starting point is 00:56:38 I didn't show any symptoms until like the 25th. All right, so we're just about there, December, January, February. end of February or so, March, you ought to be looking into that vaccine. I don't know how you get through it twice, Donna. You're a stronger person than I, and all the stuff it leaves behind is just disturbing. Again, we don't talk about it enough about the morbidity of this thing. We talk a lot about the mortality. The morbidity is much, much more common. There's Rachel. You're back with us? Yeah, so sorry. I don't know what happened there. That's right. Susan liked the picture, so that's good.
Starting point is 00:57:11 So, let me see. There's a sex addiction call. Let's see what's going on here. Tony, go ahead. Hey, Dr. Drew. I just wanted to say I've been a big fan of yours for years, since the Love Blind days.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I have been a sex addict for the past seven years, and I have been prescribed naltrexone for it. I was wondering if you had any insight on treatment via prescription medications, because I've been in therapy for years and it hasn't done anything. Are you doing, are you going to SA or SLA? Any of those programs? Yeah,
Starting point is 00:57:54 I just started SA a few weeks ago. It's, you know, it only helps so much. I understand. I am in favor of pharmacological help to make a recovery possible. Naltrexone is an interesting idea. They give you to you by shot or by pill? Pill. It's actually a low dose from a compounding pharmacy.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Yeah. So that's a reasonable thing. It will help a little bit. There's no doubt in my mind. We know that Naltrexone helps with some of the drive to using in most substances, particularly alcohol and stimulants. It makes sense to me that it might work a little bit in sex addiction. And there are potentially other therapeutic interventions they could try. There are things that kind of blunt the sex drive a little bit that might, again, make it more possible for you to be sober. Have you ever thought about going to a program, like a sex addiction program? Yes, but unfortunately, all of it's
Starting point is 00:58:56 out of pocket. I can't report it. Let me give you a good website to go to. It's called, I think it is. The therapists that run that, Dr. Katahakis, very good. Puts a lot of very important stuff up there. Go to that website,, and see if you can get something out of that.
Starting point is 00:59:21 She does a lot of love addiction too, Dr. Katahakis. And I think the love addiction stuff, going to circle all the way back now to your transcend recovery. I think that is becoming a much more common, you know, we went through this huge phase where codependency was being treated all over the place, but the codependency for some people really comes in as love addiction. Yeah, absolutely. And, and again, I mean, I don't want to get too into it in this call but you know there's a lot of work to be done um in the background of of why you're feeling like this and and why you're doing these things and no this addiction has to do with people or what the addiction is but there's a reason that you're addicted, right?
Starting point is 01:00:06 So, I mean, you're talking about medicine and stuff, and that's obviously a great thing, but there's reasons why you're feeling like this and reasons for addiction in general. I think we have a tendency, particularly in America, to put medicines as the treatment, and I think that's the wrong way to think about it. The medicine is there to help you make recovery possible. And the recovery is the part that Rachel's talking about, the actual work associated with the, depending on what your issues are, whether it's your denial systems or your regulatory systems or your interoperability tolerated interpersonal connectivity, all that can be worked on. And that's where real recovery is.
Starting point is 01:00:47 And without that, you're just sort of, you're impaired and you're taking medication to try to deal with some impairment. And that's okay, but I wouldn't call that full recovery. Rachel, I really appreciate you coming in here. It was a privilege to sort of revivify some of the things we had been through together. And it started out with the Instagram post you put up, which cracked me up, the parsing we would do, the sword fighting.
Starting point is 01:01:14 But I knew the whole time, I knew always that you were testing me and that you appreciated people who struggled with you. And I enjoyed that. And I have had admiration and affection for you ever since. And your experiences were very intense. And they stay with me till this day. And I just want to see you thrive. That's what I'm looking for. And I feel like that's ahead for you.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Just got to keep moving forward. Keep your head up high. Thank you. It's always my honor and my privilege to always be with you and um to be known by you is is my um honor and my privilege so thank you susan you want to say goodbye so sweet yeah right i know susan's a big fan of yours too and so she set this all up yeah thanks for coming on yeah it was good to see you again and uh go go open a big business that's how you'll you'll end end all this nonsense that you're struggling with it won't matter so much to you. All right, Rachel. See you soon.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Take care. See you soon. Okay. Thanks, guys. And I will take a few more calls now that are sort of a medical nature, and we'll wrap this up. There are way more calls than I can get to, guys.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I'm so sorry. Okay. Let's talk to you. These are a lot of very, very heavy calls here, too. Let's talk to Jeremy. Yeah, Dr. Drew. On November 4th, my son passed away in Orange County in Garden Grove Hospital. And he was only 24 years old.
Starting point is 01:02:37 He was in a quarter-pointed rehab. And literally a week after he got out of the rehab, he passed away. And I'm just wondering because he had relapsed while he was in this rehab and he had got took into the hospital and the rehab didn't notify the court. They didn't notify his probation officer. They just basically let him out. They signed paperwork for him to go free. And a week later, he was dead. He ended up in Garden Grove Hospital in critical condition.
Starting point is 01:03:10 I got a call at 4.30 a.m. And he came in there alive. And they said his heart stopped. But then with the coroner's report, they told us, his mother and I, they told us that we're not together no more. She talked to the coroner. And basically, he told her that there was no Narcan in his system, no chalk or something like that in the autopsy. That would show that he went in there for an overdose, something that he usually finds with people that have an overdose. So I'm just having a real hard time trying to grasp this because he was in a court appointed rehab that I guess they were paying.
Starting point is 01:03:51 The program was paying through the state. I don't know if it's Medi-Cal or through the state, they're paying $8,000 a month for him to be in this place. So here's what I don't know, but here's the deal. We have a horrible problem, particularly in this state, with psychiatric medical records and psychiatric HIPAA. And he did have mental health problems. No, I understand.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Besides the drug addiction. I understand. But the way we manage the information around psychiatric patients is insane and far more restrictive than medical patients. If your son had a medical problem that put his life in danger, you would have heard about it. But when they have a psychiatric problem that puts their life in danger, oh no, we can't tell anybody. We can't even tell anybody that they're in this hospital or that they've ever even been to this hospital. Now, what I don't know is to what extent they're allowed to share that information with the court who refers the patient
Starting point is 01:04:50 and pays for the treatment. It may well be that they can't share anything. And so this stuff happens a lot. This is what happened to Mindy McCready. I worked very hard to get her in a hospital. She was very unstable. Her boyfriend had just killed himself.
Starting point is 01:05:05 Got her in. And a few hours later, they just let her go. Didn't tell me, didn't tell anybody else to go home where there were firearms. And she was dead a few hours later. And this happens all the time. And it is because of the severe distortions of the HIPAA laws around psychiatric patients. People are afraid to say anything. And I'm so sorry that happened to some. Yeah, and they didn't even want to help him.
Starting point is 01:05:31 They didn't even want to help him when he first got arrested, because according to Laura's law, when somebody makes a threat, you know, under the duress of drugs or mental illness, he should have been seen in mental health court here in L.A. And I, and I pleaded to the attorney. I got a private attorney for him, a friend of mine, supposedly to say something about this. I tried to talk to the DA. I tried to talk to the judge and nobody would do nothing. They said, you know what? You're lucky that we're putting them in the rehab.
Starting point is 01:05:59 We were going to give them three years and a violent felony strike for a simple threat. I know, you know, Dr. Drew, these are the things that go on in the system. And like you said, it happens all the time. Jeremy, I'm stuck now. I'm stuck now because, you know, I don't know what to do. Well, I'm sorry it happened to you. I'm sorry it happened to your son. I want you to know we're building coalitions where we're trying to change these laws.
Starting point is 01:06:23 It's going to take some time. I sort of, I bailed out about a year ago with the COVID and all that stuff, but I'm tiptoeing back in to try to bring sanity back to the treatment of people whose sanity is struggling. And it's why we have homelessness. It's why we're losing four people a day on the streets of Los Angeles. And why we have a massive mental health crisis and a massive addiction crisis. So, I think I will tell you when it comes to grief, meaning making is a very important stage of grief recovery. So, if you can find a way to give back, do something meaningful,
Starting point is 01:07:01 not on a large scale necessarily, but even on a small scale, it will help you. It will help you. And trying to make sense and all that, I'm not sure that's going to help you with the grieving process, but I certainly understand you would want to know about that. All right. Let me, oh my goodness, we have so many. Okay. We need to get an update from Joe here. Hi, Joe. Hey, hey, hey,. drew I know it's good what's happening um I want to give you an update on Leopold okay um he's back in the hospital okay um he told me this afternoon that apparently doctors told him he might have a collapsed lung along with the blood sugar issue which the blood sugar is still over 300.
Starting point is 01:07:45 It was at 500 two days ago when I told you on the local Zoom chat. Yeah. All right. Well, there were some interesting studies that came out today associating atrial fibrillation with bad outcomes, but the atrial fibrillation was people who had onset of atrial fibrillation during COVID, which is not Leopold. He already had atrial fibrillation was people who had onset of atrial fibrillation during COVID, which is not Leopold. He already had atrial fibrillation. And then it's the relentlessness of this thing that is so awful.
Starting point is 01:08:10 And if he's now got inflammation in his lung and then a collapsed lung, it's all stuff they're going to have to chase and get under control. There's nothing about any of that, though, that can't be dealt with. And I just want to say just, you know, prayers and well wishes. You know, I mean, I see the stream going on right now and I'm want to say just, you know, prayers and well wishes, you know, I, I mean, I, I see the stream going on right now and I'm just letting, you know, everyone know, just, you know, please give he he's, he's watching, he's seeing everything. So, all right,
Starting point is 01:08:35 I'm going to get on the phone with Leopold soon. All right, buddy. Thanks, Joe. You, Hey, by the way, Joe, Hey, Joe, but it's on a different front. We're about to hit a monsoon here in Southern California. Oh, he's gone. And so if those of you from around the country, we're going to hit this huge Pacific storm that's about to hit us, so it's going to be kind of interesting. Jacob
Starting point is 01:08:55 has something to tell people to help them with the grieving process. Speaking of that topic, Jacob, go ahead. Hi, Dr. Drew. It's an honor to talk to you tonight. Pleasure. Well, I want to let everybody know, I'm grieving this week. My uncle passed away from cancer.
Starting point is 01:09:12 He just died last week. He had a lot of health issues going on with bad back and being on meds and then cancer. He was retired law enforcement officer in Pennsylvania. But they couldn't go visit him because of COVID. Everybody's locked down in Pennsylvania. Crazy.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Sorry, I lost my pastor. He passed away. They said it was COVID. He died back in November 5th at the hospital there in Minnesota. Some just lose a lot of family and loved ones and friends. And I know a lot of people out there are losing a lot of people from COVID and different things. And I just wanted to honor those people that are close to everyone.
Starting point is 01:09:57 I put my pastor on our creative website to honor him and our loved ones that have passed on from COVID and other related issues, and it's called, and I have on the homepage, it says COVID-19 Memorial, and I have a picture of an obituary of my pastor and a video of his funeral on the homepage there. It says COVID-19 Memorial, and the website again is called Thank you. And I hopefully can honor those who passed away. Yeah, it is. Jacob, I'm glad you called. I'm glad you
Starting point is 01:10:33 offered that for people that would like to do that. But it is, I was thinking about it this morning, I mean, death is around us now. It's a pandemic. Pandemics, people die. And that's just the unfortunate reality about pandemics. But we've been in this so long that there's no one that isn't touched by it.
Starting point is 01:10:49 It's just incredible. All right. I'm going to take Walt on here and see what he has to say. Walt. Oh, I didn't get him. Hold on one second. Walt is being destroyed by some juggalos which is
Starting point is 01:11:07 sorry to hear walt yeah i'm here um yeah uh dr drew i watched your uh show love connection with with a friend of mine that was a psychology major and we used to watch your show. And when it went to break, he would, uh, ask me my opinion on what was said by, uh, the person on the show. Okay. And about 90% of the time, my opinion matched what you said when you came back. Okay. So I just wanted to say kudos to that.
Starting point is 01:11:49 And I do respect you. There's a butt coming here. Give me the butt. Okay. Yeah. My thing was on YouTube, I saw that you had said you were a fan of the Insane Clown Posse.
Starting point is 01:12:08 I'm a fan of the... And it was quite disturbing. Insane Clown Posse... Go ahead. That you were a fan of the Insane Clown Posse scene group. And I was puzzled. I don't condone every juggalo behavior. I became friendly with Violent J and
Starting point is 01:12:34 Shaggy and I liked their music. That would be accurate. I think they're interesting men. But I don't sign off on everything that's a lot of the antisocial stuff that goes on there.
Starting point is 01:12:49 I mean... Something's wrong with the connection there, Walt. I'm sorry, buddy. But if people are driving... I don't care who they are. I don't condone anybody harming you or harming anybody else let's be super clear about that and if somebody claims to be representing a group i don't think the group would necessarily
Starting point is 01:13:11 sign off on that either so and that seems odd because uh juggalos are known for being very very nice and very inclusive of everybody that comes to their events they can be harsh exactly i can be they can be harsh maybe some people posing as juggalos. I was going to say, that's who they are most harsh to. If somebody's posing, that's where they get kind of carried away. All right, you guys. I think I'm going to have to wrap up. I am out of steam.
Starting point is 01:13:37 COVID just makes it so I can do things for just so long, and then I just can't go any longer. But I'm trying to get myself back. I'm trying to get back to my new self. Let's see what you guys are saying here. A lot of ICP talk on the thread. Any juggalos on the thread? Does not look like it.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Yeah, today I did a lot more than I normally do that I've done since I've been sick and I'm paying a price for it now. I just need to keep resting. But I do appreciate Susan bringing Rachel in here and I'm paying a price for it now. I just need to keep resting. But I do appreciate Susan bringing Rachel in here. I haven't seen Rachel since Celebrity...
Starting point is 01:14:09 Well, we worked together for a few months after Celebrity Rehab, but I haven't seen her since then. And, you know, go watch that Tiger documentary and see what you think about that. It's a good documentary.
Starting point is 01:14:19 A lot of stuff's glossed over. A lot of stuff's glossed over. And then I will be on Fox 11 tonight in about an hour. But we will be covering mostly... It's glossed over. A lot of stuff's glossed over. And then I'll be on Fox 11 tonight in about an hour. But we'll be covering mostly, it's mostly Southern California. It's a Los Angeles show. We'll be covering a lot of weather tonight because everyone's very excited about it. It's going to rain
Starting point is 01:14:34 in Southern California. So we're going to lose our minds just because there's rain coming our way. But to be fair, when it rains here, it can be really rough. Yeah, whoop, whoop. Let me see anything else up here for you guys before I wrap it up Stacy love
Starting point is 01:14:52 the tiger documentary thanks Carol I will drink some fluids I do need that now what do you guys let me ask the thread here what do you think of Rachel and her story and what she's been suffering with? Can you
Starting point is 01:15:07 understand that a lot of the stuff that's directed towards her is sort of excessive and cruel? And I don't think anybody really wants to be cruel. I hope you'll think about that before you if your tendency to act out on people on social media. They're actually people. It's not
Starting point is 01:15:24 cartoon characters. Alright, I will keep watching the thread here and If your tendency to act out on people in social media, they're actually people. It's not cartoon characters. All right. I will keep watching the thread here. And oh, Josh would date Rachel. So there we go. So yep, full moon also. Don, you're not so happy with me. Carol, I can't read these big paragraphs.
Starting point is 01:15:42 I'm so sorry, Allison. And B-World says, I'm better than I was last week. Maybe you were in here last week. Vaccine advice. Tested negative, but had COVID symptoms. I was one of the seven that tested negative, had symptoms.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Amanda, I would definitely get the vaccine. I would definitely get the vaccine. Okay, guys. Thank you so much. We appreciate you being here. I think we are... Are we doing a show tomorrow, Caleb?
Starting point is 01:16:07 Possibly. I'm not sure. I'll be here tomorrow though. You want to do something when we're? Yeah, if I'm here, we'll do it. All right.
Starting point is 01:16:12 So we'll do a little sort of just to ask, ask our dose show and mostly do just streams. We won't take any calls or anything and see what's going on. And yeah,
Starting point is 01:16:23 don't forget to look up After Dark, Doctor After Dark over at your mom's house. And if you heard what Joe and on. And yeah, don't forget to look up After Dark, Dr. After Dark over at your mom's house. And if you heard what Joe and Casey were talking about, we have a very vibrant community over on Locals. And please do support the people that support the podcast. We chose them all very carefully. The IWAND, this is a great instrument.
Starting point is 01:16:40 The Halodyne, use it regularly now. I used it this morning. And I really think there's something to that in terms of getting the virus out of our pharynx and nasal pharynx. As well as I do see it every day. And these things are all things I use. And of course, Blue Mic, we're using that on a regular basis as well. You'll see we had a new mic in here today. We're going to try out some new stuff because I kind of like the sound of that one a little bit better.
Starting point is 01:17:02 And hopefully we'll have that set up for the next show. Maybe tomorrow we do it, right, Caleb? Possibly, yeah. All right. Thank you so much for being here, and we will see you next time. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. This is just a reminder that the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care or medical evaluation. This is purely for educational and entertainment purposes.
Starting point is 01:17:19 I'm a licensed physician with over 35 years of experience, but this is not a replacement for your personal physician nor is it medical care if you or someone you know is in immediate danger don't call me call 9-1-1 if you're feeling hopeless or suicidal call the national suicide prevention lifeline at 800-273-8255 anytime 24 7 for free support and guidance you can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at help

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