Ask Dr. Drew - Rob Schneider Is Leaving LA & Mark Geragos Is Suing CA - Ask Dr. Drew - Episode 30

Episode Date: January 13, 2021

Rob Schneider announced that he is leaving his California home following the state's response to COVID-19. He is a vocal critic of lockdowns and childhood vaccinations, and has publicly voiced his con...cerns over adverse reactions from the COVID-19 vaccine. Mark Geragos is suing the state of California over its restaurant closures and COVID-19 restrictions. [Streamed live on Dec 22, 2020] Rob Schneider is a comedian, actor, and director. He is a comedy veteran who spent over 4 years on Saturday Night Live and later appeared in multiple movies including The Benchwarmers, Grown Ups, and Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo. His latest comedy special "Asian Momma Mexican Kids" is available now on Netflix. • More about Rob Schneider:  • Follow Rob Schneider:  Mark Geragos has represented some of the most prominent figures in the world. Geragos is the only lawyer besides Johnnie Cochran ever named "Lawyer of the Year" in both Criminal and Civil arenas. Follow Mark at  Get an alert when Dr. Drew is taking calls:   Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( THE SHOW: For over 30 years, Dr. Drew Pinsky has taken calls from all corners of the globe, answering thousands of questions from teens and young adults. To millions, he is a beacon of truth, integrity, fairness, and common sense. Now, after decades of hosting Loveline and multiple hit TV shows – including Celebrity Rehab, Teen Mom OG, Lifechangers, and more – Dr. Drew is opening his phone lines to the world by streaming LIVE from his home studio in California. On Ask Dr. Drew, no question is too extreme or embarrassing because the Dr. has heard it all. Don’t hold in your deepest, darkest questions any longer. Ask Dr. Drew and get real answers today. This show is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information exchanged during participation in this program, including interactions with and any affiliated websites, are intended for educational and/or entertainment purposes only. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 warning i've got this condition where i don't feel pain you're a superhero this is how intense nova kane sounds oh wow imagine how it looks yeah big time nova kane only in theaters march 14th hey welcome everyone uh i've got a lot more to say today we're gonna get right into it in a second with my guest rob schneider mark gergos is gonna drop in and give us an update on his suit against Governor Newsom in the state of California. Ridiculous. I'm a doctor for f***ing sake. Where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals. Let's just deal with what's real.
Starting point is 00:00:51 We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time. Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat. If you have trouble, you can't stop and you want to help stop it, I can help. I got a lot to say. I got a lot more to say. But first, I want to say happy birthday to the great first lady of love, Susan Pinsky. Thank you. I have been struggling to make this a good day for her.
Starting point is 00:01:18 And she asked for one thing. She wanted the vaccine for her birthday, which I could not swing. But I made an appointment for myself. And I went to get the vaccine and was rejected. And I'm furious about it because I didn't have the right paperwork. And by the way, it was thoroughly mistreated
Starting point is 00:01:34 by at least one person there. It's just people are getting off on being these authoritarian pricks. It's weird. But anyway, so I'm going to be checking my email the entire show because supposedly I'm going to get an email that's going to tell me where I'm going to fall in the queue. I certainly do not want to step out of line. I want to know who told you to show up
Starting point is 00:01:55 at three o'clock. They told me to show up at three o'clock. I showed up at two o'clock because I thought it's not going to be easy. I just know it. It's not going to be easy. And they looked at me like, no, you're not right. You don't belong. So I talked to multiple, I went to every staff office in the hospital. And by the way, as I made my way through
Starting point is 00:02:13 medical staff departments, I'm certain I exposed myself to COVID in the process. So it was a good afternoon. Okay, just get it and get it over with. God damn it. Give it to me.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Kiss me. Kiss me, it's my birthday. That is Susan's modality, and I suspect it's the same as Rob's. I'll kiss your ass. Just get over here. The great Rob Schneider. Let's bring him in. Champion.
Starting point is 00:02:35 What's that, buddy? How are you, champion? Good to see you, my friend. So are you, like my wife, hoping to get COVID? I already had it in January. I didn't even know I had it. I didn't know what it was. My doctor said, oh, that's probably what you have four months later.
Starting point is 00:02:48 Perfect. But I remember it was like, that's why I know this thing for sure. Came from China because I felt I couldn't breathe. I felt stuffed up. I couldn't taste anything. That's exactly what I feel every time I eat Chinese food. So I'm 100% sure. I'm pretty sure.
Starting point is 00:03:03 That's not an expert. I'm not like an epidemiologist. guessing so uh president-elect biden has said the worst is ahead and i was thinking about that today when he got up and said that i thought i'm not sure that's true i don't i don't think that's so what do you think i i think that as far as like, you never hear Ronald Reagan said, you know, our best times are behind us. Let me tell you, that's like Walter Mondale saying, I promise if elected, I will raise taxes. Well, you know, he's not exactly galvanizing the support of the people. But that's the Democratic formula for you, though. You know, doom and gloom, turn to the government, we'll, though. You know, doom and gloom.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Turn to the government. We'll save you. You know? Yeah. And you were a time-honored liberal, as was I. Yes. How could you not be? I mean, I'm a classic 1970s San Francisco liberal.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Gay rights, of course. You know, women's rights, you know, reproductive rights, whatever you want. Gay rights, of course. Women's rights, reproductive rights, whatever you want. Equal rights, civil rights, of course. Freedom of speech. Freedom of speech, and now that makes me an arch-conservative. How dare you want to be able to say anything you want? What if you say something that could hurt people?
Starting point is 00:04:23 Aren't they responsible for how they interpret that? No. We're going to decide what that is no it is we're having we're having a real crunch here a real um it's like a pincher attack on personal liberties and freedoms now hey listen i'm all happy for you if you want to be part of the of the experimental human trials for this new vaccine i'm all for it i'm in i'm so mad i didn't get the vaccine i knew you would be happy that I didn't get it, but I can't get it fast enough. I'm glad you didn't. And, by the way...
Starting point is 00:04:49 I called the hospital ahead that don't get it. But you're right, though. One of my motivations is I do want to push this forward, and if there is something good or bad, I'm happy to be a human subject. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:05:01 So that's fine with me. That's fine. All right. Well well that's very kind of you yeah but no no i signed up for the clinical trials i signed up for everything i just can't seem to get the damn vaccine it's weird well you know it's interesting because i just remember back in march when we were still talking about this and you know when this was happening and and you know they uh the the mighty jeff bezos new york times i don't even call it the new york times anymore it's just it's jeff bezos is the washington post as he owns or is it is it the
Starting point is 00:05:31 post he owns the post but the new york times is uh i i i love that he owns the post now i'm suing them and i dropped my uh subscription i can't read it anymore i know it's just you know because they they just lie they lie they misinterpret they lied about our conversation and they just said like i willfully went to a restaurant while knowingly was closed when when they could have easily found out that it was oh restaurants were still open that day right and uh it's just they don't care it's it just became about an agenda right and um i really think that uh you know the that they hurt themselves i think the media once trump goes away and he's going to go away for a while and he's going to start his own
Starting point is 00:06:11 you know conservative twitter or whatever he's going to do um all their ratings are going to go down the toilet yeah they're just going to go and and they're going to go like what happened and i really think uh the and i don't mind hey listen i'm all for the press i mean yeah i mean that's that's one of the things that that that uh well you know the fourth estate is the most important thing for freedoms but they've been so warped and so agenda-based and they never go back and admit when they're wrong right that's the problem make a mistake and the people that they destroy in the process that was very sickening right and so they came after us and in retrospect i guess we'd have to listen to what we said back then.
Starting point is 00:06:46 But I don't think anything they said turned out to be radical or even wrong. Did it? No. It's just basically this was a respiratory thing that doesn't affect the majority of people. Now it turns out here we are almost a year later. And if you look at the numbers from the CDC, it's got a 99.8% cure rate. So the people that though, I would say what we didn't know at that time was that there are people who are affected by it, which is very, very small percentage. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And a very, very small percentage of people under 50. It's like 0.00002. Yeah. Now, or 0.0006 is for under 50. Under 19 is 0.00002. Yeah. But if you are affected by it, then there are people that have very complicated problems. You can have long, long, what we didn't know at the time was the long-term problems. The long haulers, yeah, which were very interesting.
Starting point is 00:07:37 Yeah, it's like blood clots and also organ things. And hey, I'm not negating any of that. I'm just saying that like what the press, in my opinion, was not just was was criminally, you know, criminally neglect was also to cover what was happening to the economy, what was happening and also for delayed treatments and why they why they wouldn't talk about that. And that was very, to me, unforgivable for the press. And you know, it's funny, Rob, you're still taking aim at the press, which I get what you're saying, and I remember it, and I was upset the whole time. But I'm left with a deep concern slash, what's the right emotion? Sort of resentment, angry feeling towards public health officials because they've botched it completely. They've done the opposite of what their job is, quarantining sick people, careful public health messaging, finding where the problems are. Like here in Los Angeles, which I know you are no longer a citizen. We'll talk about that in a second. But here in Los Angeles, there are
Starting point is 00:08:42 regions that are just getting just terrible outbreaks and nobody from public health going in there and going, what's going on? And there are regions that are doing really well only in Los Angeles, like African-Americans are doing really well in South Central. And we don't know why, because they're not willing to go in there and look at it and maybe reproduce whatever's going on right. It's really sickening to me that they're just sitting in there on high with their ideological sort of goggles on and and they can't adjust direction they can't think they can't do their job it's really bothering me it's the same thing you're saying about the press i guess well it does well exactly because what the press is just doing is spouting the um government um
Starting point is 00:09:23 there's no more questioning of of government and no more question of government policy and i think they have to uh question it and you have to look at things and you're right there's some places that are doing extremely well and as a matter of fact i have to thank the press for for you know shoving this down my throat by the new york times piece so i say you know what i will get involved and i will find out and i will speak and i will be one of the few spoken outspoken people to question what's happening. Like, for instance, Florida. Florida has, I would say, the majority of old people in America, they have half the deaths of
Starting point is 00:09:55 New York. And they're wide open. And they're wide open. And California's closed down. And by the way, I'm staying agnostic on whether it's the right thing or the wrong thing. But how about somebody goes in there and figures out why it's working? Somebody looks at that, a scientist, go in there and find out why it worked. What's going on? Yes. And I think to completely, you know, if you dare say anything like, hey, you have an immune system, what are ways to boost that immune system?
Starting point is 00:10:23 Or what are the people who are not getting this? What are they doing? Like you said, and over the areas that are doing well, let's find out. Let's dig in. Let's talk about this. And let's not go after and attack people who dare question what the government is. And I must tell you, as a scientist, you always have to have alternative opinions. That's how science moves forward.
Starting point is 00:10:50 I miss all the alternative opinions. That's why i talk to people on this program that have different ideas just because that's how science moves forward i want to read something from sarah moore she says dr burke's got to hang with her own family but we should be ashamed of doing the same thing thoughts dr burke's now is on the record uh hot off the presses while we were heating up here rob she's going to. She's going to retire. She's going to retire because of the social media attack has been too much for her. A year late, by the way. I think she also should be done. She should also have to pay some money for that, too.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Well, I just would say that congratulations to you and to me. We sort of moved through a similar storm to what she was standing. We're still standing. We're still thinking. Dr. Bir skin dr burks i i think we were personally i think we were too hard on her i understand why and and i was in a sort of a protective mode for her and now she's a high quality professional we're gonna lose why because people are shitheads on social media it's too much. It's crazy. It is. It is. But at the same time, you can understand the anger. I do. I do.
Starting point is 00:11:53 You can understand. You can say like a 15-day lockdown. That's nine months. And they never say, you know, we're wrong about that 15 days. It's 15 days. There is no plan. It's an evolving plan. And at the end of the day, what it really has to do is we have to admit that there's going to be a certain amount of risk in society. The idea that you're going to just shut it all down for any group of people. Like my mom's 92. She's going to be 92 in February. And she got this too and survived it. So the idea that she said she... I don't want to say only, but 10% die, 90% get through it. 90%. So it's pretty good numbers at that age. Or it's like 85% or something. It's like, that's pretty good numbers at that age or it's like 85 or something it's like that's pretty good numbers so we have to look at this and go okay well what are the other effects that are happening and and then who's benefiting from it because at a certain point now when you when
Starting point is 00:12:36 you're bankrupting people and you know congress is still getting uh at least a hundred thousand dollars a year and and yet they're giving six hundred dollar uh checks out this week you have people have a right to be angry but i also think people need to need to call uh and these politicians who would not make those assessments and would not adjust to what's happening i think they have to be held accountable and they will i mean i i i'm saying right now the most democratic of states you're not going to have states, you have a really good chance of having Gavin Newsom recalled. There's a really good chance. I would say, you know, for California to have somebody recalled last time was 2003.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I'd say it's about almost 50% chance now, which is really good. That is not bad. chances you finally not only do you change your sort of you didn't change your ideas about politics but you got abandoned by by your parties and you eventually abandoned the very state that was your home for your whole life well i lived my whole life in california and i love california california i mean i call it's the most beautiful i call it the siberian gulag by the beach. I love it. But it's just, you have a one party system. And as much as like, you don't want to compare it to, and say China fornia, but like China has a one party system. Right. So, you know, and so when you don't have, you know, and God bless the Republicans and the Democrats there, but if you don't have anybody, that's why I think even
Starting point is 00:14:01 Joe Biden is, is hoping that Georgia, uh, you know, has those Republicans win the Senate. So he can at least have some buttress against some some form of of radicalism that could push things too far. At the end of the day, I think you want moderation. And so what you do, you don't have moderation in California. And like to me, what doesn't make sense is you can limit these people's ability to move around. And you have a huge homeless population and you don't see covid you don't see covid exploding in homeless population i was in i was in venice beach uh last week driving out there to get some uh so to get some supplies from arowan to drive back to arizona okay all right and uh I was like Calcutta. You can't have, you can't have this. You have to
Starting point is 00:14:48 deal with this homeless population. It is unacceptable for, for that in Los Angeles. And I can see the frustrations of people. I couldn't, I couldn't live there anymore because of that. And also because of my kids not going to school, my kids, they do not get this. They don't spread it. There's been no proof that any child has spread this to a teacher anywhere in the world that I've seen or heard of. Well, not only that, it's so interesting to me when other countries talk about lockdowns. Everywhere in Europe kept
Starting point is 00:15:13 schools open. So they did not include schools. It generally didn't even include restaurants or businesses. It sort of included like after hours pubs and things and that's about it well don't that doesn't it at this point not seem scientific at all but seem like a religion it seems seems like a religion it has it has an architecture of religious indoctrination 100 speaking speaking
Starting point is 00:15:37 of religion let's bring in the great mark ergos who uh has a religious uh cross to bear against the state of California. Mark. Welcome. Hi, Mark. Mark, Rob, Mark. Oh, no. Hey, hi, Daffy Duck. How are you?
Starting point is 00:15:56 We're getting the strangest distortion on your voice. It's really interesting. I've never heard that before in any stream, but you sounded like Alvin and the Chipmunks. Any throat surgery recently? Oh, goodness gracious. Log out and vlog back in again. Mark, Susan wants you to go away and come back.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Try it again. That is funny. So how do you find Arizona, Rob? How is life in Arizona? Is it better than California? It's been good. I like it. I mean, the only problem is life in Arizona? Is it better than California? It's been good. I like it. I mean, the only problem is both my kids are eaten by scorpions.
Starting point is 00:16:29 But other than that, it's been very good. Wow. Tell us more. That's interesting. No, my wife got bit by a scorpion the first week we were here, and that was not good. Isn't she from the great Sonoran Desert of Mexico? She is.
Starting point is 00:16:41 My wife's Mexican, which means the scorpion, we had to take him right to the hospital. We had, we had to get, it would not come back to the house until we had the whole house paid for Mexicans. What is going on with real Rob? I love that show. What's going on? Come on now. Well, we're trying to do another one. It's just, it's tougher and tougher as time goes on, but I think we're, we're about to start work on some, she's going to do a morning show now. And it looks like I'm heading off to Mexico to do a movie. Wait a minute. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Slow down. She's doing a morning show for Mexico or for out here? She's going to do it. It's going to be for, we can't announce it yet, but it rhymes with Schmooney Vision. But we're doing, she's going to do a morning show. We're going to go up against the other ones. She's going to do it in Spanish. And I'm very happy.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Patricia Maya, if you people want to look it up she's very very talented rod met her on a television set she knows what she's doing yeah she's lovely so we're have we're having a good time and it's good i mean i'll tell you arizona is really nice and i really feel like it's uh uh the politics that people want to just there's more libertarian i mean i i am very liberal of all social social you can't imagine i'm very i'm liberal but i really think that i want the government to leave me alone yeah i get it i get it i don't want i don't want them taking my taxes i'm hearing more and more and more of that from people just like oh my god it's like this is this is and they seem incompetent the
Starting point is 00:18:01 government in terms of the overreach. It all seems completely incompetent. Is Mark there now? Can we get him in? Okay, let's get Mark here. Let's hope his voice works this time. All right, let's see what we got. Mark, you with me? I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:18:13 There you go. You have no idea what that sounded like before. It really is like Alvin and the Chipmunks. I was trying to tell you, Alvin and the Chipmunks was a guy by the name of Bagdasarian, an Armenian from Fresno. So it's quite a well, I will remember that reference and continue to think highly of it. So what is the update on your suit towards the governor and the federal government and the state? I don't get all the different layers that are going on now. I off as a lawyer kind of detoured into
Starting point is 00:18:45 a restaurant tour and now i've merged the two of them only because um only here in california it's fascinating i was listening to you too the the comparisons you know people don't realize los angeles was a outlier in terms of a shutdown or lockdown. We locked down here in California, unlike the other 50 some odd counties way before. And now we are the epicenter of the COVID in not just in California, but in the world. Right. And so, Mark, what you're saying is lockdowns work, right? They work like crazy, right? If you're the virus, if you're the virus, it works great.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Yeah, you're the virus's best friend. And all you had to do and what we've done is we showed, we filed against the county when the county did their ordinance. Catherine Barger, to her credit, and Janice Hahn, to their credit, tried to ask some questions of the county health officer who, I don't want to say she lied, but she did not tell the truth. Let's just say that. And it was obvious once we filed the lawsuit against them, the judge here in LA County excoriated them. And I told Drew this before, Rob, but he issued a 53-page order. I mean, literally dug into the weeds. And when the doctor who's head of Health and Human Services
Starting point is 00:20:09 in California was asked about it, he said, well, yeah, there really isn't any danger to outdoor dining, but basically we just wanted to lock down the state. We just want to control you more. Yeah. And we're going to lie to you as we do it. I mean, it's just, it's mind-boggling yeah and
Starting point is 00:20:26 sheila kewell who should be um tart and feathered sheila kewell just she lied i mean there she says there's six studies there's this there's that there's nothing nothing you know what they did to show you how little respect they have for your tax money, the county order expired on December 16th, okay? Our judge, Judge Chalfant, had said, you can't do this again. But their order expired on the 16th. On the 18th, the county hired, didn't use their own lawyers, not their first outside law firm, but hired a second outside law firm to go to the court of appeal to have the court of appeal stay in order by the judge that
Starting point is 00:21:12 on an order that had already expired. So that's the insanity here. So what we did is- It's funny, Mark, it parallels the public health insanity very closely. I must say, from a physician looking at their behavior, it's the same kind of insanity. It's like, this is not, just the way that's not proper practice of law. I keep saying, what happened to public health policy? What happened to the practice of medicine? What's going on here? Judge Chalfant did a really nice job of saying, I'm going to give the county not one not two three chances to give me any data anything just give me a study give me a one observation one yeah they came up with one
Starting point is 00:21:52 you know what it is true they came up with a 27 year old in wuhan in march who said he had gotten the virus while he was outdoors that was it right other than that there is no study now what's infuriating and by the way that's not a study that's an anecdotal report not a study exactly and he had to explain to the county public health is not eliminating all risk by definition public health by statute it's in the code it's you know this is the what the law. The law says you balance risks. Nobody has balanced the risks. Nobody's done anything. Correct. And what's galling and why we sued the state, we just sued the federal court because nobody's got
Starting point is 00:22:36 the guts. The state court appellate judges, unfortunately, the governor was very diabolical. Newsom was diabolical. He did something that Michigan did not do. Michigan's Supreme Court held that governor's action to be unconstitutional. Here, Newsom delegated part of his emergency powers to the Chief Justice of California. So all of the Court of Appeals justices, in my humble opinion, are polaxed by that. So we went to federal court and we pointed out that Hollywood production companies in March were deemed non-essential. Then guess what happened? The lobbyists, they started spending a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:23:19 We detailed all of the money they spent on the lobbyists. And lo and behold, the Hollywood production companies became essential. You're welcome. You're welcome, Mark. Were you one of those guys, Rob? And by the way, the best plane if you could ever have is ours,
Starting point is 00:23:41 the Pineapple Hill woman, who's Angela Barson, because she detailed in a video that went viral, 10 million views, the production company 25 feet away from her outdoor dining. They could do it. That was safe. She couldn't do it. They threatened her with closure, revoking her license and everything else. At some point, somebody's going to say what Justice Gorsuch said three weeks ago in the Roman diocese point, somebody's going to say what Justice Gorsuch said three weeks ago in the Roman diocese case. He's going to say the Constitution can take a
Starting point is 00:24:10 vacation, but it doesn't take a sabbatical. And by the way, I blame the legislature because Gavin Newsom is a feckless, absolutely clueless kind of a politician. He's Garcetti on steroids. But the legislature has absolutely no business delegating or outsourcing their job to the governor. If you're going to do that, then stop drawing a salary. You're going to just say that this is going to become... we're not even talking about a one-party state, Drew. What we're talking about is no more separation of powers, no more check on the executive by the judiciary.
Starting point is 00:24:55 We've outsourced everything to a dictator who obviously is now quarantining himself because his own policies have failed, just like the mayor is quarantining himself because his policies have failed. And all we've done is doubled and tripled down on stupidity. Well, and I sent you that article that shows that all the transmission is in the home. So Garcetti now is going to get it in his lockdown. That's where you get it, is when you're locked down with people that bring it home, which it's impossible. The study you cited involved
Starting point is 00:25:30 guess how many people, right, Drew? 10 million people. It was a huge study. It was multiple meta-analyses, and it was showing very clearly that lockdowns don't work. They make things worse, and it's astonishing to me that they can't adjust to currently available wisdom.
Starting point is 00:25:47 It's too much. How do you feel? Have you got any sort of read from the federal judge you're going to be in front of? No, he was just his honor was just assigned literally within the last couple of hours. We're going to we plan on going in shortly. And I'm hopeful whether know this is going no matter what happens the county will spend and the state will spend an inordinate amount of money in order to fight these things because they don't want to admit that they completely bungled this i mean this is the version of drew if you're a doctor you do this you get sued for malpractice i do something like i get sued for malpractice i told do something like that. I get sued for malpractice. I told you. The statement that I would absolutely excoriate residents for
Starting point is 00:26:30 was, if I asked why you did that, show me the evidence, show me the data, show me the papers, give me your reasoning. If they said I had to do something, fired. Get out of here. I had to do something. That is how you kill people. That is how you kill people. No, there's no accountability.
Starting point is 00:26:46 There's none. With health officials. I've recommended to all of my clients. I mean, I'm inundated with the restauranteurs. It's awful. In fact, I was going to tease Corolla. Every time he goes out to dinner, the county comes in and starts hammering
Starting point is 00:27:02 that restaurant. You know, they hammered Mastro's today in Malibu, closed them down, revoked permits. Tin Horn Flats, you know, has shown, by the way, that these orders are infirm from the get-go. But what has ended up happening, every doctor who I respect that I've talked to about this, if they're not in, you know, under the employ of the government, says the same thing. You don't do something just to be doing something.
Starting point is 00:27:32 It's dangerous. That's dangerous. Not only are they doing something just to be doing something, they're lying to you. And that is, that's what's infuriating. And then what are they going to do? They bury in this $900 billion deal, $500 million or trillion, whatever the amount, $500 billion, I think, going to foreign countries, and $600
Starting point is 00:27:59 to people here, and the PPP for restaurants. We've got 31,000 restaurants in LA County. The rough estimate is that 80% of those, over 20,000 businesses will not survive this. The other irony, you know, right down, I'm downtown right now, said Moses who owns Kohl's, which is the oldest restaurant in LA,
Starting point is 00:28:23 said can't do outdoor dining, right, because it's been closed down. Yet right across the street, literally 40 feet away is a homeless encampment. And the homeless encampment, they drink, they eat, they do their meth right across the street. And they hassle his cousin back when he was open. But they're exempt from this order. And you explain to me how that makes any sense none of it makes sense none of them i really do think do you think that mark and honestly if they stop the lockdown tomorrow they just say enough everybody accept the
Starting point is 00:28:57 risk if you're not feeling good stay home and and that i mean the because i think what blows this thing out which is what the who admitted and then they took back was this asymptomatic uh if you're asymptomatic then then you're you're not contagious and then wait a minute you could be or like i think at a certain point i i don't think that that has been definitively proved that you are a risk to other people i think people have to take uh and just say enough of this. Open up your businesses. I say call your local sheriff's department. Get their support so they won't shut you down.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Because there are sheriffs, as you know about this, Mark, there are sheriff's departments that are saying, we're not going to impose these draconian orders that are ruining businesses and that are causing the suicides to skyrocket,
Starting point is 00:29:48 not just in California, but all over this country. The suicidal ideation around adolescence now is one out of four. This is what they've done to an entire generation. It's unbelievable. And by the way, you know, we tried it. We tried this lockdown. It didn't work. It doesn't work. It exacerbates the problem. So call an audible. Instead, they're tripling down. Newtham says, well,
Starting point is 00:30:13 it's getting worse. Our ICUs are at zero. So now we're going to extend this even longer. So it's, I mean, it's the craziest thing I've ever heard. It is. Well, let me tell you, three years ago, Mark, three years ago, the ICUs were really crowded, too, because of the flu season. And there is a limited amount of beds in California. But they weren't being overrun. But it was crowded. But they didn't shut society down for that. They didn't do lockdowns for it.
Starting point is 00:30:39 They just said, well, let's make some more ICUs. Right. They let the medical system do its job, which is expand the beds, line up the staff, do what we're supposed to do. You notice the ships aren't being called in, you know, the Mercy ship and all that, because the hospitals can accommodate this.
Starting point is 00:30:55 And Mark, all the data you hear publicly is only about the county hospitals. Four hospitals, LAUSC, Rancho, all of you, and what's the fourth? Harbor. That's it. There are dozens and dozens and dozens of private hospitals out there.
Starting point is 00:31:09 They're busy, but they're doing their work. They're doing their job. And let's truth be told, it's a very busy time of year. This is. And like when those who are saying like, you can't have it both ways. You can't have it. Well, like, well, the flu seasons. Well, the flu season is, it is 98% of flus. normal flus down. Well, that's because everyone's wearing masks. Why are to throw the babies off the cliff that's this too you know for throwing the volcano
Starting point is 00:31:49 throw the babies in the volcano yeah but if it works you see it worked if it doesn't work we need to throw more babies there's no causal relationship um to the things that they are doing in terms of helping um in fact the only cause is that it hinders. Remember, we shut down indoor dining months and months ago, and we're now in the worst situation we've ever been. Yet, I will tell you something. If you go down the street here to the Criminal Courts building
Starting point is 00:32:18 or to Stanley Mosque, which is our civil building, you're going to have thousands of people a day from different households, all congregating in elevators and hallways. And by the way, in the worst buildings in terms of ventilation, you will ever want to see. And that's going full force at the same time that we're saying, God forbid, don't you go dine outdoors. It's insane. Mark, you said call an audible. One thing I keep asking of public health
Starting point is 00:32:50 is I keep using the same model. I'm saying, look, in 1900, when typhoid fever broke out on Manhattan Island, they didn't shut down Manhattan Island. They went into the regions where there was typhoid fever and found the source. They found typhoid fever and found the source.
Starting point is 00:33:05 They found typhoid Mary and they pulled her out. Had they not done that, it would have continued no matter what shutdown they had done. Now you have situations where in Los Angeles, the African-American community, do you know, is doing better than anywhere else in the country? There's 9% of the population, 7% of the COVID cases. Why? Why is that happening? Let's reproduce that where it's out of control in the Hispanic community, where they're just getting clobbered and no one goes in there to try to figure out why.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Well, the thing that's particularly hypocritical also, there's been a wave of people just hammering the White House because of these emails about herd immunity. And at a certain point now, when you take a look at the positivity rate of the testing in LA County, we're the ones here through these idiotic lockdowns who are trying to unintentionally create herd immunity. We have jumped from a positivity rate that was in the low single digit, where now I think I read yesterday
Starting point is 00:34:09 we were at 13.8% positivity out of the people that are testing. Insanity. I know. I really feel like if we would just, if this nonsense of lockdowns would just stop tomorrow and people get back,
Starting point is 00:34:23 you're not going to see a spike. You couldn't because you're already having, I mean mean look at it already well it looks like it's turning down we'll see i mean only the virus knows for sure but the last in california which is the only state that hasn't turned down right everything else is turning down essentially or plateauing and we we peaked at 53 000 cases to yesterday we were down to 37 000 cases so today will be an important piece of data uh i don't know you know orange county was down la county isn't reporting yet that i can find it so we may be you know moving through this thing uh anyway there are people everybody said it was because of thanksgiving in this no way yeah it's just it's you take a look at what's happened and take a look if you follow
Starting point is 00:35:06 what they keep telling you you'll see that you're being lied to that's the thing they count on the fact people have no memory that's exactly right if you look at the at the uh susan i don't know we did this yesterday i put up the uh the data for the country on the cases. This outbreak started October 11th. October 11th. And in Thanksgiving, it hit a peak of around 190,000 cases, up from 50,000. So going into Thanksgiving on November 24th, there were 190,000 cases. There was a downturn that they say themselves was due to less testing, less reporting. And then on December 8th, essentially a week later, 10 days later, it plateaus.
Starting point is 00:35:53 No, December 3rd, it plateaus at 200,000 cases and stays there and now is falling off. Now we're at 178,000. Where is this? There's going to somehow rejigger the numbers and say, oh, this is because of the shutdown. I mean, that's the craziness. No, they're going to say it's because of Thanksgiving. Yeah. Well, they've used that. I mean, it's just the whole thing. There isn't
Starting point is 00:36:17 any time to hold them to account, which is what we do when we file these lawsuits. We call them out on it. And then when they're ordered by a judge to produce data or studies or even any kind of a observational tracing, I mean, the judge begged them at a certain point, just give me something. What have you done for the last 10 months to investigate what it is that backs up the orders you're making? They don't have it. They just basically say, what they tell you is that backs up the orders you're making. They don't have it. They just basically say, what they tell you is, we're the public health officials. Stop questioning
Starting point is 00:36:51 us. You can't micromanage us. We're going to do what we do. Mark, don't you agree that we should have, you should tell businesses to open and say, just you got to open. Just tell your businesses to open. As an officer of the court, I can't advise people to violate the law. But if you don't have an ABC license and hypothetically there's nothing else they can do to you. Why people? It's like I used to say in the criminal justice system. Why do people all wait time for their speedy trial when if everybody just announced ready, the system would have to snap out of the stupor that they're in? This is the same thing here. They rely on people complying, even though people intuitively, by the way, I don't think this is right wing, left wing. That's uh the progressive yeah i think this this the outdoor dining stupidity
Starting point is 00:37:46 um has kind of united people across the board that there is something fundamentally wrong with this open-ended suspension of constitutional rights and destroying people's property i'm excuse you mark i gotta run it there's a benefit i'm to jump on steve shemmy and adam sandler hey mark what all the best benefit for adam sandler well he needed no for firemen we're doing it together oh cool mark thank god i've never needed your services i've never i'll never need your services thank you all right great to see you man i'll talk soon i'll call you soon okay happy birthday susan we'll talk soon say hi to adam for me. Thank you. So, bye, buddy. So, Mark, what's the timeframe of when we're likely to hear what's going on with your cases? I'm hopeful within the next week.
Starting point is 00:38:34 The Court of Appeal basically put it on ice. As I said, it's nonsensical because the county order had already expired. So now we've taken aim at the state order, and hopefully within a week we will know something, and you'll be the first to know the truth. And as far as you mentioned the not a political issue of the right or the left, these sorts of things create strange bedfellows, and to see you and Armeet Dhillon fighting side by side
Starting point is 00:39:02 is not something I ever expected. I mean, right? Armeet and Ion fighting side by side is not something I ever expected. I mean, right? Armeet and I talk about that all the time. The idea that somehow we have agreed, we've gone so far to the left and so far to the right that she and I have met. You've come around. It's kind of a Hegelian Marxist, I don't know, dialect. Right. It's a reverse dialectic, but it gets you to a synthesis nonetheless.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Well, listen, thank you for the update and all the work you're doing. I appreciate you. We'll see you very soon. And before you go, let me just say I'm so sorry about your mom. I know For those who think that I minimize this, my mom, in all probability, probably died from the COVID, brought into the house. You know, but she was, it's interesting. And I say this to you, Drew, because you've known the family and me since high school. The doctors at the time were talking about kind of easing her out with morphine.
Starting point is 00:40:03 And COVID came along and took her out that way and so um you know i i get it it reminds me of our friend adam corolla who goes crazy about the cnn reports when they talk about all the people in their 90s who died from covid right and they love to play chess and they stand all these crazy ideas that they're throwing out there. My mom liked getting gussied up and everything else. But, you know, at a certain point, this has been a public health debacle. And I think we're going to look back in the not too long future and say to ourselves, what in the hell happened here? I agree with you.
Starting point is 00:40:42 I fully agree with you. And I hope we take a very long, hard look at this. And to just finish with what you were saying about your mom, it is important. The one thing for me that, one of the things that has come out of this that could be good is if people start talking realistically about end of life
Starting point is 00:40:59 and whether they ever want nursing homes or what people's wishes are, when they, if they are lucky enough to live long enough they get chronic severe debilitating illnesses or dementia because it's coming for all of us uh and i would come back and we'll discuss you know i read an article by the emmanuel brother who nobody knows um i should say i saw that the ethicist so-called yeah it was an oncologist out of new york who wrote an article about after 75 no heroic efforts for him and you know i always my father and i used to talk about that before he passed he passed four or five years ago and um and he used to say look if i don't if
Starting point is 00:41:36 i'm not functioning and i can't drive and i can't go to court and i can't do the things that give me pleasure and make me mean uh you know, put a pillow over my head. But unfortunately, I wasn't strong enough to do that. Well, but still, yes, 100%, that's something that we all have to think about and talk about. And I have to tell you, when I was working actively in an ICU, it was considered anathema, cruel, to put an 80-year-old on a ventilator. Because the probability of living a year after being on a ventilator at advanced age was next to zero. And if you did happen to live that year, it was a nightmare, a nightmarish year, and thought to be absolutely cruel to do that to people.
Starting point is 00:42:20 All of a sudden, it must be the legal system got into it somehow. All of a sudden, we're doing that all the time i actually think that if you want you know the the two um uh the two grim reapers as far as i'm concerned are big banks and and big insurance i think this is an insurance driven deal you've got people who are feeding at the trough of the federal government they know it in life. That's all paid that a large portion of that. You know, that true are people who are on the federal goal, so to speak, of the medicine, which nothing wrong with that.
Starting point is 00:42:54 But what I'm saying is when they take these heroic efforts that really have nothing to do or no correlation to quality of life, yet you run up these incredible bills that the taxpayers have to pay. There's something that needs to be looked at there because I think there's something that's driving this that is not a quality of life or a value of life. It's a value of a dollar. Well, what is it? $7 for every one spent during the last year of life for fruitless measures, for things that do not help the person
Starting point is 00:43:27 or keep them alive longer. I'd love to see a percentage, in many cases, for people who are not even self-aware, meaning that, as you've said, it's a dementia, it's an Alzheimer's, or it's a grip of extreme.
Starting point is 00:43:42 And you have to say to yourself at that point, what is really going on? Well, and what I'm saying is the individuals need to leave instructions for when they get into those states. We need that for psychiatric management. We don't have that for when people get psychotic. And we don't really encourage people to do that
Starting point is 00:43:59 for if they get a severe dementia. And we need to be really clear about that for people. Without going too far afield, we've got a whole problem with that. That's part of the problem with, as I'm sitting here also in the epicenter of the homeless situation, we have a lot of people who are mentally ill in the throes of a psychosis running around here, but we don't deal with them because we've labeled them as homeless. And somehow we think that we're helping them because we let them have autonomy in these
Starting point is 00:44:31 mentally ill states. And then they die. And so that's a conversation we will have on another day. But I'm going to let you go right now. Wait, wait, wait, really quick. I want you to remind everybody who came later. And the heading of our show today on Twitter was Dr. Drew gets a vaccine. Oh, I got turned away by the hospital because I didn't have the right paperwork. And I'm furious. I'm so angry.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Where's your papers? You've got to bring your papers in. And they treated me like that. Like, where are your papers? And stand over here. People are getting off on this. I felt like telling the guy, do you enjoy talking to people like that like wear your papers and stand over here and it was like like people are getting off on this i i felt like telling the guy do you enjoy talking to people like that maybe it's because your staff members have been on your hospital staff for 40 fucking years maybe you did that to them once no he's too young for that they were looking out for someone they didn't want to they didn't want to vaccinate you on her birthday yeah god, my God. How many doctors are trying to come in and get the vaccination, though? Because I know they weren't answering the phone all weekend.
Starting point is 00:45:31 I know. And it was just, I'm glad you didn't drive back from Laguna. Very soon. All right, Mark. Thanks so much. We will talk to you very soon. Okay. Thanks, my friend.
Starting point is 00:45:43 I will take a little break here, and I will come back with your phone calls. I'm sorry, those of you who have been sitting on hold. I see you. I'm going to get to as many as I can after this break. Well, I too have struggled with GI issues over the years. I have something called Lynch syndrome. So gut health is extremely important to me. And while gut health awareness has increased, it's led to a wellness trend that's inspired a host of questionable marketing and some false claims. Now, you've seen the word probiotic attached to all kinds of supplements, drinks, even more.
Starting point is 00:46:10 They may claim to deliver the healthy microorganisms our gut needs for proper function, but all too often the promises are in fact too good to be true. Thankfully, I became aware of a company called Seed and their flagship product, the Daily Synmbiotic. Seed's Daily Symbiotic offers 24 clinically researched strains of microorganisms in a single dose. These strains support gut health and can improve regularity and relieve bloating, sometimes within as little as 24 to 48 hours. To me, what really sets Seed's Daily Symbiotic apart is the delivery system. While some products may offer the right strains, they're fragile, they rarely survive the trip through the gut, doesn't get where it needs to go, but Seed uses
Starting point is 00:46:50 a capsule-in-capsule design that helps ensure the probiotic reaches your colon, which is where they often are needed. I have been taking Seed's Daily Symbiotic, and I really encourage you to check out their story and the science behind what they do. To try it for yourself, just go to slash drdrew. Use code drdrew20 for 15% off your first month of Daily Symbiotic. That is slash drdrew. Use code drdrew20. As we're gradually moving back to opening schools and businesses and, of course, our in-person interactions, I want to remind you this is all time with cold and flu season getting going staying hydrated is key to helping your body deal with the added stress and with the upcoming flu season my regular fans have heard me talk about a product called hydrate for a long time now it's an amazing rapid rehydration drink it's a mix
Starting point is 00:47:40 that well we're obsessed with here i'm excited to announce they've just released Hydrolyte Plus Immunity just in time for cold and flu season. Hydrolyte Plus Immunity starts with their fast-absorbing electrolytes and adds a host of immune-boosting ingredients. Each single-serve, easy-pour drink mix contains 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C and 300 milligrams of elderberry extract. It creates what is hopefully immune-boost boosting formula that's high in antioxidants and zinc. Combining this with Hydrolyte's seven key electrolytes, it's a fantastic way to stay proactive and properly hydrated. Hydrolyte Plus Immunity comes in convenient, easy to pour powder sticks that rapidly dissolve in water and make a great tasting drink that has 75% less sugar than your typical sports drink. It uses all natural flavors and it is gluten-free, dairy-free, caffeine-free, non-GMO, and it
Starting point is 00:48:28 is vegan. And you can find Hydrolyte Plus by visiting slash drdrew. Again, that's slash D-R-D-R-E-W. Be sure to use our code drdrew25 at checkout for a special discount all right we're back thank you guys thank you everybody we are going to get to very quickly here a leopold update from the great joe giannotti from locals joe what do you got for me hey i um i want to give you an update on uh leopold go ahead um the the one the one thing that's getting worse is the inflammation um part of the um of the of the process now that he's in day 10 everything
Starting point is 00:49:14 else has been staying steady uh however they had upped his oxygen of four liters today um and they are moving him into a 24-7 monitoring room at Kaiser. Right. So I actually spoke to Leopold myself today, too. His spirit sounded much better than I expected. He is delighted that you're giving reports, Joe, and endorses you for continuing. I reviewed a lot of the inflammatory mediators with him. Maybe I'll bring Jogender into a call, and he and I will both go over it.
Starting point is 00:49:46 But he's okay. He's okay. This 7- to 10-day window is when things can get like this. And I feel, well, we'll see. These are hard things to predict. But the doctor is being very attentive. He's got lots of data, and I know you've been going over that with him. He told me that.
Starting point is 00:50:06 I have been. I have been. And I think, I think you know what it is. I think just being in a hospital room by yourself is just so demoralizing and depressing. And I will say the locals gang, I mean,
Starting point is 00:50:21 he cannot thank you guys enough by just the the cheerleading the the posts the the you know the well wishes are overwhelming are incredible and and especially you and and susan um you know just keeping up with him well we're just part of the team has he ever has he ever told you about the history of my relationship with him on a day-by-day basis. Has he ever told you about the history of my relationship with him? Yes. Okay. So, I mean, I feel a certain amount of responsibility for him. Just, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:55 It feels even more than usual. But I'm happy to keep up. It's no problem. It's no problem at all. And we're just part of the team thinking about him. So, I actually appreciate you going in there and, you know, being a very, very consistent support for him and bringing the good words of everybody that supports him.
Starting point is 00:51:13 So anything else, Joe, going on? No, that's pretty much it. I just want to tell you I'm just trying to stay as strong as possible. And I'll see everyone tonight on the local Zoom chat. And happy birthday, Susan. Oh, she's saying thank you, but the mic's not on. Thank you. There she is.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Love you, Joe. All right, buddy. Talk soon. You're welcome. All right. All right. Bye-bye. Bye.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Let's see. We got Jenna. Jenna, what's going on there? Hey, Dr. Drew. Jenna. Can you hear me? I hear you. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:51 So I've called a couple of times. I live over in Utah. And I know you've talked a couple of times about Utah and why we're doing so good. And just a side note, I think it might be that we're fairly young here in Utah. I was thinking that. It's a lot of young families. Yes, and you're spread out and you're young. I was thinking that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:12 But of course, Susan and I watched Real Housewives of Salt Lake City last night and reconsidered everything we were thinking about Utah. Oh, gosh, yeah. I've watched some of that, too, and it's definitely not at all the experience I have with people here, but it is entertaining. I don't. Yeah. I've, I've watched some of that too. And it's definitely not at all the experience I have with people here, but it is entertaining. Um, so I kind of just, I wanted to talk to you about, I have a lot of friends who, you know, they're, they're really against masks.
Starting point is 00:52:37 And I think just that they're so frustrated with COVID and everything. Now they don't, uh, you know, they're frustrated about the vaccine. They don't want the vaccine, which, you know, I can get. And a lot of them are my age. I'm 30. So, you know, I know you said. So let's be clear. It's reasonable, particularly at this point in time.
Starting point is 00:52:54 It's reasonable for them to at least wait, at least. Right? Absolutely. Yeah. Right. Right. And I know you said you wouldn't recommend, or you told your kids to wait. And I'm about the same age told your kids to wait and i'm
Starting point is 00:53:05 about the same age as your kids so you know i i get that but my my thing is i now have friends who have taken it to the extreme they're saying they will never vaccinate their children for anything ever again oh boy um well you know yeah so that's so i have family members saying this and friends saying this. I'm like, I just, you know, I don't know how to kind of communicate with them. I don't know if you have any, like, you know, information I can use to help. Here's what you got to do. You can use good information to sway their opinion on very narrow topics. Like, if you decide, I don't want my nieces not to get their measles vaccine,
Starting point is 00:53:45 you can use information because it's all there to help you do it. The problem is, it's something called the backfire effect, which is debatable how strong it is and why it works and all, but let's just call it what it is, a backfire. When you convince somebody in a narrow area, they double down everywhere else. And that's kind of what's happening here with these vaccines folks you're talking about. So what I would do is try to engage these people about their worldview. Like, what is it about the information they're getting or their sense of the world? I always imagine I'm fighting with a flat earther. Like, what would you tell somebody who believes the earth is flat? You wouldn't assail them on data.
Starting point is 00:54:27 You just go, what? In my world, I always feel like I use this kind of technique in therapies too. It's like, jeez, if the earth were flat, trigonometry wouldn't work and calculus wouldn't work. And I think those things work pretty well for me. And so what am I supposed to do when all of a sudden, you know, sines and cosines can't possibly be true based on your theory about the Earth being flat? So for me, all of science would fall apart.
Starting point is 00:54:56 What would happen to you if you let go of the idea that the Earth is flat? Something like that. Something where you're talking to them about their worldview and why they're so distrustful. And you might get somewhere interesting that way, but there's not much else you can do. It's all Dunning-Kruger. It's Dunning-Kruger. Dunning-Kruger is alive and well in this country like I've never seen. Rob has a question here. I want to quickly ask about blood types. Rob, go ahead, buddy. Yeah. Hey, I'm just curious. A friend told me that, uh, there's a correlation between blood type and COVID
Starting point is 00:55:32 symptom severity. Is that true? Yeah. There was a study probably four months ago that, uh, isolated six genetic regions that were associated with some of these inflammatory reactions. And one of them, uh, was related to blood typing and they looked a little further into genetic regions that were associated with some of these inflammatory reactions. And one of them was related to blood typing. And they looked a little further into that or these so-called major blood types.
Starting point is 00:55:58 And they found that people with type O maybe had a little less complication and type A had more complication. So I'm not convinced by the type O's part because that's such a common blood type but the fact that type A might have a little tougher time of it that that could be that could be okay great thanks doc you bet Rob uh let's see somebody on on remember the nurse that fell down after she got her vaccine yes first thought And her first thought was, oh, she hates needles or whatever. Yes. So everybody wants you to clarify. I don't know details about that case. Does somebody have some information they'd like me to know? She didn't like pain.
Starting point is 00:56:33 She faints from pain, somebody said. Right. I heard all kinds of things. I have no direct knowledge. I don't feel comfortable talking about it because I have no direct lined information on her except the usual stuff. People faint after needles, whether it's a blood draw or a vaccination or whatever. They faint all the time. It happens all the time. You'd be surprised how often it happens.
Starting point is 00:56:55 Now, whether she knew she had that reaction or how often she had it, I don't really have the details. I've heard rumors. She should have been not filmed. She should have been lying down for a while afterwards. Or just laying down when she got the shot. So she wouldn't fall down. You know, some people have a delayed reaction. You know what I mean? And so.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Yeah, but then it's, it's the shot. No, it's not the shot. It's literally the shot, but not the vaccine. I had people come and say, I want to post this on Locals, but we're not sure you would like it. I said, well, oh, does she hate shots? Is that the problem? And they went, oh, I don't know. Maybe. I like the way Kayla puts a little picture of you up there when you're
Starting point is 00:57:27 happy birthday uh joe that is a very well photoshopped just so you know hey happy birthday susan thank you that's what i'm talking about hey drew uh i listen to you. Unfortunately, you're not on every day with Adam anymore. And I could touch on and ask you questions about a bunch of things. I'm a teacher in an inner city, man. I'll tell you. But, um, I've had a kid overdose, uh, that I coach in football in the suburbs. Um, and that, that was probably the hardest thing I've survived just about everything you guys had just talked about. But, but I just get confused. My brother was an officer in Oakland and he retired. He moved to Arizona. And now he's seeing the same things going on in Arizona politically. So all the Californians are showing up, bringing their ideas with them? Yes. They're voting for everything. I was going to retire with my brother. I'm, I'm 40, 48 years old. And, um, I just, you know, both my parents are 82 and they live here, unfortunately, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:58:54 I'm, I'm jumping all around. I apologize because, you know, your, your discussion spurs so many thoughts in my head and you, you have educated me so much on this and I really appreciate it. It is my privilege. Joe, the fact that you're thinking is what I appreciate. I just want you thinking about all these things. You, you take the information that we've discussed and make it your own. You, you decide what to do with all this stuff. That's great news to me. Right. Well, I, I, my master's is in economics and political science. And, uh, I'm also, you know, I'm a football coach and I know you guys, I know you played football and such. Um, but, uh, my, my, I, my real question is, I get the differing reports on six feet or a mask. What is it?
Starting point is 00:59:54 To me, it doesn't make sense. If it does, if you think about it this way, we should be doing the things we can do to reduce risk. What I find bizarre is that we become single-minded with the mask and the distancing. There are, I'm going to begin talking, here, it's here, it's right here. There are things you can rinse your mouth out with a beta-9 solution. I do this twice a day, and this reduces risk. You can use xylitol with a beta-ion solution. I do this twice a day. And this reduces risk. You can use xylitol nasal spray.
Starting point is 01:00:29 That reduces risk. You can use saline nasal sprays. You can do... I can't even think of all the things. There's all these things you could be doing that can further mitigate risk. And I'm for all of it. I think we should do everything that could possibly work. The zinc.
Starting point is 01:00:40 These things may add up. But to only focus on this one thing is, I think, what's getting people kind of upset because the data is variable on how effective and how much and how draconian we should be with the recommendation. We should begin using everything at our disposal. We should be using all kinds of things. There's a lot of this. One thing this virus has done. Oh, my wand. I use UVC light. at our disposal. We should be using all kinds of things. There's a lot of this, this one thing, this virus has done. Oh, my wand. I've got, I use UVC light. I carry it with me wherever I go. This is a UVC light. And yeah, I do. And I use it all the time and it's changed my behavior. And I,
Starting point is 01:01:16 I mount wash my mouth off and I, you know, I do things because I think, eh, this stuff might work. I'm not totally convinced, nor am I totally convinced that mask or distancing is the answer. But it's stuff that helps. It's helping. And we should be doing everything that helps until I can get that damn vaccine. I'm so angry that I didn't get that vaccine, my friend. I'm so, so angry. You guys, I'm so incensed that I'm watching 30-year-olds get the vaccine,
Starting point is 01:01:46 and now they're calling me a frontline worker. I don't need the vaccine. I can wait. My parents can't. Right. You know what I mean? And these people in the nursing homes have been pushed back. Well, the nursing homes are getting it.
Starting point is 01:02:01 It's like that whole universal health care thing. Interesting. You know, we're going to let the old people just wither away. Well, it's getting complicated. Thanks, Joe, for the call. I've got to try to get through a couple more calls here, but I appreciate all that support. Okay, hold on here. If I had set up your COVID test, you would have had it.
Starting point is 01:02:23 It's probably true. It's probably true. It's probably true. But believe me, I talk to a lot of people. You got to run it through your people. Caroline, what's going on there? Can't be sneaky. Can I give it to you? Hey, Dr. Drew.
Starting point is 01:02:34 Hi, Caroline. Can I turn it over to you, Susan? I happily would. You should. Oh, happily. But it's your birthday. I was trying to do this for you. I know.
Starting point is 01:02:42 I failed. Well, and then you said you had the appointment on Saturday. And I said, well, why don't you do it? They might run out by Tuesday. So you were, you spent the whole weekend calling. I know you really wanted it. And I was very excited for you. So, but it's okay. You can wait, whatever, like the rest of us, it's not the end of the world. It's not the end of the world. It's just paperwork. You just didn't fill out the right forms and get it to the doctor. They didn't send me the right, they didn't send me the right forms and I begged them to send them to me. It's like dealing with a phone bill.
Starting point is 01:03:08 It sucks. Thank you. Exactly. And it shouldn't be like that. Caroline, what do you got? Hey, happy birthday, Susan. Thank you. Dr. Drew, I was wondering, my husband and I had COVID in late September.
Starting point is 01:03:23 And so we're at the three month mark now, and he has a newborn grandson who was just born this month. And the doctors, you know, told his parents, my stepson and his wife, to not let the baby really around people for the first two months. And so that's generally good policy. You know, it's not a bad idea. Generally, they're very delicate in those first couple months. Was it a premature child? No, no, everything was fine with the birth. So I guess my question really is we're three months out from having COVID.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Are we ever really going to be able to test what our immunity is? Are we just going to kind of have to guess that we're good for six months to a year? How does that work? So I'm going to, I'm going to, I wonder if we could put this study up. Can we put this study up somewhere? It's a study from La Jolla from the Scripps Institute. The article is entitled First Detailed Analysis. Just send me the link and I'll post the link. Okay. First Detailed Analysis of Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2 Bodes Well for COVID-19 Vaccine Development. I'll send the link.
Starting point is 01:04:34 And what they're looking at is the T cell response. Now, this is what we're trying to do with Adetix. And in the new year, we're going to have these measurements where you can tell if you have cellular and or humoral immunity so that's coming your your question was will we be able to measure it yes this thing called the adatex score i will immediately email it to you um but this is a test for that it's a test yeah it's a blood test i just had mine redone actually i got my blood done yesterday. And I hope I'm sending you the right one. Studies suggest COVID survivors. Anyway, I'm going to send you this one anyway.
Starting point is 01:05:14 But this study, which is the one I think I'm sending out, I hope it's the right study, shows that the immunity lasts for a long time. A long time. And there's also studies that show continued cellular immunity 16 years later from SARS-CoV-1. So the expectation is that SARS-2 is going to have a similar kind of spectrum to it. And this study showed very clearly the antibodies go up and they go down. That's always what happens. Then cellular immunity kicks in and sustains. I think you're guaranteed immunity for six months. I say
Starting point is 01:05:52 to people to say less than six months, that's insane to me. I think you're highly likely to have immunity for a year and you may have it well beyond that. The question will come once we have all these blood tests sort of operating over the course of the next year, will you need a booster of some type next year? And that question has yet to be answered. But I think you can feel very confident that right now you're in good shape.
Starting point is 01:06:17 That's my opinion based on currently available information. Okay? So it was really interesting. Yeah, thank you. So can infants get it? And I heard you say earlier that children can't transmit it. How does that work? No, it's not that simple. They don't have the binding site on their respiratory tract, so it's very unlikely for them to get it. They can get it. They don't typically get sick. They almost never die. And they can transmit it, but the degree and the age and how it's, that's still an open question. I will tell you that the
Starting point is 01:06:53 United States is, the European Union has not shut its schools down this entire pandemic, and they have not had transmission. What more do we need? Florida, open, no transmission. So I don't know what more people need. I guess we need scientific study for that. Do we know if any infants have gotten it? I feel confident. I don't know of specific cases, but I think to say that some infants have gotten it is a high
Starting point is 01:07:25 problem. I'm certain that some must have. But getting it at that age, though, I don't know quite what that means. Maybe they just converted. Maybe, I don't know. But I definitely, I like the two months of restriction. I think infants are, I don't know, they make me nervous. So, okay, you guys, I got to wrap this up.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I got to go do the Fox 11 thing. Oh my God, you know who has the cutest baby, though? Gary Smith. He sent me pictures today for my birthday. And thanks, everybody, for the well wishes on my birthday. I really appreciate it. I always love to be on a show. Yeah, I need you guys to help me give her a good birthday because I failed.
Starting point is 01:07:58 It's good. My son is making me potato sauerkraut latkes with sour cream and caviar downstairs for this, and then I'm going to have a drink. Okay. Imagine that. Shocking, isn't it? Yes. Yes, ma'am.
Starting point is 01:08:13 And then we're going to order food because we don't want to mess, well, we already messed up. But they're cooking for me. Good. My kids are all, we have so much food here for the holidays. We're all ready to hunker down and be safe for our Christmas. All right. Well, good.
Starting point is 01:08:29 And tomorrow we have the Christmas sing-along, right? And I got the senior discount at Bristol Farms today. So I bought a bunch of wine. Well done. And then tomorrow I pick up the goose. So we'll be busy. But it was a fun day. Okay, good. Really fun day. All right, good. I'm sorry that I couldn't be more. And it was a fun day. Okay, good.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Really fun day. All right, good. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you. Listen, you're not a failure. This is the system. And you're explaining what poor Leopold has been going through. I know. You know?
Starting point is 01:08:54 I mean, that guy's been in the hospital for 10 days. I'm more concerned with that than I am, you know, me getting to go out to dinner or have your vaccination you'll get your vaccination and in the meantime you'll just stay safe with the rest of us and i'll be okay but you do need the freedom though i can't you have to go back to work i i can't you can't deal with me i can't i can't i mean he's going back on fox 11 tonight everybody he'll be in studio with alex michelson at 7 p 7pm you can go to slash live and see a little more Dr. Drew
Starting point is 01:09:29 chatting it up with his buddy Alex and oh we're going to try to get maybe if there's time give him his gift tonight and tomorrow we're going to have a little zoom party if anybody likes to sing join the members on locals and you can be on the zoom meeting and sing with two Jews at Christmas with Josh Flagg and also Sarah Colom.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Oh, Sarah's in on this too? She's going to come out. She doesn't sing. She said she'd just be an observer and make fun of you. Oh, my gosh. Well, this is going to be interesting. Yeah, and I think I might call Chris Fangioli too. But Heather McDonald can't make it.
Starting point is 01:10:05 But we were going to do this Christmas thing at his house. But unfortunately, we were invited to dinner for Christmas somewhere. And we all got COVID tests, and they were negative. So we have to stay home and just, you know, chill out. Right. Everybody was negative, even the housekeeper. So we're good. I'm bringing her with.
Starting point is 01:10:23 But we're going to celebrate um with the garagos and have a nice dinner and we're all getting uh rapid tested at the door anybody who doesn't who has it needs to go home susan i really have to go so so so uh and merry christmas to everybody. Happy birthday. We'll see you tomorrow for the, not all about me. What time is the singalong? Uh, singalong is at 12 noon Pacific, 3 PM Eastern. Great.
Starting point is 01:10:53 And I think because you said you had to go, somebody tested positive over it at, um, your mom's house. So they had to move some schedules around and, but yes, is it, is that still working for you? Oh yeah. I'm going to, I have to go do go do i'm gonna be the two bears guest in the morning and then i'm gonna do my shows in the afternoon and then you're gonna warm up your ave maria for everyone oh boy so make sure you practice on the way fox tonight okay all right okay it's your birthday i'll do whatever you ask me it's all i want okay done okay. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:11:25 We'll see you tomorrow at noon. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. This is just a reminder that the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care or medical evaluation. This is purely for educational and entertainment purposes. I'm a licensed physician with over 35 years of experience, but this is not a replacement for your personal physician, nor is it medical care. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. a replacement for your personal physician nor is it medical care if you
Starting point is 01:11:45 or someone you know is in immediate danger don't call me call 9-1-1 if you're feeling hopeless or suicidal call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 anytime 24 7 for free support and guidance you can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at slash help

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