Ask Dr. Drew - Salty Cracker: Elon Musk Causes Media Meltdown With This 1 Weird Trick! – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 449

Episode Date: January 26, 2025

Warning: The WHO states that hailing cabs or petting dogs may put you at risk of fascism. Salty Cracker cannot diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any media meltdowns that result from raising your hand any angle. Salty Cracker is one of the most popular creators on Rumble. He is also the most popular guest on this show, getting more viewers than interviews with celebrities, comedians, and candidates for President. He is the doting husband of Mrs. Salty – AKA The Salt Queen – and can be found online at and at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at  • CBDISTILLERY - Targeted CBD formulations made from the highest quality CLEAN ingredients. No fluff, no fillers - just pure, effective CBD solutions. Use code DREW for 20% off at • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 that's right a little reed today the salt must flow indeed salty cracker comes back again as caleb represents it he's our most popular guest more views than celebrities comedians presidential candidates salty cracker of course he's known mostly as a, oh, there it is. Look at that. Reed is. He's known in most circles as a doting husband of Mrs. Salty, the salt queen, so to speak. Though I've never really heard him identified as the salt king, which is interesting. He must be the consort salt king or just consult salty. He can be found at, also on Rumble Salty Cracker.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Salty Cracker 9 on X and Rumble Salty Cracker. So let's get right to it. I'm excited to bring you a new product, a new supplement, fatty. I take it. I make Susan take it. My whole family takes it. This comes out of, believe it or not, dolphin research. The Navy maintains a fleet of dolphins, and a brilliant veterinarian recognized that these dolphins sometimes developed a syndrome identical to our Alzheimer's disease. Those dolphins were deficient in a particular fatty
Starting point is 00:01:21 acid. She replaced the fatty acid, and they didn't get the Alzheimer's. Humans have the same issue and we are more deficient in this particular fatty acid than ever before. And a simple replacement of this fatty acid called C15 will help us prevent these syndromes. It's published in a recent journal called Metabolites, it's a new nutritional C15, pentadecanoic acid it's called. The deficiency that we are developing for C15 creates something called the cellular fragility syndrome. This is the first nutritional deficiency syndrome to be discovered in 75 years and may be affecting us in many ways and as many as one in three of us. This is an important breakthrough. Take advantage of it. Go to slash drdrew to receive 15% off a 90-day
Starting point is 00:02:12 starter kit subscription, or use code drdrew at checkout for that 15% off, or just go to our website, slash fatty15. I'm telling you, the salt must flow. It must flow. Bring in salty cracker, if you will. Hey, my friend. How you been? Pretty good. How you doing?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Good. So a lot, you might have been put on notice that a lot happened in the world. There's a lot of things changing. I'd be curious to sort of get your 30,000 foot view on the world such as it is. And it's changed a lot in a very short period of time. How are you feeling about it? Well,
Starting point is 00:02:56 there's this weird world that we live in where in your physical reality, you're probably going to get burned alive if you're in California because we can't figure out how to put water and fire hydrants. But then on the grand scale, I'm watching Donald Trump. He's paying dividends and he's only been in there like three days. And so it's this weird dichotomy of trying to make it through clown world.
Starting point is 00:03:23 So it is indeed clown world. I'll tell you something that's on my mind and bothering me. The thing that has been most disturbing to me about the last eight years, particularly the last four, and I think we kind of talked about this last time, but it becomes increasingly clear as time goes on, that people have been in an hysterical delusional state okay and there's still remnants of it going around he waved his arm he waved his arm the way the nazi
Starting point is 00:03:54 waved his arm nazis waved their arms he must be a nazi that's delusionality that is delusionality okay uh and and you can see it more clearly now because it's so bizarre when they try to foist that on the public. So I have a follow-on to that in terms of my concerns about the right and their delusionality. But first, I want you to talk about how people wave their hand. You better be careful, apparently. Waving your hand is a very dangerous thing to be doing because you might accidentally Hitler. And the left has gone so apoplectic with this. On one hand, it's glorious. On one hand, it's frightening. But at the end of the day, it's a continued manipulation of a large mass of people.
Starting point is 00:04:45 This is a group of people out there who are constantly looking for some sort of perceived boogeyman. When you've got to stop looking for Nazis when you've got poop on your sidewalk in San Francisco. You guys don't have water in your fire hydrants and you're busy looking for Nazis. It's in these people have been saying. Did you see that senator that was attacking some appointee for not being more concerned about how Elon Musk is waving his hands in the air? And I thought to myself, hey, Mr. Senator, there's Taylor Swift with her Nazi salute. Hey, Mr. Senator,
Starting point is 00:05:29 are you aware that your beloved Ukraine did not allow Jews to be citizens until 1991? Are you aware of that? Mr. I'm so concerned about anti-Semitism. Are you concerned about the Ukrainian history and the whole of Delmar? Do you have any knowledge about it, asshole? You know what I mean? Instead of
Starting point is 00:05:45 you should be worried about how people wave their arm. It's really crazy. And I have a test for you. Oh, no. You got a situation where in this country,
Starting point is 00:06:03 and I imagine other places as well, but I'm hyper-focused on this place. I don't care about the rest of the planet. But we've got a situation where the mainstream media press, the legacy media, and these dipshits in Congress like AOC, she's doing the same exact thing. So these people are not trying to have a legitimate conversation. They don't care about Nazis. They're not looking for Nazis. They are revving up their bank accounts by screaming Elon Musk is a Nazi. And they're revving up their base. They're revving up these morons on TikTok and on X in their comment section. And they're getting them to believe that these people are resistance fighters. And they're standing up to Elon Musk. And look, he put his hand up just like that and he's definitely a Nazi.
Starting point is 00:06:47 So give me money and I will fight this man. And so these people like AOC and the like of them and MSNBC and these people who are screaming that Elon Musk is a Nazi, they are willfully manipulating their audience, driving these people deeper into psychosis. Also, they can get more money, more power. And it's going to result in real world violence, by the way. These people that are thinking everybody's a Nazi are going to get physically violent. And they're already
Starting point is 00:07:18 on the social media platforms talking about how they can talk about being violent using secret codes like my cool new winter boots or something like this is the brand new code for tiktok so they can talk about killing billionaires because that's what they're worried about right now instead the the people who are really going to get you killed are the people who are feeding you this nonsense and the people who are running your municipalities into the ground you guys don't have water in the fire hydrants and entire cities go up in flames. Meanwhile, you guys are concerned about Elon Musk and how he waves. Did you see that interview with that
Starting point is 00:07:48 poor woman? She's an attorney that ran up to Newsom and said, why weren't there water in the fire hydrants? I'll put it in the fire hydrant. I'll put it there. Will you put it there? She was so
Starting point is 00:08:03 desperate. She was out of her mind. Fire hydrants were like coffee machines where you put it in the fire hydrant. I'll put it there. Will you put it there? She was so desperate. She was out of her mind. Fire hydrants were like coffee machines where you put water in and it spills back out. It was very odd. I felt so bad for her because she was so desperate. And he's like, I'm on the phone with the president. Well, I actually don't have cell service. But anyway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Yeah. I saw that dude's a psychopath or a sociopath, probably a little bit of both. He's so used to lying to normies. He's like, oh yeah, I'm on the phone right now. And get away from me, pleb. You can see a tonal shift in him, by the way, once he recognizes there's a camera on him.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Because at first he's like, I'm on the phone with him. And then he sees the camera, he goes, oh, hold on a second. I got to pretend to be a human. Go from lizard to human. So i have a little test for you do can you zoom back on me a little bit caleb just a little bit can you tell the difference between this my heart goes out to you and this zeke can you tell the difference can you tell the difference i don't know i'm not sure i'm not sure there is a difference salty cracker i think they're the exact same thing how how pathetic how pathetic have we become as a country as a media landscape that is so pathetic they should be embarrassed and shamed completely of course it's nothing to do with it and by the
Starting point is 00:09:26 way you're mind reading people at the same time i know it's a secret salute you just don't appreciate that it was secret you hear how delusional that is that is effing pathetic yeah there there's a uh there's there's a clip of tim waltzh. And I just reposted that, Caleb, if you want to pull it up. It's on my profile. But it's the same exact movement. My heart. My heart. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:09:52 My heart goes out to you. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for supporting me. And somehow it's been translated to, I'll kill you Jews. I'll kill you. Come in here. I'm a secret Elon Musk Nazi. These people, they want to be made crazy by these these
Starting point is 00:10:06 people who are for the record i i am jewish ukrainian my family was chased out in the hole of domar barely made it over here many were left behind did not fare so well so don't lecture us this patronizing bs stop it stop it it's It's beneath you. It's beneath us. You've got, uh, Disney fired Gina Carano for, for making a statement about the vaccine and the Jewish star. I mean, um, and Disney came out and they said, Oh my God, this is it. I can't believe that you would, you would denigrate or you would, you would, you would de-emphasize the Holocaust. This is, your guys on your side are screaming that
Starting point is 00:10:51 Elon Musk said my heart goes out to you is a secret code that he's a Nazi, but there's not any kickback from people who are saying that type of stuff. AOC has gone on an absolute stupid tirade on all of her social media platforms and she's doubling down.
Starting point is 00:11:06 And she keeps telling everybody that, you know, I don't, I don't rock with anybody who rocks with Elon Musk. He's a Nazi. He did it twice. Look at him. It's with clear emphasis.
Starting point is 00:11:15 And not a single institution is coming out saying you're, you're, you're belittling, you know, world atrocities. They're allowed to get away with that's exactly right you are you are minimizing the horrors and by the way you know the horror is done to our generations it's not limited to germany like i said a whole shit ton went down in
Starting point is 00:11:39 ukraine thank you to stalin and there have been multiple horrors perpetrated upon people of Jewish descent. There just have been. And the most recent circumstance in the 20th century just is the crowning glory of horrific, horrific, how far humans can go in the direction of horror let's make no mistake about it and to try to co-opt it co-opt that history as yours when you have no relationship to it because you can call out mind you can delusionally read somebody's mind for waving their hand a certain way is so diminishing to our history i can't even i can't even i choke on it disgusting i and i for some reason that senator going at that appointee really got to me because i could i knew he didn't know the history and he didn't give a damn okay no they don't care it's all about what can i
Starting point is 00:12:38 what can i drain from this politically right now and nobody that is falling for this is at all concerned with uh his with history or any type of legitimacy of anything they just want they want to be they they want to believe that they're resistance fighters and there's neo-nazis all over the place and there's racist white supremacist meeting to to go get everybody who's left and there's racist white supremacist meeting to go get everybody who's lefty. And there's this attack on gay people and trans people and Elon Musk is a hidden Nazi. And they want to believe this reality. These people who voted for Kamala Harris, these people who are on TikTok, and you can see they're mentally insane.
Starting point is 00:13:20 It's physically manifesting in these people. You could see it. They've got all types of piercings through their face, and they're shaving their head on purpose, and they're purposely making themselves or maybe the physical manifestation of their inner anger is making them look ugly. And they're completely unstable. And they're the ones who are right now foaming at the mouth, screaming. Everybody who's on X is now supporting the literal neo-Nazi. And they love this. And to be fair, and to be fair, I absolutely
Starting point is 00:13:50 defend their right to do so, categorically defend their right to do so. Let's not be other than firm in response to it. They're entitled to go and say everything they want, but our response needs to be firm and deliberate and call it out.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Yeah, I want to know who's crazy, Drew. You idiots keep yelling and foaming at the mouth and pissing yourself on all of your social media platforms. Please, reinstate TikTok. I want to know who these crazy fuckers are so I can be far, far away from them. And are you getting any
Starting point is 00:14:24 sort of attack? Well, before we get to that let me let me just i'm going to follow up on what uh caleb just put on the screen he put up uh benjamin netanyahu's response to this craziness on he sort of he quoted a i think it's a musk tweet or an x below and you can't really read this it's fair distance from me but it's essentially saying musk is categorically nothing other than supportive of Israel. And now he's going to be called a Zionist, of course, which is the next phase of this. So you can't win.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And that to me, the whole Zionist thing is such an odd thing to me. Zionism was always this sect. It was like a peripheral thing. Now, anybody that supports Israel is a Zionist. That's just weird. I don't know what the world, I'm through the looking glass all the time.
Starting point is 00:15:08 But again, you need to be firm. As I was asking, are you getting attacked anywhere? Pushback? Well, you mean on the stuff that I'm saying? Because that's constant. Yeah. What is the nature of it?
Starting point is 00:15:25 How's it changing? Is it different? Is it more intense? How's it going? It's all the same nonsense. I'm actually a little bit upset because it's usually just random people in the comments section. They're always flipping out, but I never get any of these hit pieces that the rest of you guys
Starting point is 00:15:41 get from Washington Post. I want to grow how come i never get accused by npr you know why because you never talk about vaccines or alternative treatments for covid because that's where that's where the youtube thing just cancels you immediately and uh then people pick up on that and come after you. Yeah, I saw you talking to YouTube on X and YouTube says they're going,
Starting point is 00:16:11 well, we reinstated his videos. I'm like, you reinstated? But you got rid of them in the first place. There's some idiot intern with purple hair and a whole bunch of metal in their face in Silicon Valley saying, Dr. Drew doesn't know what he's talking about. When Dr. Drew's got a track record of being incorrect, you've got a track record of being
Starting point is 00:16:27 mentally ill. Maybe you shut the hell up, YouTube. Now, to be fair, I'm going to push back and say, I don't mind purple hair. I don't mind little stuff in the face or wherever else in your body you want to put it. That's all good me uh that that doesn't that doesn't necessarily mean i think it's the things that come out of your mouth that bother me not how you look well you know you these other people yeah usually usually that's true but i'm going off of the whole rainforest thing you walk through the rainforest and you see a neon green frog you know that thing will fucking kill you same thing with these stupid idiots in san francisco see a neon green frog, you know that thing will fucking kill you. Same thing with these stupid idiots in San Francisco. You got neon
Starting point is 00:17:07 green hair in San Francisco. I'm going to risk being wrong. I'm just going to stay the hell away from you. You should never be in security or intelligence because you should never profile people. Don't ever do that. It's not
Starting point is 00:17:23 appropriate. How dare you? What do you expect to learn from profiling people? I've learned a lot from profiling these weirdos. And I get you. I've been wrong. There's some people in the audience. They're like, hey, I got a nose ring. And I'm willing to throw that baby out with the bathwater, though.
Starting point is 00:17:41 For now. We'll see how it turns out. So I see. I see. You're willing. But I'm sure, I mean, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:48 you must get as many people that look pierced up as elderly Asian females attacking you, right? I mean, how can you possibly profile? My grandma's got a tongue piercing. It's pretty consistent.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Caleb, where do we stand with YouTube these days? Can we talk about that? I'm anxious to be in there. I'm anxious to do their bidding. I'm anxious to be a team player with the team YouTube, for the record. Things are being developed behind the scenes right now. We're trying to make things better, not just for us, but for everybody on the platform.
Starting point is 00:18:35 There's a door that has been opened, and we want to see what's behind that door. We haven't hated YouTube this whole time. We've always wanted to just be like, hey guys, do you realize you're screwing things up over here? Do you realize this is obviously broken when you have a person who is not a physician telling three
Starting point is 00:18:51 physicians on screen, you're wrong? Can you guys just put these two facts together and realize something's up here when we show all this misinformation that's still there, still monetized and yet you're taking down Dr. Drew and threatening us all the time. It really kind of takes Elon Musk
Starting point is 00:19:07 speaking up and CCing the CEO of Google being like, hey dude, what's happening here? You're banning Dr. Drew for the sixth time? So I have high hopes for us making some changes here. He is doing God's work, but I've never heard such cryptic messaging
Starting point is 00:19:23 as whatever it was he just said about opening a door. And I'm fearful of the paranoid reactions we're going to get online. Yeah, I don't want to say more than that. But also praise Rumble and praise X for defending us. For the record, I harbor no, I harbor, listen, I don't know how you feel, Mr. Cracker, or is it, by the way, is it consort cracker?
Starting point is 00:19:48 Because I've always known this as the queen salty, cream cracker salt, whatever the queen's name is, but I've never heard the king of salt. I'll be the consort of salt. Yeah. Consult. Consult. I like that. I'm not very comfortable. Yeah. Consult. Consult. Yeah. Consult. I like that. But I...
Starting point is 00:20:06 I'm not very comfortable with the Salt King stuff. It just seems... I'll be Salt Kang. Let's do that. Let's go in that direction. You're now... You're getting into cultural appropriation. I'll be very careful.
Starting point is 00:20:24 So... So I actually harbor no ill towards YouTube or anybody else, provided that they... I just want everybody who's made a mistake to go, you know what, maybe we overreacted, maybe we went too far with these things. Apology, doesn't have to be a rigorous apology. We're going to correct it.
Starting point is 00:20:43 And I hold that to be true of everybody. Everybody who's starting to wake up and go, wow, I was really kind of harsh to people and I attacked you or salty or whatever. And I was in a state at the time and I'll have to look at myself. Because the people that got themselves in those states who think they would be the Nazi killers in 1939, I keep saying this over and over again, in fact, would be the prison guards in 1939. That's what they've shown themselves. If you reported neighbors for having barbecues,
Starting point is 00:21:15 if you told somebody to mask up between bites, that is irrational, insane behavior. And you were hypnotized and you were part of the hysteria and you are prone to that. You need to know that about yourself, apologize, and take corrective action. Yeah, and I think that the only way that we're going to get there is if there is some sort of full acknowledgement that these are information weapons systems. A few years ago, you had every single one of these people from these institutions, Google, Apple, Oracle, Facebook, Twitter 1.0. They all sat there in Congress.
Starting point is 00:21:51 They all told everybody that they weren't manipulating the algorithm, that they weren't trying to stifle political views. And not a single one of those people have been held accountable for their perjury considering that's completely erroneous there's no aspect of that that is that that is true and this has all been laid out in court cases there's nobody even saying that this at this point and so these people need to be held accountable and i wonder if that's kind of why they're all trying to rub up against trump right now so they don't want to be held it would be very easy to hold these places accountable the problem is that they've got more power in Silicon Valley
Starting point is 00:22:27 than Washington, D.C. has power to regulate them at this point. But we're going to continue seeing institutions like YouTube, again, they'll leave the mad out. The mad out clip is still up. The mad out clip is still running ads right now where she told everybody that this thing's 100% safe, it's 100%
Starting point is 00:22:44 effective, and if you take it, you won't get sick and you won't spread it. You deviate from that with correct information and to this day in 2025, they will still give Dr. Drew a strike. That's a big problem. I feel Caleb out there wanting to
Starting point is 00:23:02 keep his campaign going. Caleb, there it is. Do you want to comment on what Salty just said? Yes. So this is my, I wonder if now that the Biden administration is out, that the threat that's been in their side is also out and that they may want to correct some bad actions they've been taking. Because if you notice, X was the leader. Rumble, of course, was actually the leader.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Then X came along. Now Facebook is paying tribute. Amazon is paying tribute. Microsoft is paying tribute. And then you had the CEO of Google also up there, right behind Trump. Up there. That is something that would not have happened four to eight years ago. That never would have happened. And I just wonder if they're...
Starting point is 00:23:46 You know how it's like, it seems like a lot of... During COVID, remember how a lot of companies, they just said, well, we defer to the CDC. It's not us forcing you to get vaccinated. It's we're just following the law and our lawyers are making us do it. Maybe around the same, in that same mindset of, okay,
Starting point is 00:24:02 yeah, you guys should have stood up and been a bit braver, but in a corporation, maybe this is their out maybe they've been wanting to get out of this craziness for a while and maybe this is their way of i don't know maybe i just have too too high of hopes from my fellow human being but that's kind of the stance i'm going with as we're communicating with youtube trying to fix this yeah i i agree with you and uh the the question though becomes salty are they true believers because that culture at youtube is pretty uh pretty wrapped up in some uh progressive ideas and have been true and it'd be hard for them i would think to admit their excesses no that's a good point the the they they have for probably a decade plus only hired the people who used the the uh college woke terms and so they
Starting point is 00:24:56 they are probably again this is why elon musk had to fire 80 what i think 80 of of uh x fired 80 like the first uh 48 hours uh you got a clean house and youtube's not interested in that's a elon musk other than being a nazi is to fire 80 of a staff and keep the place up and running is a incredible feat and youtube's not interested in doing that so uh you know, I don't know. I just know that they are, in 2025, what was the, we're talking about vaccines? They gave you a strike against, for talking about vaccines still? Like, I don't know. Don't we even understand what the rules are?
Starting point is 00:25:39 Yes, the answer is yes. We were talking about, I talked to a physician. What was Kelly saying, do you remember? She didn't like the fact that they were called vaccines. She just is very, I don't remember exactly what her point was. I talked to an attorney also. We talked about people under 50 getting sick from it.
Starting point is 00:25:58 We probably said that people get myocarditis. The mandates are only harming young people. They didn't need it. That's people. They didn't need it. That's right. They didn't need it. Is that the real tragedy with this, Drew, is that the vast majority of the people who've been injured are young, healthy people, people who are under the age of 50 who had fundamentally zero risk from COVID itself. They all got COVID.
Starting point is 00:26:28 96%, 98% of the population has documented and well known that they had COVID. Okay. These are people who would have done this. That's what we got dinged for. If they just. That's it. And,
Starting point is 00:26:39 and we got dinged. I was talking to an attorney who was representing an injured patient. Actually, that was, you were talking to the EMT who had a troll army. Oh, was that what that was? Yeah, and then they probably complained to YouTube. No, but they canceled the lawyer thing where he said,
Starting point is 00:26:54 500,000 people have died of these vaccines. And I was like, I don't know. But in any event, that's it. He said that, and that was enough to cancel the page. And that was a good attorney representing an injured patient. There it is. There it is. Let's not play it. a good attorney representing an injured patient. There it is. There it is. Let's not play it.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I don't want to risk getting, there it is, halfway. I don't want to risk getting taken down again for that one. But the interesting thing to me, we're going to take a little break here in a second. You mentioned the way they've been hiring up at Google. The same thing is true out here in Hollywood
Starting point is 00:27:27 where people were in these bubbles where they were supporting each other's point of view until their houses burned down. There has been a massive shift out here that I keep hearing about on a daily basis where people are, what the hell? What have we got? They're just waking up to the fact
Starting point is 00:27:45 that they've put people in positions of authority who do not govern. They do anything but govern. And they're waking up to it. And I'm wondering if something's going to happen up north here in California to wake that group up, then things will really change. Yeah, I hope so. I think...
Starting point is 00:28:04 I mean, what bigger wake-up call do you need than i know i keep coming back to this and people maybe if you're not in this area but that there was no water in the fire hydrants and then they lied about it and they called the people who were talking about no water in the fire hydrants they called them conspiracy theorists they try to shut it down because not only is it incredibly embarrassing and dangerous because you killed a bunch of people with this nonsense, but it wakes people up. It shakes them out of their woke coma. You idiots. This entire fire department was running.
Starting point is 00:28:37 They were at every single pride parade. They were doing interviews telling you about this fire chief's sexual orientation. I don't care chief's sexual orientation. I don't care about your sexual orientation. You're more focused on promoting this person's genitals than you are making sure that there's pressure and water in the fucking hydrants. This place went up in flames like this. And you had 21 firefighters weeks before at a city council meeting telling everybody exactly what was going to happen. And nobody's been arrested for this, Drew. Nobody's even resigned. One chick got
Starting point is 00:29:07 fired because she attacked the diversity mayor. But people should be arrested. This is gross negligence and it costs people their lives. And billions of dollars worth of data. They have, these elected officials have qualified immunity. They don't have to worry about it. They just go
Starting point is 00:29:23 right on to the next thing. No, they said Trump has that immunity. They don't have to worry about it. They just go right on to the next thing. I need more. No, they said Trump doesn't have immunity. They said the president doesn't have immunity. So we're not playing this game. You said if Trump
Starting point is 00:29:33 doesn't have immunity, that only the local mayor has immunity? No. I reject that, Drew. Let's change some rules. Well, I'm all for that because I don't think
Starting point is 00:29:45 until they got out from under that veil of protection that they're not going to care about the consequences of what they're doing unless they too suffer the consequences of it. Yeah, and by the way,
Starting point is 00:29:56 I think it was Bill Maher that pointed out it wasn't just that the fire hydrants were empty. A lot of them had been stolen for scrap. They didn't exist and no one bothered
Starting point is 00:30:04 to replace them. So let's take a little break on that note. We're here with Salty Cracker. Let me give you all the places you can find them. I believe it's Salty Cracker 9 on X. It is Salty Rumble, Salty Cracker,, and just Salty Cracker Rumble again. So check them all out in all those places.
Starting point is 00:30:25 And of course, one of our favorite guests, we'll be right back with more Flowing Salt after this. The wellness company knows that taking charge of your family's healthcare is a top priority and being rationally ready, and who knows what the future will hold for us. Now TWC has a service to cover your family's medical needs, including and especially prevention. For just $100 a month, the One Wellness Elite membership
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Starting point is 00:31:43 What? Well, as you know, Susan and I just became grandparents for the first time. We have the baby picture in there. And let me tell you, our Paleo Valley habits. Oh, there I am with the baby and my son. We're thrilled. And the Paleo Valley supplements, the beef sticks and the bone. I've been drinking the bone broth like crazy lately. 30 hours of labor to produce this young lady.
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Starting point is 00:33:21 maybe it is time to try something different, CBD from CB Distillery. And we have a 20% discount. We get started at and use the code Drew for 20% off. That is Code Drew, All right, let's get Salty Cracker back in here and continue our conversation.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Not code blue, code Drew. I said code blue? No. Oh, okay. But I want people to remember that code. Perfect. Code blue. Yeah, Caleb's got to move me over here.
Starting point is 00:33:54 So Mr. Cracker, one of the things I'm worried about now, I was trying to get to this point during our first part of our conversation here. So what has disturbed me, as I said, was this delusional thinking, delusionality and hysteria. It really is disturbing. It's how mass formation gets going. It's sort of the underpinning of mass formation. It's how true believers get swept into their hypnotic trance. They become hysterical.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Purely, clearly people on one side of the aisle are having difficulty breaking free of their delusions. That's what we were talking about with how humans wave their hand in the air and reading their minds delusionally about the content of what that means. But my fear is that we're going to see something similar on the right. So see, for me, my concern is excess. The excess in this country built off hysteria and delusionality
Starting point is 00:34:57 is so pervasive. It's so spectacular. I think it's been simmering on the right under the sort of umbrella of paranoia. It's been like a lot of conspiracy theory and this kind of thing. And it's sort of breaking into the mainstream with this enthusiasm that President Trump is sweeping in with. And my fear is some delusionality is going to creep in there too. And I'm seeing it start to happen on the health and food front.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And I'm kind of worried about it. I think one thing we don't want to do is do the same thing. Well, my concern is that yet people, I'm concerned that people think that this is going to fix everything, that Donald Trump is just going to be able to take care of everything and everything's going to be great now. All the problems, all the ills are going to be fixed. I don't think that's true at all. But what are you concerned about with the food aspect? You know, I just, like, all right, let me be perfectly honest.
Starting point is 00:36:04 I've interviewed, I've met Kaylee Means, and I've, or I forget their name, which is the sister and the brother. I've met them both, and I've interviewed the brother. And I was very impressed with him, and he had some really good points, and I think he's moving an important agenda forward. And then I see people sort of starting to attack him, And where'd he come from? And who is this guy? What's he up to? And it's like, if you really want to know, let's sit him down for an interview
Starting point is 00:36:31 and let's ask him. Let's not get spun into hysteria about him. That already is kind of has a hysterical, it may not get all the way there, but it has a hysterical quality to it. To raise issues, fine. Let's find out where'd he come from? What is it motivated? It looks a little suspicious. We it. To raise issues, fine. Let's find out. Where did it come from?
Starting point is 00:36:45 What is it motivated? It looks a little suspicious. We're concerned about it. Ask him. Let people explain themselves. Part of the disturbing part about delusions are that people were not given the opportunity to respond or defend themselves. They're just Nazis. That's it.
Starting point is 00:37:01 I can read your mind. I know you are. That is not okay yeah so are you talking kind of like a because i've seen this on some um some other shows where people are talking about this rising uh like a woke right where where people are if you're not a hundred percent that's a subdivision yeah that's a sub that's a subcategory that's another category i'm just seeing it pop up here and there it's nowhere near as intense and pervasive because the media isn't isn't promoting it but but alternative media is a little bit and to be fair
Starting point is 00:37:37 this is a kind of becoming a more powerful media landscape and yet it doesn't seem a landscape because it's so fragmented it doesn't seem to be able to create kind of delusions that the mainstream media is very capable of doing yeah i don't think it's as i don't think the the the weaponization of it is as focused as it is when it when it comes to legacy media media press for sure not yet at least yeah i agree i agree but but it's flying around. And I just want us all, I don't know, I just don't want to see people screw this up by being as excessive and emotional and hysterical as other sides have been. And as you said, you were explaining to me in the last half hour that it's kind of a money grab, that you feel it's motivated as a way of fundraising or something, which is something I did not,
Starting point is 00:38:27 never really thought of before. Yeah, so right now, AOC is getting a lot of clicks and a lot of views. And as she doubles down on stupidity, and there's no way that she thinks that Elon Musk is a Nazi. There's just no,
Starting point is 00:38:43 listen, a lot of people, and I'm guilty of this. Careful, careful, Salty. I think these people do believe these things. That's why I call it delusions. But part of a delusion is a false belief and that they can't be talked out of. That's a delusion.
Starting point is 00:38:59 And I really think that they may deny it one day because they couldn't believe they could have a delusional belief but but i think this is delusion i really do that i you know that frightens the hell out of me drill yes it's good i'm um this my gut revolts thinking that these people are legitimately buying? So maybe my brain is trying to save me. And it just seems that- Listen, I first came upon this about, I guess about eight years ago. I had a friend standing in my kitchen.
Starting point is 00:39:35 He goes, he says to me, he goes, I think I'm going to get some, I'm going to organize and we're going to go kill some Nazis. And I went, what are you talking about? And he goes, why would that be wrong? I'm just going to go kill Nazis. I know who the Nazis are and we should be killing them. And I was like, if you are serious, if we are there, we're fucked. If that's actually, and he was absolutely serious, defended it, was not in any way hyperbolic. It's just, no, this is the right thing to do. Why would you question me? This is what we need to do.
Starting point is 00:40:09 And I thought, oh my God, that was eight years ago. And things have gotten a lot worse since. And when you really study mass formation, what you find is people are true believers. There's a book called The True Believer. I suggest you read it. There's a certain profile of the people that succumb to this stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:24 And once they believe it, they believe it. Now, whether or not they stay with it and what it takes to break them of the delusion, usually it takes medication, but whatever, I don't know what it's going to take. Lobotomy. So
Starting point is 00:40:39 if that's the case, the situation is still, the way that our society is operating. Even if AOC is a true believer, she is monetarily incentivized to double down, triple down, quadruple down. She is getting all the attention that she wants and more. And a percentage of that will trickle down to her. Again, you've got a multimillion-dollar public servant socialist selling eat-the-rich shirts. So she'll sell more of those, and she'll get more political contributions, and she will continue to grow her ill-gotten power.
Starting point is 00:41:20 And so she and the rest of these lunatics are incentivized to continue prolonging this mass formation psychosis. And they will. Yes, they're incentivized. I agree. I agree on both fronts. They're incentivized and they will. You've also been talking lately a bit about immigration and that whole situation. What's on your radar?
Starting point is 00:41:43 It's the same thing. It's always this manipulation of linguistics with these cultural Marxists on the other side. Elon Musk is a Nazi and Donald Trump is going to round up your immigrant mom. That's not what's happening.
Starting point is 00:42:00 There is a clear legal distinction between an illegal alien and a legal migrant. And they are blurring this because they get more money, more power, more sales by scaring the shit out of these crazy people. And scaring crazy people is going to make them violent. You've already seen this. These hotbeds of these areas that want to go hunt Nazis, perceived Nazis all over the place. You've got a banner of rainbow flags all over the place and fecal matter on the
Starting point is 00:42:29 ground. Those places are insane. Nobody is setting up shop. You've got everybody leaving those areas because those people are a concentrated group of mentally ill goofballs, weaponized again by this hysteria that these people are pushing. Donald Trump was elected to enforce our border. We are going after illegal aliens. First of all, we're going after illegal alien criminals first. We've even separated into that category. You've got to commit a third crime to get kicked out of this place at this point. And they're still kicking back.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Idiots keep kicking back, by the way, because normal Americans are watching you stand up and try to protect criminals, like violent rapists, criminal illegal aliens, and this will backfire bigly. Oh, really? Tell me about that. Well, they had all of the media capital in the world to drape Trump as a Nazi, drape Trump's followers as a Nazi. Nobody, everybody was afraid to support this man. People were afraid to be Trump's lawyers. People were afraid to go to Trump rallies. People were afraid to perform at Trump rallies.
Starting point is 00:43:37 People disassociated with the man out of fear and retribution from the legacy media. Well, that shit's been busted. And now you got people who have called Donald Trump a racist Nazi and shot an effigy of him in a rap video, singing at his inauguration. We have broken the bulwark of this. And you are going to see more and more and more normal people snapping out of this haze. A lot of politically agnostic individuals, people who want to just skate through life without getting involved in politics, are starting to recognize you don't have a choice. It's at your door. Your cities are burning down because they're more focused on genitalia than water. Your crime is through the roof. While they
Starting point is 00:44:19 tell you crime is down, you know full well that crime is through the roof. Every house on my block now has multiple cameras all the way around it. All the way around. You used to be able to drive through a bad neighborhood and go, this is probably a bad neighborhood because there's bars on every window. Well, the new bars are on campus all over the place. And they've turned every place, every place into a shithole in these Democrat-run places like the Bay Area. And so, normies are watching this. This is how Donald, I'm absolutely convinced. This was a rigged election, and Donald Trump still won.
Starting point is 00:44:53 He had 99% negative press from the legacy media. Still won. They had the intelligence community, retired intelligence community attacking this dude. He still won. A rigged election, Dr. Drew, and we community attacking this dude. He still won a rigged election, Dr. Drew.
Starting point is 00:45:06 And we still overcame it. That's because people are waking up in the road. You can try to gaslight people as much as you want. You can say all the stupid propaganda that you want, but when you have to buy cameras for your house, when your car is constantly broken into, when the groceries are 500 bucks every other day, there ain't no amount of propaganda
Starting point is 00:45:25 that's going to overcome any of that. And I think we're seeing kind of the fruits of our labor. Your house burns down. Yeah. I mean, your house burns down. That's the one that seems to get everyone's attention remarkably. Do you have any comments about the Episcopal Bishop
Starting point is 00:45:41 who scolded the new administration in the inauguration ceremonies? Yeah, it's the, you take a political activist pretending to be a bishop and espouses their political sermon and then gets to play victim when people say, hey, what are you doing with a political sermon? This notion that Jesus would have opened up the borders and Jesus would have
Starting point is 00:46:17 been fine with criminals and Jesus wants you to, again, protect the LGBTQ community. It's still meant to reinforce this idea that these are all places that are under attack. Your legal immigrant communities are not under attack. Nobody's rounding up gay people. We just want enforced borders, which any sane place wants, and we don't want people of any sexual orientation talking to small children about sex behind parents' back, whether you're gay, whether you're straight. We got a problem with that. And the fact that this community perceives themselves to be solely targeted when we don't
Starting point is 00:47:00 want adults talking to people's kids about sex. I think you need to look inward with your community if you feel targeted or isolated with that type of stuff. Don't come at me. Don't lecture me. I'm not taking a lecture from any of these people at this point, whether you're a bishop, whether you're a house rep, whether you're a mayor. My side over here won an election.
Starting point is 00:47:21 There is a clear mandate from the american people despite all odds again you had all of hollywood all legacy media all print media every single sports ball player everybody and you still lost you lost all the swing states every single county in this country moved right you fucking lost don't lecture us now i'm i'm just looking up uh the one thing that the bishop pointed out there the bishop pointed out was uh all the undocumented workers illegal immigrants um that are in the fields working in California. So it's interesting. Apparently about 80% of them are here in California, okay?
Starting point is 00:48:15 And that they represent about a third of farm workers. Now, first of all, there's two thirds of farm workers that are citizens, right? And I'm wondering if they have an opinion about this. No one's ever asked them, right? I mean, I've never heard the citizen. Most, they are not. When the bishop characterized illegal immigrants as the people working in our fields,
Starting point is 00:48:38 they're a segment, they're a piece of works in our fields in a sanctuary state where they were encouraged to come up here and take these jobs i'm wondering if other people have feelings about that that's all i i don't know is does anybody feel those jobs were taken from them i mean two-thirds of the farm workers are are citizens did they that their sons or daughters not get the jobs because illegal immigrants or do the and of course you're not allowed to ask in this state who is here legal or not so they might not even know so i i just i i worry about the characterization of the poor suffering farm worker i i just would like to know more about that it's never really investigated do you have any thoughts about that
Starting point is 00:49:19 yeah no everybody's poor and suffering in this economy over here i i don't want i like getting a lecture from a um from a bishop about all these these poor these poor migrants first of all the migrants are fine uh you're you're trying to confuse people but there's a difference between migrants and illegal aliens and uh i think jesus would probably have a problem with individuals being manipulated for their labor or you're importing cheap labor. If you're over here as an illegal alien and you're working in one of these farms, it's because you're cheap labor
Starting point is 00:49:57 and you're being exploited. That was never brought up. Of course, of course, there's that. Although I don't know if that's happening because nobody investigates this really what is actually going on in the farmlands here in California. But the immigrants that people are concerned about are not the people working the farms, they're the people that we are supporting in hotels and apartments throughout urban centers. That illegally, they're here illegally. That seems to me to be the group that people are
Starting point is 00:50:24 actually focused on, particularly those that, as as you said are committing a second and third crime above and beyond coming into the country illegally yeah well i so you're starting to see this today um they started deporting people immediately three days ago we're now getting ice listen the department of ice you need to put streaming cameras on your officers and get a rumble page and you guys will be making you guys will be so we won't have to pay taxes you guys can just generate your own revenue and they're arrested these are criminals right so they got this dude um they're throwing he's a hate an illegal alien haitian they're throwing him into the back and he's screaming, F you Trump, F you, F you.
Starting point is 00:51:07 And the voiceover is like, he's been here illegally and he's, I can't remember which one it says, so allegedly raped somebody or allegedly murdered somebody, but he's committed a very serious crime. And then the clip, it's a Fox News clip. It goes on and on, arresting all of these dudes. they have all been caught robbing, committing violent crimes, and these places release them, the sanctuary cities catch them as violent criminals
Starting point is 00:51:34 who are here illegally and then re-release them. They ignore the ICE detainer. These are the people that are being kicked out right now. And Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC, those ugly chicks on The View are all screaming, oh my God, leave my poor migrants alone.
Starting point is 00:51:52 These people, all of them, are aiding and abetting illegal alien violent criminals at our peril. These are all rich people who live in the hills. We are the ones who are going to pay the prices. Those of us who are not behind gated communities, those of us who don't have private security, their virtue signaling, their woke anomics, their woke policies are getting people killed. Again, this is how Donald Trump won a rigged election against him. Normal people are
Starting point is 00:52:24 watching this and they're cheering it. So you guys keep being mad that we're deporting people. Marco Rubio went on Face the Nation with that other ugly chick and said, yeah, we're going to deport people. She goes, you're going to deport people? It's like so many people. You're going to deport them? He goes, yeah, we're going to use the military to deport them. Because she thinks that the main populace of this country is on her side because she's stupid. No, the average American doesn't want illegal alien criminals in their country. And these people are operating off of social media where people are virtue singling.
Starting point is 00:52:55 Now, behind closed doors, even in the most lefty of places, I imagine, nobody wants to be brutalized by an illegal alien Venezuelan eating a dog. Are you familiar with Rob Henderson's sort of a concept of luxury beliefs? That the people that have these beliefs are always elite, moneyed, separate, aren't living in or never lived amongst or never came from these groups that they claim to be representing. Well, did you see Julia Roberts the other day? So she was lamenting the fact that people were, and again, atrocious human beings. They were burglarizing burned down houses
Starting point is 00:53:39 in the Palisades. And then you go look at her social media history and she's like, oh my God, I love BLM. It's totally fine that they're rioting. It's totally fine that they're looting the Target. It's totally fine that they're doing it because they're doing it for civil rights. Don't be a racist.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Well, that kind of normalizing of criminality has now hit your neighborhood. And now she's upset. Now she wants these people arrested. Now she doesn't like looting. Now she doesn't like people being burglarized. Remember what they were saying during BLM? They were saying, well, it's just property.
Starting point is 00:54:09 It's just money. It's just property. They're insured. It's like, okay, well, now it's just your property. Is that okay? They didn't kill you. They didn't hurt you. They just came after your property.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Is that all right with you? Any thoughts on this birthright citizenship situation? Just that it's ridiculous to me that anybody who is remotely sane could look at this and say, we've got borders. And before you guys destroyed everything, we had border enforcement and and before you guys destroyed everything, we had border enforcement, and it used to be illegal to break into a place. But then at the same time say, by the way, if you break into this place,
Starting point is 00:54:54 we'll give you the high prize of citizenship. Nobody is creating a country like that. To positively reinforce people to break your laws is something that's stupid. And so the, the Supreme court of what, 18, what,
Starting point is 00:55:11 1878 or wherever that, that, uh, the, the, they're using right now, the 14th amendment clearly misinterpreted. The,
Starting point is 00:55:18 uh, the amendment is not saying, Hey, don't break in. The country's got rules about breaking into it, but break into it and we'll give you citizenship. That's insane. You have to be an insane person to believe that.
Starting point is 00:55:31 So do you think this is going to go to the Supreme Court for them to reinterpret it? Yeah, I think it will. So they've already sued. So he did an executive order. They've already sued to stop it. It will go through the process. It will make it to the Supreme Court.
Starting point is 00:55:45 And then when it gets to the Supreme Court, I'm hoping that there's sanity up there. But boy, we got a real mixed bag up there. And I wouldn't be surprised. I would be shocked if they said, no, listen, you can't break into this place. I'd be shocked with that. You'd be shocked if it was pure rationality. Yeah, I would. I would.
Starting point is 00:56:08 I think that those people are under a tremendous amount of threat. And I'm not talking about from just normal people being upset with them. I'm talking about... Justice Scalia died of a heart attack at a ranch with a pillow over his face. And I'm sitting there going, huh, seems like a message being sent. Maybe I'm watching too many Godfather movies. But I imagine you've got such a concentration of power
Starting point is 00:56:35 amongst such a small group of humans. It's not logical for me to think that that wouldn't be a vector of attack for a larger group of bad people. And so the immigration invasion of Western civilization is clearly a larger plan. And if you get rid of birthright citizenship, if you lock up the border, I think people of multi-national places are going to be very upset with that. And I think pressure will be put on nine individuals. You don't even have to pressure nine of them.
Starting point is 00:57:12 You only got pressure like two of them. So what I've been railing on is the delusionality, the lack of common sense that that creates. But at the same time, I think the one thing that has swept in in the last few weeks has been what I would call a more common sense, an awareness of our need for common sense, even if it pertains to having fire hydrants that produce water. We need common sense. We need governance. And so common sense is coming back. That's the one thing I'm very optimistic about.
Starting point is 00:57:49 But as we wrap up, do you have predictions? Is that common sense going to hold? Is it going to create a, you know, well-being for the people of this country? Are we heading in a good direction or is there going to be more up and back and god knows what kind of landmines ahead yeah i think that we're i think we're in for a hell of a four years because the the biggest thing that trump's opposition has tried to do is keep people away from him keep people's schism from him if you uh support trump you're painted, again, they're painting Elon Musk as a Nazi now. And so Donald Trump is making headways with normal people.
Starting point is 00:58:33 And I think just in a big chunk of Generation C, deviating from what their parents told them about Donald Trump. Now, as he's doing that and ratcheting back some of these things that seem like a more global agenda i i i i hate to even say because i don't want to be investigated by the secret service i don't want this at all remotely misinterpreted but if you had assassination attempts on you while you were running for president and nobody at the FBI was fired, nobody at the Secret Service was fired, nobody was held accountable for this, then I imagine that you'll probably get more of those moving forward. So I pray for Donald Trump. I pray for his life and his family out there. But I also imagine that when you've got nothing left to lose
Starting point is 00:59:25 and you're painted into a corner, you've got a very dangerous adversary, and these people ain't got a problem blowing up countries. Let's hope that... Listen, I would love some smooth sailing, but I expect violence, to be honest with you. Well, it'll be interesting when
Starting point is 00:59:41 FBI gets a new leader, when the intelligence community gets a new leader, when the Department of Justice gets a new leader when the intelligence community gets a new leader when the department of justice gets a new leader all of whom are i i like all of them whether it's tulsi or you know you know they're and it's going to be a very interesting group um you know it's funny i just did a um tm tmz speaking of appointees tmz just interviewed me. They were not making a political point. They were very careful not to, but they were pointing out that now the Senate is making a big deal about Peter Hegseth and his relationship with alcohol. So I want to state it here, too, that, look, he may have the genetics for alcoholism. He's not an alcoholic.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Those are two different things. And, yes, he should end his relationship with alcohol. If he should, he'd be appointed relationship with alcohol if he should he be appointed because if he does have that genetic potential, it could progress. And if the Senate needs him to also have an alcohol counselor or something or psychiatrist, whatever, great, have that also.
Starting point is 01:00:34 But I'm going to tell you something. People with the genetics for alcoholism make the best fighter pilots, the best extreme athletes, the greatest warriors. They are exceptional survivors. They are rich with intelligence and creativity. If you start sidelining people with that genetics, you're going to miss out on some of the best people. Just consider Ulysses Grant. He's a classic example of severe alcoholic who was a wonderful president. And there are many others.
Starting point is 01:01:02 I don't want to out people, but I am aware there are many others that were alcoholic and some had some pretty big relapses in the White House. You never knew about it. They did a good job. Let's let the guy with... Nobody with brain disorder should be excluded from leadership positions unless they're really sick, in my humble opinion. So that's my public service announcement for the moment. Any thoughts, Salty? I want candidates that cause the most ruckus from the people who've been trying to ruin our life lately.
Starting point is 01:01:35 So if Rashida Tlaib and AOC and Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff and MSNBC, if all of you guys hate Pete Hanks, then that's good enough for me at this point. I hate to put it so simply. I know that could be very dangerous, but he's upset all the right people as far as I'm concerned. That's a good quality from my perspective. So as Alex Jones says, when you fly into the target, the flack increases. That lets you know you're over the target.
Starting point is 01:02:05 He told me that one time. I thought it was hysterical. And Caleb, what do you just, is that something that's breaking news there you just put up on the screen? Yeah, it was just breaking. We're going to release more. Trump signed an executive order
Starting point is 01:02:16 to release the JFK, RFK, and MLK assassination files. I believe it has, he's given them, I think it's six days to figure it out and 45 days to get it all released. Now, people have said this before. All released. That's what it says in the reports, what his order said. But I think people have tried this before.
Starting point is 01:02:35 The CIA always strangely comes up with a new excuse to overrule the actual sitting president. Let's get Tulsi in there as fast as possible so she can uh keep a keep a lid on that maybe i don't know who knows this guy i i feel for her taking up that position it's going to be wild i suspect all right so uh any other predictions before i wrap this up mr cracker uh no i'm i'm i'm praying for the best preparing for the worst all right in the meantime we'll just react react react it's a reaction drill uh appreciate you being here as always let me quickly check on this rants and see if there's anybody has any questions or anything uh hold on uh they're saying pel Pelosi needs the alcohol counseling.
Starting point is 01:03:25 What about Ms. Vice President Harris? She could look a little suspicious at times. Now that, on a different topic, but now that the election is over, what do you think those drones were? I don't know. It seemed like a great way to whip up a lot of people into fear. The New Jersey, one of those mayors acknowledged that a container of medical waste that was radioactive was missing, so they might have been sniffing for that. But who knows well uh i i trump did say that he knew what it was and that
Starting point is 01:04:10 the administration was creeping a quiet for reasons he didn't understand so let's see if in addition to the jfk files he also releases the information on what those drones were let's let's get that i suspect he will all right, we appreciate you being here. It's all Salty Cracker and Salty Cracker 9 on X,, Salty Cracker on Rumble. It's always a privilege to talk to you. Say hi to your wife for us. We appreciate her setting this all up and giving us your time.
Starting point is 01:04:39 Great. Again, it's an honor to be here, everybody. Thank you so much. See you soon. And we'll look at the upcoming guests. By the way, we have some guests that are not on the schedule. We have Aya May, Australian pop star known for Carmageddon. And we have Dana Lash, Second Amendment for Beginners.
Starting point is 01:04:57 And then we have Peter McCullough coming up on the 30th, a young comedian, Beatrice Rosen, a French and American actress who has been very vocal in France. I picked her up on French radio and I thought, oh, she'd be interesting to talk to. And the LA Times owner, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shong. He is a decorated or well-known transplant surgeon who ended up taking over the LA Times and has been reconsidering some of the decisions he has made. It'd be very interesting. I think he's actually going to come in studio here with us.
Starting point is 01:05:26 I'm very, very, very excited for that one. That that's a, this is a, he's going to be very interesting. I'm going to tell you, I have three basic themes.
Starting point is 01:05:36 A, great to talk to a peer. I'm aware of his, his decorated past as a surgeon. B, I stopped reading your paper when they started writing articles about me because I realized they're all lying sacks of shit
Starting point is 01:05:50 and it is no exception and I will complain about a few people in my name. And then C, is he aware of how distorted things are and is he reconsidering, you know, the sort of how he's running the paper given his unwillingness to his enthusiasm for Karen Bass and now reconsidering, you know, the sort of how he's running the paper, given his unwillingness to his enthusiasm for Karen Bass and now reconsidering that. Those are my basic themes going ahead. We'll see what he has to say about that. I'm actually very interested. Do you have other
Starting point is 01:06:15 questions for him, Caleb? A bunch, but I think from what I've read about him and his recent stuff that he's been doing that you will be, you'll be very pleased. I think that you're going to, you'll like some of the stuff he's been saying that you will be uh you'll be very pleased i think that you're gonna you'll like some of the stuff he's been saying it would be it would be weird that if he he's a very rational guy and it'd be weird if he if he went too far in one direction that he wouldn't have sort of a just chorus and maybe even a maybe he's one of these people that will apologize it'd be very interesting all right so this is what we are here thursday we are going to go down and see our granddaughter tonight, and then we're going to be going to New York,
Starting point is 01:06:47 where we will be broadcasting from all next week. The next time we see you all, I believe, is it Thursday? Can we bring Dr. McCullough in? I think that's right, because we are going to be very, very busy in New York next week, it turns out. So we appreciate your patience with our schedule here in January. And we have a huge backlog of great guests for February that as soon as Emily Barsh schedules up,
Starting point is 01:07:12 I will let you know. We're holding those cards close to our chest for the moment with some really interesting guests coming up. So until next Thursday, we appreciate you all being here and we will see you then. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by caleb nation and susan pinsky as a reminder the discussions here are not a substitute for medical care diagnosis or treatment this show is intended for educational
Starting point is 01:07:35 and informational purposes only i am a licensed physician but i am not a replacement for your personal doctor and i am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. You can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at

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