Ask Dr. Drew - Should We Fear Transhumanism? w/ Tom Renz & Brandon Weichert – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 440
Episode Date: January 5, 2025Tom Renz is an attorney from Ohio conducting ‘Lawfare for Freedom’ by fighting corruption surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic at state and federal levels. Find out more at and ...follow him at Brandon Weichert is a former Congressional staffer and geopolitical analyst who is a contributor at The Washington Times, the Asia Times, and is a 19FortyFive Senior Editor. He is the author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower (Republic Book Publishers), Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life (Encounter Books), and The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy. Weichert occasionally serves as a Subject Matter Expert for the United States Department of Defense and other academic and private sector organizations. Follow him at and at Read his book “Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life” at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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happy new year everyone welcome back so good to be here it's a pleasure we have two great guests
today tom renz attorney uh he is uh awshucks from ohio he'll let us know about that lawfare for
freedom uh fighting corruption surrounding amongst other things covet 19 pandemic at both the state
and the federal level you're going to find out more at
Follow him on X at RenzTom.
Also, we have Brandon Weikert.
I should have asked him to make sure I'm pronouncing his name correctly.
I always try to check that out.
We're going to talk a little transhumanism.
We're going to talk a little bit.
Tom's got something to say about that as well.
But Brandon has got his finger on the
pulse of really so many of the shifting winds the shifting sands that have us all very nervous about
the international scene what's going on with the dollar what's going on with uh you know the
international relations that are in fluid at the present moment He is an expert. He comes from as a
congressional staffer. He'll be with us after this. Both of them join me in one minute.
Our laws as it pertain to substances are draconian and bizarre. Psychopaths start this
way. He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction,
fentanyl and heroin. Ridiculous. I'm a doctor for.
Where the hell do you think I learned that?
I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people.
I am a clinician.
I observe things about these chemicals.
Let's just deal with what's real.
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Welcome, everyone. You noticed we are in a new studio today. This is, we're out in Orange County
with the Forge Media Group.
Thank you to Matt for welcoming us here
and Jeff for helping us out technically.
And we're watching you guys on the Rumble Rant, of course.
Susan is across the room,
but she doesn't usually have a microphone access.
And Caleb, I'm not seeing the restream activated yet.
So I don't know what's going on with that.
It's on.
Just probably might need to refresh it.
There you go.
I did refresh it and nothing's coming.
Oh, there it comes.
Here it comes.
So again, thank you to Forge Media Group.
They have full services here for anything in production,
anything you could ever imagine, they've got it here.
And Caleb vouched for me that the quality of the work they're doing
is second to none.
Oh, yes.
Oh, I thought you said vouched,
as in the past tense.
Oh, no.
No, no, I want you to vouch.
An hour of time to go and set up.
I log in, they're already ready.
So I'm like, okay,
I can go get a cup of coffee.
It was great.
They were all done,
prepared less than 10 minutes.
So it's a great studio.
Thanks, guys.
All right. Fair enough. As I... oh susan's yelling across the room oh yes the reason we're here and and uh sort of marooned in orange county is my son is about to have a baby any minute uh
congratulations to zarina and douglas so that is going to be this evening maybe we're waiting to
see we're sort of counting down so we are in Orange County and afraid to leave
because this baby's been coming for a few days
and now it's getting more and more imminent.
So appreciate everyone's patience with that.
So we have again, Brandon coming in in a few minutes,
but first up is Tom Renz.
Follow him on, R-E-N-Z.
And of course on X it's Renz Tom, the opposite.
And his sub stack as well.
Check it out,
Tom, welcome back.
Glad to be here, Drew.
How are you doing today?
So there's a lot to talk about.
I know we promoted,
we were gonna talk a little bit of transhumanism.
So I thought maybe I'd start with that.
I wanna know sort of what's in your crosshairs for 2025.
But let's do the transhumanism topic at first
because I heard you talking about it
and I had a very interesting thought.
And essentially what I heard you saying in another podcast,
Tom will tell you or everyone needs to know
that Tom gets around.
He gets on some pretty powerful podcasts once in a while.
He'll drop that in for you today, don't worry.
But I heard you talk about transhumanism,
about it being a double-edged sword.
There's good and bad aspects.
So I'll let you have at it a little bit.
Well, that's it, right?
So this has been kind of portrayed,
I think oversimplified in a lot of ways.
Now, transhumanism, when it comes to,
you know, rewiring a paralyzed guy's spine so that he can walk again, that's awesome, right?
Helping a blind person see, that's an amazing thing. And that's a good thing. And that's what
we hear about when we talk about transhumanism. Now, there's another side of it though, right?
The other side of it is things things like iai integration with your
your consciousness now that sounds like science fiction i mean it sounds absurd but the reality
is is that we already have a number of instances where people are using elon musk is working on
for example a number of different things technologies where someone can move a cursor
with their mind and interact with the computer with their mind. Our military has been doing that for a long time. The problem is,
is if you can think and move a computer, that means that you have two-way communication.
It's both reading your thoughts and you're providing thoughts to it, right? So, it's two
ways. You're hearing from them, it's hearing from you.
That provides, that creates a situation that's very, very dangerous, right? And the ethics of this are phenomenal, phenomenally important anyways. Because at the end of the day,
anything that can read your mind can read whatever is in there. What's to stop it from reading your
most private, your most intimate thoughts? intimate thoughts, the things that you don't
want anybody to know? What's to stop that? Tom, I want to stop you right there because that was
the thought I had when I heard you speaking about this last time, which was they're already doing
that. They have found a way with their algorithms. I started thinking to myself, you know, they don't have to
put a chip in our brains. They've already found a way in with this thing, with this, they found it
with this phone and with TikTok and with Instagram. They're doing exactly what you're talking about.
And it's even more pernicious than perhaps if a chip were in my brain. If a chip were there,
I'd kind of know that they would have some influence. Maybe I would keep an eye out for it,
but it's so pernicious the way they do it now. You're not even aware of it. I can't even figure
out how some of the shit that gets streamed into me, how they figured out I was thinking about
something like that. Some car I was thinking, I might've looked at a few seconds longer than I,
I didn't even know if I did, but all of a sudden, oh, there's that car again. That car, I was thinking I might have looked at a few seconds longer than I, I don't even know if I did,
but all of a sudden, oh, there's that car again, that car I was thinking about a couple hours ago.
Yeah, there's no question. I mean, they've already found out that we're predictable. People
are predictable. You know, if you think the same way every time, this goes back to the, you know,
the roots of psychology, conditioned response and
unconditioned response and those sorts of things that you know a lot better than me,
especially as an addiction guy. You know that stuff. But we are predictable. When you combine
that predictability with the fact that they can now actually, without any sort of a physical intervention, they can
actually still read your thoughts.
That's right.
This is the most terrifying threat to privacy that humanity's ever faced.
We've never had a time in history where you could actually read someone's mind with
some semblance of accuracy.
And where does that take us?
I think that transhumanism, we have to first make it part of the public lexicon.
And then we have to start addressing this because the tech is here.
The ethics and the law are not.
Yeah, I think you're absolutely right.
And I'm imagining that people have to get hurt in some way
before the law sort of begins to trickle through.
And even, or at least, how about some transparency
about how they're able to do what they do
so we can learn, have the autonomy,
the freedom to either give into it if we want
or to have some sort of
defense against it. Though there may not be any, there may not, I don't know. So yeah, I think the
people, it just occurred to me the way you framed it, Tom, that the people who are so free, fearful
of transhumanism need to understand that it's a good, at least the negative parts you worry about
are at least 80% here. It didn't COVID teach us this. I mean, there's so many things about
the recent administration should have taught us this. Well, and I would ask this, Doc. I mean,
think about this. If you can read my thoughts, if you can put something on or near your head and they can pick up those subtle brainwaves
and then decipher them,
well, if they can read it,
they should be able to write it, right?
So you've got a two-way communication.
Now, the thing that may be more terrible-
But that's happening.
I'm going to tell you,
that's the thing people don't get.
It's happening.
They're persuading and adjusting
and maybe not with the skill that they'll have one day but it's it's already amongst us it exists
i mean i i'm not very good at it but i'm a lawyer right so you know what they've done is they've
taken implying you're not you're not good at much is that you're playing you're not good at much
you're good only at persuasion or what are we well i'm I'm just saying that, you know, my job's to persuade.
I may not be very good at it, but I try, right?
So if you think of some of the conversations that we've had, right?
So we've talked, you know, you and I have debated back and forth about the mRNA jabs
and all these different things.
Well, I was working to persuade you.
Now, imagine an AI system that's infinitely more brilliant than you or I, that has all the
data in the world, and it can just whisper in your ear 24-7.
You will listen to that.
You will become convinced of whatever it wants to convince you of.
And also, you might even get to a point where they can implant memories.
They're talking about implanting memories that may not be your own.
You wouldn't even be able to distinguish reality.
We have got to get the law and the ethics caught up a little bit with the technology.
But most people, when I talk about this, they think you're a conspiracy theorist.
They think it's insane.
Oh, no.
We have the documents.
It's there.
No, I completely agree with you.
And I think that is the point.
Don't wait until the chip arrives.
Let's get on this now.
And maybe the chip won't be so threatening then.
It won't be that big a deal
because as you've also pointed out,
it has tremendous potential to do good,
like everything technology.
I mean, I've been sort of,
I've been examining carefully mass formation
since the COVID thing.
I mean, that was such a shock to my system.
I thought I really was so naive.
I thought mass formations was something that we,
okay, we're finally in the 20th century,
took those to a place
where we're not gonna do that anymore.
And no, we still do it.
It's part of the human experience.
And that's just that.
And persuasion is how that stuff gets going.
And persuasion is an important part of
the ecosystem we live in. And you need to understand where it's operating. And that
to some extent, it's like hypnosis. No one can resist it entirely. It exists. It's part of the
human experience. And you just have to have an awareness about it in order to fight it as best you can.
Yeah, I mean, there's no question.
And, you know, that mass formation, psychosis or hypnosis or, you know, it's been called a lot of things.
You know, that convinced us that these work, right?
Now, the idea that this is somehow going to prevent transmission of a virus is patently absurd.
A respiratory virus.
A respiratory virus.
I can put my finger behind it and somehow that's going to prevent transmission.
That was patently absurd.
So was the idea that walking the same direction in a grocery store would somehow make a difference.
But yet we all believed it now imagine if that same argument is made by
something that you can't even begin to to debate with because of the knowledge-based intelligence
and you know when we combine ai with the capacity for two-way communication with the brain and and
this transhumanist thing is really something we need to be having a very very open conversation on the law is so far behind it's
not even close to protecting us in this and uh it's honestly a disaster right now so so this is
legislative actions that need to come in i mean this is it gets it gets very odd when you try to
think of how to control this but is that what you're advocating for yeah i think we're going
to need legislation uh you know i mean we're going to need legislation uh you know
i mean we're going to have to recognize yeah some of this will probably be done through litigation
or regulation but we will need legislation you know the we got a couple amendments that protect
privacy uh sort of kind of you know uh the quartering the papers the stuff like that the
third fourth amendment um but the problem is is, in the 1700s, our founding fathers would never have been able to even
conceive of this sort of a situation.
Now, you're not allowed to access someone's papers without a warrant, but given the accuracy,
the algorithms, and their ability to predict your behavior just based on what you do on
the internet, well, let me ask the question, what's a greater threat to your privacy?
Walking into your house and trying to find a piece of paper where you've written down what you're going to do,
or tracking everything that you do, and then based on an algorithm that gives you 90-95% confidence interval
about what you're going to do, creating prediction models.
I mean, right now...
I get it.
Yeah, it's terrifying.
So it's something that I think
is one of the top issues going forward.
I want to spend the next little...
I've got about 10 more minutes with you.
What's coming up in 2025 for you?
What's in your crosshairs?
What are you working on?
What are you worried about?
Help me.
I'm worried about a lot of things.
Well, I'm in talks with a couple of different people to do a couple of different things that I'm almost ready to make some announcements on. So some of that stuff-
You always say stuff like that. One of these days you're going to come here and make the
announcements. Well, I'll tell you, Doc, you let me do it. I'll come here and I'll make some big
announcements coming up. But we're working with a couple different groups.
We're looking at health holistically.
Of course, you know, we're going to continue fighting the mRNA vaccines for truth and transparency.
We want transparency on it.
We just want to get to the real science.
We want to quit with the lies.
Did you see that there was some Pfizer data today that came out suggesting, oh, shocking, there's DNA contamination at a level that had been previously denied, and that, two, there was some distribution of liquid nanoparticle sort of admission that, oh, yeah, it goes everywhere.
So it's slowly trickling out what has always been called quackery and nonsense and conspiracy theory so here it comes yeah well i
mean there's actually uh and i'm sorry i didn't have this in front of me but uh and i posted a
little bit ago there was actually they found some uh i want to say some enhancing enzymes or something
that go along with that sv40 that were not even reported to be in the pf. That came out, I believe it was a study out of Europe.
I'd have to double check, and I apologize for not having it on hand.
So like a promoter locus.
Yeah, promoter.
So there's evidence of a promoter.
I can't remember who found it, but it was published somewhere.
And it looks like this was intentional.
I mean, you and I have talked about this in terms of cancer.
Well, you got SV40, possibly some promoters, the pseudouridine, all these things.
Is this what's behind the turbo cancer?
And you know, Doc, I've never ever, I'm a lawyer, not a doctor, right?
So I read the science, I understand it, but I can't perform the science.
But, you know, I came on science, I understand it, but I can't perform the science.
But, you know, I've came on here and we've talked about it. I've got a 2006 document from the FDA saying, hey, these mRNA gene therapy type products have the potential to create cancer on the long
term. Well, now we see these guys trying to push to get mRNA and the flu vaccine. We still haven't
had the 10 to 20 year look back studies that we need to,
to determine whether these gene therapies are safe or effective or whether they do cause cancers and
these sorts of things. But all the evidence is pointing to the fact that they do. And I, you
know, I will right here say, I will bet you any amount of money you want to bet that over the
next five years, I will very sadly, and I actually, I wish I was wrong on this,
I'll be proven right on this cancer. I don't need, as a lawyer, I don't need to wait for a study.
I've got beyond a reasonable doubt in terms of that. I got opposing party admissions. I've got
their documents. I've got their papers. They don't admit to this stuff unless it's really happening.
I mean, no one's going to say that this is a risk.
Well, I understand it being a risk,
but do we have the data suggesting that cancer is really on the increase internationally?
Well, I mean, the WHO's expecting, what was it, a 50% or 65% by 2030?
Now, let me ask you this, Doc.
Now, the WHO is predicting that sort of an
increase in cancer well if they're predicting that sort of an increase there's a reason for it
now they're not being real forthcoming about why they think cancer is going to explode that much
but they're predicting it right so what do they know that we don't you know what would cause i mean
we've never had that sort of an explosion cancer in human history what's changed well did they did
they uh were they suggesting it's because of the aging of the population or something or did they
did they i'm sure somebody asked why did they have any explanation uh someone probably did ask why
you know i didn't find anything that was all that conclusory but i
mean you know one of the things that they won't do is they won't no one will touch or look at the
fact that you know we've we've mapped our whole genome right we've mapped the whole genome but
only two percent of our dna and you can correct me if i'm wrong on these numbers but only two
percent of our d DNA codes for proteins.
We don't know what the other 98% does.
We have no idea what it's there for.
So when we start inserting genetic material,
well, maybe nothing, maybe something. But when we start inserting genetic material
that may or may not interact, what's going on there?
And we also know, even if that genetic material
does not have sv4
to promoters and things like it where it may reintegrate back into the dna even if it doesn't
what we do know is there's a number of studies and i actually have them on my other screen right
here i was looking at them to prep for this interview number of studies suggesting that
the spike protein itself is a pathogen it crosses the blood-brain barrier the spike protein itself is a pathogen. It crosses the blood-brain barrier.
The spike protein, I mean-
Oh, no doubt in my mind.
That's been my position
from the beginning of all this thing.
And so Tom, for me,
my fundamental construct is
the spike protein is the pathogenic component.
It fundamentally causes a endothelitis,
which is a lining of the arteries
getting inflamed, affecting every organ system in the body as a result. But my question, and this
is the one I'll ask you, as you say, that's becoming increasingly obvious to everybody
that that's true. Why are they continuing to demand that people take a vaccine that creates huge amounts of the pathogenic, huge amounts, sometimes uncontrolled amounts, sometimes persistent amounts of the pathogenic protein?
Why not use whole virus?
Why not Covaxin?
Why not Novavax?
Why are they just going crazy about this one vaccine?
I mean, I can give you 14 trillion reasons in the United States alone.
There's $14 trillion that changed hands in the United States alone based on COVID.
I mean, so the amount of money there, the control, the power, and, you know, I mean, there's conspiracy theories out there. And I'm not going to discount them at this point. Because if you would allow children to be exposed to something that can kill them with absolutely no benefit.
I mean, there were no healthy children that died from COVID during the pandemic.
Virtually, yes.
But the pediatricians are, yeah.
Pediatricians are very strange at their risk tolerance.
It's very strange.
Yeah, go ahead.
But doc,
let me ask you this.
If you would allow,
if you would allow that,
if you would support that,
if you would promote something
that has no known benefit
and loads of risks
in children,
for money,
because you get more money
out of it,
what ethical standards do you have? I mean, so when you say, what's the motivation? Well, it's money. They don't care
about anything else. They don't care about the results. And what would be too low for someone
like that, right? So if you're someone who knows there's no benefit, loads of risk, but you get a
big fat check if you promote it, and yet you promote it
anyways, then you've demonstrated to me that you have no ethical standards. So what's too low?
What's too low for someone that'll risk a child's life? I have one other explanation.
My other explanation is that companies never care. Companies don't care. That's not company's
business to care. Company's business is to make money. So the company doesn't care. Companies don't care. That's not company's business to care.
Company's business is to make money.
So the company doesn't care.
You add that to mass formation,
everyone's crazed and out of their mind in terms of how they're assessing risk reward.
Now you've got a problem on your hands here.
And then once they've committed to that mass formation,
think about what it's going to take them
to look at reality and realize what they've committed to that mass formation, think about what it's going to take them to look
at reality and realize what they've done. Yeah. Well, and one of the most foundational issues
here is that medical school has gone from teaching doctors to think critically and find solutions for
their patients to checking boxes and to lining up the Tom. Yes, you're singing my tune.
I don't know what to do about that
because it's...
Your wife, go ahead.
My wife has...
We actually, just today,
actually a few hours ago,
we got the PATH report
from her final,
what I hope will be her final surgery related.
She had stage four cancer.
I believe we've beat it, right?
We've beat that cancer and I'm going to tell you something. I have had to fight harder to get adequate care, not great care, not perfect care,
but adequate care in the world of oncology for my wife than almost anything I've ever had to fight.
Now, Doc, these oncologists are wonderful people.
I've met some wonderful oncologists, but if it's not in the NCCN handbook, it's just,
it can't possibly be right. And it doesn't matter how much evidence you present.
Yeah, this is what I'm struggling with. I'm struggling with the fact that there are some
well-trained people, some bright people, some certainly some meaning, well-meaning people, but they're so into the
algorithms that they are not prone to thinking autonomously. Or there's certainly much the way
you were talking about the companies only interested in money. They're not being encouraged
anyway. They're not being motivated. They're being persuaded the other way,
just follow the electronic medical record.
And because they're employees, a lot of them,
they get roundly crushed for being careful
and thoughtful and taking time.
Well, and I mean, listen,
our federal government is carrying
both the carrot and the stick.
And you know this as a doctor better than anybody.
And I've described this in testimony before all sorts of legislatures. When you go
to the doctor, the doctor-patient relationship is number four. You start out with the doctor-hospital
relationship, the doctor-insurer relationship, and the doctor-regulator relationship. Once you get
through those, then the doctor can start considering the patient. But the doctor doesn't even have authority to properly care for a patient.
Did you know this?
Did you know this before you got into all this?
I mean, how long, say five years ago, did you know that?
Oh, Doc, in 2019, prior to COVID, I was pro-vax, pro-medical everything.
I had no clue.
All of this, all of this came from me following the evidence
when they overplayed their hands so greatly on COVID.
I've been yelling about this for 25 years
about what you're describing in terms of the loss of autonomy,
of the loss of the integrity,
the physician-patient relationship
and the loss of autonomy of physicians.
It's why I work with the wellness company.
We're trying to get stuff into the hands of the patients.
Just let's get it to the patients.
Let them make the decisions and let's get them what they need to take care of themselves
and their families.
Tom, let's wrap up here.
Tell me what you're going to say there.
And then also tell me what's ahead in 2025.
What should we look for from Tom Renz going forward?
So finish that one comment.
Get it to the patients with informed consent,
real informed consent.
Oh, true informed consent.
Yes, sir.
So there's that.
And then don't punish the doctor for speaking truth
or, you know, I mean, medical freedom.
Let the doctors have free speech to speak what they think.
For 2025, I mean, listen, the fight is continuing.
One of the things that we're looking at are some of the environmental factors and health. I mean, there's a lot of environmental,
of course, we did the mRNA in the food supply. We now have licensed DNA vaccines in the food
supply. I don't know if you're aware of that. We have all sorts of things coming. So we're looking
at food supply. We're looking at air quality, water quality, some of these different things,
all these things that affect health. And what we're going to do is we're going to kind of expand
this fight uh a little bit further and we're going to keep pushing we got the tom ren show we do
because that's the best way to get the word out you know i mean we you know we're where that where
when uh the time run show is every day we run it on x we run it on X. We run it on Rumble. We run it locals.
Sometimes Facebook lets us run it.
They're getting a little bit better right now.
So anywhere that we can, we run that show every day.
And then, of course, when we got big news, we come on big shows like this.
So we're going to keep doing that.
We're looking at the litigation that we're going to be managing or coordinating or facilitating this year.
And there's going to be some big ones.
Right now, we're looking at a,
we've got a major initiative that we're looking at
related to some of the stuff
that we're seeing in the air right now.
There's a lot of crazy things happening in the skies
and in the air,
and they're a little bit more credible than people think.
So I'm going to tease with that a little bit,
but we'll be back with some big news on it soon.
Tom, I appreciate you being here.
I appreciate the work you're doing as always.
I'm glad to hear your wife is cancer-free.
I'll just, my little pitch on breast cancer
is most cases of breast cancer
now becomes a chronic illness,
much the way HIV now is a chronic illness.
People live many, many, many years of breast cancer
without any meaningful recurrence
or even if there's a recurrence,
they can take care of that as well.
A lot of progress there. and RenzTom on Twitter
and keep an eye out for the Tom Renz Show.
And my friend,
we'll talk to you again very soon.
Thank you very much, Doc.
Honored to be here.
You got it.
Next up, our next guest has been with us before.
It is Brandon Weikert, and he's written several books.
Winning Space, How America Remains a Superpower,
also The Shadow War, and Biohack,
China's Race to Control Life.
That came out in May 2023.
He's got many ideas running around in his head.
I don't know.
Hopefully I'll get to the highlights.
There's the book, Biohack, China's Race to Control Life.
And we will come right back with Brandon right after this.
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All right, so next up, my next guest again
is Brandon Weikert.
He has a book about China, which I know interests Susan greatly.
The book is called, I think it's called Biohack.
Did I get that right?
But let's welcome Brandon to the program.
And unfortunately, I can't see anything.
Is Brandon there?
Okay, Brandon.
Hello. How you there? Okay. Brandon? Hello.
How you doing?
Hi there.
I'm doing good.
Thank you for being with us again.
I have no return video-wise for some reason, but that's okay.
I don't have to have that.
So talk to me first about Biohacked.
Well, I wrote the book about a year ago, and it was the unofficial story of how China basically developed a bioweapons called COVID-19 doing gain-of-function research in conjunction or rather with support of the U.S. government.
Now, I should point out to your audience, and some of you may be going, well, I already know this, but I actually was one of the original three guys who actually had,
because I consult with the Defense Department, I had people on the inside telling me from the
State Department, telling me from DIA, telling me from Marine Corps Intelligence, this was a
biological 9-11. They were telling me this in December of 2019 going into January of 2020. So when it was just an epidemic in China barely being reported on because I was reporting this. And I
couldn't even get some of my friends in right-wing media to let me get published to get the word out.
It took me over a year. And so the book was sort of the apotheosis of my frustrations.
Luckily, Roger Kimball over at Encounter Books was kind enough to let me kind of run wild. My colleague, Gordon Chang, wrote the foreword. But this was a bioweapons
attack. And the book is really not even about COVID. It's about what else China and the rest
of the world, the great powers of the world, are doing using CRISPR-Cas9 and gene editing technology
to basically create what the Chinese refer to
as specific ethnic genetic attacks.
And we have spoken to a Chinese scientist
who said, what was her name?
I forget her name exactly, how to pronounce it.
But you can say it across the room,
Susan, yell it out for me.
And she was saying how she'd worked on the backbone of the coronavirus and
that it was the people's liberation armies project.
And she was told if she didn't stop asking questions,
she would be disappeared.
That's right.
Major General Chen Wei,
W E I was the CCP or the PLA's commander of the project.
Shi Zhengli is the famous bat woman of Wuhan.
She actually reported to General Wei.
And Chen Wei was notable for developing, for instance,
nasal spray vaccine, supposedly, for bird flu,
to mitigate the effects of bird flu.
This is a woman who wrote
very voluminous amounts of research papers
that you can still access today,
and I did for the book,
on how they were going to weaponize coronaviruses
to, quote,
collapse an enemy country's
economic and social fabric,
which, of course,
the enemy in this case is the United States.
Is this why the National Security Committee economic and social fabric, which of course the enemy in this case is the United States.
Is this why the National Security Committee picked up the management of this so-called public health crisis? That's a piece of this that was not explained at all in the recent
House Subcommittee Report. Well, the House Subcommittee Report,
just like the 9-11 Commission Report report of which I worked in government,
that was, you know, there was a certain amount of whitewashing going on. I would have loved to
have seen some of the closed briefings because I suspect certain things were not put in that
should have been put in. I was briefing the Pentagon probably right before the shutdowns happened
during COVID. So I don't know, maybe February or March of 2020, I was at a very highly classified
facility and I brought up, at the time they had just released, I think there was a French
group that had started sequencing COVID genome, COVID-19, trying to figure out how they can come
up with answers to it. And I started talking about these French research papers and I was
summarily banned from the base for three years. I've recently been invited back with the, there's
a new commander there who apparently likes me a lot. But I was banned and then they wrote this BS thing about how I was making homophobic slurs, which I was not.
I said that there was HIV DNA found in the COVID-19 along with malaria and cancer and several other genome sequences within the overall sequence of COVID-19.
And the base commander there said
that I was making homophobic slurs,
which I was not.
What is the reason we can't know more?
I mean, why were these,
going back to the House committee,
why can't they be more transparent?
What could be information
that the American people or the international community can't handle, so to speak What could be information that the American people
or the international community can't handle, so to speak?
Well, because it's not just a straight up issue of China doing it to us.
We gave, and say we, I mean the U.S. government gave the resources
and the capabilities to China.
We laundered, our government did funding, as you know,
funding and research and technological capabilities through
the third parties like the EcoHealth Alliance. And if we actually-
But that's what they were supposed to be looking at. That's what we wanted the committee to report
to us on. That's what we all are seeing. We all know it.
And there is some of this in there.
I'll tell you what my fear is. My fear is there's something about this virus
that is freaking them out
or something that's about the capacity
of the gene editing, as you say,
the gene manipulating technologies
that has some sort of downstream something
that is scaring the hell out of everybody.
Absolutely, and that's what my book talks about.
Go ahead. Yeah, no, the downstream is what really, the downstream is really,
because I started working on a biotech book back in 2018. You can find my articles at American
Greatness. I was warning about a pandemic then because I was looking at biotech from a national
security perspective. And basically I kind of incorporated that research with the COVID stuff as kind of the
COVID was the hook for the book. But the book really focuses on what China is doing with CRISPR
Cas9, not just with diseases, but what they're doing also with gene editing of people,
gene editing, gene splicing animals. They're creating pig, monkey chimeras for cancer research
because they think that's a better way of doing cancer.
So it is a Dr. Moreau's Island of horrors
that are being created in China
with the help of Western pharmaceutical companies.
But that was one downstream effect I had in mind,
but others I had were like,
maybe these viruses are being designed in such a way
to have neurological effects 20 years later
or to morph persistently.
See, this persistent focus on the vaccines, I find odd.
And if there's no reason for it,
then somebody needs to explain why the preoccupation with it.
Because unless this virus is known
to have the capacity to morph
into something horrible downstream,
why are we doing this?
Makes no sense to me at all.
Well, the DARPA was heavily involved
with the vaccine research.
mRNA is sort of the holy grail,
not only of, they think, curing diseases,
but of creating bioweapons in and of itself.
And I actually think we were used as giant guinea pigs by the DARPA types
to see how they could create better mRNA cures, possibly, for actual bioweapons.
I think we were all guinea pigs.
You said DARPA types. What does that mean? I don't
think that was, I certainly don't know what that means. Well, you know, like the, you know, the
scientists, that kind of the mad scientists that populate DARPA's ranks. And, you know, on some
level we need those guys. I didn't know that. Yeah, I didn't know that. Tell me about them. Who are
they? Who are these guys? How is DARPA constituted? Well, DARPA is a closed program.
It's been with us for about, what, 40 or 50 years.
They're developing really radical technologies, not just biotech.
I mean, the stealth program came out of partly DARPA.
They're developing quantum computing capabilities.
They're developing drone swarms.
I mean, this is some of our greatest minds that nobody's ever heard of operating in a very closed environment.
In fact, I think a lot of these UAPs we're seeing in the sky are actually DARPA programs,
anti-gravity and metamaterials and whatnot.
That's next generation stuff.
They're developing for weaponization purposes.
And the internet came out of DARPA, for instance.
It was designed to be a sort of doomsday communication network between U.S. government facilities in the event of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union.
So those are the types of minds that are attracted to DARPA.
Again, we need that on some level.
But the fact of the matter is they have been operating really without any significant oversight since probably the 1980s.
And I think that this is a big problem because now I think in part what we've experienced with COVID is a result of this lack of regulation and oversight of things like DARPA.
That seems like a very viable assessment.
There's a research paper right there yeah yeah yeah mrna vaccines i'm not surprised but let me since i'm talking to a knowledgeable
person about these things what is your theory on what i forget what has caleb maybe you can
probably help me on this bob what's his name that went to area 51 and was held there to do experiments on cesium.
Bob Lazar or Bob Lazar.
Bob Lazar.
Bob Lazar.
Bob Lazar.
What is your theory about Bob Lazar?
I'm just curious since we're just treading into this territory.
I have no specific opinion on him.
I've seen him.
I'm aware of him.
What I'm more interested in, though, is the technology itself.
I do not believe it's little
green men from zeta reticuli I think that this is technology that we probably absorbed from the
Nazis at the end of the second world war and for 80 years have been playing around with it in the
desert under highly compartmented scenario and I think that we do have anti-gravity on some level
and I think a lot of the systems we're seeing are tests. There's a reason you're seeing these orbs, for instance, or the cigar type,
the gimbal video from the USS Roosevelt. These were all in restricted military airspaces off
the coast of California or Virginia. They were encountered by US military personnel because
that's where you would be conducting these kinds of tests. I do not believe for a second that these are aliens.
I think that our government is testing systems.
That makes sense to me perfectly.
And Bob Lazar, I tell you what my theory is
because here's the one headline in the Bob Lazar story
that makes me go, hmm.
And that is they pick him up off the street of Las Vegas.
They have clandestine meetings
with this, you know, marginal physicist
that didn't finish at MIT.
And they're going to take that guy
and have him analyze the most important finding
in the history of physics.
That's the guy you pick to analyze
this anti-gravity system.
But if you were doing a psychological operation
to see how another country
might dismantle our anti-gravity system,
now I'm interested in Bob Lazar.
The alien bit is the PSYOP.
They do not want Americans
to be able to credibly source and say,
Uncle Sam has been developing technologies
that are light years beyond what's
publicly available, that's a controversy in and of itself. I mean, we could have possibly cures
for cancer that they've been sitting on, like the warehouse at the end of Indiana Jones, just
putting it all in the warehouse, not touching. That in and of itself is a political controversy.
Oh, that's too funny. That's a great analogy.
That's what I think is going on.
That's so funny. Yeah, it makes sense what I think is going on. That's so funny.
Yeah, it makes sense to me because then it starts to kind of fit together,
all the pieces.
Caleb, tell your mom that,
give her that explanation for her funny theories
because we're talking to a knowledgeable person here.
What's the matter, Susan?
Can we give Susan a mic for a second?
The sound's going to be just weird here for a second,
but Susan's going to chime in
because she's very interested in this stuff.
I want to know my bubble over there.
In what way?
I want to know.
I think they're aliens, though.
Okay, okay.
So that bubble, the alien bubble.
Sorry, sorry, Brandon.
Well, I mean, I'm not saying definitively.
I mean, I keep my mind open,
but I don't think that's what's at play here.
The other, yeah, listen,
as Joe Rogan said in his latest standup,
I believe anything now.
COVID was such an extraordinary experience.
That's right.
Maybe the earth is flat.
I don't know.
I don't know, whatever.
We're in the,
he had a few other choice conspiracies
he pointed out too,
but I thought, yeah, anything's possible.
I don't know.
But I want to talk a little bit about this controversy amongst the tech bros and the H1B debate.
Tell me about that. Yeah. Yeah. So Elon Musk and all these guys, the tech bros,
they are not understanding of politics as you and I understand it. They are entirely fixated on artificial
intelligence development specifically. Mark Andreessen kind of let the cat out of the bag
three or four weeks ago. He was on with Barry Weiss and he said the reason that he and so many
of the tech bros flipped for Trump when they did was because they had a meeting with the Biden
administration, the Biden White House tech team administration, the Biden White House tech team.
And the Biden White House tech team told them, stop investing in AI research and development because we're getting ready to classify it the way we classified nuclear weapons in the 40s.
And they indicated they've been doing that with all kinds of science, which gets us to the UAP discussion again, all kinds of science for the last 50 years.
And that is what triggered these
guys to flip for Trump. And the reason is because they've already invested cumulatively billions of
dollars. If they stop their AI development now, all these companies in Silicon Valley are going
to go belly up, notably NVIDIA, but others as well. And so the tech bros with the H-1B visas,
they are all dedicated to getting AI as quickly and rapidly as possible.
And they believe they need manpower to do that.
And so basically bringing in,
for lack of a better term,
indentured servants, highly skilled from India,
is one of the ways they're going to end run
the Chinese in their development of AI.
Now, I'm not saying I necessarily agree with them,
but this is not even political. This is all about AI, AI, AI. Now, I'm not saying I necessarily agree with them, but this is not even political.
This is all about AI, AI, AI.
Yeah, Andreessen also said
something that really,
I guess I'll always remember.
He said in that meeting
that during the period
of the Manhattan Project
and for a while following,
they classified math, mathematics.
They made certain math illegal.
Right, which gets us to-
That is not, it's not what the founding fathers had in mind.
I don't care how dangerous it is.
Absolutely not.
Well, it's anti-Western civilization as well.
Open sources of inquiry is what we're built on.
But that gets us, it all gets back to the UAP thing,
because that gets us back to UAP and you go, my goodness, well, what else are they classifying? And this is why people who
say that this is exotic military technology, I don't think are crazy. I think it's quite true.
All of these things that, yes, the US government as a matter of course, classifies national security,
well, things that they think are national security secrets, including highly
advanced technologies and map the underpinnings of the technology, which is the mathematics.
And we have a tendency to roll these things out someday, right? I mean, if you think about stealth
and things like that, is there some sort of philosophy for that time framing or how do they
decide what to roll out, what not to roll out? Anybody know anything about that?
Well, we had been creating stealth for like 20 or 30 years before we rolled it out. And so at
some point we want to see if the tech is even viable. So we wanted to use it in a war. I believe the first time we used it,
I think was 91, the Desert Storm.
And so I think the reason
you're seeing more UAPs around now
is because we're gearing up for war
with China and or Russia.
And we're going to have to basically test
our new toys.
And we're probably now 20, 30 years ahead
of whatever systems we're seeing in the sky
now. We are probably on some level. The issue with all this technology though is scalability.
So we might have one, two or three or a handful of these systems, but another reason you don't
probably see them being admitted to in public is because they're so expensive and complex to build.
It's difficult for us to mass produce it. And we're worried about
losing it. Just look at what's going on in Ukraine, Western tanks, the Abrams, the Russians
are capturing these systems now and they're reverse engineering them. Now this is older
technology, but we're worried about that happening with our newer stuff.
Okay. So that starts to make sense, right? So the rationale for some of the secrecy,
one of the things, gosh,
given that we're able to talk about this publicly already,
one of the strategies the government could pursue,
it seems to me is,
hey, let us explain why we're being secret
with certain things.
At least be transparent about that.
Well, and I think that's what you're seeing right now.
Just getting back to that,
and I wasn't planning to talk about it,
but I'm happy to.
Just getting back to the UAP thing,
I think that's why you're seeing guys like Lou Elizondo,
David Grush, Chris Mellon.
These are all highly ranked people in the US government.
I'm pretty sure I briefed Grush before
when he was at NGA.
These are very serious people. I'm very surprised that they are being rolled out this way. I suspect
it's part of a psyop. This is why I don't think it's really aliens. Lou Elizondo was a, I think,
30-year man in counterintelligence. A counterintelligence operative is usually not
somebody that would be rolling out information like this. They're normally trying to keep that information inside.
So I think he might be their handler. I don't know. But I think there's definitely some kind of
coordinated rollout that is obfuscating rather than enlightening the truth of the matter.
Got it. That all makes perfect sense to me. What do you imagine is going to be different
with the new administration and how is that going to show up? Specifically though, what way?
Well, I guess in this area of transparency is what I was thinking about. And you mentioned
all the counterintelligence people and I started thinking about Tulsi Gabbard
and what's going to happen when she is in charge.
Are they going to let that happen?
And how is this all going to kind of shake out?
What do you imagine?
I feel like it's going to be a different world
in two or three years.
I think that Trump will generally be successful,
but I think that a lot of the MAGA people
who think that it's going to be revolutionary,
I hope I'm wrong,
but I don't think it's going to be that revolutionary. The first term already showed
how Trump is tamed by the deep state. They're already gearing up to tame him again. He needs
to have, and I heard your last segment and I agree with you, he needs to have a very wide
depth of personnel picks in place that will be able to carry on his legacy beyond his four years. He's really going to get
maybe two years, his first two years. I would say probably his first 100 days if he's lucky.
That's if they don't kill him before he takes power, which could very well happen on January
20th. I'm very concerned about the inauguration. But if he survives the inauguration, he's got 100 days to
really make some moves. And so I think he will be successful in getting peace with Russia on Ukraine.
I think he will probably be successful in laying the groundwork for a long-term containment
strategy on China. I think he will deport the first half million of serious illegal immigrant
criminals. But I do not believe we're going to
get massive numbers of illegals beyond that. Deported, I also think we'll probably start
getting, because he's starting to listen to the GOP establishment, so I'm sure, God help,
I hope he doesn't, but I have a feeling we're going to start hearing comprehensive immigration
reform out of his mouth within the next two years. I think there's going to be some tempering by year two
of some of the stuff that maybe you and I would have preferred him doing. I do think he'll be a
successful president. I think he will be transparent on certain things, but I think overall, I don't
know how transparent. And the thing that I'm watching out for right now is I really do believe
we are rolling right into a war with Iran, probably an air war. But I think that he's
going to stabilize the situation with Russia, probably stabilize the situation with North
Korea, probably keep the Chinese thing on ice. But in terms of Iran, that regime is not going
to last the next four years. They're gone in four years, which then sets up a bigger problem for us
because Iran's terrible. But the
bigger problem is Turkey is moving into the region and that's a NATO partner, supposedly.
And we might be, you know, butting heads with them, not just diplomatically, but in theater,
in combat with Turkey. So I don't know how Trump's going to manage that. Transparency though, I think
we will get probably 50-50. We'll probably find out more about the JFK assassination, for instance.
I don't think we're going to find out more about this UAP
thing. And for Tulsi,
I know Tulsi.
I know her father. I worked on the
Hill contemporaneously with Tulsi.
We used to be right next to each other
and she was behind our office.
Big fan of hers. I just don't,
I hope that she gets confirmed because
they're definitely working to stop her in RFK.
That's what it looks like.
Jesus, that's awful.
It's Washington.
I listened to a lot of French.
Yeah, I know.
I listened to a lot of French politics.
And for the first time I heard them say things like,
you know, if Trump is going to pull out
some of his defense support,
whom do we have to choose except Turkey and Russia?
I thought, oh, geez, really?
We want our NATO allies to be, it's kind of a wild situation that could develop.
Well, in a perfect world, NATO goes away tomorrow.
Well, that's, I think, but that's what starts to happen then. It gets,
it gets to be a wild west a little bit. Tell me a little bit again, what your job was and your
evolution and your thinking and sort of, cause we all try to grapple with a reality that we didn't
know was real. You know, again, COVID laid bare a lot of things that we can't, I can't get over.
And a lot of us can't get over over and a lot of us didn't know.
What is your own personal evolution in this regard?
And what were you doing in Washington to begin with?
And how has that evolved to where you are now?
Yeah, no, I was involved with political campaigns
for the Republican Party going back to the age of 16.
I got involved very early in life.
And then I worked various political campaigns throughout my home state of 16. I got involved very early in life. And then I worked various political
campaigns throughout my home state of Florida. Then I went to college at DePaul University.
I suffer from Crohn's disease. So I was up in Chicago. What's that?
Me too. Sorry, producer, I just killed it. I have Crohn's disease also. And I also got involved in
politics when I was about 16. So wow. Are you mean? Must be a feature of Crohn's disease also. And I also got involved in politics when I was about 16. So wow. Yeah. Are you mean?
Must be a feature of Crohn's disease.
So I was in Chicago because my doctor was up there.
For the treatment, right.
I was up there for my doctor
and I ended up going to college at DePaul.
Then I used some contacts I had from the campaign days
to get a job on Capitol Hill after I graduated.
Was in DC, worked on the Hill after I graduated, was in DC,
worked on the Hill for about three, three and a half years, then had our first child, my wife and
I, and there was no way that on a Hill staffer salary, I was going to be able to raise a family.
So I went private sector. I was consulting various academic groups. I spent time at Oxford.
I was doing work on my, and I got sick there, so I couldn't finish
my DPhil. But basically, I've always been sort of in that academic national security milieu. I've
always loved national security affairs. It's always intrigued me. And then I do a lot of
consulting work with the defense department, writing. But hang on, but from the standpoint of your evolution,
are you shocked at what you've learned?
Are you crestfallen by what you,
are you disappointed by what you,
are you inspired by what you learned or all of the above?
All of the above.
I would say that when I started out,
I was very much unwittingly a neoconservative
and I did work with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. I was very
much a globalist. And 2016 came and having children and seeing the way that the Trump
revolution happened. I lived in Britain also during the Brexit movement. So seeing all those
things in relatively the same timeframe and then being treated the way I was by former colleagues and friends because I dared to sign a letter in support of Trump early in the primary, that really started me rethinking. I wouldn't have recognized myself, you know, if I were in college looking at myself.
I was completely, I was, you might say radicalized.
And I've been that way ever since.
I was red-pilled.
Black-pilled or white-pilled or something.
Yeah, I think it's red-pilled.
And I've been accused of being black-pilled at times,
but I try not to be.
I always try to have hope.
But that's sort of my general evolution in thinking is,
and then having children really, I've got three kids now.
So having children really changed my perspective
on a lot of things.
It's gotta be, it's frightened you a little bit too.
But let me ask, Susan and I last night
happened to be watching Ancient Aliens.
Because that's Susan's, that's her jam.
But back to the point about the earth being flat,
I was like, I look,
the fact that people are questioning the historical record
and what might be explanations,
I'm up for that,
but I don't agree with their particular conclusions,
but I'm up for people reconsidering everything these days.
I think we have to now.
But it makes me want, yeah.
But Caleb, as to that point,
I'm guessing you have some questions for Brandon
and Susan, you might as well.
I'll give you both a chance to have out a little bit
if you want.
Caleb first.
I don't actually have any specific questions
because he's answered everything I was gonna ask.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
And you should see my screens.
I have too many screens,
stuff running in comments and teleprompters.
And yeah, this is very interesting. I see you many screens. There's stuff running in comments and teleprompters. This is very interesting.
I see you up there on the restream.
I see you there doing that.
This is the kind of stuff that I know you've thought a lot about
and your mom has thought a lot about
and your brother thinks about.
There might be material here that you could use
to bring people back to earth a little bit.
But acknowledge that there's some crazy stuff going on.
Notice how people aren't talking about the drones anymore.
They've all moved on to something else.
And then all of a sudden,
people aren't seeing drones there anymore.
I kind of do think it was,
it may have been like some real stuff,
maybe the first two or three out of them.
Then there were 50 others
that people were seeing things in the sky
and they're like, well, this just reinforces it.
And it made it seem more and more realistic,
more and more realistic.
And then the government then uses that
as a way of saying,
oh, well, it's just a bunch of people
that don't know what they're talking about
to cover up the original thing,
which was they were testing something in the air.
It's not aliens.
I actually think that they lost radioactive material
and I think that they were trying to find it.
The fact that every
official military person on TV or in even alternate media was like, no, it can't possibly be.
That sort of told me that, well, maybe there is something to that because I think that a lot of
those drones you were seeing were Department of Energy nuclear sniffers. And so I would be very worried about January 20th in DC.
I will not.
I have friends going to inauguration activities.
I've been invited to some.
My wife and I are not traveling anywhere near DC
until long after Trump is sworn in.
That's, I guess, my other question related to that
is that with the latest, those two terrorist attacks that were, I believe that was yesterday.
They're just the start.
Well, specifically the one that happened over in front of the Trump Hotel in Vegas, that
was a cyber truck that blew up and, you know, looking at that now they're saying, oh, it
looks like it was just a guy that was committing suicide.
But it seems like such a direct message to put a Tesla Cybertruck in front
of a Trump hotel in Blountown. But if you're committing suicide, it's an act of aggression.
And sometimes you want to make that aggression apparent. You would not pick a Cybertruck because
the windows didn't even blow out of the damn thing. That wouldn't have the effect on anybody
else. All I know is that I have heard, and this is, I'm just repeating
what I've heard, is that the gentleman's wife had very anti-Trump comments on her social media.
And if you look at the choice of a Tesla Cybertruck and Trump Hotel, there does seem to be
some indication, if those reports are true about his politics,
that possibly this was some kind of, you know, flipping of the bird to Elon and Trump. I don't
know though. Something like that. Exactly. The thing that threw me off was that both of them,
both of those events, they rented from the same platform. That's right. That could be explained
easily because that's the only, you know, that's the main app that actually offers rentals that are these specific types of vehicles.
There's a way of explaining it.
But there are now...
You've tilted at something here about what I've heard ruminating around a little bit about these Al-Qaeda cells or something like that from the unrestrained immigration being activated.
And they're going to be activated.
They're here.
They're operating.
And this is my colleague, Sarah Adams and Sean Ryan's show.
I know all those guys.
And they've got solid, solid CIA people who are independent now.
They've been warning about this for a year.
Colonel Mann and I have spoken about this a couple of times.
He's one of the guys that's,
he's retired special forces,
but he's one of the guys that's been warning about this.
Basically, we have been giving money
since the pullout of Afghanistan in 2021.
We've been giving $40 million per week,
per week to the Taliban.
The Taliban have in turn been taking that money
and giving it to
Al-Qaeda and ISIS-K, and who have then been coming into the country both illegally, but also legally.
They're using official Republic or Taliban passports to get into the country. And they
have about a thousand fighters embedded in the U.S. society.
And it is my contention, along with their contention, that they're being activated now.
And I think the next six weeks are going to be a very bad time in America.
I hope I'm wrong.
Do you have recommendations for how to stay safe?
Well, you know, ultimately, you can't let terrorism or the fear of terrorism define a free people.
I would argue, though,
staying close to home
for the next four, five, six weeks
might not be a bad idea.
I would argue if you're armed,
buy more ammo.
If you're not armed,
get a gun, practice gun safety.
These are things you're going to have to try to do. We're going to need them anyway. But personally, get a gun, uh, practice gun safety. Um, these are things you're going to have to try
to do or need them anyway. Um, but personally, like I said, my personal view is I'm not traveling
until after the, the inauguration. And believe me, I have a lot of opportunities to travel and
I'm not taking them, which is a kind of a hit to my bottom line. But, but, um, there's, there's
just, um, right now is not a good time, especially because we've got Sleepy Joe
doing his best Konstantin Chernenko bit,
you know, finishing up, you know,
barely crossing the finish line.
And I actually think his people,
his apparatchiks are trying to set as many fires
as they leave for Trump to clean up.
So it's not safe right now.
It's like the burning of Moscow.
Yeah, it does.
The Russians burning Moscow.
Yeah, that's right.
Scorched earth.
Yeah, Susan, we'll get you a mic.
I was going to give you one.
Don't worry.
I set you up and then we've talked about some other stuff,
but here it's your turn now.
I know, just really quick.
So if they aren't UFOs, is China behind it?
If they aren't ours or if there are some of them are ours,
Susan's very concerned that China's involved some way in all this.
Oh, I'm sure they are.
No, I'm sure they are.
You have to understand China has caught up to us technologically
and they're actually surpassing us.
And if you follow me at,
you'll see all my articles.
I've got dozens of them on this very issue.
The fact of the matter is some of these things-
Stop for a second.
Before you go, I neglected to announce
your official new title,
even though you mentioned the National Interest.
Let me do so.
Let me set that straight senior national security editor at the national interest and
senior fellow at the center for the national interest yeah which is the mothership for the
national interest yeah yeah and so i think so go ahead china's involved china's there i think some
of these are chinese i think some of them are chinese i don't think some of them are Chinese. I don't think any of them are alien. Maybe they're
illegal alien. Maybe they're cartel. I don't know. But I am very skeptical. And that's not to say
I'm not open to the idea of other life. I just, I don't think they'd be visiting us. But my personal
view is some of these are Chinese, but I don't actually believe the wave of sightings over the last month are any foreign government,
actually. I know that McCaul came out and said, well, it's China. But then of course,
if you listen to his whole five-minute statement, he followed that up by saying,
but I haven't been briefed yet. So he didn't know. This is typical McCaul. This is what he does.
He talks a lot. And then you had that other congressman saying that it was Iran, and I'm an Iran hawk as well, but I'm telling you this was not Iran. Those were ours. But yes,
some of the sightings, and we know that China has some of the best drone makers in the world.
And we know that they've got about 5,000 military age males that they've snuck up through our broken
border over the last four years. And so, yes, it is more than possible that
some of these systems we're seeing are drones belonging to China. But I would also just be
very weary to say it's all China or that it's, you know, a lot of these I think are ours. And a lot
of these, I think they do stuff at night. Most people don't pay attention to it. It happens to
be a fluke. I think that people started noticing these things the way that they did.
I think part of it was a mass formation, like Caleb sort of pointed out. So they saw something
and then they started seeing a lot of things. I'm reading an interesting book called The True
Believer I brought up before. It's written by sort of a guy that was sort of an outcast for a long time,
but he's a great observer of human beings.
And people have, I think, marginalized that book
because it's not founded
in some sort of psychological sciences.
You do so at your peril.
People can observe the human experience
and derive meaningful conclusion about the human being it's possible so i like that
book a lot um and what's the guy's name with the big white mustache brennan is that his name
brennan brenner brennan which i get confused at all john uh the national security guy that
gets carted out every so often to lie to lie john b John Brennan, CIA director under Obama?
The bald guy?
Did he have a big white mustache?
No, I don't.
John Brennan is a balding Irishman.
The point is there's all these guys that come out.
What is it, Caleb?
Oh, you said John Bolton.
That's his name. John Bolton. Yeah, my you said John Bolton. That's his name.
John Bolton.
Yeah, my old buddy John Bolton.
There he is.
I knew him once upon a time.
There he is.
It seems like there's so many guys that get carted out just to lie these days.
He sort of strikes me as one of those guys.
John Bolton takes money.
Are they ever playing four-level?
Go ahead.
No, no.
John Bolton takes money from groups like the mujahedini kalk out of iran who
have a vested interest in overthrowing the regime uh which again i'm fine with overthrowing the
regime i just don't want us doing it um but but no john bolton is one of the most compromised guys
he he he never met a war he didn't want other kids to fight um and, you know, I knew him once upon a time.
And, you know, what you see is what you get with him though.
I mean, he's just like that in person as he is on TV.
Very smart, but he's also very two-dimensional in his thinking.
Well, I think so.
And that's what my conclusion is on most of these guys
that get carted out to lie.
But then I start worrying underneath that.
I go, oh, maybe they're paying three level chess
and I just am not in the know.
I shouldn't be able to figure this out.
I can assure you they are not.
They're liars.
Yeah, got it.
They're self-interest liars.
That's what I figured.
Yeah, yeah.
Brandon, quick question.
Yeah, great.
What I've noticed,
and I probably should have noticed this a long time ago,
is that I literally cannot trust anything the FBI says anymore.
It seems almost like they're a PR cover-up of any big crime like terrorism.
When that FBI person went out, or I believe it was the FBI,
and they're saying this wasn't a terrorism event,
but it's right in front of my eyes I see a terrorist event that happened.
Was that before or after she removed her nose ring?
I mean,
not even for that reason.
It's just like why she seems like the face of it
of what people higher than her are telling her
what to say.
Is that the point of
that group?
Is that group supposed to? Or aren't they working for us?
I don't understand why we've accepted
that the people that we're paying for are not even telling us the truth they just lie to our
faces to protect us they think but that's not what we're paying for they don't think they don't even
care that's not even what it's about um they are protecting their careers you have to understand
eight years of barack obama uh was one of the most damn, even before under George W. Bush, you had this happening,
but really was accelerated under Obama. Eight years of Barack Obama, and he spent that entire
time very strategically putting people that believed in his worldview into permanent civil
service executive positions that would outlast his administration for decades.
And so the FBI was one of the key targets of his,
it was really regime change, of his regime change
to ensure that the national security state
would continue to comport with the wishes
and predilections of Obama and the extreme woke left
for years after he left office.
The assumption was that Hillary was going to take over, and so she would carry the ball for eight
years, and that there would basically be 40 years. I mean, Carville said this in 2009.
He said there'd be 40 years of Democrat rule. So this was the plan that Obama and the organizational
Democrats began implementing from day one, that they took power from George W. Bush.
But even in the last four or five years of the Bush administration, particularly when it came to Islamism,
there was a push to purposely obfuscate the enemy threat doctrine.
Basically, we were telling ourselves, well, what you're seeing in the Middle East with terrorism and whatnot,
that's not real Islam. that's not really their their heritage but in fact that is a very real interpretation of the islamic faith
islamism which is political islam but we weren't allowed to say that doug fife the undersecretary
of defense for the bush administration was one of the worst people he would he would
rangoon people out of service if they said anything
negative about what he perceived to be
Islam. When in fact they were talking about
Islamism. People like Stephen Coughlin,
John Guadagno.
Many people in the CIA had their
careers destroyed or hampered
going back before
Obama because they were talking truthfully
about the Islamist threat.
I haven't
understood is why why is there because they it's because something your push for islam
states when it's not what is it they believe no well it does cause chaos i don't know if that
could be part of it i mean they're communists at the end of the day, they like chaos. But ultimately, I think that they truly believe that Islamism is the dominant, legitimate form of governance in the region of the Middle East.
And that for America to protect itself long term, they need to make nice with the Islamists.
And so that's why they were always hearing about the moderate rebels in Syria.
There are no moderate rebels.
They're all head-chopping jihadists. Okay. So,
but this was, this is sort of the art of self-delusion that Washington engages in routinely.
And they, because they don't have any real practical experience in what they're talking
about. These are all midwits. They're all from the Ivy League. They don't understand the world.
It's all two-dimensional theory to them. And so, Drew, this is my last question. I know I'm going
way over time, but you seem very knowledgeable about this, them. And so Drew, this is my last question. I know I'm going way over time,
but you seem very knowledgeable about this, Brandon.
And so my last question is,
I'm trying to understand because it seems like
super, super traditionalist values of any religion
don't fit with American society
because it starts to constrict things
like women's rights, the rights of gay people.
All these things don't vibe at all
with fundamentalist religions
on Christianity or with Islam at all.
So why would our country that's already
seems like, especially progressives,
why would someone like a progressives
person like Obama and his
administration want to import things
that just don't click with
that idea when he's fighting for one war for women's
rights and gay rights.
But then the other side you have,
you're kind of importing,
you know,
it's not like you're importing,
you know,
people from Saudi Arabia.
It's like,
it seems like they're trying to import people that are very,
you know,
very fundamentalist.
in Obama's case,
it's delusion denial plus the inherent anti-Americanism of his upbringing.
And that gets into the works of people like Dinesh D'Souza, people like Stanley, forgetting now, Stanley Kurtz.
These are great books that have been written about the origins of Obama's ideology. gets us to what's being taught in college campuses today, which is inherent anti-Americanism,
that America is inherently a racist, awful place that needs to be fundamentally transformed. That
was Obama's eight years that he described he was doing. He's fundamentally transforming America.
Well, why? Because he believed that America as it was, was bad, and therefore it had to be replaced
with what he perceived to be good, which is why you had the importation of these ideologies. Now, he didn't think he was importing Islam that would destroy America,
Islamism. He believed he was importing people who had been oppressed and he was trying to give them
better opportunity. And in turn, that would win friends and hearts and minds over in the Middle
East. Delusion, it's all delusion and naivete. I see. That makes sense.
Yeah. It was a very idealistic view.
Now you've explained to me
what people are talking about
on the progressive side
when they say,
our work here isn't done yet.
We've got so much more to do.
I'm like, what is the plan here?
What are you doing?
Ah, now I get it.
Pray they never achieve their goals.
Yeah, and now I see also
that this all started
before a lot of this came out.
If I can kind of tamper or lighten this conclusion
a little bit, this notion of what started in the 80s,
frankly, as cultural relativism.
Why is your culture superior to mine?
They're all relative.
And even morality is relative.
And there's no such thing as right and wrong.
That's kind of where it started.
And so the Islamists,
that's just another way of doing things.
Yeah, that's just another way of doing things.
They'll be okay.
They'll come around.
They just come from a different history.
And why is your way of doing things better?
It's like this was a lot of that 40, 50 years ago.
And it morphed kind of into this.
It melted a lot of people's minds.
It melted a lot of people's minds
and made them malleable to more radical notions,
such as their way is superior
or their way is, you know,
they've been oppressed for so long,
it's historical revenge.
At very minimum, yeah, that's right.
At very minimum, our way is bad
and we're responsible for whatever is negative
in those groups.
Yes, yeah, so.
That's right, that's right.
Well, my goodness.
So I don't know whether to go away feeling optimistic
or deeply concerned, or how do you feel?
I would say I am concerned yet optimistic.
Look, the next four years,
it's not going to be what we necessarily wanted.
I don't drink the Kool-Aid on anybody.
I've worked for enough politicians to know
even Trump is not going to live up to the promise.
It will be better than the alternative though.
And that's the key to remember.
What we're getting is going to be light years beyond better
than what we would have gotten
under Barack Obama's fourth term that would have been Kamala Harris's presidency.
And to be fair, the world is a rapidly changing place. There's so many moving parts right now.
It's too much to predict right now, but I really appreciate you being here. Am I pronouncing your
last name correctly, Weikert?
You are one of the few people who has ever gotten it right on the first try.
In fact, my wife and I joke,
my wife's maiden name is Clark.
We always joke that it's too bad
I didn't just take her name
for this kind of thing that I'm doing
because nobody can pronounce my last name.
Well, I want to give you your due again,
Senior National Security Editor at the National Interest,
Senior Fellow at the Center for the National Interest.
Appreciate you being here.
It's enlightening and interesting and thought-provoking.
And let me quickly look, see our streams here,
see if anybody has any just burning questions that are coming.
The stream is moving rather quickly,
so it might be hard for me to catch stuff.
Susan, anything from you before I wrap this up?
Do I have a mic?
I think that this was a good conversation
to start the year out.
I'm completely depressed now.
So don't be completely depressed.
Don't be depressed.
He said he's optimistic.
I'm still optimistic.
And like I said, I've got a one-year-old,
so I'm very optimistic.
Like I said today,'ve got a one-year-old, so I'm very optimistic. Oh.
We're about, like I said today,
we're in Orange County
because we're about to have a baby right now too.
I know, I heard Mazel Tov.
Yeah, congrats.
So we're going to go.
It sounds like, Susan,
we're going to walk the South Coast Mall.
That's what we're going to be doing.
Is that where they're going?
Read your text, yes.
After we go look at cars.
So, all right.
Well, listen, Brandon, thank you for being here.
Let's do it again.
And we'll talk to you again very soon.
Yeah, soon.
I would love it.
Be great.
All right, man.
Thank you.
Happy New Year.
All right.
Happy New Year.
Here we go.
And Caleb has thrown up the upcoming guest.
I have to sort of look above the camera here.
So I apologize if I seem to be looking up this way.
So throw those guests up there.
What's that, Susan?
Good. Dave Rubin on January 16th. That's a big, big one. Naomi Wolf, Errol Robinson. Susan has a show next Thursday. Randy Bach is an
interesting physician who has data to show. I guess he's our next guest. I just want to frame
some of the stuff we're going to get into with him. I met him through the Brownstone Institute.
It turns out all the Zika stories about the microcephalic babies and whatnot,
turned out that's another mass formation.
Probably all bullshit.
And he's going to show us the evidence.
And given what you've learned from COVID, doesn't that make sense?
That it's another sort of crazy, nonsensical,
I mean, where'd it go?
And again, I didn't talk about bird flu today,
which I was going to talk to both the guys about.
I was too much into other things,
but I know, I apologize.
But let me just say that if the bird flu goes human to human
or because of virulent,
somebody's screwing around with it.
And if nothing else, you learned from Brandon that that is indeed something that is happening. So that's probably why I didn't feel
compelled to talk about it. And in terms of the vaccines for it, bizarre that we're having the
conversation. And I will say it again, the fact that we're not talking about the fact that
dengue fever has become endemic in Southern California, which is a terrible illness being
transmitted by mosquitoes right here in Southern California, which is a terrible illness being transmitted by mosquitoes
right here in Southern California.
Never happened before.
That's a headline.
And they're, of course, ignoring that.
Where did Zika go?
Where'd it go?
We'll talk about that.
And happy new year, everybody.
Appreciate you all being here.
Appreciate my guests, Tom Renz and Brandon Weikert.
And we will see you again next Tuesday at three o'clock.
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky.
As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute
for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment.
This show is intended for educational
and informational purposes only.
I am a licensed physician,
but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor
and I am not practicing medicine here.
Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here.
Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving.
Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today,
some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future.
Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published.
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don't call me, call 911.
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