Ask Dr. Drew - Tyler Fischer: Comedian Gets LIFETIME Airline Ban (And Is Added To No Fly List) For Deleted Flight Attendant Joke + Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 424

Episode Date: November 17, 2024

Stand-up comedian Tyler Fischer tweeted and deleted a joke about his Delta flight attendant’s pin… and the airline responded by placing him on the No Fly List. The multibillion dollar airline says... they are aiding their employee in securing an attorney to “take action against their attacker.” “Banned for LIFE from flying. To be clear I had deleted this post already because flight attendants face was in it,” writes Fischer. “I have been a loyal customer and have spent over $10,000 in flights just in the last year with Delta. Now, what chance did they give me? Zero.” • SPONSORED BY JUVENT – If you’re serious about optimizing your health and wellness — especially if you want to strengthen your bones and improve mobility — check out the JUVENT Micro-Impact Platform. Get $500 off your Juvent today by using code DREW at Tyler Fischer is an actor, stand-up comedian, and viral content creator based in NYC. He has performed stand-up on America’s Got Talent, been a guest star on NBC’s Chicago Med, TV Land’s YOUNGER, and STARTUP on Netflix. Tyler is known for his viral content with over 200 million views. He was named “The Best New Impressionist” by the New York Times and “NY’s Funniest Comedian” at the NY Comedy Festival. He has been on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, and co-starred alongside Gina Carano in the movie Terror on the Prairie on The Daily Wire. Follow him at and find his tour dates at Bobbie Anne Cox is a New York civil rights attorney and a Fellow at the Brownstone Institute. She has been practicing law for over 25 years. Follow her at and learn more about her quarantine lawsuit at and her law firm at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at  • CAPSADYN - Get pain relief with the power of capsaicin from chili peppers – without the burning! Capsadyn's proprietary formulation for joint & muscle pain contains no NSAIDs, opioids, anesthetics, or steroids. Try it for 15% off at • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • CHECK GENETICS - Your DNA is the key to discovering the RIGHT medication for you. Escape the big pharma cycle and understand your genetic medication blueprint with pharmacogenetic testing. Save $200 with code DRDREW at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 two more great guests today past the bottom of the hour we're going to bring our friend bobby ann cox in new york civil rights attorney tell us a little about peanut the squirrel and about prop one as well as quarantine camps that are maybe planned by their governor and also uh the current administration that's on its way out tyler fisher though will join us first he's of course a stand-up viral content creator. He has been an America's Got Talent. He's also a comedic actor as well. He is on Gutfeld regularly.
Starting point is 00:00:33 And you will see him doing his Trump imitation all over the place. You can follow him on X at Ty, T-Y, the, Fish, F-I-S-C-H. Bobby Ann is, of course, on X also at attorney underscore Cox. So he's got some interesting stuff going on himself with Delta Airline. And he's got a lawsuit for having been fired for being white. We'll talk about all that next. Our laws as it pertains to substances are draconian and bizarre. The psychopath started this. He was an alcoholic because of social media and pornography, PTSD, love addiction, fentanyl and heroin. Ridiculous. I'm a doctor. Where the
Starting point is 00:01:18 hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying you go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals. Let's just deal with what's real. We used to get these calls on Loveline all the time. Educate adolescents and to prevent and to treat. If you have trouble, you can't stop and you want to help stop it, I can help. I got a lot to say. I got a lot-the-counter medication i'll
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Starting point is 00:02:31 I've been using Capsodent to relieve my pain in my hands and my wrist from carpal tunnel syndrome and arthritis. The results have been amazing. I use it every day during my show, and I highly recommend it. Get the pain relief you need from various sources even back aches sprains bruises even order now at slash drew to get a 15 discount plus free shipping that is c-a-p-s-a-d-y-n slash d-r-e-w we also have a very a very exciting guest tomorrow, C.J. Hopkins. If you know that story,
Starting point is 00:03:07 he's an expat in Germany who got just railroaded for putting a little symbol that taking on sort of fascism, but putting a fascist symbol suddenly became an issue where he has been railroaded by the legal system there.
Starting point is 00:03:22 So we've been working on trying to get him for quite some time. He'll be in here with Remy Delecay again. He's got something to update us on. And then Susan's show will be at 3 o'clock. We'll tell you more about that later. But right now, Tyler Fisher, I want you to follow him on for tour dates and whatnot, as well as follow him on TyTheFish, F-I-S-C-H.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Let's see. Is there anything else we got? You can... Where else we going to know about Tyler? I'll let him tell you himself. Tyler, welcome to the program. Oh, hey, Drew. You just caught me using
Starting point is 00:03:56 some capsid in here. This is awkward timing. Nice. Nice. You don't want to put it on your mouth, though. That will burn. But it is good for everyone.
Starting point is 00:04:05 Not in your junk, either. Not in your junk. Yeah, the junk will burn a bit. All right. Well done. That's where it's used. All right. How are you, man?
Starting point is 00:04:16 Nice. Well, mostly I'm looking at the doggy over your right shoulder, whom I recognized from our last breakfast together. There he is. That dog goes everywhere with Tyler. Yeah. And he's the sweetest. Why? Well, because we flew somewhere yesterday and we just drove five hours. I have a show in two hours in Omaha, Nebraska, in case anybody's around at 7 p.m. The funny bone in Omaha, Nebraska.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Nice. And does she, is it she, right? She? No. Okay, hold on. What are her pronouns? What are her pronouns, dude? I didn't think you would misgender this early in the program,
Starting point is 00:04:59 but here comes your far-right extremism. They, their name is Freddie. Okay. Ah, okay. So they, their name is Freddie. Ah, okay. So they, them, uh, do they, them travel with you, uh, everywhere? I mean, what do you do during a show? Yeah. Yeah. He flies with me.
Starting point is 00:05:16 He's a train service dog. Uh, yes. Straight white men have problems too, as you know, you know, uh, so he, yeah, he, during the show, he just sleeps right here. I come right back to the hotel room, hopefully with several. Oh, wow, nice. I got it. So, so talk to me, speaking of straight white males having problems, tell me about the lawsuit. I think I saw you with Dr. Phil getting into detail about it, playing the tape that you had. Tell people about what happened there. Yeah, Dr. Phil. Yeah, he was one of the only ones to allow me to talk about it. I'm forever grateful for that. Yeah, quite simply, I've been in the acting industry for 17 years.
Starting point is 00:06:01 And I would say like eight or nine years ago, I started to hear things from agents, managers, comedy clubs. They would start saying, well, there's too many white guys and too many white dudes. And then the white dudes became almost like a slur. And they just started saying it out loud. So one agent quite literally scouted me, said, we're going to get you on SNL. And then he fired me over email. Let me go over email. He just said, it's too tough out there for white dudes because they're all a bunch of woke pussies and they can't stand up to this stuff. So as you can see, with Trump being elected, it just snowballed and people just said enough.
Starting point is 00:06:44 So that happened. And then another agent, a manager scouted me, we got to get you on that. So, you know, the same old thing. And then they called me and they said, we've, we have a problem. We have a new company policy to not represent white men. And I recorded it because I was like, you know, I was losing my damn mind. And so that was three years ago. Filed a lawsuit in the Supreme Court in Brooklyn, New York. It's legal to record people without telling them there. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:07:17 I had no idea. And yeah, it's been three years and it's been quite a wild journey to see the reaction, both positive and negative. And how are the courts treating it? We haven't even gotten a court date yet. So nothing has really happened yet. We're just sort of waiting to see if it's going to court or not. I think it can come down to do we have a woke jury or not um i you know i think it can come down to do we have a woke jury or not oh it's a jury trial interesting and so you're uh but yeah so you're a white nationalist fascist
Starting point is 00:07:57 white supremacist right that's obvious and so when i didn't get the covid vaccine those were the labels and so i was like well that's a's a quick way to throw someone out of the Democratic Party. I was a lifelong, very loyal, very good little Democrat. And they lost a good one, you know, and now it's like, you know, I'm not, I didn't become Republican or conservative, but if they're going to welcome me with open arms and say, hey, you can't fire someone for their race and you can't, you know, ban someone from an airline for a tweet, then come here, Daddy Donald. You're my dad now. Tell them about the tweet. Oh, yeah. So I was on a Delta flight and, you know, I just I just took a photo of a pride pin. Side note, I'm raised by gay men, so I'm not homophobic. I not long ago sobbed at my dad's wedding when he kissed his new husband of joy.
Starting point is 00:09:02 But I don't want to know people's sexual preference preferences so i i put up a tweet i just said do i need to know who sucks d or eats p oh you'll put the whole thing up yeah you don't care you're you're canceled yeah i'm yeah we've been we've been uh down rigged down graded everywhere so it's all right i don't want anybody to hear you anyway tyler so it's all right. I didn't want anybody to hear you anyway, Tyler, so it's good that we get canceled all the way. So go ahead. This isn't even airing anywhere, is it? We're just hanging out.
Starting point is 00:09:32 We're just hanging out, you and I. It's been a minute. Yeah, yeah. So that was the joke. It's not Shakespeare, not my best work, but Twitter X is not for your best work. It's the public bathroom stall of the internet. So yeah, do I need to know
Starting point is 00:09:45 who sucks dick or eats pussy? Does it help the plane fly? Ban for life. Now, I will say the original one had the face in there and I deleted it out of respect for a family member that reached out and said, I don't want their face in it. And I said, sure. And I looked down, it was gone. The Delta employee started posting it again and saying, Van boycott his career and Delta very quickly. Actually, let me read this for you because I don't think this was posted. So Delta's immediate reaction was, as a result, in collaboration with your IFS leadership team, legal and corporate security, since we were able to identify the customer, they have been placed on the no-fly list.
Starting point is 00:10:37 The base leadership team has been supporting our flight attendant since we were made aware of the social media post. Our support also includes aiding and securing outside counsel for the flight attendant to take action against their attacker. So I'm known as the attacker for a free speech tweet, and it seems like Delta might be supporting or aiding a lawsuit against me. I haven't heard anything since then. Well, I suspect they've backed down since then, right? Things have gotten a lawsuit against me. I haven't heard anything since then, but yeah. Well, I suspect they've backed down since then, right? Things have gotten a little looser. You said ISIS there. I suspect, yeah, I am part of ISIS now, Dr. Drew.
Starting point is 00:11:15 No, you had mentioned that they backed down somewhat. You want to give them business, right? You're a comedian on the road. You want to be able to fly Delta. Is that, yeah. You don't have anything against that particular flight attendant. I suspect they found out that you have two dads.
Starting point is 00:11:32 That's what I suspect. And that they would be... I don't think that carries any weight anymore, actually. No, I think that they could, they're not... See, they were going to call you homophobic, but they lose that bullet when you have two dads two dads right so they can't shoot that at you no they can call you people i think gone maybe 10 years ago that worked but now it's like oh you're not going
Starting point is 00:11:57 to speak for someone else's experience you straight white guy you don't even comment on what other people are doing right uh and but i still think that they i don't know they might be a little bit nervous about doing uh this these days it seems to me i because you could counter sue now and there's so much more to be done uh but but be that as it may you you would like it to settle down. You would like to be able to fly Delta. You harbor no animosity toward this flight attendant who attacked you after all, right? Attacked you on Twitter, on X, yes? Well, no, I don't think the flight attendant had any response. See, this is what the woke people do.
Starting point is 00:12:38 They will take over for somebody else's experience and they'll fight for that. I see. As far as I know, that flight attendant has not even commented on this. And, uh, my goodness, I wish them all the best or her or they or whatever. But, uh, um, no, no, I, I, I fly adults all the time. The thing is Dr. Drew, they, they told me you are on a permanent lifetime, no fly list ban. That's why I went on Twitter and I told the story and I go, hey, you know, I got two million fans online. You guys should know about this.
Starting point is 00:13:14 They then did call me and say they said, well, no, it doesn't really mean permanent. So I guess their lifetime ban identifies as a partial ban because we're not based in reality anymore. So, yeah. Speaking of your two million fans, did you remember to retweet this show? Did you post it? Did you click through and repost? I'm the guy out here. But didn't you get attacked by an angry mob, though, too, that kind of made you uncomfortable after that?
Starting point is 00:13:47 Don't talk about my ex-girlfriend like that. Well, first of all, I am shadow banned, I think, everywhere but Twitter. So I wear this hat now so that people, I'm not searchable unless you type in the whole thing. I'm in timeout on Instagram. Yes, I got an angry mob of flight attendants. Oh, yeah, I have it all documented. They found my address. We're going to come to your house. It's spread to other airlines. People from United said, if you get on United, we're going to beat your ass. So i will be sending all of this to delta to say hey are you going to uphold uh your policy and fire or find these people who are attacking me interesting
Starting point is 00:14:35 yeah so what what do you make uh one of the things that uh you famous, at least Caleb feels this way very strongly, was a woke Jordan Peterson. What do we call that? Imitation skit? How do you refer to that? Well, it's like, well, you're putting words in my mouth. And let's be precise in your speech. Well, we didn't even do a damn land acknowledgement. It's like, well, you know, the cis didn't even do a damn land acknowledgement it's like well you know
Starting point is 00:15:13 the cis privilege here is really bubbling over so that's all i'll say about that well uh dr peterson uh there he is or is that you there And, oh yeah, it's so funny. So your real traction, though, comes with the president-elect. So I'm wondering if you, Mr. Trump, have anything to offer us about the flurry of executive officials that you have been cabinet officials. For instance, Tulsi Gabbard today was named as the head of the National Intelligence Operation. And we have
Starting point is 00:15:50 Matt Gaetz, perhaps, in the Department of Justice. I'm hearing lots of interesting things. And of course, we have Ramaswamy and Musk in the new DOGE,
Starting point is 00:15:59 Department of Government Efficiency. What do you say, Mr. Trump? So we love, I mean, what a great group. We have a big group. We might bring Dr. Drew in for the chief of creams. He loves creams. We just saw his beautiful wife rubbing cream on her wrist. We love her so much, but we have, so we're bringing in Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy, secretary of comfort. Everybody can be comfortable.
Starting point is 00:16:26 And we might even, of course, we have RFK Jr. Think of that, making America healthy again. Excuse me, as the new head chef of McDonald's, Dr. Drew, we have completely revamped. Excuse me, excuse me. We're doing chicken nuggets. We'll be healthy. We're using fresh Atlantic cod for the fish fillet. And you're going to literally lose weight from eating the fries.
Starting point is 00:16:49 It's going to be fucking amazing. So it's going to be wonderful. Excuse me. And so it must have been quite an exciting thing to see the support of the majority of American public. I think you referred to it as an extraordinary and once in a historical event. You're known for hyperbole. How did you describe what happened on election night? The American people, they're tired of the wokeness, right? Kamala, you're fired, right? You're fired. They tried to do the DEI. They tried to sneak in a DEI president.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Can you believe that? And that would have been historic. They said, sir, think of it, the first retarded hyena in the Oval Office. It would have been so great. But we're not falling for it. We're not falling for it. We're making comedy great again. You can get these on Isla Fisher's website.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Go support that little guy. He looks like Zach Galifianakis fucked Macaulay Culkin. Give him some love. And that's the McFa movement. Make comedy funny again. McFa, yeah. McFa movement.
Starting point is 00:17:58 And I just saw... Mafa, yeah, there you go. Mr. President, I also saw that you're going to, on one day early in your administration, you are going to identify as a woman so there can have been a woman in the Oval Office. Day one, day one, right? We're going to bring in Tampon Tim to put some tampons in the Oval Office bathroom, and we'll do one day of a great female administration. And if you have your period,
Starting point is 00:18:32 you get the day off, we're going to do that. It's going to be a national holiday whenever you have your heavy flow. We like to say heavy flow. And it's going to be so great. Women are going to be. And we're making women women again, aren't we, Dr. Drew? With with with saying heavy flow. We hear a woman crying in the back, probably a Kamala, a Kamala supporter. There's no crying. Nobody. They're doing a sex. And have you seen this?
Starting point is 00:19:01 These these women are saying no sex. And I said, what a shame that the fattest, ugliest, hairiest women are closing shop to their big vaginas. It's so sad. Wow. Okay. So if I could speak to Tyler again for a minute, it'd be awesome. There we go. So are you having more demand for the Trump now that the election has happened?
Starting point is 00:19:33 No, not really. I think because I do so many, you know, it's probably schizophrenia, you tell me. But yeah, what's funny about it is the progression. I used to do Trump because I hated him because I only watched CNN and I fell for everything. And I do. Actually, I don't sympathize for the people crying. You've got Jimmy Kimmel crying on TV. a comedian say you know what if in 2016 i get it i can understand it was scary but you saw what he did in four years the world didn't fall apart and so it's fun now to do the impression uh as somebody
Starting point is 00:20:15 who likes him now i still make fun of him i don't uh i don't um i'm not like taking my foot off the gas now that i i'm i'm more of a fan of him. And I'll be making fun of him for years. Yeah. I mean, it's such good territory. He is very funny. And he's very distinct in his way he presents himself. And you nailed the hand movement, which I always found very odd. I don't know why he does that.
Starting point is 00:20:45 And the other movement, which I always found very odd. I don't know why he does that. And let me, the other thing, yeah. And if you're sitting on a stage, the other thing he does is he, if you're ever doing a Trump impersonation, I want to show you something. Maybe put a picture up, if you can, Caleb, of him with like, anything where he's sitting down next to a world leader, side by side, where he's facing out. He spreads his legs way apart and he puts his hands in a diamond shape in front of his genitalia.
Starting point is 00:21:11 It's such a distinct thing. And no one seems to notice it. To me, it's like, oh my God, every time it's how he says. And I wonder if it's intentional or subconscious or I don't know. I'm just curious. Manly way to say it. He's going, here's- There it is. I just curious. Manly way to sit. Yeah. He's going, here's,
Starting point is 00:21:26 here's. Here it is. Here it is. There he is. I found it in one second. Like there's so many of them of him sitting exactly. He never, it's always the way he,
Starting point is 00:21:35 100% of the time when he sits with a world leader. Well, and get this, get this drew. So a lot of people, every time he does that, they think it's an Illuminati hand signal. So that that's a conspiracy of its own. That it's. It's because it makes like a triangle shape. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Oh my God. Yeah. Well, they're going to have to dig a deep trench to find new, you know, 15 years of trying to, you know, come up with conspiracies about him. But I did hear, I don't know if this is a conspiracy, he's considering bringing Ben Shapiro in the administration as at least one of his advisors, which I think would be interesting mainly because he's a podcaster, and he's probably going to be doing ad reads like you while he's addressing the nation. My fellow Americans, we are at war. This is very serious. We are at war with North Korea. They got a hold of our nuclear codes because we are terrible at protecting our online data. That's why I use ExpressVPN. I encourage all Americans, go to Use code WorldWar3 for 10% off.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Great deal. What a great deal. What a great deal. Do you do an Alex Jones? You know, I actually, I do. I haven't broken it out yet so it's gonna be time for that yeah i'll uh i'll work on that hey caleb do you have the little clip when he was on this road he talked about flying over the flack and have his this would be such great for you for
Starting point is 00:22:57 you tyler i had an email too but he he is a very he's so funny. These people are so funny, right? It's such great for comedians. This is a whole new world, especially now that you can talk. You know, you can actually be funny. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it'll be interesting to see. I mean, I don't know if you've, have you experienced any of the shadow banning or censoring on your?
Starting point is 00:23:22 Oh, yeah, of course. I just, I really hope Trump and all of them hold them accountable. Because when Trump was president the first time, I was hopeful, but not a whole lot happened. You know, I still get banned and demonetized. Twitter's now the only, X is the only place, obviously, I don't get censored.
Starting point is 00:23:43 But I would love to see what my actual career would look like if I wasn't stifled so much. Yeah. I mean, to some extent, the marketplace is handling this with X, with Rumble, but it really is the Facebook, Instagram world that needs to lighten up. YouTube. YouTube, I don't know if we can do that one. I don't know. I gave up. Yeah, I gave up. But at least Facebook is so egregious in the way it does it. YouTube just down-regulates you. You're just turned, the volume is turned down. Facebook and Instagram do a lot of banning and stuff too, right? Yeah, I actually met a woman on an airline, not Delano,
Starting point is 00:24:22 and she worked for Facebook. And we got to talking. I told her I was a comedian. I said, hey, I've been frozen on Facebook for five years. 50,000 frozen. And she said, well, I could take a look at it. And I said, you can just turn me back on. She goes, well, it depends on the jokes.
Starting point is 00:24:42 And I'm thinking, you bitch. And guess what? My Facebook page, I've lost access to it. I'm thinking, you bitch. And guess what? My Facebook page is, I've lost access to it. I don't know if it was her, but she quite literally said, you know, if I don't like the jokes, no, I'm not turning you back on. And, but we're the fascist.
Starting point is 00:24:57 We're the dictators. That should be, you should be able to sue somebody for that. But I guess it's the private organization. You got banned on Facebook Live. Me? Yeah. Instagram Live.
Starting point is 00:25:07 Instagram Live. Sorry. And you also got, every time we start making money on YouTube, they demonetize us for some music that they say we can't play. And then they lift it. On TikTok, I posted a short with Alex Jones
Starting point is 00:25:22 that had nothing offensive at all in it. And it was immediately down within two minutes of posting just because it offensive at all in it. And it was immediately down within two minutes of posting just because it had his name in it. It's just completely banned and you got a community strike. Yeah. Well, okay.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Well, let's not play that tape then of Alex Jones. Let's not do that. We can't play anything on TikTok. But it's sad. It's sad to see people censoring themselves. Even people with larger podcasts will go, you know what, let's not say that topic. In communist China, like, you see my complaint. Tyler, for two years, I couldn't talk to my medical peers about certain things. You're not allowed. We had to have a code word for ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.
Starting point is 00:26:05 If you said it, you were immediately taken off and taken down. Was the code word the COVID vaccine? We would just say the I word. Yeah. We'd say the I word or the H word, something like that. But so you got involved with RFK Jr. And the last time you and I were together was in San Jose. We were, you were opening and I was sort of moderating this day long event that was really kind of interesting. And was that your first jump into RFK's world and
Starting point is 00:26:36 A and B, how do you feel about him? What, what his position is going to be, what he's likely to do? That was the first time I think I heard him speak live and I wanted him to continue for another four hours. Yeah, he's one of the most intelligent people that I've ever heard speak, second to you, of course. And how knowledgeable he is on vaccines and pesticides and health. I am so, I'm so happy he's part of Trump's administration. This is a huge win. And I mean, I personally, when I was seven, became allergic to every fruit. And obviously, it was either a vaccine or pesticides or a combination of both. So it's impacted my life. And then of course, getting fired for not getting the COVID vaccine, which I didn't have any opinion. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:27:34 you know, once it became mandated to work in New York City, I just couldn't believe it. I was shocked. And I was a far left, liberal, woke douchebag. I was all of the things. And to me, it was like, wait a minute, we don't do out in the park. We all had our dogs. And they're going, when are you getting the shot? What date? What's your, Tyler, what day are you going? What doctor? I go, whoa, you know, this is new and it's scary. And I just said, I'm not getting it. And so I wasn't allowed to do stand-up comedy in New York.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And then the fact that I stood up for it, I was labeled far right, extremist, QAnon. And I started getting bullied within the stand-up comedy scene. And I'm pretty confident, I can say I was quite loved before that because I was just a quality, hardworking, silly comedian who did nothing too crazy outside of impressions. So that was it for me. That was like, all right, I'm going to go watch a Trump rally and see what he's up to. And I was done. I was like, I am out. I'm out of this insane party that's gone way too far. Was there a particular moment when the scales fell from your eyes? Yeah, it was an email from a comedy club that said, send us your vaccine papers.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Am I a dog? What was going on? It was that combined with the consistent call to not hire white men based on their skin color. We're going backwards 50, 100 years, and nobody's speaking up against it. And if you do speak up against it, you're labeled racist. So the gloves were off. The gloves are, you know, I didn't know I had any more glove to take off. But each day I'm pulling my arm hair out.
Starting point is 00:29:51 And to me, I was objecting to the passports in New York to get into restaurants and institutions which were required. You had to show your passport because the majority of the unvaccinated in New York were black Americans. And they were literally discriminating actively against black Americans for not having a vaccine. It was bizarre to me that they felt they could do that and that nobody pointed that out as racist. I was doing it, but I was careful because everyone was affected. So I didn't want to just say, hey, the blacks need our support because it was me and my black neighbor were out on the street going, hey, you want to have a picnic on the sidewalk because we're not allowed in the restaurant down the street? But I'm in one of those black neighborhoods in Brooklyn. I still live, I live in Brooklyn and now I live in Texas because I
Starting point is 00:30:49 needed a little bit of freedom. And my neighborhood is probably 95% black and they are beaten down. They're lonely. It's a bunch of old black women walking around with masks on because they didn't get the vaccine, but they still watch CNN and these people have been destroyed and everyone's back drinking their cappuccinos having a good time and i'm going look what you did and i stood up for it and i'm the i'm the devil do you still take shit from your former um compatriots yeah yeah but i, but I don't care. And, you know, I can separate. These are my colleagues.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I did endorse Trump, which I said I would never do, but I just thought if she wins and I didn't do that, I would feel horrible. And I think that's what happened to Joe Rogan as well. Oddly enough, I was— We all wanted RFK in Washington too.
Starting point is 00:31:48 I mean, that was my thing. I just want him in Washington. I want him doing his thing there. But I'm surprised you didn't go more libertarian. Yeah, I don't even know what that means. Is that another cream that you're selling? What is that? I love libertarian.
Starting point is 00:32:07 It keeps me balanced. Your friend across the studio, across the stage from you on Gutfeld, the blonde girl is a libertarian. Hardcore. Kat Timp is a libertarian. And like I say all the time, I used to think I was libertarian until I met her. And then I understood, oh, that's not, no, that's not what I am. Yeah. I don't even have a political party. That was another turning point for me,
Starting point is 00:32:39 the fact that everybody just labeled me because I didn't do one thing i'm like right you know it's so childish and naive and and just illogical um but i did i did say i'm voting for trump and here's why and um i lost a ton of followers which to me was a badge of honor um a ton but in the context of how many I have, it's irrelevant, really. Right. Right. Are there certain issues that are just like line in the sand or red line issues for you left over from all that you've been through the last couple of years?
Starting point is 00:33:21 In other words, we've talked about a lot of different things that have come down around your ears, but are there certain, as a result of this experience, are there certain things you went, just these are absolute priorities that I will stand up for, go to the mat for, no matter what? Is there anything like that out there for you? Yeah, well, the medical mandates, which I think would come back if someone like Kamala won, if we had another pandemic or something similar, we already know their record on that. They called us, it was the pandemic of the unvaccinated. They quite literally shamed millions of Americans as being the cause of something that China
Starting point is 00:34:02 fucked up on, which is absolutely inexcusable. And I think they should actually be, they should be brought to court for that. For sure. What Biden did was so unconstitutional. He should have been removed immediately after that. The divide that it's caused in this country is, I don't think it's repairable. Because I do, I tour the country. I'm literally like crawling around this country, meeting people who have been destroyed by it. They lost their family, their jobs. This is going to take generations to fix. That and also this DEI stuff, shaming people based on their skin color, not hiring people or hiring people based on their skin color. You can see what it does. It's destroyed Hollywood. Kamala was an admitted
Starting point is 00:34:55 DEI hire, arguably one of the worst politicians we've ever had in this country. And the American people said, enough is enough. So I would love to get involved with Trump's administration to try to dig into the DEI stuff in Hollywood. I would absolutely- Wouldn't it be interesting, you know, how they have that journalist function every year if you were the one that they picked
Starting point is 00:35:22 to do the Washington the washington uh group there's two of those two different ones but one is a big correspondent center i did it last year you know okay that's right i did know that i hosted the i hosted the smaller one yes the smaller one yeah i told some funny jokes too yeah Yeah, I think that, well, Gutfeld, maybe you and you and me being on that, Gutfeld saw that clip because I went hard on CNN and everybody. And that was like, they actually didn't air half of it. I got booed and I ran down in the crowd and started eating people's cake and sitting at their table because it got real. I have to post, I think somebody filmed it on their phone. It got really ugly and they were really upset at me, but I'm like, well, why'd you hire me?
Starting point is 00:36:12 Tony Hinchcliffe's thing, the White House one. I didn't realize Tyler Fisher was an absolute radical, but here we are. He was a left-leaning radical and now he's a right-leaning radical. That must be just a shock to you. That must be absolutely shocking. I still can't believe it, but people wear Trump hats to my shows. And at first, it was weird. And some people that are liberal that come get freaked out, and run out of the, they run, they scream at me. And, but I'm one of them. I don't care what they wear or who they vote for. I'm, I'm just a regular old American and there's nothing but love at my shows and nobody gets offended. And I say some wild shit, but, uh,
Starting point is 00:36:59 people need to hear it. You're the people that want to hear it. So it's not only fun and funny, but it's kind of therapeutic for everybody, including myself, to get us all in these rooms and just say, we're going to just go for it and laugh our asses off. And then we'll storm the couch. So we're going to wrap up. You and I see the doggy moving around like he needs some attention or he wants some food or something. He's quite busy back there. I don't know if you've seen him. But he's wagging his tail. See him?
Starting point is 00:37:31 There he is at the front. Maybe somebody came to the door. Wagging their tail, honey, not his. Their tail. Wagging their tail. Oh, there he is. Their tail. Hi, Freddie.
Starting point is 00:37:40 There he is. Good to see them. Good to see them, Tyler. Yeah. There he is. Good to see them. Good to see them, Tyler. Yeah, and I'll just say this. I have an election comedy special, which just hit 3.5 million views on X. It's on YouTube as well. My hats are for sale now. All that money goes so I can fly other airlines because it's getting expensive.
Starting point is 00:38:02 So there's your upcoming dates but what what's the name of the special on x youtube the election special the election special very creative name uh well it's great to see you it's very great great to see you again and uh good luck uh go forth continue to speak your your, whatever that might be. And hopefully we'll see you again soon in person. Absolutely. I appreciate you, buddy. Great job.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Thank you so much. See you soon. All right. So we're going to switch gears. I have Bobbi Ann Cox in here in just a minute. She's going to talk to us about Peanut the Squirrel and about Prop 1 in New York. Quarantine camps. A lot of stuff going on. And do follow Tyler on X.
Starting point is 00:38:51 He needs more millions. We got to get behind that boy. He needs his private jet. So maybe we can make him famous enough so he can just fly his own jet. Or at least, yeah. Or get on one of those jet, one of those cars. Whenever I see that comedian, they all start laughing like he can't afford a jet, okay? Neither can I, but still.
Starting point is 00:39:10 All right, we'll take a little break. Back with Bobbi Ann Cox after this. The Wellness Company knows that taking charge of your family's health care is a top priority, and that is why they are constantly innovating to deliver the products and services to help you be rationally ready for an emergency. They've added a medical kit for kids to treat over 20 childhood illnesses, nausea, vomiting, allergies, asthma, bowel terror, God forbid, croup ear infections, lice, and more. And you can also order the kids kit with an EpiPen, carefully sourced, great price. If there's a risk of anaphylaxis for your kids, you want an EpiPen. Carefully sourced, great price. If there's a risk of
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Starting point is 00:44:06 guest has been here before, and we were with her at the Brownstone Institute, where she is a fellow. It is Bobbi Ann Cox. She's a New York civil rights attorney, as I said, a fellow at Brownstone. Been in practice of law for over 25 years. You can follow her
Starting point is 00:44:22 at attorney underscore Cox, and you can learn more about her quarantine lawsuit at forward slash lawsuit. And finally, her firm is Bobbi Ann, welcome back.
Starting point is 00:44:38 There you are. Oh, we don't have sound for some reason. Caleb, is that she's muted on her end. Are you not with me? There we are. That's us. No problem.
Starting point is 00:44:49 No problem. So good to see you. So first of all, see if I can carry it. So first of all, let's talk about that crazy story with the squirrel and the raccoon and the essentially home invasion by the government. What was that? Yeah, that was a horrendous display of government overreach by the New York State government, which is not uncommon here. I'm based in New York, and this is where I practiced law for the past 25 years or so. But yeah, this is a situation where, you know, this is a perfect example of the government wasting taxpayer dollars to pursue something. You know, the Department of Environmental Conservation went into this couple's home and raided their home for hours. They forced the homeowners to stand outside.
Starting point is 00:45:49 I think it was for something like five hours. While they raided the home, they had multiple search warrants, which they obtained, by the way, based on a quote-unquote anonymous tip from somebody that was unidentified that complained that they had, you know, wildlife in their home. Meanwhile, they run a wildlife sanctuary. And so, which they had for years. And they went and they seized their pet, which was a squirrel, Peanut, and another pet that they had, also wildlife, which they had had for, I think, several months living in the home. And they took them and they ended up euthanizing both of the pets. They didn't even tell the owners. The owners found out
Starting point is 00:46:40 because they were reached out to by a media source asking for a comment. You know, how do you feel that they, you know, euthanized your pets? So, yeah, so as far as I understand, they are now going to take legal action against the government. But, you know, this is a terrible example, you know, and I have to say, you know, their pet squirrel, Peanut, was a source of revenue for the family. I guess he was a big sensation on Instagram, I believe it was, and had, you know, tens of thousands of followers on social media. So not only did they take the family's pet um but they actually extinguished uh one of the modes of income for this family which used i understand used the money that they were getting that peanut
Starting point is 00:47:35 the squirrel was earning for them to help run their wildlife sanctuary so uh you know this this is what the the new york state government is focusing on uh when we have plenty of other issues that we need to address um complete violation of these people's constitutional rights you know i'm glad that they're hiring an attorney i'm glad they're taking action because this is just an example of one example of you know know, gross government overreach here in New York. They do whatever whatever they want. What was the what was the allegation? What was the alleged reason for these intrusions?
Starting point is 00:48:14 Yeah, I'm not sure what the search warrant specifics were. in listening to an interview that the property or the homeowners, you know, peanuts owners gave, he said that they claimed that while they were capturing the squirrel, I guess, one of the federal, one of the government agents got bit by the squirrel. And then, you know, I'm guessing again, there's, it's a little bit fuzzy. There's not much as far as documentation. I don't believe the Department of Environmental Conservation has made a statement on this yet. But I believe that then led to them euthanizing the squirrel. They wanted to see if the squirrel had rabies, which, again, from what I understand, that is not a common, you know, squirrels are not common carriers of rabies.
Starting point is 00:49:07 But yeah. You would have known. But the fact is, though, what were they doing in the first place? Was there some law being broken? Was there some, I mean, what did they imagine they were protecting by raiding someone's house? It's just the most bizarre thing. But it's kind of in keeping with this whole quarantine thing that the state has been talking about. Tell me about that. Yes. So the New York State Department of Health, together with Governor Kathy Hochul,
Starting point is 00:49:37 had issued an isolation quarantine procedures regulation. This is going back, you know, a couple of years now. It was first issued under Cuomo, then he stepped down, Hochul became governor, and then she kept, you know, her Department of Health kept reissuing this emergency regulation. And they basically wanted to be able to pick and choose which New Yorkers they could lock up or lock down. They could have locked you down in your home or they could have removed you from your home
Starting point is 00:50:09 and put you into a facility of their choosing. You had no say in where you were placed. There were no time restraints, so you could have been locked up or locked down for days or weeks or months. There was no age restriction. So they could have taken you from your home, but they also could have taken your child or your grandchild or, you know, elderly parents. And there was no process by which you could get out of quarantine once they put you into quarantine. What I mean by that is, you know, this is a great example. We were having oral arguments in front of the trial court judge. This is back in the spring of 2022. And the judge said to the attorney general, the assistant EG that was arguing the
Starting point is 00:50:56 case, you know, he said, well, let's say you take a family and let's say you take them from their home, you put them into a facility somewhere, maybe like a hospital or whatever. Once they're in there, how do they get out? And, you know, he thought about it for a minute and he said, well, you know, I guess they could hire a lawyer and they could sue us. Oh, my God. You would have to hire a lawyer and sue the government to regain your freedom. I mean, it was the most unconstitutional reg I've ever read in my life. So I brought a lawsuit against the state of New York, and I'm representing a group of New York state legislators, Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman
Starting point is 00:51:40 Chris Teague, now Congressman Mike Lawler, together with the Citizens Group, uniting New York State. And we won. We got the regulation struck down as unconstitutional on multiple levels. But the big one was separation of powers. You know, the governor and the Department of Health don't have the power to make a law. And that really was a law. And so what did they do? You know, the governor, Tish James, our attorney general, they appealed. Of course, they waited until after the 2022 elections when both the AG and the governor were running for election. And they appealed, the appellate court overturned. Now we're, you know, trying to get up to the highest court in New York State to appeal the reversal. It's just a complete, astonishing power grab. And thus far, what we're seeing is this is their MO, right? This is what they do in New York. Yeah. Yeah. Well, welcome to California, too.
Starting point is 00:52:46 But but the you know, our our AG says just comply. I mean, the worst thing you could ever hear from an elected official, just comply. It's like no due process, no regard for the law, just comply. And and I'm wondering, given that they can no longer maintain the ruse that they're in the majority or they're the good guys or, you know, this is just this is the direction this country wants to go. If they're waking up from their weird, delusional states. Yeah, you know, that's a great question. I'm not sure if they are, particularly in our states, right? You're in California, I'm in New York, because the culture in our states is very different than
Starting point is 00:53:32 the national culture that we've seen. You know, I mean, with last week's election, there was, you know, a clear mandate given by the American people to our government. But in New York, we didn't have a red wave like that. You know, our election day saw, you know, the Democrats, these radical Democrats that control our state in Albany, in the legislature, you know, they all got reelected. You know, they still have their supermajority controlling the New York State legislature. And this Prop 1, this horrendous, another power grab by the New York State government passed here in New York. So it is a different culture, I think, than the national culture. Now, could that change? Could that trickle down? You know, now that we're going to see some big changes coming at the federal level in our
Starting point is 00:54:25 country, yeah, of course, that can trickle down to the states. But I'm not sure if we are going to see, you know, the California government, the New York government pulling back too much. I'm hoping we do because what they're doing on many levels with these various initiatives is unconstitutional. But when you have complete power like that, when you have one party rule governing a state as we do in New York and as you do in California, it's very dangerous because you don't see both sides of an argument. You only see one party ruling, you know, all branches of government. And when they do that, then you don't hear half the voices of half the citizens of the state. And it's- Well, but interestingly, I agree with you. But interestingly, I noticed that Newsom, our governor, went on the war path and was like, we're going to resist this and we're going to fight back.
Starting point is 00:55:28 And I remember this all back in 2016. He did the exact same thing. And people literally went out into the streets with the resist movement. Remember the whole resist thing? And at the time, I remember going, what are you resisting exactly? What are we doing? What do you want? Resist?
Starting point is 00:55:47 We're just resisting? And it became this huge thing. That's when they did the sanctuary cities, the sanctuary state. And we're resisting, resisting, resisting. This time, he got destroyed on Twitter. Instead of people giving him the street, he got his ass handed to him on x and he shut the hell up so i when i saw that happen i really thought oh maybe there is a chance that he will get with the program a little bit because that guy if nothing else it's about putting your hand finger
Starting point is 00:56:20 in the air and seeing which way the wind's. And that's his deal. So it'll be interesting. It really, he shut up the next day. So we'll see. I hope you have similar experiences with Hochul. It seems a little different. That's a great story. I was not aware of that. That is a great story.
Starting point is 00:56:38 So that does make me think perhaps the tide might turn a bit in California. Here in New York, Governor Hochul is already reviving the congestion pricing tax, which is basically- We got our gas prices increased 65% for nothing. And people are, how much? Yeah, 65 cents. Oh, I'm sorry, 65 cents. And people are noticing that they're getting nothing for this money that's going down the drain in california but but talk to us about prop one what happened with that what was that you were fighting very hard on that one and i was fearful that they would hoodwink everybody as they always do with these propositions. Yeah, hoodwink is the correct word here. So Prop 1 was a
Starting point is 00:57:28 New York state legislature, again, controlled by the radicals here in New York. They put on our ballot last week the proposed change to our New York state Constitution. You know, they dressed it up and made it sound like, and they called it an equal rights amendment, so that it sounds wonderful. But what you saw on the ballot was a two sentence summary, instead of the actual language that would go into the Constitution. So that's step number one on how they did this great big you know trojan horse of a proposition you didn't even get to read all the language that would go into the constitution and so they left out an entire paragraph that is paragraph b of the actual proposal and that paragraph b gives the government license to discriminate against New Yorkers for the legislature, to agencies as well.
Starting point is 00:58:50 And then what do we have? We have people reading this ballot initiative on the back of their ballot. It has two sentences. It doesn't say anything about paragraph B. So they have no idea that they're actually giving the power to the government to discriminate against them. And then you see those two sentences on the back of the ballot are summarizing what was paragraph A of the proposal. And paragraph A sounds very nice. against somebody based on their, you know, their ethnicity, their national origin, their age, their disability, their sex, their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, reproductive health care, and autonomy. I mean, the list was a laundry list. It was 12 new classes that they were adding to our constitution to be protected classes. So, you know, people had no idea about paragraph B. It's being called an equal rights amendment. There's only two sentences on the back of your ballot, which make it sound wonderful because
Starting point is 00:59:59 who doesn't want people to have equal rights right nobody wants people to be discriminated against and treated unfairly so it passed right you know and and what is there any is there anything you can do can you talk can the the extreme uh censorship of the information did that could that make a case for anything or you're just done. That's it. That's your new constitution. Yeah. I am looking into and talking with other legal scholars on the issue, trying to figure out if there is something that can be done. Unfortunately, so far, we're coming up short on causes of action to undo this. People don't understand the ramifications. It's not just that the government can now make discriminatory programs, which if you think about it, what does that look like? Well, reparations, right? If the government in New York now wants to pass a law requiring reparations, okay, well, now it's going to be constitutional because, you know, you can point to the new language in the constitution that just passed last week. Or if they want to start putting quotas on elite schools, you know, high level, high performance schools, if they want to cap the number of, you know, white students or
Starting point is 01:01:17 Asian students, which is, you know, what we saw happen with the Harvard case that SCOTUS had struck down. Basically, SCOTUS earlier this year had reversed, you know, reverse discrimination, basically, which had been going on in universities and colleges for a long time. You know, they call it affirmative action. And so now in New York State, that's been put into our Constitution as something that is legal. So you're going to see things like that start to happen. But even talking about like, you know, well, you can't discriminate based on gender identity or gender expression. Okay, so now males have a biological right in New York State to play on girls' sports teams, right? And males have a biological right,
Starting point is 01:02:07 a constitutional right in New York State to use women's bathrooms and locker rooms and dormitories and prisons. So, you know, people didn't understand and people didn't think about the ramifications of that language because it was dressed up in this really nice, warm, and fuzzy language of, you know, protect everybody, equal protection under the laws. But you're now going to see, because the language in Prop 1 was so broad, you're going to see really protected classes pitted against one
Starting point is 01:02:43 another in New York State and fighting over, well, whose rights are more important, right? Whose rights are now going to trump somebody else's rights? Does the trans athlete have more rights than the girls to play on the girls' sports teams? You know, we definitely had, a lot of people were speaking out about this you know we had riley gains um who came to new york did a press conference with us uh back in the spring to try and help raise awareness about uh you know the the real dangers of prop one um i did a press conference in new york city about i don't know, three or four weeks ago with Paula Scanlon, another swimmer who, she was from the University of Pennsylvania, and she had to swim against,
Starting point is 01:03:32 as did Riley Gaines, they both had to swim against, you know, Will Thompson, who had changed his name to Leah Thompson, and, you know, get beat out, or in Riley Gaines' case, tied. But, you know, think about it. Those women had to go into the women's locker room before a swim meet and strip down naked next to a, you know, fully intact male. And, you know, now here in New York State, that's constitutional. You know, those males have a constitutional right to do this. But where's the women's rights? You know, what happened to women's rights? Where is the consent?
Starting point is 01:04:13 I mean, are you going to ask the women, do you consent to have a biological male in your locker room? You know, this is really going to open the door to mass confusion. Because when you have something like this where the language is really broad, it opens the door to uh mass confusion because when you have something like this where the language is really broad it opens the door lots of litigation is going to come out of this and then what happens is you have piecemeal resolutions right you have courts and judges deciding these things on a piecemeal basis and that is a problem because then depending on where you live in New York City, you have different rights. It's quite dangerous. Yeah, it's going to be crazy.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I really appreciate you bringing awareness about Prop 1 and helping us sort of slog through some of the excesses that have been going on, particularly in your state, but really throughout this last extraordinary period. Is there anything you're looking at coming forward that we got to kind of wrap things up? Yeah, you know what? I wanted to just mention, because you had Tyler on before, and he was talking about, you know, how he was getting a letter from Delta, you know, telling him, oh, our legal counsel is looking into this because you threatened, you know, one of our, one of the women that works as a flight attendant. And, you know, that's a perfect example of what we're seeing and what we're definitely going to see in New York State. You're probably seeing it in California, but even in Nevada, because Nevada passed a constitutional
Starting point is 01:05:46 amendment two years ago on their ballot to put some of this, you know, woke DEI language into their constitution in Nevada. And so, a situation like that, well, now somebody like Tyler can be sued because he exercised his freedom of speech, you know, his first amendment right, because they deem it hate speech, or they deem it discrimination, or they deem it an attack. That is not the way that it works. You know, the government is not here to tell the citizens what they're supposed to say, what they're supposed to think, how they're supposed to act. That is not the purpose of government. In fact, it's the opposite. We are supposed to tell the government what they can and cannot do. And we are supposed to tell them, this is what we
Starting point is 01:06:36 want you to do, not the other way around. So these, you know, people call them woke ideologies, people call them, you know, DEI or whatever, whatever label you want to put on it. It's all the same premise that it is government overreach. It's a government power grab dressed up in really nice language like, hey, let's all be nice and not discriminate against each other we're going to make a rule or a law that tells you you can't say this or do this because we don't want to hurt anybody's feelings you know so they make it sound great like they're trying to help people but really it's it's a stunning power grab uh by the government that is and again the as you said the people are supposed to be instructing the government what to do.
Starting point is 01:07:25 And then the Constitution is there to restrain them. Yes. To restrain the government, to protect us from the government, not from one another. All right, Barbianne Cox, thank you so much. We appreciate the fighting. You're always fighting the good fight. I guess we should look for you at Brownstone amongst other places. I'm sure you're pushing stuff out there as well. Is that correct?
Starting point is 01:07:49 Yeah. So I do write for Brownstone since I'm a fellow there and people can access my, I do have a sub stack where I publish my articles in addition to Brownstone. So my Substack is or you can just go to and type in my name, Bobbi Ann Cox. And I'm also on Twitter and would love to get some followers and all I ever talk about is, you know, your rights and the constitution.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Would love to get some people to help spread the word on these really dangerous issues and things that are happening at a federal level, yes, also at state levels throughout our country about our rights. Because if we don't stick up for our rights, then the government will absolutely take advantage of that and will just continue to push into our private lives. And if people don't know what their rights are, they're not going to stick up for their rights. So yeah, help them spread the word and just be more aware of what your government is doing and whether or not they can do that. You know, sometimes they have the power to do things,
Starting point is 01:09:04 but a lot of times they don't have the power. And that is at attorney underscore Cox. Thank you very much, Robianne. Yes, thanks for having me on. I appreciate it. You got it. Good to see you. All right, coming up tomorrow,
Starting point is 01:09:18 we have an extraordinary guest, CJ Hopkins. I don't know if you've heard this story, but I suggest you do look it up. And Remy Adelike will come by as well and give us an update on some material. We have Laura Logan next week. Craig Clare, Clare Craig rather,
Starting point is 01:09:34 coming back with Jessica Rose. I saw Clare Craig on, oh shoot, I'm blanking the British nurse's name. I'm blanking it, but she was on there with some really interesting new stuff. Andrew Gruhl's coming back with Wilk Wilkinson. So we have a lot of stuff
Starting point is 01:09:48 coming. And then also tomorrow afternoon at 3, Susan has her show. What's going on there? Kelly Victory's coming on your show. Yes, we're going to talk about near-death experiences with a psychic, somebody who had one, and a medical doctor. That's interesting.
Starting point is 01:10:04 So be there at 3 o'clock on the usual places. Let me quickly look over at Caleb while I'm looking at the restream. Anything on your side, anything surprising from today for you? No, nothing surprising. It's just, it's all very interesting.
Starting point is 01:10:18 The stuff that happened with peanut, the squirrel, it's, it, it unified so many souls. And it also reminded me of this other horrible story that had happened recently in California, where there was a girl who she had a pet goat and there was all this controversy over. She wanted to sell it over at some sort of a 4-H rodeo event.
Starting point is 01:10:36 And then she had fell in love with this pet. Like she raised this pet. Oh my gosh. And she had just lost three of her grandparents. And so her mom was like, well, I'll just buy the goat off of the place. But then the government basically chased her down. These cops broke. They had a warrant to go search a property to find it
Starting point is 01:10:51 and then drove like 200 miles down the road to another farm, found it, took the goat and had it slaughtered before the family even knew about it. Like this little eight-year-old girl. So she just won $300,000 in a settlement. So I was like, yes. Get that money. Restrain the government,300,000 in a settlement. So I was like, yes, get that money. Restrain the government, everybody.
Starting point is 01:11:08 Restrain the government. They have, for some reason, run them up, gotten out of control. We need to pull it back. So we will see you tomorrow at noon for CJ Hopkins, and then 3 o'clock with Susan's show tomorrow. We'll see you then. Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky. As a reminder, the discussions
Starting point is 01:11:28 here are not a substitute for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment. This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only. I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here. Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving. Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published.
Starting point is 01:11:58 If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, don't call me. Call 911. If you're feeling hopeless or suicidal call the national suicide prevention lifeline at 800-273-8255 you can find more of my recommended organizations and helpful resources at help

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