Ask Dr. Drew - Was Zika 2016 Another Fraud Pandemic Of Panic? w/ Dr. Randy Bock & Warner Mendenhall – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 441
Episode Date: January 11, 2025In 2016, the WHO predicted millions of cases of Zika in America and sparked global panic when the virus was connected to newborn microcephaly – a birth defect causing smaller head size and impaired ...brain development. But Dr. Randy Bock says Zika was just another pandemic of panic. The physician alleges that no clinical testing existed when cases were first reported and diagnoses relied on simple questionnaires. When proper testing was later implemented, no significant link between Zika and microcephaly was found – which he says is evidence that institutional interests were the real driving force behind the health scare. Dr. Randy Bock is a physician and author. A Yale graduate with a B.S. in Chemistry and Physics, he earned his M.D. from the University of Rochester. Dr. Bock authored “Overturning Zika” and has published extensive research on pandemic response and healthcare innovation. Follow him at Warner Mendenhall is an Ohio attorney and former Akron City Council member specializing in government accountability cases. A graduate of University of Akron Law School, Mendenhall served two terms on Akron City Council in the 1990s before earning his law degree. He is admitted to practice before the United States Supreme Court, Ohio Supreme Court, and multiple federal courts. His legal work focuses on exposing government corruption, corporate fraud, and financial institution misconduct through his mission-oriented practice. Find more at 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at • FATTY15 – The future of essential fatty acids is here! Strengthen your cells against age-related breakdown with Fatty15. Get 15% off a 90-day Starter Kit Subscription at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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All right, everybody.
Thank you all for being here.
We obviously are sitting in a fire zone here.
I'm watching the brown haze of smoke
cruise past our studio windows here.
We are fine.
We appreciate everyone's concern,
but we will come back at three o'clock
and give a fire report
because it is just across the Arroyo from us there.
And we are a bit used to these sorts of things
here in Southern California,
but this one is bad and it got in...
I'm not used to it.
Well, it got involved with residential area way more than usual, although we had it in 94 very, very similarly.
And it's just awful for people that really got affected by it.
It's just really just like breathtaking.
But today we're going to talk about Zika and whether or not that was another pandemic fraud with Dr. Randy Bach.
We also have Warner Mendenhall in here. Talk a little bit about, amongst other things,
government accountability, which is something very much on my mind in the setting of this
brown, smoky haze I'm sitting in. There's a lot to unpack today, and we'll get into that
and more. We'll see you all on Rumble and also on the restream right after this. Where the hell do you think I learned that? I'm just saying, you go to treatment before you kill people.
I am a clinician.
I observe things about these chemicals.
Let's just deal with what's real.
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all right first up is dr randy bonk why the great pleasure of meeting at the brownstone institute
gala uh amongst other things he's a physician, he's an author, he's a
graduate, he's a chemist, a physicist.
MD is from University of Rochester.
His book is Overturning Zika.
He has other
books coming he'll tell us about.
in 2016, the World Health Organization
predicted millions
of cases of Zika in America, and a
global panic ensued. And what happened? What went wrong? cases of Zika in America, and a global panic ensued.
And what happened? What went wrong? Where has Zika been? I thought every baby was going to
be born with microcephaly. Dr. Randy Bach, welcome to the program. Thank you so much,
Dr. Drew. It's an honor to be here. Drew's fine. Drew's fine. I'll call you Randy and we'll move on.
So if you had told me this in 2000, even 19, I would have thought, oh, Dr. Bach, Randy, come on now.
Maybe they got it wrong, but they were well-intentioned and couldn't possibly have been a hoax.
It couldn't have possibly been another panic porn episode or a panic porn episode. But
now we're sort of accustomed to this. By the way, I'm living in it right now in a fire zone. A fire
is miles away from me, but I'm getting alerts every five minutes that I need to evacuate or
prepare to evacuate. Not evacuate, prepare to evacuate. My point is, when I need to evacuate,
let me know. And I see those fires. I can look out the window and see the fires.
When I need to evacuate, let me know.
I will evacuate.
We are adults.
Anyway, so go ahead.
Tell me what led to you going down this road of looking at Zika with jaundiced eye.
Well, it's a funny thing.
It's funny you say jaundiced
because it's a flavivirus,
and flavivirus means yellow.
And it's named for yellow fever,
actually, which produces a little bit of jaundice.
So it's kind of an interesting irony
right there. Speaking of yellow,
if yellow starts showing up outside your door,
I think you should pay attention
and so forth. What you're having
out there in terms of wildfires... Well, if it's yellow,
it's brown now and dark
sort of clouds. That's our smoke.
But if it's yellow, it's flame, so we know. Or. That's our smoke. But if it's yellow, it's flame.
So we know.
Or orange.
Orange is actually what we really worry about.
Go ahead.
What you're seeing out there is a far more real phenomenon than what transpired with Zika.
Let me just preface.
Dengue, I've never personally seen a case of this.
Dengue is a virus, and it's probably migrated from Africa, maybe with slave trade, maybe
And it gives the carriers the Aedes aegypti, which is also an African word, Egypt, and
maybe together or separately, I don't know.
But both of them are in South America and causing dengue for decades, as far as we know,
since the invention of figuring out which virus is which.
And so over the last three or four decades,
they've seen probably around a million cases of dengue every year.
And there are a few fatalities.
And Randy, if I could interrupt you,
we've had two cases of indigenous mosquito-transmitted dengue
here in Southern California.
And from my estimation, that is a much bigger story
than any bird flu cases.
That's a huge deal.
But the press don't know
to make it a big deal
because they're so preoccupied
with whatever the World Health Organization
is telling them.
Yeah, it's a funny thing.
So I don't know how much to make of that.
I think the flu is probably
going to be more prevalent overall.
But I think the flu is just a flu, you know, putting avian or whatever.
I think they try to sell these things a little bit much.
And that's part of the problem that happened with Zika.
And I'll get to that for a reason.
But you asked me what brought it up.
So I bring up dengue because Zika is a dengue virus.
There's four dengues and they're named prosaically one, two, three, and four.
And Dr. Stephen Harrison at BU, a microbiologist, believes that
Zika really should be dengue five. So one, two, three, four, five, and I give him thumbs up for
that. So Zika basically is indistinguishable from dengue, and really it should be called dengue five.
Now dengue, with its million cases per year, and there's dengue, you know, all these different
numbers, has never caused any increase in actual microcephaly numbers in Brazil. So dengue, there's dengue, you know, all these different numbers, has never caused any increase in actual microcephaly numbers in Brazil. So dengue, there's no dengue microcephaly. We've heard of Zika
microcephaly, but it's a little bit of a mirage, a phantom and so forth. Because probably Zika,
insofar as it ever existed in the Americas, exists as coexisting with the other dengue,
it's other dengue brothers, sisters, cousins, whatever you want to call it,
carried by the same mosquito, the Aedes aegypti. And there's a whole kind of dengue, it's other dengue brothers, sisters, cousins, whatever you want to call it carried by the same mosquito, the Aedes aegypti
and there's a whole kind of
dengue belt that's well known and documented
Uh oh, there we go
Did Randy freeze on us?
There you are, you froze for a second
Go ahead again, the dengue belt
It must be the cold weather here, it looks like So the dengue belt. It must be the cold weather here. It looks like, you know, so the
dengue belt is in Amazonian Brazil and Colombia and Venezuela and so forth. And Zika should overlap
with that. What they actually found for the case of microcephaly was in the population areas where
people had been talking about microcephaly.
So it's really kind of an overflow of panic.
Now, how did I find out about this?
You know, I looked at an article in the Wall Street Journal in 2016,
and they were making this clarion call about Zika microcephaly.
And there was a set of doctors, neuropediatricians in Recife,
which they call Recife, which they call
Recife, Northeast Brazil. And they thought there were more cases of microcephaly than had been
previously there. In a normal city, like two and a half million people, at any given time,
there should be about seven cases in the wards of microcephaly based on the criteria they had
at the time, which were wrong, mind you. There were two lacks of criterion. And what they saw was maybe 13 or 15 cases.
Earlier that year in 2015,
there had been an announcement
that some dengue cases were Zika.
There's no real reason to bring this up
because Zika itself had never caused any human illness.
It's a dengue virus that doesn't affect humans.
So it's probably a primate,
you know, chimpanzee dengue virus and not a human one.
And so what they had was a situation
where somebody who had been part of the team that was hunting for a new virus in Brazil, which is a
weird thing in and of itself. They formed a group, these doctors in northeast Brazil, because north
of Brazil is kind of like our American South, is poorer, darker skinned, hotter, and so forth.
They were hoping for a new virus to show up so they could bring money and attention and bring social equity um and funding to the northeast of brazil and the way to get
attention would be have a brand new virus so they wanted a virus panic to happen northeast brazil
weirdly enough so they formed this group chick v the mission named after the 1986 robert de niro
movie the mission where the good guys i mean the basic good guys are the garani indians and
paraguay and then the jesuits are sort of the good guys, I mean, the basic good guys are the Guarani Indians in Paraguay, and then the Jesuits are sort of the good guys, and the bad people
are colonialists.
And so this was kind of a retribution kind of thing, where they wanted to leverage a
new virus to help social equity in those poorer, darker-skinned areas of northeast Brazil.
And they were hoping chikungunya, which is another African virus, would cooperate.
It didn't happen to cooperate.
And so instead, there are two doctors
in Bahia who came up... Hold on. Hold on a second, Randy. I thought chikamionga was a different
illness. Is that not true? Absolutely. It's totally different. But they formed this group,
it's a WhatsApp group of epidemiologists and doctors and scientists in Northeast Brazil.
And they formed this group because they were hoping to find a new virus in Brazil that had never been in Brazil. And they wanted it so that they get attention and
money. Now, you know, be careful what you wish for because you might get it. So they got a new
virus. They mislabeled most likely certain dengue cases as Zika. They didn't have any provenance of
any, you know, valid primers with which to test for Zika because Zika never caused a human illness.
In the literature to that point, there've been basically a grand total of zero cases and zero
reported papers and so forth on Zika. I went to medical school. I was awake for most of it.
I'd never heard of Zika and with good reason because it's not a human illness. And so they
misattributed- Hold on, hold on. Let's get back to the microcephaly in the large centers, the city centers.
What was wrong with that observation of 13 cases as opposed to seven?
So it's double the normal.
Did they have a sudden uptick or did they just not even have it?
And if they had it, was it due to something else?
There might have been an uptick.
The problem is nobody really knows. It could have been just uptick uh they the problem is uh nobody really
knows um it could have been just you know it doesn't really gone back to the baseline now
has it is it this whole thing of you know oh my god zika is going to spread across the
hemisphere it just went back to normal well there's two cases zika and this microcephaly
microcephaly has always been around you know basically it's a it's a no i get it but i mean there was an uptick did that uptick revert back to the mean yes yep and
probably okay it probably never deviated from the mean if you look at it grossly as opposed to the
people who happen to be in the ward that one day you know they basically it's like be in a dry area
it rains three days in a row what does that mean it's the end of the world no it's just one of
those random things i can get a birdie but itie. But make sure I get the story right.
It was at the same time that they were looking for these new viruses to get more funding, right?
Well, it was coincident.
The women who, the neuropediatric doctors, Dr. Vandalin and Mota and Dr. Vandalin and her mother, were not looking for anything per se.
They happened to notice that they had their own WhatsApp group locally for neuropediatricians,
and they were noticing this, and then they started to do kind of a head count, so they
were more observant.
But there was somebody from the earlier, in April 2015, group from the Chick-fil-A mission
who happened to live in Recife and was informed about this and said, well, Zika is new to
the Americas.
This is happening.
That's new.
This is new.
A must be causing B. And he went with that. And this is the weird part. This is the non, non, non science part. He got on the phone
and called after the fact, because there were no Zika testing abilities on earth clinically,
he went and took the telephone and either he or his legion had called up the moms of babies with
microcephalus if they didn't have enough problems. And so from the university hospital, they're calling, did you happen to have any fever, rash, or chills during pregnancy?
And 29 out of 32 numbers of close said yes.
Now, mind you, it's a tropical area,
and pretty much everybody during pregnancy gets some fever, rash, or chills.
So it's kind of a nonsensical question,
and they took that as evidence that those baby cases were Zika,
no testing at all.
So and rather than keep that under their hat and try to do some actual science and figure this stuff out, they announced it to the press.
This is kind of grandstanding. This is not how science is done.
They didn't wait. There were institutions, so forth, public health groups that would have looked at this potentially and done perspective.
And at the time, they had no actual backward registry of microcephaly.
So there's no way of knowing if they had more cases on average city by city
because they'd never measured this before.
I don't know what an example would be.
But if you look at the stock market, what is it today?
Oh, my God, it's 3,000, whatever.
What does that mean?
What was it last year?
What was it five years ago?
I get it.
Listen, the case you're building makes perfect sense to me.
And as you said, it's grandstanding in the press.
And then when somebody raises their hand and goes, hold on a second, you don't believe the science.
I'm the science.
You need to stand down, right?
And back then, we didn't know enough to stand up
and say, hey, wait, hold on, let's do this carefully.
And we were not,
we really, really what was
going on was the press was out
of control, right?
So they look for these little stories.
These guys are looking for ways to get funding
and then the press is looking for ways to get eyes.
And then they went with it.
Where's the follow-up been?
That was how many years ago, 2016?
Where's the Zika outbreak?
Why don't they reanalyze it?
This was not necessarily our press.
Brazil has its own issues.
And they had an impeached president at the time,
it sounds familiar, Dilma Rousseff.
And she used this to galvanize troops
and galvanize popular opinion because they had, you know, kind of an enemy.
So they put two and a quarter of a million troops on the streets and they did all this mosquito stuff and drained, literally drained the swamp as far as they could.
But there was another aspect, which is a little bit kind of ghoulish and macabre.
And as a result, there have been, you know, kind of a diminishment in the birth rate in Brazil.
What they did was the left in Brazil has always been clamoring to tear down the abortion statutes.
So there are a few states, you know, mostly in, you know, previously or currently Catholic Latin America that have constraints against abortion. So the left and NGOs associated and so forth,
they put a lot of money and attention
so they could overturn the abortion constraints
in Latin America.
So they went full court press on this
and they went to the Supreme Court in Brazil
and they went to all other kind of judicial actions
and legislative, so forth,
to get emergency injunctions for abortion.
So they did not want the story to go away because everybody theoretically in the whole country could
theoretically have been bitten, you know, by mosquito. You never know. And theoretically
have Zika, nobody could test for it. And theoretically those cases could have microcephaly.
You wouldn't know. There's no way of testing. Anyway, so everybody had to have abortion all
of a sudden. And this was the big push. And this is why it never went away, in my view.
So the press kind of stuck on this case, even though there was very little science underneath it.
Although, listen, I'm looking at some of my chat comments here.
And Pat asked a very good question.
And this is, I'll ask, you know, peer to peer, what your kind of theory on this is.
Why are people so scared of sickness today?
When I was young, it was expected that you got sick at measles, colds, flus.
And I totally agree with this, that this safety uber alice, this denial of the biological reality of the human experience is in full swing.
I've never seen anything like it. And on top of
that, we know that health and resilience, yes, thank you for that, Caleb, health and resilience
comes from exposure. Exposure to not just emotional stressors, but also biological stressors. But we have reverted back to the Robespierrean public safety,
his committee of public safety.
I'm reading a book right now towards a greater safety or something.
That was all they were concerned about in 1790 France.
How did that end up?
What's your theory?
Well, I think you're touching on a reasonable point.
I think there's kind of a social justice threat through a lot of this, harm reduction and whatnot.
There's kind of the NGO world where people get power not by selling things.
The shoe companies and the car companies, they actually have to produce a product.
A lot of other people have to produce a theory, and they get wealthy doing that.
And so the industries where you make money by making money are different from
those where you have to kind of beg for it. In order to beg for it, you have to have a reasonable
problem and people have to stay alert and alarmed and so forth. And then they have some kind of
secondary gain that aligns with politics. In my book, Overturning Zika, I mentioned Rudolf
Virchow. I'm sure you've heard of him. He was the 19th century German pathologist,
and he was a physician as well, and probably a really good physician, but he, kind of in a Bernie Sanders mode or mood, he wanted medicine primarily to correct social injustices and social,
whatever you want to call it in today's terms, you know, equity and whatnot. And this is part
of where things went wrong with
the Zika story, because the Chick-fil-A, the mission group, they were hunting for a virus
when there was not one, because they wanted it to be there. And what happens is you get
things perverted, you get the wrong results. When you go into science, hoping for a result,
you wind up, you know, with something that's perverted. And so there's all kinds of biases
that happen, the biases that happen all along the way, because people wantedverted. And so there's all kinds of biases that happen. There are biases that happen all along the way because people wanted this. And so when people want something
very badly, when people want you to do something badly, you have to kind of think of some of the
root causes. And I think that's something, the thread that runs through your show and what the
listeners are probably getting at. Now, as far as Zika, you don't want to necessarily get a case of
presuming stipulating they were right. I don't think they're right. I think Zika is a harmless human, non-human related virus and dengue and Zika don't cause microcephaly. Microcephaly is a bad,
bad thing. You don't want your kid to have it if it's the severe type. What they were measuring
in Brazil was not the severe type, the wrong standard. They said there'd be no math. Basically,
they were using two standard deviations, which makes ipso facto 2.5% of the population have
That's clearly not the case.
What you're concerned about is low IQ cases with really micro microcephaly, which is only
like three standard deviations, which is about 0.15% or fewer.
So there's a congenital kind, but it can come from a lot of other causes.
Most of those track with poverty.
So it's like hypothyroidism, malnutrition, drug abuse, alcoholism, et cetera, this and that.
And, you know, maybe some metals and pollution, whatever.
But it pretty much tracks with poverty.
And insofar as they see cases of microcephaly, whether it's North Brazil or South Brazil, whether it's dengue, Zika, whatever, it's been in cases with poverty.
So, you know, rather than say, oh, let's try to figure out how to get, you know, fewer, you know, less poverty. What they did was pretty much bang on the wrong door.
You know, this is not really helpful to bang in the wrong place.
Now, if you have a fire out there, you know, it's not a good time for you to, I don't know, start, I don't know, making a drum circle.
It's not the right answer to the problem.
So they might have had maybe drum circles are great, but they don't help with fires.
And what they did here when they have a problem microcephaly,
if in fact they did one, but they didn't, there was nothing over, you know,
but they got something that pulled at people's heartstrings by showing the babies with small heads.
Or panic them also.
It was a headline.
And so does wildfire, by the way.
And so people, you know, use these as hooks and that's an unfortunate
Yeah. I mean, to me, it's so characteristic of the way the press behaves here in this country.
They get a dramatic picture. Oh, they kept showing pictures of the kids with this.
And as you say, the severe, obvious microcephaly where you could see the microcephaly
because the actual cranium is shrunken.
And they're like, this is going to happen to you.
If you're a pregnant woman, watch out.
Can you imagine?
Of course it's going to panic people.
I'm looking at the current incidents in the US
based on 2009, 2013,
one in essentially every 1,200
babies. So what's that?
And that is extremely rare.
Extremely rare.
And as you're saying.
It's polyfactorial.
It's kind of like, I don't know, let's say we talk about low IQ in general or height.
You have short people, and some of them are just short.
Some of them are, if you want to call it pathologically short, dwarfism, whatever.
And dwarfs might argue with that, with pathologic whatever.
But there's a gradation.
If I go to Japan, when I did, all of a sudden I became a tall person.
I'm six feet tall.
I'm not enormous here.
But on the trains in Japan, I was relatively tall.
So you have to kind of consider what is the basis for these observations.
In the case of microcephaly, they were using the wrong standard because in the north of Brazil, it's a different
population, it gets a darker skin, more indios, they call them pardos in Brazil, and people are
shorter, the babies are smaller, and they were using the European South Brazil standard where
people are taller and the babies come out, you know, more closer to term and they come out larger.
So right from the beginning, when they looked at the growth charts from Rio and Sao Paulo and whatnot,
and they're applying them in the north of Brazil, they had people at the wrong standard.
There's more prematurity in the north of Brazil.
Anyway, there were a lot of confounding variables that show,
that basically lead you to the presumption that the baby came out with a smaller head,
when it might just be a smaller baby, because the people are smaller, the mom's smaller.
And not only that, Randy, but look,
I'm looking it up right now and AI,
just asked AI a simple question,
what's happened since 2016 with microcephaly.
They're saying now it's one in 5,000 babies
and it is due to congenital conditions like Down's,
viruses, which include rubella, chickenpox, and CMV, malnutrition, and certain nutrient deficiencies.
Not Zika.
Zika is not mentioned.
So why isn't the press analyzing itself?
Why aren't they looking at what they did?
They panicked a generation of women.
It's crazy.
And moreover, there's something called what I call ghost babies.
That's my own term. And what I mean is because the WHO-aligned physicians came in and swarmed,
they had their moment in the sun. They got to be famous for 20 minutes,
Warholian 15 minutes. And they came down to Jamaica, Honduras, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil,
and they implored an opportune, importune people not to have babies until they have the Zika vaccine.
They wanted to do kind of like the lockdown, but a baby moratorium.
And this was cheered on.
Baby lockdown.
Yeah, baby lockdown.
And so what happened was there was a diminution in the birth.
Not everyone listened, obviously.
There'd be nobody in elementary school right now because we're like, you know, check my watch, like almost 10 years later.
And so most people didn't listen, but a lot of people did and they're actually having a baby
dearth they're having you know a classroom dearth in in salvador and in bahia and and the the the
economy i would call that i would call that racist i think that that certainly if you want to point
at something that's systemically racist reducing the number of births in that population. That sounds racist to me. This is the fruition of that. I'm sorry to
cut you off. This is the fruition of the idea of wanting Chick-V, the mission. They wanted the
mission to come in and bring social equity. Well, you know what? They got it. But it turns out it's
not that great when you just bring a disease in falsely. You scare people. And we see what it's
like now. We see the walking wounded now with masks in 2025. You know, the same thing, every
person you see with a mask is kind of a cognate for everybody in Brazil who's still scared of a
mosquito. And they might stay indoors. They slather on insect repellent. And so we're doing
things that are not healthy for young women and women who are pregnant. And so are they,
especially in a tropical area. Imagine how hard it is just to be a woman pregnant in the tropics. And now all of a sudden you got
to stay indoors or you got to slather on everything, you know, in order to cover yourself
up to go outside because a mosquito, you know, one single mosquito theoretically, according to
their view can ruin the, like the cherished life within. And nobody has said, you know what? No,
this wasn't us. What, what instead happened is kind of the macabre laying on of, of your own
applications. I don't know
if you ever heard of this guy, Bill Gates. In 2017, apparently he's got a lot of money from
something. I don't know. I've heard he's kind of micro and soft, but I don't remember the
association. But in 2017, he said, I will put out 100, I don't know if he did this or not,
but he said, I will put out 100 million dollars to Moderna if they will make an mRNA platform.
There had been no mRNA virus vaccines to that date.
He said, well, the Zika is coming along, the Zika vaccine.
If you put it and you put that dish on an mRNA plate, then I'll give you 100 million dollars out of the Gates and, you know, Bill, you
know, Melinda, whatever.
And so the problem is the virus never cooperated.
Like chikungunya didn't cooperate.
It turns out the Zika didn't cooperate either.
Either it wasn't there to begin with or it never caused the microcephaly.
So they didn't have the wherewithal.
But that, again, still hasn't stopped people.
Even in Baltimore, I believe to this date, within the last year, there's a Dr. Anna Derman at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.
I think it's Bloomberg School of Public Health.
You might have heard of him, too.
And what they're doing now is they're injecting and infecting Baltimore women with the Zika virus so they can track down and formulate a Zika vaccine.
And I remind you, if in fact they do, because they have not gone back and said, you know what, our bad, you know, Zika may be real virus. It's a dengue, but it doesn't really,
you know, it doesn't cause microcephaly, you know, sorry about that. If they had done that,
you could respect them. But what they have done is not that. And they're keeping the press on.
And as soon as there's Zika vaccine proven by tests such as this, I think they're going to
wind up mandating it around the world because everyone thinks it's real. And for my, you know, part of the importance of my book,
and people forget about the Zika thing, there's a couple of things. A, if people had paid attention
to how false the, you know, how true the panic was and how false the association was, then they
would not have fallen as quickly and as much. They wouldn't have bitten the same hook for all the
COVID lockdowns. A, because the same actors, Dr. Fauci and whatnot, are all part of the Zika story.
And B, you know, they would not, you know, they would have better vaccine kind of skepticism and
so forth. And we would not necessarily have this, you know, play out the way we did for these other
mandated vaccines. Randy, I've got an incredible story.
I commend you for
sleuthing it out.
We have to kind of wrap this up.
What is in your crosshairs going forward?
Are there people to find you?
Where do you want them to look?
I'm at Dr. Randlebach
on Twitter. My webpage is pretty much
like the name here.
Just do I do a lot of videos
myself. I'd love to have either or both of you and Dr. and Warner Mendenhall on, great minds.
And most recently had Dr. Robert Malone, I had Peter McCulloch on, and I've had the great Jeffrey
Tucker, and so forth. So, and I actually have Dr. Bob Sears on talking about, you know, how to pare
down the vaccine schedule. So I am looking for, for you know what i'm mostly looking for uh aside from fame
money and attention um the normal stuff i'm looking for kind of a more rational uh view
of medicine i want people to have a healthy healthy skepticism yeah you want you want you
want science to reassert itself you were trained as a scientist back at Yale,
and I was trained at Amherst as a scientist.
And science has become like sideways.
It's become adulterated.
And we got to work on getting you, what was it?
What money and fame do you want?
What are the three things you want?
Actually, this here is all the fame I ever want,
to be on the same screen with the great dr drew
oh that's such a privilege to have you and uh do you have another book coming out are you looking
at something else coming yeah i've got i've got two i've got two books on the way one is uh the
title was helped um by dr anthony daniels aka theodore dalrymple writes uh for city journal
et al he's a a brilliant, brilliant writer.
He inspired me when I was treating narcotic addiction,
and we have that in common a little bit.
It's called Withdraw to Freedom, How to Exit the Opiate Addiction Maze.
And I want people to get kind of a healthy skepticism about that.
I think addiction is a bad, bad thing.
I think it's akin to a trauma, but like breaking your hip, that's not a disease, it might kill you breaking your hip, but you have to figure out why it happens.
So, but breaking one's hip is not a disease.
It's a situation, it's an application and so forth.
And with addiction, you know, the beat poet William Burroughs said it's a disease of exposure.
So historically when people didn't have opiates, they didn't have opioid disease.
And I want people to get away from the disease formulation and the medicalization of opioid
So I write on
And I think I've uncovered the actual cause of the opioid epidemic.
And we do a clickbait ending, tune in to find out.
But basically, it's the medicalization of addiction.
The fact that we brought in methadone-free treatment, which we didn't do for cocaine.
We don't do for alcohol.
We don't do for sex addicts. We don't do any of that. We don't give them free hair of the dog. We tell them to
sober up first, and then we'll move on with things. But with narcotics, the doctors have
had kind of a sinecure. They've had a rent-seeking arrangement where they can write narcotics,
and guess what? You better keep taking it because we can write it. You come back to us. We'll get
it all the time. It's something that only starbucks oh yeah all right my friend we gotta wrap up uh we'll look for you uh dr randall bach on uh x and again
the name of the podcast uh gosh that's just go to my web page you'll find a
and it's uh it's actually there you go false facts false facts fixed. It's basically the inverting delusion.
You know, the delusions are fixed false facts.
So I tried to flip that around.
And God knows delusions and cognitive distortions
have been running amok for quite some time here.
So we need to fix false facts, right?
Is that it? Fix false facts?
You say it better than I do.
You have much more fluid presence.
Thank you so much. Pleasure. Take care now. All right. Bye-bye. Coming up, we have
Warner Mendenhall. I'll tell you all about him after we get back.
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beef sticks yeah easily no no uh i had something yesterday when i was on the the bone broth and the beefsteaks. Yeah. Easily. No, no.
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It wasn't one of the beefsteaks,
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They are perfect.
We have the superfood bars, too. They're preserved.
All right.
Warner Mendenhall is an attorney.
He has been served in government,
and he's concerned with holding local state government
and also corporations accountable.
He is helping give ordinary people the power
to stand up to abuses and corporate fraud.
He's an equal opportunity hired gun.
Not hired gun.
He's an attorney, and he's interested in serving the good.
He's been active politically. He was in Akron City Council for a while in the 90s.
And he has been helping fight corruption, which is a hot topic currently. I was on a plane with
RFK Jr. day before yesterday. And I brought this up to him and he said, man, I'm getting in,
I'm looking under the hood and it's worse than I thought. Warner Mendenhall, thank you so much for
being here. Oh, what a pleasure and an honor to be here today. I am all about fighting the fraud
in every way we can. And I think that this crisis, you know, it was driven a lot by money that was just spread all over the country and all of our institutions.
And it corrupted our hospitals.
It corrupted our education institutions.
And everybody knows that.
You know, they were bribing contractors, federal contractors, to get the shots in people's arms of the federal contractors.
Millions of dollars in bonuses
to the companies that would get their employees up to 90%. They were threatening hospitals to
pull their Medicare funding and their Medicaid funding if they didn't get shots in their nurses'
arms. And this is for a drug that you and I now know, and I think everybody knows,
is completely ineffective. Any claim for this drug that it solves COVID or prevents COVID
is out the window at this point. And there has been tremendous damage. And I do want to talk
about that a bit too. There's been tremendous damage to our population, both in the millions
of additional disabled, and I believe about half a million people have died from taking the shot. We are currently representing people.
One of my clients, unfortunately, is extremely ill.
Her spinal cord has been damaged.
Her diaphragm no longer works properly.
She's having trouble breathing.
And she's 40 years old.
And she took it because of her job.
That's a lady named Danny Baker, by the way.
She goes by Coors Nurse on Twitter. And she's a lady named Danny Baker, by the way. She goes by Coerce Nurse on
Twitter. And she's a fantastic client to have. And we're going to try to make a point with that.
So, you know, and I think that that's, you know, we also, this has been a remarkable event in every
way. And one of the things that I find most compelling is that the American citizens really stood up for their
own constitutional rights. Millions of people walked off the job because they sensed that their
rights were being violated by their employers and by government. And so we've had a real awakening
to our constitutional rights, to privacy, to religious freedom, to medical freedom,
to the right to speak, all of those rights now
have been, I think, revived in the population because they came under attack by our own
government. And our government came at us through every institution in our daily lives.
And I kind of, you know, I've been thinking about how to describe what's going on here,
because it's very different.
In the past, we've had civil rights movements that have always been about expanding the rights,
protecting various groups, women, racial minorities, gay people, expanding the rights.
What we have here, though, is sort of an inversion.
The inversion has been that the government now is
seeking to strip us of our rights. They've been taking our rights. We all know that in every area.
And so what we as citizens in this new civil rights movement is we're reclaiming the Constitution.
We're reclaiming our individual rights. And that's a lot about, that's partly about what
we're litigating. I know we want to talk about accountability, but that accountability for violating our rights is a huge, tremendous
part of this. And so many millions of people have stood up to this. Yeah, it's so astonishing to me,
and it became clear to me somewhere in the middle of COVID, that my purpose is to defend free speech. And that's why I started interviewing
people of minority opinions
or who had been canceled on this show
because they had been prevented from speaking.
And I felt that it is my responsibility,
first of all, to give them a place to speak.
And secondly, see what they have to say.
Then I learned something from most of them
because they were, guess what, over the target.
So free speech became something I was astonished at this stage of my life that that had become my calling.
I'm wondering if you also have anything to say about the recent grand jury findings out of the state of Florida regarding the vaccine.
I don't know if you saw that, but Ron DeSantis tweeted, put something up on Next yesterday about that,
and it looked to me like some really serious action would need to be taken as a result of those recommendations.
That's correct. I'm aware of the grand jury process in Florida.
I'm not sure I'm completely up to date. I don't want to claim that.
But I think that what we see here is that citizen-led efforts like these grand juries are
remarkably powerful. And people may not realize this, but there are some states such as California,
Washington, I think Wisconsin, that citizens themselves can work to impanel these grand
juries. Now, there's a lot of resistance to that. This is an old mechanism that's been in place since the founding, but it all had to do with the founders' respect for the citizens and
the empowering of citizens to hold government and even corporations in check. I mean, after all,
by corporations, I mean it this way. A jury has the power to have a death penalty for a corporation and a corporate life by its jury
verdicts. So juries are an incredible place where we're very much empowered. And that's one of the
things that the group, you're aware of the group that kind of came together around COVID, Freedom
Council. And that's on Twitter, it's at freedom underscore counsel. But that's a group of attorneys who all had stood up individually throughout the United States to fight all these insults to our constitutional right and defend and work with all these millions of people who had the courage to stand up and fight.
And then we have won tremendous battles in the last four years for religious rights, educational rights, employment rights.
You know, and we're pursuing rights against hospitals right now because of the batteries that are caused for lack of informed consent.
We're employing, you know, we're going after employers for violating religious rights and the right to bodily autonomy and medical exemptions. And those cases, as you may have seen,
we've had multi-million dollar verdicts now come out of the Bart case in San Francisco
and the case in Michigan.
I think that was $12 million out of Michigan.
So we're actually getting the juries are speaking up.
And remember, Bart, I'm going over that too quickly.
San Francisco, $10 million verdict in the most liberal city in the country.
I saw that. I saw that.
You know, the other thing—
It is rather astonishing.
And we've been talking—you know, mostly what we're talking about is, you know,
we're sort of talking about the federal government and the corporate, you know,
the cozy corporate relationships and the effects of money.
But, you know, we are having to fight our state. My buddy, Michael Gates, the city attorney for
Huntington Beach, is constantly suing the state and the governor of California to leave this city
alone for them to function, for the local democracy to function. It is, you know, it's so, it's again, I guess equally as astonishing that
free speech is something I've had to stand up and defend. It's equally astonishing to hear you say
things like returning to the basic principles of the founding. It does feel like a re-revolutionary
visitation, like we're revisiting our founding principles because they've been under
assault. Exactly. I think that is the project for the rest of my life anyway. I'm 62 years old. And
what I want to do is help people understand. And I think people get it at a really a gut level.
That's why so many millions of people stood up and fought. But we need to make sure that we're empowering people, that we understand that we're a movement, first of all, and that we need
to come together, which we're doing as quickly as possible. And you participate in Brownstone,
and that's a remarkable group of people that are really intelligently thinking this through.
And there's many, many other groups throughout the United States
that our group, Freedom Council, is partnering with, working with.
And I think all these groups can come together to restore
and reclaim our basic constitutional liberties.
And it really goes to the heart of the founding of this country.
Our country is still unique in the world in terms of its respect for
the individual. And it's a rejection of this collectivist mentality that we see in China
and even in Europe, frankly, for that matter, where everyone's treated as one and there's no
differentiation. That's not what we believe here. We've always been about individual rights
and people have really stood up and are continuing to stand up. And Freedom Council as a group is trying to make sure we develop pathways
for citizens to be empowered to defend their rights and to fight and reclaim this country
for what it really is. Yeah, I think a lot of people have felt sort of disempowered or helpless in the face of what's
going on and just sort of confused and feeling diminished, like I must be wrong. I thought
things were different. I thought this country meant something different. What going forward,
give us an example of something you're looking at right now that excites you that will have the, from your point of view,
sort of the most significant impact on re-establishing the basic principles again?
Well, I just want people to understand what they can do. So here, let's just talk about a specific
fight. One of the specific fights are the huge numbers of vaccine injured in this country.
It is huge. It's in the millions right now. And we don't know the long-term problems that are
going to emerge. I think we're still going to continue to see new problems come up in the next
few years. But right now, every single person has a right to demand of their drugstore, their
hospital, whatever, to file that vaccine adverse event report.
Everyone has a right to do it. And here's the other thing, and this is where accountability
comes in. All of those entities have signed a program participation agreement, which requires
them to file the report if they know of an injury. So let's make sure that all of the citizens who've
been injured, that's millions,
contact wherever they got the shot and get those reports on file. And let's get the VAERS data. I want to interrupt. I agree with you. We need to get the VAERS data properly updated. But I
talked to, oh, somebody's got to help me, Dr. James. Jessica Rose, for sure.
And Sasha Latipova.
And James, who we just saw in the interview rolling into this show.
I'm blanking his names.
I've been traveling for three days.
My brain is not working very well.
But he was saying...
Freiman, exactly.
Joe Freiman, I beg your pardon.
And he was telling me that, you know that they spoke to the FDA committees and things,
and he was asking specifically,
when a thing rises to a level of getting to your awareness,
how do you decide whether something is or is not related to a vaccine?
And his response was essentially, well, we have a guy.
We have a guy that goes in and looks at it and figures it out.
And that would was essentially, well, we have a guy. We have a guy that goes in and looks at it and figures it out. And that would have been, that's the equivalent to asking Pfizer to look at Vioxx and decide whether it had anything to do with coronary heart disease and coronary events.
And guess what?
They decided it didn't.
Are you surprised?
They decided.
So the guy decides that.
And I want to share with you, and I'll let you keep going on this, but I want to share with you,
I had a 100-year-old patient
had a severe cardiac arrhythmia
within minutes of getting the vaccine,
nearly killed her.
It was a dire situation.
Patients that age do not like
or want to go to the hospital,
and she wouldn't let me hospitalize her.
So I was managing as an outpatient, and we got through, thankfully.
She died not too many months after that,
but I don't know if the death was related to the vaccine,
but certainly this event that I was navigating her through was.
And I filed a very dramatic VAERS report.
They documented and responded that the report was received. And I followed up twice and have never received any acknowledgement that this was a vaccine event.
And trust me, it was a severe, life-threatening event in an elderly patient.
What the hell?
I mean, go ahead and finish your thought on what you were laughing about,
what I said about Dr. Fryman and the guy.
I have a lot of thoughts on this, okay?
First of all, it's a new day, and it is a new administration,
and we have to give the new administration a chance to do the right thing
and follow its mandates that are mandated based on the VAERS program.
What should they do?
When are the safety signals triggered?
They've all been triggered.
So let's see, what happens with this new administration?
Do they take advantage of that?
No matter what the administration does,
we as citizens, we need to expect of our institutions
that they behave properly
and that we have mechanisms to make these reports
so that they know exactly how many people
have been affected by this,
how bad the injuries are, and we need to not stop that. Additionally, you may not know this,
the penalties for failing to make a report are $27,000 per report. We have a lawsuit that is a
proof of concept against the University of Rochester, or I'm sorry, the Rochester Regional Health System right now, the Deb Conrad case. It's a VAERS case. They failed.
They signed the program participation agreement, and they failed to report the injuries,
and they are now liable for millions of dollars for the failure to report those injuries.
Same is true for CVS, Walgreens, and any other hospital you can think of that was giving these injections.
And we believe that Rochester Regional Health System had 12,000 vaccine injuries in that one system that they failed to report.
Multiply that by $27,000.
What do you get?
And we, you know, we as clinicians have an ethical obligation as much as a formal obligation to report this stuff.
But when you get so little satisfaction, it feels like it goes into the abyss.
I don't know how we motivate practitioners to report all the spectrum of what they're seeing.
First of all, hold them accountable.
And there are ways to do that.
I'm telling you, I have a lot of people who do that right now.
And we can do other lawsuits like that. So lawsuits can provide a fulcrum to do that,
but we need the citizens to do their part to get these reports filed. The same thing is true with
the hospital protocols. I mean, this is the same process. The money was just spread over these
hospitals to use ineffective, dangerous treatments like remdesivir and kill patients again. Again,
I think there have been about a half a million killed in the hospitals. That's my view.
But it was fraud. They classified many of these as COVID deaths that they were not.
You citizens out there can look at your loved one's health records and dig out the fraud and
tell us about the fraud. And we can do something about that. And right now, there are citizens
groups all over this country. I can think of specific ones in Minneapolis, in New Jersey, up in Michigan.
We have a bunch of dead at Beaumont Health System in Michigan, for example. And those families are
coming together and looking at what that hospital did. And we know it's fraud. So it's fraud in the
VAERS program. It's fraud in the hospital protocol problem and this program and the citizens
can do something about it. And they actually are. And we are working in Freedom Council to create
pathways to bring those lawsuits that will bring our government to heel. You know, they literally
need to be scared straight again. And the only way I know to scare them is to cost them as much money as we can.
And by the way,
the failure to make a VAERS report is a crime.
It's a violation of 18-
Yeah, I get it.
I get that.
Although people convince themselves
that they're not seeing a vaccine reaction,
but whatever.
Wait a minute.
Have you looked at-
I want to clarify something.
I want to clarify something. Yeah. VAERS is not, but whatever. Wait a minute. I want to clarify something. I want to clarify something.
VAERS is not dependent on a linkage between,
there's no causality necessary.
It's any reaction post-vaccine.
It's not a causal issue at all.
If you have a problem after vaccination,
whatever it is, it must be reported.
Have you ever looked at how death certificates are filled up by physicians
in the best of circumstances in this country? Because I've been trying to ring this alarm for
about 30 years. It's largely, it's not fraudulent, it's just false. Because the county coroners hold
physicians hostage.
They tell them, oh, I see the way you filled this out.
This doesn't work for us.
And they won't tell us why or why not.
And then you go, well, that's what they died of.
Well, do you want to hold this body up for another three weeks while we do an autopsy on this poor family that's grieving?
Is that what you're saying, doctor?
You want to hold this up?
So you end up writing cardiopulmonary arrest as the cause of
death. And now, which means the heart stops, which is how everybody dies. And now cardiac death goes
down as the number one leading cause of death in the country. It's like, there's a real mess in
terms of how we complete our, there should be a much broader spectrum of what is accepted by the
county on a death certificate than what is actually accepted, certainly in L.A. County.
I've had to litigate that in a medical malpractice case, by the way, because what went on the death certificate was exactly that.
Heart stopped.
Well, it was hyponatremia is what it was.
And we needed that diagnosis to hold, I hate to say this doctor, but to hold that doctor accountable for what happened in that surgery.
So I've dealt with it directly.
And the death certificates are, you know, obviously played around with.
And the coroners, remember, a lot of those are political positions.
And a lot of times they are protecting, you know, institutional prerogatives that have nothing to do with the cause of death of that individual.
So I have.
Can we do, we got to do with the cause of death of that individual. So I have... Absolutely. Can we do...
We got to do something about that.
We really do.
Because the people are trying to collect data on death certificates.
And I keep telling them,
don't run a death certificate.
Get the medical record out.
Because the death certificate may not reflect at all
what happened to that patient.
Well, it is very interesting
that playing around with the death certificates.
And you know, John Bodwin has done work in massachusetts on the death certificate data i was gonna ask about him
i was gonna ask about it yeah i'm very interested in his work and and what he's been doing and and
one of the biggest things and the biggest frauds that he's revealed is so many people who died
for another reason than covet but they were incentivized to put COVID on the death certificate.
Well, that's fraud.
And we can recover that money, folks.
They got bonuses for putting COVID on there.
Let's get those bonuses back.
It's not their money.
It's taxpayer money.
So who do you want to come to your foundation?
Because you might get a lot of calls or emails.
People should follow us, I think, on Twitter
at freedom underscore council. I think
that's great. You know, is the actual website. And we are happy to hear from
everybody. Honestly, and I know people understand how overwhelming this probably can get for us, but
we are putting these into databases right now because we get hundreds of inquiries. So we're putting this into databases right now.
And from the database emerges patterns. So you citizens, by letting us know what's going on,
these patterns emerge of which hospitals are the worst fraudsters out there, which drugstore is
not making any VAERS reports, you reports, which hospitals are killing people and violating
patients' rights and interfering with the doctor-patient relationship. Those patterns
emerge, and we're going to examine those patterns for points of litigation that we can bring,
because there's a real follow-along effect. The lawsuits have a good effect on the rest of the country.
If we hold one accountable, others wake up and they're like,
oh, we don't want to be liable.
These citizens are coming after us hard.
And it's our job to come after them as hard as we can.
I'm looking it up right now.
It's freedom underscore?
Freedom underscore council.
That's the Twitter handle.
Freedom underscore.
It comes up easily.
There it is.
C-O-U-N-S-E-L council.
I am following.
I suggest we all do the same.
And Warner, I appreciate you being here.
I suspect I'll be checking in with you once in a while to see your progress
because it'll be interesting to see how things shift for you
once RFK Jr. gets involved with the oversight of the FDA
and some of these other organizations, including the VAERS website and whatnot,
and see if they actually do change.
I think they will change.
The extent is the question.
But we certainly have more communication with this administration.
We're going to have much more than we had under the Biden one.
And by the way, I saw you in a movie recently.
I don't know if you know this.
You're in Epidemic of Fraud.
You're actually in that movie.
There's some clips of you.
What is that?
What is that movie?
It's a movie about, it's a documentary about the fraud
in the hospitals. So you're in there, so you should check it out. It talks about the hydroxychloroquine
scam, the remdesivir, the protocol treatments, and all the incentives that were built in to
have these hospitals really mistreat their patients. So good movie. You're in there. Well, let's look at it.
Epidemic of fraud.
And again, there have been so many distortions of reality
and motivational distortions that I just want us to,
I don't want to put, I mean, you're going to have to lay blame
in order to get people to change,
but I just want us to look at where things went wrong and change it so we don't ever do this again and reestablish the basic principles
upon which we were founded, which is where we started this conversation. Warren Mendenhall,
thank you for joining us. Follow the Freedom underscore Council on X,
and I'll hope to talk to you again soon. Oh, it's such a pleasure. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
All right, Caleb, let's look.
We're going to come back this afternoon at three o'clock.
Susan, tell me about this.
I was seeing patients all morning
and I came running in here.
And next thing I know,
there's a special coming up this afternoon.
3 p.m. California wildfires
with the Orange County Fire Chief
and John Phillips, I believe, too.
Local radio here is to host you in California.
And I think, Caleb, you don't know this part.
I don't know about that yet.
Okay, maybe not that, but I also know she's also efforting Rick Caruso,
the possible guy that ran for mayor here who's been very outspoken about the shortcomings
and what has gone on here from a
government perspective so susan so paulina just got a evacuation thing on her phone and freaked
out and is packing up all the photos into the car so um yeah you have to help her she's not
we're not evacuating i know she's not i didn't get an evacuation thing i know she it really
freaked her out but But they're...
Maybe they should drive out and see how many miles away the fire is.
Yeah, I almost suggested it.
Maybe take a drive and see where the fires are.
Because they are not in our backyard.
Not that they want you driving around looking at fires.
They've done a wonderful job with our streets.
Somebody came in and there was a whole crew here, cleaned out our access.
So we have free,
the bigger problem we've had is trees down everywhere.
And they've done a wonderful job with that.
Anyways, they're getting information.
We did go from green to yellow, Caleb.
We're not, we're very close to the freeway.
So we have good exit,
but the fire would have to go through the Rose Bowl. So- We'd have to take out the Roseway, so we have good exit, but the fire
would have to go through the Rose Bowl.
They'd have to take out the Rose Bowl, literally.
It's not going to happen.
The house is next to it.
We also have, as you see,
and they actually evacuated all the animals,
the animal shelters to the Rose Bowl,
so I couldn't imagine that they'd do that and then let
the Rose Bowl catch on fire.
Exactly. Viva Frye, January 15th, Dave Rubin on the 16th Sal let the Rose Bowl catch on fire. Exactly.
Viva Frye, January 15th. Dave Rubin on the 16th Salty Cracker
coming back on the 23rd.
They give you these warnings
and they scare the hell out of you.
This is what's bothering me.
This is what I said at the beginning of the show
is like, if I need to evacuate,
I'm going to evacuate, I'll evacuate.
In the meantime, stop sending me alerts
that there might be an evacuation.
I see that I can see where the fire is.
I can literally drive down the street.
Her anxieties are really high, but don't discount them.
You need to go talk to her and be helpful because it's.
Hard for me.
I mean, they can just go to Orange County and not be here.
All right.
That's fine.
I packed up the fancy cameras though, Caleb, for you.
Oh, is that what you were doing?
Well, that's actually not a bad idea.
Because if we need to throw...
Look, I'm not saying I would not evacuate
if they tell me to evacuate.
That's some of the things I'd throw in the car if we did.
Grab the Starlink dish.
I wish I could take the lights too.
And I don't even mind people readying an evacuation.
Okay, I'm going to do a little plug to Nanlite.
They're our lighting system that is one of our sponsors.
They have these really cool long tubes.
I don't know if you can see the light behind Drew.
She told me how expensive they were the other day.
I was like, oh my God, I don't want to get near them.
Those are going in the car too.
Okay, well, not yet.
We can throw those in at the last minute.
Because we're going to do a show here at three o'clock.
I, in the meantime, will take a drive and double check
and go down to the Rose Bowl.
Yeah, sure.
I'll take Paulina with you.
We'll go see what's going on.
And I'd like to know a little more, too, because it's hard to tell.
I'm one of those people that'll get on my roof with a hose.
Okay, you know me, right?
We have somebody who's willing to do it.
We have some fire retardant coming our way.
You have the alcoholic in the family.
I'll fight this fire myself.
I got a few of them.
What's wrong with the anxious ones?
Give me that hose.
All right.
But the weird part is here
that what we are sitting in
is just this smoke filled.
It just feels terrible.
But the smoke goes all the way down
deep into San Marino and stuff,
which is the next couple of cities down.
And I was down there this morning. It was actually smokier down there to tell you the truth at least it was harder to breathe down there i just don't want you to be oh
malibu's calling she's gonna go i don't know what that means i did talk to carola today though and
he uh he is in the middle of all that stuff. And his condo is really there.
And he was showing me footage of,
maybe I should send this to you, Caleb.
You can show it a little, maybe when we come back. Yeah, I'm going to be showing everything,
all the videos and stuff that we've gotten from people,
like friends all across there and over on where you guys are
to really show how bad it is.
I was tracking it last night.
I didn't want to text Susan in case she was evacuating.
And I looked and it's like,
okay, it's starting to grow, but it's not
bad. And I wake up this morning and it's like almost
encircling where you guys are.
It's encircling, but that's
it. We were the only green
portion of everything.
Because there's these
mountains and there's brush
and they kind of come down
in fingers around us but we were like
in the middle of it green because we're kind of protected by a golf course on one side and the
road and the rose bowl on the other side so it but now i think basically just to get people not to
come here or go in and out if they can just you know stay off the road in case the fire trucks have to show up.
Oh, yeah, sure.
You know.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So, all right.
It's not, we're in a pretty good area.
I mean, we still have power and internet.
We are in good, we are in, listen.
I mean, if the power goes out,
If we were on the other side of the Arroyo,
we would be out.
We would be out.
No, I know.
We got to pack up.
I don't mind the packing. I don't mind you being ready with know. We got to pack up. I don't mind the packing.
I don't mind you being ready
with stuff to make it easy
with it.
So, all right.
I hate putting it all back.
Two hours from now,
we'll be back
to give you a special report
on the update
on the fires and stuff.
So we are here in Pasadena
and there's stuff
happening in Pasadena,
but Pasadena's a big,
it's many,
it's many hundreds,
I would say, probably of square miles.
It's probably 10.
I mean, my heart goes out to everybody who's just seen their entire neighborhood go down.
Oh, it's brutal.
I mean, it was ridiculous.
Up against the foothills, it's brutal.
We have a ficus tree that fell down and I left it down.
And in the morning, I woke up and it had stood up and fallen down
the opposite direction. So that's how
strong the winds were.
A really heavy tree.
I couldn't pick it up.
This is what it looks like right now.
It's spread a lot.
This is the fire map.
It's the Eaton Fire is what they're calling it.
It's 10,000 acres here.
There's a whole red area.
Zoom into that, the left, the lower left.
See that like little finger?
It looks like California going in the opposite direction.
Like Florida.
It looks like Florida.
We're right next to the freeway there.
So that's, we're as far away from.
It's not green.
It's actually yellow now.
It was green.
Can I say what?
I have a cool...
Let's see if I can...
No, let's see if I can do this.
Not that I want to tell everybody where I live, but...
In any event, the real problem is going to be
all these multi, multimillion dollar homes
on the beach in Malibu have been destroyed.
And the Coastal Commission will not allow them to rebuild.
Or if they do allow them to rebuild, it will take years.
We're going to talk about it more at 3 o'clock. We're going to have a lot
more news. What are you looking at there?
It's Pasadena, right? I'm sorry.
We're at the end of the show, so I have to play with my
cool new device. So I have an iPad that I can do
this telestrator thing like we're in sports.
That's not where we are.
It says Pasadena. I'm just marking Pasadena.
Oh. Yeah, well, we're way
over to the left. We're we're way over to the left.
We're still.
Way over to the left.
We're that little part.
If you look for the Rose Bowl, Caleb, look for the Rose Bowl.
It's over to the left.
We're getting a little too specific about your address.
Too fancy.
I'm just going to say right there. There you're in Pasadena.
We have one road in and one road out.
So if anything happens to the road getting out,
we have to climb over the fence and go into the golf course.
So the good news is we're not quite there yet,
but there's a lot of trees and stuff on our street.
So I would definitely not want to even wait till there.
Like we'll, let's talk about this more in a couple hours,
but you're hearing planes and stuff dropping water
and seeing them fly over or anything like that right now?
Not here, but I did hear some people hear them go overhead.
You know what?
Normally we do when there's a fire like this.
This is not the first time we've been through a fire like this.
Yeah, so last night they didn't use the planes
because the winds were too high.
That's why the palisades got screwed.
That's exactly correct.
That's one of the big problems, the winds were too...
And we have zero wind now. And when the wind dies down... But I know they're taking got screwed. That's exactly correct. That's one of the big problems. The winds were too... And we have zero wind now.
And when the wind dies down...
But I know they're taking off now.
They're working now.
The planes come in.
It's much easier for them to fight the fires
when the winds go down.
Yeah, they get the water from the ocean
and then they drop water on them.
All right.
We're going to wrap this up.
We'll see you...
And we need more of that.
And thank you for your service
if you're doing that.
Oh, my God.
The fire crews are just beyond.
All right. We'll be with you again in a couple hours
for the special update.
We'll see you then.
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky.
As a reminder, the discussions here are not a substitute
for medical care, diagnosis, or treatment.
This show is intended for educational
and informational purposes only.
I am a licensed physician,
but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor. I am a licensed physician,
but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor and I am not practicing medicine here.
Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving.
Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today, some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future. Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the
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