Ask Dr. Drew - Why Are Protesters Setting Themselves On Fire? Analyzing Mental Health Effects of Years-long Media Panic w/ Salty Cracker – Ask Dr. Drew – Ep 350
Episode Date: April 27, 2024Aaron Bushnell. Max Azzarello. Atlanta 2023. What’s causing the recent uptick in self-immolation incidents – and is it a sign of a dire mental health crisis beginning to break after a years-long b...arrage of media panic? Dr. Drew analyzes the alarming trend of protesters setting themselves on fire and the mental health effects of viewing horrifying content. Salty Cracker is one of the biggest creators on Rumble. Though he’s appeared on this program before, the producers of this show still cannot locate a legitimate biography for Salty, so we will simply describe him by using his self-written disclaimer, which reads: “Warning: These are the opinions and ramblings of a lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.” Follow Salty Cracker at + + + 「 SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS 」 Find out more about the brands that make this show possible and get special discounts on Dr. Drew's favorite products at • PALEOVALLEY - "Paleovalley has a wide variety of extraordinary products that are both healthful and delicious,” says Dr. Drew. "I am a huge fan of this brand and know you'll love it too!” Get 15% off your first order at • COZY EARTH - Susan and Drew love Cozy Earth's sheets & clothing made with super-soft viscose from bamboo! Use code DREW to save up to 40% at • TRU NIAGEN - For almost a decade, Dr. Drew has been taking a healthy-aging supplement called Tru Niagen, which uses a patented form of Nicotinamide Riboside to boost NAD levels. Use code DREW for 20% off at • GENUCEL - Using a proprietary base formulated by a pharmacist, Genucel has created skincare that can dramatically improve the appearance of facial redness and under-eye puffiness. Get an extra discount with promo code DREW at • THE WELLNESS COMPANY - Counteract harmful spike proteins with TWC's Signature Series Spike Support Formula containing nattokinase and selenium. Learn more about TWC's supplements at 「 GEAR 」 • NANLITE - Dr. Drew upgraded his studio with Nanlite: the best lighting for film, TV, and live streaming podcasts. Bring your vision to life at 「 MEDICAL NOTE 」 Portions of this program may examine countervailing views on important medical issues. Always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health. 「 ABOUT THE SHOW 」 Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Kaleb Nation ( and Susan Pinsky ( This show is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only, and is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 「 ABOUT DR. DREW 」 Dr. Drew is a board-certified physician with over 35 years of national radio, NYT bestselling books, and countless TV shows bearing his name. He's known for Celebrity Rehab (VH1), Teen Mom OG (MTV), The Masked Singer (FOX), multiple hit podcasts, and the iconic Loveline radio show. Dr. Drew Pinsky received his undergraduate degree from Amherst College and his M.D. from the University of Southern California, School of Medicine. Read more at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Well, today we are pleased to welcome back Salty Cracker to the program.
I want to save what the bio says about Salty Cracker until after this little break when we
get into the meat of the show. Hysterical. One of the things we're going to cover today,
amongst many others, is that protesters are setting themselves on fire. What's this all
about? As well as what's going on on college campuses we have
ilhan omar's daughter recently being kicked out of barnard college uh lots of interesting feelings
about that again he is one of the salty is one of the biggest creators on rumble so follow him
there on rumble forward slash salty cracker we'll be right back with salty cracker
our laws as it pertained to substances are draconian and bizarre the psychopaths start We'll be right back with Salty Cracker. You go to treatment before you kill people. I am a clinician. I observe things about these chemicals.
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Well, as I struggle here with the wires. You're busy over there.
Yeah, I'm trying to get the Twitter spaces up and running.
I'm trying to have it today.
All right.
So a couple of things I want to do here.
First of all, I want to go through the schedule, if you guys don't mind.
So Caleb, if you could throw that up for me.
We have Naomi Wolf coming in tomorrow.
And Wednesday, we have Tom Renz and Sasha Latapova.
Be interested.
We haven't talked to Tom in a while.
He's been very active on social media.
And Sasha has said some very unkind things.
And I don't care.
You're still welcome back on this show.
April 30th, Donald Trump Jr.
May 1st, Mike Lindell.
We are going to be May 2nd.
I don't know if you know this yet, Caleb.
But we may be, well, we will be in Miami that day from a satellite studio, but I think we're going to have Peter
McCullough in studio with us as well as- Not May 2nd.
Yeah. Well, no, that's the week before.
Is that May 7th? Yeah. May 8th is Dr. McCullough.
Okay. I beg your pardon. I beg your pardon. Yeah. We're going to the Rumble Studios.
Okay. Is it Rumble? In Miami in person.
Okay, good.
And Peter will be with us and maybe, I don't know, maybe go.
Dr. Kelly.
Yeah, do it with Dr. Kelly while we're there too.
And maybe Dr. Reich.
Dr. Harvey Reich.
He'll be there.
He has not, I don't know the answer to that, but I'd be delighted to have him.
I don't know.
We might, and we're also going to have some TWC people there just to, it's going to be a TWC fun fest. Fair enough. So that's what it will
be. Let's, now I want to talk a little bit about Salty Cracker, which I think today's show is
dedicated to Caleb Nation's individual psychology because he watched, because for two reasons,
because I want to read you the bio verbatim, which Caleb wrote, which is hysterical.
And secondly, because tell them quickly, if you don't mind, what you saw that got you
so upset.
Well, what's not upsetting, but why you specifically have been reacting to the people setting
themselves on fire.
Oh, yeah.
Like I made the mistake.
I wasn't thinking.
And there was the video whenever it was first up of the one guy that had set himself on
I think it was a month ago, the guy named Aaron.
And it doesn't leave your head.
It's stuck in my brain still.
I watched it that one time and I should have known.
I should have known I was doing it.
I thought I was doing research for the show.
I usually don't.
And I thought I'm researching for the show.
And then I'm like, oh, geez, no.
I also made the mistake of...
I heard about it.
And it's very clear.
These are people in psychotic states when they do these things,
which has happened. I had people that would, I had a guy lop off his genitalia and then
light himself on fire. I mean, this stuff has happened. This happens. It's just that we have
to all watch it now. And I would argue that our mental health services are so either unavailable
or egregiously expensive or people are, we expensive, or you're not allowed to take people to
care when they start getting into real trouble, particularly in states like California, this is
how you end up with more and more and more of this. So we'll get into that. But let me introduce
Salty Cracker. Let me read it as Caleb has presented it to me. Salty Cracker is one of the
biggest creators on Rumble, though he's appeared on this program before. The producers of this show cannot locate a legitimate biography for Salty,
so I will describe him by using his self-written disclaimer, which reads, quote,
warning, these are the opinions and ramblings of a lunatic, unquote.
So please welcome said lunatic.
There you are.
Thank you.
Thanks, Dr. Drew.
Wait, when that's said by that says my doctor hurts a little bit
it lands doesn't it it's different so are there things we well that's of course but i it makes me
um curious about your upbringing i always you know immediately want to find out more when people are hiding the past. Is there anything interesting
in your past?
You know, it
turned, originally it was
because my wife and I, we both
worked in the public sector
and having
an opinion that deviates
from the societal norms that
CNN let you have would get you
fired. And so it was just kind of self-preservation.
And then it just kind of turned into this mysterious situation.
So I don't know.
I'm just going to let it roll for as long as I can at this point.
All right.
It's added to your mystique.
I get that.
And what kinds of stories are you thinking about these days?
I don't want to take away from your primary show,
but I'm wondering what's on your mind.
I've got a bunch of stuff on my mind.
Oh, yeah.
No, just, I mean, you've got a clear banana republic going on lately
in these kangaroo courts and political persecution.
You're watching clear election interference being done by the people who have been screaming about election interference forever.
But this is actual election interference.
And then, yeah, you're watching people set themselves on fire.
And you've got billions of dollars missing from California's coffers when it comes to homelessness.
And I'm just sitting there going, wow, we're getting in a lot of trouble in this country.
Yeah, I would agree.
Did you see, I guess it was on Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson said something that caught both my and Adam Carolla's attention.
When he said, you know, first of all, I've said forever that evil is never a mustache twirling, obvious character that you could point to as evil.
Evil is always carried out, social evil at least, is always carried out in the name of righteousness and good.
You're helping people.
You're doing what's right, no matter whether it's the French Revolution or whether it's
what they're doing for the homelessness in this state, which is absolutely horrible,
and killing people,
actively killing people.
It's done in the name of being good and caring.
And yet the very people that are doing this good and caring,
Tucker pointed out, he called them weak.
They're sort of the unwitting,
what Lennon used to call the useful idiots.
I don't know they're useful idiots,
but they're not the strongest people who stand up and go, hey, wait a minute, what do you want me to say?
What? And it's also, and this is the part I want you to talk about, it's also often covering,
it's like a projection. It's covering their actual internal world. Like, oh, I care so much about,
you know, I'll put it this way, I'll tell you a story. Adam always tells a story about his grandmother who keeps complaining that Delia doesn't have a coffee table.
She can't afford a coffee table.
And he goes, well, she works for you.
Why don't you buy her a coffee table?
Oh, come on.
Come on.
This is that thinking.
Like, it's always everybody else's responsibility, not mine.
I'm over here.
How dare you ask me to do something?
This is what's going on right now. And this is what needs to be, frankly, mocked.
I agree. I think what we're witnessing is a hijacking of human nature. And there are people
out there, and you can clearly see it in the political spectrum where strong-willed individuals who come from healthy environments, healthy backgrounds, they're able to build and create, overcome, and withstand the slings that come from mean words and stuff like that.
And then there's a far larger group of people that are unable to do that.
And we live in a very sick society
that is manufacturing more of those sick people.
And these are people who,
they don't want to upset the apple cart.
They don't want to be attacked
by what they perceive to be the majority.
And they will go along with any atrocity
as long as they feel that they can stand
on a moral superiority soapbox
and proclaim how much they care about said cause.
But the cause that they can be screaming about is murdering.
We're watching all of these things break out across this planet.
And all of these people who want to keep this going on
are thinking that they're doing the right thing.
But they're not allowed to deviate.
They can't say anything to the contrary of that.
They got to say, well, I care so much about the Ukrainians, or I care so much about the Palestinians, or I care so much
about the homeless, or I care so much. All of these feelings and these emotions, and they scream
about that, but they can't comprehend that they're being used by an establishment that has essentially set up this it's a it's a two it's a two system beast here
like you're either for it which is good or you're against it and you're totally evil
and the system set up those parameters what do we do with this i i think it's something that
lends itself to mockery that's because you can't have arguments you can't be rational about it
people spin in these bizarre emotions.
So you have to sort of point it out for its silliness.
Yeah, I like to use mockery because what they're using to do this is the appeal to authority.
Every time that they want to push an agenda that seemingly strangles everybody, they trot out somebody in a white lab suit.
No offense, Dr. Drew.
But what they do is it's an appeal.
And it's go, well, this is Dr. Fauci
or this is Dr. Bill Nye, the science guy,
or this is Dr. Bill Gates.
Sometimes they throw Elmo in there as well,
which is a little bit weird.
And they say, look at this person.
This is the highly esteemed Nobel laureate in this area. Now. And they say, look at this person. This is the highly
esteemed Nobel laureate in this area. Now do what we say we want you to do. Right. You better give
me a re right now because my restream chat is going crazy with requests for you to do that.
They love the re. Re. Oh, my God.
We have your coffee cup.
I think you sent us.
We have coffee with the re on the front of it.
Did you bring it up here today?
The one day we really... Oh, you have it?
Oh, okay.
It's down there, though.
You drink out of it all the time.
Elmo's a CIA asset, somebody's saying.
I'm fired.
Fire me.
So, yeah, the authority thing is just from the
starter so bizarre to me because I was a part of this group of elites, I suppose, though I don't
consider myself a part of them now, who were questioning authority in the 70s and 80s. And I was the one who was, oh my God,
all the re's are coming up on the screen here. And I was the one who was sort of doing things
like talking to young people about HIV that was contrary to authority sort of doctrine of the
moment because we saw authority as flawed and our job was to sort
of question it and sometimes, you know, behave in such a way that we didn't respect authority
because it was seemingly wrong. And I think that proved to be right in the case of talking to 20
year olds about HIV that lo and behold, they were at some risk and that they did have sex and should
be spoken to about wearing condoms, which was considered outrageous at the time in 1983 and 1984 in the eyes of the authority.
And these very elites now are the ones that were standing up and,
you know, they were the ones that said, don't trust anybody over 30,
always question authority.
And now they're saying, no, you must fall in line with all authority.
And it's this weird, help me with this,
because this is what I'm really struggling with, one of the many things I'm struggling with. But they saw authority
as the 60-year-old white man in 1978 with the skinny white tie and the horn-rimmed glasses.
And because they're not that, therefore they're not authority. You know what I mean? And because
they were busy questioning authority, they can't even identify with the fact that they are now the
authority they're asking people to fall in line with because they just see themselves as simply the good guys.
And now we're back to perpetrating evil again.
What's happening right now just seems like a very bizarre, almost culture shock, I had originally been a lefty. I grew up in the Bay Area,
raised by a very liberal mom. My conservative dad was working all the time. So I kind of grew up in
this liberalism and it was very much damn the man when it was seen as George Bush being the
authority. And so we didn't like the spying.
We didn't like the torture.
We didn't like the endless wars.
We didn't like any of this.
And then we elected the Obama guy.
He made everything worse.
But then some people kind of got out of that haze and that scam.
But there's still a bunch of lefties.
They're celebrating George Bush these days.
These people are like, oh, why doesn't George Bush go out there and campaign for Donald Trump?
He must be a good guy now.
I'm sitting there going, you guys are all insane.
This is madness.
Everything that you hated about George Bush is being done even more egregious right now
because there's some sort of political cover for it at this point.
And so authority changes.
But the whole idea of what is an authority, who is an authority, it's just odd.
But I don't know.
I can't understand how they could sort of not understand what they're doing.
And one of the theories is that they have things in their past,
pictures of them wearing blackface or whatever it might be,
that they're deeply worried about and deeply ashamed about.
So they're carrying the torch forward.
It's really the people that have engaged in problematic behaviors that are the ones carrying the torch with the greatest ferocity.
Yeah, I think you see that, especially with some of these people with the previous sketchy pasts.
You'll see like Howard Stern and these people who were in really atrocious blackface. And they're the most ardent people now trying to cancel other
people. And I think definitely an aspect of it is it's self-preservation. They're like, okay,
we've set forward this woke Frankenstein and I don't want it to turn around on me. So I'm going
to scream that I hate Trump the most. And meanwhile, I can't imagine any of these people
actually lose any sleep over Trump.
Well, but there is, I was thinking just today
about all the both presidential candidates
as well as people that became president
that I didn't like with intensity.
I wouldn't say I hated
because I didn't really think of it that way.
But there were people, like I was really concerned
when Bill Clinton was elected to the presidency. He ended up being one of my favorite
presidents. I had, you know, I voted for Jimmy Carter. By the end, I'd had an ass full of him.
That was enough of that for me. I was very, very, very unhappy. But I didn't go into a weird,
you know, sort of hatred, delusional preoccupation with them.
What do you think that is? I mean, what is wrong with people that they can't,
to me, the hysteria around Trump carried right on into COVID. And it's sort of at the core of
a lot of this stuff. It's like, we have to be authoritarian because a populist could come in.
Wait, let me, and when they started saying that i was like you mean somebody who's the majority elects that's what you're afraid of that the the actual
functioning of your government as designed is what you have to create authority to fight against
i believe that's the kind of thing lenin was talking about yeah i think that's an aspect of social media, which is the extension of this hyper evolution of our society that sparked with microprocessors and the internet and now with social media.
And people, there's a window into people people accountable for stuff they did 10 years ago on the internet through social media is a whole new type of power for weak people to wield.
And boy, they're drunk on it.
Yeah, they are.
So I want to talk a little bit about, I know you have to get out at a certain time, so I'm going to watch the clock very carefully.
But I also want to watch the clock very carefully.
But I also want to talk about, get your thoughts on this phenomenon.
I had the great pleasure of interviewing Matthias Desmet.
Are you familiar with him?
He's the guy that sort of invented the mass formation theory.
No, I'm not familiar with that.
Oh, my God.
I would urge you to please watch that interview I did with him.
Because he and I are of like mind, he was able to lay out his whole stuff.
And he said, he made a really interesting observation.
I'd be curious if you agree with this.
That the reason we had, well, he, as I, took it back to the French Revolution.
He thought the Jacobins were the proto-totalitarians.
And that's really where this current wave has started, was the French Revolution. And that the reason totalitarianism could take hold in the 20th
century is because religion started fading and narcissism started rising. And in fact,
in the 19th century, people argued about whether there was such a thing as a narcissistic
personality. It really was so unusual. And it was probably religion that kept that kind of tamp down.
You know, you're sinful, you're flawed, all that stuff,
that whatever narcissism you had got kind of kept down by religion.
But the 20th century religion started decaying,
and people started sort of putting faith in these centralized authority.
Initially, an individual, bigger-than-life leader,
but now, much like the Jacobins back in the centralized authority, initially a individual bigger than life leader. But now,
much like the Jacobins back in the French Revolution, we seem to be going to this sort of monarchical, what's the word I'm looking for? Sort of centralized bureaucratic society
run by the people so-called, but the bureaucracy becomes the great authority we put all our faith in.
And he said that bureaucracies, Matthias was showing, they're talking about mobs that,
again, back to the narcissism, that we become very prone to getting collectivized and focusing our aggression on one person, scapegoating.
So they're the mobs.
And that the government is escalating these mobs through propaganda and using the mobs and that the government is escalating these mobs through propaganda and using the mobs to
for propaganda things and ideas that they want to enhance and then using the mob to cancel ideas
and things that they don't like and then sort of dialing up and down between cancellation and
propaganda and he said this i'm curious what you think about that construct number one and then
number two he said that 20 percent of of people are so prone to responding to
propaganda. That's the useful idiots. It's the weak. It's the ones that do evil in the name of
the good. He says 70% of the population typically, and he's been studying this for years, way before
COVID. He said that 70% typically just kind of get along because they're scared and they don't
want to lose their job and they just want to be left alone.
And 5% see it for what it is and stand up against it.
Do you agree with this sort of construct?
And if so, how do we amplify that 5%?
I would put you in that 5%.
And often they come from various ends of the political polls.
How do we amplify people that can kind of see what's going
on? Yeah, there's a lot there. And I definitely see those threads. And when you just look at
who's benefiting from everything that's going on, it is the bureaucrats. It is the political elite.
It is these people who not only getting more political power, but they're increasing their bank accounts.
And the rest of us are the ones being squeezed to death.
And so I definitely – you can see how there is these social levers where you can very easily pull them.
And what's being pulled, the mechanism that's doing that is the
propaganda. There is clearly a vast amount of real dumb, low-grade propaganda that is very easy to
suss out. I mean, you're watching ardent people who've been just drinking down this propaganda,
starting to kick back. I mean, people who have had almost a second revival of their
career based on ingesting the propaganda and screaming about it. Michael Rapaport comes to
mind. This dude is getting whipped around 180 degrees from what he was screaming about on TikTok
a few months ago. So he went from a Trump derangement syndrome on steroids to now furious with the Palestinian protesters,
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, and he's saying that he's not going to vote for Biden.
Voting for Trump is on the table, and it's messing with his head.
And this is a person who, if you can see Michael Rappaport doing that, Michael Rappaport is now torching his money bridges.
He represents probably tens and tens of thousands
of normal people, everyday people,
who are also kind of feeling the same thing.
If you can reach Michael Rappaport,
which still blows my mind,
you are having an impact on the ground level
with average, everyday, normal citizens
who are starting
to understand that these people that are doing this, you're set forward in motion.
If you are engaging in propaganda to increase your power at the cost of other people's
livelihoods or people just in general.
I mean, they're blowing people up at this point.
You're an evil person.
And evil people don't do well when they're working with other evil people.
And they will start knifing each other out.
They'll start overreaching.
They're not great at holding a plan together.
And once you set this into motion, you need people who are able to call out
what is going to happen in the future,
diffusing propaganda,
and that 5% increases
as they start recognizing more and more people
that are calling out the propaganda.
They look like they're able to predict the future
when they can do that.
And these criminals, as they destroy
and take more for themselves,
they're throwing the prices out of whack. You can't go to a car dealership anymore and get a
car. You can't buy a house these days. Interest rates are through the roof. Your grocery prices
are through the roof. And that's what's actually going to trigger people's brains to first go,
hold on a second, am I being lied to?
And then they'll find the people who've been wrecked and have been calling this out, predicting stuff like this.
And that will reinforce what they're feeling at the end of the day when they're at the grocery store and they see that, no, inflation has not gone down.
Prices are still through the roof.
And by the way, your car has now been broken into while you're buying those eggs.
And so crime isn't down.
In fact, the mayor of Los Angeles' house was broken into for a second time today.
So there's no increase in crime here.
But yeah, and I think COVID is another good example of that.
Look at the people that were saying things at the beginning who turned out to be correct.
And what about the BS that was perpetrated along the way on you and on
them? Hmm. Maybe those are the people you shouldn't be listening to. Huh? Now I got to take a little
break here. You said low grade propaganda. I want to drill into that a little bit. I think that I
think we're being subjected to high grade propaganda. I think it's all very carefully
done. I mean, I'm sure you've, you're familiar with Mike Benz and his, his thinking about the
blob and all this. Yeah. And it suggests a very elite kind of thought out mechanisms
that have been tried and true.
So I want to drill into that a little bit.
We'll take a little break.
I'll have you out of here in time, Salty.
And I want everyone to go to
and also his Rumble channel.
We'll be back in just a second.
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All right, we are back with Salty Cracker.
And apologies to you, sir. And the audience, I'm getting lots of criticism for not allowing the salt to flow. So we need to, I thought I was,
I thought I was throwing out softballs or at least provocative questions that would evoke salt,
but I'm going to, I'm not sure how to get there, so maybe you can help me.
No, that's very kind of the chat.
But I'm not quite sure.
They want me to yell, but I can't go into Dr. Drew's house and start yelling.
You can.
I'm giving you that permission.
I'm giving you permission to start to rail, should you please.
And maybe you'll evoke something more from me.
And there's lots of code on my Rumble channel that I don't quite understand.
But a lot of it is more re, more salt, more flow, more yelling.
So what are you yelling about these days?
It's the continuing assault on this country that's clearly taken place. And when I was mentioning low-grade propaganda earlier, there's obviously varying degrees of propaganda, and
propaganda will fall differently on different people. And so when you've got these dumb idiots out there
who will just buy anything that is handed to them
by these people who've been perpetually wrong,
I see that as low-grade propaganda
for anybody that's remotely paying attention.
But then there's some real high-grade propaganda out there.
And you just watched the whole world fall for it.
I shouldn't say the whole world fall.
A vast amount of the whole world fall for it. I shouldn't say the whole world fall. A vast amount of the whole world
just openly accept
what known criminals have been
offering to them in exchange for a donut.
It's staggeringly
for our society to continue letting these
people get away with this.
And yet we had the WEF,
we have the World Health Organization, we have
all of them, the ones that have been so wrong and so far out there that we have the World Health Organization, we have all of them,
the ones that have been so wrong and so far out there that we didn't even believe they, I didn't believe they existed. They just seemed like too out there in idea,
are suddenly sort of moving in. We have a treaty coming our way and they sort of are doubling.
It seems like this is all a doubling down going on right now because of people like yourself raising questions.
And so, of course, here they come.
They're trying to consolidate power, which is an old move.
What do we do?
We just have to continue essentially predicting the future.
And I don't think it's that hard to do.
There's a concerted effort out there.
It's not an accident.
I can't remember. There's these concerted effort out there. It's not an accident that you, I can't remember these,
there's these two doctors from Long Beach. They were actually seeing patients at the very early
part of COVID and they were talking about their concerns and they got silenced immediately by
people who weren't seeing patients. These doctors had data, empirical data. They were taking data
themselves and bureaucrats, not even in this
country, were able to silence these people. And there's people out there, and how this social
structure works is they are told, you better shut up and be okay with that or we'll ruin your life.
We'll take your posts on Facebook or TikTok or Instagram. We'll ruin your life. And if you're
in the profession, we'll take your license away from you.
That's got a very deep chilling effect.
And when this comes to our medical needs,
that's going to get millions of people killed.
You can't have a system that is set up
where people's health is driven by bureaucrats
who have nothing, no interest to do with this country
or the people here.
And everybody who was right was silenced.
And everybody who was wrong was amplified.
That's not an accident.
That's an act of warfare.
And we now have the Twitter files where you see what they were up to.
And of course, they were on essentially every social media platform.
They were doing something of that source.
Do you think the Supreme Court's going to come in and sort of slam this down? I
mean, we heard the Missouri versus Biden, it used to be called Missouri versus Biden, was presented
to the Supreme Court. And then we have some of the Supreme Court justices saying, what's the
government supposed to do when people are misinforming? I mean, this was astonishing
questioning to me. I don't know if you saw that. No, I haven't kept up on that making its way to the Supreme Court.
I was familiar with it
when it was in the lower courts.
It was not,
it was,
some of the question
was appropriate,
but some of the questioning was,
I couldn't believe
a Supreme Court justice
would ask those questions.
Like, you know,
it essentially implicit
in the question was,
the government should be determining
what you know and don't know and what's right
and then they should be able to
prevent you from saying anything else.
That was embedded
in the opinion.
I don't think anything could be further
from the direction we want to go.
When I think about it, you're right, it's chilling
is the word. What's mohap?
They're going crazy on my...
Oh, you don't want to know.
There's some code out there, Drew,
that you don't want to bring up.
All right, good.
They're going crazy on my-
It's something about an Obama.
No, no, don't.
Somebody just put-
Am I right?
As soon as they asked,
they started coming up now.
So for the record, I'm not-
That's all that's going to be the chat. I'm not in that camp. I found out for the record, I'm not. That's all that's going to be the chat.
I'm not in that camp.
I found out the last time.
I'm not cool with that.
I'm not in that camp.
There's certain things you guys can go do whatever you want.
I admire your ability to express yourself.
And with that, I think Salty has to go now.
He's got two more minutes.
You didn't bring up the university thing.
Yeah, I figure I'd talk about that once he's gone
because he's got to go to a certain point.
And I've got a lot of thoughts about that.
But thank you for creating a meme
for me to be made fun of
on all social media platforms going forward.
So I'll be appreciative.
Nothing's more embarrassing than that photo.
Are there any other acronyms I should be aware
of that I don't say out loud?
All of them, Dr. Drew.
They're all landmines.
They're so proud they got me to say
it now.
Oh my gosh.
I'm just watching their threads.
They're getting into it.
Well, you have a lively...
Somebody's even putting lots of...
Oh, yeah.
They want one big re before you go.
I know you've got to go like right now.
So give them a big one.
It's not the same one.
It's not organic.
It's good, though.
It's good.
It's all right.
It helps me.
Salted Crackers December...
Oh, really?
Your appearance on this show was the number one viewed episode of my program on Rebel.
So thank you for that.
And now that you've elicited an acronym from me that expresses at once,
at once it expresses my ignorance and it has something terrible coming out of my mouth.
Well played, sir.
Well played. You're making it worse. Your audience my mouth. Well played, sir. Well played.
You're making it worse.
It's your audience.
Your audience did it.
Your audience did it.
And so I want to fall on my sword and cop to it.
I should be very careful when I repeat what's on the threads.
But it was certainly, what you've all proven is that if you put enough,
if you repeat something enough,
I'm going to say it probably.
So, or listen, I know you got to run.
I want to talk a little bit with the audience
about the people lighting themselves on fire
and the demonstrations and things.
I've got some ideas about that.
We always appreciate you coming around
and we're slowly getting more salt from you.
The flow is, the salt is flowing more and more.
You don't have to worry about this environment.
We welcome you and we welcome the salt and we appreciate you being here. Dr. Drew, thank you so much for
having me again. All right. You got it. Take care. Thank you for the salty tips, everybody on
Rumble. We appreciate it. That doesn't happen over here very often. What do you mean? Oh,
there's all one person and I was trying to keep up with it. We're making cash. Can he stay?
So let's talk a little bit about people lighting themselves on fire.
So what that is is usually bipolar mania, when people do these sort of extreme grandiose gestures.
There are schizophrenics,
and people with delusional preoccupations can do that as well.
Also, it's not uncommon in this sort of extreme agitated state that they are in for them to self-mutilate in some way.
As I said, I had somebody cut off his genitalia and then light himself on fire, a patient of mine.
And this is all highly treatable.
People do not need to be let to run with their psychosis to the point that they harm themselves or somebody else.
But that is implicit.
It is a feature of these conditions.
So as I say over and over again, in the state of California in particular, you are not allowed
to help people with these conditions.
If they say, I don't want help, the only way you can bring them in for help is if they
say, I'm going to kill myself or I'm going to kill somebody else.
And if at any point during the process of getting them help is if they say, I'm going to kill myself or I'm going to kill somebody else.
And if at any point during the process of getting them into care, they say, just kidding,
I'd like to go home.
You have to let them go home.
That is horrible practice of medicine. It's not how brains work.
That's not how brain disorders work.
And the extraordinary thing that I point out always is that if somebody has a dementia, a frontotemporal
dementia, Lewy body dementia, which again is prominent psychotic features, sometimes Alzheimer's
dementia can be psychosis. So it can look like a schizophrenia or a mania, but if it's caused by
dementia and you don't intervene, you are guilty of patient abuse. So in one setting, you're required
to intervene. And in the other setting, symptoms complex is the same. You're not allowed to
intervene. Think how stupid that is. And dementias, we have no way to make them better yet. They
progress no matter what we do. But schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, the earlier you intervene,
the better they get and the better
they can become, particularly schizophrenia. If you let that run, again, uncontrolled, untreated
for years, you often can't get them back. If you treat them early and often, they do quite,
quite well. It can be restored to, you get the vocational rehab and get them back in the workforce.
And it could be caused by weed, right? Weed psychosis?
That's something else I wanted to point out is that I'm not,
I don't want to be accused of saying we weed cost this,
that the cause,
that's not what I'm saying.
What I'm saying is the cannabis.
here's the protester.
This is one from last year.
there've been like a series of these happening lately.
That's why it,
what really got my attention,
Drew, is that there were two in the past month. Well, I what really got my attention, Drew,
is that there were two in the past month.
Well, I want to say there's two aspects I want to point out,
is that contagion is a real thing.
So when people kill themselves
or people read about it,
people killing themselves,
it tends to be a contagion
to some of these behaviors.
There can be contagion to eating disorders.
There can be contagion to a lot of things
that humans get into when they are, I don't want to say predisposed, when they're vulnerable.
So vulnerable types are the ones that really get into trouble with contagion.
When we worry about violence on TV and that kind of thing, it is the vulnerable we worry about, not the average person necessarily.
So it's people that have these preconditions, these conditions that develop and are untreated. Now, the other thing is that Susan brought up, and this is simply
the fact, is that in, well, I know it in this state because in this state where cannabis is
legal, it's California, the cannabis has become so potent, literally 100% THC in many cases,
that we are starting to see medical consequences that I actually
doubted cannabis could do.
I was actually not in the camp that said, whenever they would talk about cannabis and
psychosis, I would go, ah, come on.
Didn't see that very often.
Maybe it's somebody with a predisposed condition.
You're sort of bringing it out.
Now it's clear it's causing this stuff a lot.
We're seeing a lot of agitated psychotic states from directly
related to the cannabis because of its potency. So it's no longer something that's in question.
It is something that is quite obvious. Now, whether you can correlate it with these episodes,
it's a little tough to do. It's easier. And if we're all in California, I'd go,
hey, that's what we got. This is what do you expect. But it's a little tough to do that given that it's scattered around and it's easily
explicable by contagion and the fact that we're not treating people properly. And some of the
inability to treat these patients is a function of lack of resources for these patients. So the
medical resources aren't there to treat them. And we don't have enough psychiatrists to do the work.
People are having trouble getting appointments with psychiatrists and psychologists.
And it really is a gruff Neanderthal.
Gruff the Neanderthal.
He's saying they're spraying fentanyl on the weed, which is true.
There's fentanyl even in weed these days.
That is not causing psychosis.
In fact, fentanyl could make the psych days, that is not causing psychosis. In fact, fentanyl could
make the psychosis better. It wouldn't make them worse. Fentanyl down-regulates the system. Now,
the problem is fentanyl kills- Yeah, but you'd still get addicted to the weed and then keep
smoking the weed. No, the fentanyl is much more addictive and that will definitely get you, but
fentanyl will kill you also. So it's different. These are different things. And these are different chemicals at different strengths with different predilections
in different human beings. So it's all over the place. But did you say that the TWC levels were
a hundred percent? THC. I mean, THC, TWC, sorry. TWC, and back to our sponsor. It's a hundred
percent THC now in the marijuana.
And I think a lot of people just don't understand how potent it is.
Oh, that's for sure.
So if you smoke two joints and you're just, it obliterates you.
Oh my God.
Well, people won't, they can't tolerate that much.
Some people can, some of our friends can.
But for the most part, you drink, you smoke that much,
you're going to be, I mean, it can really affect you.
Look, it does.
It's no longer. We've seen it firsthand firsthand it's not good yeah yeah uh for uh whoever this is i can't
see from twitter it's virtually 100 it's not uh at 100 it's it's nearly 100 in the t of the thc
in the in the week what's that i'm curious about the aspect of so these people that are starting
to set themselves on fire and then they're filming it and then live streaming it.
How is that going to be affecting people long term?
Because sometimes those things pop up and you watch the – what happened to me is I watched the uncensored video thinking I'm researching.
I've seen horrible stuff on the internet before.
Nothing prepared me for – it's the sound of that Aaron Bushnell guy setting himself on fire, like listening to it.
It just plays.
It won't leave my head.
Watch that clip one time.
Won't leave my head.
So how does that affect people long term?
And what is that doing?
I mean, what about kids?
The question would be what about children?
It's like a tiny, tiny bit of like war footage that now millions of people have seen because they clicked on it and saw it on Twitter.
But Caleb, you can even see war footage.
This is the problem with the internet.
We don't know the impact of these images raining down on us.
And to say that it's traumatizing will be, of course.
The question is, is it irreversibly traumatizing?
Could it cause PTSD?
Is it going to change people's emotional landscape?
Not if you're otherwise healthy.
Again, it's the vulnerable that get the worst of this.
So if you already are experiencing instability and chaos in your life,
you're dysregulated emotionally, and then you're overwhelmed with these.
I don't mean to, this is going to sound bizarre that I put this even in the same thought, but pornography also has overwhelming sorts of impact.
Different, obviously, and not even necessarily unpleasantly so.
I mean, it can be, but it's the arousal systems and the shattering of the brain's regulatory
function that we're talking about here.
And when you're young, you don't have that regulatory system in place.
So we don't know the full impact of this.
And whether or not, go ahead.
I guess me being disturbed by it is a good sign
because that means I haven't been fully desensitized to it,
even despite all of my years in college browsing 4chan,
which you see this,
I used to see this stuff all the time in college,
just turning on 4chan basically.
But now it's, that's where i was wondering is like well is there a point where you get decent i guess here's my question is i was thinking about you as a doctor and it made me
wonder how many people in your like what you've been a doctor 40 years now so you've probably
known or interacted with what thousands of people who have later died at some
point and how does that affect you and how do you how does like a every doctor's that same way by
the end of your career you will have known thousands of people you've interacted with
even if you didn't treat them thousands that later on died at some point just naturally and
so how do you right so how do you like how does that how does a doctor deal with being around so much of that and not
become desensitized? It's an interesting question. You have to become a little bit desensitized,
but you don't want to be completely desensitized. The question is like, how can you be an ambulance
driver? How can you be a paramedic coming on these horrible situations? The first thing is you focus
on the job at hand. You have a job to do,
and if you do that job well, you've done the best for that individual. Then there's the natural
course of life and death at an advanced age. And you can get very philosophical with that and
become actually, I mean, I get very focused with patients, even though it can be emotional, on making sure that
if they've lived a dignified, that they die the way they want to die, that they die the way they've
lived, and that dignity be maintained, that comfort be maintained. And it can be,
the language is hard to use here, but it can be a glorious process that is a part of life.
We unfortunately have hidden it in this culture where no one gets exposed to it.
Nobody believes they're going to get old.
No one believes they're going to die.
When in fact, it is part of life and you can celebrate it.
If you've managed to get all the way to the very end and lived a very engaged life, that's a wonderful thing. So you get philosophical about
that. People that die young and unexpectedly, that is rough. It's always rough. And it's one
of the reasons I could not be a pediatrician. I just can't do it. That was too much for me.
And some people can't do it with people in adulthood and older, and so they become
pediatricians. And so it's already what you
can kind of handle. That makes sense. And with addicts, which are the young people that die,
you have to immediately get familiar with how dangerous the condition is. You have to start
with, this person is coming to me with a deadly illness. Their probability of survival is low.
You have to have that as your,
and if we get a survival, it's a cause for celebration.
Not that you have to expect that they're not going to die
because it's so challenging, so dangerous.
So does that all kind of make sense?
No, that does make a lot of sense
because it's two very different things.
It's like someone that's different
from someone dying like a horrific death
and then seeing the video of it versus, you know, thousands of people who live long lives.
And then there's another feature too, another feature that you're bringing out, which you just,
you just said would be different than seeing a video. I cannot tolerate, I'm not good in the
field when things are out of control and I can't, I don't have everything at my disposal to make a difference, when I can't do my job, I hate that.
I hate that.
And paramedics are better at that.
So I will always defer to paramedics when I'm out in the field because that traumatizes me.
So some of trauma is the lack of control and the powerlessness.
And if you feel like you can do something, it makes you feel less traumatized by
these not so fun situations. Because that's why I guess it affects me so badly to see like even
that short video clip where it gets stuck in your head and it, because there's nothing you can do
about it. It's already been done and you're just watching this happen. And it's, that's why I,
I mean, I'm guessing that that's probably the safest thing for people to do is to just not
watch it. Like trust when the internet says here don't watch it just don't watch it
I mean even even when it's censored it's the sound of it the audio of something like that is just so
horrific that it doesn't leave you and again I guess that's a good sign about my mental health
is that it's still disturbing to me from month like a month and half ago, it's still just like, I can't.
And it's certain things, just the images
get in and they become recurring
intrusive images.
They just do. Somebody on the restream
is very upset. Hang on really quick.
I'll switch topics really quick.
Somebody's very upset that I said Bill Clinton
was one of my favorite presidents.
I knew that was going to happen.
I didn't say I liked Bill Clinton.
I said I liked his administration.
Go back and look at how that went.
It was not, compared to now, it looks glorious.
Now, yes, compared to the 80s, not so great.
But compared to now, it looks really good.
Although I didn't like the way it came out at the end
of when Afghanistan-
Oh, no, he did some short,
he was asleep at the wheel in certain areas, for sure.
But I used to hate that the front page of the newspaper
was always their legal problems.
And we didn't know what the hell was going on.
I hated that.
His behavior was predictable and reprehensible.
I hated him.
I don't know if that makes you guys feel any better.
Not a great guy.
But I would say particularly how he managed the economy.
It was pretty brilliant.
So I'm just saying that.
And the international thing,
he was a little bit asleep at the wheel.
Sorry, Caleb, what were you finishing? You're re-traumatizing yourself by talking about this over and over again.
Yeah, just thinking through it. There's a sub-community of people online, especially,
that they actually seek out this type of content. I'm sure.
There's websites that are dedicated to this where it's just gore or death and videos of
beheadings and stuff like that. And so what attracts someone to go and seek out that content?
Is that some sort of an addiction in some way? Is it triggering something in their brains and
where they have to consume it? Yes, for sure. I don't know. I've never studied people that do
that. That's why I can't say it off the top of my head. But I've always worried when people do that.
It seems sort of antisocial.
It feels like a way of expressing violence and aggression
without expressing violence and aggression.
You know what I mean?
It's like, and if it works,
if that's how aggressive and violent you feel inside
and it works to discharge that by watching horrible things, okay.
But, or I worry that people don't care
about victims of horrible things.
So I don't know.
I don't know what to make with that group.
Hey, by the way, people are like,
oh, you're attacking weed.
I'm not talking weed.
I'm not taking opinion on legal or not legal.
No opinion about that.
No, but you have to be careful.
Alcohol is far worse.
In terms of its impact on our health
and our productivity.
That doesn't take away from the reality of another substance.
You can talk about each substance individually, and you could talk about the range of reactions
with that one substance in a range of individuals, because we're very different biologically,
one from the other.
And these chemicals and how we respond to them are very different one from the other.
And dose matters.
Frequency exposure matters.
Duration of exposure matters.
And there are neuropsychiatric consequences.
They all affect this instrument.
And there are consequences from it.
And I have some deep familiarity with what they are, having worked in the field actively
for 25 years and overall for 40 years.
So it's just you,
if you're having a reaction to what I'm saying,
you need to look at yourself.
It's what Salty and I were just talking about
in terms of projection.
You need to stay objective in all things.
So what were you saying, Susan?
I'm sorry.
I knew they were going to say that.
Whatever. See, look, the to say that. Whatever. Whatever.
See, look, the salty brought the real you out.
And now we get to fight back.
So the real me.
I'm looking at the rumble rants.
I'm getting near wrapping things up here, Susan.
Anything else we need to go over that I'm-
You didn't talk about the Columbia University.
Yes, thank you.
Thank you. were that i'm i thought you didn't talk about the columbia university yes thank you thank you so ilhan omar's daughter was uh expelled from school and kicked out of the dormitories and of course
thereby also the uh the uh feeding the food services there uh and she first of all um it's
not i don't know the details on what she did. I can pretty much guarantee you it was not just demonstrating.
There must have been something, because they do allow demonstration.
Columbia and Barnard are the same institution.
And I think everyone is aware that Columbia has students all over the campus now demonstrating actively.
But Barnard is 50% Jewish student body.
Think about that.
Very small percentage of people in the United States are Jewish.
And they're all females at this very cool liberal arts college, which is not easy to get into.
My daughter went there.
So let's look at the, and she told you she would be demonstrating if she had been there now.
And I said you would be off the payroll.
You wouldn't pay for her.
Yeah, I would kill her.
So that's just your father speaking.
So where was I?
So could somebody please look up the percentage of Jewish citizens in the United States?
I think it's like 3% or maybe less than that.
So Susan's point is well taken, that a school that has 50% Jewish females,
it's a women's college, is a significant percentage.
It's not 100%, right?
And so what is it?
2020, the core American Jewish population
is estimated at 7.6 million,
accounting for 2.4% of the total US population.
So about 1,000 of them are at one school.
Right. I don't know what them are at one school. Right.
I don't know what the student body was there.
But I can pretty much guarantee you it wasn't just demonstrated.
There must have been a violation of, and by the way, repeated violation.
I don't think they would kick somebody out with a one-timer.
I don't know.
Maybe somebody on the Restream can set me straight on this.
They kicked 50 people out.
Right, they did.
So they must have violated the policy, the policies that the students probably signed going into the institution and uh or perpetrated some illegal acts so they would
have had a an addition to violating student policy they would have uh been i'm gonna imagine that
the jewish population there doesn't feel safe i just just, I'm just going to put it out there.
That could be true.
And I think that the fear and the aggression is not good,
even though, you know,
having free speech is what they teach these kids
and they should have it
and they should have that opportunity.
But is it peaceful is a problem, I think.
If free speech, I would take it to the mat for them.
However, the advocation of free speech
does not permit you to violate law
or contractual obligations
you have made with an institution.
But I don't know that much about what happened.
I'm just saying,
I guarantee you something like that happened.
It just has to be
because they would not just,
because of demonstration,
just kick kids out.
It wouldn't happen.
So I'm saying what happened there,
we need more information.
I'm looking at the reach room to see if somebody can tell me,
but nobody seems to really know for sure.
And then Ilhan, but this is the part that I want to point out,
which is that then Ilhan Omar's daughter goes out and says,
I'm homeless, I'm homeless.
Then all college kids are homeless unless they're at the institution. In which case,
go home. Go home to your mom. She's two hours away on a train.
Yeah. Well, her mom probably said, what the hell?
No. Her mom-
Maybe you're not coming home. Good luck with that.
Go home. You're not homeless. Homeless people do not have a home to go to.
They do not have a couch to go to uh they do not have
a couch to surf on or find someone in the city to surf on their couch you're you're a you're a
industrious brilliant young woman because you're at that institution i know that uh so stop it yeah
that is kind of a stupid word for it i would say i don't know i would say excommunicated but also
they you know are they gonna get kicked out of school for the rest of the year?
They were expelled.
So there you go.
And that's a horrible feeling.
Oh boy.
I don't think, well, this generation has to understand that you can be excommunicated and you can be, you know, disappeared in different countries.
We have to have some control over the way we treat each other.
No, but Susan, Susan.
I mean, I don't have a problem with that.
Listen, if you sign a contract with somebody, that's an obligation.
And you're not allowed to get out of that contract unilaterally.
Both parties must agree to you being out of it.
You saying I have free speech does not reduce your commitment.
I know.
And I agree.
I mean, I think the schools are too lenient.
I've always thought that.
And having free speech does not include breaking the law.
You can break the law if you wish, but do not expect the law not to be applied to you
just because you said I have free speech.
So there are limitations.
I told all my kids if I saw them on TV protesting, I would cut them out of my will.
I understand you have stronger feelings about it than I do.
I don't think there's a reason to do that.
I think we can have a very quiet conversation and discuss all the problems in the world instead of going
out and scaring other people and protesting. I just, I don't like it. Well, now you're drifting
into this world of hate and what our obligations are not to express hate. I think that is very
difficult territory because Susan, as soon as you start saying, I'm uncomfortable, I need a safe
space. Well, where does that stop? Where does that stop? I think if you're uncomfortable with
something somebody else is saying, you either remove yourself from that or take whatever
measures you need to take to feel safe, whatever that is. It's not about stopping the other person.
It's about doing what you need to do to develop your own resiliency and your own plan to protect yourself.
I mean, why can't they have debates?
Can't the schools like just-
Because rationality, as Salty and I were discussing, rationality is no longer an issue.
The people cannot have conversations anymore.
So that is why mockery has become, that's why Salty is so successful.
Mockery is the only sort of way to call out
the excesses.
And that's
where we are right now.
anything else
before I kind of
wrap this thing up?
I've got to be somewhere.
Very interesting.
I'm really excited
for him to come back soon.
I mean,
but I want to hear
Paulina's point of view
on this.
I do too.
Because I get it.
I'm completely different
than her.
But she also went there and she understands, you know.
I think we should all find out more.
She probably also knows what the situation is a little more clearly.
We should find out more detail.
Although she hears her side and who knows.
I mean, I'll look into it too.
That's true.
We need to get the details.
I absolutely agree with that.
So, Salty, thank you for being here.
Check him out. Salty Cracker.
Yeah, I wish you had talked to Salty about it.
Oh, it's Salty Cracker 9.
I screwed up his Twitter.
It's Salty Cracker 9.
Is that correct, Caleb?
Did I screw that up?
I don't think you, I think you had that right.
We tweeted it at the right time.
I said
I said that, and then Salty Cracker 9.
And we always appreciate him coming on.
He's always interesting.
And tomorrow we will have Naomi
Wolfe and then on Wednesday,
we're out Thursday this week,
Tom Renz and Sasha Latapova.
Again, as I said, Sasha said some unkind things.
Good. Fine.
Bring it, everybody.
Thank you all for being here. Thank you for the unkind
things you said on Restream and
Twitter. It gets me to... I'm sorry, Restream and Rumble Rants.
I adjust my course.
If your points are well taken, I hope I did so.
And we appreciate you being here.
And we'll see you tomorrow at, tomorrow's three o'clock.
Is that correct?
Tomorrow at three o'clock, everybody?
Tomorrow at three o'clock.
Double check that.
All right, tomorrow at three o'clock.
See you then, Pacific Time.
Ask Dr. Drew is produced by Caleb Nation and Susan Pinsky.
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This show is intended for educational and informational purposes only.
I am a licensed physician, but I am not a replacement for your personal doctor, and I am not practicing medicine here.
Always remember that our understanding of medicine and science is constantly evolving.
Though my opinion is based on the information that is available to me today,
some of the contents of this show could be outdated in the future.
Be sure to check with trusted resources in case any of the information has been updated since this was published.
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