Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update - Second Date Update Classic: Keeping Romance Clean

Episode Date: August 31, 2023

The guy in today’s Second Date has a very interesting nickname, and had an even weirder hang out on his date and you’ll hear the details of BOTH in the podcast!See for priv...acy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Jon Stewart is back in the host chair at The Daily Show, which means he's also back in our ears on The Daily Show Ears Edition podcast. Join late night legend Jon Stewart and the best news team for today's biggest headlines, exclusive extended interviews and more. Now this is a second term we can all get behind. Listen to The Daily Show Ears Edition on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Second date update. You ever feel like your entire life would have been better if you just had a cooler name? Sorry, Jeff. I love my name, too.
Starting point is 00:00:41 Okay, well, good for you guys, But I just think something like Ace Orlando. I'm glad you weren't in charge of naming yourself. It could have been worse. Zeppelin. I mean, that's cool. Jeffrey hasn't done me any favors, especially in the dating world. Nobody goes, ooh, his name is Jeffrey. He sounds hot.
Starting point is 00:00:59 Yeah, you sound like a butler. One of our listeners, though, emailed us, and I know he's legit because he signed it A-Mart. How cool is that? Like K-Mart, but with an A? Yeah, exactly. Let's talk to him. What up, A-Mart? Hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:01:16 What's up? Oh, dude. Oh, sweet, dude. Where'd you get the name A-Mart from? Well, you know, my name's Anthony, but all my friends call me A-Mart. You know, I don't know if it had anything to do with the fact that i wore kmart clothes at one time when they were i don't know didn't we all yeah that layaway did my family right all right amart so we just called brooke
Starting point is 00:01:38 walmart yeah that's for a different reason who did go out with? I went out with a girl named Kylie. I mean, we met online on a dating app, so. Okay. Kylie, all right. And what'd you like about Kylie? Kylie likes fishing like I do. Oh, sweet. Hey, that's hard to find a girl that's into fishing. Not for compliments, huh, Alexis?
Starting point is 00:01:59 I like that type of fishing. She's not scared to bait her own hook, so, I mean, I'm impressed. I don't know what that means, but it sounds sexy. I don't think it was a euphemism. Oh, she's not, okay. He's not talking about his hook? No, no, no. I got you.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Cool. Well, she sounds great. Yeah, she was awesome. She definitely had a nice figure. Oh, okay. All right. Oh, yeah. Did you take Kylie out fishing?
Starting point is 00:02:27 No, we didn't go fishing on the first date. We actually went to a bar. That's relaxed. That's cool. All right. Yeah, yeah. We actually went to a bar. We didn't get to talk that much online, so we got to really, really, really get to know
Starting point is 00:02:40 each other on the date in person. That's good. What was it like? To me, it was great vibes, you know, and I kind of share something with her. I'm into composting, so I know it's not the sexiest conversation, but it's just one of my things that I'm into now.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Sweet, dude. Good for the environment. It's pretty amazing. Stuff can just go back to dirt. Wow. I hope your conversation was good. You make me want to take my pants off saying stuff like that. Hey, she's a lady who already likes fishing and worms. I mean, you need worms for composting as well.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Well, you know, the compost is not going into a landfill or nothing. It's actually natural and it's healthier for the garden. Oh, yeah. You don't have to tell us. We're sold. But how long exactly did you talk about composting on this date? Like 10 minutes? No, I think I really did consume a lot of the conversation with it because, you know, I'm so passionate about it.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I didn't have any thoughts as if she was looking at it as it's weird. I didn't really get an indication of that. Did she ask you a lot of questions? Was she the one at least leading this or were you just monologuing? I was just monologuing. There's an honest moment. Maybe I went over the top a little bit, but I ended up going to the restroom. I didn't want to leave her very long, but the line was long. So when I got back, you know, I wanted to, went in to just give her a hug and she and she was really kind of standoffish. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:04:07 Yeah. Just because you took a long time at the bathroom? Maybe all the things before that. I really don't know what it was. I really liked her, and I thought things were going well. I don't know if it was me talking too much about my passion of composting. I don't know. Sometimes when you're left to sit and think by yourself for a minute and reflect on what just happened, you're like, oh, that was worse than I was when I was in it.
Starting point is 00:04:31 Totally. What about fishing though? Didn't fishing come into the first date if you guys bonded over it? Oh, yeah. Well, we bonded over the fishing, but I think me talking about composting kind of took over. I mean, I'm excited about it. And since we were vibing, I just wanted to really share to see if she was, like, feeling that conversation. But to be honest, I don't think she was.
Starting point is 00:04:53 I don't know, man. I think if I was a woman out on a date with a guy named Amart talking about eggshells going into my garden, I would be ready to go. I'd be so turned on. You're saying coffee grounds, too? Guys, we have to stop this. Coffee grounds are great for worms. Oh be ready to go. I'd be so turned on. You're saying coffee grounds, too? Guys, we have to stop this. Coffee grounds are great for worms. Now we're talking about worms, too?
Starting point is 00:05:11 We've got to play a song, man, because it's getting steamy in here. Oh, we're going to go to the song. Buttons are coming off. It does actually get warm. It creates heat. Oh, jeez. I mean, honestly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Sexy. So how long has it been since you went out with Kylie? It's been over a month. Oh, you can compost a lot of garbage in a month, I bet. Yeah. I mean, I really would like a second chance if it's possible. Yeah. I think you just need to be maybe a better listener and more interested in her next time.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Yeah. Save the composting talk for like the 27th date. Yeah. Honestly. That's a good thing to remember. Let's play a song. We'll come back. We'll call Kylie and try to hook that worm for you.
Starting point is 00:05:56 Get your second date update. Nice, Jeff. That was a hot joke. It was. Thank you, man. Yeah. Thank you. Amar knows.
Starting point is 00:06:04 We're going to do second date update right after this. Hold on. Second date update. What a bummer. Whoa. You go out with a cute girl, buy her drinks, compliment her figure, and then wow her with a detailed breakdown on the sensual world of composting. And then after all that trouble, you go in for a hug at the end of the night and the girl
Starting point is 00:06:25 blocks you out wow bro that's just cold which i've learned is not what composting is composting generates heat according to brooke brooke knows a little bit of warmth there yeah but that's what happened to one of our listeners named amart and amart you said this date happened about a month ago and you've tried reaching out to her a few times. My question is, do you just want to know what went wrong here, or are you still hoping to get another date with Kylie? I want both. I mean, I want both. I did try to text her like four or five times, and I did ask, did I do something wrong, but I got no response. And you didn't send her any links to more information on soil, right?
Starting point is 00:07:05 No, no compost talking. Okay. I like how Brett goes, too. Look, if I didn't talk about composting enough, just let me know. She's talking to her friends like, this guy's dirty. No, I mean, like, literally dirty. Like, he likes dirt. For a good reason.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Yeah. I don't think that's what she's going to say. All right, Amart? I think she may have just been a little bored on the date, but we can recover from that. It's a lot to hear. On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you going into this? I'm going to go with 3. Oh.
Starting point is 00:07:32 Well, at least you know you messed up. Sometimes we're on the phone, people have no idea what happened. Well, I'm at a 7, and put together that makes a 10. Maximum confidence going into this call. Let's do it. Weird scale, but okay. Here we go. I didn't know we could i'm gonna we could do whatever we want our show our rules let's call kylie we'll see what she has to say yeah let's get it done that's right okay here we go Hello?
Starting point is 00:08:06 Hey, is this Kylie? This is she. Hey, what's up, Kylie? Hi. Hi, Kylie. Hi. Who is this? We're a morning show called Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Okay. Are you familiar at all? Nine times out of ten, I ask that question, and most people say no. So are you the one? It sounds somewhat familiar. Oh, we'll take that as a win. Big win. It's a good day for us now. Hopefully the bosses are listening.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Yeah, I'm really confused. What's going on here? We're just trying to generate some fun small talk before we get into the deep convo. Some camaraderie between us, Kylie. We want to ask you about your dating life. What? About my dating life? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Okay, why? Because one of our listeners says that he went out with you recently. He calls himself Amart. Oh, oh. Okay. You know who I'm talking about? Oh, yeah, Amart. Yeah, that's anthony right yeah he sounds like he sounds like a sweet guy yeah oh yeah he was nice um it just it was a little strange i guess of a date and kind of took a different turn and just, yeah. What part of it was strange to you?
Starting point is 00:09:29 What did he tell you? I mean, only good stuff, really. Date at the bar, compost talk, very sexy composting. He did not say very sexy. He was worried that maybe he monologued for too long.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah, he didn't have to say sexy. It was implied. Just added that piece in. Alexis and I think you may have been a little bored. Yeah. Yeah, I'll admit the composting seemed a little obsessive. He talked about it a lot, but that's his thing. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:10:01 That's good for the earth. Okay. Do you hate the environment? I don't, but I kind of was curious, like, what are his personal bathroom habits as far as composting? What all does he use for composting? Did you say his personal bathroom habits in terms of composting? Yeah, I mean, he was the one that brought it up, and I didn't really want to delve in too far as to what... Wait.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Whoa, whoa, hold on. Does he have a compost toilet? Is that what you're saying? It was something to do with, I don't know if it's his own matter that comes out. I just. We have a compost toilet at my family's cabin. Ew, bro. I think you do.
Starting point is 00:10:40 You got to put some peat moss in there and you got to turn the thing before you leave. You're not helping as much as you think you are. It's not that bad. It kind of turns to kind of this like ashy nothingness. You've now made it even worse. Is that what grossed you out, though? That's what turned you off? It wasn't the greatest of conversations, but that wasn't the end-all be-all of the date.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Oh, really? It was something a little bit later on um i don't know of anything else that happened during your day he said he went to the bathroom and he was in the line for a long time did you think that he had left you in it well or something he did go to the bathroom and he was gone for a while and i just thought well i need to go use the restroom myself. So I went and got in the line, and here he comes out of the bathroom finally. And the attendant said, no, you need to go back in there. You didn't wash your hands. Ew. Wait, the attendant actually called him out on that?
Starting point is 00:11:40 I mean, that'd be sweet. I wish more of this happened. I don't know a whole lot of guys that do, though. It's so gross. Religiously gross. No, yeah. In that moment for me, that attendant deserved a tip. Because to call him out and say, you need to go back in there and wash your hands.
Starting point is 00:11:55 I was like, oh, no. Not the guy I'm here with. He didn't wash his hands. That is embarrassing. Maybe he was just in a hurry and he forgot. Yeah. You know? He said that he was worried that you were kept waiting at that table for so long.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Now I feel bad because he's actually been waiting for a long time on the other line wanting to talk to you. So let's just rush him out, no hands washed, and put him on with you. Hey, Marty, there. He's on the phone? Yeah. Okay. I'm here. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:24 All right. All right. All right. Cool. This is as awkward as that attendant conversation, I think. Amar, why don't you apologize? Well, not apologize, but just address what she was talking about. Kylie says you weren't washing your hands. No, I didn't wash my hands.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I just believe in the more natural thing. What? No, no, no. What's the natural thing? Bacteria growing all over your hands is the more natural thing? It's a natural killer. It's not. Washing your hands prevents disease and sickness.
Starting point is 00:12:58 I heard that washing actually weakens your immune system. That when you have your dirty hands. This is what every frat guy ever says. No, you need to expose yourself to germs in order to build up your immunity so you don't get sick. Is that it? It's actually the smart thing to do. Is that it? Because I feel like you and Jose are more sick in this studio than anybody else.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Kylie, don't you understand? It's a health thing. It's good. It's good for you. No, it's good for you to keep your hands washed. Yeah. Well, I'm not opposed to washing my hands. It's just I do wash my hands under just water, you know?
Starting point is 00:13:35 It's just I don't use the soap. Yeah. Okay. Brooke, you seem like you should be on board with this more than anybody else. You use only organic materials. You were excited about that toilet thing, than anybody else. You use only organic materials. You were excited about that toilet thing, right? Yeah, guess what I do after I use the compost toilet at my parents' cabin?
Starting point is 00:13:51 You don't shower for two weeks after. I wash my hands. Dude, washing your hands is so vital to public health. Really? Did the cavemen wash their hands with soap, Brooke? No, and they live to be like 16 years old, Jeffrey. Hot 16 years. In Brooke's defense, her hands are the only thing she washes.
Starting point is 00:14:11 I mean, Kylie, is that really a deal breaker for you? He didn't wash his hands one time so we could rush back out to spend more time with you? No, it didn't really sound like that to me. To me, it sounded like he's really not into it, and that he doesn't ever use soap, and just for me, that's not my cup of tea. I'm sorry. I'm just imagining him just hand deep in his compost working at just what's under
Starting point is 00:14:34 his fingernails. Take your fantasies somewhere else, Brooke. It is not. It's called being one with the earth. Yeah. He's connected. It's like the movie Avatar. Yeah. Him and Mother Earth.
Starting point is 00:14:47 He's like Father Nature. Right. Honestly, though, Amar, I do think you're going to struggle a little bit in the dating world if you don't start using soap and water. You're going to have to go places without attendance. Well, she shouldn't have been spying on me. She wouldn't have ever known that. That's a good point. Oh, it's her fault.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Okay, here we go. Kylie, would you like to apologize for spying on me while you were there? No, I was in my own line. Thank you. Are you sure? You could give that apology to him in person when we send you guys out on a second date that we pay for. I appreciate it, but when I haven't responded to text messages in a month, I'm sorry. I just come out with it.
Starting point is 00:15:25 You don't want a meal of finger foods with him? He's a grown man. He can do it. Yeah. Look, Tali, I have a great immune system. I haven't had an STD in over three months. Oh, nothing to do with that. That's a record for this show.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Doesn't have to do with washing your hands. This is Jeffery in the Morning. Jon Stewart is back in the host chair at The Daily Show, which means he's also back in our ears on The Daily Show Ears Edition podcast. Join late night legend Jon Stewart and the best news team for today's biggest headlines,
Starting point is 00:15:58 exclusive extended interviews and more. Now this is a second term we can all get behind. Listen to The Daily Show, ears edition on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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