Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update - Second Date Update Classic: You Light Up My Love Lamp

Episode Date: September 21, 2024

The listener on the phone today wasn’t afraid to show off his sensitive side on his date, but the way he did it sent up some red flags in studio! Hear what happened in your Second Date podcast!See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Jon Stewart is back in the host chair at The Daily Show, which means he's also back in our ears on The Daily Show Ears Edition podcast. Join late night legend Jon Stewart and the best news team for today's biggest headlines, exclusive extended interviews and more. Now this is a second term we can all get behind. Listen to The Daily Show Ears Edition on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Second date update. How do we feel about people bringing gifts for the first date? It depends. Is there an inside joke or are you talking about just a generic friend?
Starting point is 00:00:40 I don't know. I have friends who love it. I actually went out with a dentist once who tried to gift me a BMW on the first date. I told you they were creepy. But I said, ew. Wait, wait, wait. Are we talking about cars? It was only a 3 Series, though, and the leather seats weren't even in the right color.
Starting point is 00:00:57 Oh. Mama didn't raise no fool. I know my worth. Okay. And I dismissed them right afterwards. Are you driving an Ikea like I am right now? That's just one of the cars that I'm driving. Oh, I think he worth. Okay. And I dismissed them right afterwards. Are you driving a Kia like I am right now? That's just one of the cars that I'm driving. Oh, I think he is.
Starting point is 00:01:09 I get to choose which car on which day. Insane. But from the email we received, I heard gifts were exchanged on this first date, which is a little bit unique. And so let's talk to the guy, Enrique. Welcome to the show. Hey, what's happening, guys? Thanks for having me. Now Brooke is thinking about Enrique Igles to the show. Hey, what's happening, guys? Thanks for having me. I was thinking about Enrique Iglesias.
Starting point is 00:01:28 I wasn't, actually. I was just thinking about this guy. And Enrique, this is your first time on the show. It's kind of like our first date. Do we get a gift, maybe? Sure. I love giving gifts. Oh, you do? That's your thing, is you're the gift guy. It's your love language.
Starting point is 00:01:43 But if it's anything less than a three series, then we're not interested. I'm telling you right now. Go ahead. Alexa's like, great, I just bought a new car. So did you warn the person you were going out with that gifts were going to be on the table? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, you know, we met online. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:59 And what's her name? Josie. Oh. Josie. I like how you say it. All right. You're talking to Josieie. Oh. Josie. I like how you say it. Alright, you're talking to Josie online. Yeah. And?
Starting point is 00:02:11 A lot of languages came up, and we found out that cars and gifts are our number one love language. Oh, you're both the gift givers. Okay. We decided to bring each other a gift on our first date. Nothing too crazy. Oh, both of you were going to bring gifts?
Starting point is 00:02:27 So this was agreed upon, not a surprise. Okay. Did you set a price limit? No, we just said something very simple. Okay. Sometimes to be reminded later on, you know? Yeah, I think it's cute. It's good.
Starting point is 00:02:40 So take us to the date. How did it go? What happened? And what'd you bring? But let me tell you something before that. We live kind of far away. It's like, I drove like two hours to get to her. It's good. So take us to the date. How did it go? What happened? And what'd you bring? But let me tell you something before that. We live kind of far away. It's like, I drove like two hours to get to her. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:02:50 That's long. So she brought you gas money. You should have. Not so much. But anyway, we met at this Mexican restaurant for dinner and sat down. So she gives me her gifts first. Oh, what is it? Let's open it.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Okay. So since we had some conversations, I'm a big Spider-Man fan. She got you some spiders? That's cool, dude. Right? No, no. But she gave me this little Spider-Man action figure. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Okay. So she's paying attention. She's remembering. All right. Even if you put it on a shelf, you'll always know. Yeah. We give her a checkmark for her gift. What did you get her? she's remembering. All right. Maybe, like, put it on a shelf. You'll always know. Like, she's out of you. We give her a checkmark for her gift.
Starting point is 00:03:27 What did you get her? So, it might sound a little crazy, okay? But let me explain. What? It's called a long-distance love lamp. A long-distance love lamp? I've heard about these. What is that?
Starting point is 00:03:40 That's a little much. Yeah. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed already. Let him explain. Yeah, tell Jeffrey what it is. I know what they are. So, it's like, you know what they are We're far away but if I touch mine hers will glow She knows you're thinking of her
Starting point is 00:03:53 It's a way of touching each other and turning each other on I'm faking Not exactly It doesn't have to be like couples It's like family Does it say love lamp on the box when you hand it to her Not exactly. It doesn't have to be like couples that get it. It's like family. Does it say love lamp on the box when you hand it to her?
Starting point is 00:04:12 Because that I think is going to be key. No, no, no, no, no. If I had the lamp out of the box, you know, I had to like, you know, wrap up. Good. Okay, so it's just the lamp that she gets. So you're just handing her a lamp. What was her reaction? At first she was like a little confused, you know? Oh, she didn't know what it was.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Yeah, you know. Oh yeah, you gave me a lamp? It's not your typical first date gift. Talk about an old school gift. I like lamp. Okay. Right, right, right. So then I had to explain to her the same thing I just told you guys right now, too. Okay, got it. She was like, oh, wow, that's so sweet. And she was like, nobody
Starting point is 00:04:41 never gave me a lamp before. Oh, she liked it. Alexis, if a guy gave you a love lamp on your first meetup, I didn't even get to finish asking the question. I'm sorry to say I don't really, not a fan. It's just, what if you have another guy over when it's going off? That's my fear. It's just like, you can't even think about that.
Starting point is 00:05:01 You have to be exclusive. I don't want a guy over and this lamp is flashing in the corner. It looks like a real light show in her room. We had a lot of long conversations. I'm being so open. I'm not seeing nobody else. I really, really dig this girl. Oh my gosh, she's so hot.
Starting point is 00:05:18 You're putting all your cards on the table with this. Yeah, man. I give her a lap. You're putting all your lamps on the table with this. Whatever you're doing.. And, you know, I give her a lap. Okay, sorry. You're putting all your lamps on the table with this. Whatever you're doing. How did the rest of the date go?
Starting point is 00:05:29 All right, so the date was awesome, okay? We talked for hours and, you know, we kept having some drinks and I went to her house. Oh, you went to her house and installed the lamp.
Starting point is 00:05:42 You know, I made sure the lamp was on. Okay. Okay. Have you used the lamp since your last date? Yeah, every single day, especially nighttime. Okay, have you gotten the light back? Or is it just you lighting her up?
Starting point is 00:05:57 Well, this is the thing. At first, mine was glowing all the time. Now it's not really lighting up that much anymore. The lights have gone out on love, Jeff. Oh, man. Yeah. But then I text her, and she doesn't really, like, respond or, like, I was going to ask about the texting, because the lamps aside,
Starting point is 00:06:17 if you're not texting, that's a big problem. Yeah. Lampless and loveless. It's tough doing a long-distance relationship thing. Your date does sound pretty lit to me, but we're going to come back and we'll call Josie for you and try and get you a second date update, get that light glowing again right after this, all right? All right, thanks, guys. All right, man, hold on.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Second date update. Brooke said something pretty profound in the first part of the second date call. I did? Kind of hit it right on the nose when she said, and now their love light has gone dark. Oh. Sinking deep into the abyss of eternal loneliness. Like a lost ship in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean that's lost all power.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And as the crew is jumping overboard into the icy waters, the boat takes on more water and all hope and happiness is lost forever and always. I'm just paraphrasing what she said. It was something along those lines. I'm actually hopeful
Starting point is 00:07:20 that this love story doesn't end as tragically as the one you're talking about. That was your love story that you painted in the first part. I'm just trying to paraphrase because Enrique and his date Josie agreed to exchange gifts when they had their first meetup. And she got him a Spider-Man toy because he's into Spider-Man. He got her a long-distance love lamp, which is where if you touch yours, their lamp lights up on their end to show that you're thinking of them. And apparently they were using it back and forth for a little while.
Starting point is 00:07:49 At least in the first few days, it was going off like a strobe light at a Tiesto concert. Lately, not only is the lamp dimming, so are Enrique's hopes for a second date. Enrique, any thoughts that you'd like to share over some sad, depressing music? Now's your chance. It's a little sad right now where you're playing.
Starting point is 00:08:10 I'm sorry, but that's just the image that Brooke paints with her words. Oh, it's me. It's always me. I'm just bringing them to light. Yeah, okay. The light that's happening in your life. So here we go. We're all here for you.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Yeah, we'll get through this together, man. Okay, I'm hopeful. Just like those sailors were when they left the dock that day. Just call her. I'm going to dial Josie for you right now. Here we go. Hello?
Starting point is 00:08:44 Hey, we're looking for Josie this is josie hey josie uh i don't know if you know us we're a radio show called brooke and jeffrey in the morning hey josie hey hi we got a lot that we'd like to talk to you about one of our listeners says that he went on a date with you not too long ago and had an amazing time okay am I on the radio right now yeah pretty cool huh welcome to the show you're the star of the hour and your co-star hopefully is the guy that you were with named Enrique oh yeah I know Enrique okay well we know a little bit about Enrique and your guys' date because he told us some details from it.
Starting point is 00:09:28 It sounded pretty good on our end. Yeah, it sounded flirty, fun. You guys had maybe a lot of margaritas, which is always a positive in my book. That was Brooke's favorite part. We thought it was interesting that you guys decided to exchange gifts before you even met each other. Yeah, that was fun, actually.
Starting point is 00:09:47 Oh, you liked it? Okay. That's awesome. How'd you feel about the lamp that he gave you? I actually loved the lamp gift. I thought it was so thoughtful. I thought it was a really sweet gesture from him. Oh, wow. Okay, some people were thinking it may have been too much too soon.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Well, we are kind of long distance, so it meant more. Wait, you still consider yourself currently long distance with him? No, not currently, but we were long distance.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Oh, okay. I was hoping that you were still thinking that that was... But you said that you liked the lamp gift, and we heard that you guys were using it at least for a little while after the date yeah we're not sure what's changed since then
Starting point is 00:10:32 um well i i think he's a cheater what whoa a cheater wait what why do you think he's a cheater oh i know he's a cheater what okay you know that well we share locations on our phones so we can see where each other are already wow that's pretty cool oh you guys are in a relationship that's very close with each other okay it's pretty strong and like we knew like when to call each other and all that stuff and then a few times my lamp will light up and i will look at his location and he was out somewhere else not at his house oh so someone else is touching the lamp exactly why wouldn't side piece touch a lamp yeah if that was true he would be out with the side piece most likely not leaving her at his place to touch and mess around and touch the
Starting point is 00:11:27 lamp. Exactly. That's why I think he's either married or have a living girlfriend there. Oh, and you're the side piece in that case. He bought the lamp. He did it to himself. Does he have like seven lamps in his apartment? I think you're misreading something
Starting point is 00:11:44 here because he wouldn't call a radio show and ask us to publicly ask you out again if he was cheating. That would be, I mean, unless he's really dumb. That would be really bad. It's really, really big to jump to conclusions like that. And look, the love lamp that he gave us for our studio is lighting up, which I think means that he wants to talk to you right now because he's actually on the other line listening. What?
Starting point is 00:12:08 Yeah. We don't really have a love line, but he is on the other line. I don't think that's what he's saying. No, I don't want to talk to a cheater. What? Just give him a chance. Hear him out. There might be some misunderstanding. Yeah, yeah, Josie.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I'm not cheating on you, okay? I swear, I'm not cheating on you. I don't know, dude. I'm not buying it. God, it's so hard. It's so hard to state your case when someone says you're a cheater because when you say you're not a cheater, it sounds more like you. Yeah, it's like I'm innocent.
Starting point is 00:12:37 That's what a cheater would say. What's going on with your lamp, dude? And I don't want to hear any excuses like, oh, your dog is touching the lamp or it's all by mistake or it's faulty or whatever it is because I'm not going to buy it. What if it is a dog? Oh, girl. Josie, I am the one
Starting point is 00:12:53 touching the lamp. I am the one. I take it with me everywhere I go. If I go to a cafe, if I go to a bar. Are you kidding, bro? Guys, I like this girl so much that I carry this lamp with me everywhere I go to a bar. Are you kidding, bro? Wait. I'm the one. Guys, I like this girl so much that I carry this lamp with me everywhere I go.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Wait. You go to a. Wait. Hold on. You go to a coffee shop and plug the lamp in just to touch it? Yeah. Why not? Way too soon.
Starting point is 00:13:18 Not for her. What's wrong with that? They're like the same level somehow. I'm sorry. I'm still pretty quick for that. Brooke, how are you feeling right now accusing him of such horrible things earlier? Aw, with me. I didn't accuse him of anything. Just the visual of him walking down the street with a lamp.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Enrique, you don't have to take that from her. It's really cute, Enrique. I'm sorry. No. But all right. But wait, wait. You guys know how you, when you go with your phone, you're trying to plug your phone somewhere right next to an outlet.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Totally. So that's the same thing. Same thing. You're just at the airport with a big old lamp. You ask the bartender if you can unplug the jukebox for just a second so I can touch my girlfriend two hours away. Yeah. Well, something like that.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Okay. Josie, what do you think? I'm not buying this. What? Dude, no man would ever say something that embarrassing unless it was true thank you bro and we're giving him a really hard time and he's doing a great job like defending himself i'm actually kind of believing him on this listen i swear my grandmother's grave i take that everywhere i go i wanted to show this girl how much i liked her and i want to stay connected
Starting point is 00:14:21 with her there is a love lamp in his grandmother's grave, too, so that he can show some love to his dead grandma. It's going off. She's running over in her grave. It's going off. I'm just kidding. Josie, it feels like you two are, like, meant for each other. If you would just trust him. Oh, do you guys really think I should believe him?
Starting point is 00:14:39 Yes. Enrique, if you carry the lamp with you everywhere, do you have it with you right now? Could you turn it on? Yeah, I mean, I can just go in the trunk of my car and get it right now and I can plug it. I don't think we have time for that. I don't know. My Highlander has a plug-in for it. Okay, Brooke will drive her Highlander over to where you are and you can plug in your lamp to her car.
Starting point is 00:15:03 I don't want to upgrade to a car like that. Honestly, you're kind of on to something. Now the lamp is on while he drives? This was a terrible idea. I'm just saying, I believe him, Josie. I think the whole room believes him that he carries this lamp around to prove that he's that into you. And he's not a cheater.
Starting point is 00:15:19 He wouldn't call in and do this over the radio. Well, I do disagree with Brooke on that point, but everything else that we said i think it's true and we'd like to send you two out on another date that we would pay for if you're up for it josie what if he took you to his house to prove that he doesn't live with anybody else yeah look come over to my house and you you can see the lamp and i'll definitely have the light on again you know with, with your lamp and everything. We'll make something fun out of this. Come on, Josie. You guys can FaceTime. It'd be probably easier.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I feel like we might be winning you over a little bit here, Josie. One more chance. Come on now. That's actually pretty sweet, I have to say. He's just, uh, you are quite the charmer, Enrique. I have to tell you. Oh, wow. She even rolled her R with that.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah, well, Josie, por favor. I have to tell you. Oh, wow. She even rolled her R with that. Yeah. Well, Josie, por favor. Oh, my God. He's busting out the Spanish now. Okay. So is that a yes, Josie? Yes. Oh, yay!
Starting point is 00:16:19 Everybody touch their lamp. Brooke, that's my leg. What are you doing? Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. Jon Stewart is back in the host chair at The Daily Show, which means he's also back in our ears on The Daily Show Ears Edition podcast. Join late-night legend Jon Stewart and the best news team for today's biggest headlines, exclusive extended interviews, and more.
Starting point is 00:16:43 Now this is a second term we can all get behind. Listen to The Daily Show, ears edition on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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