Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update - Second Date Update: Dirty Baby Bowling

Episode Date: January 11, 2022

The guy on the phone for a Second Date actually met a nice girl out in the real world and all it took was for him to severely injure himself! If only it was this easy to get a date ALL the time!See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 John Stewart is back at The Daily Show, and he's bringing his signature wit and insight straight to your ears with The Daily Show Ears Edition podcast. Dive into John's unique take on the biggest topics in politics, entertainment, sports, and more. Joined by the sharp voices of the show's correspondents and contributors. And with extended interviews and exclusive weekly headline roundups, this podcast gives you content you won't find anywhere else. Ready to laugh and stay informed? Listen on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. You don't need another podcast. You've got too many already. But if you're looking for one that actually changes something, a way to take control of the chaos
Starting point is 00:00:48 and find meaning, well, then maybe the one you feed is for you. I'm Eric Zimmer, and I bring real conversations with real people to help you feed the best part of yourself. No hype, no fluff, just wisdom that works.
Starting point is 00:01:03 Listen to The One You Feed on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, I'm Jay Shetty, and my latest interview is with Mel Robbins. Work has been seen as the number one cause of stress. How can the let them theory help? As you notice the stress come up, Jay,
Starting point is 00:01:22 you're simply going to say, let them. You have no idea right now how much time and energy is being wasted because of other people's behavior. It's like a death by a thousand cuts. Listen to On Purpose with Jay Shetty on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. We recently got an email for a second date update from a guy named Joe. Cool. Joe knows that his romantic encounter didn't go perfectly. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:52 He also knows who's to blame for that. All right. He's blaming it on a baby. What? I thought we would be self-aware here. Can you blame anything on a baby? I get it, dude. I can't tell you how many emails we get from listeners whose dates have been brought down by a rogue baby. It's a rogue baby now.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Like a baby that just came out of nowhere. So many rogue babies out there trying to ruin love. So what's going on, Joe? You want to fight this baby or what? The baby ruined my chances, I think, with this girl, I meant. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Was it her baby?
Starting point is 00:02:27 Well, hold on. We'll get to the selfish baby in just a second. But first, tell us about the girl that you want us to call. What's her name? Her name is Tara. Okay. And how'd you meet her? It's kind of a funny story how we met, actually.
Starting point is 00:02:39 It usually never is. She's right. I met her at a bowling alley. A bowling alley? Okay, Jeff. Good one, man. That is some sarcastic humor right there. Sarcastic laughter.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Sorry, go ahead, man. I'm in a bowling league for a long time with my buddies, you know, and we get together every week. Good fun laughing and joking. Yeah. And my buddy, Murphy, we call him Murph. Of course, Murphy's in a bowling league yeah yeah murphy's all right he was telling me a joke while i'm waiting for the ball to come back and the ball returned and all of a sudden i was distracted for a minute the ball came back really hard and smashed my fingers right up against the side of the uh
Starting point is 00:03:19 of the return oh my god i can feel that i can picture oh my god, I can feel that. I can picture it too. Oh my god. That's the worst. I just grabbed my own hand. And my pinky got bent a little. It just was starting to swell up. Wow, I can imagine. I can imagine, yeah. Yeah, your entire career of bowling flashing before your eyes. So where does Tara come into the picture? So I had to tell Murph and the guys that I couldn't bowl anymore
Starting point is 00:03:40 and I had to get some ice. Alright. So there was a long line at the bar and there was this lady in front of me and I needed to get some ice. Yeah. All right. So there was a long line at the bar and there was this lady in front of me and I needed to get ice really bad. So I asked her if she wouldn't mind if I could get in front of her. Yeah. I mean, I think it's totally reasonable
Starting point is 00:03:52 that you would cut to the front. Yeah. Yeah. And she was just really cool. We were just talking for a while after I got my ice and getting to know each other. Yeah, you always got to reel them in
Starting point is 00:04:02 with a little injury. Yeah. Yeah. Women love a guy that's in pain a little bit. And then they're like, let me take care of you. That's right. I like what you did there, Joe. Very smooth. She seemed very, very nurturing. Did you ask her out or was this your guys' like date hangout? Well, I couldn't go back to Boeing and, you know, I was getting a little hungry, so I said, hey, Tara, why don't we grab a burger right here at the diner inside the bowling alley? Wow, Tara, look at that. We're both at a restaurant together. I can't hold the burger, so maybe you could feed it to me, because my hand is in so much pain. Look at my pinky.
Starting point is 00:04:42 That would have been a great idea. I didn didn't even think of that so what did you guys do just ate together yeah we went into uh the diner we sat at a booth ate together joking around with one another it was going well is what it sounds like when did it go wrong well this is where the baby comes in right yeah the baby. Yeah, there's a cute little adorable baby in the next booth making faces at me as we're eating. And I don't have kids, but I love kids. So I started making these silly little faces, sticking my tongue out at the baby. Yeah, that's adorable. Yeah, I thought it was.
Starting point is 00:05:20 What did Tara think? She wasn't doing the same thing I was doing. She wasn't making funny faces. Maybe she didn't speak baby talk. I don't know. That's the problem. Translation issue with the baby. She's not bilingual.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I mean, that doesn't sound like it would ruin anything, though. I don't understand why that's so bad. Yeah, but I did encourage her to interact with the baby, but she said no chance. That's a little bit strange there, Joe. It's a little awkward. Hey, your turn. Like most women that I know, when a guy is interacting with a baby, your immediate thought is, oh, he has nurturing instincts, right?
Starting point is 00:05:56 Or in my case, I'm like, weirdo. Well, maybe that's what she thought. Maybe it was more like Jose. Yeah, too nice. I mean, who can't, you know, at least smile or acknowledge a cute little baby that's like a foot away from you? Yeah, but sometimes guys like you and I, like I was trying to say, are too excited. And then it gets into. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:06:14 I do kind of go overboard sometimes. And I always ask the people there if they would let me play with the baby. But I didn't. I didn't ask that. Okay, good. That's not even I do that, bro. That's so creepy. A random dude in a bowling alley going to play with your baby, but I didn't. Oh, okay, good. That's not even I do that, bro. That's so creepy. A random dude in a bowling alley
Starting point is 00:06:27 going to play with your baby. Can I borrow that human real quick? It sounds like you did one thing right by not asking that. So how did this all end? Well, at this point, I went back to my buddies at our lane and then she went back to her friends
Starting point is 00:06:41 at her lane. We were like three or four lanes apart. Ooh, that could be good or really awkward. Yeah. And I waved to her once. And then she was getting ready to leave with her friends before we were leaving. So I quickly went over to her and said, hey, Tara, you know, I enjoy talking to you. You know, and maybe we could exchange numbers and meet up sometime.
Starting point is 00:07:01 So we did. We exchanged phone numbers. So I thought at that, it was a nice ending to a funny little awkward story of how I met her. Your pinky got you a number, dude. The tiniest little wingman ever. So you've reached out
Starting point is 00:07:16 to her since then? Yes. And nothing. That's weird. Why would she give you her number? And it's really her number? Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's her voice on the voicemail. Okay, that's the big indicator that it's her number. All right, well, here's what we're going to do. We're going to play a song, come back, call Tara for you,
Starting point is 00:07:34 and try and get you a second date update. All right, Joe? Sounds great. All right, man, hold on. Second date update. If you're just tuning in for today's second date update, we're on the phone with a man named Joe. And Joe loves doing three things in this world.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Throwing strikes, eating burgers, and making babies. Giggle. He makes them giggle. That is a hard man. He recently met a woman named Tara at the bowling alley after he hurt his finger in the ball return. They ended up sitting down in the diner there, eating together, but Joe got distracted by a cute baby in the booth next to them. After that, he was able to get her number, Tara's number, not the baby's.
Starting point is 00:08:21 But now, Tara is not calling Joe back. Oh, man. That's the most manly thing when you're like, yeah, he likes to do this and this, and then he got distracted by a baby. Yeah, Jose understands that, Joe, just so you know. I get it. Yeah. I mean, if you could talk to her and find out, I mean,
Starting point is 00:08:37 if I ruined my chances of going out with her because of that darn baby, I'm going to be upset. So here's my question that I didn't ever ask. Because I know when Jose tries to entertain my children, they run in fear, right? They usually cry. Was the baby into you? Yeah, the baby was, like, making, like,
Starting point is 00:08:56 goo-goo-ga-ga sounds. I was playing peek-a-boo with the baby. Okay. I mean, like I said, if I could have asked the people that the baby was with if I could have played with the baby on my lap, I would have. That's actually really cute. I would love to have a baby on my lap.
Starting point is 00:09:10 You know what, Joe? If we can't get you a date with Tara out of this, maybe we can get you a play date with the baby. Yeah. Sure. All right. I think that's illegal somehow. It's called babysitting.
Starting point is 00:09:21 It's fine. I don't know him. But we'll focus on Tara for now, okay? We're going to dial her number here. You ready? Yeah, I'm nervous. I hope she picks up. I hope so, too. We'll find out. Here we go. I'm going to dial it right now. Hello?
Starting point is 00:09:41 Hi, can I speak to Tara, please? Who's this? My name's Young Jeffrey, and I work for the morning radio show Brooke and Jeffrey in the Morning. Okay. Is that okay with you? What's this about? Well, we do something on our show called a second date update.
Starting point is 00:09:58 That's where if you go out with somebody and afterwards they're not calling you back, you can reach out to us, and we'll give them a call and try and figure out the reason why. Yeah. And the person that reached out to us about you, his name is Joe. Oh, Joe. That's good. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:10:16 You met him at the bowling alley. He had that career-ending pinky injury. Yeah, he had an epic pinky injury. Oh, epic. I don't think those words have ever been he had an epic pinky injury. Oh, epic. I don't think those words have ever been put together. Epic pinky injury. He told us a lot about your night together, and he had a lot of positive things to say. He said that you were very kind and very nurturing.
Starting point is 00:10:38 He also mentioned that you guys went into the diner and sat down for a bite to eat. We did. I love that diner. Oh, good. Did you have a good time? Yeah, it was good. I mean, look, he's a good guy. He's kind of cute.
Starting point is 00:10:52 You know, I enjoyed the time I had with him at the diner. Okay. He also told us about the baby that selfishly butted in. Yeah. That was the most strange interaction I've ever seen the most strange the thing was that the baby's whole face was covered in snot and like it was gross like you know how to get those bubbles out their nose and he was breathing heavy and yeah and the parents didn't seem to care just like eating a chili cheese fries like not paying this kid any attention and then joe was
Starting point is 00:11:26 just like hanging out with a baby so it was really weird because the kid was covered in snot to make it even more bizarre the family of the baby changed the baby at the table and he just kept playing with it like as the baby's being, he was just playing with the baby. And I kept saying to Joe, like, stop it. Stop looking at the baby. And he's like, don't worry. The baby likes it. He likes being changed.
Starting point is 00:11:55 So it's not so much that he was playing with a baby. It's that he was playing with a dirty baby. That's what bothered you the most. Dirty baby. Gross. So that's the reason you're not calling him back? I mean, he seems like a good person. He definitely comes from a good place.
Starting point is 00:12:11 He has a good heart. I could tell that about him, but I don't know. Well, you know, I know Joe would really like to talk with you about this because he's been on the other line listening, and he's heard everything that you said. Wait, what? Yeah. Hi, Tara. Oh. other line listening and he's heard everything that she said wait what yeah hi tara oh that's joe oh my god i had no idea that you were on the other line listening this whole entire time yeah i uh i've heard everything and um so you don't like babies huh what what no it's not that i don't like babies i don't like dirty babies and people playing with dirty babies no awareness i was making funny faces at the dirty baby it's not like the baby was in my lap i think we should
Starting point is 00:12:58 stop calling it a dirty baby it's kind of funny though i'm I'm sorry. Rogue baby was better. I've had two dirty babies. It's fine. Sarah, you said that I have no awareness, but I saw the baby was covered in snot and that the baby needed to be changed. That's not my fault. That's the parents not taking care of the baby. You can't blame me for that. I knew it wasn't your fault, but it was just very unnerving. I mean, is that the only thing, Sarah?
Starting point is 00:13:24 Is this all about the baby? Well, there was kind of something else. What? What? Well, okay, so you asked for my number, and I was kind of on the fence about giving it to you. Like, I was like, well, okay, maybe we could hang out. But then we were back at our lanes.
Starting point is 00:13:40 One of your buddies, I think his name was Murph or something or other, he was talking to one of my friends and he said some very incriminating information about you. Oh. What did he say? Murph? He's like bragging about how you're always banging the chicks from the alley
Starting point is 00:13:57 and that, like, you know, that's what you do. You're always like on the prowl and you're always finding alley chicks. Alley chicks? Is that what you call. You're always like on the prowl and you're always finding alley chicks. Alley chicks? Is that what you call them in a bowling alley? Dude, Joe! That's not true. I don't call them that. That's not true, Tara. Joe.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Oh my gosh. You sleeping with gutter girls? What? Can't they be like ball babes or something instead? You sleep with a ball busters team? No, listen, that's... Okay, look, if I'm being completely honest with you right now, I mean, maybe I slept with seven women
Starting point is 00:14:31 that I met at the bowling alley. Why so specific right now, Joe? Why would you do that? I don't know that we need to say that. And when I think of the type of women that normally go to the bowling alleys, it's not like the young, cute girls. It's usually the senior citizens that are on the bowling squads.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Don't be judgy, Jeffrey. There's nothing wrong if he wants to be with, you know, Mildred and Edna and Bernadette. That's totally his prerogative. Oh, you'd be surprised. There's a lot of young action going on at the bowling alley. A lot of hot young action. Hot young action. I go bowling more alley. A lot of hot young action. Hot young action? You and Murph know.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Wait, wait, wait. Excuse me. You're saying that there is hot young action? So you're 110% saying that what Murph told my friend is true. Well, I didn't sleep with all of them. I mean, we did a lot of other stuff. What? What? Stop. Second and third base stuff.
Starting point is 00:15:26 I wasn't really including that. Joe, stop! You don't have to go into details, man. You are digging your own grave right now. What are you doing? I mean, actually, there's a spot behind the video games where if you are in a certain angle, no one will see you for hours.
Starting point is 00:15:40 What? Gross! You're doing it there? No, Joe. No. You're supposed to there? No, Joe! No! You're supposed to be telling her how great she is and why she's different
Starting point is 00:15:49 than all the other gutter girls or whatever you call them. Look, I mean, I'm just being completely honest with you and just get everything out in the open.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I mean, this is me. This is the real deal. Oh, wow. Well, I am so glad because it was just, you know, dirty baby was one thing, but now gutter girls and alley cats? I'm not interested in that kind of behavior.
Starting point is 00:16:08 Hold on, Tara. Before you go jumping to conclusions here, we would love to pay for a second date for you and Joe. I'm not interested. I don't even like bowling that much. It was like my friend's birthday. So I'm going to say no and stop this right where it is. Well, I'm sorry, Joe. Yeah, you were honest.
Starting point is 00:16:26 Tara's not interested. That's fine. I mean, I don't care. I'm sure there will be another one next week. There's some stuff with them behind the video games. I don't care. Oh, my God. Gladys is going to love that.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Oh, my God. Real classy, Joe. Oh, my God. Brooke and Jeffrey in the morning. To be your best every day, you need proven quality sleep every night. Science proves your best sleep is vital to your mental, emotional, and physical health. And that's where the sleep number bed comes in. And let me tell you, ever since I've had it, my Sleep IQ score is just going higher and higher. And did you know
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Starting point is 00:18:04 Dive into Jon's unique take on the biggest topics in politics, entertainment, sports, and more. Joined by the sharp voices of the show's correspondents and contributors. And with extended interviews and exclusive weekly headline roundups, this podcast gives you content you won't find anywhere else. Ready to laugh and stay informed? Listen on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. You don't need another podcast.
Starting point is 00:18:35 You've got too many already. But if you're looking for one that actually changes something, a way to take control of the chaos and find meaning, well, then maybe the one you feed is for you. I'm Eric Zimmer, and I bring real conversations with real people to help you feed the best part of yourself. No hype, no fluff, just wisdom that works. Listen to The One You Feed on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Let them. You have no idea right now how much time and energy is being wasted because of other people's behavior. It's like a death by a thousand cuts.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Listen to On Purpose with Jay Shetty on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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