Chubby Behemoth - I’ll Be Fine

Episode Date: March 3, 2025

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You already know to talk into the side Yeah, dude There are recordings of you being told at least two other times Nathan whoa Yeah, we told you a bunch and you were like looks weird though. No, dude right here. This is how you do it Looks like I'm smelling it you you were smelling it. All right Becker. Let's know when we can start the pot We're going now. Oh cool Well, hey, don't be on your toes or be funny. Yeah one degrees
Starting point is 00:00:32 You're such a rat man Becker started off our little interaction here by telling me that it's not his job to be on his toes or Contribute in any way on this podcast, but on his other podcast. He's the king of the funny men. He's the Sam Yeah, he's the Sam and now on this podcast, but on his other podcast. He's the king of the funnymen. He's the same Yeah, he's the same and now on this podcast. He's the Lund. Oh, no YouTube attacked My TV just came on that was very scary. My home is cold. I'm cold in here. Are you alone? Yeah, why? I'm Wondering why the house is cold is Emily having a hot flash
Starting point is 00:01:11 No, I'm trying to save money No, I don't know. She's gone too. She's uh, she's in San Diego with Sarah B Bumping there bumping her damn head. Oh, yeah You know what they're up to. Dumped? I mean, yeah, they went to a drag brunch. I assume they dumped. Nude beaches near me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 San Diego nude scene. Yeah, they're down there. They're, they're writing for fully dumped quarterly. Oh, what's that? Is that Creech? No, it's one, Is that a Creech? No, it's probably the puppy. Okay. Playing with the squeak toy.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Ignore it. I wish I could say it was good to see you, but you know. Well, it's good to see you. Oh, sure. It is. Stop contributing. Lund, how are you? I'm good.
Starting point is 00:02:05 Um, I recorded with Becker and Pat and guess what? It wasn't the same. It was hard. We were like on three different pages. We interrupted each other several times and it was very frustrating. So, yeah, they liked it. No, they didn't. They did. We haven't gotten any mean comments
Starting point is 00:02:27 Yeah, we had to put it we had to put a filter on the patreon because you're so feeble But yeah, we have we have we have an I on AI situation on the patreon where you don't see any of the bad stuff They say because we don't want you to you know start hurting yourself again Dude, everybody was loving Pat they say, because we don't want you to, you know, start hurting yourself again. Dude, everybody was loving Pat. Loving Pat. Impossible. Except for me.
Starting point is 00:02:51 Yeah. I was like, this isn't, this isn't good. This isn't Sam. I want Sam. Uh, where is Sam? Yeah. Pat had notes too, so. He must have done a bunch of blow because he was picking his nose, his nose was bugging
Starting point is 00:03:09 him. No, he's sober now. For what? I don't know. Two months. Yeah, for a while. He probably told you all about it on the pod, but you were, detached and strange. So possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:26 To be fair, Pat's video and internet fucked up and he was running on a delay for like the back 20 minutes of the episode. Well, that's good. He shouldn't be locked in. He shouldn't be synced. That's my thing. I provide the gravity and then you guys just rotate. That's what happens here on the pod.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And when the gravity's not here, you guys float away. And Becker's talking about cool cartoons and Lun's picking and forgetting to sniff. And Pat's running the damn show. So that's not good. Now, it was just the fears that you had about recording remotely were laid bare because I hadn't seen him in a while. I hadn't, you know, or I guess just we have been together a bunch. So we haven't had to record remotely in so long. And then to have to do it with Pat. And then to be like, who's driving, even though it should obviously be me, Pat has oppositional
Starting point is 00:04:24 defiance disorder. Becker just wants to help. So he's like, even though it should obviously be me, that has oppositional defiance disorder. Becker just wants to help, so he's like, I'll talk more. It just resulted in a lot of, oh, what? And then the couple times that I tried to hang back in the cut and be listening, time to listen, would be a time where none of us talked. So it was just stepping on toes, awkward virgin school dance kind of a thing. This has been an episode of Chubby Behemoth Breakdown, where we go over last week's episode and tell you why it was bad. I'm your host, Becker's friend. Catching you up. Catching you up on our world.
Starting point is 00:05:07 I get it. I need to know the lore. I want to hear what Pat had to say because I blame Pat more so than I would take the blame. Okay. Well, it's none of my business to tell you what Pat had to say. I'm just a man between worlds right now. I will say this, Lund. I wanted to come through the phone and sit right on your face. You sent me that message about where your priorities lie. I was very mad at you. Yeah, I couldn't tell at first. No, I fucked up. I had already booked plan this show. So I couldn't, I couldn't just like cancel those for your new thing that you know, what else can you do to run the show down there?
Starting point is 00:05:56 I, I, it's a show that I put together. Oh yeah. Why would I have, you know, Pysher take over when it's my, it was my show. Because my dreams are coming true and I wanted you to host the Q&A. Maybe that's why. You haven't wanted me to host any of the other events that you have lined up. What other events? It's the first event. It's March 25th. No, there's other events you're doing. I'm doing the 25th, I'm doing the 27th in the city of Detroit, and then I'm doing Portland
Starting point is 00:06:23 at Powell's the 29th. Pat's going to be there already doing that weekend. So he's going to host that one. Cause I wasn't, cause I wasn't allowed. Oh my God. No dude. What? I think I might, I think I might, uh, fly back to Detroit.
Starting point is 00:06:39 How about that? You're going to come home for a night after Toledo. What you're going to, you're going gonna wake up in my house get on an airplane Fly away and the next day you're gonna come back to my house Now I'll come back two days later. I want everybody to be happy and if that takes me Flying an extra flight. So be it How about that? I can't hate it flying an extra flight, so be it.
Starting point is 00:07:04 How about that? I can't be everywhere at once. I hate it, stay with me. No. Just prove your allegiance. I wish something. Pick me over this mystery woman who's not your best friend for 20 years. People who act like they have to do shows in Trinidad.
Starting point is 00:07:21 They're like, hey, I'm going to Colorado. I might as well go down to Trinidad. They're like, hey, I'm going to, I'm going to Colorado. I might as well go down to Trinidad. And it's like, why? Just go, go elsewhere. Is it in the opera house or like the big theater? No, it's at Mutiny. That's another part of it. I want it to go well.
Starting point is 00:07:37 It's at Mutiny. So yeah, I think I'm gonna come back. I gotta look at flights so I can get pulled in all directions, get pulled apart. You know what, I'll probably just have Becker host the Q&A, this is your big shot, Becker. I can't stay past Monday night. Why, curfew?
Starting point is 00:08:01 No, I have to drive my niece her dog in Montgomery, Alabama so that she can take it back to Italy. This fucking... You have to drive your niece a dog in Alabama so she can take it to Italy. That's not the most made up story I've ever heard. Me loving my niece is just as qualified as you loving yours. How old's your niece? Three and a half. Okay, she's not going to remember you driving her her dog. That didn't count for whenever I got dicked around for a three and a half year old a year ago, so I don't care. I never dicked you
Starting point is 00:08:28 around for my niece. Never once. Okay. Just because you just met your niece for the first time. When did you respond about what time we were recording today? Today, I didn't respond at all. I was at Chuck E. Cheese. Right. Yeah. Okay. Okay, so going to Chuck E. Cheese and having some nice pizza and pretending to be a zombie and freaking out a bunch of young black children I was chasing my niece around and two adults with Down syndrome Yep, and I'm gonna go see my niece that I see twice a year cool Yeah, you probably see her through a telescope as you know a face timer once a week But I only see her twice a year cuz she lives in Italy. Yeah. Well, guess what and she's my very favorite person What about me? She's better. It's like all the same. She's better than Italy. Yeah. Well, guess what? And she's my very favorite person. What about me?
Starting point is 00:09:06 She's better. She has all the same stuff. She's better than me. Yeah. Oh my God. You like Susu less than me? I like you differently. You're a grown man.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Yeah. She's a little girl. Yeah, but the joy I derive from being with you is the best, but the joy I derive from being with her is like being on heaven high on heroin. I tell you what, I do a lot of- You know, if you're the best. You seem smarter than someone.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I do a lot cooler shit than your niece. Meanwhile, Susu blows your dumb ass out of the water. That's fair. I agree with that. Your stories of Susu are amazing. Have you ever done a front flip in a trampoline park at it's also in a Chuck E Cheese and accidentally heel kicked a smaller girl? Oh, man. Did she fuck her up? Yes. We had a big day. Sorry, I couldn't be here.
Starting point is 00:09:58 No, just respond. No. Yeah, saying anything would have been cool. Yeah, saying anything would have been cool. Yeah, you know, I've had to like leave my niece for the four days I was with her for a day and a half to get stuff posted, but you can't even respond. Yeah, I can't. I'm busy. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:10:15 And why couldn't you hang out with your niece while you were posting? Because you demand, I had to go somewhere else. They didn't have good enough internet to do it at their house. I demanded. You did. We can't miss two weeks. Yes, yes, yes at their house. I demand it. You did. I did not demand. We can't miss two weeks. Yes, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Oh, yeah. Oh, sorry. Sorry. You hear that, listener? You see who cares? Me. When it's not you hustling. Oh, why do you hustle though, young youngster?
Starting point is 00:10:37 Because it's the job. Yeah, it's the damn job. So I respond when you're like, hey, I'm headed home instead of just not responding when I get home at 340. I like to keep you guys guessing. I like to be able to plan my life and not waste 52 days a year. Well, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I don't value your time. I know. That's very rude. That's the issue. Very, very rude. Oh, it's rude. I'm a rude dude. Just the right time.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I'm a rude attitude. No, it's cool, man. Let's run on Becker time. We'll do the pot at 4 a.m. We'll do your time. You just got to let us know when it is. I'm out there keeping a roof over our heads. All right?
Starting point is 00:11:14 I'm out there sowing. I'm fucking planting seeds in Marion, Illinois, St. Louis, Indianapolis, going back. I planted there. I finally got to sow. Emily doesn't need a roof over roof overhead. She's living on the beach down. Yeah. Yeah, she she dug out twin holes and she's laying face down Are they party in I thought Sarah quit partying I Don't I talked to Emily last night, I don't know what they're up to okay Emily's currently with her cousins who live in San Diego But they had a big day yesterday. I've been instructed not to tell any stories about Emily having a really good time
Starting point is 00:11:53 Okay, that's fair. I guess cuz she's worried that all the people who listen think she's some kind of drunk. So Now I can't tell any fun stories about her having a blast, being an adult doctor woman. Yes, she listens. She's been listening. She needs to stop listening. She's on Reddit. I know what her name is now on the Reddit. She showed her ass recently with a post and she misspelled a word that she always misspells
Starting point is 00:12:23 and no one else ever has that way. And I was like, I got your ass. Yeah. So she's way too deep. She's in here. She's in there telling people to kill themselves and having a blast, an anonymous blast. And now it's over. Yeah. So she's trying to exert some kind of control. She's undercover and I'm giving her a Dutch oven.
Starting point is 00:12:45 That. to exert some kind of control. She's undercover and I'm giving her a Dutch oven. That, well, if she listened for more than the last three weeks, she would know that you paint a much more complete picture of her than Drunken Guiguo. She's often at the hospital. It's not like she's Nurse Jackie stealing pills. She, I mean, I don't know. No, she's very stingy with pills. She's pills All of her friends. That's the first thing I asked him when they graduate. I'm like, hey, so who's gonna be writing me my scripts
Starting point is 00:13:13 No, buddy. I'm pillless. I Ain't got no damn pills. It seems like I don't have any damn friends either now in the world What was you two? Yeah me calling you out for a thing doesn't mean we're not friends. I love you buddy. Yeah, I bet you do. Yeah. Oh, Ed, I was going to say you're going to be in DC, but you're not. I'll be in DC this weekend. And guess what? There's plenty of tickets available. So I just buy some. I've never been to this club before. It's supposed to be really good. Yeah. Don't let this be the one where I wear it. Let me wear it in Toledo. Yeah. Not at the DC fucking improv.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Well it's also, God, what a fucking, it's been confusing to figure out where we're performing, because it's not Toledo and it's not Akron and it's Perisburg. Is that Toledo kind of? It's a suburb, I think. It's a suburb of Toledo. Yeah. It's only like an hour from Detroit, right? Yeah, it's one hour from Detroit. I bet it's a lot different.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Yeah. I mean, I don't, I've been in Toledo. It's not a blast. It's another post-industrial fail state. I don't have been to Lido. It's not a blast. It's another you know post industrial fail state I don't know. I think Perry's burgers where they invented custard so like Everyone there's really fat and happy because they're full of custard all the time Sounds good. Yeah, I'm listening. Yeah, all right I'm into that
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah, I mean we're gonna have a big time man Maybe we'll stay in Perrysburg. You know, maybe we won't come back to my house. Who knows? We got to party at your house. I'm so excited to see your place. Yeah. I want to see those couches that I saved. Or wait, no, Jim saved them. Yeah, Jim saved them. He banged up the wall. And now Jim's out of the picture. Now Jim. Now it's like Jim is already dead.
Starting point is 00:15:09 Yeah. He hung up his jersey after he moved our couch. Actually, someone cut his jersey off of him and put it on a wall in a different place where they live now. Little Pellegrino, huh? Looks good. Very good.
Starting point is 00:15:24 I don't have any of those. So Lund, what happened to you this week? It's been nice to be home. Obviously, I very much wanted to go to Vancouver, but when I turned around and came home and got to hang out down here for more than a few days, We had a hot streak going of being gone. It's been nice to be down here. I've done all these dumb little things, chores, errands, selling hats and very grateful that people were buying hats. Dude, two of your hats in Marion, Illinois. One on a woman. Two Two of your hats in Marion, Illinois.
Starting point is 00:16:05 One on a woman. Two people had your hats in Marion, Illinois. What the fuck? One of them was on a very pretty young woman. Oh, maybe from, they bought them in Rosemont? Oh, I don't know. They drove in from somewhere. Marion was a confluence.
Starting point is 00:16:20 It was a real meetup from the five state region. Yeah. But yeah, I was like, holy shit, a Lund hat. And she's like, yeah, we love the paid, we love the pod. And I was like, yeah, but that means he actually like packaged them and shipped them. And she was like, I know. So, Oh, good on you. Yeah. They weren't from Rosemont. Well, yeah, I'm trying to keep up. Uh, I have been,
Starting point is 00:16:44 I have been caught myself being, feeling satisfied for doing like a step or two of the process. Like if I write down somebody's name and address and what hat they want, uh, I'll get it like a little feeling of like, all right, you're doing it. And it's like, no, now you have to do steps three through six. Yeah. put them in a bag write the address on the bag go to the post office uh-huh you get a ship station account and then you don't have to go to the post office yeah but then
Starting point is 00:17:14 don't have to buy a scale and a printer no you need a printer and special paper and don't they provide it and a degree in chemical engineering. Yeah, you have to make your own ink. We call it toner in the business. What's toner's fucking deal? I've never known. I like toner's tone. I'm going to be honest.
Starting point is 00:17:36 I've never been into it. You don't know. I've never known. No. Okay, Lund, you don't know? I don't. Ink versus toner. What's with women always watching TV on their tablets?
Starting point is 00:17:49 I don't know. I'm curious about that too. My mom does it. My sister does it. Every woman has a little tablet and they're watching Bones or Blue Bloods or SVU or NCIS. Diner's drive-ins and dives. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:18:03 When they're, when they have access to a TV in a living room, you're saying? You got a TV in the living room, you got a TV in a different room, you got a TV in your bedroom, but yet there you are, legs crossed like this. Just looking at your tablet. Oh, oh wow. Is it because you're watching the big game? No, it's just everywhere I go. I'm seeing women on tablets.
Starting point is 00:18:29 It's like watch it on your phone. Either get a bigger phone or a less heavy TV. That's what I say. I've wanted a tablet on a couple of flights because then it's bigger than your phone and bigger than the little TV in the seat. Yeah. But if a man has, he looks like a head coach and like he's right. He's drawn up plays, you know?
Starting point is 00:18:51 So it's fine if a guy has a tablet, he could be an astronaut, but if a woman has a tablet, it's like, that's must be a long shopping list. She's cheating. Yeah. No, I just. Having an, she's having an emotional affair with a coworker. She's having an emotional affair with a coworker. I don't know about this whole tablet phenomenon, but I'm glad you've seen it as well. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:13 It blows my mind. My sister will do it in front of her big screen TV that's off. It's like, are you playing hearts over there? Is it a solitaire game? It's crazy. They always have a little pair of glasses they put on and they go... Time to get a little work done. They watch Blue Bloods. Yeah. There's over there watching Love is Blind and you're like, well what do you think? Should I get health insurance or life insurance? And she's like, you know it. Listen to me, I exist, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:19:46 I'm your husband. Maybe, I mean, I know, we know how you feel about Love is Blind. Maybe Emily is trying to avoid your wrath. I would appreciate that. Watching it away from your attention so that you can do your thing. Get it out of here.
Starting point is 00:20:04 I don't want anything to do with it Hate love is blind and I really don't like that people are allowed to watch it It's like your matlock situation Becker it sucks watching love is blind Matt looks good and not a reimagining dude. You know how dumb everyone on love is Blind is? I wonder how many of them, because they go in separate pods. Have you guys seen the show? I tried to watch a couple minutes of it after you talked about it. They go in separate pods and they talk to each other through a wall, Becker. I wonder how many of them have to be helped getting out of that pod when the interview
Starting point is 00:20:42 is over. They're just bumping around, like checking the couch cushions, like, oh, I guess, huh. Hmm. Uh, producer? And then they're like, right this way. Come on, this, follow me, Heather. Stand up. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:59 They're like dizzy. They're like, what do I walk with? Hands or feet? They're just the dumbest fucking people alive. There's always a guy in there who has the, kind of like Becker's haircut, where it's like brought over a little bit. Yeah, this one.
Starting point is 00:21:13 And then he's wearing boat shoes, and he has fucking high water pants, and he's just vineyards vines to the top or bottom. And he comes in and he's like, you know, I don't think that anyone could ever love me. That's his opener. And she's like, Oh no, why, why Denmark? His name is Denmark. Why Denmark? He's like, well, I've never learned to love myself.
Starting point is 00:21:39 But what is love? Have you ever asked yourself that? And then they're like, love. Have you ever asked yourself that? And then they're like, wow, they're just so stupid. I like to hunt them all from a helicopter. I'd like to weld them in the room and then release ants. I want to go Chinese government during COVID and just fucking seal them in there and be like, and then, and then go in, sneak up behind the guy, snap his fucking neck. And then the lady's like, uh, Deconian, are you still there? Deconian, are you thinking he's so deep? And then I go,
Starting point is 00:22:19 would you like to play a game? like to play a game? You pretended be in search of love for small-time viral fame. Well, your search is over. Do you love yourself enough to chew off your own foot to save the rest of you. Deconian, this is so us. Kiteus Andronicus, we have to band together to survive. Everybody thinks their own love is blind for like the first day and a half, but then all of a sudden they stumble upon a dead body. And then the actual host of the show comes out of the woods and he's like, hey everybody, this is when the real game begins. Yeah, welcome to Love is Blind, for real.
Starting point is 00:23:13 They just start harvesting their eyes. He's just, grr, grr, grr. He's popping them like grapes. Everyone's like, oh, no, how am I gonna promote my lifestyle brand? Fucking dipshits. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Yeah. I have not tried to watch that. I don't think that I will. Don't. I don't have to. Dude, when they meet each other for the first time, one of them's always like secretly throwing up, but like they have to pretend like it's okay because they have to marry them in like 12 hours, whatever the fucking rules are.
Starting point is 00:23:45 So they're supposed to plan a wedding. And if you go through with the wedding, you get money. But I don't know. I don't know. But they like do the big reveal and like the guy will always be like, you know, he's getting ready. He's like getting pumped. Then he steps up to the line and he's like, and then the girl comes up and she's like,
Starting point is 00:24:04 and then they open the door and and he's like, and then the girl comes up and she's like, and then they open the door and the girls typically like, hi. And then like runs up and they have to do this fucked up kiss. Oh my God. I'd like to just go through man and just like, I mean, Susie was really good at whack them all the day. And I'd like to fucking have these people's heads pop up. Was that a? Was that a birthday party or just something to do? Oh, it was just, hey, Sus, here's a thousand bucks,
Starting point is 00:24:31 let's go spend it. Come home, just give me cash. Where you go, Sus? Was it just the two of you? No, God. Thank God. No, it was me and Hannah and Sus. I hit a panty yesterday, was like,
Starting point is 00:24:44 hey, what are you guys doing? I'm getting home at like noon, you want to chill for a bit. She said, bet fam. And then Susie offered us either we could go to the aquarium or we go to Chuck E. Cheese. And I said, Chuck E. Cheese. And Susie went, I didn't want to do that one. That was supposed to mean misdirection. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:12 She picked them. She gave the choices. She could have just chose to go to the aquarium and we would have gone to the aquarium instead. But yeah. Why didn't she guys go when she revealed that she didn't want to go to Chucky Cheese? You were like, Hey, this is called consequences. Yeah. No, because me and Hannah were like, yeah, let's go to Chuck E. Cheese. That's
Starting point is 00:25:28 so much better. We don't have to drive into the city. Yeah. Was there a robot band? No, dude. But Chuck came out for a birthday party that was going on in not even an adjacent room. It was behind, like, one fence. Uh, yeah, the Chuck E. Cheese and East Earborn's a little lit. It's crazy in there, man. There were two guys with Down Syndrome who were just, like, there to play the Teenage Turtles game. Like, they have the big game. And, uh, I was... Susu, they had plants versus zombies,
Starting point is 00:26:03 and, like, Susu thought it was great, so she wanted me to be a zombie. So I was just, like, they had Plants versus Zombies, and Susu thought it was great, as if she wanted me to be a zombie. So I was just slowly like, aww. But the guys with Down Syndrome were kind of scared of it. So I felt really bad. So whenever I'd see them, I would have to stop playing the zombie. And then Susu would be like, zombie, zombie! You know?
Starting point is 00:26:20 In my head! Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so that was- They were scared of you, not the video game. No, I think they didn't like the zombie thing because I caught him around the corner on accident when I was chasing her because I was looking low for the kids. I wasn't looking up for the young at heart. So yeah, I kind of scared the guys and then was, you know, I was,
Starting point is 00:26:45 I was conscious of that afterward. Megan's been playing plants versus zombies on her phone. She loves it. I guess, you know, the boys were loving it. So it's a big thing. Yeah. It looks fun, man. It's like a tower defense game, but with plants, I think it is.
Starting point is 00:27:02 Yeah. You, yeah, there's a couple different versions of game that you play, but yeah, you try to fend them off the hoard. Yes. The hoard. No, this one was just like a shooter. It was your classic, you know, arcade shooter where you had a plant and you were shooting balloons at them.
Starting point is 00:27:21 Is it a new Ninja Turtle game? Uh, yeah, it is for player. It's pretty sick. Like 2013? 2013. Yeah, it's side scrolling and up and down to beat them up. It's really cool. I was just going to say, if those guys are regulars there, if you end up going there with Susu a lot and seeing those two down guys, they just quietly released it on home
Starting point is 00:27:41 consoles. Ooh. Tell the crew. Yeah. I'll Tell the crew. Yeah, I'll get back there. Be like, hey guys, I'm not a zombie, but I just want to let you know that I do love the turtles though. And then I can hit them with like a turtle type guy.
Starting point is 00:27:58 Show me your Bacotat. Yeah, I'll pull my pants down. Expose my thigh meat to the fellas. Has your hair grown out at all? Are you doing anything with it on stage? It looks great. Yeah, I take the hat off and talk about it a little bit. It's fun.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Had some loose ones, man. Dude, I got to say, and Pat and I didn't talk about this one on the Patreon because I want to save it for you guys, but holy shit, that Marion, Illinois show was maybe the best show ever. I'm not just saying that to make you jealous because there's no way it should have been good, but it was really good. It took place in an event center that was like Billy Madison's house. And like, they were fucking frothing, man. The room fit like like a hundred but they put in like a hundred and thirty five and Just foaming at the mouth the drugs
Starting point is 00:28:51 The chub chase came in from like all over the Midwest and they dominated the room like you try to do local stuff And everyone's like we're not from here. We're yours cool Shut up, yeah So that was that was So that was very nice. Lundhats in the wild. There was a very spirited young man there in a grateful dead shirt. So many people are like, I love the pod. I love the Patreon.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah, it's nice. It's nice to see everyone in the flesh. Oh yeah. I stumbled upon a Twitter account that runs, I think this is like the third or fourth, you know, running a yearly podcast tournament bracket. I can't remember the guy's name, but I somehow saw it and was like, oh, 16 podcasts, Matt and Shane won last year. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:49 I've seen this thing before. Yeah. Yeah. It was a very quick, it wasn't a roller coaster of emotion because I didn't care, but it was a very quick, uh, little bit of up and down cause it's like, oh, this podcast tournament, I wonder if we're in there. And then I'm thinking like, no, probably not. But then we were, and I was like, oh shit if we're in there. And then I'm thinking like, no, probably not. But then we were, and I was like, oh shit, we're in there.
Starting point is 00:30:09 And then we got bounced in the first round, we lost to the Regs. And I was like, what's- The Regs, Bobby Kelly's podcast? Yeah, I was like, what's the Regs? And I look it up and I was like, oh, okay, well, that's not super fair. Are Soder and List on that one?
Starting point is 00:30:25 Yeah. Yeah, they're funny. I mean, R-Pod's definitely better than that, but it's okay. Yeah. Well, and you know, the dude, the dude's account that ran, that runs it, you know, he has like 5,000 followers, so it's like every- He does work for the Universal Association of Podcast Awards though. So-
Starting point is 00:30:44 Okay, he's an affiliate. He's sanctioned, yeah. He's licensed. Yeah. Matt Shane did receive $1.2 million for winning, so that would have been pretty tight. Yeah, I don't know what his deal is, but it was not the first year, and I don't think we were in it last year.
Starting point is 00:31:06 There were a couple of people that commented on the first round that we were their favorite podcast or whatever, like Chubby. Yeah. I mean, we're the little guy, man. We're the mom and pop. We're the little aunt trying to take a little chunk out of the big cheese. It's okay. I like where we're at, man. We're the little ant trying to take a little chunk out of the big cheese, you know? It's okay.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I like where we're at, man. You never want to be number one. Matt and Shane got bounced in the first round by something. Son of a boy dad, I think. What? Beat them. The little SAS vehicle? Pretty sure that that was...
Starting point is 00:31:44 And everybody was like, whoa. And then a bunch of people were like, if war mode doesn't win, then this whole thing is fucked. Yeah. If war mode doesn't win, we're going to launch the nuke. We're going to take it as a sign. We're going to dox everyone. We're going to collect our pound of flesh.
Starting point is 00:32:00 Yeah. There will be blood if war mode doesn't prevail. It's just, it's just like, oh blood if war mode doesn't prevail. It's just like, oh yeah, war mode lost. Is this a picture of your daughter at school? Maybe you should recount those votes. The guy's first, middle, and last name. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:21 It was funny to see us in the bracket. I think it kicked off yesterday yesterday a couple days ago. Well, hey, whoever makes that bracket. Thank you for including us It's just nice to have a seat at the table Yeah, because guess what if you have a seat at the table you can eat as much as you want Speaking of Lund, what's your fucking deal? You lost 100 pounds yet No, I Didn't feel very different after the first week on Monjaro. So Emily and I talked.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Monjaro. The damn medicine has to sound like Italian food? That's what I said on stage yesterday. Well, I like bitched to Megan. I was like, oh, cool. The, the drug that makes me less hungry also requires that I eat like a bunch of protein or whatever. Just let me live. But, uh, no, I talked to Emily for week two and she upped my dose to 35 units. Nice, man.
Starting point is 00:33:21 And I, I don't know. I feel like I'm not eating earlier in the day. I don't want to. So that's something. That's great. And I have felt like shit a couple times, so that's good. How have you been feeling bad? Guilty? Just tired, nauseous.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Like you furthered from God? Yeah, like I'm becoming less human. I mean, we are kind of like going in the face of his plan by skirting the edges, you know? I was sick last night. I barfed and then die-dyed. Okay. Could be picking related. I think it's because I made bacon for me and Megan and I had a little raw bacon on my finger and I licked it and laughed to myself like, I'll be fine. But I think I got a little food poisoned because Megan didn't get affected by the cooked bacon. Holy moly, man.
Starting point is 00:34:22 What? I thought I was strong enough. I mean, technically I was strong enough. I know, but if you watched me do that, you would be enraged. You'd be like, why would you do that? It's so dumb. If you watched anyone else do it, you'd be like, look at this moron. But you were like, I'll be okay. I'm a naughty little boy. I'm strong. Well, you're going through something where your body doesn't know if it wants to live or die. Holy moly, man.
Starting point is 00:34:47 What a wild gamble to take. Did it taste good? No, it was just, I had already washed my, you know, I had, I had had to make bacon a couple of times. We ate, we had the same thing for lunch and dinner. She made like, she got this big quiche from Safeway. So we had half of it for lunch and the other half was for dinner. And we made, she made the bacon the first time I made it the second time.
Starting point is 00:35:09 And I'd already like, get it out, get it out, wash your hands, put it in the thing. Wash your hands. So real quick, I had to do something. I was like, eh, I'll solve this problem on my own. We didn't have soap for thousands of years and I paid the price man. Yeah, and as you did it you thought, I'll never tell. I figured it would not matter, but it did matter because I felt like shit for a couple hours. Holy moly man. Becker put it exactly into words.
Starting point is 00:35:47 What? Oh, that's so funny. Good stuff, Becker. You know what else is good stuff? What? Viya. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, hey.
Starting point is 00:36:01 I was going to say that, yeah, last night, Hey, I might've felt a little stupid, but I wasn't bored. Life doesn't have to be boring. If every day feels exactly the same, shake things up with Viya. Yeah. Get fucking stoned, man. Get out of your goddamn concrete shoes. You put on yourself and strap into the electric hayride that is Viya
Starting point is 00:36:24 brand cannabis products. That's right. Viya is dedicated to harnessing the natural benefits of hemp to make your life better. Get better sleep. They have more focus. Recover more quickly or just get high. Yeah, get high. Whatever you're trying to do, Viya can help with products that range from zero to 100
Starting point is 00:36:46 milligrams of THC. Did you eat raw bacon because you were bored as hell? Well, hey, I got something else that'll put the fucking pedal to the metal in your home. Vaya, quit giving yourself salmonella because you don't want to just walk back to the sink. I fought the law and the law won. VIA's THC and THC free gummies and vapes are award winning and they've got topicals, calming drops and more for you to try. Yeah, they won the fucking Hescher Olympics, man. They got a bunch of bong rippers and beef bros out to the beach and they set them down
Starting point is 00:37:24 with some VIAs and some other competitor products and these Viya products got everyone the most gorked. So yeah. Becker, you're nodding in enthusiastic agreement. I like them a lot. That new one they sent with the HHC that was just a two pack, I tried them thinking like I was just going to get a flavor. I caught a good buzz off of those so I need to look into those gummies more and One thing more than a good buzz and it's his beloved niece. Yeah the energized one that has the 40 milligrams of CBG to
Starting point is 00:37:58 Five milligrams of THC rules that one will get you all goofy as hell without making you tired Maybe I'll pop one of those and watch Shane Gillis on SNL. It was great. I'm sure it was. He's the man. Oh, that was last night. Uh, well yeah, don't spend your time being bored, unfocused, or in pain. Viya can help get things back on track and level up your life.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Sounds like a miracle drug. That's right. It's the next Manjaro. If you're over 21, check out the link to Vaya in our description and use the code CHUBBY to receive 15% off. If you're new to Vaya- If you're under 21, go to your older brothers. No, never mind. Gun safe. If you're new to Vaya, get a free gift of your choice after you purchase They'll ask where you heard about them support the show and tell them we sent you enhance your everyday with via Or is it via we're not sure it's via because I read the fucking note. I also read the note that said Do not mention cannabis or marijuana. So you're in trouble. I don't have it open in front of me
Starting point is 00:39:06 Yeah, no shit. I'm too cold. You just cash the check. I cash the check man. Let me tell you about the check It clears It's it it got you a nice afternoon at Chuck E Cheese it did yeah, I bought the 500-point card I balled out of control. Nice. For the games? Yeah. 112 bucks, 500 points, one point for every play.
Starting point is 00:39:31 There's no tokens anymore? It's all on a card? No. But I did set the record at the Papa Shop machine. Nice. I really turned a couple heads in there. No, you didn't. Yes, I did.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I swear to God. You can call Hannah. a couple heads in there. No, you didn't. Yes, I did. First of all. I swear to God. You can call Hannah. Also, I like to imagine that you were over there most of the time, that everybody was supposed to hang out. Susie's like, be a zombie again. And you're like, I'm too busy being Dirk Nowitzki in 2011. Leave me alone.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I'm not a zombie, but I am unconscious. Susanna, I want buckets. Yeah, no, I mean, I totally was. I did set the record. It was 66, not the highest one I've ever seen. I'm assuming that it resets at the end of every day. But yeah, when the big man set up in front of that fucking pop a shot, I don't think anyone thought that I was going to have the streak that I did. Uh, and all eyes were on me.
Starting point is 00:40:31 There I was the great white hope Sam T in the East Dearborn Chuck E. Cheese. Was it moving back and forth or just didn't move at all. Yeah. Okay. Vaya con Dios is what I meant to say, but... Hey, congrats, Sam. That's great. Thanks, guys. You were too busy blowing it and saying cannabis.
Starting point is 00:40:53 I didn't say cannabis. I said it's that sweet... I said it's fucking drugs, man. Take it. I said it should be illegal. I feel like Nathan was very clear about the fact that it's hemp derived. It is hemp derived and hemp, of course, is what they made the slaves' ropes from. So think about that. It's what they made all rope from. Yeah. And what were you and your guys using it for, Becker?
Starting point is 00:41:18 The Germans? Oh. Uh-oh. They had other plans. They were like, this is going to come in very handy because it'll just burn away and we can't get in trouble. We should save this room. Nobody can be mad at us.
Starting point is 00:41:28 Well, I might as well read the other one. We have another one. Oh yeah. The old double dip. Okay. Once you're done having your non-cannabis THC infused product. That's probably worse. You're probably going to get hungry and counting calories is boring. So let Factor.
Starting point is 00:41:55 And you don't ever have to be bored. Factor will keep your life interesting as will our last product. Yeah, man. What is it called, stupid? It's called Viya. And this is called Factor. And if you're listening to this, you might be a fat four. Do you want to become a less fat six?
Starting point is 00:42:16 Why don't you cut your hair finally? You're balding. Fire your hair. Quit sending them to HR like I am. All right? Why, why hasn't it, I thought it was going to grow out a little and look better. It looks exactly the same. It's great. Yeah. I think I got Beckham disease. It looks like we do have the, cause we have the same spot. You just have a worse haircut. I don't have a worse haircut. You fucked me.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Okay. You got fucked by luck. You got fucked by random champs. You got fucked by the little old lady. God, I wish. He's cheating. I think he's cheating. I think he's cheating. You know what? You're going to be cheating once you lose a bunch of weight thanks to Factor. No, you're the one. You're the one we're worried about. What? You're so handsome. You're going to lose all this weight and you're like hot kind of, and then you lose the weight and all of a sudden you're fucking studly and you're on the road.
Starting point is 00:43:14 It'll be annoying. Yeah. It'll be annoying. I like, I like hiding in plain sight. I know dude. But, uh, yeah, no, don't worry. I'm, I'll just jerk off more. Factor sat me down.
Starting point is 00:43:24 I'll make it your problem. Dude. Well, factor actually has a load bulking meal. So if you want to blow ropes, much like the hemp made ropes that, uh, kept so many in, uh, in shackles, uh, you can get the factor chunky spew Factors got meals for I'm reading the copy factors got Sell it okay Yeah factor has all has all the meals that keep you going crazy. Do you have a girlfriend with borderline personality disorder?
Starting point is 00:44:09 Well, we've got a meal that doesn't remind her of her ex. None of the flavors he liked, we promise. Hey, are you an adult that collects Funko Pops? Well, we've got a meal that will keep your fingers ungreased. Do you handle the Funkos, Becker? No, Funkos are for losers. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:34 Whoa. If you're an adult man who has a shoe collection, Yeah. We have a meal where the spaghetti looks like laces. So you can slurp them up like you've always dreamed. Factor's got you covered. You toss the fucking catalog triumphantly. Yeah, but hey, don't take it from me.
Starting point is 00:45:00 Lund, let them hear it. Sing the song of our people. Factor's fresh, never frozen meals are dietitian approved and sent straight to your door. We don't freeze them. Just throw them in the microwave or on the skillet for two minutes and you're all set. Or do it like I like. I like to sit on them and hatch them like an egg. Yeah, sit on them while you do a sudoku or two.
Starting point is 00:45:22 You do one sudoku, it takes you five hours, but guess what? Lunch is ready. Hey, the meatloaf's thawed. You cheated a bunch of times on the. Factor is a really great idea. If you don't want to worry about, I mean, God, maybe we get on Factor because of the Manjaro affecting our intense hunger, our fat guy deep inside of us. And we just have one less thing to worry about. We have a Factor, we're on our way.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I mean, I love them, man. I've been getting dizzy all the time. Nothing to do with Factor. Not eating, man. Yeah, no. Like just I have not been eating enough and I'm quite woozy. Right now I'm dizzy. But luckily I have some Factor in the freezer and I'm going to go eat four or five of them when I'm done here. You're not supposed to freeze them, stupid. Yeah, fresh, never frozen.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, fuck, I gotta go. Until you get a hold of them. Now they're turning into poison Factor has 35 different meals and over 60 add-on items to choose from each week guys. I've been working on teleportation Teleportation I'm gonna I'm gonna teleport back ready. Oh Man, whoo. Oh, thank God. No wonder I'm so dizzy from breakfast breakfast all the way to dessert, you'll be eating well all day long.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Eat smart with Factor. Get started at slash factor podcast and use code factor podcast to get 50% off your first. Yeah. I mean, it's on there. It's verbatim. I don't know if it should be chubby or what. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:47:06 Great. Let me try chubby first. I don't want to say that and have that be wrong. Okay. Try them both. Hell, who cares? Let me do both just in case. Eat smart with Factor.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Get started at slash factor podcast and use code factor podcast to get 50% off your first box plus free shipping. That's code factor podcast at factor slash factor podcast to get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box. Teleport to flavor town with Factor. Now let me do the other one. Chubby 50, right? Sure. So this is annoying.
Starting point is 00:47:50 It's been chubby once before too. It's probably a factor podcast because they keep changing the code so they can track usage. Mm hmm. I think that's what it is. I'm going to leave this in. So listeners, if that one doesn't work, try the previous one that we posted. You'll be able to find it in the show notes.
Starting point is 00:48:10 And we're back. Is this teleportation bit translating like I think it is? Yeah, it's pretty good. It's just coming at a weird time. I'm trying to figure out the ad read, but- Well, I wanted to spice it up. I mean what? We're supposed to be ad read podcast? What are we doing? I'm running on like three hours sleep, too. I'm a little
Starting point is 00:48:30 Gookie. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah What were you driving around? What do we have? Chevy Yeah, the thing with the cross. That's a the Chevy bowtie. Yeah, we had the Chevy Malibu Not bad. No, we had the Chevy Malibu. Not bad. No, it's great, man.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Pat, I had some turnip greens that tasted like agricultural runoff, but other than that, we had a nice time. Pat did a good job. He only went short once. Let's see. How short? He did 20 instead of 25. What else did he do?
Starting point is 00:49:07 Oh, he was hesitant to go out afterward and say hi to anyone. I had a real butt fuck of an adventure on the way to the airport. I don't know if you guys care, but guess what? I'm gonna make it your problem. I'm gonna care for the next 11 minutes. Is this when you were picking Pat up?
Starting point is 00:49:23 No, no, I could never pick Pat up. I don't want to herniate my ass. I don't want to pop a new belly button. So no, I won't be picking Pat up. Uh, you know, Pat wasn't supposed to be that big. He wasn't. He resorbed his twin. They were 12 years old. He wasn't, he resorbed his twin. They were 12 years old. They went into Gravitron and only one of them came out. Pat was the brother's name and then little Gerald decided to become Pat.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yes. I was laughing. Becker fell. No. Becker hit his head. I had to like hack something up. I was laughing about the auto blow, because Pat has an auto blow bit,
Starting point is 00:50:11 and then I make fun of him for it. About being like, look, baby, I know you told me you wanted me to start bringing some toys into the bedroom. And hey, I got one. I'll be right back. All right, here you go. And you have this fucking, I guess, I got one. I'll be right back. All right, here you go. And you have this fucking, you know, I guess normal size device. They sponsor the podcast.
Starting point is 00:50:32 But you give it to her and you're like, all right, baby, hold it. Ready? Okay, I love you. Wow, wow, wow, wow. And she's just holding it as you fuck this device? I would think she could watch Blue Bloods on a tablet. She could watch Love is Blind with headphones in.
Starting point is 00:50:52 And then you're just over there, gah, gah, gah, gah, gah. Yeah. And you occasionally honk her boob. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Hmm. The relationship saver.
Starting point is 00:51:02 It started off stupid, but now- Hold on. No, dude, there was tangled metal. Did I talk about this on the Patreon, Becker? No. Oh my God. Me and Emmy leave my house. That morning we were supposed to podcast the three of us, but I was too overwhelmed with tasks before I flew to St. Louis. So we leave and we leave with, we're supposed to be there in a half hour. Okay. My flight leaves at like 4, 10 or something, 3.50. We get there, swear to God, 2.50.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Okay. Traffic's not moving. What's going on? It's three o'clock. Okay. Traffic's not moving. What's going on? It's three o'clock. Okay. Traffic's not moving. Don't worry. I'm not freaking out for sure and being real nasty in the car. Okay. My flight board's at 350. Okay. It's 330. Well, that's all right. I'm sure we'll move more than a half an inch. We've been sitting here for a half an hour. Okay. Well, now, oh, no big deal. I just missed the check a bag window. Guess I won't bring any merch with me, but hey, you know, that's
Starting point is 00:52:14 all right. As long as I can make the flight. I finally get out of the car with seven minutes till doors close. And brother, did I make my flight? Hallelujah, holler back. The risen Christ was looking out for me and I made that fucking flight, dude. But I was, I never run. Even if I'm going to miss a flight, I'll never run. I was running. I was fucking trucking.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I think it's undignified, you know, to be running through an airport. When you're a man of my size, if you're a young woman wearing high heels, you have to take them off and carry them over your shoulder. Oh my God, I got to get to Prague so I can get fingered. I understand that. But me fucking running people, if I'm running through an airport, people think that people are going to start running with me. While they're running from you, they think that you have turned. Yeah. They were playing the TMNT video game earlier that day. Yeah, everybody's a spy. They knew I was a huge guy running in an airport.
Starting point is 00:53:14 You turn into a dog and dogs get scared and they run. Or it's half off Stromboli's at Sabaro. But yeah, dude, I fucking, I was running through the airport with my backpack on and when I got within like 10 gates, which is still at my speed, probably two and a half minutes away, because I've been running for me, it's not pretty. It's really bad. But anyway, I'm like 10 gates away yelling, St. Louis, don't shut the door. Don't shut the door. St. Louis.
Starting point is 00:53:46 Ask my tattooist. Yeah. Oh yeah. Hey, it's me. I'm the guy that Nellie wore the bandaid for. I'm finally going home. They let me out. Hold the door.
Starting point is 00:54:00 I got, I got to get some barbecue. That's not that good, but the whole city's built on it. I got to see the Ark as Pat kept calling it the St. Louis arc. Oh boy. Yeah, I know. Well, he's only 35. He doesn't know any better. He doesn't know about Noah's arc.
Starting point is 00:54:18 And I told them they found Noah's arc. Did you hear about that? Becker? I've seen claims that they think there might've found like the remains of it on top of the hill. No, no. You let me see. That's why you just say, no, I haven't heard that.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I haven't seen this, nor have I heard about this. Yeah. No, they did. Did you hear where they found it? Where? Inside of your ass. It's crazy. They could fit two of every animal up there.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Literally every animal in there. Moses or Noah and his family of 12. Rhinos, hippos, they're all living in harmony in your rump and probably breeding. Comfortable. Yes. We had a scary one. We accidentally wound up in East St. Louis. Most dangerous place in the world.
Starting point is 00:55:02 I know. Like a decade. It's like that or West Memphis, but yeah. We were in East St. Louis driving around on accident and I just kept going, ah. Honking at people. Honking the horn at people. Yeah. I rolled down Pat's window and yelled a slur.
Starting point is 00:55:17 It was him. I would never. It was scary. But yeah, I miss you out Yeah, it's scary. But yeah, I miss you out there, man. I hope you can remember to come hang out with me every now and then. Yeah. God willing and the creek don't rise.
Starting point is 00:55:37 I mean, you scared me more than because I didn't get close enough to the springs to get to the severity of storm that had you rocked. You had to throw a pair of shorts away at the airport. I'm ready to die for this shit, man. We're just built different. No, you literally made it sound like I would be insane to drive to Denver, so I turned around.
Starting point is 00:56:01 Yeah, I'm glad you turned around, man. The way you drive, Jesus. Death wish. turned around. Yeah. I'm glad you turned around, man. The way you drive, Jesus. I, I don't just blindly, stupidly do one 10 in snowstorms. Yeah. You probably did what? 80. You're probably trucking 80 in that snowstorm where everyone was going 35 in the right hand lane.
Starting point is 00:56:19 No, I probably had your lights off too. You're probably ghost mode. You probably had your lights off too. You were probably ghost mode. I'm going to switch car insurance companies to a local, well, state farm, but my friend Brooke works for a state farm. They got a big surprise. I hope we don't listen to the pod. She will know.
Starting point is 00:56:38 I mean, her husband, Matt, is a big fan, so she knows that I like to speed. And she was like, you can save a bunch of money with this drive safe and save. They put a little beak, some type of GPS something in your car. They put a tattler in your whip? A tattler, yes. They put a fucking narc in there. Your dad would be so pissed if he cared about you at all. It hooks up to your scanner reader.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Yeah. It hooks up to an app or it's in the car and she's like, you can save up to 20%. And I literally, I saw 20% in the email and I was like, Holy shit, that's a bunch of money. And then immediately I was like, Nope, I can't do it. I have to be free. Yeah. So I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna do that, but I am gonna switch and save some money. You know, you should do just have like a neighborhood kid breathe into it. It's not, that's not what it is. That's not what this is. I did say to her, uh, I was like, I don't, you know, she knows I don't drink, but I
Starting point is 00:57:40 was like, I don't drink, so there's zero chance of me getting a freaking DUI. You already got a couple. She said, yeah, but you like to speed. And I was like, God damn it. Yeah. You have a need for it, man. I get it. It's fine. It's your version of licking the fucking raw pork off your finger, but you're behind the wheel. You got to live sometimes. Becker, that's the first water he's had in 2025. Sometimes you got to be dangerous. Sometimes you got to be safe. Yeah. That's weird. I've never seen you drink be dangerous, sometimes you gotta be safe. Yeah. That's weird. I've never seen you drink water.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I drink water all the time. When? Forgets. I go through cases and cases of water. Did this guy drink water at all in Rosemont? Yeah. Um, yes. We got two six-packs of Fiji's. I remember a lot of Pellegrinos going down your little beak.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I did have six or five Pellegrinos. Those are sodas. You're going through. They're sparkling water with lemon juice. Close enough. You're going through cases of bottled water. Why don't you get a filter? Uh, cause the filters go bad in like fucking two days with the galvanized lead
Starting point is 00:58:43 pipes, point counterpoint. go bad in like fucking two days with the galvanized lead pipes. Hmm. Point, counterpoint. Well, you can make a raft out of all of them. I did that for a while and I was just blowing like crazy amounts of money on Brita filters. Oh yeah, Wayman surfaced. I saw that. Matt?
Starting point is 00:59:00 Yeah, Matt Wayman came out and did a guest set in St. Louis. Yeah. Guess who hasn't aged at all? Yeah, he looked good. And you know who looks better? Haley. Oh my god. Not a day over the last time I saw her,
Starting point is 00:59:14 and she's crapped out two little turds. Whoa. Yeah. Didn't gain a pound. Oh, hey, I got to give a shout out to a guy. I got to give out to a guy at fucking Doug in the rascal scooter man, mobility chair Doug, who we met in St. Louis. You're the man.
Starting point is 00:59:32 I appreciate you coming out. It was nice talking to you. Cool guy. He's like, he's bout it, bout it. Hell yeah. Yeah. He's like, he would be the front of, he'd be the tip of the spear. If we ever like mounted some kind of like automobile warfare, we'd strap him to the front of the tank and just let him flail.
Starting point is 00:59:51 Cause this guy, he's the man. He'd be the mermaid on our pirate ship. Oh yeah. He just like chilled at the end of the merch line. And also he like sat in the showroom. And when I did my thing about morbid obesity, I was like, is anyone in here morbidly obese? And I'm scanning the room and then I see him and my eyes just bounce off them back over here because no one needed to point out Doug was about that life.
Starting point is 01:00:14 You should have honked the rascal. Jack Wright, the host said that he was chugging pizza the whole time. I was like, I don't think he was. And he was like, yeah, he was really sucking it down. And then when I met Doug in the merch line, I didn't even have any merch, I'm just out there shaking hands, kissing babies. He offered me some pizza and I had a little.
Starting point is 01:00:35 So thank you, Doug. If you wanna come, you know, if you're a Doug, if you're a man in a chair and you're just fucking rolling right towards the pearly gates without any abandon whatsoever, I want you to come see me in DC, Cleveland, Colorado Springs. We're doing a show for Becker. No, Colorado Infused. Go follow them, co.infused.
Starting point is 01:01:02 They're doing a show on March 20th at a hookah bar. So that'll be Those are always good Those can't be beat if I wasn't doing a favor for a loved one So yeah come to that Toledo. I got the weekly show in Detroit on Wednesdays and then I might be popping up in Austin March 16th for Brent Gill's show at Creek in the Cave. is operational again. Get your tickets.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Oh, book events! The 25th, Litterati, Ann Arbor for the big book release. If you wanna pre-order my book, do that, please guys. Pre-order my book. I have an opportunity here to really make fucking waves. So just pre-order it. I wanna come an opportunity here to really make fucking waves. Just pre-order it. I want to come out the gates hot and wet and fucking rock hard and shove it down everyone's throat and say, look at me. I was right the whole time.
Starting point is 01:01:53 And then I did it twice. Buy the book. Buy the book. Buy the book. Join the Patreon too. slash chubby behemoth. Five dollars a month gets you access to over four years worth of episodes. We've rarely, rarely missed a week.
Starting point is 01:02:13 So you've got so much chubby content waiting for you behind that five dollar paywall. I'm reading here that it's the best one ever is what my copy says. We won that tournament actually. It's a second chance tournament and we're coming on strong after getting eliminated in the first round to Robert Kelly's fourth podcast or whatever it's called the money grab. Why do these guys have five podcasts each? Come on.
Starting point is 01:02:35 They can't all be firing on all cylinders. So we're fighting from underneath. We have one podcast. Join the Patreon. Prove your love. Buy a hat. Hit me up on Instagram or Facebook and say, give me a hat. It's hat time.
Starting point is 01:02:55 As one guy said. Oh yeah, you're in your impressionist fucking era. Yeah, man. Look at that. I'm a little scared. Why? Because you're going to do a bunch of fucking Bowman-esque paintings and then act like
Starting point is 01:03:09 we have to pat you on the head and say, good job. That's not what this is. Look at the use of color. Wow, it's crazy. That is not what this is. I am having fun doing something I don't have to be good at that is creative. That's all I'm doing. I'm not asking for anyone to say,
Starting point is 01:03:24 hey, good job, this rules, wow. Go ahead and write, this sucks. I don't care. I'm not doing this to be like, oh, I'm Jeff Tice, but with a smaller cock. I'm just saying, I'm just having fun and making little posters and shitting them onto the web. And it's just another piece of crap that you can look at and say, Oh, I can do that better. Yeah, you can. I have no training whatsoever. What I do have is this big old bucket of markers and gel crans. All right.
Starting point is 01:03:55 These are my weapons and this I'm and I like them and I'm having a nice time. So yeah, you don't have to say anything fucking nice about it. You could just shut your fucking mouth and go back to doing nothing like everyone does. That's what I'm going to do right now. Yeah. Thank you. Bye.

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