Club Random with Bill Maher - Gene Simmons | Club Random with Bill Maher

Episode Date: November 28, 2022

Bill Maher and Gene Simmons randomly riff on men being able to get pregnant, Gene’s secrets to beat aging, the only two things that Bill and Gene really enjoy, Gene’s legendary battles back in the... day, Bill’s take on how people are like bumper cars, the event that happened to Young Bill to make him focus on work, whether it’s possible for rock stars to be faithful, and how Gene doesn’t have friends. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I put your phone away. What do you want, teenager? Oh, I'm just showing off. Oh. Gene, I've been to your house. I've seen the... Sold that one. Vast room. Now it's at the real hotel. It's Kiss World. You know, like really quit music and teach a course in business. How much?
Starting point is 00:00:21 I have to say, though, your... This property is... out of this world. Oh, that's right. The fact that you were smart enough or somebody told you by this, do this and do that. Right. Does it have fantastic property? Oh, good. Well, I'm, I can't say how thrilled I am to have you here at Club Random.
Starting point is 00:00:39 I hope you'll come back. Why? Why? Is it over now? No, no. No, I mean, like in the future, we're not just... We didn't even start yet. No, I don't mean as a guest. I mean, like this has been my party room for 20 years.
Starting point is 00:00:55 We're just now also filming some of it. And by the way, it was a great fucking idea because otherwise, somebody like you, who I love and have known forever, but never really sit down with, because we're the type of people we are. You know when we sit down and talk when it involves work, because we're workers, we're workaholics, we're worker bees, people who get someplace, usually are workers, even
Starting point is 00:01:20 in the crazy business. Well, the show, it's in the DNA And I don't understand the work of Hallic reference because that's a negative. And I think by the sweat of, I'd brow and all that. Yeah. And we can't give birth, but we can work. Who can't give birth, men? I guess you haven't been reading the papers. Well, I know where you're going to, but so far, no. Gee, well, Jean, not that we should really get onto that subject, but I mean, as long as you
Starting point is 00:01:47 threw it down there as a gauntlet, it's a big thing these days that the part of the country that's crazy on the left is apoplectic that you think that there might be a slight more chance that a woman, that a man would give birth. Seriously. Well, I mean, I'm sure some mad scientists, some place can open up a cavity or thing and stick a child in there. But we're not in there.
Starting point is 00:02:16 No, it's not that it's that people transition so that someone who was born a woman is now quote unquote a man. Amen. I mean, if you want to identify that makes you feel better and it blows your dress up. The new dress you just caught when you came away. I have to say in the interest of full disclosure, you're a worthy fact,
Starting point is 00:02:32 because our fans were on the gamut from far left, far right, middle, and conservatives, liberals, and there were two different sides to the same coin. And there are many different kinds of Americans and I fully support all of it. So for the record, I fully support anybody who wants to identify themselves as anything you want to do. Makes you happy and then you die. That's all there is. But great Senator pussy, you have my votes. Okay, we get it. We're not. But in every single DNA of every single cell in your body, you're either male or female, there are slight exceptions, the your mafordats and anything. But one
Starting point is 00:03:13 is able to give birth and the other one is not. And actually Dave Chappelle made a really interesting point. And I think it was ingest. and I think it was meant as a joke not to infuriate anybody. He said Lebron James today decides that he's going to identify as a female. Right. And everybody applaud. You should have the right to do that. Right. And so he joins the and WNBA and scores 870 points in first game and destroys everybody. And that's all I'm saying. I think we all agree here in the Senate that everybody in this country, it's a wonderful world we live in, how are you free to be, whoever you are, of course. But there is a level where people who are just looking to bitch and make someone who is
Starting point is 00:04:00 not them, the bad guy, take it to this silly level. And to be constantly harping on pregnant men is just silly. It's a Ripley's believe it or not. Yes, it does it happen that someone who identifies again, blah, blah, blah, okay, great. But, you know, we're getting to this place in this country, not that we really should be getting off on this serious subject either, but you know what, it's important where this is infecting medical schools. So it's affecting how people actually treat people. And then we're into the lives area, and that does matter.
Starting point is 00:04:40 And they've already had situations where somebody was brought into the emergency room, and because they identified as a man, they didn't look that it might have been a pregnancy that was causing the problem and it was. So, you know, it can go too far. Thank you. Now, my running mate, Simmons and I, running mate, oh, that's right. You're the top of the bill. Yeah, we're politics. I'm just the VP here. Well, I'm sure you would always be the president, but gee, are you not a little overclemped by two of the things in this room? Over there is that sign that says playmates at play. You saw that, right? When you came in. Okay. That's the original one
Starting point is 00:05:23 from the playboy. That's where I met Shannon. And probably where I met you. Okay. I'm not saying my relationship with you and I didn't in the same way that Shannon and I'm not claiming. I mean, it is Hollywood. I'm not as important as Shannon in your life. I was at your wedding, but you weren't marrying me. I conceived that point, but that sign was the one that was on the driveway, as you drove up to the playboy mansion. Forever, it was iconic. I recognize it. So, when he croaked, they had a, you know, auction. Croaked. Nice, nice Bill Mar, when he croaked. When he passed away, a little... Oh, Senator. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:06:06 It gives it. You're talking about you, Hefner, who... I know. Even though he had a lot of fun, really changed what the Germans called sightguides. Yes. And no kidding. And saying he croaked didn't alter my opinion that agrees with that. He creed died. So what? He passed.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I'm for fuck's sake. These are semantics, but I'm not anti-Somantic, okay? See what I did there kids. Okay. All right. That was a joke. No Jean People gonna think you're an old Jewish gentleman. I am old Jewish. Oh, that's right. How old are you me? No, the other guy. Yes Yes, Joe Biden you I'm 60, 60, 60.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Well, I'm 73, bitch. So I am an old Joe. And you're, and a good Joe. And you're, and you're still out there. Oh, you're not only an, uh, who you are. I mean, you're a rock star at 73. That's, now that's impressive. That's a ball or move.
Starting point is 00:07:02 And you kind of look the same because, you know, what? You're there. You got hair. Yeah. You must have to worship Satan, that's all. Yeah. Well, that's it.
Starting point is 00:07:15 You always look like you worship Satan. And you still do. Thank you, I think. You know, so like, you, no, I'm serious, like some people, they look, you look at a picture of them in the heyday and then they look a picture of them now. And it's like, oh, it's night and day, babe.
Starting point is 00:07:29 You kind of have the same exact look. Bill Mar. It's called no drugs, no booze, no cigarettes. See what you're doing there, that smoking thing. So I can hold my hand in front of my face and it won't shake because of what you put. I'm not a health nut, but the more crap you put, that's enough too. I mean, if it's a taste here and there, I'm going to
Starting point is 00:07:50 shake my finger in front of your face. It's not good for you. Oh, Jesus Christ. When did you become ad blabby? Oh, I've always been the same guy. Really? I don't remember you nagging me this much. Okay, I'll quit. But I do recall having lunch with you someplace. Oh, yeah. I think it was for our TV show. And again, my point, what we're doing. We're working. Which is a shame, because I always loved you. I mean, and like, I would love to talk to you. But yeah, it's just the nature of who we are.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Yeah. I don't chitchat much, and I really don't have many friends. Right. Maybe none at all. No, that's so ridiculous. I don't mean that in the headline grabbing stuff that it's meant to be, because I was almost crucified that. I did it some kind of interview, some place, and the daily mail and all these people picked it up.
Starting point is 00:08:42 He has no friends, and he doesn't. It's not that. It's usually when people talk about friends, it seems to me, hey, what are you doing? Yeah, you want to come by and share a bruski and watch the game. I don't watch games. I don't dream. I don't go to I don't go to bars. I don't go to ball games. I know what if I do, I'll go as the guest of the team or something. No, I think you're similar to me in the, oh, I guess that's an ash that just fulfill. Okay, yeah, this is kind of a big stogie. Anyway, this don't hurt you. This is just a clove cigarette gene.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Anything you say. But I think we're the same in that like we like the two like premium Stimulators in life which is sex and Intellectual stimulation. I was just about to say it's this and the Schmechle. That's all there is That's all there is because and and by the way if you're not turned on here, right? Mr. Happy is gonna work because we're animals, but it ain't the same thing as... No, Dr. Remember Dr. Ruth... I knew Dr. Ruth. She was about this. Yes, quite well. What was her name, Dr. Ruth? Uh, Westheimer. Westheimer. For the kids, she was all over TV, like in the 80s, 90s, maybe
Starting point is 00:10:02 a little past then. She'd be putting condoms on cucumbers. Yes. You take this and you shove it up the ass and it's just like that. She was a doctor. You know, she was like, in another art was Dr. Joyce Brothers. She was kind of a successor to her. The TV like these women doctors who could like talk about delicate cells, because they were women and doctors, it was okay.
Starting point is 00:10:22 So Dr. Ruth Westheimer was like a four-foot tall German woman with a thick eye. She was. She was German who wound up being a sniper in the Israeli army. Sniper? She should have been a tunneler. She could get through the... No, she was a very... She was a real killer.
Starting point is 00:10:38 I get it. I get the visual. She was a very diminutive... No, she was. But she's probably got a good counter those. But she would like always say, I remember, is it brain? Is it most important sexual organ? That's an interesting question. If you had a choice, you got to lose one, either your schmecker or the ability to think and come up with something.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Well, again, as you say, it's almost a pointless question because one is useless without the other. I mean, first of all, you couldn't get a heart on without a brain. Yeah, but not necessarily. There's a kiss song. If you took off your staff of righteousness, then your brain would still be capable of doing the amazing things that somebody,
Starting point is 00:11:32 even in a wheelchair, who's paralyzed, can come up with string theory and so on. But if your brain stops, you're just... Well, I was at Larry Flint's Bachelor Party. Now, can you imagine the concept of Hustler Magazine? I knew Larry. Yes, I understand. And I remember...
Starting point is 00:11:53 Especially his wife. He was... I loved Liz. Wonderful wife. Yes. But Larry was in a wheelchair, as you know. Somebody shot him coming out of court. Absolutely. But it did not
Starting point is 00:12:08 stop him from, I don't want to get too graphic, but it did not stop him from engaging in things that you would think really would only return rewards if you had a penis. What I'm saying is the male desire for certain things does seem to interestingly transcend actually having a working penis. Then what other, I mean the urge to merge involves what other? Well, I know, I'm trying to be delicate because, well, you mean he got off on it mentally and visually. I mean, he's like, he's still still had a dick, even though he didn't.
Starting point is 00:12:48 How do you do that? I feel. I'm just saying, he was, like at the bachelor party. Okay, I guess I could say this because he wasn't married yet. It was the bachelor party. Although I'm not sure any wife would wanna know this, but I do remember this, there was a table.
Starting point is 00:13:04 It was like a lazy Susan tape But lazy Susan table and there were I think eight women and they were there with like you know ready to be Orally serviced around the table So he Service them, but he didn't get the pleasure. He was pleasuring them. I'm just saying, if I couldn't feel my dick, I think I'd take up another hobby,
Starting point is 00:13:30 like bowling or something. You heard it here first, folks. It's either Michael or bowling. But, and this must give you, Verclimption, look at that, Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death. That may be... That's my wife in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I know, that's... I think that... No, not the one with the red hat, the one in the poster. No, I know. I know, I mean, I think that's how I know you is because this was 1988. Yeah. This was the classic Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death, which one?
Starting point is 00:14:01 Which is a real movie and you can get it. Oh, yes. A 111 Oscar. Adrian Barbo. Adrian Barbo is in it. Oh, yes. 111 Oscar. Adrian Barbow. Adrian Barbow was in it. She's the head of the Cannibal Women. Yep. I was Jim the guide and your wife, not a wife at the time, but Chan and your girlfriend
Starting point is 00:14:15 and I was an ethnographer who was looking into the problem of these cannibal women. Now, tell me that's not a woke term ethnographer. Yes. Yes, we were very ahead of our time in 1988, although it really was a commentary. It's actually kind of a funny movie, a commentary on feminism, or I can't remember what. I just know I had a ball. I'm so tired of all these isms and I just want everybody. Well, the terminology, how about, you know, live and let live? Whatever you want to call yourself, whatever is in your part of Republicanism, it's like a liberalism, conservative, it's like live and let live.
Starting point is 00:14:53 And just move on with it, you don't have to put a title on it. Everybody needs to, it seems to define themselves, but what tribe are you from? And we're all good, bad, or otherwise stuck in this great experiment, really called America. And I don't even get too philosophical about it, but there's never been a country like this. And it's worth, you know, I was invited to speak in the Pentagon.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I know it sounds like what? Not too long ago, about two, three years ago. And I went to the Pentagon at the behest of the Pentagon and Got up there and I ran into Barbara Star. See at end of the hallway going what are you doing here? I'm going well I'm going to speak at the podium I'm going to address the media and everything else. It goes why I go what are you doing here? She goes well I'm going to report. I said okay, so report but we immediately, and I told her that the reason I'm there is to pay homage to the servicemen and women
Starting point is 00:15:50 who don't hear enough of that. It's always about policy and what a mean time, people of all political persuasions are out there risking their lives. Every year, year after year, for an ideal, they may not agree with each other, but they'll risk their life and often give their life for this thing called American. It's worth reminding everybody, it's like, get off your high horse, the person who disagrees
Starting point is 00:16:14 with you. Yes, even the ones who stormed, let the Justice Department take care of them right or wrong, but they're Americans too. And the people who don't like the way you think, and you don't like the way they think, you know who doesn't care, anybody who hates America, they don't care about anybody.
Starting point is 00:16:33 You think Mr. Putin cares about left or right? You think Homanie is a fan more of the left or the right. He doesn't like anybody here. So it's worth noting when and if aliens finally come to take over the planet, they won't have a clue what the differences are between the left extreme left and the extreme right. They won't have a clue. You're just all earth people. I would also say that not just aliens, but in a hundred years when historians look back on this period, if we're still around, they also will not make a differentiation as we do between left and right. That's right. They will see common ways that both sides are really, really stupid and did stupid things,
Starting point is 00:17:19 like anti-science. You're anti-science. Well, you're wearing a mask outside. So, who's the bigger moron? I'm just saying, there's lots of ways to be anti-science. I see it on the left and I see it on the right, of course, even more. They don't believe in global warming, things like that. I have a semi-associate somebody who firmly believes the earth is flat. And members in our band, there's one member, and I love him to death, who believes in hoaxes, semi-qAnon and stuff like that. But so what?
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Starting point is 00:19:17 Not to be cruel to show people, but I mean, you're not the typical showperson because you're a highly intelligent guy who sort of don't forget good-looking. And much the one you were just a barraff from art and a powerful and attractive man. You don't say it anymore. I do it all the time. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:19:37 How many times may I have to say it? Yeah, for me, it's a private moment. And you always used to say it. It's Bill, it's a private moment. Have I lost my attractiveness to you? That's jail talk where I come from. Let's, I hope not. But don't forget your train of thought.
Starting point is 00:19:53 What was it? Yes, important. I think it's that stuff. It took it away. I mean, so what? So you tell me, that's why you're here. No, tell me. What is it?
Starting point is 00:20:02 I was on this something very important. You're right. You're all back in tape. Oh, you're torturing me. I know you know, because you're Mr. sober. Mr. Celebi. Mr. Sober. Sober. Yes. Certainly not Mr. Celebi. Is a sober a reference only to alcohol or is it also to drugs? Absolutely. Well, alcohol is a drug. Alcohol is a drug. So is food, or it can be, and kill yourself faster with food than blunts of drugs? I never thought of it that way. Really?
Starting point is 00:20:34 You never thought of that? That food is, food kills more than any drug. You mean because of fat? Of course, yeah. And I guess you could try. And horrible food that has poison in it. And I suppose you could drown if you drink too much of that. I'm not drinking at all. What did you just do? But that's not liquor. I said, water, you
Starting point is 00:20:53 can drown if you drink too much of that. It's water. I'm sorry, Jean, I don't listen to the guys. They pay me the same whether I let it's my line, my oh, yeah, you make a fortune with the podcast. Oh yeah. Bullshit, but yes, there was any money in this game. I'd be in it deep. Don't you read the papers?
Starting point is 00:21:11 There's tons of money in this. It depends. Well, yes, of course, like anything. It depends. Oh yes, if you're a rogan and you've got, yeah. Not just him, but you know, there's, no, there's, that's not why I'm doing it, but it would be erroneous to
Starting point is 00:21:26 lead people to think that there isn't huge money. Now why that is, I have no clue because if you said to me 10 years ago, hey, you know I am radio, it's going to be the hottest thing in 10 years, I'll be like, you're nuts. What could be lair than, and yet people, I remember when TV, I don't remember, but I remember reading about when TV started and they said the talk show What about a talk show and everybody was like who wouldn't just want to watch people talk? They thought it would have no appeal and it turned out just watching people talk is The biggest thing in the world. Yeah, and and it's been the cash cow of TV forever and
Starting point is 00:22:03 Podcasting is just more people like to listen to other people fucking Yammer. Depends who the people are. I know, but yes. Why they'd want to listen to any other one than this? I have no idea because this is the one to listen to because it's actually like actual people talking in a very real way. But people have listened to it for information reasons.
Starting point is 00:22:26 I do that sometimes. I listen to some people. Oh, Bill. People who need people are the luckiest people in the world. Now, I bet you you could have dated Barbestoy then, because you went out with share, right? And you went out with somebody else who was very Diner Ross. Oh... Diner Ross.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Oh, Diner Ross. Oh, wow. I managed Liza. Yeah, I know. Oh, yes, manage Liza, wow. But Diner Ross, yes. I, when I was 13, boy, I thought you'd understand. I understand.
Starting point is 00:23:00 I understand. But you, Mr. Rockstar, you get to live the fantasies that other men fantasize about, right? Isn't that the deal? Listen, bud. Now, why you sold your soul to the devil? Yes. Listen, buddy, you're a victim. Oh, poor me.
Starting point is 00:23:18 I'll sit here in the corner with my crust of bread. I've seen the chicks around you. Okay. You do just fine. Okay. Mom, okay. When we went to what we had that shindig at the key club, I don't remember what it was, whether it was we did. I had a party at the key club. Oh, I know what it was. It was my solo record. It was a party for asshole. Oh, and I think that's the name of the record. Because I've been called, I want you twice.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I've heard that before. You know, I remember you and Shannon having some rouse. I mean, well, it's amazing that you two, I mean, the bond between you two, I know it's very strong. I remember. Well, look, so it lasted through lots of, er, you, right? Come on. It was never vitriol and it was never sort of that physical stuff, but there's no question
Starting point is 00:24:13 that in the 29 years that Shannon and I were together before we got married because I was just for the record. Arrogant, self-absorbed, just an asshole who was only thinking about myself. I want, why did you do this? Because I wanted to do it. Who you asked, where are you going? Where am I going? Who wants to know?
Starting point is 00:24:35 That sort of thing. I was even arrogant enough to give Shannon a piece of paper that said, full disclosure, I never want to get married. I never want to have kids. We can live together, but I don't want to be told what to do, like, full upfront. And you know, I mean, I know, I know. No, no, no, I mean, I think that's admirable that you're honest like that. I also believe in honesty and relationships, but I also, I'm not going to pretend that
Starting point is 00:25:02 no matter what you say on the intellectual level, like put it on a piece of paper, you can read it. It's different when the shit is actually happening. I mean, Jean, you're a dog. No, you're a dog. I say that with the greatest respect. No question. I heard Shannon, like I've never just without, I can't even use the right words,
Starting point is 00:25:26 the amount of pain I caused her. And the kids too. And I remember when you were also mad at her, probably because she did something retaliatory. I remember you being mad. With what? With her, because she probably did something retaliatory. I remember things, you know.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I don't recall, and it wouldn't matter to me. Because at a certain point it was this Even as holes and arrogant ones every once in a while just sort of take a stock of their lives and understand That there is nobody like Shannon is my Jesus. She's the only wow. She's the only one who's ever Really understood me and stuck by me for 29 as whole years. Right. And never tortured me. No, you're a little like the Clintons. You know, when people said, because people just like to run their mouth and they don't know anything, and I don't know anything about what goes on inside of a relationship. But I feel like people want to always make things more exotic than they are. So with Bill and
Starting point is 00:26:30 Hillary Clinton, it was always, you know, it's an arrangement. And my view was, it's not an arrangement. He's a dog. That's it. But he really loves her, and she really loves him. That's a little more complicated, but it's the truth. I mean, she said at the time something like, I could have left him, but at the end of the day, I've never met a more interesting person and I know they ever will. That lets me off the hook too easily
Starting point is 00:26:58 and I appreciate that thing. But in hindsight, though, I thought I was taking the high road by being upfront at the very beginning of the relationship. And yet, I found myself buying a house, moving in together with Shannon, doing a will, making sure she'd be taken care of, making sure the kids like acting as if we were married, but never wanting to be married. Because the moment came when I had to understand, I was afraid of getting married because I didn't want to become my father. My father left us, see I even said us instead of me, my father left us when I was about seven years of age, us when I was about seven years of age, just like so many fathers do. You were living in Israel, Israel. And I was the only child to my mother. And my mother did everything to the day she passed
Starting point is 00:27:55 it, 94. Never stopped looking at me, calling, flying or just, you know, beyond, you know beyond the angel of all angels. And I thought, like, what's the difference between my father and myself? And I couldn't figure it out. So I wanted to make sure I would never hurt anybody else the way my father hurt my mother. I would see her in the middle of the night crying her heart out and trying to blame herself. What did I do wrong and so on.
Starting point is 00:28:26 And I heard Shannon say the same things to me when I'd break her heart over and over again. Life is just always going to include both being hurt by other people and hurting other people. I mean, it's like we're in one of those bumper car things in the amusement park and you're in a bumper car. You're gonna get bumped by other bumper cars. And sometimes you bump them and sometimes they bump you, but as long as you're going around the track. It's not the same because when... No, it's not the same, of course, it's an analogy.
Starting point is 00:28:59 No, I don't mean that. I mean, the amount of pain when your lady, when your girlfriend, your wife, and it gets hurt, it goes way deeper than it does to you. Because either we're designed or the DNA or whatever, and I've been hurt in the past, but I remember at a little when I was about 7, 7 and a half, my mother had to go work. She was working six days a week from 7 in the morning until late at night, 7, 8 o'clock. And in the middle of the night, I woke up and my mother still wasn't home. And I was scared.
Starting point is 00:29:36 There was nobody around and you hear dogs barking, scared to death, and went out on the balcony and started crying. You know, where's my mother? Where's my mother? And yeah, I've been a mama's boy all my life. And where's my mother? I remember this distinctly and finally being scared and starting to cry, you know, hysterical.
Starting point is 00:29:55 And I must have done it for at least an hour, maybe more. And then finally exhausted falling asleep. And I remember up here in my mind, the next morning I woke up, my mother was there, and it was fun. And then I didn't verbalize it to myself, but I validated the idea that emotions didn't get you anywhere, that this too will pass and don't put all your eggs in the basket of emotion So when I went to junior high school and everything my nickname was mr. Spock It's like I didn't not making this up a spot come on over here because because I thought
Starting point is 00:30:37 Nothing got me angry nothing got me it was a way to It was armor because I didn't want to get hurt anymore. The exact same thing happened with me. Really. I was dumped in high school, my first girlfriend. And it was like, to this day, the most devastating thing, because you're just so unprepared for it. And you, something clicks in you and you go, the thing I can control for happiness is me which means career the thing I can't control with happiness is love because even though it's fucking awesome
Starting point is 00:31:13 They can get hit by a bus or they can dump you or it can just grow old or you know things change it's like two dragonflies You see those dragonflies they fly in these pairs like somehow they just never Deveate from one from the other even though they're darting around people. We're not that good We're not dragonflies. I will always be Shannon's dragonfly. Wherever she goes, right? Right, but you are a dragonfly who got a lot of pussy on the side I know you wrote it. Don't You wrote a book with like 5,000 Shannon. I came clean before I married her. I said, no secrets, no nothing. I showed her all the photos and all that stuff. And we had a photo of burning ceremony together. Oh, you burned them together. What a tragedy.
Starting point is 00:32:08 together. Oh, you burned them together. What a tragedy. Jesus Christ, Gene. There were a lot of photos. I know, but why, I mean, why couldn't you have given them to like club random? I mean, to you. No, I'm saying I would have paid good money. What club? What? This is club random. Oh club random. This is. They would go well here on the walls, but okay. So, They would go well here on the walls, but okay. So, first of all, you would document every encounter because you just... Almost all of them. Right. So you're the one who kept Polaroid in business. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:38 That's a guy. That was all. You know that phrase and all they meant, nothing to me. They didn't. They meant... Well, that's not very nice to them. I mean this But it was up front you don't you wake up with somebody whose name you never bother to learn even if they don't stay the night Right, well, no most people don't have that experience because again rock star is a different category Yeah, I understand it just is a whole different thing There was something about music goes right to the pussy.
Starting point is 00:33:07 Culturally, if I was a plumber or a dentist, it wouldn't be the same thing. I get it. Well, you don't have to be a... You're a dentist, you'd be a lot of drilling. You're a good nut. You don't have to be the best looking guy, whatever. If you've got a guitar around you, neck,
Starting point is 00:33:24 you're not going to be the best. Well, especially if you're massively popular in play stadium. Yes, like like kiss, you know I mean that that kind of has a little something to do it. And there's something To be said about studying What it is about that and power is the ultimate after D. Shack Yeah, I've daryl Hall was here about two weeks ago, and man, he correct me up, I said, you know, rockstar, how hard is it to, like, I guess we're talking about the wife or divorce or something, and how hard is it to, you know, not to be faithful and he just said impossible? to be faith on each other said impossible. I understand what he's saying, but I got married at 62,
Starting point is 00:34:08 10 years ago, and I will tell you it's possible if you have that and men are dogs, if you have that moment with yourself where you're going to basically admit to yourself I don't wanna die alone. I wanna die. Right, but it's also because it happened in 62. It's true. And not 32 because you what happened is that your horniness
Starting point is 00:34:35 waned and that's like a blessing. It's almost, I think it's the male equivalent of men at plus or something. It's like when you're like, I feel like I'm in the exact right amount of horn you write. Look, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I and scientists tell us we think about sex every eight seconds. And it goes all the way back to when we were 12 years old and the bell would go off to the next class and Johnny's not standing up
Starting point is 00:35:13 because he's got full erection and Johnny can't you stand up? What's the can't you control yourself? No, I can't, you have no control over that. We can't fake liking that. So yeah, so men men are flawed. We are the fact that women straight relationships every give us the time of day. They know they know deep down inside and they should keep us on a short leash because the tendency of men. No, but seeing being on any kind of leash already you just lost me and no relationship I think
Starting point is 00:35:54 is going to succeed if anybody's on a leash except for the ones who are, you know, perfect who like that's their kink is people I'm that literally on a leash but I mean metaphorically on a leash no I will say that I mean that's bright there are bright men in the world and as bright as I think I am or don't think I am there's no question that the word wisdom doesn't apply to me shannon is far wiser than I will ever be there are things you can learn, quantum physics and strength theory and all that. If you really study hard and understand the concept, you can't learn wisdom. And that comes with being able to give life. And only women can do that.
Starting point is 00:36:38 It's my mother and Shannon. And I don't cry when I think about you or any other man. Well, what would you cry when you thought about me? Well, or anybody else, you know, a friend or a... you don't... it doesn't get to you deep, but if I think of Shannon or my mother, it's deep and I, and my knees buckle. Well. Because I know that above and beyond all the words and all the simple stuff I've done, there's a kind of love that exists there that exists. Okay. Nowhere. You gotta let this guilt go, bro. I'm telling you.
Starting point is 00:37:13 Oh, I don't feel good. You were the... Then they're done that. You were the lead singer in Kiss. Okay. Yeah, that's right. I like Paul. I know.
Starting point is 00:37:23 But I'm just saying this has gone on for like 50 years. Yeah, you's right. I know. But I'm just saying, this has gone on for like 50 years. Yeah. You can't compare that position, you know, on the horny level and, you know, I think you're all myself. I'm not qualified to make a statement about any other man. But the adage, a man is only as loyal as his options, is relevant to... Generally, depending on how old you are, yes. Generally, in the earlier years, it's about the options and how selfish you are.
Starting point is 00:37:59 And whether or not you care enough about anybody else other than your own things. And the younger you are, the stupider and more arrogant you are. And maybe this is cynical, but the hard truth of that is, you were able to do that because of what happened physiologically, because you just don't have as much horningous cursing through your body, making you go in this other direction. That leveled down and that allowed your brain to sort of... Okay, you know, the story you told us about Larry Flynn. Yes. It was later on in life, where nine girls and anything. So whether he was physically able to perform or not, the opportunity of their build. His tongue still worked.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Okay. So there's always opportunity, but I have no desire whatsoever on any level. And by the way, I don't give a fuck what anybody else may think that Shannon and the kids know the truth. They've gone through all the heavy scenes. You know, I'm pretty good friends with Nick.
Starting point is 00:39:06 That's good. Can I tell you something honestly? Of course. I like him a lot better than you. You know what? And I love you. I know what? I do too.
Starting point is 00:39:14 I really do. You, your kid is so great to hang out with. He's so, he's. You should meet Sophie who's getting married in February. Oh, right. I think when I did that reality show with you that we had that lunch, I think what we were talking about, what the, you know, spontaneous conversation was about, was Sophie was had a boyfriend or something and of course you called me for advice.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Don't yell up. Show business, Jean. And so she's gotten, so she's, oh, that's nice. So he's a Mormon. No. He's from the Mormon family. Come on. No, wait a minute. Don't just label, just label his family are strict Mormons. He is not. He grew up in the family. They've been living together eight years. No drugs. No no more. Of course, no more works hard. Sweetheart, whatever blows your tabernacle. I'm fine with. I'm like you, live and let live.
Starting point is 00:40:13 I, especially with the conservatives, you know? I refuse to join this ugly liberal pack of people who are like, I wouldn't breathe the same air as someone who voted for Trump. A fuck off. I wouldn't vote for Trump either, but you're just an asshole. I agree.
Starting point is 00:40:32 There are some very, and I'm friends with them in our own traveling small city of 60 people, some are avowed Trump fans, and they're good family people. They don't necessarily believe in Oathkeepers or any of that stuff. It's complicated.
Starting point is 00:40:49 It's complicated. And they have a right to live in a country just like you do and their Americans do. So this whole, we better figure this out pretty quickly. That's true. My recommendation to everybody else is get rid of all the titles, My recommendation to everybody else is get rid of all the titles. The pluralism and feminism and all this kind of stuff, just stand up for yourself and we're lucky as hell to be living in America.
Starting point is 00:41:15 I'll tell you that. There was an interviewer happen to be a conservator on a college campus and it was an interview, it doesn't matter what his name is. The college kid who of course has all the resume and experience that life can give them having just entered college. Fucking moron. Walks up to this conservative guy who's got a microphone.
Starting point is 00:41:35 What do you think about this guy? You're an evil son of a... You shouldn't be, you know, riling up. I'm going to call the cops because please do. I'm on public property. I just want to hear what you have to say. And the college kid was saying, I'm a to call the cops, because please do. I'm on public property. I just want to hear what you have to say. And the college kid was saying, I'm a thisism, and I'm a thatism, and you're not.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Because it's soap. And he's going, I just want to find out what you're thinking. And the big problem, it seems to me, is that everybody is so ingrained. There was a nut on bullshit, the show of the fan teller doing. They actually sent people out. There was a green piece demonstration and people were going up to the people marching and you know the green piece. What are you marching for? Don't kill the whales and what's what is the march all about? There's too much rain, you know, they just they didn't know that no idea. It's this kind of lemmings, lemmings marching together without understanding
Starting point is 00:42:27 what it's all about. In fact, point of order, the person who originally started Greenpeace quit because it became, it started off as a, let's make the planet better, don't kill all the whales, et cetera, et cetera. It became a political party. You couldn't be on the right
Starting point is 00:42:44 and become a Greenpeace, so he quit. I got a throw party. You couldn't be on the right and be on a green piece. So he quit. I got to throw a little flag on this plate just because I hear this all the time. Whenever people want to sort of put forth this idea of some airy, fairy too far left, crazy cause, they always go right to save the whales. And I just got to stick up to the whales and say, I really think that's a real thing. I really, of course.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Oh, what is it, of course? Okay, I mean, there is a lot of silly stuff, but whales, we shouldn't, I mean, we're killing the oceans. Well, that's not. That's where it's a party. Let's not bring everybody down. I do know some very important people who are putting skin in the game
Starting point is 00:43:24 and are making some big changes. Really? There's a guy who I've become pals with who happens to be the biggest guy in Australia. And I don't know if I should make it. Why not? He's public anyway. Andrew Farrest.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And he has taken me around and we started talking about, he's got a huge company that's worth billions and billions of dollars in mining, in materials and shipping and all this stuff. And he's switching over. He promised us to go carbon free and I'm going to look up just a quick thing, just to make sure I don't misstate it. Well, you know, Gene, usually we don't allow phones here at what? Well, it's not a phone. That's a cell phone.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Invented, by the way, in the Chyfe Israel, the technology. Oh, Israel's killing it with the technology. With technology and stuff. I have Netanyahu is coming on real time at the end of this I'm a big fan and it was all political and whether his wife ordered $14,000 for drapes and all that it's all bullshit. And what about modest Yahoo? You remember that modest mouse. No, he was like an Israeli rapper.
Starting point is 00:44:45 I remember, you remember that guy? I've heard of it. Yeah. I remember I was at, I think it was the Sundance film festival and he was there. He was there, I think. Maybe buddy. Yes. Because he like, there was a little bit of controversy.
Starting point is 00:45:00 He wouldn't get on stage like with a woman. I mean, like, he used to be a gaseed at you. I used to have gaseed him, but I don't believe it. Oh, yeah. Wow. Yeah, I started to be a rabbi the whole thing. That could have been the kiss. Look. Well, my, you went with the other one though. I was born Chaiim, but I can't be in a state him going, Chaiim, Chaiim.ress, British. Oh, think you're this. By the way, can I take this opportunity since I know you're a busy guy
Starting point is 00:45:30 and a sexy and powerful man or a powerful attractive? A powerful, a trucker man. So I don't know when I'm gonna see you again. But would you pass an apology for me along to Paul Stanley? And I'm not an apology person, but I remember he was on politically incorrect. I think the first year, maybe the second.
Starting point is 00:45:51 And I feel like there was a moment when I used him like as a prize, I wasn't nasty, but like, I said something about a star over your eye, because you know, but he was not in makeup. And I think I, you know, I was young. It's kind of stupid thing you do when you're young. And I always felt bad about it.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Because he's a smart guy. He's your partner. Very. He's the smartest. Yeah. Best partner you could ever have. The brother I never had, you know, for my mother. Really? You just said you'd have friends.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Now listen how you talk about it. It's different. You know, we live a mile or two from each other, but we don't go and grab coffee and talk about it. Because you're on the road together a lot. Yeah, that's right. That's what, of course. Well, but you've got more than just, hey, how about those meds? Right. It's not enough.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Right. Got to be more. I was on your show when Wuppie was on and Wuppie was very bright, you know, in her own way. We were talking about Vietnam and I went on record and actually you cited with me back then. You have changed Bill Mar. Really on what? Yes, you have. I said, this is a little simplistic because the body politic worldwide is much more complex. We promised Ho Chi Minh that Vietnam would be independent, and then we went back on it because the French were torturing them since 1954. Yes, I used to teach sixth grade, and then he went to Yale, met with politicians, and then we reneged because we found oil there. Surprise, we reneged about them going, and of course that's when he went to the north
Starting point is 00:47:29 and said, we're not going to allow the Europeans to take over. And then Vietnam started, and he sided with the communists. He wasn't a communist. He just wanted to be independent. And if you take a look at Vietnam historically, they were never gonna join China or Russia. They just wanted to be a free country. The Vietnam for the war with China four years after we left.
Starting point is 00:47:51 It's exactly correct and people aren't aware of that. And now if you're going to North Vietnam, we have four seasons hotels and everything. They just wanna be left alone, like lots of people. Just kiss, play, crane. Like places like that, be it known. Punton. play crane. Places like that, be it known. Puntin.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Just kiss play places like that, be it known. Not yet. China. Not yet. But you would, of course, why not? Then why don't you? You played Japan. Well, it's just show you the money. What it costs your end to or no?
Starting point is 00:48:21 And you know, but it's not the same bill. The proxies so far away and you've got to fly a it's not the same bill. The prop... Because it's so far away. And you've got to fly, ship. Right. Yeah, you need some million bucks just to get started. Right. Because all you're equipped with... And once the...
Starting point is 00:48:32 The makeup alone must be one place. A lot. I weigh more makeup and higher heels and all your girlfriends combine. So once you put the trucks on the road, then it's... You know, then you can make it work. But I was going to make a point about Vietnam, and you killed it because you went to the show. Well, I forgive you.
Starting point is 00:48:52 No. Oh, so I did your show politically correct, and what people said? Incorrect, the side right there. And Vietnam came up, and I said, this is not a popular United, but I fully support the troops going in there and trying to prevent
Starting point is 00:49:06 the sort of the manifest destiny of communism because Europeans did that in America. Let's spread it and take over the countries, fully support it, breaks my heart that Americans were dying there. So it's too complex, too easy to say, I support it, now go fight the way. I understand that. But historically, we did the right thing. And historically, we did the right thing by stopping the North Koreans from spreading. Otherwise, they wouldn't be a South Korea.
Starting point is 00:49:35 And communism would eventually... Eventually, you accused me of changing, but... You were on my side. I agree, and I still am. And I've never said anything other. So for the record? For the record, yes. We communism, I've said it many times,
Starting point is 00:49:51 I was never a Reagan fan, but when he said it was an evil empire, completely true. Of course it is. Okay. Now, this thing about him ending the Cold War, he played his part on the stage. He, and I give him credit for that.
Starting point is 00:50:07 He had the coup de gras, he had the, but it was a bipartisan effort over many decades to defeat communism. But I also, like, I don't usually get that patriotic tingle in my balls for that Republican bullshit. But when Reagan said, when they asked him what his strategy in the Cold War, he said, we win, they lose. No, I don't know. That doesn't mean you have to throw out the baby
Starting point is 00:50:31 with the bathwater on that area. You disagree with it. It doesn't make him a complete asshole. No, I'm not saying I like that. We win, you lose. I don't agree with that. No, I'm not. Zig Zigler, who came up with the...
Starting point is 00:50:44 Zig Zigler. Yeah, he wrote the, oh, you don't know with that. No, because Zigg Ziggler, who came up with the... Zigg Ziggler. Yeah, he wrote the, oh, you don't know what that is. The philosophy in negotiating, the win-win. Zigg heard of win-win. Yes. Negotiate. Well, the truth is, somebody wins a little more. That's how, that's how we both win. Truthfully, somebody wins a little bit more.
Starting point is 00:51:01 Zigg Ziggler wrote the idea. It's a negotiation. Right, I see. So No, they don't have to lose you can't you can't push it in their face because living well is the best kind of revenge So the gloss-nosed actually means let's denuclearize you can do whatever you want We'll do whatever we want it truthfully we win because capitalism is a better system We want truthfully, we win because capitalism is a better system. Let them be communist, don't bother anybody else, stay within your borders, and we'll stay within our borders.
Starting point is 00:51:30 We're not going to, because we don't do that kind of stuff. And PS, we win. The dollar is still going to be king and your ruble not so much. So I'm curious now that you're, I mean, it's hard to have you here and not want to talk politics, because I want, I know really, here and not want to talk politics because I want I know really because I do want to know what you think about this because again I don't know if I can see you again so where are you like I mean I don't assume anything about anybody let me just hope police say you you do think Trump lost the election right right? Of course it is. Okay, great. I just have to ask everybody.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Now, let me respond for the record. When he first ran in 216, when he first got elected, I was happy. Happy, right? I knew the guy from before then. Right, you were on the apprentice. Yeah, a little, you know, seeming clubs and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:52:22 And for the record, he had Bill and Hillary at his wedding and Howard Stern went to his wedding. He's not a politician. But my point, I want to say for the record and people will tell you who know me, oh yeah, Jean was happy that Trump won. I was. I didn't want Hillary to be happy.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I thought, oh, business man is coming in. He understands how to run things. Oh, for fuck's sake. Yes, I want. That's the stupidest I am. I am sometimes stupid. No, I'm just saying, running a business is so different than running a government that the idea that somebody would be good at running government because it works precisely the
Starting point is 00:53:00 opposite way. Tell me why. Because you can't just fire the board. It's a Congress. You have to work together. This is what the main thing, and not the main, but one of a thousand horrible things in that morons head, is that you can just act like a king.
Starting point is 00:53:15 He doesn't even understand. He became, he became. He doesn't understand how government works and doesn't care to learn. I agree. The person that I saw first coming into power is not the person I saw within a year or two of that. And so ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:53:30 He's been the same douchebag for 50 years. What do you talk to him? Not sure. I know what you mean by that. It's a little vague. But I changed the way lots of people changed. Look, I thought Biden was going to come in and be a major force. You know, I've got some big reservations about the man, not about his ethics and morality,
Starting point is 00:53:50 but just about his physical ability to do all that. I would think you of all people being 73 wouldn't want to be an agent like that. You know, this is a funny. I am an agent. I am an agist. I am an agist, depending on the vibrancy and the mental alertness of what you've got. There's a certain age you can't look at a person and not say, okay, your ex number of years old, now how sharp are you? You're talking about the most powerful person on the planet. Right. Who's had, I, a pretty amazing last six months. So the communication skills, I'm not talking about policy, communication skills,
Starting point is 00:54:30 policy flat. There's, there is such a thing as the cult of personality. Okay, but, and I like the man, but the ability to communicate a message is nil. Okay, but you gotta ask backwards. Policy is the dog. No, no. And. Policy is the dog. No, no. And Communications skills is the tale on the important thing is policy. Yes, it's a one I don't agree with
Starting point is 00:54:52 Because as a guy, you're saying that the words are more important than the deeds initially Yes, because the first impression you have of a female walking up to you before you talk with her is the impression And then you find out where and who and what you'd want. As a male, you understand that. And the first impression I have of somebody coming on screen, it's the Nixon Kennedy debate. They weren't listening to what the debate was all about. Nobody understands political platforms. All they saw was the five o'clock shadow of Nixon and the little beads of sweat.
Starting point is 00:55:25 That's all they remember. And Kennedy was a good-looking guy, was able to put a sentence together. Do people remember what the political differences were? Not at all. They were released. And it's so interesting you bring that up because in 1960, the political differences between the two parties were fairly minimal. Totally agree.
Starting point is 00:55:45 Because Tip O'Neill was a great politician, both sides of the aisle, works together, and then something happens. It is scary the way this country, moving out of World War II into the 60s, you would say, like we're both whispers and all the two. Like we were very, I mean, what the differences on stuff was, was workable.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And that's why they did make deals. And then we just moved so far. Generally speaking, I'm a centrist. I don't like AOC and I'm not a fan of Bernie, but I think they're both fine people. I do like Mitt Romney and Miss Cheney. I do like that. And both sides hate you for saying those things because they both want you to align yourself
Starting point is 00:56:30 with what the marching orders are. If you're a Democrat, it means this. You're a progressive. I'm not a progressive. I know that business has to involve people who don't agree with you. You're about to say. You're saying Simmons of KISS.
Starting point is 00:56:43 They could kiss your ass. What the fuck? So I do. What? Really? I mean, the haters are gonna hate. You know, yes, you're right. But there's so many people in this country who I just think they're just so pissed off
Starting point is 00:56:58 and I can't blame them. There's many reasons. Both sides. Yes. They're just pissed off and they want to break shit like the capital thing. They just want to break shit. And you kind of can't blame them because they are getting squeezed. Well, you can blame them because the people who don't agree with them will use that as a tool and say, see they're burning our cities. Whatever it is, progressives or ethnic or religious groups.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Look at that. They're burning our cities. That's evil. Right. No, you can complain about that because images are the most important thing initially. I am reminded and I'm doing some business in China. I'm reminded of that one brave Chinaman. A Chinaman. No, not a Chinaman. A male. A male who's Chinese, a China man. We don't say that anymore. I tell him to see. I'm through with you. I could really look. He is a male Chinese person. Tell me how to say that. So a Chinese man is standing in front of a tank. There you go. Oh, I'm using the right words now.
Starting point is 00:58:09 So a tank is about to run him over. Okay. And Tiananmen Square. This is June of 18. You never forget that image. 89. What worth, that's right. And what were the differences of the political structure?
Starting point is 00:58:21 What are the guys in the tank field? You don't care because that image becomes iconic and supersedes and nullifies all the other. And so I'm saying that when the good intention people come into cities and break things and burn things, you understand where the anger comes from, but the effect visually is the most negative thing you can have. Okay, I would say this to that. comes from, but the effect visually is the most negative thing you can have.
Starting point is 00:58:45 Okay, I would say this to that. You've picked a strange example to illustrate your theory that optics are more important because yes, but yeah, because yes, the Tiananmen Square guy standing in front of the tank is iconic and everybody saw it. And China, all these years later, is more authoritarian than ever. So it didn't fucking work. No, that's not my point. Push back.
Starting point is 00:59:14 This happened this week in Hong Kong. There was a football match and they played the Chinese national anthem. And in Hong Kong, the entire audience booed and made a lot of noise. No, no, no. Sometimes when you plan to seed, it takes a while. In an authoritarian, authoritarian regime, it takes longer. You don't have the freedom. Just like in Russia, somebody has an opinion, you get whisked off to jail, they don't see you for 10 years and that's what's happening on on the streets. No, it's not the same. That image will never go away. And those ladies in Iran and the Persians are great people. This is a fire. This is a little spark that's been lit. And
Starting point is 00:59:57 that you will never stamp that out. Well, it may not happen right away. Again, Jean, odd choice because there was something called the Arab Spring in 2011, and it did precisely get stamped out. It's just the beginning. Democracy is not easy. Yeah, no. And there's stops and starts to everything in life. So once women, publicly, in an authoritarian theocracy, dare risk their lives to make a statement
Starting point is 01:00:29 about their freedoms game over. May not happen right away, but you've got something to point to. Because if it's never happened before, I mean Russia was never a democracy ever in its entire history of existence. And you're talking about Iran too. I mean, I know they vote in a theocracy, but it's not real. Just like Russia in the Ukrainian lands. No, your point about America is not wrong.
Starting point is 01:00:57 It's so messy, but it's the best thing you've ever created. I know you don't follow me on television, jeans or anything. How about you all the time? Really? Sure. Tell me more. Ha ha ha. I want you all the time.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Thank you. Oh, good. Then you know, I am always making this statement about, I think, the last week, about immigrants, the only people who seem to really love it. I am one. I know. But they're the only people who seem to love this country. Everybody else, I was saying, I don't know why you're all fighting for it so much.
Starting point is 01:01:29 You don't seem to like it. But immigrants, because they came from a place that was worse, have so much perspective. Or have. Or have the opportunities here that would never end opportunities. And opportunities. That's all you need. But I would like to, there's a better bill mar than I see on your show. A better one.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Yes, there's a better one. A more effective bill mar. And I'll tell you what it is. It's the one right here. The one sitting right here. I know there is. And I know that you speak from a point of view of your own truth. And sometimes it doesn't make the most sense
Starting point is 01:02:07 for somebody to stand in front of you and say, that's a fucking ugly dress you're wearing, even though that's the truth, because it has a negative effect or hurts the people or they turn against you. So when you go into the vitriol against Trump, you're talking about an entire culture of people, 70 million plus people who voted for the man,
Starting point is 01:02:30 because by the way, they believed in it. Now hold on, I think there's a middle point of how to refer to these people. I stick up for these people all the time in the sense that I former president of the United States, I understand, I know exactly who he is, a total president of the United States. I understand. Not a moral. Not a moral. Exactly who he is, a total moron, not just a moron.
Starting point is 01:02:48 The thing that's so dangerous about him is that he's stupid and he's crazy. I swear to God, he's stupid and crazy. He doesn't know anything. He doesn't care about knowing it. You're making lots of enemies. And he's an absolute narcissist. He is a good person. But you can say that you disagree.
Starting point is 01:03:04 But what I always have said, Gene, is you can hate Trump. You can't hate the people who vote for him. They like me now. Even when they don't agree with a lot of my policy stuff. That's an important thing. Because I do stand up for this idea. I agree with you.
Starting point is 01:03:20 We have to walk it back from where we are of just hating each other and despising each other and I don't want to breathe your air, fuck your air. It's not yours. It's not yours, right? It's a big country with lots of people that don't think like you, act like you, and you have to learn to share. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:40 So, all right, I got to go. By the way, he's very bright. He knows exactly what he's doing. And you can say, I really, yes. I don't, I don't like what he's doing. I don't agree with what he's doing, but when you hit the ground and go more on idiot and stuff, you're opening the door for somebody else to show.
Starting point is 01:04:03 Well, Gene, I have to, the show is called real time. With the June 7th. My other show is called politically incorrect. I, my brand is, I'm just going to tell you the truth. Yes, it may hurt your truth. I'm so sorry that the people who go to the Trump rally are wounded because I called their cult leader a moron. But you respect the people, you may not respect who they're going to see. Okay, that's right. That's the important thing that makes intelligent people like I hope that we think I am,
Starting point is 01:04:37 even if we disagree, is that you can keep two disparate thoughts in your mind at the same time. Before life is like that. Before I came on your show, Shannon, who's always there to provide me with wisdom, she said, Gene, you're about to go on politically incorrect. Remember, your fans run the spectrum of beliefs and tastes. And she's right. Instead of... Right. Gene Simmons, just opening up and this is truth, this is my truth, this is what it is.
Starting point is 01:05:06 I've also got to think about people's feelings because the people who disagree with, let's say, me instead of you, who disagree with my point of view, passionately believe in theirs. They as much passionately believe in theirs as I do in mine. So we can find common ground by saying, God bless America, really, because it allows both, or all the different variations to coexist without resorting to arms. Yes, but the most, I think you're missing the bigger point,
Starting point is 01:05:37 which is, yes, here's what, because you have this special place in this equation you're describing, which is this. We are at each other's throats. We need things that we agree on in common. People can go to a Kiff's concert of all political. Well, and also you can be standing next to a guy who, if it wasn't, you both loved Kiff.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Right. You would hate him if it was a political discussion. You don't have to hate him. You can disagree with it. No, but you would. But here's something that we, oh my gosh, we both love this and it transcends it all. So you are on a mission and I, and we need more music festivals that invite everybody
Starting point is 01:06:19 where you don't talk about part. By the way, the reason they have curtains in voting booths because it's nobody's fucking business who you're going to vote for, left or right. And I think that's a good piece of advice for all of us. Keep your opinions to yourself and vote at the booth. You have proof. I touched me. I loved it throughout this entire amazing hour we had together. You basically Amazing hour we had together You basically That's the camera and I was really only like a secondary character in the room. I love that so
Starting point is 01:06:59 All right, I have to go back to my other job. Oh, no, you should be sitting a man your age should be sitting more at the time Club Render. Come here. You want me to stand? Okay. You don't want that. And you know how tall my son is. Yes. Oh. He is so cool.
Starting point is 01:07:18 you

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