Club Random with Bill Maher - Olivia Culpo | Club Random with Bill Maher

Episode Date: February 6, 2023

Bill Maher and Olivia Culpo randomly riff on how entertainers are sensitive to mean Internet comments, Olivia starring in a superhero movie, the downside of plastic surgery, Bill’s pitch for a revol...utionary anti-aging product, Chat GPT writing a scene in Succession, the two must-see football movies, and couples’ rules for talking while watching a movie.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You look great to know and surprise. I hope it wasn't a long trek to get here. I don't know where you live. No, it wasn't. I live in Encino, so it was just right over the hill. Are you sure you want to reveal that? Well, I just did, so. No.
Starting point is 00:00:19 No, people know where everybody lives. Of course they do. People know where you live, I'm sure. Well, let's not advertise it. There's no make-n-s-trace. I don't wear lip. I don't know where everybody lives. Of course they do. People know where you live, I'm sure. Well, let's not advertise it. It's not make this a trade to others. I don't really live. Yeah, now you do. Am I the first person on the show to request champagne?
Starting point is 00:00:35 Yes. I thought so. I was like, should I really do this? No. Then I just don't know where. It's actually what you drink. I'm all for everybody doing what they want to do. Well, as either of this or Dirty Martini, and that was just too intense for podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I haven't done enough of these to be, you know, I don't want to let my arm relax. There's no other ones like this. So you're not going to do other ones like this, because we set it up purposely to get you wasted. No. I think that's a good idea, honestly. Do you want, you know, it's pork pot.
Starting point is 00:01:05 I do. I'm not an athlete actually. Athletes pork pot. They do. Especially football players. Oh yeah, yeah. Because it helps with the pain. It helps a lot with the pain.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Everybody has their own. Of losing. Yeah, exactly. Forget the knees. Yeah, no, I know. I get it though. They get, they say it's like every week it's like getting hit by a car.
Starting point is 00:01:24 But my boyfriend actually doesn't smoke weed. So I don't know, we both don't really, but. Right, your boyfriend is... Christian McCaffrey. Oh, yeah. Wow. He's a good one, at least you got. I mean, you're a true influencer who's...
Starting point is 00:01:38 Among the most influential influencers are influencing this country. And I'm... Thank you., I want you to influence me. And I need, I need influencing. I'm a person, but please, I can't have thoughts of my own, I need influencing. Can you, can you, can you, help with beauty, makeup, just influence me,
Starting point is 00:02:00 gift that Amazon purchase. Just influence me. It's, it's like a say-ons with me. Just like, no. It's all on the energy behind like TikTok or influencers or whatever. But I will say, I think I could, I think I have a good sales person.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Maybe that leads into it. But I agree you do have to have like, you do have to have thick skin, but you would have to have thick skin too, but you literally just don't read anything. I do not get, no. Oh right, well, obviously there are sometimes, of type thick skin, but you would have to have thick skin too, but you literally just don't read anything. I do not get it. No, right. Well, obviously, there are sometimes I can't help it if it's like a story in the New York
Starting point is 00:02:30 Times. It's about me, usually negative. Then, you know, I have to see what's going on, but like, do I week for week to week? No. What about you today? Of course not. No, I mean, look, there's like people who write negative, it's one place, can't,
Starting point is 00:02:51 I never remember this guy's name, which is probably why he hates me, but like he writes, I think it's the Daily Beast, it's one of those, maybe it's, what's the other one? That's like the Daily Beast. Daily mail? No, no, that's in his book. That's a that's like the Daily Beast in the... Daily Mail? No, that's in her spare. No, the Daily Beast and not Slate, but no a website like Buzzfeed.
Starting point is 00:03:13 One of those. One of those, yeah. It's on someplace. Okay, so, and they write a shit review. Sometimes before the show has even ended. Now, for years, we were on live. It's only since the pandemic that we went to pre-tap, like most other shows do in the afternoon.
Starting point is 00:03:31 And so on Friday night, when the show aired, it was live live. So you could tell if he's putting out an article before the show was ended, like talking about something that hasn't happened yet, that's some real hate. That is. But why would I give a shit about some guy living in his mother's basement,
Starting point is 00:03:48 like typing about me? That's true. It's like you're typing about me. I'm not even knowing about you. And so, but yes, I don't have a thick skin actually, if I hear it, we're all human. Like if somebody just says, you know, I watched this fat, well I remember really,
Starting point is 00:04:04 I'm really wondering, it remember really, I was like, I couldn't really pay attention to the jokes because his head is so big. He meant like literally, you know, like. You're like, I can't, this is rude. Who wants to, but wait. Who would say that? But imagine, like,
Starting point is 00:04:20 think about it, I remembered it all those years. Yeah. We're all sensitive, super sensitive. I do. And the biggest sensitive people are the ones who pretend, you know, the classic big strong man who like, they'll say the least little thing and he becomes a fucking little pussy.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah, we're right. Yeah, it's so true. Oh my God. Well, I watch a lot of Dateline. I'm not proud of that by the way, but. Why Dateline sent the worst? Well, it's not the worst, but it's so true. Oh my god. Well, I watch a lot of Dateline. I'm not proud of that, by the way, but. Why Dateline sent the worst? Well, it's not the worst, but it's like, all right. Like, you know, I could, I could be watching other things.
Starting point is 00:04:52 But anyway, sometimes I want to be like- Better than Milf Manor. That's true. That did cross my desk, and I didn't watch it. But with Dateline, a lot of the people who end up being these murderers, they grew up being bullied. So it's like, or they were bullied and then they ended up being the bully in a larger sense.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Interesting, right? Yeah, it is interesting. So maybe those people there and their mother's basin are the people that were bullied or the other way around. Yeah. It's a weird cycle. They needed to be influenced. They needed to be influenced. They needed to be influenced. They needed to be influenced. So, should I have had more influence on this shirt?
Starting point is 00:05:29 Was this shirt should have been... It looks like a cashmere blend. I approve. It really does look like a nice, maybe wool cashmere blend. Oh, that looks like Brad Pitt's line. Is that his line? Brad Pitt has a line of shirts. He has like some like cash in your shirt. Sure, it's great.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Yeah, I don't know what it's called, but. Brad Pitt makes shirts? Yeah, I think so. Yeah, I think he does. I didn't know that. I know he was an, you know, a sculptor, he has exhibitions and stuff. Emma, wine, I guess.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I don't know. See, he's an influencer. He is an influencer. He's pushing, oh, for sure. He is an influencer. He's pushing. Oh, for sure. He's an influencer, people. I mean, movie stars like that, especially ones like him who become iconic, especially ones who kind of deserve it like him, they were always influences.
Starting point is 00:06:18 I mean, before we had the word. I agree. Now it's just, you know, more like, you know, I think younger people, they don't know movie stories because there aren't a lot of stars, it's more the movie is the star, it's Spider-Man. You can have 10 different Spider-Man's. It's not the star, it's the concept. It's the cartoon, whenever they're not cartoons, but you know, comic book, to make cartoons and comic books the same thing.
Starting point is 00:06:51 But it's like that's what all the big movies are. Yeah. You know, you should be in one of those movies. Maybe you can make a phone call for me. I bet you know somebody. I can't. No. I'm not in the...
Starting point is 00:07:03 No, I can't. Somebody's sitting here in Club Random. I mean, in the... No, I can't. Somebody sitting here in club random. I mean, I know the people who run those things, but they would not take it. There would be no reason to meet it. Maybe one day I might need a phone. But I don't know why they haven't thought of it, because you're an actress. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And like, that's not... I mean, maybe you haven't done a long days journey in tonight, but you know, these are fucking comic book movies. You're perfect for it. Thank you. Well, you certainly can act well enough to be in that fucking movie. And you look like you'd be a great, you know, either hero. When I'm out there on the stage, I will all thank you in my acceptance speech when I when I finally made it you will not get an award for being one of those movies you never know those movies that's a good point which is exactly why I should be a shoe in but it hasn't happened yet for me. Yeah, that's interesting. That is interesting. You know the other thing about influencer though this day and age is the guy in his mother's basement can be an influencer.
Starting point is 00:08:05 You can be somebody, you can be an 18 year old, you can be a 15 year old on TikTok with four million followers with huge influence. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So that's the thing. So that's the thing. I mean, what are you 30? Oh, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Okay. There's people even you don't really know their world because. Oh, I don't. At all. Right. Because they're literally 12 to 14. I know. don't really know their world because... Oh, I don't. At all. Right, because they're literally 12 to 14. I know. So, I mean, what is happening, come with you, let alone me.
Starting point is 00:08:32 I know. 67. I mean, it's like, it's crazy how, like, you know, not united this country is, as far as having any common thing that we're experiencing. I know. Which is not good. That can be isolating when you think, when you put it that way. I mean, it does kind of feel, yeah,
Starting point is 00:08:52 there's not a lot of, it's not very open, but what do you expect a 12-year-old to have in common with anybody other than their peers and sixth grade? That's a good point. But, I mean, whatever you're doing at 30, I mean, you could not be more pristine looking. Oh, thank you. So like, I know 30 isn't age that sometimes women go nutty about.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Yeah, I can see why. It's something about like, man, I think it's 40. I totally agree with you because men are more like, you know, I've got a climb on Chauvapin and like become the, I still had it. And then they walk around at 40 and it's like, oh, I'm just still here in middle management or whatever. And I'm at the end of the bar and I'm divorced. And it's like they have the mid-life crisis. But women, I think it's more 30 because it's like,
Starting point is 00:09:39 oh my God, I'm not like the youngest thing. Right. And I always want to say to them, point, moves to LA because this is like, milk central, like guys, if they like- I honestly agree. 30 is you're just getting started. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I agree. I think also times are changing because there is a lot of really interest. I mean, you know, women have filler Botox XYZ, like men don't necessarily keep up with. No, and I won't, but you know what I mean. Ever. Ever. Oh, you see, but yeah, I get it. But, you know, no, I agree. You have to, it has to be natural, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:10:11 But women in LA, you do also have to understand that there's a lot of that. There are, of course I do, but it's not. Don't look good, sometimes. It's not good. Yeah, some look at some dough. I agree. Yeah, you've gotta, you've gotta be careful about it. But I think it's funny when. It's not good. Yeah, some look at some dough. I agree. Yeah, you've got to be careful about it.
Starting point is 00:10:26 But I think it's funny when people try to act like they haven't done anything. You know, you should open it. Look at how the European actresses who were the hotties, I mean, Catherine de Neuf. De Neuf. You know who that is? It's not familiar.
Starting point is 00:10:44 Yeah, I mean, you were, I don't know. I mean, I was a kid when she was, she was this hot French actress who like, she ain't supposed to, you're at the movie, maybe not. I'm just trying to imagine a French woman. Oh, Catherine de Neuve, she must have done movies here in America because she was very famous. And in just a smoke show,
Starting point is 00:11:05 Gina Lola Briggita just died. She was, that was one of the first, ladies of the screen when I was like 12 that I found to be a masturbation material for sure. Gina Lola Bridgita was very hot. She was Italian, you know, Sophia Loren, of course. Yeah, of course. These, they all, they didn't do the, rather than do the, I know, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:33 And they look fine. They look like as good as you can. No one, as I think Fran Lee would put the one who said it, like no one looks at someone who's had a plastic surgery and is 70 and goes, who's that 35-year-old person? That is so true. That is true, but you can't say like, wow, they look really good for 70 or, you know. That's, look, that is as good as you can ever do.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Good for your age. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think it's all good. I think it's all good. I was like, yes, but the chiron is for your age. And that's as good as you can do. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think you thought I was like yes, but the chiron is for your age and that's as good as you can do Yeah, yeah, that's true and so and you know And also I always think women should hear this like Think about why you would be doing it. Don't just do it go Are you doing it because you're like okay? I'm getting older and I want to be able to
Starting point is 00:12:24 Keep the pool of men who are interested in me as wide as possible and as big as it ever was. So I will, and it's like, that's not gonna do it. No, I actually, but other qualities that come with getting older, maybe you're gonna do it even more. I feel like I could be wrong on this,
Starting point is 00:12:42 but I listen to something, it's like bringing my life up. Oh, good, good, but I listen to something, it's like burning my life now. Oh, good, good. I need it. Yeah, it's quite hot. I'm just cold. This is hot. I'm sorry about a hole in your leg, but I think the spare faucet who said that she wanted
Starting point is 00:12:57 to feel as, she wanted to look as good as she felt. And I think of the more power to you, like, you know, but I think it's easy. You probably never dabbled into any sort of that aesthetic treatment. But I mean, people, well, I don't know, maybe you haven't. I was not looking for it. But it's not like, I think people think, oh, she's going to get Botox and she's going to change. It's not necessarily that.
Starting point is 00:13:18 It's really just like you're relaxing the muscles that are creating fine lines or whatever. But for girls, for women. Okay, we're talking about two different things. I mean, they're related. I was talking about the nice, you know, like... Oh, like going under for like a facelift, yeah. Yeah, no. Which, you know, as I always say,
Starting point is 00:13:36 now you look old and weird. Sometimes, sometimes, some people look fantastic, but you have to think about. Really? Well, I think so, and also there's so many different reasons that people might need to go under the night. It's not always just because they're doing it out of vanity. You never know.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Oh, come on. Well, they're, I mean. Like what? It's just deviated septum, that all looks good. It's, I would say it's 99% vanity. I don't even know what the other time I'm present. Well, there are people with deformities of sorts, but yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:14:08 There's a different category. I will love deformities except for talking about with deformities. Yes. Okay. Fine. But most in Beverly Hills, I'm guessing the deformity section of the practice. Okay. Yeah. Beverly Hills. Yes, I do. Yeah. Vanity, but also, I don't know, that doesn't bother me.
Starting point is 00:14:32 If somebody wants to do it, it's a shame if somebody ruins a beautiful canvas because they've taken it too far because that to me is some sort of mental illness. Don't you think? Well, to me, that is exactly a description of what you would be doing. Oh, you know, I'm not going to...
Starting point is 00:14:47 I forgot. You would be destroying the campus. Oh, well, thanks. Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment. Yeah, no, I wouldn't. And good advice, too, because I'm telling you. It's kind of scary to think about, think, yeah, oh my God, I would be way too scared.
Starting point is 00:15:00 But, you know, I mean, from a male point of view, I mean, I'm not, I know, Roff fluid and gay now. But I'm like very old school, I'm just a better old school heterosexual, and I'm telling you, just on an aesthetic level, you're doing great, and that will continue for so many more years that, you know, either they'll have something by then, that will have something by, they'll have a magic tape that just lifts everything. You never know.
Starting point is 00:15:35 You know what I always, I suggested this for years and no one's done it. I wish they had what I call the thin mask, which is when you're 35 years old, they take a, like a mold of your face and then for the rest of your life, you wear that. So you can be, you're always, you stop aging and you don't stop aging, but you're, you're,
Starting point is 00:16:00 oh my God, can you imagine? I call the thin mask and it's just like, you know, people put it on before they leave the house kind of like makeup. It's like exactly. Except it's below torture on to your face like with this thing. With a heater. It just looks natural. Right. Right. It's like it's a step above makeup. And you're always 35. And then can you imagine how wonderful it would be to be like have the wisdom of an 80 year old and still have the game of 35 year old because you got the thin mask.
Starting point is 00:16:34 And I do think that's what people are trying to achieve but maybe your idea is the one that they need to look into. I really feel like. I think everyone in Beverly Hills is chasing that though. When you rather have that than chat GBT? You never know. Have you seen that shit?
Starting point is 00:16:49 No, is it? Oh, well, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think I can like do anything. It's doing kids homework and crazy. Everything's going to, that's the future, which is scary. What do you think about that? I mean, I, I was a dinner with someone a couple of weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:17:04 I hadn't really, I'd hurt read about it, hadn't seen it in action. He said, gets out his phone. He said, um, not Siri, because it's not Siri. Siri's like, in third grade compared to this thing. He says, um, write a scene from the TV show succession, where Logan Roy hires Bill Marr to be on his network. And before we could finish talking almost, there it was. A scene like, yeah, I mean, if I was a writer, like on a, especially a soap opera, something where it's like pretty basic, especially a soap opera, something where it's like pretty basic. I mean, I think you could just... I saw someone try to have a right monologue jokes. I mean, weren't ones I would do, but they weren't like worse than stuff I've read
Starting point is 00:17:57 in people trying to get a job on our show. Yeah, oh my. I mean... That's so wild. Club random is brought to you by the audio marketing gurus at radioactive media. They say the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over
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Starting point is 00:19:51 Yes, why not? If you're watching this, you'd want to know what I'm doing, and these are very entertaining shows, these live shows. I mean, whoo, entertaining. February 17th and 18th. I am at the David Copperfield Theater. I know that's must be at the MGM, because that's where I'm moving this year, the MGM Grand.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Very excited about that Las Vegas. February 17 and 18th and February 25th, the Hard Rock Live in Sacramento. I think it's outside of Sacramento, but I think that's the market. Anyway, if you're from Sacramento proper, what I'm saying is you don't have an excuse. It is drivable. It's California. You know, it's not gonna be a snowstorm. About, yeah, oh, the rain I forgot. But still raining, you're off the hook.
Starting point is 00:20:46 Okay, before we go any further with this, you're not gonna like tell me you were the not attractive in high school. You're not gonna give me that old model. No, well, when I was younger, we could, well, when I was younger, I went to an all girls' Catholic school, and I was, but, yeah, I went to an all girls' Catholic school in Rhode Island, Rhode Island, which you have never been younger, I went to an All Girls Catholic School and I was, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:21:05 I went to an All Girls Catholic School in Rhode Island, Rhode Island, which you have never been to, I understand. No, I didn't, but not in a while. You don't need to go back. I'm just kidding. It's actually really, I love it there, but yeah, I went to an All Girls Catholic School. I played the cello. Cello?
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah. You chose that instrument? My parents did. My parents are both musicians. So we all, and I want to five. So me and all of my siblings all. Like what do you mean musician? What do they do? My mom plays with the Boston Symphony and the Boston Pop. She plays the viola. Yeah, she's really good. The Boston Pop. Mm-hmm. Wow. That's as high as you can get. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. she's really very talented. What is she playing? The viola.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Is that in a string quartet? Yeah. Is that one of the ones in a... Oh, wow. It's like a violin, but... A little bit bigger. A little bigger. In the, it's deeper. Uh, and then my dad played the trumpet. So that's where they, that's how they met.
Starting point is 00:22:01 And so everybody in my family played instruments and stuff. So I don't know. I was definitely not sought after. But that, yeah, so. Really? By men, by boys? Not, well, high school, I feel like I blossomed. In middle school, I was just very nerdy.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Very nerdy, very, I wasn't the popular one. I wasn't the hot one. I wasn't the hot one. No, not at all. Wow. What happened? I think I just grew taller. Yeah. I grew really tall.
Starting point is 00:22:34 When I was in like fifth grade, I was something, well, I was very, I was overweight when I was younger. So when I was, when I was younger, when I was like in elementary school and middle school, my parents would always have to sit me down and tell me it's time to go and die.
Starting point is 00:22:50 And I was on the percentile. I was on the trajectory to be obese because I was just really, I just had my growths work. I think that's really what it came down to. I see. It's a rather sensitive, it comes from. But why was it, as a kid, know is that because you lived in the restaurant and you ate this crap? It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one.
Starting point is 00:23:05 It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one.
Starting point is 00:23:13 It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one.
Starting point is 00:23:21 It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good one. It's a relatively good't even talk about this publicly because nobody ever believes that I was actually overweight. They're like, I roll ball up, but my parents were like, very worried that I was going to be unhealthy. I was unhealthy.
Starting point is 00:23:33 They were worried about the future. How old are we talking about? Like, middle school and elementary school. But, sure, something. What is that, 10, 12? It was, I was overweight from the time that I, and I don't mean like, overweight. I was like from the time that I, and I don't mean like overweight. I was like the doctor was like,
Starting point is 00:23:48 this girl's still not losing weight. Like you need to, like you need to whip her into shape. Like, chubby. Yeah, more than chubby. More than chubby. Yeah, more than chubby. And they would, so anyway. So when I was in elementary school and middle school,
Starting point is 00:24:04 so here's the thing, when I was in first grade, I'm the only one out of all five of my siblings in which this school, every day was different fast food. So like Monday was McDonald's, Tuesday was pizza, hot, Wednesday was Taco Bell, Thursday was KFC, Friday was another like, you know, so five days a week. And I think that that's what kind of got me off through about this. Of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:27 But anyway. Doesn't that tell you a lot about America and how much it really gives a shit about health? I know, so well. Yeah. But anyway. It's so much talk about, you know, especially with the pandemic.
Starting point is 00:24:41 And just do what we say here in the government. But you've demonstrated over we say here in the government, but you've demonstrated over and over again in the government that you really don't care about people's health. And it always is about the food companies or the pharmaceutical industries, you know, where the money is. I mean, the money, I'm not saying this is, they get in a room and like plot this out, but there's a lot of money in keeping people sick Or just not healthy as so many people that's gonna be are just not healthy and Then selling them the cure for that. Yeah, which is you know, all the pharmaceutical products that people are on
Starting point is 00:25:16 Oh, I that is horrible. I mean to me I I like the conversation around body to positivity. I like embracing curves I think that's very important. I'm proud that we're going that direction. So I know you don't agree with that. But there is one area that I agree. I could show you some people. I don't think you should be proud of.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Well, because, okay, but we had that discussion. Go ahead. Pharmaceutical, I agree. That is a huge problem. I think that people don't know how to cope. They don't know how to self-soothe because they're constantly given a bandaid in the form of a Xanax or an Ambien.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And it's horrible. That, to me, is heartbreaking because when you can't escape the grips of that, oftentimes it can lead to addiction and, you know, worsening the symptoms that you're trying to cure. So that, to me, is the bigger issue and more heartbreaking because I don't think people always know what they're getting themselves into
Starting point is 00:26:13 and addiction is something that you can escape that. Like, you don't know, if you get, if you are going through high school and you know, you dab a little x, Y, and Z, even alcohol. Like, I always consider it kind of a miracle when you don't become, when you're not an addict. And I have addiction in my family and various people. So I think that's why I'm more sensitive to it.
Starting point is 00:26:36 But I do feel like a lot of people don't understand the fear that they should have before adabling in any drug or alcohol or whatnot. And then once prescribed from a doctor supposed to have your back, you would assume that they had the best intention, but they don't always. Well, I mean, I don't know if you followed the story about the opiates and the Sackler family who
Starting point is 00:27:00 was sold oxy content. I think their pharmaceutical company company billions and billions of dollars and they had to pay billions and billions of dollars because they were caught doing what they were doing, which is basically peddling oxy content to people. And they call it the hillbilly heroin. Right, yeah. And I mean, I've ever like broken a bone or something or. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I haven't, but I know I've ever like broken a bone or something or oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:27:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, I haven't but I know where you're going with the conversation Yeah, yeah, yeah, there are times when you know you can mangle yourself so badly that you really do need right? You know Totally, but it's very easy to get hooked on them 100% and they should only be given out. For like the, you know, that chart, you're been in a hospital room and they have a chart on the wall so that the nurse, you can point to your pain level, it's one to 10. Yep, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:56 And you know, if a cartoon had a person in like a 10, he's like screaming, you know, it's just, so you know, it's very hard to know who's a pussy and who's not. I mean, some marine might be really at an eight and he points to two because he can take it. And somebody else is barely feeling it and says it's a nine.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Yeah, really want to get what they know that they can get it. They showed him the guy with the eyes. Exactly. Yeah. No, exactly. But, you know, it's very easy just to point to the bulging eyes guy, nobody questioned you,
Starting point is 00:28:27 and they have really no way of knowing, and then give you the oxy-contin, and that's when the heart aches again. Right, right, right, yeah. That's sad. I mean, that's sad. Some people, I don't know. Some people know exactly what they're getting themselves into. I don't think that every, I don't think that a lot of people do though, but I don't know
Starting point is 00:28:46 that. Well, and that's why this family was forced to pay billions of dollars because the jury, I guess it was a jury, you know, saw it that, well, I guess they said there's some responsibility people have, but this company also took advantage of people in a way that you couldn't really expect people to defend against. You're in the hospital, you're in pain, it's a doctor. And the doctors are complicit in it, too. When somebody has to write the prescription. But they judged in that situation, you're pretty vulnerable. So I understood that award very well.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I mean, I think they should have actually hit him harder and nobody went to jail. But a lot of people are dying in the, you know, I already have. I mean, it's something, I don't know, this number may be wrong, but something like 70 to 100,000 a year. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I mean, that's way more than like lots of things that we pay a lot more attention to. That's so true. And I think even aside from that, some people are just, you know, functioning drug addicts. And that's hell on earth too. Like people that are just completely hooked, maybe they're not, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:02 they're not too far gone, but they're suffering already because they're completely beholden to these bills that they, that, that, that that's the thing. It's like, I think that, yes, you have to manage your pain, of course, but, um, you have to understand that you're like on a very separate so because I don't, to me, I don't think addiction, the addition doesn't really like pick, you know, they're not, it it's not gonna pick favorites. It's not gonna pick people that they're not, that it's not gonna have its hold on. It's scary.
Starting point is 00:30:30 It's like, and it's a real thing, but I don't think people know enough about it. I mean, there's two movies that stand out that are football movies, North Dallas 40. You know, if you ever saw that, it was in the 70s. It's great. I'm sure your boyfriend has seen that one. Yeah, yes, of course.
Starting point is 00:30:44 I mean, and it's fantastic. It just, outside of football, it's just really well-made. Nick Nalti, Mac Dave, it's really good. So, and then Oliver Stone made a movie in the 90s. I think it was called Any Given Sunday. Oh, yeah, yes. Al Pacino was the coach. Right, yeah. Cameron Diaz was the team owner. Yeah. Both movies have prominent themes in it about what
Starting point is 00:31:12 they're giving the players when they get hurt, how they're lying to them, how the players are coping. Right. You know. Yeah. Oh yeah. It's a lot about needles and pills and, you know, the, the choices they make them make between like are you a team player? Are you gonna get back in there horrible? Yeah, I mean I think that there's been progress from that but you know I think you know whether you're getting your wisdom teeth out or you break a bone or you have your break multiple bones I think that sometimes people if they don't know what they're getting themselves into, they don't know. It's fine. There's no way you can have these muscular, large men rather than each other. And I mean, this much worry you. You must be a little nervous when you watch a game from... Oh, yeah, oh my God, it's adorable. I can't really eat before,
Starting point is 00:32:07 not in my stomach the whole time. Some games are better than others. You're worried about that? Yeah, worried about anybody getting hurt. If I see anybody getting hurt, whether it's on the team that I'm rooting for, or the other team, I mean, my heart sinks, because it's scary.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Well, you're gonna have to play with pain that you have to always are making the decision, is this really damaging or is it just hurt? Yeah. And I think athletes get very good at that. Smart ones do. They're like, yeah, this fucking hurts a lot, but I can wait till the end of the season.
Starting point is 00:32:42 It's not something that's gonna get worse. Every time they bang on it, it's just, I can wait to the end of the season. It's not something that's gonna get worse. It's just, I'm just gonna, every time they bang on it, it's just gonna fucking kill me. But it's, you know what? Yeah, no, I know. I think it's mental. It's mind-out over matter. So, well, yes.
Starting point is 00:32:55 In adrenaline, adrenaline, yeah. But you have to love it so much that you're willing to put up with that pain. 100%. Yeah. You know. Yeah. So, anyway. Well, I... I wouldn't want to have that job. No. Well, sounds like that's a very serious relationship then. If you're if you're that nervous about
Starting point is 00:33:14 somebody, there's certain certain ways I always think of like how you know it's serious. And that's certainly is one when you're worried about the other person. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, you know. Yeah. And the other way is like, can you watch a movie together? Yeah, I ask a lot of questions, but he's fine with that at this point. During the movie? Well, sometimes I'll just be like, I just talk a lot.
Starting point is 00:33:39 What can I say? See, it's so funny you mentioned that because this is exactly what I was thinking of. When you watch a movie, no really. First of all, both two things. First, it's important that you want to watch the same movies generally. Oh yeah, God. Yep. If it's a situation with your partner where it's like, okay, I'll watch this one for you and then you watch this one for me.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Get out of that. Mm-hmm. That's never going to work. You don't have enough in common. You're just horse trading. I don't know why, because other things are good, but get out. Yeah. If you do want to watch the same movies generally, okay, then why you're watching the movie?
Starting point is 00:34:20 See here's my rule. You can talk when they're not talking. Yeah, that makes sense. People on the screen. Yeah, yeah. When they're talking, you can't talk. Because like, and I've had girls say to me, I can do both.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I can hear what they're saying. I think we really can, I think. I think women can. I can't. I can't. I can genuinely hear things at once. Right. I think. I really can't.
Starting point is 00:34:46 I could be having a conversation with you here. You're smarter than me in this regard. Absolutely. You're a smart girl. I'm not surprised you can do this, but I can't. So I'm saying it's like we're watching TV together. We're never met. But like you're filling in for every moment I've had this argument with.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Yeah, yeah. Well, they are talking. You don't talk. It's not every woman. Then when they stop talking, when there's just a scene where they're walking along a bridge or something and the moon, then you can talk. So he doesn't really care.
Starting point is 00:35:15 The thing about him is he usually falls asleep like five minutes into every movie. So, oh yeah, it doesn't matter. He goes a bit of like eight weeks of a six. It's very, very easy for me. I get to watch whatever I want. There's no like, I get to, what do you want to watch? You just, you know, the only problem is maybe if you snore
Starting point is 00:35:33 and I have just black with a pillow or something. But besides that, I get to work, watch whatever I want. Maybe you should be with Aaron Rogers. Yeah. That poor guy. No. I love him. He was on this, right?
Starting point is 00:35:45 He was on this. Yeah. He's my favorite football player. Do you know who Roman was? I don't care where he's first, but he has a podcast called Tuberman Lab. You would like it. You should listen to it, because it's all about health and stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:56 And I'm always curious. Do you get a back? That's my favorite subject. Yeah. I was just listening to it. You would really like it. But that's a big subject for you, too, right? I mean, you're interested in, well, you know, to it. You would really like it. But that's a big subject for you too, right? I mean, you're interested in,
Starting point is 00:36:06 well, you know, anything that makes you healthier, wellness, I know they call it. Yeah, I would say for me, I'm more, I'm more mental health for me is more of a focus than physical health. I mean, I like I was saying before, like I feel like I'm pretty lucky and I do like to work out because it makes me feel good. I'm working out because of my mental,
Starting point is 00:36:28 the way that it helps my mental state, not necessarily because I feel like I want to have a six back, if that makes sense. So I do a lot of, I do a lot of self work. I love like I meditate, I do ton of journaling, I read all the books, like, I try to, I try to work on that stuff because I feel like, you know, happiness is an inside job, which I, you know, is like, such a cliche, but it really is, it really is. Meaning, when you say that you mean like,
Starting point is 00:37:00 you can decide to be happy as opposed to, you know, that's a good question. Is that what you mean by that? No, I mean that happening has come from within. It's not going to be when I finally get my Oscar because you said I'm a good actress. It's not really going to happen when that external validation comes to my doorstep.
Starting point is 00:37:20 It's going to happen when I've learned to... I've learned to, I've learned to kind of address the way I relate to things in my external world. Like my relationship with the things that I want, my relationship with the things that I have, my relationship with the things that have happened to me in the past.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Like how do I feel about this? How has this affected me? Where do I, how do I wanna react to this? How is this person triggering me? Why is it triggering me? Like, you know, those kind of questions, and that's why I work out too. I mean, yes, aesthetically it looks better too,
Starting point is 00:37:48 but like as far as gravity and stuff goes, but I think it's also really important because it makes you feel good and makes you feel like you can take on the day as opposed to feeling depressed and all that. I need to ask myself more of those that little list of questions you had. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I think you got that down better than I do. I think I need to ask, like, what is it why is this triggering me? And like, you know, I feel like just it, I'm almost about to be 67. I feel like I'm only now like getting in touch a little with my unconscious, like realizing how powerful the unconscious is.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And like how, but because it's the unconscious, it's like, you know, I was never sort of aware of it. And now I'm noticing like, in dreams and stuff, like, oh, okay. I had a dream here where like, I'm sitting here doing this, and we've lost my pot and no one can find it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:38:48 I swear to God, I just said. That's a nightmare. So I dream. Did you wake up in a hot sweat? Exactly. And I realized like it was my unconscious fear that like I can't do anything with that marijuana. Yeah, right. It's pretty good fear because I can't. Well, maybe that was your subconscious or your little
Starting point is 00:39:13 guardian angel trying to tell you that you are hooked. Yeah. That is ridiculous. That's ridiculous. No, people have said that to me before. They said you're addicted to marijuana and I tell them every time I've been smoking for 43 years. If I was addicted, wouldn't you know by now? I love that. It's a, I'm not an everyday smoker. Okay. How often do you smoke?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Oh, like three times a week. Yeah. This is the most. Yeah. Oh, okay. I get it. I just, because I, you know, I love, I mean, it's, you know, I used to sit here at club. Do you like club random, by the way?
Starting point is 00:39:59 It's very random. I love pool. Exactly. I love pool. I have a pool table in my house, actually. It's kind of cool, though, isn't it? It is cool. I'm all for the pot though. I think my parents hot box their room like every night. My dad knows weed. Yeah. Really. I understand that, you know, I mean, we have on the surface, so little and common. One thing I love about doing this,
Starting point is 00:40:21 sure, and I was starting to say, to come here and and do this, but long before we put it on camera. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And this is sort of like, who exactly I am and what my life is. But this is just even better because, like, I mean, I have a lot of great friends, and we would do this, but now, I mean, I've seen you a lot. I mean, TMZ, by the way, this is why you tell your agent, you should be in the Marvel movie,
Starting point is 00:40:45 is because, like, they see you as a star. TMZ has you on all the time. See how many... Cover everybody like that. They don't. It's interesting. I mean... One of those guys over there must like me.
Starting point is 00:41:00 Maybe they're... I think it's a consensus. I think that... Like, I happen to become very good friends with Harvey Levin. I think it's a consensus. They, I think that, I mean, like, I happen to become very good friends with Harvey Loveney. I love him. He's like, he's like my soul mate. Oh, I feel like I've known him for a long time. I love that show.
Starting point is 00:41:15 It's just fun. Actually, once in a while, branching off from just celebrity gossip. They cover issues. They cover like the things. It gives me a good idea of like what the average American, what is getting on their radar. And sometimes it is political, you know. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Zelensky and you're right. Right, right. It makes it sort of... Well, these are movies, don't forget. These are what? These are what? These are what? These are what?
Starting point is 00:41:40 These are what? These are what? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hello. Yeah. We're moving. You're right. But, oh, no, I forgot where we're talking about. TMZ and you like it. Oh, yeah, TMZ.
Starting point is 00:41:51 They cover you like a star. That's the East and Tuggy region because like, I'm telling you, they don't do that to a lot of people. I mean, there's a lot of people who they could potentially cover. The fact that they do it, I think so anyway. Well, thank you. The Marvel movie, even that was like a tangent of something else. I think the title of this should be Olivia Colpo
Starting point is 00:42:15 for the next Marvel movie, and we can just start campaigning. That's how you get things. It's all about you know. Well, strange your things have happened. I'm actually surprised they haven't thought of it yet. Well, I will write that down in my ancient snow. At some point, like, for example, Galgadon. Yeah, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:37 And it's Wonder Woman, right? Yes, Wonder Woman, that's what she was. I still have a hard time. And I really don't see any of these movies. A long time ago, I watched a few of them, and they all have the same story, origin story, and the one that they hated the most was Cat Woman, and was the only one I liked,
Starting point is 00:42:56 because it was the same story, but Halle Berry was smoking hot in it. Oh, well, that was the one before, because the newer one is with... Right, but so that one too. Oh, God, that was... I mean, like the newer one is with... Right, so that one too. Oh, God, that was... I mean, like, is there no joy in Gotham? Everything is always just so...
Starting point is 00:43:12 No matter who they get to play Batman, he sounds like this and the city's falling. Really, no idea. He's the layoff. It's smoking. See, that's a real problem in this country. I'm just kidding. No. I don't judge smoking. Anyway, I was...
Starting point is 00:43:26 Anyway, I was... The original point was I do love to smoke pot and talk with somebody interesting. I've seen you, I've seen you cover that way on TMZ, so I'm glad you accepted my offer to be here. I really appreciate it. I know you've got a million things going and you don't need this. Oh, thank you. And I'm sure you're published.
Starting point is 00:43:44 It was like, well, you know't want to sit down with him. He's a crazy body. He couldn't say anything. God, I did. And you're fine. Look, I'm alive. You're alive. I just like to say that it's not a reflection
Starting point is 00:43:56 of who I really am. I'm just kidding. No. No, give it to you. This was fun. I mean, it is random. That's what he said was fun. It is random.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Exactly. Yeah. But I'm glad I got to know you. And you're gonna, you're gonna, your career is gonna do great in your 30s. Thank you. If you want to go in that direction, or you could be hosting the evening news when you're 40. I don't know, but I know, I know I'll be seeing you around.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Thanks. All right, thank you. Thanks so much. I'm sorry about the call. It wasn't I bet. I actually really wasn't that cold where you just like freezing. I was shivering that one. I went.

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