Club Random with Bill Maher - Video: Candace Owens | Club Random with Bill Maher

Episode Date: October 22, 2023

Bill and Candace Owens on if climate change is a hoax to prevent people from having babies, whether or not the moon landing was real, schools not informing parents of a child’s gender change, how ch...ildren have ascended to the American throne, why people move out of New York and L.A., who is going to be V.P. for Trump, the worst thing that happened on January 6th, what Trump meant when he said he could grab certain areas, when Candace switched from liberal to conservative, how porn harms men, race in America, and the worst perversion of all.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I actually think that Trump out of office for good reason. Well, was a good thing for your show because it allowed you to do it. It's not about my show can. No! It's insulting. No, no, no, no. I don't believe in that. I don't believe in that.
Starting point is 00:00:13 I think we've established tonight. We've all got our own. We all got our own things. We all got our own things. We all got our own things. Hello. Who is hiding in my house? This is awesome.
Starting point is 00:00:28 This is actually a really sick man cave. How are you? My husband has one. It's not a man cave because I'm not a husband. It's a man cave. It's not. It's an eye club. Yeah, but men need caves even if they don't have wives.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Nope. I think they do. This is an eye club. You don't hear it. Oh, I see you're with child. I've been with child for three years. I've been don't hear it. Oh, I see you're with child. I've been with child for three years. I've been pregnant for three years.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I've had a baby in 2021. I was just like my permanent state now. I'm basically an elephant. You do know that science knows what causes this now. Do they know? I actually been trying to figure it out for the last three years because it feels like it's a medical condition. So you're like having Irish twin?
Starting point is 00:01:00 Literally I have a two year old, a one year old, and this one's due in November. I've been pregnant for three years. So I think it's going to be weird. I'm not pregnant anymore. I'm going to be like, I don't know year old, a one year old, and this one's due in November. I've been pregnant for three years. So, I think it's gonna be weird, I'm not pregnant anymore, I'm gonna be like, I don't know what to do with myself. And what's that like when you're always pregnant? Honestly, it's gonna be rough. It's not, I feel like that one has this like
Starting point is 00:01:17 cultural understanding of pregnancy, and I think a lot of them will play it up. Cultural, I know, I feel like there's this alien annoying on you from the inside. It's not that big of a deal. I gotta I feel like there's this alien annoying on you from the inside. It's not that big of a deal. I got to be honest with you. It's just like, for some women, obviously you can look at them and you can tell which ones are having what looks like an allergic reaction. And they have a rough go with it, but some people just do pregnancy pretty easily. And I'm one of those people that just kind of like, it doesn't really change anything.
Starting point is 00:01:44 So you're just gonna keep going? No, I wanted to do it all back to back because I didn't want to be, I don't know what parents do, but like, we had a kid and we waited five years to the next one. I'm like, who wants to like restart and take out all the bottles? And I just was like, if I'm getting pregnant,
Starting point is 00:01:58 I'm just gonna have all of my kids back to back. Right. And then one, yeah, I think it's genius. So you do believe in birth control. You're not's genius. So you do believe in birth control. You're not doing that. Actually don't believe in birth control. No, you're just doing it the Catholic way, just like whatever happens. My husband's so Catholic. Like beyond. He's the Catholic. You could have 12 kids. I know. It's dangerous. Of course it is. It's completely dangerous. And still I'm on your side. What are you gonna do? Should trek them and take birth
Starting point is 00:02:24 control? Yeah, I don't know. Catholics, they have a lot of kids. This is just, yes. That was just a thing when I was a kid. Really? Where did you grow up? New Jersey. Okay, yeah, you definitely saw some 14 kids, Catholic. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:02:41 For sure. But they were happy. But you don't want that to be you. I do kind of. I kind of want to school us. Yeah. Yeah. My colleague Matt, well, she's got six kids.
Starting point is 00:02:51 I feel I'm naturally competitive. Oh my God. Yeah, I know. It's just bad. Well. It's bad. I'm very, very competitive. So I feel like now I might just have six kids, just seven, just to beat them.
Starting point is 00:03:03 It's really bad. Definitely bad for the planet. Let's not get into that. them. It's really bad. Definitely bad for the planet. Let's not get into that right away. Kids are bad for the planet. Well, everything. They're pretty eco-friendly, actually. Adult are bad for the planet. Well, they're not eco-friendly in the sense
Starting point is 00:03:16 that they're going to have kids. And you know, that you're just making more people who are using resources, you know, people who argue about planet. And Elon Musk, I don't understand his whole thing about, like we should have more people, it's like there's room. Of course there's room, it's not about room, it's about resources, we don't have the resources,
Starting point is 00:03:39 we have the room. We just don't have, I read yesterday the day, where the, what did they call the groundwater? We've already like sucked out all the groundwater that we can possibly use. They're not, there's just not enough rain falling for like all your kids. It's all about you, Candice. Thank you. It's interesting because I've just kind of run this whole book debunking all of that, which I feel like in two years,
Starting point is 00:04:05 you're gonna have a totally different perspective on all of that. Because I've seen your growth and where you were a few years ago, to where you are now. And, you know, Elon Musk, I think, is probably pretty educated about the planet resources. Do you think? No.
Starting point is 00:04:22 No. Not necessarily, not either of you, if you think that we can, necessarily not if you that either are you if you think That we can somehow keep putting people on the planet which has a finite amount of resources. Oh look There's my zucchini that I gave to I was looking for that you look at that thing. Did you grow that? I I did and I gave it to Viv Ac when he was here a couple of weeks ago. He did take it. He didn't take it. Unless he took it and they put another one just like it in there. But I don't think that, let me see that. Can we that kind of one of us can get it?
Starting point is 00:04:52 Can you actually grow this? Yes. He's actually a really big zucchini. I told him, I said you were probably at the Iowa State Fair. Yeah. And this is probably the kind of thing that you would have. I grow vegetables and I just want to tell you, maybe he doesn't grow them.
Starting point is 00:05:04 That's a very respectable zucchini. Would you like it. I grow vegetables and I just want to tell you that maybe he doesn't grow them. That's a very respectable zucchini. Would you like it? I actually would. I actually love zucchini. It's gonna be a reminder, not to get pregnant. Right, right. We're not gonna leave it there. It's gonna wind up staying there again.
Starting point is 00:05:15 No, I won't leave it. I actually love zucchini. Yeah, it's fantastic. Yeah, this is my favorite. I actually do cucumbers this year and I got some pretty big cucumbers but they're wretched to grow. Cut, you know, just kind of grow out. It's almost a shame to have to cut into that, but you wretched to grow. Cut you just kind of grow out.
Starting point is 00:05:25 It's almost ashamed to have to cut into that but you do. Yeah, you do. You kind of. But don't you not believe like in the moon landing? So I'm supposed to believe you about climate. I think it's so funny how people take the first off. I know what I'm talking about with the climate stuff. So I'm just going to go ahead and promote.
Starting point is 00:05:39 No, you're not the only one. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think you should probably realize that there is, in the same way, that there are narratives, I think you're now more awake to. The climate hoax is one that funds trillions of dollars. And we are not running out of space. You could fit the entire world if you stacked it like New York City in Dallas. That's it.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I just said it's not about, but the point is, is that the hurricanes are down. The whole idea that every time it rains, it's because, you know, something bad is happening is like, it's, it's okay. What I will agree with you on is this, the environmentalists do often lie because they have this idea, this issue is so important. And by the way, it is so important that it's okay. If we shade the truth to get people on our side. And I don't agree with that.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I'm always- It ride every time. Matter, well, not every time. What was your climate disaster growing up? Mine was global warming, they don't even say it anymore. They don't say global warming. No, they don't, no, they say climate change. They went from global cooling.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Maybe not in your bubble, but in the world they do. No, they don't, they went from global cooling to global warming. They never were in global, no one was ever talking, it was one, that's such a stupid talking point that you keep repeating it to zombie life. It was one article in one magazine in one day, one week in Newsweek or something.
Starting point is 00:06:57 Nobody was talking about global cooling. Yes, we understand that the planet is always changing. That's a different story. There was a whole climate alarm climate alarmism via the IPC for global cooling. No, they were. They're okay. If there was.
Starting point is 00:07:10 But do you believe people ended on the moon? Well, let's just back that up. Because you don't. I think that's, no, no, no, no. You are taking. You are taking something that was a Twitter. You can't answer it.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Joe, I'm going to answer your question, but I'm just trying, because I think you should add context, because what you're doing now is you're jumping away from an actual meaningful discussion about climate change and the hoax that's surrounding it and making people fearful to have children. And you're like, well, didn't you once tweet when I said, which really I said in the tweet, it let's have some fun today. What is one conspiracy theory that almost
Starting point is 00:07:44 got you and that you think like could possibly be real? And I said, the one that always gets me every time is the moon landing. How can we haven't gone back? So you're taking this one tweet where people then shared the things that they think that were not really serious or political on this long thread
Starting point is 00:08:01 to now apply to a conversation about climate change. Okay, but just to be clear, people did land on the moon. I don't know. Okay, there we go. I don't know. I do know. I just want to know why we didn't go back. We did go back.
Starting point is 00:08:14 What did we go back? To the moon? We people on the moon? Okay. I'm asking you this question. When did we go back to people walking on the moon? 69, okay? July 20th, 1969. Yeah. We went back like ten more times. we go back to people walking on the moon? 69, okay? July 20th, 1969.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yeah. We went back like 10 more times. Who went back? Who walked in the moon? America, you know? No, but like what were the astronauts' names? Educate me, why? What the fuck were members with the astronauts' names were?
Starting point is 00:08:35 It's a big, it's a pretty big deal to walk on the moon. The first guy, and then after that, yes. Well, I was walked on it. How many? I don't remember the name. Like another dozen. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Are you, okay, a lot of other dozen humans walk in the moon? Yes, Americans, all Americans. Okay, we don't remember. We kept going back. Apollo 13 was the one they made the movie about. That was the one they aborted, but that was after we had landed. Apollo 11, I think, was a lot of fun. I'm not talking about space missions.
Starting point is 00:09:06 I'm talking about actual people. Yes, landing on the moon and walking on it. First of all, it is an impressive scientific feat. It's not out of the realm of like, how could that possibly happen? It's only 250,000 miles away. They had figured out enough to be able to do it, even with these shitty computers that they had in 1969.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Yes, it's risky and we did lose people doing it. But we did do it. I mean, plainly. I mean, the idea that you could think that this was some sort of hoax, I'm sorry, but it colors everything else. I'm just saying that, like, I'm just not, I feel like you're just trying to find this one. I've never talked this on my show. You're literally talking about one funny tweet. It's relevant. It's really not that relevant
Starting point is 00:09:50 You won't say I know absolutely people walked on the moon. It's relevant I feel that you are finding an angle here to try to talk about something that I've never talked about on my podcast I've never talked people on on a debate. But it's out there. I read it. You probably had a producer dig up what you thought were most absurd tweets. Like there's no way you it's out like you're saying it's like articles about this. So it's so obscure and it's like it's like literally I mean, I said like let's have some fun.
Starting point is 00:10:24 What are some of the things that what are some conspiracy theories that you read that you have I mean, I said like, let's have some fun. What are some of the things that, what are some conspiracy theories that you read that you have questions about? And I was like, the moon landing. First of all, I promise you, there is no production on the show. No, no, it's a pretty niche thing of all the things I talk about that I known for.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Like there was even an article written about this about me. I wasn't planning to talk about it. Yeah, so it's like, how did you get here? You saw it on Twitter? I got here, to talk about it. We're not here. You were. You saw it on Twitter. I got here, somehow I knew it. But how? Because it's out there.
Starting point is 00:10:50 It's not in my Wikipedia. It's so obscure, it's so niche that I'm just curious. I don't think that's the case because I think I read it in the vanity fair article about you. No. No. That's what I mean. It's not even relevant for, like, it's I've never,
Starting point is 00:11:04 ever had a single person sit down and ask me this question. Well, then read it somewhere. It's not even relevant for like, it's, I've never, ever had a single person sit down and ask me this question. Well, then I'm done America a service because we, we, we, we find the baseline of your thinking. I'm sorry, but that is relevant that you don't think men landed on the moon. No, I just said, I would like, I first off, what I specifically said was I want to know why. And I think even Elon Musk said this in his time piece. Ask him about it.
Starting point is 00:11:27 Yeah, I think he did address it in his time piece. I think he probably believes it. But I'm just not interested in this topic at all. So you just came in so fiery about something that I am not known for that was an obscure tweet of like, it started with Let's Have Some Fun. And it was in a joking manner. And suddenly you're like, how could you not believe the moon landing? I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that.
Starting point is 00:11:54 I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don't want to get that. I don, okay, but I'm in the public sphere talking about that. I've had experts on my show talking about a Gregory White and so I talked about his book about the climate change hoax. I care deeply about that because of the implications and how the climate
Starting point is 00:12:14 change hoax and the trillion to dollars that are basically disappearing for things like paracetacorn, like I'm on very much on record. Okay, but not to be the dead horse, but if you think the moon landing is a hoax, it colors my view of what you think of the global warming being a hoax. Okay, but I never said the moon landing is a hoax. Well, you said you do. I said name one conspiracy theory. No, no, I asked you point blank.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Oh, I got you. I said, I don't know anything about, I don't know anything about. I can't even debate you. You're sitting in a chair with me that 12 men have gone on the moon since I don't know anything about it. And so I keep a very, I think if know anything about, I can't even debate you. You're sitting there, you're saying we have 12 men have gone in the moon since I don't know anything about it. And so I keep a very, I think if there's one thing that people will say about me is I don't come into conversations about things that I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:53 So I'm not gonna sit here and pretend to be an expert on the moon landing. But I'm things that I actually know. So I'm willing to, I'm willing to, because I don't care. I literally don't, it's to me. It's utterly incong to quench up for the work that I do. Yeah, I would, that's because I don't care. Would you read about it? I literally don't, it's to me. Would you read about it? It's utterly incongent to Quancho for the work that I do. Yeah, I would.
Starting point is 00:13:07 That's why I said, fun thread. Tell me this, like, we were like, tell me what's one conspiracy theory that you believe that we can look into. I mean, we really should pull the tweet, because it's weird that you're making this so severe as if I was like on a talk show debating the moon landing. And so what I'm saying is I've never cared about the topic.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Because it's an undubatable topic. It's completely like, if you want topic. Completely like making it debatable. I did. You're making it debatable by anyone watching this will think that I made this topic debatable. I think you've made this debate. Well, I told you what I said to funny tweet and it's a pretty obscure tweet that's never been ever discussed before.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Nashville Nashville is real right? Nashville is a real place and I love Nashville. It's really great. Yeah, it's it's interesting. I was just in Austin, Texas. And I feel like Austin and Nashville are the two places where the liberal diaspora, shall we call it, liberals who want to get away. And I certainly understand why I live here in California,
Starting point is 00:14:03 it is a ridiculous state that drives you insane. I totally get it. I'm too dug in here to make a change and where else would I find Club random. But I get it. I feel like those are the two places they go. They go to Austin and they go to Nashville. Because you're not really out in the sticks. I mean Austin's a pretty liberal town and any city is blue, right? Okay, so you're out of like the fire, but you didn't go to the frying pan. Am I? Is that about right? Yeah, that's pretty much it. I mean for us, we were also between Texas and Tennessee for sure. We were probably
Starting point is 00:14:45 between Chattanooga and Dallas, and we decided on Nashville because I think a lot more opportunities were happening. There was a lot of LA people coming starting studios, daily wire, moved to their studio from LA to Nashville, so it felt like the right place. And I think at that time I was having kids, so you sort of naturally crave the suburbs when you have kids obviously like the whole and also York by the way if I was a parent well first of all it would be there'd be a Unholy hell if I was a parent because Probably we're gonna be on the same page on this shit some of this stuff that goes on in the schools
Starting point is 00:15:19 Is just so Craig Craig and I would not be able to keep my mouth shut about it So I'm sure a state like Tennessee does not have laws that some of the blue states do where like you, you're the parents are not allowed to be notified by this school. They're actually prohibited if the kid changes their gender. Like they say that would be outing the student to a parent. Outing is a word we even use in connection with a parent. Shouldn't everything be out to the parent? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:52 I'm sure I'm singing from your hymnal nail. Am I allowed to have a pain on this or? I know, I'm just trying to make up for my full paw with the moon. I just don't care. I'm just being honest with you, I don't care about that at all. I literally don't think about it. I wouldn't have ever picked a debate with somebody about something that I just don't care about.'m just being honest, I don't care about that at all. I literally don't think about it. And I wouldn't have ever picked a debate with somebody about something that I just don't care about.
Starting point is 00:16:07 But this I care deeply about. And this is what I do a lot of work in the space of talking to parents and understanding how we've become so removed from our own children systematically. And you're right that places like LA and New York have become these major hubs where the state has gone too far. And I do a lot of work on other stuff too, that you would think is weird and vaccine stuff
Starting point is 00:16:30 for parents and kind of giving them a guy. No, no, I'm with you there. Okay, I wasn't sure about that. And I produce an entire separate series talking about vaccines and sort of the increase. And I don't think you're right. I don't think vaccines are a hoax or anything, right? I just... Not a hoax, but do your kids need from 1982? Right, no, they don't think I was a kid. I don't think vaccines are a hoax or anything, right? I just...
Starting point is 00:16:45 Not a hoax, but do your kids need from 1982? No, they don't. 6 to 75. Right. I mean, my view just to be clear, vaccines are a tool in the medical kit, just like antibiotics. Right. And just like antibiotics, I wouldn't want to be told, everyone's taking them, so you have to chew.
Starting point is 00:17:03 Right. Yeah, one side fits all. If I decide I need one for a certain pathogen and I'm at a place in my life where I think that playing the odds, which is what medicine always is, that would be the smart thing. Okay. But forcing it and then children who never needed it for this, who at least likely. And they're so sick. The kids have never been sicker.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Right. Never be sicker. Right. Never been sicker. And that's right. Never. Never. My. My series by asking these kids have never been more backs with the most of backs, country and the entire world. You know, we have these high infant mortality rates one way against third world countries. And you're being told that this is because we're super healthy. You got kids 75 vaccines. When I was a kid, it was, it was 12, you know, and if there's been an explosion, people don't even know anything about the diseases. It's just these constant fear campaigns.
Starting point is 00:17:46 And then on top of that, in states like LA, you can't opt out, you know. So these are things that parents have to think about. Now, where you're literally raising your kids, could you go to prison for saying that I don't want my child's referred to as a different gender behind my back? Yes, depending on where you live, they're trying to criminalize you being a parent.
Starting point is 00:18:04 And then you add that to the medical complex and maybe you say, I'm not afraid of my kid gets chicken pox, I got chicken pox, but chicken pox parties can't do that in L.A. You can't do it in L.A. And if you're a doctor and you say, oh, this parent didn't want their child to get the chicken pox vaccine, you get your license taken away in a place like L.A. I don't think parents realize why that's so scary. Not necessarily, we can argue all day. You can call me antivacs, I can call you pro-vacs, but as parents, we should be able to make decisions for our children.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I don't fear the chicken. That's all I was, I mean, yes, I would really not go over well in today's world if I was a parent. I would just be in fights and it would just be ugly. And then my kids, my hat is off to anyone who is a parent today because I honestly feel it has never been harder to be a parent because you're not allowed to boss them around.
Starting point is 00:18:54 What's the fucking point of having kids if they can't boss them around? And although also, how could you possibly control a ferro little monster like that if you couldn't boss them around? Right now. It's insane that they treat them like they're just short people. This will be control of federal little monster like that if you couldn't boss them or not. I know. It's insane that they treat them like they're just short people. Like, yeah, adults. And that's weird too.
Starting point is 00:19:11 I was actually talking with somebody that was here before you came in here about sort of the LA spell because it is there's something weird about parents in this particular bubble, this particular part of LA, where they think that the children are adults. We don't want to tell our child to know. I met a parent that said that. We don't believe in telling our child to know. And I just said, okay, he rapes someone at 13. And he says, my mom never taught me the word no. There were no boundaries. Who's fault is that going to be? I mean, it's this country reminds me of like a medieval European country where a five-year-old ascends
Starting point is 00:19:48 to the throne in inheritance. And so all the courtiers have to pretend that whatever brain fart comes out of the mouth of this five-year-old toddler, yes, is something that we have to take seriously and treat is valid and debatable. That's what this country is. That is very accurate. That was a very incredible analogy. Pockets of the country though, I would say pockets, particularly here. Right. You don't see that stuff in Tennessee. Well, that's the point. Yes, ma'am. No, sir. You know what I mean? And they don't play around with that stuff. And that's what I love about.
Starting point is 00:20:25 And that's why I completely understand why people move to places like Austin and Nashville. And this is what they attacked me for. So, vigorously, when I did my editorial about trends, which I feel like, again, a great demarcation between what liberal is, old school liberal and wealth, liberal believes trans is of course a real thing and they should be protected and respected.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Woke is like, well before they can tie their shoe, we tell them they very likely might be in the wrong body. I ran your segment on my podcast actually because it was brilliant. Oh, great. Yeah. And on real time you did the segment talking about, okay, this is a real thing. Why is it regional? It's geography.
Starting point is 00:21:08 It's geography. Why is it regional? Really important. That's what I was saying. Yeah. It's really important. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:16 What is it? The water here in California? I might be. I've been to dinner parties more than one where there's 12 people and they're all talking about their trans kids. They're all three. It's almost like that's the norm. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:29 And that can't really be the norm. I mean, I get it that things happen in nature. You know, mix up with the factory, whatever you want to call it, nature, you know, I know the religious people like to call it, you know, what do they say, intelligent design? It's not that intelligent in a lot of ways. I mean, in a lot of ways it is, but there's a lot of stuff about the human body and the way we're built and the way we, you know, like, flam, I feel like it's very often unnecessary and only makes things
Starting point is 00:22:00 worse. I wish I could talk to my own body and say, we don't need this flam. Yeah. You know, I know you're trying to help, but you know, you're not really helping because I don't think it's, I think it's giving a place for the bacteria to nestle it. Right. Well, it actually is funny because it's not going to be much of a bunch of flam. It's like, what's up with a bunch of flam? It's really, really, actually, this. I don't know what quatch is it. I can't figure out what made me go. But there must be something objectively good about Flum. And now I'm interested. And this is the kind of random things
Starting point is 00:22:30 that I'll research on the internet. Like what actually is her massive flum? But there was a real housewife. And I will not name her because I got in trouble on YouTube for talking about it. Even though she talked about it first and came out and said she's got like two, she's got four kids, dads, a doctor, brilliant doctor, but very, very hills.
Starting point is 00:22:44 So, you know, here we go. So how brilliant can you really be? And especially now that doctors don't have a different team of sexes and they've got like two non-binary children, one gay child and one trans child. Is it just a different type of child? Say that slower. Two non-binary children? Non-binary, meaning.
Starting point is 00:23:00 They are not bound to any sex. How old are they? All of these children are like 12, maybe 15 and under. So non-binary would that be the same as bisexual? I'm not sure, and I don't want to get us into trouble, because these definitions change and they're fluid, and the second you don't get the update to your phone. The children are fluid too. Yes, and but also a trans child and like a gay child.
Starting point is 00:23:23 And I'm like, this is a statistical impossibility, obviously, and they kind of come out and said, obviously, this is going possibly. Something's going on in your house, and I'm going to guess it's a lack of parenting, right? Because these are just things, I didn't graduate high school, the single effing non-binary child.
Starting point is 00:23:39 So this is made up, right? And you're telling me all of your children have this thing that didn't exist when I was in high school in 2007, but now all of your children are suffering from this thing, you know. And that's kind of, I think, the litmus test for me is like, okay, if this is a real thing, why did this just not exist at all when I was in school? And it's not like they're playing catch-up, it's not like now suddenly kids are going back from my high school class and saying, I'm trans, they're not.
Starting point is 00:24:01 We had gay kids, we had a couple of lesbian kids, you know, and everyone else was, you know, that was it, you know. It was like now they've got so many options to choose from from the infinite alphabet community. With the busy fall season already in swing, you might be looking for convenient meals for jam-packed days. Factor, America's number one ready-to-eat meal kit can help you fuel up fast for any meal with chef-prepared, ready to eat meals delivered straight to your door. You'll save time, eat well, and stay on track with your healthy lifestyle. Plus, it'll save you the sticker shock of buying a box of $9 eggs. Factors fresh, never frozen meals are ready in just two minutes. So all you have to
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Starting point is 00:27:37 Discover how audio marketing can suppress your current. Can surpass your current strategies with new and innovative ways that sound better. Go to or text random to 511-511. Text random to 511-511 today. Terms, conditions, message, and data rates may apply. You know, we have in common, like we both say things that make people on both sides mad. We say some things they like and some things they don't.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Yeah, I just love it. But when we're in agreement about something, I think people feel the same about me in this way. Like when they do agree, it's like that person really, I mean, rubs my clit on that, the way they do that. They really, I just love you so much when you go off on something that deserves the way they do that. They really, I just love you so much when you go off on something
Starting point is 00:28:26 that deserves to be gone off on. And I feel like people feel that I went, like when I go off on something and it deserves that ass kicking and you do it, I mean, you're funny. You have a, I saw you make doing the M&M thing where you're like, you were making fun of all this move. I just don't know what happens. I know, but it was really funny. I mean, the way you just like, and I like Eminem, but you made him look ridiculous. You did? You did.
Starting point is 00:28:54 He's now just, you met the fake Ramaswami. It's like, you're picking on like the fake Ramaswami. I mean, that's what I was mimicking him because. He was so much, he was so much Trump nuking the world. Yeah, that was, yeah, I was going back and just showing how, you know, the fall of the man, but the segment that I was doing was just about like, he keeps doing this. We get it.
Starting point is 00:29:11 You don't like a publisher like in turn, but what the fake did was so harmless. I mean, he was in front of like six kids wrapping some M&M lyrics and M&M moored up against him. But I did advise the fake when he was here. Stop wrapping? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:29:28 It's that is not really, right? It's just not a good look. It's, you know, Vague, he reminds me so much of that character from Mean Girls. He's a true academic, high-achieving, nice guy. Which girl in what character? Have you ever seen Mean Girls? Of course. Mathletes. Mathlet, okay, right. And then there's the Indian guy who wraps on stage. And he's like, suck, suck, suck, suck, em, see, Zangan, nothing on me. But he's cooler than that.
Starting point is 00:29:47 He's cool. No, the guy is cool. But he's like, he's a high-achieving math Lee who also likes hip-hop, he's in different things. Right. And I loved having the vague idea on my show. I thought he was super inspiration. I like that he kind of has been staying above the fray because I'm super fatigued with politics right now. Well, he's a lot more on your page with some of these issues, like global warming than I am.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Yeah. You know, I find him, as I said to him, I find you very disarming and also alarming. Yeah. But that's me. And I think some of it is performative. I, you know, he will not admit that he wants to be the vice president, but of course Trump is going to be
Starting point is 00:30:25 the nominee so there's all they're only running for vice president at this point would you not agree no no no no obviously ronda san is not going to be trumps vice president right absolutely not niki here is not running for why wouldn't he take that of course oh no he won't know he won't be hit each other they hate each other you say he leaves not running to be vice president do you do you that Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy didn't hate each other? You think hating someone is disqualifies you to serve him as vice president?
Starting point is 00:30:53 No, I can see Tim Scott. It's practically a qualification. I could see Tim Scott doing the VP thing, but I think they're all after something else. Because you can also run to get your name out because you want to run again in four years. You're just kind of testing the water of a vaix, young enough, that the VP office doesn't seem for me to be as goal. It could be wrong. But if I could go back just to the VP thing, only because like I've watched
Starting point is 00:31:14 a little more history because you're so young. So young. I was going to live in the moon landing. So the what? What happened? I doubt it. Child. But, like, usually, I'm telling you, the vice president and the president hate each other because they just ran against each other. And the guy picks as the vice president very often, the person who is the kind of the runner-up who wants to bring in that coalition and also the guy who like sort of fits the thing that he doesn't do George Bush picked Dan Quail because like
Starting point is 00:31:52 I'm old and experienced and this little boy, you know, they used to have a month starting that life as a like a child. Yeah, I was funny. Yeah, I get what you're saying. You know, so I don't think I think they all, you know, think Nikki Haley. No, I think I think she's going for like, she's she's running to secure wealth because she started her career to do what? Well, she was like millions of dollars in the debt, right? And now she's got money pouring into her coffers. I think they have, they all have incentives and I'm not saying any of them are pure, but I think they're different
Starting point is 00:32:21 incentives. I think Nikki is motivated by money and I think that she, like Vivek's on stage, is actually looking for a deal with, like, Rathie and her something. This is how much they all want to tell. I notice they, many of them purposely, I'm sure they know better, mispronounced Vivek's name. They did. Just to get the idea, this person, foreigner, funny name.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Vivek, is it? The Becca, what is your, but when Nikki Haley did it, fellow Indian American, I was like, oh, Nikki, not you soon. I know. You don't know how to say his name. I know. I don't think so. Yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:00 How did you think she did? As good as she could, as good as you could do in that format, um, I thought she, look, it's going to be Trump and whoever he wants, um, like Pence obviously isn't wanting to be vice president, right? Right. See, they all have different reasons they're running. Right. No, he might be deluded enough to think that Jesus will decide it should be him, and that's really what he thinks makes the difference in the world is what Jesus decides. I mean, I remember having a discussion with the old dorm room bullshit session with my sophomore roommate, and we talked about, I forget what the issue was for like two hours, and finally he just said,
Starting point is 00:33:42 well, because I think Jesus Christ will come down and blah, blah, blah, blah, and I was like, why did I waste two hours? If that's what you really think about how this issue is gonna get resolved, Jesus Christ is gonna come down and do this in ABC. And I think that's Mike Pence. You think Mike's Pence is running
Starting point is 00:34:00 because he think Christ ordained him? I think he's running because he thinks it's in God's hands and he's a very good friend of God. And like, it doesn't look good right now, but Jesus can perform miracles because we know that because of bread and loaves and stuff walking out. I take it out.
Starting point is 00:34:21 I take it out, atheists. Devout. Okay, gotcha. I think probably, hence, is running because he doesn't know what to do next. What's what you mean? I take it out, Atheon. Devout. Devout. Okay, gotcha. I think probably, hence, is running because he doesn't know what to do next. You know, he ran a state, became the vice president. What's the next natural progression? It's something that you can be president.
Starting point is 00:34:36 And also because he kind of tried, he wants to separate his brand from Trump, which I think he feels like I'm working in there, some genuine bad blood there. So I don't, I actually- There's definitely some bad blood there. Yeah, but I don't think any of them are running to be Trump's VP because they all trashed him on the stage. But Vake is the only one that Trump would consider. Trashdom. Trump. They kissed his ass.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Trump? Yeah, the only one that trashed him is Chris Christie. Chris Christie trashed him. DeSantis said nothing to be fair to say this. Like, didn't say anything the whole night. They all raised their hand when they said everything- DeSantis said nothing to be fair to say this. Like, didn't say anything the whole night. They all raised their hand when they said it. DeSantis said the... Well, okay, but they raised their hand except for Christie when they said, would you support
Starting point is 00:35:12 him as the nominee? I mean, that's pretty amazing for a guy who's, you know, probably going to be convicted for what he should be convicted for, and I'm sure we agree on this, can it? Definitely sure we agree on this. About, you know, trying to overthrow the government of the United States. You're just not like, you're not a weak enough person to really, like, I don't buy this.
Starting point is 00:35:34 This I think you, I think you dance this way because you think you have to play Kate. Okay, first of all, I just, first of all, just to educate you. Just to educate you. Almost lost America on January 6th. I just don't buy that you, that you're that sauce. Yeah, I do. And just to educate. We almost lost America on January 6th. I just don't buy that you're that soft. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:35:47 And just to educate you a little on this, I was saying this for five years when everyone was laughing at me for saying this, that Trump would never conceive the election and he would never go away. I was all alone on a raft. But I mean, you saw BLM riots, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:00 The summer leading up to this, right? Where, like, I lived in DC at this time, where you couldn't go outside, cars were flipped, things were burned, people were boarding up to this, right? Where, like, I lived in DC at this time, where you couldn't go outside, cars were flipped, things were burned, people were boarding up their windows. But you thought the end of democracy, you can say this meaningfully happened when people above the age of, like, 65 stormed the cap. Like, you thought that was the worst thing you've ever seen in American politics. Well, I mean, what was the worst thing?
Starting point is 00:36:23 That was a small part of a bigger picture? The worst thing was that finally we had a president after all this history that we've had, nobody ever did this, not Al Gore and not Nixon, who probably didn't actually lose their elections, they allowed this peaceful transfer of power to happen. We finally had a guy who decided, of course, because he's insane, decided that, no matter what happens, I won this election. There's only two things that could possibly happen. I win the election, or if I don't win the election, there must have been some cheating. It was looked at by his own people around him, including the Homeland Security Department, including the Director of National Intelligence, including every court, federal and state,
Starting point is 00:37:07 including his own lawyers, his daughter, Bill Barr, everybody told him, you lost this election. They looked at this over and over again, even the Republican vote counters, like the one he called who said, find me 11,000 more votes. Even those people told him. So plainly, he did not accept losing the election and then he tried to put in a bun. This is why he's on trial.
Starting point is 00:37:31 But I'm just asking you to believe that that day, as the media person, I'm talking about media hoaxes, this is- I just, I give you my answer. It's not just that day, although that was part of the scheme. I mean, it's not like coincidence that they showed up on the very day that they were certifying the vote at the very place they were doing it to stop that from happening. And did you have any questions about why the FBI hasn't been able to find since we
Starting point is 00:37:54 started with the media hoaxes? Do you think it's strange that they haven't been able to find who dropped off the pipe bombs the night before? Because I think that's the strangest piece. What pipe bombs? Oh, this is some red hairy bullshit. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, a fly for like all this stuff. So I'm asking you, do you have more pressing questions about why they have not been able to find a person that dropped off the side? I will have to look into that the way you'll have to look into the moon chain. Okay. Because I think that's a very big piece for a lot of people. Of course, understanding what actually happened on that day. As I said before, I don't trust
Starting point is 00:38:39 the media on anything because they never give you the full story. So I will allow that there could be this element to the story that is part of the story. I don't think it will probably change my mind that Donald Trump would not concede an election, kept saying it was a fake and that he had all these reasons to believe that people had voted like 10,000, he said to the Refsendberger on the call, I, I, I actually corrected him and said, you know, you, you claimed that there was 10,000 dead people who voted in Georgia.
Starting point is 00:39:13 We looked and we looked and we looked. It was two. That sums it all up. There was actually two. Now he's not on trial for lying. You're apparently about to allowed to lie to the American people about elections, even though nobody ever really did that before. But okay, he's not trial for breaking specific laws for jury.
Starting point is 00:39:32 I mean, for jury. Forstacey Abrams, he tested her election and said that it was- Well, that's- Let's just be- Let's be. Yes, that, but okay, you're right. I can see. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Hillary Clinton took a very long time. I actually don't think she's still. Hillary Clinton was there before the night was over in her purple suit, conceiting the election. She slept in. You're wrong. No, I'm not wrong. You're wrong.
Starting point is 00:39:55 John Podesta came to podium and said, well, it was before dawn of the next day. Okay. My point is that saying that there was that there were no, I didn't lose my point. My point is that you're saying that. Well, you're about Hillary, you were. Hillary conceded as soon as it was obvious that she lost. Okay, the more the thing that I'm trying to get you to say though, we know that you hate Trump.
Starting point is 00:40:11 That has been abundantly obvious. Yes, we do. I actually think that Trump out of office for good reason. Well, was a good thing for your show because it allowed you to. It's not about my show, Candace. It's insulting. No, no, no, no, no. I'm saying because people that weren't watching your show that you didn't know I finished
Starting point is 00:40:24 it. You can't be told that my sentence had been finished. No, but you keep it. I was going to say no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, can we just, yeah, it is. Can we just have this professional courtesy that I will, I will, I can see it and I believe you believe everything you said. Give me the same courtesy. I said, I believe in hate, stop it. I said, well, you're saying I'm doing things for ratings or to bring in a different audience. I never do, I actually believe that literally amongst my audience is more conservative,
Starting point is 00:40:59 started watching you post Trump. Yeah. Myself included. That's a bad thing. But that's not true. I'm sorry I said you got a bigger audience now. But yeah, but you know, but you would know this. No, no, no, no, you were scribed a reason to it. That's not true. I do have a bigger conservative audience and and a less woke audience probably more people who are common sense centers. Good. Fine. I didn't do it for that
Starting point is 00:41:21 reason. I never said you did it for that reason. I said it. I did not imply that. Okay, fine. I genuinely meant what I said. I just say what I'm really saying. When you come that out of office, you started focusing on different topics other than Trump. Before you were able to see that. Well, he wasn't president anymore, of course. I'm not faulting you.
Starting point is 00:41:37 I'm just making a comment that your audience base has gotten a lot bigger since Trump left office. Some people might even take that as a compliment. Different. Crazy, but some people might take this as a compliment. Thank you. Well, that part, yeah. Yeah, because you're talking about, like, we just talked about like, you know,
Starting point is 00:41:51 trans kids and bring up geography and things. And I think that while Trump was in office, and this is not just your show, that it was, even my show, I think it, everything was about Trump. Everything was about Trump. I agree. And it's never been that way for any other president.
Starting point is 00:42:04 And not everything was about Obama. Is agree. And it's never been that way for any other president. And not everything was about Obama. Is other presidents weren't, not like that. We have definitely, I believe that there, and we can disagree on this, I think that from the second he announced that he was coming down, there was a media obsession with taking him down. Like I've never seen it.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Actually woke me up. I was on the liberal side and it turned me into a conservative. It was vicious, it was nasty. It was falling into things that he wasn't. There was, but that's it. You didn't participate in that, but that Trump was like a vowed racist that was trying to format the clans. And it was a little bit dramatic, you know. But that happens with every president
Starting point is 00:42:36 and everybody who gets that high up in the tree. You know, when I don't know how far back it goes, probably to George Washington, when a person is the one who's going to be in power the people who want to prevent that who think opposite of how he thinks or she thinks yes that's what they do they try to destroy it never been in the way that they come on trump you had the least of blue period we read eighty five million women that came out of the woodwork with allegations where were you guys he's
Starting point is 00:43:04 been the public sphere for the last thirty the woodwork with allegations where were you guys he's been the public sphere for the last thirty years he's had shows where were you guys the allegations of war enough for president i mean was so obviously a ratchet job and these things magic because it doesn't matter doesn't matter it doesn't matter right from the horses mouth saying i grabbed pussy he didn't say i grab pussy he said he said he's he was talking about groupies he said they will literally let you do anything including grab them by the people he was. He wasn't talking about groupies.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah, he was. He never said that word. He said when you're a star. Yes. That's quite a leap to say we're just talking about groupies. And by the way, he didn't say I grabbed this woman by the P word. And I think that that's a part of when I say
Starting point is 00:43:40 and we have this video, he just be honest. He said you can grab them by the pussy. He said you can grab them by the pussy. He said, you can grab him by the pussy. Yeah. And you can do anything. You can grab him by the pussy. Yeah, these girls, and they see a star. That's literally, by the way, just to be clear.
Starting point is 00:43:53 That's a fact. But just to be clear, you shouldn't do that, right? But you shouldn't. Yes, but let's just be honest with what he said. This is locker room talk. Men talking about, you know, I hang out a lot of athletes about women that throw themselves on them since it's because of who they are and they'll let you join into them. But we do live in this, this, you know, just hang out a lot of athletes about women that throw themselves on them since it's because of who they are and they'll let you join into them. But we do live in this, this, you know, economy of women who will quite literally let men,
Starting point is 00:44:11 especially now with the birth of only fans and TikTok and the rise coming to star, and if you are a star, they will let you do whatever they want. And then the media, which I said, I personally wanted a graduate woman by the P word, it's lucky when I'm talking, is it crass? Yes, do women also speak crass? Women class women aren't looking yes I'm very much you know I'm not saying this is great speech and I would love to hear if my husband was saying this about you know but I'm just trying to be rational and not be like me too crazy and acknowledge that both men and women have locker room
Starting point is 00:44:40 talk I'm an important question where can can I find these women? I'm sure you've had your fair share bill in Los Angeles where everyone's trying to be a star or be in the industry or sleep with the star of women that have thrown themselves on you. I live strictly for America and what I can do and Jesus Christ, right? Well, not Jesus Christ, but I live strictly to educate, to educate America. That's where all my energy goes. I wish I had time for some of these diversions. So that's true. You know exactly that what he was saying, but you're right.
Starting point is 00:45:15 And that was something I also hated too, because I'm like, I'm very against the Me Too movement. I'm very against all of this like rabid feminism. I don't like the idea of making, I actually think it does really bad for relations between men and women to pretend like some things are not abundantly true, that we don't have the culture of groupies and hos and thought and music videos. Yes, we do.
Starting point is 00:45:36 We do, and it's fine. And not every woman is like this. And I wouldn't love to hear my husband say it, but I also would be like, my girls, I would like you to do any of them. Right, it's funny that we can admit about I would like you to do any of them. Right, it's funny that we can admit about men that they're dogs because most of them are.
Starting point is 00:45:50 But we can't admit that girls are sluts. But we can't. That feels not fair. Well, I feel fewer women are sluts than males are dogs. And I just learned that you are not only fans, which is lovely. Would that I'm one? That you're clearly not only fans.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Or they're literally selling their bodies for a certain project. No, oh God, no. No, there's AI only fans. So they're not even real people and men are giving all their money to it, and it's getting pretty crazy. I mean, I know that we're always concentrating in this country on how we can help women and we certainly should, but the truth is the people who are lost, I mean, they're both
Starting point is 00:46:23 lost, everyone's lost. But the people who are really lost and don't have their shit together are men. I mean, women are killing it in college. They're doing better, you know, in the workplace. Lower suicide rate. Yes, they're more to get. More college graduates. And I think this is a perfectly emblematic of why men are just lost. I mean, if you can't even be a sleaze bag, right?
Starting point is 00:46:46 You know, you can't even fucking, I mean, you're, you know, we've given up on like, I'm gonna help the relationship, or even the kind of life I've lived where it, like, I've had healthy relationships, but never got married, okay? I'm not a crazy person, and I'm not an unfeeling person, and everything is very real.
Starting point is 00:47:04 We've given up on all that. And now we're just like to degrees of how you're going to like be a John and you pick, I don't even actually get laid. That's sad. It is that. So many love men are struggling. They really are struggling and I think it's it's I, where did this come from? What's your theory? I, I think, I think pornography is, Yes. is really harming men and it's everywhere and it's so available without your fingertips.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Could not agree more. And when they're introduced to young, it completely establishes their brain pathways in a way that ruins them for life, you know what I mean? It's, you, it's, it's, it's not, you shouldn't be introduced to that sort of, but I don't even want to call it pornography because it's something else now. I didn't like see porn on my computer until really maybe five years ago, because I was kind of afraid. I heard about cookies and like,
Starting point is 00:47:53 I'm actually knowing what I'm looking at. Right. It's the FBI watch. And then, of course, the first time I saw a porn out, I was hooked. But like, magazines was like always the way it was. And I saw them. there was a big controversy in the 70s when Hugh Hefner had to decide whether he wanted to show pubic hair. They had no pubic hair.
Starting point is 00:48:12 You did not see, and this is when they had pubic hair. Yeah, exactly. You know, he had to decide between that and the American car company's accounts, which was big, because advertising was a big part of where you made your money in magazines. And Ford and General Motors were not going to advertise in a place that showed pubic hair.
Starting point is 00:48:30 And then I'm sure they did, probably in the ad. Probably. Yeah. Okay, so then I remember Penthouse comes along. I mean, it was basically stills from porn movies. What decade? This is probably around 2000. I think maybe the 90s, you could see that.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I mean, yeah, I think in the 90s, absolutely. There were lots of magazines, Gents and Cherie. We, not that I knew all of them, Shaved Asian. Okay, I knew all of them. But like, I remember you passing the magazine stands in New York when I lived in the,
Starting point is 00:49:03 and there was 90s and there was like like dozens of these kind of magazines for very specific kinks. So it was moving toward that direction and then we come to where every kid has a little computer in their hands and there's no more plots I mean there's no more I mean I remember the old porn movie where it's like it was like a Broadway play except instead of breaking into song, they'd break into fuck every 15 minutes. But you'd have to kind of wade through the pizza delivery guy. And, you know, okay, then finally they get to it. Now it's just right to it, and it is, you're so right.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I'm telling you, as someone who's seen the whole arc of it, it's rapy in a way it never was, it's ugly. It's just ugly. It doesn't turn me on. Yeah, it's deviant in a way it never was, it's ugly, it's just ugly. It doesn't turn me on. Yeah, it's deviant. And this is people are, are, are, are, are, are, are, are, are it just about how it's impacting people and their productive relationships and how they, how they think, you know, sex is supposed to be had or attained. So we've come a very long way. And, and now we're talking about the introduction of pornography as a topic in the school system, which is now a thing, right? Like normalizing pornography. I learned actively in school that you should watch porn.
Starting point is 00:50:06 It's super healthy. Well, now, this is maybe right before porn became as deranged as it is today. And you're thinking that they're now learning that it's healthy to watch porn. And then when they're exposed to porn, they're watching something that just cannot be good for their neuro pathways.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Like, they cannot be good for their brains to think of. This is a normal sexual relationship. And for men, obviously, women are different biologically. We don't have the same instincts that men have when it comes to sex. And I think, are we allowed to say that? Are we men women are different biologically? No.
Starting point is 00:50:34 No, I did not mean that. We are the same. We are exactly the same. But it's running them weak. We're so different. Yeah, it's rendering men very weak. Self-control, impulse, everything. And it's incredible when I talk about porn on my podcast,
Starting point is 00:50:49 how many members spawn and say, I've been struggling with addiction for years. Yes. I want help. Men don't talk about this anymore. We're all struggling with this. It's porn is everywhere. I open my Instagram.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Well, I've been struggling with that addiction and I don't want help. Yeah. Because it's fantastic. Well, you can lead the charge. Well, it's not unhealthy to have a fantasy life with your porn girlfriends or your people in the magazines all those years. I mean, it's release's tension.
Starting point is 00:51:15 You don't always have a girlfriend. Yeah, I would push back on that. I think that porn is really unhealthy for men. Any jewelry? Any porn? I think, and I have noticed this by the way and speaking to like danish prager to see group the magazines that that the understanding of what it is now
Starting point is 00:51:32 well it's just very different you know i find it the sickest perversion of all and married people admit to it they admit that it's so boring to have sex that they freely think of other people when they're having sex i find that to be the worst perversion of all. You're basically masturbating inside another human being who you supposedly love more than anybody else while you're thinking about the checkout girl at the program.
Starting point is 00:51:58 At the episode of Black Mirror. You're like, an episode of Black Mirror was talking about this like in the potential for tech to meet that moment where people could be wearing goggles and also having, and that could happen. But essentially you are wearing goggles, but it's inside your head. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:13 I just don't get that thing of like, yeah, that's cool, you know, we have sex and, you know, just thinking about anybody, anybody but her or him. Why did you get married? That's very exquisite. That's why. I mean, that's the main reason I cannot accept a life without hot sex.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Do you ever get close? Yes. Yeah, how many times? Twice. Twice. Yeah. And then cold feet on your part. No, three times.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Three times. Yes, I would say. You got close. Yeah, I got close. I mean, I was engaged when I was 29. Okay. You know, but I kind of knew even as we were engaged and buying the ring and all that stuff, I just, there was a voice in my back on my head always saying, really, you're just going to fuck this one person forever.
Starting point is 00:53:03 So it was about the sex. Yeah, it told you. Yeah, that's right. So I think that does show that pornography and sex is something that is not a good thing. You're maybe right. You may be right. You prevented you from unlocking this thing.
Starting point is 00:53:17 And you're right, that you could be right. You could be right. The other side of your life, that's so beautiful, wonderful that you never get to. And so I think, and then now you times that by just yeah, porn everywhere, porn when you were just literally walking down the street and you see an ad and you're like, oh, I don't know why she has to be naked
Starting point is 00:53:31 to sell me this purse, but apparently she has to be naked. I mean, it's also the case that, you know, not take the sex out of the equation. I mean, is anyone really that interesting that the only person you want to spend this much time with? I mean, you know, any maim said the... Many people. And I said outside of marriage too.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I mean, I wish every day, actually, say, is my grandpa's death anniversary that he's one person I could speak to every day. I would get rid of six friends to only be able to speak to my grandfather as my friend. Yeah, there are people that are that interesting. He raised you? Yeah. Oh. And to be able to have those conversations with him, like, there are people that are that interesting. Did he raise you? Yeah. Oh. Yeah. And to be able to have those conversations with him, like, there are people that are just that interesting. Why are you writing your parents'
Starting point is 00:54:09 ratio? Well, we lived in my grandparents' house, about my grandfather was the patriarch of the home without questions. He was, you know, set the breakfast, he made us breakfast, and read the Bible to us, and really instilled the values, even though I did go a very liberal route to conservatism. You know, I thought I was a liberal. I kind of went back to the church. What were his politics? He didn't have any. He didn't. He didn't. He was a conservative, but he was not politically inclined. Conservative in terms of Matt McGrammerland, he was seven. So, like, what did you think of John F. Kennedy? He was probably a young man. I wish he was still alive. I wish I was alive so I could talk to him about the moon.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Oh, yeah. Now, now that we're talking about it, yeah, but there are so many people. And especially now, as people lack so much depth and so much character, and it's even fine. For me, it's difficult to even find interesting friends. So I get what you're talking about. Do I want to talk to this person forever?
Starting point is 00:55:02 No. But my grandfather, people that lived. What would your grandfather have said about the people who say like racism has never been worse? Yeah, it's funny you say that because I was kind of the first politically inclined person in my in my family and it was interesting to kind of see how everyone reacted to it. And my grandfather, I cared very deeply about what my grandfather thought about me very deeply. I care very deeply about my grandfather, I cared very deeply about, oh, my grandfather thought about me, very deeply. I care very deeply about my grandfather, things about me.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And he called me up one day and I happened to have been invited to speak about the rise of white supremacy in front of Congress and I've ever seen that clip of me. My grandfather did, yeah. My grandfather was sitting behind me. And when I did my opening statement, I said that part of the reason that I am so compelled to dispel this narrative is because I grew up with real racism. My grandfather had the real clansmen shooting inside of his home in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:55:54 He was a boy. And how insulting for me to harness what he lived through, I haven't lived through a day of that in my life. Because I want clicks and views and for people to feel bad for me. That should make people sick when they do that, when they pretend. And that's all I'm ever asking. And my granddad, which is so crazy about it, I read about this in my book and why I'm the way I am today is that when my grandfather would go into these stories about the clansmen who hated his dad and I think it was because his dad was, you know, the kind of person that might whistle at a white girl, you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:56:27 But anyways, when they hated his father, he'd go back in the story and he'd say, we've run in the back of the house, me and the kid, my grandpa was one of twelve and we'd run in the bed. One of twelve. Yeah, and then you're carrying on the tradition, though. Exactly. My granddad would say, and then my daddy would grab a shotgun and speak back at them. I mean, shoot back at them boys.
Starting point is 00:56:47 Like so powerful. Not this light. Yes. You know, oh my god, I looked at these colleges not except, it's like we're just black people I've got weak and it saddens me because we were funny, you know, like the concept for me of comedians, black people, being able to turn pain into humor, funnier than everybody else. Always from this position of strength,
Starting point is 00:57:10 and I had so much pride in that growing up. I had pride in my grandfather, pride in black America, and to see it all suddenly dissipate for me with the rise of the BLM narrative, this idea that no matter what, no matter Bill Mars thinking, he just sees me as it. That's a horrible toxic. No, no. I want thinking he just sees me as it, like that's a horrible, toxic, I want to be able to make fun of you for your race.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I want you to make fun of me. I want you to be able to talk stereotypes because they're real and they're funny. And I've seen you take people apart, like about black dorms. Yeah. Black only dorms. I saw you with the guy, I forget who it was.
Starting point is 00:57:42 But I mean, when you chop someone up, you do it like nobody's business. And again, when I'm agreeing with you, it's just such a pleasure to watch that. And that's all I'm ever asking with, and I've been, you know, you're a blood, there are lots of idiot commentators, like Bill Morris or racist, I just want the truth.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Just don't lie to me. But don't you miss being able to make fun of each other and like a feel good way? Go watch the old stand-up queens. They would walk in, they'd be on stage, and they would just literally, you could not survive. You were Chinese, you're getting a joke,
Starting point is 00:58:16 you're black, you're getting a joke about, and everyone is being offended, and everyone's laughing, and when they walk out, they're closer. Closer? Closer, because you need to have, you need to have a taken on your dog. You do, now when you're walking on egg shells.
Starting point is 00:58:29 See, I can't make a joke because if it's taken the wrong way. I've got an issue in apology, but take it away. Right, and that way we don't get close. Yeah, we never get closer, we never get closer. And I'm still terrible. It's terrible. My friendships, I make one of my friends for, I'm like, oh, well, it's because you're black
Starting point is 00:58:44 or that because you're Spanish, oh, you're Jewish, and that is why we are so close because we are able to. That is actually how people come at it. And it's not to say that racism still doesn't exist. There's always gonna be stupid people. Like there will all be criminals. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:58:56 People are dumb. We get that, you know. Right, exactly. You're gonna find these people. Is it in a country that's now 39% non-white and where most of the white people are not bigots anymore? They might be as enlightened as you and your Like what always gets missed here is if you ever met a real racist you wouldn't take a racist seriously because they're so stupid I mean it's like you can't I mean it's like
Starting point is 00:59:32 Brain never develops like for example that the docuseries. I'm doing right now right tell me about Convicting a murderer which is a 10-part docuseries are working on right now We've got the prison calls of this person that the media turned into a hero, Steven Avery, Netflix, did this whole bit, Mickey think he was innocent. And we went back and got the prison calls between Steven Avery and his family. They should be listening to it, right? They're dropping the N word over and over.
Starting point is 00:59:56 These people can barely put together a sentence, right? The idea that I would be offended by this prison call would actually lower my standards. You know what I'm saying? For me to be offended by this prison call would actually lower my standard. You know what I'm saying? For me to be offended by this person who literally, they don't comprehend things. They're so stupid. They've lived in this trailer park forever. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 01:00:16 Am I supposed to be offended or shocked that this person is dropping the N word over it? There's no black person that's going to watch this series and be like, well, there it is. Nobody's fearful of this racism. the end word over there's no black person to watch this year to be like well there it is the right like nobody's fearful of this racism and by the way ended up killing a white white girl you know because he this is that's why people also miss it that you're actually giving too much power that's why i love that my grandfather did you give too much power right and this is to me and we don't have to get into a big screaming match about it but to me there is to me, if you ask me if Donald Trump's a racist,
Starting point is 01:00:45 I would say, just with any crime, there are gradations of it. Is he the worst kind? Absolutely not. It's a very kind of passive of his generation. Let me give you a little story about when I was working at the Bergen Community College, my summer job, I was going to Ivy League
Starting point is 01:01:05 School and stupidly making like $20 a day working basically as an outdoor janitor at the local community college. So I had this boss, you know, he was like, this is like a summer program, they hired a few college kids to give him a little money. So he was always smoking a non-filter cigarette. And one time we were on the truck going somewhere to clean some shit up, and he saw a bunch of little black kids. And he says, yeah, they're cute now, but they grew up to be the word I can't say.
Starting point is 01:01:40 Right. To me, and I remember thinking I was 19 years old, wow, you asked whole races. To me, that is a race, I was 19 years old, wow, you asked whole races. To me, that is a race. It's a race. It's a total race. Okay. So, that guy does exist in the world.
Starting point is 01:01:52 Yeah. Now, that was 1974. Right. He exists less. 100%. Because he died. Yeah. He died.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Not all of them. That's the point. Not all of them. Yeah. When you hear Stephen Avery's parents, they're dead now. Right. But it's like, yeah, I would suspect that where they grew up. So, I mean, we have polling on this. Like the amount of white people in 1974
Starting point is 01:02:15 who thought that they would like to live in a diverse community was like 90 points different than it is now. Like most Americans want to live in a diverse community. That's a huge sea change. These are facts. Yeah, I actually have a question for you because I'm kind of missed by this
Starting point is 01:02:35 and I cover a lot of my show. The self-heating white person is like, as observing this as a black person, right? Something black people could never get behind, right? You're not gonna get black people to like, just lash themselves in public. And you know what I mean? mean? We look at this and we're a little bit like you guys are a little weird. At least at least we're like saying we're amazing and you guys are awful. Like you guys are and if I can't I'll pop my collar and I'll shine. The self-guadulation.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I've done two I've done two editorials on this because it's such great fodder for comedy. I did one. I wish I- Sorry for being white. You could never see a black person say, I'm sorry for being black. I just don't think that's a thing. I did one. I wish I could remember the exact words because I wrote it.
Starting point is 01:03:15 It was this party. It was so funny about if it's that bad, let's have a honky tax. Let's tax Caucasianness. Right? If it's that toxic, we have to put a honky tax. Let's tax Caucasianness. Right? If it's that toxic, we have to put a tax on it. And it was like, wrote a whole thing, man, I would say, we index to the blah, blah, blah. It's weird.
Starting point is 01:03:33 It's weird. It's weird. It is weird. It makes me uncomfortable. I don't want to watch people. It is uncomfortable. It hurt themselves. And also, it puts an imposition on black people.
Starting point is 01:03:43 They're asking black people to forgive them or to signal that I know you're an ally. I know you wanted to go. I hate it, everyone talks to me. Yeah, I'm like, every time they do it, it makes me, it makes my skin crawl. It's crazy. Because I know you don't mean this.
Starting point is 01:03:57 Of course not. And I don't know why. It makes me feel like you're like watching. Black Panther was very meaningful to me. And I want you to know that's your experience and I think myself for being born this way. And I see this stuff and I'm like, how did you get so brainwashed to apologize
Starting point is 01:04:17 for something that was completely out of your control? I thought black. I could never apologize. I had the same feelings about Black Panther as I do about every superhero movie. What do you think? Stupid. I mean, it's just not Mike.
Starting point is 01:04:28 I have a movie. Yeah. But I mean, I feel the same about Spider-Man, you know, but know it. But yeah, that cringy, like I have to get you to forgive me for my toxicness that like I didn't do it. Like the white privilege post made me super uncomfortable. forgive me for my toxicness that like I didn't do it. The white privilege posts made me super uncomfortable. I'm like, I don't understand how media has conditioned you
Starting point is 01:04:51 to hate yourself because I could never be conditioned to hate myself. I just can never imagine apologizing for being black. Why should you? Or white? Bunker. Or white. Yeah, it's weird.
Starting point is 01:05:00 I mean, white liberals don't understand about black folks. They don't understand that it's weird. I mean, you know what, white liberals don't understand about black folks. They don't understand that it's funny. We were gonna call my show Keeping It Real, but of course that would have not aged well, but at the time, and I remember the network was like, two black. Two black, two black, that name. But like, what they don't understand is that,
Starting point is 01:05:21 that's what, in my experience, I'll just see this, in my experience, what black folks love is not, I'm your ally. They love keeping it real. Yeah, keep it real. My dad loves you. Absolutely love you. My entire, like my aunt, all of them, they absolutely love you.
Starting point is 01:05:38 And they always say that. It's like he's just like real, you know, like he just says it. And it's like, don't, why are you patronizing us? Why are you patting us on the head? Like we're puppies that need rescuing. It's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's says it and that it's like don't why are you patronizing us? Why patting us on the head like we're puppies That need rescue You look pathetic, right, you know, I don't want to see someone grovel in front of again going back to your reference of like the five-year-old kid and everyone Weird
Starting point is 01:05:57 All this makes me uncomfortable so please stop doing it right Like we all know this is meaningless so let's stop pretending this is like real feelings that you have and not like. You know, I ask all my black friends and black girlfriends that I've had. And they know, and very often like then the ex girlfriends, but we're so close. You know, I mean, I make friends first. Yeah. It has to be based on, okay, so I ask them these questions. I'm like, I get it that when people say,
Starting point is 01:06:28 how could you know your white? Well, I'm also sentient. Okay, so maybe I can't know as good as you, but I can see the shit. I can see the commercials are different. Yeah, I mean, that they try so hard now. And also, when I'm on the road, it's always, I'm like, I'm consciously aware,
Starting point is 01:06:44 like when I'm in the din, it's always, I'm like, I'm consciously aware, like, when I'm in the diner in Charlotte, North Carolina, I'm like, I'm looking, I'm gonna see the, because I see black folks, white folks that's the south, some are working there, they're working with each other, some are customers, I just don't see anyone scowling. No. I just don't, like, this is my eyes.
Starting point is 01:07:02 Maybe I'm missing it, maybe they're all fantastic Academy Award winning actors. Who are. Maybe they're all fantastic Academy Award-winning actors. Right, right. Who are pretending that they're just living their best lives, but it looks like everyone is getting along great. Okay, pretty okay. And that's exactly my experience. And no one is like looking at black folks like.
Starting point is 01:07:17 What are you doing here? Open the door and everyone just gets quiet. More than I did. You know, that's how they, that's how the last five years have been trying to convince us that's the America we live in. I'm like, that's just not the America we live in. I'm sorry. Unless they're playing a prank on me, where everyone is so on the page.
Starting point is 01:07:35 Driving me crazy. And it's so hard. It's toxic. It's just, it's a toxic media narrative. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard.
Starting point is 01:07:44 It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard.
Starting point is 01:07:52 It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard.
Starting point is 01:08:00 It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so hard. It's so, it was it was okay. Here's what happened if people don't know a guy It was somebody was docking and there was a guy on the dock and for some reason they had a disagreement about whose life was gonna be Worse affected by the boat docking. Yeah, so the guy like jumps off the boat. I guess white guy. White guy hits the black guy It's the black guy. Which you could just be a normal bar fight, but, you think no to white guys ever had a fight on a dark?
Starting point is 01:08:25 Yeah, I know. That's what I'm saying. It's like, what component of the book do you feel? And it could be. It could be, I ain't gonna punch that black guy who's stopping me from that. That could be, and it just could be. And it also could not be. It could also could not be. No evidence for it. Now, once the fight started, of course,
Starting point is 01:08:40 all the black people came running and swimming for me. That wasn't me. This was the guy was amazing. He does deserve some sort of reward. To jump in the fight. He's like, who said black people came running and swimming that was the way the swimming guy was amazing who does deserve some swim to jump in the fight he's like who said black people can't swim jumps in the water gets over there gets on there and it turns into this and and of course the importation everybody is like I'm looking online they're making this black versus why I'm like I've never been to a bar and just seen people fight to whether it's two white guys two black guys and for some reason now it's like black people might not have any sort of bad falling out
Starting point is 01:09:07 of anything about it being like, it's because of race. And it's like, no, because we're humans. And humans have controversy and human spite and you don't need to pull a race narrative out of this. You're gonna be like, these were two idiots. No, two idiots. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:09:20 This drunk idiot, this guy, this guy swam in the water. These are just human beings. Everybody is a human being. No, once it was a black guy and a white guy fighting, it did become racial. But that just more shows how where we've gone in this. Yeah, I know. That it had to be,
Starting point is 01:09:36 now maybe that always would have happened. I can see that. Look, we have a long way to go. But I think we didn't have this long way to go. Now it seems like we do have a long way to go. But something's we didn't have this long way to go. Now it seems like we do have a long way to go. But something's cracking. So I think just even us having the conversation and talking about how we miss when people used to be
Starting point is 01:09:50 able to make fun of each other. It's the best stand-ups of all time. And I obviously, I'm talking about 90 stands up. But I mean, Chris Rock, yeah, bigger and blacker. Oh, yeah. I mean, there's just so many that I just loved growing up and they just went there.
Starting point is 01:10:04 It's big of fights and Jokes that you can't do anymore at the Wayne's brothers. They were so offensive So funny. Yeah, like Don't be called a man is how funny is that movie? I haven't seen that one. Oh, you have here's in for such a treat I know I have never seen it. Okay, so like they put out a book called, again, I'm going to, I certainly, I couldn't even think about doing, but they, I don't know if you even could do it today as a black person, 150 ways to know your ghetto. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Yeah. Right away. This is like something. You could never do it now. You could never do it now. And that's hilarious. And it's hilarious. And one of them was, you join fights that don't involve you.
Starting point is 01:10:47 That's objectively hilarious. I don't know where you're going. Everyone, everyone of these things where you know you're going to also applies to Rednecks. I have this theory that Rednecks and people in the hood are the same people. Now that I live in the same people, there's like a beautiful marriage, just waiting to happen. I'm like, guys, what's so funny is the media has to think that you're so different. You're exactly the same.
Starting point is 01:11:11 Except right next might be a little more ghetto, I've learned actually, a little bit. A little bit more ghetto, but I'm telling you, that's a whole thing that I've realized now living this half of my, like a musician once told me this, that it was either a rapper, I think I think it was a rapper who said,
Starting point is 01:11:26 you know, the country stars. Like a lot of their whole world is so like, exactly like ours. Like, you know, your cousin is your tour manager. Yeah. It's like that. Yeah. And I think it's true.
Starting point is 01:11:40 It's 100% true. And I say it all the time now by 1110 a.m. I'm like, red necks and people in the hood are the exact same people and the media has them Tricked up thinking that they're polar opposites and they're exactly the same. Listen to this one So you know Rudy Joe bet Rudy Joe bear is no he's a basketball player a very good one He play you may have seen him on the news when he did something very unfortunate It was one of punch Britney Spears. No, no, when COVID first hit, like he had it, I think.
Starting point is 01:12:09 And he was mocking it. We weren't like that afraid of it yet. And he pretended to put it on all the mics of the people who were interviewing him. Oh my gosh. I mean, right. I mean, you could lose everything for that. Right.
Starting point is 01:12:20 He's a sweet guy anyway. I guess he's French black. So he played in Utah for years for the jazz. he just got traded, and there was a New York Times article. And the headline was something like, you know, interview, it's a root interview. Rudy Joe Bear on, you know, the playoffs and, you know, the NBA and racism in Utah. And I thought, okay, here it comes. Because Utah, very white, of course. And they get to the question, Rudy,
Starting point is 01:12:46 what about the root racism in Utah? And Rudy goes, oh no, everybody was awesome there. Everyone was always great to me and my family. And you could almost feel the New York Times reporter being disappointed. What, you didn't find race in? That's terrible. I mean great.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Wonderful, are you sure? I mean great, that's great. You know, that's the kind of shit that makes me see red because it's just, phone just don't be a phony. As long as you're honest with me, I'm always with you. And the second you try to bullshit me or you have this narrative before you even say,
Starting point is 01:13:20 oh, the vanity fair article on you. Yeah. Well, first of all, congratulations for getting into vanity. But that's not an easy thing to do. Thank you. You know, I remember they did me in 1997. Did they? Were they nice to you?
Starting point is 01:13:34 They were never nice to me. I mean, they were, they were not, I don't think they were terrible. No, I think that it was fine. And I, Graydon Carter, as a friend, and I think it was fine. I don't remember. But in general, the print media
Starting point is 01:13:46 has always been assholes. I have a theory, but I'm not going to share it. But the vanity fair piece I thought was everything that makes me hate that kind of lefty. First of all, it was so condescending the way they, it was kind of like what we were talking about before they kind of was We're like presenting you with someone who must Be faking it just for publicity. Yeah, because who could ever believe well people think differently than you
Starting point is 01:14:19 Jesus fucking Christ. Maybe they just think differently, you know, but that they that like it just they to expose themselves like never entered their mind. Maybe she could be right about some things. Right. You know, I mean, like maybe she authentically actually believes. She actually actually asked her that much credit. Yeah, and I just thought to myself, if I was going to fake it, the easier thing would have been to be faking a BLM crazy liberal. I would have crushed it. I would have had, do you know how much money I would have made if I leaned into a liberal, leftist, they would have had me on every media. I would have been on a cover. I would have been times most influential. You could be hosting the unnightly news. So how much money would I be making right now if I had just gone left? That's why I was so
Starting point is 01:15:03 challenged. I really was about money. This is the route I would have gone. I'm saying it is not easy being a black conservator. It's horrible. It's horrible because they're constantly telling you that it can't be real. Okay, so even my marriage is a sham. I even married someone who's conservative. And so like when they do polling, the majority of black people are not liberal.
Starting point is 01:15:24 They're moderate and more conservative than white. On certain issues, especially, like LGBTQ stuff, black people are far right. Well, far right. Yeah. Had been for a very long time. Yes. So you like the trans stuff is not selling in the black
Starting point is 01:15:36 community of that nature. Black men are definitely leaning much more conservative these days, which makes sense because of the way they were going back to me saying, I was raised conservatively actually. and then kind of something happens in public school where you kind of learn that you kind of have to be a liberal, and then I was liberal. I would describe myself as a liberal. I wasn't voting Democrat or anything, but I was very liberal in college, very like everything
Starting point is 01:15:58 feminism when you're feminin. And what years are we talking about? I graduated high school in 2007, so 2007 to 2011. So the beginning of Obama, you were a liberal. I cried when Obama won. Well, but associate a conservative. So should a conservative. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:16:12 So it's interesting. And so then people use that against me. And we're like, that shows that you're doing, and when they say they were doing this for the money, I'm like, you're an effing idiot. But I was doing this for the money. I would be, I would be the best BLM activist there ever was.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Yes, to this about Obama. So I read Andrew Sullivan wrote a piece recently where he said, who I love, by the way, do you read Andrew Sullivan? No. He's the, really? I don't read Andrew Sullivan. Why? He's so great. You want me to start? He would love him. Yeah. He would love him. You would love it. And he's such a brilliant writer. It's such a pleasure to read his prose. Anyway, I think it was called Where Is That Obama? And he was talking about how Tim Scott running as a Republican in 2023 sounds more like Obama when he was running than Obama sounds like Obama today.
Starting point is 01:17:03 It's incredible to look back at the things that he said when they tried to race bait him. He ran an incredible campaign that based on unity. Exactly. And then he just went the other way and was selling us America was racist. Without disowning his black side at all. But also like just being common-sensical and realistic and not pandering to the side that says race is everything. Race is our original sin and it will always be an important issue in America and it will
Starting point is 01:17:34 always need redressing. But it's not like, first of all, we haven't attempted a lot of redressing. You know, I mean- We're fracturing people now. Now what you're gonna need to stop talking about it. I agree with Morgan Freeman and he's like, do you want to get over racism? Stop talking about it. Stop making everything about race. No, and there are a lot of conservative black voices. They really are. Danza Washington is certainly conservative.
Starting point is 01:17:58 Yes, and John McWater. I wouldn't even call it conservative always. I mean, you are, but I don't think John McWater is, but the things you say about race, the same things he says about race. And I would count him like me, an old-school liberal, we're like the same age. That's our... That's why my dad loves you.
Starting point is 01:18:16 You know what I mean? Because I don't think it's the old-school liberals. We can sit down, the conservative is, you know, we can parse, we can talk about all different topics. And in the New York Times. In the New York Times, they let John McWhorter write. He is no New York Times columnist, but it never really gets to that stuff.
Starting point is 01:18:35 You know, it's a lot about language, and I love John. I'll read him writing about anything, but it's a lot about stuff that kind of skirts what I know is in his book, the religion of anti-racism, calling it a religion. You know, and going after all this stuff, the same stuff you go after. This is stuff that doesn't make sense. Not denying racism still exists, but and it's always an existence. In the New York Times, you just are not allowed to, I mean, that's why Barry Weiss left. Yeah, and she did the right thing.
Starting point is 01:19:08 She did, and it's really great. Yeah, it's so great. And I love what she's doing now. That's great. She's killing it, and there is a thirst as she thought there was for people who want to see stuff that is not catering to either side. Yeah, and that's what I was saying, too. I think even for me, there's just been this general fatigue that has set in and I'm focused much more on cultural issues.
Starting point is 01:19:28 Because you're the baby. Well, I think part of it, yeah. I think becoming a mom definitely, I definitely made me hone in on certain topics a lot more. And I don't care who's saying the thing that I think is right. Like on my show, I share our, you know, our of K-Junior. He says stuff that I think is really good. That's really sad right there. Yeah, and I would love to have him on my show. And share our, you know, our of K-Junior. He says stuff that I think really good. He's out right there. Yeah, and I would love to have him on my show. And people are so offended, but he's
Starting point is 01:19:49 going to let that show. He would do your job. He's so tribal. I tried to get him. I don't, the reason why he wouldn't do it was because there was some like YouTube stuff going on at the time. I think he would come on my show. I will. We talk a lot about that.
Starting point is 01:19:58 I will put in a good word. Yeah, we talk a lot about that thing. He's the reason why I chose not to vaccinate my children, which is funny because he's super left. And obviously, I would never vote for our case in here, but I want to clap for him because it doesn't really be so tribal, but just because you wouldn't vote for someone based on this policy or what they believe in that you won't listen to them about things that are
Starting point is 01:20:16 really rational. That could actually bring you bring us all a little closer. And I think what he has done in terms of the sacrifices he has made in his life to make parents more aware of the encroaching medical system. He completely woke my eyes up to it and he is fascinating. No, when he sat here, that is the theme that I was trying to encourage him to use in his campaign, that his ideas about COVID and vaccines, not that I agree with everything, I don't think they put chips in the vaccine.
Starting point is 01:20:47 I don't think that either. Does he, does he think that either? I think he did say that at the beginning. Oh, okay, I didn't hear that. I want to be faster. I don't believe in that. I don't believe in chips. I think we've established tonight,
Starting point is 01:20:55 we've all got our own goal. We all got our own things. We all got our own things. He responded to my tweet and said that. He would have said chips in the vaccines, and I would have been like, that's an interesting one. Chips on the moon.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Yeah. Anyway. So, okay. What were we talking about? Yeah, but how you had him on the show and you felt that you wanted to hear. So, I wanted his, for him to make a theme of his campaign, connecting his past work as someone
Starting point is 01:21:24 who was always exposing corporate America and health problems, that everyone was applauding because it's environmental stuff. It's the river we want to save the river. Yes, I agree. We should applaud that the thing with vaccine and stuff is a continuation of that, not a departure. It's not like, oh, he went nuts. No, this guy was always concerned
Starting point is 01:21:45 about what keeps us healthy, what robs us of our health, and a lot of it is environmental. He's not wrong. He's very right. About that connection. I don't go with him everywhere he goes. I feel like he needs to vet certain things a little more thoroughly. But you know what? Generally, if I had to choose his page or the conventional FDC, you know, Western medicine page, I'd go with him. I go with him entirely. He shaped a lot of my opinions on that. And I think it's sad that when I talk about that, like if I talk about my platform, people have so pigeon-pulled me as a Trump supporter, that I mean, it's crazy. When I had a vacan, people have so pigeon-pulled me as a Trump supporter. I mean, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:22:25 When I had a vacant, I got attacked by a group of conservatives. When I say that I'd love to speak to RFK, he was a big part of my breathing of me being aware of what I was putting into my children's body. People have become so tribal that depending on who says it, like if someone says, watch out, you're gonna get hit by a bus, they'll be like,
Starting point is 01:22:42 I'm not listening to that because RFK Jr. said it. And I don't wanna be that person. I want to watch out and not get hit by a bus. I'm not listening to that because our K-Dunia said it. I don't want to be that person. I want to watch out and not get hit by the bus. So I'm hoping that there has that people are starting to understand that and that's why I said I've gotten less into politics and more into culture because the more you get into politics you realize that people are tribal to a point of security. But you can't separate politics is culture and I've been doing it. People are like, why aren't you saying that you're supporting
Starting point is 01:23:08 this kind of like because you know what? I'm telling you what I find interesting about you can't do that. Yeah, I don't do that. You know, the vague is interesting because of this you should listen to him. Here is like, you know, I had a Trump supporter debate in the vague and the vague performed really well. You know, because he looks like a person that would perform
Starting point is 01:23:22 really well in an academic debate, you know? And bringing that sort of a conversation to people in general, I think it's good. And I think RFK is super interesting. And I mean, I get called names all the time. I piss off people, you know, like I disagree with a lot of people on certain issues. I think sometimes the right gets to conspiratorial, which is ironic given how we started this. But I did a whole my whole segment last week on talking about, you know, when all you see is George Soros and the World Economic Forum, on every person that's new, you know, you may have had your brain rotted, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:23:52 Like, not every single person can be controlled by George Soros, right? And there are the six degrees of separation. I can probably attach each and every one of you to George Soros, right? Because they were angry that Vivek took a college scholarship. And I'm like, I applied for, I probably applied for George Strauss scholarships, because I was poor. I had no money, and I applied for literally every scholarship that my guidance project counselor brought to me. If you see a conspiracy and people taking money out for college when it costs $150,000 a year to go to school, like, you know what, I mean, your brain has just been rotted, and you're probably not good to be in the political realm.
Starting point is 01:24:21 And so I kind of did that episode talking about, you know, because I literally had a photo of me where I was sitting like this, and they said I was in the Illuminati. It's just like, what are you, you ever should tell a day and nights? I don't know, I don't know where I put my hands sometimes. I don't know where our hands have been throughout this. They'll find us still.
Starting point is 01:24:37 It should take that as a compliment. I'm like, listen, you guys are all pissing me off enough that the Illuminati calls up going, you know? I'm sure I've kept you longer than I should have, but you got me going. That was fun. That was actually fun. I love to laugh. Me too.
Starting point is 01:24:53 And that's why I said that people are trying to think. I was trying to think, even after all these years of making a living doing it, I was just thinking for the first time the other day, like, why is laughter? Like, why do we love it and crave it so much? Whatever it is, it must literally tickle something in it. It brings you together. But I love to laugh like that. It's therapeutic, like a real muscle laugh. Yeah, I totally agree. Thank you. The third of what I'm sure will be... Permanently pregnant married Catholic man. Just the beginning.
Starting point is 01:25:23 Well, club. Render. It's a little hard to get up out of seats, but I'm not very good. I know. Mm-hmm. Thank you so much. Oh, that was too far.

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