Club Random with Bill Maher - Wiz Khalifa | Club Random with Bill Maher

Episode Date: June 5, 2023

Bill Maher and Wiz Khalifa on the allure of jewelry, the appeal of party music, Ja Morant, Wiz growing up with military parents, the sorry state of schools, certain popular body types, decaying cities, growing with your audience, and the best quote ever from a comedian. 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Climb right now. Look at this, isn't that a beauty? Eight bucks on Amazon. That's a nice kick. And it makes you look like James Bond. Yeah, yup. Open that in a strip club, my friend, your halfway home.
Starting point is 00:00:10 Hell yeah, you got it all right. You locked and loaded. Not that you've ever been in a strip club, my image. I love strip clubs. Need to. Well, you know what? Here's my defense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Uh, yeah. Not that I have to convince you or anybody. Fuck everybody. That's my plan. No, but okay, so I'm on the road. It's 10 o'clock to show us over. Right. I don't want to go to a restaurant because I don't want to eat when I'm on the road. I don't want to eat bad food.
Starting point is 00:00:40 I'm only on the road for like two days at a time. Like I can bring all my food in a little bag, have something in my dressing room that's already in my contract. So like I can go the whole little short weekend without eating bad food. So I don't want to go to, and I don't want to eat at 10 o'clock. I'm not going to go to a club because I'm not you. I'm not your age. You know, it's just, you know, it's just, and it's too fucking loud. It's loud as fuck. Not too loud. And you know, I'm not going to go to too fucking loud. It's loud as fuck. Not too loud and fucking loud. You know, I'm not gonna go to a bar.
Starting point is 00:01:07 I don't really drink anymore. I'll have one with you. You know, I ain't drinking water. I'm drinking water. A strip club, at least it's not too loud. Yeah. It's got to, you know, they've kind of morphed into after hours club.
Starting point is 00:01:20 It's a show. Yeah. Am I wrong? No, they're definitely a little bit more loungy. Yeah, they're more loungy. Yeah, show. Yeah. Am I wrong? No, I'm definitely a little more loungy. Yeah, they're more loungy. Yeah, yeah. Sure. So, like, I don't feel like there's this stigma
Starting point is 00:01:33 that there used to be. Mm-hmm. Like, not that I ever really can't ever talk about it, but a little bit, you know. I mean, you're in a different branch of show business. Oh, it's a little more acceptable. I mean, I know you break records. Don't you?
Starting point is 00:01:51 Yeah, I'd love to go to the show club to break records to see how the girls react to it. Even just like building a reputation, it was kind of necessary to be in some of those environments. Cause they want to hear your name and know that there's, there's yeah, exactly. There's fun involved, there's money involved, there's all of this other, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:16 this cool shit that comes along with it. So, you know, that definitely becomes a part of it, but I honestly like, I respect the dancers. Like I'm like, it's a real art, it's a sport. Like, you know, some of the pole tricks, that takes a lot. Takes a lot and not just that, but strip clubs have morphed from when I first went in the,
Starting point is 00:02:42 I mean, couldn't even afford to go before the 90s, but even before the 90s, there weren't, there weren't the strip clubs that are today, which are like fairly big. It was like, you know, some broken down old place by the airport. And then it was like two GIs with a heart on it, and a $3 bill, and one all brought on the bar,
Starting point is 00:03:00 you know, with a serving the beer. It wasn't like, and then it became in the 90s, they became like, Imperiums. Like, fucking circuses and shit. Yeah. Which one? I've never seen an elephant. You have it?
Starting point is 00:03:15 No, but I've seen some fat girls. Yeah, you got to come to Chicago with me. A boy, if I see some, some elephants walking up in there. But I feel like, when I first went, the first one I ever went to was Ricks in Houston, which is a town that breaks a lot of fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:33 You must be big in Houston. Houston's cracking. I love Houston. They have the right attitude, don't they? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They got good food, southern hospitality. Southern hospitality. Yeah. They're not looking for a got good food, southern hospitality. Southern hospitality.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah. They're not looking for a fight. No, a hell not. I always vived well in Houston. Anyway, Rex, as I think was the first one, and I remember walking in that place, and it was like out of a, heronymous Bosch painting,
Starting point is 00:04:02 it was like, you know, where they're in hell, but hell looks really good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was just, everywhere you look, there was a gorgeous model looking chick. And they had like these perfect bodies and not an ounce of fat on anybody, fake tits, of course. Like these bodies that you only saw in drawings.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Yeah, yeah. But they were wearing gowns, you know, sexy gowns. But it wasn't like now where like, we've moved, see they took away the one thing that the strip club was famous for for 3000 years is stripping the slow revealing of the body, just the art. And there was no touching. If you just touch their leg, the bouncer would come over
Starting point is 00:04:44 and it'd monoshew. Right. Whereas now, we're naked to begin with. Oh yeah. And it became about like lap dancing, which is a nice way of saying grinding on dicks. Yeah, for sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And I feel that's wrong. Yeah. Many levels. I just, I don't want to participate in that. I think it's terrible to make girls do that. One thing to like look at them unravel their dress and admire their body, that I get. But this is just a different thing.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And I feel like they kind of fucked up the whole thing. Yeah, no, I'm with you, bro. Like, I don't really even like getting lab dances. I don't like when chicks is like all on me grinding this shit, because I'm a player. So I like to look good, I like to smell good. I don't want makeup on me. I don't want all that shit all over.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Yeah. So it's like, you know, you can do all that over there, and it looks perfectly fine. So I'm right there with you. Makeup. Yeah, I mean, as many a night I went to better white man and woke up a black woman. Yeah, I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And it's reversed for me. I woke up a white woman. Right. Right. I said, get up, bitch. I got shit to do. Well, I'm glad we agree on that very fundamental part of life. Yeah, I like it. It is interesting the way they are strip clubs
Starting point is 00:06:16 are becoming more mainstream. Mm-hmm. You know. They're virtual now. It's like in the crib, they do it online. Why? And they got virtual reality, yeah. Yeah, you never seen the virtual reality strippers?
Starting point is 00:06:29 No. Or the online virtual reality strippers. Yeah, and what that, isn't that what pornography is? Yeah, but it's even more real. You can get a pair of goggles that make it VR. And the girls look real. If you reach out, you feel like, I mean, you're not grabbing tits,
Starting point is 00:06:51 but it's close, bro. Like, yeah. Your generation is so fucked up. Yeah. So fucked up. I mean, just this love affair with virtual. And I mean, I don't want virtual. I mean, the very word, it just announces itself as less than the best. Hey, it's virtually, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:15 And somebody says something about that, you know. I don't understand this satisfaction with not really being someplace, not, and especially with sex, and that whole thing with, it's crazy. There's a lot of people who are rather doing that way. Masterbay. Not even Masterbay, like, just be in a situation that's not real. Do you think this is partly because you're taking
Starting point is 00:07:45 too many of the women? Oh, no, not me personally. No, not. Oh, come on. Hell no, I'll be chilling. It ain't a chicks that I get. I want who wants me. So, you know, you only want who wants you.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yeah, of course. Yeah, so if they want me. But I'm sure that's a lot. You know, who knows? I'm huge.'s a lot. You know, who knows? You do. What do you mean who knows? If I walk you know. If when I walk in a room, I'm not like,
Starting point is 00:08:11 oh, this chick, that chick, this chick. You probably could do that. You're being ridiculous. See, you can do that. No, first of all, I'm 67 years old. If you like, you got more game than I do. That's true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:08:27 But, you know, no, I don't know. I'm sure you're, first of all, you don't even need game. If you, by the way, that's the great paradox about game. If you, if you need it, you don't have it. You think so? Yes, I think the ultimate game is like, exactly who you are. I like that.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And that one thing, like women, just like men, can be dumb about a lot of things. But boy, they smell in authenticity. Even if they're dumb about everything else, they can tell who's real. I remember they used to write these, I never bought one, but they had these books that were advertised advertising magazines,
Starting point is 00:09:05 like how to pick up girls, and you'd read a little excerpt. And it was always basically like fake it. I mean, that's what they were saying. So they're talking a little bit of guys, you know, and they were like, you know, don't call her back and like, yeah, you know what, try that. Yeah, sure. And answer it all, because they, like,
Starting point is 00:09:22 if you really can get away with not calling them back right away, if you really are busy away with not calling them back right away if you really are busy and have a lot of other girlfriend or whatever it is they just know that for sure somehow yeah and if you're just doing it because oh I'm gonna make her think no you know that now you're right so their game is is a game is no game. And it took me a long time to be confident enough to be that way. Well, I do like you, but I can be happy without you. For sure.
Starting point is 00:09:54 And just like that. What? It takes like that. You think so? Yeah, of course they do. Hell yeah, they respect that. What they like, we are attracted to beauty like in a way that's very fundamental
Starting point is 00:10:06 and very lizard brain because our nature wants us more than anything else to procreate, especially in your tour bus. So show. So show. But, so we are attracted to that way, because we see beauty and it says to our DNA somewhere inside of us, oh this will make good offspring.
Starting point is 00:10:31 You know, her features are symmetrical. Her skin glows. She will make a fine mother. Yeah. Okay. That's very poetic. Oh, I try. I haven't put it into first.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Hell yeah. Like you have my leges. But yes. But we, but women are attracted to something else. And, oh, of course, they like a good looking too. But like what really gets their nads, I think, is confidence. But sure. Because they want someone who's strong and can protect.
Starting point is 00:11:02 And, you know, that's their deep-seated DNA. They're like a real man, I think, most women. Definitely. Not all the trans kids, but the old school trip. For sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The vagina. Like you said, it's like the confidence
Starting point is 00:11:18 and being masculine isn't being over. No. Anything. No, like, no. Yeah, it's just being yourself and knowing how to work a room. And sometimes it's being sensitive too. Not being too sensitive. Absolutely. Right, don't be a person.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't cry unless you're mother dies. Right, you know, the basic shit. Right. Chicks, they look at the best examples of what kind of they grew up seeing. So if they have a strong father figure or if they see somebody on fucking TV that whatever it is, that's what they're molding that shit after. Whether it's right or wrong.
Starting point is 00:11:57 So like you said, as long as we can just be ourselves and just carry what we bring to the table, we'll end, navigating that crazy ass road. This array of jewelry. Yeah, yeah, the jewelry. Let's attract the female of the species. It does. But it's crazy, because it's easy to know who's attracted to that shit and who's not. What?
Starting point is 00:12:29 It's easy to know and it's easy to see it. So you wear it as a test? No. Whoever is attracted fails. No, no, no, no. What I usually do is I go someplace is with it and I'll go someplace without it. So the place is with it. What are you hoping you're attracted here, it's just me.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Hey, what kind of a show do you think this is? I thought I might have been some chicks here. No, but not us. It's definitely a difference. And you could see like, you know, the type of attention. And I don't think it's just attention in general because people gravitate towards whatever they like, but it's definitely a certain type of attention for show.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Is it wrong to say that women are attracted to shiny objects? I don't think all women are. There's a lot of women in there, there's a certain type of women, right, but not all women, not. No, not all chicks, not all chicks, they just think, but not all women. No. No, of course. Not all chicks. Not all chicks. So, not all women even like to be called chicks.
Starting point is 00:13:29 That's just my, not where. They know. And we know nothing about it. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just my work. You know, it's everybody's work. It was a work. Trust it.
Starting point is 00:13:37 This goes back like cook crack. I was saying, Chick, before you were born. Right. That was, that's been around forever. Right. The Dixie chicks, right. before you were born. That was that's been around forever. The Dixie chicks changed their name at one point to just the chicks because it was politically
Starting point is 00:13:52 and correct to even mention Dixie. Mm-hmm, okay. And then somebody pointed out that chicks was wrong. Right, and that was a part. They were gonna have to just call themselves the. Mm. Yeah. Mm.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Isn't that funny? Yeah. But, uh, hmm. Yeah, we don't mean any harm. And you should be able to speak freely. For sure. And that's what this place is all about. Hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And I mean, I really try to, when I'm here, I try to only be with people I really want to talk to. And then talk exactly as we would. You know, there's nobody else here. You don't see any cameras or anything. As if I was just, we were mere. Yeah. And that's what we would say.
Starting point is 00:14:43 We wouldn't, we're not like cleaning up our conversation. No, I don't know. I don't know. I don't want to do that. No, yeah. Nor are we being purposely provocative or purposely anything. And we would say chicks and we would know that the audience trusts us enough to know that we respect women.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Yeah, for sure. So it's not like calling them, I mean, even bitch was like a word that was like, just, I'm, I'm the, what's the word I'm looking for? I'm the president. Yeah, right. And rap for decades, right? I'm sure you've used it.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Oh, hell yeah. Yeah. I know you have. My mom don't even care. Like, I started, I probably started to cut some of them out. Well, no, I was always cutting them out of my raps because my mom smokes weed. So she, she always been cool. Like she always knew what my music selection was.
Starting point is 00:15:35 She knew what I was listening to. She knew what I was watching. And my dad was more than one who was like, you know, this isn't appropriate for a kid like blah, blah, blah. You know what I mean? But I feel like my generation, we were just growing up, picking what we wanted. Like it wasn't as far as like what you can't have
Starting point is 00:15:53 or what you can't. I guess that's kids in general, that's what kids do. They choose what they like. And for me, I was always into like really hardcore rap or rock or like, I listened to what my parents listened to as well. So I listen to the funk and everything, R&B, fucking, whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:10 So I have a really good palette when it comes to music. But when I definitely started making my own music, it was always, say what I want, do what I want, talk about what I want. I never really tried to mask that shit or like, be somebody who I wasn't like in my music. Like I always wanted my parents to see that shit and be like, okay, except it too.
Starting point is 00:16:32 It's refreshing, I think, to have happy music. That like, first of all, music is the kind of thing that comes into your life like TV or anything else. That you're probably indulging in at that moment in the day because you're not working or you're not arguing with someone or it's a break for pleasantness. So does that mean that we can't have music that's about serious stuff?
Starting point is 00:16:58 Just of course not, or television shows or movies that are about serious subjects. But a lot of the times, like, no, I'm looking to power down now. I just wanna feel good. I'm using this to feel good. So I can't be worried about all the problems in the world right now.
Starting point is 00:17:16 So I like, you know, your approach was not like, I'm angry and thing suck and America sucks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, okay, we know there are parts about America that talk. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I, it's like, I don't need the memo 24 or so. Yeah, hell no. Like, that's what the news is for.
Starting point is 00:17:36 That's what, that's what I'm here for. I'm telling you the bad news. You're here to like it up. But it is true. Yeah, and I like, you know, one of my great friends, you probably know him or met him, Kid Christopher Reed from Kidding Play. Okay, well, when Kidding Play were first on the scene,
Starting point is 00:17:57 they were huge. This is like early 90s, like 80s, early 90s. And then, you know, and they were working your side of the street. Right. It was happy, you know, house party. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. We're just having fun. I look at the top of it. Fun, youth, dancing. Right. Dressing flat. I mean, then they got like white style, yeah. Because hardwrapped. Yeah. It has to be about, like, lifestyle, because hard wrap. Yeah, it has to be about,
Starting point is 00:18:26 well, we are taking a dim view about what law enforcement is doing in this neighborhood. Right, right, right. They phrased it differently. Yeah, I think there's both sides of it where it's like, you could be very political, but then, you know, a lot of those political rappers, you know, ISQ, and end up doing family movies.
Starting point is 00:18:44 And, you know, snowpe. and end up doing family movies. Right. Snoop. You know what I'm saying? Commercial. So you grow out of that shit. It's a phase. Like, being a gangster is a phase. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:18:53 Sometimes it's a phase that lasts inappropriately. Like this basketball player, John Moran, who just got suspended for brandishing a gun in a second time. Okay, first of all, I don't think it's like the end of the world to have a picture of a guy with a gun. He didn't actually fire it, you know, fucks. Right. Okay, it's just a picture.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Okay, it's not a good message to kids. I get it. My question is like, why? Like, are you in a gang now? Yeah, Morant. No, I think you've got a giant house, and you've been in the league five years. The show.
Starting point is 00:19:29 You're contracted for hundreds of millions of dollars. Right. Like, why are we living in the past? Yeah. Why are we still, I guess that some people have to be, you know, you gotta make a living. Yeah. Sometime right.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Straight, right. But he doesn't. It's almost like, I just want to say, you're playing a character for show. I think it's just because he's young and he don't know no better. But stop playing a character. Well, when you're young, you don't know the difference
Starting point is 00:19:55 between your alter ego and who you really are. Oh, that's an interesting thing. You're right. It's wrong about that. No, for real, because I noticed that. And you really don't even know the difference when you have such a talent, such a big personality, you don't know when you're being that character and when you're being yourself.
Starting point is 00:20:12 And that's true of you? It was before. Your alter ego being... Um, more like a... Like a party animal. Yeah. Yeah. Well, when I was younger, I always felt like, I would be like a party animal forever.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Like I loved a party. Now I love to be the life of the party. And I love to just wake up and get turned and be around the homies and do this and do that. And the older that I got, I really just realized that it was a phase and it was just, you know, something that was good for a certain reason, but that wasn was a phase and it was just, you know, something that was good for a certain reason, but that wasn't all of who I was.
Starting point is 00:20:49 So you're saying that at one point, you're alter ego and your actual self, we're doing the same thing. You were a big party on them. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But then you gave up on that part. I didn't give up on it. I know how to separate the two.
Starting point is 00:21:04 As a comedian and host of a TV show and podcast, that part. I didn't give up on it. I know how to separate it too. As a comedian and host of a TV show and podcast, I got to live in my own little show business bubble. But I have no idea that in the real world, it can now take up to 11 weeks on average to hire for an open job position. Even in this economy where apparently nobody wants to work anymore. So if you're hiring for a growing business, do you really have that kind of time to wait? Well, I've got some advice for you. Stop waiting and start using Zip Recruiter.
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Starting point is 00:24:09 except that I was such a loser and so poor and nowhere, like in my teens, through most of my 20s, even into my 30s, I wasn't setting any worlds on fire, that I couldn't really be a party animal. You have to have some jud, some sort of use to go on in your life to like be, and then when I got to late 30s, 40s, it was a little late, but you can pull it off. I certainly did.
Starting point is 00:24:38 So sure. Right. This is when that money comes in. Right, money, I thought, you get the feeling confident. And people know who you are. You can go to a nice restaurant. When so. You get the feeling confident. And people know who you are. You can go to a nice restaurant.
Starting point is 00:24:46 With a bag. With a bag hits. With a bag hits. The bag. The bag, yeah. I got the bag at 19, so I went, you know, I went crazy. What's the bag? That's a million dollars.
Starting point is 00:24:56 Your first million. It's called the bag. That's the bag when the bag comes. Yeah, you get the bag, you start acting different. You can't do that much or anymore with one bag. No, no, not one bag. I mean, it's better than none. Yeah, exactly, but when you first get it,
Starting point is 00:25:11 you feel like, yo, like, yeah, I'ma go to whatever restaurant, I'ma buy whatever champagne I want. I'ma tell you what, I'ma get whatever girl I want. I'ma get three girls if I want. I'ma hang with the homies. Right. You know, I'll talk crazy to you cause these fools got my back. If you don't know what I'm saying, all of the head stuff.
Starting point is 00:25:32 So you starts to kick in like when you get the bag. And you know, you gotta, you gotta lie about that. I remember when I was half in the bag. Yeah. I still tried to do all that. No, not all that. That's the, your game is a little different, but I take your point. Somebody once said, or I read it somewhere that everybody who becomes famous
Starting point is 00:25:55 deserves to get like one year to act like an asshole. To show. And I remember telling Howard Stern, I may have taken two. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You might have taken like ten. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Really? But it's acceptable in my field. No. And that's the thing about with him is like, it's not acceptable in his field.
Starting point is 00:26:17 You know? Well. And that's the difference. And that's where the discipline comes in of, you know, okay, you're young, but you'll learn from it. But at the end of the day, you know, your job is a little bit different. Well, your thing about 10 years and like getting away with anything, it's so funny because I was just watching
Starting point is 00:26:36 Trump's town hall on CNN and somebody asked him about his famous remark that was, a lot of people thought that he was going to be finished in the election. It did not come close to finishing him. Obviously, he won that election. But when he said, when you're a star, women let you grab their pussy or something like that. And she asked him about that in the town hall last week.
Starting point is 00:27:02 And Donald Trump is an amazing man. I mean, he certainly is loved so much in many ways as I've certainly never been sure on discussing, but he is kind of like, it's almost like he's been given sodium pentatol sometimes. And I'm sure that's what a lot of people love about him. He's almost in Cape, he's both the biggest liar in the world and he's sort of in Cape of a lot of lying. Like anybody else would have like she said, would you stand by that statement that when you're a star, you can grab pussies and he basically just said what we're saying, not that I've ever grabbed anybody's pussies and I'm pretty out I'm sure you haven't either,
Starting point is 00:27:41 but like when you're a star and you you know this much more than I do, because this is like the level stuff you're talking about. I'm glad I was spared by that by just being a lowly comedian. That people will do anything for you. They try to get you the best drugs. They bring women over. I mean, you just said it. These four fools behind me have my back, so I can do anything. It's not like Trump's, you know, he was kind of trying his saying his clumsy way. He said, well, if it better or if it's worse, I think when he meant his worse for the woman.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Mm-hmm. Right, right, right. It was a terrible, inartful, stupid thing to say. Or maybe it's the worst version of it. I don't know about him. I can't even get into his head. But he wasn't denying it. He was just saying, this is any course,
Starting point is 00:28:29 he always has to exaggerate. So he said, this went back a million years like we know. Like we know what happened a million years ago. Like there were guys, like he knows about a guy a million years ago who was grabbing some cave woman's put. Exactly. No. But, but point being being like, it's, he was trying to say,
Starting point is 00:28:50 this is the way of the world. Like, Stardom does mesmerize people. Not just women, it makes people go nutty. Yeah, it does. It 100% does. Yeah, yeah, Stardom is a really big responsibility. And being good at what you do, too, is like, it's fucking crazy. So it's a lot to deal with, it's a lot to navigate, and it's a journey, man. It's like, so many people try to put so many rules on what you should do or how you should act
Starting point is 00:29:20 and how you should do things. Like, cool. What are you talking about? I'm just saying in general, like with their opinions of what's right or what's wrong or what's wrong. When you're talking about the internet, you're talking about your parole officer. I don't know who you're talking about. I would say the internet more now because of how free it is with opinions,
Starting point is 00:29:38 but just society in general tries to tell celebrities or famous people what their behavior should be, and how you should react to situations or what you should say behind closed doors or how you should think. A handful of culture, I mean, like judging you and then like how dare you, like. I wouldn't even say cancel culture
Starting point is 00:29:59 because that's more of a new thing. I'm just saying in general, like people in general have this perspective that like celebrities should be perfect or they shouldn't fuck up or they shouldn't do things. Like sort of how people think about your parents. Like when you're growing up, do you think your parents are fucking perfect? No, right.
Starting point is 00:30:18 Yeah, yeah, like that's how I feel a lot of people look at celebrities or people with, you know, people with power is like, they just do everything the right way, and that's not true. So what was your upbringing like, your parents? My parents were in the military for the early part of my life, so I moved around a lot. Oh.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah, army, brad. I would say that, yeah, well, there was an air force. There was an air force. Both of them? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. Both of them. They met in the air that, yeah, well, there was in the Air Force. There was in the Air Force. Both of them? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Wow. They met in the Air Force, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:48 My dad's from New York and my mom is from Pittsburgh. So my whole dad's side of family is from New York and my whole mom's side is from Pittsburgh. And I moved around to how I was about a teen. Oh, yeah. That's your big strong. Yeah, yeah. Right.
Starting point is 00:31:04 I moved around to how I was about like 13, and then that's when I settled in Pittsburgh and started making music and just doing my thing out there. But your parents, they stayed together and they were like, No, hell no. They got divorced when I was two. Oh. So you split time between them?
Starting point is 00:31:22 Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK. But they both stayed in the military. So you split time between them? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. But they both stayed in the military. So my dad stayed in longer than my mom did. Okay, yeah, yeah. But you were always living in different locales? See, it's interesting. I've heard this story from other people and it's,
Starting point is 00:31:39 it tends to make people one of two things, either kind of shut down because, well, I can't make friends, because every time I make a friend, I lose them because we move. Or like able to be friends with everybody. That's me. I was gonna... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Yeah, I see that. Because you kind of have to. You develop that, that's your personality because you're always making new friends. Because you, because by, you know, now it's a pleasure to make new friends. This is a pleasure. But when you're always making new friends, because now it's a pleasure to make new friends. This is a pleasure.
Starting point is 00:32:06 But when you're a kid, I mean, it's tough. Unless you get good at it, you got good at it. I was always used to it. It was normal to me. Right. Every two to three years, I would have to move. So that was just my life. Like, at two years old, I moved from where I was born.
Starting point is 00:32:23 At four years old, I moved from that place. At six years old, I was somewhere else. At 10 years old, I moved from where I was born. At four years old, I moved from that place. At six years old, I was somewhere else. At 10 years old, I was somewhere else. And what was your experience about being welcomed into these, or not, these communities you went to? Did you feel welcomed? Ah. Like a normal kid.
Starting point is 00:32:38 I think just being a kid, it was kind of just, I was just moving around in the older that I got the more, I started to realize like the difference. Like there was like a culture shock. I would be living in, you know, I would be going to a school and maybe South Carolina living on base where things are pretty normal, pretty structured, and then I would go back to Pittsburgh
Starting point is 00:33:01 and you know, shit would be totally fucking different. And I'd be like, yo, the school in Pittsburgh is like going to jail. Like, yeah, metal detector. Right. You know, we at lunch tickets, the line was different, the way people talk to the teachers was different. Just everything was totally, it's like a movie.
Starting point is 00:33:20 It's like, you know what I mean? When you go to the cool school and then you go to the bad school, that was the bad school. And like, you know what I mean? When you go to the cool school and then you go to the bad school, that was the bad school. And like, you know. Somebody once said, the schools in America either look like high schools. They do look like prisons or colleges. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Our picksburg is prison for show. Right. And that was normal to us. So we didn't want nothing else. And such a scandal. Yeah, but the order that I got the more I realized was like, us. So we didn't want nothing else. And such a scandal. Yeah, but the order that I got the more I realized was like, fuck, this shit isn't right, like. Now it's such a scandal to me that we have,
Starting point is 00:33:52 and there's plenty of blame to go around, but have let schools in America become horror shows. Of course, not everywhere, like you say this, but, like places where the teacher commands no respect. So how could a kid, how can any, a kid who wants to learn, they're basically punished. Yeah, it shows. Because the bad kids are gonna monopolize the time
Starting point is 00:34:17 and the energy and there's a fear factor. I mean, the teachers, this is so alien to me, the way I grew up, a teacher being fearful of a student. Yeah. Just did not exist when I was a kid. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it was, it was crazy. Cause I grew up in a, in a wild area.
Starting point is 00:34:34 So I went to a Jewish high school. It was, it was a high school and a Jewish neighborhood. Wow. So there was hardcore, just straight Jewish kids and then there was other kids too. I had to explain to all those payas. You know what that is? No.
Starting point is 00:34:50 The payas? You've seen the Hasidic Jews and they have just like the the the the curls. But it's usually just one. I thought that's what you was. I was saying you That's where you got it. Yeah, I... You just went to town with me.
Starting point is 00:35:09 I, Michelle. But, um, yeah, so it was a good mixture, but it was like what you said, you know, there would be times where, um, where it would get disrupted just by other, you know what I'm saying, outside energies. And I don't even really blame the kids what I'm saying, outside energies. And I don't even really blame the kids because
Starting point is 00:35:27 it's outside energies. Yes, like our neighborhoods and where we come from is some of the households. Right. Some of the older generations and what was being passed down to the younger generations. Like we didn't really have the best examples of what to do and what not to do.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Right. So it's really just fucked up and it's like, it's kind of a weird cycle that you have to be kind of unprogrammed or reprogrammed to break because I don't know what school is like now but I really hope it's not like it was when I was in high school. It's worth it. It can't be. It is. Because there's more technology, so it can't be.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Technology, you think fixes everything? Technology basically makes everything worse. Of course, it does a lot of great things as well, but it ruined our brains, the iPhone, ruined people's brains. Yeah. We're having, I mean, I'm on strike now because the big issue is AI.
Starting point is 00:36:23 I just think it's with technology, you can learn what you want to learn. It doesn't mean people will. Yes, every technology comes along, has the ability for humans to use it for great purposes. And what do they use it for? Master baiting. That's what people basically,
Starting point is 00:36:41 the first thing they've tried to do with every new technology is figure out how to fuck it, jerk off to it, come on its face. Right, okay? So like yes, people could use the phone. Every all of the information from all of mankind is there, but do they know they're scrolling through fucking pictures of bullshit. Yeah, I mean, that's somebody who's been exposed to that already, but like kids or somebody who wants to learn something that they don't know, it's way more accessible now
Starting point is 00:37:15 than it was before. Like, you had to go to a library or get in this cyclopedia and go through all of this shit. It's... And for somebody who actually cares about, and there might not be a lot of those people, but I was one of those kids. So I have faith that they still exist,
Starting point is 00:37:32 that you're just born that way, and you have to get exposed to other bullshit to learn that. So hopefully, you know, there are still minds that are intrigued by shit to say, oh, I wanna learn this today, and you can dive into it and go into a big ass worm in the online.
Starting point is 00:37:46 There are. And you can educate yourself. And that's what schools kind of fucked up to me is like the curriculum doesn't go for everybody. But if you could be an individual, educate yourself. Yeah, you can't educate yourself. But you can also do it in a half-hazard way. For example, history.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Kids don't know history anymore. They really need to. It's important to everybody's, I think, well-being of the mind to know history because you have to know where we came from. They have no perspective. It's like I was just dropped here by Martians and I don't need to know what happened before me. That didn't matter because I wasn't alive for it.
Starting point is 00:38:24 This is, and so that if something intrigues them, say that happened 500 years ago, they know what happened before me, that didn't matter because I wasn't alive for it. This is, and so that if something intrigues them, say that happened 500 years ago, they look it up, but they don't know what happened before that and before that. But that's the thing about it. As opposed to taking a course in college which you would take you through the whole story of mankind so that you know exactly when you're reading about what happened 500, it goes it makes sense because it's, it would be like coming into a movie an hour into it. You wouldn't about what happened 500, it makes sense because it would be like coming into a movie and hour into it, you wouldn't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Yeah, I think it is a scary time because all that shit's being rewritten. Whoever wrote that book or made that course, that course is old, it's fucked now. It's 150 years old and there needs to be a new one. If somebody has to do it, somebody has to write it, like you said, somebody has to be educated on it, but it has to be a new way.
Starting point is 00:39:05 They can't keep teaching that same course because that's gonna get played out after a while. Well, no, there are things that are timeless and need to be learned over and over and again. Classical music is timeless because that's a creation. So is classical, but history, like something that happened isn't timeless, like, of course it is because it is because one thing it matters. It matters to
Starting point is 00:39:33 certain people. It is effective for like the fucking like there's certain art, art, renaissance and things like that, or there's certain waves that matter, like even civil rights, like, you know what I'm saying? Like that shit mattered a lot in the 70s and 80s. We're fighting for totally new things now, so those things are good, but it's hard to teach kids the importance of that, because they didn't go through it. Like my son is mixed, and he goes to a different school,
Starting point is 00:40:02 so it's hard to teach him about that, make him know, like, hey, as a black man, blah, blah, blah, he don't understand that shit. Good, that means we progressed. Exactly. Yes, I agree. That we should, like, I'm always saying, let's live in the year we're living in. I think, yes, I think too many people,
Starting point is 00:40:19 I think your generation, they like being victims, all of them. So, like, they don't like things that rob them of the joy of being a victim. So they sometimes are living in an error that we're not living in there anymore. Things aren't, these aren't the bad old times. There are still problems, yes, but we're not living there. But as far as like, understanding the past, yes, you do have to understand the past. To understand like, it does affect you. I mean, you're able to live in a country that's a democracy because somebody invented it in classical Greece. That was 500 years before Jesus, okay?
Starting point is 00:40:58 It's important to know about Jesus historically because Christianity is something that a billion and a half people on Earth believe in. You know, unless you know, have a perspective on these things, when issues come up that involve them, your decision-making is kind of blinkered because you're not people are not seeing the whole picture. And kids today, kids today, I can't fucking believe I'm still saying kids, but it's true, like kids today, it's not, therefore, they just don't teach them history. Everybody's so upset about, well, they're teaching too much critical race theory, or they're not teaching enough.
Starting point is 00:41:41 And I keep saying, they're not teaching them anything. I mean, I would start with just history in general, as they're teaching history wrong. They're not teaching history at all. I mean, ask kids who got out of high school, the average kid, if the Renaissance came before or after the Middle Ages, they will have no idea what I'm talking about. And that's not a good place for minds to be. Minds have to have a certain perspective. You should know somewhat about what came before you so you can place yourself on the timeline.
Starting point is 00:42:10 You should have some idea like how many people there are on earth. I'm sure you could ask a lot of kids graduating from high school. How many people on earth and give them a multiple choice and most of them would get it wrong. Is it eight million people? Is it eight trillion people? and give them a multiple choice, and most of them would get it wrong. Is it eight million people? Is it eight trillion people?
Starting point is 00:42:29 Is it eight billion? And someone say, oh, I think it's eight trillion. Or eight million. And it's, of course, eight billion. That matters because like how many people can Earth fit? Well, I don't know, but we've seen to be draining at the resources with eight. So Elon Musk thinks we should keep having babies, have more babies. He doesn't
Starting point is 00:42:52 think we have enough babies. I agree with them on most things, but not on that one. The skincare world is heavily female driven and has long been the wild, wild west for men. Whether men can't find the right brand or simply lack knowledge and understanding of it, skincare is something that requires attention. Luckily, men's skincare has never been easier with Caldera Lab. Clinically proven to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and signs of aging, Caldera Lab is the leader in men's skincare and is here to save the day. Use our exclusive code random at to enjoy 20% off their best products. Caldera Lab creates high-performance men's skin care products and the regimen leads
Starting point is 00:43:36 off their product lineup, a twice a day routine to transform your skin. As a man, you have to take care of your skin. Plastic surgery doesn't work for men man, as I like to say. Then you look old and weird. Inside the regimen bundle, you'll find your skincare dream team, the clean slate, the base layer, and the good. It's an awesome face wash, a deli moisturizer,
Starting point is 00:43:58 and then a go-to serum used at night before bed to make your skin look tighter and smoother. Avoid looking like you just came off a bender with Keith Richards and take the leap to skin royalty with Caldera lab. Get 20% off with our code random at Caldera That's 20% off at Caldera by using code random. Take your health to the next level in skincare with Caldera lab. I love, I like, yeah, I still get giggly, I still get the munchies, I still get the munchies. Yeah, oh, I definitely get the munchies.
Starting point is 00:44:30 I still get sleepy sometimes, take me a little, a little push now. You're making a warning? Yeah, for show, how, yeah. Well, then it's, see, then we're the same. It's an up drug for. Yeah. For some people, it's a sleep drug.
Starting point is 00:44:41 No, no, no. Whereas, if I smoked it before I went to sleep, it'd be like drinking coffee. Yeah. It would keep sleep drug. No, no, no. Whereas if I smoked it before I went to sleep, it'd be like drinking coffee. It would keep me up. It makes my mind work. Yeah, for sure. Or do something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:54 It's up. It's up. Even Indika. That's what I smoke. Indika? Yeah. But that's the one that's supposed to keep make you like, I know.
Starting point is 00:45:04 In the same way. People talk endlessly at me and I own a part owner of a pot store here in town, the woods, Woody Harrelson, in space. It's really Woody's place, but he cut me in Mac and Rowan for a little bit. But it's like an awesome, it's the best pot store I've ever been in. I'm not just saying that. But the people at the pot store, all pot stores, they're endlessly talking about like indigivers
Starting point is 00:45:30 and it's a teaven, strange, and smell this. Can't you tell that? They treat it like wine. It's just like people who love their wine. And I am just like, you know what? You people who are so into the drug culture, I'm not really into the culture. I'm mostly just into the drugs.
Starting point is 00:45:49 And I get it that there's an array of things we could talk about related to this, but just does it get me higher, not care what strain it is? I don't care who, what it blew to get this way. I just, you know, I don't care about the smell. I just care about my head I don't care about the smell. Right. I just care about my head. I could dig it. So you smoke all day long.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Hell yeah. And then you go, yeah, what do you say? Doesn't it make you too hungry? Well, nah. It does. Like, I like to eat, so. I don't want to get that. How do you stay so thin? I eat all the time and I work out.
Starting point is 00:46:26 Is that it? Yeah, you're very active? Yeah, I work out five days a week, man. Lots of sexual intercourse, man. I have, yeah, I'm a healthy guy. I'm actually into gym working out. You were married, but you're not married. Yeah, I was, man.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I'm not married no more. So what caused that marriage, fans? Um, man, I was young when I got married. I was 25, you know. And we had had my son. And of course, you know, I was like, that's, that's what I'm gonna be with forever. We're gonna do this the right way.
Starting point is 00:47:02 We're gonna have a family, we're gonna all of that stuff and think just the relationship, you know. It was ridiculous. Yeah, it was just rough, you know. It was just rough. It wasn't the worst thing in the world, but it's crazy because like,
Starting point is 00:47:16 Hey, you're a young, I mean, you're a young friend. And it wasn't even like I wanted to be doing anything that I wasn't doing at the time. It was just a big, young, free and wild. Young, wild and free. Young, wild and free. It wasn't even like I wanted to be doing anything that I wasn't doing at the time. It was a big, young, free and wild. Young, wild and free. Young, wild and free. But what even about that, man? I'm a family man.
Starting point is 00:47:31 So I'm all about my family. But when you're young too, you start to just, you learn a lot about yourself, you learn a lot about your partner. And I learned that marriage, it takes way more time before you could be like, yo, I love this person And I learned that marriage, it takes way more time before you could be like, yo, I love this person and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with him.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Like, I learn, it's about mixing families, it's about can you fucking live with this person? It's ridiculous. Mixing businesses. It's a ridiculous thing. Manage your money, all that stuff. So it was, it's a lot when you're in your early 20s. It's a lot.
Starting point is 00:48:05 And you're just in love and you don't know all of that, all the stuff that goes with it. So the marriage didn't work, but I still, you know, I'm still hallowed, cool with his mom and shit. I like that. That's still my own girl. And we do a hell of good job raising him, but y'all don't fuck with marriage, don't you know,
Starting point is 00:48:24 that you'll ever do it again? No, I don't see the point. I don't see the point. Exactly. No'all don't fuck with marriage, don't. You know, did you ever do it again? No, I don't see the point. I don't see the, exactly. No, I don't see the point. Coming around to my point of view. I never did it. Yeah, yeah, no, there's no point. I didn't make the same mistake once.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Feel it. You did good. You looking, you doing eye. Well, it's just, I mean, look, it works for some people, absolutely. Gay people, not... No, it does. I know people who absolutely would be completely lost
Starting point is 00:48:57 without their spouse. That's cool, that's cool. It is cool. If you have that personality. Yeah, hell yeah. I just saw this, actually, I'm not quite finished watching it, but this is movie Tom Hanks just did called a man called Otto. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I see it all there, but I didn't watch it. Okay. He said, okay, like, yes, I will accept that that exists and I will continue to ignore it. Well, I was going to ignore it, but I love the way he said, okay, like, yes, I will accept that that exists and I will continue to ignore it. Well, I was going to ignore it, but I love Tom Hanks and he's a national treasure and he's pretty awesome at picking scripts. And I find this will be very engaging, but it's about and spoiler alert if few people,
Starting point is 00:49:40 it doesn't, I don't think spoiler it's spoiler-ending anyway. I don't care if I know what's gonna happen. Is that it? Anyway, it's about, he plays a guy who's his age, which is my age, and he's a recent widower, the wife dies. And then flashbacks where his son, Tom Son, plays him.
Starting point is 00:50:00 You see him meeting the girl who became his wife. And so, you know, he's just incredibly grouchy and unhappy because he lost his love of his life who he spent his whole life with. And there was no other girl for him than that girl. And so he keeps trying to kill himself all through the movie. I mean, he puts the rune no surround his neck.
Starting point is 00:50:26 He's got the shotgun under his chin. Oh, I'm telling you, in the garage with the motor running, you know. And, uh, right. So, I'm just saying, like, I'm sure they're advantages to being married, but I feel like people can become so codependent that when one of them goes, you wanna put the shotgun under your chin. You know, you can't, you've,
Starting point is 00:50:53 you're like the roots of a tree underground that has intertwined with another tree. So long that you can't separate them. And I don't know if that's love, or if it's just, I mean, in the movie, it certainly is portrayed that way. I'm sure it is true love. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:12 But it doesn't seem to conform with how we're just not born with another person. Right. You know, we're born, we come into this world alone and we're gonna leave it alone. Yeah. You know, no one can be like, when you're in your deathbed, no one can be like, I'll do it for you.
Starting point is 00:51:29 Exactly. I'll die for you. And some people would love you so much they would. For sure. You might do that for your own kid, but you can't. Right. Thank God. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Because we don't want that burden. Yeah, it's, man, I believe in love like that, you know, like loving someone and being attached with someone. And like you said, you come into the world alone, but you have your parents, or you might not have a, some people might not have a good relationship with their parents or things like that, but if somebody passes, like you feel it,
Starting point is 00:52:02 like you know what I'm saying? Of course. But to go, you feel it. You know what I'm saying? Of course. But to go to those extents or to feel that you can't go without your partner and things like that, I agree with you. That's a different emotion. And I don't think that you have to be necessarily like legally married to find your partner in life. You know what I mean? Or find somebody who you, who you gonna be with forever brings out the best in you.
Starting point is 00:52:31 And for you to grow with that person and learn it with that person, that's just life. Like you know what I'm saying? You don't have to sign a piece of your career. But it's gonna be, it's always gonna be hard for you. Because you're a rock star. They're always to be women throwing themselves at you.
Starting point is 00:52:46 Right. I love doing this guy. It's true. Of course. You know who a hole in notes is? Yeah. You do? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:56 They had some like great songs. The Daryl Hall did the show once here and we were talking and I just said to them like, how do you when you're married in a rock star? I mean, how do you resist? And he just went, it's impossible. Yeah. You know. You don't.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yeah, so I mean, and I know every guy's dream is to find some girl who's cool with that. Well, spoiler alert, in the end of the day, there are no women cool with that. No. They can be for a brief period of time, but ultimately. Yeah, not in the end. You're not going to be in a relationship or her.
Starting point is 00:53:34 The only way for that to happen is for it to be how it is with me where I have my baby's mother and we don't have a sexual relationship. Right. We're super cool and you know, she meets who I'm with and she knows who I'm with because that's right. So, around her are true. Right. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:53:53 But as far as it bothering or any other thing like that, like it doesn't interfere because- Well, you seem very, I mean, I'm only meeting you for the first time, I only know you an hour, but you seem very level-headed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm only meeting you for the first time, I only know you an hour, but you seem very level-headed. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so chill. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:10 You know, you just come across this someone that a mother would not worry, despite the prodigious amount of weed that you ingest, that the child is going to walk off the ledge or into the pool. She knows himself. I mean, rock stars don't have a great history of keeping their top players alive.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Out doing any rock star when it comes to that shit, and she know that. No, I know. The life don't change that. And it's like, she knew me, you know what I'm saying? Before she decided to like, we decided to have a kid. So she knows my attitude towards life. And luckily, like, weed is more acceptable now, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:54:54 Whereas 10 years ago, we didn't strip dogs. Yeah, it was like living in a golden age. It was a little bit crazy. Oh, yeah. No, I mean, we just, that's the thing about having a kid and being a rock star is like, everybody's not gonna agree with or understand what you do, but as long as you build your tribe
Starting point is 00:55:17 and the people who you're raising him with are on the same page, then, you know, nothing goes wrong. How old is the? He's 10. 10. 10. Yeah, yeah. Now does he have a chain like that?
Starting point is 00:55:28 He don't wear a chain wear jewelry. That's right. I bought, I bought him a couple of chains, like regular nice little go ones or whatever, but he don't really wear a chain. No, see kids always rebel against the parents. No, he, it's his thing. It's like, yo, whatever you want. And then when you get into it,
Starting point is 00:55:45 then it'll be there for you. But it's like as a gift or something cute or I give me something. Of course I'm gonna get you something. As he expressed the interest in girls yet or? Not really like on that level, like, you know what I have a girlfriend. No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:56:02 No real like, you know how I was like, oh, I like this person, I'm into this person or any of that, like, noise. I had not hit puberty at 10. I mean, kids today they seem to get into it younger. Like, when I was 10, we still hated girls. Girls were like the enemy.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Oh, not me. I was. Mackinone girls are 10? Yeah. Hell yeah. I, not me. No. Mackinone girls are ten. Ten? Yeah. Hell yeah. I love it that you still say Mackin. Yeah, I was Mackinone girls at ten.
Starting point is 00:56:30 I said that recently and so many like, trying to bust my nuts about it. That was... They play it. No. It's the greatest term. Is it in my head? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:41 You need that, no? Yeah. Oh, the night is cold. They want their lingo back. Yeah, no? Yeah, it's in his arms. The night is cold. They want their lingo back. Yeah, not. No, I was here. Oh.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Yeah, we're keeping it on ice. So, what is the apropos of nothing? But I forget why. I thought of it, but what is the origin, the provenance of the great affection and attraction for the large ass? Like why? That's a good question. Why is do you like fat ass?
Starting point is 00:57:22 No. You don't like a fat old ass. I do not. No I don't, sir fat ass? No. You don't like a fat old ass? I do not. No, I don't, sir. Damn. No. You're missing out. I am not.
Starting point is 00:57:30 We all have our taste, okay? I don't like sushi. It doesn't mean wrong. It's just opinion taste. You never felt a fat old ass? Like squeeze it. I, I there have been asses. I'm sure that I've been in my hands that are larger than the average,
Starting point is 00:57:50 but like if I'm picturing the same thing that you're describing, I think I do not want to picture it. I've seen it and I wish I could unsee it. No, I do not like Avroy DuPois of that nature to an excessive degree. My friend, Killer Mike, you know Killer Mike. Yeah, I know Killer Mike. He's the greatest.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Mike Render. Good dude. He took me to the blue flame in Atlanta. Oh, okay, yeah, yeah. I'm sure I got your home over right there. Right, I mean, there's another club in Atlanta. I remember somebody was telling, always gonna probably take you there.
Starting point is 00:58:27 And Magic City. Probably that. And he said, that's for tourists. I'm gonna take you to the real one. Yeah, not for tourists. That's what I'm in as the hood. It certainly is. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:36 We got some hard looks. And I was with Mike's like the king of Italy. Yeah, you good. I know, but thank God, he said to my security guy at one point, I hope you can fight because I don't know if I can handle everybody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:50 And then we were just sitting there. He'd take you during the day or at night. That was a day. Yeah, oh. Where's, if you're going to the strip club of the day. Come on. They go strip club during the day. Oh, I was strip club in Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:59:03 People do a lot of, yeah, like four, four, 35 o'clock. Yeah, no, no, no. show club to the show. I mean, people do a lot of it. Yeah, it's like 4, 4, 35 o'clock. No, no, no, this was after my show. I'm just saying it's killer Mike, bro. Anything here that was possible. Anything could happen. No, I don't think they, no. I mean, if you're hanging out with a day stripper named
Starting point is 00:59:22 Candy at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, something went very wrong in the afternoon, something went very wrong in your life, I think. And that's somebody. I'm not going to tell you that story then. Right. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:59:34 But they had the bodies in that club were so exaggeratedly bulbous, both breasts and ass. You know, that, I mean, it was, I thought like I was in a cartoon. Yeah. I agree with you. The bodies these days, they're not that good. It could not have been reels on any of you. Hell no.
Starting point is 00:59:52 No, they inject. It's called a BBL. It's a Brazilian butt lift. And that's what it worked. It worked. It worked. Fat transfer, like a lot of... I feel like lift is a generous word
Starting point is 01:00:03 for some of the asses I've seen. Yeah, that's the thing. It's a moment we like a lot of. I feel like lift is a generous word for some of the assures I've seen. Yeah, that's the thing. Some of them would get a fat transfer. And they'll go through this process where they're like gain weight for a couple of months. And then they'll go to a country,
Starting point is 01:00:18 and then they'll get all of the weight taken out of the bad places and get it put into the places that they want. But being overweight did not seem to be an obstacle to any of these women being strippers. I mean, it seemed to be welcomed by all. It was not something that appealed to me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:37 I mean, some of these chicks, I mean, you could serve drinks on this ass. And so on. See, that's a compliment. Yes, I'm sure. Well, I was gonna say, and also have a room for a three-piece band, which I don't think is a compliment. Serving a drink on the ass is a compliment.
Starting point is 01:00:52 No, I end the self. Right, because it means it's a... It's a, yeah, that's a ass right there. But, you know, I mean, look, there are asses that are larger than average. I'll say this, that are attractive, but they have to be like really in good shape. Yeah, I like a nice, I like a toned ass.
Starting point is 01:01:08 They're like, I like the legs to match the booty. That's gotta happen. Like that's what it means. What do you mean, match? How can they not? Sometimes some girls see some of those, it might have been dark in there, you might not have really seen it.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Sometimes the legs look like those pool sticks and the ass is crazy. Oh, right. We don't want to see that. No, we don't want to see that. I like a semi-athletic natural look. That's me too. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Okay, so we're not that far apart. No, I'm like you were defending the giant. I'm a black man, so of course I love fat old ass. Like, I'm never going to turn my of course I love fat old ass. I'm never gonna turn my back on that, but my personal taste is, you know, go for as a toned man. So you're just doing it for the people?
Starting point is 01:01:56 No, it's not for the people. It's just, you know, really less like a big head. It's like, there's nature, man. You gotta represent. Nature calls, bro. So that's not part of your nature, you know what I'm saying? You're right. You're not natural program. No, no I am.
Starting point is 01:02:10 That's all that's not my... It's just in me. It's like fried chicken, you know what I mean? It's like... And also, here's another reason why I'm probably the way I am, because just as I became pubic, and I remember being, I think age 11 when I first started to whack off and think about girls. Okay, that was just around the time that the fashion changed to very skinny girls. It was this model named Twiggy, who was like the sensation. It was like called
Starting point is 01:02:40 the Watheluck, Wathed being like very pale and very thin, no tits. That was the look. I didn't exactly find that hot, but the trend definitely moved toward more like very tight and toned and thin. And the generation right before, and of course kids are always going to be against whatever their prior generation was for. That was more like women who were built for the blue flame, except of course this was the 50s and 60s. They were white. We're talking about Marilyn Monroe.
Starting point is 01:03:15 It was kind of a fat ass. You know, I mean, Jane Mansfield, and you ever watched men, the red head and Giant Act. This was what was big back then. It's like, that was to me like the last generation. I wanted the new thing, and that's probably why I stuck with that. Yeah. No, I may say this. It's definitely part of the program in a way you see. It's like movies or like whatever,
Starting point is 01:03:43 it could be a fucking cartoon, it could be a fucking show. It could be a fucking show. Right. Like whoever you think is hot at that time kind of defines that. And like, I grew up in, I'm 35, so I grew up in the 90s, so I would see it more like fucking Pamela Anderson, like the big boobs.
Starting point is 01:03:59 Like, you know what I'm saying? Like that type of shit was crackin' with me. But she wasn't a fat. No, she wasn't a think girl. But she was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was when the bodies were normal. They were getting plastic. But it wasn't all the way there yet.
Starting point is 01:04:15 So there was still hot chicks from there and there was still like, you know, they had to play boy, yeah. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's amazing the way America, like those are the baddies from now on. Besides like a chick is like the only pretty chick in the country.
Starting point is 01:04:29 And so for like 10 years, Pamela Anderson is the only pretty girl. Right. And then it was like, Carmen Electric is the only pretty girl we can find in this entire area. And they're just like, so, like we get it. She's a cute girl.
Starting point is 01:04:42 There are other girls out there, but they like, yeah, they just keep, they keep in on that shit. Well, now we're at a different age. Things are more diverse. Things are better, right? Yeah, no. We can, we can, well, certainly, and I mean, please, are you talking about magazine, like, in the 90s?
Starting point is 01:05:08 I don't think like maybe, maybe Naomi Campbell got to cover once or maybe not even. Probably. Right, I can see that. Things have changed enormously. Like her and like Tyra Banks. Yeah, yeah. But Tyra Banks is mostly this century.
Starting point is 01:05:25 Okay. Well Tyra Banks, no, I take that back. She was a model in the 90s. She was in that movie. Oh, I forget it was, I think it was a, it wasn't Spike Lee, it was a, You talking about school days or? It was a higher learning.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Higher learning. Yeah, with Macau Fiverr. Yes. Oh, no, it wasn't Macaufeiffer. It was Omar Epps. Yes. Anyway, so she's been around, but like, yes. I mean, you see like all the magazines,
Starting point is 01:05:58 they are trying very hard to like make up for all their years of racism with who they put on their covers and which models they feature and all that kind of stuff. Like it is not a bad time to be a black model right now. No. I don't think it's not hell no. I think everything is like content driven too, which is really dope. Like a lot of these women get to put their personalities out there as well as look the way they want to,
Starting point is 01:06:27 which I think is cool. Because I always thought like it was cool to hear the chicks like make jokes and like when it was started moving it to like becoming VJs on MTV and shit like that or like I watched wrestling growing up too. So you started to see like a hell of like female wrestlers and shit like that too. So it was like, it's cool to just see them branch out and do bar shit and be hot.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I like that. Military kids in my experience, always like they're usually better educated. They're usually better educated. They're usually polite. There's just something about a military dad. They just don't take shit. Because the military is all, it tracks people who like something orderly, regimented, they know,
Starting point is 01:07:26 you know, you can't advance, if you do this, you do this, do this, you follow orders, you know, you give orders, you know, it's like, there are rules. And I feel like I see that in you. My parents fucking hated the military. Really? Pale, yeah. But they're still were of it the military. Really? Hell yeah. But they still were of it.
Starting point is 01:07:46 No. No? They didn't know how they raised me. How they wanted to raise me. Really? Yeah. But why did they stay in? Why did he stay in?
Starting point is 01:07:54 My dad remarried. And my stepmom was in. And she was more of the, you know, the ranking type. But yeah, now my parents got a military when they were young. They fell in love. They didn't want to separate. They had kids. My mom got the fuck out. My dad was a trip.
Starting point is 01:08:12 But, you know, I think, I just, yeah, I just come from a good upbringing. Like, my parents were really real. They were super realistic. And definitely growing up around other people like seeing different races and families and just knowing how to operate with people in general. You know what I mean? And then like I said, when I was live in Pittsburgh, that show was a culture shock.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Like, it's really rough in Pittsburgh. Where are you from? New Jersey. Jersey, all right. Cool. So Jersey is fucked up too. Like, you can go to a good-ass part of Jersey and then you could be in a really, really fucked-up part of Jersey. New Jersey. All right, cool. So Jersey is fucked up, too. You can go to a good ass part of Jersey, and then you can be in a really, really fucked up part of Jersey. Newark.
Starting point is 01:08:49 So you know how good it can be, how bad it is. And Pittsburgh is the exact same way. And it's like, you have to have a choice whether you want to make it out of that shit. Or you can be exactly how everybody is around there. So that's mainly what it is. It's just bossing up and like knowing the difference. You know what I mean? Seeing that shit happen to a lot of people,
Starting point is 01:09:10 it's just choosing, you know what I mean? Like where I want to be with a lot of that. It's a scandal. Yeah, it's a scandal that, because like I said, a lot of blame to go around, but like, it doesn't have to be that way anymore. I feel like it's within our reach. everybody blames the other side for the parts that they are, you know, each side does have some blame to go around for this, but to keep,
Starting point is 01:09:36 like why does Republicans, Democrats, they switch who's in office and nothing changes, like the city looks the same. Like if you drive through Newark, I drove through, like it was last year and I had to get from like, where we'd landed a T to borrow in New Jersey, I'm sure you've landed there. Okay, and I had to get to like the Upper East Side of Manhattan.
Starting point is 01:10:01 And I for some reason, or maybe the concert was in Newark. Anyway, we drove through Newark and then across the bridge and it's like going from one world to another. To drive up Madison Avenue in New York City, like in the 50s, 60s and 70s. After driving through Newark, you know, with the sneakers over the...
Starting point is 01:10:26 Yeah, yeah, yeah. ...with the telephone line and the pit bulls and the stores that are closed. And you're like, why? What is it that... Why can't they both look like Madison Avenue? Why can't, you know, it's confounding. Yeah, no, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:10:49 And it's crazy to come from that and just know the difference, like living out here. It's not like I wanna go back to that, or any of that shit, you know, or I don't even want my son to go through that shit because that's not normal. Well, he won't. Those are circumstances that make you a man or a person
Starting point is 01:11:11 or you don't learn from like, that should have served. Your kid will not have to worry about that. Your kid will have to worry about the opposite problem, which is that he's son of a celebrity. He's a nepo baby if he does anything in show business, which is that he's son of a celebrity. He's a neppo baby if he does anything, you know, in show business, which is okay, there's a million of them, nobody holds it against you.
Starting point is 01:11:32 But, you know, people do wanna see that you can make it on your own. And it's good for him. You know, you don't want him to ride your coat tails because then he'll never be confident as his own person. You gotta make your own bones, you don't want him to ride your coat-tales because then he'll never be confident as his own person. You got to make your own bones, you know? I think it's like, it's in you because it's like, nobody told me to do what the fuck I was doing.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Nobody made me was like, yo, you should start doing this or take this series. I was 14 years old and I just started doing it and I wanted to. So I feel like if it's in him, whatever it is, the hell he wants to do, he's just gonna do it. Nobody's gonna have to make him a force him into it. He's gonna find his passion and he'll figure it out. If he wants to be awesome at it, he got the choice.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Yeah, like I said, you're very level-headed. I mean, I'm each other. You're the people who think you're just this giant party animal, you're a tremendous disappointment. Oh, sorry to let them down. Now people sometimes want you to be your image. Yeah. Very badly. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Especially someone like you. Hell yeah. You know, they would love that. You know, worried that they're going to find you two reasonable here. Yeah. No. Yeah, no. I think that's like a, not an issue of mine, but you see a different, not messy enough.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Are they? They just see a different side of you. Yeah. Well, not here in general. I just think like, because I don't mind chopping it up with you at this angle and ruin nothing. No, I just think for my career and how I've just how I'm perceived,
Starting point is 01:13:10 I'm not messy enough, I'm not crazy enough, I'm pretty normal, I just do normal shit. No, you know. Well, and also, you're 35, you son? Yeah, okay, here's the thing in your game. Well, I guess everybody's, but definitely in music. You have to grow with your audience. They're getting older too.
Starting point is 01:13:30 Mm-hmm. If you stay the same, first of all, you look like an idiot. Yep. Because you're not 19 anymore. Exactly. Right? Okay. And your audience isn't either.
Starting point is 01:13:41 What you want to do is keep the same people, but recognize that, oh, we're older now. Right. You know, there was some controversy a few years ago when some, she was a fan. I think it was a Cardi B. And she just like wrote a supportive thing, but she said like, hey, you know, now that year, I think it was 35 or maybe she's 40, whatever it was.
Starting point is 01:14:11 Like, do you ever consider like maybe doing some stuff that's more like appropriate? Yeah. Right. And then like all of Cardi B's like, you know, flying monkey, you know, like in the Wizard of Oz, army of haters, all the fans, the Cardi B fair. And they like swarmed on this person who had dared to suggest that Cardi B wasn't perfect. And I think somehow ruined her life as whatever,
Starting point is 01:14:43 ever, but it's just very instructive, I thought, that, yeah. Like, people either want you to keep that image forever, or like this fan who got fucking lamb-based and for just trying to be, you know, supportively give, you know, good criticism. She was asking for this artist that she liked to grow with me. We're a little older now. I like you, I wanna keep liking you,
Starting point is 01:15:16 but we're not in high school anymore. Right. You know, put out a record that I relate to. Yeah. Yeah, I loved it back and whenever, and when you're saying about, you know, whatever it is, the, you know, yeah, when is it wet pussy and yeah, yeah, for sure. Right? Is that the... It's definitely wet ass pussy. Right, wet ass pussy. Is there any other kind? But, um,
Starting point is 01:15:45 Is there any other kind? But there is. What? One of the... Dress, please. Well, that's not good. And then you're not doing it right. I mean, a woman, a woman lets you know... Of a show.
Starting point is 01:15:59 Sometimes not your fault, though, player. What? Watch not. It is always your fault, though, player. What? Watch not you. It is always your fault. If you don't make... But the thing about that, like, I think it's real difficult with artists, especially with Twitter, because you got so many people's opinions and shit, is I agree with you for show.
Starting point is 01:16:23 It's like our job to bring the fans with us and shit. Bring the fans with us. Grow. Let them, I mean, when you look at some of the lyrics that artists are singing about when they're 20 versus 30, 40, you see, like, oh yeah, that's something a teenager would never be interested in. I'm singing about a real love that I lost. Well, that's not what you think about.
Starting point is 01:16:53 That's, when you're a, you know, teenage love is different. It's all about, you know, well, it's just poppy love. It's just poppy love. For sure. It's, from personal experience, a lot of fans get caught up in their own experience with the music.
Starting point is 01:17:10 So they always want that. They want that same beat selection or they want that same flow or they want those same things that originally grabbed them when that's kind of selfish to acts to artists to to keep repeating that. Right.
Starting point is 01:17:25 And the artists who fall into that are the ones who just kind of just do trends. I call it microwave and a reheat in the soup. They're not doing anything. What do you put out of sequel album? You put out rolling papers too. Yeah, not a sequel. Well, it doesn't sound like the first rolling papers.
Starting point is 01:17:43 I'm just busting your paper. Yeah. I'm just kidding. sound like the first rolling papers. I'm disbusting your book. It sounds totally different. Okay. But, because I would never try to recreate the sound of something, like, that's just horrible to me. But what I'm saying is a lot of artists get caught up in, you know, it's easy to try to, you know, listen to supply the fans what they're telling you they want. They're like, yo, go back to this, do this because that's their connection with the music.
Starting point is 01:18:10 So you feel like, okay, they know what they're talking about because they know what they want to hear. So it's hard to break away from that and be like, nah, I'm going to program you on it here. Whole totally different side of me. These are the beats that I like now. This is the subject matter that I don't want to talk about now. It's difficult for artists to, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:26 be on this road with their fans and then take them on and hold another road. So, you gotta, you have to lead. Yeah, but you can't get too far ahead. Yeah, you can't get, it's like when someone's following in their car. Right. You can't lose them.
Starting point is 01:18:41 True. Yeah, make sure they're still behind. But some people that don't follow, like some people Yeah, make sure they're still behind. But some people, they don't follow. Like some people, they get stuck. They just want that same thing over and over. They're not down with the change, or they're not accepting of it. And they want to tell you what was better
Starting point is 01:18:57 or what you can do. Well, I mean, it's always good. Music is always going to have a nostalgic element. It's, because it's so primal. And you hear it when you're doing other things, and then you relate them together and very often they're good things. That's why anyone who's ever had one hit
Starting point is 01:19:18 can work for the rest of their life because somebody got laid to that hit. And they want to, when they're 40, and now they have money to go see a band, they wanna go see the people who they first had sex. That makes sense. You know what I mean? That kind of thing, not just sex, of course,
Starting point is 01:19:35 but they could be like made out or whatever. Or just they're youthful. Everyone had at that time, yes. I mean, everybody has youthful memories that are special until you want to. So, you know, the Rolling Stones are always gonna have to play satisfaction, even though they must be bored to tears with it.
Starting point is 01:19:55 But, you know, then they would love to play stuff that they've done in this century, but they can't, because they're imprisoned by their settlers. But that's a band that's been around. I mean, they're literally 80. 80. Can you imagine doing this?
Starting point is 01:20:13 80. Yeah, that's crazy. It's amazing. I had a little crazy. I mean, yeah, it's good. I fuck with it. Yeah, I mean, by the time you're 80, it'll just be an AI of you. You know, I mean,
Starting point is 01:20:26 it'll just you don't even have to leave your house. I'll probably still be doing it. You'll be doing it virtually. I'll be, I'll probably still be. You don't have to even fucking get up. I'll get a bless woman real quick. But, you know, so the sweet spot is to, yes, okay, I'm going to place them old stuff that you love, but then, you know, we're going to move on. We're going to live in the air, we're living in, and we're going to be the age we are. Right. Because, you know, if your fans come up with you, now they're 35, now they got a kid. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 01:21:06 Yeah. I agree. I totally agree. Yeah. And saying how difficult it is doesn't take away from the responsibility. You got to fucking do the scary thing. And like you say, keep people up to date. Wow. If you want to, if you want to fucking keep doing this shit. And criticism, it comes with the game.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Like our fan bases these days, they could be, you know, they could be a lot. And, but it's called following us for a reason. You fucking follow us. On my mind, like, you know what I mean? So, don't get too carried away. That was a great, great comedian who once said,
Starting point is 01:21:45 the only safe thing is to take chances. Not for real. So, you keep that. Not for real. Your heart. That's what I will leave you with. Mr. Wiz, because I got to go take a wizz. All right. Not the fucking first time I heard that.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Thank you. I really appreciate you. Thank you. I really appreciate you. Not the fucking first time I heard that. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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