Crime in Sports - #167 - I Don't Recall That Stabbing - The Fogginess of "Dirty" Dick Slater

Episode Date: July 2, 2019

This week, we head down a well traveled road with a man who was respected among his peers, as well as feared. He achieved his dream of big time wrestling, but the life of the road, the booze,... the ladies, and eventually the injuries got to him, causing a very quick slide into drugs, knives, thievery, and just plain embarrassment. It's a crazy tale, full of insane stories, gunplay, knife wielding, fights, and some of the most ridiculous statements ever uttered!! Beat Dusty Rhodes for a title, wear a confederate flag to the ring & expect to be cheered, and never recall a second of your worst deeds with "Dirty" Dick Slater!! Check us out, every Tuesday! We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!! Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman Donate at... or with using our email: Get all the CIS & STM merch at Go to for all things CIS & STM!! Contact us on...  See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Crime and Sports early and ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the app today. Discover all the best in audiobooks, podcasts, and originals featuring authentic Canadian voices and celebrity talent like Brendan Fraser and Luke Kirby's latest sci-fi adventure, The Downloaded. A first listen is waiting for you when you start your free trial at Queen of the courtroom is back. How did I know that? I have crystal ball in my head. New cases. Leave her alone. So, uh... This is not a so. This is a period. Classic Judy.
Starting point is 00:00:52 It's streaming. You can say anything. It's an all-new season. Judy Justice. Only on Freebie. Hello and welcome to Crime and Sports. Yay! Oh, yay indeed, Jimmy. Yay indeed.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I'm James Petrigallo. I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Westman. Thank you folks so much for joining us this week. Do we have insanity for you this week? I don't know. Do you? We do.
Starting point is 00:01:33 It's wild. It's crazy. I'm telling you guys, a few weeks ago we had a week off. Every few months we take a week off of Crime and Sports and it's to charge our batteries to come back with insanity. We came back with OJ and goddamn Lenny Dykstra, and this week is no different. It's just insanity.
Starting point is 00:01:49 It's a wrestler. So whenever we're dipping into the brain damage sports, you know that it's going to be good. And our wrestling episodes are top notch. They're so much fun. They're just the most fun, and they seem to be people's favorites too. So it's going to be a blast today.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Thank you guys. Thank you for everything this week, by the way. All of you. Everything that you do for us. All of your reviews this week. iTunes, the purple icon, Apple Podcasts, that thing on your phone there. Thank you so much for those. Give us five stars if you haven't done it yet.
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Starting point is 00:02:30 We don't do it. We don't run Apple Podcasts, so I don't really want to either. But if we did, it wouldn't matter as much. But it does. So help drive us up the charts. That'd be great. Also, you can go to where you can get all of your crime and sports T-shirts and and merchandise and mugs and bath mats and everything.
Starting point is 00:02:49 It's all right there. Also, tickets to live shows. Full slate of small town murder live shows till the end of the year. And if you don't listen to small town murder, I don't know why you would do that. I don't know why you would not listen to small town murder. If you listen to this, you're out of your mind. So listen to small town murder if you're not. But yeah, full slate of live shows. But the important
Starting point is 00:03:07 thing for this show, October 19th, Phoenix, Arizona, at CB Live. Live show, Crime and Sports. It's going to be amazing. So get there. I don't think they're on sale yet. I don't know what's going on. Break their balls. CB Live in Phoenix.
Starting point is 00:03:23 Break their balls and tell them, hey, give us some of my damn tickets. Let me purchase tickets. They'll put them on sale. We trust us. So they're going to go on sale very soon. But do all of that. That would be wonderful. Also, if you want to be a bigger, even a hero, we're going to go out.
Starting point is 00:03:38 We're just going to say it. Hero. People that we love really more than anything and we're going to gush about later on at the end of the show are producers. If you would like to be one of these people, super easy to do. You just go to slash crime and sports or head over to PayPal and use our email address, which is crime in sports at And you can get to both of those links from where Jimmy over there. Shut up and give me murder.
Starting point is 00:04:00 That's right. You got it on the money. So thank you for everybody that does that. right you got it on the money so uh thank you for everybody that does that every every damn dime is really really appreciated and uh helps it helps keep us really energized to do an insane show like this and uh this this week it's gonna be crazy jimmy it's it's a wrestler it's a wrestling episode we're gonna have fun damn it uh let's do this okay let's check him out let's talk about we'll see if you know the name. Well,
Starting point is 00:04:25 you won't know his real name. Richard Van Slater. Nope. No, you don't know. How about Dirty Dick Slater? No, that's,
Starting point is 00:04:31 is that real? That's real. Dirty Dick. Dirty Dick Slater. He went by Dirty Dick. Dirty Dick Slater. Oh my God. It's wrestling,
Starting point is 00:04:38 so you need a little alliteration. Well, but naming yourself after, Dirty Dick Slater. Over the prank of your boss's coffee cup yeah dirty dirty dick slater is a that's not good you dirty dick somebody's cock that coffee that's when you rub your cock around yeah yeah that's also if your dick is not clean yeah dirty dick over here either way not terrific no dirty dick slater he goes by and he's a jesus he's a tough son of a bitch old dirty dick slater they always well when your name's dirty
Starting point is 00:05:12 dick you're expecting wow you're expecting a level of of toughness this was prior to uh televised fuck no this is in the 70s 80s and 90s it was on tv as dirty dick in the 80s and probably in the south when he was on those i'm sure because they used to oh my wrestling used to be on like some of the christian broadcasting back then so i guarantee you somewhere in the south he was broadcast on a christian broadcasting network as dirty dicks later garren fucking teed but let's not look at look at Janet Jackson's nipple with a nipple ring around it. Dirty Dick. Bleeding from the forehead.
Starting point is 00:05:49 They've got the words Dirty Dick on their screen. Dirty Dick's bleeding from the head. Those words have been said before by God-fearing people. Wow. This is incredible. That's that. And this guy, like I said, to carry the name Dirty Dick, you've got to be a tough son of a bitch. Yeah. You know what I mean? Or a dirty got to be a tough son of a bitch. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:05 You know what I mean? Or a dirty one. Or a dirty son of a bitch. Either way. But they always talk about wrestlers. They always say, oh, who's the toughest guys in real life? And it's always Andre the Giant is always on the list because, you know, he's a fucking giant and he could crush your head. And Haku, or it was Ming later on, he's always like, he ripped a guy's eyeball out.
Starting point is 00:06:24 That was like, they said that was his move in a bar fight. It's a hell of a move. It ripped a guy's eyeball out that was like they said that was his move in a bar fight it's a hell of a move was to pop your eyeball out of your head he bit half a guy's nose off you know that's a handicap that's yeah that's not a move that's ruining somebody's life Haku is so tough that when the SWAT team came to get him after this incident when he was in the hotel lobby they negotiated him coming out with one of the other wrestlers they're like well let's talk about it because we're gonna have to shoot him because he's gonna kill us all probably otherwise so or at least take half of our eyes that's the thing the eyes and noses and not a guy to be trifled with and always
Starting point is 00:06:56 dick slater's always on the list and it's weird because andre's a giant and uh and because Andre is a giant and Haku is a Fijian. So that's like another level of, you know, just I don't know what it is about the island folk, not to generalize, but there's some tough fucking people. They're just tough. Well, there's a lot of them to take the brunt of the force. They are just the mass. You ever see a Samoan's ankle? They're giant.
Starting point is 00:07:27 It's like, wow, you can't hurt that person. His ankle is as big as my fucking calf. He walks on railroad ties. Yeah, this is silly. But Dick Slater is not. He's just a white dude who's a tough son of a bitch somehow. He's born May 19, 1951. So he's an older guy now.
Starting point is 00:07:43 We'll talk about him. He's born one of seven kids. So it's a big family, I would say here. He's got three brothers and three sisters. Or I'm sorry, three brothers, one of eight kids, apparently, because he's got four half sisters and three brothers. So George, Russell and Jimmy and then Nancy, Donna, Sandra and Catherine. Did Donna go by Dirty Donna Slater?
Starting point is 00:08:06 Dirty Donna Slater coming at you right there. Dirty Dick. So he's born in Albany, New York, but he moves down to, his whole family moves down to Florida. His mother and his stepfather, I guess, moved down to Tampa when he was nine. So he ends up really growing up in Florida. That was kind of florida was a real wrestling hotbed back in the 60s and 70s and uh it really as far as training goes a lot of guys started in florida a lot of inordinate amount of guys in the 80s that were in wrestling that
Starting point is 00:08:37 were from florida or minneapolis like that's because those were the places where they trained so it was just one of those things. Whoever was around got trained. Whoever was around played some college football. They'd end up being trained here. So, yeah, he started wrestling in high school in 1968. So he was an amateur guy. Started wrestling with, on the same team as Mike Graham, who is his father, Eddie Graham, was the guy who owned the Florida Territory. Got it.
Starting point is 00:09:03 So Mike Graham was like the Shane McMahon of Florida. So he's ingrained in it yeah his dad was in it he was going to be a wrestler he was wrestling in high school and then there's a lot of stories about Mike Graham when he was in high school because he was taught by his dad how to really kind of break people down so when new people wanted to be in the business and I want to be a wrestler they've usually back in the day always they basically beat the living shit out of you oh you want to be a wrestler cool they'd put you in the ring with someone who really knows how to tie people up yeah and they'd hurt you and then send you home and if you came back the next day they'd be like okay you're in maybe you now for now like hulk hogan when he first came in hiromatsu to broke his leg day one just snapped his ankle put him in a hold snapped his ankle
Starting point is 00:09:41 on purpose and was like have a good one asshole a fucking hike. And then he came back in six weeks when it healed up. And they were like, okay, well, maybe you really want to do this. It was to see if he wanted to do it or not. But Mike Graham, as a kid, used to be, they'd throw him in the ring with him and have some kid beat the shit out of you and be like, well, yeah, see what happens? You don't know what you're doing. Even that kid can kick your ass. You don't want to do this. So, yeah, they apparently, I don't know how true this so yeah they uh apparently the uh i don't know how true
Starting point is 00:10:05 this is i know this is probably true eddie graham mike graham's father purchased the wrestling mat for this high school robinson high school in tampa florida and and they say that he was the one that started the wrestling program there but it's 1968 i feel like there's probably a wrestling program there probably existed right slater says no Slater says no. Slater says, quote, there had never been a high school wrestling program in the state of Florida. What? That doesn't sound right.
Starting point is 00:10:30 In the late 60s? It's an awfully big state. Come on. Yeah, that seems never an amateur program. Just no. Sorry, we don't wrestle down here. Not.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Only with gators. Right. Not with people. Catfish and gators. That's all we wrestle. I'll wrestle them right out of a hole in the damn side of a swamp wall. I don't give a shit about that. Only with gators. Right. Not with people. Catfish and gators. That's all we wrestle. I'll wrestle them right out of a hole in the damn side of a swamp wall. I don't give a shit about that.
Starting point is 00:10:54 So he said, what happened is that Eddie Graham, who was a promoter here in Florida, championship wrestling, and Don Curtis, who was the promoter in Jacksonville, bought a wrestling mat for Robinson High School and actually started the high school wrestling program. I don't know if that's true or if they just refurbished the equipment. Seems outlandish and seems just just like a real high bold claim it's it's very wrestling yeah it's very wrestling that's what it is it's a very thing in wrestling yeah we never even had a whole state of florida never heard of wrestling never once put somebody in the head doc and said what the hell you doing boy, boy? I don't know what's happening. Throw fists like a man. What now?
Starting point is 00:11:28 You want me to get on my knees and you're going to get behind me in a mounting position? I've seen this game before. I don't think so, son. I know how this story is. Yeah, no thank you. I know the name of that tune. That tune ends with pain. And it ain't in my limbs from a stretching hold it's in my
Starting point is 00:11:47 butthole from a bigger stretching that's what it is that's how it works so yeah he he starts wrestling he's a good wrestler he also plays uh football in high school too as a lot of the guys did back then and uh you know good competition in florida florida is a very a lot of uh nfl players come out of Florida. So football is always, because you can play all the time. All year long. You can always, I know football is played in the cold, but less. If it's nice out, you generally are outside playing more.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Much easier to get better when you're warmed up. Yeah, that's the way you see all the baseball players that are American come out of California and Florida. And they're like, why does that happen? Gee, I don't know, because they can fucking play there in December. That's why. They're not inside going, well, I guess I'll play baseball again in five months Jesus Christ so he ended up wrestling after high school Dick ends up wrestling for in the AAU program which is kind of a pre-Olympic program kind of thing like Iron Sheik was an AAU champion it's an amateur wrestling so a a lot of times they would train guys as they were going into the Olympics or kind of a pre thing to the Olympics.
Starting point is 00:12:51 So he says, quote, I wanted to try to get into the Olympics at that time. Then I went to the University of Tampa and got on the wrestling team there. Plus, I was on the football team. So it was pretty hectic. Yeah. Which I would say doing University of Tampa is a powerhouse doing two two sports so we'll talk about their football team in a second he said he played middle linebacker in high school and also played some fullback he said not running with the ball but blocking he was a good blocker because he's a fucking lunatic as we'll find out later on he
Starting point is 00:13:19 says in college it was two a day practices and sometimes it was two football practices and then wrestling practice after that fuck man so three in a row yeah do a two-a-day and then do wrestling practice which is basically run around way worse in the heat yeah because it's just trying to kill your your make you lose weight sure which i think that's what two-a-day football practice in the florida heat will probably do also first place yeah it'll do it so yeah he goes to the university of tampa plays football uh among the people there at this time on the football team were Paul Orndorff, who's Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff, very famous wrestler. Right. Who is, again, another tough son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:13:55 This must have been a really tough high school football team or college football team because these are some badass son of a bitches. And John Matuszak. Oh, no kidding. Who is sloth, for Christ's sake. And he played for the Raiders forever and is known as a giant lunatic,ak oh no kid who was sloth for christ's sake and he played for the raiders forever and is known as a giant lunatic basically and he's fucking sloth so he's a he's a huge man he's like six foot seven i think six eight matuszak he's a big stocky son of a bitch so that's a this is a crazy football team right away already nobody wants to fight this team
Starting point is 00:14:21 here uh he said about john matuszak here he said they asked if he if he in an interview if he played with john matuszak and he said quote i did john was the smart guy of the football team you know i was in most classes and he would take most of the exams for me that guy's the smart guy he's the smart guy matuszak he's which i've heard that about him actually i've seen an interview he's just a articulate guy and guy, and I think he's just smart for the football team. You know what I mean? I'm sure he wasn't the valedictorian. No.
Starting point is 00:14:50 But he spells some shit. Yeah, for the football team. That meant he did his homework. He's just smart. I don't know. I seen him reading the other day. It was crazy. I didn't see any pictures, and I watched.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I watched him turn pages. I was like, maybe here comes all the pictures here it was describing like next five pages gonna be all these pictures that's a lot of words you need to describe five pages of pictures and then it would flip to it but more words more words just more words all words black and white no color no color nothing on there nothing highlighted fucked up man i don't know about it so yeah he played linebacker and uh eventually the tamp Tampa football program folds. But his timeline is a little off of when it folds. He says, yeah, this is why, because they asked him, why did the Tampa football program fold?
Starting point is 00:15:36 Just the college said, no more football. And he says, yeah, it was an academic school, so they decided to close football there. So I decided not to play football anymore. No, you didn't. I don't know how you decide something that doesn't exist i mean they they forced me to make that decision so i made that decision you know what i've decided jimmy i've decided and it's for my health really it's not it's not for any environmental shit or anything uh i'm not gonna eat any more unicorns no i've decided i've decided i'm not gonna eat any more unicorns it's sad.
Starting point is 00:16:05 They're horns. It's fucking sad. That's what happens. It's like a coral reef in the Pacific, basically. It all builds up. There's a plastic island and a unicorn horn island. There's K-cups and then there's unicorn horns. I don't want to contribute to that.
Starting point is 00:16:17 That's what I'm getting at. So I've decided not to eat unicorns anymore, just as he's decided not to play football. So this is what he says is why he stopped playing football because the football program closed, but he was gone from the school before the football program closed. So that doesn't line up at all because he is done in football by 72. And I've looked up in like 84. I look not 84, but not 72 here.
Starting point is 00:16:45 It's the University of Tampa. I guess only had about 1300 students in the early 70s. And the football program was putting a huge financial strain on the fucking small school. And football programs are expensive. Do you need 100 kids? It's like, you know, you need a bus. 8% of your student body is the football team. And you have to pay for everything and travel may have them travel and all this shit and i guess in uh 1975 the university president proposed dropping
Starting point is 00:17:10 football and uh finally the the they dropped the they dropped football in 1976 so that was so four years later he gave it up yeah that's that was it he left the college and then four years later gave him football yeah that was it then he said he decided that once the folk because you know what it was right looking at it he's like you know what man i know i haven't played in three years but this my ex-college's team closing down outside looking in you know it ain't good the the university revealed that the program ran a deficit of two hundred thousand dollars in 1974 which is the equivalent of about 800 grand right now. My Christ. So it's running an 800 grand deficit on a small school.
Starting point is 00:17:49 That's not tenable here. I guess that makes sense. They had to borrow over $750,000 from its endowment to subsidize football because they moved to Division I, which was more expensive to do all the different shit they had to do. And they said the school was going to go bankrupt. So, and not only that the buccaneers were coming in the next year so like now we're going to compete with a
Starting point is 00:18:09 pro team we're going to have less fans coming out this isn't going to work here it's pretty fascinating the most lucrative sport in uh in college is uh is buckling and ruining your school yeah just killing it killing it well there's not enough kids to support it well if you look at it like a normal school that has a shitload of kids, they can fill up a big chunk of the stadium with a student body. It was 1,300 people. They'd have to go to every game. It'd still be broken.
Starting point is 00:18:33 There's only 1,200 minus the football team. So if everybody goes, that's like what? One little section behind the football team, basically? Section 51A is full, and then the rest of it's fucking wide open no good so their last game was on november 11th 1974 with a 35 10 win over florida a and m how about that yeah winning going out they didn't they didn't know they were going out that was their last game and they didn't know uh all-time record of 201 160 and 12 so team, just couldn't afford it. That's all it was. So Slater says about this,
Starting point is 00:19:08 quote, later I had a chance to go down and play for the Miami Dolphins, but I decided I needed to take care of my family instead. I had to earn my way. I needed to go to work. What are you, an idiot? This is what I mean. The program stopped two years after I left,
Starting point is 00:19:23 so I decided not to play anymore, even though... Could play for the Dolphins, but you know what? Taking care of my family? Yeah. Priority number one. Like the Dolphins don't pay money. Right. Last I checked, it's a paying gig, the Dolphins.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Maybe he didn't know that because in college he didn't make a paycheck. So he was like, you know what? I'm not doing that shit for free. He's like, football is just... It's fucking expensive to play that sport. It hurts and it's expensive. They don't pay you anything there. So he says that, yeah, he's declined the opportunity, which makes no sense at all.
Starting point is 00:19:52 I mean, maybe they invited him to training camp because he's a local kid from University of Tampa and they probably invite a lot of people to training camp. That's how that works, especially in the 70s, I would think. I just think it's fascinating that he thinks that he can't go because he's got to take care of the family i take care of my family that dolphins down there all those guys are starving you heard about it back larry zonka in the 70s boy he used to be panhandling after the games he'd leave you keep his shoulder pads on and shake that cuff on the way out because he's like they don't pay us for
Starting point is 00:20:21 the shit i heard that marika morris is doing drugs and shit i can't afford to get into that that's tough man that perfect season too i mean you have a perfect season they said please uh may we have just a scrap of food and they were all thrown off the facility out of the facility i hear and told not to come back till next year so it's tough down there in miami so, yeah, he says about wrestling, though, he says he went to a national AAU and Don Curtis was the referee who was the partner of Eddie Graham in the Florida promotion. He said he made it to the finals and wrestled this one guy and lost, but it was a very close match. So he almost got through that. He said, I learned collegiately I was doing really well. You know, if I had a little bit more training a little
Starting point is 00:21:05 bit more experience i could have won the national aaus so could have won the national aaus didn't really feel like playing for the dolphins because you know it doesn't pay anything and he decided not to play football because there was no football i like the way he looks at the way he looks he's got a very very interesting perspective on the world there's one way to just make yourself feel great every day he's like part lenny dykstra almost yeah like he's just i'm gonna figure out a way to turn this failure into not my fault and the fact that i decided to fail takes my failure makes it a success just make it a success uh yeah he says i was close you know to being able to go to the
Starting point is 00:21:41 olympics at that point i mean i at least i might have at least gone on a tryout basis but anyway mike graham who was a good friend of mine he asked me if i wanted to get into the business wrestling business obviously i thought about it for a long time and finally said yeah what did you think about it's either that or the dolphins and you've already turned that down because it's not lucrative enough this is a job that someone's offering you what fucking job are you looking for? Exactly. Let me ask something. Does it pay? Does it pay money? Dolphins, you know.
Starting point is 00:22:07 They're bullshit. They're offering me shit, but not offering me shit. They're trying to make me go down there and just run around chasing a football for nothing. That seems silly. So he ends up going to, they take him to the, he goes to some matches at the Sportatorium in Tampa and basically starts training as a wrestler there. And there's a lot of the Florida guys trained him. Back then, Jack Briscoe, who is a legendary N.W.A. champion and one of the top ten N.W.A. guys in history, basically.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Jack Briscoe was a N.W.A. champ for a long time. Him and his brother Jerry were a big tag team, too. And Bob Roop down there who will talk about him uh dick slater had a little little incident with bob roop and uh hero matsuda who is the guy who broke hulk hogan's leg when he first showed up there as a legendary trainer and bill watts who we've talked about cowboy bill watts who's the big guy who quit wcw by uh pissing off the balcony basically that's a fucking epic way to quit he's like on the 30th floor and he's like i'll piss off the left a board meeting to walk out of the
Starting point is 00:23:11 room to piss off the balcony just so he'd get fired that's brilliant right there falls and he got paid the dirty dick you pay me you gotta fire me you gotta pay me fuckers that's a damn good point that's what he did like i ain't leaving for free contract this beautiful. It's all in your best interest to just go piss him off. It's the truth. There's so many stories. Go piss on. Go piss on. So many stories of wrestlers doing that, getting fired on purpose because they have to get
Starting point is 00:23:33 paid anyway if it's that kind of deal later on, like in the 90s. Fucking hilarious. So, yeah, he becomes good friends with Dick Murdoch, another Dick who we'll talk about a little bit later here. Dick Murdoch is a fucking who we'll talk about a little bit later here. Dick Murdoch is a fucking psycho. Yeah. Crazy person. Good wrestler.
Starting point is 00:23:48 And he had like this weird, the weirdest body. He's like a tall guy, but he had like this belly. Yeah. And like skinny arms and like skinny legs. But he was really good in the ring. And he's a fucking redneck. Yeah. I called him Captain Redneck.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Hell yeah. And he's a suit. Well, here's a story about dick murdoch i'll give it to you now here a story about dick murdoch and his red and the level of redneckery we're discussing here uh dusty roads and him used to be tag team partners you know dusty roads as i'm sure dusty roads tells a story about how he's riding around with dick murdoch and they're in texas and dick they're in dick's pickup truck here and they're driving around and they don't know where dusty has no idea where crazy ass dick murdoch and they're in texas and dick they're in dick's pickup truck here and they're driving around and they don't know where dusty has no idea where crazy ass dick murdoch's
Starting point is 00:24:27 taking him and dick murdoch is going down the road here and he says where are we going buddy and dick says oh we're just going to hang out with some fellas you know just doing a little thing with some fellas here and dusty's like well what and uh they they get close and dusty's like everybody got hoods on he goes it's a damn clan meeting he took me to a clan meeting so dusty being yeah not like a clan member at all and uh also at the time being a good guy the american dream dusty roads he's like i can't be in a fucking clam get the fuck out of here man he goes i dropped his ass off took his truck and drove the fuck out of there before anybody saw me he's like i can't get in people gonna take a picture of me with a at a damn clan meeting he's like what the fuck is wrong with
Starting point is 00:25:09 you man so that's the kind of crazy fuck we're talking about here uh an actual nutcase and uh pretty racist sounds like it sounds like it later on murdoch while he was wrestling and working in an office i think it was wwf in the early 90s he was also a a rep for cores and uh basically like the beer okay and had a you know a card that allowed him to basically get as much free cores as he wants wherever he goes because he was the cores guy so basically he would take all the wrestlers terrible they had to fire him because bad plan he's gonna kill the wrestlers because they take him out was going to kill the wrestlers because they take him out he'd take all the wrestlers out and it was unlimited beer free
Starting point is 00:25:49 so they would these guys would be they couldn't they were like okay we got to get rid of dick murdoch he's going to kill these guys on court yeah on fucking free cores it's not good no but then they were like free there's only so much of that shit you can drink i'll take five please god jesus so jesus man apack of Coors will ruin your day. Oh, God, yeah. You'll shit yourself silly for a week. Unless you are a straight-up alcoholic and that's all you drink on purpose. And why would you choose that one?
Starting point is 00:26:14 I don't know. Any of them. The Banquet or the Light. Coors Light is just down. It's just water. I suppose. It tastes like water. It's gross.
Starting point is 00:26:20 If it's cold, you don't even taste it. It doesn't taste like anything. If it's cold, you just drink it. It doesn't even taste like anything. I don't know. What is this? It's got more bitter than most beers. Yeah, it is a little bitter.
Starting point is 00:26:30 It's a weird. I'll say that. I can drink it. I mean, I can have a couple of them, just not fucking a lot. Not to the point of having to get fired over. Miller's the most water. Millerlite is the one that's like, Jesus, I can do this all day. Fucking gross.
Starting point is 00:26:42 This is nothing. He's nasty. the one that's like jesus i can do this all day gross this is nothing he's nasty so uh dirty dick slater here our guy uh he began this is when he starts working for championship wrestling from florida which was eddie graham's company there and uh he says that he you know it was exciting for him said i got to be around all the guys in the wrestling business started hanging around with dick murdoch uh he says quote this is the clan guy yeah murdoch was quite a guy he was one of my best friends so that that'll give you an idea of what we're dealing with here i used to hang around dick when i was in high school matter of fact so yeah that's a very
Starting point is 00:27:16 very odd quote i hung around dick dirty dick and dusty dick and we just dicked it around a lot of dick and me and dick and Dick. Wait till we get to a couple minutes from now. There's so many people named Dick back then. It's ridiculous. There's a lot of Dick in this story.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Dude, in the 50s, Richard must have been the most popular thing to name your kid. I don't understand why. I think it was. So many people named Dick. Late 40s, early 50s,
Starting point is 00:27:38 probably all the way through the 50s. Holy shit. When was Dick Dale a very popular guitarist? Was that the 70s? 60s. 60s.
Starting point is 00:27:45 60s was surf rock. Yeah, that's about, I mean... 60sist? Was that the 70s? 60s. 60s was surf rock. Yeah, that's about, I mean. 60s, yeah. Yeah, 50s and 60s. That's when a lot of people got. Dick Nixon. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:51 He was vice president in the 50s. I don't know if that had any influence. It was a lot of Richards. I hope not. Let's name him after Nixon. That's a weird thing to do. Oh, buddy. What's the daisy?
Starting point is 00:27:59 Hey. So he ends up staying in Florida for three years. He does a lot in that three year too they really as a young kid they really push him right to the forefront of everything and maybe that's because they thought they could depend on him because he's a young guy that was friends with mike graham uh he wins the florida tag team titles in 1973 oh yeah so that's what i mean the football program didn't fall he's wrestling in 73 he done playing football. So that does not line up. And it's still happening now.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah. And they're still playing football for another whole year. They're playing football. So this is with Dusty Rhodes as his partner. So, yeah, Dirty Dick and Dusty Rhodes. They beat Kevin Sullivan and Mike Graham. Kevin Sullivan will be around forever. He's the little dude who plays like a satanic character.
Starting point is 00:28:43 And, yeah, he's the little dude who plays like a satanic character right and uh yeah he's got a boston accent so to hear satanic shit in a boston accent's pretty funny though because he's trying to be serious and he's like the doc all the doc it's fucking hilarious and you're like dude you're from picture matt damon trying to be creepy it's yeah picture that character not not even the matt dame yeah i guess matt yeah it's just matt dave more looking like a troll yeah but like affleck and goodwill hunting because he had like a heavier accent like that accent but like saying satanic shit trying to creep you out and you're like bro come on calm down benny come on what are you talking about jesus christ dumb ben You sound dumb, Ben. All the Satan is down in Worcester. It's just not. No.
Starting point is 00:29:28 So, fuck, man. He wins the Florida television title in 1973. He, again, wins the Florida tag team titles with Stan Vachon and beating Kevin Sullivan and Mike Graham again. Teamed up with Toru Tanaka. I think that's the James Bond guy. I think he was in the James Bond movies, Toru tanaka wasn't he was he odd job i think he was odd job yeah if i'm not mistaken they beat buddy roberts who's a fucking legendary guy uh was first wwf champion in the early 60s uh there and his partner uh so more florida tag team titles in 75 so they keep him in a lot of tag teams but 73 74 75 he's always in the championship picture
Starting point is 00:30:06 he's winning belts and all that kind of shit uh he says about florida quote well i stayed here in the state of florida for a long time after i broke into wrestling in the professional area i stayed here for probably i'd say two or three years that's a long time to be in one place in the territories which yeah they used to do they'd go in for a year you do your little cycle nine months a year and you go to the next place and you're fresh yeah so back then all those places were like oh that guy's coming in and be like i've seen that guy in a magazine or i heard of that guy and they come in and yeah it's kind of cool but now they just stay in the same place for 15 years and everybody's sick of them after six months and they stay there anyway that's how it works and then john cena still keeps coming out it's like jesus got to he's handsome and when the women love him bring him
Starting point is 00:30:48 out again fuck it but it's like oh boy enough already with some of these people so uh at that point he goes up to san francisco to work for roy shire which was a fun place to work back in the day san francisco they all said uh that it was a place where you you got home at the end of the night type of thing. All the trips were short. Drive two hours and then drive two hours home. Yeah, some of these places like in the Mid-South Territory and like Oklahoma, Texas. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:31:14 You drive all night just to get back home, Bon Jovi. They don't. They said to stay over. There was no other way. They would drive home 10 hours and it was bad. Fuck. Yeah, that's how they used to have to do it there but here they said you'd be you end up sleeping in your own bed every night which was
Starting point is 00:31:28 helpful uh here he says that he he talks about this guy named moondog main who i don't really know anything about this guy uh and he talks about this guy and a funny story about this guy moondog main ended up being killed in a car accident in 1978. So many of these guys die in car accidents because they're drunk. They're on drugs. And they're driving all the time. If you're driving 200 miles through the night all the time, they hit deer and they'd fucking fall asleep. That's what a lot of things.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And also, too, they all have a 12-pack sitting next to them. Usually, they're 250-pound guys. Or it's sitting in them. With tolerance. But yeah, still, I'm sure it contributes. So he says about this Moondog Maine. next to him usually they they're 250 pound guys they were sitting in the tolerance but yeah it's still it's a i'm sure it contributes so uh he says about this moondog main he says he was a compulsive gambler he said we'd flown down to vegas one time and he stayed in my room with me one night he goes down and blows about 500 bucks and he comes up and borrows 50 from me so he goes back down to the
Starting point is 00:32:22 casino and i don't see him for about three or four hours. Then he comes back to the room and he's drunk out of his mind. But he's like $42,000 a head. Oh. Off of $50. You owe me 50 bucks, sir. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:35 So Slater says, I told him not to play anymore. And he says, I'm going back down. No. 42 grand. This is in 1976. That's a lot of fucking money.
Starting point is 00:32:44 You could buy a house for that. Yeah, 60 lot of fucking money you could buy a house for that like that's 80 grand you could buy a house for that back then like a decent house this is a nice house so this is fucking crazy especially they live in the south you could have bought half of florida for that much back then so uh he says so he told him you know he told him stop later ahead but he said he went back down and when i saw him in the morning, he had $70,000. He'd won. He'd been winning. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:08 So this is amazing. This is like the success story of the year here for now. And then he says, so he goes to Reno, Nevada the next day. Oh, no. And buys himself a brand new Cadillac. He loved yellow. So it was a yellow Cadillac. He always wore yellow.
Starting point is 00:33:24 He says he had yellow hair and he would go out and play Santa Claus he's saying what a good guy he was he says anyway besides the yellow Cadillac he went out and bought a boat some golf clubs a yellow Mustang for his wife which fucking it's found money whatever he said and then after that he said he went and lost all of it the rest of the the money, he lost it all. So he had it. Back then, you got all that. You still had 40 grand left. And he said he lost it all. He says, and you know what? You know one thing?
Starting point is 00:33:51 He never gave me the $50 back. At least give me the golf clubs you did. Yeah, something. That's fucked up. He said he won it on Friday night in Vegas, lost it on Monday night in Reno. But he had a Cadillac out of it. Your wife's got a Mustang. Yeah. And he said back then, that money of it. Your wife's got a Mustang. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:05 He said back then that money would have made a giant difference to these guys, which they didn't make a ton of money. That's five years' salary. Yeah, it is. They made good money back then for what they were doing, but they didn't make a million dollars a year. But they were making better money than if they had a regular job. Definitely better than working on a construction site or something like that.
Starting point is 00:34:25 And making $70,000 out of $50, why would you even... As soon as you hit $70,000, you've got to look yourself in the eye in the mirror and just go, Dude, are you out of your fucking mind? Do you know how lucky we are right now? I'm going to go pay my house off. Get the fuck home now. Let's go home. I'll buy your plane ticket.
Starting point is 00:34:39 First class. Let's do this. Hey, it's in style. Eggs on me this morning. What do you say? Absolutely. Let's do this. Hey, in style. Eggs on me this morning. What do you say? Absolutely. Okay, let's do it. He says, Dick Slater, quote,
Starting point is 00:34:50 the guys working the main event matches today are certainly in a different tax bracket than I was in my heyday. To me, that's the biggest difference. We were working just as hard back then, if not harder, but it's more popular on a national level. When I got started out, you work different territories
Starting point is 00:35:02 to make a name for yourself. That's what it was, because you'd have to be, you could be the biggest deal in the world in texas you could be the biggest fucking star there and then if you went to portland nobody knew who the fuck you were sure you'd walk in and they'd be like nothing you know you've established this giant thing if you walk in in texas there's a riot people hate you or they love you and then you walk into portland there's like a smattering of like yeah or yeah you're against a good guy they're like you must be the bad guy boo or whatever cheers if you're against somebody shitty that they hate or something like that but that's how
Starting point is 00:35:35 you had to do it then you'd have to go imagine having to do that established in every single fucking place that's comedy it's comedy but you just go there for a night and establish with one audience they have to go there for like nine months and establish that build themselves from nothing to being the star and then go to the next place and start all over again getting your ass kicked every night exactly and then eventually after years when you've done all the rounds then you come back and they're like oh we remember him from five years ago and then it's a different fucking story but you know now everybody's got a short memory and it doesn't work like that. The wait is over.
Starting point is 00:36:12 So far, you're not losing. The only thing you're losing is my patience. Quickly, I see that. Bing! The queen of the courtroom is back. I didn't do anything. You wouldn't know the truth if it came up and slapped you in the face. I see he's not intimidated by anything.
Starting point is 00:36:29 I can fix that. New cases. She wanted to fight me. Leave her alone. Okay, so, um... This is not a so. This is a period. Classic Judy. Did you sleep with her?
Starting point is 00:36:44 Yes, Your Honor. You married his cousin. His brother. That you sleep with her? Yes, Your Honor. You married his cousin. His brother. That's not him. Yes, ma'am. I would make a beeline for the door. The Emmy Award winning series returns. How did I know that?
Starting point is 00:36:56 I have a crystal ball in my head. It's an all new season. It's streaming. You can say anything. Judy Justice. Only on Freeview. Taylor Swift is soaring high, her every move captured in the news cycle and devoured by her devoted fans. She's broken billboard records and made Grammys history, not to mention becoming a billionaire in the process.
Starting point is 00:37:23 not to mention becoming a billionaire in the process. But along the way, Taylor has had to wage war, first by taking on a very powerful, very famous manager, Scooter Braun, and then by going up against the biggest live events company, Ticketmaster. Hi, I'm David Brown, the host of Wondery's show, Business Wars. We go deep into some of the biggest corporate rivalries of all time. And in our latest season, Taylor Swift will shake up not only the music business, but Hollywood and the NFL. Follow Business Wars wherever you get your podcasts.
Starting point is 00:37:53 You can listen ad-free on the Amazon Music or Wondery app. So 1975, you worked for Georgia Championship Wrestling in the NWA there. For Georgia, teams with Cowboy bob orton from the 80s with the remember him with the cast on with roddy piper and all that yeah bob orton jr uh teams with him to beat bob armstrong and robert fuller who i hear has the uh one of the largest penises in the history of men really they say it's like a it's a fucking weapon jesus like he could take down wheat fields with it so yeah poor bastard he's like a six foot nine dude dude he's a big motherfucker so probably may used to tell jokes about how black guys dicks were were uh uh statistically uh four inches larger than everybody else and he was like well congratulations on your
Starting point is 00:38:41 at least three inches of dry dick. Yeah. Enjoy. Yeah, Robert Fuller was scary. Congratulations on having all of that dick for nothing, for useless. You hear, in all these wrestler interviews, you hear way too much about guys' dicks. Yeah, they're always huge. They're always, well, there's always. They never tell a story about a fucking miniscule guy. There's like five guys they always talk about with like the giant, you know, that guy's
Starting point is 00:39:02 Jesus Christ. It's huge. He could sling it over his shoulder when he fucking came out of the shower and just do it that way. They're like goldfish with dicks, though. If it's small, they just delete the memory. I don't care. Yeah. That doesn't stand out.
Starting point is 00:39:13 You see a lot of small dicks. When you see one that somebody ties around their waist as a belt and they go, I remember that. If you blink and you see it in dots yeah as you open your eyes it really just sticks in there if you wake up in the night in a sweat going ah where's it at i thought i thought it was in the room i thought i felt it close by shit it's his dick here no good shit man so he goes on 1976 in august he wins the georgia heavyweight title which is uh back then it was there was the nwa title which was the national title and then each each territory had their own little title too because you have to have a title match when the nwa champ isn't there
Starting point is 00:39:56 and so it was a big deal if you won the heavyweight title in any territory you were that territory's biggest fucking star so he wins the title that time in 76 he's been wrestling three years and george is a big territory like an established one a respected one and he's already the champ there which is pretty good uh also wins it again later on he lost it and won it again uh ends up doing that again in 77 and in 1977 he wins the missouri heavyweight title beating jack briscoe who was a legend and legend and also one of the guys who trained him. So that's kind of neat there. Passed the torch, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Wins the Georgia heavyweight title again in 77. Then he kind of goes, these territories, too, they would go back very fluid to go back and forth. You'd be there a little while. You'd leave, and the promoter would call ahead, or you would call ahead and say call ahead and say you got room for this guy and you'd end up going somewhere else so it was he and networking he's very network based yeah and you'd go to places at first based on reputation somebody would recommend you hey you should bring this guy in i worked with him over here jesus nice work just smacking shit get this fucking shit out of the goddamn way so yeah they'd be like yeah you should i worked with this guy over there he's pretty good you might be able to use him and then that's then that guy
Starting point is 00:41:07 called six months later he go yeah this guy told me about you and fascinating come on in it's very very weird how it all worked it was uh just this nebulous cloud of networking that pre-social media pre-anybody having cell phones or being able to text somebody and be like hey just work with this dude tonight he's cool like that's as positive as it is detrimental though yeah oh yeah yeah because if you fuck up now everybody knows oh yeah yeah now there's pictures of it in videos yeah back then you would fuck up nobody ever heard of it here uh he this is appropriate here he wins the uh the floor while the mid-atlantic there the jim crockett territory he wins the tag titles with dusty roads defeating the anderson brothers androckett territory. He wins the tag titles with Dusty Rhodes, defeating the Anderson brothers.
Starting point is 00:41:47 And then he wins the U.S. tag titles in Florida with Killer Carl Cox. Oh, my. No. Yeah. KKK. Killer Carl Cox. And, yeah. That's a very horrible pick.
Starting point is 00:42:00 But also, we got Killer Cox and Dirty Dick. Dirty Dick and Killer Cox. Un-fucking-ree. Watch out, motherfuckers. Yeah.irty Dick. Dirty Dick and Killer Cox. On fucking real. Watch out, motherfuckers. Yeah. Grab your ankles, everybody. Oh, boy. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Wow. Fuck. In 78, he wins the Florida Southern Heavyweight title, beating Dusty Rhodes. So that's a big deal. So they're really pushing him to the fucking moon here. If you're beating Dusty Rhodes and Jack Briscoe and all these people, that a a big deal he beat pedro morales for the southern heavyweight title in 1978 pedro morales was a huge deal former wwf champion and all that uh television title down there and then also he uh 78 wins the southern heavyweight title from wahoo mcdaniel who will talk about a great
Starting point is 00:42:43 story about him in a little while that involves dick but wahoo mcdaniel i don't know if you know who he is he uh is he's a he was a wrestler obviously for a long time he's a real indian a real native american guy and he also uh played for the new york jets in the early 60s and he played for the chiefs i want to say or maybe just because he's i don't know i hope, possibly. But I know he played for the Jets for a long time because he actually had Wahoo on his jersey. That is terrible. They didn't put McDaniel. They put Wahoo on his jersey.
Starting point is 00:43:12 And when he'd make a tackle, the crowd would shout, Wahoo, Wahoo. They'd chant because he was a crazy fuck. So, yeah, he played in the NFL for a while while he was wrestling. So he'd wrestle in the offseason and play in the NFL. That's insane. Yeah, they used to do that back then because the NFL didn't pay a lot of money in the early 60s. You didn't make a lot, so you'd wrestle in the offseason and play in the nfl that's insane yeah a lot of they used to do that back then because the nfl didn't pay a lot of money in the early 60s you didn't make a lot so you'd have to supplement now in 1978 dick gets engaged okay dick found himself a lady hell yeah
Starting point is 00:43:36 that likes the dirty dick now there's a couple things here that are wonderful first of all i found the engagement announcement in the newspaper from a Tampa newspaper in 1978, which is fucking wonderful. And it is the engagement of Charlotte Ann Sherry. And they call it goes by Nipper. So her last name is Nipper. So the Dick and Nipper wedding. Oh, boy. To Richard Van Slater, because that's his real name.
Starting point is 00:43:59 The bride elect. Bride elect. Was there a panel who voted on this? Yeah. Bride to be maybe bride elect what the fuck is that she won the popular vote that's i think if you're engaged to a prince you're the bride elect or something maybe but there's no government status in this at all uh she's the daughter of the dick nipper wedding the dick nipper wedding well there's one that's
Starting point is 00:44:23 where there's gonna be a circumcision at this wedding. Dude, buckle up. Wait till you hear the next announcement, because it's amazing. It's fucking amazing. So he's going to wed the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nipper. She graduated from Largo High School. The prospective bridegroom... How come he's not the groom-elect? the son of Richard Slater.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Blah, blah, blah. Graduated from Robinson High School, University of Tampa. He's employed by the National Wrestling Alliance. Wedding plans are being made. Now, right next to this in the wedding announcements is my favorite wedding announcement of all time. It is the Reem Dingus wedding. What?
Starting point is 00:44:56 This is a... Reem Dingus. Reem is marrying Dingus. Dingus is marrying Reem. Just hear me out here. That's two Reems. Dude, hear this this listen to this the engagement good guy can't even fucking say the engagement of pamela karen reem to richard daryl dingus
Starting point is 00:45:15 dick daryl dingus jimmy his name is dick daryl fucking dick dirty dick daryl dingus dirty dick daryl dingus that guy's not a wrestler what the fuck no it sounds like he's got like he's a ah this is dirty dick daryl dingus here for uh for uh little rock's largest volume dealership dirty dick daryl dingus dodge now y'all come on down here i'll give you the best dang darn dick dangus deal in town if i don't give you a dick dingus of a deal then you ain't got a dodge buddy come get you a dodger dotson this weekend dirty dick dirty dick daryl dingus dodge dotson west little rock y'all come on down what the fuck is that my christ oh my god next
Starting point is 00:46:01 week we're partnering with da hot sue you know it's gonna happen you know it's gonna happen holy my christ jesus christ dirty dick daryl dingus that was amazing why would you name your kid richard daryl dingus let's say you picked out daryl that's the middle name that's like a grandfather's name you have to use daryl yeah you know they're gonna call him dick you go with george or fucking charles we don't want to be dick daryl dingus do not daryl and someone's man pamela reem is like it's kind of better than my name my last name is essentially a dick too it rings shit out all the time dirty dick daryl dingus dodge dihatsu dotson wow uh so i her father was the mayor of a town too like she should be going better he uh uh is
Starting point is 00:46:49 graduated from high school in virginia went to old dominion university he was a member of kappa alpha they just keep him around to make fun of him no i swear we got a guy named dick dingus i swear they had to get him in the house just for that here he is you got a pledge what's your fucking name tell him your fucking name queer and then he'd be like i'm dirty dick daryl dingus he'd be like get the fuck out of here go back in your room and push him away okay show him your balls yeah show him your fucking balls here's my balls all right good now take a hike he uh yeah so he's a he's an assistant golf professional so he gets their balls apparently jesus christ man so that that's my favorite person insane that we've ever talked about dirty dick darryl i had to like is this real i have to put this into the episode because this
Starting point is 00:47:40 is just that's incredible the greatest just fate that happened to be next to it in the newspaper so after he's engaged uh i don't know if he's gonna have a dual wedding yeah with a dueling dirty dick daryl dingus and dirty dicks later dueling dirty dick weddings the ding the dingus wedding is here there's so much dick and wrestling that this episode is chock full it's just so much dick jesus it's too much so 1979 he goes to japan to wrestle and uh it's all japan pro wrestling here he is he wins i don't know what their wrestling awards are over there but he wins the champion carnival technical award whatever which i don't know what the fuck that is but uh some amazing like rope work or something champion i he's a good technical mat wrestler i guess and uh world
Starting point is 00:48:32 strongest tag determination league outstanding performance award i don't know what that what the fuck that is i don't know but he won it with uh ricky the dragon steamboat okay here uh so that was good as we're not ricky the dragon yet but just ricky steamboat at the time who is the dumbest person in the world because his real name is richard blood and he goes by you're you're a wrestler your last name is blood you're dick blood right so we have dirty dick dirty dick daryl dingus and dick blood here is this guy is just surrounded by weird dicks jesus christ. So, yeah, 79. He's also in Florida.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Wins the Florida heavyweight title. Southeastern tag team titles with that 500-pound Jerry Blackwell. Yeah. And they beat Bob Roop and Bob Orton Jr. So here's the thing. I think it was around this time. He gets in a fight with Bob Roop. Apparently, Bob Roop tried to take some liberties with him in the ring,
Starting point is 00:49:26 is apparently the story. Basically, in wrestling, guys are letting you do things to them, so if you want to, you can hurt them, because they're letting you hurt them. So, you have to trust them. So, if you give them a piece of your body, and then they fucking take advantage of it and hurt you, that's
Starting point is 00:49:42 what they call taking liberties. You can't do that. So, lot of times get you uh the shit knocked out of you backstage if you do shit like that so uh basically uh this bob roop guy apparently took a couple liberties with him and they weren't getting along and back in the dressing room uh but from the way dick slater tells it uh apparently bob roop hit him with a blackjack. And Slater says, not hard enough, I guess. And apparently, Dick Slater turned around and beat the living shit out of this guy for doing that and put his head through a soda machine. Oh, shit. Like in a fucking movie.
Starting point is 00:50:16 And there's lots of people that I've heard that story from that he put Bob Roop's head through a soda machine. Like he said, right, you know, here we go. Like in a movie. Like in a movie when they stick someone goes in the jukebox and the fucking record scratches at the end of a stupid bar fight scene or in a movie when somebody gets thrown into a fucking back to school i think that happens sodas just all start yeah they start popping out i think back to school didn't uh paulie from rocky throw guy probably into a jukebox and i haven't seen it a long time i don't
Starting point is 00:50:41 yeah i don't remember but it sounds it right, right? Sounds like a Dangerfield movie. It sounds totally right there. So, yeah, he beats Ronnie Garvin for the NWA Southeastern heavyweight title, beats the Mongolian Stomper for the heavyweight title again later on, teams with Paul Orndorff to win some tag team titles here, also beats Toru Tanaka for a heavyweight title here he wins the brass knuckles title which was not actual brass knuckles they would be like taped like taped fists basically they tried to do just look how tough it is you know look how tough we are and shit like that
Starting point is 00:51:18 this was back in the day when they would talk about like if they were doing a tv match where it was supposed to get out of control to set up an angle and somebody was supposed to be bleeding yeah they would just fucking hit each other till they bled like they wouldn't even cut each other on tv they wouldn't bother they just like hard way it and on purpose like yeah you hit me above the eye so i bleed a little bit on tv like it was so because it had to be this fast-paced thing fucking crazy these guys were they don't do that now nobody says hit me hard enough to make me bleed now i don't think those the guys do that anymore probably they don't well because of who you convincing these people think it's fake anyway what are we gonna hurt each other for
Starting point is 00:51:52 yeah like that so it doesn't make any sense once people knew it was like in the 90s with all the chair shots and shit people liked watching people get hit in the head with chairs but everybody knows it's not real so why are you fucking hurting that guy good point like you who's the fucking idiot now right like the fans are you and that's what i heard and jim cornett said that i'm just taking what and i was like yeah that makes perfect sense he goes well who's because they call the fans marks and he goes who's the fucking mark now like you're getting hit for 25 in the head with a fucking chair and they don't even think it hurts because they think it's fake meanwhile you have a concussion dummy like what the fuck
Starting point is 00:52:29 is wrong with no blood everywhere yeah and now you're gonna kill your whole family at some point you stupid you gotta co-pay you fuck face yeah well no because no one will insure you right good point you do stupid shit and let people hit you in the head with a chair is that on a insurance form uh do you let other people hit you in the head with chairs without even trying to block them yes i'm sorry we're not insuring you you're gonna be a fucking mess later on so he goes to wrestle for southwest championship wrestling in uh 8182 that's the blanchards there joe blanchard they had usa television the usa network that was the first wrestling they had on was uh was southwest championship wrestling and then vince mcm McMahon ended up taking that over and keeping it until I think he still has it.
Starting point is 00:53:09 And this was from like 1983. So, yeah. So he goes there. He teams with Bruiser Brody to beat Gino Hernandez and Tully Blanchard. A couple of real tragic stories in there. Bruiser Brody and Gino Hernandez. And he teams with, in 1982, wins the tag titles with bob sweetan how about that our asshole fucking scumbag bob sweet he is a dirty dirty turd he's a terrible person oh horrible
Starting point is 00:53:33 person awful person that was a good episode though let's go back and listen to sweet tank god we've done a lot of wrestlers really have we've have it's great i was thinking about it the other day i'm like we did snooker yeah we. We did Chris Adams, Crotoru, Hardbody Harrison, Sonny, Jake the Snake, Buck Zumhoff. Who am I missing? Razor Ramon, Sweetan. Razor Ramon. Yeah, that's it. Night Hard.
Starting point is 00:53:57 And Night Hard. Yeah. And if I'm missing anybody, let me know. And now this fuck. And now this fuck here. So, 82-83, I guess this is where he starts booking, where he's, you know, the guy's matchmaker kind of thing. But he's also wrestling. Back then, it was kind of like a small comedy club.
Starting point is 00:54:12 They'd have, like, you know, a guy who would be like that kind of house feature or something would be booking the shows as well. Booking, like, guys. So, he's booking the shows here for Ron Fuller. I guess Ron fuller threatened him with his penis and he said i'll book your shows okay sir put that thing away but please put it back put it back around your waist it's fine so uh yeah he said that he was he was uh going between jim crockett and uh uh between barnett and crockett, which is Georgia, and Jim Crockett had the they were on TBS back then.
Starting point is 00:54:47 So that was like they were on national TV. That was a big deal. He says, quote, At one time I was at one point I was in Knoxville, Tennessee, booking for Ron Fuller and Jim Jim Barnett came and asked me if I wanted to come back and book the Atlanta end of Turner's television show. And then what happened was Jimmy Crockett was in the middle of buying out Jim Barnett and I didn't even know about it. So when Jim Crockett bought it from Barnett, I was Booker for Crockett and Dusty Rose became
Starting point is 00:55:11 Booker for Crockett at some point in there. So it was a pretty interesting time for me. So he got offered a job by a guy who was about to not have a company to give him a job is basically what happened. So he said, sure, I'll take it. And then they went, yeah, this isn't none of that. None of that matters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:24 It's basically like television. Like you get a deal and then they fire the executive that gave you the deal and everybody's like well i'm not doing any of his shit the next guy and then you're gone that happens to everybody in television that happens too so uh yeah he's in mid-atlantic there for a while which is the kind of carolinas in that region there he beats mike rotundo who was the future irs you remember from 90s, the guy who wrestled in a fucking suit and tie? Dumbest fucking thing ever. He looked just so hot. Let him take his shirt off, for Christ's sake.
Starting point is 00:55:53 He was fine, Jimmy. I was mainly talking about his dirty dick is what I was getting to. But no, I mean, Christ, he'd have a dress shirt just stuck to him with sweat. You have suspenders on, and he'd wrestle in a tie. Strangle the man. He's giving you an out. He has a noose on already. What is happening?
Starting point is 00:56:13 He's good. I brought my own. Why? Why'd you do that? Go to a murder trial wearing a noose. How's that sound? He also wins the television title by defeating Rowdy Roddy Piper in 1983, which is awesome there. Greg the Hammer Valentine, he beats for the U.S. heavyweight title in 84 and 83, I mean.
Starting point is 00:56:34 And we'll talk about some crazy stories now. It's kind of his wrestling shit for a little bit here. Jack Briscoe talks about Dick as just a he's known as a crazy son of a bitch. And he's just out there and he's friends with Dick Murdoch and all these crazy people and so crazy stuff's going to follow him and also he's really tough so he's not afraid of anybody knocking him out so it's one of those things
Starting point is 00:56:56 he likes playing pranks and what are you going to do about it type of thing so Jack Briscoe said about one time quote on our way to the arena Dick saw a firework stand where you could buy big cherry bombs. You know, this is going bad. Uh, Jack, uh, who is, uh, Jack and I, this is Jerry Briscoe talking, uh, Jack and I were
Starting point is 00:57:16 heels at the time. So we were in the same dressing room. Dick got his fireworks out and one was a whirly bomb. He lights it and goes up. He lights it and it goes up and I'm next to Dick. When it comes down, it went right into my right cheek and sets my new jeans on fire.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I'm on fire. My pants are on fire and I still have the burn mark. Oh my God. We all laugh, but I have no pants and my ass cheek is burned, but Dick went out and bought me some new Levi's. He thought it was great. I didn't. Oh boy. So who the fuck sets off fireworks indoors in a locker room with a guy standing next to you and then laughs when it fucking severely burns him?
Starting point is 00:57:53 I mean, I'll laugh. I'll laugh now. But if I did it, I'd be like, oh, my God, I'm sorry. Shit. My bad, dude. Whoops. He's like, hi, your ass is on fire. Which that happened to my friend as a kid.
Starting point is 00:58:03 You know, jumping jacks. Yeah. Fireworks. They kind of bing, bing, bing. Yeah, the bounce. Yeah, this one was bouncing, and it went right up his shorts. Jesus Christ. Like, it had a fucking magnet for him.
Starting point is 00:58:12 It took two bounces, and then went right up his shorts, and you could see it spinning in his ass through his shorts, because shorts were lit up. The seat of his ass was lit up as he was. Unbelievable. He was a fat white kid that played hockey,
Starting point is 00:58:24 and he jumped seven feet into the air. He could have reverse dunked at that moment. I swear to Christ, he jumped so high in the air, and it burned his ass up pretty bad. He had burns on his ass for years. It's hilarious. So Dusty Rhodes says about Dick Slater here that he's a good wrestler, though. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:58:43 We're saying we always tell a bunch of crazy stories, but he really was good. That's why I tried to reiterate all the titles he won. And he was a trusted guy within the industry. And to be a nutcase that lights off fireworks in the dressing room was not, that wasn't a really, it didn't go against you back then. They wouldn't be like, well, we can't hire him. He does crazy shit. Like, you'd have no locker room then.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Nobody would work for you. They were all insane. So, yeah yeah it was one of those deals uh now dusty says quote dickie slater was one of the top four or five most talented guys in wrestling back then a great guy and a good friend i gave him the nickname of buford as in buford pusser the famous sheriff from walking tall he was a rugged sob so uh yeah everybody says that uh gordon solely who was the kind of the the godfather of wrestling announcers guy he was the he presented it very sports like and he's very well well respected announcer uh he said quote dick slater had a new knew how to get a reaction from a crowd he was so he was a good tactician when it came to
Starting point is 00:59:44 amateur wrestling knowledge he had charisma he had ring good tactician when it came to amateur wrestling knowledge he had charisma he had ring savvy and dick slater was as tough as they come uh rick's rick flair says about him quote nobody messed around with slater and uh there's uh an incident in a bar down in tampa where slater gets in a fist fight with john matuszak really uh yeah who's a fucking giant nfl player football with him and he? Yeah, who's a fucking giant NFL player. He played football with him. And he's sloth. He's a big dude.
Starting point is 01:00:08 And Flair, well, let's just say Flair was there, apparently. Let's have Flair quote on it. He says, quote, Slater beat the crap out of him. He went up to Matuszak's hotel room and Slater said, write me a note and apologize to me before you come out. Nobody messed around with Slater. Holy shit. He beat the giant man up and then went up to his hotel
Starting point is 01:00:30 and said, you better write me a fucking apology note before you come out of your room again. I don't want to see your face without a note. What the... That's a bad dude. Like, I'm sorry. That's a scary motherfucker. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Grace. We'll call beating Sloth up Grace, I think. He's won a bunch of heavyweight titles. He beat Roddy Piper and Sloth scary motherfucker. Yeah. Grace. We'll call beating Sloth up Grace, I think. Right? He's won a bunch of heavyweight titles. He beat Roddy Piper and Sloth in the same year. Grace, I'm going to say here. Not too bad. So it's right around this time, somewhere in here, that there's an incident.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Kind of an incident that injures him here. Well, let's let him tell it here. He says, well, Wahoo McDaniel, who we know I told you about. And Wahoo, too, was crazy in terms of like he would drink motor oil and then run five miles just to show that he could. Oh, boy. Because he's just a crazy son of a bitch. And just judging by that, and he played in the NFL, he's a really tough motherfucker, too. He's got it together.
Starting point is 01:01:22 He's known for being a tough bastard. Yeah. So he says, Wahoo McDaniel, me, Tommy Rich. Tommy Rich is like a tall, skinny, blonde, white trash guy who won the NWA title when he was like 20 or some shit and then kind of went into a mediocre career after that. And he says, Wahoo McDaniel, me, Tommy Rich, and Andre the Giant were at a lounge in downtown Tampa. That's quite the crew you have there first of all the the look of the crew yeah it's a strange looking crew anyway he says in downtown tampa that we always hung around down there andre wahoo and i were sitting at the bar
Starting point is 01:01:56 and somebody said something about tommy rich's wife and wahoo got real mad not tommy rich got real mad because he's not one probably Probably not a big fighter at that point. Maybe he hates his wife. Or maybe he just doesn't care. Apparently, Wahoo, not cool. He's upset about it, though. Tommy went outside. This was about at closing time.
Starting point is 01:02:15 And what I remember was that was Wahoo got in an argument with this guy. And the guy went to the car and gets his knife out, right? This is the story here. So Wahoo saw that. And I guess he went to his car and got his gun out. So now you have a crazy, insane person with a gun in a fucking parking lot and another one with a knife. He says, Slater says, quote, I don't know what's going on in the parking lot
Starting point is 01:02:38 because me and Andre are still inside at the bar. So when I go out, I see Wahoo with some guy by the shirt against the wall now first of all you're it that andre the giant's in there so just the fact that andre the giant's on the scene makes this a very weird scenario just any scene you talk about this is a guy with another guy against the wall by the shirt that happens at bars outside after closing time but then andre the giant doesn't duck through the front door and pop out to watch. That's just weird. So he said, yeah, Wahoo's got him by his shirt against the wall.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Quote, I told Wahoo, what's you doing? I don't know why he said that. Me and Andre just stood there looking at him. Then Wahoo grabs the guy and he backhands the guy. And when he backhands the guy, Wahoo's got his gun in his hand now, all right? He pistol whips the guy and the gun goes off. Oh, wahoo's got his gun in his hand now all right he pistol whips the guy and the gun goes off oh my god and i catch a bullet what somehow out of all this dick slater got shot okay this is wow ladies and gentlemen wrestling yeah fucking wrestling this is very
Starting point is 01:03:40 eight mile this is insane this is chededdar Bob getting shot in the leg. Yeah. Let's just recap this whole thing. So inside the bar is Dick Slater, who looks like kind of a redneck-y, kind of cowboy-y kind of guy. You got him. You got Wahoo McDaniel, who's a real stocky Indian dude. You got Tommy Rich, who's a tall, lanky, bleach blonde, skinny, white trash looking dude. And fucking Andre the Giant before he cut his hair so this is
Starting point is 01:04:06 like big afro andre with fuck he's like eight feet tall with the fucking hair and everything and he's wide and everything like that they're standing in a bar that's the that's a story alone and then this happens wahoo pistol whips a man who said something about not even his wife somebody else the other guy's wife and somehow this results in dick slater getting shot that's that's what goes on i don't understand it he says then he comes over and stands there stands over there looking at me i said wahoo put the gun up when the police got there i told them a sniper shot me to save wahoo what the fuck how do they believe that he said sniper shot me yeah and
Starting point is 01:04:46 we got those around these parts that happens man they set up uh you guys to vietcong see that's the problem now um that's why i said you gotta you gotta win that war in vietnam before they come over here see that's how it works then they set up sniper stands everywhere and it's like taking all our wrestlers like full metal jacket trying to they were probably trying to shoot andre because he's more famous i would say so you're lucky you're fucking lucky so yeah he so the cops get there to deal with a shot wrestler standing next to andre the giant saying a sniper shot me unbelievable they had to be like what a scene the fuck what are we doing that's amazing call the chief this is something's wrong nobody's gonna believe this
Starting point is 01:05:24 this is yeah chief we got wahoo we're good we're good he's good we have? That's amazing. Call the chief. This is something's wrong. Nobody's going to believe this. This is. Yeah. Chief. We got Wahoo. We're good. He's good. We have chief. I was right here.
Starting point is 01:05:30 And they had. That was the story. Nobody said a different story. Like, cool. We'll file it. That's it. We'll be on the lookout for the sniper. I just picture the whole thing.
Starting point is 01:05:40 So because they had to ask everybody. So when it goes. So this is what happened. And Andre just. Yes. Okay. Sounds good to me. Boss. Men shot shot from roof shot dick and leg okay sounds good so dick says quote they took me to the hospital i had to be in japan three weeks after that to wrestle he shot me with a nine millimeter
Starting point is 01:05:57 went in the side of my leg and came back out uh came out the back of my knee it blew a hole the size of a tennis ball at the back of my knee and about the size of a quarter in front oh my god yeah exit wound that is a nasty gunshot that's a nasty gunshot uh he was wrestling three weeks later in japan wow from a fucking gunshot wound incredible that's what i the guys back then were a different they were they were just different they were real yeah that's a man they weren't like yeah they were they were men these dudes were not the guys now aren't men, but I mean. They just got like stylish tattoos that they probably cried when they got them. And just like the rest of society, they're not like, you know, wanting to do real hard
Starting point is 01:06:35 things and shit like that. If someone shot you, you'd be like, you got to be back in the ring in three weeks. They'd say no. No. It's going to be six months. I took a three month break when I got this tattoo. Yeah, it hurt. I got to tell you. It kept swelling. The swelling. It wouldn't stop. It's going to be six months. I took a three-month break when I got this tattoo. Yeah, it hurt. I got to tell you.
Starting point is 01:06:46 It kept swelling. The swelling. It wouldn't stop. It was itchy. It was itchy. It wouldn't stop. I can't be itching in the middle of a match. I was sweating.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I got to put lotion on it. Every time I sweat, the lotion just comes off. I got to keep it lubricated. That's hilarious. Otherwise, it'll look shitty when it heals. And that's not to say anything about it. Like I said said i'm sure like i said what they're doing now is hard these guys take you know brutal shots and shit like
Starting point is 01:07:10 that it was just a different money situation it wasn't it wasn't as cleverly crafted as it is today it was clever it was clever and it was crafted but it was more it was more it's more master plan now it's theatric now well now everything is master plan every word they say is master plan every shot they have is master plan. Every shot they have is master plan. Whereas back then, it was like they'd say, hey, you're wrestling that dude in Columbus in two weeks. Go out there and fucking talk. And you're losing. Go. Go out there and talk.
Starting point is 01:07:33 And you got two minutes. And you'd have to go out there for two minutes and say how he's going to kick this dude's ass in Columbus and you better come out and watch. For two minutes? For two minutes. Holy hell. And they'd have to come up with something. I'm going to win. Yeah. How much time is left? That's what I mean. That's why you get these guys that have these crazy characters because they'd have to come up with something i'm gonna win yeah how much time is left you'd have to that's what i mean that's why you get these guys that have these crazy characters because they'd have to fill two minutes of time with something so that's why you have macho man oh yeah and i'm gonna do this and what do you think of that mean gina saying shit that doesn't
Starting point is 01:07:55 matter yeah you gotta have something to say you gotta fill so it's rick flair's screaming woo every 30 seconds yeah you have two minutes to make people want to see you get your ass kicked by that guy in columbus in two weeks and enough enough to pay money to do it but what i'm saying is back now if you got shot in the leg i have a feeling that you probably would get a paycheck while you were recovering probably things like that uh back then if he didn't show up in japan in three weeks he didn't make any money in japan in three weeks period that was it you were just not getting paid so it was a different story if you didn't show up you didn't wrestle you can get fucking paid period no guaranteed contracts or any of that shit so it was just a different story you had to be back in the ring three weeks later
Starting point is 01:08:32 then 1986 comes around and uh he goes to mid-south for bill watts who we've talked about and that's a really tough territory uh the matches were tough the watts insisted on real looking shit. He insisted on if you hit somebody, you fucking hit them. Yeah. If you, you know, like the bad guys would scratch a back. They'd go like with their nails, like they're scratching down somebody's back. He goes, if you do that, I better see fucking nail marks on that guy's back. Not finger marks.
Starting point is 01:08:58 I better see fucking cuts. He's like, don't do shit that looks stupid. Basically, don't do shit that doesn't make sense. Makes sense to do that. So he goes to Mid-South, also Mid-South, hugely long journeys between cities. So this is a huge territory that spans from Oklahoma City to Tulsa to New Orleans and Arkansas. So we're talking huge long trips, would talk about through the middle of nowhere for hours and hours and hours. It was
Starting point is 01:09:28 hard to work there, basically. What he does at this moment is he finds a valet for himself. He finds himself a female manager. Now, where do you find a female manager? They don't have like a... They weren't pumping them out. There was no like college for that back then. Let's see.
Starting point is 01:09:44 A chance meeting at a strip club yahtzee yahtzee thank you tampa it's that's the other thing too come on it's fucking tampa it's atlanta actually all right in atlanta which it's known more for strip clubs in atlanta actually atlanta's known for strip clubs that's like they're all the athletes get in trouble down there remember that big nba thing where they had all the different was it the gold club or some shit there's one there that's like haunted or some shit so it's like a big uh what is it the ghost and tits at the same time is it the seventh veil in atlanta hold on those are two very separate ghosts what are we doing here no that's dirty dick daryl dingus fucking dodge sponsors ghost night down at the strip club here i forget it's a very popular famous one though so well he finds a young lady named linda newton
Starting point is 01:10:32 who he names obviously that's not going to be her ring name she's a black lady he finds a young black woman to on purpose try to stoke the stoke the fires he's trying to piss the rednecks off is what he does so back then that was a big thing that they used to do even into the 90s they did that like uh do you remember harlem heat i do booker t and stevie wright well they gave him they gave them the manager uh sherry martel sensational sherry and they thought that they were doing that to piss people off like oh this white lady's gonna go out with these two black guys it was like 1993 right and they were still doing that so back then in the 80s this was like we're in the south lady is going to go out with these two black guys. It was like 1993. Right. And they were still doing that. So back then in the 80s, this was like, we're in the South.
Starting point is 01:11:08 This is going to be a big deal. And it pissed people off. They didn't like it. Her name, though, what he names her. Oh, boy. Dark Journey. No, no, you don't get to do that. Dark Journey.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Dirty Dark Journey. Dirty Dick Dark Journey. What the fuck? Dark Journey. That is. You can dark journey that is you can't do that you can't do that there's nothing to be there's no there's no dark there's no shade there's no brown there's no nothing no you don't even need to call her brown sugar no journey no jesus god damn it right and find a personality trait oh my god run God. Run with that. Well, no. Back then, we've talked about, if you haven't listened to, the back then racist wrestling tropes.
Starting point is 01:11:49 And it was always, there was a million of them. Black guy, hardhead. Also, islander, hardhead. Asian, sneaky, always. Puerto Rican, too fiery. They'd get all upset at the referee and the guy'd sneak up behind him and roll him up. Fiery Latin temper. And they would say he's got his Latin temper going. They'd say shit
Starting point is 01:12:08 like that. I swear to God, everyone had a stereotype. If you headbutted a black guy, no matter how bad they were losing, if you headbutted him, you'd get hurt and they'd stand there shaking their head going, uh-uh, motherfucker. And then the match would be turned around and they'd be winning. It's crazy. So Dark Journey here,
Starting point is 01:12:24 Linda, we'll call her linda okay linda said quote i was working at a club outside of atlanta and dick slater came in by himself i remember talking to him at least once and then he brought me a drink he bought me a drink not brought me a drink he probably mentioned wrestling and me being involved but i just basically blew it off wrestling wasn't an interest to me i I didn't understand wrestling. The first wrestling match I had ever seen was the first match I was actually in. I was never a fan of wrestling. So he just saw a chick that he thought was hot. It was like, you're hot and black, and that'll piss people off.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Fucking, you know, why don't you come in with me? So she said, quote, I think he came back again and talked to the owner of the club. The owner called me at my house and said slater was real serious about it and they thought it was a good opportunity for me to get a start in the business the wrestling business not the stripping business she's already in she's already in that she said slater came over to my house i had a roommate and he talked to me in my uh talked to me and my boyfriend about his size uh about his idea and and i said i'd give it a try so he she had a boyfriend at the time uh after a while they end up being together dick and linda here end up being
Starting point is 01:13:33 hooked up together for a while that last couple years and then it kind of falls apart like most of these wrestling relationships do uh so she said she didn't know what she was doing she uh back then and especially in mid-south they took the good guy bad guy thing very seriously they'd still try to beat up bad guys after matches back then it was like jim cornett tells these stories about mid-south where they especially down in louisiana some of these real rednecky towns like home of louisiana places like that one place he's like it's it's like 30 miles south of New Orleans so that tells you right there what fuck you're dealing with and uh you know stories about you can't go that much I don't think you can go 31 miles south no you'd be in the fucking
Starting point is 01:14:14 Gulf of Mexico so these stories though about like the bad guys back then would have to like run to their cars basically or try to hide themselves or they'd have to park down the street and have cabs bring them in because they'd slashed fans would slash the tires they'd turn their cars over uh they'd all had they all the bad guys carried guns to keep fans away from them because fans would come up and want to fucking attack them with knives and shit and they'd have to they pull guns on them all the time cornet tells stories about fans following them on the road away from arenas and having to, like, fucking shoot guns out the window up in the air to say, hey, leave me the fuck alone. They took it seriously, which is crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Honestly, like, they didn't look at it as like, oh, that was a good show. They were like, he really did that to Dusty Rhodes. That's some bitch. There's matches where, like, one match they're attacking dusty roads in a cage and there's people fucking trying to climb the steel cage to get into the fucking help to help wow so what are you gonna do when you get in there if he's beating up dusty roads what do you think he's gonna do to you when you get in there to dudes that came there on a fan but yeah dudes in jeans and fucking sneakers are trying to climb over the cage while some fucking angry jacked up
Starting point is 01:15:22 bloody man is in the middle of the ring looking for it's ridiculous so yeah they said that uh she said they really took a lot out on her as well she was his valet he was a bad guy and uh she said the way she said she goes on this big thing like she was said it was weird to her because she was presented as as black so i was presented as a black woman and she said i'm mixed and never really thought of myself as black so i was presented as a black woman and she said i'm mixed and never really thought of myself as black just i know people it's whatever but that's how she thought of herself she said i'm mixed i never thought of myself as black i always thought of myself as biracial just never really thought of myself as like this is just a black person and she said in the crowd they only saw me as because that's how i was presented was this is a black
Starting point is 01:16:03 lady going out with a white guy and they're both bad fucking throw shit at him yeah so uh yeah he said uh you know she said it was a lot of a lot of heat with the crowd she said quote somebody from the white knights of the ku klux klu klux klan even sent me a letter oh yeah she said so like yeah she was like this it's probably dick murdoch from the next locker room over. Dear Linda. It didn't even have a stamp on it. It was weird. Just dear. It was rolled up in a ball and thrown in the room.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Dear Linda. It was balled up in a ball and then stuck in an envelope. I don't know if you realize this, but you are black. Like, love the Klan and like throw. I don't know what happened, but I doubt it. She said that people spat on her. They threw bottles and rocks and pliers at them they used to do shit like that back then wow cornet talks about being like afraid for his life back then and he was he it's a guy he always has a tennis racket and he said that was for fucking real he put smack shit
Starting point is 01:17:00 he put a fucking horseshoe in the tennis racket in the case and so so if anybody was fucking with him, he'd swing that fucking racket. And it was a weighed down tennis racket and knock you on your ass to save his own life. Here he said, but they would, you know, they'd pull her hair and curse at her and all that shit. And she said, quote, that was more hurtful than anything. My father was a pastor at the time. And I remember asking him, I don't understand. Why do they hate me? I didn't get that.
Starting point is 01:17:24 I was portraying this person to get heat and if you get heat, that's a good thing. It was just confusing to me at that age. She didn't realize that was good. Booing you, that's what they want. That's what you want. You're the bad guy. The more they boo you, the better job you're doing.
Starting point is 01:17:36 She just didn't understand that yet, which is you shouldn't be doing it if you don't even understand that much of it yet probably. You're probably a little too new to the whole thing. She said working in the business was very educational it opened my eyes to see what gimmicks and angles were uh how and what to sell because before that i didn't get that everything was a gimmick i just kind of took fans for what they said so you know that makes sense but that lasts a little bit uh they go out for about a year and a half and then it ends up
Starting point is 01:18:03 kind of falling apart she ends up going to i think mid-atlantic after that over to the crockets and then by 87 she gets out of the business she's only in the business about three years just long enough to feel like an outcast like yeah pretty yeah that's it and now now she does like uh massage and hydro whatever makes you shit with water okay i don't know does that shit now that's what i read not sure good for her she's married to somebody she's doing fine so that's good uh so dick though is very successful in the mid-atlantic territory here or in mid-south i mean he wins a north american heavyweight title beating butch reed uh he beats jake the snake roberts has a very
Starting point is 01:18:41 memorable feud with jake the snake roberts here for a while before and and this is in 86 in february of 86 he loses wins the title from jake and then loses it and then wins it back again they have a big giant feud at that point here uh there's one particular night where he comes into the evening with two titles and then uh he doesn't lose a match but he loses both titles okay in the in the night they do a thing here where uh, but he loses both titles in the night. They do a thing here where he's the television champ and the North American heavyweight champ. He gives the TV title to Buzz Sawyer
Starting point is 01:19:12 and keeps the North American belt. Buzz Sawyer gets beat by Hacksaw Jim Duggan, so that's one belt gone. And then Bill Watts says that Dick Slater agreed that it was a North American title, so they gave him the North American title and Buzz Sawyer had the TV belt and Dick Slater agreed that it was a North American title, so they gave him the North American title, and Buzz Sawyer had the TV belt, and Dick Slater had shit. So he was a bad guy that they liked to fuck with and make look stupid.
Starting point is 01:19:33 He, though, he said he was helping book, and he was doing all his different things. He was helping book. He said he had this relationship with Linda and trying to book territories and wrestle at the same time. He said it was very hectic. He said, quote, I had enough of booking and doing 3,000 things and taking care of Dark Journey and having to put up with Bill Watts. That was enough.
Starting point is 01:19:54 My mind couldn't take it anymore. My body couldn't take it anymore. There's also a rumor at this time that he beat up Sting, the wrestler Sting, because he was getting a little too. Like a real life beat up? Yeah, because he was a a little too like a real life beat up like a yeah yeah i would like it because he was a little too a little too close to linda here he was he was getting a little too close to linda and dick didn't like it so that's the rumor uh we don't know who knows if that's true or not i haven't heard anybody say i saw it like the wahoo thing everybody saw that but that's a great fucking story that's. So 1986, he gets the call to go to New York and be in the WWF.
Starting point is 01:20:27 So this was the time when WWF, it was after their main expansion when they took everybody's talent. This is when they were going through and taking all the second tier of talent. Got it. This is like, okay, we took all your Roddy Pipers and all those guys and your Hulk Hogan. Now we're going to really insult you. Now we're going to take the middle of the card, too, and leave you with shit. guys and your hulk hogan's now we're going to really insult you now we're going to take the middle of the card too and leave you with shit and also the big deal here was the wwf was still having trouble in the south in terms of drawing crowds the same because the south is very ingrained
Starting point is 01:20:53 in their wrestling of what they liked and they they were thought of as interlopers they didn't like them so they were trying to get guys from the south specifically to win over these southern cities and they thought a guy like dick slater could be a guy that's known down there. And they had a gimmick for him that they thought was going to be perfect and make him a good guy. His gimmick, he's no longer Dirty Dick Slater. He's now the Rebel Dick Slater. Oh.
Starting point is 01:21:18 And he wears Confederate flag gear and carries a Confederate flag to the ring. That's not good at all. No, it's bad yeah it made no sense because he's a good guy yeah in new york right and he's wearing a confederate flag shirt i went to shows that he was at we were all like were we supposed to cheer this fucking guy yeah i'm not cheering the confederate flag guy like even as a small kid i was like seven eight years old i still knew that that wasn't like why is he wearing a confederate flag guy like even as a small kid i was like seven eight years old i still knew that that wasn't like why is he wearing a confederate flag it was just fucking weird i remember in the
Starting point is 01:21:49 mat and they had the little pamphlets with the uh like little catalogs that had like the wrestling figures and t-shirts and shit in it and his was in there and i was just like it's a confederate flag that just says dick slater under it like that's no one's buying that shit very fucking weird odd gimmick what were they thinking that's one of those where a dude is doomed when he walks in you're gonna be a good guy yeah tell you what pal you're gonna be a good guy right but a confederate but what year was this 86 right that's my point is that duke's a hazard was just yeah and in its seat that's the only thing i could those guys were good guys and they ran with that thing for fucking ever.
Starting point is 01:22:26 Yeah, that's true. So this is probably. That's what I thought of, too. That's what I thought of, too. It's got to be. It has to be. Because that was kind of like a romanticized, like a good guy would have that flag. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:36 It's almost like. And then people were like, wait, no. Yeah. It's almost like a good. Because that's what I thought when I was a kid, too. Like that's when you're seven. I knew two things about the flag, that it was like a southern thing and that the fucking Duke boys had it on the roof of their car.
Starting point is 01:22:50 That's what I knew. So, like, it was a weird thing to see that, but it's just a very odd, it's just, even if the kids are like, yay, cool, Duke's a hazard, that must be the same thing. There's a lot of adults in the crowd, too, and they'd be like, what is that, a Confederate flag? We're in Buffalo. This is weird. Well, you know what it's weird like adults are okay how do i say the right way adults will kind of go with the flow and if they see something that's like popular and
Starting point is 01:23:15 everybody's accepting they're like well i guess we all accept that yeah it takes like a forward thinking like a younger person going wait a minute i just read about that in a book and that's a bad fucking flag the reaction to him was very much like uh oh they they were not they were good with it no he'd come to the ring to very little reaction yeah at this point very little because people he was supposed to be the good guy and he had music and shit come out the rebel dick slater and it's like everyone was like huh like you could be a good guy in the south like the the freebirds yeah and maybe that's it too because two years before that in 84 the freebirds were
Starting point is 01:23:50 there for like a month in new york and they had the whole confederate flag robes they had like the sequin uh capes that they pulled it out it would be a giant stars and bars and they were good guys so maybe they were thinking that was still okay i don't know but they also had more charisma now dick slater back in the old territories he had charisma i don't know if he was just embarrassed in the wwf of what they were having him do or embarrassed about his gimmick or what but he was like fucking he was so boring yeah and he was so boring as a kid i mean he's like he had the charisma of a folded napkin yeah he's just sitting there he just came in and he was just kind of yeah look on his face like i'm a tough guy that's fine but there was no oomph to it he had no he'd take the confederate flag shirt off he's kind of pudgy yeah and just
Starting point is 01:24:35 not fat but just kind of not ripped either he was just kind of like nothing to latch on to as a child to like him so and it was weird too he was always a bad guy and he's good at it and we'll make you a good guy perfect it's the way it's gonna be very strange here uh he was on a couple of things he he uh was at the big event which was a giant i think there was 65 000 people there in toronto in 86 where he won a match there uh he's also on an episode of saturday night's main event where don morocco beat the shit out of him in two minutes yeah in 86 and then uh yeah so that was pretty much the only moments in wwe he really wwf at the time he really didn't do too much and we find out what happened uh that was back in the days where we said they would go on the road for months at a time and never come home in wwe
Starting point is 01:25:22 because it wasn't like the other territories where they drive this was all flying everywhere you'd be in la one night and fucking maine the next and then in minneapolis the day after that it was brutal uh he says quote i didn't stay there that long with that gimmick as you see you say you hated that thing i was out of there i just survived there actually i worked 98 straight nights in a row there finally i was in seattle washington and i got on an airplane and flew back to Florida and went down to the Keys again. Pat Patterson, who was the booker down in WWF, called me. He was the booker, and he asked me what I was doing. I told him I was out of there.
Starting point is 01:25:56 I quit, and I'm going fishing. Didn't give a fuck. Take your Confederate flag and wipe your ass so that I'm done. That happened to a lot of guys there. They'd come in, and they'd be there for three months. Fuck guys there. They'd come in and they'd be there for three months. Fuck it, I'm fishing. Yeah, they'd be there for three months. They're like, I haven't had a day off yet.
Starting point is 01:26:10 I'm leaving. This is crazy. And they just fucking go home. You had to be a certain level of crazy to last in WWE back then. So he leaves and he goes back into the territories in June of 1987. This is early June of 1987. He has some legal troubles troubles we'll say here uh jesus christ this is fucking crazy there's a guy uh a guy named bruce sira uh who is he thinks he's he's just hanging out at the uh uh old house restaurant on east ocean avenue in florida that's
Starting point is 01:26:41 all he's doing it's june 10th 1987 this bruce sira he's watching his slater is trying to row a dinghy uh out to a boat anchored offshore uh so at some point uh as he was trying to do it i apparently slater knocked the boat over and tipped his dinghy he tipped his he tipped his richard dick daryl dingle ding. Apparently, Bruce Sierra here helped Dick Slater pull the dinghy out of the water and drain it. So Slater then tried to row out again and fucking did it again. God, Jesus. So by this time, this is in front. There's a big beach bar that's now watching all this.
Starting point is 01:27:20 At this point, I guess a bunch of people start laughing at him. And this is an angry guy. And they're laughing at him. And this is an angry guy. And they're laughing at him. And I guess he said Dick waded out of the water to start coming toward the bar to start kicking people's asses. And this Bruce Seara guy just helped him with the boats. Like, hey, man, calm down. It's okay. Like, relax.
Starting point is 01:27:39 So at that point, he said what Dick did was pick him up and body slam him. Oh, Jesus. For real. In front of everybody. In front of the bar. He said he didn't. This guy said, I'm six foot tall, 185 pounds. He goes, before I knew it, I was just in the air.
Starting point is 01:27:54 I didn't know what the hell was going on. He said, quote, next thing I knew, I was flying through the air with the greatest of ease, but there wasn't any trapeze. So he didn't know what was happening. That's pretty incredible. Yeah. He didn't know who Dick Slater was so he didn't know what was happening incredible yeah he didn't know who dicks later was didn't know he was a wrestler he just know this giant guy just body slammed him i mean dick's 6-1 but he's 235 and he looks fucking sturdy does this a lot yeah he's real sturdy and tough and shit and uh he thought it was a little odd you know that he got body slammed there and didn't it was like what the fuck here uh he uh
Starting point is 01:28:25 he played he said he uh uh he slams him to the ground the slam breaks sira's knee oh fuck broke this guy's knee you know because in real life when you do that like in public you hurt people they're not ready for it and i guess this ended his career as a mate on a shipping boat oh no he said quote he did mess up my life really bad and who just started working as a mate on a shipping boat oh no he said quote he did mess up my life really bad and who just started working as a construction worker because it's the only job you could get after that so slater is charged with aggravated battery he says of the whole thing dick does quote it's just a minor case i'm not guilty of the charge it's nothing serious okay that's aggravated battery is a pretty good charge it's nothing serious tell that to that dude's knee that doesn't work anymore i get no shit man so uh yeah he's arrested and he misses
Starting point is 01:29:10 his august 21st arraignment also on this he misses a court date because he's in japan he's not going to miss a payday over there so the judge issues an arrest warrant for him and uh he ends he's going to plead innocent to the whole thing later. I mean, this is obviously crazy, this whole shit. It's super crazy. He's been shot by a friend by accident. A lot of craziness. He's body slamming people out of the water. But it's not as crazy as the sales, Jimmy.
Starting point is 01:29:37 The sales that are happening at this point in time will blow your mind. In this Tampa newspaper from 1987. So if you happen to be in the Tampa, Florida area in February of 1987, right now, you're going to want to don't miss these sales. You want to get down to Dan's Fan City. Oh, boy. Dirty Dan's Fan City here. He says, quote, it's America's largest fan and vacuum store chain. So that's something where you can get
Starting point is 01:30:06 brass and ceramic lamps over 22 different styles in stock jimmy so this isn't some standard fucking lamp floor lamps table lamps lamps desk lamps miniature lamps what from isn't that a desk lamp i think a mini tiny one from five dollars and 99. You're not going to fucking beat that. Best in the U.S., they claim. Not going to beat that. Also, you want to get down to Delray TV, because this is very important. Specially priced Zenith VCR. Now, Jimmy, this is a high-quality electronic piece of equipment here. Forehead VHS HQ recorder with remote programming.
Starting point is 01:30:44 It says here that you can, quote, tune directly from your armchair. All right. So, I mean, that's a plus here. Two-week, four-event timer. You can set four timers on this thing if you're going out of town. Remember when an armchair was a big deal? Yeah, you got an armchair. Channel scan, on-screen display, Jimmy.
Starting point is 01:31:03 It's going to have a time flashing for 20 years until they get a dvd player goes out until they get a dvd player just forever and if that's not enough are you sold yet i'm in already you're in but just for the light in the middle of the night that's the thing so i can see my way sporadically to the pisser so you can have a fucking uh fucking goddamn seizure. Ah, Jesus, I'm seizing in the hallway. As if I wasn't going to piss my pants already, now I'm for sure going to do it. Thanks for the epilepsy, Xena.
Starting point is 01:31:36 Well, Jimmy, if you're not ready yet, I'm going to reel you in right now because with the purchase of this VCR, you get a free video club membership. VHS tapes with the purchase of this vcr you get a free video club membership oh vhs tapes with the purchase of any video recorder over 12 000 titles to choose from how's about so you can do that regular 499 499 dollars regular for a fucking vcr on sale 399 holy shit sweet fuck but listen you On sale, $399. Jesus Lord. Holy shit. Sweet fuck. But, listen, you get a free membership to the Blockbuster.
Starting point is 01:32:08 To the video club. So, I mean, that's something. You used to have to pay. And then if that's not enough for you, stay down at Delray TV for Zenit's 19-inch remote color TV. It's a quality piece of equipment. Regular $699 to now only $49999 and it says under it a steel yeah 4 to 19 inch fucking tv for 800 bucks you get a 19 inch tv and a vcr you can get a 47 inch tv for fucking 499 now
Starting point is 01:32:37 and it's awesome and it has the internet it's amazing this thing's a piece of shit you don't have to put anything in it no this thing sucks man holy shit on some of these tv for 25 inch stereo tv is 739 my christ regular 1189 wow holy shit wow thank god we don't live in the 80s fuck so august of 1987 after he's done his shopping he went he did a shopping obviously now he does his shopping uh he is uh sued by this man yeah so not only does he have aggravated battery charges but he also is being sued civilly by this man in court uh december 1987 he goes into court and i love the newspaper account of this this is a a fucking great newspaper it's so shitty the journalism here is just it's thick like a stew
Starting point is 01:33:27 yeah uh it says quote on friday the rebel quote yeah sat in the front row of the courtroom and his rattlesnakes uh his rattlesnake skin boots linen jacket and citizens watch with a black band that look more like the tread of a snow tire oh boy thanks for setting the scene dickhole this guy really loves his outfit dude he's got a novel at home he's working on the only part he missed was he looked the balls yeah well i thought he was just trying to really be like you know flowery with his language like he wanted to say it was a misty morning across the plains or some shit like he wants he has a novel he's working on. Instead, he's got to write about a wrestler on trial. A wrestler in court for body slamming a man at a beach bar for making fun of his dinghy skills. I'm going to give this a go with my descriptive language.
Starting point is 01:34:14 Fuck it. What's he wearing? What's he wearing? That looks more like the tread of a snow tire. So at this whole thing, the judge agrees to continue his trial until February 1988. At this whole thing, the judge agrees to continue his trial until February 1988. Meanwhile, the Sierra guy, the victim here, receives a letter from the state of Florida. It's the Florida Victim Assistance Program, saying Sierra would not be eligible for money to pay his medical bills because he failed to file a police report within 72 hours of the incident.
Starting point is 01:34:43 So Slater, so he's not going to get his medical bills. This is, again, I have to quote the newspaper because this guy's an asshole who ever wrote this quote slater strolled out of the courtroom after friday's hearing and down a hallway a stunned wrestling fan stood in awe quote that's the rebel dick slater isn't it one fan said i can't believe it that's him wow unbelievable just there was one guy there who recognized him and he's like that's i'm gonna quote him i can't believe like everyone was in awe that this guy who just burnt out of the wwf in a fucking year is that whatever so 1990 ends up in a uswa which they were that was uh that was a fucking mess that was memphis and then they bought into they bought texas there
Starting point is 01:35:23 they found eric's out and then so it was kind of a mix between tennessee and and and uh and uh texas was kind of still uswa that was a real confusing thing anyway he wins a title there so good for him uh in the early 90s here i believe he starts going out with luna vachon yeah you know luna vachon is uh luna vachon uh looks like the scariest woman you've ever seen in your life. I wouldn't fight her. She's been dead for years, and I wouldn't fight her now. She's a scary woman.
Starting point is 01:35:51 And not just because she's scary looking. Her family, she's a Vachon. The Vachons are notoriously scary people. Mad Dog Vachon was an Olympic wrestler and one of the craziest son of a bitches in the world. Remember the story I told you about the guy in the plane that was like trying to hanging out of the plane and all that. That's mad dog. That's her uncle. That's her uncle. Yeah. So family. That's
Starting point is 01:36:12 her bloodline. Her father's name is Butcher Vashon. So yeah, they look like the most hideous people in the world and she's no different. She's just a fucking she's muscular shit. She has half of her head shaved all the time the other half is like fucking crazy colors
Starting point is 01:36:28 she looks like a future person she looks like she's from Mad Max basically she's a demolition man yeah and she is as tough as fucking nails like nobody fucks with her she's got tires on her shoulders yeah that's how she comes to the ring pretty much and all in every different incarnation every different territory but she
Starting point is 01:36:44 always plays like a kind of like a future. They're from the Dr. Dre California video. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what they look like. California love. Yeah, that's what she looks like. Yeah. That's what she looks like.
Starting point is 01:36:54 She's wearing like Tupac's outfit from that shit. Like a shoulder pads and half a tire and a fucking eye patch for some reason. Yeah, for no reason. You got both eyes. You're great. It's just to keep the sand out of this one and when this one gets sanded i'll just flip it i only want to see half a shit what the fuck was that the dumbest fucking video ever oh my god and it made no sense i can't believe we let that slide that's ridiculous isn't that fucking amazing that video is so dumb it's so fucking it's so stupid i was really not a fan of that shit but uh tupac
Starting point is 01:37:31 was real excited yeah he seemed to be jacked fresh out of jail he was excited fresh out of jail on bail is that what i said yeah out on bail that's what he said yeah yeah he was jacked about it he was all telling me i'm out of i'm out of jail on bail and i get a dune buggy there's food here this is fucking great they got craft services shit awesome somebody give me an eyepatch where's the eyepatches hey where's the eyepatch guy everybody got a fucking eyepatch for me somebody saw bf goodrich in half and put it on my arm calling me a pussy saying i got two good eyes fuck that shit no make get the tea kettle and make a hat for me out of it that's what i want a metal hat not a helmet so much but a metal hat just a skew just a little bit like the fucking tin man yeah i want to look like the michelin man the tin man fuck the michelin man and then went to fight mad max and thunderdome that's what i want to look like the fucking tin man yeah i want to look like the michelin man the tin man
Starting point is 01:38:25 fuck the michelin man and then went to fight mad max and thunderdome that's what i want this shit to look like yeah that's exactly it so fuck man so he's going out with luna vajon so this is the toughest couple in the history of the world yeah these two together can fucking take a whole a whole bar full of people this is dangerous so he one time, her and I took my boat over to a tiki bar. I got out of the boat, and the boat turned over. Another time. He can't do with boats here. I slammed into the seawall and cut my feet on barnacles.
Starting point is 01:38:58 So that's what he says. Somebody grabbed me from behind to pick me up, and Luna ended up getting in a fight with three guys behind the bar. She was fighting three guys, and I finally had to break it up. All right. Two of you, fine. No. Three?
Starting point is 01:39:13 That's unfair. No, no, no. He had to pull her off of them. Oh, boy. No, she was winning the fight. She was winning easily. He said, oh, you're kicking the... That's enough.
Starting point is 01:39:21 Baby, baby. You've beat these guys up senseless. These are not good odds. Yeah. They need two more friends. The interviewer asked, was she holding her own? He said she was, but the police finally got there. And of course, the only one that got arrested was me for public intoxication.
Starting point is 01:39:37 Wow. It was so bad, they let me go, and I went to the Florida Keys right from there. Luna and I laughed about that, but that's the extent of any trouble I've ever been in. That's what he says. Whoops. Except for that part where you body slam. Except for the body slamming of the dude. And then something else we'll talk about later.
Starting point is 01:39:51 But he admitted this. But this is fucking hilarious. So she gets out. Someone's trying to help him. And she goes, I'll beat everybody up here. And does. Imagine most guys that have a wife that starts fights with people. You're like trying to pull her away because then you got to fight people you're worried about she's going to really hurt
Starting point is 01:40:08 these guys i better get her off of them like those three guys are in danger she's going to hurt them that's fucking hilarious so uh after that he goes to wcw in 1991 and uh that's you know the big tbs turner thing there and uh in the summer of 91 he and dicks uh here he and dick murdoch get together as a tag team right uh the dirty dicks no they're they're the the hardliners are what they call themselves the heart that's a it's a pretty tough team you can't be two dudes named dick and have hard in your fucking name ever dirty dick the hardliner yeah no no no. No, no, no. God, Jesus. No, no, no, no. You can't be Dirty Dick the hardliner. That's not going to fucking work at all.
Starting point is 01:40:49 Nothing veiny. Nothing vascular. Nothing like that. Nothing shaftable. No name that even... Just nothing phallic. Yeah. Just steer clear.
Starting point is 01:40:57 Nothing that's a swordsman. Nothing like that. You can't be... There's a lot of things you can't be. God damn it. You can't be fireman. No. With your hoses.
Starting point is 01:41:04 No. None of that shit's going to work. A lot of gimmicks that you're limited on, you can't be fireman no with your hoses none of that shit's gonna work a lot of gimmicks that you're limited on but they're the hard liners wow oh boy uh yeah so uh they they're like that for a while and then they they break up after a while as dick murdoch kind of comes in and out of wrestling he's getting old by then uh on july 4th of july one time in 1992 he uh teams with greg with Greg the Hammer Valentine in the over the fucking past their prime team of all time there Valentine was
Starting point is 01:41:30 way done and which he still wrestles now Valentine and Slater had when he went to WCW he was kind of just a mid range guy he wasn't anything special anymore on TV he just didn't stand out with some of these guys that's when they got like vader in
Starting point is 01:41:45 there and they had like all these just a bunch of sting and vader and all these guys and he just didn't stand out being dirty dick slater with a you know with a puss on his face just standing there sour puss uh so yeah but they beat uh they beat uh marcus alexander bagwell and big josh who i think was matt bourne who was was Doink the Clown later on. They beat them in a tag match. That's their tag team. And then later, he and the Barbarian, Dick and the Barbarian, Dick and the Barbarian, challenged. They beat the Fabulous Freebirds, who was Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes by that point, and win the U.S. Tag Team Championships.
Starting point is 01:42:21 was Jimmy Garvin and Michael Hayes by that point and win the U.S. Tag Team Championships. That's kind of his last hurrah as being thought of as anything that meant anything to the roster here. He does that. Then they end up retiring that title and they never...
Starting point is 01:42:37 You win belts and they go, we're going to go ahead and put them in a closet. You're not that anymore. Then they go on. He teams with a lot of guys and they lose a lot basically they they beat shitty guys on tv and then after a while they're the shitty guys on tv that get beat uh they they get beat at one point by jimny anvil nightheart and the junkyard dog in 1993 so those guys were junkyard dog was way done by then christ he looked terrible by then he was fucking fat in 87 yeah he was fat and
Starting point is 01:43:06 bald and things were not falling apart for jyd and uh jimny anvil was kind of past his prime at that point too and uh also dick slater team with paul orndorff who was again he was past his prime he's got a nerve problem in his neck so one of his arms is half the size of the other one so he looks weird out there so that that was his problem here. He gets beat by Davey Boy Smith, Dustin Rhodes, and Sting one night with him and a couple of partners there. But like I said,
Starting point is 01:43:33 he just kicks around. He never really gets into any feuds or anything that has any meat that anybody would, oh, that big feud with Dick Slater and so and so. That didn't happen back then. He teams with Bobby Eaton for a while.
Starting point is 01:43:47 1994, he's arrested for domestic violence. I cannot find any information on this other than the fact that he was arrested for domestic violence in Pinellas County in 1994. And the charges are eventually dropped. But we don't know any of the details there. But there was some domestic incident there. Is he married to Luna? No, he's not married to Luna. He's married twice.
Starting point is 01:44:08 And there's a lot of sites that say he was married to Luna. But I don't think he was actually married to Luna. I think he's married to two women who were not in the wrestling business. And then also he went out with Luna and Linda and everybody else. So, yeah, he continues through the 90s. And they keep him employed. he's there 94 95 uh 96 like he's got a job where from 1991 on he's collecting a paycheck from a corporation it's wcw too so you could get shot in the knee and still get a paycheck from these people like he's got an actual job for years a steady job which is rare in wrestling but uh he
Starting point is 01:44:45 pulls it off he does that he he uh problem is he like i said nothing to latch on to he teams with bunkhouse buck that's that's the worst i remember that counselor that's the worst guy now he plays like uh like a i guess like an 1800s uh you know ranch's got a white dirty shirt with suspenders and work gloves on. Stupid. He sleeps in the bunkhouse. Yeah. It was a guy named Jimmy Golden who was an old wrestler, but they repackaged him as Bunkhouse Buck and made these two be like a couple of rednecks was their thing.
Starting point is 01:45:19 And yeah, obviously that didn't go anywhere in 1995. Right. That's not, no one gave a shit about that. So basically he would go on Nitro and get beat all the time. Him and a tag team partner of the week would get the shit beaten out of him, and that was that. They'd lose to good tag teams constantly. He fought Ric Flair in 96, though, on an episode of WCW Saturday Night.
Starting point is 01:45:43 Ric Flair won to retain the title, but he got to step into the ring with Flair again, which is pretty cool. Through all of that, basically they bring a new team in, and they would beat the shit out of whatever team he was on. That was that. Finally, in 1996 in Gainesville, Georgia, for a TV taping, he hurts his back. And he hurts his back pretty bad. He says he blew out two vertebrae.
Starting point is 01:46:06 Sounds painful. Yeah. I've done it once, man. That is fucking miserable. That sounds bad. It's not the vertebrae that fucks you up. It's the nerves that come through it. Well, that's what hurts.
Starting point is 01:46:15 And then it just ruins you. And try getting body slammed after that or something. Oh, dear Christ, no. Your legs or whatever nerves go through there. Terrible. Arms, legs, neck, whatever. It just doesn't work for several weeks. No.
Starting point is 01:46:27 And you earn so much pain. It's fucking bad. And they had actually kind of given him a new tag team after that. They had started teaming him up with Mike Enos, who was, I don't know if you remember him. Remember the Beverly Brothers in WWF? His terrible tag team. His last name is one letter away from penis. Well, it's Dirty Dick and Mike Penis.
Starting point is 01:46:42 Oh, my God. You can't be Dirty Dick and Mike Penis in the same. What is happening today? They should have been the hardliners. What's going on? There's so much dick. There's too much. This episode is heavy with dick.
Starting point is 01:46:54 Be warned. Overflowing. Overflowing with dick. So Slater blows out his vertebrae in Gainesville, Georgia in 96. He said, quote, I guess the years of abuse just took its toll. I can't pinpoint exactly what happened. It just hurt like hell. I could hardly move, and I haven't wrestled since.
Starting point is 01:47:12 So that was that. He says, that started it. Then I had one operation. The guy was supposed to be a good surgeon, but he did a real bad job. Then I had another operation done by a surgeon who was supposed to be a real good surgeon, and he did a real bad job. Then I had another operation done by a surgeon who was supposed to be a real good surgeon, and he did a pretty bad job. There's actually no back surgery that's 100% successful. It's the hardest part of the body to operate on.
Starting point is 01:47:33 My last surgery was with the latest technology, but you never know what can happen. It can put you in a wheelchair forever. And that's basically what he's going to do for the next 15 years is have shitloads of back surgeries, be in and out of wheelchairs and develop a really really rip-roaring prescription drug addiction oh boy it is fucking deep and and hairy wait till you hear some of this like details of the exact amount
Starting point is 01:47:58 of shit that was in the system would kill you me and half of our listeners at the same time. You're right. Just for what was in his system at one point. Yeah, and in 2000 here, year 2000, I guess his back wasn't responding to treatment. That's when he had some surgeries, and that was another surgery that didn't work. Through that, the late 90s, he was making appearances on wrestling. He made a couple appearances for ECW. Not wrestling, though.
Starting point is 01:48:23 He was just doing like kind of side stuff and you know that sort of thing with promos and shit and i think he was like coming in the ring acting like a manager or like a like a second hand because he's a name yeah and ecw people remembered him yeah it's it's a payday i guess that's what he was going for here uh in 2000 he was saying he still had some wrestling years left, he felt like. You were born in 51, man. Yeah, he's like, I still have some years left. No, you were 49 years old. Yeah, that's what he says.
Starting point is 01:48:50 But he finds himself on the outside looking in because he's been unable to work out regularly to get into shape. Which, yeah, your back is fucked, man. He says, if not as a competitor, I feel I could do some television work. My number one concern right now is getting my back to the point where I can wrestle again. That's what I'm shooting for. That was in 2000, he said that, which he had been four years off of that and all sorts of bad surgeries. He was talking about maybe he can go to Japan and wrestle over there.
Starting point is 01:49:15 He said, because that's where, if you're an older American wrestler with a name, they'll pay you twice as much in Japan. So he's like, I can go there maybe. Maybe that'll do. He says, quote,apan just might be my ace in the hole i always had good success over there the fans are great and there's not as much crap to deal with you can just relax and do your job i bet yeah but you can't if your fucking back is destroyed no you have if you can't sit in an airplane seat for christ only knows how long that is. Can you imagine that? Oh, God, no.
Starting point is 01:49:46 Bad surgery. All those surgeries. With nerve pain in an airplane seat? All those surgeries, number one. And you're just like, I think I can wrestle again. And they're all botched and they don't work. Yeah, it's just not working. You're full of pain.
Starting point is 01:49:57 I can take enough pills to make it work, I think. Maybe that's what he's doing. He's just numbing himself and throwing booze back enough to just not feel anything. That's what it was. Well, in 2003, he's quiet for a couple of years. You don't hear a lot from him. Hasn't been wrestling, hasn't been doing anything. Then you hear a lot from him in 2003.
Starting point is 01:50:17 You hear a lot from him because he's arrested for attempted murder. Oh, boy. Which is kind of a big charge. That's a biggie. That's not a little thing. murder oh boy which is kind of a big charge that's a biggie that's not a little thing um he uh with the authorities alleging that he repeatedly stabbed his ex-girlfriend with an eight-inch butcher knife oh boy uh so not good at this point he's 52 years old it is an eight-inch kitchen butcher knife uh used it to stab 41 year old theresa halbert in her own home in largo um at the time apparently
Starting point is 01:50:44 he was moving out the last of his shit out of her house because they had broken up. I can see how this went. And then some... Yeah, you get out, motherfucker. I will get out right after this. Yeah, right after this.
Starting point is 01:50:55 How the fuck can I tell you I can see the last box in his hand? He's walking out the door and he turns back and puts it on the kitchen table and shit, I could see it happening. Pulls the knife out of the box. I was taking this shit with me.
Starting point is 01:51:03 I was taking this anyway. You can keep it. And stabs her with it there yeah stick it out of your torso unbelievable wow uh repeatedly stabbed her repeatedly stabbed and she lived eight inch butcher knife yeah that's how fucked up he was he couldn't even get that jobs bad stabs well according to the largo police uh slater went to halbert's home about noon on a Saturday to pick his shit up that he'd left there before they broke up. Once he got inside, he pushed her to the bedroom floor and basically it didn't take long. It wasn't any buildup. He just pushed her down and stabbed her in the left knee to begin with. She begged for mercy at that point and uh he stabbed her some more
Starting point is 01:51:46 uh is what happened uh he stabbed her some more and uh then just kind of sat there and just kind of looked at her uh after the stabbing he uh overdosed on pain medication that he was prescribed for his injuries um he was uh the police ended up finding him in some neighbor's house down the street here uh they said he would remain in a hospital in police custody before he's medically cleared to go to jail because he had an od thing and halbert was treated for three stab wounds and released eventually uh her statement on the whole thing she gets out of the hospital and talks to the tampa tribune about it and gives a statement of what the fuck happened down there. That is awesome. I'll tell you
Starting point is 01:52:28 my side. She said she got home she said she allowed him to pick up his clothes. He had clothes over there and they were over there for several months after they'd broken up so she told him he could come get his clothes after he asked her to help him get the clothes out of a bag in her bedroom because
Starting point is 01:52:44 he can't move around that well she said he came up behind her with a knife and punched her in the head, knocking her to the ground. Not with a knife, with a fist, but he had a knife, too. He then sat astride her as she lay on the floor, and when she grabbed the knife, he turned her over and stabbed her in the back, she said. Stabbed her in the back, stabbed her in the arm, and stabbed her in the back, she said. Stabbed her in the back, stabbed her in the arm, and stabbed her in the leg. Then he got off of her and told her he wanted to lie on her bed so he could, quote, watch her bleed to death,
Starting point is 01:53:13 which is really fucking scary when you have a big, scary dude who seems to be fucked up on something. And just plunged a knife into you at least three times. At least three times, and then goes, I'm just going to chill
Starting point is 01:53:24 and watch you bleed to death. That's's frightening because you don't know if you're gonna bleed to death and she's probably spilling a lot of blood at this point i'm sure she is she's been stabbed in the back and the fucking leg and the arm uh she's got to be blood everywhere coming out every part of her she said that she started begging at that point uh she told him that she still loved him she said she even tried to kiss him as a ploy to get him out of the bedroom so she could call 9-1-1 she's like no no it's fine yeah i like me bleeding from the fucking chest this was hot it's great i love i love it when knives are sticking out of me it's fantastic she said i just kept begging him that's what i used i wasn't going to use anger because i
Starting point is 01:54:01 didn't want to die he's an ex-wrest So he gets angry real quick, you know, been hitting the head a whole fucking bunch. And this guy is right in that whole thing here. She, I guess, later then told her that he was going to kill himself. And she said that she didn't want him to do that. But she had to call 911 for her injury. She said, I don't want you to kill yourself, but I got to call 911, you know, so I don't die and stuff. You know how it is when you're stabbed
Starting point is 01:54:26 with a butcher knife. I guess he was like, okay, and then he left. He was like, that's cool. You just do that. I'll just take off.
Starting point is 01:54:32 And so she called for help at 1217 PM. She said, I was nice enough to let him come get his clothes, but he wigged out on me, which is a good way of describing it.
Starting point is 01:54:41 Yeah. That's the most mild description of being stabbed with an eight inch butcher knife three times. Wigged out. Unless he was wearing a wig at the time. Imagine that. That'd be like a fucking school shooting, 12 dead of the news guys,
Starting point is 01:54:54 like the child was said to have wigged out in the school today. I don't know. It's less than that. They had been together for seven years, apparently, these two. They got together right at the end of his wrestling career. Now, what does he say about this? Oh, I'd love to know. What's his fucking version of this crazy story?
Starting point is 01:55:12 The police have a version. She has a version. It's pretty close to the police's version. What's he got to say? He says, when he asked about it, quote, I mean, I'd really like to say a lot of things about it. You know what I mean? It was all drug-related, most of it. I mean, I couldn't tell you what a lot of things about it. You know what I mean? It was all drug related. Most of it.
Starting point is 01:55:25 I mean, I couldn't tell you what happened if I didn't know what happened. He says, I really don't know what actually took place other than I was. I woke up in the intensive care in the hospital. I had gone to the hospital by ambulance the night before. So now he's talking about the night before. This is a hard thing to follow because we're talking about a guy who does a lot of pills. So follow this shit. Uh, he says he had gone to the ambulance hospital by ambulance the night before he went and
Starting point is 01:55:52 stabbed Teresa. So he says, uh, uh, they gave, they had given me a shot of morphine. And then when I went to the emergency room, they apparently gave me two 40 milligram Oxycontins on top of that. Oh boy. room they apparently gave me 240 milligram oxycontins on top of that oh boy and on top of that i was already on vicodin and clonopin and neuro and neurotin and neurontin that's too much i was so yeah so in the ambulance uh uh shot of morphine already had 240 gram milligram oxys which are a lot that's a lot that's a lot a whole lot especially if you've already had morphine jacked
Starting point is 01:56:24 into your system intravenously. And on top of that, he's already on, and who knows how many, handfuls of Vicodin, Klonopin, and Neurontin. Yeah. So he is fucking loaded up. Oh, by the way, he's not done. Then he says,
Starting point is 01:56:38 and they had a drug called Avenza, which is a morphine-based pain pill. Plus, I had nerve damage and i could hardly walk and i had a hurt neck i had spinal stenosis in my neck so i was in real bad shape and when they did all that they let me out of the hospital they put me in a friend of mine's car and i ended up at his house i couldn't tell you what happened from there that's what he said like i was saying i woke up in the hospital later and I was I was pretty messed up. So he says that was the whole thing to this day. That's all I remember.
Starting point is 01:57:08 And so the interviewer said, so you're saying this whole, you know, stabbing thing is just from a combination of lots of legal drugs. And he says legally too many. Yes, legally, but too many. He says, I didn't take them myself. That's the whole thing. Quote, I got them shot in me by the ambulance driver and another put in my mouth by a them myself that's the whole thing quote i got them shot in me by the ambulance driver and another put in my mouth by a doctor that's the whole deal they gave me all
Starting point is 01:57:30 those drugs i mean i got a shot i got shot with a shot of morphine so he's blaming the doctors he's like how the fuck am i supposed to not stab my girlfriend drug me up that's the side effects did you watch the commercials they said you may stab your girlfriend probably gonna find your ex-girlfriend who you've been broken up with for six months, ask to get your clothes, and stab her three times. That's probably going to happen. Everyone knows that. You will likely have a short temper.
Starting point is 01:57:52 Yeah. So he talks about the hospital and they should be responsible for it, and you can't sue them because there's some law, and it's, wow. So then the interviewer says this is great i'll quote the interviewer here he says uh uh quote so right before your ex-girlfriend was stabbed you were taken to the er at a hospital for some health issues that actually can be traced back to injuries you had in wrestling and he says yeah i was taken by ambulance from a friend of mine's house to the hospital on the way there i was in pain they shot me up with morphine then when i got to the emergency room that's what the medical records say i remember from a friend of mine's house to the hospital. On the way there, I was in pain. They shot me up with morphine.
Starting point is 01:58:25 Then when I got to the emergency room, that's what the medical records say, I remember taking a couple of pills for pain, 40 mg Oxycontin on top of that. So that's morphine and another 80 mg of synthetic morphine on top of that, Oxycontin and synthetic morphine. And on top of that, I already had Vicodin in me and Klonopin and Neurontin. So he said, quote, I was taking Vicodin for pain normally right after my operation i tell you what happened i went to have a spinal stimulator put in my back uh by a by a pain management doctor because i have nerve nerve damage and that was a major problem i had no reflexes in my legs at all
Starting point is 01:58:57 i couldn't walk maybe a city block at the most that's as far as i could make it so i figured i would stab my girlfriend he didn't say the last part but he might as well because that's as far as i could make it so i figured i would stab my girlfriend he didn't say the last part but he might as well because that's what he's excusing it with that's his excuse yeah look everybody who gets shot up with pain pills goes over and has the idea to stab his girlfriend happens all the fucking time so uh he says i went to the emergency room because i was in severe pain i had to call an ambulance on myself at my friend's house the pain was so bad it was right around christmas he said they laid me down flat on a board put me in an ambulance took me to the hospital they sedated me really well and then after they sedated me and they x-rayed me that's when they gave me all those drugs and then they
Starting point is 01:59:36 just sent me out the door you know yeah because you probably had shit insurance or something they're not going to keep you at the hospital and they figure you're okay now so get the fuck out that's that's kind of what they do they just load you up with drugs and they push you out the door that's what here there you go hospital feeling better now good go you don't feel anything good yeah that's great so yeah he he says that he doesn't he was never admitted to the hospital uh he says i was overdosed and i went and i was sent home and then the next morning is when i got in trouble and later that day I went back to the hospital for the overdose. But I went back to the hospital for overdosing, not because I overdosed myself.
Starting point is 02:00:11 All that was given to me. So I chose not to play football anymore. That's what he said. I had a family to take care of. I had a family to take care of. You know how that works here. So he's like, so the interviewer is so confused he goes okay but I recall the reports I read after your arrest I was under the impression
Starting point is 02:00:29 you overdosed after the incident with your girlfriend he says no it was all based on the medicine they gave me before that 80 milligrams of oxy I was already taking the prescribed drugs like we talked about which are types of narcotics from what I read in the medical books you're not supposed to mix
Starting point is 02:00:44 narcotics with from what i read in the medical books you're not supposed to mix narcotics with uh benzodiazepines uh seizures drugs for seizures they say don't take this drug with this drug and this drug but if you take them anyway but you take them anyway because the doctor gives you those drugs no usually you have a chart and it says what you're on and then they don't give you reaction reactive drugs why are you doing research on the drugs that you have that's the other thing that's your doctor's job yeah you don't worry about that he says why do you have medical books yeah you of all people put them away chief let's go i chose not to be a doctor because i needed to make a living for my family uh well then whose fault is it when there's
Starting point is 02:01:19 something wrong with you because of all these drugs i mean that's what i don't understand i've never been in trouble in my life for anything except for except for abc and d and fucking q when i got shot in the leg for no reason he's so finally he says i can't actually say what happened because i don't even remember what happened i don't know what happened my ex-girlfriend could say what happened more than i could that is the most honest thing he said finally it's about time my ex-girlfriend could say what happened more than I could. That is the most honest thing he said. Finally. It's about time. My ex-girlfriend could tell you. Well, you don't want her story being the story. Whatever she said, fucking that.
Starting point is 02:01:53 That's a bad story, sir. That's it. Dick, you don't want that story. You don't want that story at all. And so, I mean, well, what the fuck, man? So now he's all fucked up in the back with his goddamn oxys and everything else. He's loaded up with Vicodin. He's goddamn sitting there.
Starting point is 02:02:10 It's really a fucking mess. And he's watching TV, actually, is the thing, because he's got nothing better to do. So he's just watching TV. And he's down south there. And he's just watching, flicking through the channels. And a commercial catches his eye. It's a commercial for Dirty Dick Daryl Dingus Dodge, baby. And it says, Dick, how is it you've come to arrive here?
Starting point is 02:02:33 How is it you've come to arrive here, Dick? How is it? Now, you're sitting in that chair. Rather than getting on down to Dirty Dick Daryl Dingus Dodge, and Datsun, and Dahatsu for a new Dodge Ram truck. I'll put you in this truck today, Dirty Dick. You get the Dirty Dick discount. That is the Dirty Dick, Daryl Dingus, Dodge, Daihatsu, and Datsun discount.
Starting point is 02:02:57 And defunct Daihatsu. And defunct Daihatsu. And I'll give you a discount on a dart. All Dodge darts on sale today if you had a dart with you or day will either one if you had any of these vehicles i don't think this would have happened dick i think you'd have felt better about yourself and you wouldn't have stabbed nobody. So thank you very much, y'all. Come on down to Dirty Dick, Daryl Dingus, Dahatsu, Dodge, Dotson Dealers today in Delray Beach. Poof.
Starting point is 02:03:38 Dick turns the TV off in disgust. Because he's having a Zenith seizure. He's what the fuck i paid 4.99 for the zenith fucking 400 for the goddamn vcr christ received nothing from my video membership that is great we have got to get by the way a dirty dick, a dirty dick Daryl Dingus Dodge fucking t-shirt. A garage shirt. We need that. Bad or garage something. We need it bad.
Starting point is 02:04:09 The ones that are buttoned up with the fucking like. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like a race. Yeah. Like a race team. Yeah. Those are. We need those fucking bad, dude.
Starting point is 02:04:17 That is awesome. Because that's funny as shit. I will wear one of those all the time. Holy shit. I want Daihatsu Datsun and Defunct Day. All of them. We'll cross the back. Holy shit. I want Daihatsu, Datsun, and Defunct Day all across the back. Every D. Just this long thing of fucking Ds.
Starting point is 02:04:31 It's the guy standing there with his arms out. Eh? Eh? Come on, Dick. We got engaged at the same time, buddy. Things worked out for me. I got me the largest Dodge, Daihatsu, Datsun, and Defunct Day dealership
Starting point is 02:04:43 in the entire South Florida area, damn it. And what are you doing? If the dealership's not the biggest, I'll bet a T-bone steak my sign's the biggest. That's the biggest goddamn sign there is. I'll fit it all on there, buddy. Holy fuck. Oh, my goodness. So what ends up happening here?
Starting point is 02:05:03 They ask him about that. He says, quote, my first plea was not guilty to attempted murder at the arraignment. Okay. All right. I don't know what happened. Yeah. He said it went from there to I pled insanity. Fair enough.
Starting point is 02:05:16 I'm not guilty to fucking. I'm crazy. Fuck it. I don't know. I don't know. He said the way insanity law is here. I had to go in front of four or five state doctors. Plus, I had a certain amount of time to do a certain amount of things. I don't know. He said, the way insanity law is here, I had to go in front of four or five state doctors, plus I had a certain amount of time to do a certain amount of things.
Starting point is 02:05:29 I don't know what the, that's real, real fucking, I don't even know what he's talking about there. What does that mean? At the time of the incident, I was definitely on drugs, but the state seemed to think that I was on street drugs, but the medical records completely show that everything I was on was prescribed by a doctor or given to me by a hospital. The record said I had five back operations. I had just got I had just got done going, having another back operation about a month before that.
Starting point is 02:05:55 What they did was they were going to put in a spinal stimulator and they stuck me in the wrong place when they put it in. So that's what he's saying. the wrong place when they put it in so that's what he's saying so finally june 10th 2004 the whole thing gets taken away here as uh he decides to plea uh he pleads no contest to one count of aggravated battery and that's what they give him here because her wounds weren't life-threatening so they're like all right you didn't she's fine it's whatever you mean he stabbed her like a pill head yeah you know just like just like kind of half-assed. Like he was a little tired? He was like, I don't know.
Starting point is 02:06:29 Like a heroin addict? Hold on. I'm going to lay down. I'm going to lie down for a minute. I need a nap. You bleed out or something. I'm going to lie down. He is sentenced to, you, sir, may fuck off a year of house arrest.
Starting point is 02:06:42 That's weak. That's not really a fuck-off situation. Go home and watch TV. Fuck off out of my court room. Fuck off out of here, I guess. Followed by two years of probation. Okay. That's something there. Oh, and he has to pay
Starting point is 02:06:54 his order to stay away from the victim. Restraining order against her. He has to pay restitution, fines, investigative and court costs of more than $1,800. So basically, he has to stay home for a while right that's his punishment who cares that's that's not that bad for pretty solid for a dude that needs some rest anyway and he could have killed a woman very easily by accident and not even knowing he did it and uh yeah so he said quote i had to plead to what i pled you know because i had to get out of jail. Finally get out of jail. You know, he was in jail the whole time awaiting sentencing.
Starting point is 02:07:27 He was on a $100,000 bond and he had no fucking money. So he just sat there awaiting shit. The interviewer said, what did you actually plead to? And he said, I don't know. Aggravated battery, I think. I pled to get me the fuck out of here. You know, he pled to aggravated battery. Good call. I don't know. Are you kidding me? Wow. They just read it to you, man. battery i think i pled to get me the fuck out of here you know you pled to aggravated battery good
Starting point is 02:07:45 call i don't know are you kidding me wow they just read it to you man i don't know what i got what i pled to you stood up in a court of law and said i did this crime and you don't know what the crime that is uh yeah so uh he says uh he says so i'm almost this was during this interview he's doing he was almost off house arrest he, I'm almost off house arrest now. I'm still on house arrest, but I go back to court soon and hopefully get that removed. He said, quote, The whole thing of it was and all the legal proceedings, what transpired with me physically due to the medications they had me on was never, ever brought up. That really bothers me because I'd asked for my medical records and they were never produced. I never saw one record there at all.
Starting point is 02:08:26 The records, medical records, were never mentioned one time and all the legal things brought up. Because none of them stabbed a woman. That's why. It doesn't fucking matter. None of those legal. They don't care. None of those injuries and medical records say side effects include stabbing women. Yeah, and that's the thing.
Starting point is 02:08:43 And it wasn't. No, you just don't they didn't do it yes you were fucked up yes whatever but you still went over there and yeah maybe the hospital shouldn't have released you and i'm not absolving the hospital of anything here but definitely not absolving you either i don't think this happens every time they release somebody high on fucking painkillers here very rare uh so he says, if I wanted to go all the way to trial at one time and then I got threatened with
Starting point is 02:09:07 if you lose the case, you know, the years, he said, I said, well, I'm not going to lose. I said, how can I lose if you let me out now or if you let me out now and I'm taking a lesser charge?
Starting point is 02:09:17 If you had so much on me and didn't think I was all screwed up, why are you letting me out at all? You know what I mean? I don't have to tell you anymore, he says. So that was his thing there. He said said i had to sign a piece of paper to the state here saying i couldn't uh i couldn't make any money off of my story when they made me sign that it made me think of uh that maybe they didn't have as good a case as me uh on me as they thought as i thought they did no no they had a great case they had a great case they just made
Starting point is 02:09:43 you yeah i don't know what he's got it wrapped up so tight you're not making any money off this shit you have a knife that's that you were using the woman said you stabbed her and you say i don't remember whatever she says is probably what happened you lose period there's no that's it uh she's he says my ex-girlfriend testified in my favor at a deposition. She felt bad for him. She was a witness on my side, along with two doctors and a lawyer. If I'd gone to trial, I think I'd have gotten off on the whole thing. But I would have had to sit in jail for another, well, who knows how long. I mean, there's a lot of people that are innocent, a lot of them in jail right now. I'll tell you another thing.
Starting point is 02:10:19 I had to go through the whole thing on one motrin a day. You know what I mean? So, yeah. He said there's no rehabs in jail. through the whole thing on one motrin a day you know what i mean yeah so uh yeah yeah he said there's no rehabs in jail i was fighting the law fighting the pain fighting the legal system fighting to stay alive you know there were a few times that i thought i might not make it but i just wanted to make it so that's why i made it that is awesome as we both looked at each other we're like that was crazy right yeah that was crazy, right? Yeah, that was. That's certainly not sane, right?
Starting point is 02:10:45 That's not a normal person. I wanted to do that, so I did it. That's why I did it. Okay, great. And you fucking didn't want to play football anymore because there was no team, even though there was. Okay. Yeah, he said, Jesus Christ, man. He said, I came out fighting.
Starting point is 02:11:00 I've never been a quitter. You've never seen me be a quitter. Then they said uh i suspect you had to dig down deeper they're saying you had to try to you know mentally was this hard on you he says oh it was real bad i got let out of my cell the first four or five months when i was in there maybe 15 minutes a day that was it buddy i was locked in i was there by myself protective custody they cut the phone off and i couldn't call anybody it was like living a nightmare it was a bad deal yeah because you're medically fucking right sequestered not sequestered segregated because you're an easy mark to
Starting point is 02:11:33 roll right now they could certainly stab you anyone can just push you over you're fucking fragile he said i was locked down buddy it wasn't i wasn't in a good position i had to fight everybody everybody and uh it gets it gets to be rather hard you know yeah i guess so it's jail yeah i can't imagine that's easy you mean jail uh you know punishment yeah a place they send you a fucking idiot because they're mad at you yeah that one wow so he said he got back though he said quote i fought back all the way you know i'm gonna fight back the oh i'm sorry this is this is amazing uh uh he says uh yeah you know i'm gonna fight back i'd be down uh i'd be down about a few things at times i had everything that i had ever owned taken away from me all right i lost everything i lost my house i lost every dime i had in the
Starting point is 02:12:20 bank i lost my car i lost everything i lost my car. I lost everything. I lost my clothes. Everything was gone. Everything I had was gone. Everything. Yeah. I think it's everything. Basically, I'm going to count one, two, three, four, five, six. Everything. It's like three sentences. That's a lot.
Starting point is 02:12:36 When I walked out of jail, I had one pair of pants and a pair of socks and one T-shirt. Well, then it wasn't everything. It's not everything. You're wearing pants. Your dirty Dick Slater isn't dangling down jesus christ so january 2007 uh shocker he's back in the news uh again and it's not for a good thing uh are you surprised i figured he like was governor of wisconsin or something no uh he said said this time he's accused of violating a domestic violence restraining order, an injunction taken out against him by Teresa Halbert, who he stabbed.
Starting point is 02:13:11 She's sticking around? He still has a restraining. He's never allowed to contact her again. And apparently this is four years later in 2007. He was contacting her again. So he's arrested. Apparently he called Teresa halbert three times on january 11th leaving what was described as an innocuous message on the final call like hey it's
Starting point is 02:13:31 dick how's it going like just real casual remember me remember me still have nightmares yeah thanks remember that's good i still haven't i don't eat meat right anymore because i have to cut it up with something and i have to see the blood and the juices and the not a fan i just stick with soft cheeses now that's all i eat from time to time a piece of chicken my digestive system is a disaster it's just a mess let's put it that way all the probiotics in here i am shit and liquid i can fart my way to work i don't even need a car i can drive myself there yeah from the gas uh he said I guess, the next morning, Teresa Halbert found an envelope with old bank statements with Dick Slater's name on them in her driveway. Oh, no.
Starting point is 02:14:12 He just left an envelope with bank statements in her driveway. That is ominous as fuck. Let's see how this bitch likes where I go out to lunch every day. She's going to see it now. See if she likes this negative balance. Oh, she's going to see my recurring Hulu charge now. do you like that yeah i get the commercial free what do you think of that you goddamn bitch you could have had that too if you stuck with me commercial free bitch pandora plus that's right i do it all i'm i'm classy so she found that found it super creepy
Starting point is 02:14:40 after the phone call so she called the police uh police said they found slater uh at a uh at a hospital where he was a patient uh so he wandered out slater told the police officer he could not remember making the phone calls but he said he might have done so while under the influence of prescription drugs he's not sure so he is so fucked up all the time he doesn't even remember what the fuck he does and i believe him yeah he was like maybe i don't know i don't know i don't think so i've been pretty fucked up for a while could have been yeah i mean you might want to ask her she might know more better than i did she probably has a pretty good story once again i'm just gonna defer to her because she stays sober
Starting point is 02:15:18 most of the time she knows things that i don't really know you know when you're drunk when you're shit face uh so when he's released from the hospital, he's taken to Pinellas County Jail, where he remained in custody in lieu of $10,000 bail because he's got no fucking money. A lot of these quotes, because there was a lot of quotes from him, I got from an interview from is the interview here. So you can check them out. They have a lot of wrestler interviews if you're interested in that sort of thing, like, you know, non-shoot interviews basically here.
Starting point is 02:15:47 So they ask him later on what he's doing. This is around 2010. He says, I'm riding my bike. I work out. I still have the same problems. I still have the nerve damage, but I can walk. As long as I can walk, I'm all right. So I'm doing a lot better than I was before.
Starting point is 02:16:02 I came out of not being able to walk at all for two years four or five surgeries and i couldn't walk at all and i fought back and i'm still going to keep fighting back i'm not going to quit i'm working all i can i'm scraping around trying to sell some boats at a boat lot that's what he's doing for a living selling boats he's a boat salesman i'm also trying to do some stuff on a at lot. I have a friend helping me out there. Yeah, is it Dirty Dick Dengus? It's Dirty Dick. Dude, it's Dirty Dick. You know it's Dirty Dick Daryl Dengus Dodge. You know it is.
Starting point is 02:16:31 It has to be. The Daryl really is the key to that. It's the one that sells it. It sells it. He says, quote, I take a lot of verbal abuse from some people, but that's okay. Some people are hard on me. Some people are nice. I'm doing all I can all i can do you know yeah
Starting point is 02:16:45 what are they doing things like hey girlfriend stabber what are they yelling fucking i don't know girlfriend stabber now uh now we have a statement for him from him at the end of this interview they ask him if he wants to make a message for fans so he makes this recorded message for fans and this is the transcript of it. And it's fucking golden. Fantastic. This is him being put on the spot and saying, basically, do a promo here. Say you're fans.
Starting point is 02:17:12 And this is what he comes out with. Quote, Jesus. I know all you guys in North, South Carolina, and Virginia area know who's speaking on this telephone right here now. He's speaking to whoever is listening here because I know that everybody is listening, knows what what the name Dick Slater is. I know everybody is thinking, what is Dick Slater doing nowadays? And I know Dick Slater is doing whatever he wants to do nowadays. And I know Dick Slater's got big plans for all you little people out there that want to know what Dick Slater's got planned for you. Well, Dick Slater's got planned for you exactly what Dick Slater's got planned for me.
Starting point is 02:17:44 I ain't going to tell you what I got planned for you because you'll never know okay because you never know where dick slater what dick slater's gonna do in the first place so how you gonna know what dick slater's gonna do now oh my word he's that came out of his mouth wow how high was he when he said that absolutely the last line should have, just ask my ex-girlfriend about it because she knows probably better than me. I'm not sure. How many times is the word Dick Slater said in that sentence? That's amazing.
Starting point is 02:18:12 That's a lot of Dick Slaters, man. Someone out there count the Dick Slaters because we got to move on, but there's a lot of Dick Slaters. That's a banana statement. Tweet me the Dick Slater count on that one. 2011, he appears at NWA Fan Fest. These are all these conventions now they're having.
Starting point is 02:18:29 Tons of wrestling conventions where they get a bunch of old guys that sign autographs and sell their shit. MC Ren. Yeah, you know how it goes. So, yeah, MC Ren's there. DJ Yella's in the back. He's the big attraction. So he appears there, and he appears there in a wheelchair
Starting point is 02:18:44 because he just had a back surgery. So people are kind of like, ooh, shit, is he appears there in a wheelchair because he just had a back surgery so people are kind of like oh shit dick slater's in a wheelchair uh now for him he probably would have been better off staying in the fucking wheelchair because by october 11 2011 he's being arrested for petty theft uh retail theft oh no he's getting arrested for shoplifting basically fuck but it's i, more than shoplifting. It's a dollar amount with that. It's theft and shoplifting and whatever. It's over a certain amount.
Starting point is 02:19:09 Yeah. So he's arrested for retail theft in Tampa. They're not terrific. He ends up pleading guilty to this. No trial. He's just adjudicated guilty. So that's it. October of 2011.
Starting point is 02:19:23 And then the 4th of July, 2012, he's arrested again for theft. Petty retail theft. Gross. Again, he's fucking shoplifting. God damn it. On the 4th of July. What is he doing? A beer run?
Starting point is 02:19:36 Stealing mustard. I don't know, man. Fuck, that's depressing. That's fucking sad. It's a misdemeanor, class one. No trial. The case ends up ends up being uh dismissed later on through something else i don't know if somebody felt bad for him
Starting point is 02:19:50 because they you've fallen so low tell you what you keep this knickers bar right because i just can't watch you i can't see you do any more interviews where you say your name in the third person maybe they felt bad for him i don't know i mean it's hard not to he's got the back injuries and everything but it's easy to not feel bad for him too there are some other people i feel bad for and i don't feel as nearly as bad for him as i feel for uh richard slater better known as dick slater chief r&d officer at unilever in the united kingdom he's got like a real job uh dick slater, going by Dick Slater, chief operating officer at Virginia Physicians for Women.
Starting point is 02:20:29 He's a COO. He's a fucking COO of a Virginia women's physicians group in Richmond, Virginia. Don't stab him, Dick. And that's in Virginia, too. So that's terrible. Richard Slater,
Starting point is 02:20:42 Lancashire Business View Red Rose Awards red rose awards federal events limitless pr and marketing in somerset in england and uh the his linkedin photo has him talking on his phone it's like he's very busy man so busy very important uh richard slater head of created services at bdb a bbd perfect storm i don't know what that is. There, Richard Slater, wind turbine service field technician. He's got a very important job. And finally, we've got to do one more just because this is fun.
Starting point is 02:21:13 Dick Slater, colorectal surgeon. Oh, my word. At CCIO, at Rother Sam NHS Foundation Trust in Sheffield, England. How funny is that? His name is dirty dick uh dirty dick slater he'll get all up in your and his bad his bad crime is stabbing chicks his bad crime is stabbing chicks that's what you do with the dirty dick and his stab him and his alter ego is a
Starting point is 02:21:36 colorectal surgeon so it really works perfectly on fucking real august 2012 he releases his autobiography called 1000 lives as he said he's said, he's led 1,000 lives. Okay. And it's just a lot of stories like we just told you. It's pretty much the same thing. It's only in, well, except without being a good writer. Mick Foley's a pretty good writer. He's pretty smart.
Starting point is 02:21:57 I don't get the same vibe off old Dirty Dick Slater. I don't think a guy that says everything six times in three sentences is a great poet. I just don't see it. I just don't right it's a literary genius it's on me i think really at that point you know what i mean it's an easy read it's super easy you can do it uh so jesus christ february 5th 2015 uh dick is arrested uh he's arrested by Pinellas County Sheriff's deputies on a petty theft charge for shoplifting. Again, it's a retail petty theft scheduled to appear in court on February 25th. But guess what? Doesn't fucking show up for court.
Starting point is 02:22:35 So Warren is issued for his arrest again. And on March 30th, he's booked into the Pinellas County Jail, where he's being held in a bond of two thousand twenty six dollars for missing his fucking court date for stealing god knows what from god knows who yeah uh so uh 2017 there's an interview with him uh and he's kind of talking about uh just this is the wrestling business then and now and just kind of his whole bow on his whole on all wrestling that he was involved with he says quote it's a shame that somebody just couldn't just start this territorial wrestling thing all over again. If you're selling out Charlotte, Richmond, and Norfolk, why go all over the place? The wrestlers used to move around, but the cities would stay the same.
Starting point is 02:23:18 When I wrestled the Steiners and Harlem Heat for WCW, I was getting stale every night. I went out there on national TV. Same thing over and over. And Vince McMahon told the whole country were entertainers in japan i did that bloody stuff with terry funk death matches and all that if we did that here they'd see some real violence make it real again how many years uh how many years did we blood sweat and shit to make people think this wasn't entertainment that's not how that that sentence goes. That is not. That's why it's hard. How many years did we blood, sweat, and shit? That's a heroin addict
Starting point is 02:23:49 talking. I think bleed. Where did shit come from? Mixing that with the blood and the sweat, that's making quite a disgusting cocktail. It says to make people think it wasn't entertainment, it only takes one person to ruin something and will take that ruin to the grave. So he's blaming Vince McMahon for destroying
Starting point is 02:24:05 wrestling. Destroyed the territorial system by far, but now it's a different thing. So it is what it is. There's no shoe cobblers either. It sucks. It would be better for fans probably to have more options of wrestling and have more different guys and then the guys would have more experience.
Starting point is 02:24:20 They've got a farm system. So then when they are on WWE, they didn't just get trained by WWE and get stuck up there but those are the guys they like though they like the guys that they've trained and they've brought in guys who know what the fuck they're doing you get a guy like fucking cassius ono who did it for years and years and is in fucking 12th year 14th year in the business and knows what the fuck he's doing it's like wow but he's not our guy right well the nxt him he does well and they do good stuff with him but he's a fucking giant guy in the 80s that guy
Starting point is 02:24:49 would have been a fucking star in any period just on his size and agility he would have been a fucking total star and charisma uh by the way uh and handsome fucking he's a cool motherfucker dude that guy can talk by the way i saw the uh there's a documentary they just put out on tom mcgee and brett hart it's this match tom mcgee was supposed to be the next Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon's mind jacked up dude. You could do backflips off the top rope and shit. Real amazing guy. And I ended up fizzling out and never becoming anything,
Starting point is 02:25:15 but he had one match that everybody said was incredible that made Vince McMahon go, that's going to be my next champion. And it was with Brett Hart. And this match was lost for since 1986 oh no it was gone no one had ever seen it like wrestlers had requested it from the wwe library and it was never there right it was gone like totally got erased finally brett hart they found it in his personal tape he didn't know he had it he just had in his own personal tapes of all of his matches
Starting point is 02:25:43 he just had tapes of all of his matches and so he in his own personal stash of tapes he told his assistant hey can you put all my shit on dvd for me or put it on digital for me and the the assistant found the match in there and released it and it was like the holy grail of wrestling shit and they did a whole documentary on it on wwe network and cash his own it was one of the main talking heads on there and dude's fucking smart as shit and well spoken and they need to do more shit with him there so uh yeah so uh anyway he says that he says you know it's ruined and uh that was in 2017 and then speaking of ruined on october 18th 2018 dirty dick is dead oh no dirty dick dies oh no uh dirty dick is dead okay uh the cause of ding dong the dirty
Starting point is 02:26:28 dick is ding dong dirty dick is dead uh the cause of death is still kind of an uh probably an overdose no they don't know if it's an overdose kind of organ shutting down so much shit wrong with him he just stopped it's one of those things it's just like that's enough yeah yeah so it's never really sometimes the dick can't go on it can't go on man sometimes you got to give the dick a night to rest that's just the way it is you got to give it the rest of the evening it's it's steam action today you know it's gonna rest so uh yeah he uh the wwe releases a statement uh here about the whole thing they say slater was a prolific dick slater slater was a prolific competitor during the 1970s and 1980s in georgia championship wrestling mid-south wrestling
Starting point is 02:27:12 and mid-atlantic wrestling even though those are small time pieces of crap obviously compared to what i do but never mind all that where he teamed with wwe hall of famer bob orton who by the way i made a star obviously no one knew who he was before that. He's wrestling in the middle of Kansas or somewhere. Who gives a shit about that? You come in here, I make you a star. I put you on MTV, damn it, with Rowdy Piper. Now you're somebody.
Starting point is 02:27:34 That's right. A memorable rivalry with Hall of Famer Jake the Snake Roberts. I've suspended him some. I had to bring him back. He's a talented guy, but the cocaine, I'll tell you what. Slater competed there from 86 and 87 before moving to Japan and finishing his in-ring career in WCW.
Starting point is 02:27:50 That is their statement. Nothing saying he was a great guy or we'll miss him or we love him. It was just like he was a person and he wrestled. This is some shit he did. Goodbye. They literally said Dick Slater existed. And now he's not anymore. Now he doesn't. He existed along with these other really great people.
Starting point is 02:28:06 Who we like and are in our Hall of Fame. Did we mention that? Alright then, have a good one. That's basically what they said. Speaking of that, that is Dirty Dick Slater. My word. That is a crazy ass wrestling story. Definitely drugs and probably some brain damage
Starting point is 02:28:22 mixed into that whole cocktail of mess, because that's just a fucking mess. That guy was a mess. And I remember Ric Flair saying in an interview that something happened to Dick in the 80s that he wasn't quite the same after that mentally. I don't know if he got sick or if there was something happened, if he got hit in the fucking head or what, but there was something where everybody said he kind of...
Starting point is 02:28:42 He felt it, huh? There's a point in time where dick isn't the same guy they all say and i don't nobody knows exactly what it is wonder if it was when the when the addiction kicked in when it started i mean who the fuck knows because he was doing shit i mean they were just doing drugs and drinking and all who knows man or maybe he got hit in the head maybe a good shot and these guys used to do fucking hard core shit to each other so i mean he could have very easily got a certain blow to the head that altered him a little bit. But we don't know.
Starting point is 02:29:09 We're never sure. Now he's dead. So who fucking cares? That's crime and sports. That is Dirty Dick Slater, a.k.a. The Rebel, a.k.a. Dirty Dick Slater, a.k.a. Dirty Dick Daryl Dingus Dodge Dotson and Daihatsu and Defunct Daewoo of Delray Beach. The best cars Detroit has to offer right here in Delray. So thank you guys for that and listening to that and everything. If you like the show, there's a way to tell us about it that helps us out a lot.
Starting point is 02:29:43 You can get on Apple Podcasts, the purple icon, iTunes, whatever the fuck it is, and give us five stars. Tell us. It doesn't matter what you say. You have to write something. Just tell us you're following instructions, following directions. I know it takes 30 seconds to sign in, but you know how long it took to put all this shit together? It's easy. Just do that.
Starting point is 02:30:00 If you want to do more, you can do that. You can go to, and you can check out everything we have there, like T-shirts and mugs and bath mats and all sorts of... We have bags now. Hell yeah. There's like bags and cool shit. The bags are awesome. Sarah got one.
Starting point is 02:30:14 It's dope. She got one of the shutupandgivememurder ones. It looks like the Rock of Love logo. It's cool as fuck. Some new shit coming out, too, on there. New stuff always going up. And also, you can get your tickets to live shows. Please do.
Starting point is 02:30:26 Live shows. Small town murder all over the country. Tampa and Orlando. You guys are up first in the middle of July here. But October 19th, Phoenix, Arizona, CB Live, live crime and sports. You're damn right. And it's going to be a wrestler, too, guys. It's going to be New Jack, who's probably got the craziest stories the story
Starting point is 02:30:45 of any wrestler out there and uh it's going to be a fucking crazy show and we're going to have so much fun so get your ass there we don't know how many more or if we're going to do more live crime and sports so uh i don't care if you got to come in like uh cannonball run and fucking on something that floats on a goddamn on one of those planes that you pedal. I don't care what you do. Get here for it. It's going to be that good, we promise. Yeah, one of those Florida fan boats.
Starting point is 02:31:10 Yeah, do that. Right up through the desert. You can fucking do it. It'll work the same way. Come down the I-10 on that piece of shit. Desert, swamp, same shit. So do that. Come see us there.
Starting point is 02:31:20 Also, things you can do, follow us on social media so you can get an up-to-date of when tickets go on sale and other shit that we do. You can do that very easily. Social media is at Crime and Sports on Twitter and Facebook, and it's at Small Town Murder on Instagram. You can follow everything there. We post the Crime and Sports stuff there also. And if you want to be an even bigger hero, if you want to be like one of these people we're going to discuss,
Starting point is 02:31:41 these people really are. We say that, and it's not a fucking joke. They keep us going this is a free show you don't have to pay us money for the show these people go goddamn quality show every goddamn week all this time and they put time into it i'm gonna fucking throw these guys a couple bucks and they do it and that's the lifeblood of the show that's what makes this show a thing without that it would be hard to do this goddamn show because it takes up too much time to do for nothing. And so you guys, thank you for everything you do. If you want to be one of our producers, you can do that excessively easily over at slash crime in sports or over at PayPal.
Starting point is 02:32:19 You can use our email address, which is crime in sports at And both of those are available as links directly from shut up and give me That is true. It's all in one. So without further ado, Jimmy, I would like you to give me this list and it better include dirty Dick Darrell Dingus right now. Hit me.
Starting point is 02:32:38 This week's executive producers are Clay Thorson, who lost his pug this week. I'm really sorry about that. Rest in peace, Gonzo. Jordan Bennett. Thank you very much, Jordan. Bridget Decker. Amy Spicer. And happy birthday, Susanna Platt. It was her birthday. Happy birthday. Thank you. She wanted to give us a gift.
Starting point is 02:32:54 Wow, that's amazing. Thank you so much. Sunny Johansson. Ryan Kleinjan. Robin McGrail. Pat Fox Leonard. Callie Shinkunas. Mike Mike. David Salazar, who donated twice, both ways. Thank you, Mike. Wow, thank you.
Starting point is 02:33:08 Or David, Jesus. Anthony Canella, Ian with no last name, Karel Eja, Michael Bustamante, Savvy Cortez, Gary Howard again. Thanks, Gary. Peyton Meadows, Joshua Smith, Kira Bai, Meredith Otteryon uh jesse pitts had a new baby thanks for hey congrats your donation jesse you're a good dude uh brendan ables uh zach cloud uh emmanuel christian uh kelly higby nicky waterman uh steve schnell edward kaczynski mark vasquez damian uh damian barney wait no i think that's wrong that might be it damn it may ring i'm sorry may ringstead uh aaron you're not sorry uh aaron serrati hannah pratt emma banner uh michael
Starting point is 02:33:53 mcguire uh and then uh hannah pratt actually donated uh in memory of brett hanky who uh he died but he was a big fan of both of our shows. And that bums me out to have one less listener, too. Yeah, that totally sucks. I like having people listening to all our fucking bullshit. I like them to not be dead. I like when they dig it. Thanks. And rest in peace, Brett. Richard J. Thompson.
Starting point is 02:34:15 Adam Udani. Melissa Tharp. Steph with no last name. Amanda Berrigan. Zach Taylor with an X. Do you want to guess if that's a... Zach Taylor with an X? Zach with an X. Zach with an X. It doesn't fit guess if that's a... Zach Taylor with an X? Zach with an X.
Starting point is 02:34:26 Zach with an X. It doesn't fit in there. No, it doesn't. It's X-A-C. No, it's not. Zach, your mom hates you, Zach. Jesus Christ. Poor kid.
Starting point is 02:34:37 Everything's like, no, I know, I know, I know. Zach Taylor. I know. I get it. I fucking get it. My mom loves Xanax and white wine. Yeah, trust me. I fucking understand. I get it. I fucking get it. My mom loves Xanax and white wine. Yeah. Trust me. I fucking understand.
Starting point is 02:34:47 Tiffany Bourne, Hayley Ellis, Linda with no last name, Holly Arnold, Jeremy Doan and Jeremy Phillips, Anthony Burton, Justin Saar, Sutton Marvin. Justin. We love Justin. We do. Justin's my boy. Is it Marvin Sutton or Sutton Marvin? It came through as Sutton Marvin.
Starting point is 02:35:04 That's fucking jesus why thank you yeah uh reda he whenever they uh put that common accommodated name when you put the comment that his name accommodated that's definitely a new term i've never heard is your name accommodated yes reda ekstrom savannah cortez uh courtney michelle uh camille Savannah Cortez, Courtney Michelle, Camille Mendez, Eraser? No, Frazier. Frazier Smith. It's a more normal name than Eraser. I don't know.
Starting point is 02:35:32 Alexandra Dallazal, Mark Young, Michael Stepanek? Yes. Eliza Gramung? Gramming? Gramung. Cynthia Munford, Martina Liwulonga? Li-woo-longa. Yeah, Martina. She lives in San Francisco. Thank you, Martina Liwulonga. Liwulonga.
Starting point is 02:35:46 Yeah, Martina. She lives in San Francisco. Thank you, Martina. She's terrific. Nicholas Kreider, Sarah with no last name. Jude Kendall, Mark Protrowski. Yeah, Protrowski. Aubrey Worminski. Panther Milk.
Starting point is 02:36:00 Maddie Timmy or Time. Time-y. Chris Ross in the North donated. Hey, Chris Ross in the North donated. Hey, Chris Ross in the North. Good sense of humor on those guys. And if you go to their Facebook page, you can find them all over the fucking North. They are everywhere.
Starting point is 02:36:13 They're doing well. Victoria Stern, Delusional. I don't know. Victoria Stern is not Delusional. It's somebody named Delusional. Oh, okay. Tina Russell, Ricky Bryant, Ashley Veo, Julie Hulin, David Albury, Justin Miller again. Thanks, Justin. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:36:29 Algina Huber, Ricky Bryant. I said that. Julie Hulin. I said that. Chris Glenn, Victoria Houts, Marissa Cardenas, Donna Basingwaith, Carmen, oh boy, Carmen Marcheandra, I think. Carmen Marcheandra. I think. Carl Doyle and Trace Childs.
Starting point is 02:36:50 And of course, all of our Patreon supporters. You guys really make this show work. So thank you so, so much. Thank you, everybody. It's true. Fuck, man. You guys are the best. The fucking best.
Starting point is 02:37:00 Thank you. We appreciate the shit out of you. Also, if he's still listening, because I know he listens, my little brother eric it's his birthday as we're recording today happy birthday he's 32 years old and just had a child new father he's a new father he's got married as a child and the house and all this shit he's doing great yeah smiling all the time good fucking dude so congratulations and happy birthday and uh yeah from everybody out there and uh with that said man yeah it's been a blast as usual. And we're going to come back next week.
Starting point is 02:37:27 Guess what? There'll be another crazy fucking story. As it always says, live from the Crime and Sports studios. We will see you next week. Bye. Hey, Prime members. You can listen to Crime and Sports early and ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today, or you can listen early and ad-free with Wondery Plus and Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey. If you don't know when Crystal Pepsi was discontinued,
Starting point is 02:38:05 what was in Al Capone's vault, or which famous meteorologist is Lenny Kravitz's second cousin, then you haven't spent enough time on Wikipedia. But that's okay. I am here for you. I'm Darcy Carden, and I'm inviting you to listen to my new podcast, WikiHole, from SmartList Media.
Starting point is 02:38:21 Discover the craziest rabbit holes on Wikipedia with me and my funny friends as we bring the cyber frontier directly to your tympanic membrane. And if you listen to my podcast, you'd learn that that's the science-y term for eardrum. We embark on a hyperlink rollercoaster as we start out on a Wikipedia page
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