Crime in Sports - #3 - What Is Your Net Worth... In Noodles? - The Sordid Diddlings of Chad Curtis
Episode Date: February 23, 2016This week, we look at a devoutly religious, crew cut sporting, Yankees' World Series hero, who's passionate hatred of The Thong Song can only be matched by his passionate liking of teenaged g...irls. From walk off homer, to measuring his net worth in ramen noodles.Join us for the sordid diddlings of Chad Curtis!!Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman New episodes every Tuesday!!Please subscribe, rate, and review!Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!Head to for all things Crime in Sports!For merchandise: crimeinsports.threadless.comCheck out James and Jimmie's other show: Small Town Murder Follow us on social media!Facebook: Contact the show: crimeinsports@gmail.comDonate on Patreon: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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The Queen of the Courtroom is back.
How did I know that? i have crystal ball in my head
new cases leave her a long so uh this is not a so this is a period classic judy it's streaming
you can say anything it's an all-new season judy justice only on freebie Hello and welcome back to Crime and Sports.
Here we are.
I'm James Petrigallo here with my co-host.
I'm Jimmy Wissman.
Jimmy Wissman, like the man said.
And this week we are covering Mr. Chad Curtis.
Now, if you're not, if you don't know who Chad Curtis is, if you're not a big baseball fan,
he did play in the league for like nine seasons.
He won two titles with the Yankees at the end of the 90s. World Series rings. Two World Series rings. So Chad Curtis is
now, he didn't like play for like three days in the majors. He was a solid major leaguer.
Nine year career. Nine year career. Before we get started, just want to let everybody
know, please follow us, subscribe on iTunes. And please, if you've already done that, please
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Like, I have, you have no idea how much.
I'm not asking you for money.
I don't care about your 15%.
You have no idea how knee-deep I am in a mediocre major leaguer diddling some teenagers.
It is just absolutely remarkable.
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So let's get into this.
Okay. backslash Crime and Sports.
Yeah, that too.
All right.
So, Chad Curtis.
Let's get started here.
Chad Curtis, he was born in Indiana. I guess he went to high school down by tucson arizona yes um and i just a
shithole shithole border town just a godless horrible place strip of dirt i'll bet i'll bet
there's a ton of god down there's a lot of god actually as we get into with chad curtis because
god is really a big part of this thing for him,
and really what makes him interesting is the God part.
God's country.
Went to college at Grand Canyon University, which is a Christian university.
It's up in, where is it, Payson, northern Arizona somewhere?
There's a few here now, aren't there?
In Phoenix, yeah, there's a couple.
But the main campus is up north somewhere, and I don't know, they have weird rituals.
Dan Marley's a basketball coach now.
It's a strange thing, guys. It's very weird. It's up north somewhere. I don't know. They have weird rituals. Dan Marley's a basketball coach now. It's a strange thing.
It's a weird Christian thing. But it's the number
one college in
Arizona for sports now. In Arizona
for sports? Well, that says a lot about ASU.
Get your shit together, ASU. The fucking
Christian kids are beating you now.
This is not good.
He was drafted by the then-California
Angels, Anaheim now,
in the 45th round of the 89 draft.
They've got to stop.
That is a legend.
That's so many rounds.
That's when you're literally like, I think we should get a guy with brown hair.
That's literally at that stage.
You got any guys interested in kids?
Because that's what they found.
That's exactly what they found.
That's like around when Piazza was drafted, which I think was like the 61st round.
The famous story is Lasorda did it as a favor because he knew his dad.
Literally, he was like, I know his dad.
He's a nice guy.
He's a good kid.
He'll draft him.
Throw him a bone.
Hall of Famer now.
But anyway, so he's drafted the 1989 draft.
Only in the minors for a couple years, actually.
Came up the beginning of the season, the 8th of April, 1992,
made his major league debut.
And that's probably opening day.
So, I mean, he's on the opening day roster.
So they had a kid.
So, I mean, really promising.
He played all three outfield positions his rookie year,
continued to do that throughout his entire career.
He played all over the place, too.
He was – this is going to come up a lot, too.
He played first for Detroit, or first for the Angels.
He got traded to Detroit in 95 for Tony Phillips, which, I mean, he's at the, like, you know where you're standing at that point.
If you're trading your head up for Tony Phillips.
You know, he plays there for a while.
Actually had his best season in 95.
Had a 268 average, 21 home or 67 RBI, and that's his best season.
What was his average for his career, though?
Career? 264.
264, 101 home runs.
Not bad at all. I mean, it's okay.
So his best season was a little bit above his average.
Yeah, 784 OPS that year.
He did all right.
He did okay.
I mean, that's a mediocre career.
That's something you can be proud of.
You can hang your hat on that.
He's a mid-level platoon kind of a,
you can play right, you can play left,
you can throw him in center if you're desperate.
It's either that or somebody who has a broken leg
or something of that nature.
Salary cap's got you affected
and you need somebody to play all positions in the outfield.
So then he ends up going to the Dodgers.
He's traded from Detroit
to the Dodgers.
Notice all the trading.
We don't want this guy anymore.
This guy can go.
This guy can go.
And we're going to get to why.
He's a free agent.
He's signed by Cleveland
who signs him as a free agent
and then trades him in June.
They had this man
for like three months
and they were like get him. They got him through spring training and got him the fuck him in June. They had this man for like three months.
That's so fast. They got him through spring training and got him the fuck out. Yeah, they could not tolerate him anymore. So they send him to the Yankees. And where was he at then?
He was in Detroit at that point. Detroit plays in Florida. No, Cleveland, Cleveland. Cleveland
plays here. So they got him into the Arizona desert, back home where he went to high school,
and they dealt with him for three months here and got shipped him the fuck out.
So get him out of here.
Send him to the Yankees.
Somewhere where he should be comfortable is in Arizona.
I'm a Yankee fan, and I was paying attention a lot
to the team at this point in time.
And Chad Curtis, like I said, he's a good fill-in guy.
You'd be like, okay, Curtis is playing today.
He didn't play every day, but, you know, that sort of thing.
He was pretty good.
He actually hit a giant home run the game winning
home run in the walk-off three of the 99 world series against the braves and he did a thing that
i really thought was cool at the time too i'm like i love this chad curtis guy obviously didn't know
a lot about him i love this never had a beer with him exactly uh jim gray tried to interview him and
at that time jim gray had taken just some really unnecessary shots at Pete Rose and really really went
after him and just his character
and just tore Pete Rose to shreds
and Curtis came out to do the post game interview
and looked right at Jim Gray and said
I'm sorry but all of us have decided that since what you said
about Pete none of us are going to talk to you so
have a good night and he walked away
and left Jim Gray standing there with a microphone
at the time that resembled a dick
he had the expression of someone dropped a dick in his hand
and he was stuck with it in the middle of the field
on national television.
The only thing to get him back would have been Jim Gray saying,
I got a teenage daughter.
That might have helped.
Okay, so Chad Curtis, let's get into his character.
Chad Curtis is a rip-roaring evangelical Christian.
I mean...
Huge fan of those.
It defines everything that he did.
He was traded...
When the Yankees traded him to Texas after the 99 season, the offseason,
a Yankees official, unnamed, said it was because we just couldn't take him anymore.
They said we grew tired of him
they said quote his act grew tired he said once he got comfortable all he did was preach a crew
of people that thank god after every great play couldn't deal with this man couldn't talk well
chuck knoblock the yankee second baseman at the time you might remember him having the yips throwing
and he couldn't throw he could he was great and then he couldn't throw to first base and it was a mess.
He had the Steve Sacks disease.
So Chuck Knobloch
was partying a lot
and they said,
hey, Chad,
you're a nice Christian guy.
Keep an eye on Chuck for us.
Make sure he doesn't,
you know,
just go off the deep end.
Have him toe the line,
would you?
So lunatic Chad Curtis
is like banging
on his hotel room door
at 3 o'clock in the morning.
He takes out his free range
to start reading Bible verses.
It is unreal.
Jimmy's about to open a beer.
Let's hear that.
Yes, sir.
So he's doing that.
Chuck Knobloch's like,
what the hell's going on with this crazy guy?
Then he's trying to preach to Derek Jeter.
Derek Jeter's like a hugely famous guy.
He's having sex with Miss Universe.
Everyone, yes.
Anything else that falls in. It was Webb as he's walking around. He's a sex with Miss Universe. Anything else that falls in, it was, you know, Webb as he's walking around.
He's a playboy of New York at this point.
Panties just, they fall from buildings on him.
He doesn't even know where they're coming from.
They're flying from the upper deck as he's up to bat.
He's wealthy, he's famous, he's having a good time.
He lives in New York City and this guy's going,
hey man, listen, you need to get with Jesus.
And Derek Jeter told him, you need to get fucked.
I don't think so.
Is that the name of Miss Universe?
I can't wait to meet her.
And at the time, I think if you're pissing Jeter off
and you're a mediocre fucking platoon left fielder,
you're getting shit-canned at that point.
Have you fucked Miss Universe?
Because you will see Jesus as well.
This guy in every locker room,
Rice Clayton was interviewed about him recently.
And Rice Clayton, they said, are you surprised?
He goes, nah, man. He's like, that Christian shit. He's like, man, people say any old bullshit in every locker room. Rice Clayton was interviewed about him recently and Rice Clayton, they said, are you surprised?
He goes,
nah, man. He's like that Christian shit.
He's like, man,
people say any old bullshit
to do what they want to do.
He almost got in a fist fight
with Rice Clayton
over the thong song.
He can't take Cisco.
That's fantastic.
Fucking cop killer,
iced tea cop killer,
not that.
Right, it's not
Fuck the Police by Nwa it was cisco
it's a black man with with blonde dyed hair screaming about singing about women's it's a
gender ambiguous midget singing about thongs and this guy freaked out he couldn't take it he couldn't
take it shut it off in the clubhouse rice clayton turned it back on chad curtis shut it back off
it's giving me a boner. Turn it off.
Turn it off.
I'm thinking about thug.
So then they almost came to blows over this.
I mean, this is the level of, and he would, I guess,
players would stash porn in the clubhouse a lot,
in the bathrooms, and he would find it.
Does he not know that a clubhouse in baseball is like a garage?
Anywhere you get your oil changed,
there are snap-on calendars with titties everywhere.
They're walking around with their cocks out.
It's multiplied that by 30,
and you might have an MLB locker room.
He actually would go in and find the porn
and throw it out.
You're hiding it from your mother
because you've got this flat-topped asshole
running around.
You've got Derek Jeter trying to scrub
the last 10 girls off his cock in the shower.
And this guy's freaking out about the thong song.
This guy's losing him to the thong song.
So, basically, nobody liked him.
They talked to Gabe Kapler after this whole thing happened.
And Kapler and him were actually...
Kapler said he was interested in him because he was so set in his ways
that Kapler would like to go up to him
and be like,
so Chad, tell me why I shouldn't cuss.
Just to debate with him.
Just to goad him into a conversation.
Goad him into hearing his thought process.
And Kapler's Jewish too
and he would try to tell him
that he needs to find Jesus
and he's like, bro, I'm Jewish, all right?
We were Jesus.
Barking up the wrong tree, right?
Barking up the wrong tree.
We're the chosen ones, sir.
Him and Kapler actually were on Real Sports at the time.
Like, a steroid scandal really was starting to heat up, and this was, I think, 2000.
It was, like, Chad's last year, and they were the only two players that it was a
performance enhancing drug story and they were the only two players that took an on the spot
steroid test oh nice and passed and everything so i mean chad curtis had a you know with people
you look at me go upstanding guy right teammates everybody ever knew was like that guy's my asshole
fuck that guy he is a fucking lunatic uh but yeah i like that he'd say why should i remove
fuck for my vernacular was a quote from him and i'm like that uh but yeah i like that he'd say why should i remove fuck for my vernacular
was a quote from him and i'm like that is fucking wonderful i love that a lot um yeah so rice
clayton hated him so anyway uh his career comes to an end i guess after 2000 gee nobody wanted this
weird preaching fading with fading physical skills platoon left fielder, turning off songs.
So anyway, baseball's over for him.
And this is when he gets into teaching.
Okay, which is, you'd figure, a nice guy like this.
Good place for him.
He got an A.D. or something, right?
Well, first he got his teaching degree from Cornerstone University, which was in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
It's a 3,000-student Christian college.
I looked it up.
It's an odd place.
It's an odd place.
They have, like, another branch in Sri Lanka that's, like, some sort of missionary.
I don't know what the fuck is going on with this place.
Changing lives.
It's insane.
So, yeah, that happens.
Then he works at a place called North Point Christian High School in 2006.
He works there for three years.
This is the one, he was the athletic trainer, athletic director, the AD, and the weight trainer there.
That's it.
He was fired without explanation.
That's right.
I remember that.
I'd really like that explanation, though.
I'd really love to call the man that fired him and be like, can you give me at least.
Well, Chad's version of it,
they wouldn't...
No, they don't want to...
No, but Chad's version of it
was that they had policies
on like hair and dress
and that were very strict
and they weren't enforcing it.
They were anti-flat top.
Chad wanted all the kids
to have flat tops
is what it was.
I'm not even kidding.
We have one.
That's enough.
And, like, low-cut.
And I guess they weren't enforcing the rules, and he was taking it upon himself to yell at people.
Because his whole assessment of it was.
I saw thongs.
He said, I hate thongs.
I hate them.
Chad Curtis hates thongs.
Where is that Cisco?
I'll kill him.
Goddamn Cisco.
So, yeah.
So, I guess he uh the moral police there
and they were tired of it apparently he said if you're gonna have rules why don't you enforce
them was his quote on it in an interview later on um he also had a short stint at another school
uh where they uh he the guy who hired him was arrested and convicted of embezzlement and
therefore his position was eliminated.
So it was one of those, like, hey, I don't know,
there's some shady, I'm not going to say what happened. Anybody involved in this guy is out as well.
Some shady dealings.
He was coaching you baseball at the time,
which would be great for a kid.
It shows up in his World Series ring,
saying, yeah, that's how Derek Jeter.
Let me show you how Derek Jeter gets down
to catch a ground ball.
One on each hand.
One on each hand.
Let me show you how he catches a ground ball, but not women, because you don't need that.
Just Jesus.
Not women, just Jesus and girls.
Just Jesus.
Yeah, so then he ends up, after that, he ends up at the Lakewood Public Schools.
Here we go.
This is when it gets interesting.
Now, before we get into the whole diddling mess here, we are going to go to a new segment on Crime and Sports, which is our news segment.
This is a new segment, and it is the news.
This is Crime Sports News. We're going to do this every week.
Just a quick segment.
So let's throw it to our news correspondent from a female point of view because there's just a lot of testosterone here.
So let's give the female point of view a chance. Let's throw it over to Sarah. Here's the news.
Thanks, guys. Well, here is today's news. There's an article and it says NFL can't keep out felons
if colleges protect them. So basically, it's saying that the NFL will ban prospective draftees
with domestic violence, sexual assault or weapons convictions from attending the annual scouting combine.
This sounds awesome, right? Wrong.
Colleges and teams will go to great lengths to protect these players or cover up for them.
So far, six women have filed a federal Title IX lawsuit against the University of Tennessee,
accusing them of fostering a culture that enables sexual assault.
So six women are filing a lawsuit basically saying that somebody has tried to rape
them. And the big issue is that people are coming out after the rape assault and not before. So the
moral of the story is have some self-respect, ladies. Don't date someone who volunteers to be
tackled by other men for a living because they have some weird daddy issues. Just because they're
in top physical condition doesn't mean they're in top mental condition watch for those red flags be an american see something say something and for god's sakes
please blow your rape whistle not your rapist okay thank you very much sahara appreciate that
that is uh that's a that that's a female take let's just say that it might not be
all female but that's a female take that cannot be denied say that. It might not be all female, but that's a female take.
That cannot be denied.
There's a take.
At least a take.
That's a take.
All right.
So now that we're back from the news, let's get into the meat of the Chad Curtis story.
Get into Chad Curtis's meat.
Well, so he's teaching.
He's at the Lakewood Public Schools.
He's coaching. He's the head coach of the football team. He's like the head weight Public Schools. He's coaching.
He's the head coach of the football team.
He's like the head weight trainer kind of.
He's the guy you go to when you want to get in shape,
and he's going to put together a regiment for you.
He's a major league baseball player.
With a crew cut.
That's the guy you go to at the gym.
Find the guy with the crew cut.
He'll tell you what crazy to drink.
Stay in shape.
He's not exactly the best left fielder in the world, but he's in shape.
You trust a man in a crew cut.
Anyway, at the end of this, he ends up being convicted of six counts of criminal sexual conduct with girls between the ages of 13 and 16 and receives seven to 15 years in prison.
That's unbelievably not funny and hysterical at the same time.
That's how you round out employment.
That's how you wrap up a nine-year illustrious baseball career.
Last employment, and how did that end?
Oh, my.
All right, sir.
Well, then.
Basically, what he was doing here is, he never did this with boys.
And this is the thing, too.
Zero boys.
He had several levels of, like, a training area. Like, is the thing, too. Zero boys. He had several levels
of, like, a training area.
Like, he'd take you
in the normal gym.
Then there was another
weight room separate.
And then he had
the dungeon, basically.
They call that grooming.
That's called grooming.
He used weights to groom.
He's a shitty...
Just terrible at this,
first of all.
Not, you know, like,
something cool
that they would like.
Like, I agree,
here's an iPhone or something.
He's grooming people with fucking sweat brush.
He's getting them toned and then fucking them.
That's how a gym teacher molests you.
This guy is a true gym teacher.
This man was born to teach gym.
Standing there with his nuts hanging out of his bike shorts.
If nothing else, I don't know, I think this was his calling, honestly.
He's the guy that you think about
when you think about a gym teacher.
So he started with,
he started basically trying to help
people rehab injuries, was
the crux of the whole thing.
That was kind of his excuse.
His excuse, however you want to put it.
There was three girls.
That is his Ted Bundy's cast. That is his Ted Bundy's cast.
That's his Ted Bundy, yeah.
And in court, several of his older students at the one he had a brief stint at,
the school he had a brief stint at,
several of those students testified that it was kind of a running joke
that he took special interest in the girls.
And I guess he would, like, pull girls out of class to work special with them.
Surprise, surprise.
Yes, it was like a running joke that this guy, yeah, Chad, he likes to diddle the young girls.
What kind of joke is that, first of all?
This is like a 45-year-old man, 42-year-old man at the time.
And he's like, he's going to diddle fucking Sally over there.
She's had a good life so far.
She'll bounce back.
Tara will be back in a minute.
She's going to go bang Coach Chad.
So there was several girls.
There was actually three that he was brought up on the charges for
and a fourth that they didn't charge, but she testified that things were weird.
And there was also a babysitter, a girl that babysat for him.
When there's three that it happened with, there are definitely two that were on their way.
There's more, yeah.
And it was the the pattern of
it and anyway so he starts there was one that we're going to call her kayla this article i read
it's uh is the website and greg hanlon is the author of this article and this man
what a great man what a great man because i mean i think i'm knee deep yeah in xmlb diddler this guy
is like he can't even see right now.
He's spent some time.
Up to his eyes.
He's like straining his eyes
to see over the pile of diddlers.
He is up Chad's proverbial ass.
For sure.
He is, definitely.
As is, I hope,
others in his prison experience
because he fucking deserves it.
This guy's a dick.
Anyway, but he did,
it's not even a,
this isn't the thing
that you're going to get to.
It wasn't like a violent thing.
It was a very like gradual,
he's scum.
He's very loving
with his kid ruining.
And he used Jesus
to get in with these girls.
These girls were all
religious girls.
This was kind of
a Christian-y area,
a lot of religious people.
And he used Jesus
to talk to these girls.
He would take them in,
first he would do like, he would show them what to do and show them exercises and weightlifting.
And they said he would kind of touch around their hips and stuff like that.
Where they were like, hey.
But they were like, oh, he knows what he's doing.
He's an MLB baseball player.
He's supposed to be there.
Yeah, he's showing this is what needs to be done.
And they trusted him.
And all the time, too, he's talking about the Lord as he teaches.
He's talking about Jesus and what a good Christian.
So anything he does, they're like, oh, well, it must be for my own good because he's, you know, Mr. Curtis.
My cervix should feel the diamonds on his Yankees ring.
Because that's what Jesus wants.
Sitting there like, Steinbrenner, did you have to put the rubies on that, you son of a bitch?
They're not even princess cut.
What's up the baguettes?
It's terrible.
It's terrible.
That's awful. But it's true. the baguettes? It's terrible. It's terrible. That's awful.
But it's true.
Your baguettes broke my hymen.
So we get Kayla is the first one that we're going to talk about here.
And Kayla is a friend of his daughter who is about the same age as him also.
She's over his house.
She knows him.
She completely trusts him.
I mean, there's no, you can't trust anybody more than that
than he she trusts him a respected teacher community leader famous guy friend's dad christian
talking about the lord yeah that's what you're into that would be a red flag for me yeah you're
not going over there anymore that's if some guy takes me in a windowless room and starts talking
to me about the lord i'm getting something up my ass and I'm getting the fuck out of that room. I'm going to break an ankle
kicking the door down.
I'm gone.
It's not good.
So he brings her in
and he was touching her
a little bit.
And then he started
with an athletic massage.
And he started doing
a massage thing.
She had some injuries.
Listen, I jerk off
to a lot of those pornos.
I know what happens.
Yeah, he had her on her back.
He had her on her stomach. He was rubbing her back. He was rubbing her back he was doing stuff and he had her tell you can you
get your shirt off get around your shoulders shirt comes off she's in a sports bra and he slips off
she had like some shorts on with spandex underneath slips those off and uh then he flips her over
starts getting the abdomen area yep lifts up her shirt up her shirt. All right. Says, is this okay?
And she's like,
doesn't say anything.
She's frozen at this point.
Of course, with fear.
So he mounts her,
gets on top of her,
straddles her,
and starts rubbing
the breast.
The breast area.
The flat chest.
Let's be.
Where breasts will be eventually.
We don't know.
That's so sad.
15, 16,
they could look like anything.
So we have no idea.
And it doesn't matter
if they're whatever it is.
They're 16.
That's why I'm going to say breasts.
And I'm going to keep this very clinical.
Anybody that was just jerking off to that,
put it away.
Stop it.
Back in your pants.
Stop it.
I'm going to use technical terms
because I really don't want to do this
because these are 15-year-old girls.
Throw the word hymen out there
and people,
it shrinks.
I have a daughter. Yeah, yeah. I got a little girl too it's that's terrifying my daughter
goes to gym class and i'm frightened so my girls never met chad curtis thank fuck for that lucky
kid so he would you know he told her she was too tense and all this stuff and he's rubbing her
her breasts and she's staring at the ceiling in complete, you know, catatonic. Praying that it stops.
Because she believes.
So, anyway, this goes on.
She gets, he gets off of her.
Afterwards, he's telling her, this is a pattern that emerges, keeps emerging.
He keeps saying that he'll go up to a person after he does this to them and he'll go,
hey, we did something we shouldn't do and we can't do that again. Oh the term we a lot as if it was a to incriminate them as well as
if it was a mutual decision and you know that way i don't know some psychological trick that he
learned from the pastors a lot but either way this is and then he would talk about the lord
yeah we can get in a lot of trouble for this yeah he asked her to pray she he asked him to her to pray with him afterwards and she didn't want to she took off and she was
like this is messed up but uh she he said you know that was a mistake never happened never happened
again she was so embarrassed and everything she continued to go over his house to play with the
hangout with the daughters and acted like nothing happened and and after a couple weeks everything
was fine sure and he she started to trust him and then same thing happened we're back in the dungeon it's massage time oh it's
massage time and uh this time goes a little further he uh takes her shirt off again she's
like oh boy it's happening again this time he starts kissing the breasts and doing mouth things to it.
As he's doing this, he takes his hand and puts it down her spandex.
Oh, boy.
Yeah, yeah.
And breaks the hymen.
And I don't know.
With the Yankees ring.
I have no proof of that.
But the rubies were a factor.
But it was in that area.
It's not good.
Jeez Louise.
So this is what he does.
I guess this went on a very short time, like 10 seconds or whatever,
and then he stopped, and they got their shit together.
Start praying.
I don't know what you do after you molest somebody.
Start praying and saying sorry.
I don't know how that works.
When you're Christian,
I imagine that's how it goes.
He asked her if she liked that,
and she said no.
And he said,
look, you know,
I didn't do anything,
and we need to not do this again.
Would you pray with me?
Please don't go to the police.
Oh, good God.
He even tried to say,
you can go to the police
if you want.
I understand if you have to,
but I wouldn't want my kids
to never see me again because I'd be in jail i wouldn't want this my wife would be
yeah blah blah blah because she knows these people and then again do you want to want to pray with me
and she declined she's like i'm good on prayer at this point i think we've i think we've spent
enough time today prayer got me the yankee ring yeah yeah in a place i don't want it so i'm gonna
fucking cut the prayer cloth right now so So, yeah, so she takes off.
She is kind of horrified.
She ends up going,
she let time pass, too,
because this one was horrified.
She didn't want anything to do with it.
He would make small talk
while he did it, too,
and talk about Jesus
while he was touching her.
He's talking about Jesus,
I guess, when he didn't have
his mouth on her breast.
That sounds like every, like, Christian marriage, though. Just, oh, God, horrible, right? her he's talking about jesus i guess when he didn't have his mouth on her breast yeah um that
sounds like every like christian marriage just oh god horrible right that's how i imagine every
christian person like super super christian or super catholic that's their sex yeah it's so
gross and the thing is at one point he confronted her yeah whereas like look we did a real problem
with yourself we need to yeah get
right with jesus and all that and started quoting the bible and she's like whoa what the you know
what i mean so anyway uh yeah ask her asking them then asking her to pray with him that kills me too
unbelievable so this this this asshole then uh there's more here as we get to a girl named
jessica uh not a real name obviously thank you
Jessica here
now Jessica
this is an interesting
one also too
because this one
there's a little more
to it
he got his bearings
about him
now he knows
how to do it
Jessica would get
pulled out of gym
class for 20 minutes
at a time
to work special
with her
oh boy
and this pissed
her boyfriend off
and this pissed off
good I like this guy
yeah I want to
hang out with him yeah red flag yeah um so yeah so uh there's a really smart kid there's a ruby
missing out of that ring something but somewhere i don't know where's kayla so anyway anyway so
jessica she's in there they they get he would massage her same things the massages and it would
be the same thing
he would creep up slowly then oh let's take the shirt off real clinical i do you mind if i lift
your bra next thing you know he's feeling it up to um these two exchanged 115 texts between february
and april of 2012 that's a lot of communication it's a lot of community and most of it that they
were cut now there's 85 deleted texts that they don't have.
Most of what was recovered was about workout times,
was about this, was about that.
But there was a couple where she said, like, you know,
hey, I would go for you if it was a different thing.
And, like, it got a little weird and personal.
85 pictures of his dick next to a Yankees ring.
Yeah, like, Brett Favre's got nothing on this fucking guy.
This guy is just.
The Yankee ring would give him away.
Not a lot of those.
Better delete that.
Better delete that one.
And then finally he said, you know, we should stop texting so my wife doesn't get upset. Sure, of course.
You know, God forbid you don't want to get caught.
So he got 85 deleted texts.
And Snapchat isn't around yet.
So then finally she has a rib injury.
He goes in, same thing.
He starts diddling.
He raps.
He diddles her a bit.
That's a convenient place to have an injury.
It is.
Right near your titty.
He rapped her.
He put a rap on her because she played volleyball.
He put a rap on her and sent her back out.
And she sent him a text afterwards even saying the rap was good.
This was after he lifted her bra up and gave her a little feely-feely.
But he didn't do any kissing or anything like that.
He did it in a way where she went, did I just get felt up or not? Literally she said, I don't know if I just got molested but I feel a little feely-feely, but he didn't do any kissing or anything like that. He did it in a way where she went,
did I just get felt up or not?
Literally, she said,
I don't know if I just got molested,
but I feel a little molesty. I feel like my nipples
were just flipped.
I feel a touch molesty right now.
I don't know if that's good.
Was that a pinch on my nipple?
That's weird.
Yeah, and he would, like, rub her.
He would move her underwear aside
to get her ass.
Oh, God.
Yeah, for a massage.
Oh, dear Lord.
And he would literally say, well, the glutes are where
the lactic acid builds up.
That's where the Lord wants me to rub you.
Literally, that's where the Lord wants you.
Nuts, right? Insane.
And then we get to, and I think this is the
most probably egregious.
This one I feel the worst for
this girl because this girl,
she's very religious. She was really
deep in the christian circle very
trusting of him sure they played she played another volleyball player and this girl when it
came out when she decided to speak up about it she was completely ostracized yeah because she's in
the christian circle and guess what all the fucking christians supported this guy with the charges they were all like not chad
chad can quote the bible to you he's not a bad guy he can tell you what leviticus i don't know
anything i don't know anything about it so i can't help i've heard of that verse yeah that's a verse
something there i don't know what the fallopians or something like something fallopian 1222 says the ruby will not fall off the ring.
Get inside
her hymen.
So horrific.
If you're
uncomfortable at
this moment,
sit tight,
because it's
going to get
It's horrible.
And I'm just
as uncomfortable
as you are.
This man is a
complete scumbag.
What a piece of
We'll say he
didn't have sex
with any of
these girls.
Not yet. He didn't pin them down. No, he didn't have sex with any of these girls. No, not yet.
He didn't, like, pin them down.
No, he didn't have sex with any of them.
No, no, that's what I mean.
Yeah, he did not.
Yeah, I don't know.
In the future, when he's released,
anything's possible.
Anything's released.
The world is his oyster
when he's out of the deck.
Anyway, so yeah,
but what he did, I think,
was worse because he was
in such a position of trust
with these girls.
Not only did they trust him
as a teacher and as a, you know,
just a community figure,
but he's also, he's using, he would massage these women and he would say, he's not, by the way, girls not only did they trust him as a teacher and as a you know just a community figure but
he's also he's using he would massage these women he would say he's not by the way he's not a
massage therapist no he's nothing like that but he's not licensed i have experience with real
high-end literally like you know i was on the yankees guess who played sports i have world
series rings i know how to i know how to uh give a massage this has happened before i felt this
before so yeah unbelievable so tight there so yeah so this one girl, they called her Alexis here, the black
bald girl. She went, she wasn't black and bald. She was black bald. Ostracized. Sorry,
that really didn't sound good. That really, yeah. This bald black chick that he was talking
to, she went to him after hurting her knee sledding. That's how she's a kid.
That just tells you she's a kid.
That tells you how childlike she really is, that she still sleds. When was the last time
you sledded, James?
I don't know. I would like to sled.
I've taken my children sledding. I put them in the sled and I pushed it.
You didn't go in it?
And then I stood at the top. No, I'm not a child.
I'm the size of one, but I'm not one.
I get it now. I get it now. I sled right now. I think the last time I sled I'm not one I get in one I sled right now
I think the last time
I sledded
my wife was pregnant
and she couldn't sled
with me
because she was pregnant
and we went to go
see snow
you only live once
so I sledded
I think I was 25
well lucky for you
you did not get
treatment from Chad Curtis
because this girl
with her sledding injury
she only went to him
her quote was
I was just sick
of hearing him ask
oh boy
he kept saying
let me work with you
let me work with you
and so she literally
was like fine
your ass looks tight
he actually said that
oh boy
he said to the one girl
the last one
we were talking about
the Jessica girl
that she had a nice
athletic butt
oh boy
and the front
of the boyfriend i guess and the boyfriend was like that was the other thing too he was telling
her that she should dump that boyfriend because he's immature he's wow unbelievable killer told
that to a woman as well yeah he's like dr phil but diddling at the same time so this girl yeah
this one like i said super religious he was he would
rub her while he was lecturing her about how atheists can be taught about god and how he could
go about how she could go about that um there was a point where there was another girl uh rachel
who was also this is the one that testified yeah but she didn't use her charges the savior so this
rachel girl she testifies.
I guess Rachel goes down into the athletic room with Alexis,
and then he ends up saying, hey, why don't you go get me a medicine ball,
or go put a medicine ball away, or some shit with a medicine ball.
You know, she'd take a hike for a minute.
And so, yeah, so I can get in the middle of it.
Listen, there's some medicine balls somewhere.
They're really heavy.
Go move those around.
Yeah, so that was not good.
It would take you a while.
And this girl said, while it was going on
he was feeling her up
doing the same exact thing.
At one point
somebody came in
with keys
because it's a locked room
and she heard keys jingling
and he like froze
and she said
she saw the look of panic
on his face
and she went
oh wow I'm being molested.
Literally she didn't know
if this was okay or not
or she was like really like is this what you're supposed maybe this is what they do like maybe
this is what in the majors and you have a problem and you want to hit 300 you got to get your tip
massaged you know your breasts sorry they're 15 so anyway so you know so at that point she said
oh my god i'm getting molested this is not. So there's molesting going on, apparently.
So the Rachel girl testifies.
There's also a girl named Brittany who was their babysitter.
She took Chad Curtis, and I have to say this,
because she went with Chad Curtis' family on vacation to babysit the kids,
and at one point she had sunburn, and he rubbed lotion on her.
In what she felt
was an inappropriate fashion touching getting a little too close to the ass area gotta make sure
that noxema gets into the unburnt spots too and then guess what he told her after they after he
after the lotion incident i guess it had to do with jesus did jesus but guess what he said
we oh no we were we were very very inappropriate we did something wrong. Oh, no. We were very, very inappropriate here today.
We did something we shouldn't have done.
We can't do that again.
Yeah, Britney.
We can't have a hard-on while rubbing lotion on teenage girls.
Listen, Britney, you really messed up today.
Yeah, so just a horrible, horrible interview.
And this is what comes out, too.
When he's finally interviewed by police after these girls come forward.
There's only one interview by the police, too.
Finally interviewed by police when, and I guess they record all this, when the detective mentioned the word lotion, he became visibly ill and laid down on the floor for a while.
And said he just didn't feel good.
Yeah, yeah.
And the detective said, gee, what's wrong?
And he said, I'm just so hurt by this.
I work so hard and try so hard and care so much about the kids that this is crushing me.
Of course he is.
It's the Lord and together for the kids.
The Noxzema.
It was the Noxzema that did it.
Jesus Christ. What a horrible, horrible. It was the Noxzema that did it. Jesus Christ.
What a horrible, horrible person he was.
So he does this.
So he's in court now.
And the crazy thing about the court proceedings
is all the girls testify to what happened.
There's Rachel.
Also, there's Brittany corroborating everything.
There was a principal who this poor guy uh he was he he was
told one time that where is coach curtis and they said she he's down in the weight room in the
dungeon with the with a girl and he was supposed to be putting ice down there on her he went down
the girl was sitting on the table with ice on her he was at his desk so he was like everything's
normal so he didn't think anything was wrong.
So, I mean, he knew what he was doing
to get away with this stuff for a little while anyway,
but he wasn't real good at it, as we can see.
He's going to catch up with him.
In court.
Everybody testifies against him.
He's convicted.
The jury does not take long to convict him
on the six counts.
Good, as they should.
By the way, he could have taken a plea deal.
There was on the table for him that would have got him a year and a half.
And the deal was the year and a half would have been in county jail as opposed to a state facility.
Which would have been, I assume, much easier for him.
Less World Series rings of other people's in his orifices of any kind.
So, yeah, he doesn't want to do that.
And his excuse was, I can't get up there put my hand
on a bible and say i did something i didn't do because he's so christian oh boy so he's so
christian he sticks with the lord i hope jesus is with him in prison and i hope he gets raped
with a crucifix on the other side yeah he thinks also that uh he thinks also that the Lord is on his side because, and this is what a dick he is.
This sums up this asshole in one phrase.
This reporter who interviewed him in prison, by the way, he's in the middle of appeals and he's going against his counsel's vehement wishes and doing a fucking interview because he's got such an ego that he needs to know.
I got to tell everyone that I'm right.
You got to tell everybody the right way.
Even though this is horrible for my legal situation.
Anyway, so yeah.
He wears a bracelet in prison.
This is what it reads.
Jesus led the perfect life, and that got him crucified.
Oh, boy.
In other words, I'm Jesus.
Oh, boy.
I don't even need to explain
what the hell that's saying
right there.
He is comparing himself
to Jesus
and his level of persecution.
This guy can't keep
his fingers out of teenagers.
Jesus, I don't believe,
fingered anybody.
But he believes
that this is his cross to carry.
This is his cross.
And he's such a jerk.
He gave over half his money when he played.
He gave to anti-abortion, pro-family groups.
Pro-family means anti-abortion.
They should throw the book at him for that.
Just for that.
Opening a beer.
One and a two, one and a three.
He's such a dick, too.
He was mad at Andy Pettit, the former Yankee pitcher
and borderline Hall of Famer,
and also a Royd guy, too.
But he was mad at Andy Pettit,
who was one of his
Bible study chapel fucking pals,
because they were
real good friends,
and when Andy Pettit
was considering retirement,
he would call Chad Curtis
and they would mull it over.
But, gee, once you get charged
with molesting three kids,
Pettit didn't want
to talk to them anymore.
Shocking. Andy Pettit absolves himself from you it is time to to change your ways sir yeah so he he does this uh so at this point in the proceedings he can make his statement you would like to have
anything to say during sentencing he makes an amazing an amazing an amazing uh testimony here he starts saying that
talking directly to the girls saying that we really need to pray literally saying that you
know what you did was wrong oh and you know and talking about jesus and and people were shouting
things out at him calling him a jerk and and they're heroes
scored it out of the courtroom because he they couldn't even get through it because he's such
an asshole then he says to the Kayla girl the Kayla girl because I guess because uh at this
point too she's not friends with the daughter anymore whatever but he thought they were tight
so he's saying look you know Kayla you know this isn't what happened yeah and you know we should hope maybe someday the two of us can write a book together about this that wow that's awesome write a book together that's so
great like hey look we both said we've been through this like basically he said look we're
in the middle of a crazy thing together you know like they like they started like they started a
restaurant and it caught on
and let's write a book
about when we started
the restaurant
like we read
it's an independent
record label
and we started
an underground
everybody can't wait
to hear our story
no the only person
that can't wait
to hear your story
is this judge
and this jury
saying they're the
fucking boogie
you psychotic fuck
he said that
the good news
you know he said
when you guys
are ready to admit
that you're liars
I'll be the first to forgive you.
So he offered his forgiveness to
them, which is a real...
Because they all banded
together to throw you in jail.
Alright. Wonderful human being for that.
But he'll forgive them, though. He's a good guy.
Give me a break here. He's got compassion.
Yeah. And he also
complained later on in an interview
that the... Anyway, I'll tell you this first.
The prosecutor, the prosecutor called it, quote, the most selfish, self-serving, victim-bashing statement I've ever heard in my career as a prosecutor.
Oh, I want to hang out with that prosecutor.
How great is that guy?
And then the defense, too, the witnesses they called, they called a witness that was there, a psychological witness, to say that the whole thing was post-event information effect, which is basically saying in the news there's a whole lot of diddling, so it's just being transferred on to him.
That's just what it is. Which I'm sure that does happen, but not with three girls that he sends the exact same thing too right and throws up at
the sound of the word lotion so no fuck out of here and he still he asked this interviewer uh
asked him uh you know just asking him stuff and he's so just he's so angry with them he said have
you ever seen pretty little liars that's his his thing and he said that they're um they they uh he
treat that he was never molesting them.
If anything, if he was putting his hands on them and anything inappropriate happened,
it was because he treats sports injuries as aggressively as he played baseball.
That's a quote.
He said...
That's a quality quote.
Just like running into a wall or breaking up a double play.
Just like running into a wall or breaking up a double play.
I will slide into second base, massage your ass, and finger you at the same time.
So whether you're taking out a small Dominican fella that plays shortstop for a living,
or you're losing precious gems inside of a teenager,
whatever the case is, this guy... I will fucking murder your hymen.
Do you hear me?
Oh, he's terrible.
He's a horrible, horrible person.
And that's the tone of the whole interview,
is just, hey, man, you know.
And he puts together sports programs in jail,
and he's like, no, nobody messes with me.
Everybody knows I'm a good guy.
It's like, how has nobody stabbed you?
Good God. none of them have
a hymen to break jesus maybe they're looking to play another they're going to feel the team for
the longest yard in baseball yeah i don't know if this is a crime but if you're in jail stab
chad curtis find him if you want to stab snuff you know what don't just stab him because i said
if you're really just dying desperate to stab a guy, that's your guy.
That's all I'm saying. That's it. If you gotta move
up the ranks in your criminal
gang in prison, find him.
File down your toothbrushes.
I encourage
you to incite a riot if that
is the one and only casualty.
Open a
very vital vein, please.
His delusions of grandeur self-importance and his
fucking ego never stops too because he also said the first accusation came on my three-year-old's
birthday the second accusation came on my 11-year-old's birthday and i was arrested the
day of my 19-year-old's graduation you think that's a coincidence i do i think the girls got
together and they were like okay chad's curtis's kids
third birthday when are the most important right in his children's lives hold on where's the
calendar guys let's really get organized seriously hold on wait a second i do i do i think actually
i think that if there is a god he is speaking to you telling you that these events are happening
on your children's birthdays because you fucking ruined children's lives.
So it should ruin your children's birthdays.
And in turn, he is also not doing too well.
He claims everything's great and everybody loves him and everything like that in jail.
And his wife still believes in his innocence and sticks by him.
And the whole deal, and I'm sure half of these christians do too
this he's just a good christian man you know touting the lord and they're right well you read
his bracelet right there that says it right there that's their the insanity uh recently he was uh in
2015 he was in court and he needs a court-appointed lawyer because he appeals. Why? I can't wait. It's the best
statement of all time.
He needed to testify as to why that was.
They asked him,
you know, well, what is your net worth?
You played nine seasons in Major League Baseball.
Why do you need a court-appointed
lawyer? First of all, I gave half my money
to fucking douchebags
who stick their heads in
other people's goddamn business,
number one.
That's first of all.
Second of all,
right now,
I'm completely broke
and they said,
well, can you declare
your net worth?
His net worth,
according to him,
is he said he had
$39 in his account
plus in his cell
he had about
eight packages of noodles. about 8 packages of noodles
about 8 packages of noodles
that is my favorite thing of all time
per noodle
let me just say
if you had a dollar a noodle
wouldn't that be great
he'd have $47 at that point
so he'd still need the fucking life
8 packages of noodles
you know
that things have hit a low yeah for you
when you're asked to declare your net worth and you include noodles what's the inventory sir eight
packages of noodles sir and i have three pairs of underwear with holes in the tank also do you
should i declare the but he declared the noodles in court because He's an honest Christian. Do you sell each championship ring for four boxes of noodles?
Oh, God.
I love it so much.
He included noodles.
With noodles.
So, yeah.
Chad Curtis has his noodles here.
Chad and his noodles, basically basically is where we are.
Eight boxes of noodles.
It's so fantastic.
He did not clarify
if they were boxes.
I'm assuming they're ramen.
I know they have
the cup of noodles
in prison.
They do.
But he said packages.
When I hear packages
I'm going with ramen
and that's fucking amazing.
I can't get over that.
I love that so much.
I wonder if his agent gets like
three quarters of a packet of noodles.
Do you get 10% of a package?
Hey, those noodles are part of mine.
Oh, God.
Don't forget 10% of the flavor, too.
if you're feeling bad for Chad Curtis,
Chad Curtis has to do at least seven years in jail.
Thank God.
At least seven.
But this...
And when was he convicted?
What year?
This asshole, 2013.
All right.
This asshole now, because I guess they did, in Michigan, they did different sentencing guidelines.
They passed a law last year that has new statewide sentencing deals.
I hope he has to drink the water in Flint.
So he actually now can.
He has a certain amount of time
to decide whether he's going to put it in or not.
But he can actually put in
for a new sentencing hearing
based under these guidelines
and try to get less time from his seven years.
All right.
So Chad Curtis has been in jail almost.
He's been two and a half years in jail now.
So who knows, based on this, Chad Curtis could be out on the street.
I don't know.
A couple of years.
We don't know if he decides to go through with this or maybe he's going to sit in jail.
Maybe he's happy.
I don't know.
Doing the sports program in jail or whatever.
But yeah, Chad Curtis sitting in jail at this point, which is good.
We have to pray.
We have to hope, pray. pray all right whatever you believe in
hope that he fucking starts a riot and gets another 10 years yeah because this is so horrible
this is a that's a miscarriage of justice granted he didn't he didn't rape them no with the penis
but but by far by large and far whatever that is, he really is a piece of shit.
That man's a horrible person.
And he's a serial rapist, a serial molester at minimum.
And this is the beginning.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
If he didn't get caught.
Oh, it's going to get way further.
He would have been.
Yeah, there would have been full on.
If he didn't get caught, one of these girls would have either had something terrible happen to them in the past.
Or God forbid if one of these girls thought they were into it maybe too because they don't know and they're confused.
And then this asshole takes advantage of it and who knows, you could have a little fun.
And now Bill Cosby's out in the news and he has a whole new idea.
And at that point too, Chad, he'd be the first one going, let's get 400 bucks
together. I'm going to take you over to the old Planned Parenthood and we're going to
take care of this. 400 bucks or do they take noodles? That's the question you need to ask
yourself. Does Planned Parenthood accept noodles? How do you do folks? I got an abortion here.
Do you guys take noodles? I got eight packages
of noodles, if you guys are interested.
Seven. I had to bribe her with one
to get the pussy. Ah, shit.
No, she ate all the noodles. There's one left
over. You can't have it.
Smorgasbord of noodles.
Are those a...
To wrap up, Chad
Curtis is in jail where he belongs.
Watch out for Chad Curtis in a couple years
because he's going to be out at some point.
He'll be hitting the noodle sale near you.
Yeah, I mean, I can't thank you guys enough for listening.
Thank you.
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Jimmy Wissman
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Instagram and Twitter.
Wissman is W-H,
or W-H-I-S-A-N,
or M-A,
God damn it.
And that's why
I'm nobody.
and my,
my handle's He's smarter. At Jimmy P is funny. Because he is. It damn it. And that's why I'm nobody. Yeah, and my handle's N.
He's smarter.
At Jimmy P is funny.
Because he is.
It's easy.
And I hope I am funny, but I doubt it.
We'll see.
But he does that because if you think my last name is fucked up,
I dare you to spell his.
Yeah, good luck with that.
Thank you guys very much.
Thank you guys so much.
Tune in next week.
We don't know who we're doing yet,
but I guarantee you they'll be scummy as shit.
And we're going to tear them apart. I'll be scummy as shit and we're gonna tear
them apart yeah and this was a white guy so don't know don't mention us no racism we did i love it
yeah we're here for scum and scum alone fuck them all all right thank you guys very much see you
next week bye
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The wait is over.
So far, you're not losing.
The only thing you're losing is my patience.
Quickly, I see that. Ding!
The queen of the courtroom is back.
I didn't do anything.
You wouldn't know the truth if it came up
and slapped you in the face.
I see he's not intimidated by anything.
I can fix that.
New cases.
She wanted to fight me.
Leave her alone.
OK, so, so...
This is not a so. This is a period.
Classic Judy.
Did you sleep with her?
Yes, Your Honor.
You married his cousin.
His brother.
That's not him.
Yes, ma'am.
I would make a beeline for the door.
The Emmy Award winning series returns.
How did I know that? I have a crystal ball in my head.
It's an all new season.
It's streaming, you can say anything.
Judy Justice, only on Freebie.