Crime in Sports - #36 - Which Father To Kill? - The Haziness of Mike Danton

Episode Date: October 4, 2016

This week, we find ourselves in an avalanche of craziness. The story has so many twists, and turns that it's sometimes difficult to figure out where to direct our scorn. An NHL player's murde...r for hire plot gone wrong, amongst a backdrop of mental illness, abuse, and a relationship between a hockey player, and his coach/agent that falls somewhere between life partners, and cult leader/follower. It's a wild story, chock full of terrible people. We couldn't be more thrilled. Grab your stick, hit the ice, and ask a girl named Katie to find you a hit man with Mike Danton!! Check us out, every Tuesday. We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman New episodes every Tuesday!!Please subscribe, rate, and review!Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts!Head to for all things Crime in Sports!For merchandise: crimeinsports.threadless.comCheck out James and Jimmie's other show: Small Town Murder Follow us on social media!Facebook: Contact the show: crimeinsports@gmail.comDonate on Patreon: See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:34 A first listen is waiting for you when you start your free trial at The Queen of the Courtroom is back. How did I know that? i have crystal ball in my head new cases leave her a long so uh this is not a so this is a period classic judy it's streaming you can say anything it's an all-new season judy justice only on freebie Hello and welcome back to Crime and Sports. Yeah. Oh, yay. I'm so tired.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Yay. We're always tired when we're doing this. We record these at the end of long weekends every time, so we're exhausted. But we're ready to die, and then we sit down with a stack of index cards, and it's second win, back to life. This is fun. Holy shit. I got in a car accident two weeks ago, and I'm in lots of pain. Medicated. Yeah. Jimmy's on drugs, everybody. I'm in a car accident two weeks ago and I'm in lots of pain. Medicated. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:51 And I'm heavily medicated. Jimmy's on drugs, everybody. Guys, Jimmy's on drugs. Watch out. Xanax and booze. I'm partying like a 30-year-old married white woman. Like a 48-year-old married white woman. A 30-year-old woman would go out and take the pills that she got home. Right. She'd go take them in the parking lot before she goes and drinks the Chardonnay. She's got places to go. Right. I take them in the lones before she goes and drinks the Chardonnay. She's got places to go. Right, I take him in the lonesomeness of my bedroom as I cry into a mirror. Oh my goodness. And then I get my second wind and haul ass to the studio with you. And we, second wind is warranted tonight.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Because the story we have tonight, guys, I'm telling you, we have these stories that go from A to Z. Yeah. These big long story this story is it's a lifetime movie if tarantino made it that's what it is it's a weird twisted there's going to be twists where you think oh okay that's the story that's not the story it has just begun with the guy from from from unsolved mysteries narrating i'm telling you I say, now it's about to get interesting, it hasn't gotten interesting. It's a disaster.
Starting point is 00:02:47 It's a disaster. Oh, it's a mess. Before we get into this craziness of this story, I just want to thank, we want to thank everybody for their iTunes reviews this week. Guys, thank you so much. It helps us tremendously.
Starting point is 00:02:59 If you've been wanting to help out the show, trying to figure out a way to do it, you like us, that's the way to do it. Get on iTunes. If you've been delaying and going, I don't feel like signing in. It takes 30 seconds. This is the week to do it.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Help us out, guys. We really, really appreciate it. We charged the charts last week. We didn't get as high as I would like to jerk off to. But you guys fucking pushed it so hard. And it was amazing. So thank you. Do it again.
Starting point is 00:03:22 We appreciate it. We appreciate all the new listeners that are coming on board. Welcome. You've picked a crazy one to join us for, and it's a wild one, so you picked a good one. You really can't go wrong. No. This story is particularly wild.
Starting point is 00:03:34 All these are fun, and they're getting more and more fun since Ray Carruth. This is sordid, this story. This story I've wanted to do for about six months, and I could never get a handle on it. I always would look at it, and I'd be like, Jesus, I don't even know. What the? Where do I fucking six months, and I could never get a handle on it. I always would look at it and be like, Jesus, I don't even know. What the? Where do I fucking start?
Starting point is 00:03:48 And then I just pick somebody else. I'm like, I don't know. I'll just do Jack Roland Murphy this week. He killed a guy. He killed a couple chicks, whatever. That's what I end up doing. Kill a couple of chicks and have the greatest jewel heist of all time, of all sports crimes.
Starting point is 00:04:00 That was a fun one. That was a fun one. And then hockey. We've only done one hockey player. Oh. Is that right? Yeah. If you're not into sports, guys, and you're listening, it doesn't matter what we're doing,
Starting point is 00:04:11 who it is, because it's the story that counts. We kind of care. We care. I like sports. But we tell the sports just to build up his mountaintop for his downfall is all we're doing. But this is our second hockey player we've ever done this for, guys. Also, before we get into this quick, I want to thank Audioboom, who hosts us.
Starting point is 00:04:26 And they're the best. They're so awesome. They've been so supportive of us. They just put us in an ad in Podster Magazine. Thank you to them also. Featuring some really great true crime podcasts. Best ones. Undisclosed, ones like that.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Some of the real heavy hitters. And they stuck us in there with them, which we can't even. All these amazing. We're so appreciative of that. There's like five amazing podcasts. And then a little old us. And a little old us. So thank you. You're not taking any of do. All these amazing. We're so appreciative of that. There's like five amazing podcasts and then a little old us. And a little old us. So thank you. We're not taking any of the wing away from us.
Starting point is 00:04:49 We're fucking amazing, James. Yeah, that's right. God damn. We have less money. We have no network. We have nothing. We've made it. We've built this with you guys, the Crime and Sports Movement.
Starting point is 00:04:57 So thank you guys. And without further ado. Here we go. What do you say we get into this mess here? I can't wait. Now, we're getting into a fellow named Mike Danton. Yes. You might have heard of this guy from his crazy story, but in the beginning of his story,
Starting point is 00:05:09 his name isn't even Mike Danton. So let's go back to the beginning. This is how twisted this is. The guy's name isn't even his name. This is our first one that changed his name. He changed his name. There's a couple of firsts in this one we're going to hit. A few firsts.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Michael Stephen Jefferson he's born. Jefferson is his family name. His parents are Steve and Sue. I assume his middle name is after his father, which he's also going to change that, and we'll find out why here very soon. Better than being named after your mom, I guess. He keeps Michael. Well, he would have been a boy named Sue at that point. Right.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Well, we'll hear about his father. He's born October 21, 1980. He's a Canadian fella. Brampton, well, we'll hear about his father. He's born October 21st, 1980. He's a Canadian fella, Brampton, Ontario, Canada. All right. And he's very Canadian, too. It's funny. All of these interviews that I've listened to, there's a lot with him, there's a lot with his agent and his father.
Starting point is 00:06:00 There's a whole lot of, you know, there's a whole lot of you know and a whole lot of a's, but I mean the you know, they say you know after every sentence. They're like, so I went to lot of, you know, there's a whole lot of, you know, and a whole lot of A's. But I mean, the, you know, is a bit, they say, you know, after every sentence, they're like, so I went to the store, you know, and you know, they don't have the syrup down there, you know, like I like it. I'm just like, holy shit. It's great. But they're still nice. Even the murderers are friendly. It's an odd, I love you, Canada. We love you so much. His father... Your fucking language is bizarre, though. It's bizarre. It is.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I can't... Your syntax and your... It's an odd language, but we love you. The pronunciation of an O. It's just fucking... You're speaking English. Sort of. Just say it.
Starting point is 00:06:37 You know. And then they're saying, if you told that to them, they go, yeah, you know. That's what they say. They're just fine with it. They're so nice. You've got a point.
Starting point is 00:06:43 We love Canadians. Canadians are like... Canadians and the English and the australians are my favorite people pretty much i goddamn like the irish too the irish their accents by far the greatest i know all of them yeah so he starts out michael stephen jefferson their old mikey jefferson his family is a mess now there's conflicting reports, but the conflicting reports are only from his parents. But from him and from everyone around him, his home life was a disaster. His father was a violent, violent alcoholic that would do horrible things to him and everyone in the family, including his mother, Sue, his little brother, Tom, who we'll talk about later. It's a good start. It's a mess. We have an in their own words right away of his father. Let's set the tone of old Mike Jefferson's family life. I got to remember to keep calling him Mike Jefferson for a while. For now. Okay,
Starting point is 00:07:34 in their own words, Steve is his father, by the way, he's going to reference him in their own words, quote, Steve would drink and there'd be nothing that's off limits from kicking the dog because it's in the doorway to punching Sue in the face. To me trying to stop that. To me getting hit. Abuse on all levels. Holy shit! Abuse on all levels. The man's a monster just kicking the dog.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Kicking the dog, punching the wife. Knocking the kid around. I mean literally walks in, kick, punching the lady. Knocking his kid over. It's like oh my god. You can see it unfold. He comes home drunk and the dog's in the doorway. He kicks it out of the way. The wife goes, don't kick the dog. He goes, pow. The son comes
Starting point is 00:08:11 over, don't hit mom. Don't hit mom. Hit to the ground. It's a fucking mess, right? It's a chain reaction of people fucking with him. It's terrible. It's like Tommy Morris' house all over again. Damn disgusting. What a shocker. An abusive upbringing. Right. No kidding. A shocker. No, an abusive upbringing of a criminal athlete. A shocker.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Now, there's an interviewer, he's discussing this, and in the interview the interviewer asked him if that included sexual abuse, also with his father, because he said abuse on all levels. And Danton replied abuse on all levels. Oh, Jesus. So, he's saying that he
Starting point is 00:08:44 was sexually abused by his father also. Wow. Sexually, physically, mentally, verbally. Can you imagine? Horrible. Horrible human being. A man you're supposed to trust and look up to. I mean, lots of people are molested by somebody close to the family.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Yeah. Or a babysitter or somebody. A step-parent. A father. An uncle. Your fucking dad. Your dad. Doing gay sex.
Starting point is 00:09:04 That's crazy. It's any kind of shit. It doesn't matter the gender either way. It's a kid. It's horrible. But your dad on the boy.
Starting point is 00:09:14 It's bad. That's bizarre shit. It's fucking creepy, man. It's more common, I bet, for the dad to go after the daughter. That's gotta be more common. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:24 But this is just like setting's got to be more common. This is just like setting him up to be a fucking lunatic. That's the thing. And his dad... He don't trust anybody after that. No, not at all. What you do is you look for someone to trust. And he'll find someone to trust
Starting point is 00:09:38 that we're going to talk about in a minute that he picked the wrong guy to trust. The ultimate silver-haired middle-aged white man here who does the most wrong you can imagine here. So Steve, his father, there's interviews with Steve, and he is a red-faced son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:09:54 His face is so bright red at all times. He has some serious alcohol problem. His face, it's like mercury. Does he have the veins? No, he's bloated. Does he have the veins? No, he's like bloated. Oh, gross. And shiny and red.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Just the gin face? Shiny and red. Oh, gosh. Yeah, one of those. Yeah, he looks like, wow, did they just give him like eight cups of coffee and throw him out in front of the... Come on, clean up, guy. You got a TV interview to do here.
Starting point is 00:10:18 Is he suffering from a potassium overdose? It is terrible. So he denies the abuse completely. He says he did never hit him. Well, yeah, because that meansies the abuse completely. He says he never hit him. Well, yeah, because that means you go to people thinking, alright. He said quote, I would yell at him after a bad game. Yup.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Did I ever hit him? No. So he said he didn't hit him at all. But he would use hockey as like, that was his main form of punishment. It was like, you didn't do well playing hockey. You're getting your ass kicked now, which is an odd. That's fucking abused. It is. I have a friend who went like you didn't do well playing hockey you're getting your ass kicked now which is an odd that's fucking abused it is i have a friend who went through didn't get physically abused my friend i should mention him i don't know if he's a listener or not my friends back east anybody who may know it friend named joe hendricks okay we'll say that's actually his name
Starting point is 00:10:58 he is uh he was a great great high school hockey player i mean great seen, like, I've watched him score six goals in a game. He looked like everyone else were children, and he was just... And he was a pudgy guy, too. Not athletic at all, but just something he could do with the puck. Could just blast it. Just could just... Stick work, he was amazing, right? His mother was...
Starting point is 00:11:20 We called him her little hockey pawn, because his mother was like this mild-mannered lady. She was a nurse. And then we'd get at hockey games, and Joe would be out there. And he's the best player on the ice, mind you. And she's going, bend your fucking knees, Joe! Bend them! I'm going to kick your fucking ass, Joe! Jesus!
Starting point is 00:11:38 She'd tell him, you play well, we'll go get Chinese food after the game. You don't, we're getting McDonald's. And he'd be like, oh, all right, because he wanted Chinese food. So this hockey culture with these kids, it's bizarre. It is more bizarre than any other sports culture I've seen. The traveling baseball league kind of scene is an odd scene, and the AAU basketball is an odd scene. But the hockey ones, they're particularly hardcore about it.
Starting point is 00:12:02 The swimming, because I have my son in swimming, those parents are fucking bizarre too. Like, it's so weird to see a swim mom chase her child as the child's swimming down the pool
Starting point is 00:12:12 screaming at the top of the lungs at that child. I figured it out. What is that? White parents. Yeah. It's white parents
Starting point is 00:12:20 that are like, if my kid's gonna play, I'm gonna make him good. God damn it. That's what it is. They're assholes. White parents suck. That's what we figured out. There are black families there, too. There's a black girl that's, she's
Starting point is 00:12:31 one of the best in the pool. And her dad sits back cool as shit, I bet. Yeah, he sits down just cool and out. That's right, that's my girl. That's right. He's cool about it. You don't see Michael Phelps' mom chasing his ass down the fucking Olympic pool. The good Reverend Jonathan Gilliard sitting there going, mm-hmm, that's my girl right there.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Shout out to the Rev, by the way, guys. Shout out to the Rev. So this guy is in this weird hockey culture, you could say. Now, 1990 comes around. Mike's 10 years old. He meets David Frost. Here is his silver-haired, middle-aged white man. He's not silver-haired or middle-aged yet.
Starting point is 00:13:07 He's only 23 years old at the time. What? His actions are as silver-haired as they come. What does this guy do? Okay. Now, this guy is a coach. He's a hockey coach, and he is very... At 23, he already fucking gave up on his own dream?
Starting point is 00:13:21 Very involved. Yeah. If you see him, he's not a guy who's going to play professional hockey. He's a fat tub of shit, basically. No offense to fat people, but he's a fat tub of shit. Offense to fat people. Offense to this fat fuck, anyway. We're going to talk about all of his indiscretions in detail.
Starting point is 00:13:36 At the time, he's a hockey coach, like I said. Frost calls him like an off-the-wall, says he's a real hard-working kid, really just undisciplined, crazy kid, basically. But works his ass off at hockey. But he said you could tell he had a lot going on in his head. Yeah. Now this guy is preying on this shit. And we'll get into all the damaged kids he finds.
Starting point is 00:13:56 What did he think was going on in his head? He just said you could tell there's a lot going on in his head. Like he's thinking about hockey a lot? Like he's a fucking predator and he saw... Oh, okay. That guy, I got you. He a fucking predator and he saw Oh okay that I got you. He's a predator and he saw
Starting point is 00:14:07 prey. He saw someone who's damaged and saw someone who's looking for anybody to get him out of his situation. A weak gazelle.
Starting point is 00:14:15 A weak gazelle and he goddamn finds him. So on the meeting frost in their own words here Mr. Jefferson Mike Jefferson
Starting point is 00:14:23 has to say quote I hate my situation at home. And it was someone who was just really kind of cool, relaxed, and someone that I looked up to.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Hockey coach. That's what he said. So he liked the guy. He said he's a nice guy. He looks up to him. He cares about his hockey. He's nice to him. Probably doesn't punch his mom
Starting point is 00:14:39 and kick his dog. Yeah. So, you know, beat the shit out of him and his brother. It's a change. It's a change. And it's a nice change. It's a nice change for now. Because, you know, you shit out of him and his brother it's a change it's a change and it's a nice change
Starting point is 00:14:45 it's a nice change for now because you know you have to groom a child like this we'll call it oh no yeah well for whatever
Starting point is 00:14:53 that's we'll get into it don't worry so basically right away he would start spending more time at Frost's house than with his own parents
Starting point is 00:15:01 so Frost is inviting him over yeah David Frost this is not the British journalist who interviewed Richard Nixon in the 70s. Frost vs. Nixon is a great movie. You should check it out. You know who this is.
Starting point is 00:15:12 This is a scumbag hockey coach from Canada. Completely different guy. So let's not besmirch the other David Frost. Yeah, he would spend more time over there. He would often sleep at Frost's house. And how old was he? He was 11 years old. What the fuck? He's 11 years old. Staying at a 23-year-old's house. And how old was he? He was 11 years old. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:15:25 He's 11 years old. Staying at a 23-year-old's house. Yeah, staying over at his house, which is, again, it's so weird. Now, either he's the greatest guy in the world or he's a little fucking creepy. It was Frost. You know what I mean? Frost said he tried to protect Mike from the abuse at home. He said he knew about it and Mike would tell him things.
Starting point is 00:15:45 So he was trying to protect him the whole time. That's what he always says. I coached a little league team. For my cousin. Did you diddle any of the children? No. Okay. No.
Starting point is 00:15:54 So I coached a little league team and there were two kids on that team that were brothers. And it was very evident that there was problems at home and that this baseball was their way out. There was no fucking way I was inviting those children to my fucking house.
Starting point is 00:16:08 No. Not to stay over. No. You know, or you might take them to, you know, get ice cream after the game with their parents. As long as the parents are there. With their parents present and lots of other people. I bought them pizza several times and every parent was there because there's no fucking way I'm going to be
Starting point is 00:16:23 alone with those kids. No, I don't blame you. Well, now, Frost has no problem with it. Now, Frost says he confronted the father. There's a quote here from Frost about it. That's ballsy. Yeah, Steve's the father, once again. He says, quote, Frost says, quote, I confronted Steve, and I expected denial, and he didn't deny it. He said, no, you got to do what you got to do.
Starting point is 00:16:42 If he doesn't play well, I put my foot in his ass and make him play. he said you gotta do what you gotta do if he doesn't play well I put my foot in his ass and make him play as Mike got older he divulged more
Starting point is 00:16:48 and then he said David you gotta get me out of there so basically he's saying that he was like he started telling him about the sexual abuse then he was like
Starting point is 00:16:55 dude get me the fuck out of my house basically and he's like if you don't play right I'll put my foot in your ass yeah that's his father what his father would say that was his father
Starting point is 00:17:01 his father didn't deny the abuse his father said man you gotta do what you gotta do what you gotta do. If you didn't play well, you gotta put a foot in his ass and make him play.
Starting point is 00:17:08 So this abuse is mainly hockey-centric, which is, I would assume, really just Canadian. There's really only Canadians, maybe a few kids in Michigan and Minnesota that are asking for poor hockey play. In Minnesota. There is not a lot of...
Starting point is 00:17:22 That would make me want to quit fucking hockey, though. Absolutely. No, absolutely. How did he continue when hockey is clearly the focal... Hockey and booze is the focal point of him getting the shit kicked out of him. Yeah, and that's right where he likes it. How do you keep going?
Starting point is 00:17:35 He keeps going. Apparently, this is his way away from his dad. If he keeps playing hockey, he can hang out with Frost and go to other teams and play on junior league teams and not spend any time with his dad and not spend any time at home. I think that's a big part of it. He plays on Frost coach teams, Mike does.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Frost is coaching these teams until the age of 16, and we'll tell you why Frost isn't, why he doesn't coach anymore. Hilarious. There's some specific reasons here. These teams were very successful, but they were known as the thug team, basically. He brought in another... This is like country club hockey type of thing. And he brought in these kids,
Starting point is 00:18:14 and Danton was a real aggressive physical. He's a little guy. He's only 5'9". He's taking out all the aggression. He's not beating up his dad. He's beating up these kids. He's a fighter. And all these kids were fighters.
Starting point is 00:18:23 So he'd bring in these guys that were not only decent players. Fucking goons. They'd be pounding the shit out of these kids. And so literally the league didn't want him in the league anymore. Like any of this guy's teams. The bad news bears of fucking hockey. But they were successful. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:37 He wasn't, you know. But they were good. They were good. They were really good. I think they were intimidating the shit out of these other kids. Danton said that Frost was a motherfucker and a hard ass, but he got results, basically. I mean, that's what he wanted. Gotta do what you gotta do.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Absolutely, man. So, 93-94, this is when the thug hockey player thing starts to come out here. The OHA, which is the junior league that he's playing in up there in Canada, it's the Brampton Junior Team from his hometown. The league threatens to suspend the team, the Brampton team, not all the players, the whole organization, for undisciplined play, they call it, which means too much fighting. High-sticking.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Exactly. Now, the league agreed to not suspend the team from competition if Frost stopped coaching them. Wow. Because they said it Frost stopped coaching them. Wow. Because they said it's coming from him. Wow. This is the first time he's not allowed to coach a team anymore. Not going to be his last.
Starting point is 00:19:31 That's the first time, too, that we have a spotlight put on his behavior as the focal point on the problem. Yeah. Well, these kids are like 13. Yeah. This was 1994. Yeah, they aren't making their decision to punch somebody. Yeah, no, the coach is telling them how to go play. They try to trip you with a stick,
Starting point is 00:19:46 you turn around and deck them. You take them out, you intimidate. So it's ridiculous, this whole thing. Now at this point too, in the early 90s, mid 90s, there starts to be rumors circulating about Frost being a little weird, that he's engaged
Starting point is 00:20:01 in sexual conduct with teenage girls. There's all sorts of rumors here swirling around frost and they stay rumors for a long time uh no charges were ever brought at this point but the rumor rumors swirl and keep those rumors in mind guys for about a decade from now it's crazy now during the 1995 season he is Frost is suspended indefinitely by the Metropolitan Toronto Hockey League. They call it that he was, quote, being party to the falsification of documents. And these are with 15-year-old kids, by the way. Apparently he was coaching a team called the Toronto Red Wings.
Starting point is 00:20:39 They were a little junior league team in another league that he was allowed to coach in. And basically them of this team terry weir's signature was forged on player release forms so and they said that frost was complicit in all this i don't know if the players were somebody was forging them and he knew it was forged and wasn't doing anything about it to keep to keep young kids to keep the guys he wanted kids playing right keep the kids playing and keep the guys he wanted and blah, blah, blah. So he's shit-canned from this league now also. Now, 1996, it's perfect timing because 95, he's gone. Now, 96, he's always going wherever Danton's going too.
Starting point is 00:21:12 All right. Danton and him are, you know, tight. So 96, Mike moves up to the Ontario Hockey League, which is a good junior league apparently. It's a high-level deal here. Now, it's good to be seen by the NHL, that sort of thing. If only Ayan Krotoru would have done better in this league, we would have not had an episode possibly a few times ago.
Starting point is 00:21:32 I'm still afraid to go to Canada, by the way, because I feel he will kill me that night. That is a terrifying place. He's terrifying. Because he's there. Because he's there. And he's out. He's out, and he's probably mad at us.
Starting point is 00:21:44 So 1996-ish around here, Mike at this point has pretty much just stopped talking to his parents. He has minimal parental contact. And he's how old? He's 16 years old. He's 16. Wow. Frost is his personal coach, advisor, mentor, also agent-in-waiting, fucking predator I assume also. Roommate?
Starting point is 00:22:03 Roommate. Oh, that's coming up too lots of things here now here's the other thing is he's staying at 16 years old who the who the hell he's staying with frost most of the time jesus what 30 year old what kids want and this is like with the team here what kids want some 30 year old dude hanging around all the time i mean once again yeah they get him beer and then that's what. But there's apparently a real mind control cult thing going on here that we're going to talk about also. Teammates at this point describe Mike as quiet and antisocial, basically.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Just like a kid who's abused and angry. Somebody that's repressing some fucked up emotions. Absolutely. Now, on the whole mentorship from Frost here, we have an in their own words from Mikey Jefferson. He says, in their own words from mikey jefferson he says uh in their own words quote am i going to sit here and say i never relied on dave to make my decisions hell no you know that would be a fallacy and not only did i do that but i overdid it you know 100 for sure so he said basically he's letting this guy control me he's letting him control his life
Starting point is 00:23:02 now and he's 16 so he's looking for some sort of mentorship whatever the fuck but still i'm so uneasy right now i'm very uneasy that this man is in this frost guy and he's got his hooks in that kid deep deep the talons are deep uh the parents here the the jefferson's steve and sue are saying that frost has taken control over mike's life now and sounds like it while he's 16 Steve Jefferson says that Mike would do things
Starting point is 00:23:28 just to upset his mother so that he would you know Steve would yell at Mike and then Mike would just go to Frost's house
Starting point is 00:23:35 which I mean he was probably not yelling at Mike he was probably punching him in the face right that's a kid also
Starting point is 00:23:41 manipulating his parents to get what he wants oh absolutely because all he wants to do is play hockey he parents to get what he wants. Oh, absolutely. Because all he wants to do is play hockey. He wants to get out of there and go play hockey. He doesn't want to be
Starting point is 00:23:49 around a drunk. I've watched alcoholism and it is disgusting. So you lose all respect for the person being controlled by the booze. So I can kind of see where he's coming from
Starting point is 00:24:01 in the terms of... Well, fuck, he's being abused left, right, and center. Watching his dad's face swell every day. Left, right, center, and rear he's coming from in the terms of... Well, fuck, he's being abused left, right, and center. Watching his dad's face swell every day. Left, right, center, and rear he's getting abused,
Starting point is 00:24:09 this poor kid, man. Whatever he has to do to get out of that place, I got his back, you know? Now, Steve here... Do your fingers swell when you get drunk too like that? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Because every day it just gets worse and worse. Red-faced asshole. Yeah, as he makes your asshole red too. Jesus. So, Steve here, worse red-faced asshole as he makes your asshole red too jesus so steve here our our red-faced douchebag said that he didn't confront david about taking over his son's life because he didn't want to interrupt mike's hockey progress uh-huh he's they've taken his son turned him against him and he's like didn't want it that's how crazy they are for hockey he said he was being quote a
Starting point is 00:24:45 hockey nut wow that only in canada guys yeah only in canada would hockey matter that much i just pictured the mom and dad from ace ventura pet detective going what a football nut huh like with the room fucking die dan die he said it laughing too he's like just being a hockey nut you know like let a guy take my kid. The other thing I don't get is when he answered the question of did you sexually abuse your son, he laughed it off. He went, no.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Jimmy, ever sexually abuse your kids? Thank you. That's the correct response. A flat no. Never. Fucking never. No. Not. No. Of course not. That's not how you answer that question. It wasn. No, not... No. Of course not. That's not how you answer that question. It wasn't abuse.
Starting point is 00:25:28 It was fantastic. Oh, I can't believe I just said that. It's fucking disgusting, right? It's the worst, isn't it? That's so vile. So 1997, he starts playing for the Sarnia Sting, which is another junior league team here. Now, when he's playing with Sarnia...
Starting point is 00:25:50 Oh, man, Frost and Mike are spending an inordinate amount of time together. And it's starting to be noticed by people outside of his family. People say that, like teammates would say that Mike would rather hang out with Frost than with them, with teammates. So Mike's not even into hanging out with his teammates. He just wants to hang out with this 30-year-old dude that he's living with. That's so weird. So fucking weird. Mike stayed with a family for a little bit where he was playing when he first got there before they ended up
Starting point is 00:26:12 getting this weird little motel room we're going to be talking about. This weird little nest. Mike stayed with his family. Yeah, it gets weird. It gets really weird. Shit goes on in that hotel. Jesus, like a weekly lease motel room? It's gross, yeah. So gross.
Starting point is 00:26:26 Frost and Mike would spend a lot of time behind closed doors, like in his bedroom in these people's houses. So there's like a 30-year-old guy hanging out with this 16-year-old guy. Not out in the living room. Like, hey, I'm just taking care of the kid. Like, what are they doing? Are they listening to music together? What are they fucking doing in there? Like, come on, man. I got a Maryio lemieux trading card what do you got is that what they're doing
Starting point is 00:26:50 so they're reading fucking hockey digest or some shit i hope so but i think it's crossed but i highly doubt it uh now on this situation the owner of the sarnia sting a guy named robert chicharelli said of the relationship with David and this crazy, weird Frost-Mike relationship. He said, quote, It was certainly odd from our perspective. It definitely concerned the family, and it concerned us as a team.
Starting point is 00:27:16 Yes. They were like, this is fucking weird. What's up with that shit? It concerns me right now. That Frost guy is creeping me out. Imagine watching it. Like, oh, they're going to go home now together. They're going to go where?
Starting point is 00:27:26 This is not cool, man. So John Gardner, who is the president of the Greater Toronto Hockey League, which is another one that they were in, said of Frost, quote, now this is where we start getting into some weird shit. It hasn't gotten interesting yet. It's not going to get interesting yet. But, man, wow. He said, quote, he was known for exerting an
Starting point is 00:27:46 unusual amount of influence on the players he dealt with he practiced mind control he was just a very unusual gentleman yeah so and they all say this mind control thing it's literally like like he has some kind of trick and that's his mind control trick find a kid who's weak and needs a mentor and needs a person and needs a person and needs a place to stay and is abused. Predators, they have a sixth sense instinct to pick up on. They know who the people are. Somebody that's abandoned. They know those people.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Now, Frost, on these accusations of being some sort of brainwashing person, he said, quote, I've heard the brainwash stuff, that I brainwash players. Maybe I have brainwashed them. He said, quote, I've heard the brainwash stuff that I brainwash players. Maybe I have brainwashed them. You know, how crazy is that? If I was that smart, I'd brainwash 20 of them and we'd go win the Stanley Cup. Brainwashing.
Starting point is 00:28:34 When I hear that cult stuff, it makes me crazy. No, it's not brainwashing. It's finding the weak and preying on them. That's what it is. You can't control 20 at one time. Well, you'd have to find
Starting point is 00:28:44 20 abused kids. He's never found 20 at once. That have a little bit of hockey talent. That's what it is. You can't control 20 at one time. Well, you'd have to find 20 abused kids. He's never found 20 at once. That have a little bit of hockey talent. That have some hockey talent. That's the other thing. That have a little hockey talent. You found one. Can skate.
Starting point is 00:28:52 He found a few, actually. There's a few that he has here. Now, Mike, at this point, April 97, he goes and starts playing for the Quint Hawks of the Metro Junior Hockey League. Now, Frost is his assistant coach on this team, of course, because he's got to go latch on to Mike everywhere.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Frost, Mike, and three other players, five of them, are living in a motel room in Quint. It's the Bayview Inn, room 22. And they all live there. It's a fucking motel room. Don't get that room. Disgusting. It is covered in semen from top to bottom. Yeah. And they all live there. So if you've ever been there, don't get that room. Disgusting.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Yeah. It is covered in semen from top to bottom. Jesus. Absolutely disgusting. So this is getting weird at this point. It's like,
Starting point is 00:29:34 they're living in a motel. It's one thing when he like stayed at his house when he had a, they're living in a motel room. He's got an extra bedroom. Motel room, you ever been in a motel room?
Starting point is 00:29:41 It's one room. He's, two beds. He's a 30 year old man living in a motel room it's one room he's two beds he's a 30 year old man living in a motel room with four teenage boys shit's creepy as fuck you know what i mean wow so frost is arrested at in 1997 april 1997 he's arrested for the first time here not the first time in his life the first time for us for assaulting one of his own players while he was on the bench. What?
Starting point is 00:30:10 Daryl Tiveron is his player, and apparently he's on the bench, and he was saying he was not playing aggressive enough, and showed him that by punching him in the face while he was on the bench. You do this? Yeah. This is a 16-year-old kid playing hockey. Wow. Punches him in the face. Problem is, two off-duty cops are at the game, and. And they saw it, and they put his ass in cuffs.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Fantastic. Tiveron, the player, denies that the assault happens and says he doesn't want to press charges, but the two off-duty cops witnessed it, so it's not up to him anymore. He can't tell us what we saw. Yeah. Frost ends up pleading guilty over the summer to assault.
Starting point is 00:30:38 He gets a no-sentence type of deal, just a slap on the wrist. He has no real record. You know, you go around, you punch 16-year-olds sometimes. sometimes that shit happens but that's a start it's a definitely a start um it's insane now also allegations start to surface at this point particular allegations about frost and we said he had some rumors rumors of indiscretions with teenage girls well there's more rumors here we'll substantiate them a little later, but there's some loose rumors about...
Starting point is 00:31:06 Does the sex change? It's alleged. They're alleging that basically the players, he would get these players... First of all, the first rumor is that he's fucking all these guys. Let's just put that on the table right now.
Starting point is 00:31:19 There's a rumor that he fucks all these kids and that there's weird shit going on, weird pedophilia going on here. It's not a gay relationship. It's a rumor that he fucks all these kids and that there's weird shit going on, weird pedophilia going on here. It's not a gay relationship. It's a pedophile relationship. It's a pedophile-prey relationship. That's all it is here. These are children that he's known since he was 10.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And he's the leader and the ender. Yeah, so we don't know if that's true or not at this moment, but it seems pretty fucking gross to me. Now, they are alleging that he is making the players make their girlfriends have sex with him. That's the... He's making them share their girlfriends with him and all sorts of weird control shit that we'll get into a little later.
Starting point is 00:31:59 That's one way to... Oh, good God. That's one way to control somebody. Just fuck with their fucking... That's what it was. He, good God. That's one way to control somebody. Just fuck what they're fucking. That's what it was. He was controlling every aspect of their life. Every aspect, including when they fucked their girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:32:12 Oh, that's so crazy. This dude is creepy. What a horrible person. It really is. Now, Steve, the father again, our drunken asshole abuser, says that he thought David was Mike's ticket to the NFL, or NHL.
Starting point is 00:32:26 He thought that that was Mike's, you know, that's okay. Let him go because that's something he'll get That's a Charlie Buckets
Starting point is 00:32:32 golden ticket. And that's what he wanted. I mean, and like I said, it seems like hockey in Canada, they're like the warrior tribes
Starting point is 00:32:38 where you just give your children to the tribe and they'll fight off a neighboring village. That's what they do in Canada. Throw the girl baby off a cliff.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yeah, just, we lost him to hockey. That was it. Hey, you know, he's gone now. It's fucking weird. Whether it's fighting off a neighboring tribe or killing a power play, whatever the fuck it is, they're going to send their kid off to battle to do it.
Starting point is 00:32:57 We send him for the hat, Drew. We sacrifice our boy. So this whole thing thing he gets shit canned Frost gets shit canned from the whole Quint operation there he is not allowed to coach anymore
Starting point is 00:33:10 because he assaulted a player for the assault of a player he's not allowed to coach there so that's another league he's been
Starting point is 00:33:16 kicked out of you hit a fucking minor yeah not okay he moves on to the St. Mike moves on to the St.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Michael's Majors which is another OHL team that's the league OHL from there he's on to the St. Michael's Majors, which is another OHL team. That's the league OHL. From there, he's traded to the Barry Cults in 1999. And he's playing there. That's where he is playing. The Cults? The Cults.
Starting point is 00:33:36 The Barry Cults. Oh, C-O-L-T-S. Yeah. He's in a cult. What? He's not playing for that. He's playing for Frost's cult. That's what he's playing when he got a jersey.
Starting point is 00:33:45 The Frost cult jersey. Yeah. So he's playing for them at age 19. That's a t-shirt we can sell. That is. We can sell them. Age 19, year 2000, before his birthday, before he turns 20. He is still playing for Barry when he is drafted by the New Jersey Devils of the NHL.
Starting point is 00:34:02 Holy shit. So he's a good player, man. He's good. He's on now. Yeah, he's drafted in the fifth round Devils of the NHL. Holy shit. So he's a good player, man. He's on now. Yeah, he's drafted in the fifth round. 135th overall. Wow. Yeah, so I mean, it's not a high draft pick. No.
Starting point is 00:34:11 He's not a sought after, but he made it. He's fucking drafted. He just got drafted by a real pro team. Frost said that he was like a proud father and that he couldn't believe that he made it. He was so proud of him. So proud that he needed to become his agent. Oh, God. So proud I got to to become his agent. Oh, God. So proud I got to take a cut.
Starting point is 00:34:26 I got to stick around. Because I have been hanging out here waiting for this payday for 10 years now. So now it's time to get it. Time to pay up, bitch. Time to pay up, bitch. On a hockey note, after him in the draft, because we always like to see who they could have drafted if they didn't draft him. Only one All-Star was chosen that year in the draft, and that's Henrik Lundqvist. Who did he play for? He was drafted by the Rangers. I was
Starting point is 00:34:53 going to say Oilers. I don't remember where he ended up going. I think the Rangers. Who the fuck knows? I don't remember, honestly, 15 years ago. He may have played for the Oilers. He may have played for the Oilers. I'm not sure. Now, to become an agent, there's certification from all the leagues, where it's basically like you have to show up and say, I want to be an agent, and I'm not currently in prison, and they let you be an agent pretty much. You don't have to have a lot. It's the same in every sport, too.
Starting point is 00:35:16 You don't have to have any degree. Because fucking Master P did it. He was a rapper, and he is notorious for... Right. But he is notorious for having the worst contracts in NFL earth. See Ricky Williams. Yes. Right there.
Starting point is 00:35:29 End of story. Just fucking. It cost him $20 million. Thanks, asshole. Incentive waiting contract. He made him say, uh. That's what he did. He made him say, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:35:38 That hurts. So the NHL also, you don't, there's no, the Players Association has no certification process for agents. So basically, once the league lets them in, they just go run wild. Wow, they can just go get anybody they want. They can go get anybody they want. This Players Association doesn't have to okay them. It's really Wild West type shit. I've got to get into that.
Starting point is 00:35:57 And that's the problem with these junior hockey leagues. And that's why we wanted to talk about this. These junior hockey leagues are full of these scumbag agent type guys and AAU basketball has it and all these other sports have it, but hockey has it because they're so young. They get in so young. They latch on to these kids when they're 13, do God knows what to them, control them,
Starting point is 00:36:17 make them think that they can't do anything without them, and then by the time they're this age, now they're an agent. It's like the entertainment industry. It is exactly like the entertainment industry. Exactly, because it's based on skill, not age. Yeah. Like the NFL, you can't play in the NFL until you have three years of college. College, right.
Starting point is 00:36:36 Like you have to be 21 or 20 basically to get into the NFL. And the NBA is now that way too. One year. One year. So you have to be basically 19, 18, 19, 20 to play. So they're making a rule to keep 12-year-olds out of the league. NHL does not do that.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And to keep fucking scumbags from messing with children. And they try to have rules with AAU and shit like that. It's more difficult, but hockey is just wild west. They just see a 13-year-old in a rink. Oh, hell yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Jesus. These junior hockey leagues are just bubbling with this shit. It's the same thing as if you go to the Dominican. If you go to the Dominican Republic, they do it with baseball. There's a million scumbag agents down there looking for 10-year-old kids. They can give the family five bucks and own this kid forever. And that's why the MLB is filled with guys with the last name ending with Z on their fucking jersey.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Yeah, and most of these guys have been robbed blind by some agent that then charged them extra money for this and that and fucked them over. Jose Fernandez, the guy that just died last week. Same thing. He was Cuba. Right, but it happened to him too. But yeah, they all did it. He was selling apples, oranges, and tomatoes and onions to make a living.
Starting point is 00:37:40 He would make $4 a day. Yeah. And then he would have it taken from him. Absolutely. Anyway. But that's what goes on. And this is the hockey version of that. Trying to buy his way into...
Starting point is 00:37:51 These are the Dominicans of Canada, guys. These poor hockey players. And so it's a constant problem, this junior league hockey... Just children. Creepiness. It's a constant issue. Praying on a child.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Constantly. What kind of piece of shit are you? These people, there's a lot of them. For money. It's just they see dollar signs and also some of them I think are pedophiles and predators. Yeah, some of them are attracted to the booty, right. Or whatever else they get out of it. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:38:15 Maybe they're fucking the moms. Maybe they're doing, who knows what they're doing. But I think they have to get them away from the moms. Yeah. So at this point here, this is after the draft, Frost is going to take him for a little celebration. So he takes Mike, some of the fellas from the Quint experience, from the Bayview Hotel, and Mike's 13-year-old brother, the Quint experience. Sounds like a terrible documentary.
Starting point is 00:38:45 The Quint Experience. Come, stay at the luxurious Bayview Hotel. Room 22 has semen stains from top to bottom and the memories of many damaged children. Stay with us. Stay for a week, stay for a month, stay for a hockey season. It doesn't matter. At the Bayview Motel. Stay for a hockey season.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Oh, that's my favorite thing we've ever said. Plug, man. Bayview Hotel, our new sponsor. They're not going to want to sponsor us. So anyway. I want a timeshare from that place. That's what I want. I want to go to Quinton during hockey season.
Starting point is 00:39:20 Just own it for three weeks a year. It's like a suburb out in the middle. It's a small town. He's just locked in a room. Yuck. Imagine how sweaty it was in year. It's like a suburb out in the middle of a small town. He's just locked in a room. Yuck. Imagine how sweaty it was in there. It smelled like balls like crazy in that place. Constantly.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Because hockey equipment stinks too. Yeah, it's so sweaty. You come home after hockey and you take that shit off. You stink. A football jersey is not... Hockey is nasty. It's got holes and shit in them. The briefs.
Starting point is 00:39:42 A hockey jersey is just like wool over padding. It's nasty shit. And then it just holds all and shit in them. Yeah, yeah. The briefs. A hockey jersey is just like wool. It's nasty shit. Over padding. It's nasty. And then it just holds all your shit in. That padding holds it in too. My friend Joe that played on the hockey pond that had to bend his fucking knees. That kid, man.
Starting point is 00:39:55 They had a hockey room and you'd open the door and a hand would come out and punch you in the face. Jesus. It would stink. Was it worse than the spit bucket? It was comparable but not worse. The spit bucket was more concentrated. It was like a stink bomb. It's all's all right the other one was just permeated like a smelling salt yeah it's exactly like a smelling salt whereas the hockey room was more like a like
Starting point is 00:40:15 a like a stink lounge it was a stink lounge where you could just come in kick back nice stink sauna get your sweat on put your towel around you so. So Frost is taking these guys, the Quint fellas, and also Mike's little brother Tom. So we have Mike's little brother Tom, who's 13 years old at this point. We have him in the mix. Oh, Christ. Takes them on vacation for a few days in Ontario. You never go on vacation. You never go on vacation with a pedophile to the woods.
Starting point is 00:40:43 No. So that's your ass. So this is in rural Ontario. That's your ass man that's your ass you go in the woods no one can hear you screaming yeah the bayview motel you know it has to be voluntary neighbors the woods anything can happen you just say you got eaten by a bear. Fuck, who knows? So this trip happens. Now, after the trip, Steve, the alcoholic father, finds some pictures that he does not like of Tom. He's documenting this shit. So there's a picture of Tom naked, duct-taped to a bunk bed,
Starting point is 00:41:20 and they have his genitalia duct-taped to the bed frame. Ouch! Yeah, and they have his genitalia duct taped to the bed frames. Ouch! Yeah, so they have this. Another one where Frost is holding a rifle at him. That's not... That's not okay. What the fuck? It's not okay at all, right?
Starting point is 00:41:38 So the father freaks out, and people freak out in general, and I would freak out too if I saw that. I would call the police immediately. On the second hand, it's probably some weird hockey hazing ritual that they do
Starting point is 00:41:48 with the kids 13 years old. That's a weird hazing. And Mike and these other guys are 20 and this guy's like 32. That's assault with a deadly weapon. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:57 That's not hazing. No. That's fucking... This guy's like 32 and they're dicking around with a 13-year-old kid. Protect that 13-year-old kid from...
Starting point is 00:42:03 Jesus Christ. That's your brother. That's your brother. That's your brother. That's what I'm saying. So the parents take this picture to the cops, obviously. They're shitty parents, and they're abusive and everything else, but they're not stupid, I guess. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:42:16 The police decided not to file any charges on anyone about this, which, good old-fashioned hockey fun, eh? Thanks, Canada. What the fuck? I think, honestly, if it was any other thing they would have done, they were like, well, it has good old fashioned hockey fun, eh? Thanks Canada. What the fuck? I think, honestly, if it was any other thing they would have done, they were like, well, it has to do with hockey. I mean, come on. The kid just wanted to be a hockey player. Come on, you know. He knew it. Frost, he knows how to make a hockey player.
Starting point is 00:42:36 His brother made the NHL, so they probably duct taped him to a bed too, you know, eh? That's what happened. It's fine. I can't believe this. It's fucking unreal. I can't believe this. They're good. Duct tape a 13-year-old's dick to a bed frame, that's fine. Perfectly okay. Perfectly natural.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Perfectly healthy. What the fuck? Perfectly alright. Was a 32-year-old man? Did that? No problem. Sounds right. That's how you stretch it. If a 13-year-old's dick makes an appearance at all in that situation, someone should be going to court for that. Especially somebody in their 30s. Someone's going to court for that. Especially somebody in their 30s. Someone's going to court.
Starting point is 00:43:07 Yeah. I don't care. But not here. So Mike claims that the father, Steve, only pressed the matter with the cops because Mike refused
Starting point is 00:43:15 to give him money from his signing bonus or from his salary. Oh, Christ. So he's saying he just tried to do this but he's under frost control
Starting point is 00:43:21 so who knows. Right. This is the thing. We're trying to decide who to believe and who to be behind right a fucking
Starting point is 00:43:28 it's so hard a creepy hockey coach or an abusive pedophile father yeah we're going well this guy might have we're trying to decide
Starting point is 00:43:36 who has the better interest of heart here this is worse than being on the jury there is no there is no good no from this
Starting point is 00:43:42 this story is just everybody sucks fuck everyone sucks in this story except for Mike at this mean, this story is just... Everybody sucks. Fuck. Everyone sucks in this story, except for Mike at this point. Mike, so far, is just a kid that's misguided. For now. For now.
Starting point is 00:43:51 We'll get into some interesting Mike shit, but he's got problems, Mike. We'll get into them very quickly, actually. Not yet. No, he's still Mike Jefferson. Michael Stephen Jefferson still. Mike says that the father's just trying to out-frost from his life. Basically, he's trying to cut Frost out so he can get my money.
Starting point is 00:44:10 He's like, someone's got to be trying to rob me. That's the state of mind this kid is in, number one. Somebody's told him that, obviously. And on this incident with the little brother and all this, we have an in-their-own-words here. He's going to try to explain this here. In-their-own-words for Mike, quote, I know why things were fabricated and I used to hate Steve
Starting point is 00:44:28 with such passion, you know. He's a pitiful human being. I don't want my name to be associated with him or her, with anybody on that side of the family. That's what he says after that whole thing, okay? He doesn't want his name to be associated, which it won't be very soon.
Starting point is 00:44:44 2001, he goes to the Albany River Rats minor league for the New Jersey Devils. Gotcha. He ends up with 34 points,
Starting point is 00:44:52 which isn't bad for a thug. He's not a full-blown goon because he's not that big of a guy, but everything I read and everything I've seen, they call him more
Starting point is 00:44:59 of an energy guy. He's an energy player. He's like Kurt Rambis, basically. He's not the most skilled guy. He's not the most athletic guy. He's not the fastest skater. Is he a starter or did he just come off the ice? No, no, no. He's an energy player. He's like Kurt Rambis, basically. He's not the most skilled guy. He's not the most athletic guy. He's not the fastest skater.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Is he a starter? Or does he just come off the ice? No, no, no. He's like a third line guy. He comes in, energy, energy, be a pest, be up your ass. He's that. Comes in with fresh legs to annoy you.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Randy Brown on the Bulls in the 90s. That just defensive presence. It's a nightmare. Get the fuck away from me. You annoying son of a bitch. Rajah Bell with the Suns. What do you do with Kobe? I'm giving basketball analogies here.
Starting point is 00:45:31 He has 34 points but he also has 195 penalty minutes. He's a fighter. In his career... He spends three hours in the penalty box. He's got a lot of fights. In minors and junior league. He was in the minors for a couple leagues here
Starting point is 00:45:47 and then junior league for all those years. He had 50 fights just in those. So this is from You get three minutes? Which is a hock. It depends because there's a major, minor, five-minute, this one, that one. So whatever, depending on the fighting.
Starting point is 00:46:00 So he goes through that season. He comes up slightly, actually plays in only plays in two games in 2001 and you know rookie season doesn't really do anything but doesn't matter he's he's in there he got to play a little he took a look at him 2001 in training camp he's in training camp with the devils tears an oblique muscle. So now he's supposed to heal up and then report to Albany. That's chest, yes? Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:27 Yeah, I think so. So he's got to heal up and then report to Albany to, you know, kind of do rehab shit there. So he refuses to go. He refuses assignment,
Starting point is 00:46:37 which he doesn't want to go to the minors. He says, go fuck yourself. Frost tells the team he's not coming, go fuck yourself because he's his agent.
Starting point is 00:46:42 So he's, you know, they're in this together. Frost is telling him not to. Otherwise, I assume he would have just went if Frost didn't say, no, we're not going there. They apparently don't like the general manager at the time and the guy who put the whole team together. They don't like him. We're not going down to the minors. So they think that guy has some nefarious reasons to send him down to the minors?
Starting point is 00:47:01 No, they just don't want to go to the minors. I think they're trying to force them to get rid of him, basically. They look at him and they go, they have no plans with him. Let's try to get him. He's got a torn oblique. He's useless to us right now anyway. Yeah, they're like, let's try to get out of New Jersey, I feel like. That's what it looks like to me. A kind of a power move of let's piss them off so much they shit cans and then we'll go sign on somewhere else. So for not reporting, October 2nd, 2001, the New Jersey Devils suspend him for the entire season. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Whole 2001-2002 season because he didn't report to Albany. So that's not great for him. That's a backfire there. A little backfire. July 25, 2002, this is after the season he suspended, right after it ends, Mike severs all ties with parents and family. Done with everybody. Out of it, changes his name from Michael Stephen
Starting point is 00:47:50 Jefferson to Michael Sage Danton. Sage? You change your middle name to Sage? That's a cult thing, man. What the fuck are you doing? It's like burning the sage. Is that a popular name in Canada or something? What the fuck was he thinking?
Starting point is 00:48:04 That's a stripper name, bro. It is. It changed his name to Danton. Now they figured, they said, where the hell did you get Danton from? It's not like a family name. It's not like his mother's maiden name or something. It's the name of a kid he played at hockey camp with when he was a kid. Just some kid he remembered. I liked that
Starting point is 00:48:20 guy. I liked that name. And he just took his name. Jesus. So that's fucking weird. That's what I mean. He's just weird yeah he's got no rhyme or reason to his behavior no except for the fact that he's fucking loony and we'll get into that soon where he's really i don't know if it's i think he has between the abuse and i think he also has mental problems he might be bipolar something like that and the fact that he's probably been hit in the head a fuckload of times he's been all these fights all these things mixed with he's got a guy that the head a fuckload of times. He's been in all these fights. All these things add up to... Mixed with he's got a guy that isn't part of his family
Starting point is 00:48:47 fucking just molding his mind into whatever he wants it to be. He might have been being molested since he was 10, or since he was God knows what. For years. We have no idea. Now, his brother in 2002, Tom, Mr. Tied to the fucking... Yeah, Mr. Penis Tied to a Bunk Bed.
Starting point is 00:49:05 Mr. Penis to the Bunk Bed. Mr. Dick on the Bunk Bed there. In 2002, he catches on with the Toronto Marlboros, which is a minor league, low-level junior league team, which Steve Durbano played for. You remember that? Hilarious. You remember that one?
Starting point is 00:49:17 In the 60s, Durbano played for them. Hilarious. In 2002, we got Tom Jefferson, because he hasn't changed his name. Tom Jefferson playing for him. And Tom will continue to play through the minor leagues and hockey and junior leagues. And yeah, not quite as good of a player as his brother. But he hangs in there, this kid.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Good for him. You know what? Someone gets abused that long, that hard, they're going to have some stick-to-it-ness. You know what I mean? You duct tape my dick to a bed. I'm going to prove that I belong here. I belong here, damn it. I am not alleged bullshit.
Starting point is 00:49:44 No, but nobody will duct tape this dick to another bed. I'm going to prove that I belong here. I belong here, dammit. I am not alleged bullshit. Nobody will duct tape this dick to another bed. Never! New Jersey, again in 2003 when he comes back from suspension, he comes back the next year, 2002-2003 season, makes up with the GM, gets back on the team, and
Starting point is 00:50:02 then in January they decide to send him down to the minors and he refuses again. He's just saying no, not going to the minors. I'm only going up. I don't go down. I'm not going down. So I think their strategy
Starting point is 00:50:11 pays off because on January 21st, 2003 he's traded by the Devils to the St. Louis Blues for just draft picks. Basically they traded Danton and their third rounder
Starting point is 00:50:24 to St. Louis for their third rounder. So they said, let's switch picks and we'll throw this douchebag in. There you go. Basically, so he was nothing in the trade. Best of luck with his knucklehead. Best of luck with this guy. He's got a sore butthole. Be careful. His brother's got a bright red dick. It's going to be rough.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Don't take out the duct tape on his brother. He gets a little sketchy. A little PTSD with the duct tape. A little trigger with the duct tape on his brother. He gets a little sketchy. He gets a little PTSD with the duct tape. A little trigger with the duct tape. So 2003 season in St. Louis, he becomes a fan favorite. Really? He's a scrapper. Hockey, like every other sport, and football, you have the guy who's a scrapper,
Starting point is 00:50:58 this undersized guy who gets in there. Everybody loves Steve Atwater. Everybody loves Atwater. Yeah, everybody loves these guys. Everybody loves him. Tyron Matthew. Yeah, even the offensive guys. Everybody loves him. Tyron Matthew. Yeah, even the offensive guys. Everybody likes your Wes Welkers and guys like that.
Starting point is 00:51:09 The little guys who are scrappy. Well, he's a fighter. He's a 5'9 guy. He's a fighter. He gets in there. He's only 5'9. He's a 5'9. He's a little shit.
Starting point is 00:51:17 He's in 13 fights that year with the Blues. Jesus. 13 fights in one season, which is, it's funny that I give the stats for his fighting before anything else. He had 12 points, so I mean, whatever, he, you know, it's fine. Almost averaged a point for a fight. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:35 7 goals, 5 assists, and 15 fights. Not bad. He had more fights than points, but I think that's what they wanted on that team, and the fans fucking loved him for it, man. He was, that was what they wanted. He team and the fans fucking loved him for it, man. That was what they wanted. He's a very tough player. He's making 500 grand a year at this point. Pretty good cash. For a
Starting point is 00:51:51 diddled Canadian kid, it's not too shabby. Diddled Canadian kid that the fans love. Yes, the fans love him. He's in St. Louis and Frost begins spending most of his time staying at Mike's apartment in St. Louis, basically. He's living with him in St. Louis now. In St. Louis, they. He's living with him in St. Louis now. In St. Louis, they love the Blues.
Starting point is 00:52:07 They love the Blues. And they love the Cardinals. Those, they fucking will come out constantly. The 2003, after the season, or during the season and after, Mike starts to unravel mentally. Yeah. He starts getting paranoid. He starts having thoughts that people are after him. Carlton Dodson syndrome, as I'll call it.
Starting point is 00:52:24 If you guys remember Carlton Dodson, I think it was episode 12, maybe something like that. College basketball player who killed his teammate at Baylor, who shot him. The original Baylor scandal. Shot his teammate because he was all fucking weirded out and thought people were after him. And just, he lost his mind. Just went bonkers. People lose their minds. That's legit mental illness.
Starting point is 00:52:43 It happens. He needs medication. Housewives do it all the time and kids get illness. It happens. He needs medication. Housewives do it all the time and kids get drowned. It happens. Kids get drowned. It's a very matter of fact. It's true.
Starting point is 00:52:51 Sometimes college players get shot and sometimes kids get drowned. These things happen. All right. So Frost says of this and his expert analysis of the whole thing, he says,
Starting point is 00:53:00 quote, the anxiety of having success, money, power, there was so much he was suppressing so much inside that he hadn't yet let out oh so he's still just blaming his father yeah he's just blaming his father not not him not him now on mike danton here now we'll call him danton mike danton has thoughts on it himself on it in their own words on his mental breakdown here we go he says
Starting point is 00:53:21 quote i thought somebody was coming after me that That's what I thought. You mix in, you know, pain medication, stimulants, uppers, downers, sleeping pills, stuff like that with someone that has a ridiculous amount of paranoia and other psychological things going on in their head, and it's a recipe for disaster. And I guess the demon's just caught up with me.
Starting point is 00:53:39 I don't disagree. All of that sounds 1,000% true. He's on a shitload of drugs and he's fucking crazy sounds like somebody's been through a lot of therapy yes and he's just blurting out all the things that the therapist told him it sounds like yeah because this this is after this is later yeah you're medicating trying to trying to suppress those demons but the medication actually enhances them and then eventually they fucking rear their head and you've got problems and you've got huge problems like he does now early april 2004 this is when shit starts to get a little weird not quite interesting yet but very weird okay danton is in st louis he approaches the bouncer of an
Starting point is 00:54:19 east st louis strip club named roxy's, by law, I think every city has an ordinance where they must have one strip club named Roxy's in it. There's a business of some sort that is nightlife attributed. Roxy's. And it's Roxy's. It's Roxy's. So here it's a strip club. Now, he approaches this guy named Ronnie,
Starting point is 00:54:40 who Ronnie is the bouncer at the strip club. And he, first of all, who the fuck, the bouncer at the strip club is who you're close to? What is it with these Canadians taking the strip club way too seriously? Krotoyru got kicked out of the strip club. He said, we're going to blow it up. Right. This guy approaches a bouncer, not to say this guy's bothering me or, hey, this girl's fucking whatever. He approaches him to offer him $10,000 to kill someone that's been trying to kill him he says oh my god he says i got
Starting point is 00:55:09 somebody that's been trying to kill me if i give you ten thousand bucks will you kill this you look like a bad dude that's basically what you accept contracts un-fucking-real right what is he thinking number one i mean that's sight unseen like he doesn't even know the guy i assume he probably went to the strip club sometime kept seeing him but. But, I mean, they weren't friends. Hey, you're the guy that checks my ID every Friday night. Do you kill people? Any chance you might kill anybody? If only Crotora would have been working the door.
Starting point is 00:55:33 They could have arranged something, and his problem would have been solved, unlike what actually happens here. So, basically, he shows Mike. They talk. He talks with the bouncer, Ronnie. Ronnie agrees that he'll do it. They talk about it. Mike shows a photo to the bouncer.
Starting point is 00:55:51 This is the guy I want killed. He's the guy who's trying to kill me. Guess who it is? Is it Frost? It's Frost. Yes. So we're like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:56:00 Now at this point, that's crazy. He's either trying to kill the guy who's been a horrible person and abused him his whole life, or he's killing the guy who rescued him from a horrible situation and helped him get to the NHL. We don't know which is which. Or he's hiring somebody to kill somebody that is actually trying to kill him.
Starting point is 00:56:17 Or there's maybe some sort of thing that we don't know about. Also, maybe they're having a quarrel for other reasons. And we never... We'll get into it. Let's do this here. So this is happening. This is early April. April 13th is game four of the playoff series.
Starting point is 00:56:34 The hockey season is going on, and he is playing high-level playoff hockey right now. And he is hiring people to kill people in the midst of it. During the playoffs. Wow. Maybe that's why St. Louis lost the series, but let's move on. It's game four of a playoff series with San Jose, with the Sharks,
Starting point is 00:56:48 and Danton scores his first playoff goal of his career this day. Right? Happy days. Playoff goal. Yay. It's a big day. Big day for him. He's got to be feeling good.
Starting point is 00:56:57 So good that the next day on April 14th, Mike calls the bouncer, who Ronnie, calls the bouncer to try to get the hit going on holy shit and we have the voicemail for this get out of town which is amazing I have the voicemail
Starting point is 00:57:10 let's do it in their own words for the voicemail of this is apparently the voice first of all if I'm calling a guy to try to kill someone and he doesn't answer
Starting point is 00:57:18 I'm hanging up that's it I'm not leaving a voicemail there's nothing recorded he said he heard on the voicemail the guy guy said, hey, this is Ronnie. You know, I can't answer the phone. I can't get to my phone right now.
Starting point is 00:57:29 If you could leave a detailed message at the beep, I'll get right back to you. Details? I got details. He said, Canadians are so honest and nice. They're like, he asked for a detailed message. You know, I should give him one. So in their own words, a detailed message to Ronnie. In their own words, quote, hey Hey Ronnie, it's Mike calling.
Starting point is 00:57:45 If you can't do this, let me know so I can try to find some other way to do this because it's getting real serious. He's still at my place tonight and tomorrow night by himself. Please, it's a matter of life and death for me, alright? I'll try to be in touch with you. Thanks. Later. Jesus. So that's his, like, that's... It's pretty cut and dry what he wants to do. It's pretty clear. He's not even like, hey, Mike, or hey, Ronnie, just calling you about that thing. If you just give me a ring back, that'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:58:12 I'll talk to you later. No, he was like, hey, if you could kill that guy for me... Hey, that guy is available between now and tomorrow. Hey, Ronnie, can I leave you my social security number real quick just so there's no mistake who's on the phone calling you? Because you might... I don't want anybody to... I don't want you to misconstrue what I want you my social security number real quick just so there's no mistake who's on the phone calling you? Because you might, I don't want anybody to hear you. I don't want you to misconstrue what I want you to do with some, listen, there's a lot of mics. Somebody might be selling you a lawnmower that might be at their house in the next couple days.
Starting point is 00:58:34 That's not what I want. That's not it at all. I'm looking for death. Listen, the guy that I want you to murder is at my house. Can you provide death for me? Yeah. I have a a please do it as quick as possible
Starting point is 00:58:46 call me back and we'll do the rest of the details I mean we got into it mostly here I think this is detailed enough so the bouncer
Starting point is 00:58:52 doesn't call Mike back no okay which the bouncer's smart the bouncer's like I'm not fucking killing this guy
Starting point is 00:58:58 right as a bouncer you've got to be going he entertained it I'm sure is he fucking serious yeah get the fuck out of here with this
Starting point is 00:59:04 this sounds a bit too he's giving me way too much info plus if mike is losing his mind and going crazy i really feel like a guy like a bouncer can tell that like this guy's not right like and when he first brought it up to him maybe he was like all right you might be able to work something out but then after a minute he's like this guy fucking he's not right no like i think he's lost it and i don't want any part of this shit because he just like he can go tell everyone. Listen, I watch Dateline a lot. Yeah. And I've seen them say, can you kill somebody? And then all of a sudden there's a cop at my door saying,
Starting point is 00:59:33 you agreed to kill somebody. So now Bouncer doesn't call Mike back. Mike really needs this done. He really wants this done. What do you do? You do it yourself. Who do you go to? Well, you can do it yourself.
Starting point is 00:59:45 Or, I mean, who do you go to? Maybe you find another bouncer. You find your brother. You go find Ayan Krotoru up there. They live in the same country. Find a teammate. You find somebody like that. You find a biker that you know that hangs around.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Somebody that's a bad dude you expect to do some shit like that. And as a hockey player, you'd have contact with these people, people hanging around. There's people you could get. Plus, he's getting all sorts of drugs. He knows drug dealers. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Get one of them. They're drug dealers. Those guys do dumb shit. They do dumb shit all the time. Right. He has a different idea. Oh, God.
Starting point is 01:00:16 His idea, this is who he recruits for his hit squad. Now, we've had all the don't recruit a teenager to your hit squad, don't recruit your cousin to your hit squad.
Starting point is 01:00:25 This is the worst recruitment to any hit squad in the history of organized murder. Mike recruits his girlfriend, who he's only been seeing a few weeks. They're not like they've been together for eight years and they kill for each other. There's no body in client. They barely know each other. She's 19 years old. Oh, dear Christ. A figure skater.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Oh, my God. Who he met at the hockey rink, who's now a figure skating instructor. Now, listen to her name, because it's the least murderous name you've ever heard. It's Katie Wolfmeyer. You do not get a 19-year-old ex-figure skater named Katie to help you murder anybody.
Starting point is 01:01:09 Not a good idea. She is not rugged. Was she going to try to poison him with Visine? This is who he recruits to his hit squad. I'll get Katie on it. I bet she'll know what to do. Fucking Katie. Katie.
Starting point is 01:01:22 And she looks like a Katie. Really? She looks like a Katie. Really? She looks like a Katie. She's just a nice girl, blonde. Vegan bangs. You know, just a blonde girl, did figure skating, looks like kind of semi-athletic, and hey, I'm happy Canadian. You know, just a Canadian girl named Katie.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Fuck. 19 years old. Yeah. Which, again, seasoned. Seasoned. Not menacing. Not menacing at all. These two, Jesus Christ, he tells Wolfman, imagine him going to her.
Starting point is 01:01:46 These two are going to hatch a plan. A teenage girl and a fucking lunatic crazy hockey player with his mental situation just deteriorating at a rapid pace. It's got to be a disaster in that bed after sex. He tells, oh God, it's a mess. That's when it happened. They go to the Bayview Hotel room 22 and they're like,
Starting point is 01:02:07 this is the only place I can do it. That's what he said. This is the only place I can get hard. He goes in there. I can still smell the teammates on the comforters. That's a hockey locker room. That's a hockey locker room, baby.
Starting point is 01:02:23 It probably still stinks in that room. That's a hockey room. So he tells Katie Wolfme room, baby. It probably still stinks in that room. That's a hockey room. So he tells Katie Wolfmeyer, I have to say her full name all the time because it's the funniest fucking thing ever. So fucking just innocent. He tells her, excuse me, that he needs help finding someone to kill a hitman.
Starting point is 01:02:38 To kill a hitman now? To kill a hitman. Because he tells her that there is a hitman coming to kill him. That he needs to kill a hitman because he tells her that there is a hitman coming to kill him that he needs to kill. So, now this girl is like 19. She thinks he's an NHL hockey player.
Starting point is 01:02:54 He's probably semi-legitimate of a person. And if somebody is, he's saying a hitman's coming to kill him. There's a hitman coming to kill him. I better help him. He's my boyfriend. We better help him get not killed here. This sounds like
Starting point is 01:03:05 The Mexican, though, with Brad Pitt in that movie. But he asked Katie to help him find someone. It's like asking Julia Roberts to do it. Figure it out. At least her name isn't Katie.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Fucking A. Katie Wolfmeyer? No. That's ridiculous. So in their own words on involving old Wolfmeyer here, he says, in their own words,
Starting point is 01:03:24 quote, I felt like I had been backed into a corner and there was nowhere else for me to go. There was nothing else for me to do. I just got Katie. Just me and Katie. Me and Katie. Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie and Katie over here.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Katie and Clyde. Katie and fucking Clyde. Katie and Mike. Katie and Mike. Fucking gangsters. So it's still April 14, 2004. Wolfmeyer that night goes out to a bar to try to find somebody. Because where do you go?
Starting point is 01:03:49 A bar. Let's just meet drunk people. They'll kill you if you kill people for money. They'll do anything. She finds Justin Levi Jones, who recruits him for the plot. Justin Levi Jones is a police dispatcher. He works for the cops she's a dope
Starting point is 01:04:06 you don't good god don't involve teenagers in your hit squad don't involve teenage girls named Katie
Starting point is 01:04:14 especially no fucking Katie and she blew it she found a dispatcher you find some rugged fucked up
Starting point is 01:04:22 messed up Sally McNeil bitch if you want to recruit somebody you find Sally McNeil because Sally McNeil you if you want to recruit somebody. Yeah, no doubt. You find Sally McNeil, because Sally McNeil, you don't even need to hire someone. She's got her own shotgun willing to travel. She is down. You find somebody in a gym. Yeah. You find
Starting point is 01:04:34 somebody big. Sally McNeil fought cops off at a bar. That's who you get. Yeah, five of them. That's the girl you recruit. That's the girl you find. That Katie Wolfmeyer, the skating instructor from the rink. What the fuck is going on in his head? And Levi Jones later on says, they asked him, like, how long did this take
Starting point is 01:04:50 for her to bring this up? And he said, less than an hour. She knew him for like 45 minutes. She knew him for less time than you've been listening to this podcast. And she asked him to commit murder for hire. Think about that. She sat with him at a couple of cigarettes and a couple of beers
Starting point is 01:05:09 and was like, hey, do you kill people? Hey, I got 10 grand. I didn't kill this guy. So Levi, old Justin Levi Jones, goes along with it, and Katie gets his phone number. So Mike calls Jones and tells him that Frost is going to be at the front, but he doesn't tell him Frost is the guy he's trying to kill can you imagine his jubilation when she comes home from the bar and she goes I found someone
Starting point is 01:05:32 I got it yay I did it oh they're so happy all of his little demons are dancing with each other all of his batshit demons in his head that's the biggest accomplishment of Katie's life up to now oh yeah
Starting point is 01:05:43 yeah she did something good. Katie's thinking, I did good, right? I did it right. And he's like, good job, Katie. You're proud of me, right? You did good, Katie Wolfmeyer. You go skate around for a little while. Keep in shape, honey.
Starting point is 01:05:55 Way to go, Wolfmeyer. You keep in figure skating. Keep your skills up, okay? You never know when the Olympics are going to come. Keep your thighs going. So this whole thing here, he says it's on for tomorrow night, basically. The guy's going to be there looking for him tomorrow night. He's telling Levi that it's a hitman.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Yeah. Okay, but at first. And then he says it's not a hitman because we have FBI recordings because Levi doesn't just go along with it. Levi goes to the FBI. Yeah. With this plot.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Atta boy, Levi. FBI wires him up and fucking gets him to get old Katie to reveal more, because his main contact, he calls Mike sometimes, but Katie's and him are... Finally somebody in this story with some fucking sense. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:36 One guy in the story with sense so far, and he's barely in the story. Everyone else is a complete fucking idiot so far in the story. Everyone. Everyone. I feel bad for Mike, but I mean, Jesus Christ. Unbelievable. So, Mike, now April 15th, 2004, is the next day.
Starting point is 01:06:51 This is game five of the playoffs. We're still in the playoffs. Anybody who forgot about where we were in the story and the chronology of the whole thing, they're in San Jose. He's still chasing the Stanley Cup. He's in San Jose for game five of the playoffs here. That's how fucking crazy this is. They end up losing game five of the playoffs here. That's how fucking crazy this is.
Starting point is 01:07:05 They end up losing game five of the playoffs, by the way. Danton doesn't. He has a distracted, weird game because, you know, there's a murder plot going on that night. Because this is happening while he's playing. There's supposed to be a murder plot. His hit squad is going into operation as he hits the ice. So he's a bit distracted, as you might imagine. Now, Jones here, Levi Jones and Wolfmeyer,
Starting point is 01:07:26 fucking Katie. Katie, you dumb shit. They go to Danton's apartment, right? And there's a security gate that you have to pass through and clear, obviously. He lives in a security building, you know? He goes into the complex there, pulls up to the gate. Now, while this is going on, stroke of luck, Frost happens to be just walking around, just a walk it's a nice night he's taking a walk and frost hears this
Starting point is 01:07:52 guy hears jones at the guard boots say that he's there to see dan yeah so jones frost who lives there comes over he's like hey how you doing man yeah what's up who are you like how are you doing like he thought it was one of his friends at first he's like hey what's going on dude and so the guy tells him uh jones tells frost that he's there yeah he's mike's buddy i'm there to see mike and he's like yeah i'm his buddy now frost said right away he knew he was full of shit because if he's his buddy he knows he's in san jose playing a fucking hockey game right five of the playoffs everyone in st louis knows where mike danton is yeah he's in st san jose so basically he doesn't believe him and he says you know what are you talking about i don't know you like i'm
Starting point is 01:08:29 he says i'm his dad i don't know i don't know who you are and so he fucking takes off jones takes off with wolfmeyer they just they speed away so they're like you know shit abort so jones is like in on it already no jones is acquired this whole time from the FBI. All right. So they hear I'm his dad, whatever. So what's Jones supposed to do at that point? Shoot the guy in the fucking head? He's wired up from the FBI. So he's like, oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:08:52 Jigs up and he takes off. Because he figures, is this the guy I'm supposed to kill? Is this guy? He didn't know what was going on. And things are so weird. I'm sure he was thinking, is this guy going to kill me? Jones is probably thinking that. Like, who's this guy?
Starting point is 01:09:03 Is he setting me up? He said he's going to fucking kill me. Katie, what'd like who's this guy is he setting me up he said he's gotta fucking Katie what'd you fucking do he looks over to Katie with a look of betrayal
Starting point is 01:09:09 she's like I don't know who's the fuck gonna kill me U-turn so Jones tells yeah Jones is like no Dan's expecting me and the guy's like
Starting point is 01:09:16 no he's fucking not he's in San Jose dude speeds off blah blah blah FBI swoops in right away arrests Wolfmeyer obviously
Starting point is 01:09:24 arrests old Katie Katie's going to jail folks which I find hilarious fucking Katie's going to jail oh Katie Katie Katie sounds like a chick flick or some savvy fucking love story Katie goes to jail
Starting point is 01:09:40 it's like a B Cinemax movie from the 90s about a women's prison where poor Katie gets wrapped up in her boyfriend's thing and goes to jail. And then it's caged heat from there. From there on, she's just having... Softcore porn. Oh, baby. Music.
Starting point is 01:09:52 And there's just the club. Fucking... The guards go, it's laundry time. Take it off. And they're going to strip around and they're like standing there. Broomsticks and splinters and all that shit. It's fucking horrible. Horrible.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Poor Katie's going to prison. and splinters and all that shit. It's fucking horrible. Horrible. Poor Katie's going to prison. So the FBI then goes in and confronts Frost
Starting point is 01:10:08 thinking he's a hitman because they told him we were sent there to kill this hitman and there's the hitman that we're there to kill so they go to Frost and they go,
Starting point is 01:10:17 hey, we hear you're a fucking hitman. Frost's like, what are you talking about? I'm a hockey coach. Not enough. Known this guy since he was 10.
Starting point is 01:10:24 I don't know what you're talking about. Not even in the slightest. No. And by the way, not only did they lose the game that night, that was the clincher of the series. St. Louis is out of the playoffs. So he leaves. Not only did his murder plot fall apart, but his team lost the playoff game.
Starting point is 01:10:37 So not a good night. No. For old Dan. And his girlfriend's gone. And old Katie's going to jail. So poor Katie. So Dan begins calling Jones right after the game for update Dan. And his girlfriend's gone. And old Katie's going to jail. So, poor Katie. So, Dan begins calling Jones right after the game
Starting point is 01:10:48 for update here. He's frantic. He wants to find out what happened. He's leaving messages going, oh, you know, if it didn't work out, we could try again soon.
Starting point is 01:10:56 And like, he's just further driving the nail into the coffin. All of his messages are just incriminating his balls. Everything this guy's
Starting point is 01:11:04 ever said recorded is the worst thing he could say while being recorded. He's an idiot. Best thing ever. Never, even when he's in jail,
Starting point is 01:11:11 there's these phone calls where you're like, they're being, they tell you this is recorded, you fucking moron. This is a call from so-and-so to so-and-so.
Starting point is 01:11:18 It's being recorded. Cool, can I tell you about a murder plot? Cool, let me tell you about some shit that I don't want
Starting point is 01:11:24 the cops to know about. Unreal. Sobi sits frost down for questioning right right away let's get to the bottom of this here let's figure out your deal they tell him they think danton wants to have him killed because they figured it out right away they're like he's not a canadian hitman he's on the lease right of the apartment because he gave fbi can he gave consent to the fbi to search daniel's house like that's how much he had a little possession of the apartment because he gave fbi he gave consent to the fbi to search daniel's house like that's how much he had a little possession of the apartment enough to give consent to the fbi and how little he has to lose exactly they were all he's like i don't know yeah come in they did find and this will come back later they found in mike danton's bedroom his safe was open and there
Starting point is 01:12:00 was three thousand dollars cash sitting there in an open safe which is odd and we'll get to why that was in a second i can already get yeah you can figure it out basically but they tell him the fbi put two and two together and like we think maybe danton's trying to have you killed and fucking frost is like what are you talking about how did he do that yeah frost right away from the fbi goes hold on and he goes and calls danton right away he goes hey well yeah dude you know what the fuck here they're telling him him at the FBI, they're telling me that you're trying to have me killed. Like, what's going on here?
Starting point is 01:12:28 You know what I mean? And so Mike on the other end starts to cry and he tells Frost that he would never try to kill him and that his head's a mess and that he's losing his mind
Starting point is 01:12:37 and he can't take the stress anymore and he's got too much anxiety. And that Katie's really fucked me up. And fucking Katie's going to jail and I can't take that anymore
Starting point is 01:12:45 i need katie uh katie is terrible at picking out hitmen you know it's awful so frost says that danton didn't even uh frost contends that mike was not trying to have him killed to this day really frost says he's he never tried that wasn't me he did not want to have me killed he didn't know what he was doing. He said he didn't even know I was going to be in the apartment. And the interviewer was like, yeah, but you would be the only person possibly in the apartment. So this could have been no one else but you. And he's like, yeah, but I still don't think he was trying to kill me.
Starting point is 01:13:18 He just refuses to admit it, that he wants the guy to try to kill him. Katie went to a bar and said, I want this man killed. I want this man killed. I want this man killed. They showed a picture of you to a guy. He's still like, I don't think he really wanted it. Now, April 16th, next morning, Mike is at the San Jose International Airport getting on the plane back to St. Louis, and they arrest him. Of course they do.
Starting point is 01:13:37 They don't let him board the plane. They arrest him, charge him with conspiracy to commit murder, and using a telephone across state lines to put a murder together higher um yeah and frost is still like no not him frost says this is frost's quote on the whole thing he says quote honestly i think it was a cry out for help i mean who goes to some 19 year old kid for protection good point he's not wrong who goes to katie to pick out a hitman? But she did hire a guy and say murder him. So what he was doing wasn't smart. We never said it was smart.
Starting point is 01:14:10 No. And he was definitely not in his right state of mind. No. But still think he tried to kill you. I think it happened, bud. I think he tried to kill you. Katie's in jail. He won't admit it.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Katie's going to jail. Yeah. Katie is in caged heat seven right now. It is bad shit for Katie. Caged heat 7 right now. It is bad shit for Katie. Katie has a 300 pound Canadian lumberjack woman roomed up
Starting point is 01:14:30 with her and is calling Katie her honey now so this is not working out very well. Making blush out of chalk.
Starting point is 01:14:36 That would happen except Katie then flips on him also. Really? Oh yeah, Katie flips on him. Of course she does.
Starting point is 01:14:41 She's 19. She's a 19 year old blonde girl named Katie. She's like, fuck this guy. I'll go find somebody else. All they've got to say is, we'll give you less time.
Starting point is 01:14:49 You have your whole life ahead of you. You're 19. We'll give you no time, Katie. Katie. Katie. You will die in prison, Katie. Listen, Katie. They brought in the 300-pound Canadian lumberjack woman she'd be sharing a cell with.
Starting point is 01:15:02 This is Olga. This is Olga. She loves figure skaters. She just really loves it. Named Katie. Named Katie. She had a cat when she was a kid named Katie.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Good luck for you. Can't wait to meet you. Can't wait. Oh, it's going to be so much fun. You two are going to get along. She said she can't wait to cuddle you. You're going to be roomies. Tell you what,
Starting point is 01:15:22 rather than prison, we're going to get you a nice room at the Bayview Hotel. We'll all get in there. You and Olga be roomies. Tell you what, rather than prison, we're going to get you a nice room at the Bayview Hotel. We'll all get in there. You and Olga in room 22. So while Frost is denying that he actually was put up for death here and, you know, all this is going on, we have an agent, Jimenez, for the FBI that has a quote about this that is pretty just sane. He says, quote,
Starting point is 01:15:44 Any reasonable person can look at the evidence and determine for themselves that David Frost was the intended victim. And it really came down to control. It was an effort for Mike Danton to shed himself of the control David Frost had over him and his life. He controlled everything, okay? Perfect.
Starting point is 01:15:59 And we're going to hear, and also, too, the teammates on the Blues are shocked by this. They fucking love Mike Danton. They can't believe it. They love them some Mike Danton. This isn't like Turbano where half of them thought he was the greatest guy in the world and half of them are like, he's a fucking loon and I don't like having him around. This guy, they all loved him.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Every teammate had a gleaming, glowing quote about him. Bryce Salvador, who was a defenseman back then for the Blues his pretty much sums up everybody's he says quote he brings a great presence to the dressing room so it's just real tough
Starting point is 01:16:31 to see him go through this I really do feel like he's family it's unfortunate because he's a great guy they all said the same thing they're like I'm praying for him
Starting point is 01:16:39 I just I can't believe it not Mike no he's great it's crazy he can keep that shit together. On the ice. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:47 He keeps it together. He's like Dave Meggett. And that's on ice in the locker room, on the bench. It's Dave Meggett-like. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And even, it's funny, Meggett in prison, model prisoner.
Starting point is 01:16:55 On the field, model everything. Gets around a woman, fucking rape her. Can't wait to beat her. Six ways to Sunday. I'm going to paintbrush and rape her. I mean, it's like that. Slam her fucking hand
Starting point is 01:17:05 in the door. He stays sane in hockey because I think it's just he's been doing this since he was a kid. And it's the structure. He shows up at the rink. His brain, his body
Starting point is 01:17:13 automatically lock into I do this. I do pregame skate. I lace this up. I do that. I play. I go home. I get a hold of Katie.
Starting point is 01:17:20 We kill my agent. Sit in the penalty box after blasting a dude in the face. Go home. All right. Find out if Katie in the face. Go home. All right. Find out if Katie got the murder plot together properly. So now after the arrest, here's where all the reports come out.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Here's where there's salacious news reports. The Toronto Press went crazy with it. Wiley reported that Danton and Frost were gay lovers. Oh, no. Obviously. Yeah. I mean, how would you not think that? But it's broken into the news.
Starting point is 01:17:45 But now it's in the news that it's like, who knows? Poor Katie just found out her boyfriend's gay. Yeah, and there's a lot of things that also lead to this. Some phone calls, some taped conversations. Both parties obviously deny these rumors. Of course. Because he doesn't want to. Because that ruins your reputation.
Starting point is 01:18:02 In hockey, probably, yeah. You're in a locker room you're seeing dick all the time yeah those guys yeah I don't know how it wouldn't matter but I don't know
Starting point is 01:18:10 how accepting they would be right so that's my point Danton says of the relationship that it was quote anything but sexual
Starting point is 01:18:17 which is an odd thing to say that's weird we're friends we're real close if someone said hey are you and Jimmy gay lovers
Starting point is 01:18:23 I'd be like anything but sexual our relationship is anything but sexual they'd be like what the fuck does that mean is kissing sexual it's not holding hands sexual we do yeah we we plan lives together we make doilies but it's not sexual jerking each other off is that sexual because i feel like it's maintenance i feel like it's just i feel like it's like that's just milk and prostate yeah i feel like keeping the prostate healthy that's all it's just milk and prostate together. Yeah, I feel like we're just trying to help each other. Keeping the prostate healthy.
Starting point is 01:18:46 That's all. It's just a help out thing. We don't make eye contact or anything. It's fine. Jesus. So, you know, Danton's still in jail in San Jose. This is going on. He begins now, while he's in jail, he begins calling Frost daily.
Starting point is 01:18:58 They're talking on the phone again now. Now, Frost also, he's taking phone calls. This guy just tried to have him killed and he's like hey how you doing mike good to see you that's the guy that's got something to hide man he's got a lot to hide yeah here it comes here now one of these calls is frost asking danton now this is danton is continuing to say frost says that he didn't think danton was trying to kill him and danton saying that he wasn't trying to kill him okay this is they both maintain to this day that he didn't think Danton was trying to kill him and Danton saying that he wasn't trying to kill him. Okay. This is, they both maintain to this day that I wasn't trying to kill him,
Starting point is 01:19:29 he wasn't trying to kill me. They're both saying that. But in this phone call that we have, a taped phone call, he asked, Frost asked Danton if he has to continue
Starting point is 01:19:37 to worry about his safety. He said, do I have to worry about my safety anymore? Danton says, no, no, no, not at all. And so, why would you ask that
Starting point is 01:19:44 if you didn't think someone was trying to kill you? Did you borrow a car with bad brakes? Yeah. Is that what it is? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:19:51 How would you know? So, now, several calls, here's the weirdest one of all, and several calls ended like this also, and this is odd,
Starting point is 01:19:59 and they ask him about this. Ended like this, Frost, do you love me? Danton, yeah. Frost, say frost say it danton i love you frost do you danton yeah okay okay bye bye what does that sound like does that sound like you've had girlfriends that did that shit yeah the worst that's you hang up first no you hang up first do you love me yeah say it say it i love you. I love you. Do you?
Starting point is 01:20:25 Before sex, I want you to say it. Say what? This is like a needy girlfriend on the phone. Or a needy boyfriend. Whatever. Either way. That's a dude that needs the approval. Just tell me you love me.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Do you love me? Yeah. Say it. I love you. Do you? And after he said it, he went, do you? Do you? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Okay. That's. Have we ever had a conversation like that? God, never. How many conversations have we had on the phone? My stomach is so churning right now. This has never happened to us. No.
Starting point is 01:20:51 This is going to give me diarrhea. This is not a normal conversation. That's so uncomfortable. If women out there, if you're wondering, do guys talk like that to each other? No. No, we don't. At all. Unless there is something highly...
Starting point is 01:21:02 We've had three-hour conversations on the phone before and it ended with dude i gotta go yeah yeah later i gotta take a shit is what yours will end with all right bro good luck so dan they asked danton about the i love you calls obviously later on and his in their own words his it was uh in their own words quote was it normal no but there wasn't a lot of normalcy going on with me at the time. Yeesh. Understandable, but you still didn't. It's like, do you love me? Say it. A normal guy would have been like,
Starting point is 01:21:28 what the fuck are you talking about, dude? If that wasn't a normal thing that they did, he would have been like, what? Why? What are you talking about? Do you know how much fucked up shit is going on in my life? I don't have time to be telling a dude I love. Problem in jail.
Starting point is 01:21:38 Get stabbed in the neck for that shit. Do you understand I'm trying to look tough in front of the other guys? You're trying to play fucking, you know, I love you footsie with me on the phone? Do I love you? Send me soap on a rope before you ask me that shit. Yeah, fuck you. I want ramen noodles. Chad Curtis says they're really helpful to have in prison. He has eight packages. He feels like a rich man. Chad Curtis, episode three, the sordid diddlings of Chad Curtis.
Starting point is 01:22:00 Go back and check it out. So Frost claims here that they didn't usually end calls like that, but that he wasn't afraid to say that him and his wife, and he emphasized the word wife so hard that only a closeted homosexual would do. He said, me and my wife, in a sentence where wife did not need to be at all. Me and my wife thought of him like a son and i loved him to death so yeah that's what he said about that he's like that's why we said it yeah you wouldn't say that to your son either that's what that is your boyfriend shit is him saying i love you do not tell the cops why you
Starting point is 01:22:39 wanted to kill me yeah do not do it well the judge here this is great great. The judge says of this in the beginning of the whole affair when they're doing pre-trial stuff, he says, I do not believe in over 18 years on the bench I have been faced with a case as bizarre as this one. Which, no shit. No shit, man. Like, fucking, never had a murder plot involving a girl named Katie, number one, and the rest of it's creepy, too.
Starting point is 01:23:03 Quote of the century. Quote of the century. Quote of the century. I've never had a case cross this bench where taped inmate phone calls. I have no idea what's going on. I have no clue what the fuck you guys are doing, what's going on, who's doing what. There is much more involved. So now Wolfmeyer admits her role in the whole thing with the FBI. Good for her.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Old Katie says she offered Jones $10,000 to kill Frost because Danton feared him. Yeah. Said that he thought he was going to kill him. The plan, and this is the dipshit plan and why the money was in the safe. Uh-huh. This is a dumb plan, too. The plan was to make it look like two burglars broke in and one of them got killed and the other one stole the $3,000 from the safe. Gotcha.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Because he'd be like, there's a dead guy here. There's $3,000 missing. Oh, maybe two burglars came. One of them got killed. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But the one who got killed fucking lived there. Lived there, right. It's not a burglar.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Everyone in the complex knew him. He's going around going, hi. And they're like, hi, David. How are you? You know, like people around. He walks his dog. He goes out to check the mail. Hey, Dave's the hockey going oh pretty well that's pretty good pretty good burglar yeah i think nobody's gonna notice he knew the guy at the security gate for
Starting point is 01:24:14 fuck's sake they know the name's on the fucking lease his name is on the list unreal so that's why he had the 3000 out there and it's his dumb shit plot they could tell his head's not working they got the safe open they got the safe open uh also danton told katie that when it went down he didn't want to know but he didn't want them to call him you know what i mean but he also said that he wanted it done at his apartment because she was like why don't we just do it somewhere else why don't you like pretend like you're gonna meet the guy somewhere and then we'll kill him there and he said no no i want it at my apartment because in in their own words, quote, the only way I'm going to be able to sleep tonight is knowing that the guy trying to kill me has done himself. So, end quote. That's what he says. Like, I can't sleep until
Starting point is 01:24:54 I see this guy dead on my bedroom floor. Yeah. I need him to bleed out in my foyer. I can't sleep until I clean up his mess all over my living room floor. I need a crime scene unit to really come in here and... I need a CSI unit to really come in here. I need a CSI team to come in and scrub it, shampoo carpets. Now, the FBI says that they have proof here that Danton called Jones
Starting point is 01:25:12 to set up the hit. They have all the calls. They have records. This guy's phone was being recorded. He was wired up. They say that Danton said that he and Frost had a fight and that Frost threatened
Starting point is 01:25:22 to go to the St. Louis GM, the general manager of the Blues and out him for quote promiscuity and alcoholism now
Starting point is 01:25:31 this is how I know this is bullshit and I know there's some gay shit going on that he doesn't want anyone to know about who cares number one
Starting point is 01:25:38 in 2003 it was a little different than it is now but still for fuck's sake what's he going to go, hey, there's some guys
Starting point is 01:25:46 on your team that are going out fucking a lot of girls and drinking too much. They'd be like, yeah. Yeah. I know.
Starting point is 01:25:51 That's hockey players. How many players are on my team? That's how many do it. Do I have guys that can ice skate too? Is that how crazy it is? Like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:25:59 they can ice skate and they're promiscuous and they fuck. Are you going to tell me something crazy too? Like, they all wear St. Louis Blues jerseys. Yeah, do they do that too?
Starting point is 01:26:05 Are most of them white? Hey, no. Are they from Canada? Get out of town. Are they going to tell me these guys are Canadian too? What the fuck? I know nothing about my players.
Starting point is 01:26:14 So I don't think that would be a real threat. I'm going to go and I'm going to tell them you fuck around with girls, you're fucking Katie and a couple others and you drink.
Starting point is 01:26:22 No. I'm 21, motherfucker. I'm an adult. I can do all of that. Now, the other thing that they found. I'm 21. Now, the other thing that they found that's real interesting was a recording with Danton saying that Frost. Danton was freaking out because he said his acquaintance, who he called Frost, was planning on leaving him. And he said he couldn't who he called frost yeah was saying he planning he was planning on leaving
Starting point is 01:26:45 him and he said he couldn't let him leave him he kept saying i can't let i can't let him leave me i can't let him leave me that's also not some shit you do yeah now that might be that he's so dependent on him even as a 24 year old man at this point where he doesn't think he can operate in life without him but it also sounds like he's a gay dude that you need that needs him i can't quit you i don't want to yeah exactly i don't want to lose my boyfriend is what he's saying you know katie isn't quite the replacement for him so that that's katie's still missing that dick that's where it's like what the hell's going on it's like it's a gay thing no it's not yes it is no it's not we what the hell is going on? It's so weird. It's like, it's a gay thing. No, it's not. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 01:27:25 No, it's not. We keep going. Every time you talk to them, you go, no, it can't be. Then you hear information. You're like, it has to be. There's no other way. There's no other explanation. So Danton now, the official charges, he's charged with conspiring and using telephone
Starting point is 01:27:37 across state lines to set up a murder. That's the official. He faces 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine on each of those charges. Wow. So half a million dollar fine and 10 years in prison is what he's facing. So that's serious shit. Yeah. Not as serious as I honestly thought it would be for hiring a guy to kill somebody.
Starting point is 01:27:53 Yeah, I thought you'd get life for that. That ain't bad, honestly. That's not too shabby. Like, you might want to just try to hire a guy to kill somebody you don't like because that's not that big a risk. 10 years ain't much. Then again, maybe if he actually did kill them, you get that would have been right yeah i assume at that point it's just it's attempted right conspiring to and and conspiring hiring the wrong fucking guy i would say jesus so now assistant u.s attorney stephen clark called danton quote too cowardly
Starting point is 01:28:21 to kill frost himself but not real cowardly i I don't think. I just think he was fucking nuts. I just think he didn't want blood on his hands. He said, he was saying this because he's saying that they're trying to make sure he doesn't get out on bail. Because this is the next month. He's saying that he wants to keep him in jail to keep him from continuing to try to kill Frost. Which they're talking on the phone, telling each other they love each other. I don't think they're going to try to kill him. But that's their excuse.
Starting point is 01:28:45 They just want him in there. Frost here on the arrest of Danton, he says, quote, this has nothing to do with a gay lover or relationship with any female. We're going to get him some help, some treatment. He's had some issues from his younger years that he needs to deal with. We're going to pray the gay away. We are going to pray the gay away. We're going to send him into a camp. We're going to the gay away. We're going to send him into a camp.
Starting point is 01:29:05 We're going to send Katie there. She's going to jerk him off on the hour, every hour. The FBI is going to sponsor it. It's going to be fine. Fantastic. Nobody worry. So November 2004, there's so much goddamn evidence of all of this
Starting point is 01:29:18 that November 2004, he ends up pleading guilty. Really? He pleads guilty. They cut a deal for seven and a half years but as a part of this deal he never he never names his intended target he never says who he tried to kill that's part of the deals he doesn't have to say that he has to say that he tried to kill somebody but they won't say who because he's still saying some interesting shit here in a minute we're going to get to that shit but right now he's to prison. He's sentenced to seven and a half years
Starting point is 01:29:46 on the plea bargain deal. So now he's going to prison. Katie's going to jail with fucking Olga the Lumberjack woman. You know, Frost has been reputation's ruined, all that. And he has no player making money now. No player making money. The parents haven't had a son in forever
Starting point is 01:30:02 that they can beat and molest and everything else. They haven't given him any money either. Tom is stuck in the goddamn minor leagues. He still has duct tape burns on his cock. I feel bad for all these people, Jimmy. I feel bad for all these people, but not nearly as bad as I feel for these Mike Dantons. Unbelievable. Mike Danton, the poor, he's a student at Virginia Western Community College. Mike Danton, he's a student at
Starting point is 01:30:25 Virginia Western Community College. This poor kid, he's walking around. He's trying to get laid. Girls Google him and they're like, I don't think so. Not that guy. And then also this guy. I feel worse for this guy because he's older than this one here. Mike Danton, IT Infrastructure Manager at Momentum Performance
Starting point is 01:30:41 Materials Inc. in Schenectady, New York. This poor bastard's walking around being Mike Danton his whole life without a care in the world. This asshole's name isn't even Mike Danton. He changed his name to this guy's name. He's like, why couldn't you keep your own fucking name if you're going to try to kill people?
Starting point is 01:30:58 Now you fucked me. Now you change your name and a year later you try to kill a guy? Thanks, dick. Thanks. You ruined everything. I appreciate it. kill a guy? Thanks, dick. Thanks. You ruined everything, Packerhead. I can't get a job now. Thanks.
Starting point is 01:31:10 So that's who we're dealing with. Those poor people. Good Christ, I feel bad for them. Those are my favorite. Those people. So 2006, his brother Tom signs with the Barry Cults, his old team. Remember, that's the team he was playing for before he got drafted by the Devils. The Barry Cults, everybody. The Barry C got drafted by the Devils. The very Colts, everybody.
Starting point is 01:31:25 The very Colts, but not the Colts. The Colts. But he never makes it to the majors here. To the NHL. Now, during all this, that happened. He's in jail now. Now, August 23rd, 2006,
Starting point is 01:31:42 Frost is arrested in Napanee, Ontario. He is charged with 12 counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and one count of assault. Oh my god. This is his past catching up to him. So now, dude's
Starting point is 01:31:56 in jail and now Frost is getting his. Here's the thing they have against him. The whole deal, they've been building this up for like three years. This is from 10 years ago. It's a lot of it from the Quint, from the Bayview Motel. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:32:09 From the Quint experience. From the Quint experience. Players would bring their girlfriends. One girl said that her boyfriend was only allowed to have sex with her if Frost had sex with her also. Ew. And another girl said that basically the players had to get permission from frost to have sex with their girlfriends by themselves what they had to get permission to have him not join them that's the worst whatever so yeah he was basically running them like that's what jim jones we either
Starting point is 01:32:36 eiffel tower or you beg permission or i do it first and then that's this is this is religious culture yeah this is what jim jones did jones did this is what they do this is the cult shit. Yeah. This is what Jim Jones did. Jim Jones did. This is what they do. This is the... Now I'm in control. Now I've controlled them. Now I'm going to get at the women. Right. Which is always the goal, I feel,
Starting point is 01:32:51 of all these cults is, I'll get to fuck all the women. That's what cults are always about. Always about. It's just fucking everybody. It's fucking everybody. And that's what happens here. That's how much of a cult this was.
Starting point is 01:33:00 And children, by the way. In a motel room. So these poor girls, and these are 16-year-olds, 17-year-olds, they're coming into a hotel room. Yeah these poor girls and these are 16 year olds ah 17 year olds they're coming into a hotel room yeah they're like kind of hockey groupies basically they would say they want to hang out with these guys and like i'm gonna go hang out with the hockey guy yeah and there's the coach and four other hockey guys 28 year old you gotta bang them all it's
Starting point is 01:33:18 fucking horrific man the worst horrific they should rip his balls off for that no doubt teenage fucking girls how many girls named named Katie were taken advantage of? I'm telling you. So this Frost's attorney, Marie Heinen, who her name is Marie, but she's as silver-haired of a white man as you get anyway. Because what she says is, wow, silver-haired middle-aged. Heinen. All right. Heinen.
Starting point is 01:33:40 I was excited about saying Heinen again. H-E-N-E-I-E-N. Yeah, no. No Heinen for you, Jimmy. Sorry. No Heinen. I was excited about saying Heinen again. H-E-N-E-I-E-N. Yeah, no. No Heinen for you, Jimmy. Sorry. No Heinen for you. So he said that, she says that the women would make up, made up the stories and they colluded after the fact and they're full of shit and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 01:33:56 That's what she said. Jesus, the Bill Cosby defense. Exactly. And there's multiple women, tons of accusations. August 7th, 2009, the trial begins begins for frost there's a trial for this the charges now what we've got to at trial are four counts of sexual exploitation of minors he faces 10 years in prison so if he gets convicted he get he's going to get more time than mike danton got for trying to kill him which is a fucking awesome yeah which is awesome i think
Starting point is 01:34:21 it's great fuck this guy you know what know what? It's Mike Danton episode, but crime and sports is judging. Fuck this guy. Fuck Frost. He's the real criminal here. And you know what? Danton's crime is a victimless crime at this point. Nobody got hurt.
Starting point is 01:34:36 Nobody got hurt. He's just a crazy person. Somebody should have gotten hurt. Maybe. And at this point, God, I wish it would have happened. No shit. What a piece of shit.
Starting point is 01:34:44 November 28, 2008, Frost is found not guilty somehow because of all the time that went by of sexual, not guilty of the sexual exploitation. Basically, from a legal standpoint, it was a bad case. They all said, all the lawyers were like, it's a tough case legally, blah, blah, blah. But there were a lot of accusers and a lot of shit. It's one of those where there's a ton of smoke.
Starting point is 01:35:03 There's probably some sort of flame. There's a blazing flame somewhere. Justice Jeff Griffin said, quote, the case exposed a dark and very unhealthy side of hockey that is extremely offensive and must be denounced. Yeah. So they heard a lot of seedy, creepy shit from the Bayview Motel goings on. So December 2008, this complete asshole now this is you know a month not even after he's acquitted he starts
Starting point is 01:35:28 what a disgusting monster yeah he's a hockey commentary site which doesn't last long because they know he's involved with it and they're like
Starting point is 01:35:36 isn't that guy who's like a pedophile and fucks his players and girls didn't that guy get accused of fucking being gross as shit
Starting point is 01:35:42 yeah so March 19th 2009 after much petitioning yep mike is given over to the canadian authorities to finish out his sentence he's canadian so they're like fine you fucking take him yeah so correctional facility spokesman holly knolls said quote essentially he's subject to canadian laws now which means there can be changes in terms of sentencing length according to sentences, he has reached his parole eligibility date. So they do that. So in September
Starting point is 01:36:10 of 2009, he's paroled. Good for him. He's paroled. He's out. His father's fucking pissed. His father's like, why are they letting it out? He's crazy because you know why he's mad? Why? Because to get paroled, part of that was that he had to say who he wanted to kill finally.
Starting point is 01:36:26 You know who he said he wanted to kill? He said he wanted to kill his dad? He said he wanted to kill his dad. Unbelievable. He said, I hired the guy to kill my dad. Even though his dad hadn't talked to him in six years, five years, he had never, or no, a couple of years, his dad hadn't talked to him. He's never even been to St. Louis.
Starting point is 01:36:42 Never been to Missouri, never mind St. Louis. Has no idea where he louis has no idea where he lives has no idea where his apartment is or how to get into it denounced him changed his name so the changed his name ran away so there was no fucking way that he was trying to kill his father because he has his father's in canada unless he was sending the guy to canada and to pull him off a bar stool or you know peel him off his mom as he beat the shit out of him that i've heard that they want him out of some shit liquor store and get him bottom shelf gin. Yeah, so the father's like, what the fuck here?
Starting point is 01:37:09 They're letting him out. He's not allowed to have contact with the father, which he's like, good. I don't want him near me because he's going to fucking try to kill me. He's a crazy person. He needs help. And number two, why is he allowed to talk to Frost? Because they're allowed to have contact. He's the guy he tried to kill and they're allowed to have contact,
Starting point is 01:37:24 which is why he said that, so he could still talk to Frost and he didn't want to talk to his dad anymore. So he could get that makeup sex. So 2009, yeah, exactly. Oh, that's sweet. Room 22, here we come. So 2009, he goes and enrolls
Starting point is 01:37:37 in St. Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. What? He's going back to school, earned a degree in psychology, plays hockey for the college, goes back and plays college hockey after he's been in the NHL. As a 29-year-old freshman, his team won the Canadian collegiate title. I would hope so.
Starting point is 01:37:53 He's named to the all-academic team. Wow. He has a 3.9 GPA through college. And a felon. And he's a hardcore felon. Fucking conspiracy to commit murder. So September 28, 2010, there's a big report that David Frost resurfaces around kids in hockey.
Starting point is 01:38:08 What the fuck? What the fuck? He was working as an advisor at the Laguna Hockey Academy in California under a fucking false name. That's fucking identity theft. Jim McCauley. Block that son of a bitch up.
Starting point is 01:38:19 Jim McCauley. Anyone who needs to use a fake name to be able to work with kids shouldn't fucking be around kids at all. If you need a fake name, name to be able to work with kids shouldn't fucking be around kids at all if you need a fake name you should be able to say your name that's a big ring out yeah unreal uh how about do a fucking background check for letting somebody around kids yeah you want to do that jim mccauley's apparently clean so you think this is all weird enough you think enough people have fucked over danton? His father fucked him.
Starting point is 01:38:45 His agent, Katie, turned him in. Everyone flipped up. No one has had this guy's back except his lawyer, right? You figure his lawyer had his back. Guess fucking what?
Starting point is 01:38:55 His lawyer in the murder trial, and he didn't actually have it in the murder, that talked him into a plea. Howard Kiefer is eventually sentenced to nine years in prison because he's not a fucking lawyer.
Starting point is 01:39:08 What? He's a fraud. This guy never graduated from law school and never passed the bar. What the fuck? And he was passing himself off as a fucking lawyer, talking people into pleading on murder conspiracy charges. Wow. Holy shit. Does that wash
Starting point is 01:39:23 his conviction? He was already out of prison when it happened. They didn't find his conviction he was already out of prison when it happened they didn't find out till he was already out he's like just record fuck i don't know if it expunges doesn't matter he still did fucking seven and a half years you gotta go can anybody not fuck me over unbelievable he's got the worst silver-haired middle-aged white men in the world i swear to god didn't even have a license didn't even what didn't even have a license. Didn't even graduate law school. Didn't even go. Not a lawyer. Not a lawyer. Unreal, man.
Starting point is 01:39:48 Wow. So, 2011. Is it that easy? Apparently. Jesus. Catch me if you can con artists. In St. Louis. Yeah, unreal.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Is it that fucking easy? They're like, he's got a suit on. Yeah. I don't know. That's good enough for me. Let's trust him. He doesn't have barbecue sauce from ribs on his hands. This is my cousin Vinny?
Starting point is 01:40:05 God damn it. At least he was a real lawyer. Was he? Yeah, because Vinny actually was a lawyer. He went to night school. But was he, though, really? Because they were like, you've got to fax me your bar certification. No, that was his bar certification.
Starting point is 01:40:22 It was who he was because a judge wouldn't let nobody do a murder trial because then that's cause for appeal. He didn't have proper representation. I believe it was the legal grounds for my cousin Vinny. Right. Let's get into the real nuts and bolts of my cousin Vinny's plot. So 2011, they asked him who he tried to kill. There's an interview with Mike.
Starting point is 01:40:43 They're like, who did you try to kill? And he's like, Steve Jefferson, my dad. He will never say his dad, too. He calls him Steve and Sue or his mom and dad. Yeah. Mike is asked why he would be afraid of his father since he's, you know, been here since they've spoken. Guy's never been to his house, has no idea where he lives. And he says, quote, this is another reason why he's full of shit.
Starting point is 01:41:02 He says, quote, in their own words, I'm just not going to discuss it. That's one of the things I've maintained the whole time. I'm just not prepared to talk about it right now. Just, I don't have an answer for that. I haven't found the story yet. I don't know. I've got to talk to David Frost and see what he tells me to say. Maybe Katie's got an idea.
Starting point is 01:41:20 Maybe she knows a guy who can tell me. So now, August 2000, now Frost goes and he gets signed to a Swedish team in 2011. He gets signed to some low-level Swedish team and he goes over there and plays. He's trying to get back. No, no, no. Hockey. Playing hockey.
Starting point is 01:41:34 Frost is? No, no, no. I'm sorry. Danton. Mike Danton is over in Sweden playing hockey in 2011. Signs with a low-level, like, third-tier team. But he's getting back. He's been in prison, for fuck's sake.
Starting point is 01:41:44 What, Sweden's going to fuck him over? Yeah. He tries to signs with an English team in 2012. Oh good for him. Fucking England's smart. They deny him entry
Starting point is 01:41:52 because he's a convicted fucking felon. So they're like no we don't need you and your drama and your pedophile coach. Get the fuck out of here. We don't want you.
Starting point is 01:42:02 Good work England. I'm telling you man. And Frost when asked if he still considers himself Mike's father he says fuck out of here we don't want you so good work england i'm telling you man so and frost when asked if he still considers himself mike's father he says absolutely 100 till the day i die jesus i will more just more like his dad and avoid being killed yeah more like his dad maybe not his father but i'm definitely his daddy now mike on prison he in their own words said quote prison saved my life i have five and a half six years of my life just gone. But those five and a half, six years
Starting point is 01:42:27 are what is at the core and foundation of who I am today. No doubt. Because I probably got medication and counseling. And he's still fucked up though. Read a book or two. 2013, he signs with a team in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is where Borat is from.
Starting point is 01:42:44 Where he's like, my sister's third best prostitute and all. It's a terrible place. My wife's vagina is like sleeve of wizard. Yes, and he writes blogs later on about Kazakhstan
Starting point is 01:42:56 and how horrible it was. They didn't pay them on time. Their checks would be... He said my contract was... Just be happy you got paid at all. He said I was there for five minutes. They'd already breached my contract. They'd say like, I will pay you at the beginning of next month and then they wouldn't he say you have money then they don't give to us they say they have
Starting point is 01:43:12 money no gift to us so he's saying how they'd be like they get them they'd have to stay the whole time then they all they'd have to like go on a train like super far with like they'd cram four of them in a tiny train car he said it was horrible he said he was just like sitting in this fucking like dank nasty country he said it was horrible and scary and then the scariest part was he went to this restaurant and the shawarma man was there and he said how is it you've come to arrive here huh
Starting point is 01:43:50 why are you here huh you come in sign say close sign say close you come in anyway you want shawarma huh
Starting point is 01:43:58 I can make for you I make the shawarma but yeah you pay me because last guy came in last guy came in with hockey stick he say you have money then no give to us he said he had money he said he had money next week
Starting point is 01:44:09 he had no gift to us i make for you then you go so you pay me first you pay me first i don't trust you i don't trust you you yeah i trust katie you bring katie back with you maybe we talked so that he gets out of kazakhstan in a couple months thank fuck yeah signs with k. Maybe we talked. So that's, he gets out of Kazakhstan in a couple months. Thank fuck. Yeah. Signs with K.H. Sanok of Poland, some Polish team. He's there for a while.
Starting point is 01:44:31 They win a, they win a league title while he's there. Also saves a guy's life. Guy hits his head on the ice, starts having seizures. What?
Starting point is 01:44:38 This happened, I suppose, in prison to Danny. No, seriously, he said this happened in prison. There's an article, all fluff pieces,
Starting point is 01:44:46 prison skills save teammates life. Hilarious. Literally, where he knew to get the guy's tongue and make sure he didn't swallow it and hold it down and the guy lived and was fine. Somebody got stabbed
Starting point is 01:44:55 with a file in the head. Fucking real. And he was like, I got this. I'll save him, don't worry. I know how to get blood pulled up off the ice.
Starting point is 01:45:01 So September 7th, 2014, this was a good one you can find this video online by the way danton's involved in a giant polish bench clearing brawl it is awesome it's just 20 hockey players beating the shit out of each other in grand fashion it's like the scene in blazing saddles where they bust through and they fight the musical people and they're like going through the the cafeteria that's what it's like it's awesome you can find the video danton's right fucking in the middle of it like let's get it on bitches then he signs finally he kicks around a little bit and he recently the the polish team didn't have the money to put up a team this year they folded so he came
Starting point is 01:45:39 back over to north america i think he's in Canada playing for Rivera de Lula. Cool. 31 of the NLAH. Sounds right. I don't know what the fuck that is, but he's playing there. Sounds good to me.
Starting point is 01:45:53 They're playing. He's still playing hockey. He's got an H. Someone's paying him. That means hockey. He's playing hockey. So he's playing hockey now. Now, if you can't get
Starting point is 01:46:00 enough of Mike Danton, you can buy the book The Lost Dream, the story of Mike Danton, David Frost, and a broken Canadian family. It's a long title, but aptly descriptive. It's really descriptive. You did leave out Katie, though. He left out Katie.
Starting point is 01:46:14 And Katie. Yeah. And poor, poor Katie, who's getting fisted in a cell right now. That was convenient to leave her out of that story. I am telling you, man. You can get that on Amazon starting at one cent at this point. Steve Jefferson says he's writing a memoir about am telling you, man. You can get that on Amazon starting at one cent at this point. Steve Jefferson says he's writing a memoir
Starting point is 01:46:26 about Frost's bullshit, basically. He's writing a memoir saying, fuck Frost. If you want to catch up with Mike Danton, you can go to
Starting point is 01:46:34, which is his website. Wow. He is on all forms of social media. LinkedIn, Facebook, Tumblr.
Starting point is 01:46:42 Really? He's got a goddamn Tumblr. I don't even have a Tumblr. Dude, he's got, you know, my daughter has Tumblr. He's got everything goddamn Tumblr. I don't even have a Tumblr. Dude, he's got... I know, my daughter has Tumblr. He's got everything. He's like a 15-year-old girl. I'm going to find this motherfucker on Snapchat.
Starting point is 01:46:52 Oh, you can find him everywhere. He's out there talking. He blogs all the time. His story about Kazakhstan is a trip, actually. It's actually pretty funny. I can't wait to read it. I enjoy it. But guys, holy shit, that's Mike Danton's twisted fucking tale.
Starting point is 01:47:05 I don't know if you want to call it Mike Danton's David Frost. I don't know who the villain is here, but everyone's a scumbag. Everybody sucks. Everybody sucks, except maybe poor Tom. Yeah. Poor little Tom Jefferson. Danton was paid in a chicken in fucking Kazakhstan. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:47:19 So he's suffered enough. He's suffered enough. The Schwab man yelled at him. He's had problems, man. He's paid in lamb and chicken. Poor Mike Danton in Schenectady trying to do IT work, and he's like, what the fuck? Change your name to that, you dick?
Starting point is 01:47:32 Unbelievable. So, guys, that is Mike Danton. Holy hell. I don't think that disappointed as far as a twisted story that is right up our alley. It's so sick. It's a sick, twisted mess. I didn't know anything about this.
Starting point is 01:47:44 No. And I'm so uncomfortable now. I feel so disgusting. Oh's a sick, twisted mess. I didn't know anything about this. No. And I'm so uncomfortable now. I feel so disgusting. Oh, I'm very uncomfortable. I feel dirty. I will shower when this is over. Yeah, no doubt. Nothing will get the thought of the smell of room 22 at the Bayview Hotel out of my
Starting point is 01:47:58 fucking head. Or the locker room. Jesus. Or the locker room. Or that fucking hockey room that your friend had. I feel disgusting gross or a spit bucket we're going to do
Starting point is 01:48:06 shout outs let's do shout outs if you want to get a shout out from us first of all to all of our people that we enjoy on there
Starting point is 01:48:13 first of all iTunes reviews please please please that'll definitely get a shout out also you can follow us at Crime and Sports on Twitter
Starting point is 01:48:20 slash Crime and Sports you can email us Crime and Sports at and like all these great people did that we love so much
Starting point is 01:48:27 Jimmy let's talk about these Alex Hedges he's our newest guy Alex is great man I love him he wants ringtones by the way
Starting point is 01:48:35 Alex wants our music he wants the in their own words the theme song and the Mexican pimp song as ringtones hilarious
Starting point is 01:48:43 so if Alex if you, James Petragallo on Facebook, I think we're friends, message me, I'll send you
Starting point is 01:48:50 the mp3s and you can make what you want if you really want a ring tone that bad. And then Chris Bond and
Starting point is 01:48:56 Allie McIntosh, Patti Wooten is a sweetheart. She's been there, she was one of our first people to follow us. It was like a gift or something that she posted this week that was one of our first people and she makes what did she it was like a
Starting point is 01:49:05 gift or something that she posted this week that was amazing she's stuck with us 36 episodes now Linda Bailey Brian Mullen
Starting point is 01:49:12 January Wells Jeremy Kent Lee Brown Kevin Day Gina Nation Vasconi and at bhiggins42
Starting point is 01:49:20 because his name is Chuck U Farley that's great yeah I can't just say that. And of course, Wedbetter for trying to push us to the networks and stuff like that. And Busby. Busby, we love you. All you guys are amazing.
Starting point is 01:49:32 Manj Sanja. Also, the good Reverend Jonathan Gilliard. Always got to mention the good Reverend. And his old lady. Yeah, I like her, too. She's cool, too. Allison? Allison Gilliard, yeah. You guys are great, though, guys. thank you all so much for listening
Starting point is 01:49:45 this has been amazing people have done the iTunes reviews this week we had a few we just thank you guys so much Dan Cummins
Starting point is 01:49:53 Dan Cummins the comedian a big comedian listened and reviewed us if he has time in his day of being an amazing person yeah he's on the road
Starting point is 01:50:01 yeah he does his own podcast he's got family the guy's got shit he's gotta do if he can do it you can own podcast. The guy's got shit he's got to do. If he can do it, you can do it, goddammit. You can do it.
Starting point is 01:50:07 Thank you, guys. Because seriously, guys, I mean, we have a Patreon page. Patreon is where you can donate and there's some cool little rewards for you. It's slash crimeandsports.
Starting point is 01:50:15 So if you guys really want to throw us a few bucks, obviously we could use it. We're still building a studio. It costs a lot to do the show, basically. But that's beside the point. If you want to help us out
Starting point is 01:50:24 even more because we don't want your money we want sponsors money that's who we want you can leave us an iTunes review five stars say you're following instructions or whatever you want to say
Starting point is 01:50:33 like we always do say a few words doesn't matter that drives us up the charts which makes the sponsors want to give us money and then we're happy guys that's where it's at please please please do that
Starting point is 01:50:44 and we will love you forever. Jimmy, you want to hit him with your social media? Yeah, at Wisman Sucks, W-H-I-S-M-A-N Sucks on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat.
Starting point is 01:50:53 And you can catch me live at the Denver Comedy Works October 13th through the 15th with my very good friend Miss Eliza Schlesinger. It's going to be insanity. Gotta go to that. That's good shit right there. for tickets. I am at Jimmy P. It's going to be insanity. Got to go to that. That's good shit right there.
Starting point is 01:51:05 for tickets. I am at Jimmy P is funny everywhere. James Petrogallo. You can find me on there. Guys, we can't thank you enough. You've spread this. We're growing so much. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:16 We basically doubled our listenership in the last three weeks. It's been insanity. And it's all you guys. It's crime and sports movement. We fucking appreciate the shit out of you guys. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Crime and Sports early and ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today, or you can listen early and ad-free with Wondery Plus and Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at slash survey.
Starting point is 01:51:53 If you don't know when Crystal Pepsi was discontinued, what was in Al Capone's vault, or which famous meteorologist is Lenny Kravitz's second cousin, then you haven't spent enough time on Wikipedia. But that's okay. I am here for you. I'm Darcy Carden, and I'm inviting you to listen to my new podcast, WikiHole, from SmartList Media. Wiki hole from smart list media, discover the craziest rabbit holes on Wikipedia with me and my funny friends. As we bring the cyber frontier directly to your tympanic membrane. And if you listen to my podcast, you'd learn that that's the science-y term for eardrum. We embark on a hyperlink rollercoaster as we start out on a Wikipedia page and go from link to link,
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