Crime in Sports - #443 - The Glamorous Hulk - Chyna AKA Joanie Laurer - Part 1

Episode Date: January 14, 2025

This week, we check out a woman who came up with some hard times, to end up as one of the first women in wrestling to actually wrestle men. With her muscular physique, and aura of menace, she... became a giant star, and even had a relationship with HHH. This leads to bigger things, like acting, interviews, autobiographies, and a Playboy cover spread. But there was problems bubbling under the surface, the whole time!Grow up always feeling a little bit awkward in your skin, grow your confidence by growing your muscles, and become a huge wrestling star with Chyna AKA Joanie Laurer!!Check us out, every Tuesday!We will continue to bring you the biggest idiots in sports history!! Hosted by James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman Donate at... or with using our email: Get all the CIS & STM merch at Go to for all things CIS & STM!!  Contact us on... Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Wondery Plus subscribers can listen to crime and sports early and ad free right now. Join Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts. Hello everybody and welcome back to Crime and Sports. Yay! Oh yay indeed Jimmy, yay indeed. My name is James Petragallo, I'm here with my co-host. I'm Jimmy Wissman. Thank you folks so much for joining us today on another incredibly weird edition of crime and sports as always Hope you've enjoyed the last few weeks cabani savage. We've never had anybody with 12 murders. We've had four
Starting point is 00:00:53 We've had Anthony Smith had four, you know, we've had we ever have anybody commuted Two hours before their show started probably not that was a I think we got in on right at the right cusp on that one there. So this week again, we're going to start, I believe this will be a two parter here and she's had quite the life. So we'll talk all about it. Oh boy. We're going to talk about China this week. So terrific.
Starting point is 00:01:15 It's a lot, a lot to get into. Before we do get into that though, another thing you should get into is come and see us live. There we go. Small Town Murder Live 2025. The whole tour is set right live. There we go. Small town murder live 2025. The whole tour is set right now. Check it out. Shut up and give me is where you get your tickets and they are available tickets,
Starting point is 00:01:32 especially February 7th. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Get your asses in there. Come on. I know it's Super Bowl weekend, but let's be honest here. Penguins fans. Let's get after it. You think Russell Wilson's going take them there, guys?
Starting point is 00:01:45 I don't think so. So, let's be honest here, and let's just say, call Super Bowl weekend a loss, and come see us instead. How about that? It's on Friday, and then Columbus, we're there the next night, so check that out. You know what, here's something, I hope they make it. That's great too, I don't care, I like the Steelers.
Starting point is 00:02:01 If they do, it's two days later, who gives a shit, let's go! Jesus Christ, I get that you only wanna drink once that weekend, but it's Pittsburghers. If they do, it's two days later. Who gives a shit? Let's go! Jesus Christ, I get that you only want to drink once that weekend, but it's Pittsburgh. You can drink more. It's February. Don't worry about it. You're wearing a big coat. No one will see it. You deserve it. Let's go. It's all good. is where you get all of that. Also, Patreon you definitely want to get. slash crime in sports is where you get all of your
Starting point is 00:02:22 bonus material. Anybody $5 a month or above, you get everything where you get all of your bonus material anybody five dollars a month or above you get Everything you get a hundreds of back episodes You've never heard before of bonus stuff and then you get new ones every other week one crime in sports one small-town murder This week which you're gonna get for crime and sports. We're gonna talk about Travis Rudolph Okay, it was an NFL player very recently. This was he played in like 2017, 18, a lot of violence following this guy around and then he just finished up a murder trial where he was on trial for murder and we won't tell you how it came out because that'll kind of ruin the episode. So check that out. It's wild stuff, man. Crazy shit. And then for small town murder, we're going
Starting point is 00:03:00 to do the West Memphis three part two and figure out why the hell these guys ended up there. Yeah, it's crazy, but yeah. A lot of- What a terrible thing to say about such an awful experience. A lot of weirdness going on there. It's crazy to just talk about Arkansas in 1993
Starting point is 00:03:19 and how the justice system worked. It was a little weird. So yeah, that's slash crime and sports and you get a shout out at the end of the show Jimmy I'll go ahead and fuck your name up for you at the end of the show there That said let's dive right into this here with our lady of the week Which what again we don't get a lot of ladies on the show Just a lot less lady athletes who especially ones that fuck up Yeah, usually girls that play sports when they're younger and then they grow up in women to
Starting point is 00:03:46 play sports they're usually like pretty straight laced. Yeah or assaulted and that's why they're messed up. One of the two. Yeah but otherwise they're usually pretty straight laced. You don't hear a lot of those WNBA chicks getting in trouble a lot. It's just. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:02 It's just women get women get in trouble less than men. They do less crazy shit than men. So you know and then there's less female athletes So we don't get that many this week though. We have China who is Joan Marie Laura La you are y'all no la you are er Laura right China with a Y China with a Y Yes, China is well. It was like Laura's no why in there. No What are you talking about? You're a real bad speller. I know with a why And yeah old Joan here
Starting point is 00:04:31 Man, we'll talk about her just she's one of the it's just like a sad tale. Yeah, and they called her Joni, right? Joni, yeah, just her friends all called her and everything. But so it's just it's a sad tale because she's like and everything, but so it's just, it's a sad tale because she's like, she's messed up, it's obvious. You know what I mean? She's not all there. She's got some mental issues, yeah. She's got some issues and she's got, you mix drugs in with those issues and oh man,
Starting point is 00:04:56 do you get quite the cocktail there. And then you mix in steroids and recreational drugs and mental illness all together. And then showbiz and force that person to be a star. That's, it's a lot, man. That's a lot of pressure. A lot of mental shit that can go on there. So Joni was born December 27th, 1969 in Rochester, New York.
Starting point is 00:05:20 Yeah. Unlucky Joni. What a place. Not terrific there. Yeah, that's where she's born. To her parents, Janet and Joe. Yeah. Joe, Janet, Joni. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:05:32 She's got a brother and a sister and neither of them have J names. Really? No, Kathy and Sonny. Neither. Neither of them have J names. So I don't know what they were doing there. They gave up. They were like, this is crazy, right?
Starting point is 00:05:42 Janet, Joe, Joni, we gotta fix this. We can't do this anymore. Either that or they didn't even realize they did it. That's also possible, I'm not sure. So yeah. How tall did she end up being? She's like six foot two, right? That's a big girl.
Starting point is 00:05:58 No, she's only five 10. Is that right? Yeah, she's only five 10. But yeah. Wow. I mean, that's still a big girl. That's still a tall girl. Yeah, sure. But she's not like six two. She's not like, what's her name. Wow. I mean, that's still a big girl. That's still a tall girl, but she's not like 6'2".
Starting point is 00:06:06 She's not like, what's her name that we just talked about? Nicole Bass. Nicole Bass. She's not like that. Who was actually, that's a big fucking person. I swore she was big. No, Joni's not that big. She's not, she's 5'10".
Starting point is 00:06:16 So when you see her in other things though, she doesn't look as big. Huh. Because I mean, wrestling, number one, most of it's shot from, a lot of it's shot from either below or above, so it's kind of like, the sizes are skewed a little bit. And also, you know, wrestling boots, you probably had two inch lift on those bad boys too. You're gonna get, that'll make her six feet tall.
Starting point is 00:06:38 You're gonna look bigger. And also, you're oiled up under the lights. You just tend to look bigger. Especially if you're a woman. The guys who are not that big, but still pretty big, look tiny. Like Shawn Michaels, everybody always thought was tiny. He's like six foot two.
Starting point is 00:06:54 He's a big guy. He's a fucking big guy. Like if you saw him in the store, you'd be like, hey, that's a big fucking guy. And she had long black hair, which I don't know, long hair makes people look tall too, because the length, you know what I mean? All that length is like, Jesus, look how much there is.
Starting point is 00:07:08 Yeah, and I think with her too, she was so jacked that it was like, you didn't even think about her height. She was just a big chick here. So apparently the kids here, the Laura children, were not very close with their parents. Yeah, she had a weird kind of a rough upbringing here. They're on welfare the whole time she's a kid. Oh yeah, bouncing from one shitty apartment to the next.
Starting point is 00:07:33 One shitty Rochester apartment after another on welfare is rough. You're already in Rochester. That's bad enough. That's got to be welfare in the first place. You could be rich in Rochester. It doesn't matter. You're still in Rochester. You're still in geographical welfare, you know, welfare, geographical welfare that is,
Starting point is 00:07:52 just living there. So twice a year, Janet's mom and dad drove, this is I guess the, Janet's parents, her mother. I guess the Janet's parents her mother so this is Joni's grandparents would drive the grandkids to Sears to buy them clothes Twice a year twice years three outfits each for all of them Okay, that was that so that's what they got every year so that was twice a year six outfits It's not even yeah, that's not even a full school week. That's not yeah That's barely that's barely covering it and that that was like the new clothes so for a girl that grows fast, too. That's not even a full school week. That's not, yeah, that's barely covering it. And that was like the new clothes. So for a girl that grows fast, too, that's rough.
Starting point is 00:08:28 She did free lunch program at school because they were very poor, that sort of thing. She said that apparently some neighbors once in a while would donate groceries to them because they had no food because there's three kids. So it's tough, man. Dad, the problem mainly is Dad. Dad's a big alcoholic and a gambler, so that's three kids. So it's tough, man. Dad, the problem mainly is Dad. Dad's a big alcoholic and a gambler, so that's not great.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Is he drinking and gambling the family's food away? He's drinking and gambling their food stamps away, which is not wonderful. You can't- We needed shoes. Dude, you gotta pick a fucking vice. If you're gonna be poor, you can pick a vice. You can't do multiple vices.
Starting point is 00:09:04 You can't be a drunken gambler. That's not gonna work You can't afford either one expensive enough right plus if you get drunk you're gonna gamble more stupidly, so that's also dumb It's just not great and apparently also the dad Joe would cheat all the time on Janet and Then disappear for like you know a week at a time. That was pretty normal. So not a very, very great stable place. Then she also said that when dad would get home from being out gambling, drinking, cheating, doing whatever he was doing, he would often beat the shit out of Janet
Starting point is 00:09:37 in front of the children, which is also, which is also excellent and a great role model and a wonderful, wonderful example to set for your daughters as far as what should be inflicted upon you and for your son too as far as a model of how to be. Not great at all, obviously. That's bad. The sister Cathy said she remembered one really bad episode of drunken night here when her father chased her mother through the apartment which with a butcher knife
Starting point is 00:10:08 Oh stabbing her in the leg This is like New Jack's origin story You know what I mean? Like yeah, I'm shocked. She didn't stab people and shit growing up. This is wild So as the police led him away she recalled Joe took off his wedding ring and threw it in the yard wow I'm done with how dare you get upset that I'm beating you and stabbing you I'm out I'm out of this shit so yeah his her parents finally did to get a divorce when she was around four years old Joni so that's the first four years or a lot of turmoil and then you know then they're divorced so that's not great. She will have
Starting point is 00:10:51 by the time she's an adult she'll have three stepfathers and also a stepmother on the other side. Oh boy. So yeah a lot of people come in and out. She said her first stepfather threatened suicide at one point so that was a big thing for the family there. And obviously her biological father has a big alcohol problem, which also can be passed down. I think if someone, she apparently had addiction problems and things like that. Lot of moving around in the 70s for her.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Lot of moving around as a little kid in the 70s. Moving all over the place. Apparently, Joni played the violin and the cello later. Is that right? Like in school, yeah, she picked up the violin and the cello in terms of, so I mean, that's cool. It's really weird to picture Chyna, like at the peak of her jackness.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Yeah. You know what I mean? When she's like 240 of like solid muscle, playing a fucking violin and just breaking it. Yeah, right. I see that girl playing a cello like a ukulele. That's what I mean. The violin would just be snapped. She'd put it against herself,
Starting point is 00:12:00 ring, and the whole thing would break, strings would pop. Yeah. Then she'd pick up the fucking cello like a guitar. That is fucking hilarious. So she also said that in seventh grade, a teacher who worked at the school that she went to, and he wasn't like a 21 year old either, like a good deal older teacher, kissed her also. Oh boy. So that's not great. Yeah, either, like a good deal older teacher kissed her also.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Oh boy. So that's not great. Yeah, that's not a good thing here. Obviously. It's crazy that that has to be said. Don't do that. Don't, don't molest children please. It's wild that anyone has to say that really.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Especially if you're their teacher. Keep our mouths off the children. Yeah. Especially if you're their teacher, maybe don't off the children. Yeah. Especially if you're their teacher. Maybe don't molest them. Yeah. That's tough there. Fuck. Let's keep mouths, penises, and everything else off the children, please.
Starting point is 00:12:52 So when she was 13, she discovered purging after she ate. So she discovered bulimia when she was 13. And the fucked up part is a lot of people, when they figure this out, they feel like it's a magic trick. That's the first thing. Because in the 70s, girls used to tell each other, like, oh my God, there's this thing you gotta do. You just throw up and they're like,
Starting point is 00:13:16 oh, that's magic, holy shit, that's great. You put food in and then you just take the food out. And you just take it out. But you still ate it, it's great. And so they didn't realize it was bulimia at the time, and so we're talking, this is like 1980, not a lot of widespread public, you know, people just thought that was a cool trick.
Starting point is 00:13:36 A lot of people don't understand that also, when you do that a lot, your body just automatically does that eventually. Oh, it fucks you up. And then you don't hold anything. It fucks you all up. It's not just they puke and they just stop puking. No.
Starting point is 00:13:51 They just stop doing that after meals. That's not the solution. It's, you gotta retrain your body to keep that down. And when you're throwing up too, more shit comes up than you want to. So you lose natural shit out of your stomach, obviously. And then you fuck your teeth up. Your teeth get fucking messed up.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Your esophagus, everything's just backwards. It's not good, it's not good at all. So that's a bad thing, and especially, like I said, 1980 we're talking about. I don't even know if they had after-school specials about that yet. I don't even know if fucking Jodie Foster did that in a fucking thing or not.
Starting point is 00:14:19 I have no idea. Just keep the apple pie down. I'm not positive. I mean, I know anorexia was a big deal that they talked about a lot back then, but I think bulimia was like anorexia's secret, like secret little secret hot little sister they've been keeping in the waiting for her debutant ball that she can come out and show her tits off. You know what I'm saying? Anorexia is just as bad.
Starting point is 00:14:41 You're just not putting anything in and then doing things vigorously and you're just killing your body. Oh yeah, yeah, and then you have no energy either because you're losing all sorts of shit here. So that's when she figured that out. She went to Penfield High School, by the way, which Penfield, New York, we did a small town murder there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:00 So that is interesting if you check that out. She began to work out when she was 15. She found a copy of mom's Jane Fonda's workout video. That is what did it. Jane did this. Jane Fonda did this. She found that video and man, she was on that shit. Yeah, apparently now she's 16,
Starting point is 00:15:26 is when, her home life, she's 16, she's fucking purging, she's working out to Jane Fonda, her mother is on her second stepfather by now. Okay, so third marriage. Third marriage, second stepdad for Joni. This is when Joni gets kicked out of the house For what for getting caught with weed? Her mom caught her with weed and kicked her out of the house
Starting point is 00:15:54 Which in the early eighties in the early eight so I'll kick you out of the house where you'll never smoke weed out there, right? That's what I mean, that's that's very very old-school dumb parent thinking of like Rather than I should I solve it keep this kid closer to the vest for a minute here Why don't you go live the life that that you live here? Because we're broke too. Yeah, that's what I mean. It's not like she's leaving the lap of luxury here, right? So apparently from a Joni said they never saw each other again after that. That was it. That was it for mom.
Starting point is 00:16:28 I mean, I guess they were never close to begin with, but I mean, that was the end there. That was enough for Joni to write her ass off. I guess, or the other way around. So I mean, yeah. Joni, or Kathy, said this about her mother. This is the sister. Quote, she was done being a parent
Starting point is 00:16:42 and done being stressed out. She just gave up and Kathy didn't talk to her at the time of this that the quote came out Kathy hadn't talked to her mother in 20 years either so apparently Janet was just done with everything she was just over fucking done having kids just out so that's really interesting here. So yeah, just a Joni has a Just a tough tough life coming up not not a lot of support system and Kind of having to figure it out for herself here. She said that her father Was I guess she wanted to pursue a career in law enforcement?
Starting point is 00:17:28 Yeah, and her father didn't like that apparently. Really? Didn't want her to do that. Well I don't know, maybe. Why don't you go wrestle instead? Let me teach you how to play blackjack. You ever done that before? Ha ha ha ha. Like I don't know, at least it's a job.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Have you heard of craps? At all. So she also alleges, we don't know how true this is, but she alleges that her father took out several student loans in her name without her knowledge. Oh, that's fucked up. That's fucked up, which sounds like something a gambler would do. It really does. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Yeah. Leaving her $40,000 in debt for college she didn't even get to go to. So that kind of sucks. Ah, shit. So she also says that she didn't have a good relationship with her siblings either. It's just her whole family is a fucking mess. Not a good fa- very dysfunctional, this whole family. I mean not, not getting along together here. So I guess she ended up leaving when she was 16.
Starting point is 00:18:22 She got caught with weed and her mother wanted to make her go to drug rehab, like an inpatient facility. Over weed? Because she caught a 16 year old with weed. Oh boy. Which is a little, maybe a little much. Math, yes. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:18:38 I understand having concern about it. Yeah, you can totally have concern. Smokes a little bit of weed in the same room as a heroin and then expect them to be better not worse when they come and come not have more compare those two equally. That's crazy. Yeah, you can you're 16 year old smoke and there's still you can still talk that through or talk that out or something. This is not a they're not still hope this could still be a phase. They're not picking scabs yet or anything. So it's fine. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:08 Everything's going to be OK. So I don't know that I've ever met anybody that stole or broke into homes to get weed money. No, I never met anybody that did that. However, it's too risky. Yeah, I'd like to get weed to relax. I don't want to do all that crazy shit. So that'll kill this high no shit
Starting point is 00:19:27 So when she left there she moved in with her biological father and finished high school She said she didn't have many friends at all in high school either Didn't work out well there, and she said she finished her last year of high school in Spain for some reason Huh, which is very strange for a poor gambling addict to be like, we're moving to Spain. I don't understand it whatsoever. So she ends up attending later on here, she ends up attending the University of Tampa, which is actually quite a few wrestlers have that as their alma mater. Paul Orndorff was on the Tampa football team and was a big University of Tampa guy,
Starting point is 00:20:06 there's a bunch of guys there that did that. University of Tampa, by the way, football team disbanded in the mid 70s when the Buccaneers came. Really? Yep, they said, fuck it, we can't compete and stopped. We can't have two teams here. They disbanded the football team then,
Starting point is 00:20:22 I don't know if they brought it back now, but yeah, Mr. Wonderful there, Paul Orndorff, played on one of the last University of Tampa football teams little wrestling slash college football Trivia for you there. Yeah, so She graduated in 1992 with a major in and this is a this is gonna get you far in the world This is where all the money is Spanish literature That's 17th century French literature. I'm trying to think of more useless majors that you could possibly fucking have than that. It's really not a good major. I guess I didn't know there was a Spanish Spanish writers. That's I mean, I know there's Spanish writers, but sure there are but I don't fucking know
Starting point is 00:21:07 I don't know any I guess that's why she wanted her she was into it But yeah, I don't I don't know why you would I don't know what the job is for that If there's like a you know, you know, you know, I'm gonna be a curator of a fucking music That's that's all I can think of She also studied French and German and claims to be able to converse in either language, which we don't know if that's true She also said during this time which if it's at the University of Tampa this all tracks As far as you know just falling into place of what you would expect No, just what you would expect at the University of Tampa. She said she was raped by two men after getting drunk at a party
Starting point is 00:21:43 Which is Tampa behavior, big time. If you've ever been to Tampa, you go, you're always seconds from being raped by two people in Tampa. That's what it feels like. Doesn't matter who you are. Even like a guy in a rooster, someone's going to take you. I felt that way outside the comedy club. It is so scary.
Starting point is 00:22:01 Fucking town is the worst place we have. What a wild place it exists. I swear to God. I can't believe it exists. No, it's still, it's definitely the worst place in the United States by far. By far. And I'm talking rural Arkansas. Yeah, yeah. All of it.
Starting point is 00:22:17 Anyplace that rivals it is gonna be in that Gulf. It's gotta be. It's all right there. Yeah. West Virginia and the hills where they eat groundhog for breakfast. Still, not as bad. I still see that Gulf. Yeah, West Virginia in the hills where the ground hot for breakfast still Not as bad still see that golf. Yeah, it's fucking I still see still see Tampa Just blonde ladies with bruises all over their legs walking around all the time. Where are those bruises coming from? Where are they coming from?
Starting point is 00:22:40 Now she was a member of she did ROTC also in college. Really? Yeah. So she's looking for something to join it looks like. Really feels like she's looking for a place where this can be Joni's spot. Yeah. It also feels like she recognizes that she's physically capable of self-defense or self-preservation or some sort of defense. And she's 5'10", and she works out, so she doesn't probably, I'm sure she doesn't feel like a weakling, and she knows she's a big girl. She knows she's bigger than the other girls as far as even height goes. I mean, 5'10's a tall girl, it really is.
Starting point is 00:23:20 So she just seems to be looking for things that are stable. Military is a stable thing to be a part of. She tries to work, as we're gonna talk about, she tries to work for the FBI or the DEA also. Again, like big institutions she's looking for, that aren't flighty and aren't like her childhood was. Security was, that's what it seems like. She originally wanted to use her knowledge aren't flighty and aren't like her child security was exactly that's what seems like she originally
Starting point is 00:23:45 wanted to her to use her knowledge of foreign languages to work for the FBI or the DEA and then she ended up joining the Peace Corps. Okay, which is also looks good on your resume. That's not bad. So I mean college graduate doing the Peace Corps thing. That's like what you know, rich kids who are going to be very successful later do so little less pay in that Peace Corps thing. That's like what rich kids who are gonna be very successful later do. A little less pay in that Peace Corps. A little less pay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:09 You're doing that for future. Oh, you're in the Peace Corps if you wanna, that's a big thing. And she was assigned to Guatemala. Wow. Where her knowledge of Spanish literature would come in handy, I would assume, I guess. So she goes over there, she does that,
Starting point is 00:24:25 then she comes back and does a bunch of fucking things, a bunch of very weird things. Diverse, I would say. She's a cocktail waitress in a strip club. Okay, yeah, I could see that. I could see that. She's a singer in a band for a while, which I don't, she has one of the weirdest voices
Starting point is 00:24:44 I've ever heard anybody have so I mean it's unique or singing I don't want to hear that voice sing it's unique but I can't imagine it coming singing it's fucking crazy unique is one thing I don't see it selling yeah and then she did uh phone sex as well oh god are you serious yeah there's this very specific type of guy that wants that though. There is, yeah. Imagine jerking off to that, golly. That's wild.
Starting point is 00:25:10 My God. You have tits, right? Man, so in her mid-20s, she's living in the Florida Keys and took a six week class to train as a flight attendant. Really? Yeah, so she's going to be a flight attendant. She's all ready for her job. On her way to her first day of work to fly her first flight, she gets in a huge car accident and spends four days in the hospital. Damn it. So that was it for for flight attending. Yeah, she never got to be a sky waitress unfortunately for her. Oh Man so when she recovered her sister Kathy helps her get the most 90s job that's ever existed
Starting point is 00:25:57 selling pagers oh The most 90s job that's ever happened Page your salesman. You really can put a year on that, you know what I mean? They were super in demand in the 90s. They were huge. Every teenager wanted one. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Pagers were the shit in the 90s. In the 80s it was just like doctors and drug dealers. By the 2000s it was cell phones. So there's like a window of like 93 to 97 where pagers are the fucking shit. Four to six years. If you owned pagers, holy fuck. You, I hope you didn't invest, I hope you invested and didn't just spend all that and
Starting point is 00:26:37 it was just going to keep coming. You were opening franchises of pager stores thinking you were investing in your future. It was JJ the King of Beepers in Arizona. Did you remember that? I do remember that, yes. I do remember the King of Beepers. JJ and I'm the King of Beepers. It's like, uh oh, we should do a 30 for 30 on JJ.
Starting point is 00:26:56 JJ the King of Beepers. The King of Beepers. We just had New York Page, I think it was, in fucking Poughkeepsie, that was a big thing here. But yeah, there was a, just a weird time. And for some reason, do you need, it says Cathy helped her get a job selling pagers. Why do you need help getting a job selling pagers?
Starting point is 00:27:14 You need a co-signer on that job? What the fuck do you need that for? I mean, that's a, never heard of that. But you need a reference, it's a big reference job. 40,000 dollars in student loans, it's my dad's, it's not hers, I will $40,000 in student loans, it's my dad's, it's not hers. I will co-sign on this. Super weird.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Super, will you take people's $10 a month when they give it to you? Yeah, all right, great. Yes, I will. And she said at the same time, her and her sister Cathy both worked as belly dancers. She can belly dance? Apparently she can belly dance.
Starting point is 00:27:43 Well, I mean, she's gotta have some control over her body to be able to wrestle. She's gotta be, she wasn't bad. She's gotta be pretty, you know, have some good movement. She's big. She's big, she wasn't that jacked though back then. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:57 I'll show you a picture of her when we get to it, when she started bodybuilding and stuff and she's nowhere near what she is later. Like, there was a time there in WWE where they, she was wrestling men. So at that point, she was fucking jacked. I don't know what the hell she was taking, but holy shit. When they had her in Playboy,
Starting point is 00:28:18 holy fuck, that's a big woman. She gained 40 fucking pounds of muscle at one point. I mean, it was like this, you could see how much bigger she got. And that's a that's a totally different China than the China. And her body looked great, too, like the cuts and. Oh, that's I mean, her body was amazing. The most unnatural shit I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I mean, that's her and Triple H standing next to each other were like, Jesus Christ, can you get any more? Which one's on more? Holy fuck, man. Megan Stoner was a young, passionate Republican and a self-proclaimed advocate for mental health, but behind her public persona lurked a master of deception. I'm Tiffany Reis, host of Something Was Wrong. In Season 22, we're diving into the twisted world of a con artist who's been allegedly scamming and making false claims for over a decade.
Starting point is 00:29:08 From the U.S. to Canada, Megan Stoner has left a trail of devastation for her victims. But after a brief period of incarceration, she's now back out on the streets. And although she's free now, we're actively working with law enforcement to further justice for the victims of her alleged crimes. This isn't just another true crime story. It's a wake-up call about trust, deception, and the power of community to fight back. Follow Something Was Wrong on the Wondery app or wherever you get your podcasts. You can binge all episodes of Something Was Wrong Season 22 ad- free right now by joining Wondery Plus.
Starting point is 00:29:46 He was hip-hop's biggest mogul, the man who redefined fame, fortune, and the music industry. The first male rapper to be honored on the Hollywood Walk Cafe, Sean Diddy Cone. Diddy built an empire and lived a life most people only dream about. Everybody know ain't no party like a Diddy party, so... Yeah, that's what's up! But just as quickly as his empire rose, it came crashing down. Today I'm announcing the unsealing of a three-count indictment, charging Sean Combs with racketeering conspiracy, sex trafficking, interstate transportation for prostitution.
Starting point is 00:30:23 I was f***ed up. I hit rock bottom. I made no excuses. I'm disgusted. I'm so sorry. Until you're wearing an orange jumpsuit, it's not real. Now it's real. From his meteoric rise to his shocking fall from grace, from law and crime, this is the rise and fall of Diddy. Listen to the rise and fall of Diddy exclusively with Wondery+. What is the Rise and Fall of Diddy. Listen to the Rise and Fall of Diddy exclusively with Wondery Plus. What is the, like when they go for over the bills in the house every month, it's like
Starting point is 00:30:50 okay, rent, we got a 900, okay, we'll do that, you got food, blah, blah, blah, blah, steroids, $7,000, okay. That's a lot. That's their whole budget. Yeah, they were so big. Biggest line item they have there. Yeah. So, yeah, so she's a pager selling belly dancer at one point.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I can't believe it. Quite the background for Joni, isn't it? It's fucking crazy. Nothing really was a just nothing grabbed her. I got to know why selling pagers she didn't decide was going to be her career and belly dancing I feel like there's a window there. So she always liked weightlifting though. She always liked working out.
Starting point is 00:31:32 She always liked weightlifting. And she used to go to the health club after school when she was a kid and work out till it closed after she found Jane Fonda. And I guess they moved to New Hampshire. Her and her sister were living in New Hampshire and she was selling beepers and teaching aerobics and she'd also go to the workout club, which was a gym,
Starting point is 00:31:54 with her sister and work out a lot. So that's what she's doing. A Jacked Pager seller, fucking belly dancing when there's time. That's so interesting. She started dating her personal trainer at that point to guy named Jerry so six days a week he'd wake her up at 430 a.m. And drive her to the gym and She would do early morning lifting followed by boxing sessions in the afternoon
Starting point is 00:32:20 So it seems like that's like her job, which is weird She said at night she would cram 80 pounds of weights in her backpack and spend 30 minutes on the StairMaster. That's one way to fuck your backpack up. That's one way to fuck your neck up. Imagine that. Ah, Jesus Christ. Wow.
Starting point is 00:32:39 But the running with weight on, I mean, work for Jerry Rice and guys like that, a lot of guys did that for a long time. It's great for your legs, shit and I would guess so yeah she says that or actually the the trainer guy her boyfriend says that she would squat 450 pounds a dozen times and she could bench multiple reps bench of 315 pounds that's no shit a lot of fucking weight to put up I I realize these jacked up steroid guys do 550 or whatever, but like that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:33:11 A woman putting up over 300 pounds is crazy. That's a lot and I think she was probably, I don't think she was on, if she was on anything it wasn't nearly what she was on later back then just because I don't know how she could afford it But she said that he said she'd always eat fish and chicken and protein powder and vitamins and that's all she ate basically once a week though on Sundays That's when it was carb coma time. He said what does that mean? She could eat anything she wants that day
Starting point is 00:33:43 Okay, so Sunday is eat anything you want day. And then the rest of the week is chicken fish and workouts. She pancakes, pizza, ice cream, apple pie, just as much shoveling it in shit as she wanted that day because she's going to work it off the next day. But yeah, one day a week, they said she went from 155 to 185 pounds while they were together, which is, and it's all muscle. And he said it was all natural, all pure muscle is what he said. And she, this is wild. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:14 I don't know how true this is, but her up down abdominal muscles were so strong that even when she developed an ovarian tumor, she didn't feel it. That seems a bit, that seems like something you'd say like in a wrestling promo. You know what I mean? I don't even feel ovarian cancer. Not even ovarian tumors can stop me because my abs of steel, like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:39 That's a lot. I don't know if that's true. That really sounds like wrestling. Yeah, I wonder if it was probably just wasn't cancerous or whatever is probably yes something that got removed or one of they dissolve Sometimes or whatever the hell so apparently that her and her sister were both doing this earner sister were both getting pretty jacked Imagine the kegels she can turn out. Oh god. She'll rip it right off rip it off snap it off and throw it across the room Comes out looking like Laffy Taffy. All smashed up like a cartoon character's foot that got ran over by a steamroller.
Starting point is 00:35:18 That's what it is right there. They were competing in fitness contests. Like her and her boyfriend? No, her and her sister. Oh. Yeah, her and her sister were doing this. Her sister was doing it too. They even talked about becoming a pro wrestling tag team.
Starting point is 00:35:36 They said they should do that together. We should be sisters. Here is a picture of Joni in 1995. Let's see. Yeah, I mean, her body's insane. It is nowhere near, I love how they put them in like 80 secretary shoes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:55 She's in. High French cut. She's in this, yeah, high French cut, American flag fucking themed bikini with like. Red, white, and stripes on the bottoms and then the stars go on the teddies with like two inch leather taupe heels that a secretary would wear in an office in 1980s she changed those in her LA gears to go to aerobics for lunch you know what I mean her head the weird part about this. Yeah, that's the bizarre part. For sure.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Okay. This looks like you put like Jimmy's head on like Wesley Snipes' body. Like it's the weirdest fucking thing. No it's her. It's not, the color doesn't even matter. That's what I'm saying. Her face is like 12 shades lighter than the rest of her body and it looks so weird. It's the strangest looking thing.
Starting point is 00:36:45 She's got a very short haircut. Yeah, you know in China, she's a pretty lady but her nose is just so, it's so round and buttoned. It's so, it doesn't fit the rest of her. She had that jaw on her. She had that jaw that looked like that guy in the 80s movie, 80s action movies that was always a bad guy. I don't remember his name, but she looked like that guy in the 80s action movies that was always a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:37:05 I don't remember his name, but she looked like that guy. That big square. And she looked tough, but I mean, that was later on, she'll get all that done and worked on. That's one of the first things she did is get her jaw fixed because that was her main. When she got her nose fixed, it was perfect. That was fine. The other jaw was interesting.
Starting point is 00:37:26 So here she is, yeah this is performing at the Fitness America pageant in New York City on ESPN2. Oh wow. So look at that. I'm sure I don't know how many people had ESPN2 in 1995 but. I think it came with the baggage but nobody watched it. No, I remember being excited when I got an apartment in like 1997 when I was 18 and Fucking they had ESPN to on the cable that came with the apartment. I was like, oh my god ESPN to cool
Starting point is 00:37:54 Wow, this is great. I'm gonna be watching volleyball games from Guam. This is good. Can't wait for this shit Can't wait for this shit. Can't wait to watch Nepalese table tennis that's gonna be amazing Could it be awesome? So they would wear blonde wigs and sleeveless tops to show off their their physique and everything like that Joanie wonder if that Bob in that picture. I wonder if that might be a wig that She has some dark ass hair. Yeah, it's in the picture It's like this weird orange Bob that she has it. Let's probably away. I would assume it has to be Tried to blonde that black and that's what it turned out. Oh, that's that would be horrifying. Yeah Well, yeah at this point she just looks like a real jacked
Starting point is 00:38:39 Yeah person but not like not Huge, you know what? I mean? She'll put another 50 pounds on Yeah, just real muscular and really in good shape. So her and her sister Went to a WWE house show in Malden, Massachusetts Oh, yeah, and the two of them they had like wigs and their sleeveless shirts and they're both jacked So when you bring two girls like that Apparently the whole crowd started looking at them because they thought they were part of the show.
Starting point is 00:39:09 Well, you sit that woman next to me in the audience, I'm like, all right, I'm waiting on the bit for when they pull you out of the audience. When are you going to stand up and slap somebody in the face and get pulled over the guardrail and end up fighting a man? Because I'm going to say, that's exactly what you're thinking. If there's two of them, this is definitely a bit.
Starting point is 00:39:25 There's something that's going to happen. Wait for this tag team. Fuck yeah. Something's going to happen. Two chicks are going to jump on a guy and beat the crap out of them. Something's going to happen. But nothing happened. They were just spectators.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Yeah. They just sat there eating their popcorn. Yeah. I assume, though, if you were the WWE, you would notice that. If someone in the crowd is getting more attention than the ring, than someone who the are shining on maybe look at those people a camera man a cameraman certainly saw it. That's exactly right So Kathy though Kathy said she didn't like the attention of everybody looking at her in that regard whereas Joni thought it was awesome Yeah, that's a dumb approach to have because your sister's about to be rich. That's the thing and you're not so Well for a while anyway, she'll be rich
Starting point is 00:40:06 So she said this was the first time she felt powerful in her whole life Because she commanded attention and people looking at her. She said they're looking at us like we're someone look at that They think we're somebody. Yeah, just don't look like dumb chicks from Rochester. This is great. This is amazing So the following day she I guess went home and told her boyfriend trainer all about this. You know they were all looking at us and he said well let's get you into wrestling then. Let's do it. So the next day they drive back to Malden to meet Killer Kowalski. Killer Kowalski is a WWE Hall of Famer and just a really well known wrestler the 50s, 60s, 70s. He was a big giant guy. He trained a WWE Hall of Famer and just a really well-known wrestler, the 50s, 60s, 70s.
Starting point is 00:40:46 He was a big giant guy. He trained a ton of guys. He trained Triple H. He was one of his most famous students. Trained a lot of guys. A lot of the guys who came from the Northeast were trained by Killer Kowalski. There's certain- Yeah. Al Snow's daughter was close with him and he writes letters, wrote letters, and his penmanship and his writing,
Starting point is 00:41:07 that's a thoughtful man, crazily, because he does not look thoughtful. No, no, he looks like a crazy person. I've heard Bruno San Martino say very nice things about him, talking about how he's a very honest man and a very stand-up guy, and he said, he had a religion he was into, he was into some weird cult in the 60s.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Yeah, that was some weird religion that he was into. I don't know if he kept that forever, but Bruno kept saying, I remember him always talking about that as religion. Trying to get him in it. No, he said he wasn't recruiting me actually. He said he would talk about it. It was good for him. If you'd ask him what he was up to up to we tell you that kind of shit so the the trainer guy the her Jerry her boyfriend
Starting point is 00:41:50 said from the minute we walked through the door he couldn't stop staring at Joni meaning killer Kowalski couldn't he had this look in his eyes like she's different she's special it was the weirdest chemistry I ever I've ever seen he knew he just knew well he's in the fucking wrestling business for 50 years. He sees money when it walks through the door. Yeah, and it's hard to not see her and go, holy fuck, I can make you a star. Yeah, well, anybody who's been around wrestling that long sees when someone's fucking money. Not always.
Starting point is 00:42:20 You can't always see it. Some of the guys come on later, so I don't think anyone looked at Chris Benoit and said that guy's money back in the day You know what I'm saying like when he first started or whatever he was a little skinny Canadian guy But a girl like her you go that guy she's fucking money. You know, I mean period that's it That's you knew that shit. So she trained with killer Kowalski. So that's she got a real actual with Killer Kowalski, so that she got a real, actual, solid training. A lot of these people who came in back in the day
Starting point is 00:42:48 had no, very little training. Remember, Nicole Bass didn't have hardly any training. But this is like, I mean, Triple H trained here, so, and he was a good worker, actually, back before he got too jacked. He was actually a good worker back then. So, she knows that, that means she knows how to work. Her first match was in
Starting point is 00:43:06 1995 So she wrestled a man dressed as a woman. I Guess they didn't have any other chicks in a small promotion. So they just were like, I don't know You're the most feminine guy we got throw this fucking wig on and get out there You look like you could fit this dress. Nobody else can, try it on. What the fuck, man? And she worked indie promotions to get some experience. And that's what you do.
Starting point is 00:43:37 While you're going to school, you work as much as you can, you try to get as much ring time as you can, basically. It's like when you first start comedy, you really need the stage time. Get up there and do those open mics. You just got to do it to know what your mannerisms are and know how to do everything. It's just how it works. So she did that. She's working for that. Some of her early matches were set up by the fabulous Mula who, that's shocking that Mula still had never fucking handed her pocket until she dropped dead because
Starting point is 00:44:02 that's what she did to people, Moola. She began to regularly enter fitness competitions at that point and she was competing in the regional level of the Fitness America competition, which is, I believe, where that picture came from. Yes, that's that picture right there. So that's where she is competing here against all these other women here.
Starting point is 00:44:24 She's very big compared to the other women. They said she'd usually finish in last place. Really? A lot of the women are short. Shorter people look more muscular. Yeah. That's why it was such a big deal that Arnold Schwarzenegger was like a Mr. Universe
Starting point is 00:44:40 because he's six foot four. Huge, yeah. And that's unheard of for anybody that size to be that fucking big. Normally all those guys are five seven, those champions, because you're compact and you look more pumped. You know, it's harder to make longer muscles bigger,
Starting point is 00:44:53 I guess. Yeah, when I was training and going to the gym a lot, I had a guy that was helping me out and he would say that to me, like, your frame, it's perfect for this. We can really put it on you. And I was like, I don't wanna put it on you. We can really put it on you. I don't wanna put it on you can really put it on you I don't want to put it on we can really make
Starting point is 00:45:08 your knees and hips really fucked up when you're 70 it's gonna be awesome tell me get real hard for you to get into things you tell them I'm over 40 why would I want that I know the gym is filled with guys over 40 that are all jacked up on HGH and think that they're not over 40, but I know I'm over 40. I'm not doing that. I just ate a Taco Bell, man.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yeah, dude. That really is the weirdest group of guys to me. Yeah. And it's the same guy, they all look like you. They're all like- I don't know if that was supposed to be an insult. No, no, no insult no no they're all Shaved headed guys over 40 yeah, and they're all like I'm gonna get jacked and like yeah like where were you when you were?
Starting point is 00:45:53 22 motherfucker what were you doing then I think it's I think it's gone I think it's over now that my body's starting to break down I'm gonna get it really fucking jacked up is a weird thing. Now that it hurts when I wake up in the morning, I think working out will make it better. It's gonna make it worse, man. It's gonna be worse. Only worse. Low impact.
Starting point is 00:46:13 There's no way this gets better. I don't know what to tell you. Laps in the pool, homie. Not whatever you're doing. You were behind me in the drive-through at Taco Bell. What are you talking about? Yeah. They're like, I wanna put on 30 pounds of muscle
Starting point is 00:46:24 and do jujitsu. Why? For what? I want to have a beer and eat two more burritos. Fuck that. I'm going to go take a jujitsu. How about that? I'm not doing any of that shit. I'm going to take a wet jujitsu. Yeah, because I ate Taco Bell. I'm not doing any of this shit. Yeah. It's going to be loose, man. I don't doing any of this shit. That's crazy. It's gonna be loose, man. I don't know how you're doing it. And guys that- Who are you trying to impress?
Starting point is 00:46:49 Yeah, guys that work out in their 20s and 30s and their 40s and they're still doing it in their 50s and it's like, fuck man, you've wasted so much. Yeah, and what have you dropped dead when you're 58 anyway? That was a lot of wasted fucking time. That's time a lot of money you gave the gym for nothing Whole lot of times you said no no can't do that cuz I gotta be up early tomorrow to work out And you didn't need to do that shit. I'm gonna be up early to eat 12 eggs Jesus I can't even eat eggs. I don't know you guys are doing yeah, what am I supposed to do here?
Starting point is 00:47:22 There's a who's that for was the divorce that bad that you needed to do this Who's this for you you trying to get Jack to fuck a 20 year old? She doesn't want you man doesn't want you no matter how weird and veiny you are. Yeah, she's not interested Unless you're rich and then you don't have to be veiny at all She might fuck you once and then tell her friends about how weird it was how weird it was and How your balls didn't look right. How your balls look weird and your nipples are so low. They're so oddly pinched too, very strange.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Yeah, nothing. Oh God. I'll be fat, I don't care. That's fucking funny, man. So somehow Joni ended up meeting Triple H and Shawn Michaels who were running buddies at the time. They were, there's the whole clique that we've talked about there.
Starting point is 00:48:11 It was Scott Hall and it was Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, and X-Pac is the other guy. Yeah, there was a couple guys that came in and out, but that's the main, you know, the main clique there. Yeah, you have Jeff Jarrett would travel with him and shit like that, but he wasn't part of their main click. And then she came in obviously as part of this also because she's gonna hook up with Triple H
Starting point is 00:48:33 as we'll talk about here. Really fuck her life up good. So, he was, what he did was pretty shitty, honestly. Cause then she got edged out. Oh, kind of a dick? It's kind of a monster. What edged out kind of a dick What do you kind of a monster do you think you have to be to marry into that family To where they will accept you as just as heartless and ruthless as they are and let you run their business Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Look your your slime has just the right essence
Starting point is 00:49:01 And people people will disagree because Triple H has made a very big show of, I care about the older guys, and I care about these guys, and I care about those guys, but it's only the guys he kinda likes though. He's way, he's way not- To make you like him. Yes.
Starting point is 00:49:19 It's Pia. He knows Pia. Right, he's Blake Shelton singing about pickup trucks. Yeah, yup. It's to pander to you. That he knows Pia. He's Blake Shelton singing about pickup trucks. Yeah, yep. It's to pander to you. That he doesn't drive. Right, that he drives a fucking Mercedes, stop it. He's doing it to get you to like him.
Starting point is 00:49:34 That's true, and he, I will say, he definitely does more for the guys and has done more for older guys and stuff than Vince McMahon ever even thought of fucking doing. So he's probably older guys and stuff than Vince McMahon ever even thought of fucking doing. So he's probably a way better guy than Vince McMahon, don't get me wrong. Perhaps it was his idea to do that to make Vince look a little softer and more of a likable guy too.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Maybe, like listen Vince, but at the same time he can't pull off probably what Vince can pull off also. People will just hate me They won't hate me and buy my shit like they did with him. They'll just say fuck you. I don't know whatever So anyway, they ended up somehow getting to meet her and they saw some tapes of her matches and at the same time Sure, they got to meet her through killer Kowalski would probably be part of it too because that was Triple H's trainer So he probably said there's this check. He may have made a phone call. trainer. So he probably said, there's this chick. Kowalski made a phone call, yeah. I mean, there's this chick, I mean, Jesus Christ here.
Starting point is 00:50:29 So. You guys don't have a lot of women up there. No. I mean, this could be good for you. And you see a tape of her match, you see she can work a little bit, and you go, well, all right, this is, you know, she's not just a muscle chick.
Starting point is 00:50:40 So initially, apparently, Vince McMahon didn't want any part of her at first. Shawn Michaels, it was his idea, and Triple H's idea together, but I'm gonna say more Shawn Michaels because this is his idea, his quote idea that he's had like six fuckin' times. Epiphany, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:50:57 His idea is always. I got a brand new idea. Yes, see that big person? We should bring them in and make them our bodyguard. He did, that's how Kevin Nash got in WWE. They saw him on there and they were like, this big motherfucker, let's bring him in and make him my bodyguard.
Starting point is 00:51:13 Not just big, fucking handsome. A big handsome fuck. Well, Shawn Michaels, it was because he was a heel at that point, and basically a heel's gotta get heat on a guy. He's gotta beat him up and make the crowd hate him as he's beating him up. Well, if you're a little guy,
Starting point is 00:51:32 it's harder to do that because when you get beat up, they have sympathy for you because you're smaller than that guy. So they needed a giant guy outside who could choke a guy when the guy's back was turned to make Shawn Michaels still look like the heel, so that's why they got it. He did it with Sid Vicious later, and then he did it with fucking this one now, so I think Sid was after him.
Starting point is 00:51:54 So yeah, so that's his, I quote, idea that he has a lot. And get a big guy to be filthy. Hey, you could be my bodyguard. So apparently Vince didn't think that the audience would find a woman beating up a man believable even her Yeah, the audience isn't gonna buy that she's so dark and adorably There's something there's something sexy about her. I love her. I
Starting point is 00:52:19 Don't find that I don't even close to sexy. I don't find her sexy Not my type at all. Don't like it, no. But I'm not saying she's not attractive, I'm just saying not for me. Not my thing at all. And you know, and I'll preface that, or not even preface, because this is after,
Starting point is 00:52:38 but there are phases of Joni, phases of China that are 100% repulsive. But there are phases of China that are 100% repulsive. But there are phases of China that I'm like, God damn, if you would just maintain that your entire life, I would marry you tomorrow and praise you every day. Praise you every day. I will worship your feet. That is fucking hilarious.
Starting point is 00:53:01 So she's, WWE is kind of dragging their feet on signing her WWF at the time. And this is when Joni is approached by WCW. Now, the one way to get Vince to really want you in 1996 is to have WCW buy you. That's it, like vice versa. I mean, it was, Dennis Rodman got a fuckload of them. I think they got, he got $2 million for three appearances from WCW just because Vince McMahon
Starting point is 00:53:31 wanted him and offered him a million dollars for two. So they said, how about 2 million for three? Right. So he obviously did that. And you know, there was a bunch of guys like that, that they were kind of fighting over and happened all the time. I guess what a place to be. That'd be so great to have kind of fighting over. It happened all the time. How about it? I guess. What a place to be.
Starting point is 00:53:46 That'd be so great to have two people fighting over you. Oh, I want that so bad. It is. And this is strange, because I've never heard this before, by the way. And I've read like so many books and so many shoot interviews and so much, so much, so much. I've never heard that WCW is interested in her before WWF.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Never heard that. And it says too, it's been written that they wanted her to be the sole female member of the New World Order. Not even a valet, she's gonna be the member. Or maybe like one of the side guys, but still, I've never heard that before. I feel like I would have heard that if that was true. It's a great plan being that she does it so great in black. That's true, no it works.
Starting point is 00:54:32 It would definitely work. Put the leather pants on her and all that. But that's like, I think that's from her book. It's another thing too. She wrote a book that, I mean, who knows. Anytime anybody writes a book like that, you don't know what's true and what's not, obviously. And at the time you're writing a book that, I mean, who knows, what the, anytime anybody writes a book like that, you don't know what's true and what's not, obviously. And when she, at the time you're writing a book,
Starting point is 00:54:49 it's at the end there, you know, of the career, because you're narrating what happened. And at that point in her life, man, was it not good. Well, I think her first book came out in like 2001 or two or something. That might have been a decent time for her, yeah. It's a great time for her. That's when she was doing acting and posing in Playboy,
Starting point is 00:55:08 and she had a lot going on for her at that point. Apparently, she says she initially accepted WCW's offer, but they said that she ended up going with WWF. Kowalski, Killer Kowalski, said he got up going with WWF. Kowalski, Killer Kowalski said he got her hired by WWF after introducing her to Shane McMahon. And which, if Killer Kowalski introduces you, that's a big deal because he brings quality guys in there
Starting point is 00:55:38 and he's a legend also, you respect that guy. And at that time, Shane is looking for all of the approval of that. All of the approval. And Killer Kowalski, from what I understand, was like a shooter too. So he'd also rip your head off if you don't show him some respect, I think, no matter how old he is.
Starting point is 00:55:54 So and he said WCW is interested in her. And they were like, that's all they needed to hear. So her boyfriend slash trainer there said, she came home that night and never slept. We knew her life was about to change. She was so excited and also a little scared. Yeah. Her boyfriend slash trainer started shopping for apartments for himself.
Starting point is 00:56:17 He was going to say he's going to shop for a studio apartment. Yeah, because he's about to be tossed aside. Pretty much immediately upon signing with WWE. She broke up with him Yeah, like well, I don't need you anymore. You are useless I got no and you're not even half as I mean, he might have been like a muscle II guy or whatever But it's like I'm around the most fucking yeah, I'm around all the muscles. All these guys are jacked and have hair. I'm fucking I'm going with these guys here And she starts dating Triple H
Starting point is 00:56:48 at that point. And that's a big deal here. And at the time Triple H is becoming one of the biggest stars in WWE because this is when D-Generation X is going on. That's when they started that and the whole attitude era and D-Generation X a big part of that it's funny because like at the time I didn't like WWF at that time no I didn't I didn't leaning more on the WCW like WCW more in In terms of at this period I really did love the NWO. I like the NWO I thought that was cool I thought those they were doing a bunch of cool shit that, you know, whatever, whereas I thought,
Starting point is 00:57:27 at the time when they brought out Degeneration X, I went, oh, so Knockoff NWO was with that, because it was, it was GoBot NWO. In the end, they ended up being much more successful with it and taking it to another, they're the Oreo to Hydrox. Hydrox was first first but Oreos are 10,000 times fucking better. Yeah, so that's what ended up happening in the end by like 99 But at the time I'm designed on the Oreo James. That's how hydrox that's milk's favorite cookie. It's a guess What's milk's on your side?
Starting point is 00:57:58 It's over once all the nation's cows are on your side. It's over my friend Once all the nation's cows are on your side, it's over, my friend. And the Hydrox just doesn't sound near as good as Oreo. Hydrox sounds like you use it to clean your bathtub. Yes, I was gonna say, it's like a makeup remover. Yes, not good. Honey, would you hand me the Hydrox? I can't get my eyeshadow off, and then you really work it.
Starting point is 00:58:19 The battery terminals are corroded. Get the Hydrox. Bring your Hydrox, that takes anything off. It doesn't sound good. It definitely sounds like a chemical combination. Or like a- Who the fuck said kids are gonna love these? So they're called Hydrox.
Starting point is 00:58:36 No! Wrong! Swing and a miss. Meanwhile Oreo is like M&M. Yeah, oh god, it's so fun. Oreo is M&M's. Oreo's M&M's. So easy to say. Fuck spelling it.
Starting point is 00:58:47 And it's got so many vowels in it whenever you're doing a crossword puzzle it's inevitably in there somewhere. Always. Because it's got so many vowels they love using Oreo as a fucking crossword clue. And every time the clue is milk's favorite cookie. We know! We know! We got it.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Harvard is the oldest and richest university in America. But when a social media fueled fight over Harvard and its new president broke out last fall, that was no protection. Claudine Gay is now gone. We've exposed the DEI regime and there's much more to come. This is The Harvard Plan, a special series from the Boston Globe and WNYC's On The Media. To listen, subscribe to On The Media wherever you get your podcasts. with them. Ever since that moment, hauntings, spirits, and the unexplained have consumed my entire life.
Starting point is 00:59:51 I'm Nadine Bailey. I've been a ghost tour guide for the past 20 years. I've taken people along with me into the shadows, uncovering the macabre tales that linger in the darkness. And inside some of the most haunted houses, hospitals, prisons, and more. Join me every week on my podcast, Haunted Canada, as we journey through terrifying and bone-chilling stories of the unexplained. Search for Haunted Canada on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Amazon Music, or wherever you find your favorite
Starting point is 01:00:26 podcasts. UFO lands in Suffolk and that's official, said the News of the World. But what really happened across two nights in December 1980 when US servicemen saw mysterious lights in the forest near RAF Woodbridge and claimed to have had a close encounter with an actual craft. Encounters, a new podcast available exclusively on Wondery+, takes a deep dive into one of the most famous and still unresolved UFO encounters to ever take place in the UK. Featuring shocking testimony from first-hand witnesses, hosts, journalist, podcaster and UFO researcher Andy McGillin, that's me,
Starting point is 01:01:06 and producer Elle Scott take us back to the nights in question and examine all of the evidence and conflicting theories about what was encountered in the middle of a snowy Suffolk forest 40 years ago. Are we alone? Encounters is a podcast which is going to find out. Listen to Encounters exclusively in ad free on Wondry+. Join Wondry plus in the Wondry app or in Apple podcasts. Oh man, one was Beats, I remember the answer was Beats Hydrox in the market of similar companies at one point. That's pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:01:42 That's pretty funny. That's pretty funny. So yeah, she ends up breaking up with that guy, going out with Triple H. And it's hard too because she's never been on the road like this. This is still the road times when they get in a fucking car at the airport and they drive somewhere. It's not easy and the people you're with, you're with all the time. So it would be very easy to entrench yourself with people romantically at this point. You know what I mean? So you, it's understandable anyway. Uh, they're going to live together for a few years to her and triple H and they're
Starting point is 01:02:15 going to be like, they're very tight couple. They were like the kind of king and queen of wrestling type of shit, as far as couples go and you know, the road they they work together they're in the same Angles together because they're you know matched couple with their yeah, so I guess initially They tried to hide their relationship from co-workers Which every dude everyone in wrestling knows what everybody's doing. Yeah, it's a traveling service again again Yeah, well, it's a traveling circus too. I mean, they see you every day.
Starting point is 01:02:48 They're going to see a look and then another look. And over the course of you see that six days a week, you go, okay, these two are fucking, you know what I mean? Sure. Obviously, but she didn't want and also Triple H told her that nobody you don't want people to think you slept your way to the top. So let's act like we're not together at the time. So anyway, it's interesting here, because later on obviously we'll have him get together
Starting point is 01:03:11 with Stephanie McMahon, and they're obviously still together. Good business decision for Paul there. Boy did he really swing for the fences. He was like, listen, who's gonna be in better shape in 20 years? Yeah. Well, that was an easy choice. So yeah, that's how that went.
Starting point is 01:03:35 And that was a big deal, obviously, that kind of broke her fucking brain a little bit because what do you do if your boyfriend, you guys all work together and you're all on the road together and your boyfriend you believe is cheating on you with somebody at work who, oh by the way, also happens to be the boss, pretty much. Who he also keeps ingraining in me the message of don't make anybody think you slept to the top. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Well he's fucking the top. Well he's fucking the boss's daughter and will eventually be basically running the company because he's fucking the top. Well, he's fucking the boss's daughter and will eventually be basically running the company because he's fucking the boss's daughter. So yeah, it's a... Because the boss made a lot of mistakes. Well, true. Well, no, they were running the...
Starting point is 01:04:13 Because fuck, Stephanie was head of creative. She's been fucking that company up for 20 years, destroying it. Forever. Yeah. Pretty much ever since she got in charge, it's been unwatchable in far as I'm concerned. Yeah, I haven't heard anything about anything in the last, I don't know, five, six years? I mean, Roman Reigns was like the big thing for a while. I don't even know who the big thing, he might still be the big thing now.
Starting point is 01:04:37 That's shit. I know he, all I see is like posts of shit and I don't know because I don't follow. Roman Reigns is just like a hodgepodge mix of rock and a bunch of other wrestlers that's it he's just a bunch of guys and then he put to make his hair all wet and oil up and they all looks the same as everybody else they all look the same they all look the same yeah shoulder length dark greased up hair or bald head is the only option you can have Dusty Rhodes who looks like a gay porn star I don't know what that look is. Dusty Rhodes' kid.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes, yeah. I don't know what that look is. I don't know either what he's going for there. He looks like a gay porn star to me. He does. Doesn't he? I don't know what that is.
Starting point is 01:05:14 But he knows what he's doing because his dad's fucking Dusty Rhodes. So he actually knows how to like work and. I'm sure he's being told what to do, yeah. Do all that kind of shit. His eyes are amazing. Or not anymore. But that hair and head and everything about him.
Starting point is 01:05:24 That's crazy. Just screams gay porn to me. It does, it does. Well, he's got the blonde, when he does the blonde hair, it's, you know, that's old school. That short crop, slick back blonde hair, it's a fascinating look. That blonde is old school, but that's what his dad did too. That's his dad's hair and Ric Flair's hair.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Yeah, but his dad had a lot of it. He doesn't have a lot of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, no, no. Well, they used to do it just so he could see the blood back then Okay, you have the white hair so when you when you bladed that shit was red And it was the last row could see you bleeding that was that was the point of it like Rick flair when he was bleeding his hair Was awesome fucking awesome all Hogan to you Hogan the little hair
Starting point is 01:05:58 He had when he bled it look good on him his sprigs looks great. They did they look real good When he bled, it looked good on him. His sprigs looked great. They did, they looked real good. So her sister, Kathy, said she really felt as if she made it. She loved being treated like a rock star and having that kind of lifestyle. She loved it.
Starting point is 01:06:16 For once in her life, she was accepted. Everybody liked her. People thought she was cool. She had attention and she was making money. And she's got this sexy thing to her that people are attracted to her. Like a lot. Yeah. I don't...
Starting point is 01:06:34 See, when she first came in, that wasn't what it was though. No? No. Before she got her jaw done, people used to scream at her that she had a dick all the time. Is that right? No one believed she a dick all the time. Is that right? No one believed she was a woman at first. Is that right? Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:06:49 No one, she was not considered attractive in the slightest bit at first. She was considered, they'd call her a freak and a, you know, she's a monster and a freak of nature and it wasn't, nobody thought of her as that. But then once she got her jaw chiseled and all that and was doing the Playboy stuff, then people started saying she was hot. Before that, she just looked like a giant, she looked like a bouncer for Christ's sake. I think it's that phase where she like,
Starting point is 01:07:13 purposely worked on the hips and the hourglass-ish figure. Cause you can't get an hourglass out of that woman. She's just, she's fucking huge. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, there's too much gal. Her shoulders are huge, her shoulders are right, but once she started getting that the waist part trimmed down to to a Fucking crazy. Yeah, I know what that is it was good Well, yeah, well, I liked her after a while
Starting point is 01:07:36 It was she stopped just being about bulk and she was trying to because for a while I shape She was just trying to be as big as she possibly could it seemed like for a while They're just so it would be believable that she could beat up a man Yeah, so it was like that's all they had to do and then once she's there a while You know who she is and she's got a rep then you don't have to be then you just go. Oh, it's China She's a badass. It doesn't matter how big she is at the moment. So she this is a 97 she signs with WWE and So she, this is in 97, she signs with WWE and yeah, she's changed everything. She changed her wardrobe, started, you know,
Starting point is 01:08:10 wearing different things and looking nice, went from sweatpants to designer jeans. And she purchased a baby grand piano for her house and also traded in her Ford probe that she had for a long time That's a very 90s car right there. That's a fun. Yeah, I had a friend who had a GT. It was nice That was badass. Yeah, I know this was not a GT. Those the shit Bought herself a red Audi now. Oh shit starting to live it up a little bit Let's that's a big trail in for German now. That's right. to live it up a little bit. Let's. That's a big trade. Going for
Starting point is 01:08:45 German now. That's right. So yeah, she said that, um, Cathy said that she loved hanging out with Joni and they would fucking be giggling late at night as they would use Joni's credit card to purchase thousands of dollars worth of lingerie from a Victoria's Secret catalog. Really? They would take turns ordering an item apiece. All on Joanie. She thinks catalogs have her size? Apparently they do. Evidently they do, wow.
Starting point is 01:09:15 Especially if you want it to be small and tight. I don't know, I guess it would work. So there's- A rip out of it. They're sitting there, yeah, all she has to do is flex. That's awesome. It's a breakaway. She just goes, and her panties explode off of her.
Starting point is 01:09:30 That would be something right there. That's what she wants. Flexes and her tits just rip through it. Pow! I like that. I mean, yeah, that would be sexy if you can pull that off. That's awesome. I like that shit.
Starting point is 01:09:40 So yeah, they're taking, ordering thousands of dollars of lingerie on her credit card. So that's... Fascinating. Probably not the best financial decision to make. Yeah, but that's a pretty fucking cool. It's cool, yeah, it's interesting, but maybe not the smartest move. Yeah, certainly not retirement moves. When you're first starting out, I don't know. One of those deals.
Starting point is 01:10:02 So she made her first, her debut in the WWF, February 16th, 1997 as in your, at in your house 13, which is a pay per view. Uh, they used to do those in your house pay per views. They started them because pay per views were like 30 bucks at the time they were going up in time and cost. And they said, what if we make a cheap one? Yeah, we'll make a cheap one and it just won't have like everybody on it.
Starting point is 01:10:27 So it's just like a shit like B pay-per-view and it was like 15 bucks. Let's give them knock-offs. Yeah, well they would still have like screw job shit finishes and stuff like where they wouldn't have a, whole point of like a WrestleMania is these two stars and normally neither of them lose, somebody's actually gonna lose here.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Whereas in your house they wouldn't do that that they'd still have a run-in at the end and all that shit wasted $15 so her character they put her as a plant in at ringside that's how they started her out here and they had her choking Gold Dust's girl there Marlena yeah Goldust was in the ring with Triple H okay having a match and then she's choked Marlena on the outside the next night she appeared appeared on RAW so they brought her into RAW the next night which was her big TV debut where everybody saw her and yeah she was just an enforcer bodyguard she'd stand behind that's what they do they'd have Shawn Michaels and fucking triple H would stand there and do their thing and she'd be standing in
Starting point is 01:11:27 the background with her menacing. Yeah, just looking like a bodyguard basically looking all tough and that's what they did. She didn't even really talk at first or anything. She was just thank God a spectacle. Yeah, sure talking wasn't the best here. No, she would always help them cheat. the exact Kevin Nash said vicious roll. That's all it was this is my idea for Shawn Michaels here Jim Ross said the business had never seen anything like her which is absolutely true. Yeah, that's true before they her Their war no there was a lot of female wrestlers sure since the 30s But none of them looked like this.
Starting point is 01:12:06 They all look like somebody's aunt that's in a one piece bathing suit out there. They all look like tough ladies. You could watch a 70s match or an 80s match with a tag team with these Donna Christianello and those bruds. They look like if you fucking said the wrong thing to them in a bar, they'd kick the shit out of you, break the bar stool over your fucking head and everything. Who was the lady wrestler with her husband that was in Stay Tuned? Because I know they're famous people. I just don't know who they are. She looked, she had like sharp teeth
Starting point is 01:12:39 and all that shit. I'm sure they were a tray, but it's still, they were frightening people. I think they were actors. I don't think that wasn't Those aren't even real wrestlers. I don't think they were they were real wrestlers. I'd have to Google it Yeah, I'm not positive though. But but that's what the women looked like if they were in wrestling It was either that big like a pretty girl. Yeah Yeah, they were either like big fat girls or like you'd have just like a tough old broad You know what I mean? it looks like she smokes three packs a day and all that,
Starting point is 01:13:06 or then you'd have like a couple that were like skinny and pretty and they were the baby faces and this big mean broad would be beating the shit out of her and she'd be like, oh god, and her hair would be flopping all around. But that's what they had. They didn't have, you know, whatever, either that or they had valets,
Starting point is 01:13:22 like you had your Missy Hyatt's or Miss Elizabeth or something like that That was just eye candy. You didn't have like here's a chick that'll kick your ass That didn't happen at all have you found that by the way no Mr. And mrs. Gorgon were were actors actors. That's what I thought. Yeah, it's like I didn't recognize them as I that's too bad Minton That's too bad. That's too bad. I wanted that to be a real fucking wrestler
Starting point is 01:13:47 because she when I was a kid and up to recently, I've watched the movie and I was like, holy fuck those people are terrifying. No shit, what was the name? Miss Faith Minton is her name. She was in sudden death with fucking. Is she huge? Van Dam. Yeah, she's big.
Starting point is 01:14:04 Wonder if she's related to. Well, she's supposed to Wonder if she's related to, I think that was Big John Studs last name too. Maybe she's related to Big John Studs. Maybe she's Big John Studs daughter or some giant daughter. I don't know. George Gray was the other guy. Oh, he's a wrestler.
Starting point is 01:14:18 He's a wrestler, George Gray. I know, I was gonna say I know that name. George Gray's a wrestler, yeah, for sure. She must be related to somebody that's a wrestler. That's why I mean, like I said I think that's big John studs last name, but he was that would make that sense why she's a why she's Recognizable or a reason you know, I mean, yeah, I'm sure she's a stunt woman. Yeah, so she's a big stunt big big lady Yeah, yeah big tough-looking lady. So they said that you know before China it was either a Sex symbol or not really anything.
Starting point is 01:14:46 Yeah. Or violent. Yeah. You had Medusa who was kind of in the middle of that. She had a little bit of muscle but she was considered hot in the 80s and whatever. So she was one of those. Sherry was a little bit different, Martell, in the mid-80s before she became scary Sherry and all that shit.
Starting point is 01:15:04 But nobody was this physically imposing, holyell, in the mid-80s before she became scary Sherry and all that shit. But nobody was like this physically imposing, holy shit, look at that chick type deal. So yeah, she was different though. She's bench pressing 365. She's huge. She's big. She didn't like wrestling women because she felt like she was going to hurt them, she
Starting point is 01:15:25 said. And rightfully so. I wouldn't be surprised if she did. There was no other women really like her at the time. So there wasn't really many women for her to wrestle because I would imagine, yeah, she would look like she would break them in fucking half. So they said, okay, how do we market her? We have this big thing. How do we market her? how do we market her?
Starting point is 01:15:45 We have this big thing. How do we market her? How do we market her? Are you shitting me? Well what do we do to, she's obviously something. So what do we, how do we brand her? So they brand her the ninth wonder of the world. Right.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Because Andre the Giant is the eighth wonder of the world. So you can't have that. So now you're the ninth wonder of the world. Right. Because Andre the Giant is the eighth wonder of the world. So you can't have that. So now you're the ninth wonder of the world. But that's how much they wanted to make her seem special. She's so special. It's we've nicknamed Andre the giant this and her and that's how special she is. So it's her Andre and the fucking great wall and the coral reef of fucking Great Barrier Reef. The Grand Canyon and her. And her, those are the wonders of the world. So they named her that there, which is fun.
Starting point is 01:16:37 They named her China. They said it was because, like, you know, China that you handle is very delicate and fragile and she's not. So that's why they named her China with a Y. I thought it's just because she was huge and China's big. Yeah, she's as big as fucking China this broad. I guess they didn't get that angle out to us. No, I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:16:58 Nobody knew that. I just, reading that I went, that doesn't make any sense, but okay. Name her China because China's delicate and she's not. That's like a, you know what I mean, naming a tall guy tiny. That's... Exactly. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:13 And it's funny too because then they tried to have like Sable be like a wrestler later too, but she was just, she was just like a model with giant tits. She was so hot. That's crazy. I mean, she wasn't like a fucking wrestler, you know what I'm saying? No, no, no. And got girls like that. They tried to have, do it.
Starting point is 01:17:29 But she, oh, Jackie too. I forgot about Jacqueline though. Jackie. Oh yeah, Jacqueline. The black chick with the big tits and she's jacked as fuck too. She's hot as shit. Yeah, hot as shit, jacked and all that kind of shit. So that's who you had.
Starting point is 01:17:42 So she would basically The guys didn't want to get beat up by her a lot of that looks really bad You don't want to sell for a woman is how they would say I don't sell for no fucking woman and in 1999 You look like an asshole. You know I mean it was a specific time, but it got to the point where She the audience bought her so much that the guys didn't feel bad about it so much anymore because nobody was like, oh, Europe. Nobody laughed at you for getting beat up by China. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:18:15 They were like, oh shit, fucking China's coming. Watch out, dude. So once that happened, things started to change a little bit and the guys didn't fucking... Didn't feel as bad. Yeah and the guys didn't fucking. Didn't feel as bad. Yeah, they really didn't feel as bad. She's accepted. Yeah, because the audience accepts her.
Starting point is 01:18:29 The audience accepts her as badass, then you can get beat up by her because she's a badass, so it's fine. So Jim Ross said initially a lot of old timers, including myself, didn't think it was appropriate. But she overcame all that apprehension and proved people wrong. China was a trailblazer
Starting point is 01:18:45 She broke all kinds of barriers sure and that's really what it was too is it it's in wrestling It's all the audience and what they buy So if the audience buys it and then they buy her as a badass Then you don't look like a pussy getting beat up by her and that's perfectly fine. So after that nobody gave a shit. She was teased a lot, a lot. I mean people would chant you're a man at her. She had to know that was coming right? Crowds would chant you're a man, you're a man. Signs that say do you have a penis China. You know shit like that. Lot of signs. that was that was a time where if you Click on a raw from like late
Starting point is 01:19:27 1997 real mature audience a real mature audience, you know exactly who those guys are now by the way Oh, yeah. Oh, you know who they are right now as they love to say those words a fucking as they furiously update Twitter to get the next Andrew Tate tweet or some shit, you know what I mean? You know that crowd. But every single person in the crowd had a sign. You looked at the crowd, it was all signs. Remember that shit?
Starting point is 01:19:56 So I mean. Accusing her of being a dick. Accusing her of having a dick, accusing Shawn Michaels of being gay, accusing this one of doing that, saying hi to your girlfriend It was everything under the Sun Everything under the zone. I'm sorry girlfriend saying hi to some chick
Starting point is 01:20:12 You're trying to get to be your girlfriend, but doesn't want to begging a woman On the backside of the sign where you said that China has a dick. Yeah, you had to flip it This upset her a lot too. Yeah, I believe it. It should. Her sister said she would cry about it. Oh, fuck. She's a professional at this point and she's achieved more than 90% of that audience.
Starting point is 01:20:37 Yeah, anytime 15,000 people chant anything negative at you, it's gotta feel bad. That's gotta hurt. Unless it's what you're going for. If you're a heel and you're going for like, I'm a dick and they're chanting, we hate you, like that's fine. But you have a, do you have a dick is a bad chant to get from 50,000 people. Is confusing them as your gender then, then you're winning. But if you're not, then this hurts. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:01 I know one point during this time, Howard Stern called her a man in disguise as well on the radio Which didn't help any yeah, I think she came into Dispute later on yes, not good. No, no, no, she made an ass all of herself on there She wasn't in the right headspace for that. I don't think is heartbreaking. That is it said as I said So she was then put, which is very odd, in one storyline they put her in a romantic storyline with Mark Henry, the giant Olympic guy. Really?
Starting point is 01:21:31 Yeah, that's an interesting one here. It was for the, because it was the nation of domination he was in, which was the other stable that they were always fighting with and all that kind of shit. I guess in August 1998, the Rock ordered Henry, because the Rock was the leader of the nation of domination at the time, to kiss China,
Starting point is 01:21:50 to humiliate her. And she fought back with that, and then Henry would be basically following her around, couldn't get, he was in love with her after that, and then threatened her with a sexual harassment demand over what it's ridiculous if that was the storyline it was very fucking stupid dumb storyline here obviously and then she ended up being his on screen girlfriend and then turned on him obviously to whatever you know go back with them triple H and all that shit so she
Starting point is 01:22:23 actually became the first woman ever into the Royal Rumble as well. Really? Yes, she was the number 30 entrant into the Royal Rumble. So that's awesome. They brought her in last and she was the big surprise and it was like, oh shit, imagine if China won the fucking Royal Rumble.
Starting point is 01:22:40 And she eliminated Mark Henry in the Royal Rumble. How about that? And then Steve Austin eliminated her because I think he won that year. So there you go she ended up doing a Storyline where she was betraying Triple H and aligning herself with Vince McMahon when they were doing that whole thing here So a lot of different shit like that somewhere around here though Triple H starts hooking up with Stephanie McMahon and though Triple H starts hooking up with Stephanie McMahon and for a long time people were like oh it's it's we don't know whether it happened after they broke up or whatever bullshit there's so many people are like it was going on right under her fucking nose everybody knew it was
Starting point is 01:23:18 happening and they were this poor girl was just left to fucking you know to flail in it which is really shitty because what are you supposed to do go up to Stephanie and be like stay the fuck away from my boyfriend It's the boss you are you're fucked you're fucked you cannot fucking win That's a really really really shitty position to put her in it's it's bad here, so Anyway, that's what ended up happening there the wrestlers She I guess she said that her, now Triple H is famously a very, he's a T-Totaller, very famously.
Starting point is 01:23:52 The reason the click got him into the crew at first, he was brand new in wrestling. And they had seen him, they said, because he worked as, what was it, Terror Rising, I think was his name, and WCW at first. He was like a preliminary guy. His name was Terra?
Starting point is 01:24:08 Terra Rising, like Earth. Earth coming at you. Terrible fucking name. Terra-ble name. T-E-R-R-A. Yes. Yeah, because everyone watching wrestling knows that means Earth. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:24:22 No, your name's Tara, bro. Your name is Tara. So they saw him and they were like, oh my God, what a terrible gimmick, but they were like, this kid's actually not a bad worker. He's good at what he's doing, he just has a stupid name. We can fix that. Stupid fucking name. So then when they brought him in,
Starting point is 01:24:39 when he got brought in by Killer Kowalski, they said, hey, you're a pretty good worker, and I guess Triple H would come up to them and said, hey, I was told that you guys are the guys to hang out with and ride with because they said if you want to get anywhere, those guys have a lot of stroke with the office, so hang out with them. So they said, can we mind if I hang out with you guys, basically? And they said, yeah, you can drive with us and come with us.
Starting point is 01:25:01 So they did that because he didn't do pills or drink, and they all did. You can drive. He and come with us so they did that because he didn't do pills or drink and they all did You can drive he is the designated driver What a stroke of luck right if he did drugs and all that he would not have any they were they were using him Yeah, yeah, you know he's good at what he's doing like them and stuff and they throw him the keys exactly And he would also like guys when they're all fucking so mad out and shit He would help carry them in and fucking do everything and he made sure they didn't get arrested or wander in the traffic He was their babysitter basically. He feels like he's earned his role just because he did all that bullshit Yeah, I mean well, that's paying your dues. I mean, that's that's what he did back in the day
Starting point is 01:25:37 They'd play driving a bunch of veterans around. I'm sure he was carrying bags and doing all that kind of shit But you know in the, he's the one fucking telling them what to do. He's a very secure. Yep. So they were very clean though, because as we said, Triple H doesn't do shit, except for, obviously, steroids and HGH.
Starting point is 01:25:55 Clearly, yeah. Fucking monkey hormones or whatever the hell he's pumping into his body. Who the fuck is used for a primate? Who the fuck knows? But they were always at the gym and everything like that. And then they split up. And so things get a little bit different here, obviously. When they split up, by the way, here's a quote from Joni
Starting point is 01:26:19 about just basically life in general, when people meet her at the time and just kind of a basic overview of her thing. We'll do it in their own words here. We'll let Joanie. You gonna do it? Say it for herself. Yeah, we'll do it in their own masculine words.
Starting point is 01:26:37 Quote, I'm not gonna do her voice. I know. I know. I couldn't do it. That would be horrific. That's so mean. I know it, but you know it's funny because if you met me right now the first thing everybody says to me is, oh you're not so big or gee, you're really pretty. Or oh my gosh, I think it's easy just to see something on TV and I think when people meet me they expect to see some 300 pound gorilla or something, I don't know, but they still want to arm wrestle with me just to see.
Starting point is 01:27:18 Yeah, they all want to. Yeah, I want to arm wrestle and shit. She would have won. Break my arm, Joni. See how fast it. I want to see how long I can go see if over the top really works. See how far you throw me while you just stand still. So she wanted to soften her appearance and that's when she took some time off in 1999 and this is when she came back. Holy shit, completely different person. She got boobs, number one.
Starting point is 01:27:48 She popped some tits on. And it's crazy too because they look incredible. They're like very well done. Yeah, I would hope she'd go to a decent fucking doctor. She's on TV every week. Yeah, sure she went to a great doctor. I mean the WWE I'm sure had a guy because all those girls had tits. Some of those girls' fake tits look god damn off.
Starting point is 01:28:09 Oh yeah, they look stupid. They look like grapefruit. Stables look stupid. They're dumb. They're not good. I hate that shit. But hers, Joni's are very well done. They were well done.
Starting point is 01:28:18 She also got a nose job and had her jaw broken and shaved down. Holy fuck, really? That's not easy to do what she had done to her face broken and shaved down. Holy fuck, really? That's not easy to do what she had done to her face. Oh my god. She really, really, really wanted to look different. And that's, that takes a lot. What's more heartbreaking? Jesus. That's, but now she has a completely different avenue.
Starting point is 01:28:39 Now she's not just this, you know, she can play a whole different thing. So now she's doing her wrestling during the day. And then, you know, she she's doing like shoots for magazines and shit where she's got like lipstick on and stuff and shit that she never did before. She's got a very feminine stuff here. So, yeah, she she loved it, though. She felt like this is her calling.
Starting point is 01:29:02 She found her spot. You know what I mean? And this is great. So she did all sorts of shit here. People like her, but I don't know if they trust her. I don't know if they trust her as far as they think she's fucked up for some reason. Yeah, even then. And I don't know if Triple H contributed to that
Starting point is 01:29:24 with I'm not sure how that works, but doesn't matter. So I guess in 1999, January 27th of 99, she makes her acting debut on the Drew Carey show. Is that right? What did she do there? She's a female wrestler. Okay, yeah. She's not just like a fucking 7-Eleven clerk.
Starting point is 01:29:47 The range on this girl. On an episode called Rats, Kate's Dating a Wrestler. Okay, and this is a Drew Carey show starring Drew Carey, obviously, in 1999. She also becomes the Intercontinental Champion at one point by beating Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental title. That cost by beating Jeff Jarrett for the Intercontinental title. That cost Vince McMahon 300 grand. Really? Yeah, Jeff Jarrett said,
Starting point is 01:30:12 every once in a while Vince would fuck up and mess up a contract. That's how Lex Luger got to go to Nitro and be a big surprise because his contract had lapped and they were just on a handshake deal which was dumb as fuck. And so that meant he could leave whenever he felt like it there's been a few of those where like something lapsed and Vince fucked up and you know, and this was one of them is
Starting point is 01:30:34 We let Jeff Jarrett's contract laps while he still had the Intercontinental title and he needed him to lose it at King of the Ring and Jarrett said fuck you. I'm not coming back, you can kiss my dick. My contract's up, I don't have to give you shit. And they said, well we really need you, you're the champ. We need you to come drop the belt and do it to China. It'll cost 300 grand. And he said, you want me to lose to a woman? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:30:58 Lose the belt to a woman in a place I don't even work anymore. 300 grand for one night and he paid it, he had to. Wow. Same, he had to pay it. Yeah, cause what are you gonna do in that moment? Had to do it. He would have already been advertised. They advertised him. They fucked up. Oh, fuck. That's, that happened more than fucking once where he had to do that and had to pay his ultimate warrior,
Starting point is 01:31:16 held him up before a show. Yeah. He got fired for it, but he held him up before a show too. Do you think? A pay per view. I bet it's true. Do you think Vince ever, when these guys die, like fucking dances like a jig? Yes, I think he does it all the time. Yeah, probably does, right? Probably, absolutely. I'm sure he's saving a dime somewhere. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Good, now if he goes into rehab, I don't have to pay for it. Like yeah, I think he does. I really do. I think there's some guys he probably got along with there, but it was all about business He got along with the guys who made him the most money period They got along based on their mutual love of money him and Hulk and were like the resort right by my house is where ultimate warrior dropped dead in the parking lot and I drive by it all the time and I and I think about it and my kids
Starting point is 01:31:59 I told I told my kids every time like that old man. I think of it Like that old man that's driving the car that's where I met your grandma. No, we know grandpa. We you told us We don't know who ultimate warrior is Doesn't exist he died right there. He's right there. You know him if you were my age, but you're not oh Man that's fucking funny man. So there you go. She's a champ. I mean the first intercontinental champion who's a woman and won a men's title. She wasn't in like the, she wasn't in the diva class or the women's division. She was just in with the guys. That was it. Which is honestly a little bit hard I would think. So then she
Starting point is 01:32:42 does some acting as well again here this is January 31st 1999 a show called Beggars and Choosers. Oh these aren't even anything. I don't know that I mean Drew Carey show is a big show for a long time. But this isn't like she's the star of the show. No no no no she's doing guest spots on shows. You can get whenever they need some big giant woman Whatever that's she does that Amazon to? Exploit her size beggars and choosers is the amusing trials of the executive staff of a television network Interesting Brandon Tartakov created it the former head of NBC who died of cancer
Starting point is 01:33:23 Brian Kerwin stars in it. Charlotte Ross. I see the picture of the cast and they all like, they all like, oh I know her. I know that one, yeah she was in Stuff. And I know that guy, yeah he was in something. It's one of those. She's in one episode called Unsafe Sex. Okay, so she makes me laugh. Where I assume she pins someone down and rapes them.
Starting point is 01:33:42 Yeah, so anyway, she backed the wrestling here, like I said. First, she had a match against Jarrett, which she lost for the Intercontinental title, but she beat him. That was the $300,000 thing. I go, was it King of the Ring? Where the hell was it? I don't remember. But either way, yeah, his contract had expired on October 16th
Starting point is 01:34:05 and he was not contractually obligated, but WWF would have false advertised him otherwise, so they just did it. They just fucking did it. Chyna then feuded with Chris Jericho after he came over from WCW. She beat him at the Survivor Series. Wow.
Starting point is 01:34:21 But then lost the title to him at another pay-per-view. So, interesting. But that was like a long feud. They had another match in December. I mean, it was a big fucking deal at the Royal Rumble. Jericho and China defended the title here. I guess they went chat tag team championships. Oh, and a triple threat match. What a fucking weird, weird fucking thing here. Oh oh they were that's right they had that weird finish oh that's right okay her and Jericho had a
Starting point is 01:34:51 weird finish where they fucking like pinned each other one of those where they were both their shoulders were on the ground okay so they became co-champions what that's how they did it maybe made them co-champions. That's interesting here now 2000 is when the Triple H shit started to die off 2000 and It's funny because Apparently they a lot of people say that they just wanted different futures. Yeah That Triple H wanted a kids
Starting point is 01:35:24 He wanted a family and kids and all that kind of thing and she didn He wanted a family and kids and all that kind of thing, and she didn't want a family and kids and all that. Just had no interest in it. Didn't want him. And also, it's been said that she was jealous that he would spend time with his family on the days that he had off, and not her. So, okay, so he has kids elsewhere.
Starting point is 01:35:42 No, no, no, his family, like his parents and sisters. His mom and his dad? Brothers and sisters or whatever the fuck. I don't think that's true. No, no, no, his family, like his parents. His mom and his dad. Brothers and sisters or whatever the fuck. I don't think that's true. Yeah, that's weird. That is weird. Who the fuck would be jealous of that? That's very strange.
Starting point is 01:35:53 So that's what I mean. Well, someone who's not very secure. Or somebody whose dad put them in $40,000 worth of debt before they were 18. Or that, yeah. So she said that she sensed that Triple H was kind of getting closer to Stephanie McMahon. And she told numerous friends that she
Starting point is 01:36:14 searched his briefcase, probably a Halliburton, one of those metal ones they used to carry, and discovered a love letter from Stephanie. Oh, boy. Yeah. That's how that goes. That shit. He kept it, I guess. And uh, Kathy, the sister, Joni's sister said they wouldn't have lasted whether Stephanie came into the picture or not. She said, I have no animosity toward
Starting point is 01:36:37 Paul. He was very good to Joni. He cared about her deeply, but she just had too many issues. Still, I really do think Paul was the only man she ever truly loved. She was devastated. So yeah, that's tough on her. And if they wanted different things, they want different things. If you start out and hey, we're both in wrestling and we're both in the same angles and this is all real convenient, but then a few years go by and you're pushing 30 and you go, things got to change.
Starting point is 01:37:02 I kind of want to do this with my life. I'd like this to be my future. And she's like got to change. I kind of want to do this with my life I'd like this to be my future and she's like fuck no It's tough, but he could have broke up with her before he started Started doing that also in 2000. She appears on MTV Cribs What I don't know that's now we've by the way now. We know none of those are those people's real house. They all rented them or By the way now we know none of those are those people's real house rented them or Borrowed it from a friend or whatever. Yeah MTV would I found out that when they would
Starting point is 01:37:35 Like book you on the show. Yeah, they'd be like, okay. This is what we're gonna do Well, you know, we'll rent you a house and we'll have they would have they would rent a house They would have you know rent furniture all that shit was all fake shit for the most part every once in a while It would be somebody's real house if they actually had a house like that, but most people didn't have houses like that Yeah, that was the thing like I think Carmelo Anthony's was really his Zaddle like a shoe collection Red man was really his Shit little one shit little raised ranch, like two bedroom house. There's a famous story about him talking about, you know, MTV approached me. He's like,
Starting point is 01:38:11 yeah, shit, I'll do that. And they're like, all right, we're going to rent you this house. And he was like, fuck that. He goes, hell no. He said, make that shit real. He goes, come to my crib where I chill. And he said, get the fuck out. So come to Newark. Come to my house that I'll fucking hang out. He goes that's they should that shit was real I was being fucking honest and he goes yeah, I fuck some shit up to make it worse Yeah, yeah, I tried to make it as bad as possible. Yeah. Yeah, you tried to make it as bad as possible But he said otherwise, that's how I was living. What the fuck you want I love it cuz everybody else was full of shit with that
Starting point is 01:38:42 Yeah, and his is the most famous fucking episode because of it It's really good. It's really good. It's very funny. Oh, it's a funny guy He's oh, yeah great guy that guy fuck. Yeah, God. He's amazing And you know what he's doing today James jumping out of fucking airplanes for no reason at all. That's what he does That man is a skydiver now. Isn't that weird? He's in his 50s The man is a skydiver now isn't that weird he's in his 50s Wow, I don't I don't know he just loves it And he does like back flips and spins and all this weird shit that how high shit too serious He's real fucking you're too high
Starting point is 01:39:16 That's that's too high. I'll come down. Don't worry. I'll come down. We finally found the point where you're too high It's just too high Sorry, he's opening doors and jumping out because yes, I'm too high crazy man He's great shit. He's such a fucking funny rapper. Yes his shit Like he had the example of like you can have tough shit. You can have hard shit You could be hilarious in the next line You could be whatever the fuck you wanna be in hip hop. And that was the love-ish shit.
Starting point is 01:39:49 And he's probably one of the scariest rappers because his mood swings in a song. Oh, it's great. Oh my god, I don't know what to expect, this guy's a fuckin' animal. Why, he's fuckin' hilarious. That's a killer. He was one of the first guys that could be funny
Starting point is 01:40:03 but wasn't considered goofy. Yeah, right. Or wasn't corny or anything like that. Wasn't corny at all, right. He was just fuckin the first guys that could be funny but wasn't considered goofy. Yeah, right. Or wasn't corny or anything like that. He was just fucking funny, man. His shit was hilarious. Fuck, he was great. I love that man. One of the first ones that discovered that punch lines are a thing in rap.
Starting point is 01:40:16 You can make lines be funny and threatening and you can make fun of somebody all at the same time. All at the same time. Not just mean but funny too. Yeah, so great. So also on that show, Tony Hawk and Usher. Oh, what? That's the weirdest trio you've ever heard of. Yeah, Red Man, Tony Hawk, Usher.
Starting point is 01:40:35 All right. Picture a threesome between Red Man, or no, between Tony Hawk, Usher, and China. Picture that. Oh, it's China's show. Yeah, China's show. Holy shit, yeah, that's bizarre. Yeah, it's China, Tony Hawk, and Us's show. Holy shit, yeah, that's bizarre. Yeah, it's China, Tony Hawk, and Usher in the same show.
Starting point is 01:40:47 That'd be the weirdest threesome of all time. She'd break one off for sure. Usher just bouncing around all over the place on top of her. Running away. Running away. March 19th, 2000, she's on an episode of Pacific Blue. Yeah? Yeah, remember that? Remember Pacific Blue? I never watched Yeah. Yeah, remember that number Pacific blue. I never watched it
Starting point is 01:41:07 Yeah, I remember the commercials It was on like USA Network and it was like a bunch of like beach bike cops bicycle Beach cops Commercial and they show like these people like riding though These are serious riding their fucking mountain bikes all fast chasing a suspect like what the who the fuck is watching this the only way to make a bike cop interesting is to do it like lieutenant dangle otherwise yeah I don't want to see it they put them on the beach so they were like it's at the beach so people will be in bathing suits so it'll be like sexy no USA Network talking about I don't care I don't want to see law and order on bicycles at the beach.
Starting point is 01:41:48 No. God, it was so cheesy, all those USA shows. She played a character named Tanya Sweet. So this is the first time she's not just jacked up woman as her character. She's actually got a person she's playing, a human being. In 2000, that is when she appears on the Howard Stern Show, unfortunately for her. She claimed later that she quote, made an ass out of herself. Which appearance was that? Because she's on. She's on so many times.
Starting point is 01:42:15 A lot. Yeah. Was that? Every time it seems like she was coming in to defend herself because Howard would find something in the news and talk about her and then she'd write a book or have something to promote and she'd come in to promote that and defend herself at the same time and it's impossible to do both. Or just to make rape accusations against your ex-boyfriend.
Starting point is 01:42:34 One of the two. I don't think it was this one. No it wasn't. No that was way later. That was way fucking later because that was a big deal. We'll talk about that shit in part two. Big time because yeah there was some kind of weird stuff there. Wild shit she said, yeah.
Starting point is 01:42:47 So April 12th, 2000 here. Here's an article about her and it says, this is the weirdest thing ever. WWE delivers new attitude to post office. What? Yeah, apparently there are fucking- Stamps? Yeah, but it's not it's not real Oh, it says China scares off US Post Office Liberia not afraid and it's got a bunch of stamps I'll show it to you a bunch of stamps that say they're Liberia stamps
Starting point is 01:43:19 It's just a it's just a merch thing each stamp features China's signature It's just a merch thing. Each stamp features China's signature. And then they write an article like it's real though. They say, Monroe via Liberia. It seems all hell broke loose in the once tame world of stamp collecting when the country of Liberia issued nine official postage stamps featuring the World Wrestling Federation's sultry diva China. While no serious injuries have been reported yet, one overwhelmed postal worker was heard
Starting point is 01:43:50 screaming these fans are nuts somebody help me. Ridiculous. Yeah. Yes. Makeup on on one of them. Yeah. Very, very strange. It's very fucking stupid.
Starting point is 01:44:00 And this article is really fucking stupid. Honestly, that's is it just like drumming up like trying to get press on just to get her name in the press? Is that what there's? No, no, it's it's it's merch. Okay. This is from their merch catalog. I think I come by our stamps of China. They're available for a limited time for just 995 plus $3 shipping and handling a dollar
Starting point is 01:44:20 a piece, dollar a piece for those bad boys. God damn. Man, April 21st, 2000, this is USA Today. So if anyone was sleeping in a hotel, they read this in 2000. Or if you had a class and they forced you to read the paper. That too. Shit, USA Today. And the headline is China not fragile about acting goals. Okay. And they said the ninth wonder of the world is ready to take the acting world
Starting point is 01:44:52 or tackle not take. Joni Lor, better known as World Wrestling Federation superstar China, she of the body slams and headlocks is moving beyond the ring to the soundstage starring as a government operative in UPN's alien invasion Okay, she also guest stars in the May 23rd season finale of NBC's third rock from the Sun as girlfriend of alien Harry French Stewart really yes Yes. French Stewart dated her on the show? That's awesome. That's a funny combination. I'd love to see that episode.
Starting point is 01:45:25 Hell yeah. In Alien, she plays a security chief for a covert defense agency out to prove that an alien invasion is phony. She says, quote, it was fun. Big role I fit into as Chyna the actress, not Chyna the wrestler. I felt really natural doing it and had a lot of fun. Well when you're doing it, don't use your wrestler name then. Yeah do it as Joni. Joni the actress not China the wrestler. Yeah it's just a character name. Though
Starting point is 01:45:53 China spends most days on the road wrestling, seen Mondays on USA Network, she was in LA recently to attend WrestleMania and talk up her acting gig, a longtime goal finally realized. As a young girl in Rochester, New York, she wanted to be an actress, but her size was a problem. A workout enthusiast, she found few takers as her arms grew huge, so she turned to wrestling. It was natural because you have your physicality and you have your entertainment. I saw myself as the first woman ass kicker," she says. Still she had to fight her way into the nearly all-male profession except for the lovelies
Starting point is 01:46:30 who serve as eye candy in parentheses. She convinced the World Wrestling Federation that fans would eat up the idea of seeing a wrestling goddess. If you're not a wrestling fan, this is her talking, if you're not a wrestling fan and you turn on the TV and saw this woman beating up this man and And this man fought back against her you would say that's horrible How can somebody do that? But if you're a fan and you've watched and you understand what it's all about you'd realize that no woman has ever done this before she goes out and fights and takes on other athletes and
Starting point is 01:47:01 And beats them up and she can take it and that's empowering I don't know who that quote is from by the way that last part doesn't say I guess it's empowering especially if you're a woman that's getting knocked around at home you know what I mean yeah that's yeah a fan website says she weighs 205 pounds and stands 5 foot 10 she corrects a reporter and says she's down to 192 so the reporter no the reporter six to 194 and she's and he said well I'm bigger than you so you're not six to don't go saying that shit so I mean what the fuck yeah yeah she said but you know I can whip your ass. There you go. And he said are you threatening me? That's a joke. You know, they were joking around. So anyway, like other wrestlers the Rock McFauley China is branching into books
Starting point is 01:47:53 She's working on one for Reagan books and a fitness video. What else is next? She said quote all of my opponents are men and that has allowed the TV world to see what my original dream was What was originally such a detriment is now a unique thing that makes you in demand All of my opponents are men and that has allowed the TV world to see what my original dream was. What was originally such a detriment is now a unique thing that makes you in demand. In the acting world, it's opened up a lot of doors for me. My agenda is not to leave wrestling, but as great as it is to be there, I'm also limited. Fans like to see me, but I can't beat up all the guys and I don't ever see myself being the world champion
Starting point is 01:48:25 I'm open to movies TV all of it She's starting to be like a movie on the side of this wrestling thing into a bigger deal So in 2000 more acting here, she Starts she goes on third rock from the Sun where she's in three episodes that she had a little arc She had a little arc with French.'s great what I want to see that Season 5 episode 14 and then season 5 episodes 21 and 22. How about it fucking interesting September 19th 2000 here
Starting point is 01:48:58 This is after she has posed for playboy, but before it's come out Okay, so we all know she has posed but nothing hasn't come out yet. So September 19th, 2000 this is from and the headline is China proud to have posed. Yeah. Yeah it says World Wrestling Federation superstar China says she's proud of her photo spread in the November issue of Playboy. She said quote, a body like mine has been rejected for so many years She said not the ideal beauty ugly masculine, but doing playboy for me is the pinnacle and I'm very proud
Starting point is 01:49:35 She said that this is fun Help but laugh at this China says the playboy spread is quote, not a sexual thing. Why do you think men want to see your vagina? What do you think that's for? Well, James, there's articles, you know, and jokes and cartoons. And then there's the pictures of naked women. That's nothing to do with it. And the articles about, you know, Netanyahu's fucking battle with something that's a separate issue then her tits are out. That's way different. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:12 Wow. It's not a sexual thing. It was look at me. Here I am. Now people love the body. It's about damn time. Okay. Also the WWE put out a workout video and that she was featured in as well
Starting point is 01:50:26 that month. So she is killing it. At the same time, she's got a storyline becoming the onscreen girlfriend of Eddie Guerrero. Neither of them had a good ending. Jesus. Yeah. Where he would call her his mama Sita, obviously. And that's what they did there. So, China Fitness now we'll talk about a little bit and Playboy and all that. That's her angle now is showing people how to work out. I guess, yeah, look at me. I mean, if you're a woman.
Starting point is 01:50:57 You too can do this. Yeah, back then and you're thinking, oh man, you're going, oh man, shit, look at her. She's out there body slamming dudes. I would think that would be something you'd be thinking about so it's said the headline is the real China revealed yeah that's right they said you know making a promotional appearance for her China Fitness video at a Toronto area movie theater bookstore complex she spoke to a group of over 200 fans and
Starting point is 01:51:23 answered questions before signing copies of the video and Playboy. She seemed to appreciate the interaction with the fans. She said, quote, It's great for me to see that because it's always it always shows dedication of the fans. I feel like it's a wonderful point in my career. It's the best point you'll ever have China. That's the sad part. I'm tickled pink that there's been so much interest in what I'm doing I feel like I've delivered this great message to people and it's very rewarding I enjoy the work, but when it actually happens people appreciate what you're doing and listen to what you're saying Was that anything did she just say? Jumble of just I don't want to say anything committled about anything
Starting point is 01:52:01 Not really. A jumble of just, I don't want to say anything committled about anything. So I guess she said she was part of the team that designed the 40-minute workout which incorporates a variety of exercise techniques. She said, before I was ever a World Wrestling Federation superstar, that's what I did. I worked out and that's become one of my, part of my lifestyle and my job. Although I'm the only woman who wrestles with men, I've been able to hold my own with what we do is entertainment. However, I still get hit just as hard as the guys and I have to be able to pick them up
Starting point is 01:52:32 and throw them around and maintain the body of an elite female athlete. I think there are more and more women out there working out now and we live in a fit society and women aren't trying to look like Barbie anymore. They're trying to look like China, and I think that's great Okay, she said I think people recognize who I am in the athletic arena I think that's wonderful, and I think that's because I wasn't okay with stereotypes It's not okay to be told no or you can't do that or you shouldn't be strong or you shouldn't be strong and beautiful Or you can't or you shouldn't or you won't? That's what she said.
Starting point is 01:53:07 She said also, I think it was, I was given a genetic gift to be five foot 10 and have a big frame. Yeah, yeah, because that frame does lend to looking taller because she's bigger, yeah. And her shoulders are just big, I mean, she's a big. They really are. Most women, no matter what they do, can't look like that
Starting point is 01:53:24 because their body is just not, they don't have the frame for that shit and you got to have a strong enough bone structure to support that kind of shit and everything else. So yeah she that's what she's doing here she's say just that's interesting though and I guess if you're a bigger woman though you would go hey maybe I'll do that you know I don't know. She said I took it to that to a different level and developed the body of an elite female athlete I put that at the forefront so people can really relate to that because there may be other women out there that want to look Like I do but they're ridiculed or they are been told that it's not okay or what society seems beautiful
Starting point is 01:54:00 Or you should starve yourself and look like a beanpole of fake breasts because that's the only thing that's going to get you looked at. It's not true. You can be a big jacked up chick with fake breasts. It's a fascinating thing that she just said because I don't think she did this with empowerment on her mind. I know this would make with my revenge on her mind. Yeah. With revenge, your opportunity. Yeah. And I want to eat better food and live in a nice place. It just happens that it has worked out the opportunity for her to open the door to more money by telling women, you too can do this.
Starting point is 01:54:33 Yeah, you too, so you should be my fan. But I also did a lot of surgery to do this. Also, this, wow. Let me break your jaw and shave it. I've broken my jaw for this. This is so hardcore. So they asked her, do you consider yourself to be a role model? And she said, I guess I really don't consider myself to be a role model.
Starting point is 01:54:57 That was never my intention. I've done this for me and everything I've done has been for myself. I think by standing up for myself, it reaches so many other people, which then it becomes inspirational to them. I don't want people to be just like me, but I hope it does send a message to a lot of women out there.
Starting point is 01:55:14 Be your own woman and don't listen to how someone else tells you how to be, or how society tells you how to be. There's so much potential locked up in our women, and I think it's not used because it's crushed down. I think people consider me a role model, but I don't claim to be. Don't be like me, be the best you,
Starting point is 01:55:31 and that's what I'm doing is being the best me. Yeah, I'm a big bitch, and I'm being the best big bitch I can, and you do whatever you are. And I broke my jaw for this. I broke my jaw for this. So they said, you've just finished the final draft of your autobiography And she said that's been one of her greatest accomplishments Yeah, she said I think this is probably one of my most rewarding fascinating things that I've done so far most celebrities when they describe their
Starting point is 01:55:58 memoirs And this is not a sports memoir really don't take off the mask and really only tell the people what they want them to know and see. I think I took that mask off and told people a detailed description of my life. It was important to me being a person that goes out and displays these messages. I think it was important for me to be candid and honest
Starting point is 01:56:19 about who I am and what happened to me and why I chose this path. And she says that the book will also make people laugh. Really? She said it's written in an extremely funny way. Oh. Really. What is it? Wow. Is it an audio book so we get to hear your voice?
Starting point is 01:56:36 Yeah, that would be hilarious. I'm sure there is like an old book on tape out there. There's gotta be one, yeah. She said, that's a lot of Joni. That's my personality, which is great. China that's a lot of Joni, that's my personality, which is great. China's kind of stiff, Joni's really funny. The book is funny and you're gonna chuckle
Starting point is 01:56:52 all the way through. It's a very powerful book. Oh boy. Her ego's getting wild right now. It's really, yeah. She's gotta calm down. She's just gotta- Described. The beginning is great.
Starting point is 01:57:02 It's, you can be humble and say, look, I came from fucking nothing And I'm being the best me you too can do it. Don't fuck this make it more You're gonna chuckle and it's powerful is like calm down Joni's funny China's tough. Jesus Christ. Oh Man, so she says also she doesn't want to discuss cuz they asked her about Triple H and their relationship She's like, I don't talk about that She said I think it's funny that people bring that up
Starting point is 01:57:28 I most of the time try to keep that personal most people because of what they watch on TV have already Determined that we've broken up or got back together or that we're married or engaged none of that's ever been discussed So I don't discuss it. I guess people have their own perceptions of what's going on. Okay, but do you have a dick? That's what they want to know. Well, did you peg Triple H? Did he like it? But then they talk about Playboy where we definitely know she doesn't. And they said, she said, I think it gave Playboy and myself a unique opportunity to do something special. Not only is having China on the cover of Playboy something special, now she's third person
Starting point is 01:58:07 herself. She's Ricky Henderson. Now, but it's also very important, a very powerful statement. I think it's something that people aren't used to seeing. The curiosity level was there, the fan base was there, the years of dedication and hard work on my body were there, and that's a powerful combination. I think it's an irreplaceable combination that made this issue very attractive to most people. Okay. Whoa. At this point too, there was like a badge of honor for like the most famous
Starting point is 01:58:34 woman to like get her playboy spread. This was like a big deal for a lot of women for a very long time. Okay. Yeah. So being on the cover and being in it, it's a huge badge of honor to be a girl that's featured in this. It's a big deal for her. You can just hear her ego growing and growing and growing. Yeah, and they said, well, how was the photo shoot? She said, it felt wonderful. I was not apprehensive about taking off my clothing.
Starting point is 01:59:01 I'm very proud of that. And I think it's about darn time, about darn tootin' time here that we show something like that. It was a frickin' good time. God darn it, gosh darn it, gosh darn it all the heck. I didn't do this as a sexual thing. I did it because I think my body is beautiful
Starting point is 01:59:18 and it's a piece of art. That's how I think it was shown in the most incredible strength and sexuality and people jerking off to you Are you talking? I got news for you, Joni. I watched it looked at it and loved it and Maybe I've done dirty things to myself. There you go Porn was harder to come by back then. So this is what we had Let's be realistic. You had to rent or buy it. There was no
Starting point is 01:59:42 Or get a subscription under somebody else's name. Yeah Living 25 years ago is like living in the south now Tough Porn hub didn't exist just like Arkansas right now. Yep, you guys asked for that shit. That's what you wanted. Enjoy Enjoy cocksuckers begged for it. So yeah, she said she she went on to say, I really wondered at first whether people would say she sold out. That's not what it is. I'm a woman and I have strength in sexuality and showed it a very, showed a very feminine
Starting point is 02:00:14 side of myself. I haven't gotten one negative comment about it either. Who the hell is going to give you a negative comment? You're terrifying. Let's just say I'm pleasantly surprised. I don't like your tits. Pow, ow. I'm pleasantly surprised. I don't like your tits pow Sorry you forced me to look at your tits when I paid 1899 for it or whatever the fuck yeah
Starting point is 02:00:39 Fucking a lot so China said she does not want to be taught a lot of as a bodybuilder though That's not what she is really the bodybuilders very specific to be big. A bodybuilder is that girl in the American flag bikini. Yes, that's a bodybuilder. And what she is now is not that. She said most of the time I think bodybuilders are unhealthy people. There's a lot of drug use and different weights during the year. I'm lumped in with all of them all the time and that's not the case. I think I'm fit and healthy and sculpted my body the way I want to look great. Oh boy good for you so 2000 November playboy hits the newsstand here we go. Oh, baby absolutely Big deal here when this comes out she says that I was not uncomfortable But I didn't expect it meaning the Playboy offer to begin with, or the Playboy thing to happen.
Starting point is 02:01:28 She said, first of all, I think that people are under the assumption that Playboy came knocking to WWF's door. They did not. I went and approached Hugh Hefner and told him I wanted to pose because I felt that female athletes are beautiful. I think we're healthy, and I think that that's something
Starting point is 02:01:46 we need to start portraying out there to teenagers. I truly believe without getting deep here that athletics saved me from venturing maybe into a drug world or sex or identity crisis when you're 16 or 17 years old, and it was athletics for me. I look around and see a lot of underfed women who I think we portray
Starting point is 02:02:05 as the most beautiful women and what we strive to look like and what we think is beautiful, especially in a magazine that's a premiere men's magazine like Playboy. So I said, you know, what I'm just the next thing. I'm going to A, go show these people that I'm going to a go show these people that I'm going to make my mark on playboy magazine and to I wanted to I wanted to you have to be really careful that when I'm on TV and 22 million people are watching me every week with a starch look on my face kicking guys in the nuts. It tends to stereotype you a little bit. So I wanted to show a part of Joni and that was a lady with muscle and a very
Starting point is 02:02:45 feminine side of myself. You know, show some sexuality and show some femininity and that was what my goal and I give kudos to you, Hefner, for taking a chance and look what happened. They did surprise me and I think no doubt it's a tribute to the World Wrestling Federation for the extreme promotion and the vehicle that I had behind me but I I don't think one of the other women I think that's Proven we've had the same success because I think there was really meaning behind that and the majority of the fans who came out For signings, I'd say 40% were women Doctors and lawyers and adult women who are not wrestling fans, but that I relate to you Joni and we're proud of you who are not wrestling fans, but that I relate to you, Joni, and we're proud of you.
Starting point is 02:03:26 Sable was in Playboy in 99. Yeah, before her. They knew very well, they were very well aware that wrestling ladies have that. Absolutely, yeah, Sable, and she got a million dollars for that in 99. Did she really? She got a million bucks.
Starting point is 02:03:39 It was a great spread because it was very out of place. Somebody opened her paycheck. Yeah, that's good, good for her. Yeah, here's the Playboy. Yeah, it's not bad, it's very good. Oh to yeah, that's good good for her. Yeah. Here's the playboy Yeah, it's not bad. It's very good. Oh the cover is very good. Yeah, she's looking way less like muscly ripped Yeah, and that and they softened up her jaw a lot. They saw her face Face looks very completely different. It's a different girl. Yeah, it's a different. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, she's definitely way different It says WWF Wrestling Phenom China Nude.
Starting point is 02:04:07 And then also other articles, Sex and Cinema, Russian Babes Never Say Nyet, Russian Shicks Are Easy is literally one of their fucking, one of their fucking articles. That is amazing. That's a great headline. Ben Stiller, the Playboy interview. Because everybody wants, we're looking at China's tits. Oh, what's Ben Stiller have to say? What's Ben Stiller got to say about this?
Starting point is 02:04:35 What you can learn in sex class and the great biker murder trial. Those are all your, and China. Tell me more about how Russian girls don't say no to anything. Tell me about Russian whores and naked wrestlers, please. Please tell me about those things. I bet 12 people read that Ben Stiller interview after they were jerked off and ruined that magazine's pages. This is when she's still wrestling.
Starting point is 02:05:06 She actually began a feud with a woman, with Ivory, over the Women's Championship. And Ivory's also a big chick. Ivory is, she's in a bunch, she was like one of the original globe women, like in the 80s. Like Ivory's been around a long time. She's on like a lot of the documentaries and stuff. She's real well spoken, but she's real muscular tough chick, too So yeah, they they did all of this deal here So they actually had her fighting a woman and everything on November 9th, 2000
Starting point is 02:05:36 The character of China wasn't built in a day No an interview with her here in what is this the Richmond Times Dispatch, but I think it's an AP article So she said I was portrayed as a freak That's how Joni Laura describes her early days as China. How far the WWF's Queen of the Ring has come She says China who like Triple H trained under the legendary killer Kowalski entered Titan land That's used to be Titan sports is the name of WWF's parent company there in February 1997 with a determination to thrive in sports entertainment upon her arrival she escorted Hunter Hearst Helmsley to the ring acting as a bodyguard the powerful woman was a
Starting point is 02:06:17 unique heel who awed fans without saying a word or moving a muscle so she says it means it means a uniqueness and it actually means something special to me. She said it's the strength I have and my guys, Shawn Michaels and Triple H, named me the ninth wonder of the world. She said I kept raising the bar every time I did something different like that. It was good, but you can't shove something down people's throats. I didn't talk on the microphone for two years. I didn't get in there and wrestle for a particular reason because people had never seen anything
Starting point is 02:06:48 like me before. You just can't go in and beat everybody up. I would have been here and gone in two seconds, but we kept people wondering what I would do. And at first I would stand there then I would move around. And when I moved, people wanted to see what I was going to do. And then when I hit somebody, people wanted to see what was going to happen happen After that then when I started doing matches and it just grew up and until people really began to accept the except China as another wrestler She said she's overcome stereotypes Sure, she said there was no way know how a guy was going to let me hit them, especially not a woman She said I think now it's different. The guys I work with, obviously they want me to succeed
Starting point is 02:07:27 and they're so supportive to me. So it's really incredible. Not only to rise in a completely male dominated world, but then to turn it around and have me get help, have them help me get there, that's special. It's not just you're a woman. If you're not over with the crowd, no one's gonna sell for you.
Starting point is 02:07:42 That's the way it works. And guys forever won't fight smaller guys and sell for them. It's a big problem they had back in the day all the time. That guy's too small for me to sell for him. That's crazy. So, you know, it was a normal thing at the time for people to not be leery about selling for people like that.
Starting point is 02:08:00 So she says, I was actually supposed to win the title the month before, but it was going so well. People were liking me so much they milked it for another month. It wouldn't have meant anything if they would have given me the title or if Jeff had walked out and left it there. After all, I had to win it from him to win it from him like he won anything. She said I they said to you, are you going to be the world champion? And she said, no, I'm not going to say that I'm in Rocky's caliber, meaning fucking the rock, because it's different.
Starting point is 02:08:30 I don't do what Rocky does, and I couldn't do what Rocky does, but he couldn't pose nude for Playboy, could he? So it's different. Fair enough. You'd have to do it for Playgirl. It would be a totally different magazine. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:08:42 And then another article here, she's talking about her future aspirations. She said I would like to be the next Terminator 3. She wants to be the next Terminator. She wants the next Terminator. This is before T3 came out so she wants to be the next Terminator to be a woman and it be her. Okay.
Starting point is 02:09:01 I would like to do a feature film with a credible female action hero in it me Make me an action hero. You say again. They put a woman in a movie. They try to make her look Look big and they try to make her look tough But she's not and then here I am larger than life in the flesh and people see me and they go. Oh god No, we can't use you That's when we go when I that's when I go out there and do all this stuff and then people start going, oh my God, there she is. Before it was, oh, she's horrible.
Starting point is 02:09:32 And now she's the only one, we've gotta get her. That's great, but I do plan to do a feature film. She said, they said, are you gonna leave the WWF for a movie career? What are you gonna do? She said, the thing for are you going to leave the WWF for a movie career? What are you going to do? She said the thing for me, I'm a breakout star in the World Wrestling Federation, and I love what I do, and I'm not looking to make a lateral move just to do something. I'm happy here. I don't want to go anywhere else.
Starting point is 02:09:56 But if it's a great feature film that comes up, I will do the feature film as China and love doing it and come back right here and continue on my merry way. Great. That's wonderful. Yeah, so go on. They're talking about all this shit. They said her feelings when Triple H won the title, I was thrilled for him. The chances will ever see her and Triple H walking to the ring together.
Starting point is 02:10:19 And she said, I don't know. In one hand, if I was to go out with Triple H, then I would be under his wing again. First, I didn't know if I wanted to leave the nest because I was scared of doing things on my own, but now I like that and I like working with different people so I don't know if it's necessarily what I want. So she's trying to be her own thing now. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 02:10:41 2001, she is in, is this a movie? Or what the fuck is this? Oh, it's a or what the fuck is this? It's a TV show. Gary and Mike, it's a TV show. It looks to be animated, not animated like Claymation. Looks like the story of two twenty something best friends on a road trip across America with no particular place to go. That was a television show that was on The claymation I would say so Gary and Mike at the 13 episodes starred Harlan Williams There you go. There you go. So they just did a stoner voice the whole time Had some heat god damn oh, yeah, it was after half baked and all that. Oh, Brian Cranston was in the story as well Thomas Hayden Church was in the Serene episodes as well. Jesus Christ. This is a big deal. Thomas Hayden Church was in it.
Starting point is 02:11:25 Oh my. Oh, Kurt Wood Smith and Hook, I've seen him. Ahmed Zou, both the Zappa boys are in it as well. Stacey Keach and Tim Curry were in it at some point. OK, it's a big deal. It wasn't, it got canceled real fast. Oh really? That's too bad.
Starting point is 02:11:40 She was in season one episode four, Road Rage. She's a voice acting there Yeah, so January 30th 2001 her auto biography Comes out. Yeah, and it's called if they only knew yep now right now it has it was widely panned by the way as Being a lot of bullshit. Yeah, just a lot of bullshit and a lot of self the way as really being a lot of bullshit Yeah, just a lot of bullshit and a lot of self-serving shit and a lot of everybody said a lot There's a lot of lies in there and stuff like that
Starting point is 02:12:13 Right now it's on Amazon for $16 and 72 cents for a hardcover it It has four point five stars out of a hundred and ninety three ratings on Amazon But on Goodreads out of 834 ratings, so way, way more and only has a 3.3. Not great here. Yeah, they said China, aka Joni Lohr, lets us in what it's like to live your dream and overcome your nightmares, complete with insights from other WWE superstars. It's a must read for any fan of the WWF or for anyone who wants to see how a real life
Starting point is 02:12:49 hero overcame diversity. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. There we go. So, uh, August 26, 2001 celebrity death match. She's a claymation. She's, she's going, I'm going all claymation from now on
Starting point is 02:13:07 Next up man, this looks bad. Holy shit. Is this starring all of in sync a movie called on the line Which dude look at the cover it is Lance Bass reading a fucking paper What is this and then there's a that's another in sync person there and that's that one chick that goes oh no hell no he didn't there's that chick. And there's a black guy and there's a very goofy white guy in the back. This is it says bad Lance Bass Joey Fatone starry. It's really them. She's one in a million his chances of finding her again are a million to one. Somebody is looking for Joni or some other guy. No, no, no.
Starting point is 02:13:51 Someone else. He's looking for somebody age appropriate. She's probably a bounty hunter or something. Yeah. Yeah. She shows up like that. She's a bouncer in a bar that's throwing him out while he's trying to chase this girl. Or a private investigator.
Starting point is 02:14:01 Yeah. A bounty hunter. Yeah. A bounty hunter. The plot line is a shy advertising employee meets his dream girl on the L train but doesn't remember to get her phone number resulting in an all out search for the mystery girl. You don't understand James, in sync is huge. We have to make movies and legitimize these boys. So let's take the only gay one and make him find the girl.
Starting point is 02:14:24 The rest of them are all straight. Let's find the gay one and make him find a girl. Chase a girl. The rest of them are all straight. Let's find the gay one and make him chase the girl. Yeah. Well, we can't afford Timberlake, so we've got to get the gay one. We've got to get him. Lance, who's the least expensive? Lance and Joey? Great.
Starting point is 02:14:36 Bring them in. The one whose last name is literally Fat One, let's get him. Let's get him. And then the gay one. It's his last name, Gayoni. Let's get him. Let's get Gayoni in there. Gayoni and Fat name gay only let's get it. Let's get gay only in there gay only in fat tone Oh, man, other Jerry Stiller's in this. Oh my god great. Why do he need work so bad?
Starting point is 02:14:53 paycheck Al green as fucking Al green the singer is in this the real as himself Richie Sambora's in this the Bon Jovi's guitar player for, he plays an actual character too. He's not even himself. Oh Jesus. Very weird. Dave Foley's in this as well. Who's Dave Foley? The comedic actor, news radio. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:15:19 Dave Foley. Why is he in this? I don't know. Why do all these people need work so bad? Don't know. I think the small roles, it's just a day or two. You get a paycheck. I think that's how it works. And they probably sold it. It's the kids from NSYNC.
Starting point is 02:15:32 It's going to be huge. Yeah. You never know. The kids, a whole new audience for you. She played a female hand wrestler. Oh, Jesus. Like a thumb wrestler? That's fucking weird. I guess. In 2001, she's a guest on the special celebrity edition of Fear Factor.
Starting point is 02:15:50 Oh fuck. Where she lost the final round of competition to Coolio. Which is just a very weird sentence to say. That anyone lost a competition to Coolio. They might be discussing it at this moment. Holy balls. This is fucking funny. This is the thing, we haven't even hit Grace yet.
Starting point is 02:16:11 This episode's about over. We're gonna have like, this two-parter's gonna be like, things are good, things are bad. Those are the two parts of that. It's crazy too because she's had a great career and it's like in this bad spot right now. Right now it's in a great spot. That's great? She's doing celebrity shit right now. It's in a great spot. That's great
Starting point is 02:16:30 Every yeah, I've already shit. Oh, oh, that's great back then though. Yeah, that's a wrestler Yeah, wrestlers didn't act back then right and was the first and I'm a Hulk Hogan everybody laughed at him when he was acting You know and fear factor was like this was a primetime TV. This was a big deal to be on Yeah, if you were on a celebrity something that was for a wrestler. This was big shit They remember they did like the family feuds and all that crap used to do October 15 2001 she is in an episode of a show called tracker what Tracker, I don't know where the fuck this is. It's got a six out of ten on IMDB an extraterrestrial lawman
Starting point is 02:17:08 six out of 10 on IMDB, an extraterrestrial lawman hunts escaped alien convicts that have taken over human bodies in present day Chicago. Stop talking, she'll take it. Wow, yeah, I got it. Well, it sounds like they live is what it sounds like, the Rowdy Piper movie, which is pretty funny. She says yes to everything. Anything. And in this movie are, Jesus, I don't even know who the fuck these people are
Starting point is 02:17:27 Amy Price Francis. No, I don't know Adrian Paul. Nope. I don't know any of these fucking people Christopher Bondi who the fuck is that? I don't know. She played re and was on two episodes It's a TV show did it ran for 22 episodes apparently, but she's on two episodes. Oh, it's a TV show. It's a TV show. It ran for 22 episodes apparently. She's on two episodes including the pilot. She was in the first episode here. So we'll end off with this. She was returning from a quote injury, which wasn't a real injury,
Starting point is 02:17:57 she was just doing other shit. She won the women's championship from Ivory at WrestleMania 17 in what was basically a squash match because it was her versus a woman. So she defended her title against Lita and judgment day 2001, then vacated her title because that was her last match was with Lita here. She leaves the WWF on November 30th, 2001, which is officially gone. She had not been on television for months. There's a lot of different accounts of what happened here.
Starting point is 02:18:29 A lot of different accounts of what happened. I would say part of it was that Stephanie probably said, I don't really want her around anymore. Yeah, tired of this. I don't know personally, but if I was Stephanie, I probably wouldn't want my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend, who probably wants to kill me and waste 200 fucking 10 pounds Hanging around the locker room all the time. So
Starting point is 02:18:50 Yeah For years she told friends and reporters the company dumped her because of backstage tension with her and Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, but that's not actually the truth here Apparently in 2001, the WWE, this is her sister talking, say that the WWE offered Joni here a new contract in the fall of 2001 for 400 grand a year as a base, and that's before you earned merch and shit to it
Starting point is 02:19:23 in the WWF, so that could have been a lot more money She's selling tons of merch. I mean tons of shit, but she didn't want to sign it and Jim Ross confirms that story Adding that the figure was just a downside guarantee and she could have made probably double that For merchandise sales pay-per-views and everything else that's going on there. Appearances, whatever. But Joanie wouldn't accept an offer with a base salary of less than a million dollars. She wanted a million dollars a year guaranteed.
Starting point is 02:19:53 She got real, a little bit too big for her riches here. And there's only a few people in the WWE who had contracts like that. One of them was Big Show, who signed a 10 year deal at a million dollars a year, which you don't want to sign for 10 years, and Big Show, let's face it, how many people on earth look like him? And also, and today, who gives a fuck about him?
Starting point is 02:20:18 No, no, true, but I mean, he's got plenty of money. Does well for himself, there was Big Show, they gave that money in like 98, they gave him that money. I mean, Steve Austin made more than that because he was the biggest money maker there. If he's on the pay-per-view, it's selling, shit like that.
Starting point is 02:20:36 So Jim Ross says it was an outrageous demand that wasn't even realistic. You can't pay someone who's not a main event player that kind of money, you just can't. They said that he was hesitant, Ross said to negotiate with Joni but he said Vince McMahon wanted China to remain with the company with the company and He was confident that the issues with his daughter and Paul wouldn't last everybody would get over it And yeah, you know shit happens and they get over she'll find some other guy and it'll be fine
Starting point is 02:21:03 It's just our making money and move on. Yeah. Yeah, and and the sister here. This is a China sister Joni sister Kathy said she can't help but wonder How different everything would have turned out in her life if she would have just signed that contract? Yeah, is this really that's when everything goes wrong That's the spiral. Yeah, and her sister says Joni told me a few years later that she regretted it. The WWE was the only place where she was ever accepted. Once she lost that, she fell into a hole and she could never climb out of it. No, because there was also no structure.
Starting point is 02:21:38 One thing about wrestling is there is a lot of structure in terms of you're busy. You gotta be here, you gotta be there, you gotta be on a plane, you gotta be there, make it this time, everything is timed, you have to work out in the morning so your body is still feeling good, you have to eat at this time.
Starting point is 02:21:52 Once you're not doing that, it's just all that's are off. You can kind of do whatever you want, it's a lot different. In an interview with the Baltimore Sun, China indicated that the breakup with Triple H had nothing to do with her leaving the WWF. This is in 2002, stating that she left to pursue an acting career at the time of her departure from WWF. Jim Ross, who was the executive vice president of talent relations at the time, so the guy
Starting point is 02:22:16 he did, she would deal with, reported it was mutually agreed to let her WWF contract expire in order to let her explore other career options. Fuck, I wish you would have gotten a hold of her and really, really hammered. Look lady, I'm not gonna bullshit you. Just be honest with her. It's what she needed. Look, exactly. Yeah. And I don't think, but I think her ego at that point was to the point where I don't think, I don't think that would have flown. I think she would have been like, you, no one can talk to me like that. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 02:22:47 But maybe Vince would have been the guy who could do it. I don't know, just sit her down and go, look, I'm offering you four as a downside, but you're gonna make eight. You're not getting this anywhere else, yeah. And there is no other, this is after he bought WCW, so there is no other else. This is it.
Starting point is 02:23:01 There's nowhere else to go. It's here or, I don't know. And you're gonna make almost a million dollars. Nobody's making that kind of money at this year. And that's why you're getting acting gigs because people know who you are. You're on television. Let us keep you relevant and paid. Let us keep you relevant with a roof over your head.
Starting point is 02:23:20 Just stop being stupid. That's what I'm saying. Now in 2015 China did an interview with Vince Russo saying that after a meeting with Vince McMahon about the Stephanie situation she was sent home and later received a fax telling her that she was not needed anymore even though her sister says no that's not what happened in 2015 she's saying that. Kathy later reported the sister that she was offered a new contract with the 400 grand a year
Starting point is 02:23:48 and yeah, so that was ridiculous. Ross confirmed that account characterizing this as whatever else she said was ridiculous basically. December 5th, 2001, we will, we'll leave it there. Let's just leave it at that. Let's pause. We'll pause right there. She just left WWE.
Starting point is 02:24:06 She's fired. That's the perfect time to fucking leave off. She's fired quit. She's quit fired. She quit fired right there. So there you go everybody. That is part one of China. And then we will get into the rest of it.
Starting point is 02:24:18 So it's just basically pre-good, pre-bad and then bad. And then it's gonna be bad from here. So we'll talk all about that next time on crime and sports But before we do that definitely head over to shut up and give me murder calm get your tickets for live shows for small-town murder 2025 February 7th, Pittsburgh You're up next get your tickets right now And then also Columbus the next night get those and get them for the rest of the year that's going to be good shit we can't wait shut up and give me also make
Starting point is 02:24:49 sure to rate and review this show whatever app you're on it doesn't matter which one it really really helps the show a lot so if you like the show that's a great way to let the world know about it thank you so much for doing that another great way to do it is to subscribe to Patreon. Oh yeah. slash crime in sports is where you get all of the bonus episodes. I mean everything, all the whole giant hundreds episodes deep back catalog immediately upon subscription. Anybody $5 a month or above.
Starting point is 02:25:21 And then on top of that, you are also going to get new ones every other week which I mean come on you can't beat that shit including this week one crime and sports one small town murder as always and this week which you're going to get for crime and sports we're going to talk about a very recent in the last 10 years NFL players had a lot of violence going on around him and just finished up a murder trial as well. So we'll talk all about him and then for small town murder we are going to finish up talking about the West Memphis three and how the hell this even happened. We started off we left just kind of leave it set and I set the table nicely.
Starting point is 02:25:57 How do we put them in jail and then now we got to move on. Now we got to see how the hell do we even get these kids in here and decide they're the ones. So we'll talk all about that slash crime and sports and you get a shout out. Yeah, which is right fucking now Jimmy hit me with the names of the most Wonderful goddamn people who would definitely give us four hundred thousand dollars a year on a downside guarantee Hit me with them right fucking now this week executive producers are Neil and Gretchen Jones Holy shit You're wonderful. Yeah, you're fantastic. I can't say it enough. That's so kind of no one's keeping up with you Jones's Oh, right fucking Jones's but these people are trying Andrea fellows Jill King Gary Howard Meredith McClure
Starting point is 02:26:38 Kevin Brown and Amanda Clayton. Thank you all very much Going above and beyond you didn't have to do that, and we really appreciate you. Fuck yes, we do. Other producers this week are Beth Buell, Janice Hill, Tiffany Gonzalez, Amanda Mason, Jesse with no last name, Courtney Doerr, Andy Cote, or just Cote, or maybe Cody, Kimberly Brown, V Chobney, I believe, I don't know, Zachariah Ward, CeleryStock13, Jesse Struthers Hannah franzy frans maybe frons Lisa But oh boy Bastis to Bastis check Bass check best to stick that to that to stick is there two s's that are silent
Starting point is 02:27:16 We'll never know fast frog double-oh-seven prankster zero three Madeline Victoria Tori Ludwig charry charry char Sharie with no last name, Brittany Davidson, Billy Welch, Cody Bryant, Miss Taylor XO, thank you Miss Taylor, Caitlin Bear, Bear, yes, Natalie Arensebia, Arensebia, thank you Natalie, Ben with no last name, John Hollamby, Junann, Junann Hayes, Jacob Troublefield, Pam W. Casper the Spicy Ghost, Daniel Davis, Melissa Zenzin, Cassie with an ass, James, Griffin. She's a friendly ghost though? She might be a spicy ghost. I imagine she's telling us that it's not Casey, but Cassie.
Starting point is 02:28:01 I think that's what she was trying to help me with, but she's also got an ass. All right, Tim Dennis, Jenny would know last name, Tara Hodgson, Bo Billy Lover, Michelle Bingham, Sabrina Snowden, Maria Tamanaka, Lazera, Jill Crouch, Jay would know last name. This show brought to you by the letter J. Karen Turner, Mandy Colvin, Devin Berenger, Sonia Alega, Aliyah, Kate Courtney
Starting point is 02:28:27 Derek kitchen Christina Franklin Jennifer Newsome Hunter Pickett Aaron Lily Christina Marie Cory Gainous, ooh boy Wow, is that it? I wonder is he trying to make me say something gross with that. I don't know Sophia It helps if you want to do that get someone who's a real good reader probably as Sophia kudike she could be making me say something gross. I don't know ever that Taylor Kennedy SJ Nikki young Mams McGuire Richard Lee Jim McKee Rachel San Sanborn, Ray Early, Kim P., she's an LPN in Oklahoma, Casey would know last name, S and C, the letters, S, C, Stephen Charles Walter, Stacey Lee,
Starting point is 02:29:13 Amanda Zerringer, Chocolate Diesel, all right, Crystal, Abbey would know last name, Amanda Rodin, Anne Hank, Luis Rosalie, Gabriel Smith, Aste Aste, A,alie, Gabriel Smith, Aistee Aste, Sean McCloskey, Todd Winager, LR and H, LRH, I don't know what that is. Lauren Ray, Jim Montgomery, Lacey Fithian, Haley Henson, Dara Jordan, Maddie Brown,
Starting point is 02:29:43 Lizzie with no last name, Tonya Knight, Mark Langworthy, Sinead Feeney, Carissa Tucker Ellis, Cindy Jensen, R. Brown, Shermaine Steves, Alec Cornelison, Amanda Thomas, Jennifer Bruno, Stephanie May, Giancarlo Ruffino, look at me getting good with this Italian shit. John Carlo would probably be best, but that's fine. He just pronounced it wrong and then said, look at me getting it right. Did I say it wrong?
Starting point is 02:30:12 Jean Carlo would probably be more. Oh, OK. Jean Carlo sounds fucking great. Jean Carlo's fine, but it's probably like a Jean Carlo type of thing. Is what you'd call him in America. Getting real good at this shit. Jimmy's got his fingers out.
Starting point is 02:30:25 Jesus Christ. Ian Rugless, Evan Rude, Melissa Pevornok, Pevornok, Pevornok, Pevornik. All right, Chase Parham, George Beaver, Jesus Christ, Colleen Walsh. Laura Collins, Catherine with no last name, Kyrie Jensen, Winosor, Winosor, very funny. Kate McD, Samantha Coleman, Tanya Martinez, Erin Loken. Michael with no last name, Dustin. Devolved. You're fucking, you're fucking just disapproval.
Starting point is 02:31:02 Jimmy's got his fingers up, Jesus. Oh, it's cracking up, I love it. That disapprovaled. Jimmy's got his fingers up. Jesus. Oh, it's cracking up. I love it. That disapproval looks hilarious. Nicola Jaworska, Kimberly Cunap-Fell. She may be trying to make me say something dirty. Matthew Marks, Mill Hollow, Maple, Callie Swanson, Kenzie Money, Kimber Herzog, Aaron would know last name.
Starting point is 02:31:22 Steve Richmond, Jill would know last name. Kaitlyn Allen Allen Mitch Hanlon Eric just Eric Gorgon Gorgon Z. What did we just the wrestlers last name was Gorgon? That is fucking crazy All right, that's weird. Oh, yeah, that's bizarre, right? I Bo elbow elbow grease. All right spelled like French elbow. That's why it's that's why you're ruining my life. Joy or Irwin? Alex Barlow, Kristen Canlin, Canton, C-A-N-T-I-N, Buffy and Chauncey Cote, Cote. Buffy, that's wild.
Starting point is 02:31:55 Kerry Rawman, I didn't know that that was actually somebody's name, Romain, Rawman, Brian Hoffman, Andrew Campbell, Desmona Shaw. Somebody just texted me and said they were sitting on a plane, James, next to iced tea and cocoa and their kid. That man still flies fucking a regular commercial. It's banana. Brian Hoffman, Andrew Campbell, Desmona Shaw.
Starting point is 02:32:19 I said that. Quizical queen and spikinger, spikinger? Spiky, Spikinger? Spikinger, oh boy. Sounds impressive. Vicki Hay, Phil Barrera, Logan Armstrong, Beth, with no last name, Nate with no last name, Eric Beacon, Roderick Rose, Brent with no last name,
Starting point is 02:32:34 ChefBlake1016, Holly Hagman, Leah Stanulson, yikes, Katie Tracy, Micah Tetralt, and all of our patrons you guys are amazing uh thank you everybody so much from the bottom of our fucking hearts we appreciate all you do for us and all you've done for us and all you'll hopefully continue to keep doing for us thank you every show for you god damn it we love it thank you so much for doing that thanks for hanging out keep coming back with us if you want wanna follow us on social media, shut up and is the place to do it
Starting point is 02:33:08 while you're getting your tickets there. So grab that. Come back, check out part two of China next week and live from the Crime and Sports Studios, we will see you next week. What? If you like crime and sports, you can listen early and ad free now by joining Wondery Plus in the Wondery app or on Apple podcasts. Prime members can listen early and ad free on Amazon Music.
Starting point is 02:33:42 Before you go, tell us about yourself by filling out a short survey at slash survey. So get this, the Ontario liberals elected Bonnie Cromby as their new leader. Bonnie who? I just sent you a profile. Her first act as leader asking donors for a million bucks for her salary. That's excessive. She's a big carbon tax supporter. Oh yeah, check out her record as mayor.
Starting point is 02:34:03 Oh get out of here. She even increased taxes in this economy. Yeah, higher taxes, carbon taxes, she sounds expensive. Bonnie Cromby and the Ontario Liberals. They just don't get it. That'll cost you. A message from the Ontario PC Party.

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