Football Daily - In Focus with Brennan Johnson & Kelly Somers

Episode Date: November 2, 2024

Spurs winger Brennan Johnson talks form, influences, Son Heung-min & Ange Postecoglou. He discusses how comfortable he feels now he is in his second season at Tottenham Hotspur and his drive to wi...n the club their first deomstic trophy since 2008.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 From the boxing greats, we're very fragile beings, so we ought to be gentle with ourselves. To the ring's current superstars, I want to take this home and I just want to get the job done and walk out. Plus analysis and previews, well the whole build up has been madness and the fight was a little bit mad as well. Everything boxing, every single week, crammed into just one weekly podcast. I won my first national title at 16. And I was born and raised by the same age as 20. Five Live Boxing with me, Steve Bunce. Job done. What's next?
Starting point is 00:00:32 With new episodes every week. Listen on BBC Sounds. BBC Sounds. Music, radio, podcasts. The Football Daily Podcast. Listen on BBC Sounds. Brennan, what a time to talk to you, one of the Premier League's
Starting point is 00:00:53 in-form players. Just give me an insight into what it's been like being Brennan Johnson the last few weeks because everyone's talking about you. Yeah, I'd be lying if I didn't say it felt really good at the minute. I think I just feel like I've been enjoying my football at the minute. It's been really good. The team's been amazing. All the staff have been really good with me and kind of give me the confidence
Starting point is 00:01:15 to go out there and really try and express myself, which I feel like I've done, especially in the last six, seven games. Did you see it coming because it was a slightly tricky start for yourself and the team to this season? Did you always have belief that this football was able to come? Yeah I really did. I think ever since I came to the club I always felt like it suits me the way that we play and even the start of this season I was coming off the back of games where we'd either lost or drawn and still getting two, three kind of chances where I look back and thought maybe I rydyn ni wedi cael rhai o'r rhai yn ystod y gweddill, a chael cyfle i ddod yn ôl i'r gwaith. Roeddwn i'n edrych yn ôl a'i feddwl, efallai y gallwn ni wneud yn well gyda hynny, ac roeddwn i'n mynd i mewn i gyfnod da.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Yn unwaith roedd y cyntaf wedi llwyddo i mi oherwydd roeddwn i yn y sefyllfa cywir, fe wnes i ddod â hynny a chael fy mod i'n gweithio fel opsiwn. Yn ystod y gweddill, dechreuodd y cyfnod, a'r perfformiadau a'r tîm hefyd. Roedden ni'n gwneud yn dda iawn. Rwy'n teimlo bod pob un ohonom wedi cael cychwyn anodd, ond nid oherwydd anodd o geisio neu perfformiad, and the team as well, we were doing really well. So yeah, I just feel like we all kind of had a difficult start, but it wasn't due to a lack of trying or performance, because I feel like we were performing well and the team was working hard. It was obviously teams catching us out and, yeah,
Starting point is 00:02:15 struggling to get back into the game. But no, it's been really good since then. What are you like as a person in those moments where things aren't going as you want to, but clearly you knew that some so much of it was right I'm a person who like believes in keep on working hard I think that's the main thing for me I think there's never been a time in my career where I've had to kind of just cruise into games I've always known that I have to work hard and do that bit first so I thought I had to carry
Starting point is 00:02:42 on with that and then also just being around the right people I think my family and friends were amazing when times were quite tough and difficult for me personally but yeah I'd like to think I stay quite chilled the most of the time even when things are going well I try and keep myself quite chilled but yeah make sure everything just trying to work hard having good family and friends and then believing in myself if I asked your parents or your girlfriend if you stay chilled during those periods, would they agree? I think possibly. I think they'd obviously see that sometimes I was a little bit stressed after games and kind of maybe doubted myself a little bit, which I know I can be guilty of.
Starting point is 00:03:21 But yeah, nothing too much. I don't like to go too high and too low so uh in the in overall I think they say yeah that's quite chilled let me take you back to the first goal of that amazing run against Coventry you came off the bench what was going through your mind at that point bearing in mind everything you've just said to me yeah I remember the game quite well I came on pretty early I came on in the first half and didn't really expect to come on so it was kind of just chuck your t-shirt on you coming on kind of thing so and
Starting point is 00:03:49 Yeah, the game wasn't great to be honest I think we were on a bit of a difficult patch as a team and I remember they scored and thinking It got towards the end of the game and I just thought it was gonna be another game where we kind of chucked it away then I remember Jed came on as well and he scored and roeddwn i'n meddwl y byddai'n gweithio arall, ac wedyn roedd Jad yn dod i mewn hefyd ac wedi gwneud y cymhor. Pan oedd yn cymryd y cymhor, cerdded i'r ffans a'r bobl i gael ein fwyto. Roedd yn 90 munud, ac roedd yn debyg bod gennym ni gyfnod ail. Dechreuom chwarae'n gyflym iawn ac roedd yn gwneud ffwrdd yn y ffordd roedden ni eisiau ei fod yn. Roedd Rodrigo yn cael ei gael yn ôl. Roeddwn i'n cael fy hun yn llawer o amser. Roedd yn chwarae fynd drwyddo a chymerodd y gol.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Felly, rwy'n credu mai dyma un o'r rhai o'r gêm y byddwch chi'n edrych arno nawr. Ac gallwch weld pam bod hynny wedi seilio'r rhan y byddwn ni wedi mynd arno. Oherwydd, rydym ni wedi chwarae yn eithaf anodd yn y tîm yn y Cwmpi, a oedd yn chwarae'n dda iawn ar y nos. Ac nid oeddem ni'n sylweddoli sut byddai'r rhan yn cael ei wneud. Felly, ie, rydym ni wedi dangos gwahanol ffordd i ni, sydd wedi dangos yn different side to us, which we hadn't really showed too much in terms of really sticking in there, keeping it 1-0 and winning the game late. So I think that's the reason why we kind of went on a real positive run after that.
Starting point is 00:04:54 It wasn't just the team that went on a positive run. Did you realise that night that maybe things had started to click for you? Could you feel something? I think, obviously, it'd been a while since I scored and that feeling never gets old so I think the feeling of scoring and kind of remembering how good it feels and it kind of just gave me an extra boost to really work hard to get into the positions to score like work a little bit more kind of be more cute in the way that I'm getting the ball and being a little bit more selfish within the rights of the team as well so I think yeah it gave me a little bit of more confidence that that's why I'm here and that's why as much as I want to assist and work hard for the team I'm here to score as well so yeah it kind of gave
Starting point is 00:05:33 me the confidence and belief to to know that if the ball comes to me in the right position I know I can score. As I said at the beginning everyone's been talking about you and as you kept scoring game on game more and more people must have been talking to you at what point did you kind of become aware of not only the noise but the record and that incredible run you're on I think um obviously playing against Coventry then playing against Brentford at the weekend and I scored in them two and then I scored midweek and in Europe as well and then that's when I kind of realized that people were talking about it a little bit more because obviously um I hadn't scored for a while after that so then obviously yn Ewrop hefyd, yna dyna pan dwi'n sylweddoli bod pobl yn siarad amdanoch ychydig mwy oherwydd dwi ddim wedi cael cymryd cymryd amser ar ôl hynny, felly dwi wedi cymryd 3 oed yn gyfres ac wedi cael cymryd. Yn ôl hynny, fe ddod yn fwy o beth lle'r mwyaf oeddwn yn siarad, y mwyaf o bobl oedd yn siarad amdanoch.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Ond i mi, roedd yn ymwneud â chymryd i'r gêm. Roeddwn i'n teimlo, hyd yn oed yn edrych yn ôl ar rai o'r gêm hynny, roedd gen i lawer mwy o gyfleoedd i ddod i gyrraedd 2 mewn rhai o'r gêm eraill. sticking to the game I feel like even looking back at some of them games where I still had a lot more chances to maybe score two in a few of the games and so I wasn't really looking at it like it was unbelievable thing that I was doing because I knew deep down I always want to be the best for myself so there's still a few chances that I'd missed and I was just looking back at them instead of really the ones that I've scored but yeah obviously I heard a lot of noise about people saying that there was records to be beaten and things like that but yeah obviously I heard a lot of noise about people saying that there was records to be beaten and things like that but yeah I didn't pay too much attention to
Starting point is 00:06:49 it. The start of that run coincided with yourself coming off social media you said in the Spurs programme that actually a bigger deal has been made of it than actually it was in your mind but was it a case at that point in the season for you, you just wanted to get rid of everything else and just really focus? Go back to basics with the football. Yeah, definitely. Exactly that. I think I just kind of wanted to really focus on the football and obviously outside of football as well. Not scrolling for hours as well. That's something that I'm very guilty of. We're all guilty of it.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Yeah, me too. So yeah, it wasn't too of a um real issue for me in terms of mentally how i was doing it was kind of just yeah hitting like a little reset button for a while and coming off it and um yeah i don't want to say that was the reason why i was doing well at all because i kind of kept doing the same things but um yeah it was more of that kind of decision just kind of hitting a reset instead of something more deep so clearly there's a multitude of reasons behind this run of form but i believe there's one coach in particular that you've been working with here at spurs that's really helped you yeah i think it's difficult to kind of name one but um yeah i've been doing a lot of work with um ryan mason who's who's been very good with me because the detail that he goes into is really
Starting point is 00:08:06 good we kind of watch clips and he'll show me pictures of areas that I've scored and the types of finishes and even going down to the detail of whereabouts in my foot that I'm hitting the ball so yeah he's been really good and kind of working on if I take a big touch it should be this kind of finish or if I cut inside this kind of finish and yeah I've been really impressed with the detail a dweud, os byddaf yn cymryd ychydig o ddiffyn, dylai'n ymlaen yn y pen draw, neu os byddaf yn ymlaen yn y pen draw, dylai'n ymlaen yn y pen draw. Ie, rwyf wedi bod yn hynod o gyfrifol gyda'r adnoddau a ddod o hyd i'r blaen. Ond, ie, mae'n ymwneud â'r coediau eraill sydd wedi bod yn dda iawn o ran cadw'r hyder a chadw'r lle gwych i mi i ddweud, ie, rwyf wedi cael llawer o'r coediau i ddiolch, ond yn amlwg, Mae Mace, o ran y adnoddau ffynol iawn, mae wedi bod yn dda iawn. I've got a lot of the coaches to thank, but obviously Mace in terms of the real fine details, he's been really good.
Starting point is 00:08:46 You have been at Spurs now for over a year. You were one of the signings that Ange really wanted when he came to the football club. Does it feel like now you're really understanding what he wants and what it takes to be the best player you can for Spurs? Yeah, definitely. I think, first of all, wedi hoffi fynd i mewn. Yn y flwyddyn diwethaf, mae'n deall fy ngwmni. Mae'r amser nawr yn dod at ei gilydd. Rwy'n credu yn ymddiriedol yn beth y gallaf ei wneud yn y tîm hon a'r system hon. Mae'n ddewis i mi.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Mae'r flwyddyn wedi mynd i fyny, ond rwy'n teimlo, wrth edrych yn ôl nawr, y gallaf weld fy mod i wedi dod ymlaen llawer dros y flwyddyn diwethaf a gweithio fy ffordd i ddod i'r chwarae rwy'n hoffi. Fe wnaethoch chi ddod i 10 asist yn y llwyddiann, ond a ydych chi'n meddwl efallai bod hynny'n cael ei ddysgu? Efallai ychydig. Rwy'n credu, yn amlwg, fod fi'n dod o'r ffordd o gael llawer o golau yn y Campeithiau. Fe wnaethon ni ddod i rhai o'r Premier League. Y flwyddyn yma, roedden ni'n mydu bod fi, o ddod o Forrest, yn gofyn llawer o golau yn y Cyfnod, rwy'n gofyn ychydig yn y Llywodraeth Cymru, a rydyn ni wedi mynd i fyny. Rwy'n credu bod pobl yn disgwyl y rhan o fy ngwmni i ddod â phethau.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Nid oeddwn i wedi gofyn cymaint o'r gynnydd diwethaf yn ystod y gynharach, ond o ran y cymorth diwethaf, roeddwn i'n hapus iawn am hynny. Rwy'n credu bod y sefyllfa hwnnw wedi gwella y gynnydd diwethaf. Nid oedd popeth yn ddewr diwethaf. That's an area of my game that's definitely improved last season. It wasn't all too bad last season. I think a lot of the games come on in different parts, but now I feel like I'm in a position where I'm enjoying a lot of it. The last time I sat down with you was in January 2023. I remember walking away from that interview feeling like you were Mr Nottingham Forest.
Starting point is 00:10:21 Your whole family, everything about you was from Nottingham. How difficult was the move down here as well? because maybe that's what people sometimes forget as well you're moving club you're moving city you're moving to a place with different expectations as well yeah I think um I think that's exactly right I think um obviously I was from Nottingham lived close to everyone my family were all there so moving down here definitely was different um i bawb, roedd fy nheulu yn yno. Felly, roedd symud ymlaen yma yn wahanol. Rwy'n credu bod London yn gyffredinol yn y ddynion yn ystod ei hwy, mae llawer yn digwydd, mae llawer mwy yn digwydd na Nottingham. Hefyd, mae'r clwb yn ystod ei gyflawni o ran y cyffrediniaethau a'r stwyth y clwb, y ffans, y trefniad. Rwy'n credu bod angen cymryd amser. Rwy'n credu bod y lles diwethaf
Starting point is 00:11:04 ddim yn mynd i clicio dros y nos. Roeddwn i eisiau gweithio ar ychydig o bethau i fynd i mewn. Rwy'n credu bod rwy'n bod yn bodoli yma am flwyddyn. Rwy'n teimlo bod y cysylltiad yn gysylltiedig yn ymwneud â fy ngwleidydd yn fy ngwleidydd ac yn cael fy ngôr yn Lundain, gweld fy nheulu, fy ffrindiau ac hefyd bod yma hefyd. Mae chwarae ymlaen gyda'r ffans ddim yn teimlo'n ddifrydol o hyd. London and seeing my family, seeing my friends and also being here as well and playing in front of the fans it doesn't feel too overwhelming anymore. I'm really enjoying playing in front of the fans and I think just a lot of things have kind of come on over the last year and I'm really happy with it. It wasn't just because of everything you achieved at Nottingham Forest that made you
Starting point is 00:11:39 have such incredible connections with that football club as well. Of course your dad had history with that football club as well. What does he had history with that football club as well what does he make of you no longer being at Forest is he enjoying now having to support Spurs? Yeah I think he is really enjoying it I think listen the stadium's unbelievable and all my family absolutely love coming down here and enjoying the experience and watching really entertaining football at the end of the day so yeah they love coming home and away and also to the European games they've made them trips as well so I think they're loving it they love coming down they love seeing London seeing new parts of the city and coming and visiting me so I think yeah they're really
Starting point is 00:12:18 enjoying it. How involved is your dad in the football because it it must be amazing having a dad that knows so much about football but maybe brings a different type of pressure too. Yeah exactly and I don't think it's ever brought a negative kind of pressure for me. I think he's always been quite chilled and always offered advice when I need it and kind of given me advice about maybe how things are going to be in the future and little bits of stuff like that are really important for me because it kind of keeps me aware of what's going on and if I ever need advice he's always amazing to reach out to so I think yeah the pressure's never been in a negative way it's
Starting point is 00:12:55 always been really good and I think the balance has been amazing. It must be quite jarring for him though because last season when Spurs played Forest wasn't he in the Spurs end wearing a Spurs scarf that must be weird for him. I think it is weird especially them going back to the city ground for the first time and being in the away end and I'm sure even kind of going into the different gates felt really weird for them so yeah I think it was probably very different for them to kind of watch me in the opposite end of the stadium supporting the other team but yeah as much as they obviously have a lot of respect for Nottingham Forest they love they love Spurs now as well and yeah I think it's nice that they really have bought into it and really want to support me. You've said they so much that I do have to mention your mum as well because I also read an interview with you recently where you said she sends you a specific message ahead of every game yeah I mean the writing's different but she
Starting point is 00:13:52 always puts like a little four-leaf clover at the end and I don't know why or when that started but yeah it's just something that she's always done and I feel like whenever I see that now it kind of reminds me of her she'll send me a little message just saying, good luck, and then she'll always send that at the bottom. So, yeah, it's nice that she sends me such supporting messages before and after the game, but, yeah, that's the specific thing she sends. The Football Daily Podcast on BBC Sounds. Welcome to the Tooney and Russo show on BBC Sounds. I am here with two of football's most famous friends, Alessia Russo and Ella Toon.
Starting point is 00:14:27 I remember when you scored and you did like five different celebrations. Oh yeah, I did all sorts. Hands went up, hands went out, a jump. Someone's given them to a podcast. Are you joking? It was like the best three years ever. I think I came back a bit Americanised. Yeah, she did. She started seeing these mad words. Sucker. Apple is like American action. They've been there a month. From BBC Five Live,
Starting point is 00:14:52 the Toonie and Russo show with me, Vic Hunt. Listen on BBC Sounds. The Football Daily Podcast on BBC Sounds. When I spoke to you last time as well, we talked about your dad and maybe how it had helped you meet some other famous faces. I remember you said you'd had a text from David Beckham at the time. Any messages since you've been at Spurs,
Starting point is 00:15:13 maybe since you've been at this run from anyone? Or is it now so blasé you get so many of them? To be fair, it hasn't really been anything crazy, to be honest. I think, obviously, friends, family and things like that have always messaged me after the game, just saying, well done, it's crazy what you're doing, it's amazing. Yeah, that's about it. I think obviously there's more people who have reached out to me, maybe older coaches or people I haven't seen in a while,
Starting point is 00:15:38 which is always nice to receive off them. But no one too famous. No Bex sliding into your DMms anymore no it's a shame um who are your idols would you say or who do you base your game on um yeah it's difficult i think obviously growing up i played a lot of different positions so it kind of changed i used to love watching um i used to play kind of mormon field so i liked watching old videos of like kaka zidane like them types of players and then obviously since being on the wings it's there's so many great wingers out there now
Starting point is 00:16:10 it's so difficult to kind of choose one but um i think even before i came to to spurs i used to always watch sunny like not too many videos of him specifically but whenever tottenham played i'd always watch him because even now i find it amazing like how both footed he is and then we can dribble on both feet and watching it first hand is amazing so yeah players like that who can play on both wings and kind of use different skills to try and get past people and goal scorers as well that's something that I love watching so kind of seeing how they score and the positions they get into to score so many goals so yeah just players like that. Is he aware do you think of this respect y sefydliadau maen nhw'n mynd i mewn i ddod i gofyn cymaint o golau. Felly, ie, dim ond chwaraewyr fel hynny. Ydy'n ymwybodol, ydy'n ystyried y rhaglen hon? Dydw i ddim yn meddwl... Os gwnaethom chwarae hyn yn ôl i'w gwybod, pwy ydych chi'n eidol? Son, eich cydweithiwr. Mae hynny'n dda iawn, ydy'n ymwybodol?
Starting point is 00:16:52 Ie, dwi'n meddwl... Dydw i ddim yn ymwybodol os yw'n ymwybodol. Dydw i ddim wedi dweud unrhyw beth i'w gael yn benodol, ond dwi'n meddwl... Dwi'n meddwl y byddai'n gwybod y ffordd rwy'n gofyn cwestiynau i'w gael a chyfeirio ato i'w weithiau os yw'r math o golau a gafodd ei gael, neu sefydliadau neu dim ond pethau bach. kind of reach out to him sometimes if there's kind of goals that he's scored or positions or just little things I think he'd he'd understand that I definitely respect him highly as a player you've mentioned it a few times the fact that hard work was key to your turnaround that's you know that that's one thing you always have to do are you quite um it sounds like you're quite conscientious like off the pitch you do all of your analysis you're quite a deep thinker when it comes to football um yeah I think at times I wouldn't say I overthink too much especially after a game
Starting point is 00:17:29 there's always little things that are kind of stuck in my head I don't really need to watch too much of the clips back but um it's more just the little things like um little movements or little ways I can receive the ball just to help because in terms of when I got the ball and um and finishing and stuff like that I like it to be quite like off the cuff I don't really want ffyrdd i gael y bwrdd i helpu. O ran pan ddod i gael y bwrdd a'r diwedd, rwy'n hoffi bod yn eithaf allan i'r cyff. Dydw i ddim yn hoffi meddwl amdano'n llawer, ond mae'n dim ond posisiynau bach y gallaf eu cymryd i helpu i gael y posisiynau gorau i ddod i'r gofnod. Mae llawer o bethau y gallaf feddwl amdano i fynd i mewn i'r gêm, ffyrdd i helpu'r tîm. Rwy'n meddwl amdano'n llawer. Mae'n debyg bod pobl it quite a lot. There's probably people who think about it more, but, yeah, I think I do go into detail.
Starting point is 00:18:08 OK, we've spoken about your captain, we've spoken about one of the first team coaches. Can't really not talk about your actual manager, can we? Probably should talk about him. As we've mentioned, and you said it yourself, it was really nice to feel wanted by him. What did he say to you to make you realise this was the club for you? I think it was, obviously obviously it was deadline day so we didn't get to talk too much before.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Not too many chances. Because it was kind of like he just wanted it to get done but as soon as I came in it was, he was really happy that I was here and I think it was more just him playing me and seeing the way he wanted the wingers to playe. Roeddwn i'n teimlo bod popeth yr oedd e'n gofyn amdano i'r wingers yn rhywbeth sy'n ddewis i mi. Ym mhroedd rwy'n chwarae, a phwynaf i'n credu y gallwn wneud yn well, a'r adrwyddoedd rwy'n eu gael sy'n ddewis i'r tîm, ac pan roedd e'n hapus gyda'r tîm, roedd e'n teimlo bod yna pan roedd y wingers yn cael eu cyfeiriadu a ddim yn ymddygiadu. Felly, ie, dim ond pethau fel hynny, a'r amryw o munudau rydw i wedi'u chwarae,
Starting point is 00:19:06 a'r adborthau a gafodd arno ar ôl y gêm pan oedd yn teimlo bod y cwmni yn gweithio'n dda. Rwy'n teimlo bod popeth yn gwneud i mi credu fy mod yn chwarae a oedd yn gwneud i mi fod yn chwarae. Ac nawr y gallaf i ddod yn ystod o hyd ac i fynd yn ymwneud â phwynau, rwy'n teimlo mai dim ond i ddatblygu'r tîm a'r rheolwr os oedd yn cael hyder cywir i mi.elly, ie, mae'n braf bod e eisiau i mi ddod. Fe wnaethwch chi sôn yma fod e'n hoffi bod y cwngwyr yn gyffredinol, ond beth arall mae'n ei ofyn i chi? Mae'n gofyn i'r cwngwyr fod yn arbennig i ddod i'r llaw pan mae'r bwrdd ar y llaw arall, felly, p'un a yw'r croesiadau, bod yn y llaw ar y llaw, ac hefyd y gwaith defnyddio hefyd. Rwy'n credu bod rannu'r tîm ac helpu'r tîm yn rhywbeth mae'n eihaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd. Mae'n rhaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Mae'n rhaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd. Mae'n rhaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd. Mae'n rhaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd. Mae'n rhaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd. Mae'n rhaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd. Mae'n rhaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd. Mae'n rhaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd. Mae'n rhaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Mae'n rhaid i'r ddifensydd ddysgu'r gwaith yn ymwneud â'r defensydd. You mentioned there that Spurs play entertaining football. What do you make of it when people say that potentially Spurs and Ange need to sometimes be a bit more pragmatic? Whenever things do go wrong or we play a game where we've lost, for example, Brighton, where we kind of lost it at half-time, it is, we take the responsibility for that because I think, especially in that game in the first half, we played the exact same football, not the exact same, we went out with the exact same ambition rydyn ni'n cymryd y cyfrifoldeb am hynny. Yn enwedig yn y gêm hwn, yn y gêm cyntaf, rydyn ni'n chwarae yr un ffordd, nid yr un ffordd, rydyn ni'n mynd allan gyda'r un ffordd a'r un tactigau. Rydyn ni'n chwarae gêm anhygoel, roedden ni 2-0. Felly, yn y gêm
Starting point is 00:20:35 diwethaf, roedd yn fwy na'r ffaithau ein hunain. Nid yw'n rhywbeth sydd angen i ni newid fel tîm neu'r rheolwr, mae'n gwneud yn siŵr bod pob gêm, ar gyfer 100 munud, yn barod i fod yn ffisigol a tactigol, a gallu hymhwyso ei blynyddoedd. Mae'n hawdd dweud bod angen i ni newid pethau pan mae'n mynd yn anghywir, ond rwy'n credu bod pan mae pethau'n mynd yn iawn, rydyn ni'n dangos sut well y gallwn chwarae ac yn enwedig pan fydd pethau ddim yn mynd yn iawn. Rwy'n credu mai'n fwy o'n hysbysiad na'n angen i'w newid. Ac rwy'n credu bod pob un ohonoch chi'n rhaid cael hyder cyflawni yn yr hyn a ddywedodd. Ie, yn union, oherwydd dydw i ddim yn credu bod unrhyw swydd ar y pwysau nad yw'r rhai yn mwynhau chwarae, yn enwedig fel, er enghraifft, y defnyddwyr. Rwy'n credu y gallwch weld y
Starting point is 00:21:23 flwyddyn, maen nhw wedi gofyn eich hunain eithaf nifer o golau. Maen nhw'n chwarae gyda'r bwrdd, maen nhw'n cael eu defnyddio 1v1, mae'r ffwrdd yn chwarae yn ystod, mae'r meddylwyr yn gwneud ychydig o bopeth, mae'r gyfweliadwyr a'r gweithwyr yn cael cyfleoedd anhygoel i golau. Felly rwy'n teimlo bod pob swyddfa yn hapus ac mae pawb yn hapus yn chwarae'r stil hwn. Felly rwy'n credu, os ydych chi'n dod a gofyn i'r lwyddiant os maen nhw eisiau newid y ffordd rydyn ni'n chwarae, dydw i ddim yn credu y byedd unrhyw un yn dweud na. Mae Ange yn gweithio ar troffysau yn ei flwyddyn diwethaf. Mae pawb yn gwybod y byddai'r ffans y Spurs yn hoffi gynnal un.
Starting point is 00:21:52 Sut ydych chi'n ymddygiadol y gall y tîm, y grŵp o chwaraewyr, wneud hynny? Rwy'n ymddygiadol iawn. Rwy'n teimlo bod y flwyddyn gyntaf yn mynd i fod yn ychydig o manig. Roedd yn ffordd gwahanol o chwarae. Rwy'n credu bod y cyfnodau wedi'i ddod yn dda iawn ac roedd y cyfn credu y byddai'n rhywbeth o'n bwysig. Roedd y stil gwahanol o chwaraeon. Rwy'n credu y gallwn ni ddod yn dda iawn ar hyn o bryd. Roedd yna amser lle roeddem yn anodd ychydig, ond rwy'n credu bod y seison hwn yn gyffredinol. Rydyn ni'n teimlo mwy fel tîm, mwy gyda'n gilydd. Mae'n mwy o brofiad i bawb chwarae y chwaraeon hwn. Felly rwy'n credu rwy'n wirioneddol yn siŵr y gallwn ni ddod â trofiad y seson hwn. Rwy'n credu, p'un peth,
Starting point is 00:22:23 mae'r ffordd yw'r sefydliad. Rwy'n credu bod pob gêm yn siŵr yn gyffredinol o ran unrhyw And we can get a trophy this season, I think, no matter what kind of format it's in. I think every game we're feeling confident against any opposition. So I think as long as we stick together and just give everything we can, I feel like it can happen this season for sure. And as for you, you're clearly feeling very confident in brilliant form, arguably the form of your life, would you say? Yeah, I'd say so, yeah. What next? What do you want to achieve now? Because you're already, when you look at your numbers from last season compared to this, you're on course to completely blitz them. Beth nesaf? Beth ydych chi eisiau cyflawni nawr? Oherwydd pan edrychwch ar eich niferoedd o'r llynedd diwethaf yn ogystal â'r hyn, rydych chi ar gwrs i'w gwblhau. Ie, dwi'n credu bod i mi, niferoedd o ran cyflawni, cadw'r cyfnodau i ddod i'r gorffennol,
Starting point is 00:22:53 ac wedyn fel chwarae, ceisio dod yn fwy cyffredinol. Mae yna elfennau o fy mhrofiad ydw i am wella. Yn ogystal â'r gêm yr wyf wedi'u gofyn, mae yna gorau sydd i mi fod yn eu gofyn yn y gêm hynny. Felly, improve and yeah even the games I scored there's still goals that I want to be scoring in them games so I think yeah just being more ruthless kind of not holding back working hard for the team working on my game and hopefully seeing where that can take me and hopefully it's quite a few goals in the sister season and a trophy and a trophy of course yes. The Football Daily Podcast on BBC Sounds Of course, yes. My name's Joe Wilkinson and I've managed to force Patrick Bamford to come on a podcast with me
Starting point is 00:23:32 and he's going to slowly fall in love with me. Do you go to the tip? Believe it or not, yeah, I do. Do you go to the supermarket? No. My Mates of Footballer is a BBC Sounds podcast with me, Patrick Bamford and Joe Wilkinson. You know when all the shirts started getting tight on the players and they started selling them like that?
Starting point is 00:23:50 To the general public. Yeah, yeah. And everyone looked like sausages. Search for My Mate's a Footballer on BBC Sounds.

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